These are my films.
I like this black background so much, film noir, that I decided to put all my movies on this blog. This is one case of, Once you go black, you never go back. I am not ever going to post or watch my movies on small screen on computer again unless it is on this website with the black background.
Dawson Creek, February 2008
Dawson Creek March 4, 2008
Dawson Creek Grain Elevator Fire
Pouce Coupe Museum
Dawson Creek Museum
Dawson Creek Musical Walkthrough
Monday, March 31, 2008
Welcome To Noble Films
Noble Films
Welcome to Noble Films.
Bonus: My article, The 5th Dimension
On May 11, 2004, I sent this email of an article that I wrote on the spot on the computer to CBC, BBC, CNN, Global News, and Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer.
I only sent the first half of this article to follow to the News companies. The rest are ideas connected this article that have occured to me since.
Physicist Justin Hughes said that light is the 4th Dimension. He stole that idea off me!
Just joking, it does not take a rocket scientist to babble a sentence like that, which even a drunk man might babble. It is not like I invented a new kind of engine and that person got the exact design, then that could be argued, but saying that light instead of time is the 4th Dimension? I am sure tons of physicists around this planet have more or less simultaneously thought of that idea.
Time indeed, is not a dimension, it is an aftereffect of a dimension. Like a shadow. Time comes from things being of different density as well as not being able to teleport. In the other dimension, all things are the same density which is hologram, and all things, people, animals, objects can teleport.
The 5th Dimension
Although my un-University trained theory structure postulates that there are 5 dimensions, I google-searched "time travel" and "teleportation" and according to a lot of University physicists, there are 9 dimensions!
"Thanks be to God, I did not find myself in a condition which obliged me to make a merchandise of science for the improvement of my fortune." -Rene Descartes
The Dean Noble Show is proud to be still running. I thought that I would quit after a few but I have tons more to publish.
I would really like to find a publisher out there in order to publish my writings.
A few months ago, I published a series of intimate articles about the fifth dimension. These articles were to change my life. It wrapped up a lifetime of being interested in books about the esoteric, the paranormal, etc. The New Age books have come a lot in the last ten years. New writers that have emerged in the 90's, John Edwards, James Van Praagh, and David Icke are better than any writers in this genre before. Banyen Books in Vancouver sells tons of these kinds of books.
This next series of articles is the culmination of these kinds of writings but put in my own unique method of precision phraseology. I wish that I had been the one to come across and read these articles rather than being the one who has written them.
I wish that I had written these articles years ago.
"Unless you go through the processes, how the hell can you ever come to a conclusion?" -Roderigo de Ochoa
These articles were written during the 33rd year of my life, in May 2004.
Without further ado, The Dean Noble Show proudly presents
'The Complete 5D Collection'.
Hopefully there are some quantum physicists of the Schroediger's Cat set who would like this article.
(c) copyright Dean Noble
"Life is an illusion."
-The Buddha
"This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius."
- The Fifth Dimension
Dear Friends:
All 3D problems (for eg. I wish I had more money, I wish I had a better past, etc.)
All 3D problems are 5D problems, but not all 5D problems are 3D problems.
I am into 5th Dimensional studies. More on this in a minute. In 5th Dimensional Studies, voice, that is the sliding of breath past the portal of the vocal cords, the slick manipulation of tongue and lips are after the fact. The thought that preceeds the speaking is it, and if one's words from one's mouth is not consistent with one's [initial telepathic communicatory thought,] then the [psychically inclined] hearer will notice an inconsistency of speech.
"Jealousy is a dangerous thing until you know all the facts."
-Roshi Koten Benson
I decided to go into my current, what I call 5th Dimensional Studies.
"Pan Dimensional", as I have heard Dennis Miller refer to it.
1st Dimension- flat. 2nd Dimension- width. 3rd Dimension- Height. 4th Dimension- Light: Time, space. 5th Dimension- Thought: (that seem to enter arrom like smoke when one brainstorms), opinions, memory, visualizations, dreams, the Astral World. 6th Dimension- Love. 7th Dimension - The ability to make 3D objects behave in 5D ways, and vice versa, for eg. telepathy, telekinesis, walking on water, pyromachia (like Drew Barrymore, in Firestarter).
All 3D problems (for eg. I wish I had a better past, etc.)
All 3D problems are 5D problems, but not all 5D problems are 3D problems.
When thinking, what are you doing? When doing, what are you thinking?
Writing your dreams down on paper, or speaking of them aloud is a 7th Dimensional Activity, no less!
The fifth Dimension is neither mutually exclusive to, nor is it totally dependant upon this 3rd Dimension.
Thoughts are things. Things are thoughts.
Thoughts are forces. Forces are thoughts.
Thoughts are actions. Actions are thoughts.
It is what I call, the "formless weightless variables in the equation of life."
In the 5th Dimension, things are stacked on top of one another. One moves at the speed of thought, like Johnathon Livingston Seagull.
I sometimes wonder that, when one thinks of a topic, and instantly those same associative sentences emerge in the mind, if it is not so much a knowledge coming to one from the psychic world, as it is one going to a place, an emotional zone in the fifth Dimension.
Thoughts are not a television screen or a loudspeaker in the brain. The brain is a radio antennae. The radio station is the past, present, future, the 5th Dimension, or what Jung referred to as 'the collective unconscious'. The brain is not just an antennae, it is a radio receiver and transmitter. The amplifier is our voices and speech.
But who are "we"? Nameless energy clusters, centers looking outwards ie a centrifugal force-wave of awareness. Occupying a Hollywood special effects quality body suit.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead talks about the necessity of coming to terms with the fact that all is a creation of your own mind. That book talks about after death, how there will be yet even now, new and specific images of people copulating laughing at you, calling you "loser!", there will be images of people saying, "Kill him!" talking about you. This is the conscious minds interpretation of all the elements that are passing as they are being emptied from the psyche. The Chonyid bardo.
It is a creation of your own mind. An organism, an animal, for eg. a cat, going about its agenda outside your body, outside your skin, an amoeba, an organism going about its agenda inside your body, inside your skin. What's the difference?
But your reaction to the situation is a creation of the mind. No two people react in a situation the same way.
The answer to the zen koan is the koan itself.
So I tried to see if I can reduce my feelings of jealousy a hundred-fold. I could not, but then again, I also found that I could not increase my jealous feelings a hundred-fold, and if I did, I could not increase my jealous feelings a thousand-fold, or even a million-fold. If I did that I would have a heart attack and die, but someone who has the 7th Dimensional psychic power to will their hearts to die is someone that the CSIS, or the CIA wants to talk to, that's for sure!
Objectivity - I am a human.
Subjectivity - I am THE human.
In case you forget about your 5th Dimensional identity as you go through life, remember, your dreams will always be with you to remind you.
There is an indivisible psychic field; it does not mean that your thoughts will be read or ignored sort of like a billboard on a highway. The sentences, "Your thoughts are private and are your own." And the word "secret" should be struck from the English language dictionary.
As spirits, we are "invisible" beings. This body (from the Olde English word 'bodig' meaning house)
is indeed a house for our spirit, it is a Hollywood quality mask and suit for our Spirits.
"We are not so much humans having a spiritual experience as we are Spirits having a human experience." -Common Ground magazine
See, every place in the Astral World is also part of the AfterDeath World, and not vice versa.
The Natives say, "Dreams are more real than battles." True. Everything in this World will fade, but everything you see in your dream world will be around in a thousand years, even.
This 3rd Dimension is so... slow.
Which is a... vacation, of sorts!
I am sure that you have noticed that the people who appear in dreams are so clean, glowing and healthy in the same way over and over again, it is almost nauseating!
Like that soldier in that Michael J. Fox movie, that soldier in the graveyard who instantly changed clothes. That is exactly how the 5th Dimension; the Dream World works!
The 3D/5D game is one with a google rules.
Why do we dream? The answer, "For no reason." doesn't cut it for me anymore.
A castle in Scotland was there since "time" immemorial. And will be there after it has been demolished. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. When the Chinese burn paper money, they are not kidding, it reappears in the Astral World! (When asked about modern sciences understandings about Spirituality, compared to Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama said, : "You are in kindergarten." This is coming from a man who could see past and future lives, not to mention his countless psychic abilities and esoteric skills).
"You can not win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." - Sir Alec Guiness, 'STAR WARS'
There are certain and uncertain moments. Sitting on a chair is a certain moment. Bullets whizzing, falling objects, etc. is an uncertain moment. These uncertain moments are the portals which 5D beings can choose to act.
Spirits can enter and tamper with that mechanism deep in the center of the brain that translates and discharges thoughts.
Michael Crichton in TimeFrame talks about a light shining through two vertical slits cut through a piece of cardboard makes 5 slits on the other side thus proving the existence of a 5D parallel Universe. Not linearly parallel; interposing overlapping parallel.
All 5D objects are part of the Astral World, but not all Astral World objects are 5D objects (that connect with this Dimension, anyways.)
Einstein said that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
The doorway to the next dimension is not literally, a doorway (although it just sometimes can be). It is rather, energy transformation: a book, a death, a new attitude, a new thought, etc.
There is the material and the psychic.
The tonal and the nagual.
The rational and the Absurd. (Albert Camus)
The Tao that can be named. The Tao that can not.
The phenomenon, and the noumenon.
The 3rd Dimension, and the 5th Dimension.
Things slip in and out of the 3rd and the 5th Dimension all the time.
Anyway, in the dream world you have a history and a purpose and indeed you do visit the same locales over and over again. In your dreams, you will see that you are presented with a situation and you are given a set of choices. These choices have consequences in a future dream.
There is another us that exists in that World and often the relationship that two people have in this world have nothing to do with their relationship in the Astral World.
When going to the shopping mall, for eg. footsteps go one way, but the 3D/5D 'footsteps' of the eyes go another. Sometimes the two have nothing to do with one another! Well, these 'footsteps' of the eyes - that is the footsteps of the spirit!
What I am talking of is not New Age, but a secular kind of Spirituality taking into account the generic principles of metaphysics, which transcends Organized Religion. All this is meant as a complement to, and not a substitute for [Organized] Religion which is valuable for many reasons; it endorses a higher - a Highest Power, God. They help create order in society. They provide a community.
The most important thing is Love. Even those you would avoid; love them in absentia!
Yours, Dean Noble
This idea of, "Your thoughts are your own. What you think about after work is your own time." There is no longer the luxury of thinking like that anymore. When you think of angry thoughts alone in your room, you are really fucking around with a dimension.
We are by nature, telepathic.
We are Spirits having a human experience. That is we are 5D beings having a 3D experience. And not the other way around!
The 3rd D is an aspect of the 5th D.
In the old way, it is taught that the body is the boat and thoughts are the wake.
The New Way says, No, it is the thoughts that is the boat and the body is the wake. "The Captain of the ship." In other words, the 5th D is the boat, and the 3rd D is the wake.
A strange decision followed to its orgone conclusion. "They don't want any off-beaters mucking around with this shit." This is a quote from William Burroughs referring to apocryphally top secret CIA projects involving time travel machines.
Strangely enough William Burroughs never got arrested by the CIA for building an orgone accumulator. Why would they? It was only built of plywood, a layer of aluminum, and a sheet of leather.
But the same could not be said for his namesake Wilhelm Reich on whom the contraption was based. Reich died in CIA custody.
Orgone, according to Reich was the essential energy of the Universe. It is equivalent to the Chinese idea of 'chi', and the Hindoo idea of 'prana'. It is a subcomponent of the 5th Dimension.
The Hindoo's name for the 5th Dimension is 'darshan'.
The Chinese name for the 5th Dimension is the Tao.
The old Biblical saying of 'there is no beginning and no end' is truer now than ever before.
Beginning and end are events. Events are situations with 3D components, and a 3D component is a thought, that is an aspect of the 5th Dimension. All 3D events are 5D events.
5D. In a movie, not only are the people stars, the artifacts in the movies are stars as well. The artifacts can appear in people's dreams and like people, when something is on television it is in many places simultaneously. When a writer was read throughout the world, he is in many places simultaneously.
In the 5D, a piece of furniture appears when it is needed,and when it is no longer needed, it disappears again. At any rate, this is what happens in dreams when one is asleep.
In the 3D, planets exists because they need to. Places in the third dimension are places on planets. In the 5th Dimension, locales are not planet dependant at all. And with telepathic teleportation, all planets become one planet which ideologically becomes no planets. The end scene of Stanley Kubricks's '2001: A Space Odyssey'. When the astronaut David Poole was in that room with the bed, and the robot, and the spaceship, and then that mysterious old man.
And if there is such a thing as telepathic teleportation, then it would follow that there would be such a thing as non-telepathic telportation.
update: August 2005
A lot of scientists might not want to research the 5th Dimension because they feel that only things that are 3D in other words, things that can be graphed in the conventional Cartesian way of using the x axis, the y axis, and the z axis.
The word Cartesian comes from Rene Descartes, which was probably not his real name, but his Masonic name.
Rene: Rennes Le-Chateau, in France
Descartes: Of maps; Of cartography, from the Greek word chartes, pronounced kartis meaning a stiff piece of paper.
Incidentally, the 5th Dimension is the Cartesian Logical Ultimate.
An example of something that is 5D is a hologram. A 2D hologram which television, or a 3D hologram like they used to have at Science World.
Translucent holograms and opaque holograms. And invisible holograms.
Traditional ethereal holograms that you can pass your hand through and solid holograms that that you can not pass your hand through. 'The Matrix', starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss, can you dig it?
Consciousness residing in and represented as solid holograms that you can not put your hand through, and non-solid holograms that you can put your hand through.
Another example of something that is 5th Dimensional is a ghost or spiritual entity.
Things do not need to be able to be graphed in order to exist. This distinction only makes a difference to you and not to the 5th Dimensional entity in question.
A lot of ideas were stolen from Nicola Tesla. Not only did they steal his idea for a particle beam known as a laser beam for the United State's Star Wars missile defense program, they also stole his ideas and used them in the Philadelphia Experiment.
Discovery is a conventional science program and probably would not talk about cutting edge science, namely time machines and teleportation machines. Probably because one of the first applications that any government makes in regards to these machines would be for military purposes. That is, if these machines even exist.
The Lorenz Transformation is a mathematical formula that depicts phase shift. This was the formula that was shown in the movie, 'Goodwill Hunting'. This mathematical formula is connected to the Philadelphia Experiment.
1984. That was the year of the other end of the Philadelphia Experiment. In 1944, the USS Eldridge was teleported to the year 1984. This is famous because it was the first large scale endeavour with time travel. There have probably been thousands of such experiments since.
Nikola Tesla started with teleporting small objects through time.
The U.S. military wanted to make airplanes, ships etc. invisible. They found they could do this with phase shift, that is to send something like, maybe 5 seconds into the future. In the Philadelphia Experiment, they fucked up and sent something 41 years into the future!
In 1984, Steven Spielberg made the movie 'Back to the Future'. Steven Spielberg is as interested in the Philadelphia experiment as director James Cameron is interested in the Titanic.
George Orwell wrote the book '1984'. His editor transposed the 48 of this original title, '1948' and changed it to '1984'. This was based on that what he was writing about was the then current surveillance techniques. It was not a novel about the future at all. He just change the names as Johnathon Swift did. Mobili vulgaris.
But Orwell was also perhaps secretly referring to the 1984 of the Philadelphia Experiment. Orwell died in 1950. He certainly was alive when the Philadelphia Experiment was conducted.
Charles Fort is the man who coined the term teleportation.
It is questionable whether or not objects can actually be sent through time. But if they could then we could certainly thoughts could be sent through time. Because thought is the 5th Dimension. The 5th Dimension is the parallel Universe that physicists like Gary Zukav in 'The Dancing Wu Li Masters', and Michael Crichton in 'Timeline' talks about.
Light is the 4th Dimension. Light gives things colour which adds a dimension to things. According to physics, the innate colour of everything is black. Non light producing objects only have colours when light is shined on it. This is called Brownian motion. Stars are different colours.
Even NASA's Zeiss lens that Stanley Kubrick employed during the filming of '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'Barry Lyndon' which photographs objects in total darkness, uses what little light that there is.
In the 5th Dimension, there is soundless telepathy. In this dimension, communication is possible through sounds manifesting themselves as syllables. With sound, because it is an imperfect medium, accidents and miscommunications happen. Often when an accident occurs, something new and wonderful is created. Humour is possible. The relationship between the 3D and the 5D is like that of a foundry process. This dimension is the mold.
Unless I see evidence to the contrary, I will think that the Philadelphia Experiment is an Urban Myth.
"Those pilots did not age. Einstein was right."
"Einstein was probably one of them."-Close Encounters of the Third Kind
"Baby, baby, baby, you're out of time." -The Rolling Stones
There is only an ever present now. Things happen around that. The kaleidoscope perpetually shifts. That is Einstein's Theory of Relativity: Time does not exist. Things happen in relationship to everything else. Time is a point, and a pointless point at that. It is the secret of the Dance of the Maypole held at the beginning of this month every year, well it used to be hundreds of years ago in Europe, in any event. Time is not a line. Time is not a ray. A ray is a straight line that goes in one direction. Time is a point.
There is no time. There is only events. Event horizon.
Imagine a large cube. All six sides of the cube has a different colour. In 'Stanger In A Strange Land', Michael Valentine the Fair Witness would know that all sides of a house would not necessarily be painted the same colour.
To get to see the other sides of the cube requires "time". But the other side exists simultaneously now.
If time exisited when you go to the other side of the cube and return to point of origin, nothing would change. But because time does not exist, when you return to the point of origin, evrything in the Universe has changed.
Time; the illusion of time, is an aspect of simultaneity. And not the other way around. Time is an aspect of simultaneousness.
The passing of time is an unravelling of a code that is etched onto the eternity of simultaneity.
And according to quantum physicists, time is also a series of codes, in the plural, etched onto the eternity of simultaneity.
Time does not exist. There is no time. Daylight Savings Time is another proof of that. If time existed, how could we just turn our clocks ahead one hour?
And then while it is the year 2005 in North America, it is the year 2548 in Thailand.
A five hundred year difference!
As well, there is the B.C. and the A.D. system. In the A.D. system, time is counted forward; the year 2005 is followed by the year 2006 sure enough. But in the B.C. system, the year that follows 44 B.C. is 43 B.C. ie counting backward!!!! How could this be possible except that time does not exist and is an imaginary concept to begin with!
Another clue as to the solubility of time is that New Year's Eve is at different months for different cultures. Chinese New Year is in Jan/Feb. Thai New Year, called Songkran, is typically in April.
The Chinese New Year is a lunar New Year based on a lunar calendar.
The Thai New Year is monsoonal as their April New Years Day is the first day of the monsoon on which rice is dependant.
Western New Year, celebrated January 1st is observed internationally in every country no matter what other New Years they observe. The Western New Year, unlike the Thai and the Chinese New Years is based on the Winter Solstice.
Television shows start at unsynchronized times because television stations are always two minutes fast or slow of each other. The clock in my room reads 11:43, the one on my VCR reads 11:46. This can happen because time simply does not exist.
March 3, 1756 Ten o'clock pm on the dot and 17 seconds is the same moment as April 3, 2005, 11 am on the dot and 33 seconds!
Things are born and die, or rather things seem to be born and die because things fall in and out of the constantly shifting kaleidoscope, in events of appearing and disappearing.
Discovery Channel says
1) "A person running and a person standing still will have their watches run at different speeds."
2) "In a black hole, a watch slows down greatly."
First of all, time does not exist.
These are 3D events described, not time.
In the 5th Dimension, a watch can suddenly slow down or speed up at any place, be it on Earth or through a black hole.
In the models presented above, Discovery Channel speaks of a 3 Dimensional paradigm where there are gases, liquids, and impenetrable solids.
In the 5th Dimension, there is no space or solid. The 5th Dimension is the Master Key where everything is the exact same density. That is, the denseness of thought.
In the 3rd Dimension, time exists in time tunnels or strings, ie string theory. As one goes through life, one goes from string to string travelling along many different strings.
A person standing still on Earth is not still at all. He moves with the Earth revolving on its axis and going around the sun which is one of the measurements or criteria of 3D time.
As well in the 3D world, a five hour shift at a job can seem like a long time to one person and a short time to another person. We are talking about the perception of time which is subjective.
To explain the overall time structure of a universe in terms of time strings is like explaining the existence of the overall rhythm of an ocean in terms of ocean currents.
In the 5th Dimension, a watch can speed up like time lapse photography and so can the sun arcing across the sky or it can slow down to where almost no movement is perceived, ie at a snail's pace. again these are events measured against each other.
In the body, there is a biochronometer. Chickens laying eggs are subject to a false time of a 6 hour day and a 6 hour night to increase their diurnal egg laying productivity.
Some people age really rapidly. There is a disease called progeria in which a person's physiology reaches the equivalent of an 80 year old when they reach 15 and then they typically keel over and drop dead.
A period of "time". One person perceives 10 events, another person perceives 80. Time is relative, as Einstein said. They are events measured relative to one another.
A person in a black hold ages 10 years while on Earth a person ages 80 years. Again, these are 3D events measured against one another. As mentioned previously, time exists in strings.
Teleportation is moving to another place without the usual time required. Time does not exist.
In the 5th Dimension, solid is space and space is solid. More accurately, substitute the word "is" for the words "can be".
One can move through walls or use space as a friction filled launch point as dense as needed; as dense as water or as dense as Earth air, or as dense as a solid if you are existing on the right vibrational code, ie spirit, or the second body.
In teleportation, one does not walk through a door, one vibrates at a different vibrational rate or vibrational code, like in Star Trek.
Therefore a teleportation machine is redundant.
"All machines are amplifiers." -D. Cooper
Time travel. That upcoming trip into the past will be a part of the time traveller's future.
One day, that time traveller's two week trip into the distant future will be a part of his past!
It is all about terminology. Time machine? Time travel? A person is a one directional; from past to present to future time machine that tackes 30 years to travel 30 years into the future.
When one time travels, one does not travel through time. One goes to a set of events, disregarding time, for it doesn't exist.
If you were time travelling, then going back into time 150 years will take you 150 years. But a time machine would travel back or forward in time towards a destination years, decades, centuries or even millenia away from this present moment, in only a few minutes.
There are different types of time machines. If you are talking about one that goes only into the past, since it is impossible to go into the future for it has not happened yet; a time machine that only allows one to observe a past event photographically accurate, within a very certain frame, and from only one angle or vantage point at that, rather than to participate, then one has already been invented. Invented is a time machine that allows one to go back in time; this machine would not involve participating in past events since you know how disastrous that would be, in the 'Back to the Future' sense. It is called a television.
If you are talking about a teleportation machine that allows one to simultaneously and instantaneously view, but not to simultaneously participate in an event, one has already been invented, it is called a television.
Videoconferencing is a type of teleportation.
And indeed, a television cannot be a time machine and a teleportational viewer simultaneously. It can only be one or the other at any given "time"!
Picture in picture counts as two televisions on one screen.
A telephone is voice teleportation. In fact, the prefix 'tele' denotes all this weird and wonderful stuff. Tele-portation, tele-vision, tele-kinesis, tele-pathy, tele-phone, tele-ology. The word 'tele' is from the Greek language, meaning through a long distance. Writer David Icke wrote that he channeled a spirit that told him in twenty years, teleportation travel machines will be as commerically available as jet planes. Telly Savalas.
There are brand new radios that are designed to look like radios of the early twentieth century. There are telephones that look like yellow rubber ducks.
Teleportation machines, in the future, will look like ordinary cars, airplanes, etc. and some will even look like antique vehicles. This will be done to make people feel comfortable, for ergonomic reasons.
Time is an effect, rather than a cause.
The belief that the Universe really exists in a perpetually timeless state is called Presentism. -from Wikipedia
Change is the only constant in the 5th D as well, apparently.
The Universe is a thought of you.
You are a thought of the Universe.
This will hopefully be the last article that I write on this topic. One can run ad infinitum on a topic.
The Fifth Dimension notwithstanding, it is perhaps best to deal with this World in the terms of the World as it presents itself.
Yours, Dean
Quantum physics is the physics that deals with the 5th Dimension.
Apart from physics, and metaphysics, quantum physics is another branch of physics.
Quantum physics says, "One changes an event through observing it. One cannot observe an event and not effect its outcome differently than if the observer had not been there." and "There is absolutely no way to tell how something will turn out." and "There is no way to tell where something is at any given moment."
Michael Crichton talks about quantum physics computers. Applied quantum physics.
There are three steps. Introduction, understanding, and application. In the course of my private 5D studies that I will be conducting, probably for the rest of my life now, I would only write about the first step and never the last two steps when it comes to the 5th Dimension.
In front of the old Main Branch of the Vancouver Public Library on Burrard, there was a bench. The carver of this bench is named Michael (I don't remember his last name). He used to frequent the Pacific Spirit Park, Wreck Beach UBC area. The bench has a depiction of the three steps introduction, understanding and application and portrayed by the man doing the sitting yoga spine twist, and then the lotus position and then the standing up and raising his arms.
There is probably extensive forays into applied Quantum physics. Quantum physics military weapons!
David Icke, (David Icky!) talks about the Philadelphia experiment where they made a time machine out of a US naval airforce carrier. Nicola Tesla was involved. The experiment went wrong. They wanted to make a ship invisible to sight and to radar. It apparently happened, but for twenty minutes, the 1945 sailors were in 1984! Then they returned to 1945, as Tesla warned against, most of them went crazy, but some disappeared and others became molecularly fused with the ships equipment! Tesla refused to continue helping the government with these experiments and mysteriously he was found dead in his New York apartment one month later.
This was the same Tesla who wanted to provide free lighting for the World on New Years Eve 1900 with a huge alternating current generator in the North Pole and flourescent light tubes for all.
JP Morgan who was not about to let anyone use electricity without being charged, no pun intended and the money going to him, launched a campaign to smear Tesla. But Tesla was smarter than Edison, Bell, and Ford put together!
There are probably quantum physics machines out there now. And time machines. And if I ever sent an email saying that I was working on a time machine, then the CIA would investigate me.
Like the writer, William Burroughs said of the possibility that the CIA is most undoubtedly working on time machines, "They don't want any off-beaters mucking with this shit."
Yours, Dean
Journal May 17th, 2004
Talk about coincidences when I borrowed a David Icke book, someone had put brackets in pencil all over the book! It was a sign for me that perhaps I had been using unnecessary brackets and parantheses too much in my writings lately.
RD laing wrote about the brain. In his book, 'The Politics of Experience and the Birds of Paradise', he talks about the brain being a thought of the brain itself! etc. In his usual dynamic didactic vector of verbal polemics, famously depicted in his book, 'Knots', he does examine the folly of believing that our thoughts purely reside and emanate in our brains.
The current theory that our brains are a computer made up of cells which are equivalent to a byte in a computer and that thoughts are merely purely the firing of cerebral nerve axon-dendrite synaptic electrical impulses is incomplete at best.
We live in a world of thought. We are one with thought energy.
May, 2004
-finish of article-
Telepathy is the prelanguage.
Language refers to spoken and written language, and this is incidental and the words occured incidentally, accidentally over the course of millenia of history.
Prelanguage, or telepathy is symbols and emotions.
Symbols whose purpose is to lead to certain emotions, or else emotions designated to move one towards the acquistition of or else to the acknowledgement of certain symbols.
We are all by nature, telepathic.
No gravity is as strange to perpetually gravity bound beings, as gravity is to perpetual no-gravity beings.
"Eshun's Departure
"When Eshun, the Zen nun, was past sixty and about to leave this world, she asked some monks to pile up wood in the yard.
Seating herself firmly in the center of the funeral pyre, she had set it fire around the edges.
"O nun!" shouted one monk, "is it hot in there?"
"Such a matter would concern only a stupid person like yourself," answered Eshun.
The flames arose, and she passed away."
-Paul Reps 'Zen Flesh, Zen Bones'
I wrote earlier,
If you are in a room alone thinking indolent thoughts, you are really fucking around with a dimension; the 5th Dimension.
I drew a picture of a teacher with a pointer stick pointing to a whiteboard and on the whiteboard was illustrated:
Bad telepathy Good telepathy
And the teacher is saying, "You always have a choice between using good telepathy and bad telepathy.
Telepathy is the thought line. I think the Thais would call it 'sen kit', that is if I ever heard them using this phrase, which I have not.
Sen in Thai means line. When one is ordering noodles in Thailand, they will be asked 'sen arai' which means "What kind of noodles would you like?". See noodles are configured in a line. In Thai massage they work on meridians in the body, also called sen. It is very important to have your thought line in order.
I am trying to put the word PATH back in telepathy!
"There are certain formulas, word-locks which will lock up a whole civilization for a thousand years." -William Burroughs, The Job, chapter 1
Your thoughts are timed. May your thoughts be noble.
September 2005:
There is another dimension that not only is it possible to read the thoughts of others, because of its substance, one couldn't not read the thoughts of others.
You can't see the forests for the trees. You can't see the 5th Dimension because of the third. The past and the future are in the 5th Dimension.
Physicists say that the other universes, dimensions, embed themselves in this one.
Conventional physics: How it happens.
Quantum physics: What happens.
In the 3rd dimension, to get from one place to another, you have to go through a whole bunch of bullshit places in between. In the 5th Dimension, travel is done through telepathic teleportation. Instantaneous. Television, with jumping from one scene to another instantaneously, is a preview of this next world.
The 4th Dimension is light. Anything that moves at the speed of light, including us, becomes light. Anything that moves slower than the speed of light is a gas, liquid, or solid.
There is psychic light which moves at 1000 x the speed of ordinary light. This is the light that is in dreams. This is the light that reveals all.
The 4th Dimension implies the 3rd Dimension, and not the other way around. you cannot have the 3rd Dimension without the fourth dimension. But you can have the fourth dimension without the third. The 5th Dimension is thought.
October 2005:
Time is not a dimension. Time is an aspect of a dimension.
Scientists have been searching for the time and/or gravity wave. Time is not a particle nor a wave, since time is adjutant in both the particle phenomenon and the wave phenomenon.
Atoms vibrate at different rates.
Holograms have an atomic basis.
And thoughts and dreams have an atomic basis.
The past and the future are aspects of the present.
The present is an aspect of the present.
A quantum physicist would use time the same way that, as the saying goes, a drunk would use a lamppost: more for support than illumination.
Life is an illusion. Time and space are an illusion. There is no time. There are only codes etched into the simultaneity of eternity. Therefore, if one is alone, one is enmeshed in a dimensional code that is very complex and deliberate. All things happen for a reason. If a man is single and suffering, then it is God's will. Eventually, he will learn not to hate his isolation but see it as a tool for learning. He will learn the value of patience which is not as easy to learn in a dimension where one is teleporting all over the place whenever one wants to.
Physics teaches that things are either a particle or a wave.
If an object is viewed in wave form, then that object is viewed in and exists in a time structure.
If that object is viewed in particle form, then that object exists outside of a time/space structure and exists in the simultaneity of timelessness that is the true temporal identity of the Universe.
Antimatter is part of the 3rd dimension.
And time and space is an illusion. It does not exist. Ask Albert Einstein. Time is a side-effect of living life in a track which is the 3-D reality. Time and space is an illusion of relativity.
Keeping this in mind, to lament that, for instance, "I spent thirteen years in a real bad slummy place, but for two months, I was in the arms of a beautiful girl living in the tropics." Ten thousand years is but an instant, an instant can seem like ten thousand years. When one dies, one can edit their life and cancel those thirteen years into, say 15 seconds and expand those two months in the arms of a beautiful girl to, ten years.
An event, even if it takes a hundred years to elapse, takes but an instant to understand forevermore, once the event is over. The event is not the candy, and the memories and experiential insight from the event is not the candy wrapper.
Instead the event, the actuality of going through it is the candy wrapper, the experience and insight gleaned from such event, that is the candy.
They say that there are no shortcuts in life. Why not, if there can be such a thing as a long cut.
Actually, in the 5 Dimensional reality, there is no long cut and short cut, at any rate how can there be with perpetual teleportation?
"Short cut" and "long cut" are imaginary concepts applicable only in this dimension where everything is of different densities just as "time" is an imaginary concept.
Finally, since time and space does not exist. Here is an extension of there, and there is an extension of here, so in a way, I am in Thailand now! This place is an aspect of that place, and that place is an aspect of this. That being said, it is important now not to always wish to be somewhere else.
September 2006
**********, who owned The ************ Book Store in Vancouver once told me,
"If you have one drink, you enjoy the drink. If you have three drinks, then the drink starts to enjoy you!"
I thought about it, and that is true. Since time and space does not exist, all on Earth is translatable to pulses of energy, in other words spirits, so it is easy to see how the spirit of a drink can overpower the spirit of a man. Indeed all on Earth is translatable to being spirit, and the Japanese call the spirit in all things, Kami, and that spirit is the true nature of all things.
In the 5th Dimension, dreamworld, afterlife, beings reproduce not through sex, but through thought.
In this world, a Fairmont Hotel Vancouver exterior, for example will always have a Fairmont Hotel Vancouver interior.
In the 5th Dimension, that is the dreamworld, afterlife, etc. buildings do not always have matching interiors and exteriors. A Buckingham Palace exterior could have an igloo interior, an igloo exterior could have a Buckingham Palace interior.
I found this out a few days ago when I had a dream of where I recognized to be the Vogue Hotel-Temple nightclub-The Rock Shop on Granville St. in Vancouver. I was at the place where these three buildings were joined together but when I went into The Rock Shop in my dream, it looked nothing like The Rock Shop on Granville St. That was my clue.
Seemingly unmatching interiors to exteriors in the 5th Dimension presents a different type of equation of meaning which results in a quicker total or totality of meaning.
Dream: October 24, 2006: I was in an airplane. I telepath to the other passengers. "The plane is about to take off. Watch this, the thrust is like the initial rush of an intravenous hit of cocaine!"
But as the plane does indeed accelerate wildly and take off, I am disappointed as I feel none of the forces that normally push me back into my seat.
Interpretation: The dream world, the 5th dimension, the afterlife is almost exactly like this life except that there is the total absence of gravity. That is why I witnessed the acceleration, but felt no G-forces push me back into my seat. I have a feeling that gravity is the contributing factor in any drug high including marijuana and booze.
Light is the 4th Dimension. Thought is the Fifth Dimension. In dreams, we do not see thought beings as thought is the only real dimension, but it is too fast and operates on simultaneity. In dreams we see thought beings condensed into light beings. We in this 3rd Dimension are light beings condensed into solid beings.
We are really thought beings condensed down into light beings and then condensed into physical beings.
October 22, 2007
5D note: In this dimension, one event of this dimension happens in one space. In the next dimension, a bunch of events could be totally superimposed onto one space like how the Microsoft Windows program enables people to superimpose computer screens they have opened to overlap one another.
The Darth Maul solid state hologram action figure - which happens to be a solid state hologram made of plastic.
According to scientists, the correct term is not hologram, it is a volumetric display, to be more specific, an auto-stereoscopic volumetric display.
October 26, 2007: The beginning of the Universe is when, just for a few seconds or mayber for a few billion years, the Universe transforms from a solid holographic Universe to a totally non-solid holographic Universe, to reset itself. In a Universe where everything has the same density and teleportation is possible, time is even more evidently seen as just a set of relativity coordinates; ie Einsteinian reference points. Beginning is also just a term. Maybe to that point in time, we are the beginning. As much as they are to us, we are to them.
In the 5th Dimension, time travel and teleportation are exactly the same thing. In the 3rd Dimension time travel and teleportation can be very different things, but the only differences are that which is separated by concepts.
In the 3rd Dimension, teleportation and time travel are two different things. In the 5th Dimension, time travel and teleportation are exactly the same thing!
In the 5th Dimension, all actions are telekinetic actions. In the 3rd dimension, not so much.
In this Dimension, you go to places through walking. In the 5th Dimension, you are either going to places, teleporting, and if not that, then places come to you teleporting, and you sometimes recognize them.
January 2008: Light is the 4th Dimension. Thought is the 5th Dimension. Time is not a dimension. Time is a corollary effect of the 3rd Dimension.
A camera which aperture opens for 5 full seconds, ie prolonged exposure for night shots, image recorded on photographic paper is 5 seconds worth of light on one second worth of time.
And vice versa: a one second event filmed slowed down so that the result is a five second film shot in slow-motion is one seconds worth of time on five seconds worth of light.
January 2008: Sure, I wrote this article but am not trained in how I would express some of these concepts in terms of calculus, or even just algebra equations. But as there is a course in University called Theory of Mathematics which has very little or no math equations, just essays about the concepts of mathematics which is an excellent University course for those who are math-lazy but must take a course for the minimum one credit of math required to get a BA Degree.
I wrote this article and it is just as well, as it is much easier to extract a few calculus equations out of a master essay than it is to extract a master essay out of a few calculus equations!
The magic eye: Light is the 4th Dimension Thought is the 5th. If the magic eye was just light, it would only be seen with one eye. The dimension of the magic eye is the 5th Dimension, that is thought because it is the result of what is seen with two eyes and then added together, otherwise impossible if seen with only one eye.
Therefore a 3-D movie is really a 5-D movie.
Arthur C Clarke wrote about seeing hallucinations, visions when exploring deep space. When one reaches the speed of light, feeling a little fucked up won't be the only thing. One will then, at that speed, be at the same frequency or level of the dream world that one sees when one sleeps so that one can experience 360 degree full hallucinations with dreamstate qualities but being fully awake and without having taken one drop of any kind of hallucinogenic drug.
The 3rd Dimension is dependant on things like solidity, the time space relativity fabric. The 5th Dimension is not dependant on that at all.
March 23, 2008: A minute is ten thousand years. Ten thousand years is a minute. An inch is ten thousand miles. Ten thousand miles is an inch. That is how the fifth dimension works.
April 2008:
The Universe contains the 3D Universe as well as the 5D Universe. In the Universe, things go from being a hologram to being solid to being a hologram again.
In the fifth dimension, you can stand on a spinning potters wheel spinning beneath you and you can appear non moving nor spinning in the opposite direction of the spinners wheel to do so.
May 2008: Time is a boat. Timelessness is the ocean upon which the boat floats. People forget the ocean and focus only on the boat.
June 2008: The Philadelphia Experiment. Since time and space are equally irrelevant, time is a kind of space, and space is a kind of time. The first time the USS Eldridge went back, there were no spectators, but in 1984, as they were expecting it, there were a lot of spectators. They did not go back a second time, but elongated, all the events together suggest that time does not exist the way we know it because there were no spectators the first time and there were spectators the second time. If time existed not only would there either be lots of spectators both times or no spectators both times, it would not be possible. Like a computer, when one goes back in time after going forward, they create two events if only because a different outcome apart from the one that would have happened anyways emerges, like a reset button; a pop up on the computer that says, "Cannot be undone."
Space is a kind of time. Time is a kind of space.
July 2008: In this dimension, an object absorbs all colours, but reflects the colour it is not, as a result, it is the colour we see. Not a bad way of rendering colour. When things vibrate at rates slower than the speed of light, ie this 3rd dimension, solid objects, it presents itself as a refraction type of reflection of colour or light. In the 5th Dimension, things emit the colour of light that they are. Direct. Not reflection. Emission. Moving faster than the speed of light. That is why dreams can easily be more vivid than this life.
In this life, you got to go to the images to see them. In the 5th Dimension, the dreamworld, more often than not, the images come to you, without you going to them. Well, there is the you teleporting to images, and then there is images, locales, teleporting to you!
July 2008: This dimension needs the structure of planets. The 5th Dimension does not. Planets and gravity are coefficients of the same dimensional condition exclusive in this 3D one. This dimension is a jigsaw puzzle put together, but can also be looked at, examined as a conventional exactly cut jigsaw puzzle pieces and the pieces can all fit together in one way. That is the linear time structure of this dimension. Solid, non holographic. The four sides of a jigsaw puzzle piece in this dimension are individual and need an exact and selective other piece.
The next dimension is a jigsaw puzzle put together but can be looked at with all the pieces fitting together an unlimited way because a jigsaw puzzle piece has four sides and in the next dimension all four sides are the same and can be interchanged interfitted with any of the other pieces in any way.
Gravity = planets. Planets = gravity. Therefore, we are as physical 3D beings, creatures of gravity.
When a person dies much of their memories die forever. That is because we are walking vantage points, dimensional vantage points, that is, besides being personalities with an ego.
In dreams, one can see a lighted room even though one sees no lamp, or one can see sunlight streaming through a window without seeing the sun. In the dream world, the light image, the light, all the things in the room are recorded and the light emanating from the same angle as it was in the 3D world. The holographic world.
This millisecond is visible and solid. The past and future are invisible, holographic. And so it is with the next second.
In the dream world one goes to the holographic interpretation of this world in real time. A person living in a different town visits their hometown often in their dreams, the 5D nonsolid holographic version of it.
Think of it this way, a play is being recorded simultaneously on traditional filmstock and on a digital image and sound DVD.
This world is simultaneously played out and recorded in 3D and 5D. When one dreams one goes to the 5D version of this world.
Light not only illuminates; it records and plays back.
A traveller dreams of his hometown. When he dreams, he goes to the 5th Dimensional template of that town, suspended outside of time and space.
Teleportation is the stuff of the Universe. If you think of a place across the World, you have teleported there in thought.
If the space between one atom and another is entire great distances, mini-Universes, and if a Canadian dollar coin; a loonie was laid in the middle of a foot ball field representing the proton of an atom, with that kind of proportion the next closest atom would be two blocks away, the furthest electron would be at the goal posts of the football field, then everytime a person waves their arms, they are teleporting!
There is an corresponding equivalent to the events of the timeless, non-solid holographic 5th Dimension, and the temporal coordinates of this time space framework of this dimension, the 3rd Dimension. That is why when someone has a dream, it can be told, from the things in the dream that the dream happened on Thursday and not Tuesday. That you had the dream in the year 2000 rather than 1950 because you saw a tabletop tower computer.
Like, there is a character in the Chinese alphabet for the word, say, gold, in English. But it does not mean that English and Chinese are the same language, nor does it mean that they move in the same linguistic engergy rhythms, or existential cadence.
A concert, as written above, may be recorded simultaneously in filmstock and DVD, but it does not mean that they are the same technology. With DVDs, you can press a button and skip and teleport as it were to another song, kind of like the actual 5th Dimension, and with regular film stock, you can not and have to laboriously take every step and rewind to the point, sigh, kind of like this 3rd Dimension.
Remember, there is no 180 degrees in the dream world, in that 5th Dimension as the entire reality of the dream world is a non solid hologram. Any more than when a person turns 180 degrees in a video game, that he actually turned 180 degrees. Come to think of it, that is just like outer space where there is no left, right, up, down, nor turnaround.
The Earth is just like the dreamworld. Sure, the Earth can be mapped on a grid compared to its own internal coordinates, but against outerspace? In outer space, there is no up, down. It is like walking backwards in a revolving restaurant at the same speed as the restaurant is moving. Are you a) moving forward because the restaurant is moving forwards b) standing still because you are going backward the same speed at the restaurant or c) moving backwards because your choreographical intent is a backwards walk?
The Sixth Sense is the 5th Dimension.
When a blind person with second sight wakes up in the morning, he sees his room, via Robert Monroeian astral projection, and then in time, he sees nothing, blackness and then he knows he is fully awake and things are normal.
When a normal person wakes up, he sees nothing, blackness and then when he sees his room, he knows he is awake and things are normal.
When a person has a bad dream and someone wakes them up thus stopping the dream and forcing them to teleport back here.... That is the most overt and obvious demonstration that this world has not only a connection, but a relationship with the dream world.
After years of studying the dreamworld, now, when I encounter a person in the waking world who says something, I no longer think, "Why would that person say something like that?", and I now think, "That person would say something like that."
In the dreamworld, it is not muscular strength or muscular power. The strength is more... the ability to yell and not hesitate has more to do with strength in the dreamworld, or knowing techniques like aikido. Women seem to have the inner spiritual strength of non hesitation, to yell without hesitation because they do not rely on muscles as much as men. That is spiritual strength.
How To Kill An Interdimensional Beast
Interdimensional beasts and various and assorted of such miscreants, shapeshifters, teleporters and the like, it has been known for centuries that although they are most often usually non-solid and holographic so that they can shapeshift and teleport, moving back in and forth from non-solid to solid when they materialize into solid form that is the time to kill them in which they could be killed with a machine gun or a pump action shot gun with canister bullets.
The dreamworld demonstrates that one does not need solidity, linear time in order to build house, that the solid linear time-space world is not the only dimensional realm that one can build architecture. Even with a Universal non-solid holographic reality in which all things are the same density, that is non-solid holograph, even with timelessness, even with teleportation, houses and architecture is not only possible, it is inevitable.
George Lucas talks about the used universe. This 3D universe is the used universe, and the fifth dimension, the dreamworld, the after death world is the unused universe.
Thanks to the PMH Atwaterian master vibration of the fifth dimension, everything is so pristine, so new that it is almost sickening.
We may always be living a second behind. When something happens, new, it is spiritual, invisible; the same pristine plane as the non-solid holographic 5th dimension that is the dreamworld, afterdeath world, etc.
Only a millisecond later, it solidifies and becomes solid, merging into this visible 3D non-holographic and solid dimension that is the 3rd dimension.
And a millisecond after that, it goes back to the invisible non-solid holographic 5D of the dreamworld, afterdeath world. All of the past and future is like a great big pie and is invisible, only the present moment, but what is really a ghost of the real present moment which happened a millisecond ago, as this is the wake, is a thin very thin slice of that pie. The pie only moves in one direction, the timeline. Christianity is a sublimated form of sun worship which is a sublimated form of worship of the timeline which is a sublimated form of worshipping this dimension and the niceties it has to offer. Or timeline, where time is an invisible nonsolid holographic line, except for a bead which moves in one direction along that line which is the 3D present moment. This bead is visible, solid, and non-holographic.
A calendar which simultaneously shows the past, present and future.
"Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men."
From TS Eliot, The Hollow Men
This poem means that those who have crossed the other side and know astral projection and dreams well, come back and see people not as looming and threatening as before, but as ghosts stuffed with bodies or bodies stuffed with ghosts.
Notice that Jennifer Love Hewitt never, ever quotes the ghosts verbatim. That is because this is signifies that she only ever receives a strong telepathic impulse from the ghosts. A ghost would say, "I think about her all the time, she is always in my thoughts, my essence, through this timeless wandering through eternity." "What did he say?" the petitioner asks. Then Jennifer Love Hewitt says, "He misses you."
The Word was God. And the Word was with God. I like to think that this means the difference between telepathy and the spoken word. In a way, telepathy is more exact than the spoken word, but also in a way, telepathy is much less exact than the spoken word, which was perhaps why the spoken word, ie this dimension was created by God. Who else created it?
Telepathy is God's language.
Telepathy: It loses a lot in the translation.
Dream: I am doing chinups against two blue bookshelves against a blue wall inside an artsy coffee shop on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. A friend, to my left, joins me and he starts doing chin ups too, although I can do more.
Interpretation: I recognize these shelves from work. Like an actor who can appear in different movies, objects in life can appear in dreams in different places.
Inanimate objects emit a certain emotional identity. In this life there are too many filters, too many things fucking up this process. In the dreamworld and in the afterdeath world, you can sense this fully. Inanimate objects have a certain emotional identity, let alone living things.
In the dreamworld, bridges just nearly completed with large squares of wood and a labyrinthe of running troughs of concrete, or else the top floor of a building just as the lights are being installed, the brand new lighting wires hanging from the ceiling of the hallway near the elevators of the top floor of a brand new skyscraper shows things in their first blossom, when they are truly alive, in their shimmering newness for when the thing is completed, it already starts to die. The best part of a film project is having finished just 98% with the last touches not a reality, and must be done, but not done yet, and the film having an identity, a reality that is in its own moment, alive.
I can't make heads or tails out of my dreams. That's precisely the problem. Heads or tails are things of the third dimension. In the fifth dimension, heads or tails are irrelevant.
A lot of it is wordplay.
The events in this world, added to the events you have witnessed in the dream world, influence and colour what you will see in the dreams to come. Come to think of it, the events in this world added to the events that you have seen and experienced in the dream world, those two things put together, influence what you will see in this World as well!
Neighbourhood shamans: In this dimension, they are old and almost never talk to you. In the other dimension, they are young, and talk to you all the time telepathically.
A highway in the other dimension looks very much like a highway in this dimension, except that other dimension is more vivid, there is not a speck of dirt anywhere, the cars on the road are brand new, and they move more slowly, smoothly.
James Van Praagh said that a ghost, being a psychic entity, their thoughts and emotions are a hundred times more vivid. I have experienced this in dreams. This happens in this dimension, except that our physical body acts as a filter or a block for those kinds of thoughts and emotions. If thoughts and emotions could be experienced and sensed as heat, standing next to a ghost in a dream is like standing next to an oven!
James Van Praagh also said that we move in the spirit world according to our personal levels of ignorance and fear. Some have more of it and some have less of it than others.
Even if the English alphabet has 250,000 words, which according to Guiness is the language with the largest vocabulary, the telepathic language has about 6 billion words.
Interpretation: It does not take a rocket scientist to figure all of this out. And I have been reading Mary Ann Winkowski. I am only 1/4th of the way into the book which has taught me so much.
In my dreams I am visiting this Earth. This Earth is its naked fifth dimensional form away from the cloak or filter of this solid dimension, in this dimension of differing densities, solid, liquid, and gaseous. In the next dimension all things are the same density, that is holographic, and one can teleport etc. etc. etc.
The ones who are on this Earth are what is called Earthbound spirits.
Now the ones in this dream were decidedly snarky. They remind me of the stubborn self obsessed ones in an actual astral projection OBE that I had.
I visited my old hotel, the Glory Hotel, which a homesick traveller will oft do, and these are some of the Earthbound spirits that are actually now as we speak, hanging around the Glory Hotel.
Often ghosts appear young as in the case of the Italian guy.
"Paging Doctor Nick Riviera. It's the coroner."
"Oh God! I'm so sick of that guy!"
The Simpsons
Ghosts. I am so sick of them. I see them in my dreams all the time. I have seen hundreds if not thousands of ghosts and I have been studying my dreams for five years and seeing ghosts in my dreams for five years including those who have died, looking young and healthy, not sick and physically compromised.
Mary Ann Winkowski writes that she has been studying ghosts for fifty years!
See, James Van Praagh can see ghosts that have crossed over into the light, but not earthbound spirits. He has the enviable White collar job as those who have crossed into the light are kind, benign.
Mary Ann Winkowski can see earthbound spirits but not those who have crossed into the light. She has the blue collar grunt job, and dare I say it, shit job because earthbound spirits are snarky, and how can I put it gingerly, .....assholes.
You look at them, and it can be, "Oh you are looking at me, I look back at you." and "Who are you, impudent, that you can see me?"
I see ghosts who are earthbound in my dreams like millions of other people do in their garden variety dreams. I see ghosts, not from their point of view, although as one of them in their World. To put it this way, I have a ticket for an exclusive showing at an exclusive cinema of a 3D movie. Although I am one of the audience, I am not one of the others in the audience. I can see the same as they can and am in the same arena as they are under the same conditions.
You can too. Most people when they dream, are doing something like this. This is not a special gift. I just struggle to remember my dreams and I use memory stimulants like ginkgo biloba and also nutmeg.
Just from years of reading books I have finally more or less put two and two together, and surmised that this is what has been going on all along.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Word to the wise. Mary Ann Winkowski said that The Light that all spirits must pass through to go to Heaven starts closing about 24 hours after the funeral is over. The hole of light gets smaller and smaller until people can not pass through. Sometimes ghosts visit their friends after the funeral, friend after friend until they discover that there is no longer the Light for them. They are then stuck in the ghostly version of Earth, the same place that Yours Truly often visits in his dreams.
She did point out that ghosts who lost their White Light can go to the nearest funeral home and enter into another spirit's newly created light.
But she did point out that prejudiced people will, as a ghost refuse to enter the same light as a person of a different colour, and there may be a hesitation..... sigh.
Earthbound spirits are the snarky asshole ones. I see the same kinds as Ann Winkowski sees. I can only see them in my dreams whereas she can see them in that dimension and in this dimension. Earthbound ghosts, the snarky asshole ones can say asshole things to people like, "When you were younger, you were a prostitute." "You are sexually unfaithful." Or appears like a janitor in a high school hallway. He turns around and right at me with a mean look.
Ghosts who have passed into the light are gentle, loving.
Earthbound spirits are snarky assholes.
The spirits of the still living can be either kind or assholes depending on the individual involved. For example, my father and stepmother and half brother and half sister are all living, or at any rate they were when I had these dreams years ago.
I had lots of dreams of my father and half brother and half sister and all of them were good and kind. Gentle.
In all the years I only had one dream of my stepmother. She said in her goddamned foreign language, "Your mother died. You had no mother. Who was going to take care of you? You needed a mother to take care of you." Brrrr. That is like a politician saying, "I got a mandate."
Not all of the people seen in dreams are Earthbound spirits. Spirits who have passed into the light like my kindly grandmother often choose the astral version of Earth that we visit in our dreams as a mutual meeting place because it is much easier for them to meet us there. Just like it is much easier to meet friends at the mall than it is for them to meet you at your house.
A field where ghosts and astral travellers play together.
1 ghost + 1 astral traveller = 2 ghosts.
If you have decided not to talk to a specific person in this dimension, you will avoid that person in the next dimension, ie the dreamworld as well!
Come to think of it, this goes for anyone whether that person is of this dimension or not. There is a ghost of a friend who died, Mark R*** who sometimes visits me in the dreamworld. I made up my mind that I didn't want to talk to him anymore. When I saw him in the dream next, I said, in the dream, "Mark, I don't want to talk to you!"
Hypnagogic hallucination. People refer to the visions experience upon awakening and just before sleeping as hypnagogic hallucinations. Like the old saying goes, just because you see them, it does not mean that they are hallucinations!
The Police that I encounter in my dreams are always polite, together. They are never like the Earthbound ghosts, snarky, mischievous and to tell you the truth, not running on all six cylinders.
I guess because the Police have been around the dead and dying so much, anyways much much more than the average person on the street, and also because of their training. Police in the next dimension are always protectors who know what they are doing.
Mary Ann Winkowski said that to think about ghosts too much will attract them. She said that ghosts from other film sets drifted to the set of the Ghost Whisperer because of the subject matter.
She warned people to never get it into their heads to do things like ouija, and under no circumstances address them out loud, having a monologue with them when you are alone and you think one might be around. She also said to never write a note or a letter to them!
Ghosts are always always doing this. When I see the ghost of someone who died in a dream, they always say, "No. That is not so. As you can see, I am very much alive." Maybe that is their way of saying, 'Your thoughts about death needs a tune-up.'
There are places closer to Heaven, and there are places farther away from Heaven. Closer to and farther away is not a reference to linear distance but of vibration. The rich area and the slum in a city are metaphorical representations of this.
In this dimension, people who are young and healthy, and people who are old and sick, either group can hang out in either the rich areas aka the Heights or the slums. However in the dreamworld, fifth dimension, after death world, only the young and healthy hang could hang around in heaven, and only those who appear sickly and diseased would only ever hang around in the slum areas.
The interchangeability is to this dimension what the exclusivity is to the other dimension.
Why are there planets in this dimension and not in the next?
Planets would be redundant in the next dimension. If scenes are the candy, and planets are the wrapper, in the next dimension, you can have the candy without the packaging or the wrapper.
Think, in a pool of a kind of liquid that can conduct energy and electricity, fully, at its best in liquid form, even if the liquid passes through sieves and other obstructions, to put in large rock crystals of this liquid, solidified, would be redundant. It would be inefficient, there would be all kinds of gaps and non contact points and it can't run through sieves.
After a dream, you don't say,"Geez, but it wasn't supposed to be that way, it was supposed to be this way."All you feel is a sense of wonder.
Why is it not that we don't approach this dimension of life like that? Daily we say, "It should have been some other way."And feel no wonder.
The television series Lie To Me. These facial expression work with ghosts in the dreamworld and the afterdeath world as well!
I should have known it when I read Edison's statement, "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Inspiration is the 5th Dimension and perspiration is the 3rd Dimension.
One day, I will not be able to see anything that does not remind me of things that I have seen in my night time dreams. That is when the distinction between this dimension and that one will disappear.
Lighting is everything. Also, SPOV,or spectator's point of view is everything.
I had a dream where I was walking up a hill, that is looking up a hill. Why not down the hill? Why not from the left, or from the right?
String theory: a bunch of SPOVs strung together and this can be either in this dimension or in that dimension, ie the dreamworld, is a string.
The body trail that we leave behind in our lifetime, what the acidheads of the 60s called the long body is also a string. And this trail that can be left implies either in this dimension or the dreamworld dimension as well. The long body; there is a scene in the animated cartoon: the Yellow Submarine when the Beatles are walking and there is a trail of vaporous colours left behind an otherwise white background. That is the long body, in other words, there's your string theory.
String theory: If someone tells you about a dream they had, and you feel a resonance to it, you are feeling being the end of a string that connects you to that dream.
See, the sun is the great controller. When we have dreams, they are seen in the light of this sun. If we lived on a planet with a red sun, the dreams of people on that planet would be lighted with red sunlight. It would look very different.
Even distance from sun, like a dream on Venus would look different from a dream on Pluto. Come to think of it, I think I travelled to Pluto in one of my dreams. A sea of stars, a grey sphere that was Pluto. A planetarium telescope on that planet.
Also sunlight changes every second and will never be exactly this way again like it was this second. Dream of time travel. So a person in a dream can tell if they are time travelling just looking at the sunlight. Sunlight looked a lot different a hundred years ago than it does now. The sun moves from yellow star to red giant. In other words, yellow to red. Red shift.
In the dream world, you can make a reference to a past event with thought or word of an event either in this dimension, like in the dream, me recalling how in this dimension I wrote that note to that girl, or me doing an animated cartoon in this dimension, A Simple Plan which, in one scene featured a machete wielding bandit, or you can make a reference to something which happened previously in the dream world like me referring to me as a trainee cop trying to make a drug bust which happened earlier in the same dream to a couple of guys working at a second hand store holding a triptych painting of Keith Richards.
And in this dimension, also, you can make a reference either in word or thought of a previous event in this dimension or a previous event that happened in the dreamworld.
The Police always seem to call me on the phone, or anticipate me going somewhere if I call someone and tell them I will be there, like yesterday, I called a restaurant and told them that I would be leaving the door in 15 minutes. Well when I left the front door of the hotel lobby, the Police were there. Now the Police may or may not know that I am into studying the dreamworld and they are indirectly pointing out to me that telephones operate along the same ghostly trajectory as telepathy and dreams and remote viewing. Telephone calls operate along the exact same mystery tangents as a nighttime dream, not figuratively but literally. Telephone calls, let's face it, employ aspects of another dimension. You can talk to one,heck even a few people,far away and simultaneously! And instantaneously!
pHOToGraphS = HOTGS = ghost
Sometimes in my animated cartoons, I insert dream images. How could people tell because only an ET could tell something like this. However, there is one way that it could possibly happen. Whenever I draw a picture from the dreamworld, my face will take on a certain involuntary look, heck Dr Paul Ekman would tell you as much. The face that a person has when they are genuinely trying to recall something from the past, that is fact and not fiction.
There are three kinds of sleep paralysis experiences, all of which involved sleep paralysis. The taxonomy of sleep paralysis experience includes
1) sleep paralysis only
2) sleep paralysis with scream
3) sleep paralysis with scream preceeded by the dark fuschia screen with the pink clouds.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out where we go in our dreams. There is a holographic World that is a copy of Earth but with a different history, and different set of events.
And there is a holographic realm of a World or a place or places that have nothing to do with Earth whatsoever.
The visible Universe and the invisible Universe. Or else in visible Universe.
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality. -John Lennon
You are only ever in dream mode. When you are awake, that is another kind of dream mode. The "awake" mode is a figment of the imagination. It is only when one is dreaming that one is not ignorant to the idea that one is in the dream mode, at all, for any amount of time. But the reality is, we are always only ever in the dream mode.
The dreaming state is the awake state and the awake state is the dreaming state.
There is a movie called The White Shadow, about basketball. We all have a black shadow and a white shadow. The white shadow is invisible and superimposed onto your physical self. The White shadow is often a younger version of yourself.
The ultimate telepathy is to know the future. The future already exists, but in another dimension. However, omens happen all the time. People don't usually see omens until after the fact.
The future already exists, on another dimension, but like everything else, it is subject to change at the last minute!
I was a teenage werewolf. In the future, I will be a teenage ghost. Understand this, and you will understand the secret of life.
They did make all these movies 'I Was A Teenage Frankenstein', 'I Was A Teenage Vampire', 'I Was A Teenage Zombie'. Come to think of it, it is interesting how they never made a movie called 'I Was A Teenage Ghost'.
In chemistry, there are elements which are pure and there are compounds or alloys which are a mixture of at least two elements.
This dimension is not an element but a compound, it contains a little bit of the other dimension. The other dimension is not an element but a compound, it contains a bit of this dimension.
How do we know that when we go to the dreamworld, when we sleep we are always visiting a one other dimension. What if we visit, like, a few dimensions, all those dimensions merge in some aggregate conglomerate of experience which is perceived as one dimension, but it doesn't mean it is.
I think the sweaty, syruppy, ultra vivid HDTV dreams in which you can recognize strongly landmarks from this world a la Robert Monroe's OBE is different from a dream when you visit some place you don't recognize at all.
Everything is connected in a continuous line. What you saw in last night's dream will affect your actions tomorrow and your actions tomorrow will affect what you will see and where you will go to in tomorrow night's dream. The problem is, in a day, you don't do just one or two or even a dozen actions, you make, like, a thousand and one actions a day so it is difficult to tell which action is the one that will bring about tomorrow night's dream.
Not be able to levitate is to this dimension what being able to levitate and fly is to the next dimension. Why should a dimension in which you are not able to levitate and fly make any more or less sense than one in which you can?
Life itself does not make sense.
If the waking world is offset against the dream world, and the dream world is offset against the waking world, then what are the two worlds offset against?
This is a telepathing Universe and thoughts are the building blocks of a very real dimension.
Time, space, movement and material is an illusion. We are holographs constantly teleporting and telepathing.
Ghosts are supposedly scary, but let me tell you, through personal experience, if every person or personality that can be encountered in a dream is a ghost, I would much rather deal with a friendly good ghost than a mean evil living person.
But the mean evil ghosts, well, they are the worst of them all!
Relax, telepathy is a noun as well as a verb, sort of like breathing.
We are interdimensionals.
Now as I get older, firmly into middle age, am I afraid of growing old and dying? No. Death is an involuntary process. Like going to sleep and dreaming. Am I afraid of that. Even if you were afraid, there is nothing you can do about it. You can no more prevent death than you can prevent going to sleep.
Death is not like going to work where you got to perform. In death, you don't perfrom, death performs on you.
Life is an enmeshment of this solid, liquid, air dimension and that other all holographic dimension for a quantity of vibrations, or for an amount of energy quantification that is registered and recognized as "time". When that amount of energy expires or is over, then the enmeshment is over and one goes back to living exclusively in that holographic dimension.
If you think about something, you will carry the vibes about that, specifically if you think of the black cloaked or the black dressed ghosts you have seen, you will carry the vibes about that.
And this is something which other people can pick up on, and that is also in itself, another ghostly phenomenon, and one that is just as scary.
This write up could never be handed in as a University thesis. I mean, I mentioned my friend who worked at the bookstore. I might as well mention the sink in my apartment which, actually, has a dimensional interplay, or else an interdimensional play.
In a hexagonal fish tank, if the fish were, say, swimming from left to right, as it swims past one of the edges, and when it approaches the edge to the point where it seems that if you are looking at the tank from a certain angle, two fish appear to be swimming where there should be one fish, at first the fish that you see on the left of the edge is the real fish and the fish that you see on the right of the edge is the ghost mirror image, a split second later, the fish that you see on the left is the ghost mirror image and the fish that you see to the right of the edge is the real fish.
What if neither the Bible nor evolution, science, the big bang, molecules coming together were true. It would be typical of the illuminati to hide what really happened. That all of man's theories and scientific writings falls short of the mark?
What really happened was an interdimensional shift, an interdimensional transfer of energy.
Given that the brain being a gelatinous mass of folds inside the skull,
it is not a case of how wonderful it is that since we live in this dimension, our brain allows us to occasionally glimpse into the other dream dimension.
It is that we live in the other dimension and it is our brain that gives us access to this dimension.
Colours are different than what we see. Our eye distorts the colours.
Things move at different speeds than what we see. Our eye distorts the speed.
In the dreamWorld and in the next dimension, we see colours as they really are and see things move at the speeds they really do and that is faster.
This dimension is a mold for the other dimension. Mold. Cast. But in a lot of ways, that dimension is also a mold for this dimension.
This dimension is the non interchangeable gas liguid solid matrix.
The next dimension is the interchangeable gas liquid solid matrix.
Holographs of this dimension is made of electricity, lasers, pull the plug and it doesn't work.
Holographs of the other dimension is made of electromagnetic energy, spirit energy. It is almost as if two cups look alike; however, one cup is made of tin and the other is made of silver.
If something the size of a human can be a ghost, that is an invisible hologram, there must be entire planets in the Universe that are invisible and holographic relative to us or our 5 senses capabilities.
Thoughts exist outside of time, that is why there is the illusion of choice.
Just as no action is ever an accident. No thought is ever an accident.
Electricity, magnetism, gravity, light, atoms.
Electricity and light and atoms appear in this and the other holographic dimension. Magnetism and gravity appears only in this dimension.
Interdimensional coordinates.
The holographic carbon copy of the Earth does not exist in another place but is rather superimposed onto the physical Earth.
David Icke expanded this idea further. The holographic copy of the Earth is not merely superimposed onto the Earth, it IS the Earth. He said that all things have a second nature. The first and illusory nature is the solid liquid gas nature. The second and more real nature is the holographic nature.
It is like the girl in Wreck It Ralph, during certain moments a glitch occured when you could see her crt or cathode ray tube aspect before she reverted back into full 1080p hd mode.
The Left exists as a corollary to the Right.
This solid liquid gas dimension exists as a corollary to the holographic one.
I walked into a room with sliding glass doors and said, "Fucking rights!" The people ie ghosts in the room laughed. They were pleased that I brought that vocabulary and that attitude into the dream world.
I thought only ghosts in the dreamworld where gravity can be momentarily irrelevant could do this. …
"Who are you?" The Who. When I saw the ghosts, they looked at me, telepathically asking, "Who IS this Oriental boy looking at me?!"
In the dreamworld there are only ever two kinds of daylight. 1. what I call early Spring morning 2. white sky cloudy day
This and that other dimension, different set of rules? Maybe not: We are solid to us they are holographic to us, they are solid to themselves and we are holographic to them.
Are ghosts vertebrate or invertebrate? Six of one is half a dozen of the other. You can't win for losing.
Ghostbusters: "Why do you have worms in your pants, Beavis?" "Uh, I don't know. They were just there." … I roll my eyes
Women look nice, but that's just conditioning. Creatures whether in this or the other dimension have a spectral, arthropodic look to them. Arthropodic, slightly rippled like crabs shells.
"Last night, I saw my father in a dream, rather, it was his consciousness or his shadow."
A Native would say, "No, the father that you saw in the dream last night is your real father. The father that raised you years ago is the shadow."
Dracula, not solid vampire to solid bat, but solid vampire to holographic vampire to holographic bat to solid bat.
The creatures of the other dimension think at the speed of thought and move at the speed of thought. While in this dimension, creatures think at the speed of thought, but move at whatever slower speed they move at. That explains why in that other dimension, we are exclusively telepathic, and why in this dimension we are not.
I have friends in the interdimensional community.
Epoch Times, December 2013 said that Japanese scientists believe that the World is a holograph projected from a lower dimension.
Actually, it is a stereo effect of a holograph projected from a higher and lower dimension. The Scandinavians had a model, Asgard; heaven, midgard; Earth, and helheim; hell.
This World is a result of how perfection can arise from imperfection. Heaven is a result of how imperfection can arise from perfection.
Celebrities are spiritual protectors. They are maha atmas, they are great souls. Most people can multi locate to a few, maybe a dozen locations simultaneously but a celebrity can multi locate to a few thousand, a few million places simultaneously and deal with the results and ripple effects thereof. Each time a celebrity appears, even if as an image on a television screen, their personality as a set of dimensional coordinates is doing a job and having an effect on the person they are locating to.
A spirit can not only do things to other people but do things to oneself. When one makes a cartoon, for instance, their spirit will direct to a place where there is some coincidence connected to their cartoon. I once did a spider-man cartoon with lots of spider webs. The next day, I saw a bush with lots of little spider webs covered with dew on it.
I once did a cartoon about Tracy Thorn flipping sideways in the air. I rented a movie that day and coincidentally, it displayed an actor flipping in the air in the same way!
I once had a dream about my old grade school teacher. At one point, I wanted to hug her and offered to. She said, "As a woman, I don't think you should be that familiar with me." That was her way of saying, I am dead and you are living! The living don't hug the dead!
In Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, the ghost of the East Indian girl said to Alec Baldwin, I am alive you asshole! Again, You are dead and I am living! The dead don't fuck around with the living! Sort of like my meeting with my teacher in my dream.
"Don't cross the streams." Ghostbusters. Don't cross the streams between the living and the dead.
The collective history of the World, indeed of the Universe is one big telepathic pulse.
When one dies, when one arrives in heaven, they do not have to resynchronize their watches. Because even though on Earth they were always in the same ever present now as heaven time.
Albert Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously. So instead of moving from the "past" to the "future" all we are doing is accessing code as we go along. Omens happen because part of a future code has overlapped and/or imposed itself onto a present code.
One can multi-locate for example appear in multi millions of television sets across the country during a live broadcast or appear to more than one person simultaneously in a night in their dreams, because time and space are just compartments of one another.
People live forever. For example a White lady with blonde dreadlocks who likes music and is smart, a tall lady. In centuries past, before this person was born, there was a tall lady here, another lady with dreadlocks there, a blonde lady there, all of them smart ladies. And after this person passes on, in centuries to come, there will be a tall lady here, another lady with dreadlocks there, a blonde lady there, all of them smart ladies.
One may think that one is or not, susceptible to hypnosis but there isn't a moment when one is not hypnotized. When one sees an impulse item at the supermarket at the checkout, and then they have to think a counter hypnotic thought in order to not get that item. In the dreamworld, compared to this one, one is not hypnotized. Things do not hit so hard as they do in this dimension. In the other dimension, one can teleport out of things if something is bothering them if they don't want to be hypnotized. In this dimension, one is susceptible to hypnosis. The time space continuum structure of this dimension is especially conducive to hypnosis. When one goes to sleep at night and is entering into the waking to sleeping hypnagogic state, one is actually getting out of the hypnotic state of this dimension although it may seem otherwise. And when one is in the sleeping to waking hypnagogic state as they are when they are waking up in the morning, one is re-entering the hypnagogic state which seems to be the paradigm or else a side effect of this dimension.
Time is nomenclature.
ETs live 3 hundred years. But because they are zipping around in space ships all the time, see a planet that is 35,000 light years away if an alien was travelling at many times the speed of light, that trip would be two weeks to an alien but to us it'd be a few thousand years, that's Einsteinian time dilation. That's why aliens have the illusion of the vibe of senescence or extreme old age.
I've reached the point in my life where the energy of influences from this dimension is saturated with the energy of influences from the other dimension; I learned so many things in life that I use all the time daily!
ETs have an interesting physiology. They live 300 years to our 100 years. They are shorter and have less miles of tubes in their body including the alimentary canal. This means less wear and tear. ETs also have more DNA. If our DNA strand has 23 pairs of chromosomes equalling 46 chromosomes, an ET probably has a DNA strand composing of 100 pairs of chromosomes.
But within their DNA makeup of CGTA cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine, our DNA is embedded in it, like the word Art or Ear is embedded in the word Hearth. Hearth Hearth.
Albert Einstein said that everything is happening at the same time. Taking the concept of Einstein's time dilation to it's Cartesian logical ultimate, Say a space craft were to be able to travel the width of the Universe which is 93 billion light years in one second, heck, let's see if we could set a World record and cut it down to 93 billion light years in one/one-thousandths of a second. For the person travelling in that ship, only a second or less would pass. But for the rest of us, a few billion years would have passed. So for that person, everything that ever happened in the Universe, it's entire history would have happened in that moment.
Moves like Jagger.
Grey aliens with their science labcoat swagger,
Moves like Einstein.
They are very very intelligent. They are compared to in intellect to humans, what humans are to farm animals. .
Death is not an extinction. It is a separation. When one dies, they still exist in a residual form. One's hesitation patterns are retained.
The word body comes from the old English word bodig meaning house. Our spirit is from another dimension, therefore it is necessary for it to reside in a house of this dimension. Childhood is the period when the house is under construction. Death is the time when one has vacated the house.
Our spirit is from another dimension, that dimension is holographic to us but solid to themselves as we are solid to ourselves and they are holographic to us.
The mind has a mind of it's own.
Catholics believe there is one limbo. The Vikings in their cosmology believed that there were two limbos. One was the limbo between heaven and Earth, or Asgard and Midgard, respectively, called Ljossalfheim or realm of the light elves. The weather in this realm presents itself as the light of a Spring morning.
The other limbo was the one between Midgard and Helheim or Earth and hell, called Svartalfheim or realm of the dark or swarthy elves. The weather in this realm manifests itself as either night or else dark cloudy grey skies.
An atom is either a particle or a wave, but the entire universe, when it is alive is a particle,after the Big Crunch and before the Big Bang it is a wave.
Sympathy is not as deep as empathy. Empathy is not as deep as telepathy.
When a person that you know dies, if you have a make a profound connection about them that you haven't thought of before, then it's probably that person sending that thought to you from beyond the grave or how else would you be thinking that? The dead have a power to convey thoughts on a telepathic level that the living don't.
The past, present and future are aspects of each other. They are parodies of each other. They are extensions of each other.
A 5 second thought, repeated over and over again for ten years becomes a ten year thought.
The portal to another dimension is in here, *tapping side of head.
Never mind prison planet, never mind prison Universe. Prison dimension. This dimension is a prison and we are all here for a minimum sentence or term. An Earthly prison would simply be a prison within a prison.
Is death an escape? In some cases, one would merely be transferring from one prison to another.
Eddie Huang said the past is the future and the future is the past. In one way, that's true. In the past, things were new, as they move into the future, things get old. Maybe God can look at the Earth's history from today to yesterday, to yesterday before that, and see as buildings grow from demolished, to condemned, back to the newest pristine condition where they are just about to install the ceiling lights on the top floor, the wiring still hanging from the ceiling. But people wouldn't be walking backwards, just like a reading a book, one turns the pages in one direction but reads the text in another.
There are holes in the traditional view of time. Time moves not just from past to future, but in all directions. The potential for time to move to the past is demonstrated through the viewing of video of past events or else watching a movie played backwards. When a movie is playing backwards in normal time, or even speeded up, is the 2 dimensional image on the screen moving forwards or backwards through time, even in it's own Universe? And again, that trip that you are taking to the past in a time machine tomorrow is in the future, and that trip that you took to the future in a time machine yesterday is in the past. An event, future or past are equally unreachable and one cannot change a past event before or after the event any more than one can change a future event before or after the event.
Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously. Again, we do not move "forward" through time from 'past' to 'future'. We are variously accessing code from the present, past, future as we go along. We are simply living in what could be called an ever present present.
Having a memory, experiencing a coincidence, or watching an old movie, or watching a historical movie is seeing images from the past or parts of a past code imposed on the present code.
Having a premonitory dream when sleeping, experiencing an omen, or seeing a sneak preview of an upcoming movie or watching a science fiction movie is seeing images from the future or parts of the future code imposed on the present code. When, say, a person is in high school and that person sees a grad ceremony, if that person later graduates, it will turn out that the grad ceremony was that person accessing a future code.
In the movie Time Lapse, a certain mysterious magical camera is able to take pictures of events 24 hours before they happen! This camera is able to access codes from the future.
It gets even more protracted. for eg. Seeing a video made in say, 2007 about some people watching a futuristic science fiction movie is accessing a future code imposed onto a past code onto a present code. Another example, watching a video made in 1985 about people at a movie theatre watching a Vietnam War newsreel is accessing a past code imposed onto a past code onto a present code.
The traditional theory of time kind of falls apart at the edges.
The other day, I saw some cops asking a pedestrian some questions: "What is your date of birth?" "What is your ID number?" "What is your contact number?" In other words, "What is your past code?" "What is your present code?" " "What is your future code?"
Instead of asking, "What time is it?", because that's primitive, ask, "What code is it?" ETs probably do that.
Sure people and things pass on and die, but that's just an aspect of the code, rather than the code being an aspect of that. Death is an aspect of time, but time is not an aspect of death.
It's "What time is it?", in terms of what kinetic point along a straight track that's moving forward in which things disappear as soon as they appear, or the masculine or empirical or unidimensional model of time, and it's also "What code is it?", or "When is it happening?", in terms of not moving forward, but sitting still in one stationary spot, in one seat, in a stadium in which any and every seat in the audience and every square foot of the playing field can potentially be seen often, though, if you have the right technology, like field glasses, or else, the feminine or spiritual or interdimensional model of time.
The fact that one sees time moving from the past to the future is a distortion of perception based on the observance of entropic events. Time is omnidirectional but that we see things as moving from the past to the future, a lot of it comes from language and how it's structured. While we shape language, language shapes us.
The fact that one sees time moving from the past to the future is a distortion of perception based on the observance of entropic events. Time is omnidirectional but that we see things as moving from the past to the future, a lot of it comes from language and how it's structured. While we shape language, language shapes us.
Time is suggestive.
There's no time like the present = erroneous, wrong, subjective thinking. There's no time but the present = right, objective reality.
Maybe that's part of the reason why the Future Shop closed forever. Essentially, there is no 'future'.
Sure, we moved from the dinosaur age to the human age, but that is a reference to the moving and shifting of forces rather than the concept of a uni-directional time structure because the two things are objectively, mutually exclusive and irrelevant to one another but subjectively, inextricable from one another.
Stars may be entryways into another Universe. They are holes, but unlike the ones on Earth, they can be approached in 360 degrees. Sure one dies when they enter into a star but to stop the story at physical death is to tell only half the story. One resumes their interdimensional existence in that after state.
The number 55 is a reference to Satanism. One pentagram points down, that's a black hole, and one pentagram points up, that's a star.
In fact, it's just nomenclature and lexicon and terminology that stars aren't called yellow holes and black holes aren't called black stars. The ancients referred to black holes as black stars, or rather, dark stars.
"This isn't real." The Maze Runner
One doesn't die after they enter a star, like one doesn't die in a dream even though they are on a bus that crosses anyways a bridge that's out, the bus falls but you don't die.
Stars are entryways into a higher, more heavenly Universe. Go into the light. Do not go into Black Holes as they are entry ways to a more hellish Universe or one where the atoms and molecules vibrate a lot slower. To go into dark holes blacker than the space around it is to ask for trouble.
This Universe is the shadow Universe, the cast off, the by-product. It's as if the real Universe was a boat going in one direction a Universe that moves from new to newer from old age to youth, a reverse entropic Universe vs our entropic Universe which is the wake to that boat that moves from youth to old age, from new to decay, from order to chaos. The Hindoos did talk about that. In the Bhagavad Gita, the Universe is likened to a boat or a chariot that God or Arjuna rides.
Most things in this Universe grow older and decay as time goes on but some things are reminiscent of another better Universe or a better dimension in that they grow newer as time goes on these things are gold and probably honey.
The ideal is neither forward nor reverse entropy because that eventually results in annihilation. The best ideal is perhaps neutral or non-entropy, neither forward nor reverse entropy.
A Universe that moves from old age to youth does not preclude the possibility of annihilation as in the movie Benjamin Button, Benjamin Button dies when he reaches extreme youth.
The Illuminati made the movie Benjamin Button. They didn't do it to merely tell a story. This is more or less what they are inferring to.
That's what Ray Kurzweil was talking about when he talked about the Technological Singularity. That computer chips, using some kind of algorithm will accelerate the rate of atoms, like in Elysium, re-atomizing atoms and molecules eventually changing the fundamental nature of the Universe itself changing it from an entropic to a reverse entropic Universe. To a Universe that is atomically growing younger all the time rather than older all the time. With Ray Kurzweil's Coming Techonological Singularity, in it's attempt to recalibrate an entire dimension, we can look forward in a few years to ourselves and the Earth growing younger and younger.
Of course the Universe could already be the result of a Singularity experiment created by Engineers, like in the movie Prometheus. These Engineers are highly intelligent, to say the least and possibly interdimensional beings that are anthropomorphic and no more than seven feet tall that engineered or created not only the human species but the entire Universe as part of a singularity science experiment with the Universe as their petri dish.
But they fucked up, creating a Universe that's vulnerable to senescence, dessication, decrepitude and decay. The human Singularity project seeks to improve on that.
So of course one day when the human singularity endeavour reaches a certain point, the Engineers will be livid and apoplectic that humans are tweaking their product, that they'll hunt us down. That'll be an interesting day. To which I would say to humans working on the singularity project, "Thanks a lot, assholes, you went messing around where you shouldn't have. Again!"
The Russians might also be working on a singularity project, like they were also working on Project Stargate. In the movie Pacific Rim, Russian Jaegers were also fighting the Kaijus.
Other dimensions manifest themselves as holographic and as visible or invisible. However, there are many holographic grades each visible and solid to themselves but invisible and holographic to others. Billions, in fact. The YouTube video, 50 Strangest Things About Our Universe says scientists detected 80 billion wavelengths like frequencies on a radio in the Universe.
One just has to pick one relatively empty and unused wavelength and initiate a Singularity Phenomenon on that wavelength. In that way, in theory, it is possible for a person or a collective of people to own an entire Universe. Followed to it's Cartesian logical ultimate, to build multiple synthetic parallel, non-parallel, intersecting and/or non-intersecting Universes on multiple holographic wavelengths or planes. But like the Bible said, "What would it profit a man if he were to gain the entire World but lose his own soul?" The term World in that sentence is also transferable to entire Universes.
Why terraform when you can Singularity? Singularity is like terraforming on steroids.
Terraforming = the Genesis Device, from Star Trek, the Search for Spock.
I once read something about some mysterious letters from someone who worked at CERN. I can't find it again on the internet. Anyways, this letter said this person was able to receive communications from people who have passed on to the other side. If the final end game of technology is singularity and the recalibrating of not just this but several other dimensions, as many as we can, then one day, like the Bible said, the dead will be resurrected, or else, they will be accessible again due to the recalibrated dimension or the recalibrated Universe. The dead aren't dead as any ghost in the dreamworld will say, "I'm not dead! I'm right here! I'm not dead in the way that you think dead is!" They say that time and time again. The dead aren't dead, they are inaccessible to us. One day we might live in a World so technologically advanced to such a state that there will be a way to regularly commune and hang out with those who have gone on, creating a common playing field where the living and those who have passed on can interact.
The Kardashev Scale. Type 7 Omega Minus Civilization.
Some entities can teleport only in their dimension but not in ours. Some entities can only teleport in our dimension but not in theirs. But some entities or species can teleport in all dimensions. Like a bird can go 100 mph in the air but is useless under water. A fish can go 100 mph under water but is useless in the air. However, man, is the species that, thanks to help from technology and machines can go 100 mph or more in land, sea and air.
The telephone. Now, we are a species with interdimensional technology. At one time in our history, the only dimension where we could send a message instantly to a person some distance away was in the dream dimension. But now, we can do that in this dimension, and in the other dimension.
The Universe is a computer and life is like a computer algorithm. Human consciousness can be likened to gigabytes of data. At a critical point after conception, the quickening, the data is downloaded from another dimension, or the supercomputer of another dimension to the home computer of this dimension, during life this data is stored, modified and has data added to it. Upon death, this modified and remodified data is uploaded back to the other dimension or the supercomputer.
During life, one has additional data downloaded from the other dimension in the form of dreams. One's waking actions in life modifies this data. Sometimes the data can be enhanced, in the case of which if a person lives a good life. If they live a bad life, that data can be corrupted. Upon death, one gets allocated back to the data zone of their corresponding data structure.
If one lives a good life, they get allocated to a data zone where the data is pure, clean, enhanced, to a place somewhere on the surface net, as it were, often referred to as heaven. If one lives a bad life, they get allocated to a data zone where the data is bad, corrupted, fragmented, unclean, somewhere in the darknet, as it were, known as hell.
"Wrong! There is life after death. The soul does not ascend to heaven but rather rests in a limbo state that varies depending on the karma of the spirit." Dana Carvey, The McLaughlin Group, SNL
When one dies, one's data is uploaded and is then deleted. Of course anyone who knows anything about computers knows that that data is never actually deleted, merely the arrows that trace to it are removed, the data still exists in the mainframe. When one dies, the data is not actually deleted, the arrows that trace to it in this dimension is removed. The data still exists in the mainframe of another dimension. Normally, this data isn't recoverable but computer experts aka hackers can access this data especially with programs like Recuva. There are people who can hack into or access the spirit World to access deleted data or else to contact the spirit of someone who died. I don't know anyone who can do this at will. Ghosts have their own agenda when it comes to deciding to appear in a dream or not. I myself have no control of who's ghost would or would not visit me in a dream.
Speaking of ghosts , sometimes upon death, the data is not able to either upload nor delete properly, that would be what's known as an earthbound ghost.
A nuclear war would be what's known as a collective data upload and then mass data deletion.
In a way, because of debit cards, credit cards, etc. the economy isn't about the flow of goods and services as much as it is a collection of data. And because of debit cards, credit cards, bitcoin, electronic money transfers, the economy isn't about the flow of goods and services as much as it is a collection of manipulated data. Money is not so much coin or paper as much as it is an electronic signal so whoever is able to collect the most electronic signals for themselves becomes rich. So in that way, all economies are endogenic rather than exogenic, because they can generate their own money through creating certain data.
In the old days, computer data was only used for accounting and there was more money in coins and paper currency and more trade and flow in goods and services than there was computer data transactions so in the old days, computer data actually represented the flow of goods and services behind it. Nowadays, computer data is used as money and currency itself and today, there is more computer data transactions than there is money in coins and paper currency and also flow of goods and services so today,instead of computer data representing the flow of goods and services, the flow of goods and services represents computer data behind it.
I don't know if that's a good thing. When there is more money than goods and services you have what went on in the Great Depression. Something's gotta give.
In the old days, a bank account meant bills and coins, now a bank account is collected data, a cluster of electronic signals. Electronic transactions used to be peripheral to cash transactions. Today, the number of cash transactions are secondary to electronic transactions. In the old days, a bank was a house of money, nowadays, a bank is a house of electronic signals, a house of collected data. The ultimate hacker is one who can be financially independent through creating their own electronic currency like Bitcoin. Localities could create their own electronic currency like The Bank of Loup in the movie The Homesman."The Bank of Loup went bust 5 or 6 weeks ago. The money's worthless. Happens all the time out here. I lost more than my fair share to that wildcat paper."
"I owe my soul to the company store." Google could reward it's YouTube uploaders with something called Google-coin or Google-cash, it's own in-house generated electronic currency that wouldn't offset the economy. People can use these Bing rewards like e-stipends and e-renumerations and e-honorariums to redeem them for items on a Google storefront on amazon. This Google store would offer STAR WARS action figures, CDs, DVDs, BDs, heck even plane trips and paid hotel stays when it really gets evolved. If and when Google decides to do this, it'd be an economic act of Keynesian proportions, that would certainly stimulate the economy, creating jobs. Restart; kickstart the local economy. Google could increase their NASDAQ profile in this way.It's here. Google Wallet.
In the old days,money was connected to the amount of gold there was in the World. Nixon eliminated the gold standard. Today, with electronic signals as money, money is irrelevant to the amount of gold in the World. In the old days, the definition of money was dependent upon the amount of gold in the World, today, the definition of money is that it is independent of the amount of gold in the World. Like cell phones which are people profiting off something that costs nothing, radio waves in the air, e-currency is people making money off something that costs nothing, electronic signals which in their most simplified form is just a set of binary on or off signals.
To underscore the whole point, in the old days, a computer was a person at the Office who did the math calculations. Today, a computer is a computer program.
The human body is like a battery to the electric charge which is the human soul. A battery needs a certain minimum charge and cannot operate past a certain maximum charge. At death, good people, their electric charge increases or what metaphysics calls one's rate of vibration increases to the point where the body is overwhelmed and that person dies and goes to heaven. For bad people, the process is very different. Their rate of vibration slows to the point where it can no longer reside in the body, but like an electric charge though, something is still there, and that person goes to hell.
Places of higher or lower vibration are invisible to us just as if you go high or low enough, entire octaves of music extending into infinity are inaudible to us, but maybe that's the octaves that the other dimensions hear. It's not that different and is connected to the sets of octaves of music that the human ear can hear.
Time is the same present moment looked at and relooked at from different angles.
We are solid and visible to ourselves but holographic and invisible to beings in another dimension and vice versa, but there are degrees of visibility and invisibility. Alien mother ships may be ever so slightly visible. There is a correspondency. If they were totally invisible, then we would be totally invisible to them too and they don't want that. So they are just the tiniest bit visible. But for all intents and purposes invisible.
Telepathy =
1. Primary thoughts 2. Secondary thoughts 3. Tertiary thoughts 4. Quartenary thoughts
In criminology, if the top or primary thought is of a criminal nature and if there is a correlation among one or more of the other thoughts, then that would be a problem.
1. Intellectual thoughts 2. Perceptional thoughts 3. Emotional thoughts 4. Subconcious thoughts
Freudian model of telepathy: 1. Superego thoughts 2. Primary ego thoughts 3. Secondary, either agreeing or contradicting ego thoughts Intrusive thoughts or unwanted thoughts would lie along this skein of thoughts.4. Id thoughts
Superego: "I should never sin." Ego: "Maybe I should and maybe I shouldn't." Id: "I should definitely sin!"
or 1. The person you want to be. 2. The person you wind up being. 3. The parts of yourself you consciously don't want other people to see. 4. The part of you that you don't even realize exists.
1. Superego: Spirit. 2. Ego: Human 3. Id: Animal
Plants are aware. Animals are aware that they are aware. Humans are aware that they are aware that they are aware.
Jungian model of telepathy: 1. Preconscious thoughts 2. Primary conscious thoughts 3. Secondary, either agreeing or contradicting conscious thoughts 4. Subconscious thoughts
1. Beta 14 - 30 Hz 2. Alpha 9 - 13 Hz 3. Theta 4 - 8 Hz 4. Delta 1 - 3 Hz
1. One thought a day. 2. One thought an hour. 3. Ten thoughts a minute 4. A hundred thoughts a minute
1. The one thought a day is from the limbic brain or the R complex, the Reptilian brain. Thoughts like who am I today? What am I going to do today?
2. The one thought an hour is from the cerebral cortex which includes the parietal lobes, is responsible for vocabulary, is thoughts like, Am I feeling confident now? What am I doing now?
3. The ten thoughts a minute that are from the hippocampus, the seat of muscle memory, are the really interesting ones. Who's that person? Look at that nice lady. Oh yeah, I remember that person who offended or was kind to me years ago.
4. The hundred thoughts a minute is from the amygdala or the seat of adrenaline. The part of flight, flight, and fear. Thoughts like, I got to go there, place one foot in front of the other, I got an itch, watch out for that speeding car as I'm crossing the street, etc.
'The brain is the only organ in the body that names itself.' from 500 Riddles, app, Google play, android
The parietal lobe is the only part of the brain that names itself.
Broca's brain is the only part of the parietal lobe that names itself. The other parts of the parietal lobe are responsible for calculation, judgement, perception, decision making.
I have a tablet with a slow internet connection. I don't see this on my fast computer but when I use the tablet and look for cineplex odeon movies, there's a box that makes you wait and there are three swirling circles signifying that the information is loading and you have to wait, anyways, the three circles move at three different speed each of them moving at their own constant speed. At times the three circles are scattered apart, but for a brief second in the cycle, they are moving together simultaneously, then apart again, then together. Just like human telepathy! They move at different speeds yet there are moments, times when the speeds of telepathy of the brain are moving together at the same time.
Essentially, they are algorithms within an algorithm. 3 concentric swirling dots swirling in a circle, each dot moves at the same speed but because of differing circumferences, at moments they move in unison and at other moments they move scattered separately apart. Three concentric swirling dots is that 3 algorithms or 4. It's 4. The three moving dots each form an algorithm but put them all together - that's another algorithm.
Algorithms within algorithms. That's the Matrix.
I'm not a scientist. I don't have a science degree of any kind. I dropped out of college, first semester, first year. I barely got a high school degree, I'm baffled that I have it when my M.O. in grade 12 was "not one day when I wouldn't miss at least one period" and "not one week where I wouldn't miss an entire day altogether". I skipped out and just hung out at shopping malls and went to restaurants, nothing spectacular. I'm just an amateur guy on the street writing an essay not caring if anyone reads it or not, asking questions. Maybe one day I will read an article about this that a real scientist wrote. Even if I were a University student with a master's degree writing an essay about science and physics, I'd be just that. A student, an amateur, writing an essay asking questions. Most students will never get to be professors writing a scientific article. Professors are on a different level. A higher level of intellect.
Intrusive Thoughts, Unwanted Thoughts
1. What's the difference between an intrusive thought and a non-intrusive thought? Intention.
2. One man's trash is another man's treasure. One man's intrusive thought is another man's profound thought.
3. When all thoughts are intrusive thoughts, there are no longer any intrusive thoughts.
Each dimension registers to another as surreal and abstract. A dimension where people can't teleport would seem surreal and abstract to a dimension where beings can.
Anniversaries are big to ghosts. 24 hr anniversary, 1 week anniversary, 1 year anniversary, 10 year anniversary. Anniversary of either a significant event you shared together if you knew the ghost when they were alive or anniversary of their death.
A dimension might otherwise be called a frequency. A radio is a good model of life on Earth. We simultaneously live under two frequencies, this one and that one. Part of a dream at night is backstory, what you did in the dreamworld while you were awake in this one and another part of a dream is things that happening live in real time. Frequency is a good word. To see a ghost you must be on the right hypnagogic frequency.
A mantis shrimp and a person who can see ghosts is something that exists on two dimensions at once while most people exist in just one.
There are gradations or levels of holography.
Telepathy is like an app that can get the song wirelessly and and name it without it being played out loud over a speaker first.
Telepathy is hearing without the ears, seeing without the eyes. Feeling rather than sensing.
A dream contains backstory of what happened during the time since the last dream and events happening in real time. We exist on two levels simultaneously. A dimension might otherwise be referred to as a frequency. A radio is a good metaphor for this with the AM and the FM frequency. Ghosts exist on a certain hypnogogic frequency.
Tongue in cheek, not serious at all: The alien megastructure, even though it's 1,500 light years away broadcasts itself to us in real time over the telescope. Aliens developed live broadcast in real time technology because like us, they're into sports. How can something broadcast to us in real time while the lights of the star next to it is 1,500 years old? How can some people see ghosts and normal people at the same time? How can you set up two televisions in a room and have one television show a program from 1995 and another television shows a program from 2012?
Mind reading technology theoretically exists. EVPs record the conscious verbal thoughts of entities without a physical brain which are audible at a certain frequency. They should be able to also record the conscious verbal thoughts of entities with a physical brain which are also audible at a certain frequency.
In this dimension there are beings who can and there are beings who can't see entities of that other dimension. Also, in that dimension, there are entities who can and entities who can't see beings of this dimension. That's something that all dimensions have in common, probably, those who can, and those who can't see.
"Some are born to sweet delight, while others are born to endless night." William Blake
We see ghosts walking through our furniture and walls. Ghosts see us walking through their furniture and walls.
Ghosts in photographs.
Double exposure photograph. Double exposure hologram.
A photograph is a 2D hologram. A hologram is a 3D/4D photograph.
There are giants and there are supergiants. There are dimensions and there are superdimensions. In a superdimesnion, one can behave like a superman. Fly, teleport, telepathy, etc.
This whole dimension's a prison, let alone the Universe.
Lego ghosts are invisible and can operate switches, just like real ghosts.
All people should be awarded for bravery in the afterlife. We come into this World with no guide, no road map, no instruction book. All we get is religion with it's bullshit dogmas and science with it's suppressed half truths or otherwise conflicting and often diametrically opposing thesis and all this is supposed to pass for conventional knowledge.
The vast majority of human problems arise from the fact that we cannot teleport, we can't use telepathy which creates misunderstandings and we are subject to physical death. Not all beings in the Universe have these problems. A lot of beings in the Universe don't have these problems. Trillions in fact.
Mind = Tempest in a teacup. Body = Teacup in a tempest. Soul = Tempest in a tempest = Freedom.
The Universe is always communicating with you. Directly or indirectly, the difference is subjective.
I know the science. However, I don't know the science behind the science behind the science of things.
You are not your intrusive or unwanted thoughts. You are not your failed actions. You are something much greater, something the ETs and grey aliens and the Spirits are interested in. The things that are important to you are unimportant to the spirits. The things that seem unimportant to you are things that that the Spirits would be very interested in.
Where were you in your dream last night? The answer to that isn't a point on a map, that is a point on a shape on a piece of paper. Instead of looking like that, it would look like this:
Alberta: FJUR31
Ontario: 2NK479
London, UK: VJ5T19
Los Angeles: VE029L
New York: VBS7GW
Hong Kong: WM046L
Bangkok: NFK5N2
Just like a phone book, which lists codes for telepathic communication rather than actual physical telepathic incidents. In this World, the phone book is a support to the main entity of a map or an atlas. Support, like a drunkard uses a lamp post for support rather than actual illumination.
In telepathy, a map or atlas would be the support to the main entity of the codebook of telepathic codes that represent destinations. The letters and numbers of a telepathic code are of course just symbols to represent the telepathic energy behind them.
In the dream World, an atlas or a map as we know it would be pretty much irrelevant. This World teaches about distance. In this World whether a figure appears big and looming or whether a figure appears small and tiny, they are different distances away. In the holographic afterWorld, those two things are more or less the same distance away. That's the kind of thing that's involved here.
This dimension is an analog converted from digital dimension. The other dimension is an analog converted to digital dimension.
TRON: CLU; Codified Living Unit = Digital avatar = synthetic ghost. Our 'digital' selves are avatars to our 'analog' selves, and our 'analog' selves are avatars to our 'digital' selves.
All ghosts are synthetic ghosts.
That is, if you use the premise from the Prometheus movies that humans were engineered by the Engineers. If physical bodies are a product of the Engineers, why wouldn't ghosts or souls also be, that is, an extension of the wholly Engineered analog-digital matrix and infrastructure. Humans, as a kind of engineers themselves have done this: Humans can make a car and then make a video recording of that car. A video recording is a kind of synthetic ghost. Humans can make a musical instrument or sing and make a sound recording of that. A sound recording is a kind of synthetic ghost. Like any ghost, these synthetic ghosts have an effect on the decision making process of whoever they interact with.
A vehicle, old or new, stagecoach, car or futuristic airplane when brought from a non-snowy land to a snowy land becomes a snow vehicle.
A vehicle, old or new, stagecoach, car or futuristic airplane when brought from Earth to Mars becomes a Martian vehicle.
A vehicle, old or new, stagecoach, car or futuristic airplane when brought from this non-teleportational dimension to the teleportational next dimension of the dreamWorld or afterlife becomes a teleportational vehicle.
Italian is very similar to Spanish. Ghosts seen during dreams behave very similarly to ghosts seen when awake. Even Jane Roberts Seth said so.
Things in another dimension are invisible to us, but they perpetuate forces that can be felt in this dimension.
There is a theory on YouTube that says in a hundred billion years, stars and galaxies will eventually drift so far apart from each other that the Universe will appear to be mostly pitch black. Of course there is another theory that says the Universe expands and contracts in 20 billion year cycles. Why should the forces that make it contract be any more mysterious than the forces that make it expand?
Did the big bang happen at the center of the Universe? That might only happen if the Universe were a sphere or a cube. So did it happen right at the center of the Universe or somewhere off center, somewhere off the mark? Now such concepts are 3-D concepts which are neither necessary or relevant to the integral function of the Universe itself.
In the book Interzone, Burroughs said that Arab music would sound strange to Westerners because they would be listening for a time structure that isn't there. Western music has a start, middle and end whereas Arab music has no start middle and end. It seems to be a continuous middle.
The Universe of another dimension has no top, bottom or center. Everywhere is the center.
Linear time - cable TV - preset shows at preset times.
Non linear time - Blu-ray player, YouTube, PVR - watch whatever, whenever.
Time is often visualized as walking forward down a fixed road or track; what physicists call 'The arrow of time'. Time, rather can be likened to sitting still in a chair wearing a pair of virtual reality glasses, set to 8K to simulate this dimension or set to 32K to simualate the afterlife dimension, while holding a joystick; you only think you're moving. A pair of virtual reality glasses that can be set to any time. While you're in one time wearing the glasses, you're in another time here where you're sitting wearing the glasses. Time travel is like setting and resetting the glasses of freedom to random settings. Sitting in a room using the glasses, in real time, you'd be sitting in a room in 2017 with the virtual reality glasses set to 2017. In the case of time travel, you'd be in the room in 2017, but the glasses would be set to the 1800s, or 1950s, or a Buck Rogers future time.
Things don't travel through time. Time travels through things.
In STAR WARS people travel at the speed of light. In real life if one were to travel at the speed of light, they would at that moment cease to be a physical being and become a holographic being, therefore skipping the physical death process.
To a person experiencing that, they would feel as if they are still alive, but something is different, very different.
This process would be irreversible due to Newton's Law of Thermodynamics specifically the Law of Momentum, things that are moving tend to stay moving. To us on our side, anyone in a space ship travelling at the speed of light would simply disappear, never to be seen again.
That's what happened to Dr David Poole at the final scene of the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001.
The speed of light isn't just a velocity or rate of speed, it's a state like solid, liquid, gas. Once you reach that rate, you become that state. Especially in STAR WARS, zipping from planet to planet, those planets are sometimes a hundred light years apart, so to be able to zip from planet to planet and not look like one hasn't bathed in a few months, it would be even more so for them!
The science in STAR WARS is wonky. In STAR WARS people travel planet to planet, hundreds if not thousands of light years apart in a day, and on that planet also, one one day has elapsed. They meet up with their friends as if their watches were synchronized. Wrong. According to Einstein's Time Dilation, while one day would have passed for the people on that STAR WARS space ship, 10,000 years could have passed on that planet.
STAR WARS uses the brane Universe or else a multidimensional folded Universe to travel to hyperwarp to other planets.
I could be wrong. 100 years ago, I might have written an article to the effect, man can't travel at the speed of sound because sound is a profound state that can cause things around it to vibrate. If we travelled at the speed of sound, our molecules would simply vaporize and we would become sound itself. Wrong. There are planes that could go Mach 3 in the military.
The unmanned X-43A reached a record setting Mach 10 in 2004.
Time is the name we give to the politics of this defective dimension. That things have to move around things, that they can't teleport, that things must grow from young to old and then die makes time seem that much more limited and menacing. If we could teleport around things, if we could travel even to another planet in an instant, if we could always look young and never die like happens in the spirit afterlife dimension, then time would have a different dynamic. Time has a limited aspect and an unlimited aspect. In this dimension we learn about the limits of otherwise limitless time.
"The whole point of life is that it stops." Franz Kafka
In this dimension, because of our mortality time acts as a counterforce, anything that we do that takes up time means that we have that much less time left to live. Under this system, time works as a series of incremental demerits.
And also, under this system of linear time vs circular time, with linear time, certain illusions, concepts become apparent that would otherwise be invisible in circular time, things like gain or loss, choice rather than fate or unshakeable destiny. Since one can teleport through something instantly, they have to go around something, left or right. Whatever choice they make takes time, time that they don't get back. Opportunity cost. In the other dimension, this dynamic is irrelevant. Also this system of subjective time vs objective time gives time an artificial scarcity, gives it a value, makes it more expensive as it were.
In the other dimension, time acts as a wind beneath the sails, it is a productive force, in the afterlife, anything that you do that takes up time means that you have that much more time to live. Under this system, time works integrally or else non-incrementally as a set of perpetual, everlasting and eternal credit.
In the other dimension, the way we usually reckon time, whatever year this is, whatever year it is a few countries over, whatever month this is, whatever day this is, whatever hour this is, whatever hour it is 600 miles to the East or West, whatever minute this is, whatever second this is, yeah well all that's out the window.
Time can be likened as a serpent. Viewed from one side, the front, it looks like a dot, the sitting in a chair with virtual reality glasses on. Viewed from another side, the side, it looks like a long line, the linear 'arrow of time', time track aspect of time. Geometrically, teleportation is a kind of time travel. Time travel is a kind of teleportation.
Time travel involves the multiplication and/or addition of time.
Teleportation involves the division and/or subtraction of time.
Algebra - dimensional geometry
Calculus - interdimensional geometry
Then there is atomic based time and non-atomic based time. In the spirit World, there are no atoms, they work independently of that system. Maybe.
There are 4 main things about this dimension that totally influence perception of time:
1. That we must grow old and die. In the other dimension, we stay young forever, live forever.
2. That we have to go around things. We can't teleport through them. In the other dimension, things can teleport.
3. Pain. Pain is experienced and goes away after a certain amount of time. In the other dimension, there is no pain at all. Ever.
4. In this dimension, place decay, crumble, go obsolete, go away. In the other dimension, a place once built lives forever, is fresh and new forever and can be visited forever.
5. Tiredness and sleep. In this dimension we get tired and must sleep. In the other dimension, we never get tired and never have to sleep. Arguably since we use more of our spiritual faculties in the other dimension including telepathy, we are asleep when we think we're awake and we're awake when we're in the dream world.
If we could stay young forever and never die, and teleport, and never have any pain, and go to any places present and historic, and never get tired or have to sleep, then we would reckon time very differently.
It's not only that one may be possibly in the wrong country. One might be in the wrong dimension. This dimension with it's requirements of needing to procure money, even the processes of eating and going to the washroom can be tedious to some and some might be unsuited to life in this dimension. But don't do yourself in because of that.
The human species is a defective species living in a dimension with defective physics. Some of the differences between this and the other dimension like telepathy, teleportation, even immortality can be overcome with technology. To some extent this has happened with telephones and television.
This dimension is the preamp signal to the amp signal of the other dimension, or maybe vice versa. Each dimension amplifies different aspects.
Every planet has a different set of physics, let alone every dimension.
Earthbound ghosts don't exist in this dimension or that dimension. They exist in a place between dimensions which is also a dimension. And with overlapping physics of either dimension. Specifically, in the interdimension for us interdimensionals, the furniture, streets, scenes, look a lot like that on Earth. In the next dimension beyond, the furniture, scenes, etc probably look nothing like that on Earth, maybe more beautiful than anything ever seen on Earth, there's no visual precedent for it.
Just like the airport between countries would have some things from this country, some things from that country, but go beyond into that country and you'll see things that you'd never see in the other country.
As well, you'd have powers in the other dimension you wouldn't have in this dimension, and vice versa. Again, like two countries, in one country there are one set of laws which give you one set of powers and ablilities. In another country there are another set of laws which give you access to a whole different set of powers and abilities.
Falling asleep and death are very similar. Dreams at night is post departure process 1. Death is going beyond and is post departure process 2. The departure process falling asleep and dying are the same. Even if one got shot, they would all of a sudden feel as if they hadn't had a really truly good sleep for decades and is about to fall into a very deep sleep.
In the other spirit dimension, if you're bad, you're sent to the Earth dimension as punishment. In the Earth dimension, if you're bad you're sent to the afterlife dimension as punishment. In other words, make up your mind!
A holographic Universe. What. Versus a non-holographic Universe? What about the possibility of a holographic multiverse, or a holographic omniverse.
Travelling at the speed of light is still travelling within the threshold although at the limit of this dimension. Speed of light teleportation is still,
Point of Origin: This dimension.
Highway: This dimension.
Destination: This dimension.
First they'll try teleportation using radio waves. Teleport at the speed of radio waves, coded, decoded and then recoded. Then it'll be teleportation at the speed of light. Then teleportation using tachyons which are leptons that are faster than light. Then it's next level, teleportation using true interdimensional technology.
But what is needed is:
Point of origin: This dimension
Highway: Interdimensional
Destination: This dimension.
Or as Homer said in the Odyssey, "Travel at the speed of thought."
Again, it's not solid vampire to solid vampire bat. It's solid vampire to holographic vampire to holographic bat to solid bat.
It isn't a case of the advanced alien race being from somewhere else in our dimension using another dimension as the wormhole dimension to travel to us here in our dimension. Maybe it's a case of the advanced alien race is somewhere in another dimension using our dimension as the wormhole dimension to where ever it is they are travelling to in another dimension.
Never mind wormholes within a dimension because the whole dimension is a wormhole.
"Are you doing that to boil out the impurities?" "What are you talking about? The whole thing's an impurity." Drugs Inc.
What about wormholes? What are you talking about? The whole thing's a wormhole.
It isn't so much wormholes within a dimension like the Brunelli Eye of Victoria BC's Miniature World or Gargantua of the movie Interstellar, as it is dimensions within a wormhole, all dimensions together form a multidimensional highway or a multidimensional wormhole which either consecutively or simultaneously connects with each other.
Is it:
A. The defective physics of this dimension. No. Is there anywhere in this dimension where the physics are not defective? No. Different planets have different physics and all of them are defective, with entropy.
B. The physics of this defective dimension? Yes. Are there other dimensions that are not defective? Yes.
C. The defective physics of this defective dimension? No. The two defectives cancel each other out so you're simply left with 'the physics of this dimension'.
All this is just semantics, terminology and nomenclature. Just theory. "All we have are theories of suspended animation. All technology is proprietary." Passengers
My article here is just theories. All associated technology, if any exists is proprietary, belongs to the government.
Ghosts can hear the earworm, that song that's playing over and over in your mind very well. Although it can't hear the radio that you hear as well. To a ghost, it would sound distorted.
The afterlife or the dreamworld is just more psycho-social issues, governed under a different set of physics.
What to us is mysticism to an alien species a million years advanced in technology is science. They can see where people go to in dreams and in the afterlife. They would have an intimate knowledge of that.
A mantis shrimp can see 12 colors. We can see 3 colors. Imagine 9 colors unimaginable, as one online article said about the topic. However, I think it's like the musical scale, the notes repeat but in different octaves or scales. It's the same colors but more vivid. That's the ironic thing. The colors of the afterlife are simultaneously hazy even invisible but at the same time, brighter than the colors we have. It's like a radio. They're all around us. We don't hear it but if we did, especially with an expensive FM radio and amplifier, the sounds are more clear, vivid and loud than the normal sounds of everyday life. Also an HDTV. Turned off, you see nothing. Turned on and the colors are even more vivid than normal real life.
Even though galaxies, let alone solar systems revolve many times in the life of the Universe, if a galaxy were to take 75,000 years to revolve once, it would revolve a few thousand times in the few billion year lifespan of the Universe. However, if the Universe were likened to sphere, a point on the outer circumference of that sphere would take a few billion years to revolve. Just once. That's when the Universe ends.
How do we know that the Universe is revolving if there's nothing outside of it to give it relative motion?
It's called the 5th Dimension or 4th Dimension, whatever, as if that dimension couldn't exist without the 3 Dimensions. It may well be called the 0th or zeroeth Dimension because it is a precursor Dimension, or rather, the default dimension. If the other dimension can be likened to a computer on default settings, then life is an app, and the time space continuum, the physics of this dimension including entropy is the operating algorithm of that app. Time itself is an algorithm although it is usually expressed as a function within an algorithm. The underlying algorithm of time is the same in any dimension although time functions differently in the different dimensions.
Our life is an app within an app, which like all apps, downloads, processes, and uploads data, essentially, an algorithm within an algorithm within an algorithm. Or else a function within a function within a function. Anyways, all functions are algorithms and all algorithms are functions. This is the matrix.
A ghost and/or a hypnagogic voice is a result of overlapping algorithms. A hypnagogic voice is a ghost heard with the ear. A spectre is a ghost seen with the eye. Actually, it's the other way around; the 3 Dimensions couldn't exist without that dimension existing first. All of this is just semantics, nomenclature. It's all one dimension. But our need to pigeon hole things and count things out arithmetically as per Kant's Categorical Imperative is one of the evils attendant on a species working with a 115 or thereabouts IQ.
An interdimensional extraterrestrial with a 450 IQ might not bother to make the distinction between the different dimensions, to him, it's all one dimension as he can travel freely through them.
As humans, we exist in this dimension and that dimension simultaneously. If you look at the human mind as an individual mind, probably not. But it works if you look at the Human Mind as a singular collective mind, then indeed at any given time of the day, there are lots of people in the World who are dreaming and in the dreamWorld and a lot of people who are awake in this World.
The essential problem is that humans are a species with about a 115 IQ, give or take, thinking it can take on the Universe with the defective physics of this non-holographic, non-telepathic, non-teleportational dimension catalyzing with our thoughts. As humans, we rest on three pillars of knowledge forming a tripod of knowledge being fundamentalist religions, obfuscatory sciences, or crackpot conspiracy theories. The collective of human knowledge is basically a bar-stool. It's amazing we got as far as we did.
When one dies, their life isn't ended. Their life is modified from spending part time in this dimension and part time in the other dimension to spending full time in the other dimension. It's going from existing in two energy algorithms to existing in only one existential algorithm. Modification also exists mathematically. A way to express this mathematically is you get two sets of algorithms, once you factor them, you get one. For example, life energy can be represented with odd numbers, say, (233x + 451y). The afterlife, dreamworld, holographic dimension energy can be represented with even numbers, and to add an element of intangibility, it can also be represented with i for imaginary, even invisible numbers, say, (i232x + i450y).
233 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in celsius
451 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in Fahrenheit, ie Ray Bradbury
232 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in celsius
450 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in Fahrenheit
x = unit of emotional energy
y = unit of intellectual energy
When you multiply odd numbers with even numbers you always get even numbers. When you multiply real numbers with invisible numbers, the result is always invisible numbers. So when you factor the two algorithms, (233x + 451y) and (i232x + i450y) you get one resulting algorithm = i54056x2 + i209482xy + i202950y2. At the end of life, the two energy algorithms are factored, extraneous polynomials are cancelled out until one algorithm remains. Notice that in the result, you're working with larger integer values representing that the energy is purer, stronger in the afterlife after death.
Less than an hour after I wrote this, I watched my blu ray copy of Taxi Driver. Near the start of the movie, in the scene where Cybil Shepherd calls Albert Brooks over to her, if you look outside the window, there are two smaller solid color umbrellas a red one and a blue one following a larger multicolored umbrella. - There's the sign!
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it was a simple adventure story. While others can read the ingredients on the back of a chewing gun wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." Lex Luthor, Ready Player One
"Day are numbers, count the stars. We can only see so far
Some day, we'll know where we are.
Alan Parsons Project
The two dimensions are definitely connected. Sometimes waking life will present an omen of something that you will see in a dream later on. And sometimes the dream world will present an omen of something that you will see later on in waking life.
If one thinks of dreams at night as voluntary, they tend to dismiss them as a product of their imagination. If one sees their dreams at night as involuntary, then it becomes interesting, maybe a visit to another dimension.
Nintendo DS Brain Challenge said, "People can not remember early childhood memories because they are stored in a form they can not understand or recognize." A lot of the coordinates of reckoning that we think of as objective are really subjective. In interstellar travel in deep space, there is no up, down, left, right, North, South, East, West, like a quark with 6 sides, up, down, left, right, charm, and strange. The units of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years are not cosmically universal throughout the universe and would not apply to all alien cultures. Therefore our collective thoughts are stored in a form the Universe does not understand nor recognize.
The only universal measurements are Planck time, and Planck length. Someone on YouTube said, and this is probably talked about a lot in Universities, life is an animated cartoon. Planck times is the frame rate and Planck length is the size of the pixels.
Just like the black and white square checkered flag would be a design common to all aliens or life forms with technological intelligence whatever planet they come from.
Aliens probably use Planck energy to power their spaceships siphoning the very dark matter that is around them to fuel their ships. It's a renewable resource. Never mind the hyperfuel of STAR WARS or ion proton engines.
To a computer tablet, any direction is up, depending on which way you hold it. A UFO is probably like that too when it's in space.
In the afterlife, there are words that we don't know yet for concepts, things that we don't yet know about but will when we get to the afterlife, yet those words are the extended vocabulary of the English language. That exists with all languages as well.
This exists in the computer coding world as new single words replace what were previously a string of words and how one string of new computer coding words replaces previously multi-strings of computer coding words. A video game that in the past would have taken up 500 MB now takes up 50 MB. This is an ongoing process.
I once had a dream where the Chinese God of War, where a small Kwan Kung statue was animated, pacing back and forth across the altar and then he stopped and recited a poem to me! The words in the poem that I did understand were complex Chinese words, grade 12 words and it was interspliced with words I never heard before but I inferred was referring to something mysterious, and they were grade 17, if there is such a thing, words. I said, "You speak Chinese well!" He answered, unflappable as ever, "You answer questions too quickly and you don't always listen when people talk."
It's all suggestive. Sanity is suggestive. Insanity is suggestive. Success and failure are suggestive. Beautiful and ugly is suggestive. Even temporary and permanent are suggestive because they are aspects of looking at time that aren't really there.
Voluntary and involuntary is suggestive. First of all, voluntary is based on the illusion that everything isn't happening at the same time. Secondly, when one makes a decision in a dream is it voluntary or involuntary as you are making a choice but under the duress of deep sleep when it is only ever the subconscious that makes decisions and not the conscious part of the mind that we use when we are awake at all. They say that in dreams we use our subconscious which is the sleep state and when we are awake, we use the conscious which is the awake state. But it's the other way around. It's this conscious state when we are not sleeping which is the sleep state as we are under the illusion that everything isn't happening simultaneously and also we are under the duress of the physics of this dimension.
What I'm getting at is Dolores Cannon said all things are happening simultaneously. Albert Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously. So those battles of the 1700s are still unfolding now. So if there is a time machine, going tomorrow on the time machine to visit a battle that happened in the 1700s is a trip to the past in the future. Having come back on a time machine from a trip to 2500 is a trip to the future having occurred in the past. Each event in time is like a fold on a piece of paper with many folds. The previous event may have folded over but it doesn't mean that the fold nor the paper has disappeared. So in that respect, temporary and permanent are elementary reference points for time and are therefore entirely suggestive.
The ability to time travel into the distant past and the distant future and points in between is like playing a video game with cheats. The video game of time. The Game of Time. Certain things about a video game that used to apply no longer apply with the cheats.
The game of time can be played in many ways. An employer can slow down the clocks so that while the employees thinks they worked for 8 hours, they actually worked for 8 hours and 5 minutes. In a years that's lots of hours. A casino doesn't have clocks on the wall so that patrons won't know or care what time it is and keep on playing. If a tablet is set to GPS time, and one plays a video game that gives you free prizes, coins, whatever once every 24 hours, once you pass the international date line on an airplane, you get an extra free play. The game of time can be used to manipulate the stock market, and there is the military weaponization of the game of time.
For, when one is just experiencing time traditionally, like a linear arrow, one is experiencing time on a subjective level. When one is able to time travel and go into the past and then the future, one experiences time on an objective level. And not the other way around as was traditionally supposed and this was supposed framework was supported and reinforced with expressions like, "He's never on time; he's always late.", or, "You're out of time." and especially, "What time is it?".
Buddha said that life is an illusion. This is sort of along the lines of what he was referring to.
A phrase that supports the objective experience of time would be: "It's gotta be 5 o'clock somewhere. I guess I'll have a beer NOW."
Essentially, the matrix is an algorithm within an algorithm within an algorithm: the algorithm of the physics of this dimension within the algorithm of the subjective experience of time which is embedded within the algorithm of the objective experience of time.
Movies and television shows do a pretty good job of depicting a subjective experience of time as movies often teleport from scene to scene, some movies even going from the present, to the past, to the future, back to the past again, and then the future.
Whether one experiences time on a subjective level or on an objective level, ontologically it's pretty much the same.
Again, S/O. O/S. subjective = opinion. objective = scientific.
In the afterlife and/or in dreams when sleeping, we experience the objective nature of time subjectively. While in this dimension, we have a chance to experience the subjective nature of time objectively. In other words, in the afterlife we get to experience the scientific nature of time, finally, on a personal level. While in this dimension we get a chance to study a personal experience of time analytically.
One can play lots of time games at the international date line. Crossing it one way, one goes one day into the future, crossing it the other, one goes one day into the past. An airline pilot goes back and forth in time lots of times a month, in essence, he time travels on a regular basis. Jet lag is one of the aspects of the game of time. Ironically, it's a symptom of an objective experience of time, rather than an subjective one. Jet lag is the result of an objective experience of time clashing with a subjective experience of time. Depending on the mathematics, the dynamic changes. If it's New Year's Eve, at the international date line, crossing it one way or the other, one either goes a year into the future or into the past. If it's a millennium new year like 1999-2000, crossing the international date line, one can time travel into the next millennium or back into the last millennium.
Whereas jet lag is a time fuck up; aberration, on an objective level because it's involuntary, fucking around with the watches and artificially speeding up or slowing down the time is a time fuck up on a subjective level because it's voluntary, because you did it.
Linda Murphy: Clocks measure time.
Dan: No, they measure themselves, the objective referee of a clock is another clock.
Man From Earth, 2007
The question is, do ghosts travel back and forth through time. They don't need to. Rather, they don't need to think of it that way. Whether they are travelling forward or backward through time as we know it, they are always travelling forward. Say a ghost of a person who lived in the 1800s travelled to the 1600s, and then the the 1400s. The trip the ghost is going to take to the past is in the future. That trip that the ghost took to 1600s previously, now that he's in the 1400s was a trip to the past even though that trip was to a place in the future. They got that dynamic going on. Ghosts visit across time all the time. Many people have reported seeing a ghost of their future children in a dream. The person who visits you in a dream may be a ghost of someone who died long ago but is visiting you from a place that they just teleported from, a place ten years in the future. Apparently if you made an irrevocable chain of events that will lead to a really good future, a major celebrity will visit you, after seeing what you would turn out to be in the future.
No, some ghosts, after awhile don't care if they're going to the past or the future. To them it's all the same, they're moving on. They don't care about time or date just like a person drinking good soup doesn't ask, what ingredients are in it? Carrots? Are the carrots from Europe or Canada? Who cares?!
One other thing, ghosts from the distant past or some faraway place will visit in the form of a portrait. The portrait represents that they lived too long ago or was too distant from you in terms of philosophy to visit you in person so the portrait is the representative. If you have a dream of a picture, framed portrait and you recognize the person even or especially if it's a historical person, that's the person visiting you as a ghost!
"Moving on. Moving on from town to town." Bad Company
Moving on, moving on from time to time. Going beyond.
Well, what if the government or aliens sent the whole planet and all the human species collectively through a time machine forward or backwards in time without any of us knowing about it? Even back in time a week because they didn't like the results of the World Series and want to do it over again? What proof is there that that didn't happen?
Or the government sent the entire Earth back in time to avoid a planetary collision. Repo Man talked about the lattice of coincidences we experience as a result of all us being sent back in time at some point in the future. "Given a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero." Fight Club. Given a long enough timeline, at some point in the future, it will be inevitable that the government will invent a time machine. Now there is another planet, not Sedna, but Nibiru that orbits the sun every ten thousand years on a track that sometimes crosses paths with Earth. According to Emmanuel Velikovsky, the Earth got hit in the past. How do you think the moon came about? I'll talk about more about the moon in a minute. Now Earth, being Nibiru prone, at some point will get hit again. Scientists send the Earth back in time once every ten thousand years to perpetually delay the inevitable. The Earth will get hit by Nibiru, but that's a future outside of our circular Moebius strip 10.000 year repeating timeline that the government put us in to avoid a future Nibiru strike. That's good science fiction but I don't think it's true. One sign if the Earth was suddenly sent backwards or forwards in time to a distant past or future, is the constellations would look different, the stars wouldn't be in their usual places.
The moon, why is our moon 27% of the mass of the Earth while the 2nd largest moon comparison in the solar system is a moon 3% of the planet's mass?
What if a Kardashev 7 Civilization sent the whole Universe forwards or backwards in time? Would we know about it?
I've come no closer, really to explaining time. It remains a nebulous, elusive, intangible variable, algorithm, rather, of existence. A lot of people tried to explain time. Albert Einstein did it. Alan Watts did it. Scarlett Johansson did it in the movie Lucy. But no one has explained time the way I explained it. Asshole world. Someone will try to claim my ideas of time for their own. Actually, I don't care. That's what ideas are for. As many people as possible should share it. Even if they said they thought of the idea, I wouldn't care. Don't quote me. I've imagined that if I had an IQ like an alien which is about 450, what thoughts could I come up with. This write up about the phenomenon of time is also made possible with the use of philosopher tea which I got at the tea shop. Ingredients being mainly strawberry tea mixed with ginkgo. Does it ever give the brain a boost.
There's no way my IQ is 450. If it was, I'd be playing chess at a 1700 level, that is, better than Bobby Fischer. I'd be doing calculus at a PhD level. I'm not doing anything at all like that. I doubt my IQ is even 150. If it was, I'd be making a lot more money than I am.
What about the Universe, in a few billion years will be nothing more than particles of dust. All the stars will have gone out and the Universe will be dark. Until the dust forms together until a critical mass forms and the next big bang starting the next Universe will happen. What about that? That's irrelevant. Since ghosts can visit us in dreams from the past or the future, or we ourselves can visit a past or future scene in a past life regression hypnosis, that means time exists on an objective level, that means everything is recorded forever. So theoretically if we had the technology, we could visit the ghost of the Universe that existed even before this one because is exists as a permanent recording held together by the eternal perpetual laws of the objective nature of time.
According to the objective model of time, it's theoretically possible to access all past and future Universes.
People probably time traveled. A time traveler, I imagine would be an undercover cop, the kind who has a green mohawk and body tattoos and say about time traveling, "You'd be amazed with how much you could get away with!" One can make micro tweaks, but there is a macro agenda, a schedule that over encompasses and smooths over any glitches. To travel in time to visit someone, always make sure to appear one second after them, and not before them because then, they could see you. One second ahead means you are slightly ahead in the future so they can't see you, but since they are one second in the past to you, you could see clearly all that they do because their actions would leave a wake since they live in the subjective past to future timeline.
Time experience on a subjective level, the way we experience it every day, looks orderly. Time experienced on an objective level, is to decode a lot of code and goes through a scrambled zone for awhile. It kind of looks like Pac-Man 256. The top half of the screen represents time experienced on a subjective level. The bottom half, the deresolution zone, the computer answer to the DMZ, looks scrambled and all in code. I talked about as we go through time, we are accessing code. Coincidence is code from the past. Omens is code from the future. I want to say one more thing. The other dimension already in a lot of ways exists now. There is teleportation of voice and image. Teleportation of voice through telephone and teleportation of image through television. Before, only ghosts in the spirit world could do that.
The Left Brain, temporal lobe, experiences time on an objective level. Left brain, logic, order, science.
The Right Brain, parietal lobe, experiences time on a subjective level. Right brain abstract, art, opinion.
The Chinese used to have a system of timekeeping; the hour of the Mouse, the hour of the Dog, the hour of the Snake, etc. That was their structure for their subjective experience of time. Their 'hours' were two hour segments. Every day there were 12. It corresponded to the Chinese Zodiac of 12 symbols. Not as an arrow or an advancement in a counter like a counter for commodities, but as a series of ever shifting present moments, like a cascading kaleidoscope. In our subjective experience of time, it is as if we were inside of time. The objective experience of time is to be outside of time. The Star Trek Timelines app said something mind-blowing, "Space. The final frontier. But what if it weren't? What if we were to go beyond space and into time? The mistakes of the past erased, the future reborn. The mortal and immortal made to decide their destiny together. Time is no longer an arrow but an infinite expanse of possibilities."
Time is like a ruler or a measuring stick. When we're within it, we can only move along it according to its parameters. Outside of it, we can jump in at any point; theoretically. It goes without saying that all ghosts have the ability to time travel.
Time has a 2 uses in 1 aspect like a guitar that's also a gun. With time, you can go along it's traditional integumentary parameters or else you can theoretically, jump in at any point, jump out and then jump in again at some other point.
Dune. Folding space. What about folding time? Time travel and teleportation are one and the same. Teleportation is time travel on the objective experience of time. What is referred to as Time Travel is teleportation on the subjective level of time.
The moment in the movie For Your Eyes Only when James Bond threw the helicopter pilot out and the nemesis said, "Have you no respect for the dead?" was a teaching moment. When one dies, the spirit isn't thrown out of the body, the body is thrown out of the spirit that is still moving fast.
The subjective experience of time is the quantification of time. The objective experience of time is time itself.
It's all relative. To hell, the Earth realm or the middle realm is heaven. To heaven, the Earth realm is hell.
If the past and the future are illusions, maybe the present moment is an illusion too as it's only so when offset against the past and the future which are arguably illusory reference points if you had the ability to time travel. When one time travels, when one goes through the one microsecond long snake of time travelling, are is that one moment or many moments they are experiencing? Like Stephen King's The Jaunt. Anyways, it's a rhetorical, tautological question. Again, semantics and nomenclature. Conceptual. Illusory. Einstein said, "Life is an illusion albeit a persistent one."
If a person travelled to the past in a time machine and when they step out of the time machine, there are 2 of them, are they in a parallel Universe? No. Same Universe, all the stars and planets are the same. If a person were to be like Terminator and go back into the past and end themself before they were born, if they did it right, then there would be no one to go back in time to do it and they would have been born anyways. Things sort of take care of themselves as a grand agenda oversweeps all.
Everything is happening at the same time. So whether one is going through time in the traditional way or going through time via skips and jumps using time travel, either way, one is experiencing aspects of the present moment because consecutive and non-consecutive are suggestive. A time traveler, to a person on Earth is moving through time non-consecutively, but to the time traveler, he is experiencing his actions in a unbroken consecutive sequential chain of events.
So in essence, the time traveler experiences a timeline within THE timeline. Or is it the other way around? To us going through time traditionally, a time traveler would be viewed as something that is non sequential. Yet to the time traveler, it is us who seems to be non sequential, that is, from his vantage point. Sort of like to us, a ghost is holographic, to ghosts, we are holographic.
It's all electricity. With electricity there's resistance and induction, resistors and conductors. This dimension is largely resistors and resistance or else impure electricity. In the other dimension, it's a holographic dimension made of pure electricity, all induction. That's why in the other dimension there's teleportation, telepathy, no aging, even time travel, and no dying ever. Atoms that move at the speed of light become light. But what is the invisible force that makes atoms move? Electricity.
The East Indians called this prana or the darshan. The Chinese call it the Tao or Chi. Carlos Castaneda referred to it as the tonal and the nagual. What does this mean? People three hundred years ago talked about phlogistons and vapours. It's electricity. The Electric Universe.
This is a dimension of resistors. Well, resistors and conductors. Atoms is the basic building blocks of resistors. The other dimension is pure conductors. Not only is it not atom dependant, it doesn't use atoms at all.
"We don't see with the eyes. We see with the atoms." Paramahansa Yogananda
I think it's more like we see with the energy behind atoms, which is electricity, both in this dimension and in the other dimension as well. Again, this is my guesses through intuition and deduction. I hold no degrees at all in physics whatsoever.
It's not there is no electric forces unless there are forms to define it,
It's that there are no forms unless there is the electric forces behind it.
The electricity I'm referring to here for lack of a better word is not atomic, it's subatomic. "The space between spaces." as John Hurt said in Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. Scientists say most energy in the Universe is unseen dark energy or Planck energy. Again, being subatomic, the quirks, quarks, leptons, tachyons etc form a lattice, a dimensional reality just as intense and organized as our reality if not more which is usually referred to as the dimension of the mind, aka the ghost dimension, aka the dreamworld, aka the afterlife. If life is an animated movie and an atoms are basically the formation of pixels, the invisible energy behind all things which form another dimension is also an animated movie but with quirks, quarks, leptons etc forming much smaller pixels. 480p television versus 8k television.
This dimension is the atomic soup. The other dimension is the subatomic soup. The subatomic is way more powerful than the atomic.
Living people; atomic entities. Ghosts, shamanic entities; subatomic entities.
A YouTube video said life is an animated cartoon made up of Planck Lengths as pixels and with Planck time as the frame rate. Well a PL is incredibly small. If the smallest atom is 100 units and a PL is 1 unit, things like quarks, leptons etc are somewhere between 1 unit to 100 units large. Planck time. That's something else. It's Universal which means it would apply to a reality where time travel technology for humans is impossible and to a reality where TT is possible.
Only this present moment is atomic. All past and future events are subatomic or else holographic. All history is recorded in subatomic form. Which is what makes time travel possible.
A quark has six sides, up, down, left, right, strange, and charm. That means in the subatomic dimension, it can teleport. Quantum physicists talk about how something is either a particle or a wave.
Stars are born and die. Universes are born and die. But are dimensions things that get born and then die? Which dimension is older, this dimension or the Dreamworld dimension? To ask such questions is to accede or to acquiesce to a linear and elementary algorithm of time, a time dynamic that doesn't see all things happening simultaneously.
Welcome to Noble Films.
Bonus: My article, The 5th Dimension
On May 11, 2004, I sent this email of an article that I wrote on the spot on the computer to CBC, BBC, CNN, Global News, and Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer.
I only sent the first half of this article to follow to the News companies. The rest are ideas connected this article that have occured to me since.
Physicist Justin Hughes said that light is the 4th Dimension. He stole that idea off me!
Just joking, it does not take a rocket scientist to babble a sentence like that, which even a drunk man might babble. It is not like I invented a new kind of engine and that person got the exact design, then that could be argued, but saying that light instead of time is the 4th Dimension? I am sure tons of physicists around this planet have more or less simultaneously thought of that idea.
Time indeed, is not a dimension, it is an aftereffect of a dimension. Like a shadow. Time comes from things being of different density as well as not being able to teleport. In the other dimension, all things are the same density which is hologram, and all things, people, animals, objects can teleport.
The 5th Dimension
Although my un-University trained theory structure postulates that there are 5 dimensions, I google-searched "time travel" and "teleportation" and according to a lot of University physicists, there are 9 dimensions!
"Thanks be to God, I did not find myself in a condition which obliged me to make a merchandise of science for the improvement of my fortune." -Rene Descartes
The Dean Noble Show is proud to be still running. I thought that I would quit after a few but I have tons more to publish.
I would really like to find a publisher out there in order to publish my writings.
A few months ago, I published a series of intimate articles about the fifth dimension. These articles were to change my life. It wrapped up a lifetime of being interested in books about the esoteric, the paranormal, etc. The New Age books have come a lot in the last ten years. New writers that have emerged in the 90's, John Edwards, James Van Praagh, and David Icke are better than any writers in this genre before. Banyen Books in Vancouver sells tons of these kinds of books.
This next series of articles is the culmination of these kinds of writings but put in my own unique method of precision phraseology. I wish that I had been the one to come across and read these articles rather than being the one who has written them.
I wish that I had written these articles years ago.
"Unless you go through the processes, how the hell can you ever come to a conclusion?" -Roderigo de Ochoa
These articles were written during the 33rd year of my life, in May 2004.
Without further ado, The Dean Noble Show proudly presents
'The Complete 5D Collection'.
Hopefully there are some quantum physicists of the Schroediger's Cat set who would like this article.
(c) copyright Dean Noble
"Life is an illusion."
-The Buddha
"This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius."
- The Fifth Dimension
Dear Friends:
All 3D problems (for eg. I wish I had more money, I wish I had a better past, etc.)
All 3D problems are 5D problems, but not all 5D problems are 3D problems.
I am into 5th Dimensional studies. More on this in a minute. In 5th Dimensional Studies, voice, that is the sliding of breath past the portal of the vocal cords, the slick manipulation of tongue and lips are after the fact. The thought that preceeds the speaking is it, and if one's words from one's mouth is not consistent with one's [initial telepathic communicatory thought,] then the [psychically inclined] hearer will notice an inconsistency of speech.
"Jealousy is a dangerous thing until you know all the facts."
-Roshi Koten Benson
I decided to go into my current, what I call 5th Dimensional Studies.
"Pan Dimensional", as I have heard Dennis Miller refer to it.
1st Dimension- flat. 2nd Dimension- width. 3rd Dimension- Height. 4th Dimension- Light: Time, space. 5th Dimension- Thought: (that seem to enter arrom like smoke when one brainstorms), opinions, memory, visualizations, dreams, the Astral World. 6th Dimension- Love. 7th Dimension - The ability to make 3D objects behave in 5D ways, and vice versa, for eg. telepathy, telekinesis, walking on water, pyromachia (like Drew Barrymore, in Firestarter).
All 3D problems (for eg. I wish I had a better past, etc.)
All 3D problems are 5D problems, but not all 5D problems are 3D problems.
When thinking, what are you doing? When doing, what are you thinking?
Writing your dreams down on paper, or speaking of them aloud is a 7th Dimensional Activity, no less!
The fifth Dimension is neither mutually exclusive to, nor is it totally dependant upon this 3rd Dimension.
Thoughts are things. Things are thoughts.
Thoughts are forces. Forces are thoughts.
Thoughts are actions. Actions are thoughts.
It is what I call, the "formless weightless variables in the equation of life."
In the 5th Dimension, things are stacked on top of one another. One moves at the speed of thought, like Johnathon Livingston Seagull.
I sometimes wonder that, when one thinks of a topic, and instantly those same associative sentences emerge in the mind, if it is not so much a knowledge coming to one from the psychic world, as it is one going to a place, an emotional zone in the fifth Dimension.
Thoughts are not a television screen or a loudspeaker in the brain. The brain is a radio antennae. The radio station is the past, present, future, the 5th Dimension, or what Jung referred to as 'the collective unconscious'. The brain is not just an antennae, it is a radio receiver and transmitter. The amplifier is our voices and speech.
But who are "we"? Nameless energy clusters, centers looking outwards ie a centrifugal force-wave of awareness. Occupying a Hollywood special effects quality body suit.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead talks about the necessity of coming to terms with the fact that all is a creation of your own mind. That book talks about after death, how there will be yet even now, new and specific images of people copulating laughing at you, calling you "loser!", there will be images of people saying, "Kill him!" talking about you. This is the conscious minds interpretation of all the elements that are passing as they are being emptied from the psyche. The Chonyid bardo.
It is a creation of your own mind. An organism, an animal, for eg. a cat, going about its agenda outside your body, outside your skin, an amoeba, an organism going about its agenda inside your body, inside your skin. What's the difference?
But your reaction to the situation is a creation of the mind. No two people react in a situation the same way.
The answer to the zen koan is the koan itself.
So I tried to see if I can reduce my feelings of jealousy a hundred-fold. I could not, but then again, I also found that I could not increase my jealous feelings a hundred-fold, and if I did, I could not increase my jealous feelings a thousand-fold, or even a million-fold. If I did that I would have a heart attack and die, but someone who has the 7th Dimensional psychic power to will their hearts to die is someone that the CSIS, or the CIA wants to talk to, that's for sure!
Objectivity - I am a human.
Subjectivity - I am THE human.
In case you forget about your 5th Dimensional identity as you go through life, remember, your dreams will always be with you to remind you.
There is an indivisible psychic field; it does not mean that your thoughts will be read or ignored sort of like a billboard on a highway. The sentences, "Your thoughts are private and are your own." And the word "secret" should be struck from the English language dictionary.
As spirits, we are "invisible" beings. This body (from the Olde English word 'bodig' meaning house)
is indeed a house for our spirit, it is a Hollywood quality mask and suit for our Spirits.
"We are not so much humans having a spiritual experience as we are Spirits having a human experience." -Common Ground magazine
See, every place in the Astral World is also part of the AfterDeath World, and not vice versa.
The Natives say, "Dreams are more real than battles." True. Everything in this World will fade, but everything you see in your dream world will be around in a thousand years, even.
This 3rd Dimension is so... slow.
Which is a... vacation, of sorts!
I am sure that you have noticed that the people who appear in dreams are so clean, glowing and healthy in the same way over and over again, it is almost nauseating!
Like that soldier in that Michael J. Fox movie, that soldier in the graveyard who instantly changed clothes. That is exactly how the 5th Dimension; the Dream World works!
The 3D/5D game is one with a google rules.
Why do we dream? The answer, "For no reason." doesn't cut it for me anymore.
A castle in Scotland was there since "time" immemorial. And will be there after it has been demolished. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. When the Chinese burn paper money, they are not kidding, it reappears in the Astral World! (When asked about modern sciences understandings about Spirituality, compared to Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama said, : "You are in kindergarten." This is coming from a man who could see past and future lives, not to mention his countless psychic abilities and esoteric skills).
"You can not win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." - Sir Alec Guiness, 'STAR WARS'
There are certain and uncertain moments. Sitting on a chair is a certain moment. Bullets whizzing, falling objects, etc. is an uncertain moment. These uncertain moments are the portals which 5D beings can choose to act.
Spirits can enter and tamper with that mechanism deep in the center of the brain that translates and discharges thoughts.
Michael Crichton in TimeFrame talks about a light shining through two vertical slits cut through a piece of cardboard makes 5 slits on the other side thus proving the existence of a 5D parallel Universe. Not linearly parallel; interposing overlapping parallel.
All 5D objects are part of the Astral World, but not all Astral World objects are 5D objects (that connect with this Dimension, anyways.)
Einstein said that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
The doorway to the next dimension is not literally, a doorway (although it just sometimes can be). It is rather, energy transformation: a book, a death, a new attitude, a new thought, etc.
There is the material and the psychic.
The tonal and the nagual.
The rational and the Absurd. (Albert Camus)
The Tao that can be named. The Tao that can not.
The phenomenon, and the noumenon.
The 3rd Dimension, and the 5th Dimension.
Things slip in and out of the 3rd and the 5th Dimension all the time.
Anyway, in the dream world you have a history and a purpose and indeed you do visit the same locales over and over again. In your dreams, you will see that you are presented with a situation and you are given a set of choices. These choices have consequences in a future dream.
There is another us that exists in that World and often the relationship that two people have in this world have nothing to do with their relationship in the Astral World.
When going to the shopping mall, for eg. footsteps go one way, but the 3D/5D 'footsteps' of the eyes go another. Sometimes the two have nothing to do with one another! Well, these 'footsteps' of the eyes - that is the footsteps of the spirit!
What I am talking of is not New Age, but a secular kind of Spirituality taking into account the generic principles of metaphysics, which transcends Organized Religion. All this is meant as a complement to, and not a substitute for [Organized] Religion which is valuable for many reasons; it endorses a higher - a Highest Power, God. They help create order in society. They provide a community.
The most important thing is Love. Even those you would avoid; love them in absentia!
Yours, Dean Noble
This idea of, "Your thoughts are your own. What you think about after work is your own time." There is no longer the luxury of thinking like that anymore. When you think of angry thoughts alone in your room, you are really fucking around with a dimension.
We are by nature, telepathic.
We are Spirits having a human experience. That is we are 5D beings having a 3D experience. And not the other way around!
The 3rd D is an aspect of the 5th D.
In the old way, it is taught that the body is the boat and thoughts are the wake.
The New Way says, No, it is the thoughts that is the boat and the body is the wake. "The Captain of the ship." In other words, the 5th D is the boat, and the 3rd D is the wake.
A strange decision followed to its orgone conclusion. "They don't want any off-beaters mucking around with this shit." This is a quote from William Burroughs referring to apocryphally top secret CIA projects involving time travel machines.
Strangely enough William Burroughs never got arrested by the CIA for building an orgone accumulator. Why would they? It was only built of plywood, a layer of aluminum, and a sheet of leather.
But the same could not be said for his namesake Wilhelm Reich on whom the contraption was based. Reich died in CIA custody.
Orgone, according to Reich was the essential energy of the Universe. It is equivalent to the Chinese idea of 'chi', and the Hindoo idea of 'prana'. It is a subcomponent of the 5th Dimension.
The Hindoo's name for the 5th Dimension is 'darshan'.
The Chinese name for the 5th Dimension is the Tao.
The old Biblical saying of 'there is no beginning and no end' is truer now than ever before.
Beginning and end are events. Events are situations with 3D components, and a 3D component is a thought, that is an aspect of the 5th Dimension. All 3D events are 5D events.
5D. In a movie, not only are the people stars, the artifacts in the movies are stars as well. The artifacts can appear in people's dreams and like people, when something is on television it is in many places simultaneously. When a writer was read throughout the world, he is in many places simultaneously.
In the 5D, a piece of furniture appears when it is needed,and when it is no longer needed, it disappears again. At any rate, this is what happens in dreams when one is asleep.
In the 3D, planets exists because they need to. Places in the third dimension are places on planets. In the 5th Dimension, locales are not planet dependant at all. And with telepathic teleportation, all planets become one planet which ideologically becomes no planets. The end scene of Stanley Kubricks's '2001: A Space Odyssey'. When the astronaut David Poole was in that room with the bed, and the robot, and the spaceship, and then that mysterious old man.
And if there is such a thing as telepathic teleportation, then it would follow that there would be such a thing as non-telepathic telportation.
update: August 2005
A lot of scientists might not want to research the 5th Dimension because they feel that only things that are 3D in other words, things that can be graphed in the conventional Cartesian way of using the x axis, the y axis, and the z axis.
The word Cartesian comes from Rene Descartes, which was probably not his real name, but his Masonic name.
Rene: Rennes Le-Chateau, in France
Descartes: Of maps; Of cartography, from the Greek word chartes, pronounced kartis meaning a stiff piece of paper.
Incidentally, the 5th Dimension is the Cartesian Logical Ultimate.
An example of something that is 5D is a hologram. A 2D hologram which television, or a 3D hologram like they used to have at Science World.
Translucent holograms and opaque holograms. And invisible holograms.
Traditional ethereal holograms that you can pass your hand through and solid holograms that that you can not pass your hand through. 'The Matrix', starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss, can you dig it?
Consciousness residing in and represented as solid holograms that you can not put your hand through, and non-solid holograms that you can put your hand through.
Another example of something that is 5th Dimensional is a ghost or spiritual entity.
Things do not need to be able to be graphed in order to exist. This distinction only makes a difference to you and not to the 5th Dimensional entity in question.
A lot of ideas were stolen from Nicola Tesla. Not only did they steal his idea for a particle beam known as a laser beam for the United State's Star Wars missile defense program, they also stole his ideas and used them in the Philadelphia Experiment.
Discovery is a conventional science program and probably would not talk about cutting edge science, namely time machines and teleportation machines. Probably because one of the first applications that any government makes in regards to these machines would be for military purposes. That is, if these machines even exist.
The Lorenz Transformation is a mathematical formula that depicts phase shift. This was the formula that was shown in the movie, 'Goodwill Hunting'. This mathematical formula is connected to the Philadelphia Experiment.
1984. That was the year of the other end of the Philadelphia Experiment. In 1944, the USS Eldridge was teleported to the year 1984. This is famous because it was the first large scale endeavour with time travel. There have probably been thousands of such experiments since.
Nikola Tesla started with teleporting small objects through time.
The U.S. military wanted to make airplanes, ships etc. invisible. They found they could do this with phase shift, that is to send something like, maybe 5 seconds into the future. In the Philadelphia Experiment, they fucked up and sent something 41 years into the future!
In 1984, Steven Spielberg made the movie 'Back to the Future'. Steven Spielberg is as interested in the Philadelphia experiment as director James Cameron is interested in the Titanic.
George Orwell wrote the book '1984'. His editor transposed the 48 of this original title, '1948' and changed it to '1984'. This was based on that what he was writing about was the then current surveillance techniques. It was not a novel about the future at all. He just change the names as Johnathon Swift did. Mobili vulgaris.
But Orwell was also perhaps secretly referring to the 1984 of the Philadelphia Experiment. Orwell died in 1950. He certainly was alive when the Philadelphia Experiment was conducted.
Charles Fort is the man who coined the term teleportation.
It is questionable whether or not objects can actually be sent through time. But if they could then we could certainly thoughts could be sent through time. Because thought is the 5th Dimension. The 5th Dimension is the parallel Universe that physicists like Gary Zukav in 'The Dancing Wu Li Masters', and Michael Crichton in 'Timeline' talks about.
Light is the 4th Dimension. Light gives things colour which adds a dimension to things. According to physics, the innate colour of everything is black. Non light producing objects only have colours when light is shined on it. This is called Brownian motion. Stars are different colours.
Even NASA's Zeiss lens that Stanley Kubrick employed during the filming of '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'Barry Lyndon' which photographs objects in total darkness, uses what little light that there is.
In the 5th Dimension, there is soundless telepathy. In this dimension, communication is possible through sounds manifesting themselves as syllables. With sound, because it is an imperfect medium, accidents and miscommunications happen. Often when an accident occurs, something new and wonderful is created. Humour is possible. The relationship between the 3D and the 5D is like that of a foundry process. This dimension is the mold.
Unless I see evidence to the contrary, I will think that the Philadelphia Experiment is an Urban Myth.
"Those pilots did not age. Einstein was right."
"Einstein was probably one of them."-Close Encounters of the Third Kind
"Baby, baby, baby, you're out of time." -The Rolling Stones
There is only an ever present now. Things happen around that. The kaleidoscope perpetually shifts. That is Einstein's Theory of Relativity: Time does not exist. Things happen in relationship to everything else. Time is a point, and a pointless point at that. It is the secret of the Dance of the Maypole held at the beginning of this month every year, well it used to be hundreds of years ago in Europe, in any event. Time is not a line. Time is not a ray. A ray is a straight line that goes in one direction. Time is a point.
There is no time. There is only events. Event horizon.
Imagine a large cube. All six sides of the cube has a different colour. In 'Stanger In A Strange Land', Michael Valentine the Fair Witness would know that all sides of a house would not necessarily be painted the same colour.
To get to see the other sides of the cube requires "time". But the other side exists simultaneously now.
If time exisited when you go to the other side of the cube and return to point of origin, nothing would change. But because time does not exist, when you return to the point of origin, evrything in the Universe has changed.
Time; the illusion of time, is an aspect of simultaneity. And not the other way around. Time is an aspect of simultaneousness.
The passing of time is an unravelling of a code that is etched onto the eternity of simultaneity.
And according to quantum physicists, time is also a series of codes, in the plural, etched onto the eternity of simultaneity.
Time does not exist. There is no time. Daylight Savings Time is another proof of that. If time existed, how could we just turn our clocks ahead one hour?
And then while it is the year 2005 in North America, it is the year 2548 in Thailand.
A five hundred year difference!
As well, there is the B.C. and the A.D. system. In the A.D. system, time is counted forward; the year 2005 is followed by the year 2006 sure enough. But in the B.C. system, the year that follows 44 B.C. is 43 B.C. ie counting backward!!!! How could this be possible except that time does not exist and is an imaginary concept to begin with!
Another clue as to the solubility of time is that New Year's Eve is at different months for different cultures. Chinese New Year is in Jan/Feb. Thai New Year, called Songkran, is typically in April.
The Chinese New Year is a lunar New Year based on a lunar calendar.
The Thai New Year is monsoonal as their April New Years Day is the first day of the monsoon on which rice is dependant.
Western New Year, celebrated January 1st is observed internationally in every country no matter what other New Years they observe. The Western New Year, unlike the Thai and the Chinese New Years is based on the Winter Solstice.
Television shows start at unsynchronized times because television stations are always two minutes fast or slow of each other. The clock in my room reads 11:43, the one on my VCR reads 11:46. This can happen because time simply does not exist.
March 3, 1756 Ten o'clock pm on the dot and 17 seconds is the same moment as April 3, 2005, 11 am on the dot and 33 seconds!
Things are born and die, or rather things seem to be born and die because things fall in and out of the constantly shifting kaleidoscope, in events of appearing and disappearing.
Discovery Channel says
1) "A person running and a person standing still will have their watches run at different speeds."
2) "In a black hole, a watch slows down greatly."
First of all, time does not exist.
These are 3D events described, not time.
In the 5th Dimension, a watch can suddenly slow down or speed up at any place, be it on Earth or through a black hole.
In the models presented above, Discovery Channel speaks of a 3 Dimensional paradigm where there are gases, liquids, and impenetrable solids.
In the 5th Dimension, there is no space or solid. The 5th Dimension is the Master Key where everything is the exact same density. That is, the denseness of thought.
In the 3rd Dimension, time exists in time tunnels or strings, ie string theory. As one goes through life, one goes from string to string travelling along many different strings.
A person standing still on Earth is not still at all. He moves with the Earth revolving on its axis and going around the sun which is one of the measurements or criteria of 3D time.
As well in the 3D world, a five hour shift at a job can seem like a long time to one person and a short time to another person. We are talking about the perception of time which is subjective.
To explain the overall time structure of a universe in terms of time strings is like explaining the existence of the overall rhythm of an ocean in terms of ocean currents.
In the 5th Dimension, a watch can speed up like time lapse photography and so can the sun arcing across the sky or it can slow down to where almost no movement is perceived, ie at a snail's pace. again these are events measured against each other.
In the body, there is a biochronometer. Chickens laying eggs are subject to a false time of a 6 hour day and a 6 hour night to increase their diurnal egg laying productivity.
Some people age really rapidly. There is a disease called progeria in which a person's physiology reaches the equivalent of an 80 year old when they reach 15 and then they typically keel over and drop dead.
A period of "time". One person perceives 10 events, another person perceives 80. Time is relative, as Einstein said. They are events measured relative to one another.
A person in a black hold ages 10 years while on Earth a person ages 80 years. Again, these are 3D events measured against one another. As mentioned previously, time exists in strings.
Teleportation is moving to another place without the usual time required. Time does not exist.
In the 5th Dimension, solid is space and space is solid. More accurately, substitute the word "is" for the words "can be".
One can move through walls or use space as a friction filled launch point as dense as needed; as dense as water or as dense as Earth air, or as dense as a solid if you are existing on the right vibrational code, ie spirit, or the second body.
In teleportation, one does not walk through a door, one vibrates at a different vibrational rate or vibrational code, like in Star Trek.
Therefore a teleportation machine is redundant.
"All machines are amplifiers." -D. Cooper
Time travel. That upcoming trip into the past will be a part of the time traveller's future.
One day, that time traveller's two week trip into the distant future will be a part of his past!
It is all about terminology. Time machine? Time travel? A person is a one directional; from past to present to future time machine that tackes 30 years to travel 30 years into the future.
When one time travels, one does not travel through time. One goes to a set of events, disregarding time, for it doesn't exist.
If you were time travelling, then going back into time 150 years will take you 150 years. But a time machine would travel back or forward in time towards a destination years, decades, centuries or even millenia away from this present moment, in only a few minutes.
There are different types of time machines. If you are talking about one that goes only into the past, since it is impossible to go into the future for it has not happened yet; a time machine that only allows one to observe a past event photographically accurate, within a very certain frame, and from only one angle or vantage point at that, rather than to participate, then one has already been invented. Invented is a time machine that allows one to go back in time; this machine would not involve participating in past events since you know how disastrous that would be, in the 'Back to the Future' sense. It is called a television.
If you are talking about a teleportation machine that allows one to simultaneously and instantaneously view, but not to simultaneously participate in an event, one has already been invented, it is called a television.
Videoconferencing is a type of teleportation.
And indeed, a television cannot be a time machine and a teleportational viewer simultaneously. It can only be one or the other at any given "time"!
Picture in picture counts as two televisions on one screen.
A telephone is voice teleportation. In fact, the prefix 'tele' denotes all this weird and wonderful stuff. Tele-portation, tele-vision, tele-kinesis, tele-pathy, tele-phone, tele-ology. The word 'tele' is from the Greek language, meaning through a long distance. Writer David Icke wrote that he channeled a spirit that told him in twenty years, teleportation travel machines will be as commerically available as jet planes. Telly Savalas.
There are brand new radios that are designed to look like radios of the early twentieth century. There are telephones that look like yellow rubber ducks.
Teleportation machines, in the future, will look like ordinary cars, airplanes, etc. and some will even look like antique vehicles. This will be done to make people feel comfortable, for ergonomic reasons.
Time is an effect, rather than a cause.
The belief that the Universe really exists in a perpetually timeless state is called Presentism. -from Wikipedia
Change is the only constant in the 5th D as well, apparently.
The Universe is a thought of you.
You are a thought of the Universe.
This will hopefully be the last article that I write on this topic. One can run ad infinitum on a topic.
The Fifth Dimension notwithstanding, it is perhaps best to deal with this World in the terms of the World as it presents itself.
Yours, Dean
Quantum physics is the physics that deals with the 5th Dimension.
Apart from physics, and metaphysics, quantum physics is another branch of physics.
Quantum physics says, "One changes an event through observing it. One cannot observe an event and not effect its outcome differently than if the observer had not been there." and "There is absolutely no way to tell how something will turn out." and "There is no way to tell where something is at any given moment."
Michael Crichton talks about quantum physics computers. Applied quantum physics.
There are three steps. Introduction, understanding, and application. In the course of my private 5D studies that I will be conducting, probably for the rest of my life now, I would only write about the first step and never the last two steps when it comes to the 5th Dimension.
In front of the old Main Branch of the Vancouver Public Library on Burrard, there was a bench. The carver of this bench is named Michael (I don't remember his last name). He used to frequent the Pacific Spirit Park, Wreck Beach UBC area. The bench has a depiction of the three steps introduction, understanding and application and portrayed by the man doing the sitting yoga spine twist, and then the lotus position and then the standing up and raising his arms.
There is probably extensive forays into applied Quantum physics. Quantum physics military weapons!
David Icke, (David Icky!) talks about the Philadelphia experiment where they made a time machine out of a US naval airforce carrier. Nicola Tesla was involved. The experiment went wrong. They wanted to make a ship invisible to sight and to radar. It apparently happened, but for twenty minutes, the 1945 sailors were in 1984! Then they returned to 1945, as Tesla warned against, most of them went crazy, but some disappeared and others became molecularly fused with the ships equipment! Tesla refused to continue helping the government with these experiments and mysteriously he was found dead in his New York apartment one month later.
This was the same Tesla who wanted to provide free lighting for the World on New Years Eve 1900 with a huge alternating current generator in the North Pole and flourescent light tubes for all.
JP Morgan who was not about to let anyone use electricity without being charged, no pun intended and the money going to him, launched a campaign to smear Tesla. But Tesla was smarter than Edison, Bell, and Ford put together!
There are probably quantum physics machines out there now. And time machines. And if I ever sent an email saying that I was working on a time machine, then the CIA would investigate me.
Like the writer, William Burroughs said of the possibility that the CIA is most undoubtedly working on time machines, "They don't want any off-beaters mucking with this shit."
Yours, Dean
Journal May 17th, 2004
Talk about coincidences when I borrowed a David Icke book, someone had put brackets in pencil all over the book! It was a sign for me that perhaps I had been using unnecessary brackets and parantheses too much in my writings lately.
RD laing wrote about the brain. In his book, 'The Politics of Experience and the Birds of Paradise', he talks about the brain being a thought of the brain itself! etc. In his usual dynamic didactic vector of verbal polemics, famously depicted in his book, 'Knots', he does examine the folly of believing that our thoughts purely reside and emanate in our brains.
The current theory that our brains are a computer made up of cells which are equivalent to a byte in a computer and that thoughts are merely purely the firing of cerebral nerve axon-dendrite synaptic electrical impulses is incomplete at best.
We live in a world of thought. We are one with thought energy.
May, 2004
-finish of article-
Telepathy is the prelanguage.
Language refers to spoken and written language, and this is incidental and the words occured incidentally, accidentally over the course of millenia of history.
Prelanguage, or telepathy is symbols and emotions.
Symbols whose purpose is to lead to certain emotions, or else emotions designated to move one towards the acquistition of or else to the acknowledgement of certain symbols.
We are all by nature, telepathic.
No gravity is as strange to perpetually gravity bound beings, as gravity is to perpetual no-gravity beings.
"Eshun's Departure
"When Eshun, the Zen nun, was past sixty and about to leave this world, she asked some monks to pile up wood in the yard.
Seating herself firmly in the center of the funeral pyre, she had set it fire around the edges.
"O nun!" shouted one monk, "is it hot in there?"
"Such a matter would concern only a stupid person like yourself," answered Eshun.
The flames arose, and she passed away."
-Paul Reps 'Zen Flesh, Zen Bones'
I wrote earlier,
If you are in a room alone thinking indolent thoughts, you are really fucking around with a dimension; the 5th Dimension.
I drew a picture of a teacher with a pointer stick pointing to a whiteboard and on the whiteboard was illustrated:
Bad telepathy Good telepathy
And the teacher is saying, "You always have a choice between using good telepathy and bad telepathy.
Telepathy is the thought line. I think the Thais would call it 'sen kit', that is if I ever heard them using this phrase, which I have not.
Sen in Thai means line. When one is ordering noodles in Thailand, they will be asked 'sen arai' which means "What kind of noodles would you like?". See noodles are configured in a line. In Thai massage they work on meridians in the body, also called sen. It is very important to have your thought line in order.
I am trying to put the word PATH back in telepathy!
"There are certain formulas, word-locks which will lock up a whole civilization for a thousand years." -William Burroughs, The Job, chapter 1
Your thoughts are timed. May your thoughts be noble.
September 2005:
There is another dimension that not only is it possible to read the thoughts of others, because of its substance, one couldn't not read the thoughts of others.
You can't see the forests for the trees. You can't see the 5th Dimension because of the third. The past and the future are in the 5th Dimension.
Physicists say that the other universes, dimensions, embed themselves in this one.
Conventional physics: How it happens.
Quantum physics: What happens.
In the 3rd dimension, to get from one place to another, you have to go through a whole bunch of bullshit places in between. In the 5th Dimension, travel is done through telepathic teleportation. Instantaneous. Television, with jumping from one scene to another instantaneously, is a preview of this next world.
The 4th Dimension is light. Anything that moves at the speed of light, including us, becomes light. Anything that moves slower than the speed of light is a gas, liquid, or solid.
There is psychic light which moves at 1000 x the speed of ordinary light. This is the light that is in dreams. This is the light that reveals all.
The 4th Dimension implies the 3rd Dimension, and not the other way around. you cannot have the 3rd Dimension without the fourth dimension. But you can have the fourth dimension without the third. The 5th Dimension is thought.
October 2005:
Time is not a dimension. Time is an aspect of a dimension.
Scientists have been searching for the time and/or gravity wave. Time is not a particle nor a wave, since time is adjutant in both the particle phenomenon and the wave phenomenon.
Atoms vibrate at different rates.
Holograms have an atomic basis.
And thoughts and dreams have an atomic basis.
The past and the future are aspects of the present.
The present is an aspect of the present.
A quantum physicist would use time the same way that, as the saying goes, a drunk would use a lamppost: more for support than illumination.
Life is an illusion. Time and space are an illusion. There is no time. There are only codes etched into the simultaneity of eternity. Therefore, if one is alone, one is enmeshed in a dimensional code that is very complex and deliberate. All things happen for a reason. If a man is single and suffering, then it is God's will. Eventually, he will learn not to hate his isolation but see it as a tool for learning. He will learn the value of patience which is not as easy to learn in a dimension where one is teleporting all over the place whenever one wants to.
Physics teaches that things are either a particle or a wave.
If an object is viewed in wave form, then that object is viewed in and exists in a time structure.
If that object is viewed in particle form, then that object exists outside of a time/space structure and exists in the simultaneity of timelessness that is the true temporal identity of the Universe.
Antimatter is part of the 3rd dimension.
And time and space is an illusion. It does not exist. Ask Albert Einstein. Time is a side-effect of living life in a track which is the 3-D reality. Time and space is an illusion of relativity.
Keeping this in mind, to lament that, for instance, "I spent thirteen years in a real bad slummy place, but for two months, I was in the arms of a beautiful girl living in the tropics." Ten thousand years is but an instant, an instant can seem like ten thousand years. When one dies, one can edit their life and cancel those thirteen years into, say 15 seconds and expand those two months in the arms of a beautiful girl to, ten years.
An event, even if it takes a hundred years to elapse, takes but an instant to understand forevermore, once the event is over. The event is not the candy, and the memories and experiential insight from the event is not the candy wrapper.
Instead the event, the actuality of going through it is the candy wrapper, the experience and insight gleaned from such event, that is the candy.
They say that there are no shortcuts in life. Why not, if there can be such a thing as a long cut.
Actually, in the 5 Dimensional reality, there is no long cut and short cut, at any rate how can there be with perpetual teleportation?
"Short cut" and "long cut" are imaginary concepts applicable only in this dimension where everything is of different densities just as "time" is an imaginary concept.
Finally, since time and space does not exist. Here is an extension of there, and there is an extension of here, so in a way, I am in Thailand now! This place is an aspect of that place, and that place is an aspect of this. That being said, it is important now not to always wish to be somewhere else.
September 2006
**********, who owned The ************ Book Store in Vancouver once told me,
"If you have one drink, you enjoy the drink. If you have three drinks, then the drink starts to enjoy you!"
I thought about it, and that is true. Since time and space does not exist, all on Earth is translatable to pulses of energy, in other words spirits, so it is easy to see how the spirit of a drink can overpower the spirit of a man. Indeed all on Earth is translatable to being spirit, and the Japanese call the spirit in all things, Kami, and that spirit is the true nature of all things.
In the 5th Dimension, dreamworld, afterlife, beings reproduce not through sex, but through thought.
In this world, a Fairmont Hotel Vancouver exterior, for example will always have a Fairmont Hotel Vancouver interior.
In the 5th Dimension, that is the dreamworld, afterlife, etc. buildings do not always have matching interiors and exteriors. A Buckingham Palace exterior could have an igloo interior, an igloo exterior could have a Buckingham Palace interior.
I found this out a few days ago when I had a dream of where I recognized to be the Vogue Hotel-Temple nightclub-The Rock Shop on Granville St. in Vancouver. I was at the place where these three buildings were joined together but when I went into The Rock Shop in my dream, it looked nothing like The Rock Shop on Granville St. That was my clue.
Seemingly unmatching interiors to exteriors in the 5th Dimension presents a different type of equation of meaning which results in a quicker total or totality of meaning.
Dream: October 24, 2006: I was in an airplane. I telepath to the other passengers. "The plane is about to take off. Watch this, the thrust is like the initial rush of an intravenous hit of cocaine!"
But as the plane does indeed accelerate wildly and take off, I am disappointed as I feel none of the forces that normally push me back into my seat.
Interpretation: The dream world, the 5th dimension, the afterlife is almost exactly like this life except that there is the total absence of gravity. That is why I witnessed the acceleration, but felt no G-forces push me back into my seat. I have a feeling that gravity is the contributing factor in any drug high including marijuana and booze.
Light is the 4th Dimension. Thought is the Fifth Dimension. In dreams, we do not see thought beings as thought is the only real dimension, but it is too fast and operates on simultaneity. In dreams we see thought beings condensed into light beings. We in this 3rd Dimension are light beings condensed into solid beings.
We are really thought beings condensed down into light beings and then condensed into physical beings.
October 22, 2007
5D note: In this dimension, one event of this dimension happens in one space. In the next dimension, a bunch of events could be totally superimposed onto one space like how the Microsoft Windows program enables people to superimpose computer screens they have opened to overlap one another.
The Darth Maul solid state hologram action figure - which happens to be a solid state hologram made of plastic.
According to scientists, the correct term is not hologram, it is a volumetric display, to be more specific, an auto-stereoscopic volumetric display.
October 26, 2007: The beginning of the Universe is when, just for a few seconds or mayber for a few billion years, the Universe transforms from a solid holographic Universe to a totally non-solid holographic Universe, to reset itself. In a Universe where everything has the same density and teleportation is possible, time is even more evidently seen as just a set of relativity coordinates; ie Einsteinian reference points. Beginning is also just a term. Maybe to that point in time, we are the beginning. As much as they are to us, we are to them.
In the 5th Dimension, time travel and teleportation are exactly the same thing. In the 3rd Dimension time travel and teleportation can be very different things, but the only differences are that which is separated by concepts.
In the 3rd Dimension, teleportation and time travel are two different things. In the 5th Dimension, time travel and teleportation are exactly the same thing!
In the 5th Dimension, all actions are telekinetic actions. In the 3rd dimension, not so much.
In this Dimension, you go to places through walking. In the 5th Dimension, you are either going to places, teleporting, and if not that, then places come to you teleporting, and you sometimes recognize them.
January 2008: Light is the 4th Dimension. Thought is the 5th Dimension. Time is not a dimension. Time is a corollary effect of the 3rd Dimension.
A camera which aperture opens for 5 full seconds, ie prolonged exposure for night shots, image recorded on photographic paper is 5 seconds worth of light on one second worth of time.
And vice versa: a one second event filmed slowed down so that the result is a five second film shot in slow-motion is one seconds worth of time on five seconds worth of light.
January 2008: Sure, I wrote this article but am not trained in how I would express some of these concepts in terms of calculus, or even just algebra equations. But as there is a course in University called Theory of Mathematics which has very little or no math equations, just essays about the concepts of mathematics which is an excellent University course for those who are math-lazy but must take a course for the minimum one credit of math required to get a BA Degree.
I wrote this article and it is just as well, as it is much easier to extract a few calculus equations out of a master essay than it is to extract a master essay out of a few calculus equations!
The magic eye: Light is the 4th Dimension Thought is the 5th. If the magic eye was just light, it would only be seen with one eye. The dimension of the magic eye is the 5th Dimension, that is thought because it is the result of what is seen with two eyes and then added together, otherwise impossible if seen with only one eye.
Therefore a 3-D movie is really a 5-D movie.
Arthur C Clarke wrote about seeing hallucinations, visions when exploring deep space. When one reaches the speed of light, feeling a little fucked up won't be the only thing. One will then, at that speed, be at the same frequency or level of the dream world that one sees when one sleeps so that one can experience 360 degree full hallucinations with dreamstate qualities but being fully awake and without having taken one drop of any kind of hallucinogenic drug.
The 3rd Dimension is dependant on things like solidity, the time space relativity fabric. The 5th Dimension is not dependant on that at all.
March 23, 2008: A minute is ten thousand years. Ten thousand years is a minute. An inch is ten thousand miles. Ten thousand miles is an inch. That is how the fifth dimension works.
April 2008:
The Universe contains the 3D Universe as well as the 5D Universe. In the Universe, things go from being a hologram to being solid to being a hologram again.
In the fifth dimension, you can stand on a spinning potters wheel spinning beneath you and you can appear non moving nor spinning in the opposite direction of the spinners wheel to do so.
May 2008: Time is a boat. Timelessness is the ocean upon which the boat floats. People forget the ocean and focus only on the boat.
June 2008: The Philadelphia Experiment. Since time and space are equally irrelevant, time is a kind of space, and space is a kind of time. The first time the USS Eldridge went back, there were no spectators, but in 1984, as they were expecting it, there were a lot of spectators. They did not go back a second time, but elongated, all the events together suggest that time does not exist the way we know it because there were no spectators the first time and there were spectators the second time. If time existed not only would there either be lots of spectators both times or no spectators both times, it would not be possible. Like a computer, when one goes back in time after going forward, they create two events if only because a different outcome apart from the one that would have happened anyways emerges, like a reset button; a pop up on the computer that says, "Cannot be undone."
Space is a kind of time. Time is a kind of space.
July 2008: In this dimension, an object absorbs all colours, but reflects the colour it is not, as a result, it is the colour we see. Not a bad way of rendering colour. When things vibrate at rates slower than the speed of light, ie this 3rd dimension, solid objects, it presents itself as a refraction type of reflection of colour or light. In the 5th Dimension, things emit the colour of light that they are. Direct. Not reflection. Emission. Moving faster than the speed of light. That is why dreams can easily be more vivid than this life.
In this life, you got to go to the images to see them. In the 5th Dimension, the dreamworld, more often than not, the images come to you, without you going to them. Well, there is the you teleporting to images, and then there is images, locales, teleporting to you!
July 2008: This dimension needs the structure of planets. The 5th Dimension does not. Planets and gravity are coefficients of the same dimensional condition exclusive in this 3D one. This dimension is a jigsaw puzzle put together, but can also be looked at, examined as a conventional exactly cut jigsaw puzzle pieces and the pieces can all fit together in one way. That is the linear time structure of this dimension. Solid, non holographic. The four sides of a jigsaw puzzle piece in this dimension are individual and need an exact and selective other piece.
The next dimension is a jigsaw puzzle put together but can be looked at with all the pieces fitting together an unlimited way because a jigsaw puzzle piece has four sides and in the next dimension all four sides are the same and can be interchanged interfitted with any of the other pieces in any way.
Gravity = planets. Planets = gravity. Therefore, we are as physical 3D beings, creatures of gravity.
When a person dies much of their memories die forever. That is because we are walking vantage points, dimensional vantage points, that is, besides being personalities with an ego.
In dreams, one can see a lighted room even though one sees no lamp, or one can see sunlight streaming through a window without seeing the sun. In the dream world, the light image, the light, all the things in the room are recorded and the light emanating from the same angle as it was in the 3D world. The holographic world.
This millisecond is visible and solid. The past and future are invisible, holographic. And so it is with the next second.
In the dream world one goes to the holographic interpretation of this world in real time. A person living in a different town visits their hometown often in their dreams, the 5D nonsolid holographic version of it.
Think of it this way, a play is being recorded simultaneously on traditional filmstock and on a digital image and sound DVD.
This world is simultaneously played out and recorded in 3D and 5D. When one dreams one goes to the 5D version of this world.
Light not only illuminates; it records and plays back.
A traveller dreams of his hometown. When he dreams, he goes to the 5th Dimensional template of that town, suspended outside of time and space.
Teleportation is the stuff of the Universe. If you think of a place across the World, you have teleported there in thought.
If the space between one atom and another is entire great distances, mini-Universes, and if a Canadian dollar coin; a loonie was laid in the middle of a foot ball field representing the proton of an atom, with that kind of proportion the next closest atom would be two blocks away, the furthest electron would be at the goal posts of the football field, then everytime a person waves their arms, they are teleporting!
There is an corresponding equivalent to the events of the timeless, non-solid holographic 5th Dimension, and the temporal coordinates of this time space framework of this dimension, the 3rd Dimension. That is why when someone has a dream, it can be told, from the things in the dream that the dream happened on Thursday and not Tuesday. That you had the dream in the year 2000 rather than 1950 because you saw a tabletop tower computer.
Like, there is a character in the Chinese alphabet for the word, say, gold, in English. But it does not mean that English and Chinese are the same language, nor does it mean that they move in the same linguistic engergy rhythms, or existential cadence.
A concert, as written above, may be recorded simultaneously in filmstock and DVD, but it does not mean that they are the same technology. With DVDs, you can press a button and skip and teleport as it were to another song, kind of like the actual 5th Dimension, and with regular film stock, you can not and have to laboriously take every step and rewind to the point, sigh, kind of like this 3rd Dimension.
Remember, there is no 180 degrees in the dream world, in that 5th Dimension as the entire reality of the dream world is a non solid hologram. Any more than when a person turns 180 degrees in a video game, that he actually turned 180 degrees. Come to think of it, that is just like outer space where there is no left, right, up, down, nor turnaround.
The Earth is just like the dreamworld. Sure, the Earth can be mapped on a grid compared to its own internal coordinates, but against outerspace? In outer space, there is no up, down. It is like walking backwards in a revolving restaurant at the same speed as the restaurant is moving. Are you a) moving forward because the restaurant is moving forwards b) standing still because you are going backward the same speed at the restaurant or c) moving backwards because your choreographical intent is a backwards walk?
The Sixth Sense is the 5th Dimension.
When a blind person with second sight wakes up in the morning, he sees his room, via Robert Monroeian astral projection, and then in time, he sees nothing, blackness and then he knows he is fully awake and things are normal.
When a normal person wakes up, he sees nothing, blackness and then when he sees his room, he knows he is awake and things are normal.
When a person has a bad dream and someone wakes them up thus stopping the dream and forcing them to teleport back here.... That is the most overt and obvious demonstration that this world has not only a connection, but a relationship with the dream world.
After years of studying the dreamworld, now, when I encounter a person in the waking world who says something, I no longer think, "Why would that person say something like that?", and I now think, "That person would say something like that."
In the dreamworld, it is not muscular strength or muscular power. The strength is more... the ability to yell and not hesitate has more to do with strength in the dreamworld, or knowing techniques like aikido. Women seem to have the inner spiritual strength of non hesitation, to yell without hesitation because they do not rely on muscles as much as men. That is spiritual strength.
How To Kill An Interdimensional Beast
Interdimensional beasts and various and assorted of such miscreants, shapeshifters, teleporters and the like, it has been known for centuries that although they are most often usually non-solid and holographic so that they can shapeshift and teleport, moving back in and forth from non-solid to solid when they materialize into solid form that is the time to kill them in which they could be killed with a machine gun or a pump action shot gun with canister bullets.
The dreamworld demonstrates that one does not need solidity, linear time in order to build house, that the solid linear time-space world is not the only dimensional realm that one can build architecture. Even with a Universal non-solid holographic reality in which all things are the same density, that is non-solid holograph, even with timelessness, even with teleportation, houses and architecture is not only possible, it is inevitable.
George Lucas talks about the used universe. This 3D universe is the used universe, and the fifth dimension, the dreamworld, the after death world is the unused universe.
Thanks to the PMH Atwaterian master vibration of the fifth dimension, everything is so pristine, so new that it is almost sickening.
We may always be living a second behind. When something happens, new, it is spiritual, invisible; the same pristine plane as the non-solid holographic 5th dimension that is the dreamworld, afterdeath world, etc.
Only a millisecond later, it solidifies and becomes solid, merging into this visible 3D non-holographic and solid dimension that is the 3rd dimension.
And a millisecond after that, it goes back to the invisible non-solid holographic 5D of the dreamworld, afterdeath world. All of the past and future is like a great big pie and is invisible, only the present moment, but what is really a ghost of the real present moment which happened a millisecond ago, as this is the wake, is a thin very thin slice of that pie. The pie only moves in one direction, the timeline. Christianity is a sublimated form of sun worship which is a sublimated form of worship of the timeline which is a sublimated form of worshipping this dimension and the niceties it has to offer. Or timeline, where time is an invisible nonsolid holographic line, except for a bead which moves in one direction along that line which is the 3D present moment. This bead is visible, solid, and non-holographic.
A calendar which simultaneously shows the past, present and future.
"Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men."
From TS Eliot, The Hollow Men
This poem means that those who have crossed the other side and know astral projection and dreams well, come back and see people not as looming and threatening as before, but as ghosts stuffed with bodies or bodies stuffed with ghosts.
Notice that Jennifer Love Hewitt never, ever quotes the ghosts verbatim. That is because this is signifies that she only ever receives a strong telepathic impulse from the ghosts. A ghost would say, "I think about her all the time, she is always in my thoughts, my essence, through this timeless wandering through eternity." "What did he say?" the petitioner asks. Then Jennifer Love Hewitt says, "He misses you."
The Word was God. And the Word was with God. I like to think that this means the difference between telepathy and the spoken word. In a way, telepathy is more exact than the spoken word, but also in a way, telepathy is much less exact than the spoken word, which was perhaps why the spoken word, ie this dimension was created by God. Who else created it?
Telepathy is God's language.
Telepathy: It loses a lot in the translation.
Dream: I am doing chinups against two blue bookshelves against a blue wall inside an artsy coffee shop on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. A friend, to my left, joins me and he starts doing chin ups too, although I can do more.
Interpretation: I recognize these shelves from work. Like an actor who can appear in different movies, objects in life can appear in dreams in different places.
Inanimate objects emit a certain emotional identity. In this life there are too many filters, too many things fucking up this process. In the dreamworld and in the afterdeath world, you can sense this fully. Inanimate objects have a certain emotional identity, let alone living things.
In the dreamworld, bridges just nearly completed with large squares of wood and a labyrinthe of running troughs of concrete, or else the top floor of a building just as the lights are being installed, the brand new lighting wires hanging from the ceiling of the hallway near the elevators of the top floor of a brand new skyscraper shows things in their first blossom, when they are truly alive, in their shimmering newness for when the thing is completed, it already starts to die. The best part of a film project is having finished just 98% with the last touches not a reality, and must be done, but not done yet, and the film having an identity, a reality that is in its own moment, alive.
I can't make heads or tails out of my dreams. That's precisely the problem. Heads or tails are things of the third dimension. In the fifth dimension, heads or tails are irrelevant.
A lot of it is wordplay.
The events in this world, added to the events you have witnessed in the dream world, influence and colour what you will see in the dreams to come. Come to think of it, the events in this world added to the events that you have seen and experienced in the dream world, those two things put together, influence what you will see in this World as well!
Neighbourhood shamans: In this dimension, they are old and almost never talk to you. In the other dimension, they are young, and talk to you all the time telepathically.
A highway in the other dimension looks very much like a highway in this dimension, except that other dimension is more vivid, there is not a speck of dirt anywhere, the cars on the road are brand new, and they move more slowly, smoothly.
James Van Praagh said that a ghost, being a psychic entity, their thoughts and emotions are a hundred times more vivid. I have experienced this in dreams. This happens in this dimension, except that our physical body acts as a filter or a block for those kinds of thoughts and emotions. If thoughts and emotions could be experienced and sensed as heat, standing next to a ghost in a dream is like standing next to an oven!
James Van Praagh also said that we move in the spirit world according to our personal levels of ignorance and fear. Some have more of it and some have less of it than others.
Even if the English alphabet has 250,000 words, which according to Guiness is the language with the largest vocabulary, the telepathic language has about 6 billion words.
Interpretation: It does not take a rocket scientist to figure all of this out. And I have been reading Mary Ann Winkowski. I am only 1/4th of the way into the book which has taught me so much.
In my dreams I am visiting this Earth. This Earth is its naked fifth dimensional form away from the cloak or filter of this solid dimension, in this dimension of differing densities, solid, liquid, and gaseous. In the next dimension all things are the same density, that is holographic, and one can teleport etc. etc. etc.
The ones who are on this Earth are what is called Earthbound spirits.
Now the ones in this dream were decidedly snarky. They remind me of the stubborn self obsessed ones in an actual astral projection OBE that I had.
I visited my old hotel, the Glory Hotel, which a homesick traveller will oft do, and these are some of the Earthbound spirits that are actually now as we speak, hanging around the Glory Hotel.
Often ghosts appear young as in the case of the Italian guy.
"Paging Doctor Nick Riviera. It's the coroner."
"Oh God! I'm so sick of that guy!"
The Simpsons
Ghosts. I am so sick of them. I see them in my dreams all the time. I have seen hundreds if not thousands of ghosts and I have been studying my dreams for five years and seeing ghosts in my dreams for five years including those who have died, looking young and healthy, not sick and physically compromised.
Mary Ann Winkowski writes that she has been studying ghosts for fifty years!
See, James Van Praagh can see ghosts that have crossed over into the light, but not earthbound spirits. He has the enviable White collar job as those who have crossed into the light are kind, benign.
Mary Ann Winkowski can see earthbound spirits but not those who have crossed into the light. She has the blue collar grunt job, and dare I say it, shit job because earthbound spirits are snarky, and how can I put it gingerly, .....assholes.
You look at them, and it can be, "Oh you are looking at me, I look back at you." and "Who are you, impudent, that you can see me?"
I see ghosts who are earthbound in my dreams like millions of other people do in their garden variety dreams. I see ghosts, not from their point of view, although as one of them in their World. To put it this way, I have a ticket for an exclusive showing at an exclusive cinema of a 3D movie. Although I am one of the audience, I am not one of the others in the audience. I can see the same as they can and am in the same arena as they are under the same conditions.
You can too. Most people when they dream, are doing something like this. This is not a special gift. I just struggle to remember my dreams and I use memory stimulants like ginkgo biloba and also nutmeg.
Just from years of reading books I have finally more or less put two and two together, and surmised that this is what has been going on all along.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Word to the wise. Mary Ann Winkowski said that The Light that all spirits must pass through to go to Heaven starts closing about 24 hours after the funeral is over. The hole of light gets smaller and smaller until people can not pass through. Sometimes ghosts visit their friends after the funeral, friend after friend until they discover that there is no longer the Light for them. They are then stuck in the ghostly version of Earth, the same place that Yours Truly often visits in his dreams.
She did point out that ghosts who lost their White Light can go to the nearest funeral home and enter into another spirit's newly created light.
But she did point out that prejudiced people will, as a ghost refuse to enter the same light as a person of a different colour, and there may be a hesitation..... sigh.
Earthbound spirits are the snarky asshole ones. I see the same kinds as Ann Winkowski sees. I can only see them in my dreams whereas she can see them in that dimension and in this dimension. Earthbound ghosts, the snarky asshole ones can say asshole things to people like, "When you were younger, you were a prostitute." "You are sexually unfaithful." Or appears like a janitor in a high school hallway. He turns around and right at me with a mean look.
Ghosts who have passed into the light are gentle, loving.
Earthbound spirits are snarky assholes.
The spirits of the still living can be either kind or assholes depending on the individual involved. For example, my father and stepmother and half brother and half sister are all living, or at any rate they were when I had these dreams years ago.
I had lots of dreams of my father and half brother and half sister and all of them were good and kind. Gentle.
In all the years I only had one dream of my stepmother. She said in her goddamned foreign language, "Your mother died. You had no mother. Who was going to take care of you? You needed a mother to take care of you." Brrrr. That is like a politician saying, "I got a mandate."
Not all of the people seen in dreams are Earthbound spirits. Spirits who have passed into the light like my kindly grandmother often choose the astral version of Earth that we visit in our dreams as a mutual meeting place because it is much easier for them to meet us there. Just like it is much easier to meet friends at the mall than it is for them to meet you at your house.
A field where ghosts and astral travellers play together.
1 ghost + 1 astral traveller = 2 ghosts.
If you have decided not to talk to a specific person in this dimension, you will avoid that person in the next dimension, ie the dreamworld as well!
Come to think of it, this goes for anyone whether that person is of this dimension or not. There is a ghost of a friend who died, Mark R*** who sometimes visits me in the dreamworld. I made up my mind that I didn't want to talk to him anymore. When I saw him in the dream next, I said, in the dream, "Mark, I don't want to talk to you!"
Hypnagogic hallucination. People refer to the visions experience upon awakening and just before sleeping as hypnagogic hallucinations. Like the old saying goes, just because you see them, it does not mean that they are hallucinations!
The Police that I encounter in my dreams are always polite, together. They are never like the Earthbound ghosts, snarky, mischievous and to tell you the truth, not running on all six cylinders.
I guess because the Police have been around the dead and dying so much, anyways much much more than the average person on the street, and also because of their training. Police in the next dimension are always protectors who know what they are doing.
Mary Ann Winkowski said that to think about ghosts too much will attract them. She said that ghosts from other film sets drifted to the set of the Ghost Whisperer because of the subject matter.
She warned people to never get it into their heads to do things like ouija, and under no circumstances address them out loud, having a monologue with them when you are alone and you think one might be around. She also said to never write a note or a letter to them!
Ghosts are always always doing this. When I see the ghost of someone who died in a dream, they always say, "No. That is not so. As you can see, I am very much alive." Maybe that is their way of saying, 'Your thoughts about death needs a tune-up.'
There are places closer to Heaven, and there are places farther away from Heaven. Closer to and farther away is not a reference to linear distance but of vibration. The rich area and the slum in a city are metaphorical representations of this.
In this dimension, people who are young and healthy, and people who are old and sick, either group can hang out in either the rich areas aka the Heights or the slums. However in the dreamworld, fifth dimension, after death world, only the young and healthy hang could hang around in heaven, and only those who appear sickly and diseased would only ever hang around in the slum areas.
The interchangeability is to this dimension what the exclusivity is to the other dimension.
Why are there planets in this dimension and not in the next?
Planets would be redundant in the next dimension. If scenes are the candy, and planets are the wrapper, in the next dimension, you can have the candy without the packaging or the wrapper.
Think, in a pool of a kind of liquid that can conduct energy and electricity, fully, at its best in liquid form, even if the liquid passes through sieves and other obstructions, to put in large rock crystals of this liquid, solidified, would be redundant. It would be inefficient, there would be all kinds of gaps and non contact points and it can't run through sieves.
After a dream, you don't say,"Geez, but it wasn't supposed to be that way, it was supposed to be this way."All you feel is a sense of wonder.
Why is it not that we don't approach this dimension of life like that? Daily we say, "It should have been some other way."And feel no wonder.
The television series Lie To Me. These facial expression work with ghosts in the dreamworld and the afterdeath world as well!
I should have known it when I read Edison's statement, "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Inspiration is the 5th Dimension and perspiration is the 3rd Dimension.
One day, I will not be able to see anything that does not remind me of things that I have seen in my night time dreams. That is when the distinction between this dimension and that one will disappear.
Lighting is everything. Also, SPOV,or spectator's point of view is everything.
I had a dream where I was walking up a hill, that is looking up a hill. Why not down the hill? Why not from the left, or from the right?
String theory: a bunch of SPOVs strung together and this can be either in this dimension or in that dimension, ie the dreamworld, is a string.
The body trail that we leave behind in our lifetime, what the acidheads of the 60s called the long body is also a string. And this trail that can be left implies either in this dimension or the dreamworld dimension as well. The long body; there is a scene in the animated cartoon: the Yellow Submarine when the Beatles are walking and there is a trail of vaporous colours left behind an otherwise white background. That is the long body, in other words, there's your string theory.
String theory: If someone tells you about a dream they had, and you feel a resonance to it, you are feeling being the end of a string that connects you to that dream.
See, the sun is the great controller. When we have dreams, they are seen in the light of this sun. If we lived on a planet with a red sun, the dreams of people on that planet would be lighted with red sunlight. It would look very different.
Even distance from sun, like a dream on Venus would look different from a dream on Pluto. Come to think of it, I think I travelled to Pluto in one of my dreams. A sea of stars, a grey sphere that was Pluto. A planetarium telescope on that planet.
Also sunlight changes every second and will never be exactly this way again like it was this second. Dream of time travel. So a person in a dream can tell if they are time travelling just looking at the sunlight. Sunlight looked a lot different a hundred years ago than it does now. The sun moves from yellow star to red giant. In other words, yellow to red. Red shift.
In the dream world, you can make a reference to a past event with thought or word of an event either in this dimension, like in the dream, me recalling how in this dimension I wrote that note to that girl, or me doing an animated cartoon in this dimension, A Simple Plan which, in one scene featured a machete wielding bandit, or you can make a reference to something which happened previously in the dream world like me referring to me as a trainee cop trying to make a drug bust which happened earlier in the same dream to a couple of guys working at a second hand store holding a triptych painting of Keith Richards.
And in this dimension, also, you can make a reference either in word or thought of a previous event in this dimension or a previous event that happened in the dreamworld.
The Police always seem to call me on the phone, or anticipate me going somewhere if I call someone and tell them I will be there, like yesterday, I called a restaurant and told them that I would be leaving the door in 15 minutes. Well when I left the front door of the hotel lobby, the Police were there. Now the Police may or may not know that I am into studying the dreamworld and they are indirectly pointing out to me that telephones operate along the same ghostly trajectory as telepathy and dreams and remote viewing. Telephone calls operate along the exact same mystery tangents as a nighttime dream, not figuratively but literally. Telephone calls, let's face it, employ aspects of another dimension. You can talk to one,heck even a few people,far away and simultaneously! And instantaneously!
pHOToGraphS = HOTGS = ghost
Sometimes in my animated cartoons, I insert dream images. How could people tell because only an ET could tell something like this. However, there is one way that it could possibly happen. Whenever I draw a picture from the dreamworld, my face will take on a certain involuntary look, heck Dr Paul Ekman would tell you as much. The face that a person has when they are genuinely trying to recall something from the past, that is fact and not fiction.
There are three kinds of sleep paralysis experiences, all of which involved sleep paralysis. The taxonomy of sleep paralysis experience includes
1) sleep paralysis only
2) sleep paralysis with scream
3) sleep paralysis with scream preceeded by the dark fuschia screen with the pink clouds.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out where we go in our dreams. There is a holographic World that is a copy of Earth but with a different history, and different set of events.
And there is a holographic realm of a World or a place or places that have nothing to do with Earth whatsoever.
The visible Universe and the invisible Universe. Or else in visible Universe.
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality. -John Lennon
You are only ever in dream mode. When you are awake, that is another kind of dream mode. The "awake" mode is a figment of the imagination. It is only when one is dreaming that one is not ignorant to the idea that one is in the dream mode, at all, for any amount of time. But the reality is, we are always only ever in the dream mode.
The dreaming state is the awake state and the awake state is the dreaming state.
There is a movie called The White Shadow, about basketball. We all have a black shadow and a white shadow. The white shadow is invisible and superimposed onto your physical self. The White shadow is often a younger version of yourself.
The ultimate telepathy is to know the future. The future already exists, but in another dimension. However, omens happen all the time. People don't usually see omens until after the fact.
The future already exists, on another dimension, but like everything else, it is subject to change at the last minute!
I was a teenage werewolf. In the future, I will be a teenage ghost. Understand this, and you will understand the secret of life.
They did make all these movies 'I Was A Teenage Frankenstein', 'I Was A Teenage Vampire', 'I Was A Teenage Zombie'. Come to think of it, it is interesting how they never made a movie called 'I Was A Teenage Ghost'.
In chemistry, there are elements which are pure and there are compounds or alloys which are a mixture of at least two elements.
This dimension is not an element but a compound, it contains a little bit of the other dimension. The other dimension is not an element but a compound, it contains a bit of this dimension.
How do we know that when we go to the dreamworld, when we sleep we are always visiting a one other dimension. What if we visit, like, a few dimensions, all those dimensions merge in some aggregate conglomerate of experience which is perceived as one dimension, but it doesn't mean it is.
I think the sweaty, syruppy, ultra vivid HDTV dreams in which you can recognize strongly landmarks from this world a la Robert Monroe's OBE is different from a dream when you visit some place you don't recognize at all.
Everything is connected in a continuous line. What you saw in last night's dream will affect your actions tomorrow and your actions tomorrow will affect what you will see and where you will go to in tomorrow night's dream. The problem is, in a day, you don't do just one or two or even a dozen actions, you make, like, a thousand and one actions a day so it is difficult to tell which action is the one that will bring about tomorrow night's dream.
Not be able to levitate is to this dimension what being able to levitate and fly is to the next dimension. Why should a dimension in which you are not able to levitate and fly make any more or less sense than one in which you can?
Life itself does not make sense.
If the waking world is offset against the dream world, and the dream world is offset against the waking world, then what are the two worlds offset against?
This is a telepathing Universe and thoughts are the building blocks of a very real dimension.
Time, space, movement and material is an illusion. We are holographs constantly teleporting and telepathing.
Ghosts are supposedly scary, but let me tell you, through personal experience, if every person or personality that can be encountered in a dream is a ghost, I would much rather deal with a friendly good ghost than a mean evil living person.
But the mean evil ghosts, well, they are the worst of them all!
Relax, telepathy is a noun as well as a verb, sort of like breathing.
We are interdimensionals.
Now as I get older, firmly into middle age, am I afraid of growing old and dying? No. Death is an involuntary process. Like going to sleep and dreaming. Am I afraid of that. Even if you were afraid, there is nothing you can do about it. You can no more prevent death than you can prevent going to sleep.
Death is not like going to work where you got to perform. In death, you don't perfrom, death performs on you.
Life is an enmeshment of this solid, liquid, air dimension and that other all holographic dimension for a quantity of vibrations, or for an amount of energy quantification that is registered and recognized as "time". When that amount of energy expires or is over, then the enmeshment is over and one goes back to living exclusively in that holographic dimension.
If you think about something, you will carry the vibes about that, specifically if you think of the black cloaked or the black dressed ghosts you have seen, you will carry the vibes about that.
And this is something which other people can pick up on, and that is also in itself, another ghostly phenomenon, and one that is just as scary.
This write up could never be handed in as a University thesis. I mean, I mentioned my friend who worked at the bookstore. I might as well mention the sink in my apartment which, actually, has a dimensional interplay, or else an interdimensional play.
In a hexagonal fish tank, if the fish were, say, swimming from left to right, as it swims past one of the edges, and when it approaches the edge to the point where it seems that if you are looking at the tank from a certain angle, two fish appear to be swimming where there should be one fish, at first the fish that you see on the left of the edge is the real fish and the fish that you see on the right of the edge is the ghost mirror image, a split second later, the fish that you see on the left is the ghost mirror image and the fish that you see to the right of the edge is the real fish.
What if neither the Bible nor evolution, science, the big bang, molecules coming together were true. It would be typical of the illuminati to hide what really happened. That all of man's theories and scientific writings falls short of the mark?
What really happened was an interdimensional shift, an interdimensional transfer of energy.
Given that the brain being a gelatinous mass of folds inside the skull,
it is not a case of how wonderful it is that since we live in this dimension, our brain allows us to occasionally glimpse into the other dream dimension.
It is that we live in the other dimension and it is our brain that gives us access to this dimension.
Colours are different than what we see. Our eye distorts the colours.
Things move at different speeds than what we see. Our eye distorts the speed.
In the dreamWorld and in the next dimension, we see colours as they really are and see things move at the speeds they really do and that is faster.
This dimension is a mold for the other dimension. Mold. Cast. But in a lot of ways, that dimension is also a mold for this dimension.
This dimension is the non interchangeable gas liguid solid matrix.
The next dimension is the interchangeable gas liquid solid matrix.
Holographs of this dimension is made of electricity, lasers, pull the plug and it doesn't work.
Holographs of the other dimension is made of electromagnetic energy, spirit energy. It is almost as if two cups look alike; however, one cup is made of tin and the other is made of silver.
If something the size of a human can be a ghost, that is an invisible hologram, there must be entire planets in the Universe that are invisible and holographic relative to us or our 5 senses capabilities.
Thoughts exist outside of time, that is why there is the illusion of choice.
Just as no action is ever an accident. No thought is ever an accident.
Electricity, magnetism, gravity, light, atoms.
Electricity and light and atoms appear in this and the other holographic dimension. Magnetism and gravity appears only in this dimension.
Interdimensional coordinates.
The holographic carbon copy of the Earth does not exist in another place but is rather superimposed onto the physical Earth.
David Icke expanded this idea further. The holographic copy of the Earth is not merely superimposed onto the Earth, it IS the Earth. He said that all things have a second nature. The first and illusory nature is the solid liquid gas nature. The second and more real nature is the holographic nature.
It is like the girl in Wreck It Ralph, during certain moments a glitch occured when you could see her crt or cathode ray tube aspect before she reverted back into full 1080p hd mode.
The Left exists as a corollary to the Right.
This solid liquid gas dimension exists as a corollary to the holographic one.
I walked into a room with sliding glass doors and said, "Fucking rights!" The people ie ghosts in the room laughed. They were pleased that I brought that vocabulary and that attitude into the dream world.
I thought only ghosts in the dreamworld where gravity can be momentarily irrelevant could do this. …
"Who are you?" The Who. When I saw the ghosts, they looked at me, telepathically asking, "Who IS this Oriental boy looking at me?!"
In the dreamworld there are only ever two kinds of daylight. 1. what I call early Spring morning 2. white sky cloudy day
This and that other dimension, different set of rules? Maybe not: We are solid to us they are holographic to us, they are solid to themselves and we are holographic to them.
Are ghosts vertebrate or invertebrate? Six of one is half a dozen of the other. You can't win for losing.
Ghostbusters: "Why do you have worms in your pants, Beavis?" "Uh, I don't know. They were just there." … I roll my eyes
Women look nice, but that's just conditioning. Creatures whether in this or the other dimension have a spectral, arthropodic look to them. Arthropodic, slightly rippled like crabs shells.
"Last night, I saw my father in a dream, rather, it was his consciousness or his shadow."
A Native would say, "No, the father that you saw in the dream last night is your real father. The father that raised you years ago is the shadow."
Dracula, not solid vampire to solid bat, but solid vampire to holographic vampire to holographic bat to solid bat.
The creatures of the other dimension think at the speed of thought and move at the speed of thought. While in this dimension, creatures think at the speed of thought, but move at whatever slower speed they move at. That explains why in that other dimension, we are exclusively telepathic, and why in this dimension we are not.
I have friends in the interdimensional community.
Epoch Times, December 2013 said that Japanese scientists believe that the World is a holograph projected from a lower dimension.
Actually, it is a stereo effect of a holograph projected from a higher and lower dimension. The Scandinavians had a model, Asgard; heaven, midgard; Earth, and helheim; hell.
This World is a result of how perfection can arise from imperfection. Heaven is a result of how imperfection can arise from perfection.
Celebrities are spiritual protectors. They are maha atmas, they are great souls. Most people can multi locate to a few, maybe a dozen locations simultaneously but a celebrity can multi locate to a few thousand, a few million places simultaneously and deal with the results and ripple effects thereof. Each time a celebrity appears, even if as an image on a television screen, their personality as a set of dimensional coordinates is doing a job and having an effect on the person they are locating to.
A spirit can not only do things to other people but do things to oneself. When one makes a cartoon, for instance, their spirit will direct to a place where there is some coincidence connected to their cartoon. I once did a spider-man cartoon with lots of spider webs. The next day, I saw a bush with lots of little spider webs covered with dew on it.
I once did a cartoon about Tracy Thorn flipping sideways in the air. I rented a movie that day and coincidentally, it displayed an actor flipping in the air in the same way!
I once had a dream about my old grade school teacher. At one point, I wanted to hug her and offered to. She said, "As a woman, I don't think you should be that familiar with me." That was her way of saying, I am dead and you are living! The living don't hug the dead!
In Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, the ghost of the East Indian girl said to Alec Baldwin, I am alive you asshole! Again, You are dead and I am living! The dead don't fuck around with the living! Sort of like my meeting with my teacher in my dream.
"Don't cross the streams." Ghostbusters. Don't cross the streams between the living and the dead.
The collective history of the World, indeed of the Universe is one big telepathic pulse.
When one dies, when one arrives in heaven, they do not have to resynchronize their watches. Because even though on Earth they were always in the same ever present now as heaven time.
Albert Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously. So instead of moving from the "past" to the "future" all we are doing is accessing code as we go along. Omens happen because part of a future code has overlapped and/or imposed itself onto a present code.
One can multi-locate for example appear in multi millions of television sets across the country during a live broadcast or appear to more than one person simultaneously in a night in their dreams, because time and space are just compartments of one another.
People live forever. For example a White lady with blonde dreadlocks who likes music and is smart, a tall lady. In centuries past, before this person was born, there was a tall lady here, another lady with dreadlocks there, a blonde lady there, all of them smart ladies. And after this person passes on, in centuries to come, there will be a tall lady here, another lady with dreadlocks there, a blonde lady there, all of them smart ladies.
One may think that one is or not, susceptible to hypnosis but there isn't a moment when one is not hypnotized. When one sees an impulse item at the supermarket at the checkout, and then they have to think a counter hypnotic thought in order to not get that item. In the dreamworld, compared to this one, one is not hypnotized. Things do not hit so hard as they do in this dimension. In the other dimension, one can teleport out of things if something is bothering them if they don't want to be hypnotized. In this dimension, one is susceptible to hypnosis. The time space continuum structure of this dimension is especially conducive to hypnosis. When one goes to sleep at night and is entering into the waking to sleeping hypnagogic state, one is actually getting out of the hypnotic state of this dimension although it may seem otherwise. And when one is in the sleeping to waking hypnagogic state as they are when they are waking up in the morning, one is re-entering the hypnagogic state which seems to be the paradigm or else a side effect of this dimension.
Time is nomenclature.
ETs live 3 hundred years. But because they are zipping around in space ships all the time, see a planet that is 35,000 light years away if an alien was travelling at many times the speed of light, that trip would be two weeks to an alien but to us it'd be a few thousand years, that's Einsteinian time dilation. That's why aliens have the illusion of the vibe of senescence or extreme old age.
I've reached the point in my life where the energy of influences from this dimension is saturated with the energy of influences from the other dimension; I learned so many things in life that I use all the time daily!
ETs have an interesting physiology. They live 300 years to our 100 years. They are shorter and have less miles of tubes in their body including the alimentary canal. This means less wear and tear. ETs also have more DNA. If our DNA strand has 23 pairs of chromosomes equalling 46 chromosomes, an ET probably has a DNA strand composing of 100 pairs of chromosomes.
But within their DNA makeup of CGTA cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine, our DNA is embedded in it, like the word Art or Ear is embedded in the word Hearth. Hearth Hearth.
Albert Einstein said that everything is happening at the same time. Taking the concept of Einstein's time dilation to it's Cartesian logical ultimate, Say a space craft were to be able to travel the width of the Universe which is 93 billion light years in one second, heck, let's see if we could set a World record and cut it down to 93 billion light years in one/one-thousandths of a second. For the person travelling in that ship, only a second or less would pass. But for the rest of us, a few billion years would have passed. So for that person, everything that ever happened in the Universe, it's entire history would have happened in that moment.
Moves like Jagger.
Grey aliens with their science labcoat swagger,
Moves like Einstein.
They are very very intelligent. They are compared to in intellect to humans, what humans are to farm animals. .
Death is not an extinction. It is a separation. When one dies, they still exist in a residual form. One's hesitation patterns are retained.
The word body comes from the old English word bodig meaning house. Our spirit is from another dimension, therefore it is necessary for it to reside in a house of this dimension. Childhood is the period when the house is under construction. Death is the time when one has vacated the house.
Our spirit is from another dimension, that dimension is holographic to us but solid to themselves as we are solid to ourselves and they are holographic to us.
The mind has a mind of it's own.
Catholics believe there is one limbo. The Vikings in their cosmology believed that there were two limbos. One was the limbo between heaven and Earth, or Asgard and Midgard, respectively, called Ljossalfheim or realm of the light elves. The weather in this realm presents itself as the light of a Spring morning.
The other limbo was the one between Midgard and Helheim or Earth and hell, called Svartalfheim or realm of the dark or swarthy elves. The weather in this realm manifests itself as either night or else dark cloudy grey skies.
An atom is either a particle or a wave, but the entire universe, when it is alive is a particle,after the Big Crunch and before the Big Bang it is a wave.
Sympathy is not as deep as empathy. Empathy is not as deep as telepathy.
When a person that you know dies, if you have a make a profound connection about them that you haven't thought of before, then it's probably that person sending that thought to you from beyond the grave or how else would you be thinking that? The dead have a power to convey thoughts on a telepathic level that the living don't.
The past, present and future are aspects of each other. They are parodies of each other. They are extensions of each other.
A 5 second thought, repeated over and over again for ten years becomes a ten year thought.
The portal to another dimension is in here, *tapping side of head.
Never mind prison planet, never mind prison Universe. Prison dimension. This dimension is a prison and we are all here for a minimum sentence or term. An Earthly prison would simply be a prison within a prison.
Is death an escape? In some cases, one would merely be transferring from one prison to another.
Eddie Huang said the past is the future and the future is the past. In one way, that's true. In the past, things were new, as they move into the future, things get old. Maybe God can look at the Earth's history from today to yesterday, to yesterday before that, and see as buildings grow from demolished, to condemned, back to the newest pristine condition where they are just about to install the ceiling lights on the top floor, the wiring still hanging from the ceiling. But people wouldn't be walking backwards, just like a reading a book, one turns the pages in one direction but reads the text in another.
There are holes in the traditional view of time. Time moves not just from past to future, but in all directions. The potential for time to move to the past is demonstrated through the viewing of video of past events or else watching a movie played backwards. When a movie is playing backwards in normal time, or even speeded up, is the 2 dimensional image on the screen moving forwards or backwards through time, even in it's own Universe? And again, that trip that you are taking to the past in a time machine tomorrow is in the future, and that trip that you took to the future in a time machine yesterday is in the past. An event, future or past are equally unreachable and one cannot change a past event before or after the event any more than one can change a future event before or after the event.
Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously. Again, we do not move "forward" through time from 'past' to 'future'. We are variously accessing code from the present, past, future as we go along. We are simply living in what could be called an ever present present.
Having a memory, experiencing a coincidence, or watching an old movie, or watching a historical movie is seeing images from the past or parts of a past code imposed on the present code.
Having a premonitory dream when sleeping, experiencing an omen, or seeing a sneak preview of an upcoming movie or watching a science fiction movie is seeing images from the future or parts of the future code imposed on the present code. When, say, a person is in high school and that person sees a grad ceremony, if that person later graduates, it will turn out that the grad ceremony was that person accessing a future code.
In the movie Time Lapse, a certain mysterious magical camera is able to take pictures of events 24 hours before they happen! This camera is able to access codes from the future.
It gets even more protracted. for eg. Seeing a video made in say, 2007 about some people watching a futuristic science fiction movie is accessing a future code imposed onto a past code onto a present code. Another example, watching a video made in 1985 about people at a movie theatre watching a Vietnam War newsreel is accessing a past code imposed onto a past code onto a present code.
The traditional theory of time kind of falls apart at the edges.
The other day, I saw some cops asking a pedestrian some questions: "What is your date of birth?" "What is your ID number?" "What is your contact number?" In other words, "What is your past code?" "What is your present code?" " "What is your future code?"
Instead of asking, "What time is it?", because that's primitive, ask, "What code is it?" ETs probably do that.
Sure people and things pass on and die, but that's just an aspect of the code, rather than the code being an aspect of that. Death is an aspect of time, but time is not an aspect of death.
It's "What time is it?", in terms of what kinetic point along a straight track that's moving forward in which things disappear as soon as they appear, or the masculine or empirical or unidimensional model of time, and it's also "What code is it?", or "When is it happening?", in terms of not moving forward, but sitting still in one stationary spot, in one seat, in a stadium in which any and every seat in the audience and every square foot of the playing field can potentially be seen often, though, if you have the right technology, like field glasses, or else, the feminine or spiritual or interdimensional model of time.
The fact that one sees time moving from the past to the future is a distortion of perception based on the observance of entropic events. Time is omnidirectional but that we see things as moving from the past to the future, a lot of it comes from language and how it's structured. While we shape language, language shapes us.
The fact that one sees time moving from the past to the future is a distortion of perception based on the observance of entropic events. Time is omnidirectional but that we see things as moving from the past to the future, a lot of it comes from language and how it's structured. While we shape language, language shapes us.
Time is suggestive.
There's no time like the present = erroneous, wrong, subjective thinking. There's no time but the present = right, objective reality.
Maybe that's part of the reason why the Future Shop closed forever. Essentially, there is no 'future'.
Sure, we moved from the dinosaur age to the human age, but that is a reference to the moving and shifting of forces rather than the concept of a uni-directional time structure because the two things are objectively, mutually exclusive and irrelevant to one another but subjectively, inextricable from one another.
Stars may be entryways into another Universe. They are holes, but unlike the ones on Earth, they can be approached in 360 degrees. Sure one dies when they enter into a star but to stop the story at physical death is to tell only half the story. One resumes their interdimensional existence in that after state.
The number 55 is a reference to Satanism. One pentagram points down, that's a black hole, and one pentagram points up, that's a star.
In fact, it's just nomenclature and lexicon and terminology that stars aren't called yellow holes and black holes aren't called black stars. The ancients referred to black holes as black stars, or rather, dark stars.
"This isn't real." The Maze Runner
One doesn't die after they enter a star, like one doesn't die in a dream even though they are on a bus that crosses anyways a bridge that's out, the bus falls but you don't die.
Stars are entryways into a higher, more heavenly Universe. Go into the light. Do not go into Black Holes as they are entry ways to a more hellish Universe or one where the atoms and molecules vibrate a lot slower. To go into dark holes blacker than the space around it is to ask for trouble.
This Universe is the shadow Universe, the cast off, the by-product. It's as if the real Universe was a boat going in one direction a Universe that moves from new to newer from old age to youth, a reverse entropic Universe vs our entropic Universe which is the wake to that boat that moves from youth to old age, from new to decay, from order to chaos. The Hindoos did talk about that. In the Bhagavad Gita, the Universe is likened to a boat or a chariot that God or Arjuna rides.
Most things in this Universe grow older and decay as time goes on but some things are reminiscent of another better Universe or a better dimension in that they grow newer as time goes on these things are gold and probably honey.
The ideal is neither forward nor reverse entropy because that eventually results in annihilation. The best ideal is perhaps neutral or non-entropy, neither forward nor reverse entropy.
A Universe that moves from old age to youth does not preclude the possibility of annihilation as in the movie Benjamin Button, Benjamin Button dies when he reaches extreme youth.
The Illuminati made the movie Benjamin Button. They didn't do it to merely tell a story. This is more or less what they are inferring to.
That's what Ray Kurzweil was talking about when he talked about the Technological Singularity. That computer chips, using some kind of algorithm will accelerate the rate of atoms, like in Elysium, re-atomizing atoms and molecules eventually changing the fundamental nature of the Universe itself changing it from an entropic to a reverse entropic Universe. To a Universe that is atomically growing younger all the time rather than older all the time. With Ray Kurzweil's Coming Techonological Singularity, in it's attempt to recalibrate an entire dimension, we can look forward in a few years to ourselves and the Earth growing younger and younger.
Of course the Universe could already be the result of a Singularity experiment created by Engineers, like in the movie Prometheus. These Engineers are highly intelligent, to say the least and possibly interdimensional beings that are anthropomorphic and no more than seven feet tall that engineered or created not only the human species but the entire Universe as part of a singularity science experiment with the Universe as their petri dish.
But they fucked up, creating a Universe that's vulnerable to senescence, dessication, decrepitude and decay. The human Singularity project seeks to improve on that.
So of course one day when the human singularity endeavour reaches a certain point, the Engineers will be livid and apoplectic that humans are tweaking their product, that they'll hunt us down. That'll be an interesting day. To which I would say to humans working on the singularity project, "Thanks a lot, assholes, you went messing around where you shouldn't have. Again!"
The Russians might also be working on a singularity project, like they were also working on Project Stargate. In the movie Pacific Rim, Russian Jaegers were also fighting the Kaijus.
Other dimensions manifest themselves as holographic and as visible or invisible. However, there are many holographic grades each visible and solid to themselves but invisible and holographic to others. Billions, in fact. The YouTube video, 50 Strangest Things About Our Universe says scientists detected 80 billion wavelengths like frequencies on a radio in the Universe.
One just has to pick one relatively empty and unused wavelength and initiate a Singularity Phenomenon on that wavelength. In that way, in theory, it is possible for a person or a collective of people to own an entire Universe. Followed to it's Cartesian logical ultimate, to build multiple synthetic parallel, non-parallel, intersecting and/or non-intersecting Universes on multiple holographic wavelengths or planes. But like the Bible said, "What would it profit a man if he were to gain the entire World but lose his own soul?" The term World in that sentence is also transferable to entire Universes.
Why terraform when you can Singularity? Singularity is like terraforming on steroids.
Terraforming = the Genesis Device, from Star Trek, the Search for Spock.
I once read something about some mysterious letters from someone who worked at CERN. I can't find it again on the internet. Anyways, this letter said this person was able to receive communications from people who have passed on to the other side. If the final end game of technology is singularity and the recalibrating of not just this but several other dimensions, as many as we can, then one day, like the Bible said, the dead will be resurrected, or else, they will be accessible again due to the recalibrated dimension or the recalibrated Universe. The dead aren't dead as any ghost in the dreamworld will say, "I'm not dead! I'm right here! I'm not dead in the way that you think dead is!" They say that time and time again. The dead aren't dead, they are inaccessible to us. One day we might live in a World so technologically advanced to such a state that there will be a way to regularly commune and hang out with those who have gone on, creating a common playing field where the living and those who have passed on can interact.
The Kardashev Scale. Type 7 Omega Minus Civilization.
Some entities can teleport only in their dimension but not in ours. Some entities can only teleport in our dimension but not in theirs. But some entities or species can teleport in all dimensions. Like a bird can go 100 mph in the air but is useless under water. A fish can go 100 mph under water but is useless in the air. However, man, is the species that, thanks to help from technology and machines can go 100 mph or more in land, sea and air.
The telephone. Now, we are a species with interdimensional technology. At one time in our history, the only dimension where we could send a message instantly to a person some distance away was in the dream dimension. But now, we can do that in this dimension, and in the other dimension.
The Universe is a computer and life is like a computer algorithm. Human consciousness can be likened to gigabytes of data. At a critical point after conception, the quickening, the data is downloaded from another dimension, or the supercomputer of another dimension to the home computer of this dimension, during life this data is stored, modified and has data added to it. Upon death, this modified and remodified data is uploaded back to the other dimension or the supercomputer.
During life, one has additional data downloaded from the other dimension in the form of dreams. One's waking actions in life modifies this data. Sometimes the data can be enhanced, in the case of which if a person lives a good life. If they live a bad life, that data can be corrupted. Upon death, one gets allocated back to the data zone of their corresponding data structure.
If one lives a good life, they get allocated to a data zone where the data is pure, clean, enhanced, to a place somewhere on the surface net, as it were, often referred to as heaven. If one lives a bad life, they get allocated to a data zone where the data is bad, corrupted, fragmented, unclean, somewhere in the darknet, as it were, known as hell.
"Wrong! There is life after death. The soul does not ascend to heaven but rather rests in a limbo state that varies depending on the karma of the spirit." Dana Carvey, The McLaughlin Group, SNL
When one dies, one's data is uploaded and is then deleted. Of course anyone who knows anything about computers knows that that data is never actually deleted, merely the arrows that trace to it are removed, the data still exists in the mainframe. When one dies, the data is not actually deleted, the arrows that trace to it in this dimension is removed. The data still exists in the mainframe of another dimension. Normally, this data isn't recoverable but computer experts aka hackers can access this data especially with programs like Recuva. There are people who can hack into or access the spirit World to access deleted data or else to contact the spirit of someone who died. I don't know anyone who can do this at will. Ghosts have their own agenda when it comes to deciding to appear in a dream or not. I myself have no control of who's ghost would or would not visit me in a dream.
Speaking of ghosts , sometimes upon death, the data is not able to either upload nor delete properly, that would be what's known as an earthbound ghost.
A nuclear war would be what's known as a collective data upload and then mass data deletion.
In a way, because of debit cards, credit cards, etc. the economy isn't about the flow of goods and services as much as it is a collection of data. And because of debit cards, credit cards, bitcoin, electronic money transfers, the economy isn't about the flow of goods and services as much as it is a collection of manipulated data. Money is not so much coin or paper as much as it is an electronic signal so whoever is able to collect the most electronic signals for themselves becomes rich. So in that way, all economies are endogenic rather than exogenic, because they can generate their own money through creating certain data.
In the old days, computer data was only used for accounting and there was more money in coins and paper currency and more trade and flow in goods and services than there was computer data transactions so in the old days, computer data actually represented the flow of goods and services behind it. Nowadays, computer data is used as money and currency itself and today, there is more computer data transactions than there is money in coins and paper currency and also flow of goods and services so today,instead of computer data representing the flow of goods and services, the flow of goods and services represents computer data behind it.
I don't know if that's a good thing. When there is more money than goods and services you have what went on in the Great Depression. Something's gotta give.
In the old days, a bank account meant bills and coins, now a bank account is collected data, a cluster of electronic signals. Electronic transactions used to be peripheral to cash transactions. Today, the number of cash transactions are secondary to electronic transactions. In the old days, a bank was a house of money, nowadays, a bank is a house of electronic signals, a house of collected data. The ultimate hacker is one who can be financially independent through creating their own electronic currency like Bitcoin. Localities could create their own electronic currency like The Bank of Loup in the movie The Homesman."The Bank of Loup went bust 5 or 6 weeks ago. The money's worthless. Happens all the time out here. I lost more than my fair share to that wildcat paper."
"I owe my soul to the company store." Google could reward it's YouTube uploaders with something called Google-coin or Google-cash, it's own in-house generated electronic currency that wouldn't offset the economy. People can use these Bing rewards like e-stipends and e-renumerations and e-honorariums to redeem them for items on a Google storefront on amazon. This Google store would offer STAR WARS action figures, CDs, DVDs, BDs, heck even plane trips and paid hotel stays when it really gets evolved. If and when Google decides to do this, it'd be an economic act of Keynesian proportions, that would certainly stimulate the economy, creating jobs. Restart; kickstart the local economy. Google could increase their NASDAQ profile in this way.It's here. Google Wallet.
In the old days,money was connected to the amount of gold there was in the World. Nixon eliminated the gold standard. Today, with electronic signals as money, money is irrelevant to the amount of gold in the World. In the old days, the definition of money was dependent upon the amount of gold in the World, today, the definition of money is that it is independent of the amount of gold in the World. Like cell phones which are people profiting off something that costs nothing, radio waves in the air, e-currency is people making money off something that costs nothing, electronic signals which in their most simplified form is just a set of binary on or off signals.
To underscore the whole point, in the old days, a computer was a person at the Office who did the math calculations. Today, a computer is a computer program.
The human body is like a battery to the electric charge which is the human soul. A battery needs a certain minimum charge and cannot operate past a certain maximum charge. At death, good people, their electric charge increases or what metaphysics calls one's rate of vibration increases to the point where the body is overwhelmed and that person dies and goes to heaven. For bad people, the process is very different. Their rate of vibration slows to the point where it can no longer reside in the body, but like an electric charge though, something is still there, and that person goes to hell.
Places of higher or lower vibration are invisible to us just as if you go high or low enough, entire octaves of music extending into infinity are inaudible to us, but maybe that's the octaves that the other dimensions hear. It's not that different and is connected to the sets of octaves of music that the human ear can hear.
Time is the same present moment looked at and relooked at from different angles.
We are solid and visible to ourselves but holographic and invisible to beings in another dimension and vice versa, but there are degrees of visibility and invisibility. Alien mother ships may be ever so slightly visible. There is a correspondency. If they were totally invisible, then we would be totally invisible to them too and they don't want that. So they are just the tiniest bit visible. But for all intents and purposes invisible.
Telepathy =
1. Primary thoughts 2. Secondary thoughts 3. Tertiary thoughts 4. Quartenary thoughts
In criminology, if the top or primary thought is of a criminal nature and if there is a correlation among one or more of the other thoughts, then that would be a problem.
1. Intellectual thoughts 2. Perceptional thoughts 3. Emotional thoughts 4. Subconcious thoughts
Freudian model of telepathy: 1. Superego thoughts 2. Primary ego thoughts 3. Secondary, either agreeing or contradicting ego thoughts Intrusive thoughts or unwanted thoughts would lie along this skein of thoughts.4. Id thoughts
Superego: "I should never sin." Ego: "Maybe I should and maybe I shouldn't." Id: "I should definitely sin!"
or 1. The person you want to be. 2. The person you wind up being. 3. The parts of yourself you consciously don't want other people to see. 4. The part of you that you don't even realize exists.
1. Superego: Spirit. 2. Ego: Human 3. Id: Animal
Plants are aware. Animals are aware that they are aware. Humans are aware that they are aware that they are aware.
Jungian model of telepathy: 1. Preconscious thoughts 2. Primary conscious thoughts 3. Secondary, either agreeing or contradicting conscious thoughts 4. Subconscious thoughts
1. Beta 14 - 30 Hz 2. Alpha 9 - 13 Hz 3. Theta 4 - 8 Hz 4. Delta 1 - 3 Hz
1. One thought a day. 2. One thought an hour. 3. Ten thoughts a minute 4. A hundred thoughts a minute
1. The one thought a day is from the limbic brain or the R complex, the Reptilian brain. Thoughts like who am I today? What am I going to do today?
2. The one thought an hour is from the cerebral cortex which includes the parietal lobes, is responsible for vocabulary, is thoughts like, Am I feeling confident now? What am I doing now?
3. The ten thoughts a minute that are from the hippocampus, the seat of muscle memory, are the really interesting ones. Who's that person? Look at that nice lady. Oh yeah, I remember that person who offended or was kind to me years ago.
4. The hundred thoughts a minute is from the amygdala or the seat of adrenaline. The part of flight, flight, and fear. Thoughts like, I got to go there, place one foot in front of the other, I got an itch, watch out for that speeding car as I'm crossing the street, etc.
'The brain is the only organ in the body that names itself.' from 500 Riddles, app, Google play, android
The parietal lobe is the only part of the brain that names itself.
Broca's brain is the only part of the parietal lobe that names itself. The other parts of the parietal lobe are responsible for calculation, judgement, perception, decision making.
I have a tablet with a slow internet connection. I don't see this on my fast computer but when I use the tablet and look for cineplex odeon movies, there's a box that makes you wait and there are three swirling circles signifying that the information is loading and you have to wait, anyways, the three circles move at three different speed each of them moving at their own constant speed. At times the three circles are scattered apart, but for a brief second in the cycle, they are moving together simultaneously, then apart again, then together. Just like human telepathy! They move at different speeds yet there are moments, times when the speeds of telepathy of the brain are moving together at the same time.
Essentially, they are algorithms within an algorithm. 3 concentric swirling dots swirling in a circle, each dot moves at the same speed but because of differing circumferences, at moments they move in unison and at other moments they move scattered separately apart. Three concentric swirling dots is that 3 algorithms or 4. It's 4. The three moving dots each form an algorithm but put them all together - that's another algorithm.
Algorithms within algorithms. That's the Matrix.
I'm not a scientist. I don't have a science degree of any kind. I dropped out of college, first semester, first year. I barely got a high school degree, I'm baffled that I have it when my M.O. in grade 12 was "not one day when I wouldn't miss at least one period" and "not one week where I wouldn't miss an entire day altogether". I skipped out and just hung out at shopping malls and went to restaurants, nothing spectacular. I'm just an amateur guy on the street writing an essay not caring if anyone reads it or not, asking questions. Maybe one day I will read an article about this that a real scientist wrote. Even if I were a University student with a master's degree writing an essay about science and physics, I'd be just that. A student, an amateur, writing an essay asking questions. Most students will never get to be professors writing a scientific article. Professors are on a different level. A higher level of intellect.
Intrusive Thoughts, Unwanted Thoughts
1. What's the difference between an intrusive thought and a non-intrusive thought? Intention.
2. One man's trash is another man's treasure. One man's intrusive thought is another man's profound thought.
3. When all thoughts are intrusive thoughts, there are no longer any intrusive thoughts.
Each dimension registers to another as surreal and abstract. A dimension where people can't teleport would seem surreal and abstract to a dimension where beings can.
Anniversaries are big to ghosts. 24 hr anniversary, 1 week anniversary, 1 year anniversary, 10 year anniversary. Anniversary of either a significant event you shared together if you knew the ghost when they were alive or anniversary of their death.
A dimension might otherwise be called a frequency. A radio is a good model of life on Earth. We simultaneously live under two frequencies, this one and that one. Part of a dream at night is backstory, what you did in the dreamworld while you were awake in this one and another part of a dream is things that happening live in real time. Frequency is a good word. To see a ghost you must be on the right hypnagogic frequency.
A mantis shrimp and a person who can see ghosts is something that exists on two dimensions at once while most people exist in just one.
There are gradations or levels of holography.
Telepathy is like an app that can get the song wirelessly and and name it without it being played out loud over a speaker first.
Telepathy is hearing without the ears, seeing without the eyes. Feeling rather than sensing.
A dream contains backstory of what happened during the time since the last dream and events happening in real time. We exist on two levels simultaneously. A dimension might otherwise be referred to as a frequency. A radio is a good metaphor for this with the AM and the FM frequency. Ghosts exist on a certain hypnogogic frequency.
Tongue in cheek, not serious at all: The alien megastructure, even though it's 1,500 light years away broadcasts itself to us in real time over the telescope. Aliens developed live broadcast in real time technology because like us, they're into sports. How can something broadcast to us in real time while the lights of the star next to it is 1,500 years old? How can some people see ghosts and normal people at the same time? How can you set up two televisions in a room and have one television show a program from 1995 and another television shows a program from 2012?
Mind reading technology theoretically exists. EVPs record the conscious verbal thoughts of entities without a physical brain which are audible at a certain frequency. They should be able to also record the conscious verbal thoughts of entities with a physical brain which are also audible at a certain frequency.
In this dimension there are beings who can and there are beings who can't see entities of that other dimension. Also, in that dimension, there are entities who can and entities who can't see beings of this dimension. That's something that all dimensions have in common, probably, those who can, and those who can't see.
"Some are born to sweet delight, while others are born to endless night." William Blake
We see ghosts walking through our furniture and walls. Ghosts see us walking through their furniture and walls.
Ghosts in photographs.
Double exposure photograph. Double exposure hologram.
A photograph is a 2D hologram. A hologram is a 3D/4D photograph.
There are giants and there are supergiants. There are dimensions and there are superdimensions. In a superdimesnion, one can behave like a superman. Fly, teleport, telepathy, etc.
This whole dimension's a prison, let alone the Universe.
Lego ghosts are invisible and can operate switches, just like real ghosts.
All people should be awarded for bravery in the afterlife. We come into this World with no guide, no road map, no instruction book. All we get is religion with it's bullshit dogmas and science with it's suppressed half truths or otherwise conflicting and often diametrically opposing thesis and all this is supposed to pass for conventional knowledge.
The vast majority of human problems arise from the fact that we cannot teleport, we can't use telepathy which creates misunderstandings and we are subject to physical death. Not all beings in the Universe have these problems. A lot of beings in the Universe don't have these problems. Trillions in fact.
Mind = Tempest in a teacup. Body = Teacup in a tempest. Soul = Tempest in a tempest = Freedom.
The Universe is always communicating with you. Directly or indirectly, the difference is subjective.
I know the science. However, I don't know the science behind the science behind the science of things.
You are not your intrusive or unwanted thoughts. You are not your failed actions. You are something much greater, something the ETs and grey aliens and the Spirits are interested in. The things that are important to you are unimportant to the spirits. The things that seem unimportant to you are things that that the Spirits would be very interested in.
Where were you in your dream last night? The answer to that isn't a point on a map, that is a point on a shape on a piece of paper. Instead of looking like that, it would look like this:
Alberta: FJUR31
Ontario: 2NK479
London, UK: VJ5T19
Los Angeles: VE029L
New York: VBS7GW
Hong Kong: WM046L
Bangkok: NFK5N2
Just like a phone book, which lists codes for telepathic communication rather than actual physical telepathic incidents. In this World, the phone book is a support to the main entity of a map or an atlas. Support, like a drunkard uses a lamp post for support rather than actual illumination.
In telepathy, a map or atlas would be the support to the main entity of the codebook of telepathic codes that represent destinations. The letters and numbers of a telepathic code are of course just symbols to represent the telepathic energy behind them.
In the dream World, an atlas or a map as we know it would be pretty much irrelevant. This World teaches about distance. In this World whether a figure appears big and looming or whether a figure appears small and tiny, they are different distances away. In the holographic afterWorld, those two things are more or less the same distance away. That's the kind of thing that's involved here.
This dimension is an analog converted from digital dimension. The other dimension is an analog converted to digital dimension.
TRON: CLU; Codified Living Unit = Digital avatar = synthetic ghost. Our 'digital' selves are avatars to our 'analog' selves, and our 'analog' selves are avatars to our 'digital' selves.
All ghosts are synthetic ghosts.
That is, if you use the premise from the Prometheus movies that humans were engineered by the Engineers. If physical bodies are a product of the Engineers, why wouldn't ghosts or souls also be, that is, an extension of the wholly Engineered analog-digital matrix and infrastructure. Humans, as a kind of engineers themselves have done this: Humans can make a car and then make a video recording of that car. A video recording is a kind of synthetic ghost. Humans can make a musical instrument or sing and make a sound recording of that. A sound recording is a kind of synthetic ghost. Like any ghost, these synthetic ghosts have an effect on the decision making process of whoever they interact with.
A vehicle, old or new, stagecoach, car or futuristic airplane when brought from a non-snowy land to a snowy land becomes a snow vehicle.
A vehicle, old or new, stagecoach, car or futuristic airplane when brought from Earth to Mars becomes a Martian vehicle.
A vehicle, old or new, stagecoach, car or futuristic airplane when brought from this non-teleportational dimension to the teleportational next dimension of the dreamWorld or afterlife becomes a teleportational vehicle.
Italian is very similar to Spanish. Ghosts seen during dreams behave very similarly to ghosts seen when awake. Even Jane Roberts Seth said so.
Things in another dimension are invisible to us, but they perpetuate forces that can be felt in this dimension.
There is a theory on YouTube that says in a hundred billion years, stars and galaxies will eventually drift so far apart from each other that the Universe will appear to be mostly pitch black. Of course there is another theory that says the Universe expands and contracts in 20 billion year cycles. Why should the forces that make it contract be any more mysterious than the forces that make it expand?
Did the big bang happen at the center of the Universe? That might only happen if the Universe were a sphere or a cube. So did it happen right at the center of the Universe or somewhere off center, somewhere off the mark? Now such concepts are 3-D concepts which are neither necessary or relevant to the integral function of the Universe itself.
In the book Interzone, Burroughs said that Arab music would sound strange to Westerners because they would be listening for a time structure that isn't there. Western music has a start, middle and end whereas Arab music has no start middle and end. It seems to be a continuous middle.
The Universe of another dimension has no top, bottom or center. Everywhere is the center.
Linear time - cable TV - preset shows at preset times.
Non linear time - Blu-ray player, YouTube, PVR - watch whatever, whenever.
Time is often visualized as walking forward down a fixed road or track; what physicists call 'The arrow of time'. Time, rather can be likened to sitting still in a chair wearing a pair of virtual reality glasses, set to 8K to simulate this dimension or set to 32K to simualate the afterlife dimension, while holding a joystick; you only think you're moving. A pair of virtual reality glasses that can be set to any time. While you're in one time wearing the glasses, you're in another time here where you're sitting wearing the glasses. Time travel is like setting and resetting the glasses of freedom to random settings. Sitting in a room using the glasses, in real time, you'd be sitting in a room in 2017 with the virtual reality glasses set to 2017. In the case of time travel, you'd be in the room in 2017, but the glasses would be set to the 1800s, or 1950s, or a Buck Rogers future time.
Things don't travel through time. Time travels through things.
In STAR WARS people travel at the speed of light. In real life if one were to travel at the speed of light, they would at that moment cease to be a physical being and become a holographic being, therefore skipping the physical death process.
To a person experiencing that, they would feel as if they are still alive, but something is different, very different.
This process would be irreversible due to Newton's Law of Thermodynamics specifically the Law of Momentum, things that are moving tend to stay moving. To us on our side, anyone in a space ship travelling at the speed of light would simply disappear, never to be seen again.
That's what happened to Dr David Poole at the final scene of the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001.
The speed of light isn't just a velocity or rate of speed, it's a state like solid, liquid, gas. Once you reach that rate, you become that state. Especially in STAR WARS, zipping from planet to planet, those planets are sometimes a hundred light years apart, so to be able to zip from planet to planet and not look like one hasn't bathed in a few months, it would be even more so for them!
The science in STAR WARS is wonky. In STAR WARS people travel planet to planet, hundreds if not thousands of light years apart in a day, and on that planet also, one one day has elapsed. They meet up with their friends as if their watches were synchronized. Wrong. According to Einstein's Time Dilation, while one day would have passed for the people on that STAR WARS space ship, 10,000 years could have passed on that planet.
STAR WARS uses the brane Universe or else a multidimensional folded Universe to travel to hyperwarp to other planets.
I could be wrong. 100 years ago, I might have written an article to the effect, man can't travel at the speed of sound because sound is a profound state that can cause things around it to vibrate. If we travelled at the speed of sound, our molecules would simply vaporize and we would become sound itself. Wrong. There are planes that could go Mach 3 in the military.
The unmanned X-43A reached a record setting Mach 10 in 2004.
Time is the name we give to the politics of this defective dimension. That things have to move around things, that they can't teleport, that things must grow from young to old and then die makes time seem that much more limited and menacing. If we could teleport around things, if we could travel even to another planet in an instant, if we could always look young and never die like happens in the spirit afterlife dimension, then time would have a different dynamic. Time has a limited aspect and an unlimited aspect. In this dimension we learn about the limits of otherwise limitless time.
"The whole point of life is that it stops." Franz Kafka
In this dimension, because of our mortality time acts as a counterforce, anything that we do that takes up time means that we have that much less time left to live. Under this system, time works as a series of incremental demerits.
And also, under this system of linear time vs circular time, with linear time, certain illusions, concepts become apparent that would otherwise be invisible in circular time, things like gain or loss, choice rather than fate or unshakeable destiny. Since one can teleport through something instantly, they have to go around something, left or right. Whatever choice they make takes time, time that they don't get back. Opportunity cost. In the other dimension, this dynamic is irrelevant. Also this system of subjective time vs objective time gives time an artificial scarcity, gives it a value, makes it more expensive as it were.
In the other dimension, time acts as a wind beneath the sails, it is a productive force, in the afterlife, anything that you do that takes up time means that you have that much more time to live. Under this system, time works integrally or else non-incrementally as a set of perpetual, everlasting and eternal credit.
In the other dimension, the way we usually reckon time, whatever year this is, whatever year it is a few countries over, whatever month this is, whatever day this is, whatever hour this is, whatever hour it is 600 miles to the East or West, whatever minute this is, whatever second this is, yeah well all that's out the window.
Time can be likened as a serpent. Viewed from one side, the front, it looks like a dot, the sitting in a chair with virtual reality glasses on. Viewed from another side, the side, it looks like a long line, the linear 'arrow of time', time track aspect of time. Geometrically, teleportation is a kind of time travel. Time travel is a kind of teleportation.
Time travel involves the multiplication and/or addition of time.
Teleportation involves the division and/or subtraction of time.
Algebra - dimensional geometry
Calculus - interdimensional geometry
Then there is atomic based time and non-atomic based time. In the spirit World, there are no atoms, they work independently of that system. Maybe.
There are 4 main things about this dimension that totally influence perception of time:
1. That we must grow old and die. In the other dimension, we stay young forever, live forever.
2. That we have to go around things. We can't teleport through them. In the other dimension, things can teleport.
3. Pain. Pain is experienced and goes away after a certain amount of time. In the other dimension, there is no pain at all. Ever.
4. In this dimension, place decay, crumble, go obsolete, go away. In the other dimension, a place once built lives forever, is fresh and new forever and can be visited forever.
5. Tiredness and sleep. In this dimension we get tired and must sleep. In the other dimension, we never get tired and never have to sleep. Arguably since we use more of our spiritual faculties in the other dimension including telepathy, we are asleep when we think we're awake and we're awake when we're in the dream world.
If we could stay young forever and never die, and teleport, and never have any pain, and go to any places present and historic, and never get tired or have to sleep, then we would reckon time very differently.
It's not only that one may be possibly in the wrong country. One might be in the wrong dimension. This dimension with it's requirements of needing to procure money, even the processes of eating and going to the washroom can be tedious to some and some might be unsuited to life in this dimension. But don't do yourself in because of that.
The human species is a defective species living in a dimension with defective physics. Some of the differences between this and the other dimension like telepathy, teleportation, even immortality can be overcome with technology. To some extent this has happened with telephones and television.
This dimension is the preamp signal to the amp signal of the other dimension, or maybe vice versa. Each dimension amplifies different aspects.
Every planet has a different set of physics, let alone every dimension.
Earthbound ghosts don't exist in this dimension or that dimension. They exist in a place between dimensions which is also a dimension. And with overlapping physics of either dimension. Specifically, in the interdimension for us interdimensionals, the furniture, streets, scenes, look a lot like that on Earth. In the next dimension beyond, the furniture, scenes, etc probably look nothing like that on Earth, maybe more beautiful than anything ever seen on Earth, there's no visual precedent for it.
Just like the airport between countries would have some things from this country, some things from that country, but go beyond into that country and you'll see things that you'd never see in the other country.
As well, you'd have powers in the other dimension you wouldn't have in this dimension, and vice versa. Again, like two countries, in one country there are one set of laws which give you one set of powers and ablilities. In another country there are another set of laws which give you access to a whole different set of powers and abilities.
Falling asleep and death are very similar. Dreams at night is post departure process 1. Death is going beyond and is post departure process 2. The departure process falling asleep and dying are the same. Even if one got shot, they would all of a sudden feel as if they hadn't had a really truly good sleep for decades and is about to fall into a very deep sleep.
In the other spirit dimension, if you're bad, you're sent to the Earth dimension as punishment. In the Earth dimension, if you're bad you're sent to the afterlife dimension as punishment. In other words, make up your mind!
A holographic Universe. What. Versus a non-holographic Universe? What about the possibility of a holographic multiverse, or a holographic omniverse.
Travelling at the speed of light is still travelling within the threshold although at the limit of this dimension. Speed of light teleportation is still,
Point of Origin: This dimension.
Highway: This dimension.
Destination: This dimension.
First they'll try teleportation using radio waves. Teleport at the speed of radio waves, coded, decoded and then recoded. Then it'll be teleportation at the speed of light. Then teleportation using tachyons which are leptons that are faster than light. Then it's next level, teleportation using true interdimensional technology.
But what is needed is:
Point of origin: This dimension
Highway: Interdimensional
Destination: This dimension.
Or as Homer said in the Odyssey, "Travel at the speed of thought."
Again, it's not solid vampire to solid vampire bat. It's solid vampire to holographic vampire to holographic bat to solid bat.
It isn't a case of the advanced alien race being from somewhere else in our dimension using another dimension as the wormhole dimension to travel to us here in our dimension. Maybe it's a case of the advanced alien race is somewhere in another dimension using our dimension as the wormhole dimension to where ever it is they are travelling to in another dimension.
Never mind wormholes within a dimension because the whole dimension is a wormhole.
"Are you doing that to boil out the impurities?" "What are you talking about? The whole thing's an impurity." Drugs Inc.
What about wormholes? What are you talking about? The whole thing's a wormhole.
It isn't so much wormholes within a dimension like the Brunelli Eye of Victoria BC's Miniature World or Gargantua of the movie Interstellar, as it is dimensions within a wormhole, all dimensions together form a multidimensional highway or a multidimensional wormhole which either consecutively or simultaneously connects with each other.
Is it:
A. The defective physics of this dimension. No. Is there anywhere in this dimension where the physics are not defective? No. Different planets have different physics and all of them are defective, with entropy.
B. The physics of this defective dimension? Yes. Are there other dimensions that are not defective? Yes.
C. The defective physics of this defective dimension? No. The two defectives cancel each other out so you're simply left with 'the physics of this dimension'.
All this is just semantics, terminology and nomenclature. Just theory. "All we have are theories of suspended animation. All technology is proprietary." Passengers
My article here is just theories. All associated technology, if any exists is proprietary, belongs to the government.
Ghosts can hear the earworm, that song that's playing over and over in your mind very well. Although it can't hear the radio that you hear as well. To a ghost, it would sound distorted.
The afterlife or the dreamworld is just more psycho-social issues, governed under a different set of physics.
What to us is mysticism to an alien species a million years advanced in technology is science. They can see where people go to in dreams and in the afterlife. They would have an intimate knowledge of that.
A mantis shrimp can see 12 colors. We can see 3 colors. Imagine 9 colors unimaginable, as one online article said about the topic. However, I think it's like the musical scale, the notes repeat but in different octaves or scales. It's the same colors but more vivid. That's the ironic thing. The colors of the afterlife are simultaneously hazy even invisible but at the same time, brighter than the colors we have. It's like a radio. They're all around us. We don't hear it but if we did, especially with an expensive FM radio and amplifier, the sounds are more clear, vivid and loud than the normal sounds of everyday life. Also an HDTV. Turned off, you see nothing. Turned on and the colors are even more vivid than normal real life.
Even though galaxies, let alone solar systems revolve many times in the life of the Universe, if a galaxy were to take 75,000 years to revolve once, it would revolve a few thousand times in the few billion year lifespan of the Universe. However, if the Universe were likened to sphere, a point on the outer circumference of that sphere would take a few billion years to revolve. Just once. That's when the Universe ends.
How do we know that the Universe is revolving if there's nothing outside of it to give it relative motion?
It's called the 5th Dimension or 4th Dimension, whatever, as if that dimension couldn't exist without the 3 Dimensions. It may well be called the 0th or zeroeth Dimension because it is a precursor Dimension, or rather, the default dimension. If the other dimension can be likened to a computer on default settings, then life is an app, and the time space continuum, the physics of this dimension including entropy is the operating algorithm of that app. Time itself is an algorithm although it is usually expressed as a function within an algorithm. The underlying algorithm of time is the same in any dimension although time functions differently in the different dimensions.
Our life is an app within an app, which like all apps, downloads, processes, and uploads data, essentially, an algorithm within an algorithm within an algorithm. Or else a function within a function within a function. Anyways, all functions are algorithms and all algorithms are functions. This is the matrix.
A ghost and/or a hypnagogic voice is a result of overlapping algorithms. A hypnagogic voice is a ghost heard with the ear. A spectre is a ghost seen with the eye. Actually, it's the other way around; the 3 Dimensions couldn't exist without that dimension existing first. All of this is just semantics, nomenclature. It's all one dimension. But our need to pigeon hole things and count things out arithmetically as per Kant's Categorical Imperative is one of the evils attendant on a species working with a 115 or thereabouts IQ.
An interdimensional extraterrestrial with a 450 IQ might not bother to make the distinction between the different dimensions, to him, it's all one dimension as he can travel freely through them.
As humans, we exist in this dimension and that dimension simultaneously. If you look at the human mind as an individual mind, probably not. But it works if you look at the Human Mind as a singular collective mind, then indeed at any given time of the day, there are lots of people in the World who are dreaming and in the dreamWorld and a lot of people who are awake in this World.
The essential problem is that humans are a species with about a 115 IQ, give or take, thinking it can take on the Universe with the defective physics of this non-holographic, non-telepathic, non-teleportational dimension catalyzing with our thoughts. As humans, we rest on three pillars of knowledge forming a tripod of knowledge being fundamentalist religions, obfuscatory sciences, or crackpot conspiracy theories. The collective of human knowledge is basically a bar-stool. It's amazing we got as far as we did.
When one dies, their life isn't ended. Their life is modified from spending part time in this dimension and part time in the other dimension to spending full time in the other dimension. It's going from existing in two energy algorithms to existing in only one existential algorithm. Modification also exists mathematically. A way to express this mathematically is you get two sets of algorithms, once you factor them, you get one. For example, life energy can be represented with odd numbers, say, (233x + 451y). The afterlife, dreamworld, holographic dimension energy can be represented with even numbers, and to add an element of intangibility, it can also be represented with i for imaginary, even invisible numbers, say, (i232x + i450y).
233 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in celsius
451 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in Fahrenheit, ie Ray Bradbury
232 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in celsius
450 = approximate auto-ignition temperature of paper in Fahrenheit
x = unit of emotional energy
y = unit of intellectual energy
When you multiply odd numbers with even numbers you always get even numbers. When you multiply real numbers with invisible numbers, the result is always invisible numbers. So when you factor the two algorithms, (233x + 451y) and (i232x + i450y) you get one resulting algorithm = i54056x2 + i209482xy + i202950y2. At the end of life, the two energy algorithms are factored, extraneous polynomials are cancelled out until one algorithm remains. Notice that in the result, you're working with larger integer values representing that the energy is purer, stronger in the afterlife after death.
Less than an hour after I wrote this, I watched my blu ray copy of Taxi Driver. Near the start of the movie, in the scene where Cybil Shepherd calls Albert Brooks over to her, if you look outside the window, there are two smaller solid color umbrellas a red one and a blue one following a larger multicolored umbrella. - There's the sign!
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it was a simple adventure story. While others can read the ingredients on the back of a chewing gun wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." Lex Luthor, Ready Player One
"Day are numbers, count the stars. We can only see so far
Some day, we'll know where we are.
Alan Parsons Project
The two dimensions are definitely connected. Sometimes waking life will present an omen of something that you will see in a dream later on. And sometimes the dream world will present an omen of something that you will see later on in waking life.
If one thinks of dreams at night as voluntary, they tend to dismiss them as a product of their imagination. If one sees their dreams at night as involuntary, then it becomes interesting, maybe a visit to another dimension.
Nintendo DS Brain Challenge said, "People can not remember early childhood memories because they are stored in a form they can not understand or recognize." A lot of the coordinates of reckoning that we think of as objective are really subjective. In interstellar travel in deep space, there is no up, down, left, right, North, South, East, West, like a quark with 6 sides, up, down, left, right, charm, and strange. The units of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years are not cosmically universal throughout the universe and would not apply to all alien cultures. Therefore our collective thoughts are stored in a form the Universe does not understand nor recognize.
The only universal measurements are Planck time, and Planck length. Someone on YouTube said, and this is probably talked about a lot in Universities, life is an animated cartoon. Planck times is the frame rate and Planck length is the size of the pixels.
Just like the black and white square checkered flag would be a design common to all aliens or life forms with technological intelligence whatever planet they come from.
Aliens probably use Planck energy to power their spaceships siphoning the very dark matter that is around them to fuel their ships. It's a renewable resource. Never mind the hyperfuel of STAR WARS or ion proton engines.
To a computer tablet, any direction is up, depending on which way you hold it. A UFO is probably like that too when it's in space.
In the afterlife, there are words that we don't know yet for concepts, things that we don't yet know about but will when we get to the afterlife, yet those words are the extended vocabulary of the English language. That exists with all languages as well.
This exists in the computer coding world as new single words replace what were previously a string of words and how one string of new computer coding words replaces previously multi-strings of computer coding words. A video game that in the past would have taken up 500 MB now takes up 50 MB. This is an ongoing process.
I once had a dream where the Chinese God of War, where a small Kwan Kung statue was animated, pacing back and forth across the altar and then he stopped and recited a poem to me! The words in the poem that I did understand were complex Chinese words, grade 12 words and it was interspliced with words I never heard before but I inferred was referring to something mysterious, and they were grade 17, if there is such a thing, words. I said, "You speak Chinese well!" He answered, unflappable as ever, "You answer questions too quickly and you don't always listen when people talk."
It's all suggestive. Sanity is suggestive. Insanity is suggestive. Success and failure are suggestive. Beautiful and ugly is suggestive. Even temporary and permanent are suggestive because they are aspects of looking at time that aren't really there.
Voluntary and involuntary is suggestive. First of all, voluntary is based on the illusion that everything isn't happening at the same time. Secondly, when one makes a decision in a dream is it voluntary or involuntary as you are making a choice but under the duress of deep sleep when it is only ever the subconscious that makes decisions and not the conscious part of the mind that we use when we are awake at all. They say that in dreams we use our subconscious which is the sleep state and when we are awake, we use the conscious which is the awake state. But it's the other way around. It's this conscious state when we are not sleeping which is the sleep state as we are under the illusion that everything isn't happening simultaneously and also we are under the duress of the physics of this dimension.
What I'm getting at is Dolores Cannon said all things are happening simultaneously. Albert Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously. So those battles of the 1700s are still unfolding now. So if there is a time machine, going tomorrow on the time machine to visit a battle that happened in the 1700s is a trip to the past in the future. Having come back on a time machine from a trip to 2500 is a trip to the future having occurred in the past. Each event in time is like a fold on a piece of paper with many folds. The previous event may have folded over but it doesn't mean that the fold nor the paper has disappeared. So in that respect, temporary and permanent are elementary reference points for time and are therefore entirely suggestive.
The ability to time travel into the distant past and the distant future and points in between is like playing a video game with cheats. The video game of time. The Game of Time. Certain things about a video game that used to apply no longer apply with the cheats.
The game of time can be played in many ways. An employer can slow down the clocks so that while the employees thinks they worked for 8 hours, they actually worked for 8 hours and 5 minutes. In a years that's lots of hours. A casino doesn't have clocks on the wall so that patrons won't know or care what time it is and keep on playing. If a tablet is set to GPS time, and one plays a video game that gives you free prizes, coins, whatever once every 24 hours, once you pass the international date line on an airplane, you get an extra free play. The game of time can be used to manipulate the stock market, and there is the military weaponization of the game of time.
For, when one is just experiencing time traditionally, like a linear arrow, one is experiencing time on a subjective level. When one is able to time travel and go into the past and then the future, one experiences time on an objective level. And not the other way around as was traditionally supposed and this was supposed framework was supported and reinforced with expressions like, "He's never on time; he's always late.", or, "You're out of time." and especially, "What time is it?".
Buddha said that life is an illusion. This is sort of along the lines of what he was referring to.
A phrase that supports the objective experience of time would be: "It's gotta be 5 o'clock somewhere. I guess I'll have a beer NOW."
Essentially, the matrix is an algorithm within an algorithm within an algorithm: the algorithm of the physics of this dimension within the algorithm of the subjective experience of time which is embedded within the algorithm of the objective experience of time.
Movies and television shows do a pretty good job of depicting a subjective experience of time as movies often teleport from scene to scene, some movies even going from the present, to the past, to the future, back to the past again, and then the future.
Whether one experiences time on a subjective level or on an objective level, ontologically it's pretty much the same.
Again, S/O. O/S. subjective = opinion. objective = scientific.
In the afterlife and/or in dreams when sleeping, we experience the objective nature of time subjectively. While in this dimension, we have a chance to experience the subjective nature of time objectively. In other words, in the afterlife we get to experience the scientific nature of time, finally, on a personal level. While in this dimension we get a chance to study a personal experience of time analytically.
One can play lots of time games at the international date line. Crossing it one way, one goes one day into the future, crossing it the other, one goes one day into the past. An airline pilot goes back and forth in time lots of times a month, in essence, he time travels on a regular basis. Jet lag is one of the aspects of the game of time. Ironically, it's a symptom of an objective experience of time, rather than an subjective one. Jet lag is the result of an objective experience of time clashing with a subjective experience of time. Depending on the mathematics, the dynamic changes. If it's New Year's Eve, at the international date line, crossing it one way or the other, one either goes a year into the future or into the past. If it's a millennium new year like 1999-2000, crossing the international date line, one can time travel into the next millennium or back into the last millennium.
Whereas jet lag is a time fuck up; aberration, on an objective level because it's involuntary, fucking around with the watches and artificially speeding up or slowing down the time is a time fuck up on a subjective level because it's voluntary, because you did it.
Linda Murphy: Clocks measure time.
Dan: No, they measure themselves, the objective referee of a clock is another clock.
Man From Earth, 2007
The question is, do ghosts travel back and forth through time. They don't need to. Rather, they don't need to think of it that way. Whether they are travelling forward or backward through time as we know it, they are always travelling forward. Say a ghost of a person who lived in the 1800s travelled to the 1600s, and then the the 1400s. The trip the ghost is going to take to the past is in the future. That trip that the ghost took to 1600s previously, now that he's in the 1400s was a trip to the past even though that trip was to a place in the future. They got that dynamic going on. Ghosts visit across time all the time. Many people have reported seeing a ghost of their future children in a dream. The person who visits you in a dream may be a ghost of someone who died long ago but is visiting you from a place that they just teleported from, a place ten years in the future. Apparently if you made an irrevocable chain of events that will lead to a really good future, a major celebrity will visit you, after seeing what you would turn out to be in the future.
No, some ghosts, after awhile don't care if they're going to the past or the future. To them it's all the same, they're moving on. They don't care about time or date just like a person drinking good soup doesn't ask, what ingredients are in it? Carrots? Are the carrots from Europe or Canada? Who cares?!
One other thing, ghosts from the distant past or some faraway place will visit in the form of a portrait. The portrait represents that they lived too long ago or was too distant from you in terms of philosophy to visit you in person so the portrait is the representative. If you have a dream of a picture, framed portrait and you recognize the person even or especially if it's a historical person, that's the person visiting you as a ghost!
"Moving on. Moving on from town to town." Bad Company
Moving on, moving on from time to time. Going beyond.
Well, what if the government or aliens sent the whole planet and all the human species collectively through a time machine forward or backwards in time without any of us knowing about it? Even back in time a week because they didn't like the results of the World Series and want to do it over again? What proof is there that that didn't happen?
Or the government sent the entire Earth back in time to avoid a planetary collision. Repo Man talked about the lattice of coincidences we experience as a result of all us being sent back in time at some point in the future. "Given a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero." Fight Club. Given a long enough timeline, at some point in the future, it will be inevitable that the government will invent a time machine. Now there is another planet, not Sedna, but Nibiru that orbits the sun every ten thousand years on a track that sometimes crosses paths with Earth. According to Emmanuel Velikovsky, the Earth got hit in the past. How do you think the moon came about? I'll talk about more about the moon in a minute. Now Earth, being Nibiru prone, at some point will get hit again. Scientists send the Earth back in time once every ten thousand years to perpetually delay the inevitable. The Earth will get hit by Nibiru, but that's a future outside of our circular Moebius strip 10.000 year repeating timeline that the government put us in to avoid a future Nibiru strike. That's good science fiction but I don't think it's true. One sign if the Earth was suddenly sent backwards or forwards in time to a distant past or future, is the constellations would look different, the stars wouldn't be in their usual places.
The moon, why is our moon 27% of the mass of the Earth while the 2nd largest moon comparison in the solar system is a moon 3% of the planet's mass?
What if a Kardashev 7 Civilization sent the whole Universe forwards or backwards in time? Would we know about it?
I've come no closer, really to explaining time. It remains a nebulous, elusive, intangible variable, algorithm, rather, of existence. A lot of people tried to explain time. Albert Einstein did it. Alan Watts did it. Scarlett Johansson did it in the movie Lucy. But no one has explained time the way I explained it. Asshole world. Someone will try to claim my ideas of time for their own. Actually, I don't care. That's what ideas are for. As many people as possible should share it. Even if they said they thought of the idea, I wouldn't care. Don't quote me. I've imagined that if I had an IQ like an alien which is about 450, what thoughts could I come up with. This write up about the phenomenon of time is also made possible with the use of philosopher tea which I got at the tea shop. Ingredients being mainly strawberry tea mixed with ginkgo. Does it ever give the brain a boost.
There's no way my IQ is 450. If it was, I'd be playing chess at a 1700 level, that is, better than Bobby Fischer. I'd be doing calculus at a PhD level. I'm not doing anything at all like that. I doubt my IQ is even 150. If it was, I'd be making a lot more money than I am.
What about the Universe, in a few billion years will be nothing more than particles of dust. All the stars will have gone out and the Universe will be dark. Until the dust forms together until a critical mass forms and the next big bang starting the next Universe will happen. What about that? That's irrelevant. Since ghosts can visit us in dreams from the past or the future, or we ourselves can visit a past or future scene in a past life regression hypnosis, that means time exists on an objective level, that means everything is recorded forever. So theoretically if we had the technology, we could visit the ghost of the Universe that existed even before this one because is exists as a permanent recording held together by the eternal perpetual laws of the objective nature of time.
According to the objective model of time, it's theoretically possible to access all past and future Universes.
People probably time traveled. A time traveler, I imagine would be an undercover cop, the kind who has a green mohawk and body tattoos and say about time traveling, "You'd be amazed with how much you could get away with!" One can make micro tweaks, but there is a macro agenda, a schedule that over encompasses and smooths over any glitches. To travel in time to visit someone, always make sure to appear one second after them, and not before them because then, they could see you. One second ahead means you are slightly ahead in the future so they can't see you, but since they are one second in the past to you, you could see clearly all that they do because their actions would leave a wake since they live in the subjective past to future timeline.
Time experience on a subjective level, the way we experience it every day, looks orderly. Time experienced on an objective level, is to decode a lot of code and goes through a scrambled zone for awhile. It kind of looks like Pac-Man 256. The top half of the screen represents time experienced on a subjective level. The bottom half, the deresolution zone, the computer answer to the DMZ, looks scrambled and all in code. I talked about as we go through time, we are accessing code. Coincidence is code from the past. Omens is code from the future. I want to say one more thing. The other dimension already in a lot of ways exists now. There is teleportation of voice and image. Teleportation of voice through telephone and teleportation of image through television. Before, only ghosts in the spirit world could do that.
The Left Brain, temporal lobe, experiences time on an objective level. Left brain, logic, order, science.
The Right Brain, parietal lobe, experiences time on a subjective level. Right brain abstract, art, opinion.
The Chinese used to have a system of timekeeping; the hour of the Mouse, the hour of the Dog, the hour of the Snake, etc. That was their structure for their subjective experience of time. Their 'hours' were two hour segments. Every day there were 12. It corresponded to the Chinese Zodiac of 12 symbols. Not as an arrow or an advancement in a counter like a counter for commodities, but as a series of ever shifting present moments, like a cascading kaleidoscope. In our subjective experience of time, it is as if we were inside of time. The objective experience of time is to be outside of time. The Star Trek Timelines app said something mind-blowing, "Space. The final frontier. But what if it weren't? What if we were to go beyond space and into time? The mistakes of the past erased, the future reborn. The mortal and immortal made to decide their destiny together. Time is no longer an arrow but an infinite expanse of possibilities."
Time is like a ruler or a measuring stick. When we're within it, we can only move along it according to its parameters. Outside of it, we can jump in at any point; theoretically. It goes without saying that all ghosts have the ability to time travel.
Time has a 2 uses in 1 aspect like a guitar that's also a gun. With time, you can go along it's traditional integumentary parameters or else you can theoretically, jump in at any point, jump out and then jump in again at some other point.
Dune. Folding space. What about folding time? Time travel and teleportation are one and the same. Teleportation is time travel on the objective experience of time. What is referred to as Time Travel is teleportation on the subjective level of time.
The moment in the movie For Your Eyes Only when James Bond threw the helicopter pilot out and the nemesis said, "Have you no respect for the dead?" was a teaching moment. When one dies, the spirit isn't thrown out of the body, the body is thrown out of the spirit that is still moving fast.
The subjective experience of time is the quantification of time. The objective experience of time is time itself.
It's all relative. To hell, the Earth realm or the middle realm is heaven. To heaven, the Earth realm is hell.
If the past and the future are illusions, maybe the present moment is an illusion too as it's only so when offset against the past and the future which are arguably illusory reference points if you had the ability to time travel. When one time travels, when one goes through the one microsecond long snake of time travelling, are is that one moment or many moments they are experiencing? Like Stephen King's The Jaunt. Anyways, it's a rhetorical, tautological question. Again, semantics and nomenclature. Conceptual. Illusory. Einstein said, "Life is an illusion albeit a persistent one."
If a person travelled to the past in a time machine and when they step out of the time machine, there are 2 of them, are they in a parallel Universe? No. Same Universe, all the stars and planets are the same. If a person were to be like Terminator and go back into the past and end themself before they were born, if they did it right, then there would be no one to go back in time to do it and they would have been born anyways. Things sort of take care of themselves as a grand agenda oversweeps all.
Everything is happening at the same time. So whether one is going through time in the traditional way or going through time via skips and jumps using time travel, either way, one is experiencing aspects of the present moment because consecutive and non-consecutive are suggestive. A time traveler, to a person on Earth is moving through time non-consecutively, but to the time traveler, he is experiencing his actions in a unbroken consecutive sequential chain of events.
So in essence, the time traveler experiences a timeline within THE timeline. Or is it the other way around? To us going through time traditionally, a time traveler would be viewed as something that is non sequential. Yet to the time traveler, it is us who seems to be non sequential, that is, from his vantage point. Sort of like to us, a ghost is holographic, to ghosts, we are holographic.
It's all electricity. With electricity there's resistance and induction, resistors and conductors. This dimension is largely resistors and resistance or else impure electricity. In the other dimension, it's a holographic dimension made of pure electricity, all induction. That's why in the other dimension there's teleportation, telepathy, no aging, even time travel, and no dying ever. Atoms that move at the speed of light become light. But what is the invisible force that makes atoms move? Electricity.
The East Indians called this prana or the darshan. The Chinese call it the Tao or Chi. Carlos Castaneda referred to it as the tonal and the nagual. What does this mean? People three hundred years ago talked about phlogistons and vapours. It's electricity. The Electric Universe.
This is a dimension of resistors. Well, resistors and conductors. Atoms is the basic building blocks of resistors. The other dimension is pure conductors. Not only is it not atom dependant, it doesn't use atoms at all.
"We don't see with the eyes. We see with the atoms." Paramahansa Yogananda
I think it's more like we see with the energy behind atoms, which is electricity, both in this dimension and in the other dimension as well. Again, this is my guesses through intuition and deduction. I hold no degrees at all in physics whatsoever.
It's not there is no electric forces unless there are forms to define it,
It's that there are no forms unless there is the electric forces behind it.
The electricity I'm referring to here for lack of a better word is not atomic, it's subatomic. "The space between spaces." as John Hurt said in Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. Scientists say most energy in the Universe is unseen dark energy or Planck energy. Again, being subatomic, the quirks, quarks, leptons, tachyons etc form a lattice, a dimensional reality just as intense and organized as our reality if not more which is usually referred to as the dimension of the mind, aka the ghost dimension, aka the dreamworld, aka the afterlife. If life is an animated movie and an atoms are basically the formation of pixels, the invisible energy behind all things which form another dimension is also an animated movie but with quirks, quarks, leptons etc forming much smaller pixels. 480p television versus 8k television.
This dimension is the atomic soup. The other dimension is the subatomic soup. The subatomic is way more powerful than the atomic.
Living people; atomic entities. Ghosts, shamanic entities; subatomic entities.
A YouTube video said life is an animated cartoon made up of Planck Lengths as pixels and with Planck time as the frame rate. Well a PL is incredibly small. If the smallest atom is 100 units and a PL is 1 unit, things like quarks, leptons etc are somewhere between 1 unit to 100 units large. Planck time. That's something else. It's Universal which means it would apply to a reality where time travel technology for humans is impossible and to a reality where TT is possible.
Only this present moment is atomic. All past and future events are subatomic or else holographic. All history is recorded in subatomic form. Which is what makes time travel possible.
A quark has six sides, up, down, left, right, strange, and charm. That means in the subatomic dimension, it can teleport. Quantum physicists talk about how something is either a particle or a wave.
Stars are born and die. Universes are born and die. But are dimensions things that get born and then die? Which dimension is older, this dimension or the Dreamworld dimension? To ask such questions is to accede or to acquiesce to a linear and elementary algorithm of time, a time dynamic that doesn't see all things happening simultaneously.
Birthday, age depends on what dynamic one ascribes to. If a person was a frequent flyer time traveler, scrambling the algorithm of the traditional timeline, then that person isn't any age, even zero. That system would then be irrelevant. It would not apply because it would not be accurate. And I can work with that!
When one time travels, they scramble the algorithm or timeline thus creating two new timelines or algorithms; the algorithm that did the scrambling and the timeline that got scrambled. Although two timelines are created, in the end, it registers as one timeline, a sort of multi-temporal braid because what they have in common is that either is an algorithm within THE algorithm, a timeline within THE timeline.
A trip to the future I came back from in a time machine yesterday is an event in the past. A trip to the past in a time machine I'm going on tomorrow is an event in the future. And I can work with that too.
Whether one exists along the traditional timeline or whether they somehow have the ability to time travel, in either case, they are existing on a timeline within THE timeline; an algorithm within THE algorithm. I wish I had the calculus training to put that in scientific notation, then I'd be a real genius. This is just genius on a mediocre level. Einstein had that ability, to translate the language of verbal intellectual concepts into the language of calculus.
I think there are people who can do that. I'd like to see it one day although I wouldn't be able to understand it. It'd be the greatest calculus equation since the Lorentz Transformation.
The ability to teleport like telephone and internet signals means that space is an illusion. The ability to travel back and forth in time like television and video images means that time is an illusion. That's general relativity. Time travel is a type of teleportation. And teleportation is a type of time travel.
Rubik's cube. The colors and sides represent past present and future. Moving through the traditional linear timeline is like an unscrambled Rubik's cube. Frequent and often time traveler is like a scrambled Rubik's cube. Visual metaphor.
The problem with the traditional timeline is that it is using a 2-D model to explain a 3-D or a 4-D phenomenon. The traditional timeline is based on a structure that is dependant on having certain arbitrary and incidental conceptual reference points.
It's all about accessing code so as soon as one TTs into the future and accesses a future code that code then becomes the present code and their previous code of departure then becomes a past code. Opposite with travelling to the past. Past present and future are aspects of each other and they can switch places in an instant using a time machine.
Amy time machine that is worth it's salt would have a telephone to go with it so when you're time traveling in the distant past or future, you could use that telephone in which unlike today's telephones you have to punch in the date, year, month, day, etc as well. And the conversation on either side would go, as they say to one another in real time, whatever that would mean then, "There's no time like the present!" And either of them would be telling the truth.
Time travel is time experienced on an objective level. Linear time is time experienced on a subjective level. And not the other way around. Einstein said that reality is an illusion and that everything is happening simultaneously. Time travel or linear time, either is an algorithm within THE algorithm. The other half of that diamond is teleportation is space experienced on an objective level. Linear space is space experienced on a subjective level. In traditional physics the only the present solely influences the future. In quantum physics, the present moment tweaks the past and the future as the present moment sends omens into the past and coincidences into the future. In quantum physics, the future influences the past!
Subjective reality is an aspect or adjunct of objective reality but not an extension of it as subjective reality is an illusion of perception.
"They constructed this three dimensional space inside their five dimensional reality to allow you to understand it." TARS, Interstellar
When Matthew McConnaughey was inside the five dimensional bookshelf tesseract in Interstellar, TARS said to him from somewhere in the fifth dimension, the quantum dimension, "They created this three dimensional space inside their five dimensional reality to allow you to understand it." That the fifth dimension is an infinite bunch of four dimensions stacked on top of and overlapping each other which is an infinite bunch of three dimensions stacked on top of one another and overlapping one another.
Just like a writer or illustrator or website maker or movie themselves including the Interstellar movie creates a 2 dimensional space that fits inside our three dimensional reality to allow us to understand it. That the 3rd dimension is an infinite bunch of 2nd dimensions stacked on top of and overlapping one another. An artist or illustrator would see the World like this. Something with two eyes like humans sees the World like this. This is how we actually see the third dimension.
The Engineers probably created the fourth dimensional space in order for us to understand the 5th dimensional reality which is an infinite amount of 4th dimensional parallel Universes stacked on top of and overlapping one another. Minkowski space. Or what the FBI calls the thala. The truth is out there. A quantum physicist or time traveler would see the World like this. Those with a third eye would see the World like this. This is how we think we see the third dimension.
In essence, to sum it up simply, each dimension is a set of interdimensional building blocks of the next dimension up from it sort of like Russian nesting dolls.
I just now saw a video from YouTube's Arvin Ash, 'Is E8 Lattice The True Nature of Reality? Or The Theory of Everything' which talks about this exactly but paraphrased.
Animals with only one eye sees the world in only two dimensions. To them the third dimension is an ever shifting set of two dimensions. A graphic artist or illustrator would see the world like this. As to us, the fourth dimension is an ever shifting set of three dimensions. A geometrist would see the World like this.
To something that sees the world in only one dimension, two dimensions is an infinite set of shifting one dimensions stacked on top of one another and overlapping one another. A 2D screen image is made up of 1D pixel points. An atomic physicist would see the World like this.
Saturday, January 30, 2022
Saturday, January 30, 2022
O = S objective = scientific
O = S opinion = subjective
Time travel is time experienced on an objective level, traditional time is time experienced on a subjective level and not the other way around. Einstein said that the passage of time is an illusion and that all things are happening simultaneously. Time is an algorithm that operates under two dynamics. The objective and the subjective. Whether time traveling or not, either is an algorithm within an algorithm.
These are two different modalities of time.
Expanded: Teleportation is space experienced on an objective level, etc same as with time. Teleportation is a type of time travel and time travel is a type of teleportation. Would teleportation cause a rift in the time space continuum? We already have teleportation of voice, telephone, and teleportation of image, television and that doesn't seem to cause any rift. That's maybe because the objective and subjective experiences of time and space are not two different algorithms but are extensions of one interconnected algorithm which is why one can make phone calls and even video calls without too much of a noticeable rift in the time space continuum. Quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, quantum physics. Phone calls are a type of quantum superposition. A voice is saying something here and the exact voice is saying something exactly the same somewhere else at the same time.
I also conflated the two movies, Reset and Paradox which talks about microwaves being used in time travel during the Philadelphia Experiment and Max Tegmark's cosmic microwave background, the frequency of which changes with every Planck time passing second. This microwave background frequency is used in time travel. That's just rudimentary knowledge and theory. The actual time machine is proprietary and is something only government technicians know about. I would love to see what I wrote about the algorithm of the objective vs the subjective experience of time written in a calculus equation as I am calculus illiterate. Maybe I'll see it one day. That would be something worth living for! I would need to be walked through it too.
"Time is a construct." Hannibal Burgess, Kevin Sable, TAG
We have 24 hours in a day. The ancient Chinese divided the day into 12 2 hour segments, the hour of the tiger, the hour of the rabbit, the hour of the dog etc based on the Chinese zodiac.
In the West we are in the year 2022 which is based the number of years after Jesus' birth year.
Before 0 AD, the system of regnal years was used to determine what year it was. Regnal years is a system that is still used in Japan. Using this system, Jesus was born in the 9th year of Tiberius reign or else 0 AD.
In Thailand it is the year 2565 based on the number of years after Buddha's birth.
In China it is the year 4720 based probably on the number of years after the founding of the Chin Dynasty.
Some places have daylight savings time and some don't.
"People say that time goes by. Time says that people go by." Vietnamese saying.
Time is a construct.
Spiritualists say time does not exist in the afterlife. Time is of a different modality there. Remembering that time travel is time experienced on an objective level and that Einstein said that everything is happening at the same time, in the afterlife, one could experience something that takes a second yet a thousand years will have passed on Earth or else experience something that seems to have taken an entire lifetime in the afterlife, yet only a few minutes would have passed on Earth.
Therefore if a time machine was invented, one could be sent on an adventure that lasts for a year and then be returned about 5 seconds later from when they were sent away. Or one could go on a trip that lasts for a few days and then be returned a couple of years later from when they were sent away.
Time is a very flexible algorithm with many modalities and with no fixed modalities.
In the movie Interstellar, even though Cooper went on a trip that lasted for less than a day, when he returned, it was about 70 years later. This is called Einsteinian time dilation.
Time has no meaning when you consider that a person has a near death experience and has a life review that involves every moment of their life so far, it is as though years and years are perceived yet when they come back to life on Earth only a few minutes or a few hours have passed.
On the other hand, a person who has grandchildren dies and they're in the afterlife. Yet to them its only a few moments later that they see their grandchildren in the afterlife but meanwhile on Earth their grandchildren have lived thileir full 90 years or more lives.
It's a mutual reciprocity thing.
The Universe is about 12 billion years old. The Earth is about 4 billion years old. What happened a billion years or a trillion years ago, what was there? Since telephones and the teleportation of voice therefore time travel of voice shows us that the two dynamics of time, objective and subjective interactively exist simultaneously, the birth of the Universe is not dependant on a point of origin in terms of subjective time. The Universe is born and dies and is reborn again simultaneously. Ancient societies illustrated this with the symbol of the cosmic egg giving birth to itself or else a snake always consuming itself aka the ouroborous. In one sense, the subjective sense, there was a trillion years ago, in another sense, the objective sense, there wasn't. It is always the same time, the same Universe although with some variations. I don't know. You can only think so deeply about something like this before the brain explodes or implodes. Ylem is the substance that existed before the big bang. Maybe ylem is the remnants of the last dead Universe before this one, the one that existed before this Universe began. I don't know. I wasn't there. Except as stardust. The movie Altered States says some of the molecules in our body existed since the Universe began as stardust.
One day in the far distant future, our Universe will itself become ylem-like material. Wash rinse, repeat. Whatever. I don't know. Again, I'm just spit balling. I'm not a University professor. Don't ask me.
This isn't masters degree type of writing. This level of writing is pretty sophomoric.
copyright Dean Noble
I wrote copyright but any talented physicist who might read this could and should run with it. Add some of your ideas to it and then it becomes your idea. And maybe a physicist could express some of these concepts with calculus. The student often overshadows the teacher and hopefully someone can turn these ideas into better physics theories.
If I ever get lots of money and a computer with a 2TB SSD, I'm going to do a documentary about this on film.
The Relevance of Dreams
December 20, 2009
Dreams are another dimension. I used to refer to it as the fifth dimension, but what does that mean when quantum physics professors at such prestigious places as The Perimeter Institute posits that there are 11 dimensions.
Dreams are not just the firing of random neurons in our brain when we sleep, otherwise we would see just a bunch of arbritrary geometric blobs moving around like a lava lamp. Dreams are actually a glimpse into another dimension, a parallel holographic world.
I have been writing down my dreams but also doing colour illustrations, sometimes even animated cartoons of my dreams for about a few years now. I first started off with only writing about them. I did not start drawing my dreams until a year after I just only wrote about them. I started in the summer of 2003 recalling a suggestion I read in a book; record your dreams in a journal.
I did that as a novel thing. Then I read a book that talked about other dimensions, and I thought, if the dreamworld is not another dimension, I don't know what is!
I wrote an article that I am not going to reprint, you can read it:
I sent a copy of this to News companies in May of 2004. There are too many witnesses to this.
Chock full of dreams:
The dreamworld, has the same larger agenda that this world has, namely it is about good triumphing over evil. Evil may win a few battles, but Good will win the War, and the dream world reaches, arches to this reality.
Dreams taught me that people whom I knew as old appear young. That is the first and major thing that strikes me about all dreams. This tendency for people once old to appear young and for objects to be in mint condition in the dreamworld is what PMH Atwater referred to as "The Master Vibration". Perfect vivid skin; no blemishes, no acne, etc.
In the memorian To Stanley that Arthur C Clarke on April 16, 1999 wrote in new editions of his novel 2001, he writes
"A few nights ago I dreamed that we were talking together (he was looking exactly the same as in 1964!) and he asked: "Well, what shall we do next?"
This world is solid, liquid, air. The dream dimension is all one density, that is holographic. And more vivid more alive than this one. A person can teleport in that dimension with just a thought, or else a thought will bring about a skytrain or bus or some vehicle that knows the dimensional coordinates of whereever it is you are wanting to teleport to.
There is a physical version of this world, but there is a duplicate and matching version of this world but in holograph form, that is the world we go to when we dream.
The dreamworld is a holographic world which exists alongside this world. Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously, and it is because things are solid in this dimension and we can not teleport is there the illusion of time. We can not teleport in this dimension like we can in the dream dimension. Time is not a cause, it is an effect. What I mean is that events are not measured by time, time is measured by events. Conglomerate all the sentences in this paragraph into one thought and think about it.
First rule: Anyone and everyone you see in your dreams is a ghost. If you have a dream that is vivid as well as you recognizing that you are walking down a room of your own house that you are living at now, and there is an extra vivid quality, a sweaty vivid quality, and I have had dreams like this and I saw some figures, people and they hit hard, like striated bands of radiation, you feel their emotions as if you were standing next to a blast oven!
"Do you believe in ghosts?"
"Interesting." The Polar Express
If you observe dreams long enough, you will become a dream encyclopedia, bring up any topic and I can recall having a dream about it. Stairs, bears, animals, talking animals, beaches, towns, etc.
Flying is a common denominator. I fly in a lot of my dreams and so do a lot of people. That is our nature. We see flying as an SPOV spectators point of view, but if we were to see ourselves as others see us, it would be like that scene in the movie What Dreams May Come as people float, lift and fly off from that staircase next to the pool.
Native people, as pointed out in the movie Black Robe believe in dreams big time and some of the most powerful dreams shamans are obviously Native people, but people from all places all over the World have powerful traditions of Shamanism, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
I know the dreamworld and I know ghosts very well. I have seen hundreds of them. Mostly in my dreams, but at least once during a very vivid, semi-sleeping/semi-awake astral projection where you have a vivid dream and recognize yourself walking in your own room, your own hallway, outside your own house, it is almost as if you could hear actual sounds and noises. You look down and vivid, see the grey marbled mottled sidewalk sliding past, fast.
Scientists like The Perimeter Institute and also the CIA, and CSIS take dreaming very seriously. Remote viewing, as per Joseph McMoneagle, Robert Monroe is an advanced kind of dreaming. Project Stargate was a 1960s CIA project which investigated remote viewing, and the Russians were doing the same thing at about that time as well.
Right now, I don't know what my dreams mean. I am still seeing only the trees, rather than the forest. But one day, I will have what the Natives call the Big Mind and I will link all the dreams together into one conglomerate mesh of comprehensible and significant meaning.
One way to help me have the big mind is to actually look at the dreams of others, as many as possible and I am so glad I encountered dreamcushion, and this is what I have been spending years looking for, I now realize. In trying to understand the dreamworld, wWhen I just look at my own dreams, that is one thing but when I look at the dreams of others as well that is different and expands the process. Just like if I were tryingn to understand this World, to look at just my life is one thing, but when I find out looking at the lives of others finding out that I am not unique in my experiences, then that gives me a greater understanding of the World.
This does not happen overnight. I would have to be reading and looking at a few dreams a week for five years, before I begin to get even a greater understanding, but my understanding of the dream world would be immeasurably enhanced once I start studying and looking at and remembering the dreams depicted on dreamcushion, just any random one will do.
A brilliant dream analyst but instead of seeing people or objects in dreams as symbols, it would be better to understand the emotional content. For instance, when one is seeing their father, they are actually seeing their father, and not a symbol representing something, but manifest as their father. In another such interpretation, he said that a person flying around too much or doing something in the air represented that they are too airy or too flighty. I think all people fly and the dream does not necessarily represent that, in that case. But dreams do reveal what is the core of all personalities, or spirit identities, and that is hesitation patterns. I once had a dream where I saw a person of a certain Nationality and I avoided that person because I remembered some bad experiences I had in the past with people of that Nationality.
Sigh, rule number one. Anyone and everyone seen in dreams is a ghost. They sure as heck are not physical people.
I have seen hundreds of ghosts, and if you have been studying your dreams when you sleep, then so have you!
Ghosts can be read by their emotions. Ghosts generally look like vivid striated bands of radiation, like a mirage on a hot day. If emotions could be likened to heat, or temperature, then standing next to a ghost is like standing next to a blast oven, in terms of emotion! You can clearly pick up their emotion in the big thoughts of their telepathy. Telepathy is composed of a mixture of micro thoughts and macro thoughts. Big intentions and small ulterior motives. The big thoughts are the easiest to read.
I could go on and on, but good luck, and you are not alone in the dreamworld. Everybody has dreams.
The most important thing to remember is that this World and the dreamworld are not two Worlds, they are One World; they are extensions of each other. Well, if the years I dropped L.s.d. taught me one thing, it's All Is One.
Telepathy is the currency of dreams. George Anderson, psychic, said of a person who committed suicide: "Outwardly he appeared normal but it was his day to day telepathy that was the problem."
Stephen King's The Mist, the DVD talks about The Arrowhead Project* which is the militarization of the other dimension, to bring those entities from the other dimension to this one. God help us the day that happens!
I have seen some real weird shit in my dreams! I once saw a walrus in a dry cement swimming pool no water, and he said, in perfect English, "Help me!" I say walrus but the thing looked like an extra terrestrial grey walrus!
*The Arrowhead Project in Stephen King's The Mist is based on The Montauk Project where, in the early 80s at Camp Hero, Montauk Air Force Station, Long Island New York, the government conducted experiments in teleportation, parallel dimensions, and time travel.
Dean Noble
Director, Noble Films
Suggested authors and books:
William Burroughs: My Education. I was reading this book around the time I was first recording my dream journals while I was living in Bangkok in the summer of 2003. Reading this book is as good as taking ginkgo biloba because this book puts a person into the pace of the dreamworld which makes it that much easier to watch while it happens and to keep track of it and recall it later on.
Any book of the dreamworld would do this.
David Icke: 9/11 Alice In Wonderland. In this book, David Icke used the word interdimensional beings.
James Van Praagh: Any books that he has written. He knows ghosts well. The ghosts that he describes act exactly the way that the people including the ghosts of the dead I have seen in dreams. Now he can see ghosts while awake in this dimension. I can only see ghosts while I am asleep.
PMH Atwater: PMH got a PhD for her term "Master Vibration" which describes the pristine condition that things in dreams usually are. People once known as old appear young, and objects are in shiny mint condition. Indeed, ghosts in dreams usually always look so young and blemishless and ultra healthy that it is nauseating ;) lol.
Richard Matheson: What Dreams May Come. A hair raising book about how ghosts in the dreamworld and/or the afterlife behave. It covers realms of strange areas in the afterworld.
Mary Ann Winkowski: She knows ghosts well.
Video games that can help you recall dreams: OK, the first step in recalling dreams and I am really bad at this because I smoke marijuana all the time, is not to smoke anything at all including tobacco, marijuana, crack cocaine, etc etc etc. And do not drink alcohol too. That would just muck up any attempts at dream recall.
Also take drugs like ginkgo biloba which is an ancient herb and competely legal. Ben Stein used to drink this on Win Ben Stein's Money.
Also nutmeg, which I saw on a documentary drama about Nostradamus, talked about.
"One sees not with the eyes. One sees with the atoms." Paramahansa Yogananda
Flash Focus Nintendo DS: In the movie Orca, the killer whale took a picture of the sea captain. This game helps your Third Eye to snap a picture of the scenes that you see because the skills gained on this video game it seems, is interdimensional and it etches itself so on the personality that these skills and reflexes gained playing these video games can be transferred onto the dreamworld!
In Flash Focus DS there is one game called number flash. A series of numbers flashes momentarily on a screen. Now remember them! That is a good video game for developing sight capture and recall.
Brain Boost Gamma Wave: I got this video game at Grande Prairie, Alberta and this one is very similar to Flash Focus. Icons appear on the screen, one face, you are then supposed to remember it amongst four subsequent faces which then flash, replacing the last face, the one you are supposed to remember. A good workout for recalling the flash movements of people in the dreamworld. The now familiar to me sideways darting moves of people; ghosts running in dreams.
Resonance. During the building of the Tacoma narrows Bridge, they used only one kind of cement. This cement responded to 30 mile an hour winds. As a result, during a 30 m/hr windstorm, the bridge, just before it went down, twisted like a piece of flat licorice before collapsing into pieces.
There is famous videos about this. Just search YouTube for Tacoma Narrows.
Now they build bridges using two types of cement, one layered on top of another.
In the dreamworld, there is resonance whenever I post a picture of a dream on my blog, and the response, the social approval and respect that I get on the streets is incredible, that is how I know the resonance of that dream I posted is strong. I mean, I noticed that the very first time I posted colour illustrations of my dreams on the internet.
Lee Ermey, in the movie The Borrowers, as that soldier ghost in the graveyard, he changed clothes from one to another, in an instant.
The first animated cartoon of my dreams that I ever made was of my ex-girlfriend. She was lying on a bed, her arms around me. Her white t shirt all of a sudden turned rose red. That means that she loves me.
Her t shirt turned from white to rose red like a cuttlefish instantaneously changing colours.
Some days I can remember my dreams really well, especially if I have been using ginkgo biloba. But on most mornings, the veil slams down fast and hard. And I remember nothing.
Street, or popular culture symbols for dreams:
Lighthouse: Anyone with a reputation for being a good dream seer will see lighthouses, pictures of lighthouses, little statues of lighthouses more often than usual, put up as a token of respect by members of the community. Lighthouse means light, illuminati, the light in which allows one to see dreams. The blue light of Freemasonry.
"Riding high on love's true bluish light." Blondie, Heart of Glass
Train: A person can see their dreams and then illustrate them, like a comic book, one clear image clearly drawn, following another just like a train. A train is a metaphor for a connected series of images from a single dream.
Dreamcatcher: Natives say that this catches the bad dreams while letting the good dreams run free. Anything can be a catalyst and Natives have been actively and openly discussing their dreams for thousands of years, and who knows what can do what or interact with what in the spider webby, murky, willow the wispy, ghostly, spectral connexion between this world and the dreamworld. Some Native Shamans have been recording their dreams in private journals since the 1940s, while I have only been observing and recording my dreams for five years.
For instance, I would make an animated cartoon. I would draw one with no dream images, just images from my imagination.
But, if I draw an animated cartoon in which I secretly splice and add in images from the dreamworld, it seems there is a resonance and somehow, people know and the resonance and the street response is incredible!
Only a shaman or an extra terrestrial can look at the pictures I draw, if, say, I had a random stack of such pictures, and say, "This picture is from your imagination, but that picture is definitely from the dreamworld!" I believe that there are Shamans of all Nationalities who could do this. I couldn't do this yet, though.
Elk horns or horns of other ungulates: The horns form the sacred number 11. The Mystical Order of the Elks. The animal is considered supernatural. The reindeer was the animal of choice for the Shaman of the Shaami or the Laplanders of whom the word Shaman is derived from. Every Shaman should have one animal with them. The Shaman ingested belladonna and found out that if they were high on the magic mushrooms and the reindeer was high too, the rider, reindeer and sled would all simultaneously teleport to that other place.
Just like there are modern AM/FM radios that can have that retro golden age of the 30s design, in the dreamworld a teleportation machine can look like a modern car or a skytrain or even an old fashioned car. Sometimes our spirits do not know the dimensional coordinates of our destination and we have to step into a vehicle. I have had lots of dreams, literally hundreds of riding on buses, small old fashioned trains, in one case the cab of a pickup truck going across the country of Canada.
That dimension into this: There is a portion of the brain that lights up when it recognizes something. If there are electrodes hooked up to the brain that monitor this, there are pictures shown and if the person recognizes the picture from the past, that part of the brain will light up momentarily.
Now if a person drew a picture purely from the imagination, that part of the brain would not light up. But if a person was drawing a picture recalled from a dream, or else a picture that in no way could be a picture of anything from this dimension, that part of the brain will light up and stay lit up, sustained. There is no way it could or would do that unless he was actually recalling something
objective, rather than subjective. O/S; S/O: objective = scientific, subjective = opinion
PS. The Polar Express: "BELIEVE"
A good one I discovered is
Melatonin is the chemical that induces sleep. It is emitted from the pituitary gland every 24 hours, every night. Melatonin mimics heroin or rather, heroin and other opiates try to mimic it. Melatonin is not to be confused with melanin, the chemical behind skin color which is responsible for sun tans.
However, DMT or dimethyltriptamine is the chemical that is emitted when dreams are created. Synthetic DMT was used to some degree in the 1960s. Only a few people used it. DMT is still being used today, most notably in South American ayahuasca drinking ceremonies. Ayahuasca is the collective term for the mixture of two chemicals, DMT and necessarily an MAOI or a mono amine oxidase inhibitor. Some plants provide DMT like mimosa hostilis, datura, jimson weed, psychotria viridus and others provide the MAOI like banisteriopsis caapi or the yage vine.
DMT is the World's most powerful hallucinogenic. It makes LSD seem like mineral water. First of all, LSD teaches 3 main things and you don't need to do the drug to understand it. Reading about it and otherwise not doing the drug is much safer. LSD teaches:
1. All is one.
2. A higher level of consciousness.
3. Kaleidoscopes.
Whereas LSD, pounds shillings pence allows you to merely see shifting octilaterally symmetrical, raditating from the center, mandalahs and kaleidoscopes, basically whereas LSD allows you to see geometric shapes, DMT allows one to communicate with aliens, ghosts of people who have died old but when they appear, look vivid, young, and other Shamanic entities like angels, etc.
I wouldn't recommend trying DMT or ayahuasca synthetically but to experience it in it's natural state through dreaming. Other very mild chemicals I would recommend though are ginkgo biloba, and nutmeg. Nutmeg helps brings out the dreams and ginkgo helps one to remember them.
Famous people like David Choe the artist have used ayahuasca in South America. One of the most unlikeliest people who used ayahuasca is addictions counsellor Gabor Mate. He spent a lifetime trying to help people rehab off hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, and there he is using ayahuasca, the World's most heavy duty hallucinogenic drug.
Terence McKenna was the most famous expert about this chemical.
I never tried it. I wouldn't want to. First of all, it's very illegal. Other than that, to have a sickness or an imbalance caused through using too much at one point and to get some medical condition associated with it later on, even or especially a psychological one isn't something that I'd really want to take on. Again, it's best to use DMT in a natural method, normally as it occurs regularly, whenever one sleeps.
If you have to use a drug, just stick to the weed.
I learned about DMT and ayahuasca from David Choe. He did a few YouTube videos where he talked about his time using ayahuasca in a communal ayahuasca brew drinking ceremony. Those videos taught me a lot about DMT and confirmed a few suspicions. David Choe is a very articulate speaker and if he were to write a book about his ayahuasca experiences in South America, it'd be one popular book.
Things are symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols.... but out of those seven symbols, only three are visible and perceivable in this dimension and the other four symbols refer to things only visible or perceivable in the next dimension, or in the one next to that, or the one next to that....
"Dreams are today's answer to tomorrow's problems." Edgar Cayce
"Dreams show the forces behind life." Edgar Cayce
My girlfriend said, "Dreams is the subconscious trying to figure things out.
Who says humans think anyways? What passes for human cognition is just a pastiche of intrusive thoughts, unwanted thoughts, selective memories, and otherwise gaps in knowledge.
What passes for conventional knowledge is:
1. Religious dogma from anachronistic bronze age religions - mythos 2. Half truths of science, NASA - logos 3. Assertions of crack-pot conspiracy theorists - mythos and logos
Mythos and logos, from Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Religion - God exists.
Science - the Earth is round and solid, we went to the moon, nuclear bombs exist.
Conspiracy theory - God doesn't exist, the Earth is either round and hollow or else flat, we never went to the moon, nuclear bombs don't exist.
Controlled oppostion: The Priest, the scientist and the conspiracy theorist all on the government payroll not to create but to destroy a person's sense of equilibrium and cosmology.
"Things could be worse but Zoltar isn't sure how."
"We live and die with our crazy ideas." Father Reginald Foster, Religulous
No one's asking anyone to believe the religionists, the scientists, and the conspiracy theorists simultaneously. We are all points on a curve and you have to decide what point on the curve you're going to be on.
I mostly believe in religion and science. I believe God exists, the Earth is round and we went to the moon and nukes exist. However, I believe the conspiracy theories with a grain of salt.
God doesn't exist - God isn't anthropomorphic.
Flat Earth - that's a metaphorical way of saying the Earth is not round but holographic and some of it's holographic aspects show around the edges like ghosts.
We never went to the moon - we went but the real footage is suppressed. Instead a Stanley Kubrick documentary was shown.
Nuclear weapons don't exist - Those YouTube videos which show evidence of photoshopping like the explosion not moving are very convincing. The houses were miniature models in the 50s films.
Who needs drugs? Life is trippy enough. Life is a hallucinogenic drug trip. More specifically, life is one long DMT trip. When one dies, they go on an even bigger trip. In that way, drugs are redundant. And in that way, sobriety is a myth, it's an imaginary concept. At all times, humans, animals, are high on trace amounts at least, of DMT.
If only it were that. People are high on trace amounts of lot of psychoactive chemicals that the body naturally produces. Chemicals that if isolated and in enough quantity would sure send anyone on a loop. For starters, Males produce testosterone, females produce estrogen and progesterone. Those chemicals definitely have a distinct psychoactive effect.
Then there is chemicals like endorphins, seratonin, orexins, oxytosin, adrenaline aka epinephrine a vaso-constrictor, norepinephrine a psychoactive vaso-dilator, during a fight or flight response, the body releases 80% epinephrine and 20% norepinephrine, melatonin, cortisone, histamines, dopamine a precursor of epinephrine, mono amine oxidase, as well as vitamins the body like vitamin B3 or niacin, found in energy drinks, gives one the 'niacin flush'. There's more, but I'm not a doctor.
An aside note. That dopamine is the precursor to epinephrine would explain the cocaine experience. During the rush phase, the point between the neuro transmitters and the neuro receptors in the brain are flooded with dopamine, a pleasure giving chemical, when it reaches it's half life, the comedown phase, it gives way to epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are displeasure giving chemicals, leading to paranoia, panic attacks and what Freud called 'cocaine psychosis'.
And that dopamine is the precursor to epinephrine would explain why we fluctuate between moments of slight giddiness followed with moments of slight depression throughout the day. Dopamine is the chemical with which the brain rewards itself when one accomplishes something good.
The awake state is a kind of dream state. The dream state is a kind of awake state.
Dean Noble
Time and space is an illusion according to quantum physics.
The time space continuum.
One is merely accessing codes. An omen is a code of the future intruding on the present moment. A coincidence is a code from the past intruding on the present moment. Seeing a movie trailer from a movie to be released in the future is seeing code from the future. Seeing a movie from the past or an old Newsreel is seeing code from the past. Seeing a movie trailer about a historical period piece movie is simultaneously seeing code from the future and past.
Time travel is time experienced on an objective level. The way we go through time is time experienced on a subjective level since Einstein said that the passage of time is an illusion and all things are happening simultaneously. And then there's time dilation.
Time is a construct. Daylight savings time, time zones, how in one country it's 2021 but in another country it's the year 4 thousand and something.
The point is time is a multifaceted algorithm and it depends on what dynamic or modality you choose to work from.
This is best illustrated with chess pieces.
Pawns - represent time on a subjective level. Pawns moving forward represents traveling through time on a subjective level. Pawns moving diagonally represent moving through space on a subjective level.
Towers - represent time travel and forwards and back again in the same space.
Bishops - represent teleportation there and back again in the same time.
Queens - represent time travel and teleportation simultaneously whether teleporting and returning at a different time or time traveling and coming back to a different place where you started.
Kings - represent telephone calls which is teleporting to another place with the voice while staying where you are represented with Kings moving diagonally and also represents traveling with an airplane on the Earth to a place with a different time zone and also coming back from that place with a different time zone, each occasion experiencing jet lag represented with Kings moving forwards and backwards. Jet lag is when the subjective experience of time clashes with the objective experience of time.
Knights - represent Einsteinian time dilation like with interstellar or how a grandparent dies and is in the afterlife and sees their grandchild in the afterlife a few moments later while that grandchild has lived a full 80 years on Earth or how someone has a near death experience and reviews every single second of their life in a life review of a life spanning many decades but when they wake up, people on Earth say that they were gone for only a few minutes. Or time dilation like in the movie Interstellar. Cooper had only been gone for 7 hours but to the people on Earth, he had been gone for 90 years.
Your side of the chessboard represents you moving through time and space through whatever dynamic, subjective, objective, time travel, teleportation, time dilation. And the other side of the chessboard represents all other people moving through time and space through whatever dynamic, subjective, objective, time travel, teleportation, time dilation.
Yet it is all one chessboard. Whether one is going through time the traditional way or time traveling, whether one is moving through space the traditional way or teleporting, it is all an algorithm within an algorithm.
The afterlife isn't a holographic carbon copy of Earth. It's the other way around. Earth is a pale solid form carbon copy of the holographic afterlife dimension.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and 5th Dimension. That's one way to express it. Another better and more accurate way to express it is Dimension¹, Dimension², Dimension³, Dimension⁴, etc or else D¹, D², D³, D⁴, etc. Each dimension is exponentially and not arithmetically higher and more complex than the last.
The premise of the Bible and anyone who believes in the afterlife, NDE near death experience etc is after death, the spirit lives for eternity as in after their death from that moment on they live forever into the future. Technically that's not eternity. That's only half an eternity. In its complete definition, eternity also includes forever indefinitely for all time in the past as well. For mathematicians an eternity has the same number of even and odd numbers, radical numbers, fractions, square roots, cube roots and also prime numbers as well. There would also be the same amount of negative numbers and fractions and square roots and cube roots thereof as well as imaginary numbers. Mathematically, the amount of no types of numbers would be more or less than any other types of numbers in a true eternity. Mind blowing.
So the correct phrasing is that after death, as Christians, we get to live on in heaven for half an eternity, the upper half or the future half rather than for a full eternity which would also include the lower half or the past half of eternity.
Eternity is a long time. Eternity is even longer than a googol amount of years, heck, even a googol times a googol amount of years. That's sure milking 70 or so years of life on Earth. 70 or so years on Earth then we live on in spirit for eternity? A likely story.
Only God lives for a full eternity.
How do we live for eternity in heaven? If we live for 70 or so years on Earth and eternity is more than a googol times a googol years which is one followed by ten thousand zeros years in linear time.
The dynamic of linear time is somewhat irrelevant to the dynamic of time travel is time experienced on an objective level since all things are happening simultaneously and the passage of linear time is an illusion.
Linear time or subjective time is made up of the stuff of objective time, objective time is the building block of linear or subjective time just as sand is the building block of sand castles and shapes in clouds are building blocks not only of clouds but of the sky itself. Linear time is an illusion molded of objective time and so is time dilation and time travel and teleportation. Teleportation is a type of time travel and time travel is a type of teleportation. Right now there is teleportation of voice and image in the form of Skype calls. In heaven we don't live in an eternity of linear or subjective time. We live in an eternity of objective time. Time is an algorithm. The only thing objective time and subjective time have in common is the present moment. Whether it's the present second or the present unit of Planck time, I couldn't tell you.
Subjective time is molded out of objective time through differing physics. The afterlife where objective time resides has the physics of not needing to sleep, telepathy, not needing to eat and not felling hot and cold but this wouldn't do it. What would do it is the ability to instantaneously teleport even to places formerly known as far away and you yourself never aging and having the ability to instantaneously appear as a 20 year old then a 40 year old then a 70 year old and then a 15 year old and that things around you, trees, buildings etc have the ability to look pristine and never age or wither. From these physics the objective model algorithm of time is apparent.
Time in this dimension is solid. Time in the other dimension is more like air, but air is still too dense. Time in the other dimension is holographic.
While time travel is time experienced on an objective level and traditional time reckoning is time experienced on a subjective level since the passage of time is an illusion as everything is happening simultaneously, the two models of time are not mutually exclusive algorithms. They are interdependent algorithms. These are not two algorithms but two halves of one algorithm like the two sides of a coin.
Without the traditional reckoning of time, time travel would not be possible and also time travel would make no sense.
Without time travel, traditional time would not be possible and also traditional time would make no sense.
Similarly with poverty and wealth. The two things are not mutually exclusive but are interdependent. Otherwise there would be nothing to distinguish or compare either of them.
"That's not fair."
"What is your basis of comparison?"
Labyrinth, movie
Essentially, the objective and the subjective experience of time cancel each other out so time is an illusion. Time really doesn't exist as reality is a simulation. The objective and the subjective experience of time cancel each other out which is why a time travel trip to the past that will happen tomorrow is a future event and a time travel trip to the future returned from yesterday is a past event. Things don't travel through time. Time travels through things.
Time reversal symmetry or T symmetry says that time also flows backwards.
Say there is two blocks, one is hot and the other is cold. When you put them together, they will reach a certain average temperature. Entropy isn't increasing chaos and disorder, entropy is when something resches a point where it can't change any further like the temperature of the two blocks.
On a macrosomic level it seems that time is flowing in one direction but in a macro cosmic level, some sets of particles achieve reverse entropy. That is scientific evidence of time flowing backwards.
Another example is that on a path, there are dips and valleys where the path goes down into the valley and then goes up away from the valley. One could walk the path in either direction and the valleys would be there.
Another example is a pendulum man on top of a pole. He swings to and fro and one can't tell whether he is flinging forwards in time or backwards in time because it looks uniform. Those are some examples of T symmetry I found on the internet. Time is an algorithm. This is in addition to the algorithm that time travel is time experienced in an objective level and the way we are going through time is time experienced on a subjective level. The passage of time is an illusion as all things are happening simultaneously. Also that it seems that time goes forward is time experienced on a subjective level. Objectively, time is flowing forwards and backwards and probably sideways too. Science is baffling.
copyright Dean Noble
I wrote copyright but any talented physicist who might read this could and should run with it. Add some of your ideas to it and then it becomes your idea. And maybe a physicist could express some of these concepts with calculus. The student often overshadows the teacher and hopefully someone can turn these ideas into better physics theories.
If I ever get lots of money and a computer with a 2TB SSD, I'm going to do a documentary about this on film.
The Relevance of Dreams
December 20, 2009
Dreams are another dimension. I used to refer to it as the fifth dimension, but what does that mean when quantum physics professors at such prestigious places as The Perimeter Institute posits that there are 11 dimensions.
Dreams are not just the firing of random neurons in our brain when we sleep, otherwise we would see just a bunch of arbritrary geometric blobs moving around like a lava lamp. Dreams are actually a glimpse into another dimension, a parallel holographic world.
I have been writing down my dreams but also doing colour illustrations, sometimes even animated cartoons of my dreams for about a few years now. I first started off with only writing about them. I did not start drawing my dreams until a year after I just only wrote about them. I started in the summer of 2003 recalling a suggestion I read in a book; record your dreams in a journal.
I did that as a novel thing. Then I read a book that talked about other dimensions, and I thought, if the dreamworld is not another dimension, I don't know what is!
I wrote an article that I am not going to reprint, you can read it:
I sent a copy of this to News companies in May of 2004. There are too many witnesses to this.
Chock full of dreams:
The dreamworld, has the same larger agenda that this world has, namely it is about good triumphing over evil. Evil may win a few battles, but Good will win the War, and the dream world reaches, arches to this reality.
Dreams taught me that people whom I knew as old appear young. That is the first and major thing that strikes me about all dreams. This tendency for people once old to appear young and for objects to be in mint condition in the dreamworld is what PMH Atwater referred to as "The Master Vibration". Perfect vivid skin; no blemishes, no acne, etc.
In the memorian To Stanley that Arthur C Clarke on April 16, 1999 wrote in new editions of his novel 2001, he writes
"A few nights ago I dreamed that we were talking together (he was looking exactly the same as in 1964!) and he asked: "Well, what shall we do next?"
This world is solid, liquid, air. The dream dimension is all one density, that is holographic. And more vivid more alive than this one. A person can teleport in that dimension with just a thought, or else a thought will bring about a skytrain or bus or some vehicle that knows the dimensional coordinates of whereever it is you are wanting to teleport to.
There is a physical version of this world, but there is a duplicate and matching version of this world but in holograph form, that is the world we go to when we dream.
The dreamworld is a holographic world which exists alongside this world. Einstein said that everything is happening simultaneously, and it is because things are solid in this dimension and we can not teleport is there the illusion of time. We can not teleport in this dimension like we can in the dream dimension. Time is not a cause, it is an effect. What I mean is that events are not measured by time, time is measured by events. Conglomerate all the sentences in this paragraph into one thought and think about it.
First rule: Anyone and everyone you see in your dreams is a ghost. If you have a dream that is vivid as well as you recognizing that you are walking down a room of your own house that you are living at now, and there is an extra vivid quality, a sweaty vivid quality, and I have had dreams like this and I saw some figures, people and they hit hard, like striated bands of radiation, you feel their emotions as if you were standing next to a blast oven!
"Do you believe in ghosts?"
"Interesting." The Polar Express
If you observe dreams long enough, you will become a dream encyclopedia, bring up any topic and I can recall having a dream about it. Stairs, bears, animals, talking animals, beaches, towns, etc.
Flying is a common denominator. I fly in a lot of my dreams and so do a lot of people. That is our nature. We see flying as an SPOV spectators point of view, but if we were to see ourselves as others see us, it would be like that scene in the movie What Dreams May Come as people float, lift and fly off from that staircase next to the pool.
Native people, as pointed out in the movie Black Robe believe in dreams big time and some of the most powerful dreams shamans are obviously Native people, but people from all places all over the World have powerful traditions of Shamanism, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
I know the dreamworld and I know ghosts very well. I have seen hundreds of them. Mostly in my dreams, but at least once during a very vivid, semi-sleeping/semi-awake astral projection where you have a vivid dream and recognize yourself walking in your own room, your own hallway, outside your own house, it is almost as if you could hear actual sounds and noises. You look down and vivid, see the grey marbled mottled sidewalk sliding past, fast.
Scientists like The Perimeter Institute and also the CIA, and CSIS take dreaming very seriously. Remote viewing, as per Joseph McMoneagle, Robert Monroe is an advanced kind of dreaming. Project Stargate was a 1960s CIA project which investigated remote viewing, and the Russians were doing the same thing at about that time as well.
Right now, I don't know what my dreams mean. I am still seeing only the trees, rather than the forest. But one day, I will have what the Natives call the Big Mind and I will link all the dreams together into one conglomerate mesh of comprehensible and significant meaning.
One way to help me have the big mind is to actually look at the dreams of others, as many as possible and I am so glad I encountered dreamcushion, and this is what I have been spending years looking for, I now realize. In trying to understand the dreamworld, wWhen I just look at my own dreams, that is one thing but when I look at the dreams of others as well that is different and expands the process. Just like if I were tryingn to understand this World, to look at just my life is one thing, but when I find out looking at the lives of others finding out that I am not unique in my experiences, then that gives me a greater understanding of the World.
This does not happen overnight. I would have to be reading and looking at a few dreams a week for five years, before I begin to get even a greater understanding, but my understanding of the dream world would be immeasurably enhanced once I start studying and looking at and remembering the dreams depicted on dreamcushion, just any random one will do.
A brilliant dream analyst but instead of seeing people or objects in dreams as symbols, it would be better to understand the emotional content. For instance, when one is seeing their father, they are actually seeing their father, and not a symbol representing something, but manifest as their father. In another such interpretation, he said that a person flying around too much or doing something in the air represented that they are too airy or too flighty. I think all people fly and the dream does not necessarily represent that, in that case. But dreams do reveal what is the core of all personalities, or spirit identities, and that is hesitation patterns. I once had a dream where I saw a person of a certain Nationality and I avoided that person because I remembered some bad experiences I had in the past with people of that Nationality.
Sigh, rule number one. Anyone and everyone seen in dreams is a ghost. They sure as heck are not physical people.
I have seen hundreds of ghosts, and if you have been studying your dreams when you sleep, then so have you!
Ghosts can be read by their emotions. Ghosts generally look like vivid striated bands of radiation, like a mirage on a hot day. If emotions could be likened to heat, or temperature, then standing next to a ghost is like standing next to a blast oven, in terms of emotion! You can clearly pick up their emotion in the big thoughts of their telepathy. Telepathy is composed of a mixture of micro thoughts and macro thoughts. Big intentions and small ulterior motives. The big thoughts are the easiest to read.
I could go on and on, but good luck, and you are not alone in the dreamworld. Everybody has dreams.
The most important thing to remember is that this World and the dreamworld are not two Worlds, they are One World; they are extensions of each other. Well, if the years I dropped L.s.d. taught me one thing, it's All Is One.
Telepathy is the currency of dreams. George Anderson, psychic, said of a person who committed suicide: "Outwardly he appeared normal but it was his day to day telepathy that was the problem."
Stephen King's The Mist, the DVD talks about The Arrowhead Project* which is the militarization of the other dimension, to bring those entities from the other dimension to this one. God help us the day that happens!
I have seen some real weird shit in my dreams! I once saw a walrus in a dry cement swimming pool no water, and he said, in perfect English, "Help me!" I say walrus but the thing looked like an extra terrestrial grey walrus!
*The Arrowhead Project in Stephen King's The Mist is based on The Montauk Project where, in the early 80s at Camp Hero, Montauk Air Force Station, Long Island New York, the government conducted experiments in teleportation, parallel dimensions, and time travel.
Dean Noble
Director, Noble Films
Suggested authors and books:
William Burroughs: My Education. I was reading this book around the time I was first recording my dream journals while I was living in Bangkok in the summer of 2003. Reading this book is as good as taking ginkgo biloba because this book puts a person into the pace of the dreamworld which makes it that much easier to watch while it happens and to keep track of it and recall it later on.
Any book of the dreamworld would do this.
David Icke: 9/11 Alice In Wonderland. In this book, David Icke used the word interdimensional beings.
James Van Praagh: Any books that he has written. He knows ghosts well. The ghosts that he describes act exactly the way that the people including the ghosts of the dead I have seen in dreams. Now he can see ghosts while awake in this dimension. I can only see ghosts while I am asleep.
PMH Atwater: PMH got a PhD for her term "Master Vibration" which describes the pristine condition that things in dreams usually are. People once known as old appear young, and objects are in shiny mint condition. Indeed, ghosts in dreams usually always look so young and blemishless and ultra healthy that it is nauseating ;) lol.
Richard Matheson: What Dreams May Come. A hair raising book about how ghosts in the dreamworld and/or the afterlife behave. It covers realms of strange areas in the afterworld.
Mary Ann Winkowski: She knows ghosts well.
Video games that can help you recall dreams: OK, the first step in recalling dreams and I am really bad at this because I smoke marijuana all the time, is not to smoke anything at all including tobacco, marijuana, crack cocaine, etc etc etc. And do not drink alcohol too. That would just muck up any attempts at dream recall.
Also take drugs like ginkgo biloba which is an ancient herb and competely legal. Ben Stein used to drink this on Win Ben Stein's Money.
Also nutmeg, which I saw on a documentary drama about Nostradamus, talked about.
"One sees not with the eyes. One sees with the atoms." Paramahansa Yogananda
Flash Focus Nintendo DS: In the movie Orca, the killer whale took a picture of the sea captain. This game helps your Third Eye to snap a picture of the scenes that you see because the skills gained on this video game it seems, is interdimensional and it etches itself so on the personality that these skills and reflexes gained playing these video games can be transferred onto the dreamworld!
In Flash Focus DS there is one game called number flash. A series of numbers flashes momentarily on a screen. Now remember them! That is a good video game for developing sight capture and recall.
Brain Boost Gamma Wave: I got this video game at Grande Prairie, Alberta and this one is very similar to Flash Focus. Icons appear on the screen, one face, you are then supposed to remember it amongst four subsequent faces which then flash, replacing the last face, the one you are supposed to remember. A good workout for recalling the flash movements of people in the dreamworld. The now familiar to me sideways darting moves of people; ghosts running in dreams.
Resonance. During the building of the Tacoma narrows Bridge, they used only one kind of cement. This cement responded to 30 mile an hour winds. As a result, during a 30 m/hr windstorm, the bridge, just before it went down, twisted like a piece of flat licorice before collapsing into pieces.
There is famous videos about this. Just search YouTube for Tacoma Narrows.
Now they build bridges using two types of cement, one layered on top of another.
In the dreamworld, there is resonance whenever I post a picture of a dream on my blog, and the response, the social approval and respect that I get on the streets is incredible, that is how I know the resonance of that dream I posted is strong. I mean, I noticed that the very first time I posted colour illustrations of my dreams on the internet.
Lee Ermey, in the movie The Borrowers, as that soldier ghost in the graveyard, he changed clothes from one to another, in an instant.
The first animated cartoon of my dreams that I ever made was of my ex-girlfriend. She was lying on a bed, her arms around me. Her white t shirt all of a sudden turned rose red. That means that she loves me.
Her t shirt turned from white to rose red like a cuttlefish instantaneously changing colours.
Some days I can remember my dreams really well, especially if I have been using ginkgo biloba. But on most mornings, the veil slams down fast and hard. And I remember nothing.
Street, or popular culture symbols for dreams:
Lighthouse: Anyone with a reputation for being a good dream seer will see lighthouses, pictures of lighthouses, little statues of lighthouses more often than usual, put up as a token of respect by members of the community. Lighthouse means light, illuminati, the light in which allows one to see dreams. The blue light of Freemasonry.
"Riding high on love's true bluish light." Blondie, Heart of Glass
Train: A person can see their dreams and then illustrate them, like a comic book, one clear image clearly drawn, following another just like a train. A train is a metaphor for a connected series of images from a single dream.
Dreamcatcher: Natives say that this catches the bad dreams while letting the good dreams run free. Anything can be a catalyst and Natives have been actively and openly discussing their dreams for thousands of years, and who knows what can do what or interact with what in the spider webby, murky, willow the wispy, ghostly, spectral connexion between this world and the dreamworld. Some Native Shamans have been recording their dreams in private journals since the 1940s, while I have only been observing and recording my dreams for five years.
For instance, I would make an animated cartoon. I would draw one with no dream images, just images from my imagination.
But, if I draw an animated cartoon in which I secretly splice and add in images from the dreamworld, it seems there is a resonance and somehow, people know and the resonance and the street response is incredible!
Only a shaman or an extra terrestrial can look at the pictures I draw, if, say, I had a random stack of such pictures, and say, "This picture is from your imagination, but that picture is definitely from the dreamworld!" I believe that there are Shamans of all Nationalities who could do this. I couldn't do this yet, though.
Elk horns or horns of other ungulates: The horns form the sacred number 11. The Mystical Order of the Elks. The animal is considered supernatural. The reindeer was the animal of choice for the Shaman of the Shaami or the Laplanders of whom the word Shaman is derived from. Every Shaman should have one animal with them. The Shaman ingested belladonna and found out that if they were high on the magic mushrooms and the reindeer was high too, the rider, reindeer and sled would all simultaneously teleport to that other place.
Just like there are modern AM/FM radios that can have that retro golden age of the 30s design, in the dreamworld a teleportation machine can look like a modern car or a skytrain or even an old fashioned car. Sometimes our spirits do not know the dimensional coordinates of our destination and we have to step into a vehicle. I have had lots of dreams, literally hundreds of riding on buses, small old fashioned trains, in one case the cab of a pickup truck going across the country of Canada.
That dimension into this: There is a portion of the brain that lights up when it recognizes something. If there are electrodes hooked up to the brain that monitor this, there are pictures shown and if the person recognizes the picture from the past, that part of the brain will light up momentarily.
Now if a person drew a picture purely from the imagination, that part of the brain would not light up. But if a person was drawing a picture recalled from a dream, or else a picture that in no way could be a picture of anything from this dimension, that part of the brain will light up and stay lit up, sustained. There is no way it could or would do that unless he was actually recalling something
objective, rather than subjective. O/S; S/O: objective = scientific, subjective = opinion
PS. The Polar Express: "BELIEVE"
A good one I discovered is
Melatonin is the chemical that induces sleep. It is emitted from the pituitary gland every 24 hours, every night. Melatonin mimics heroin or rather, heroin and other opiates try to mimic it. Melatonin is not to be confused with melanin, the chemical behind skin color which is responsible for sun tans.
However, DMT or dimethyltriptamine is the chemical that is emitted when dreams are created. Synthetic DMT was used to some degree in the 1960s. Only a few people used it. DMT is still being used today, most notably in South American ayahuasca drinking ceremonies. Ayahuasca is the collective term for the mixture of two chemicals, DMT and necessarily an MAOI or a mono amine oxidase inhibitor. Some plants provide DMT like mimosa hostilis, datura, jimson weed, psychotria viridus and others provide the MAOI like banisteriopsis caapi or the yage vine.
DMT is the World's most powerful hallucinogenic. It makes LSD seem like mineral water. First of all, LSD teaches 3 main things and you don't need to do the drug to understand it. Reading about it and otherwise not doing the drug is much safer. LSD teaches:
1. All is one.
2. A higher level of consciousness.
3. Kaleidoscopes.
Whereas LSD, pounds shillings pence allows you to merely see shifting octilaterally symmetrical, raditating from the center, mandalahs and kaleidoscopes, basically whereas LSD allows you to see geometric shapes, DMT allows one to communicate with aliens, ghosts of people who have died old but when they appear, look vivid, young, and other Shamanic entities like angels, etc.
I wouldn't recommend trying DMT or ayahuasca synthetically but to experience it in it's natural state through dreaming. Other very mild chemicals I would recommend though are ginkgo biloba, and nutmeg. Nutmeg helps brings out the dreams and ginkgo helps one to remember them.
Famous people like David Choe the artist have used ayahuasca in South America. One of the most unlikeliest people who used ayahuasca is addictions counsellor Gabor Mate. He spent a lifetime trying to help people rehab off hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, and there he is using ayahuasca, the World's most heavy duty hallucinogenic drug.
Terence McKenna was the most famous expert about this chemical.
I never tried it. I wouldn't want to. First of all, it's very illegal. Other than that, to have a sickness or an imbalance caused through using too much at one point and to get some medical condition associated with it later on, even or especially a psychological one isn't something that I'd really want to take on. Again, it's best to use DMT in a natural method, normally as it occurs regularly, whenever one sleeps.
If you have to use a drug, just stick to the weed.
I learned about DMT and ayahuasca from David Choe. He did a few YouTube videos where he talked about his time using ayahuasca in a communal ayahuasca brew drinking ceremony. Those videos taught me a lot about DMT and confirmed a few suspicions. David Choe is a very articulate speaker and if he were to write a book about his ayahuasca experiences in South America, it'd be one popular book.
Things are symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols of symbols.... but out of those seven symbols, only three are visible and perceivable in this dimension and the other four symbols refer to things only visible or perceivable in the next dimension, or in the one next to that, or the one next to that....
"Dreams are today's answer to tomorrow's problems." Edgar Cayce
"Dreams show the forces behind life." Edgar Cayce
My girlfriend said, "Dreams is the subconscious trying to figure things out.
Who says humans think anyways? What passes for human cognition is just a pastiche of intrusive thoughts, unwanted thoughts, selective memories, and otherwise gaps in knowledge.
What passes for conventional knowledge is:
1. Religious dogma from anachronistic bronze age religions - mythos 2. Half truths of science, NASA - logos 3. Assertions of crack-pot conspiracy theorists - mythos and logos
Mythos and logos, from Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Religion - God exists.
Science - the Earth is round and solid, we went to the moon, nuclear bombs exist.
Conspiracy theory - God doesn't exist, the Earth is either round and hollow or else flat, we never went to the moon, nuclear bombs don't exist.
Controlled oppostion: The Priest, the scientist and the conspiracy theorist all on the government payroll not to create but to destroy a person's sense of equilibrium and cosmology.
"Things could be worse but Zoltar isn't sure how."
"We live and die with our crazy ideas." Father Reginald Foster, Religulous
No one's asking anyone to believe the religionists, the scientists, and the conspiracy theorists simultaneously. We are all points on a curve and you have to decide what point on the curve you're going to be on.
I mostly believe in religion and science. I believe God exists, the Earth is round and we went to the moon and nukes exist. However, I believe the conspiracy theories with a grain of salt.
God doesn't exist - God isn't anthropomorphic.
Flat Earth - that's a metaphorical way of saying the Earth is not round but holographic and some of it's holographic aspects show around the edges like ghosts.
We never went to the moon - we went but the real footage is suppressed. Instead a Stanley Kubrick documentary was shown.
Nuclear weapons don't exist - Those YouTube videos which show evidence of photoshopping like the explosion not moving are very convincing. The houses were miniature models in the 50s films.
Who needs drugs? Life is trippy enough. Life is a hallucinogenic drug trip. More specifically, life is one long DMT trip. When one dies, they go on an even bigger trip. In that way, drugs are redundant. And in that way, sobriety is a myth, it's an imaginary concept. At all times, humans, animals, are high on trace amounts at least, of DMT.
If only it were that. People are high on trace amounts of lot of psychoactive chemicals that the body naturally produces. Chemicals that if isolated and in enough quantity would sure send anyone on a loop. For starters, Males produce testosterone, females produce estrogen and progesterone. Those chemicals definitely have a distinct psychoactive effect.
Then there is chemicals like endorphins, seratonin, orexins, oxytosin, adrenaline aka epinephrine a vaso-constrictor, norepinephrine a psychoactive vaso-dilator, during a fight or flight response, the body releases 80% epinephrine and 20% norepinephrine, melatonin, cortisone, histamines, dopamine a precursor of epinephrine, mono amine oxidase, as well as vitamins the body like vitamin B3 or niacin, found in energy drinks, gives one the 'niacin flush'. There's more, but I'm not a doctor.
An aside note. That dopamine is the precursor to epinephrine would explain the cocaine experience. During the rush phase, the point between the neuro transmitters and the neuro receptors in the brain are flooded with dopamine, a pleasure giving chemical, when it reaches it's half life, the comedown phase, it gives way to epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are displeasure giving chemicals, leading to paranoia, panic attacks and what Freud called 'cocaine psychosis'.
And that dopamine is the precursor to epinephrine would explain why we fluctuate between moments of slight giddiness followed with moments of slight depression throughout the day. Dopamine is the chemical with which the brain rewards itself when one accomplishes something good.
The awake state is a kind of dream state. The dream state is a kind of awake state.
Dean Noble
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