Wednesday, January 2, 2018
Me at Miniature World.
Today, I visited Miniature World as I have an annual pass. Disney said it's a small world after all. Maybe it's even a Miniature World after all.
No lad who has liberty for the first time, and twenty guineas in his pocket, is very sad, and Barry rode towards Dublin thinking not so much of the kind mother left alone, and of the home behind him, but of tomorrow, and all the wonders it would bring
That was from the movie Barry Lyndon. That would sum it up for 2019. Look to tomorrow and the wonders it would bring.
One more quote from Justice League. Flash's father said to him, "Stop living in the past. Build your own future."
I want to recommend DC comics Injustice. Over the top or what? Spectacular choreography. To give you an idea how good I think it is, I paid $12.99 for STAR WARS Knight of the Old Republic, and uninstalled it so I would have space for DC comics Injustice. Don't get Injustice 2. Major glitchy, the game is frozen at one point. A purple hand on a fight screen points to a home icon. When I press anywhere, it doesn't work. I press the purple hand. Nothing. I press the home icon. Nothing. I press the fight icon. Nothing. Complete fail. Avoid Injustice 2 at all costs.
Time travel: A trip to the future that you went on yesterday is an event in the past. A trip to the past that you'll go on tomorrow is an event in the future. ...I can work with that!
Again, the time traveler travels along a timeline within THE timeline. Or is it the other way around? Time travel is a type of teleportation. And teleportation is a type of time travel. etc etc
Tomorrow, January 7, 2018, I have to get one of my teeth removed. It's loose and painful. Which doesn't give me much left to work with! I'm semi edentulous as it is.
The dentist will probably give me some T3s. The problem is, I don't want to get high on T3s because the paranoia associated with the illegal drug in our culture has extended to legal drugs for me. If I do T3 and get high, I might think, "I'm high. I don't want to get busted for being high on drugs!" But doing a couple of T3s isn't all of a sudden going to turn you into Timothy Leary or Hunter S Thompson.
How can someone who died 20 years before I was born, in some cases, heck, 110 years before I was born visit me so intensely in a dream if not dreams? That's the algorithm of the interdimensional cosmic machine of the Universe that includes time travel which Marvel Contest of Champions refers to as The Battlerealm. "Past present and future collide. The Battlerealm is not a puzzle for you to solve, summoner!"
It's all electricity. With electricity there's resistance and induction, resistors and conductors. This dimension is largely resistors and resistance or else impure electricity. In the other dimension, it's a holographic dimension made of pure electricity, all induction. That's why in the other dimension there's teleportation, telepathy, no aging, even time travel, and no dying ever.
Atoms that move at the speed of light become light. But what is the invisible force that makes atoms move? Electricity.
The East Indians called this prana. The Chinese call it the Tao or Chi. Carlos Castaneda referred to it as the tonal and the nagual. The Japanese call it kamei. Albert Camus talked about the rational and the absurd. What does this mean? People three hundred years ago talked about phlogistons and vapours; superceded science. It's all the same thing. To demystify it, it's electricity. The Electric Universe.
This is a dimension of resistors. Well, resistors and conductors. Atoms is the basic building blocks of resistors. The other dimension is pure conductors. Not only is it not atom dependant, it doesn't use atoms at all.
"We don't see with the eyes. We see with the atoms." Paramahansa Yogananda
I think it's more like we see with the energy behind atoms, which is electricity, both in this dimension and in the other dimension as well. Again, this is my guesses through intuition and deduction. I hold no degrees at all in physics whatsoever.
Speaking of seeing, the visually impaired community strongly discourages the bird box challenge. On the News it showed a blind lady seeing for the first time wearing glasses that look like the ones in STAR WARS, Dr Evazan's the decraniated.
If I don't do something, it's because I don't like the underlying unseen energy behind the thing. I never got married and started a family. What. Would I be legally required to? Having a family, raising children is a never ending ongoing set of chores. Making one's parents grandparents is something one does as tribute and to family they came from. The family line. That's if it's a good one. The family line I come from is not one that I could believe in or respect intellectually. Mother dead. I wish God had killed me when he killed my mother. Then he would have had a matched set. Matched set = ma'at seth; maat is female seth is male; Ancient Egyptian death gods. So he missed a window of opportunity to do that. My life is cursed but not cursed enough. I wish it was cursed to the extent where bi died as an infant. My so called ostensible father or adoptive father never showed me my birth certificate. I was sure told a lot of shit but without the standard empirical documentary evidence to back it up. And besides, the human species is shit. 115 IQ and it thinks it can take on the Universe. Just because a person can shit in the toilet, it doesn't mean that they have or even think they have what it takes to get a B ticket or an A ticket as a plumber. But just because a person can fuck and then give birth, they think they got what it takes to be a parent. Most fail at it. Horrible providers. Sleazy, fascist greaseballs, crackpots, semi-educated opportunists who think they have what it takes to raise a child. Weird upbringings, unenviable, nasty, brutish lives. What a presumptuous species. So why would I ever bother with any of that? Why would I ever do my ostensible family line any favors?
It's not there is no electric forces unless there are forms to define it,
It's that there are no forms unless there is the electric forces behind it.
The electricity I'm referring to here for lack of a better word is not atomic, it's subatomic. "The space between spaces." as John Hurt said in Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. Scientists say most energy in the Universe is unseen dark energy or Planck energy. Again, being subatomic, the quirks, quarks, leptons, tachyons etc form a lattice, a dimensional reality just as intense and organized as our reality if not more which is usually referred to as the dimension of the mind, aka the ghost dimension, aka the dreamworld, aka the afterlife. If life is an animated movie and an atoms are basically the formation of pixels, the invisible energy behind all things which form another dimension is also an animated movie but with quirks, quarks, leptons etc forming much smaller pixels. 480p television versus 8k television.
This dimension is the atomic soup. The other dimension is the subatomic soup. The subatomic is way more powerful than the atomic.
Living people; atomic entities. Ghosts, shamanic entities; subatomic entities.
A YouTube video said life is an animated cartoon made up of Planck Lengths as pixels and with Planck time as the frame rate. Well a PL is incredibly small. If the smallest atom is 100 units and a PL is 1 unit, things like quarks, leptons etc are somewhere between 1 unit to 100 units large. Planck time. That's something else. It's Universal which means it would apply to a reality where time travel technology for humans is impossible and to a reality where TT is possible.
Only this present moment is atomic. All past and future events are subatomic or else holographic. All history is recorded in subatomic form. Which is what makes time travel possible.
A quark has six sides, up, down, left, right, strange, and charm. That means in the subatomic dimension, it can teleport. Quantum physicists talk about how something is either a particle or a wave.
Dreams happen because some action you did has a ripple effect in the atomic and subatomic dimensions.
Through time travel, any time is now. Through teleportation, any where is here. Time travel is a type of teleportation and vice versa. Time and space is an illusion. It's all about accessing codes; dimensional geometric codes.
The subatomic dimension has a different set of physics which implies teleportation, telepathy, and time travel although time travel only works in this atomic dimension. In the other subatomic dimension, time travel is redundant since they operate under a different and elevated time dynamic or algorithm.
Most people think it is the physics of this dimension that defines our consciousness. No, the physics of this dimension weigh down the consciousness. When one dies, their consciousness is thrown out of the physics in this dimension and into a better set of physics which includes teleportation.
It might look like Trump's chances of being impeached is directly proportional to the length of the shutdown and a lot of the people not getting paid is TSA workers, airport screeners, customs officials; not a group of people you'd want to piss off. If the shutdown goes into February, it will be like a Frankenstein movie with Trump as Frankenstein, people swarming around the White House with pitchforks and torches and included in the fray, angry unpaid customs officers.
Trump won't get impeached. It takes a lot to get a President impeached. It took the lives of tens of thousands of US soldiers and the Americans losing in Vietnam. Watergate is a prevarication, a pretense. America lost the Vietnam War and someone's head had to roll for it. And that someone was President Richard Nixon as every US President is Commander in Chief of the military. Nixon was arraigned for Watergate in a criminal court; the 12th Circuit District Court. To sentence him for the Vietnam War would have required a military court and tribunal.
CNN's Rosemary Church: "How does Trump back out of this without losing face?" Go on vacation. Like President George W Bush: "I'm on vacation. Now watch this drive." Like that's going to happen. Trump doesn't go on vacation. He doubles down.
I was thinking of making this into a cartoon: Completely fictional.
Years ago, I went to some store and amongst the staff who were working there was an Irish Leprechaun, a French dwarf, and a German tranny. The guy who works there looks just like the Irish Leprechaun in Frosted Lucky Charms, but instead of a green jacket and hat, think a tank top, no hat, h Iairy chest, and has body tattoos.
Sometimes I liked to go to the store, and often, if I was having a bad day, I didn't like to go to that store. Maybe it would have helped if I reminded myself that I go there and pay money for whatever products, but I get to see those things I mentioned for free. There are people anywhere who would pay money to see an Irish Leprechaun, and in some of the risquier parts of Berlin on cabaret nights, I suppose there would be people who would pay money to see a German tranny. But are people paying money to see French dwarves? Has there ever been?
I thought the movie Interview with a Vampire was very scary. I asked someone on the street if he thought it was scary. He said, "Nah!!!" YouTube said that Jewish people are very influential in Hollywood. Jewish people are very spiritual people. There is a word, ersatz, that means pretend. It's a word that has more punch than the word pretend. That's it. Movies are all ersatz. Pretend. Just like Interview with a Vampire.
Wednesday, January 9, 2018
Woman in vegetative state impregnated. What is this. Alien Resurrection? "My name is Buck and I like to fuck" Kill Bill Vol. 1
Update: Perp arrested and apprehended. That health care facility has closed down.
I'll see you the depression and disillusionment accompanied with being a so called loser and never scoring to the point where you are going someplace regularly to meet a lady only to wind up in the friend zone weeks even months later in all likelihood a waste of time and I'll raise you scoring and the usual commitment issues that come with it including asking yourself, "With who, specifically." and, "How long will this relationship last before I can break it off with her when I find a much better girlfriend than this one when I can then, again, ask myself the same questions with the next girlfriend?", "What's the end game?" Or else actually committing and then it's pregnant, child support, get some mortgage for some condo or house, end result being stuck, trapped in this officious backwater for another 20 years. At least if one is single, the door is open for them to leave at any time.
I am a Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign. My girlfriend is a Libra which is an air sign. Usually air and E earth don't mix well except for Taurus, Libra is a wild card and for Libra, Taurus is a wild card be sure they both share a ruling planet, Venus.
"The shit just got real." Bad Boys 2
Tomorrow the shit will get real as the reality of not getting a pay cheque will hit 800,000 US government employees. I suspect then the protests will ratchet up a level. Out of the frying pan into the fire. From government shut down to Emergency Measures. The News said President Trump's Republican Party friends are goading him into enacting the emergency measures. Perhaps not all those friends have Trump's political career's best interests at heart. Stay tuned. I wish the best for the Americans people. I hope they get through this because American people are great people. I never wanted this to happen. Update: Trump cancelled the National Emergency.
"Listen to the pain, it's both history teacher and fortune teller." Blind Al, Deadpool 2
Listen to the pain, it's both history conspiracy theorist and fortune cookie.
I'll never join X-Men or be a superhero writing like this. Maybe a super villain. Don't think Elektra. More like Jessica Jones.
I got a problem. I take pictures all the time. Especially pictures that remind me of the dreams that I had, especially Royal dreams. I resolved to quit but am unable to. I saw a commercial about a drug called Vraylar that helps people with compulsions. I laughed out loud when I saw the commercial because it was about a lady who couldn't stop shopping online for cameras. Even though she had duplicate cameras of slightly different makes and model numbers, she ordered more until she got final overdue notices from various duns. That commercial reminds me of myself!
There are about 4 good reasons to quit doing the camera.
1. I get no money for it.
2. Waste of time, energy, if not money.
3. I take the picture, store it on my computer and never, ever, ever look at it ever again. There are pictures from years ago that I never looked at again.
4. It's a compulsion and I hate compulsions. It's gotten to the point that if I were asked, "Would you rather die of a heroin overdose or go on living and be compulsive with the camera?" I'm not 100% sure that I wouldn't choose the heroin overdose. I hope that nature or life will provide me with advice or energy that will help me quit my camera compulsion. I prefer animated cartoons, for some reason, I find it to be less compulsive.
I'm still taking pictures. Most will go unpublished. These pictures would be meaningless to anyone else except the Watchers who can most intimately follow anyone's telepathic history. There are lots of people who have turned their camera compulsion to a career that pays them money. This isn't like the 70s when maybe 4 out of 10 people had a camera. In this day and age, what with cell phone cameras and YouTube, camera compulsion is the rule rather than the exception.
You've very rarely if not never seen me take a selfie with a young blonde lady in her 20s. Well, it's not is that the kind of thing that I would look at when I look at porn, its more about if its the kind of thing I have been looking at when I look at porn. I'm on the granny porn express. Think of my life as an otherwise normal running engine, then lift up the cowling and just throw in a monkey wrench with the words 'granny porn' stencilled on it. I don't know if that's the best or the worst way to live. Other than that, I've more or less decided to give up on life altogether. See, this is relevant as long as I'm alive and grappling with the tawdry physics of this dimension, and I'm not grappling with it all that well at that. If my life ends, then none of this would be relevant. I often turn my mind to how things would be if I decided to overdose on heroin. That's why my socializing with people is fucked. The things one says in one's own home, the energy of that tends to bleed out into societal interactions. But all kinds of people are saying all kinds of weird things in their homes. Some people, all they ever talk about in their homes is the weird cult or religion they're into or whatever. Be like Deadpool. Nothing you could say would be wrong because the brain is deranged and unwell due to an accident, so one is like the merc with the mouth, speaks with no filter, even saying something off the wall would be a bonus in this instance. Such as, did you know that in Ancient Egypt, the pyramids, even though the pyramid stones weighed 3 to 10 tons each, the mortar holding it together is even stronger than the stones! So much for Abram's Law. And it is a formula that modern technology has yet been unable to duplicate. This is like the floor stones of the Throne Room of the Forbidden City that's made with a special mud clay with an arcane secret method that, again, is unduplicable today. Who ever said the ancients were stupid? They were very advanced.
"Spud had done well. I was proud of him. He fucked up good and proper. You had to hand it to Spud." Trainspotting
Well, I sure fucked up my life good and proper.
Polybius. The scariest video game ever made. Ever. Take away the 'yb' and take away the 'u' from Polybius and you got 'POLIS'; Police, like in Val Policella wine and Polar Ice vodka. There are 2 games called Polybius on Google play. I installed it today. I saw Polybius, the real game on YouTube. There were a lot of quick subliminal message flashes and some strobing effects. It looks like a lot of hype. Although those 8 bit graphics were cutting edge in 1981, today, it looks crude and prototypical. A lot of people who said they got headaches, amnesia, nightmares were playing the game for 20 hours straight. I think that playing any video game for 20 hours straight will give a person some effects, whatever effects.
I love this town but when someone says that they always sound glib, disingenuous and patronizing. Someone could love the town and leave in a few months. Others say the town is a backwater and they hate it yet they're still here years later. So who really likes the town more?
Brexit. Once more down the rabbit hole. I don't really know what's going on. It'd be a weird time to choose to move to England. Maybe better to wait until the Brexit furor has died down. Its like the politico class went to a party one night and drinking too much and snorting too much coke and all it took was for one person three lines deep to suggest a referendum. Hey yeah! That's a good idea. Maybe because Scotland had a referendum. But I thought England would know better, what with ruling and having Sovereignty over Scotland. Like Ewan MacGregor said in Trainspotting, "We're ruled by effete assholes!" Maybe in this case, he has a point.
Nigel Farage, the architect of Brexit.
Some Brits are rationing for bREXit. What, is the War on? I thought it ended in '45.
No deal. No dice. Brexit defeated. Failed hard. Britain's Parliament overwhelmingly rejected UK PM Theresa May's politically ambiguous 'something for everybody's deal. They are at an impasse. Oh, England, how could you let yourself go like that? ...they're fucked. Brexit or no Brexit, either way, they lose.
With Brexit in the UK and the govt shutdown in the US, Canada comparatively seems like a halcyon, a tower of strength.
There are thousands of possible permutations of what a Brexit would look like. Points on a curve. All aboard the polarized express. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many Chiefs and not enough indians. With everyone there in that top-heavy bureaucratic political structure side-swiping and second guessing everyone else, I doubt they could ever come to an agreement.
I hope England pulls through this. They are great people and I love them.
On May 17, 2017, UK MP Nick Harrington was sending a rather prescient tweet, "thanks Ireland. You can keep your f**king gypsies. Hard border coming, folks." Back then a hard border for Ireland seemed scarcely plausible. It is now a reality. That MP is under Police investigation.
Someone on the News said this will devastate England's economy to a point never before. I thought England's economy was already devastated like never before in the 80s when Thatcher shut down the coal mines.
Brexit was initially a response to the waves of Syrian refugees who immigrated to Europe because of the war in Syria. Ironically, what was intended as a means to restrict foreign people's movements into their land has resulted in something that could also result in the restriction of their own people's movements in their own land namely the Irish backstop or hard border.
Remember the recent bombing in Londonderry? A hard border could result in the return of 'The Troubles', tanks known as 'pigs' on the streets. Civil war. The Sniper, Liam O'Flaherty. Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, The Devil's Own. The IRA which is the militant branch of Sinn Fein vs the Ulster Unionists or the Orangemen of the North. I like retro reboots, but let's not retro reboot that due to Parliamentary inepititude, incompetence and dithering from the Legislative branch of government creating a situation that was otherwise completely preventable ie a No-Deal Brexit! No-Deal is a big deal. No-Deal means hard borders. A No-Deal Brexit would be the UK going tharn; deer caught in the headlights, "Duh!" - read Watership Down. This time the border wouldn't be perfidious Albion imposed; imposed from within, it'd be EU imposed; imposed from without, occupation, which would technically make the Good Friday Agreement irrelevant. I know they're in uncharted waters but does anyone there know what they're doing? Toothless; useless. I really hope that they don't shit the bed on this one. This is an example of the Peter Principle; people rise to their level of incompetence. #GoodFridayAgreement Study history, as Plinkett said. I certainly hope the troubles doesn't happen again. Ever. Although security services are next level compared to what they were during the 'Troubles'. Stay safe. Be safe.
Ireland is a beautiful place. There are mini Stonehenge there called dolmans. A very mystical land of poetry. ♧
Any Brexit deal must have a notwithstanding clause that respects Ireland's internal sovereignty and must maintain the Irish border in it's incumbent state. Leave Ireland alone. A No-Deal Brexit is unacceptable.
A 2nd referendum won't help if they vote the same way again. What. Make it best out of 3? They probably thought "Let's have a referendum. It's virtually guaranteed they'll vote to stay if the result in Scotland is anything to go on, people always vote for the status quo in a Referendum, and we'll collect our usual administrative fee for such white elephant endeavours.
A No-Deal Brexit is better than no deal at all. Like the old saying, prohibition is better than no alcohol at all.
Hegelian dialectics: Thesis: Brexit. Antithesis: Pull out of Brexit. Synthesis: There's May's Deal.
Best case scenario: Nothing will happen. There will be one or two major macro changes that won't affect most people anyways, there will be a few mild superficial cosmetic changes and some more subtle micro tweaks which will get normalized relatively quickly. It's a lot of hype. Worst case scenario: National crisis. The battle lines have been drawn. The line of demarcation has been drawn. The board is set. In Europe, old habits die hard. What's one century, and not even that, of peace next to centuries of internecine warfare? Game of Thrones, baby. Westeros. Daenarys Targaren. However, I think it will be the former rather than the latter. In centuries past there was no internet and social media. People are a lot closer to people of other countries than they used to be. It's a miniature world, after all.
Brexit is like the James Webb telescope. It keeps getting delayed. It's like, "We want to separate from Europe but on the other hand, we don't.
Brexit has been delayed yet again, the vote prorogued from March 29 to April 12. Brexit is perpetually delayed. So much so that a cottage industry has sprung from it, selling t-shirts, mugs, souvenirs and Brexit based opinion blogs that are actually able to make money. These things may yet have an IPO on the footsie or British stock exchange.
However The Royal Mail said it would not be issuing any Brexit commemorative stamps.
It is kind of how the poverty pimps industry has sprung from the backwaterness of this country. It is a kind of symbiotic relationship, not one based on mutualism or even commensurism but rather one of parasitism. It seems that all some people got out of University is to learn how to apply for government grants to set up workshops if not some special interest group where they could be poverty pimps and parasite off of other parasites, ie welfare people, thus in essence becoming para-parasites, those who parasite off of other parasites.
The United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
I worry about Brexit. I worry about Europe. However, people in Europe would say, "Don't worry about us! You worry about yourself!" Sometimes it's best to not try to take on other people's problems.
Theresa May said she'd quit if her deal is accepted. That's bizarre and twisted. You would think that would be the time to stay because then, you're in the catbirds seat, it means that you're liked, you're on a roll. If they don't accept your deal then you quit, that's the normal line of reasoning. All normal reasoning has gone out the window.
Brexit doesn't help me with my problem. That is delusions of reference. I always think the News is talking about me.
On Jan 23 I saw graffiti, 'morbid idiot. Is that a reference to me?
Why compare myself to a Hollywood YouTube celebrity who lives ten thousand miles away with their MTV lifestyle? Why not compare myself to people within a ten mile radius? Are they living an MTV lifestyle? Why compare myself to people who live in other buildings? Why not compare myself to the people living in my building? Again, MTV lifestyles? I live in an inner city tenement. Everyone living in my building is on welfare like the Palace Hotel in the movie The Blues Brothers. Why compare myself to people who live in other countries whom I will never meet?
The News is trippy enough sober. Watching the News would be unbearable on hard drugs. I wouldn't do it.
I would like to get a windfall within the next couple of days. The only way it would happen at this point is if I go to the pawn store and hock something. Maybe I'll get 45 portions. Today, Jan 16 I got a new pair of Trump Hotels slippers at the food bank. What a valuable find.
On The Walking Dead No Man's Land app, I quit the original guild I was in because there were only 2 active members in the guild, including me! Then I got kicked out of the 2nd guild I joined. That's because I didn't take part in the Guild Wars. I didn't know how. I didn't say anything to anyone on the chatroom let alone anything snarky. I think you have to be on the second the guild war starts or you don't play. Being on for the guild wars kept slipping my mind. I joined a 3rd guild. We'll see how that goes.
Aldous Huxley: Heaven and Hell. DC Injustice 1 is one of the best video games I ever played. Next level. I even spent $20 for 300 energy cards. That's how good it is. I'm hooked. Next level. Heaven. Over the top. I'd give this a million stars out of ten. When I first saw the 3rd level power of Doomsday and Lex Luthor etc, I was gobsmacked. Mind blowing.
DC Injustice 2 is as glitchy as fuck and rates as the worst most glitchiest app I ever encountered and that's saying a lot. It gets to one level and greys out and freezes. There's a hand that points to home but when you tap it or anything else on the board, nothing happens. Frozen. Someone in comments said the exact same thing and I thumbs upped that comment. Will the glitch ever be fixed, or is it just a shit show all 'round? Hell.
The List:
1. DC Legends: Battle for Justice
Harley Quinn, Aquaman, King Orm
2. STAR WARS: Galaxy of Heroes
3. Bugs Bunny World of Mayhem
Favorite characters: Royal Page Coyote, Handmaiden Granny, Miss Prissy, Scrooge Yosemite Sam, King Bugs Bunny.
4. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
5. Marvel Strike Force
6. Iron Maiden - Legacy of the Beast
Awesome game. I paid $9.99 for Carriage Rider Eddie. Everyone online says he is just devastating and sweeps through the levels. Level 4 was talked about a lot as awesome. I levelled Carriage Rider Eddie to Level 5! Today, as part of a 7 days of prizes, on the last and 7th day, I get Pharoah Eddie, at 4 stars. Levelled up, he'd be devastating too.
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends
8. Battlestar Galactica: Recommended.
All these video games are more or less the same. 4 vs 4 PvP. I love these games and these are my favorite.
Yesterday, on January 15, I found a plastic doll. I colored it with a black ballpoint pen to make it look like Deadpool.
Will Irene Merryweather be in Deadpool 3? "The XMen appear to have arrived with what appears to be a trainee." I'm lucky. As they say, Hollywood is 100% real and there is a real Irene Merryweather although her real name is Sonia Sunger and I get to watch her as a News anchor because of where I live. Also because of where I live, I cross 'Wilton Road' every morning.
Merryweather is the American spelling. Merriweather is the British form of that.
"It hides around corners and waits for the opportune moment to jump out and corrupt you." The Nun
What's the difference between that and the 6 o'clock News? Or else, that's just like the touts at the airport!
I wish I had enough heroin to end my life. At least I would always have that option on the table. I don't get money for my writing and my art. I saw a YouTube video that said Disney is claiming the view counts and revenues of all star wars videos on YouTube. Disney is making money off my star wars videos. I do the work. They get the money. That's the deal. That's a bad energy jangle. Better dead than a bad energy jangle. If God sent me Azrael the Angel of Death I'd say take me with you. Life owes me nothing. I owe life nothing. Why doesn't Disney and me a two week supply of heroin if they are going to do this to me? Why do things half measure? Why a two week supply? It's less of a shock if one builds up a tolerance first. To shoot it all up in one day and hotcap it is too much of a shock. It's smoother to do it at night when the energy is falling. Heroin overdose is when the involuntary reflexes 'forget' to function. The lungs don't breath on their own. One has to make the voluntary efforts to keep on breathing. In more heavy cases the heart forgets to beat on it's own. Arhythmia, heart murmur. One can drown in their puke. In severe cases the organs shut down, ironically, in a last ditch attempt to expunge the poison. Red and white blood cells all turn to blue. "This is not a normal overdose. This is the body braking down and succumbing to the acute lethal toxicity." Dr Drew; Final 24, John Belushi
But is sending people two week supplies of heroin something that Disney would be known for doing?
And all this time it is completely painless and blissful. At the time, one doesn't care.
I refuse to watch star wars episode 8 ever again. I had a dream that in a future years after episode 9 was made, I didn't see episode 8 but one day got a chance to see it. Episode 8 was shit. I'd rather die of a heroin overdose than to watch star wars 8 ever again. Carrie Fisher was in it but I didn't see a lot of movies she was in. It was her last movie so, ....sad. I would give my blu ray copy of episode 8 as a gift or else just throw it in the garbage. George Lucas original journal of the shills chapter 7 to 9 is the real sequel trilogy. Disney's weird bullshit sequel trilogy is some other thing completely different.
Those crackers who work at Disney star wars don't care if I watch episode 8 or not. Even if I died they wouldn't care. "One more disgusting minority off the streets." Deadpool 2. Why doesn't Disney send me some heroin so I could at least have the option of ending this atomic reality so I could go into the subatomic reality with a different time dynamic, set to perpetual and eternal? Life itself is figuratively an Atomic bomb or subatomic bomb.
According to this YouTube video, the situation has been rectified:
I won't kill myself. Like Keith Baldrey said the other day, "He may rant but he won't do anything because he's too cemented in, he's too connected."
President Trump is a great President. He is the only US President whom I've known about 30 years before he was elected. In the 80s I bought a copy of The Art of the Deal. Most US Presidents are usually dark horses. I would have only heard of them for a few months before they were elected. Bush was Reagan's VP so I heard of him for a eight years before he was elected. But that's not like 30 years!
US President Donald Trump is a great President because first of all his audacious tweets. He has an irreverent writing style which is inimitable. It's its own school of poetry. Also, he is an optimist. If I was in my 70s, I wouldn't automatically think I'd live another year, not even one more year, let alone live until age 78 and doing one of the most sociologically stressful and overwhelming jobs on the planet. It's touch and go when one is in their 70s unless they have access to stem cells. And even then. In that way, he's one of the most optimistic people I've ever heard about anywhere. If any President died in office, it would cause a bad energy jangle. It would cause an unwanted disruption. All kinds of electric machines would inexplicably go out of order. That's paranormal shit. A long life to President Donald Trump.
It could be pretty hairy at the US Mexico border. But if it was that bad would a wall be enough to do it? All someone would need is a rope ladder. First it was supposed to be a cement wall, then a solid steel wall. Now it's a see through steel fence. First Mexico was supposed to pay for it. Now Trump is asking Congress for 5.7 bn for the wall shutting down the government while doing it. I guess the Go-Fund-Me thing fell through. I don't know which involves more equivocating. Trump trying to get his wall through or Brexiteers trying to push that convoluted sheepskin called Brexit through Parliament. It's not so bad in the States that the walmarts are shut down. They're still open.
To say that Trump is venal is an understatement. His main and primary purpose for attaining the US Presidency is to purloin or to abscond with as much money as possible in his own Corporate Raiders of the Lost Ark adventure; basically, a money grab. Donald Trump figures that there's a chance albeit slim he won't get a second term. Hence the run it to the ground, scorched Earth policy, withhold the government employee money, divert or otherwise embezzle it to the Trump foundation or some dummy front company, gamble the money on some a blue chip stock portfolio which includes Microsoft, Google, etc, more insider trading as usual, and then later return the money, the principal minus the interest and/or get funding for the wall of which the Trump foundation would get their usual brokerage fees and otherwise slush funds of course. It sounds like a classic complex twisted yuppie scam. Even if he doesn't get a second term, he still scores big. Either way, he wins.
Government workers not getting paid for their work, all for the sake of some glorified Jerry rigged Rube Goldberg gewgaw white elephant boondoggle border wall; an eyesore. Bizarre. What a sleazy fascist set up. What a vampiric scene. Inferior. Substandard. ISO what? International Standards Organization what? Vote with your feet. Move to another, better country if your government is treating you this way.
The love of evil is the root of all money, or something like that.
Trump used to be in construction and real estate. Still is. So he knows all about slush funds. He probably had to pay a few back in the day. Guess who would build the Mexican wall? His old construction firm buddies from the New York days going back to the 80s.
He needs the money from the withheld government employee paycheques and the wall slush fund money to pay off the Russkies for hacking the last and the next election too! He needs the slush money for his hush money.
Trump's not budging. It's as if his life depends on that money.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has the nerve to later on say that he balanced the budget and reduced government spending, even though he reduced it through not paying people.
FBI agents aren't being paid. That's unacceptable. Agents like Agent Clarice Starling, and Agents Mulder and Scully aren't being paid? That's a wretched state of affairs. United States of Insolvency.
They call him the US President but all he ever does is rip off the American people. That's paraphrasing my friend who said, "They call it a farmer's market but all they ever do is rip off farmers."
White privilege. What's that. Bland foods and some boring bullshit bronze age religion?
Trump is a sociopath. You say that like it's a bad thing! For a billionaire, it's an occupational prerequisite.
The Bells, Stay Awhile: "Into my room he creeps, Without making a sound. Into my dreams he peeps, His hair all long and hanging down." You say that like it's a good thing!
For Darth Vader in Star Wars, it isn't about good and evil, it's about feeling justified.
What goes around, comes around.
Don't ever lose that imagination. Me, febrile on energy drinks. Rockstar. I had 2. One coffee. One orange. Imagine me, rich and at a fancy posh Asian or European airport overseas at 3 am looking out the window of an airport cafe, flying on energy drinks.
Shutdown gets 3 week reprieve with back pay. Pay back is a bitch. A temporary kiebosh or moratorium on the shit down then it's once more unto the breach. Once more, back to the bullshit, back to The Great Depression again.
3 weeks! Don't put yourself out on our account. Don't do US any favors.
Why 3 weeks? To which Trump might answer, "I'm the only President who is willing to take a hit on 20."
Hugh Grant, Sandra Bullock, Two Weeks Notice. Would this be a three weeks notice?
Fooled me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Shouldn't it be fool me twice, shame on me and you?!
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well, we just won't get fooled again." George W Bush, who said to me in a dream with a crisp southern accent that television microphones mute a little, "If you do something wrong son, it's gonna come back to you."
The 8th Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Isn't not paying people for their work or indefinitely withholding their pay constitute cruel and unusual punishment?
Oh, what the fuck. The government can do anything to anyone at any time; arrest anyone, conscript people to go overseas and fight in a war, possibly get shot, but even then, they were always paid.
Trump shutdown: it's all about a wall. Brexit Ireland: it's all about a wall. Hugh Grant, About a Boy. Trump, About a Wall.
For the want of a nail the kingdom was lost. For the want of a wall...
Maybe it's better to be dead than to work for weeks on end and not get paid for it. If it were me, I would move to an underrated country rather than to stay in an over rated one. And if I couldn't move, I'd opt to overdose on heroin. The govt owes me nothing and I owe the govt nothing. Life owes me nothing and I owe life nothing. If life deals you a bad hand, then deal life a bad hand. For whatever problem it is, it all winds up being incidental just like any times you times a positive number and a negative number you always get a negative number. It's specific because it's incidental, it's incidental because it's specific, ergo it's all incidental. Any incidental problems I got, I just have to draw a big black satanic circle around those problems and blot out everything in the circle like a black veil covering a face.
As for three weeks, that's a long time away. Anything could happen in three weeks.
I feel somewhat guilty for having picked up my welfare cheque. I had steak and lobster for 2 days. Not as pricey as you think because I got the lobster at Walmart. But I get about $13,000 CAD a year. Whereas a lot of working Americans, if theyre mid to upper level management, they pull down on average about $100,000 US a year. Again, don't worry about us, you worry about yourself.
I'm talented as a writer and artist but am still on welfare. Well, if I want the money, I'd have to pound the pavement, follow deadlines, etc. Statistically, 95% of businesses fail in the first year, another 50% within the first five years and another 50% in ten years. So that means only 1.25% of businesses do well after ten years. That probably applies to YouTube video makers too. I'm one of the majority who didn't make it. Maybe one day, I'll get "the phone call"; Hollywood, Royalty, who knows? Yeah, right. Dream on.
Wishlist: I hope to find a Tempurpedic pillow one day or else get one for cheap. My girlfriend got one for free from the landlord from a tenant that vacated a room. I tried it. Does it ever make a difference! I tried looking for one at Salvation Army. Once every few months they have one and probably for $20.
I found this image online. It is beautiful and awe inspiring. The World, Brexit, the States, is in Gods hands and thing will turn out well eventually. That's the ideal and probably the reality too.