Thursday, November 29, 2018
December 2018 - Christmas Parties
Me, Tuesday December 4, 2018 From my Acer Iconia Tablet. I'm rich. Petit bourgeois. I have two tablets.
Friday December 7, 2018. From my Samsung Tablet. Galaxy Tab A.
I'm not going to any Christmas parties that I know of. I hated it at work when someone would go to a coworker standing next to me and tell them they were invited to a party. Implying that I wasn't. I worked it all out. In backwaters where anything and everything is scarce, all of a sudden, some backwoods house party seems to be more of a commodity than it is in reality. There are parties and there are parties. The parties are much better in Bangkok and I doubt that any party anyone could conjure up in a backwater town would be as good, let alone better than parties in New York, or Bangkok.
If you're already going to a hundred parties a year, one more party, one less party, what's the difference?
If you never go to parties, why would one party all of a sudden make a difference?
A party in the 80s and a party today are totally different. When you walked into a room at a party in the 80s, people were talking to each other for the most part. Now you go to a party and people are looking down at the cell phones waiting for a message that details the time and place of the next party where they can do the same thing all over again. Wash rinse repeat.
Parties are often saturated with booze and that would be a premium for those who already like to drink. But if someone is that dialed in to their alcoholism, drinking at a party, drinking at home, what's the difference? Anyways, what if you're not all that much into drinking? Well, that's one less reason to go to a Christmas party.
"There's always one more son of a bitch than you accounted for." Murphy's Law
Police would probably tell you that every year, there is a minimum percentage of their calls that are Christmas party related. Someone flips out, yelling, at a party. And just before that, the people at that party bragged to their friends that they were going to a party. But that's in the worst case scenario.
Go to a party make the classic party mistake. Drunk, horny, bored. There's a lady who looks good. Get it on. Now you decided that you didn't like all that much and want to break off the relationship. Classic.
Saturday Night Live, the dysfunctional family Christmas. All Christmases are dysfunctional.
Someone mentioned a Christmas party the other day. Sometimes mentions are omens. Maybe one day I'll go to a Royal Christmas party, with Prince William wearing a red Christmas sweater standing next to Rhianna. Dream on.
Parties are stressful events. Before the party, worry about what you're going to wear, making sure every strand of hair is in place. "Are they going to notice how I look?" Bullshit, everybody there will be worried about how they themselves, respectively, will look.
"The people of Minnesota were asking themselves whether they voted for the right ex-professional wrestler as Governor." Dennis Miller
Because on any given night during the Christmas season, there could be as many as 300 Christmas parties in this town, so for every Christmas party you're going to in this town, you're essentially, at the same time, not going to the 299 other X-Mas parties in town so inevitably, at one point during a party, one could wonder, "Am I at the right party?" Being at some mediocre party is to being at a better party what being at no party is to being at any party at all, even one that is most likely to be an awful one.
There's always either too much drugs at a party or else not enough.
If you're not going to any Christmas parties, know that you're not alone. I'm probably not going to any Christmas parties that I know of this year.
Christmas parties means there are no real answers. I try to get answers to the people and places I see in my dreams, but it's useless, as most of the human species reflexively reverts to regressive bronze age anachronistic cosmologies called religions. 'Religion divides, Spirituality unites'.
This isn't a case of sour grapes. It's a case of peripheral empirical facts that can't be ignored.
On one level, Christmas is some weird fucking thing. Garish festival with cultural compulsions to spend money. On another level, it's just another day.
"Those aren't faults. They're character traits." Linus speaking to Lucy, Charlie Brown
"Culture is not your friend." Terence McKenna
"Why so serious?" Joker, Batman The Dark Knight
Michelin Restaurants. No Michelin starred restaurants in Canada. Not even a one star restaurant? Not even in Quebec? How sanctimoniously presumptive. What can you say about that? They are either a very serious organization or a very frivolous one. No Michelin stars in Canada, either they got something against Canada, something hard-ass and political, or else they're just a bunch of addled flakes, little more than a glorified rarefied clique of culinary crack-pots. They'll pick restaurants and rate them just out of some arbitrary whim. Most of the ratings are judgement calls. Like all cults they like to make it up as they go along. Even anonymous squalid hole in corner street hawker vendor in some Southeast Asian country gets a Michelin star but no restaurants in Canada. Again, frivolous bullshit.
Well Michelin is a company that makes tires. And tire biters are known for their culinary prowess when it comes to fine dining, just like truckers who stop at certain truck stops and not others are known for their exemplary discernment of haute cuisine. To associate tire making with restaurant food rating is too weirdly synonymous. Would blue collar proletariats who make tires in factories and/or their overseers, managers, otherwise be known for their gastronomic and culinary discernment? Are they usually?
There are Michelin starred restaurants in countries with less population, less GNP and, obviously, less land area than Canada. But there are no Michelin star restaurants in Canada. There has been no Canadian NHL Team winning a Stanley Cup since 1994. That creates and artificial scarcity that artificially inflates the United States. Is it a case of no Michelin Stars and no Stanley Cup in Canada because Canada is supposedly a backwater or is it a case of Canada is supposedly a backwater because of no fucking Michelin stars and no piddlin' Stanley Cup? I actually don't care about either of those incidental incremental cultural anomalies. What counts for me in Canada is the marijuana legalization and ironically, I get a bigger government pension living here in the colonies from BC welfare than what I've been told I'd otherwise be getting in London England if I was on the same welfare plan, that is dole from the NHS.
There are three kinds of countries. Monarchies, Republics and Commonwealth countries. Monarchies are the most powerful. Then Republics. And then Commonwealth countries. Even so, Singapore is a Commonwealth country and they give a Michelin star to street hawkers there. The answer to this has to deal with the strange murky troubled nature of France-Quebec relations. It's all arbitrary cult icons. Why 3 stars and not 4 or 5 like most other normal rating systems. Why stars and not thumbs up etc? Would it be something to be taken seriously?
Is getting ratings from some weird effete restaurant review cult on which basis is subjective anyways or getting trophies in a puerile arena sport supposed to be what passes for cultural privilege? What a nebulous adjudication.
Michelin gives no stars to any Canadian restaurant. Not even one star. But this is what they give 3 stars to. A Japanese restaurant in Tokyo. You got to make reservations 3 months in advance. $350 for 17 pieces of sushi. The star chef is nearly 100 years old. When you get there, they pick the seating arrangement. It's a set menu which means you don't decide on what sushi you will be having for dinner. They decide it. All of it. All 17 pieces of it. You have to eat the sushi within 30 seconds or it's taken away. Michelin gives that restaurant 3 stars because that restaurant is culty, just like Michelin is culty. Crazy.izarre. But meanwhile, in Canada, we're still expected to take them seriously?
Other companies make tires just as good if not better than Michelin, such as Pirelli, Goodyear, Yokohama, Riken, Nitto. But unlike Michelin, they don't branch out into weird hyper extraneous dilettante bullshit like furtively, surreptitiously dropping in to restaurants on the sly not telling anyone in case they decide not to give the restaurant any stars, how anal, and secretly rating them while eating there meanwhile for some reason systematically avoiding completely restaurants of entire countries just to advance their bizarre in-house, stylized nebulous political, cultural and/or sociological agenda.
Michelin shouldn't visit Canada. What. Would they be legally required to? In other words, Michelin, Don't put yourself out on our account. Don't do us any fucking favors.
A lot of people said a lot of things about Michelin. What's one more? Who would I be to them? I didn't and wouldn't have mentioned any names specifically. If they come back at me with an ad hominem attack, that would merely underscore that while I may have failed on an individual level, they failed on a collective level.
Since Michelin won't visit Canada, would we in Canada or anywhere else still be actually expected to take them seriously?
"If this good-looking broad was burying her husband in Vegas, not bringing him home, not letting Jordan's kids come to the funeral, then she had a few joker's to hide." Mario Puzo, Fools Die. If Michelin is eschewing Canadian restaurants and otherwise fine hoser haute cuisine, then Michelin has a few joker's to hide.
It's not upsetting that Michelin restaurant reviewers are Canada dodgers. You'd have to actually care about their opinion for it to be upsetting. It's just baffling and funny.
I quit cartoons because it simply wasn't working out for me at all. It isn't just about doing something. It's a package deal of doing something and expecting something in return for it. I did the cartoons. I was expecting some kind of money. I got no money for my cartoons whatsoever. Not even one dollar. Not even one cent. When something isn't working out, the best thing is to quit. I would quit life if I could if I could magically just die without committing suicide. Especially if I'm not making any money from it but other people are. Then that makes life less worth living. I would rather live a short life free than to live a long life where I'm doing good artwork or good writing. I'm an articulate eloquent writer. But I get no money for that either. Not even a dollar. I'd like to die. But could I do it? The News said a record number of people in the US in the last year committed suicide. Maybe if I knew the conditions of their life, I might say that I couldn't blame them. If my life was as fucked up as theirs, I'd do it too. I wouldn't say it was the best thing that could have happened to them, but I don't know if it's the worst. I would rather have been killed outright years ago than to live a life where I'm doing this much artwork and this much writing and then getting no money for it. Sure it would have been a weird and interesting day, but it would have long since been gotten over with and I wouldn't have been exploited. I wish my mother had lived and I had died. It's A Wonderful Life but wouldn't life had been just as wonderful if my mother lived and all the lives she would have changed for the better? One thing is that if she was ever a talented writer or an artist, she would have been able to make some money at it. That's why it's a tragedy that she died and I lived. What about my mother?
The other day, I thought I'd live to 86. That's highly unlikely. The odds are against it. Men of my income bracket usually die between aged 57 - 68. The ideal is I live to 86 but the reality will probably work out to 68 because that's the average for people in my income bracket. The vast majority of them. That gives me about 20 years to go. But what if I go a lot sooner? Maybe it's better that than to do a lot of good art, talented art that no everybody could do and then wind up getting no money for it. That's what you get from the human species. God damn this egregious pernicious species. They ripped me off. To the point where I'm wondering if I wouldn't be better off dead. It's better to be dead than to be a slave. That is a sentiment from the Roman times when a lot of slaves actually did commit suicide, preferring that to a life of slavery. Could you blame them? I certainly couldn't.
What triggered this article was a television ad about a bunch of people at a Japanese restaurant eating noodles. I saw that as a metaphor that they're making money off of my brainwork. Don't ever lose that imagination. Maybe it is a metaphor for people getting intellectual sustenance from the knowledge I've provided over the years.
I'm deleting this article in awhile. Too spurious. Money solves nothing. Money makes one merely from being bored to preoccupied which is not the same as from unhappy to happy. Money can create a weird chain of events, some problem that otherwise wouldn't have happened if you didn't have the money. A lot of rock stars lived surreal excessive life styles then died young. I wonder if they would have been better off had they stayed that anonymous gas station attendant or whatever job that they had before they were famous.
Money will only take you so far. Crazy will get you the rest of the way.
All worries are cancelled out by other worries. There's a lady you like, but you're worried that you're not good enough for her. That has a way of shifting to, you actually do get her, it doesn't turn out to be as good as you expected and now you're worried about how to ditch her and find another girlfriend, or worries that she'll be stalking you. Things change. There's a lady you like but what if in a few months she moves to another job, another town. Things can change very quickly. There are two kinds of problems in life, not getting what you want and getting what you want. How do I know I'll still be in town in another couple of years, certainly ten years? Actually, in my adult life, I've never stayed in one town for more than ten years, for even ten years. Something happens and I move on. It's kind of like a jinx with me. All worries are useless. Besides, I figure I got about another good 20 years to go and I can either spend that worrying or not. There's infatuation and there's infatuation. I've had infatuations with women so intense that after meeting her, I had to uh, relieve myself within 5 minutes of getting back to my apartment. And with others, there wasn't that.. Representation by population. Is that like infatuation with masturbation? Or infatuation without masturbation?
My friend showed me pictures of strippers he got it on with. I never got it on with strippers. Just neighbourhood girls who were common and plain. But to me they were beautiful. Sure, the ideal is I get it on with young blonde strippers. But the reality is, I've been looking at granny porn for the last 30 years. I even told him this. I also told him that we're all points on the curve and whatever point on the curve we're on, there's thousands of others who are on the same point or worse. Also I had problems over the years with performance anxiety that even included the performance itself. John Cusack, Better Off Dead. Sometimes I wonder if I'm better off dead? I'd still be meeting women in the after life but under a different and better set of physics.
I envy successful people but I also envy people who were losers but they died young. I think I got another 20 - 30 years to go but if they're all loser years, I'd really rather it be 20. Life as a loser is worthless. A lot of people never came up with half the answers I did but they got an early reprieve because the rest of their life was otherwise slated to be all loser years. How come I didnt die young? I'm such a talented writer it's criminal I don't get money for it. Envy is so painful to me that I'd rather be dead than to live my life in perpetual envy. I unsubscribe to YouTube channels who make me envious. If it bothers you, don't watch. If you don't watch then it won't bother you. It's a tragedy and a mistake that my mother died and I lived. She would have been successful in all ways. I turned out to be unsuccessful. If I could, I would trade my life for my mother's. I wonder if she knows this. Some of my friends of the past died young. I wish I died young like them. Better to be dead than to be a loser. I'd rather be dead than to be a loser.
Anything that's too difficult, I'll give up on it. Including life itself.
"I fucked up my life." Tobias Beecher, Oz
If my life gets worse. I'm going try to score some heroin so I can modify my existence, tweak the algorithm. Don't shoot up in one shot to die. Shoot up every day for two weeks before to build up a tolerance. That way, the last dying fix is less of a shock.
Envy is universal but the objects of envy are not. A man would envy seeing a guy with a few women but he probably wouldn't notice or even see let alone envy a woman or a couple with a baby carriage or else if he did he'd feel the opposite of envy thinking, "I'm glad I dodged the bullet on that one.". Whereas a woman would envy the woman or couple with a baby carriage especially if she is barren. She wouldn't even see the guy with a few women.
I think my future will be grim. I've lost all hope in the future.
"Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you'll never make it through the night." STAR WARS
Hope is what people turn to when they want something but have no reasonable expectation of it. Industrialbonecraft, Reddit
Trump's chances of winning in 2020 is 50/50. Usually the States doesn't want last decades baggage and historically, incumbent sitting Presidents haven't won elections in years ending in 0. I could be wrong. President Donald Trump's is the other Teflon Don. He's surviving his Presidency despite, well, watch the News.
Trump will never be impeached. There are safeguards. Like Nixon, he can resign before being impeached. Then some brief court process that was actually depicted in the movie, The Falcon and the Snowman, and then Gerald Ford granted him a Presidential Pardon. Probably the next President would pardon Trump. That's if it ever came to that. Which I doubt it will despite the Saturday Night Live skit, 'The Trumps' What if Donald Trump was black?.
Nixon's VP Spiro Agnew resigned a year earlier. Gerald Ford was Acting VP. After Richard Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford was President.
Reporter: Are you using this (firing Jeff Sessions and then hiring Matthew Whittaker to replace him) to reign in Mueller?
Trump: That was a stupid question. I watch your show and you ask a lot of stupid questions.
On CNN they defended the reporter Abby Philip and said that it was not a stupid question.
Sunday, December 16, 2018. As of now, President Trump, according to the internet is under 12 investigations. The internet even said his father is under investigation and his father is dead! This is according to 'Almost Every Part of Trump's Life Is Now Under Investigation' I don't remember President Obama being under this many investigations. Even President Clinton had relatively few investigations. There was the affairs he had with women and there was the Whitewater shady real estate investigation. But that's not on the level of Russians having allegedly hacked the election!
At the President George Bush funeral, the body language was strange. And I'm a fine one to talk about body language! Anyways, the other Presidents looked comfortable, assured in their power, as they sat back, reposed. President Trump slumped forward, hands folded in his lap like he was a child that had just been chided. But he was sitting next to 3 ex-Presidents. I'd be nervous too!!! And President Clinton, he gave President Trump a look that he rarely gives but when he does, watch out! I first knew about that look on an A&E Biography. The TV show said that President Clinton sometimes gets mad and gives a certain look. A dangerous expression on his face. Hillary didn't even look at him.
These investigations might have something to do with that look President Clinton gave him. President Trump is full of surprises and he might just survive this yet. I hope that he does well as much as I hope that anyone does well. I am somewhat worried about him.
Survivors of Indian Day Schools. It's sort of like the drug world. Most people try drugs when they're young. Most move on but some stay so as a result, they're 50 year old drug addicts. Most have been sexually abused when they were at that school. Gay. Most who were abused moved on, they felt that they were abused too much but some stayed as they felt that they weren't abused enough so as a result, even decades since they were last at the school, they actually go and pay money to patronize BDSM dungeons to replicate scenes the all male gangbang scene in the Stephen King novel Needful Things or else scenes involving 5 people like something from the movie The Normal Heart starring Mark Buffalo. Ghastly! I rented that video at the Library. The cover looked innocuous enough. I watched part of the movie but even Julia Roberts couldn't save the movie for me. Not my cup of tea.
I heard of one man's junk is another man's treasure but this is ridiculous.
The Library loans out a lot of softcore porn, thankfully for me, the vast majority of it is heterosexual. So much so I often ask myself, Was I just at the Library or at Red Hot Video? I'm confused here.
"Red Rose tea, only in Canada, pity." Indian Day Schools. Residential schools. Only in Canada. You sure don't hear about Indian Day Schools in England.
What about Donald Trump? Did he go to Presidential school?
In any case, all who went to the school and who were abused will line up for the money and try to seek a renumeration or a stipend for their individual and collective experiences at the school, even the BDSM dungeon goers who in that case would say, "You didnt say that you'd only pay us money only if we didn't like it." In this case, ironically, the money going to pay for more visits to exclusively LGBTQ BDSM dungeons.
And this doesn't explain the people who were never abused when they were young but as an adult, they go out of their way to pay money for various forms of abuse at BDSM dungeons such as the Ritual Chamber in Toronto or Rules-Rascal's Club in Vancouver.
On the planet, BDSM dungeons form the basis of a multi-billion dollar a year industry.
Like with all things in life, on one end of the scale there are those who wouldn't see it even if they were paid while on the other end of the scale, there are those who would actually pay money to see it. A paying demographic.
Besides, the News often tells stories that in the old days, you had to go to the Village or Fire Island to hear a story like that. Or else, tell that story to Deadpool, he'd like to hear that story. A week ago, the News threw up another story that Deadpool might like about a teen who was 'attacked' in cell from 5 prisoners during a Scared Straight program at the closed Oakalla Prison. He was very traumatized. I would have suggested why not end life and thus avoid the trauma? That's what I would have done for sure if something like that happened to me. Wouldn't you? The News then said he got a $175,000 legal settlement. If he ended his life, he wouldn't have gotten the settlement.
News, stop telling such stories! Just stop it!
This just words, left brain. To someone who doesn't speak English, this is just meaningless text. Thankfully the News didn't also include pictures, images which would be right brain.
"I was on a roll, and then I had to knock that turd out." Dennis Miller
Actually, some of the best people are gay.
Intrusive thoughts. Unwanted thoughts. There's a store. I love them. But for some goddamned reason, whenever I think of them, I think of them as Flinstones. Industrial grunge - Flintstones. The industrial grunge nature of the hard to open elaborate packaging. Just like when I see Sigourney We I involuntarily think the word Muldoon. So much so you might one day find me at the Mental Hospital, Room 247 'Muldoon'. Anyways, the other day, as I left the store I saw a truck driver past, going from right to left. The truck had Flintstone's stencil painted on the side. I then wondered about the store.😐 People who work there know about this, as if saying, "We're telepathic. We work to rule. We know you think the word Flinstones whenever you think of us so we hired a truck and told the trucking company, "We know he that he thinks the word Flinstone's when he thinks of us. So next time he comes in, wait til he leaves. Then as he's walking out, drive the truck past him, right in front of him."" Nah!
Kevin Hart got kicked off of hosting the Oscars because of tweets made 10 years ago. He got purged by the Marxist Left because he wasn't far enough left. Everybody has said something at one time. In Thailand if you do something wrong, as long as it's not serious it's forgotten about the next morning. In Cambodia if you do something wrong, you're a bad person forever. Kevin Hart might think of moving to a different, and arguably better country. Any group that would have me as a member I don't want to join as Groucho Marx once said. If a country would kick him off the Oscars for some tweets he made years ago, is that a country he'd want to stay in? Move to Europe. In a lot of ways, Europe is better than North America. First World problems. Not hosting the Oscars isn't a problem most people typically worry about. It's worries about money for groceries. What can you say about the Oscars? First of all, they didn't give best picture for STAR WARS in 1977. Annie Hall won the award that year. Then they give best picture award to pretentious art-house flicks like On Golden Pond, Chariots of Fire, Traffic, and Life Is Beautiful. Bizarre. Then to top it all off they queer their own deal with their #OscarSoWhite Oscars by giving the pederasty movie Spotlight best picture. An error in judgement?
"Makes them feel more powerful which in turn makes them feel more comfortable, which in turn makes them prone to massive errors in judgement." Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past
So... STAR WARS doesn't get the award for best picture but Spotlight does. Ha ha ha! What bunch of stupid fucking crackers!
I myself have tweeted a lot of things that some not might but pretty much would deem offensive. Yeah, me and millions of others. I would say that it could ruin my career except that I don't have a career of any kind to begin with.
I guess The Dick Twang Band wouldn't be doing any numbers during the Oscars as their career is based on producing material that some might find intensely and profoundly offensive and on an industrial scale. Their most famous song is Lysol Rap.
Ha ha, it's fucking ironic that they're banning someone from hosting the Oscars for past offensive tweets. That's rich when you consider who they have as their President; The King of Tweets. ie Adam Schiff, Adam Schitt. etc etc
"Rex Tillerson didnt have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn't get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell." President Trump, Twitter
That's OK, but Kevin Hart is not. Oscar assholes splitting hairs as usual. Hollywood as a collective is like a lot of people as individuals, "When I'm crazy, that's OK. When you're crazy, that's not OK." Sanctimonious assholes.
However, Los Angeles is a beautiful town. LA is a good town if you don't spend your life worrying about the wrong things all the time.
However, if I had a choice between moving to England or moving to Hollywood, I would choose England every time.
Actually I read Kevin Hart's old tweets. There's a lot of them on Google images. I couldn't stop laughing. They're quite funny. I could see how the Oscars could take offense at that. But hey, they're the Oscars. Remember Eddie Murphy's Delirious and Raw? He's funny like Eddie Murphy.
I never watched an Academy Awards in its entirety even once, ever. Too boring. If they didn't give STAR WARS the award for best picture, I don't see how I could take them seriously at all.
Not giving STAR WARS the Academy Award is like Bill Maher's story about how the ironically named Brown University turned down a speaking on stage appearance from President Obama because "they felt he hadn't achieved enough in life". In their case they probably meant melanin-wise. Instead they give the award to someone who got it on with his teenaged stepdaughter. They sure fumbled that one. And were not talking about an individual whose decisions affect relatively few people. We're talking about a collective whose decisions affect millions of lives.
"And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say, "Man what are you doing here?"
Jerkwater backwater towns are nowhere. They try to bring you down to their level. When Stanley Kubrick was in America when he told people he was doing a movie they looked angry or disappointed lie they wanted him to fail. He said when he went to England and told people he was doing a movie, they were happy for him and wanted him to succeed. If I had a chance to I would like to be spirited away to England. I'll never come back.
I recommend the song: It Should Have Been You. Gwen Guthrie
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