Friday, May 24, 2019

June of 2019 5G military grade

British PM Theresa May steps down. That isn't surprising. What is surprising is that she lasted as long as she did. Her term of office wasn't a typical term. It political conditions and atmosphere of her term were not very realistic, instead, it was very surrealistic. It wasn't typical. It was atypical. Brexit is ongoing. Now without Theresa May as PM. Would she still be a MP? Quitting one doesn't imply quitting the other, but after the lofty heady height of Prime Ministership, being an MP would seem like a comedown.
Brexit is simply something that is beyond even such an excellent British Prime Minister as Theresa May. I don't blame Theresa May for stepping down. Too difficult is one thing, impossible is another.
Stepping down and coming down is not the same thing.
A British man on television said about Brexit, "This is a serious discussion between politicians, not a schoolyard debating club." And another said, "Brexit is serious. It's not a romantic comedy." If it's not a romantic comedy, what is it? I thought that the optimum state of mind in any situation is to intellectually neutralize it in your mind, not only that, neutralize it to where it's funny. It's not a romantic comedy, as opposed to what? Some dour dismal pensive brooding BBC masterpiece drama full of scheming upper crust islander Brits vs continental Euro-thugs?
Trump suggests free trade deal with UK on the provision that UK scraps part of its NHS. Either the UK stands alone without the EU backing them up making them more vulnerable to a Trump free trade deal or it stays with the EU. Trump said to Theresa May, "If I were you, I'd sue the EU." A lot of EU countries are American protectorates like Germany. In that case they would be suing themselves.
Typical American blowhard. More blustering. When he said that, Theresa May and others in that room in England were laughing. Not with him but at him. Europeans in their sophisticated way would say, "You Americans. You know nothing." Disturbingly, the Monroe Doctrine is about Americans resisting European colonialization in any form but also that they would agree not to interfere with internal European affairs. And this is from Wikipedia. What Trump said was not a very Monroe Doctrine thing to say.
Isn't that the same kind of deal that the World Monetary Fund, the IMF and the WTO used to make with Third World countries? We give you a loan for your infrastructure and in return we get your social services, pension funds, as collateral. Our globalist oligarch chronies get unfettered access to speculate in your real estate despite not living there. Does Trump think England is a Third world country?

Game of Thrones. Scorched Earth ending. HBO wanted 10 seasons and a more fleshed out walkthrough which the two directors David Benioff and DB Weiss were going to do. But then they got the Clarion call from Disney and did a rush job so they could get ready for Star Wars. Kind of like how Bruce Lee was going to complete Game of Death, but then Hollywood and Enter the Dragon called. That and the paper coffee cup and the two water bottles. Anachronisms. Like wristwatches on some of the Roman soldiers in the movie Been Hur. Now it seems they have all the time in the World to complete GOT since Disney fired them from STAR WARS proving the saying, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Better to complete one project well than to abandon one project for another project not fully knowing if that other project would work out either.
Game of Thrones Season 8. 3 of the episodes were two hour episodes so that works out to about 9 episodes. I finally saw season 8 and I didn't think it wasn't rushed at all. Season 7 had 7 seasons but the last episode was a two hour episode.

Victoria is fighting to support the carriage and trade. The city counsellor responsible for this is Ben Isitt. I actually voted for him in the election as I found a leaflet advertising his candidacy. I thought very briefly Ben, with a beard. Ben Kenobi. You never know who you're voting in. Elections are only good if people research the candidates. Anyways, Been Isitt is the same counsellor who wanted to cancel all the Christmas lights. People hated him for that. Even the Muslim counsellor at City Hall wanted to keep the Christmas lights. It even seemed that some people want to punch Ben Isitts lights out for wanting to kiebosh the XMas lights. Now Ben Isitt wants to stop the carriage trade. A protestor at City Hall held a sign: 'Stop Ben Isitt'. That Ben Isitt seems like a real philistine. Anyways, that it is this Isitt guy is incidental. Anyone who wants to stop Christmas lights I would question. Christmas lights is the best part of a Smurfs Village.
Ben Isitt is either a Jehovah's Witness, a Puritan or else a Marxist-Lenin Communist, that's my guess.
Knock knock. Who's there? Isitt. Isitt who? Isitt a man or a woman? Who cares? Either way, it's their problem, not mine!
When I was a teenager, I went to a summer camp with some Christian Church I was visiting at the time which I've had dreams of in the years since. The camp wasn't tents and roasting things over a fire, the place looked like a ski lodge. Nice. Anyways, there was a counsellor there and we called him counsellor Isaac. Then one day he said, "You don't have to call me counsellor Isaac anymore. You can call me Brother Isaac." Casting that it's Freudian transference aside, that's much worse than being called counsellor Isaac. The initials are B.I.. Bi. Bisexual. He should've immediately reverted to being referred to as counsellor Isaac. That reminds me of Ben Isitt. The initials though...
Just because I vote for someone it doesn't mean they'll win. I voted for someone named King. That person didn't win. It's not as if I'm psychic like Geda the Monkey, or Chanakya III the Chennai fish, or Felix the polar bear all which predicted Donald Trump to win in the last election.*
*Source: BuzzFeed news, after googling 'psychic animals that predicted elections'.

Jody Wilson Raybould and Jane Philpott are now running as independents. That's a come down from high profile Cabinet Minister, Justice Minister and Health Minister respectively to being lowly independent MPs. It'd be better to quit politics altogether. In one case, the Prime Minister wanted one to do something and that person decided to do differently. A conflict of interest. The other one said something on an interview."There's much more that needs to be told. There's been an attempt to shut down the story." That's incensed the Prime Minister enough to boot her out of Office. The bid to salvage a broken and benighted political career as an Independent MP is a low bid. Independent MPs. What is this. Pro-rep? Premier John Horgan said "Pro-rep is lit." They'd be better off sitting on the board of directors of some corporation, as a lot of ex-politicians do. They'd make at least twice as much money. I don't want to say damaged goods, but they'd have a lot of baggage and be in the Prime Ministers cross-hairs all the time. It wouldn't be chummy chummy, buddy buddy like it was in the old days. Or else there would be a lot of gaslighting, which is someone saying something rude to you and then next day talking to you like it never happened. The dynamic has definitely shifted. Luv and luck.
Maybe they could try for Senate. Having had political experience of a troubled and turmoiled nature would make them more than primed for the job.
Jody Wilson-Raybould is 9 months older than Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister. Jane Philpott is 10 years older. The PM don't give a fuck that you're older than him. He'll still boot you out of Cabinet if he doesn't like ya.

I saw a HuaWei tablet for $220. Seems nice. Sleek. State of the art. Teal blue colour. However, US President Donald Trump put a tech moratorium on Hua Wei. Most features will work. I suppose one can download most Android games. Google Maps won't work. The US is wary of Hua Wei using the phones to spy. The father of Cathy Meng was supposedly the head of the Red Army Intelligence although in interviews he said that although he was an officer with rank, it was of low to mid rank. I don't know. I think the US is very credible and their intelligence obviously did some research or else their research led to some intelligence. I had 3 tablets and sold one of them back to the pawn store for $60. So I have no need for another tablet. I have one Acer tablet and one Samsung tablet. I use one of these tablets 97% of the time. No Hua Wei. I do use and enjoy Google Maps. To not have Google Maps on a tablet would be disappointing.
When Hua Wei and the United States retcon their technological espionage differences, and with a government corporate bailout after which they'll be back stronger and better than ever before, maybe then I'll get a Hua Wei tablet. Hua Wei's 5G sounds good. Hard core gaming apps would run lighting fast. Download a 7 Gb app in less than 30 seconds. My best tablet only uses a 2G RAM. A 7 Gb app would take over two hours to download. On my other old tablet now thrown away in the garbage, it would taken about two and a half weeks to download a 7 Gb app.
Founder Ren Zhengfei and the father of Cathy Meng said Hua Wei technology is really cutting edge and no one else comes close. "The United States can not imagine a World where they are not one step ahead of everybody else." A movie quote. It's like how when Russians sent the first satellite Sputnik in spece before the US sent their first satellite Explorer I in 1958. Or when Russians sent a probe to Venus and took pictures in 1966, keeping in mind that the surface temperature of Venus is over 400 degrees Celsius! The States perceived it as a threat. Eventually, all technology is more or less passed around and reverse engineered and thanks to Moore's Law, what was cutting edge becomes obsolete in 18 months? Don't have the newest iPhone? Wait 18 months. The price will drop.
Sending a probe to Venus and the ability to download Nvidia's Metal Gear Rising Revengeance at 5.5 Gb a lot faster than other tablets do is hardly the same thing.
More American Imperialism. Pax Americana. Cracker hegemony.
5G is a big deal. 2G can service 100,000 cell phones within a one mile radius. 5 G can service a million cellphones within a one mile radius. It isn't only about phones or tablets having a 5G RAM memory card. There's that and then the corresponding military grade grid infrastructure to support it meaning a lot of things I don't understand. New, exciting, and scary features. All kinds of hidden tech. I saw on CSI a camera than scans a stadium crowd, does biometrics on each person and picks out irregularities implying that a person can be on drugs; heart rate diastolic and systolic ECG, EEG, EKG, body temperature, T-cell count, metabolic rate, renal functioning etc. I believe that my television and tablet too has the potential to do that. Medical surveillance. Targeted ads. Hiring and housing discrimination. Real time monitoring, geo-location and tracking. Micro-expressions, tells, spikes. Paul Ekman style involuntary muscles of the face analysis and interpretation. It's all there.
Involuntary muscles of the face can be seen more clearly while on acid. It's no mystery. The really happy looking people, their involuntary muscles of the face show a slight but profound depression. And those who look depressed to begin with, their involuntary facial muscles show a downright scary depression much deeper, much darker. Say no to drugs.
This data gathering could potentially even collect information about the clothing that people wear so that this data is compiled and could be in an Akinator type program for the Police and that's not a bad thing.
The founder of Hua Wei said that the technology is so advanced it would take the rest of the World years to catch up.
2 good YouTube comments about the topic: User Cheryl Hansen, I remembered the username and will include it in the bibliography or source*:. Anyways, the comment is wi fry.
Another comment is, those 5G towers are trees of death iconographically mocking the design of the Tree of Life.

On a YouTube video about 5G, from Thoughty2, 5G Will Either Save Your Life Or End It, a comment thread were talking about the future of 5G. Some said, 10G data will arrive before you send it, 11G You merge with the Universe itself. Then a commenter called Calculus Daddy wrote, "After running out of plausible string theory dimensions, we harnessed dark matter to create a 12th dimension. We were also able to Livestream the explosion of our home sun in 420K HD." He said it, not me. And Bibasak7 wrote, "Data is transmitted using a 0-tick pulse generator."
The comment thread starts with Large Soda writing, "4G Great Wi-Fi, 5G Super Wi-Fi, 6G We glued an infinity stone to a router."
The higher the G the shorter the wavelength. A 2G Network has a one tower a mile. A 5G Network needs a tower every 2 blocks. At 12G there would have to be a 12G tower in every room with how much wi-fry?

United States: "Extradite Cathy Meng!"
Canada: "Extradite Mark Zuckerberg!"
Facebook is good. I was able to watch a movie that I wanted to watch on Facebook and without logging in. I am grateful to them for that. I wish the best for Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. They could hire an international lawyer or something like that. Or just don't visit Canada. There are lots of celebrities banned from a few countries. As far data gathering, everybody is doing it. Governments have been gathering data for centuries. Whether private companies or governments gather data, it could be used for good purposes, bad purposes or neutral purposes, not looked at at all. Like the warehouse at the new of Raiders, it just sits there unlooked at. Ever.
I don't use Facebook. Just one more website to maintainance all the time and less is more. I think I might have missed out on a few prizes and bonuses on my app not using Facebook, for eg on Smurf's Magic Meadow, you get a land expansion. On Smurf's Village, you get 4 Smurf berries.
Websites like Facebook, Twitter are a form of institutionalization but without walls and have taken the place of traditional forms of institutionalization like schools, community centres, libraries, worksites white and blue collar. I'm glad I'm off Facebook and Twitter. What. Mutually cyberstalk on some vacuous, morbidly curious vicarious and gratuitous level a random set of personalities of whom you'll never meet, who live in a country you'll never travel to an in a lot of cases are half your age, in my case that's almost 30 years younger than me. What. For life? Uh, no thanks.
People I'll never meet, living in countries I'll never go to and a nearly 30 year age difference. Zero out of three ain't bad, I guess. Actually in this case, it's great.

If I saw death's door I would say, "Why not? My life is going nowhere, anyways." and walk through it. But do I get that choice? No. Why not? I feel that I deserve an early reprieve such as was granted to so many others. The app called Life isn't working out. I want to uninstall it.

History Channel Ancient Aliens. The last iteration. I'm uninstalling this. After placing 362,000 stones on the pyramid, it's asking for to place 3 million pyramid stones. Too difficult. Better to quit. Anything in life that's too difficult, quit. On the News there was a lady who lost all her limbs after a strep infection. "You're excused from the table." Someone like that would be, should be excused from life, that's only if they want that. Someone like that has had more than their fair share of suffering. I don't know about her, but if it were me, I'd want that. She does have hope. One word: Neural-prosthetics. Some people made a vow that if things get really difficult they resolve to survive and not give up or kill themself under any circumstances. I made the opposite vow. If things get difficult past a certain point, I vow to absolutely end my life with a heroin overdose. 100% resolved to do that. I wouldn't have even the slightest interest in living. Life is only worth so much and no more.

I want to quit going to the Library. One less extraneous set of personalities to compare myself to professionally or financially. The place is redundant. They don't have anything that I don't have or want or need or already have. I don't read books. I used to read novels all the time, now I watch Blu rays and am on the tablet. Novel reading is tedious and boring. As for DVDs and Blu rays, first of all my Blu Ray won't play most Library Blu rays but it will play the Blu rays I bought from the store. Maybe it has something to do with that the Blu rays at the library get played and run through other machines over a thousand times. I got the internet, streaming sites like Putlocker, SolarMovie, so I can watch any movie that would have been at the Library. They know that I know that they know this. So the question remains, if that's so why is he still visiting the Library? Probably for some weird social reason. Sure, they'll ask that. But not if I don't go there anymore. Then the dynamic changes. Instead of talking about someone who was there less than two weeks ago, they'll be talking about someone who hasn't visited in years but how likely would that be, after years? Life hates a vacuum. In all that intervening time, they will have encountered a whole crop of new other people they'd be talking about.
What weird social thing? I only spend about what seems like five minutes there at most whenever I go there. So there's only a five minute difference between me going here at all and never going there. Although going is somewhat of a disempowering experience. It's bad enough I spent most if not all of my 40s going there and seeing those same set of scowling fear, pity, suspicion and resentment faces again and again, few times a week, month in month out, year in year out. But to spend all my 50s doing that seems unsavoury to me. I don't need the place to be empowering. I don't need it to be disempowering. I just need to not go there at all. Go to where you are celebrated. Don't go to where you're merely tolerated. I have often decided not to go to places anymore. Once I've stopped going there, I feel a lot better. I'm not legally required to go there anyways. Nor morally required to.
Libraries are something attached to grade school, high school, and if that, college or University. Once you are no longer in school and an adult, there is no reason to go to a Library if you don't need to. I wouldn't say that even 50% of the most poor go to the Library. Most are either illiterate or too dissolute to go to the Library, being drunk or stone most of the time. As an adult, libraries are for if you have a job and need to go tongue Library to look up city archives for work related research. Other than that, it's just a frivolous superfluous moochy, scavengey, free loading kind of place. On the class system, librarians are higher than supermarket and restaurant workers. But supermarket and restaurant is an essential service whereas the library is semi essential at most and an increasingly obsolete industry. At supermarkets they see money at every transaction and next to the sight of blood, the sight of money excites most people. The library usually no money is shown and people drop in to mooch and free load just like at a food bank or soup line. Place like the library perpetuate and advance a free loading mentality and tendencies and otherwise a frivolous vector of moochy opportunism. A lot of people on welfare recently got a $150 raise and yet they're still mooching at food banks and soup lines every week, in some cases, every day. With that money, you can easily get a novel or two at the book store. As for DVDs and blue rays, I already have cable TV and internet, and about 200 Blu days and DVDs. And I can see any movie online on one of the multiple and never ending Putlocker iteration websites. To be then borrowing movies at the library at this point would be redundant. Cracker backwater libraries, cracker backwater art galleries where the demographic of the people who go there are, let's face it, mainly crackers, they don't care if I don't go there. Even if I were to drop dead they wouldn't care. I'm not legally required to go to those kind of places anyways.
Getting a DVD at the store or watching it on the internet doesn't also involve making an otherwise extraneous second trip to return it or pay fines if late. Few times I had to pay overdue fees and the fees I paid in a year, I could have bought DVDs for myself to own. Libraries are a form of institutionalization. The less I go there the better. The less I go, the less I have to go. Why support a semi to non essential, quasi obsolete and somewhat dying industry? Just another vector of freeloading for those with a mooch mentality. Although they think that they're an essential service to society. Yeah, right. Don't put yourself out on our account. Don't be doing us any favors. I wasted so many years going to the Library. When I was in Bangkok I never went to the library and I felt a lot better doing that.
Libraries are somewhat anachronistic as nowadays people have the equivalent of a library in the palm of their hand. People regularly use tablets and cellphones that access the internet, Google books, etc.
I plan to never go there ever again in my lifetime. I'd rather die of a heroin overdose than to go there again. I don't like any of the librarians I met and wouldn't miss any of them when I don't go there anymore. I'm sure it's mutual. Usually, the looks I got from them when I was there was suspicion, resentment, pity, snobbery. They honest to God think they're progressive but will wind up selling you down the river. I won't be seeing that ever again. I'd rather die than to visit there ever again. Waste of time.
Every goddamned time I got a DVD or blu Ray at the library, there were fingerprints on it. I had to clean them. I know how to hold discs at the center and edges. Not all the pigs who borrow discs at the library know this. Often the discs wouldn't play on my machine. Could it have something to do with that a thousand other people have already borrowed and played the disc? I sure don't get that when I get DVDs at the video store. And the weird creepy bullshit sticker and anti theft features they place on the disc forms an otherwise structurally extraneous ridge that affects the playability of my machines too. Just more extraneous bullshit.
Whether I, a chink, goes to that mainly cracker place or not. Why is it such an issue with you?! That place is mainly crackers. Even if that's not one less my to go there, it sure wouldn't be one more reason to go there. Crackers is an implied code word that also means I wouldn't go to a place that was mainly Black people or East Indian people or Arab people, etc. That has never been my cup of tea. Not exactly any kind of priority for me. I would only trust a place with all Asian people, Chinese or Thai and I've been to tons of rooms, places, all Asian, not even one White person. Except for that Chinese Presbyterian Church. First of all, are Chinese people exactly known for being Presbyterian? It just winds up being some weird chinky cult if not religion of some chinks who were sucked in or else co-opted into some weird cracker trip in some weird bid to advance themselves or else to attain some sort of legitimacy in the Western world. But really, historically, less than 5% of Hong Kongs population has ever wanted to come to the West. Propaganda News stories shows Hong Kongese wanting to come to Canada. Come to Canada and be a visit or minority when they could stay there and be one of the majority? Yeah, right, they all want to come to Canada. Next to England and the US, Canada is a second rate vassal state. Why opt for Canada when they could go to the US or the UK? Let's make it clear. I never chose to come to Canada making a conscious choice as an adult. I was brought here without my consultation as a child probably because of my inept parents having burned, ripped off, or run to the ground whatever situation they had there to the extent that they had to move to Canada. Everyone as an adult should be able to make one choice to move to another country if they want to. A lot of Asians have a million and are still here. If I had even $3000, I'd move to Asia and so would a lot of other Asians. So much so that Asian demographics are divided among such lines.
Actually, at this stage of the game, would I leave? No. The government has been kind to me. I get money and legal marijuana. This is a good country for me.
I've seen lots of videos of a person of one race, any race, whatever race, being in a room of people all of a different race than what that person is. How do they do it? They must be superhuman. They must be more spiritual than I am and I never claimed to be all that spiritual. I doubt that I would be. Or could be all that spiritual. I am what I am.
I barely remember, let alone that I barely knew any of the librarians that works there.
You can't win. If you don't go there then it's misplaced aggression, unresolved hostility, affective disorder. If you go there then it's, Who is he here for? However its less effort to not go there, less ergs, joules and caloric output, the path of least resistance. And as well, one isn't legally required to go there anyways. Less than 25% of the people in the city walk in there even once a year. Less than 15% of the people who live in my building don't go there. For some reason, they eschew the place. They boycott the place.
Dynamics change over time. Stop going to a place and then for awhile, they wonder about the person who was last in about two weeks ago. But after, say, ten years, they wonder about the person who was last in, what, ten, twenty years ago? Bullshit! Or the chances of that happening would be less, however slightly. So many other people will have emerged during the interim.
On an archetypal level the library is bad for your mojo. Libraries are introverted, by nature. Surfers, skateboarders, extreme athletes, you don't associate them with going to the library all time time. Maybe a couple of times a year, but what, a few times a week? No. Libraries are usually associated with geeks, bookworms, eggheads, squares, nerds. Uh, no thanks.
I am thankful for and appreciate the knowledge I attained from all the discs I did borrow from there over the years. The people who work there work hard for their money and they did a very good job stocking the shelves for interesting videos that have appeared there over the years.
Some might ask, Why are libraries renting out discs putting an entire industry of blockbuster videos out of business? I think Putlocker is more responsible for that. But the video stores had one fault. A two month old video rents for $7.99 a week because they're third string. But other videos some that have been in the shop since the 80s and played through thousands of times still rents for $7.99 a week. That's worse than a second hand store. A thousand hand store? Libraries borrow them out free of charge whether it's a new or an old video.
All movies are SJW leftist femme movies so for me it isn't worth making a trip to the Library to borrow that. Did I mention? I'd rather be dead than to go to the Library again.
They don't like it when I go there. They don't like it when I don't go there. They don't like it when I don't go there; That I can't do anything about. They don't like it when I go there, now that I can do something about!

I love Thailand. Endless wais and toothpaste smiles. Versus the Library in this town, endless scowls. I would love to return to Thailand and live there forever.

There is a NASA YouTube video about sending people back to the moon in 2024. I wrote to them, "It will be delayed like the James Webb telescope. Bureaucracy and red tape is stronger than gravity. Aliens have warned us off the moon if YouTube videos are anything to go on."
There is little that NASA hasn't bullshitted about in some way. They knew about the existence of planets outside the solar system since the 1940s or even before. They only admitted that in the last 20 years. They went to the moon but the real footage is classified, what we got was a Stanley Kubrick movie passed off as the real moon landing. Aliens, UFO reverse engineering. Warp drives. Secret space program. Secret meaning existence denied through lies. NASA's inclination and predilection to bullshit is stronger than gravity. I don't know what to think anymore whenever NASA releases one of their announcements.
NASA is just some weird clique that discovers things about outer space and then bullshits people about it.
Anyways, a YouTube video called When Will Humans End said the anthropocene era will go on for a minimum of 9,000 years more and a maximum of 3 and a half million years more. That means we only got 3,500,000 years to worry about all this human generated bullshit. There is lots of books; The Secret Life of Plants, Og Mandino, and The Secret History of the World, Johnathan Black that says plants talk to each other, each leaf and plants are always baffled at the way humans act. I'm sure stars talk to each other and planets do too in a language we can't perceive let alone understand. A Kardashev 3 civilization would understand the telepathy and language of all things. Without language telepathy has no meaning. Without telepathy language would have no understanding.
On the one hand, knowledge is meant to be shared. On the other hand, there is the resentment of those chinks, crackers, etc copying off me.
I cracked the time everything is happening simultaneously paradigm and worded it in exactly the way that I worded it. Do I get credit for it? No. All I get is crackers stalking and copying off me. I should have died years ago. A life under such terms is contemptible. Better death than this.
However I'm not that much of a genius. Writing a memo that gives some wordy spin to fundamental concepts of physics that were already discovered years ago such as Einstein having said that everything is happening simultaneously past present and future and making a Nintendo DS or a tablet are two very different things. It's not like I'm designing prototype engines for NASA JPL. All in all I'm not that much of a genius. Waiver: Any of my ideas, physics, metaphysics or otherwise. Copy off me or not. I don't care. Don't mention me, even say you thought of it, go ahead, I don't care. Paraphrase it, but tweak it so it's better.

Oh what the fuck. In a YouTube video, London Real: How To Produce DMT Mantak Chia, 2 comments got me. One was a lady who said when she did magic mushrooms, she talked to vine leaves wrapped around an oak tree. They were surprised she could hear them. Friends showed up and were baffled that she was talking to a tree, while tripping, she told the vines, they can't hear you like I can. Some of the vines were dark, telling her to pick up a sharp gardening tool and stab herself, but even these were not so much evil as curious and mischievous prankster as she ascertained that all the vine leaves were essentially good. She talked of going to the forests and asking the trees permission to take out a stone or feather if she found one and thanking them. Some famous people like even Prince Charles talks to plants. Some people think that people who talk to plants are crazy. Maybe those who don't talk to plants are crazy. It's the top comment since it has the most likes and most replies. Another comment was, a person said you can't compare psilocybin and DMT as they aren't the same thing. A reply included, Sorry Professor you are talking out of your ass. psilocybin when processed in the body become psilocin, the chemical formula of that is 4 Hydroxy N-N Dimethyltriptamine 4-OH-DMT.
Hallucination or Freudian wish fulfillment? Just because it's a hallucination doesn't mean it isn't there.

Anger releases a chemical called tryptophan hydroxylase which decreases IQ.

I heard a story of someone doing mushrooms or DMT and seeing faces in trees stacked one atop another like on a totem pole except those faces moved and spoke. That's on a mystic frequency invisible to ordinary people or else muggles.

People use drugs in response to a broken benighted economy where an industry of honest hard working law abiding people is pitted against a scammy criminal real estate industry with the necessary accompanying corrupt larcenous politicians standing as enablers and accessories as long as they get their cut. It's what Stephen King in The Running Man called a crooked table. The New York Times called it a Wild West economy. Money laundering and speculation, what a winning combination. Before, businesses were fronts for money laundering scams. Now with the real estate the way it is, homes themselves are now also fronts for money laundering scams. The only way to get a house is like the only way to get a business. Agree to use the business and/or home to take part in some money laundering scam.
The inherent criminality in the real estate industry is so pervasive, it's infrastructural.
A young drug dealer launders money to sell drugs. An old drug dealer sells drugs to launder money. In the old days laundering money was a means to an ends of acquiring real estate, and that's an uphill climb. Nowadays acquiring real estate is the means to an ends of laundering money, because that's a downhill walk. Take out a home equity loan. Pay it back right away. Result, money laundered. It's gotten to the point where I would be surprised if a real estate property wasn't involved in a money laundering scam. People who bought their house 40 or 50 years before probably aren't involved. They're old money. It's new money. New criminal money that's involved in the money laundering.
Whether prices rise or whether prices fall, ie housing shorts, they make money. Decrepit obstreporous yuppy scammy gangsta bullshit industry. Life when you're like me is like playing a video game set to gruelling. Why don't I get the option to just walk out on life? Sucks to be you. See you, wouldn't want to be you. That's why I decided to give up on life altogether. If deaths door was in front of me, I'd walk through it. I saw death's door the other day in the form of a tree mulcher which when I saw it, I had a weird intrusive and unwanted thought of doing a swan dive through it. Like X-Force, Deadpool 2. That would be deaths door. Actually, I'd much rather die of a heroin overdose. I've given up on life completely.
Housing bubbles are not the cause of this, rather they are the end result of it.
Globalist real estate oligarchy. Speculation. Not every country in the World is this invested, infested, in this case what's the difference, with a criminal real estate infrastructure. Heads of State who stand up to the Globalists criminal real estate hegemony are called dictators. Much to the globalists chagrin, these dictators are to this day, able to keep the globalists at Bay. So it's not because of who you are or what you did or are doing that makes you unsuccessful, it's because of where you are. The situation that you're in. Why support a country that doesn't support you? Not every country will treat you this bad when it comes to real estate. An opposite situation is that village in Germany where the rent is $1 a year. They guy who built it is a billionaire and he did it to make a statement about generally overpriced real estate worldwide. One has to be Catholic to stay there.
I get an even better deal. Although they pay $1 a year for rent, since the government 100% completely subsidizes me, I pay a net total of $0 a year for my rent. The $1 a year place has strict rules. Curfew, and community service plus attend Church once a day for half an hour at least. Me, no curfew, no chores, no having to go to church.
Meanwhile, Kyle McDonald bartered his way from a red paperclip to a house in a series of 14 online trades over the course of a year. Source: Verifacts app.
And now it appears even the University is built in a structure of larceny as that is a vector for money laundering scams.
While wages went up 2x in the last 20 years, University tuition went up 10x and real estate 30x. Inaccurate statistics. 100% of all statistics is bullshit.
But prices of other things have fallen. Drugs soft and hard, electronics, and bus fare and the price of Blu rays.

Real estate sales down in Vancouver. New regulations the usual airhead money grab regulations including speculation tax, foreign buyers tax have prevented foreign speculators and criminally high prices have prevented locals from accessing their own local real estate. Ha ha ha ha! Mismanagement as usual.
Canada is now mounting a National task force involving attorney generals or top government lawyers of Canada. It like take a law enforcement response of that magnitude because systemic white collar crime involving billions of dollars is the most difficult thing for the Police to bust. Difficult but not impossible.
In the old days wars kept the population down. Population control. Now it's economic forces that do it. In the old days you could get a house only if you survived combat fighting one war or another for your country. But that made a generation of people who had experience killing people vs today's generation where hardly anyone ever killed people. Which system is better? Who's to say? I like the movie Stripes because the military life has a lot of nostalgia. Night time drinking a soft drink gotten at the vending machine and talking with your friends about intellectual conspiracy theories, that or talking about women. Now I've given up on life. You can give up on women without giving up on life but you can't give up on life without also giving up on women. My best years are over. What's left? I never got married or started a family. My ship has sailed. Maybe I would have done that had I lived in Hong Kong. But I doubt I would have written the same articles I had especially about dreams, holographic other dimensions and what Einstein said about the simultaneousness of past present and future.

Crepuscular rays. More flat Earth bullshit.

Mount Everest. Death toll ups to 11 in Everest line up. On Mount Everest, there is a death zone. Above that, there is no air and hypothermia and death can happen in minutes. Those people got more money than brains. It's Man's mifortune that Mount Everest isn't half as high and man's fortune that Everest isn't twice as high. On Mars there is a mountain twice as high as Mount Everest, it's called Mount Olympus. Mars doesn't have any oceans so there, you can have mountains like that. The Mount Everest line up reminds me of...
The difference being in 1898, in the Yukon some of those people would make over $100,000 from gold strikes on their claims, low to moderate chance of dying of hypothermia, while in 2019, on Mount Everest some of those people would pay over $100,000 on air fare, licenses, accommodation, equipment, guides, etc and death zone, that means moderate to high chance of dying of hypothermia.
It reminds me of the difference between my life overseas and my life here. Overseas, visa run, line up once a month to give out money from my pocket. Here, welfare, line up once a month to get money in my pocket. It's a no-brainer.

Yukon gold Rush. Chilkoot pass line up. 1898.

Mount Everest line up. 2019.

Infamous image of Mount Everest line up.
Although there are people in every town who can do that chip grafting, if one had $100,000 and had to choose between climbing Mount Everest with a high chance of dying or getting the 40 fruit tree, they're better off going with the tree!
Death zone. That's a literal term, not a figurative term. "Death zone. That sounds poetic, like death metal."

Well, thanks to the Mandela Effect, they may be out $100,000 if indeed they did want to climb the World's highest mountain. The World's highest mountains are Mount Chimborazo and 2nd is Mount Huascaran, both in Peru. Everest would be third highest. The criteria isn't highest above sea level but farthest from the center of the Earth and the Earth bulges at the equator. Source: YouTube: 4 Brand New Mandela Effects from All Time

The best way to live is clean and sober.

I have an upper toothache. Upper right canine tooth. The sharp triangular one. A doctor would isolate the activity on event that caused it. Either I bit down too hard on a thick potato chip, on the canine tooth at a 90% angle, or blowing my nose, I would press that area above the right canine tooth with the knuckle of my left index finger or else I ate something that got lodged for sometime between the teeth. The worst thing one can have between the teeth is beef saturated with chili oil. In decades past, I lost a few teeth that way. Wonton noodles with beef slices and then doused in red hot chili oil. And then don't brush and floss the teeth for an extended indefinite period of time. That'll do it. I took two aspirin, flossed the area and brushed the area and under the gums with my $1000 Teledyne electric toothbrush. It seemed to do it. The pain and swelling is receeding. A website said more than one or two days, see the dentist. It has been a day but the pain is going away fast. The next day, bruised, a dull grinding pain all day. I have a dentist appointment. This afternoon, I took a bunch of aspirins and two t3. The dental nurse said you can take one or the other but to do two of them will cause stomach problems. This afternoon and early evening, my stomach was fibrillating. There is a nerve that connects from the teeth to the stomach. It was a classic tooth ache. Then at one point all of a sudden, the pain is gone. A miracle. Swelling reduced. It must be the antibiotics as well. Stomach fibrillation gone. "I haven't got time for the pain." Carly Simon
For awhile, I wondered if I would die. Definitely, if left untreated indefinitely. Maybe this is what I get for praying to Shiva for my death. Even if I died, my life is going nowhere. I wouldn't care about that. I just rather not die of an abscess. Id rather die of a heroin overdose if I had a choice.
Injecting heroin would not be good for an abscess. One could overdose, come to and the blood loss to the gums resulting in a sever case of dry mouth rot would then lead to all of the teeth abscessing simultaneously with the swollen face and the really painful feeling in the gums included!

Selina, anagram of aliens.
How do I set my screensaver for homescreen and lockscreen to slideshow even collage and pastiche of pictures?

One can be pretty good at computers but years later, still trying to learn the basic things.

Disney made a ride called Star wars Galaxy's edge based on a movie. Imagine if they made a them park ride based on a movie called The Rivers Edge? The plan would be riding in an old dilapidated car in which a holographic Feck or Dennis Hopper is the driver. Or else a pimped out Volkswagen Beatle with Layne as the driver. The car passes a diorama of Samson standing over Jamie yelling, "I never felt so fucking alive!" Then pass a huge video game screen and Layne or Crispin Glover saying, "It's all circuits inside. The people working here have them all reconnected because they know if I ever learn this machine, I'll take over the fucking Universe!", pass a diorama of Matt or Keanu Reeves walking with his girlfriend Clarissa or Iona Skye. Pass another diorama of Matt being questioned in the Police station. Pass yet another diorama of Sam standing at the river's edge. Someone from across the river yells "Eat me!" Sam yells "Eat me!" in return and then fires Feck's handgun. Then a diorama of Feck dancing with his inflatable girlfriend. On the way out, Tim, or Joshua Miller as a child throws a pair of nunchucks at the theme park ride car and then rides away on his BMX, and then finally the last diorama of Layne flashing the devil horns hand sign and saying, "I wouldn't joke about that, Clarissa." The ad slogan would say, "Ride the River's Edge theme park ride. It's more twisted than The Twister!" Somehow, I don't see that being a Disney them park ride. Ever.
I spoke to a shopkeeper about star wars Galaxy's edge and then said, "Could you imagine if Disney had made a them park ride called Rivers Edge from the movie?" The shopkeeper said, "No thanks!"

Ways to escape the friend zone: Ghost her. Move on. Stop thinking that you're in the friend zone. Time flies so fast when you are with someone you want to be with. Never let yourself be taken for granted. Move to another city, country. Women are with men because they are either genuinely attracted or using him for something. Men and women can not be friends. Ghosting.
First there's stranger then acquaintance then friend then girlfriend then wife. With each step up the ladder there's fewer women until there's just one. As for friend zone you gotta be friends with a lady for some time, sometimes two years or more if it's one of those long term melodramatic harlequin romance type of relationship. I ain't waiting no ten years. 7 months should do it. Otherwise move on. Sometimes the friend zone phase is really short, like 15 minutes with a prostitute, then it's on to the lover phase. Going from zero to sixty in 15 minutes. Good if it's a prostitute bad if it's a race car. Can you imagine an actual race car taking 15 minutes to reach 60 mph?
When I was in Thailand, a 10 year old said something snide and snarky. I said to my Thai friend, "Did you hear what he just said? What an asshole!" My Thai friend said, "No. You are asshole." I said, "Why?" He said, "Because you care about the words of a baby." I was about 30 then. With these friend zone videos on YouTube, the same dynamic is going on, different ages. I am 50, the person who made those videos is probably 30 or younger. So again, just like I was in Thailand, I am caring about the words of someone 20 years younger than me. A lot of the codes in the west don't apply elsewhere and in other places in the world being calm and quiet and reasonable will get you farther ahead than being brash and loud and assertive. Why care about the words of someone whom I'll never meet and who lives in another country, namely the US. I doubt I'll ever visit there. I got a perfect 10 on a US geography test app the other day. It's difficult to get a visa to go there and I fear the hassles I or any other traveler might get at Customs. Questions. Social media accounts? But some people know me in the States especially the SMILE conference who followed me on Twitter before I reached my tweet limit and got suspended forever. Andrea Perron would only tweet once every few days, maybe a few times a month. I made up to 60 tweets a day for almost ten years. I had my time on Twitter. Something like that was never meant to go on forever. Trump never does 60 tweets a day although it sometimes feels like he does. He gets more replies on one tweet than I did in my entire lifetime on Twitter. He gets more nasty replies in one tweet than I did in my entire career anywhere on the internet. I think I got a total of 20 mean snarky comments that I can remember in my entire life spanning 19 years on the internet. Some comments so mean I even went to the Police department and reported it. That's not all that many. I got hundreds if not thousands of nice comments. All in all, it's been pretty good.

"How much sharper than a serpents tooth is an ungrateful child." King Lear

My landlord said, "Moving to another place doesn't solve the problem. You're only transferring the medium. You would only take your issues with you to the next town." To some extent that's true. But entire dynamics shift when you move. Things rare in one town or country are extremely common in another. You might be a visible minority in one place but a majority in another. No one is a majority in North America. Even White people aren't a majority here like they are in Europe. In Europe, it'd be "This is the Homeland my ancestors have been on for thousands of years." Vs "My ancestors have been here for one or two hundreds years at most and it was mainly because of some weird shit. Wars, famine, economic problems, whatever it was, it wasn't good." Uh, nope. No difference there.
"The Puritans came here because Europe wasn't strict enough for them. They wanted to come to America where they could be even more strict." Craig Ferguson. To give you an idea, the Puritans actually banned Christmas.

I'm moving to Vancouver. In any town you are walking between the raindrops. In Vancouver the raindrops are wider apart. In a small town any place you go to is more of a bigger deal, more of a center-shot than it would be in a big city because there are so few places. Go to a place a few times in small town and they expect to be going there for life. They want to coopt you. In a big city there are so many other places to go that any place could write you not going there anymore off to you going to so many other places there are to go to. There is a bit of that in this town too. This town is a medium sized town so there are quite a few places one could go to while not going to others.
Vancouver is a problem that solves itself. If my life is the shits in Vancouver at least there's plenty of heroin available. This town is so square. I haven't found a heroin connection yet. I want to go back to Vancouver. I've given up on life.

Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, John Koenig
Sonder and gnossiem: similar words meaning that people around you have their own individual lives, worries etc distinct from your own. Gnossiem is a more intense form of sonder when one realizes that their best friends, family have their own individual set of worries, thoughts, fears they never let you in on notwithstanding your special status with them, even then.
Nighthawk: the worries that keep you up at night. The constant repetitive memories of for eg that jerk who even though the last time you saw their face was 17 years ago you still inwardly gripe and stress at how he's such a show off, trying to make you and everyone he ever meets in life, jealous or envies of him. These worries address problems you have to deal with in one way or another even if to try to find a way to psychologically neutralize it. Like, what. 17 years ago?! That's really milking it!

"The belonging you seek lies not in your past. It is in your future." Maz Kanata, The Force Awakens

"Stop looking back. Carve your own future." Justice League

I got permanently locked out of some old blogs on blogger. Much of it was babbling. I lost some dream diary entries. Most dreams are non-descript and repetitive. They don't mean anything to anyone except me. My drawing skills then were awful compared to now. Irrelevant or else not backed up with the knowledge I know now. Dreams can be summed up in a few sentences. "Dreams show the forces behind life." Edgar Cayce. The force behind forces. Dreams are created by a chemical in the brain called DMT. Dreams are visiting another dimension with a different set of physics. An invisible holographic dimension. Although we're just as invisible and holographic to them. Maybe we're not invisible to them and they can see us all the time, I still don't know how that works.
My dream journal work because I did it will come up in my afterlife life review in a way it wouldn't have otherwise.
Never mind the dates when the dream happened. That is based on a time algorithm that they don't accord to anyways. All dreams even if it happened years ago is happening now as all things are happening simultaneously as Einstein said.

Waygo is an app that translates Chinese characters to English. Scan and translate. No internet connection required. Isn't technology wonderful? Do they have that in Thai?

Today, I got a movie at the video store. First of all, I got 2 Blu Ray machines, a Sony and a Samsung 4K. For the last few weeks, the Sony would refuse to play Blu rays. Only the Samsung did. Now only the Sony plays Blu rays, while the Samsung refuses. So I got a Blu Ray called SUPER 8. If you turn the U in super sideways clockwise 90 degrees, you get C, resulting in the first 3 letters of super 8 being 'SCP'. Namely, Cooper is an SCP-3R8. Now I've seen a few YouTube videos, scp means secure contain protect. An scp is an entity, shamanic, interdimensional, whatever, like Montauk Project, The Arrowhead Project stuff. The movie has some B-Movie entities. Stephen Spielberg is involved with this movie and he wouldn't get involved in a project and Hollywood wouldn't spend 200 million dollars on a movie that is flights of fancy. Hollywood is 100% real. The actors involved admitted on a talk show that before ET was filmed, the cast was taken into a conference room and discussed that the government really knows about aliens, UFOs, etc. Gollum from Lord of the Rings is an SCP, the one that Polynesians refer to as the one that sits on people's chests the first thing in the morning as they're waking up. Sleep paralysis of some degree always accompanies visitations from one of these SCPs. The thing in super 8 looks like an SCP -1000 or whatever the designate classification number.
The Mothman in Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the States is an SCP, so is Bigfoot, the Lock Ness Monster and the Yeti. They keep finding Yeti footprints. No way that could be faked.....
Recommended app: SCP Reader from Vsong
In the Marvel, DC Universe, Deadpool is a super hero. In our Universe Deadpool would be an SCP.

If there's ever a time I could use a $20 windfall, I would accept $15, it is now. With that, I'd get the paid for edition of FlipAClip which includes all features and no ads, no watermark, no 6 second limit, etc. I could really take off. There is a good chance I could get a $15 windfall in the next few days. It's not like I'm going to use that on drugs. I'd really use it on FlipAClip. I only need one $15 donation. So those of you reading this who had nothing to do with me getting the $15 or not, it wouldn't make any difference to you if I spent it on drugs or not. It wouldn't be your $15.
I'm probably not going to get the $15 in the next few days. I have a sinking feeling. Maybe my mother should have aborted me at birth. My life never worked out.
If I could say something to my dead mother's spirit, I'd say, "You should have aborted me at birth. You would have done me a solid seeing how my life was going to tank as it had. I would have paid you back for that in the afterlife. Now that's all up in the air." Why didn't she do it? Maybe she was Catholic. In that case, her Catholicism made her miss out on that one window of opportunity to get it right. She should have 'done the right thing'. Since she didn't abort me, now, 50 years later, it's left to me to find some heroin and overdose, essentially performing another type of abortion. 50 years. That's a long time to wait between abortions.
I didn't get $15 yet, but I did get a can of 555 sardines at the food bank and that's the best I'll do when it comes to that.
I can get the $15 windfall. I'll have to hock my lightsaber at the pawn shop. Again!

I saw a notice somewhere, "We would like to see the residents invested as a part of this hotel." Invested. That's code for co-opted. Places never like to tell you how valuable you are to them in case you use that as leverage against them. It's the instinct of seeing how much you can get for the least. It's the cheapskate mentality. That's small town backwater tactics. So they always threaten you with eviction if you don't do this, don't do that. As far as I'm concerned if I ever move, they may or may not miss me. I sure the hell wouldn't miss them!
I'm moving back to Vancouver in a few years. All my old enemies will have either died or moved on. If you leave a town and go back after 20 years, it's like you were never there. A lot changes in 20 years. I won't recognize a lot of old streets, new buildings. I read online that a few of my favorite restaurants like Hons restaurant and Fresgos restaurant have closed. The original locations closed, they opened branch restaurants in New Westminster and Surrey.
Vancouver is vibrant and bustling. It's a megalopolis of fun lively places you actually want to go to. A string of exciting places like downtown, Pacific Centre Mall, Vanier Park and Museum, MOA museum of anthropology, Stanley Park. north Van, seabus, sky train, Granville island, Kitsilano, English bay, Spanish banks. This town is a fishbowl existence. Downtown is the only place with even a semblance of a semblance of liveliness. Otherwise the town is a dead hole. Miles of suburban strip mall. The prosaic suburbs.

Some ads really get on my nerves. There's one where this girl goes to a door talks to a guy about compliments and admiration, and said, its for your roommate, not you. Something like that. I didn't get it verbatim, believe me. In fact, I think of Satan when I see that commercial and I always have a devil 😈 of a time trying to find the remote and changing the channel immediately every time I see it. If I can't reach the remote when it's on, I hate that, I either plug my ears and look away, or at the very least, look away. Something like that happened to me once about 24 years ago. I still remember it. When she said that to me, I think that I'd given off a look like she just gutted my favorite pet. People say more with a look than they realize. I never saw that person ever again after that. Good riddance. I never did that to anyone and don't like it when it was done to me. Once. 24 years ago. The 😈 devil to that person.
Strangely, that never happened to me ever again.
I think I got off lightly. That happened to me just once. And it was a quarter of a century ago. I can imagine some people get that a few times a year, but they don't care. You can read such stories online and about how they don't care. They must be superhuman.
A friend once said, "She's making you jealous. She's doing that to inflame your passions." Another friend said, "She's doing that for your benefit. You're a good looking guy." As well intentioned as they were, those are answers I could never believe in nor intellectually accept. I always think she was just doing that to be an asshole and hate her forever. Ghost her.
As far as inflaming my passions go, what passions? I have no passion. If only I had any passion. The Thais called me 'Low battery'. Dissipated or else non existent libido. Most of the time I'm rather thinking that things would be better if I moved far away. I think that I'm in the wrong country. Hopefully I can move far away from here one day. I'd rather be dead than to spend even one more decade in this town.
Never mind having no passion. I've given up on life altogether. If any of you think this is psychodrama, why not call my bluff and place some heroin in my possession because I've had a difficult time locating any heroin and we'll find out together!
Those people in that commercial don't care if I watch it or not. Even if I died, they wouldn't care. It's not as if I was legally required to look at that commercial. Another commercial I hit the gong for is the one with the two women, one in the striped shirt talking on a cell phone. Then they say, Dude, stop staring. How presumptuous. I wasn't and wouldn't be staring. Here, allow me to either turn the channel completely, turn the television off for a minimum of 30 seconds, turn down the volume and look away from the screen. Anything. There's a variety of tactics. I think James Frazier in the golden bough called it either sympathetic or contagious magic. In other words, it's a form of black magic. A passive form of sympathetic black magic. Sometimes it works. In some eerie way, I soon never see the commercial ever again. Ever. It's as if the commercial perceived a ripple of Satanic energy that emanated from me when I saw the commercial.
Each and every time I see the commercial, I turn the channel. Do you understand?

Opening a safe injection site at a prison is the absolute worst idea I've ever thought of. It's counter productive. Prisoners need the option of checking out early painlessly. That or else when you think of the options. What. Being viciously beaten every week? Or worse? If I was in such a situation I wouldn't even think of even trying to attempt to live. The dynamics would have shifted. It becomes why support a life that no longer supports me? That's a no-brainer.
I would have thought that most if not all the people who work at prisons and society itself wouldn't care if prisoners who did heinous and horrendous deeds that wound up getting them in super max prison died or not.
Fortunately, there's more heroin in prison than on the street.

Canada's beer hop industry is dying on the vine. Meanwhile the US and the European hop industry is doing well. Why is that? Could it have something to do with the US having a longer and better growing season and a bigger domestic market? There's more people in California state alone than in all of Canada. Meanwhile Europeans have been brewing and crafting beer for hundreds if not thousands of years while Canada has only been doing it for about 175 years. And a lot of European countries have a population bigger than Canaa and there's a calico cat patchwork of countries like that in Europe. It's like being an artist in Canada. An artist in Canada is dead meat. The most a Canadian painting fetched was $7 million, Lauren Harris, Group of Seven. Drawing in Spanish is desenHAR. Lauren HARris. Anyways, American artists like Andrew Wyeth, Maxfield Parrish, those paintings go for $34 million. The most expensive European paintings for for $100 million or more. Don't waste your time being an artist in Canada. They couldn't do anything for themselves, how could they do anything for you? The last time a Canadian NHL team won the Stanley Cup was in 1993. Backwater country that thinks it's the center of the Universe. The anomaly of high real estate prices revolves around this very concept. Just like all other countries on this planet. If I could leave, I would. But Canada treats me well. I get paid $1,500 CAD from the Canadian government and the government of my Province for doing fuck all. I never heard of another country that is able to give me a better deal including the US, England, or Thailand. With a deal like that, why would I leave. The odds of being a successful artist are shit. For every Banksy, there's a million artist blokes who are skint. That's dosh, yeah?
It's too bad about the Canadian hop industry because Canadian beer is quite yummy. Canada has had a 175 year unbroken tradition of brewing beer and was the go to place for beer and whisky and gin etc during the Roaring Twenties. While Stateside, there was somewhat of a lull in production for a few years due to Prohibition.
Wait. Isn't next year the 100th Anniversary of Prohibition? I'll drink to that!
Canadian hops because being grown in a unique place in the world, the loan and the pH of the soil would offer a unique tasting craft beer. The climate is clean and the mountain glacial waters that irrigate the hops is pristine. Any connoisseur of craft beer would give Canadian beer a try with brands like Molson Canadian, O'Keefe's Extra Old Stock, and Kokanee and even Shawinigan Handshake are beers worth trying. Granville Island Brewery, Noble beer from Stanley Park breweries are definitely worth trying.

Of course the Vancouver Aquarium can't let those dolphins and whales back into the wild. They'd be dead since they were so used to the people at the aquarium feeding them every day. Those whales are domesticated animals. Killer Whale. Orcinus Orca. Named after Orcus, good of the underworld. Lord of the dead.
In the movie Orca, the killer whale took a picture of the sea captain with it's eye.

A lady from the SPCA said the SPCA is a resource place for unwanted animals. They call it the humane society. All it ever does is kill animals. A dog that was slated to be adopted even nipping the prospective owners nose was euthanized. But that case is unusual because I never heard of that at the SPCA places I know of.

Finally, I end this posting with a fictional story that is somewhat extreme.
Years ago, a man had a beautiful wife but he cheated on her with another beautiful woman and then when interviewed about it, was in tears. Now would this have happened to only one person or hundreds if not thousands? Anyways, he didn't have to be in tears because he cheated on a beautiful woman. Now if he had sex with an animal that was dead, not nearly mature age, a child animal, and it was a male animal as well, then he would simultaneously be accused of bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and homosexuality. It was at the point where they would have might as well charged him with incest if they thought they could get way with it as it was the family pet. Now if he cheated on his beautiful wife with something like that, I could see a person being in tears for that. "Wookie love. 15 seconds of pleasure. 50 years of regret." YouTube user DarthBeotch
PS Also, the animal was handicapped in some profound way.

Friday, May 10, 2019


Flip A Clip is an animation app. I want to find a pen or pencil that would work with it. This would be like Microsoft surface pro. Otherwise it's just finger painting. What stylus would work with it? I got one! It was with me all the time, next to me on my desk. I didn't know it could work as a good stylus for tablets. Microsoft surface pro.
My stylus has a rubber tip. Nice accoutrement grip but the rubber tip has too much resistance. Greatly slows down surface contact. I uploaded my first made on FlipAClip movies today. I was finger painting on the tablet. Good, but the smooth soft metal or hard rubber tip that runs as smooth as ballpoint pen on paper is what I need. An apple pen, a nice one costs $130 plus tax. Yikes. Pricey! I need to find a cheaper one. Still, the facile ability to recline on my bed and use the tablet to make animations is good. I'll need to plop down $8 for the FlipAClip complete package including download to computer, remove watermark, and lots of other settings. I'll need to download a video editor app. Did you know they have apps very similar to windows movie Maker on the tablet. For Dune, I used ibis paint app for the sand dunes background. Ibis is also international ballistics identification system. This is the closest I've come to a Microsoft surface pro. I thought I had to pay over $2,000 for one because that's the going retail price. I got a knock off version that works pretty much as good. But even the Microsoft surface pro is useless for an animator if one doesn't have the right stylus. A good smooth, fast, precise one. YouTube has videos teaching anyone to MacGyver it using tinfoil. The body generates electric impulses which tablets can detect when a fingertip, being the vector, touches the surface. The tinfoil carries this same electric charge to the pen tip. Apple brand pencils do this really well, but at the cost of $130 plus tax. Forget it! That apple pencil was probably made at some sweatshop, production cost per unit, $2 including labour.
A tablet stylus made of gold or silver would be the best conductors of electricity but that would be pricey. Copper, cadmium, zinc, lithium are used in batteries and that conducts electricity too.
I got a tablet stylus. A good one. I didn't get the pricier ones. I went to the dollar store and got one for $2. I didn't pay $10 or more for one. I'm the $2 man. FlipAClip brings a true zoetrope effect. It feels natural like drawing in a sketchbook that's also a whiteboard. The smooth slick felt on whiteboard feel. I love it! A month ago, I thought I had to wait years and $1,200 CAD later to get a Microsoft surface pro. Little did I know that I'd have one sooner than I think. In fact, I already had it the whole time and didn't know. Like I wrote in the review for FlipAClip, this app will turn any tablet into a Microsoft surface pro and will make a Microsoft surface pro work even better.

Smurfs Village. Friday, May 10, 2019

Soon, in a few days, I'll be 49 years old. That's depressing, getting older. I thought so three birthdays ago until on that day I passed a flower shop and saw a long stem rose. Long stem. Long life. See, this is where it gets tricky. It depends on what algorithm I acquiesce to. In the traditional linear model of time, I'm 49 years old. And that's on Earth. On other planets, years are configured along a different algorithm. On Venus where a year is 224.7 days, I'd be 85. On Neptune, where a year is 165 years, I wouldn't be even one years old.
Operating along a different dynamic, where time travel is the time experienced on an objective level and linear time is time experienced on a subjective level and not the other way around, and where a time traveler and us ourselves likewise simultaneously travel on a timeline within THE timeline or along an algorithm within THE algorithm, I would neither be zero years old nor would I be a million years old. Nor any number in between. Say if I were a time traveler and spent a few years in a few points in the distant future and then followed with a few years to a few points in the distant past, what would my age be then? Under such a dynamic, the system of using numbers like notches to reckon ones age would be irrelevant. It wouldn't apply because it would not be accurate. Ageless. It's an algorithm of non-quantification. And I can work with that!
It's like a Rubik's cube, the colors and sides representing present past and future. For a person going through traditional linear time, it's like an unscrambled Rubik's cube. For a person who time travels frequently all the time, it's like a scrambled Rubik's cube.
See, how old am I has to do with how long I actually physically existed so far and counting. My age would be in reference to where I am in time relative to my date of birth so if I was a time traveler, how old would I be if I went to some distant point in the past? So say I'm 50 and I went back in a time machine to a point ten years earlier. I would be 50 years old but my age would be 40. If I went to a point 500 years in the future, I'd be my age would be 550 although I'd still be 50 years old. But all this is only for the time I'm there. When I return to that point in time 50 years in the future after my birth, things will revert to the regularly scheduled programming and I'll be 50 years old as per usual and my age would be 50 as well. Yes! There is a schedule.

The two time dynamics are mutually irrelevant yet remarkably similar. In fact, say a 30 year old time traveler starting from age 20 had for each year since then, spent 11 months in another time, another century. At age 20, 11 months in 1835. Then at age 21, spent 11 months in 300 BC. Then at age 22, spent 11 months in the year 2417 AD, etc etc, how old would that person be if age is contingent on having spanned or straddled a certain number of consecutive years like going from point a to point B. In geometric terms, if age is a ray, how old is a time traveler whose life temporally, did not travel in a ray but a wave that undulates if above a ray represents the future and point below the wave represent the past. In that case, that 30 year old time traveler is older than a 50 year old non time traveler and the difference would be in the hundreds of years. Again, two mutually irrelevant algorithms for calculating age.
The time traveler would need to spend 1 month here every year to catch up on culture and to realign himself with how old he really is along the traditional linear Ray timeline. But after a life of spending 11 months a year gallivanting in whatever century, whatever culture he would be supposed to catch up on to him would seem like a footnote or an afterthought if not as irrelevant as any other time he visited.
If a time Traveller took 3 trips in time, say starting at age 25 he spent a 11 years in ancient Egypt, then he returns at the same moment he left, missing no time on Earth. Then at age 29, he goes and spends 11 years with Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and returns in the time machine the same moment he left, then at age 35, he goes and does 13 years hanging out with dinosaurs and returns again the moment he left. He would be 35 years away from his birth year, but physically, he would be 70. But during the years while he was with the dinosaurs in 65 million B.C., how old would he have been then? It gets very confusing. So called chronological age would be out the window. Physical age would be the only system of reckoning. Do people have rings inside them like trees so their age can be determined? I said so called chronological because the traditional timeline and the time travel timeline are both one type of chronology or another.
"I was bred to my destiny. You were born to your time." Dune
So let me get this straight. A trip to the future in a time machine I just returned from yesterday is a past event. A trip to the past in a time machine I'm going on tomorrow is a future event. I can work with that!
"Age is just a number, baby." Jacob, Twilight New Moon
Just as while tomorrow may be my birthday, and I'm simultaneously looking forward to it and dreading it, to a person whose birthday is another day, that for me tomorrow is a special day is irrelevant and it's mutual.

If the two time dynamics didn't exist, television with all it's time jumps, wouldn't be possible.

Some might think that when we die, we become nothing. But since time is an illusion and all things are happening anyways, the consciousness for sure must persist in some form and we do exist in an afterlife.

Mother's Day, mother dead. Birthday, no birth certificate. Maybe it's my birthday, maybe it isn't. My real birthdate is shrouded in myth and allegory. This is 'the day that I celebrate as my birthday' like Doonesbury, "I am changing my name to the man formerly referred to as Norman." Or like The Man Formerly Known As Prince, until he changed his name to that weird symbol. All this bullshit is still relevant to me because I'm still alive. If I died years ago, all this bullshit would be irrelevant. Every year on Mother's Day or my birthday, sometimes my birthday is on Mother's Day which makes me think the bullshit is suspect. My birthdate. Another one of my adoptive father's lies. One of hundreds. I get depressed more than anything else on my birthday. My mother should have aborted me. Now I sometimes think of ending my life with a heroin overdose which is another kind of abortion. That's a long time to wait between abortions!
The symbol Prince ultimately changed his name to probably means king. What other person would be someone formerly referred to as a Prince?

Sometimes I get profoundly obsessed with the most trivial things. I saw a DVD at the $1 rack. I didn't get it yesterday. Am going to make a trip especially to get it today. It was a DVD I wasn't particularly thinking about before I saw it. I even reserved it at the Library. The DVD is called 40 year old virgin. A lot of the movie had these obnoxiously annoying vulgar jokes. I didn't initially get it because I thought, virgin. That's bad luck. I'm not a virgin. I lost my virginity many times over. I spent a year in Bangkok. But if I get the movie I thought people might think I'm a virgin. Especially since I haven't been all that lucky for a few years. Again, false syllogisms. I hope that someone sends me a strong telepathic wave or one will be generated in the collective unconscious that on some level, I'll perceive, that I get over being obsessed with trivial things. I'm under the duress of a persistent grim telepathic wave. I need some people to send me counter telepathy like noise cancelling headphones. It's like I'm on scopolamine and have to follow up on every suggestion that goes on in my mind. Insufferable. Vraylar. Often I get these DVDs and might watch it not many more times than one time, and even then, be on the tablet all throughout the movie. If prayers work, send a prayer to help me curb my obsession over trivial things. For eg, I find a discarded pile of trash containing 7 items. I get 3, and for the moment, decide 4 are things I don't want. Then sometimes I make a trip back, if I'm haven't walked more than two blocks away to get things that I decided in the meantime that I did want after all. This has to stop.
Obsession comes from the D2 receptor in the brain. R2-D2. This explains it, but it doesn't excuse it. Getting obsessed DVDs is superfluous since all movies can be seen online. There's first tier, second tier, third tier, and scratching the bottom of the barrel. Rupert Holmes made a song called 'Less Is More'.

Every dog has his day.

I watched Saturday Night Fever a few times in a row. I'm all about dancing. That show is visceral and pithy. I remember when that show was released. All the kids in school had Saturday Night Fever stickers on their lunchboxes and you could even get Saturday Night Fever trading cards. That movie is great. Staying Alive is the sequel to SNF. Staying Alive is about Broadway dancing and that's a different style than disco dancing. Today, I got a DVD called Night at the Roxbury. Now that movie is about the disco style of dancing.
I watched Staying Alive. I loved it. So much I'm watching it a few times in a row. I can do that with very few movies the first time. Although it was released in 1983, I watched it for the first time yesterday. It was as good as Saturday Night Fever. Saturday Night Fever had youthfulness, innocence, and Staying Alive was more mature, developed. The Soundtrack on Staying Alive was under rated. The songs are pithy, jazzy, early 80s soft rock funk. At least in SNF, John Travolta kept his shirt on, mostly. In this movie he goes bare chested, el flagrante delicto. Also in SNF, Travolta had a hairy chest. In this movie, I guess he went to the chest waxing clinic before doing the movie. Despite that, the movie depicts Broadway dancing, Martha Graham, Paul Taylor, that kind of artful dancing.
I can see a Saturday Night Fever 3. Tony, 40 years older is running a dance studio disco and Broadway. Stephanie and/or Jackie or Laura is running a dance studio too. Their students compete for the trophy. Meanwhile Tony and Stephanie and/or Jackie or Laura rekindle their old relationship and talk about old times. In this movie, break dancing and hip hop dancing are thrown into the mix with a new generation of dancers.
Steve Cuozzo of the New York post wrote that Saturday Night Fever is based on a story that British pop journalist Nik Cohn wrote, The Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night. Nik Cohn admitted in 1996 it was a made up story. He had never been to New York. Cohn plead guilty to heroin trafficking.
In the novel, the nightclubs actually paid him $100 prorated to today, that's $1,000 a night just to dance.
The movie is a lot like the story. Vincent instead of Tony works at a paint store. Disco dancer. "I just kissed All Pacino!" That line was from the short story.
In an online article, it said that John Travolta is thinking about doing a Saturday Night Fever 3 to close out the franchise.
The movie should be music driven but without being a musical. The Saturday Night Fever franchise is known for it's smoking soundtracks and the next movie would be no different. The move should be about the spirit of dancing, how it's generated from the inside out, moving to the music. Nata raja, Lord of the dance.
John Travolta is a genius. He's a demigod. He is a great actor. When I think of all the movies he did, I couldn't think enough good things about him. Over the years I heard a lot of sleazy things about him but when I see him in the movies, I don't believe it. He is a decent guy in the Saturday Night Fever movies. I don't believe that the guy who portrayed Tony Manero could be sleazy.
John Travolta was an angel in the movie Angel. "Halos, inner light. I'm not that kind of angel."
Staying Alive was an under rated movie. The soundtrack was also under rated. Frank Stallone is very talented. He's as good as Toto, Shakatak, Ian Thomas, and Steely Dan. The songs are very good. Soft rock with jazz influences. I wish I watched this movie years ago.

I'm also watching some movies called Twilight. That movie is about vampires and werewolves. I think that movie is a metaphor for cults or else ethnicities and being co-opted. It's a metaphor for an expat who goes overseas and after awhile, does he return to the culture of his own land, or join with his newly adopted culture because either culture is trying intensely to coopt him. The production values of the movie are clearly for women. The scenes where the male actors were barechested was offsetting. There was very little that they did with their shirts off that they couldn't have done with their shirts on. Despite this, it's a good story. Does Bella join with Edward and the Cullen vampire family, or Jacob Black and the werewolves living on the Native reservation? I only watched the first two movies although I own the first three movies, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. In the first two movies, she's in the process of becoming a vampire. In the 3rd movie, Bella goes full vampire, I think. This is timely because next week, they're releasing, what, the 8th Twilight movie?
I got the 3 Twilight movies for $1 each at the DVD bargain bin. Twilight is about vampires that stay young. I'm 49 years old but look nowhere near it. Maybe I have vampire telemeres.

Me at age 49. As far as I know.


Smurfs Village. Smurfette Hut with orange tabby cat with yarn.

Time and space is an illusion. The ability to time travel like the images on television and movies makes time an illusion. The ability to teleport like telephone and internet signals makes space an illusion, otherwise many dimensions can simultaneously occupy the same space, each dimension solid to themselves and holographic to each other. Teleportation is a type of time travel and time travel is a type of teleportation. That's general relativity.
If only we could time travel like The Time Traveling Bong. If I could time travel I'd go live in Vancouver during the 50s and 60s. It was the Golden era.

In cleaning my room, I lost one of my STAR WARS space ships. It was a flat white one that didn't really look like a SW spaceship. I wouldn't have been that fucked up to have thrown it away. I often stash things like that, putting it in a other place. Maybe it'll turn up. It's not that important.
Update: I found it. I thought I threw it away bit as it turns out, I didn't.

Smurfs Village. Winter train line. Friday, May 17, 2019

History Channel Ancient Aliens. I'm thinking of uninstalling this. Takes up space. Knowledge dispensation rate skimpy. Piecemeal progression rate. Pay to play ad absurdio.

I visited the Mayan exhibit at the Royal BC Museum. It was fascinating. And genuinely mind-blowing. The exhibits at museums of any culture more or less look all the same. Endless stone carvings. There were some carvings of Mayan codices. The entrance to the exhibit looks like Deckards apartment in Blade Runner. Taking pictures at museums is discouraged. If people saw the artifacts online, why go to the museum to see 'em? Once or twice is all right but not lifelong. I'm not an amateur photographer. Photography is tedious.
At the Maya exhibit, I tried on Google high tech VR goggles for the first time. It seemed like I teleported or time traveled, what's the difference to an ancient Mayan village. But I was merely looking at downloaded code. Coincidences is code from the past, omens are code from the future. We are not moving through time because everything is happening at the same time. We are merely accessing code from whatever certain vantage points. Take the glasses of freedom! Those VR glasses were incredible. I felt like I was there. It would be scary if that was on there permanently. A lot of metaphysicists say life is like an Avatar VR glasses type of experience, we are the recipients of downloaded code depending on what dimension were in. No doubt the VR glasses could provide a Doctor Who type time travel/teleportation experience. One minute in a Mayan jungle. The next minute in a STAR WARS. The SW temple of the moon of Yavin scene was filmed at an actual monolithic temple in Guatemala composed of stones hundreds of tons made in ancient times before technology. That's because aliens made that temple. SW knows a thing or two.
The next Star Wars movie might be three and a half hours long. The longest SW movie ever. To wrap up the series. A person could go into anaphylactic shock sitting in theatre for three and a half hours. Steamboat Willie was 8 minutes. Three and a half hours long or 30 Steamboat Willie's long.

Smurfs Village. Monday, May 20, 2019


Five Year Challenge

My girlfriend and I. Pictures taken on July 10, 2014

Visiting Vancouver. One of these days, I'll visit Vancouver again for one day. The itinerary would be Granville Street Pacific Center Mall, lunch at Hons wonton restaurant. Then visit Granville Island toy store, Smurfs, pick up a souvenir. Walk to Vanier Park. Then visit Vancouver Museum plus Maritime Museum, then Kitsilano beach. Then on the bus to UBC endowment lands park and the museum of anthropology, the war memorial gymnasium. Beautiful geomagnetic energy. Then back to downtown and then leave on the sky train to Bridgeport station, then a few bus stops to Tsawassen to ride the boat back.
I told my sweetness about this and she didn't think it was worth going just for that. Geeky. Tawdry. It's not as if I were going there to get it on with three women. I might move back to Vancouver. Like Thoreau said in the novel Walden, I lived this life long enough and there are so many other world's to live. Or something like that. My girlfriend knows that in this level of society, people come and go. The rooming house travelers hotel lifestyle is one of always being on the move. I don't see any hope for me in this town. Only delusions. There's a good possibility I'm moving back to Vancouver. I think about it every day. Only for a short time. Eventually I want to move back to Thailand. Or there's a possibility I might move to England, UK.
I don't know if I could ever leave my sweetness. A personality is like a diamond with many facets. One facet, move away. Another facet, move here. Another facet, move there. Another facet stay stay with the bay-bay. Or else a personality is like a pie with many slices. One slice, leave. Another slice, stay. Another slice, why not just give up on life altogether? I've given up on life.

My sweetness and me. April 14, 2019

There is the ten year challenge. The best I could do is this five year challenge. Actually, the ten year challenge, is take one picture a year for ten years. Something I read online is, take pictures every once in awhile. In years, decades, yourself and your friends will be happy you did that.

My porn search words are one incentive for suicide. I don't think that I have that good of a grip on life. My porn searches aren't as weird as the ones in the movie Ted, but granny comes up a lot. I'm a lost cause. Because of this I wonder if it would have been better had I died years ago. I give up on life. Kirk out.
Sure, there are people in certain sectors of town that look at even weirder porn but if I'm ever at the point where I'm saying, oh there are worse people, about anything, at that point I'm already past far gone.
Maybe I'm better off dead.
About the granny porn, what did I do today that I didn't do yesterday, or last week, or last month, or last year, or heck, all of last decade and the decade before that? If I'm into older women you'd think that with every passing year, I'm closer to the object of my affection, rather the opposite dynamic would be happening if I was fixated on younger women of a certain age, say 25 to 40. It's not rocket science. I got to save up enough money to go on the European Sex Tour. Go to the off the beaten track places that don't get much tourists. Friendly places. In Canada, women from anywhere are at a premium but when you go to the old country, like my Chinese landlord said, they're a dime a dozen, presumably referring to plentifulness rather than price. When you go overseas, they're exotic to you and you're exotic to them. Or save myself a plane ticket and the hassle of getting a passport and go to Vancouver to a 'massage' parlour and get a h****ob. Those ladies at the massage parlour are premium hotness. Even though I'm into granny porn if I had a green light or hallway pass or carte blanche to get it on with a hot young lady. I'd do it! I may be nearly 50. I may be delusional. But I'm not blind. And I'm not insane. As for the granny porn, I'm pushing 50 for goodness sake. A lot of people would say, "You're nearly 50. If you're not already into granny porn, then why the hell aren't you?!" A lot of men don't connect with women because of typical heterosexual problems such as insolvency, not shyness but not knowing how to deal with uncertain situations. Better to get stronger with what one is certain about than to go out on a limb and venture into uncertainty and waste time as well, other problems are fear of commitment, time and money. Better to use a more natural method and let friendships relationships develop on their own time. Stranger, acquaintance, friend, lover then girlfriend, or girlfriend then lover, new school or old school respectively, and then maybe if a miracle happens, wife. My wife has to be beautiful. Like Liza Minelli said, "Of course she's beautiful. Arthur's not marrying a dog!" That's not Shallow Hal, that's the facts jack. I'm not going to marry the girlfriend I'm with now. Our relationship is for the most part platonic. There are levels of passion in a relationship. It's somewhat more than brief pecks and not at all like Notting Hill, "She French kisses you like she's on death row."
It's not as if I was having unprotected sex with her on the stairwell every other hour.
Anyways I once had a girlfriend once who kissed like that. That was great. What wasn't so great was that she had anorexia. How do you know an anorexic is pregnant? Now she's eating for one. That kind of anorexic. My life is one misadventure, one Miss adventure after another.
I'm thinking of finding another girlfriend, but would I have to move to Vancouver to do that? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I won't leave this girlfriend until I find another. Or, like so many people that I see in my dreams who'd say, "You didn't find us. We found you." My next girlfriend will find me. Alive. In fact, more alive than ever.
Anyways, I love my sweetness. She's so good to me. She's sweet and gentle, she's like an angel. I don't say that about just anybody. She's a great lady.

I was going to get a Sony walkman mp3 with fm radio no am radio, 16 gb memory, Sony nwe394 $130. Instead I'm opting for Sony mp3 player, 4 gb memory, $49. Also Sony radio walkman includes am radio too with old school radio dial for $30. That's a $50 savings with am radio thrown in. That's if you like CBC am or else the classical music station or the BBC world service.
Someone said the Sony NWZ-e355 walkman is better.

Alberta wildfires. The Earth is warming. With or without all the factories, industries, dark Satanic Mills, the Earth would still be warming. Every 75,000 years, the Earth goes between ice ages. But that's not the whole story. If there can be an ice age, there can be a desert age. Right. The Earth fluctuates from ice age to more or less normal then back to ice age. That's not how nature works. If nature can go to one extreme, it can go to the other. We are moving to the desert age. Even now on Earth, at all times there is somewhere, a tundra and somewhere else, a desert. That's a microcosm showing what the Earth is capable of macrocosm wise and that the Earth is already half ass ready for that. Sometimes it's Hoth, sometimes it's the moon of Endor and Coruscant mixed and sometimes it's Tatooine. Sometimes it's planet snowball, other times it's planet sandball. The factories and industries with their stacks belching smoke all the time probably doesn't help, though. Mother Earth does her own thing in an inexorable process of climate changes as if Earth is always trying to reinvent herself.
The internet said that rich people contribute more to global warming than poor people. A rich person who owns a factory, 3 cars and goes on 5 vacations a year produces more CFCs into the air than a hundred poor people put together and smokers at that. The world will have rich people as it seems the physics of this dimension itself as well as the limited collective IQ of the human species would only produce rich and poor and never a society where everyone is more or less equally rich. The collective IQ of the human species is limited, otherwise we'd be a Kardashev 3 civilization. Intergalactic travel, baby.
Just as water is a moderator, making hot places cooler and cold places warmer, the ozone layer is a moderator. It's that were in this weird time in the Earth going from ice age to desert age that CFCs punching a hole in the ozone layer makes the Earth hotter. If the Earth was going from desert age to ice age now, it would be claimed that CFCs punching a hole in the ozone layer makes the Earth colder as the ozone layer is then an insulator like a woolen sweater right now the ozone layer is like a wall with a built in air-conditioner.
Again. Theories. With no scientific rank whatsoever. Even a BSc University student writing essays, postulating theories, asking questions has relatively low rank in the scientific world. A professor with a PhD. Someone like that would be majorly in the scientific world. A paid physicist engineer at MIT or JPL, someone like that would be majorly.

I saw a movie with Ryan Reynolds aka Deadpool on the cover. On sale. I bought it. The movie is called The Captive. Subject matter wretched. Matthew, the Ryan Reynolds character must have thought, if I knew this was going to happen to me, I would've stayed single. In the movie, his daughter gets abducted. Years later she is still living in the house of someone who makes sick porn videos on the dark web as a chambermaid. Typical role playing behaviour. There are words I never want to hear in a movie I watch for free, let alone one I paid money for, and one of them is the p word. I think this is a weird twilight zone type of movie with a twisted twist ending. Pick up some DVD movie on sale somewhere. You pays your money and you takes your chances. Buy the ticket, take the ride. Ad absurdio. The Captive is a Police movie which is a semblance of sanity which I think, saves the movie plotline.
I bought the movie without reading the back of it. Plotlines about children being abducted are never a priority for me. Movies like Halle Berry's Kidnapped. I saw Amityville with Ryan Reynolds. The scene where he as George Lutz and his son Billy are chopping wood, "We're friends. We're having fun, right?" That mischievous psychotic Satanic glint in Ryan Reynold's eyes the whole time as he said that struck me as funny. I thought with him with the beard, he looks just like that character in Amityville. Why not?
The director of this movie is Atom Egoyan who directed Madonna's Truth or Dare. Talk about a prolific director who jumps from one subject matter to another one that's completely different.

There is mild, severe, acute, chronic and profound. I suffer from a profound case of delusions of reference. I believe that 100% of the time, all conversations around me that I hear are about me. That's why I wear headphones all the time. One time I was at a line up and a lady walked in with her husband, she said, "If he's trying to get back with Tracy, he's making a poor effort." I thought she was talking about me. Although to get back to someone you would have had to be with them in the first place. I was never with Tracy or a Tracy to begin with. Other people were standing around and they heard the exact same words and I looked at the expressions on their faces. No paranoia. Nothing. They must be superhuman to be like that. 100% of the time. Just like MrE who did his transvestigations and concluded that 100% of the actresses in Hollywood are male to female transgenders.
"The jaw never lies." MrE
Comments on this subject I've read include, "I heard a few are, but 100%? Wtf!" "The title is People who were born boys and are now women is wrong. It should be people people who were born boys and are now men." Just like Ted the teddy bear said, "There's no such thing as chicks with dicks. There are only guys with tits."
100% what the fuck!

Mr E finally got kicked off YouTube. He did a video entitled European Trannies On Ice, referring to Ice Capades or something like that, but on ice is a code phrase for being dead. And that was too much for even YouTube who otherwise has videos of guys having gratuitous sex with old women and videos that teach anyone who watches it about Orie Chef.

A cyborg beetle. The future is here. The Terminator. RoboCop. You can order a roboroach kit from bakyardbrains dot com and make your own cybernetic cockroach for $160 US.