Dean Noble. Friday, August 6, 2010.
Dean Noble's History of the World 1/5
Dean Noble's History of the World 2/5
Dean Noble's History of the World 3/5
Dean Noble's History Of The World 4/5
Dean Noble's History of the World 5/5
Disclaimer: This documentary animated film may not be 100% accurate.
The 1200 - 1500 was the Dark Ages or the Iron Age. It was an age of blades and swords and horsemanship.
The 1500s was the Middle Ages. There was plagues in Europe. Garlands of roses and flowers were thought to protect against plague hence the song Ring Around The Rosy.
The 1600s was the Renaissance. Shakespeare's writings were very popular during these times. People wore fancy foppish clothing.
The 1700s was the Age of Enlightenment. It was the time of Barry Lyndon and the European Wars, the War of the Roses, the 100 Days War also the American Revolution.
Now we arrive at the 1800s which is the Industrial Revolution. It was a century where the United States would grow from being a sleepy whaling Nation to being a military industrial superpower.

The 1920s.

The 1600s. Medieval woman.
When the 1800s started, the 1700s was barely over. The United States had fought a War of Independence about 25 years earlier. The Americans fought against the British redcoats. Paul Revere was a poor farmer, but he rode through the streets to warn "The Redcoats are coming!" sometimes just a few minutes before the British would ride through town.
The 1810s. On Sunday, June 18, 1815, Napoleon's army was defeated by the forces of Wellington at Waterloo near Belgium.
The 1820s and the 1830s saw much invention. Samuel Fulton had invented the steam engine which gave way to steam boats that would ply the Mississipi. The writings of steamboat captain Mark Twain were popular in these times like Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher sailing on a raft to go to the caves to meet Injun Joe.
During this period, inventor Michael Faraday had electrically charged an iron bar that was in the center of an electrical coil of copper. This was the World's first motor.
During this time, the steam train was invented. First referred to as "the bullet train", this train travelled about 30 miles an hour.
In the 1840s, the works of Edgar Allen Poe was popular. The Immortal Edgar wrote such great stories as The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum, Ligeia, and The Fall of the House of Usher.
The works of Charles Dickens was also popular during these times, depicting life during Victorian London.
The Crimean War was in 1850 - 1853.
Around the middle of the 1800s was when the country of Canada 1867, the Province of British Columbia 1871, and the City of Vancouver 1886 were incorporated.
In 1861, Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert dies of typhoid fever. The effect that this had on history cannot be understated and one can only speculate how things would have been different had he lived. Queen Victoria became the Queen of England and started a wave of colonialization that would become known as The British Empire.
The American Civil War in 1861 to 1865 was a fight between the forces of the Confederates South, and the North known as the Yankees. The War ended with the Victory of the North, the surrender of the South and Lincoln getting shot in 1865. Yep, Lincoln getting shot while at Ford's theatre was pretty much the end of the War.
The 1860s was also the time of the Transcendentalist Writers. My favourite transcendentalist writer was Henry David Thoreau. During the summer of 1854, he built a cabin on Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. Taking a couple of months to build a small cabin from scratch, he lived a life of solitude alone in the cabin. Finally he left that life saying that he lived that life for long enough and that there were other lives to live.
The middle 1800s was also the time of the female writers like Jane Austen, The Bronte sisters, Charlotte and Emily. They wrote such stories like Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Emma.
The 1870s saw the inception of the Northwest Mounted Police who would become the RCMP in 1920.
The 1880s. In 1881, Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. Also around this time, inventor Nikola Tesla invented the flourescent light. He also invented the Tesla coil of which no Science Centre would be complete without.
In 1887, A Study In Scarlet was published. It is the first Sherlock Holmes story.
Sherlock Holmes introduces us to the World of sleuthing and deduction. Sherlock Holmes can look at a person and discern their profession.
In stories such as the Solitary Cyclist, Sherlock Holmes and Watson demonstrate their expertise at solving crimes.
The late 1800s was also the Boer War. 1880 - 1881 was the first Boer War.
The Second Boer War was in 1899 - 1902.
The 1890s. It was also the time of the gold rush. Huge caravans of travellers brought lots of supplies to brave the cold winters. People were required to have a year's worth of provisions before being allowed to proceed past the lineup up the mountain. Lots of people went there and most found nothing doing nothing more than setting up a tent next to the river and gold panning but not finding much gold.
It was the people who set up general stores and businesses in those places who usually made any money.
There were dancing girls those days.
Yes, the 20th Century was the completion of what was started in the 1800s and that is using the forces of collective industrialization and technology to build armies and weapons to create superpowers defined by mass ultra destructive weapons like jet fighters, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and nuclear missiles.
The first decade of the 1900s saw the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. Her son Edward the Seventh ushered in the Edwardian Age. It was an age of low stress and high luxury. This decade also saw the first science fiction movie, A Trip To The Moon, made in 1902.
The 1910s started off luxuriously and then:
The Titanic sailed from Southhampton England on April 10, 1912. For a few days, all went well, people walked around on the deck. The ship steamed at 22 knots, and then at Cape Race off Newfoundland, the Titanic struck an iceberg. The ship had turned hard a port at the last minute to avoid the iceberg but instead struck the iceberg.
Even though lots of people died, a lot of people, nevertheless survived. [pause] The next morning, the survivors of the Titanic were rescued by the Carpathia.
On June 28, 1914, World War I started. In World War I, the forces of Britain, France and Italy were fighting the forces of Germany, Austria and Russia. However, in World War 2, the forces of Britain, France and Russia were fighting the forces of Germany, Austria, and Italy. For months, soldiers were holed in trenches. Mud, rats, were constant companions for life lived in amongst the trenches.
The 1920s was a decade of ostentation. People lived the high life. Rich from the largesse of the first World War people in North America invested in stocks and often with only 10 percent down. Prohibition was in force in the United States from 1920 -1933. People drank whisky and wine from teapots and teacups. The 1920s was known as the Roaring Twenties. There were dancing girls those days.
The Great Gatsby was written during the roaring twenties.
The 1930s was known as the Great Depression. Margin calls on the stocks required people to pay the 90% of the value they invested on their stocks. The banks were responsible for the stocks so entire bank reserves were emptied to cover these margin calls. Entire banks were wiped out as the accounts of non-stock holders were affected too. There were bread lines and soup lines during the 1930s.
The Great Depression unofficially ended in 1939, with the start of the Second World War. At the start of the War, the only work, the only guaranteed money available was that of an enlisted soldier. Boys slinging their army supplies in an army dufflebag moving from their homes to far away places like England and France were known as doughboys because they were the ones earning the dough; they were the breadwinners for their families. The Great Depression officially ended in 1945 with the post war prosperity.
The 1940s was a decade that was mainly about the Second World War. People fought in Europe and they also fought in the Pacific at the Battle of Midway and other Pacific Island battles. The fought on tropical Pacific Islands against the Japanese.
The 1950s was the first truly cool, interesting and hip era of World history. During the 1950s, the Americans were involved in the Korean War which ended with a stalemate with the line of demarcation being at the 38th parallel.
Radio was replaced with the first television shows in black and white.
The beatnik culture which placed and emphasis on drugs and music were evident in the inner city in coffee diners, jazz clubs and living rooms.

The beatniks liked to smoke marijuana and a few of them even used magic mushrooms.

The 1960s was the era of the hippies and the Vietnam War. In November of 1962, US President John F Kennedy got shot in Dealey Plaza. This was a pivotal moment for the sixties. The use of marijuana and mushrooms had given way to the occasional experimentation of a drug called LSD which was influential to the music scene and thus psychedelic musical groups like Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, Janis Joplin. The drug movement that was in the inner city had, during the sixties become suburbanized.
The 1970s saw colour television being a regular thing, replacing black and white televisions and just about everyone had a colour television in the 70s. The Vietnam War ended in 1975 with the refugees being airlifted from a helicopter from the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon. STAR WARS was released in 1977 and this is one of the most influential movies ever.
The 1980s was the yuppy period when people dressed in designer clothes and drove nice sportscars. Music was good in the 1980s with new wave musical groups like Duran Duran, OMD, and Martha and the Muffins. CDs were being used for the first time in the 80s. Also video games were increasingly popular and people had home entertainment systems like the Atari which had video games.
The eighties was a very affluent and comfortable time for a lot of people.
The 90s was a time when music was grunge, groups like Nirvana and Guns and Roses were popular. During the 90s the internet was being used for the first time. When it first started, at most libraries, there were only a couple of internet stations, now at any given library you can see a whole lot of computers which people can use to go online. A new batch, a new generation of Hollywood stars was emerging on the scene like Brad Pitt, Leonardo di Capro, Matt Damon, Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, also Kate Beckinsale, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz, Katie Holmes.
The 2000s was clearly shaped by the events of September 11, 2001 when, like in Stephen King's The Running Man, two planes crashed into two of the World Trade Center Towers, respectively. After that, travel bans were placed on suspected terrorism suspects. People who, usually, were Middle Eastern were placed under increased security scrutiny at the airport and were often ushered into "the other room" apart from the other passengers moving freely past the departure gates.
The internet was taking on a life of its own during the first decade of the 2000s. Expats, instead of using snail mail were turning to internet cafes to send correspondence.
During the late 2000s, programs were emerging on the internet which allowed people to upload videos of themselves, even a video of themself uploading a video of themself uploading a video of themself uploading a video of themself!
People were throwing out their cassette walkmans and replacing them with iPods and at first the iPods contained music only, but now the iPods regularly have a small television screen included.
People were using blackberries to read their email.
Conventional cathode ray tube standard definition televisions were being replaced with HDTVs with sharper definition.
The 2010s have just started and one can only guess at what wonders this decade will bring.
Epilogue: The future. The year 3000. Hi, how are you doing? Despite my current condition. I am doing fine. Life is still going on as much as ever. Much has happened and most of it, I never expected to happen.
The year 4000. Hi, how are you doing? Despite my current condition. I am doing fine. Life is still going on as much as ever. Much has happened and most of it, I never expected to happen.