Wednesday, October 31, 2018
November 2018
Time to start a new posting. The last one was getting too lengthy.
Bus Stop
"Bus stop wet day she waits out there, please share my umbrella." The Hollies
The News talked about installing washrooms next to bus stops in case anybody needs it. A bus stop is already a washroom. People in the past have probably urinated against it or squatted down next to it so an actual washroom would be just window dressing. A washroom only keeps decent people from using the bus stop as a washroom. In fact, pregnant women have probably gone into labor and delivered at a bus stop, people probably did it at the bus stop and conceived there, and sadly, some people have probably died at a bus stop. Cycle of life. So much so, you could ask, What do a priest and a bus stop have in common? Hatching, matching, and dispatching.
Klondike Days - Looks like the photo uploader for Blogger is back. What a miracle! Isn't technology wonderful?
During the Klondike line up, up the hill, one Klondike miner asked another, "Why are you here?" The other miner said, "I hope to pay off my student loan." The first miner said, "What did you study?" The second miner replied, "Gynecology." The first miner laughed and said, "That's not going to come in handy around here. Look around you."
A few days later, as they were walking down Paradise Alley, the first miner said to the second miner, "Looks like your degree is going to come in handy after all."
There's a referendum in BC regarding either proportional representation or first past the post. How can you have proportional representation if people are stacking the vote? Proportional representation is if a population has a certain amount of refugees and immigrants, they should appoint someone from the refugee immigrant ilk to represent them in political office, even though that person is a bounder and knows relatively little about local culture but they all are uncannily good at the hip hop gangsta colloquial English, in order to assuage and ameliorate any affirmative action policy wonk sentimentalities. The question is, "Is the ethnic minority they're hiring actually as qualified as a White person to do it? If not, are you going to hire them anyway just to fulfill some idealistic pseudo-moralistic quota?"
However, some foreigners are more talented at politics than most White people. To not hire them is to confuse status quo with status quota. Actually, what's the difference?
First past the post is, if followed to it's furthest extreme, in a multicultural community, all or nearly all the city aldermen are White and are men. It'd be like a throw-back to the 50s. Well, if it works. In Canada, an immigrant can arrive here and 20 years later, be a politician. It isn't that way overseas in countries like China. All the politicians are Chinese even in cities with sizable White and other ethnic populations. India is like that too, all East Indian politicians. I think it's largely nepotism there, but again, if it works. And it seems to be working and working well.
Sometimes it gets weird. In a town in which half the population is French, but all the councillors at City Hall are British. Is it proportional representation or not? I mean, they ARE all White. I would say that in a case like this, it's proportional representation, but on the other hand, it's not.
I refuse to vote in the referendum. I got better things to do like reach the next level on Shadow of War on my tablet. I refuse to participate in these local political peccadillos. Six of one is half a dozen of the other, heads you win tails you win, in this case. Like a lot of things in life, in either system, you are trading one set of advantages and disadvantages for another.
It will be interesting to see how it turns out.
Of course we won't necessarily be finding out how people actually voted, we will find out, at the end of the referendum, the result the government wanted all along, the vote on the referendum is irrelevant. Case in point, in Canada, in the past 40 years, there was a capital punishment referendum in 1980. It was voted down although most people voted for it. Then there were two Quebec referendums. I don't know how people voted, but Quebec is still a part of Canada. It didn't separate. Wolfe and Montcalm, the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. That's how it will always be as long as you have British agents scuppering the deal. Another famous case is Newfoundland in 1949. It didn't separate either. Secret Nation, a movie made in 1992 starring Canadian comedian Cathy Jones talks all about Newfoundland. It's difficult to get. If you can find it online, good luck.
The Liberals are in favor of First Past the Post which is a right wing kind of choice. The NDP is in favor of Proportional Representation which is a left wing kind of choice. But just on a secondary level. The controlled opposition level. At the level above that, at the very top, they're all in agreement. They want the same thing. And we'll find out what that is when the referendum is over.
This referendum is yet another BC boondoggle, a White elephant, in fact, it's the latest local white elephant in the room; as you're not supposed to call it that. one in a long line of many including Fast Cats and BRIC shares. BC's had so many. What's one more?
I was sent an envelope with the offer to fill out the referendum form, make the choices and to return the completed ballot. I don't know if I will. There's quite a few questions some of them I don't fully understand, specifically, DMP Dual Member Proportional, MMP Mixed Member Proportional and RUP Rural Urban Proportional. You'd need to study political science 1.0 in college or University to understand all that. I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't see how my life would improve if I voted either way.
The referendum is really asking the same question twice. Once directly, and once indirectly. If one picks RUP it means first past the post. MMP means a compromise, a centrist middle ground. And DMP means proportional representation. Or is it the other way around? Anyways, this is fiction but once during an election when the results were deadlocked in a Mexican standoff type situation, a referendum was distributed asking the question, Which sexual position do you prefer? And there were three choices. Picking man on top meant Conservative. Picking woman on top mean the centrist Liberals. And picking doggie style meant NDP.
This is one of those consistency tests slash personality tests. One hundred questions. One question asks you "Do you like apple pie?" A few dozen questions later so you forgot that other question, "How often do you eat apple pie?" If the first answer was "No." and the next answer is 5 times a week, there's inconsistency. So the pollsters could say, "Sure you answered one way on the direct question, but you answered the other way on the indirect question. We should average out the answers, which gives them room to scupper or manipulate the vote." Remember, all elections and referendums are rigged.
"Why do you have to wreck this company?" "Because it's wreckable." Wall Street
Why rig the election? Because it's riggable.
That there are three choices on the indirect question is disturbing. Political science 1.0. There are no centrist parties. A centrist party just splits the vote for either the right or the left. It's another tool for pollsters to leverage and engineer the final result while simultaneously appearing to have sought public consultation on the issue. A third choice on the referendum splits the result for either the pro-first past the posters or else the pro- proportional representationers. How it works is that there are three ways to determine an outcome, the result of the direct question, the result of the indirect question, and an average between the two. The one closest to the one they originally wanted is determined to be the winner and will be announced that, due to our choosing the result using a mysterious algorithm, that is, mentioning using one method and tactfully omitting mentioning the two other methods, we reached a decision. It's a real slim shady. It's not a problem if you don't vote in the referendum. Just forget about it. It gives them less to work with.
As BBC News pointed out, depending on the algorithm, in example 1, red won most ridings, blue didn't win any. In the second example, blue won 2 out of 5 ridings. In the 3rd example, blue won 3 ridings, got 50% in one of them and lost only one riding.
"A little learning is a dangerous thing
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring
Alexander Pope
The saying means, do your research and research well not just half ass, or if not, then it's better not to vote.
"If you don't understand it, don't vote for it.
If you do understand it, you'd never vote for it." -Paul Keating*
* source: YouTube comment from YouTube video David Icke November 06 2018 - The REAL EU agenda | David Icke 2018 Update
Alone on the farm, Benjamin the donkey refused to believe that a windmill would bring either an increase in their comforts or a reduction in their working hours, "Windmill or no windmill, life will go on as it always has and that is badly. -Animal Farm, George Orwell
I guess this is the local answer to the Brexit referendum in the UK. About Brexit, the way I see it, Pros: Passport free travel throughout Europe. Cons: Continental Europeans telling England what to do. Brexit has gotten so dangerous that I saw on the News that the PM of Britain Theresa May was threatened. That's out of order, yeah?! I hope the Police arrest whoever sent her those threats. One should never threaten a member of political office unless, that is, you actually want to get busted. That'd be crazy.
Massive immigrant crisis where Europe is taking in too many refugees?
Europeans growing more upset with their governments and wanting to move to America? EU SLEEPIN
Europe going on an economic downfall and without significant change will fall drastically behind the Americas, the middle east, and Asia
Europeans getting stripped of more and more rights every day
The Balkans are still an undeveloped and violent area EU SLEEPIN
Russia is growing it's military and spreading dangerous influence EU SLEEPIN
Belarus is under a complete dictatorship and the people living there are miserable
Someone made a movie review which features a three second clip
from: BotSpaghetti YouTube video: Why Article 13 Will Destroy YouTube
Theresa May with her Brexit deal is basically saying, "It's my way or the highway." The other day the benches in the UK House of Parliament was strangely empty like a bench clearing brawl in hockey.
I said a lot about a referendum in which I refused to vote in. That's the way I'll feel about all referendums from now on as they all run along a similar skein. 1. I don't fully understand it. 2. The result has been pre-decided anyways and the voting is just a ruse. I'm just saying I won't vote and why. This isn't to advise anyone else to vote or not to vote. You'll do what you want.
November 8, 2018 Thursday night, 7 pm. November 9, 2018, Friday night, 8 pm. CBC, Global Television and CKNW radio. BC Electoral Reform Debate. I'll give it a go. But the DMP, MMP, RUP thing is still confusing to me. Like I said, I don't care what the result is, so I'm not voting.
I watched the debate. It was very good. Andrew Wilkinson said, "Under Proportional Representation, there will be all these rag tag parties forming coalitions." John Horgan said, "You make it sound we're going to be cramming all these nefarious personalities in the legislature." It was a really good debate. I'm voting for First Past the Post. In this referendum, if you pick that answer, you don't have to then proceed to answer the DMP, MMP, RUP like you would if you pick the second answer. First Past the Post is the current system and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. First Past the Post is the system that brought steady public sector raises and marijuana legalization.
Update Wednesday, November 21, 2018: There's some kind of covfefe or kerfuffle at the BC Legislature. It's probably in some way related to the referendum. And there's a postal strike. So the end result is they'll say, "We tried to have a referendum but the situation was compromised due to what happened at the Legislature which has left the Province baffled, and also the Postal Strike so we couldn't do it. How about next time we try it again?" It's either causation or correlation that the Canada Post strike is strangely timed to happen during a Referendum.
It would only take a twisted mind to conflate the Referendum, the Postal Strike and the recent shakeup at the BC Legislature as if they were all somehow connected. As if they had anything to do with one another. "That's quite a stretch." Colin Firth, Bridget Jones and the Edge of Reason. "Stop drawing invisible lines between non-connected points." David Harbour, The Green Hornet
"Where was God for you that day?" Maybe God is only there for people who make good choices. God gives people free will. That's a lot to give any shamanic entity, or interdimensional being which is what humans are. Free will is an illusion based on the illusion that everything is not happening at the same time.
Just like in elections and referendums. Free choice is an illusion based on the illusion that there isn't just one but a whole bunch of algorithms they can choose from, one that comes closest to what they wanted all along, also based on the illusion that everything isn't happening at the same time. It's a game of political chess between the politicians and the people in which the social engineers have already taken into account the algorithm of the illusion of non-simultaneousness and thus the accompanying illusion of choice. Thinking a few moves ahead.
Update: December 20, 2018: The referendum result: The status quo. First Past The Post. Well, that's a few million dollars down the drain for the question that nobody asked and that even if asked, everybody knew the answer to.
An aside, yesterday, on Wednesday, November 1, 2018, I found a bottle of shankhpushpi syrup at the Salvation Army food bank. Shankhpushpi is a brain memory enhancer like ginkgo. It's sold on amazon. I tried it. It's an acquired taste but once you realize it tastes like Chinese grass jelly, it doesn't taste too bad. I'd have to say it works, but maybe it's placebo. An ideal night would be a Lord of the Rings energy drink night. Drink Rockstar energy drink, get the edgy buzz, and play Shadow of War. But even with 60 extra energy points a day, they go very fast. 6 hard level battles for glyphs at 10 energy points each. Or 10 Raids at 5 energy points a raid = 50 energy points. 10 Raids if you push the button takes like, all of 1 second to accomplish. Like I said, very quickly. I had 1100 VIP points. I'm on VIP 2. Only 100 more at 20 points a day, in 5 days, I would've had 1200 VIP points or else VIP 3. But I had to get the Battle Pit Refreshes. I thought the refreshes were free which is why I got it, but it costs 200 gems to refresh. I'm cheap with gems. I save up the 3,000 green gems to get the 65,000 silver marian of which I got two payouts of since I restarted the game from scratch since I busted my old tablet and then got a new one. That means I got 320 VIP points now. 880 more at 20 VIP points a day, or else 44 days. But in 30 days, I'm renewing my 30 day gemstone package which includes 1,000 VIP points, so I'll get VIP 3 in about 28 days since I renewed my 30 day gemstone package 2 days ago. But I would have otherwise gotten VIP 3 5 days, had I not fucked up and got the Battle Pit Refreshes.
On Saturday, October 27, 2018, I saw my first 8K TV. Some of the scenes were better than others and one scene, a red turnip burrowing in the dirt, but you could see almost every molecule of that dirt, some of it glistening, was mindblowing. Other scenes were pretty good, great wall of China, but that scene looked 50% better than 4K, not the 4 times better as advertised, but the turnip scene did come pretty close. I also saw a royal tiara that looked crystal clear in 8K. The problem is, the demo TVs at the audio visual store show you images that you'll never see again in your lifetime. I saw some good images at a 4K TV display. I never saw them ever again. I doubt that I'd see the red turnip ever again. I doubt that will ever "turnip" ever again. Sure, but is it worth the price? Then you'd need an 8K machine, 8K discs, or 8K wiring although an 8K machine, technically will upscale even a DVD to 8K or at least try to. I might get one in 10 years when the price drops, but there is no rush or priority for me to replace my 55" 4K TV I currently have. I got an RCA with Technicolor 4K TV for about $500 with taxes, etc at Shopper's Drug Mart. Murphy's Law. 4 months later, I see a Haier 55" TV selling at the same price. It's gone now. Sold out. In small towns, you got to get things fast or they're gone. Haier is the official TV of the NBA. You see the Haier building on the docks on the Hong Kong shoreline. I'm happy with my RCA, though.
Right now, HD cable boxes don't even transmit in 4K, probably 720p or 1080 at best. It will be about 20 years until cable boxes consistently transmit a proper 8K signal.
Sherlock Holmes is one of my favorites. But so far they only have a Sherlock Holmes app where one is looking for hidden objects in a room. Not bad, but I need a Sherlock Holmes RPG in the style of either Middle Earth: Shadow of War, Walking Dead No Man's Land, or Walking Dead Road to Survival. Any app developer who makes this app will probably get a million dollars. On the Sherlock Holmes side, you have Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson, Mycroft, Commander Gregson, Inspector Lestrade and the Baker Street Irregulars. And on the enemy side, you have Professor Moriarty, Jack Woodley, Mr. Carruthers, Reverend Williamson from The Solitary Cyclist, Mortimer Tregennis from The Devil's Foot, etc Mrs. Hudson to provide Sherlock Holmes with renewed energy points and sustenance and Irene Adler, who is on the Moriarty side at first and then later on in the game, on Sherlock Holmes side, and also some anonymous Victoria London thugs with knuckle dusters, etc. Sherlock Holmes and his army, ascends levels, collects coins, gems, etc which can be used to upgrade characters and upgrade weapons too. I'd be completely dialed in to that. Join leagues, guilds, increased prizes, take part in tournaments, etc.
It would include characters and likenesses from all the Sherlock Holmes Universes including Granada TV Jeremy Brett, Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman Sherlock Holmes, The TV Show Elementary Sherlock Holmes, all the colorized Sherlock Holmes, but the earlier B/W Sherlock Holmes including the iteration with STAR WARS' Peter Cushing or Grand Moff Tarkin, if you want to include that on an app like retro 70s pinball, that's up to you. If you could include all their likenesses in a Sherlock Holmes RPG app, like STAR m Galaxy of Heroes, and Force Arena which includes characters from all 10 STAR WARS movies: 3 OT, 3 Prequel Trilogy, and 2 Disney STAR WARS plus Rogue One and Han Solo, that would be majorly.
Blade Runner is another franchise that could use an RPG app. They did it with Terminator. Terminator Genisys Future War is OK. Lots of building. Terminator Genisys Guardian is a lot more smokin'! With Terminator Genisys Guardian, you actually feel like you've travelled to a future dystopian post-apocalyptic World of the year 2037 and you're fighting Skynet and the Terminators.
The 4 best RPG games on Android Apps. Most addictive, the ones I'm always on are: Middle Earth Shadow of War, Walking Dead No Man's Land, Walking Dead Road to Survival, STAR WARS Galaxy of Heroes. On STAR WARS Galaxy of Heroes, I got assigned the name: Mol Eliza.
Marvel Strike Force is also very good. So good that on Sunday, November 11, at 9 pm, I went to 7-11 and got a google play card just so I could get Deadpool, a 3 star character for $7.99. Usually, characters start at 1 star. Deadpool starts at 3 stars. Otherwise, I would have to complete level 60 to get it and right now, I'm at level 1 or thereabouts. Deadpool has the most awesome martial arts skills. It's one thing to pay for a toy that's an inanimate doll, but to pay for a toy that's an avatar on an app that can teach you martial arts. Deadpool is funny and uses two swords and two guns. How awesome is that? It makes me want to get the two Deadpool movies. Daredevil is awesome too, but I got him free, included in my initial offering of characters. I want to watch the Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck again. When I went to get the google card so I could get Deadpool, I saw a white carriage with a horse pulling it. That is a sign my decision to get the Deadpool character was a right one.
On Marvel Strike Force, my avatar name is WadeWilson68.
I also got 3 Rockstar energy drinks along with the google card. Marvel Strike Force is so good that I uninstalled Traffic Rider so I could install it. Even thought I paid $10 for IAPs, I don't care. They can eat the $10. Traffic Rider is glitchy as fuck. On the nighttime levels, the road looks all glitchy, all dot matrixy. I don't need that. Racing Fever Moto and Highway Motor Rider is just as good.
Monday, November 12, 2018. It is with great sadness that I express gratitude and RIP to Stan Lee. His influence in my life can not be over stated. I first heard of Spider-Man when I was a child when the cartoons were on. All of his Super-Heroes and last night I got Dead-pool on Marvel Strike Force. Stan Lee is the greatest. Daredevil, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Howard the Duck, Thor, all of it is sheer greatness. Stan Lee will be there with Joel Shuster and Jerry Siegel who created Super-Man as one of the greatest people in super hero comic book history. Stan Lee is one of the greatest people who ever lived in the history of this planet. Too bad I never met him, but it would've been quite a commute since he lived in either Los Angeles or New York and I live here. However much of a commute it would have been to meet him, it'd be more of a commute now. Maybe one day I might have a dream about him. Who knows? I found out about Stan Lee's death on the Marvel Strike Force chat room.
On the day Stan Lee died, on the Marvel Strike Force chatroom, someone wrote: "Stan Lee died. That's bad right? Don't worry, we will see him do cameos in future movies in CGI." The administrator then wrote: "You need to leave the chatroom immediately."
November 15, 2018: Telltale Games is shutting down. Which means you have to download The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2 soon to get it. I already downloaded it. The Walking Dead Michonne is from Scopely Games which is a different app developer.
Deadpool. My new favorite character is Deadpool. Deadpool survived death after a government experiment similar to MK Ultra. Like Deadpool, I survived death, at least twice. I had near death experiences where I saw the fuschia sky and the white clouds, although against the fuschia, the clouds appeared pink, then I popped out of my head and I recognized my room, looking like a French daguerrotype. When I woke up, I screamed as it felt like every nerve in my body, even ones I didn't know I had, had been slid quickly one millimetre along some very fine sandpaper.
Anyways, surviving death, an NDE, like the movie Flatliners said, rewires the brain. I can do things like catch things in the air without looking at it like my scooter. Tonto in the movie The Lone Ranger also survived and NDE, he was a ghostwalker, rewired brain, do things without looking at it, etc.
Deadpool doesn't care about anything. There is no filter. He's known as 'the mercenary with the mouth' as he never shuts up. In the movies, he talks about the four steps to a prostate induced orgasm. When he is slicing off his arm to free himself from a set of handcuffs, and blood is spurting everywhere, that's when he chooses that time to say, "Are you there God, it's me, Margaret." Like I said, No filter.
As much as I'd like to be like Deadpool, there are some things I can't do. Deadpool got his head cut off several times and he survived that. He even had Juggernaut rip him in half and he still survived, just like Darth Maul. Would I be able to survive that? Uh,
Deadpool makes me want to experience my feminine side in martial arts. In a Jackie Chan movie, a male martial artist has 9 forms, but one of them in a feminine form. The East Indians call that shakti. In a Jackie Chan movie, that form was called, 'Hor seen goon'. Deadpool Shakti means like the feminine, free, fast, letting go, whip like reflexes, light, lithe. Those aspects are important in martial arts.
One thing about Deadpool is that he's mentally unstable. It's remarkable that he's even alive after that government experiment let alone be mentally unstable. It is probable that he's bisexual. Or at any rate, he's like Spider-Man except a few points higher on the Kinsey scale. It doesn't make me like Deadpool any less, but it certainly doesn't make me like him any more.
What I like about Deadpool is that he doesn't let the weird things in life slow him down or stop him. He channels that energy to make his martial arts better.
Deadpools suit is completely concerned with death. The red of the suit and the white eyeslits represent the red or fuschia sky and the white eye slits the white clouds that always come with the red fuschia sky. The black on his suit represents the ghosts of the dead. Contrary to popular myth, ghosts don't always appear in white. The negative Earthbound spirits, those angry, afraid, self obsessed appear in funerary black, the shade of black is spiderly black.
Killer whales have Deadpool coloration. Red tongue, and then white and black.
David Icke wrote that red, black and white are colors used in Satanism.
I got Deadpool 2 on blu ray. It's different than the one I borrowed from the library. The Library must have had the extended cut. There are lines and segments missing on the blu ray I got. I was thinking of getting a Deadpool costume but my gymnastics have got to be a lot better to do honor to the name of Deadpool. Until the gymnastics get better, I won't get a Deadpool costume.
My 7 favorite apps. I play these now. Almost no others:
1. Middle Earth: Shadow of War - Guild: Bright Hand. Name: Herbessa
2. Walking Dead - No Man's Land - Guild: New Eden. Name Merle Walker 68. Note: My guild has abandoned me. Of the 5 currently listed in my guild, when I checked on November 14, 2018, only one was last signed in less than a day ago. The rest, the last time they signed in was weeks ago. I was going to spend 400 gold to get them all a Gold Chest, but the question is, "Get who a gold chest?"
3. Walking Dead - Road to Survival - Name: MerleWalker68
4. Marvel Strike Force - Name: WadeWilson68 I got Deadpool!
5. STAR WARS Galaxy of Heroes - Name: Mol Eliza* *Note: Lots of people have that name.
6. Marvel Contest of Champions - HeroLegion68 I got Juggernaut! No Deadpool yet.
7. Marvel Future Fight - Name: FrancisAngel68 I got Deadpool!
Zen Pinball, all of them, Zaccaria Pinball, they're all good. I have ALL the Zen pinball STAR WARS pinball games now. I bought them all. Every last one.
Wong from Android's Marvel Future Fight Move. Recorded on December 15, 2018
About 68. At one time, I lived on Soi 68 somewhere in Bangkok, Thailand. Then years later, King George the 6th and King Edward the 8th visited me in a dream. I was seated at a round table, outdoors, day time, cloudy weather. King Edward 8th stood a short distance behing King George the 6th who was standing right next to me, to my right, looking right at me! It was a vivid dream.
On Tuesday December 11, my tablet turned off automatically. I was playing Contest of Champions at the time. Years ago I saw a YouTube video than an Asian had made. Someone in the comment section basically insulted the video. An Asian hacker replied, "Virus coming your way." I thought a hacker, possibly Asian, possibly Russian, from Marvel Contest of Champions sent the virus along with the update. I even read on forums that the same thing happened to someone else's tablet after an update. The computer tech said to do A hard reboot. Turns out my battery was down to 0% and I had to recharge. That's normal with tablets so no virus from Contest of Champions. My tablet now charged runs like a V-12 engine Jaguar running on all 12 cylinders!
I hope that the people in Paradise California pull through the forest fire. There was a forest fire in Fort McMurray and they survived that. For awhile, I wondered whether the smoke from that fire would drift to my town making it cloudy like England is cloudy all the time. That didn't happen.
Fort McMurray was worse. Fort McMurray was an oil fire as a forest fire. Paradise California is only a forest fire.
"What do you do when your nose goes on strike?" "Picket."
Canada Post is on strike. The Canadian Postal service is known for it's acrimonious relations between the union and it's employer. Canada Post is one of the few unionized jobs in North America that hasn't been outsourced. The Police is another unionized job that hasn't been outsourced but you don't see them going on strike. In the old days, people like Andrew Carnegie hired strikebreakers who were thugs with clubs who went in and beat people up. Sometimes the strikebreakers were the Police themselves. They sure don't do that anymore. People who would cross picket lines to work, which takes presenteeism and/or workaholism to a new level, during a strike were called scabs who were either people in the company who decided not to join in the strike and work, or else people hired from elsewhere as replacement workers. Scabs were often beaten up too.
Well, it looks like Christmas 2018 in Canada is down the tubes. Try shopping in stores directly rather than using Canada Post. I would suggest telling your friends who live in other towns who might otherwise be expecting a gift from you mailed to them, "I really did want to send yo a gift, but as you may also have seen on television, there's a postal strike, so there's no way I can send it to you. Hmm. Maybe I'll use Purolator or else UPS."
In a hundred years since the Andrew Carnegie days, it's gone from strikebreakers, that is strikers getting beaten to scabs, which in this case is picketers who are doing the beating.
In the old days, there were rock star strike negotiators like Vince Ready and Simon Reisman RIP. There's probably someone like that today? If the World's history were a Lego Universe, Vince Ready and Simon Reisman would be major collectible Lego characters.
I haven't thought of those names in literally years, then I thought of it today. The mind is scary that way. I mean, when's the last time I mentioned them?
Canada Post and the Government are going through negotiations right now with the usual Teamsters style confrontations.
The Walking Dead:
Three high school students are sitting at some bleachers in the zombie apocalypse like from Season 9, episode entitled Evolution. One guy says, "There's a compound beyond the forest over there were there are only women. There's about 20 women there. Why don't we go, although in your case it would be useless. Like Richard Pryor said, "You couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a pound of pot." But since we're going there, we shouldn't go empty handed. We should bring a gift. What would you suggest?"
The other guy says, "What about flowers and a box of chocolates?"
The first guy says, "No wonder you never get laid, I was thinking more along the lines of condoms and lube."
The girl stands there listening to all this, incredulous.
"No need to be koi, Roy"
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover, Paul Simon
Monday, November 26, 2018: The News said today, that another koi died 'at the hands of' the otter currently residing at Sun Yat Sen park in Vancouver. That made it on the News? Like the old saying goes, "If a dog bites a man, that is not News, if a man bites a dog, that is News." If an koi dies at the hands of an otter, that is not News. Now if the otter died at the hands of a koi, that would be News. How did the otter get there in the first place? Did it use an estuary?
What can you say? Just someone else who visited downtown Vancouver for the famous 'All you can eat sashimi buffet'.
There is no Uber in BC. But there is Uber in Toronto as long as it's booked through a smart app. That leaves the necessary data trail. In Winnipeg, when pot was legalized, lots of shops opened. In BC a lot of shops closed and won't get licensing until April BC is a backwater. BC is an embedded anagram in the word BaCkwater. With marijuana, maybe the shops aren't being opened until April because that's when the first crop of GMO marijuana, or else designer marijuana will be harvested. Monsanto has made suicide seeds. These seeds grow plants that last only one generation and cannot generate more plants. That makes farmers dependant on Monsanto's Round Up Ready* seeds for the seeds and it is illegal for them to use their own old fashioned kind of seeds. People who argue for GMOs will say that prevents genetic drift that can happen even with cloning. Maybe BC has got Monsanto marijuana. That's the worry. Companies have patents on marijuana genes. That's the kind of World we live in. I think I have maybe 38 years left at most although with condensed time experience as you get older, it will seem like 27 years. I don't plan on ever bringing children into this World. What kind of a World would it be for future generations?
*People like Alex Jones say that Round Up Ready is a hidden reference to martial law. Well, you know Alex Jones..."
Monsanto got bought out by Bayer in 2018. Bayer aspirin, that Bayer. Monsanto also specifically said on it's website the 'terminator seeds' were an urban myth and that they don't do that.
Previously legal. Now illegal. Synthetic marijuana.
Previously illegal. Now legal in Canada. Marijuana.
What was Legal Budz, that is synthetic marijuana 400 times stronger than actual marijuana is now illegal. And what was illegal buds, that is actual marijuana, is now legal.
Monday, November 26, 2018: RIP Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci. Director of The Last Emperor. Bernardo Bertolucci is on high. He is now riding the dragon. To use words, from his most famous movie.
A few days ago, I discovered that I can use the microphone on google search on either of my tablets, ask it a question and it answers back out loud. That's kind of like Siri. It's also kind of like the Replika app. The Replika app is a virtual friend you can have conversations with and even ask advice. But you got to register, pesky email. So I never got it. A few years ago, a toy called Furby was prohibited in certain places where there was sensitive information like military places because Furby would often repeat what was said in these places. But things like Siri could also do that too. #hiddentech
iJustine got a 150 TB, that one hundred and fifty terabyte hard drive. That's amazing! I remember when I marveled at a 1 TB hard drive I saw in Dawson Creek. It was going then in 2010 for $1,000. The other day, my friend sold a used 1 TB hard drive for $20. 150 terabytes, that's like having 150 billion dollars. Will you ever spend it all? It would take 170 years of daily steady hard core cartoon animation to use up 150 terabytes. If the 150 terabytes was all used up, how long would it take to search for something? Even with a 10 GB RAM, it would take a few hours, at least.
A model of a boat from ancient Egypt from the Royal BC Museum Egypt Exhibit
Thursday December 6, 2018. I got STAR WARS the original trilogy Lego. STAR WARS Lego works good on my Acer Iconia. I installed it today. It didn't work on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
The SW app needs a 2GB RAM tablet to work. My Acer Iconia has that. My Samsung has 1.5 GB RAM.
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