Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man
part one
part two
warning: Some gory scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.
closing credits
Obviously one has to write the screenplay before drawing the cartoons in this movie. So one knows what tattoos to include.
The premise of the book is a collection of 18 stories of the tattoos that the illustrated man posessed. However, the original story from which all the other stories are derived is so chilling and masterful that to include any of the other stories would detract. I was thinking of including the Veldt which is a story of a nursery painted with images that come to life, kind of like Night At The Museum, and these images respond telepathically to the children's thoughts which is in this case of a jungle. They think of a lion that comes to life and leaps from the wall and eats the father of the family.
And then that story about nuclear war on Earth and colonization on Mars but I already did a cartoon like that. Therefore I am going to read from the book, and do a cartoon of just the original story of The Illustrated Man. I don't know....
Denise McCann - Tattoo Man
Dee Lite - Groove Is In The Heart
Musical segment. A director's vision.
Soundtrack: Kool and the Gang - Get Down On It
Interpretation: The images on the Illustrated Man were visions of the future. One vision held the spectre of nuclear war. Another image was based on the story The Veldt. I once had a dream where I saw translucent* orange curtains made of holographic material ie a curtain that is a hologram, in the back of a CBC trailer as it drove away up a hill plus computers now have a program which follows the movements of the eye to move a cursor, or to secretly graph interest points, plus they have a computer, hooked up to the brain of an amputated monkey, connected to a robot arm surgically attached to the monkey, and the monkey "thinks" the arm into grasping an apple and putting it to his mouth and eating it plus 105 inch television screens or else entire living room walls which become a television screen that uses thought patterns to turn the channels, turn up the volume, etc.
*Opaque, translucent, transparent. Can you dig it?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Dawson Creek Musical Walkthrough 2
The Dawson Creek Musical Walkthrough 2
This movie was filmed because it reminds me of a dream I had when I was living in Vancouver of me astral projecting to where I clearly recognized as Dawson Creek. There were no cars on the street, just like in the dream. The wide street, the stores, I recognize all of that.
Film School 101: The Wilhelm Scream
There is a scream called The Wilhelm Scream, that is essential knowledge for all film schoolers. First recorded for the 1951 movie Distant Drums, this scream was used in all the STAR WARS movies and this scream was used in The Titanic, Batman Returns, Lethal Weapon 4, Lord of the Rings, Spaceballs.*
*Best of the Best; Uncle John's Bathroom Reader; The Wilhelm Scream, page 191
This movie was filmed because it reminds me of a dream I had when I was living in Vancouver of me astral projecting to where I clearly recognized as Dawson Creek. There were no cars on the street, just like in the dream. The wide street, the stores, I recognize all of that.
Film School 101: The Wilhelm Scream
There is a scream called The Wilhelm Scream, that is essential knowledge for all film schoolers. First recorded for the 1951 movie Distant Drums, this scream was used in all the STAR WARS movies and this scream was used in The Titanic, Batman Returns, Lethal Weapon 4, Lord of the Rings, Spaceballs.*
*Best of the Best; Uncle John's Bathroom Reader; The Wilhelm Scream, page 191
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Night Before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
Main Narrated Cartoon
end credits
Complete Musical Narrated Cartoon Production:
Vimeo Version:
The Night Before Christmas
C Clement Moore
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
We Three Kings of Orient Are Jazz
Happy Anniversary - Little River Band
Main Narrated Cartoon
end credits
Complete Musical Narrated Cartoon Production:
Vimeo Version:
The Night Before Christmas
C Clement Moore
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
We Three Kings of Orient Are Jazz
Happy Anniversary - Little River Band
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
After Many A Summer Dies The Swan
After Many A Summer Dies The Swan
The original edition
The Director's cut part one
The Director's cut part two
After Many A Summer Dies The Swan
In England, under the banner of the Union Jack, a double decker bus passes a statue of the English Lion in downtown London.
Narrator: Jeremy Propter, an English teacher gets a letter. Mr. Jeremy Propter Your expertise is needed at the estate of millionaire Jo Stoyte. Some 17th Century papers have been found. Specifically, the Hauberk papers. The papers are the journals of the previous owner of this estate which have since been moved to an estate in Europe. I was lucky enough to purchase these papers at an auction after the estate went bankrupt.
Music score: England to the United States.
At the estate, he meets a doctor Mr. Obispo.
Obispo, like Jeremy, is a hired hand. He is hired to research scientific methods of life extension, perhaps even extending life to immortality.
Obidos, I mean Obispo is presumably in the midst of a vivisection of a field mouse that he found on the estate.
Jeremy Stoyte: Hello. Doctor. Do you know where I might find Mr. Stoyte? I have just arrived from London.
Dr. Obispo: He should be here any moment. Ah, speaking of which....
Jo Stoyte walks into the room with his mistress Virginia.
Jo Stoyte: Doctor how is it going with that research? Hey, you must be Propter. How was your trip from London? I am willing to pay you more than you were paid while you were a teacher at the University you were teaching at in London.
Virginia: I need my allowance. I have to go shopping again this afternoon.
Jo Stoyte: What?! I thought you were shopping this morning.
Virginia, reflectively: I was.
Jo Stoyte: And where were you this morning?
Dr. Obispo reflectively: I was at the hospital, doing some research.
Jo Stoyte; a knowing look?: I thought as much. What did the results of your research find?
Dr. Obispo: My colleagues have been talking about a revolutionary new method which will not be available to the public for another twenty five years. I will tell you about this when I learn more about it.
3 weeks later.
July 1756: "I have several large carp in my pond. I have a favourite one which I have placed a ring through. I would like to see how long they live."
August 1785: The carp which I thought had long died still has that ring and is still alive in the pond. When I placed that ring through its tail, I was ten years old. I am now 39 years old. I decide to try some of this food which I have been feeding the carp all along, which is pureed fish intestines which I get at the fish market. I use a mortar and pestle to triturate the fish guts which I feed the carp.
December 1810: Under the wintry glare of the December sky, my wife and I leave the house for the last time and head over to a cave located on the estate.
Narrator: When the millionaire is told of the cave on the estate that holds the key to what he is looking for, he orders a search of the caves immediately. The caves are located at the edge of the estate and half of it is submerged and the team has to go there in a rowboat. In the cave, they walk through until they see light from a television strobing through a distant doorway. In a room is a man wearing cotton flannel pants and a white shirt. The woman is wearing a grey dress. They were both barefoot. These people had a strange look about them, because these people were about 300 years old!
Later, at the edge of the swimming pool.
Dr. Obispo: My colleagues have arrived at the new method of life extension. It is called cryogenics. A person is frozen with liquid nitrogen.
Jo Stoyte: Maybe I should not. After what I saw back in the caves. It ought to have taught me a lesson. Nah! .....OK! Sure, I'll do it. Even though this may wind up costing me a couple of hundred thousand dollars. Nothing can go wrong.
Stonemasons, heard in the distance, working on the statues around the swimming pool: Tap it a few times with the chisel.
2070 AD
A Cryogenics lab. A body is taken out of a deep freeze unit.
Scientist 1: Tap it a few times with the chisel, that will help break off the ice.
Scientist 2, to himself: Careful, you don't want anything to go wrong... whoops.
The head falls on the floor.
Note: Remember how the movie Hannibal had a surprise ending that the book did not have? This is my "Hannibal ending" to this movie.
A Discussion About After Many A Summer Dies The Swan
"Next week, most of you will be going on to Vietnam. Some of you will not be coming back. But remember this. You may die, but the marine corps lives forever and that means, you live forever!" Full Metal Jacket
Aldous Huxley wrote this story about William Randolph Hearst the famous newspaper tycoon, published in 1939. This book inspired Orson Welles to make Citizen Kane which was released in 1941.
However, this book could be about any rich person.
Jeremy Propter, an English teacher is hired to interpret some 17th Century books found in an old basement called The Hauberk Papers. Travelling from England to the United States, to the New England foothills area where there is a Jeffersonian estate.
At the estate, he meets a doctor Mr. Obispo. Now this is a remarkable coincidence: I wrote a book review about AMASDTS on Amazon dot com, the only one place I wrote book reviews in 2001. A Dean Noble book review. I used my name on that book review rather than an alias, like YouTube in which my alias is drdrtfehytf and canadagoals. Amazon dot com uses the word obidos in its URL which I knew before reading that, Obidos is a city in Portugal pronounced in Portuguese Oobidooschz. The Portuguese have that constant sibilant slur that sounds like 'sh'. Obispo and Obidos, are anagrams of one another except for the upside down p which is d, and vice versa.
Obispo, like Jeremy, is a hired hand. He is hired to research scientific methods of life extension, perhaps even extending life to immortality.
Obidos, I mean Obispo is presumably in the midst of a vivisection of a field mouse that he found on the estate. He has been having an affair with the mistress of the millionaire named Virginia.
Stoyte constantly inquires about the state of the research for life preservation. Obispo says that he is working on it day and night.
Jeremy Propter says that he is reading the book and has discovered an interesting entry:
July 1756: "I have several large carp in my pond. I have a favourite one which I have placed a ring through. I would like to see how long they live."
August 1785: The carp which I thought had long died still has that ring and is still alive in the pond. When I placed that ring through its tail, I was ten years old. I am now 39 years old. I decide to try some of this food which I have been feeding the carp all along, which is pureed fish intestines which I get at the fish market. I use a mortar and pestle to triturate the fish guts which I feed the carp.
December 1810: Under the wintry glare of the December sky, my wife and I leave the house for the last time and head over to a cave located on the estate.
When the millionaire is told of the cave on the estate that holds the key to what he is looking for, he orders a search of the caves immediately.
The cave are located at the edge of the estate and half of it is submerged and the team has to go there in a rowboat.
In the cave, they walk through until they see light from a television strobing through a distant doorway. In a room is a man wearing cotton flannel pants and a white shirt. The woman is wearing a grey dress. They were both barefoot. These people had a strange look about them, because these people were about 300 years old!
The man stood up and urinated. The woman threw back her head and laughed.
The original edition
The Director's cut part one
The Director's cut part two
After Many A Summer Dies The Swan
In England, under the banner of the Union Jack, a double decker bus passes a statue of the English Lion in downtown London.
Narrator: Jeremy Propter, an English teacher gets a letter. Mr. Jeremy Propter Your expertise is needed at the estate of millionaire Jo Stoyte. Some 17th Century papers have been found. Specifically, the Hauberk papers. The papers are the journals of the previous owner of this estate which have since been moved to an estate in Europe. I was lucky enough to purchase these papers at an auction after the estate went bankrupt.
Music score: England to the United States.
At the estate, he meets a doctor Mr. Obispo.
Obispo, like Jeremy, is a hired hand. He is hired to research scientific methods of life extension, perhaps even extending life to immortality.
Obidos, I mean Obispo is presumably in the midst of a vivisection of a field mouse that he found on the estate.
Jeremy Stoyte: Hello. Doctor. Do you know where I might find Mr. Stoyte? I have just arrived from London.
Dr. Obispo: He should be here any moment. Ah, speaking of which....
Jo Stoyte walks into the room with his mistress Virginia.
Jo Stoyte: Doctor how is it going with that research? Hey, you must be Propter. How was your trip from London? I am willing to pay you more than you were paid while you were a teacher at the University you were teaching at in London.
Virginia: I need my allowance. I have to go shopping again this afternoon.
Jo Stoyte: What?! I thought you were shopping this morning.
Virginia, reflectively: I was.
Jo Stoyte: And where were you this morning?
Dr. Obispo reflectively: I was at the hospital, doing some research.
Jo Stoyte; a knowing look?: I thought as much. What did the results of your research find?
Dr. Obispo: My colleagues have been talking about a revolutionary new method which will not be available to the public for another twenty five years. I will tell you about this when I learn more about it.
3 weeks later.
July 1756: "I have several large carp in my pond. I have a favourite one which I have placed a ring through. I would like to see how long they live."
August 1785: The carp which I thought had long died still has that ring and is still alive in the pond. When I placed that ring through its tail, I was ten years old. I am now 39 years old. I decide to try some of this food which I have been feeding the carp all along, which is pureed fish intestines which I get at the fish market. I use a mortar and pestle to triturate the fish guts which I feed the carp.
December 1810: Under the wintry glare of the December sky, my wife and I leave the house for the last time and head over to a cave located on the estate.
Narrator: When the millionaire is told of the cave on the estate that holds the key to what he is looking for, he orders a search of the caves immediately. The caves are located at the edge of the estate and half of it is submerged and the team has to go there in a rowboat. In the cave, they walk through until they see light from a television strobing through a distant doorway. In a room is a man wearing cotton flannel pants and a white shirt. The woman is wearing a grey dress. They were both barefoot. These people had a strange look about them, because these people were about 300 years old!
Later, at the edge of the swimming pool.
Dr. Obispo: My colleagues have arrived at the new method of life extension. It is called cryogenics. A person is frozen with liquid nitrogen.
Jo Stoyte: Maybe I should not. After what I saw back in the caves. It ought to have taught me a lesson. Nah! .....OK! Sure, I'll do it. Even though this may wind up costing me a couple of hundred thousand dollars. Nothing can go wrong.
Stonemasons, heard in the distance, working on the statues around the swimming pool: Tap it a few times with the chisel.
2070 AD
A Cryogenics lab. A body is taken out of a deep freeze unit.
Scientist 1: Tap it a few times with the chisel, that will help break off the ice.
Scientist 2, to himself: Careful, you don't want anything to go wrong... whoops.
The head falls on the floor.
Note: Remember how the movie Hannibal had a surprise ending that the book did not have? This is my "Hannibal ending" to this movie.
A Discussion About After Many A Summer Dies The Swan
"Next week, most of you will be going on to Vietnam. Some of you will not be coming back. But remember this. You may die, but the marine corps lives forever and that means, you live forever!" Full Metal Jacket
Aldous Huxley wrote this story about William Randolph Hearst the famous newspaper tycoon, published in 1939. This book inspired Orson Welles to make Citizen Kane which was released in 1941.
However, this book could be about any rich person.
Jeremy Propter, an English teacher is hired to interpret some 17th Century books found in an old basement called The Hauberk Papers. Travelling from England to the United States, to the New England foothills area where there is a Jeffersonian estate.
At the estate, he meets a doctor Mr. Obispo. Now this is a remarkable coincidence: I wrote a book review about AMASDTS on Amazon dot com, the only one place I wrote book reviews in 2001. A Dean Noble book review. I used my name on that book review rather than an alias, like YouTube in which my alias is drdrtfehytf and canadagoals. Amazon dot com uses the word obidos in its URL which I knew before reading that, Obidos is a city in Portugal pronounced in Portuguese Oobidooschz. The Portuguese have that constant sibilant slur that sounds like 'sh'. Obispo and Obidos, are anagrams of one another except for the upside down p which is d, and vice versa.
Obispo, like Jeremy, is a hired hand. He is hired to research scientific methods of life extension, perhaps even extending life to immortality.
Obidos, I mean Obispo is presumably in the midst of a vivisection of a field mouse that he found on the estate. He has been having an affair with the mistress of the millionaire named Virginia.
Stoyte constantly inquires about the state of the research for life preservation. Obispo says that he is working on it day and night.
Jeremy Propter says that he is reading the book and has discovered an interesting entry:
July 1756: "I have several large carp in my pond. I have a favourite one which I have placed a ring through. I would like to see how long they live."
August 1785: The carp which I thought had long died still has that ring and is still alive in the pond. When I placed that ring through its tail, I was ten years old. I am now 39 years old. I decide to try some of this food which I have been feeding the carp all along, which is pureed fish intestines which I get at the fish market. I use a mortar and pestle to triturate the fish guts which I feed the carp.
December 1810: Under the wintry glare of the December sky, my wife and I leave the house for the last time and head over to a cave located on the estate.
When the millionaire is told of the cave on the estate that holds the key to what he is looking for, he orders a search of the caves immediately.
The cave are located at the edge of the estate and half of it is submerged and the team has to go there in a rowboat.
In the cave, they walk through until they see light from a television strobing through a distant doorway. In a room is a man wearing cotton flannel pants and a white shirt. The woman is wearing a grey dress. They were both barefoot. These people had a strange look about them, because these people were about 300 years old!
The man stood up and urinated. The woman threw back her head and laughed.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dean Noble's Rumplestiltskin
Dean Noble's Rumplestiltskin
Once upon a time,
There was a man who was a wagoneer. He drove a wagon around to different places, met people, found whatever work he could and when he felt like it, he moved to another town. This man had a lovely daughter who was just about 18 years old. Thus, she was becoming old enough to leave her father. His father thought of a way to win his daughter's place in Society.
He decided to be no less audacious than to seek an audience with the King. He extracted a promise that his daughter could no less, spinnaker a spool of course yarn into gold thread. The King then said that she had better do this, or the man would be imprisoned and all his possessions impounded. And if she could not do this, then she would be banished from the Kingdom henceforth for getting so intensely involved with a Royal House. However, if she were to win, she would gain a Royal Title in the Household, for the King never heard of such a thing and surely anyone with such a gift ought to be granted Peerage.
For a second, the man thought that the King might kill him or his daughter when it turns out that she can not do this, but the he anticipated this, and triaged the situation, thinking that there were a lot worse scoundrels in the Kingdom and if the King were inclined to kill anyone who upset him, the streets would be littered with corpses.
Left in a room with a cow, some straw, some yarn, the daughter was left to her devices. She did not even bother to try. Instead, she cried and wondered aloud at what would happen to her.
However, at the time, there was an ET spaceship visiting the Earth. Medieval tapestries of the period show a strange light in the sky like a meteor. One of the ET who liked to collect people. The ET appeared and said "I will help you, but you have to promise me your unborn child, in the future." The woman agreed and thought that there may, in all likelihood turn out that she might never have a child.
The King was amazed when he saw the gold thread, and there was a lot of it, woven into gold bars. The gold thread was even condensed into gold bars.
The daughter was, a year later married to a Royal Prince. Much to her dismay, she was pregnant because she remembered the promise she made to that miserable little ET. She loathed the future prospects in all its grotesque possibilities. However, she did tell a few people about what went on, and because she was part of a Royal Palace, the Secret Police of the time, the Palace Guards who were Secret Police, regular Police, Royal Guard and gatherers of secrets at the time reported that a couple of days ago, there was indeed a grotesque green dwarf dancing around a fire singing,
They'll never expect, they'll never suspect
They'll never guess my bloody name because it's fucking Rumplestiltskin
"Rumplestiltskin." the daughter said.
"What?????!!!!!!!!" the hideous dwarf said, and with that, he vanished moving backwards through the window.
Once upon a time,
There was a man who was a wagoneer. He drove a wagon around to different places, met people, found whatever work he could and when he felt like it, he moved to another town. This man had a lovely daughter who was just about 18 years old. Thus, she was becoming old enough to leave her father. His father thought of a way to win his daughter's place in Society.
He decided to be no less audacious than to seek an audience with the King. He extracted a promise that his daughter could no less, spinnaker a spool of course yarn into gold thread. The King then said that she had better do this, or the man would be imprisoned and all his possessions impounded. And if she could not do this, then she would be banished from the Kingdom henceforth for getting so intensely involved with a Royal House. However, if she were to win, she would gain a Royal Title in the Household, for the King never heard of such a thing and surely anyone with such a gift ought to be granted Peerage.
For a second, the man thought that the King might kill him or his daughter when it turns out that she can not do this, but the he anticipated this, and triaged the situation, thinking that there were a lot worse scoundrels in the Kingdom and if the King were inclined to kill anyone who upset him, the streets would be littered with corpses.
Left in a room with a cow, some straw, some yarn, the daughter was left to her devices. She did not even bother to try. Instead, she cried and wondered aloud at what would happen to her.
However, at the time, there was an ET spaceship visiting the Earth. Medieval tapestries of the period show a strange light in the sky like a meteor. One of the ET who liked to collect people. The ET appeared and said "I will help you, but you have to promise me your unborn child, in the future." The woman agreed and thought that there may, in all likelihood turn out that she might never have a child.
The King was amazed when he saw the gold thread, and there was a lot of it, woven into gold bars. The gold thread was even condensed into gold bars.
The daughter was, a year later married to a Royal Prince. Much to her dismay, she was pregnant because she remembered the promise she made to that miserable little ET. She loathed the future prospects in all its grotesque possibilities. However, she did tell a few people about what went on, and because she was part of a Royal Palace, the Secret Police of the time, the Palace Guards who were Secret Police, regular Police, Royal Guard and gatherers of secrets at the time reported that a couple of days ago, there was indeed a grotesque green dwarf dancing around a fire singing,
They'll never expect, they'll never suspect
They'll never guess my bloody name because it's fucking Rumplestiltskin
"Rumplestiltskin." the daughter said.
"What?????!!!!!!!!" the hideous dwarf said, and with that, he vanished moving backwards through the window.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dream November 19, 2008
I am going to quit doing films for awhile after my next cartoon, After Many A Summer Dies The Swan, Aldous Huxley. I will not do another cartoon until, I see a certain tangible reward or else a minimum amount of time has passed.
I have to thank Michael Land, CEO of SmashMash for without whom this website would not be possible. I pointed out that I am going to for the most part, quit the travel magazine trip, no pun intended. This walking around different cities and photographing and doing writeups like National Geographic, that is not on. Also travel music videos with me walking around different towns set to music. That is not on. I mean I will do that again, but only as something very rare rather than a regular, often, and ongoing thing. I plan a trip to Ottawa. I am still undecided about moving to Nova Scotia.
I am only doing the cartoons. I have to thank SmashMash which has given me the choice. Of course there are half a dozen animation and film programs free to the public like Windows Movie Maker, Pivot, Accumedia, Macromedia Flash, Aniboom, but I use SmashMash only which has an excellent built in algorythm for animation and it suits my purposes, anyways.
I will spend my hiatus watching movies and playing video games. I bought a dozen video games since my last video game review. I could do a write up. Mainly PSP video games. Juiced 2, Midnight Club LA Express, Lego STAR WARS, Lego Indiana Jones, The Force Unleashed, Lumines, Tony Hawk, Lord of the Rings PSP, Atari's Space Invaders 25 year anniversary edition, Need For Speed Undercover, some real good ones, as you can see.
Since I saw the movie in Grande Prairie, I also got Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix on Nintendo GBA.
You will know when I decide to do films again. If I get a lot of letters from my fans, it would definitely tempt me to start up again sooner, otherwise, it is, why bother because no one cares.
To all people using YouTube music and SmashMash to make videos: Over the months, a few of my music videos have been taken off YouTube due to copyright claims from the musicians of certain songs. Most of my videos are all right though.
From now on, I will do the cartoons, and/or narrated bits of my videos exclusively separate from the music portion which is the opening and closing credits. Now if in the future, any of my cartoons are deleted, I still have the cartoon narration only segments of my cartoons separate from the opening and closing score segments and will reupload the cartoon onto YouTube without the opening and closing music credits.
I am really taking my old sweet time about my next 3 cartoons: William Burroughs' Junky, Aldous Huxley's After Many A Summer, and then Rumplestiltskin.
I have a new toy called the Sony PSP 3000. When I watch television and my mind gets relaxed, when I walk away from the television, I go for the PSP. I guess when I have become all PSP'ed out, then during those times when me and my relaxed mind walks away from the television, I will do the cartoons.
Dream, Thursday November 27th, 2008
Self explanatory in the video.
I am going to quit doing films for awhile after my next cartoon, After Many A Summer Dies The Swan, Aldous Huxley. I will not do another cartoon until, I see a certain tangible reward or else a minimum amount of time has passed.
I have to thank Michael Land, CEO of SmashMash for without whom this website would not be possible. I pointed out that I am going to for the most part, quit the travel magazine trip, no pun intended. This walking around different cities and photographing and doing writeups like National Geographic, that is not on. Also travel music videos with me walking around different towns set to music. That is not on. I mean I will do that again, but only as something very rare rather than a regular, often, and ongoing thing. I plan a trip to Ottawa. I am still undecided about moving to Nova Scotia.
I am only doing the cartoons. I have to thank SmashMash which has given me the choice. Of course there are half a dozen animation and film programs free to the public like Windows Movie Maker, Pivot, Accumedia, Macromedia Flash, Aniboom, but I use SmashMash only which has an excellent built in algorythm for animation and it suits my purposes, anyways.
I will spend my hiatus watching movies and playing video games. I bought a dozen video games since my last video game review. I could do a write up. Mainly PSP video games. Juiced 2, Midnight Club LA Express, Lego STAR WARS, Lego Indiana Jones, The Force Unleashed, Lumines, Tony Hawk, Lord of the Rings PSP, Atari's Space Invaders 25 year anniversary edition, Need For Speed Undercover, some real good ones, as you can see.
Since I saw the movie in Grande Prairie, I also got Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix on Nintendo GBA.
You will know when I decide to do films again. If I get a lot of letters from my fans, it would definitely tempt me to start up again sooner, otherwise, it is, why bother because no one cares.
To all people using YouTube music and SmashMash to make videos: Over the months, a few of my music videos have been taken off YouTube due to copyright claims from the musicians of certain songs. Most of my videos are all right though.
From now on, I will do the cartoons, and/or narrated bits of my videos exclusively separate from the music portion which is the opening and closing credits. Now if in the future, any of my cartoons are deleted, I still have the cartoon narration only segments of my cartoons separate from the opening and closing score segments and will reupload the cartoon onto YouTube without the opening and closing music credits.
I am really taking my old sweet time about my next 3 cartoons: William Burroughs' Junky, Aldous Huxley's After Many A Summer, and then Rumplestiltskin.
I have a new toy called the Sony PSP 3000. When I watch television and my mind gets relaxed, when I walk away from the television, I go for the PSP. I guess when I have become all PSP'ed out, then during those times when me and my relaxed mind walks away from the television, I will do the cartoons.
Dream, Thursday November 27th, 2008
Self explanatory in the video.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Dean Noble's The Titanic
Dean Noble's The Titanic animated cartoon
part one
part two
This is going to be a very short cartoon. I just want to pick out a couple of random choice moments. A moment at the bar, just before a sailor is to set sail for the Titanic. This is the first cartoon made of the Titanic. If there were any cartoons made of the Titanic before, I don't know about it.
Sailor: We've been drinking in this pub all afternoon. This is one of the best pubs in town. Ssssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiitttttttt! Look at the time. No, don't even bother standing up to leave the table and walk out of here. We are late for the departure of the ship. The ship leaves at noon. Look, it's noon now!
The Titanic sails away from the harbour. On board the Titanic.
Homage to a famous film; man to woman: Even if you decide to leave me, I still have my daughter.
Woman: She is not your daughter.
Bandleader in tux: Tonight, we are going to start with a classic. Hit it!
Ensemble Titanic band plays a jazzy instrumental from the big band era.
Homage to SNL, Bandleader: Next we have an experimental band from Sweden.
A short clip of ABBA singing Waterloo.
The captain, with others at the table: I have been a captain of ships and my reputation has been one of comportment and high professionalism which is synonymous with the high class of this esteemed line.
The ship shakes as it strikes an iceberg.
The captain: What the fuck was that?!
On the deck of the Titanic: Women and Children First!
Bandleader: Strike up the band!
Music from the earlier dinner recital is heard.
The Titanic sinks in the distance. The lights go out on that fateful liner for the last time.
The survivors, in a lifeboat row away in rowboats.
Survivor one: Uggghhhh Gawd!
Survivor two: What's wrong? Are you reeling in shock because you have just witnessed as well as been a part of one of the greatest maritime disasters?
Survivor one: No, I left a suitcase full of money on that ship. It held a few hundred thousand dollars.
The survivors of the Titanic lived happily ever after.
part one
part two
This is going to be a very short cartoon. I just want to pick out a couple of random choice moments. A moment at the bar, just before a sailor is to set sail for the Titanic. This is the first cartoon made of the Titanic. If there were any cartoons made of the Titanic before, I don't know about it.
Sailor: We've been drinking in this pub all afternoon. This is one of the best pubs in town. Ssssssshhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiitttttttt! Look at the time. No, don't even bother standing up to leave the table and walk out of here. We are late for the departure of the ship. The ship leaves at noon. Look, it's noon now!
The Titanic sails away from the harbour. On board the Titanic.
Homage to a famous film; man to woman: Even if you decide to leave me, I still have my daughter.
Woman: She is not your daughter.
Bandleader in tux: Tonight, we are going to start with a classic. Hit it!
Ensemble Titanic band plays a jazzy instrumental from the big band era.
Homage to SNL, Bandleader: Next we have an experimental band from Sweden.
A short clip of ABBA singing Waterloo.
The captain, with others at the table: I have been a captain of ships and my reputation has been one of comportment and high professionalism which is synonymous with the high class of this esteemed line.
The ship shakes as it strikes an iceberg.
The captain: What the fuck was that?!
On the deck of the Titanic: Women and Children First!
Bandleader: Strike up the band!
Music from the earlier dinner recital is heard.
The Titanic sinks in the distance. The lights go out on that fateful liner for the last time.
The survivors, in a lifeboat row away in rowboats.
Survivor one: Uggghhhh Gawd!
Survivor two: What's wrong? Are you reeling in shock because you have just witnessed as well as been a part of one of the greatest maritime disasters?
Survivor one: No, I left a suitcase full of money on that ship. It held a few hundred thousand dollars.
The survivors of the Titanic lived happily ever after.
The Dean Noble Zone Christmas Special
The Dean Noble Zone Christmas Special
Ebenezer Scrooge in the bank building: Still want it to be the meanest.
Narrator: Over the fields, over the houses of a winter neighbourhood.
Narrator at all times:
A sled falls down a hill. "Dip your scarf in the peanut butter just like in the old days.
A rich house on the hill. Christmas presents to be given out in the living room.
Visiting an underground Christmas mall.
During a Christmas morning in the forest, Santa gets on his sleigh.
In the night, over the housetops, the Santa sleigh teleports and locates itself in lots of places simultaneously.
Even the ETs in their spaceships like to celebrate Christmas.
The main story around the Christmas celebration is the birth of a baby in a stable. The baby was born in a trough used to feed horses called a manger. This child would grow to be the King of the souls of millions of people for two thousand years since his appearance on Earth. Jesus Christ would be someone who gives Hope to lots of people, and Jesus is someone who provides the foundations for a spiritual life, a better life.
Merry Christmas to all.
Ebenezer Scrooge in the bank building: Still want it to be the meanest.
Narrator: Over the fields, over the houses of a winter neighbourhood.
Narrator at all times:
A sled falls down a hill. "Dip your scarf in the peanut butter just like in the old days.
A rich house on the hill. Christmas presents to be given out in the living room.
Visiting an underground Christmas mall.
During a Christmas morning in the forest, Santa gets on his sleigh.
In the night, over the housetops, the Santa sleigh teleports and locates itself in lots of places simultaneously.
Even the ETs in their spaceships like to celebrate Christmas.
The main story around the Christmas celebration is the birth of a baby in a stable. The baby was born in a trough used to feed horses called a manger. This child would grow to be the King of the souls of millions of people for two thousand years since his appearance on Earth. Jesus Christ would be someone who gives Hope to lots of people, and Jesus is someone who provides the foundations for a spiritual life, a better life.
Merry Christmas to all.
William Burrough's Junky and Interzone
William Burrough's Junky animated cartoon
adapted and abridged
the first part: opening
part 2: A dream that I had of Burroughs when I was in Thailand, with the true and real time soundtrack.
part 3: Main Narrative
The fourth installment: Closing credits.
I was raised in a solid, three story house in a large city. My parents were very well educated.
It was in the summer of 1944 during the war that I first used heroin. My friend Norton worked at the shipyards. One August evening, he visited my apartment with a machine gun and a small pharmaceutical box like a first aid kit with five 1 tenth gram syrettes of morphine tartrate. A syrette is like a triangular toothpaste tube. There would be a pin which would puncture a needle. This needle would then be ready to use.
I knew of a short order cook named Jack. "The morphine I could get rid of right away. The Tommy gun will take a bit of time. The law. Let's take a walk."
At Jack's apartment, there was a man. A friend of Jack's. Waves of hostility emanated from him like a television broadcast. The effect was like a physical attack.
In the city, I met a girl named Lillian. She invited me to her apartment. She saw me looking at a Chinese character she had on the wall. "I wonder what that says?" she wondered. "Shirts cleaned 31 cents." I said. She walked around, opening and closing her robe showing me her anatomy in installments. "I have a rare disease. Only a few cases on record."
Amphetamines is a good kick. Take them along with sleeping pills. They get down there and have a fight. It's a good drive.
At the 24 hour cafe in Times Square New York, there Lillian and I sat together. She put on some Victrola piccolo records on the jukebox and beat her hands on the table with the expression of a masturbating idiot.
I heard that amphetamines were supposed to be a real spiritual drug, or at least an empathy drug. I thought of people I have not seen for years, even people whom I did not like and who did not like me. "They're OK," I thought, "But just the same I don't want to contact them ever again."
I decided to sell heroin. That way I could make some money as well as keep up my habit. However, it wound up being more trouble than it was worth. Most of the customers were constantly asking for credit and most of them could be counted on to spill under the slightest Police questioning and certainly not one of them who could not be expected not to confess after a punch to the jaw.
One of my customers had just arrived from a plane trip. During the 50s, they did not check people so much. My friend was on the airplane and injected the syrette intramuscularly in his leg while he was sitting in coach, looking out the window. He even went through customs with a spot of blood on his pants leg which no one noticed!
The Police arrested me and after drawing a Court Summons, I decided to move to New Orleans.
In a bar at New Orleans I enjoyed a dozen oysters and about seven glasses of beer. After drinking the beer, I felt as if my knees had been clipped from under me. I went to my hotel room, lay on the bed and fell asleep right away.
While in New Orleans, I was with some friends in a car I had just bought. The Police flashed their lights. Cole had a joint and put it in his shirt pocket. The Police soon found the joint in Cole's pocket.
"I got enough here to hold the whole bunch of you." A lawyer got me out in the morning. After this, I decided to move to the Rio Grande Valley.
During the Twenties real estate operators brought trainloads of prospects down to the Valley. A premonition of death hangs over the Valley. Death is the absence of life. Whereever life withdraws, death and rot move in. Whatever it is, lifeforce, orgones, there is not enough of it in the Valley. Food rots before you can get it home. Milk sours before the meal is finished. Old men sitting in real estate offices say, "Well this is nothing new. I have seen this all before. I remember back in '28..."
I moved to Mexico and immediately started looking for junk which has a certain energy. Whenever one passes through a transient part of town within a central hub of a main arterial network of metro buses and transportation in and out of the area, that is an area where there is junk lurking.
An area with strange wig shops, pawn shops, clothes hemmed and chop suey restaurants, an area where marginal businesses operate within a Skid Row. One day if the Earth ended and junk were gone from the earth, these junkies might still be lurking in these junk neighbourhoods, ghosts, feeling the vague and persistent lack of junk sickness.
Lupita was the main drug dealer of downtown Mexico City at the time dealing out her papers of heroin like an Aztec goddess.
One day in Mexico, my friend Ike visited me when I was without heroin, and sick and wondering when my next hit would come. I asked him if he scored any heroin. He said no and watch my eyes sick with disappointment. He then smiled and his spiderly wrinkly smile spread wide across his junky monkey face. He said that he did indeed have some heroin watching the instant change of mood. He had the heroin, to a junkie who was junk sick, the dealer was a high Priest adminstering to a grateful penitent.
"Got a little cocaine as well." Ike said.
"Come on in." I said.
"Be careful with the coke, it's strong stuff. He put a little bit of cocaine at the end of a butter knife and then emptied it into the spoonful of the morphined water. The coke dissolved like snow flakes hitting hot water.
A red spurt of blood flowed through the needle.
The cocaine hit in a sweet dizzying wave. My breath was heavy.
I then decided to drink a cup of tea.
Ike was livid. "That Bastard has ripped me off! He won't last a month!" His mouth was twisted with hate.
Afterwards, I travelled on to other countries like Tangier.
Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom
I have a new friend. Aniboom. They are an online animation house. The history of my cartooning and illustrative distal oeuvre should include at least a couple of cartoons uploaded to aniboom.
William Burrough's Interzone animated cartoon
adapted and abridged
"We have a new type of rule now. Not one-man rule or rule, or rule of aristocracy or plutocracy, but of small groups elevated to positions of absolute power by random pressures, and subject to political and economic factors that leave little room for decision. They are representatives of abstract forces who have reached power through surrender of self. The iron-willed dictator is a thing of the past. The rulers of this most insecure of all worlds are by accident, inept, frightened pilots at the controls of a vast machine they cannot understand, calling in experts to tell them which buttons to push."
William Burroughs, Interzone
part one
part two
adapted: Mostly faithful to the story, however in some places paraphrased or with a few details done differently.
abridged: shortened.
Junky is going to be more challenging than Interzone. Essentially, Junky is a novel a couple of hundreds of pages long, whereas Interzone is just a seven page write up. These are very great stories. This is going to be a straight rendition of these stories. Burroughs wrote a lot of details which were lurid, he lived a lifestyle that I would not approve of, and which I do not want to talk about so they will not be displayed in the cartoons. Not because of, but rather in spite of his strange lifestyle, I still find William Burroughs to be a very compelling writer with an excellent poetic instincts and a very intellectual style of narrative.
I have to extrapolate the best parts of Junky, otherwise it would have to be a two hour movie.
The thing about Junky is that I read the book about a hundred times and I know very well the images that come to my mind time and time again when I read those certain paragraphs.
As drawings, Interzone is more challenging. I have to look at pictures of Tangiers and study them to get a general idea of the graphic structure so I can channel the essential needed building shapes when it comes time to draw the pictures. I channel, I see the animal in my mind, feel the line structure and then draw the animal.
Junky is a druggie adventure, very much like Dr Hunter S Thompson's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas which was written twenty years later. Junky was set in the 50s, FALILV was written in the 70s.
Interzone is a novel which encapsulates the theme of travel. For some people life can only be lived as a traveller, as long as one is not in a hometown which has a dreaded familiarity, they are travelling.
adapted and abridged
the first part: opening
part 2: A dream that I had of Burroughs when I was in Thailand, with the true and real time soundtrack.
part 3: Main Narrative
The fourth installment: Closing credits.
I was raised in a solid, three story house in a large city. My parents were very well educated.
It was in the summer of 1944 during the war that I first used heroin. My friend Norton worked at the shipyards. One August evening, he visited my apartment with a machine gun and a small pharmaceutical box like a first aid kit with five 1 tenth gram syrettes of morphine tartrate. A syrette is like a triangular toothpaste tube. There would be a pin which would puncture a needle. This needle would then be ready to use.
I knew of a short order cook named Jack. "The morphine I could get rid of right away. The Tommy gun will take a bit of time. The law. Let's take a walk."
At Jack's apartment, there was a man. A friend of Jack's. Waves of hostility emanated from him like a television broadcast. The effect was like a physical attack.
In the city, I met a girl named Lillian. She invited me to her apartment. She saw me looking at a Chinese character she had on the wall. "I wonder what that says?" she wondered. "Shirts cleaned 31 cents." I said. She walked around, opening and closing her robe showing me her anatomy in installments. "I have a rare disease. Only a few cases on record."
Amphetamines is a good kick. Take them along with sleeping pills. They get down there and have a fight. It's a good drive.
At the 24 hour cafe in Times Square New York, there Lillian and I sat together. She put on some Victrola piccolo records on the jukebox and beat her hands on the table with the expression of a masturbating idiot.
I heard that amphetamines were supposed to be a real spiritual drug, or at least an empathy drug. I thought of people I have not seen for years, even people whom I did not like and who did not like me. "They're OK," I thought, "But just the same I don't want to contact them ever again."
I decided to sell heroin. That way I could make some money as well as keep up my habit. However, it wound up being more trouble than it was worth. Most of the customers were constantly asking for credit and most of them could be counted on to spill under the slightest Police questioning and certainly not one of them who could not be expected not to confess after a punch to the jaw.
One of my customers had just arrived from a plane trip. During the 50s, they did not check people so much. My friend was on the airplane and injected the syrette intramuscularly in his leg while he was sitting in coach, looking out the window. He even went through customs with a spot of blood on his pants leg which no one noticed!
The Police arrested me and after drawing a Court Summons, I decided to move to New Orleans.
In a bar at New Orleans I enjoyed a dozen oysters and about seven glasses of beer. After drinking the beer, I felt as if my knees had been clipped from under me. I went to my hotel room, lay on the bed and fell asleep right away.
While in New Orleans, I was with some friends in a car I had just bought. The Police flashed their lights. Cole had a joint and put it in his shirt pocket. The Police soon found the joint in Cole's pocket.
"I got enough here to hold the whole bunch of you." A lawyer got me out in the morning. After this, I decided to move to the Rio Grande Valley.
During the Twenties real estate operators brought trainloads of prospects down to the Valley. A premonition of death hangs over the Valley. Death is the absence of life. Whereever life withdraws, death and rot move in. Whatever it is, lifeforce, orgones, there is not enough of it in the Valley. Food rots before you can get it home. Milk sours before the meal is finished. Old men sitting in real estate offices say, "Well this is nothing new. I have seen this all before. I remember back in '28..."
I moved to Mexico and immediately started looking for junk which has a certain energy. Whenever one passes through a transient part of town within a central hub of a main arterial network of metro buses and transportation in and out of the area, that is an area where there is junk lurking.
An area with strange wig shops, pawn shops, clothes hemmed and chop suey restaurants, an area where marginal businesses operate within a Skid Row. One day if the Earth ended and junk were gone from the earth, these junkies might still be lurking in these junk neighbourhoods, ghosts, feeling the vague and persistent lack of junk sickness.
Lupita was the main drug dealer of downtown Mexico City at the time dealing out her papers of heroin like an Aztec goddess.
One day in Mexico, my friend Ike visited me when I was without heroin, and sick and wondering when my next hit would come. I asked him if he scored any heroin. He said no and watch my eyes sick with disappointment. He then smiled and his spiderly wrinkly smile spread wide across his junky monkey face. He said that he did indeed have some heroin watching the instant change of mood. He had the heroin, to a junkie who was junk sick, the dealer was a high Priest adminstering to a grateful penitent.
"Got a little cocaine as well." Ike said.
"Come on in." I said.
"Be careful with the coke, it's strong stuff. He put a little bit of cocaine at the end of a butter knife and then emptied it into the spoonful of the morphined water. The coke dissolved like snow flakes hitting hot water.
A red spurt of blood flowed through the needle.
The cocaine hit in a sweet dizzying wave. My breath was heavy.
I then decided to drink a cup of tea.
Ike was livid. "That Bastard has ripped me off! He won't last a month!" His mouth was twisted with hate.
Afterwards, I travelled on to other countries like Tangier.
Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom
I have a new friend. Aniboom. They are an online animation house. The history of my cartooning and illustrative distal oeuvre should include at least a couple of cartoons uploaded to aniboom.
William Burrough's Interzone animated cartoon
adapted and abridged
"We have a new type of rule now. Not one-man rule or rule, or rule of aristocracy or plutocracy, but of small groups elevated to positions of absolute power by random pressures, and subject to political and economic factors that leave little room for decision. They are representatives of abstract forces who have reached power through surrender of self. The iron-willed dictator is a thing of the past. The rulers of this most insecure of all worlds are by accident, inept, frightened pilots at the controls of a vast machine they cannot understand, calling in experts to tell them which buttons to push."
William Burroughs, Interzone
part one
part two
adapted: Mostly faithful to the story, however in some places paraphrased or with a few details done differently.
abridged: shortened.
Junky is going to be more challenging than Interzone. Essentially, Junky is a novel a couple of hundreds of pages long, whereas Interzone is just a seven page write up. These are very great stories. This is going to be a straight rendition of these stories. Burroughs wrote a lot of details which were lurid, he lived a lifestyle that I would not approve of, and which I do not want to talk about so they will not be displayed in the cartoons. Not because of, but rather in spite of his strange lifestyle, I still find William Burroughs to be a very compelling writer with an excellent poetic instincts and a very intellectual style of narrative.
I have to extrapolate the best parts of Junky, otherwise it would have to be a two hour movie.
The thing about Junky is that I read the book about a hundred times and I know very well the images that come to my mind time and time again when I read those certain paragraphs.
As drawings, Interzone is more challenging. I have to look at pictures of Tangiers and study them to get a general idea of the graphic structure so I can channel the essential needed building shapes when it comes time to draw the pictures. I channel, I see the animal in my mind, feel the line structure and then draw the animal.
Junky is a druggie adventure, very much like Dr Hunter S Thompson's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas which was written twenty years later. Junky was set in the 50s, FALILV was written in the 70s.
Interzone is a novel which encapsulates the theme of travel. For some people life can only be lived as a traveller, as long as one is not in a hometown which has a dreaded familiarity, they are travelling.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
George Orwell's A Clergyman's Daughter
George Orwell's A Clergyman's Daughter
animated cartoon
adapted and abridged
A clanging alarm clock.
Narrator: The alarm clock continued its nagging feminine clamour and would go on for five minutes or thereabouts if you did not stop it. Dorothy was aching from head to foot. She struggled against her fatigue, however, and according to her custom, exhorted herself sharply in the second person plural. Come on, Dorothy, up you get! No snoozing please! Proverbs 6:9.
Narrator: The kitchen fire was a beast to light. The chimney was crooked and therefore perpetually half choked, and the fire, before it would light, expected to be dosed with a cupful of kerosene, like a drunkard's morning nip of gin. Having set the kettle to boil for her father's shaving water, Dorothy went upstairs and turned on her bath. Putting a tentative hand into the water, and it was horribly cold, she drove herself forward with her usual exhortations. Come on, Dorothy! In you go! No funking please! Then she stepped resolutely into the bath, sat down, and let the icy girdle of water slide up her body.
Narrator: She had remembered with the ugly shock with which one remembers something disagreeable for the first time in the morning, the bill at Cargill's, the butchers, which had been owing.
Narrator: St Athelstan's stood at the highest point of Knype Hill, and if you chose to climb the tower, you could see the ten miles or so across the surrounding country.
On the way to the butcher's to pay the bill, she developed amnesia.
She awoke later in downtown London and wound up with a bunch of hop pickers and spent time in the countryside picking hops.
She slowly gets back her memory. She wrote a letter to her father.
Of course her father did worry about her in his own fashion. The first letter he wrote was not to Dorothy herself, but to his cousin Tom, the baronet. For a man of the Rector's upbringing it was second nature, in any serious trouble, to turn to a rich relative for help.
Dorothy worked for a couple of months at a one room schoolhouse teaching children.
In the end, she wound up moving back to her father's house.
This cartoon is dedicated to Sarah.
animated cartoon
adapted and abridged
A clanging alarm clock.
Narrator: The alarm clock continued its nagging feminine clamour and would go on for five minutes or thereabouts if you did not stop it. Dorothy was aching from head to foot. She struggled against her fatigue, however, and according to her custom, exhorted herself sharply in the second person plural. Come on, Dorothy, up you get! No snoozing please! Proverbs 6:9.
Narrator: The kitchen fire was a beast to light. The chimney was crooked and therefore perpetually half choked, and the fire, before it would light, expected to be dosed with a cupful of kerosene, like a drunkard's morning nip of gin. Having set the kettle to boil for her father's shaving water, Dorothy went upstairs and turned on her bath. Putting a tentative hand into the water, and it was horribly cold, she drove herself forward with her usual exhortations. Come on, Dorothy! In you go! No funking please! Then she stepped resolutely into the bath, sat down, and let the icy girdle of water slide up her body.
Narrator: She had remembered with the ugly shock with which one remembers something disagreeable for the first time in the morning, the bill at Cargill's, the butchers, which had been owing.
Narrator: St Athelstan's stood at the highest point of Knype Hill, and if you chose to climb the tower, you could see the ten miles or so across the surrounding country.
On the way to the butcher's to pay the bill, she developed amnesia.
She awoke later in downtown London and wound up with a bunch of hop pickers and spent time in the countryside picking hops.
She slowly gets back her memory. She wrote a letter to her father.
Of course her father did worry about her in his own fashion. The first letter he wrote was not to Dorothy herself, but to his cousin Tom, the baronet. For a man of the Rector's upbringing it was second nature, in any serious trouble, to turn to a rich relative for help.
Dorothy worked for a couple of months at a one room schoolhouse teaching children.
In the end, she wound up moving back to her father's house.
This cartoon is dedicated to Sarah.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Stephen King's The Running Man
Stephen King's The Running Man
part one
part two
Ben Richards: The baby is crying again. Her temperature is up to 85 degrees. She has a high fever. I have to find a way to make money, Sheila. I worked at jobs so disgusting like shovelling slime from sewers when people who honestly believed that they were looking for a job were unemployed. I am going to the games building and try out for one of the death games on television. The one I think that I will most likely qualify for is Swim The Crocodiles where a man must survive crocodiles.
Sheila Richards: Give me a kiss before you go, then.
Richards walks past, under a red neon sign. The inner city. The future. The occasional flying car.
Narrator: The line up outside the Games Federation Building stretched for blocks.
Nurse: The next part of the test is the Weschler's Word Association Test. Red.
Nurse: Silver. Richards: Dagger. Nurse: Rifle. Richards: Murder. Nurse: Win. Richards: Money. Nurse: Sex. Richards: Tests. Nurse: Strike. Richards: Out.
Richards: Nice tits.
Nurse: I could have you disqualified.
Richards: You could get yourself fired, that's all.
In the lobby with the other contestants. One of the contestants named Laughlin with the name on a nametag.
Laughlin: They handed us these envelopes which tells us which games we have been assigned to. Which one did you get?
Richards: The Running Man.
Laughlin: That is Prime Time. Not one of the ones where they take out an eye or an arm. That is one where they kill you. I got assigned The Running Man too!
Secretary: Mr Laughlin, Mr Killian will see you now.
20 minutes later, Laughlin emerges with a girl around his arm. He winks:
Laughlin: A friend of mine from the car pool.
Secretary: Ben Richards, Mr Killian will see you now.
A large office.
Mr Killian: The Running Man has been on for thirty five years. We have no survivors. To be honest. We expect none.
Richards: Then you are running a crooked table.
Killian: You will have to contend with McCone and the Hunters.
Richards: Sounds like a neo group.
Killian: If you survive 30 days, you get a billion new dollars.
Richards threw back his head and laughed: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Killian: My sentiments exactly.
Killian about to press a button.
Richards: Spare the cheap snatch. I'm married.
Killian: Are you sure? Is there anything you want?
Richards: A bottle of bourbon, make that two.
Narrator: Friday night. In the room, there were three novels, Not As A Stranger, God Is An Englishman and The Pleasure Of Serving. Poor boy makes good in General Atomics. Rises from engine wiper to gear tradesman. Takes night courses, on what money? Richards wondered. Meets a beautiful girl, apparently syphilis had not rotted her nose off at a block party. Promoted. Three year marriage contract follows.
Richards throws the book across the room.
He looks at a picture of his little daughter. Drinking bottle of bourbon. Easy drunken tears flow down his face.
Narrator: He wonders if he could finish the second bottle before passing out. He almost made it. He spent all Saturday nursing a hangover. Sunday night he orders two more bottles of bourbon. He wakes up Sunday morning seeing green caterpillars crawling all over the room. He decided then that it would be against his best interests to completely wreck his reflexes before Tuesday and decided to stop the booze.
A cutaway to auditorium and audience: Richards! Richards!
Richards runs out onto the street. He catches a cab.
He goes to ID forger Molie: I have been doing this for a quarter of a century. Saty close to your own people. You have the power to cloud men's minds if you use it.
The cab takes him to the airport. The plane lands in Los Angeles, the largest city on Earth.
The Brandt Hotel. Richards signs in using his ID the name on the ID John Griffen Springer.
Narrator: A black boy wearing a shirt large enough to play killball in was yelling at a slot machine.
Black boy: Yo! I lost my mufuckin nickel. I lost my motherfucking nickel!
That goddamned machine took my nickel!
Desk clerk: Good to have you here, Mr Springer.
Narrator: Richards walked down the hallway of the Brandt hotel. In his room, he looked out the window and looked casually at the traffic. However there was a man in a trenchcoat leaning against a lampost. He just stayed there. Another man came and sat down at the bench. A Police Officer showed up and a man was talking to the Police Officer. Richards became aware of all this like when you recognized the voices of the dead in your dreams. I'm being bracketed, he thought with a helpless rabbit terror. No, his mind corrected, you have already been bracketed.
Richards returned to the lobby to the desk clerk: I am paying for two more days.
Desk clerk: Very good sir.
Richards went to his room and put on a Do Not Disturb sign around his door. He then then took a toothbrush and snapped it in half. He goes to the elevator. He presses B for basement. When the elevator reached the basement, he jams the toothbrush end into one of the elevator buttons. The elevator panel smokes and the elevator lights go out.
Richards is in the basement of the Brandt. He lights a match and lights up some newspaper and places it under the boiler near some gasoline tanks. Some hunters outside the Richards room at the Brandt hotel. Richards runs for it. Outside as Richards runs away, the Brandt Hotel blows up.
Narrator: Richards stays with some people. He stayed with a black family in the ghetto projects but the mother called the Police. Mother in nightgown on phone. Police cars pull up to the projects. The black guy drives Richards across the State line but the car falls over a bridge.
Black guy: I am too injured to go on. Run! Go on without me!
Richards runs across a minimall.
Richards: At the minimall there is a mailbox. I have to send in my video clips. I have to send one everyday. I made one this morning:
Richards in hotel room: Peekaboo! You can't see it, but I am laughing at you shiteaters!
Richards hitchhikes. A woman pulls over and picks him up.
Woman: You are that guy, Richards!
Richards: Just drive to the airport!
They drive past a billboard. Rich folks blow dokes.
Woman: Have you got a jay?
The car drives into an airport.
Richards uses aikido and gets the gun away from one of the Hunters. Evan McCone fires two fast gunshots. One blowing away the head of the other hunter and one shot getting Richards in the stomach. Richards fires and blows away McCone.
Richards: Gutshot. I'm gutshot.
Narrator: Richards remembered once sitting at work during a midnight lunch break discussing with his coworkers the worst ways to go. Gutshot has got to be one of the most painful one of them said with no conception of Pain.
Pilot: He didn't like Otto, do you know that?
Smash. A coffeepot smashes down on the pilot' head. Richards takes over the helm.
Voice over radio: C one niner eight four. Acknowledge. What's wrong?
Richards: Speak boy! Rowf rowf!
Narrator: A Push freak stood in a doorway stared up and thought he was seeing a hallucination, the last dope dream, come to take him away, perhaps to General Atomics heaven, where all the food was free and all the piles were clean breeders.
author's note: No rules. I will endeavour to employ the 85% rule which is better than going for a just as imaginary 100%. As long as I come up with some image which has a semblance, or even a semblance of a semblance of what I am trying to portray.
I thought of re-reading the book. The movie The NeverEnding Story said that every time you reread a book, it is a slightly different book and you will pick out parts that you didn't the previous reading. If I reread the book two, three times the third time I would find parts that I did not the second. As it is, I already remember enough of the book. So I won't reread it.
Note: Only an ET or an extra advanced shaman can look at my movies, and say, that frame is from a daydream; from the imagination, but that frame is culled from the dreamworld. There is a resonance.
I have, it seems reached a level, which is a level, where I have inadvertently become a walking dream encyclopedia. Say kitchen and I can draw a dream I had in a kitchen. Say fancy hotel, and I can draw a dream of a fancy hotel. Say run down skid row hotel and I can draw a dream I had in a run down hotel. Say bus and I can draw a dream where I was riding on a bus. Say Safeway, say Chinese restaurant, say European restaurant even. Say zoo and I can draw dreams where I had where I was in a zoo. In most cases, not just one dream of say, a kitchen, but multiple dreams. etc etc etc.

Photographs taken on November 14, 2008.
part one
part two
Ben Richards: The baby is crying again. Her temperature is up to 85 degrees. She has a high fever. I have to find a way to make money, Sheila. I worked at jobs so disgusting like shovelling slime from sewers when people who honestly believed that they were looking for a job were unemployed. I am going to the games building and try out for one of the death games on television. The one I think that I will most likely qualify for is Swim The Crocodiles where a man must survive crocodiles.
Sheila Richards: Give me a kiss before you go, then.
Richards walks past, under a red neon sign. The inner city. The future. The occasional flying car.
Narrator: The line up outside the Games Federation Building stretched for blocks.
Nurse: The next part of the test is the Weschler's Word Association Test. Red.
Nurse: Silver. Richards: Dagger. Nurse: Rifle. Richards: Murder. Nurse: Win. Richards: Money. Nurse: Sex. Richards: Tests. Nurse: Strike. Richards: Out.
Richards: Nice tits.
Nurse: I could have you disqualified.
Richards: You could get yourself fired, that's all.
In the lobby with the other contestants. One of the contestants named Laughlin with the name on a nametag.
Laughlin: They handed us these envelopes which tells us which games we have been assigned to. Which one did you get?
Richards: The Running Man.
Laughlin: That is Prime Time. Not one of the ones where they take out an eye or an arm. That is one where they kill you. I got assigned The Running Man too!
Secretary: Mr Laughlin, Mr Killian will see you now.
20 minutes later, Laughlin emerges with a girl around his arm. He winks:
Laughlin: A friend of mine from the car pool.
Secretary: Ben Richards, Mr Killian will see you now.
A large office.
Mr Killian: The Running Man has been on for thirty five years. We have no survivors. To be honest. We expect none.
Richards: Then you are running a crooked table.
Killian: You will have to contend with McCone and the Hunters.
Richards: Sounds like a neo group.
Killian: If you survive 30 days, you get a billion new dollars.
Richards threw back his head and laughed: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Killian: My sentiments exactly.
Killian about to press a button.
Richards: Spare the cheap snatch. I'm married.
Killian: Are you sure? Is there anything you want?
Richards: A bottle of bourbon, make that two.
Narrator: Friday night. In the room, there were three novels, Not As A Stranger, God Is An Englishman and The Pleasure Of Serving. Poor boy makes good in General Atomics. Rises from engine wiper to gear tradesman. Takes night courses, on what money? Richards wondered. Meets a beautiful girl, apparently syphilis had not rotted her nose off at a block party. Promoted. Three year marriage contract follows.
Richards throws the book across the room.
He looks at a picture of his little daughter. Drinking bottle of bourbon. Easy drunken tears flow down his face.
Narrator: He wonders if he could finish the second bottle before passing out. He almost made it. He spent all Saturday nursing a hangover. Sunday night he orders two more bottles of bourbon. He wakes up Sunday morning seeing green caterpillars crawling all over the room. He decided then that it would be against his best interests to completely wreck his reflexes before Tuesday and decided to stop the booze.
A cutaway to auditorium and audience: Richards! Richards!
Richards runs out onto the street. He catches a cab.
He goes to ID forger Molie: I have been doing this for a quarter of a century. Saty close to your own people. You have the power to cloud men's minds if you use it.
The cab takes him to the airport. The plane lands in Los Angeles, the largest city on Earth.
The Brandt Hotel. Richards signs in using his ID the name on the ID John Griffen Springer.
Narrator: A black boy wearing a shirt large enough to play killball in was yelling at a slot machine.
Black boy: Yo! I lost my mufuckin nickel. I lost my motherfucking nickel!
That goddamned machine took my nickel!
Desk clerk: Good to have you here, Mr Springer.
Narrator: Richards walked down the hallway of the Brandt hotel. In his room, he looked out the window and looked casually at the traffic. However there was a man in a trenchcoat leaning against a lampost. He just stayed there. Another man came and sat down at the bench. A Police Officer showed up and a man was talking to the Police Officer. Richards became aware of all this like when you recognized the voices of the dead in your dreams. I'm being bracketed, he thought with a helpless rabbit terror. No, his mind corrected, you have already been bracketed.
Richards returned to the lobby to the desk clerk: I am paying for two more days.
Desk clerk: Very good sir.
Richards went to his room and put on a Do Not Disturb sign around his door. He then then took a toothbrush and snapped it in half. He goes to the elevator. He presses B for basement. When the elevator reached the basement, he jams the toothbrush end into one of the elevator buttons. The elevator panel smokes and the elevator lights go out.
Richards is in the basement of the Brandt. He lights a match and lights up some newspaper and places it under the boiler near some gasoline tanks. Some hunters outside the Richards room at the Brandt hotel. Richards runs for it. Outside as Richards runs away, the Brandt Hotel blows up.
Narrator: Richards stays with some people. He stayed with a black family in the ghetto projects but the mother called the Police. Mother in nightgown on phone. Police cars pull up to the projects. The black guy drives Richards across the State line but the car falls over a bridge.
Black guy: I am too injured to go on. Run! Go on without me!
Richards runs across a minimall.
Richards: At the minimall there is a mailbox. I have to send in my video clips. I have to send one everyday. I made one this morning:
Richards in hotel room: Peekaboo! You can't see it, but I am laughing at you shiteaters!
Richards hitchhikes. A woman pulls over and picks him up.
Woman: You are that guy, Richards!
Richards: Just drive to the airport!
They drive past a billboard. Rich folks blow dokes.
Woman: Have you got a jay?
The car drives into an airport.
Richards uses aikido and gets the gun away from one of the Hunters. Evan McCone fires two fast gunshots. One blowing away the head of the other hunter and one shot getting Richards in the stomach. Richards fires and blows away McCone.
Richards: Gutshot. I'm gutshot.
Narrator: Richards remembered once sitting at work during a midnight lunch break discussing with his coworkers the worst ways to go. Gutshot has got to be one of the most painful one of them said with no conception of Pain.
Pilot: He didn't like Otto, do you know that?
Smash. A coffeepot smashes down on the pilot' head. Richards takes over the helm.
Voice over radio: C one niner eight four. Acknowledge. What's wrong?
Richards: Speak boy! Rowf rowf!
Narrator: A Push freak stood in a doorway stared up and thought he was seeing a hallucination, the last dope dream, come to take him away, perhaps to General Atomics heaven, where all the food was free and all the piles were clean breeders.
author's note: No rules. I will endeavour to employ the 85% rule which is better than going for a just as imaginary 100%. As long as I come up with some image which has a semblance, or even a semblance of a semblance of what I am trying to portray.
I thought of re-reading the book. The movie The NeverEnding Story said that every time you reread a book, it is a slightly different book and you will pick out parts that you didn't the previous reading. If I reread the book two, three times the third time I would find parts that I did not the second. As it is, I already remember enough of the book. So I won't reread it.
Note: Only an ET or an extra advanced shaman can look at my movies, and say, that frame is from a daydream; from the imagination, but that frame is culled from the dreamworld. There is a resonance.
I have, it seems reached a level, which is a level, where I have inadvertently become a walking dream encyclopedia. Say kitchen and I can draw a dream I had in a kitchen. Say fancy hotel, and I can draw a dream of a fancy hotel. Say run down skid row hotel and I can draw a dream I had in a run down hotel. Say bus and I can draw a dream where I was riding on a bus. Say Safeway, say Chinese restaurant, say European restaurant even. Say zoo and I can draw dreams where I had where I was in a zoo. In most cases, not just one dream of say, a kitchen, but multiple dreams. etc etc etc.

Photographs taken on November 14, 2008.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Stephen King's Pet Sematary animated cartoon series
Stephen King's Pet Sematary
Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Episode one
Opening scene:
1915 MikMaq Reservation Territory, Maine, USA
Chief: We have been walking for four days. I say we rest here. I feel sleepy, even drawn to this place.
Elder Medicine Man: The medicine of this place is not good. The ground here is sour. The drifting clouds have a dark grey colour. My grandfather told me about this area, it is not good. We should keep on walking another few days to get out of here.
Chief: As Chief, I say we rest here. Most of the people are too tired to walk on.
That night, the sleeping medicine man has a dream of a buffalo that wanders onto a flat rock plateau and lies down and dies. The spirit of the buffalo is tranformed into an owl. The owl is a death omen. Next to the moth, the owl is king of all death omens.
Sound: Hoot of owl.
The Chief: Today is a good day for a buffalo hunt. I feel it.
The Medicine Man awakes and sees a woman elder of the tribe. He walks next to her.
Medicine Man: Where is the Chief. I must tell him not to go to the buffalo hunt. I had a bad dream. I tried to wake up earlier, but some force stopped me from waking up earlier and I overslept.
Medicine Woman: It's too late. The Chief is already left.
A buffalo is seen. It charges. One of the Indians kills the buffalo with a tomahawk.
During the ritual ceremonial cardioectomy, where the heart of the buffalo is taken from the body of the buffalo and eaten raw, as it is along with the pancreas and liver, one of the sweetbreads.
However the young warrior is disgusted and exclaims: The heart is supposed to have a red colour. This heart has a blue colour like it died some time ago. And the meat smells slightly rotted.
However, the Chief was charged and when he fell off his horse, he died. His body was taken to the burial plateau where the buffalo died. The young warrior attends the interment ceremony.
One morning, a young Native wakes up and says: Where is my horse? Has anyone seen it?
The Chief who was supposed to be dead was eating a carcass of a dead horse. The horse that went missing. The Chief did not even cook it first. He thought he was acting in secret but was soon discovered by the others in the tribe and then he was killed with arrows for the last time.
Sooon after this, the Natives decide to leave the area.
A doctor returns home in his hatchback car.
This episode is dedicated to all my Native Friends
Episode Two
Doctor Louis Creed: Rachel, you would not believe the day that I had today. I thought it was going to be slow, and then a college student was wheeled in. From looking at him, right away, I knew that he was going to die. Nothing could be done for him. I was surprised that he was still breathing. I could see his brain inside his head like looking through an open window.
College campus hospital. Car pulls into parking lot. Dreamlike dreamspace entrance into hospital.
Pascow is wheeled into the hospital.
Victor Pascow: The pet semetary is not the real pet sematary. The soil of a man's heart is stonier. Injun bring my fish.
That night, Louis sleeps with his wife. In the bedroom, Victor Pascow stands at the foot of the and motions Louis with a beckoning gesture.
Louis follows and walks down a dark forest path. Through the woods. To an old graveyard. Louis thought it was an old Indian graveyard, but it is actually some kind of strange cemetary evident looking at the tombstones. BIFFER BIFFER HELL OF A SNIFFER, UNTIL HE DIED HE MADE US RICHER, and SMUCKY THE CAT, HE WAS OBEDIANT 1971 - 1974.
Victor Pascow motions to a dead fall which the flash light illuminated only part of in the dark. The wood seemed to move and turn into the bones of animals.
Victor: That deadfall is the barrier. It was not meant to be crossed. Remember, there is more power here than you know. It is old and restless.
Louis wakes up thinking it was just a dream but he sees some leaves and an acorn on his bed.
The seasons come and go. Inside the house, it goes from normal to Halloween decorations with the children running through the room in Halloween costumes and laughing, Ellie and then Gage.
Then Christmas and then New Years decorations.
Outside, on the fence post, a jack o lantern, then snow, then snow melts and Spring time.
There is a knock on the door.
A thin average height spectacled old man: I saw the sticker on your car. You are a doctor. I just live half a mile down the road. Strange that we have not met before. We are neighbours. My name is Jud. My wife is sick.
The cat Church is found on the road. It is picked up. Sticky goo is between the cat and the ground before it is ripped away.
Obviously since it is summer, Louis as a University staff member does not have to work. His wife works and his daughter is at school since it is June and University is finished in April but elementary school goes on until the end of June.
Jud: We want to bury the cat before your wife and daughter come home. Do you love your daughter? Do you want to spare her the pain? I have an idea. Come with me. We are going to bury the cat in the Pet Sematary. Grab your shovel.
They walk through the woods. The same ones walked with Pascow. They reach the first Pet Sematary. BIFFER BIFFER HELL OF A SNIFFER.
Jud: We rest here.
Louis: But we are here.
Jud: No. Next we go up that deadfall.
Narrator: Even though the deadfall was treacherous. Louis never lost his footing and neither did Jud.
They brought the cat to the flat rocky plateau, opened the garbage bag and let it out onto the ground.
On his bed, Louis sleeps. In the morning, his wife had already left for work. Nestled on top of him was the cat. He thought it was a dream but when he saw the red spot of blood under the chin a couple of drum beats of alarm are heard.
At Jud's house over the kitchen table with bottles of beer, Jud tells his story.
Jud: It was Stanley Bouchard who told me about the Pet Sematary. Old Tosspot Stanny B. My dog Spot had died the first time in 1937, the first time. The second time he died he outlived old Stanny B by two years.
His grandfather was a trader who had an old wagon with crosses all over it as he was a Preacher and the Indians liked having him around when they wanted to hear the words that the old Blackrobes used to speak. The wagon also had Indian objects all over it. His grandfather also had a trading post and he used to trade with the MicMac Indians who came around to trade and it was them who told his grandfather about the Pet Sematary.
I followed Stanny through the woods then past the first pet cemetary then over the deadfall and through the woods. The cry of loons and what appeared to be glowing eyes. Stan was leading the way but part way through the woods I could swear I was following an Indian from the old times with war paint and grinnng.
My mother was carrying a hamper of laundry in the kitchen backed up against the fridge and a cabinet. There was Spot. Calm but with a strange energy. My mother sensed it.
Lester Morgan had a prize winning Black Angus bull called Hanratty. Died and Hanratty pulled it up even over the deadfall and all the way there on a sled. Incredible.
Although there were lots of animals buried up there over the year. The bull was the only animal that turned mean. And it was killed two weeks later.
Most of the animals turned out pretty good actually, just slow, a little weird as if it were drugged.
I could tell you that the reason why I took you up there was to make your daughter feel better. But that ain't why I took you up there. It ain't why!
I did it the same reason why Stanny B took me there. I did it the same reason Lester Morgan did it. He took Linda Lavesque up there after her dog got run over.
The reason is because the place gets ahold of you and because it's got a power!
Hanratty the bull was the only one who ever turned mean. Linda's little Pekinese poodle bit the postman, and other little things but that was it. My dog Spot behaved perfectly until he died a second time five years later although he always seemed a little doped and he always smelled of dirt.
Because you looked after my wife a few weeks ago, I did this for you to return the favour.
Louis: Did anyone ever bury a human being there?
Jud: Hell no! And who ever would! What would make you even think of something like that?
A few weeks later, Gage, aged four dies of a fever. The baby dies at ten am. The wife is at work. The daughter Ellie is at elementary school. Louis, being a doctor is an old hand when it comes to knowing the signs of death. Louis carries the child through the woods.
Jud talks about Timmy Baterman: I see that you just went to the Pet Sematary. I can tell just looking at you. Your son Gage died and you buried him there.
I can see what you are planning. Before you go on, let me tell you this. Louis.
Back in those days during the war, the train still stopped in Orrington and Bill Baterman had a funeral hack waiting at the train depot to pick up the body of his son Timmy. The coffin was unloaded by four men. I was one of them. The man from Graves and Registration which was the Army's version of undertakers was sitting drunk in a train full of coffins.
We put Timmy into the back of a mortuary Cadillac. In those days it was not uncommon to refer to thm as hrry up wagons since the major concern was to get the coffins into the ground before they rotted.
Huey Garber was driving the train that day. The army fella comes up walking to Huey as he is taking a swig from a fifth of rye whisky and says, "You are driving a mystery train today, you know that? At least that's what they call a funeral train down in Alabama."
When he got off the train, Huey got drunker than he had ever been in his entire life and he said that if that was what they called a mystery train, he never wanted to drive no mystery train again.
A few days later, Timmy is seen walking down the street. His eyes were sunken like raisins in bread dough. He emitted a strange frequency similar to one that is experienced when one encounters a ghost of the dead.
Bill Baterman was sitting on the front stairs of his house with a pitcher of beer. Timmy was in the yard staring at the sunset. His face was orange with the light of the sun. His face had deep red pockmarks which was where the machine gun bullets got him.
Bill Baterman had lost forty pounds, and the expression on his face. He looked damned, Louis.
That night, the house was burned down. Bill Baterman had burned the house down along with himself and his son Timmy Baterman."
When Louis returns to his house, the telephone rings.
In the family car with mother and daughter.
Ellie Creed to her mother sitting next to her as she is driving: Daddy I had a dream. A ghost named Victor Paxcow was sent to warn Daddy. He told Daddy not to go to the Pet Sematary. That is what he said before he dis, dis, I don't remember the word."
Victor Paxcow's ghost appears: Discorporated.
The front door of the house opens. Standing there at the doorway, silhouetted is a young child and a cat.
Production note: The above is the ideal. I employ an 85% rule in my artwork. I try only for 85% accuracy. Often I fluke out and get 100% anyways. Like the zen story of the archer who got the target only when he thought the master was not around to scrutinize him. I am only going to do 85% of the actions portrayed in the above synopsis. The changing of the seasons, the New Years, etc. I have added parts that were not in the original narrative, so it evens out.
Early versions.
Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Episode one
Opening scene:
1915 MikMaq Reservation Territory, Maine, USA
Chief: We have been walking for four days. I say we rest here. I feel sleepy, even drawn to this place.
Elder Medicine Man: The medicine of this place is not good. The ground here is sour. The drifting clouds have a dark grey colour. My grandfather told me about this area, it is not good. We should keep on walking another few days to get out of here.
Chief: As Chief, I say we rest here. Most of the people are too tired to walk on.
That night, the sleeping medicine man has a dream of a buffalo that wanders onto a flat rock plateau and lies down and dies. The spirit of the buffalo is tranformed into an owl. The owl is a death omen. Next to the moth, the owl is king of all death omens.
Sound: Hoot of owl.
The Chief: Today is a good day for a buffalo hunt. I feel it.
The Medicine Man awakes and sees a woman elder of the tribe. He walks next to her.
Medicine Man: Where is the Chief. I must tell him not to go to the buffalo hunt. I had a bad dream. I tried to wake up earlier, but some force stopped me from waking up earlier and I overslept.
Medicine Woman: It's too late. The Chief is already left.
A buffalo is seen. It charges. One of the Indians kills the buffalo with a tomahawk.
During the ritual ceremonial cardioectomy, where the heart of the buffalo is taken from the body of the buffalo and eaten raw, as it is along with the pancreas and liver, one of the sweetbreads.
However the young warrior is disgusted and exclaims: The heart is supposed to have a red colour. This heart has a blue colour like it died some time ago. And the meat smells slightly rotted.
However, the Chief was charged and when he fell off his horse, he died. His body was taken to the burial plateau where the buffalo died. The young warrior attends the interment ceremony.
One morning, a young Native wakes up and says: Where is my horse? Has anyone seen it?
The Chief who was supposed to be dead was eating a carcass of a dead horse. The horse that went missing. The Chief did not even cook it first. He thought he was acting in secret but was soon discovered by the others in the tribe and then he was killed with arrows for the last time.
Sooon after this, the Natives decide to leave the area.
A doctor returns home in his hatchback car.
This episode is dedicated to all my Native Friends
Episode Two
Doctor Louis Creed: Rachel, you would not believe the day that I had today. I thought it was going to be slow, and then a college student was wheeled in. From looking at him, right away, I knew that he was going to die. Nothing could be done for him. I was surprised that he was still breathing. I could see his brain inside his head like looking through an open window.
College campus hospital. Car pulls into parking lot. Dreamlike dreamspace entrance into hospital.
Pascow is wheeled into the hospital.
Victor Pascow: The pet semetary is not the real pet sematary. The soil of a man's heart is stonier. Injun bring my fish.
That night, Louis sleeps with his wife. In the bedroom, Victor Pascow stands at the foot of the and motions Louis with a beckoning gesture.
Louis follows and walks down a dark forest path. Through the woods. To an old graveyard. Louis thought it was an old Indian graveyard, but it is actually some kind of strange cemetary evident looking at the tombstones. BIFFER BIFFER HELL OF A SNIFFER, UNTIL HE DIED HE MADE US RICHER, and SMUCKY THE CAT, HE WAS OBEDIANT 1971 - 1974.
Victor Pascow motions to a dead fall which the flash light illuminated only part of in the dark. The wood seemed to move and turn into the bones of animals.
Victor: That deadfall is the barrier. It was not meant to be crossed. Remember, there is more power here than you know. It is old and restless.
Louis wakes up thinking it was just a dream but he sees some leaves and an acorn on his bed.
The seasons come and go. Inside the house, it goes from normal to Halloween decorations with the children running through the room in Halloween costumes and laughing, Ellie and then Gage.
Then Christmas and then New Years decorations.
Outside, on the fence post, a jack o lantern, then snow, then snow melts and Spring time.
There is a knock on the door.
A thin average height spectacled old man: I saw the sticker on your car. You are a doctor. I just live half a mile down the road. Strange that we have not met before. We are neighbours. My name is Jud. My wife is sick.
The cat Church is found on the road. It is picked up. Sticky goo is between the cat and the ground before it is ripped away.
Obviously since it is summer, Louis as a University staff member does not have to work. His wife works and his daughter is at school since it is June and University is finished in April but elementary school goes on until the end of June.
Jud: We want to bury the cat before your wife and daughter come home. Do you love your daughter? Do you want to spare her the pain? I have an idea. Come with me. We are going to bury the cat in the Pet Sematary. Grab your shovel.
They walk through the woods. The same ones walked with Pascow. They reach the first Pet Sematary. BIFFER BIFFER HELL OF A SNIFFER.
Jud: We rest here.
Louis: But we are here.
Jud: No. Next we go up that deadfall.
Narrator: Even though the deadfall was treacherous. Louis never lost his footing and neither did Jud.
They brought the cat to the flat rocky plateau, opened the garbage bag and let it out onto the ground.
On his bed, Louis sleeps. In the morning, his wife had already left for work. Nestled on top of him was the cat. He thought it was a dream but when he saw the red spot of blood under the chin a couple of drum beats of alarm are heard.
At Jud's house over the kitchen table with bottles of beer, Jud tells his story.
Jud: It was Stanley Bouchard who told me about the Pet Sematary. Old Tosspot Stanny B. My dog Spot had died the first time in 1937, the first time. The second time he died he outlived old Stanny B by two years.
His grandfather was a trader who had an old wagon with crosses all over it as he was a Preacher and the Indians liked having him around when they wanted to hear the words that the old Blackrobes used to speak. The wagon also had Indian objects all over it. His grandfather also had a trading post and he used to trade with the MicMac Indians who came around to trade and it was them who told his grandfather about the Pet Sematary.
I followed Stanny through the woods then past the first pet cemetary then over the deadfall and through the woods. The cry of loons and what appeared to be glowing eyes. Stan was leading the way but part way through the woods I could swear I was following an Indian from the old times with war paint and grinnng.
My mother was carrying a hamper of laundry in the kitchen backed up against the fridge and a cabinet. There was Spot. Calm but with a strange energy. My mother sensed it.
Lester Morgan had a prize winning Black Angus bull called Hanratty. Died and Hanratty pulled it up even over the deadfall and all the way there on a sled. Incredible.
Although there were lots of animals buried up there over the year. The bull was the only animal that turned mean. And it was killed two weeks later.
Most of the animals turned out pretty good actually, just slow, a little weird as if it were drugged.
I could tell you that the reason why I took you up there was to make your daughter feel better. But that ain't why I took you up there. It ain't why!
I did it the same reason why Stanny B took me there. I did it the same reason Lester Morgan did it. He took Linda Lavesque up there after her dog got run over.
The reason is because the place gets ahold of you and because it's got a power!
Hanratty the bull was the only one who ever turned mean. Linda's little Pekinese poodle bit the postman, and other little things but that was it. My dog Spot behaved perfectly until he died a second time five years later although he always seemed a little doped and he always smelled of dirt.
Because you looked after my wife a few weeks ago, I did this for you to return the favour.
Louis: Did anyone ever bury a human being there?
Jud: Hell no! And who ever would! What would make you even think of something like that?
A few weeks later, Gage, aged four dies of a fever. The baby dies at ten am. The wife is at work. The daughter Ellie is at elementary school. Louis, being a doctor is an old hand when it comes to knowing the signs of death. Louis carries the child through the woods.
Jud talks about Timmy Baterman: I see that you just went to the Pet Sematary. I can tell just looking at you. Your son Gage died and you buried him there.
I can see what you are planning. Before you go on, let me tell you this. Louis.
Back in those days during the war, the train still stopped in Orrington and Bill Baterman had a funeral hack waiting at the train depot to pick up the body of his son Timmy. The coffin was unloaded by four men. I was one of them. The man from Graves and Registration which was the Army's version of undertakers was sitting drunk in a train full of coffins.
We put Timmy into the back of a mortuary Cadillac. In those days it was not uncommon to refer to thm as hrry up wagons since the major concern was to get the coffins into the ground before they rotted.
Huey Garber was driving the train that day. The army fella comes up walking to Huey as he is taking a swig from a fifth of rye whisky and says, "You are driving a mystery train today, you know that? At least that's what they call a funeral train down in Alabama."
When he got off the train, Huey got drunker than he had ever been in his entire life and he said that if that was what they called a mystery train, he never wanted to drive no mystery train again.
A few days later, Timmy is seen walking down the street. His eyes were sunken like raisins in bread dough. He emitted a strange frequency similar to one that is experienced when one encounters a ghost of the dead.
Bill Baterman was sitting on the front stairs of his house with a pitcher of beer. Timmy was in the yard staring at the sunset. His face was orange with the light of the sun. His face had deep red pockmarks which was where the machine gun bullets got him.
Bill Baterman had lost forty pounds, and the expression on his face. He looked damned, Louis.
That night, the house was burned down. Bill Baterman had burned the house down along with himself and his son Timmy Baterman."
When Louis returns to his house, the telephone rings.
In the family car with mother and daughter.
Ellie Creed to her mother sitting next to her as she is driving: Daddy I had a dream. A ghost named Victor Paxcow was sent to warn Daddy. He told Daddy not to go to the Pet Sematary. That is what he said before he dis, dis, I don't remember the word."
Victor Paxcow's ghost appears: Discorporated.
The front door of the house opens. Standing there at the doorway, silhouetted is a young child and a cat.
Production note: The above is the ideal. I employ an 85% rule in my artwork. I try only for 85% accuracy. Often I fluke out and get 100% anyways. Like the zen story of the archer who got the target only when he thought the master was not around to scrutinize him. I am only going to do 85% of the actions portrayed in the above synopsis. The changing of the seasons, the New Years, etc. I have added parts that were not in the original narrative, so it evens out.
Early versions.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles
The Martian Chronicles
Rocket Summer
Sounds: Monkey sounds. Rocket blast off.
At a launch site in Sri Lanka, where Arthur C. Clarke lived, and in 1968, when Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey was released, a large vehicle with tank wheels is being wheeled at one mile an hour, actual speed to a launch site. This is a Top Secret Classified Mission to Mars.
As the rockets blast, the fire from the rocket thrusters turns night into day.
This 1968 ship arrives on Mars and the astronauts take a look around. No Martians are seen. They return to Earth.
Astronaut: No sign of life. Looks pretty dead. Do you see anything.
Astronaut 2: Nothing at this end. Let's just pick up a few samples and head back to Earth.
2008: The International Space station spins on its orbital axis. A team of scientists is sent to Mars to set up a few permanent scientific observation posts. During a routine expedition Martians are finally contacted. Entire Martian cities are seen, houses on hills. Glowing crystal large ampitheatres can be seen great distances away.
Narrator: There is a variety of architecture on Mars. In one part of the red planet, it is mostly domed cities. In another part of Mars, there are cities in extended architectural anomaly formations called Railtowns. The Martians resemble humans and are 6 feet tall, thin, milky white skin, blue eyes and long black hair.
In normal civies, they wear robes with a culturally adored pattern. When they are soldiers, they wear cotton soldiers clothes just like the soldiers of World War One.
Narrator: In the year 2052, the first waves of colonists are sent to Mars. Not just select scientists, large waves of immigrant poor are sent to colonize the red planet. No longer are petroleum based fuels required for jet engines and rocket ships. New fuel is made from sawdust and algae. The sawdust is brought to the processing plant in huge scows. The algae is farmed from large shallow watery pits with the whole scene resembling a salt mine.
They arrive in a sleek new silver space ship more closely resembling the ships in the STAR WARS movies.
5 years later, 2057 downtown Mars City. Sam Parkhill has a hotdog store.
Sam Parkhill: Ever since I came here from Earth three years ago, my life has been on the upswing. In fact, next month, there is going to be a new wave of immigrants as thousands of ships are bringing over a few thousand more people to Mars.
A Martian walks in the store.
Sam: We don't serve your kind in here! Just joking, that is line from an old movie from the last century. What do you want?!
The Martian telepaths to Sam: A Nuclear War has just broken out on Earth. Waves of cities are annhilated. The Earth is a glowing ball of nuclear fire visible from space. Only one ship of immigrants out of thousands managed to escape the war by leaving early and are expected to arrive in Mars today.
38 years later. 2095.
Narrator: War erupts on Mars between the humans and the Martians.
Martians in a bunker: All in position? Fire! Remember men, tomorrow morning, we storm the anthill.
More explosions. It is easier to not add sound effects. Silent mortar explosions like in the Omaha Beach sequence in Saving Private Ryan. Kind of.
Soldier: Over the top!
Narrator: The last wave of Earthlings finally arrives on Mars. They settle and start a new life on the red planet.
Author's note: No rules. This cartoon at the outset only attempts to be one that is just loosely based on the Ray Bradbury story. This is an abridged story and a few details are made up and not at all found in the novel.
Also, there is no minimum length. Before I started the Romeo and Juliet cartoon, I aimed to make the cartoon no more than two minutes. The cartoon turned out to be almost ten minutes. I am trying to make this cartoon about a minute and a half although it will probably turn out to be more than that.
A lot of the things I depict in cartoons in reality have little or no sound, a squid swimming through the water, a squirrel slowly moving through the forest underbrush that is it it does not chirp and make a sound.
"Clouds form around small particles." Stephen King, The Running Man
When I make the cartoons, and anyone who has ever gotten involved in creating an animated fature can say this, the cartoons take on a life of their own. A few small ideas turn into alot of ideas as I get more ideas along the way.
This cartoon animated feature is dedicated to Scarlett.
Rocket Summer
Sounds: Monkey sounds. Rocket blast off.
At a launch site in Sri Lanka, where Arthur C. Clarke lived, and in 1968, when Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey was released, a large vehicle with tank wheels is being wheeled at one mile an hour, actual speed to a launch site. This is a Top Secret Classified Mission to Mars.
As the rockets blast, the fire from the rocket thrusters turns night into day.
This 1968 ship arrives on Mars and the astronauts take a look around. No Martians are seen. They return to Earth.
Astronaut: No sign of life. Looks pretty dead. Do you see anything.
Astronaut 2: Nothing at this end. Let's just pick up a few samples and head back to Earth.
2008: The International Space station spins on its orbital axis. A team of scientists is sent to Mars to set up a few permanent scientific observation posts. During a routine expedition Martians are finally contacted. Entire Martian cities are seen, houses on hills. Glowing crystal large ampitheatres can be seen great distances away.
Narrator: There is a variety of architecture on Mars. In one part of the red planet, it is mostly domed cities. In another part of Mars, there are cities in extended architectural anomaly formations called Railtowns. The Martians resemble humans and are 6 feet tall, thin, milky white skin, blue eyes and long black hair.
In normal civies, they wear robes with a culturally adored pattern. When they are soldiers, they wear cotton soldiers clothes just like the soldiers of World War One.
Narrator: In the year 2052, the first waves of colonists are sent to Mars. Not just select scientists, large waves of immigrant poor are sent to colonize the red planet. No longer are petroleum based fuels required for jet engines and rocket ships. New fuel is made from sawdust and algae. The sawdust is brought to the processing plant in huge scows. The algae is farmed from large shallow watery pits with the whole scene resembling a salt mine.
They arrive in a sleek new silver space ship more closely resembling the ships in the STAR WARS movies.
5 years later, 2057 downtown Mars City. Sam Parkhill has a hotdog store.
Sam Parkhill: Ever since I came here from Earth three years ago, my life has been on the upswing. In fact, next month, there is going to be a new wave of immigrants as thousands of ships are bringing over a few thousand more people to Mars.
A Martian walks in the store.
Sam: We don't serve your kind in here! Just joking, that is line from an old movie from the last century. What do you want?!
The Martian telepaths to Sam: A Nuclear War has just broken out on Earth. Waves of cities are annhilated. The Earth is a glowing ball of nuclear fire visible from space. Only one ship of immigrants out of thousands managed to escape the war by leaving early and are expected to arrive in Mars today.
38 years later. 2095.
Narrator: War erupts on Mars between the humans and the Martians.
Martians in a bunker: All in position? Fire! Remember men, tomorrow morning, we storm the anthill.
More explosions. It is easier to not add sound effects. Silent mortar explosions like in the Omaha Beach sequence in Saving Private Ryan. Kind of.
Soldier: Over the top!
Narrator: The last wave of Earthlings finally arrives on Mars. They settle and start a new life on the red planet.
Author's note: No rules. This cartoon at the outset only attempts to be one that is just loosely based on the Ray Bradbury story. This is an abridged story and a few details are made up and not at all found in the novel.
Also, there is no minimum length. Before I started the Romeo and Juliet cartoon, I aimed to make the cartoon no more than two minutes. The cartoon turned out to be almost ten minutes. I am trying to make this cartoon about a minute and a half although it will probably turn out to be more than that.
A lot of the things I depict in cartoons in reality have little or no sound, a squid swimming through the water, a squirrel slowly moving through the forest underbrush that is it it does not chirp and make a sound.
"Clouds form around small particles." Stephen King, The Running Man
When I make the cartoons, and anyone who has ever gotten involved in creating an animated fature can say this, the cartoons take on a life of their own. A few small ideas turn into alot of ideas as I get more ideas along the way.
This cartoon animated feature is dedicated to Scarlett.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Romeo And Juliet
Romeo And Juliet
Romeo And Juliet part 1
Romeo And Juliet part two
Narrator: Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON I do bite my thumb, sir.
ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I
bite my thumb, sir.
GREGORY Do you quarrel, sir?
ABRAHAM Quarrel sir! no, sir.
LADY MONTAGUE O, where is Romeo? saw you him to-day? Right glad I am he was not at this fray.
BENVOLIO Good-morrow, cousin.
ROMEO Is the day so young?
BENVOLIO It was. What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
ROMEO Not having that, which, having, makes them short.
ROMEO Bid a sick man in sadness make his will: Ah, word ill urged to one that is so ill! In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman.
JULIET How now! who calls?
Nurse Your mother.
JULIET Madam, I am here.What is your will?
LADY CAPULET This is the matter:--Nurse, give leave awhile,
We must talk in secret:--nurse, come back again;
I have remember'd me, thou's hear our counsel.
Thou know'st my daughter's of a pretty age.
Nurse Faith, I can tell her age unto an hour.
LADY CAPULET She's not fourteen.
ROMEO I dream'd a dream to-night.
MERCUTIO And so did I.
ROMEO Well, what was yours?
MERCUTIO That dreamers often lie.
ROMEO In bed asleep, while they do dream things true.
MERCUTIO O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
She is the fairies' midwife, and she comes
In shape no bigger than an agate-stone
On the fore-finger of an alderman,
Drawn with a team of little atomies
Athwart men's noses as they lie asleep;
Her wagon-spokes made of long spiders' legs,
The cover of the wings of grasshoppers,
The traces of the smallest spider's web,
The collars of the moonshine's watery beams,
Her whip of cricket's bone, the lash of film,
Her wagoner a small grey-coated gnat,
Not so big as a round little worm
Prick'd from the lazy finger of a maid;
Her chariot is an empty hazel-nut
Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub,
Time out o' mind the fairies' coachmakers.
And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love;
O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on court'sies straight,
O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees,
O'er ladies ' lips, who straight on kisses dream.
Romeo: Talk about that later. The television. They are talking about that dance tonight again.
Television Lady Capulet: Tonight there is a dance at the Capulet house. Welcome Gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes unplagued with corns will have a bout with you!
Mercutio: We should go! Drink beer, meet women!
ROMEO [To a Servingman] What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?
Servant I know not, sir.
ROMEO O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night.
ROMEO But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
ROMEO She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel!
JULIET O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
ROMEO My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
JULIET Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
ROMEO Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
JULIET You kiss by the book.
ROMEO I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.
Narrator: Romeo and Juliet were from families that were at rivalries with one another. Visiting a Priest, Friar Lawrence, Romeo is convinced of a plan that involves faking his own death. Later, Juliet would be told the news and they would be reunited in a new town under assumed names. In this version of Romeo and Juliet, the Priest sends Romeo to Mantua and starts a rumour of Romeo's death. However, on the way to Mantua, Romeo dies in a car accident. Juliet hears the news and acts upon the information, drinking poison and dying on her own bed.
JULIET Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.
Nurse She's dead, deceased, she's dead; alack the day!
LADY CAPULET Alack the day, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead!
CAPULET Ha! let me see her: out, alas! she's cold:
Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff;
Life and these lips have long been separated:
Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.
Romeo And Juliet part 1
Romeo And Juliet part two
Narrator: Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON I do bite my thumb, sir.
ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
SAMPSON No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I
bite my thumb, sir.
GREGORY Do you quarrel, sir?
ABRAHAM Quarrel sir! no, sir.
LADY MONTAGUE O, where is Romeo? saw you him to-day? Right glad I am he was not at this fray.
BENVOLIO Good-morrow, cousin.
ROMEO Is the day so young?
BENVOLIO It was. What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
ROMEO Not having that, which, having, makes them short.
ROMEO Bid a sick man in sadness make his will: Ah, word ill urged to one that is so ill! In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman.
JULIET How now! who calls?
Nurse Your mother.
JULIET Madam, I am here.What is your will?
LADY CAPULET This is the matter:--Nurse, give leave awhile,
We must talk in secret:--nurse, come back again;
I have remember'd me, thou's hear our counsel.
Thou know'st my daughter's of a pretty age.
Nurse Faith, I can tell her age unto an hour.
LADY CAPULET She's not fourteen.
ROMEO I dream'd a dream to-night.
MERCUTIO And so did I.
ROMEO Well, what was yours?
MERCUTIO That dreamers often lie.
ROMEO In bed asleep, while they do dream things true.
MERCUTIO O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
She is the fairies' midwife, and she comes
In shape no bigger than an agate-stone
On the fore-finger of an alderman,
Drawn with a team of little atomies
Athwart men's noses as they lie asleep;
Her wagon-spokes made of long spiders' legs,
The cover of the wings of grasshoppers,
The traces of the smallest spider's web,
The collars of the moonshine's watery beams,
Her whip of cricket's bone, the lash of film,
Her wagoner a small grey-coated gnat,
Not so big as a round little worm
Prick'd from the lazy finger of a maid;
Her chariot is an empty hazel-nut
Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub,
Time out o' mind the fairies' coachmakers.
And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love;
O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on court'sies straight,
O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees,
O'er ladies ' lips, who straight on kisses dream.
Romeo: Talk about that later. The television. They are talking about that dance tonight again.
Television Lady Capulet: Tonight there is a dance at the Capulet house. Welcome Gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes unplagued with corns will have a bout with you!
Mercutio: We should go! Drink beer, meet women!
ROMEO [To a Servingman] What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?
Servant I know not, sir.
ROMEO O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night.
ROMEO But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
ROMEO She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel!
JULIET O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
ROMEO My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
JULIET Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
ROMEO Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
JULIET You kiss by the book.
ROMEO I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.
Narrator: Romeo and Juliet were from families that were at rivalries with one another. Visiting a Priest, Friar Lawrence, Romeo is convinced of a plan that involves faking his own death. Later, Juliet would be told the news and they would be reunited in a new town under assumed names. In this version of Romeo and Juliet, the Priest sends Romeo to Mantua and starts a rumour of Romeo's death. However, on the way to Mantua, Romeo dies in a car accident. Juliet hears the news and acts upon the information, drinking poison and dying on her own bed.
JULIET Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.
Nurse She's dead, deceased, she's dead; alack the day!
LADY CAPULET Alack the day, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead!
CAPULET Ha! let me see her: out, alas! she's cold:
Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff;
Life and these lips have long been separated:
Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
I have a new friend, Vimeo. This is my first Vimeo video and the URL contains the number 33. That number comes up often for me and my videos.
Wind blowing.
The North Sea. Icebergs floating past.
A Narwhal is seen in the distance.
A crew man aboard a ship says: It is not usual to see Narwhal this far North at this time of year.
New York, 1895. Two women aboard a ship for rich people, actually this ship was to take them to a larger ship. Like an airport shuttle to take people to the airplane.
One woman to the other: Isn't this first leg of our trip exciting? This ship, as large as it is, serves as just a transport ship to transport us to a much larger luxury liner waiting in the distance.
The other woman in response: I just saw a Narwhal. You don't see Narwhal often in New York harbour.
The South China Sea.
Two Chinese aboard a junk. One says to the other, in Chinese: Gum dy tue yue jer yow ah? Ngor je meng geen gor. Translated subtitles, essential: Such a large fish. I have never seen that before.
At the ship's office: My name is Arronax. As an experienced sailor with my own 75 foot wooden steamship, I am going go on a trip to South America for a vacation. Maybe I might even run into the Narwhal that everyone is talking about. Rumour has it that that it is no Narwhal. It is a man made craft that is much faster beneath the surface of the ocean than most ships above the surface of the ocean are. Whispered legend speaks of a man named Captain Nemo.
Arronax as narrator: I set sail from New York, I pass the Coast of Florida but am careful to avoid the Bermuda Triangle. Then I sail pass the Coast of Brazil. Off the Coast of Patagonia, there is another stop. I see a lighthouse illuminating the waters for any ships that may pass. I drop anchor and rest for the night.
It is late at night as I walk along the prow of my wooden steamer ship. I light a pipe of Captain Black Peaches and Cream pipe tobacco and I spot the Narwhal in the distance. It seems to be just resting there. I take a row boat and row out to the ship.
Beneath the ship is Captain Nemo in all his glory. He is an eccentric man who can telepathically commununicate with all sea animals.
Captain Nemo: Welcome aboard. I waited in the harbour. I knew that you would attempt to visit. I am Captain Nemo. This submarine is called The Nautilus. It runs from electricity wirelessly stolen from whatever ships are in the water. Right now, your steamer has absolutely no electricity. Oops. Sorry. I have been at this for a few hundred years. I lived so long because I am magical. Anyways, you should see Atlantis.
With Captain Nemo, we visit the brilliant golden city of Atlantis which has technology that we will not see for another thousand years. Golden crystal illuminated skyscrapers 500 storeys high. Flying machines. New York harbour has one Statue of Liberty and green. Atlantis's harbour has four and golden.
During our trip to Atlantis, we visit an indoor crocodile zoo with a tinted glass floor.
Octopus cave. past a coral reef. hermit crab. Giant clam.
A large squid attacks the Nautilus. Arronax is taken to his death in the clutches of the squid.
New York harbour 113 years later. The Narwhal like Nautilus breaches the surface of the post 9/11 waters of New York harbour.
I have a new friend, Vimeo. This is my first Vimeo video and the URL contains the number 33. That number comes up often for me and my videos.
Wind blowing.
The North Sea. Icebergs floating past.
A Narwhal is seen in the distance.
A crew man aboard a ship says: It is not usual to see Narwhal this far North at this time of year.
New York, 1895. Two women aboard a ship for rich people, actually this ship was to take them to a larger ship. Like an airport shuttle to take people to the airplane.
One woman to the other: Isn't this first leg of our trip exciting? This ship, as large as it is, serves as just a transport ship to transport us to a much larger luxury liner waiting in the distance.
The other woman in response: I just saw a Narwhal. You don't see Narwhal often in New York harbour.
The South China Sea.
Two Chinese aboard a junk. One says to the other, in Chinese: Gum dy tue yue jer yow ah? Ngor je meng geen gor. Translated subtitles, essential: Such a large fish. I have never seen that before.
At the ship's office: My name is Arronax. As an experienced sailor with my own 75 foot wooden steamship, I am going go on a trip to South America for a vacation. Maybe I might even run into the Narwhal that everyone is talking about. Rumour has it that that it is no Narwhal. It is a man made craft that is much faster beneath the surface of the ocean than most ships above the surface of the ocean are. Whispered legend speaks of a man named Captain Nemo.
Arronax as narrator: I set sail from New York, I pass the Coast of Florida but am careful to avoid the Bermuda Triangle. Then I sail pass the Coast of Brazil. Off the Coast of Patagonia, there is another stop. I see a lighthouse illuminating the waters for any ships that may pass. I drop anchor and rest for the night.
It is late at night as I walk along the prow of my wooden steamer ship. I light a pipe of Captain Black Peaches and Cream pipe tobacco and I spot the Narwhal in the distance. It seems to be just resting there. I take a row boat and row out to the ship.
Beneath the ship is Captain Nemo in all his glory. He is an eccentric man who can telepathically commununicate with all sea animals.
Captain Nemo: Welcome aboard. I waited in the harbour. I knew that you would attempt to visit. I am Captain Nemo. This submarine is called The Nautilus. It runs from electricity wirelessly stolen from whatever ships are in the water. Right now, your steamer has absolutely no electricity. Oops. Sorry. I have been at this for a few hundred years. I lived so long because I am magical. Anyways, you should see Atlantis.
With Captain Nemo, we visit the brilliant golden city of Atlantis which has technology that we will not see for another thousand years. Golden crystal illuminated skyscrapers 500 storeys high. Flying machines. New York harbour has one Statue of Liberty and green. Atlantis's harbour has four and golden.
During our trip to Atlantis, we visit an indoor crocodile zoo with a tinted glass floor.
Octopus cave. past a coral reef. hermit crab. Giant clam.
A large squid attacks the Nautilus. Arronax is taken to his death in the clutches of the squid.
New York harbour 113 years later. The Narwhal like Nautilus breaches the surface of the post 9/11 waters of New York harbour.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Puss In Boots
Puss In Boots
Violin music.
The caw of a raven.
More violin music.
Caretaker: It seems that the old man of the estate has suddenly died. He has not left much except this orange tabby cat.
Boy talking to self: Just my luck that the old man did not leave me much except this cat. There is not enough meat in the stew. At least maybe the cat could provide nourishment for just one meal.
Puss: Meow Meow. Don't think that! I could be of great use to you. All I need is that pair of old boots that the old man has in the house. That pair of old boots in the house is sitting on the table in the house.
Puss: Here is my new look. I have a plan, why don't you bathe in the river and when you emerge, and afterwards, why don't you put on these new fancy clothes that the master has left. Bathe in the river and meet me at the river bank at 4 pm. I want to introduce you to somebody. I will be going off on an errand first. And, if anyone asks, your name is the Marquis of Carabas.
Subtitle: In a distant land....
Ogre: I am the ogre Marquis de Carabas. Grrrr!! Forswear your allegiance to me and my lands! Grrrr!!!!!!!
Puss: Ogre! Your might is indeed powerful. Your shapeshifting abilities are a legend. Demonstrate your power and if you are that powerful, change into a mouse!
Can you do it?!
Ogre: Grrrr!!!! Presumptous fool! I have been practicing shapeshifting magic for years. If I can shapeshift into an ogre, I can certainly change into a mouse.
Puss: Meow!!!!!!!! and then stomp, as the paw presses down on the mouse.
Clomping of horses hoofs. The king's caravan approaches.
Puss: Your majesty. Allow me to introduce the Marquis of Carabas.
The boy: That's me!
The King: You are the one the peasants have been saying is in charge of this region. This is my daughter. She has been wondering about this legendary Marquis of Carabas.
Wedding march:
Narrator: A few years later, the Marquis of Carabas and the Princess were married, and Puss was the guest of honour.
Violin music.
The caw of a raven.
More violin music.
Caretaker: It seems that the old man of the estate has suddenly died. He has not left much except this orange tabby cat.
Boy talking to self: Just my luck that the old man did not leave me much except this cat. There is not enough meat in the stew. At least maybe the cat could provide nourishment for just one meal.
Puss: Meow Meow. Don't think that! I could be of great use to you. All I need is that pair of old boots that the old man has in the house. That pair of old boots in the house is sitting on the table in the house.
Puss: Here is my new look. I have a plan, why don't you bathe in the river and when you emerge, and afterwards, why don't you put on these new fancy clothes that the master has left. Bathe in the river and meet me at the river bank at 4 pm. I want to introduce you to somebody. I will be going off on an errand first. And, if anyone asks, your name is the Marquis of Carabas.
Subtitle: In a distant land....
Ogre: I am the ogre Marquis de Carabas. Grrrr!! Forswear your allegiance to me and my lands! Grrrr!!!!!!!
Puss: Ogre! Your might is indeed powerful. Your shapeshifting abilities are a legend. Demonstrate your power and if you are that powerful, change into a mouse!
Can you do it?!
Ogre: Grrrr!!!! Presumptous fool! I have been practicing shapeshifting magic for years. If I can shapeshift into an ogre, I can certainly change into a mouse.
Puss: Meow!!!!!!!! and then stomp, as the paw presses down on the mouse.
Clomping of horses hoofs. The king's caravan approaches.
Puss: Your majesty. Allow me to introduce the Marquis of Carabas.
The boy: That's me!
The King: You are the one the peasants have been saying is in charge of this region. This is my daughter. She has been wondering about this legendary Marquis of Carabas.
Wedding march:
Narrator: A few years later, the Marquis of Carabas and the Princess were married, and Puss was the guest of honour.
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