Monday, August 12, 2019
Mr. Noble's Music Theory
Folkmanis parrot hand puppet. I recently made a cartoon about parrots. I hope to get this one day. This puppet is sold in Amazon. Isn't it an amazing looking puppet?
If parrots could talk, I'm sure dinosaurs talked. Jurassic Park 3 hinted at this; the dinosaurs voice box. Dinosaurs had language, they had culture, they had society. But they didn't have technological infeastructure. And they didn't have civilization. There are a few words in every language that are actually words the dinosaurs once used. Mama is one of them. That word is just about the same in every language. It is dragon language. Dinosaurs were around for 250 million years then disappeared 65 million years ago or were genetically sublimated into birds, parrots and humans as humans have or share 85% insect DNA and 45% reptile DNA, the reptilian limbic brain, r-complex brain.
Humans have a voice box called the larynx which is above the trachea located in the esophagus. The human voice box pushed through a sound which the mouth shapes and modulates. The parrot since it is a modified lizard and they have been around since the dinosaur days, has a voice box more evolved than humans called the syrinx which is located below the trachea and above the two bronchial tubes. The syrinx has muscles within it that modulates sound as a human mouth does! Alligator on a golf course. Again, the alligator walked past the person because of its highly evolved digestive system more evolved than humans. The alligator only needs to eat once every 3 months and can go weeks month, without eating. Let's see a human try to do that. It walked past the golfer thinking, "Don't worry. Just play through. I'm not peckish right now as I had a meal only three weeks ago."
When one eats beef or pork, they're eating a mammal. When one eats chicken, they're eating a reptile.
If you never had a parrot before, it's best to get a parrotlet or a small parrot. Parrots are pricey. They range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Of the large parrots there is the blue and gold, blue bearded, hyacinth, scarlet macaw, grey parrot, etc. These birds can be dominant and not for the beginner. Unless you know the bird it's never a good idea to let it sit on the shoulder as the beak can scratch the face. I thought of getting a parrot but I'll settle for getting a hand puppet. Even the little parrots can be taught to talk so there's no need to get a large parrot. Funny YouTube videos show parrots swearing. I've seen a few parrots at pet stores.
If the red macaw parrot isn't the most beautiful bird in the world, it certainly is one of them. In the West, everything is so expensive. In so called third world countries, animal pets like parrots are inexpensive and plentiful. The red macaw is known for having a loud screeching voice.
Parrots live for 60 - 80 years. Being 50, if I got a parrot, it'd have to be a 40 year old parrot and it'd be with me for the rest of my life. Parrots are colorful and expensive. If I wanted something colorful and pricey to be with me for the rest of my life, I'd get a tattoo. Less maintenance. A budgie is in the parrot family and has a larger vocabulary than a sun conure.
I also go a Fiesta brand colorful parrot. It looks like a sun conure. Conure is pronounced con her, not conure, rhymes with manure. No.
PS Where is Canuck the crow? The fervid corvid.
Today, Saturday August 24, 2019, I got a Folkmanis mini octopus. The big octopus is nice too. I think I'm also getting a sun conure stuffed animal. At least I think it's a sun conure. There is a species called Queen's conure. It's a very rare and expensive bird.
The music I do for the cartoons I make derives along certain vectors of music theory. First of all, I aim to do rock, funk, or jazz music. That type of music is very repetitive. Find a musical phrase or percussive sentence using certain notes, any notes but they must sound harmonious and each note must sound good next to another. Some notes definitely do not sound good next to another. Rock or jazz is 4/4 time. Classical music is very different. It tends to not be repetitive and uses strange time signatures like 12/7 or 10/8. Sometimes Led Zeppelin used classical music time signatures in a couple of their songs. Drums, is 4/4 time with an accent on the 2nd and 4th notes. The app is sensitive enough to register 8/4 on the high hats, but not yet sensitive enough where I can do 16th notes, let alone 32th note hi-hat cymbal syncopations. Of course I'm only working with 2G. In the future when I get a 5G tablet, maybe the drum app high hat can do sixteenth notes. That's it. Hans Zimmer and Werner Herzog talked about composing music. Different movies require different musical themes. A space movie time sounds distinct from a movie about under the sea animals. It's kind of like Martin Short, give me a C, a bouncy C, Doo Doo Doo, da da da, and whatever the hell else you want to put in there. Composing music like being an English teacher seems like such easy scammy work compared to working at a restaurant that it is amazing that I am even being paid for it. I taught English in Thailand years ago. I might do it again before it's all said and done.
Tempo is important. A mental metronome would be helpful.
Fast rock songs are about 120 bpm, same as the diastolic heart rate. Slow rock songs are about 80 bpm, same as the systolic heart rate.
12 bar blues. Bring it around the horn.
John Coltrane. My Favourite Things. He was a saxophonist and on that song, he'd start with the MFT refrain and then improvise, go into different solos, improvisations, off-time segments, whatever, and then go back, on beat to My Favourite Things.
Buddy Rich was really good at playing the drums. He held the drum sticks at that sweet spot that when the drum sticks hit the drum, it wasn't just a singular thud, the drumstick would bounce on its own and he would add to and accentuate the bounce that was already there. Ghost notes. Polyrhythms. I would need a 5G drum app to register that kind of sensitivity. And Buddy Rich did that quick distinct bounce on the hi hat cymbals too! I'm not at that level as Buddy Rich.
I use no tablature. I can read drum tablature but not anything else. I'll do some music once and probably wouldn't be able to play it again if asked. It's all on the spot improvisation. I don't remember the music afterwards.
I recommend that music apps, Org 2020, Real Darbuka, Real Drums by KOLB, funk bass guitar, xylophone, real piano, real guitar.
My music teacher was Mr. Guy. I am Mr. Noble.
Tribute to Eddie Money. I think whatever happens, things will be all right for Eddie Money. Whether in this life or the next. He is a great musician.
After awhile, every song sounds more or less the same.^_^ I uploaded some music to YouTube. Every song sounds more or less the same. Like with every other video game or app, you're doing the same thing over and over again. "Paul McCartney was once told that people could identify his music not being told who sang it just by listening to it. At first he looked really happy. Then disappointed." Stephen King
No artist can escape their style. Every musical style has its ouevre.
The temptation with playing the drums is the tendency to drift all over the place. A professional drummer can keep and hold a beat for 5, even 10 minutes. That takes discipline. It feels more freeing to go all over the place. Well, that's not professional unless it's experimental music. The Beatles did a lot of that. Most if not all musicians who play at bars are better than me. I'm just an amateur.
I want to talk about Dubstep. I first heard Deadpool talk about it. The music is an industrial heavy machine sound. Musical instruments set to an unearthly delightful metallic sound. Some music makes one feel like they smoked a joint even though they haven't. Some art makes one feel like they were just on a mushroom trip. Dubstep, I imagine, sounds and feels like being on crank or meth. The sheer visceral grinding heavy industrial sounds. Out of this world! I did the Dubstep4 song not really having heard much Dubstep. It's better in a way. It's like inventing a style, however playing those hip hop Dubstep4 pads is really simple. Improvise. As the sound of one button is about to end, press another button, any button. Try to remember sounds and combinations. You can press a button midway before the sound ends, press another button. It's like a phone, press a button and it makes a sound, like a Downer Price talking telephone. I guess this type of machine is what djs use at raves, except theirs is way more sophisticated.
My mentor for the drums is my cousin J. If you think I am a good musician, my cousin is at least one level better. He plays drums like Carmine Appice. He plays the bass like Yngwie Malmsteen. He can play the guitar like Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page. I sure couldn't play guitar like that, not even close. He can even play Stairway To Heaven from Led Zeppelin.
Mr Guy was my cousin J's music teacher as well. How mind-blowing is that?
The 80/20 drummer on YouTube said great drummers play with their ears down rather than limbs up. The old guy in the movie Joy Luck Club said, "Play the song in your mind first."
"The music industry is a long narrow hallway filled with pimps and thieves." Hunter S Thompson
File sharing has killed the bottom line.
Alert. Kolb Drums won't record and export to my tablet anymore. It used to record and export as a playable mp3. Now it still records, but after that, exports to my tablet as an unplayable file, PDF or something. Well, until Kolb fixes this, it's external recordings. This is only in my Acer tablet. It still works fine on all other tablets. Maybe it's something I did, which is housecleaning. To save and make storage space, I deleted a bunch of storage folders. But Kolb would anticipate this and create and then add a new folder if there are no vacant applicable folders already there. Other computery techy things do this all the time. I'm scared now. Either Kolb doesn't work 100% well anymore or I deleted some storage folder I shouldn't have. Being addicted to an app and all its functions, when it doesn't work, you get withdrawal symptoms.
It still works fine if I use an external microphone from another machine, of course, but the sound difference is like that between a bootleg and a studio recording.
I uninstalled it on my Acer tablet. What a devastating development.
Kolb might still work. Now I made 10 -20 second recordings. Kolb does a superb job at compressing. It compressed my music into kb. A 20 second recording would register as just about 0 kb. Maybe I have to make the recordings longer.
Strawberry Hills forever, living is easy with eye closed, Misunderstanding all you see. Strawberry Hills Shopping Mall in Surrey is a no-go zone. Even my old friend said there's places in Surrey where if you want to fight, you can get a fight. Strawberry Hills Mall in Newton, Surrey is such a place. It's an archetype as old as the hills. Delinquent young punks. Graham Greene's Brighton Rock, The Wild Bunch, The Lord's of Flatbush. There will always be a segment of the youth population with tendencies to hooliganism and gangsterism. If you don't feel safe there, don't go there.
If you have Windows 7, Windows 10, don't install updates. My friend did that and his entire registry was wiped out. There is an article from no less than Forbes that warns against this. Search Windows 10 update deletes all personal data. Some people avoid this through using computers at a library or internet cafe. That way if an update fucks up the computer, they didn't install the update and it's not their computer.
The internet world is full of fuck ups. Best not to get on it at all or do it least as possible. Don't sign into anything except Google Play but that's on the tablet. On the PC only use it for watching YouTube videos. Don't even start a YouTube account. That's how I'd do it if I were to start all over again.
CNN said the virus is affecting 100s of millions of PCs that run windows 10 and also Window 7 and 8. CNN said to install updates as quickly as possible. That's the worst thing you can do! That's the vector of how the virus works. These multi million dollar corporations that don't think things through. That's irresponsible. They should have said to don't install any updates and to immediately block all updates and disable all update notifications. Don't just disable the updates settings at updates, that's the side door. One has to go into the back door, system registry or regedit and disable all updates settings there too! I already did that on my PC about two years ago, having had update issues then too. It pays to be paranoid, in this case. You can do that. Don't install any updates until a year from now. Tablets auto update and use a different vector than PCs.
Best to use a tablet. They're so handy. Someone on the internet said he had a few devices, cell phone, tablet, pc, because each can do that one thing the others can't. But anyways, it's the same principle that if someone rips off money from someone's bank card. They didn't just steal from that person, they stole from that person's bank. If you use a browser on a tablet, it's Androids or iOS's Google Chrome Browser. With the PC, it's just your browser. Any wormware would have to go through the incredibly powerful filter of Android or iOS before it even shows up on your tablet. In Android's case the Google browser is part of Android's blockchain of data. Store things on a separate flash drive. Publish things on YouTube or Blogger. That's a kind of cloud storage.
Mind-blowing. VICE sauce that the black hole in the center of our Galaxy got 75 times brighter in just two hours! Mind blown. I think that the Black Hole is going through a reflex action, a frisson.
Even if the Danish PM acceeded to Donald Trump's premise of purchasing Greenland, the UN Security Council might have something different to say about that. Greenland is icy. Iceland is covered with green grass most of the year.
If the wages of sin is death, does that mean that we're all going through life holding a post-dated cheque?
Brazil rainforests burning. Deliberate fires set to clear land for farming. Rainforest the source of 20% of World's oxygen. Whoever is doing this. Stupid ignorant assholes. The human species is a prurient, pernicious, egregious, perfidious species. When the anthropocene era is over, the Earth can begin to heal again.
The guy who killed his two daughters. When one goes to court, they're under oath. Every single word of that testimony. A rock thrown through a window. What is this. West Side Story? Then a likely story about Chinese loanshark casino hitmen without corroborating evidence. Every word of that story is a perjury. How can he go to court and perjure himself like that?! There hasn't been perjury in Court at such levels since the Menendez Brothers.
"Is this a just for now thing or is this going to be forever?
John Goodman to Mark Wahlberg, The Gambler. The guy who killed his two daughters was an inveterate gambler. Still is. "I'm gambling again!!!" Al Pacino
For me, the dancing thing is forever. It's gotten to the point that even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. Sherlock Holmes, The Dancing Men.
The guy is a hard core gambler so much so that I wouldn't be surprised at all if during his trial, he leans to a juror and says, "Could you stake me? I'm convinced that with this story I can beat this. It's an iron clad alibi. When I do I'll go to the tables and win big and which then I'd pay you your cut.....hopefully."
In Hong Kong, they have a hands across Hong Kong such could happen with 8 million people and a city the size of a micronation like Monaco just like they had a Hands Across America, which again, with a 300 million population might be possible at the thinnest point south of Texas and Louisiana where the country starts to thin out forming the isthmus that is Mexico. They never had a Hands Across Canada. What hands? There are only 30 million people in Canada. Not enough hands to stretch from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Coast.
Hands Across America is a good idea for a dystopic future world sci to television series. In the future there would be some crisis that would necessitate a literal and not figurative hands across America. Maybe to form a telepathic chain string to repel hostile telepathically extra sensitive aliens. And watch the resultant emptying of cities, collapse of thousands of local infrastructures and shutdown of airports, Police Stations as the Police, bafflingly, join in that ghastly wretched iteration of Hands Across America.
NASA. Astronaut commits crime in space. How? Crimes are either crimes of opportunity or crimes of passion. What opportunities or passion is there in space?
A woman sent to prison for 28 days. Protestors protesting beating a drum. 28 days is not a long time. I heard it referred to as a sock change. Those protestors should be street enough to know that rarely ever does someone serve out their full sentence. Sentenced to 28 days. Wind up doing 7. A watched pot never boils. If they did something else, before they know it, she'd be released and it would seem, looking back that she was hardly there for any time at all. Beating that drum would stress them out all that much more. Beat that drum and that would make 10 hours seem like 20 hours. Stop beating that drum!
FlipAClip takes up superspace. I had to clear up space on my tablet. Tips to conserve space: Maybe doing a 4 minute cartoon with 6 layers and 4 musical instruments going could have something to do with storage space. 18 frames a second. 6 layers of pictures per frame. Lots of memory, right? FlipAClip has the translucent layers feature like drawing on mylar plastic of old school animation. I never worked with this previously. FlipAClip is a very powerful animation app. Do shorter cartoons, no more than 45 seconds with as few layers as possible. Use fewer musical instruments if possible. Everything you do takes up space including creating musical instrument tracks. Buying and downloading audio sound foley clips will take up space. Delete project and movie as soon as it is finished. Save it to a memory card or else upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
Gas prices in BC 13 cents higher than anywhere else in N America. It's a kind of idiot tax, like the lottery, that you're idiot enough to live here, some more than obvious, economically deranged, economically dysfunctional and economically defective mismanaged backwater that honest to God actually thinks it's the center of the Universe with its shameless insufferable local backwater propaganda including ads like "The Best Place on Earth", which is complete and total bullshit always justifying itself to that demographic who is thinking of leaving to stop a brain drain, real estate, gasoline etc prices have been trending sharply upwards for the past four decades in a region particularly prone to hyperinflation and so instead of using the millions that some of you have in the bank as well as the Masters degrees that a lot of you have and even PhDs in some cases, to live somewhere more real like New York, LA, London,etc. Instead you opt to live in this semi obscure venal region that's been financially kicking you when you're down for years that is even now still overcharges you, in this case, for for gasoline. If I had a million dollars like some of you do, would I still be living here? Uh, hell no. If I all of a sudden got a million dollars, ....well, remember that donkey in the elevator in the movie Bachelor Party? Well, that'd be me. There's no future here. Like overcharging you 13 cents a litre on gasoline is supposed to all of a sudden mean that you live in a Province that has a future. What the hell future?
Backwater towns in Canada make the claim in it's local propaganda spins We're the most fill in the blanks in North America. That's supposed to be some kind of ostentatious claim. What does that even mean? There are no monarchies in North America, never has been any in the past and I don't know if there ever would be any in the future. All the crowned heads are in Europe, Asia, Middle East, some in Africa. So if you're from a country with a Monarchy and you come to North America and all of a sudden they're calling you autistic because you're smart and they resent you, remember this is a place with no Monarchy and half the population is indigenous aboriginals, and they're simply trying to pull you down to their level.
First of all, a lot of places not just N America never had, doesn't have a Monarchy and they're doing fine. At one time just a few thousand years ago, very few or else no country had anything like that. Aboriginals have a different skill set. They are very smart and intuitive people like all Nationalities are. They are a shamanic people very connected to the natural forces of nature.
13 cents a litre is a butt load, a fuck ton, in other words, it's a butt fuck ton load of money.
Maybe this stems from the panic of the realization that next week, all students 18 and under in this town ride the bus for free. To compensate for the deficit of students riding the bus instead of being driven to school and the gasoline revenue shortfall from that. That's thinking two steps ahead.
Similar to Hong Kong, there is a term, nativism; a belief that locals can best run a place even to the point that locals who run a place that's otherwise been run to the ground for decades can somehow run it better than people from other towns who ran their towns successfully and who have prospered for decades. True prosperity, not an artificial sham one built up from fraud and scams.
Stephen King said what made small towns special were the unique challenges of that town that brought the people together. That could be said of towns which hurricanes hit. When times are hard, the people in a small town pull together. That's the ideal and hopefully the reality too.
In Hong Kong's case, either way the lower and the bureaucratic slave white collar class will be exploited to whatever indirect extent in the form of real estate hyperinflation, so is it better to be exploited by the local power clique or the power clique from the capital city of the country?
A search and rescue group is using a bear as a mascot. I never heard of a bear saving someone's life. Bears are bringers of death. I only ever heard of them killing or attempting to kill people. And that's a safety mascot?! Flawed logic. Again, it's more than I can bear.
Slipper trout scam. I checked my email junk mail and got a typically creepy and sleazy bitcoin sextortion phishing scam form letter. They got a breach dump and got my old password that I haven't used for 10 years. It's a thing. Articles have been written about it online. I talked to a few people. It's a scam. They can't access your computer. What they have is a mountain of bullshit. I thought of reporting it to the Police Department but people told me, no need, it's a common scam they're aware of. Don't click on to any links. They told me to send them bitcoin which I don't know a thing about and sent a 20 letter case sensitive password which is a challenge as most people are marginally illiterate and/or dylsexic to whatever degree and could never accurately cobble together a 20 letter password with their high school diploma education. Me, I dropped out right after high school. Essentially, I barely have a high school education. That's one mistake they made. Expecting too much of people's average literacy skills.
They threatened to post videos of me looking at porn and pleasuring myself. Would Seeing that be a priority? For anybody? Seeing my old face scrunched up at strategic telltale moments in some weird grimacing rictus of satiation is something that no one would want to see, even if they were paid money to do it! Too grim. Too offsetting. Too wretched. There are lots of things that are vastly much more worth seeing that people would actually rather see. Post videos of me for others to see? Don't put yourself out on my account. Don't do me any favors. Again, a flaw in logic.
Posting videos of me pleasuring myself? When there are thousands of better videos on porn sites that will be unwatched because there are so many videos on the internet it's impossible to watch them all in a lifetime. Yeah, me and millions of others. The premise is they'd make the most money if they sent phishing emails to as many, not as few people as possible. So yeah, me and millions of others. According to the internet, the rate is about 1,700 a day or millions of people a year. Bots. So with an ever increasing number of videos supposedly as time goes on, wouldn't it eventually get lost in the shuffle?
It helps to deconstruct these bullshits using their own inherently flawed premise.
It can be attacked on a few points. 1. Disable my computer or see all files. What if I only exclusively use the Library computer? Or a school computer with paid for school cookies? What would they see? 2. I never got nor ever expect to vet an email saying your friend or contact didn't pay so here's a video of them masturbating taken off their camera. They're street enough to know if they did things like that, they'd be hunted down and killed. I mean if they did that to the wrong person like someone related to a politician however distantly. 3. Send it to my friends and contacts. I have absolutely no friends and contacts. I set it up that way. I'm a loner. Such a tactic would only work on the socially gregarious. That's not me!
As for claiming that people will go on the dark web to see any kind of videos. Anyone who goes on the dark web is suicidal, they'd be subjecting themselves to the wrist viruses that make the garden variety viruses that show up on msn Hotmail seem like rescue anti-virus software. I would classify the dark web asnot merely intensely, but profoundly dangerous for anyone. The claim is that for someone to get to me they'd first have to scale the dank wall that is the dark web possibly to their own detriment. Is such a claim realistic? Eventually, everyone who goes on the dark web will be fucked up. It's an elephant trap. A trap big enough that you ought to have avoided it, but you didn't.
The ones who put these scams together are it meant pigs, sleazy fascist greaseballs and not the sharpest knives in the drawer, which is why they're bottom feeders.
The internet is like an ecosystem, you have your parasites and bottom feeders. Which is what this is. It will be about a day until the Police get a wind of this. Then that person might enjoy getting an email from the Police in their inbox. They don't know I regularly donate to the Police Department. Watch some Hollywood movies. I'll be making another regular donation to the RCMP before the month is through. They phishing scammed the wrong person.
My Acer tablet died. No it didn't. Any rumors of its demise are greatly exaggerated. Well, the battery went to 0% and auto shutted off. After 1 hour the red light still wouldnt come on. I thought the phishing scam hackers did this. But a computer expert told me the tablet is android. They'd have to hack android first to get to my tablet. Since ostensibly someone would be needing the tablet to send them money, would it be against their better interests to disable the vector that would've sent them money? No, it doesn't make sense. I saw a YouTube video from the Acer corporation themselves. They said pull out plug. Hold down power button for 20 seconds. Plug back in. It worked!
There are people who specialize and are experts on online phishing scams like Van Helsing was an expert on vampires. "It was at this point that I, Doctor Abraham Van Helsing, became personally involved in these strange events." Anthony Hopkins
There are actually people on YouTube like this. Scammer Revolts and Luke's Dawg House are excellent. Scammer Revolts is audacious enough to call the scammers and since he's a seasoned hacker, he deletes their files while the audio transcript and replay of that are there for all of us to enjoy! There are people like Scammer Revolt in just about every town.
As for ruining my reputation, anyone who knows me knows that my reputation was already irreparably years, heck decades ago. So in this case it'd be redundant. And even then, a grimacing rictusing orgasm face is an innocuous neutral act. How would showing that ruin anyone's reputation?
In the most incredible case of computer hacking I have ever seen, Scammers Payback on YouTube took $4,000,000 from a scammers bank account and deposited it into his own! If you can do that, I'd say you're an expert computer hacker. Expert.
There are a few fake hacker videos using patch files. I learned this from YouTube user, Deeveeaar. Video titled: Man Destroys $9,000 Computers. Best comment: I knew it was fake. You don't use Cmd prompt to destroy computers.
A few days later I got another junk mail. We have recorded you! That's rich. My PC is a very old one which uses USB, no HDMI and also no built in camera. And I did the Mark Zuckerberg idea of taking up my tablet cameras. What like they have recorded? If you follow this to it's Cartesian logical ultimate, they'd have to have a Santa's workshop division comprised of archiving and organizing these recordings. In most cases they wouldn't know the names of the person on the videos. What. Like with a library Dewey decimal system? That would involve quite a division of labor. It would take hours a day and they'd have to be paid, which would be part of overhead. They wouldn't be getting any money for these videos otherwise they wouldn't also be spamming people asking for money. So no videos. A lot if not most of these videos would be headshots, talking heads or in this case, moaning heads, if that. If you know anything about porn webcams or webcams in general usually one either gets a waist up shot or waist down shot. Rarely simultaneously. Only if one was orchestrate enough to be doing a webcam would all parts of the body be seen and even then, that'd be a bit of work. That'd require some slight acrobatics. Basically one would have to go way out of their way to do it. No...... That's a premise that doesn't work.
If I got the We Have Recorded You message at a Library computer, it would leave me wondering. Would the library computer necessarily have a built in camera? If it did, there are so many people using this computer? Why would you think any of them was me? And supposedly recorded me pleasuring myself. What. At the Library computer? Are libraries known for having occurrences like that? Again, it's a scam; all bullshit.
Don't click onto any suspicious email. When you do, unless you got a VPN, you send a beacon that lets them know your IP address and location. That only makes them send you more email which if ignored, sends no more beacons. Looking at an email multiple times makes them think you're scared. Which will make them send you more in a scam tactic known as spearfishing. I learned about spearfishing and beacons from Rob Bradman Tech on YouTube. I looked at the email twice but I think I got away with it. They sent me another one which wasn't looked at. One day, Microsoft might have a feature that disables beacons unless you marked it as not junk mail. Maybe they already do. Set features to exclusive. All email not on safe senders list is on junk mail.
The portents of the scam date themselves. It asks for $800 in bitcoin from a time when bitcoin was on par with the dollar. $800 in bitcoin is worth today, 14 million dollars. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.
On the day I got this spam email saying something about $800 and bitcoin, on the News was a stories about Queen Elizabeth and the $800 cup of golden tip tea leaf tea. That was an unignorable sign. I'm covered.
I read of the worst scam in YouTube comments. A Russian scammer called someone on the phone and said, "The blood is all over the floor. The jobs done. Send me the money in 24 hours comrade or I will personally come to collect." It's been 7 years. Of course the scammer is expecting the guy to stay there in one spot. And even if the phone had a GPS, it could be a burner phone. Smash it, throw it in the dumpster. Get a new phone. What GPS then?
My peak of using the internet was a few years ago when I was regularly using a few different website and social media platforms. Since then it was wanted and these last few years, even on the best years I'm only using the internet a fraction as much as I used to. I no longer use Facebook or Twitter as I think of them as indentured self defined institutions that I once went to and now am no longer part of, at least on my end. I say that because Facebook continues to collect information on you for life even though you lapsed, kind of like Catholicism. Mark Zuckerberg got in trouble for that and is barred from entering Canada on pain of arrest and detention. I never use Amazon for shopping. One should only use communal computers like at the library or at internet cafes. That way, if you get a spam email from a spammer, it won't hit you so personally. Supposedly commandeered your supposed camera, took over your computer, would be moot points. For them to take over your computer would be to require a lot of information. It would require an intermediary app that you wouldn't know how to use if you weren't computer savvy. Ironically, it is this app that hackers use against the scammers. The hacker uses two computers, a covert second one with a VPN covertly gains access tongue scammers computer using team viewer or any desk using the scammer's credentials, I'd password that he got from the first computer, and while the first weird transaction is going on, the second computer scoops and deletes the scammer files. The scammer would have to check every transaction for the one in a few thousand times this would happen and probably wouldn't bother. Anyone with guts and computer savvy can learn this. In all likelihood, a lot of people are secretly doing this. It's just that some people on YouTube have the showmanship and the chops to make a grand video production out of it. A team of three would work best for this. One on the phone, one on the first computer, one on the second computer. If the hacker sits tight, in some cases, the scammer thinks the problem is on his end and offers up a second, even multiple computers for the hacker to repeat the process, delete files, change syskeys. If someone did that to me, I'd throw away the computer completely. Use the internet cafe. But I don't have anything important in there that I didn't already save on a flash drive. But even then, team viewer or any dex would most likely be involved and I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.
Besides, computers can be thrown away and hard drives replaced. I haven't saved anything that I relook at regularly. I don't do one jot, not one whit of financial transactions on the computer. No banking, no Amazon, no credit cards. Nothing like that. Some people have no bank accounts. They only use money mart. Some people never use Android or Google Play. Wouldn't know how.
It's like wizard of Oz. There isn't much behind the curtain. When you see or hear what's actually on the other end has hundreds of YT videos have shown, it's usually foreign ethnic people, the vast majority East Indians with accents as thick as molasses in January claiming to be from the if it ain't redneck it ain't right wholesome Midwest like Texas or Utah or New Jersey with names like Mark Wilson. Yeah, right. Could we have at least a little bit of cultural integrity here? A politically incorrect response would be, "You claim to be working for Microsoft but everybody knows that at the end of the day, Microsoft is an old boys network and although they might hire the token East Indian, the place certainly wouldn't be saturated with ninder binders from paki paki land or otherwise wogs, that your place is sounding like it is judging from the background noise on the phone; it sounds like roti central. Maybe if it was outsourced in India but you said you were located in the Midwest of the good 'ol U S of A." That's if you wanted to offend them and thought they knew enough English to understand it. I have great admiration for the East Indian culture. I would only level racist words at the bad people within a race. Never to the good people. They're scammers not because they're East Indian, but rather in spite of the fact.
Tip 1: If it's an East Indian voice, hang up. Tip 2: If the number starts with 91, don't answer, it's Nindu Bindu land. Walmart, Target, Best Buy has signs. Cashiers and security guards have been trained to stop old people getting a bunch of gift cards and saying it's for their grandchild. It's a scam. Although you may have to get an entirely new computer or pay a tech to replace the hard drive. Use Linux rather than Windows if you can. Get a VPN if you want but at the very least, it's 2019 and you don't know not to click onto any suspicious or unfamiliar emails?!
In a few years they will have brain machine interface. Then hackers can falsely threaten the gullible that they will control their brain like a remote neural prosthetic via the computer. Then a person could say, "My brain goes everyday from bed to bathroom to bong and then back to bed again. That's the brain you want to control? That brain?" But a hacker wouldn't have to use a computer to delete scammer files. He just has to use his brain!
I love East Indian people. One time, Pierogi of Scammer Payback said, "How do you feel taking away the jobs of real tech people and ruining their reputation doing the stupid scammy shit that you do?" The East Indian said, "That hurt man. That really hurt." East Indians are decent people. Most of them.
Another time, Pierogi spoke with an East Indian "tech support" lady named Kim Spencer*, she said, "Why should I talk with you? You're poor. You have nothing to do." Pierogi asked her if it was about the caste system. I was under under the impression that there was also honour implied with the caste system. If someone is rich but got the money doing dishonourable things, that would not being him to a higher caste. Each caste has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, some of them are obvious, some of them are subtle.
*Video titled: $1,000 per minute tch suppoat.
"Storms don't always come to disrupt your life. Sometimes they come to clear a path."
Oct 31 and Nov 1 are red letter days. On Oct 31 is the Ghost Adventures Conjuring House Halloween special. Zak Bagans and Ghost Adventures is one of the best shows in the entire nearly 100 year history of television. Nov 1 is Terminator Dark Fate. Officially released Friday, strangely, most new movies are able to show up in town on the day before, on a Thursday before the big release.
New owners bought the Conjuring House and they said starting in November, the house is open to the public. The next year promises to be an extravagant televisual feast as ghost Hunter after ghost Hunter does a video about that infamous house such as Brityy44 and James Garcia, MyHauntedDiary. That would be majorly rocking!
Update: The show was OK. It was still one of the best shows of the century but no major smoking guns. How could cameras using this light spectrum capture ghosts which use another light spectrum? How could a piano which plays five octaves all of a sudden supposedly be playing eight octaves? All versions on YouTube are complete and total unadulterated shit. Sync bad. All bad. Someone on YouTube comments said, 'How could YouTube let you post unwatchable videos?' Well I do it all the time. My incomplete versions of a cartoon so far, the days rushes.
The tablet is such wonderful invention that I wonder how I got through the 70s and 80s without it? All I have left to say after that is, somehow I was able to get through the 80s without a tablet. How? I don't know.
Blogger is glitchy. I'll try to explain as briefly and clearly as possible. Before, I could talk on the tablet and edit-write my blog at anytime. Since today. I would either go from compose mode to HTML mode or immediately after uploading a picture, I can edit at points in the midst of an already written paragraph, but I can't edit my blog at the less than sign, br, space, /, and then a greater than sign, is code for a break. I can't edit at break points unless I update, publish and then quickly go back into it. Then I can edit at any point. Before I could tap the tablet and sit at any point. Now I have to update first then go back into it to edit. What's up with that. I think it's a system wide problem.
SFU racist bus tirade on Global News. Vancouver's answer to Hong Kong bus uncle.
The Iron Cowboy did 50 triathlons which is a 1 mile swim, a 25 mile bike ride and a 6 mile run, in 50 days. Meanwhile I didn't even do one in 50 years! Not bad, huh?
My next cartoon might be about the Philadelphia Experiment and the resultant ripple effect spiralling into the Berenstein orthographically morphed to Berenstain bears incident.
Ad: What makes you you? Me: Quaaludes?
Jane Socrates of Victoria BC, Canada who is 77 years old,circumnavigated the globe in a small boat. That's like Amelia Earhart except it was in a boat and she survived. That is simply amazing.
19 year old Canadian athlete Bianca Andreescu won THE tennis match against Serena Williams and is the World tennis champion. Again, simply amazing. This is X-Men kind of stuff. People with almost X-Men like mutant abilities.
A Victoria BC woman, Ashley Dieter wants to start a Vancouver style cat Cafe in the town of Victoria BC. I'm all for that. Pets and animals can alleviate depressing feelings. She has so far raised $2,500 of the $7,500 needed on Kickstarter. I think she will be successful. Ha ha, it's successful enough in Vancouver and they don't have a no pets policy like this town does. That's one of the hateful things about this town. So if anything, on a pro rated basis due to the smaller population, it should if anything be even more successful in Victoria BC.
My advice: Don't go to Area 51 next Friday. There's no real aliens. It's just Freudian wish fulfillment, and or an urban legend. There are a lot of things that could happen if you go and none of them are good. There are use of deadly force is authorized signs there. That's well known. Storm Galaxy's Edge at Disney theme park. You'll see more alien life there and it's legal to go there unlike Area 51. I think A51 is a place for prototype military technology. The military is 40 years ahead of the consumer market when it comes to technology. That's why it's heavily guarded. It's a hangar to test flight stealth bombers. Top Secret. Military. Classified. Security Clearance. Those words are rarely if ever harbingers of welcome.
For those into the paranormal and also Led Zeppelin fans, one way to write 2020 is Zozo.
When you're with them,they're extraneous. When you're not with them, they're irrelevant. If lines of demarcation between people are established, it creates a reason for avoidance. Since they're a designated different group than me, I don't really have to know them. It's one less reason to want to know them.
The News sometimes has stories that are more than mildly annoying. But then, that News company is not a place I'd ever be likely to visit. I never visited it in the past. I never even thought that I'd ever visit it in the future, so why hang on words of people, places that I'm not likely to ever visit. Even if I did, it's only be once and just for a few minutes. Same with people on YouTube. Sometimes they say buzzwords or trawl out annoying memes. But from 1, extremely likely, 2, in all probability, 3. Perhaps, 4. Somewhat likely, 5. Not at all likely, and 6. Absolutely impossible, pretty much all people on YouTube rank between 5 and 6. People from another country, 20 to 30 years younger than me. I really severely doubt that I'd ever meet them or ever have any reason to, and I'm supposed to hang on words of that?!
Once, years ago, when I was on it, Twitter had a poll. Would you want to meet people you talked to on Twitter? I don't know if it implied also having to travel to meet them because what are the chances they'd show up in the small semi obscure backwater that I live in? I assumed it did, so instead of answering 1. Yes, I would like to meet them, I answered 2. Fuck no. That's their actual wording. Just more weird nebulous stylized in-house bullshit. Whatever. That underscored the fact that most people on the internet I would never meet. The tablet, the computer, the television, at the new of the day, is just a piece of furniture. Any missives, words, annoying memes is just a subset of things that emanate from a piece of furniture. Why let yourself get bothered by furniture? Ever. It's just some otherwise extraneous accoutrement, some perfidious contrivance, an infernal machine. You can throw that piece of furniture just as easily as throwing away any other piece of furniture.
Basically, why care about the words of people I never have met, and, as it will turn out, I never will meet, ever. They are like phantoms. Spectral entities.
High view count, low view count, thumbs up, no thumbs up, comments, no comments, in the end it's just black print type of white screen. It's like squiggles on a piece of furniture. A few more squiggles, a few less squiggles, why would one get all twisted up over something like that?
I wonder if people from the past or someone is stealing views from my YouTube channel. Either way, I don't care. Either way you lose. Low view count, equals a feeling of disillusionment. High view count, hassle hassle hassle. But then there are IT techs who have some view count but nowhere near the mega stars of YouTube and these are IT tech experts who supposedly could hack and change their view count. But they dont. Or why not hack it to a hundred quadrillion views? I read of some services and websites where one can purchase YouTube subscribers. I will go on YouTube premium one day. YouTube premium would be like paying monthly union dues or lodge fees and would increase the viewership of my videos. However slightly. Google Rewards stops paying after awhile. Person after person has written about this. Also, if you don't spend the money, it gets flawed back. One guy lost $34 he had been saving up. The money was garnished. This is right on the Google Rewards app page reviews on the Google app store website. So I don't know if YouTube premium would do anything to increase my viewership. No one in my town at all has the view counts like the whales of YouTube. iJustine is big on YouTube, but there are bigger. Jenna Marbles, a YouTube star, has a wax statue of herself at Mme Tussauds wax museum. Jenna Marbles did a video of herself as a disco ball. On the average one is less likely to be on successful on YouTube if they start out poor hoping to get rich one day than if they already have the Instagram lifestyle to start with. Jenna Marbles looks like she's living in an apartment on Park Avenue. Swanky. Pricey. iJustine doesn't have that. But she was on a few TV shows like CSI.
What you do to others will come back to you. What others do to you will come back to them.
Recommended apps: Clockwork Brain and Kolb, real bass guitar. The Kolb app gives 5 premium otherwise expensive top of the line sounding bass guitars. The sound they deliver is mind-blowing. This app surpasses all expectations. Music is geeky.
Google announces the release of Pixel 4. It's a cell phone. 'What the World needs now is another cell phone, Like I need a hole in my head.'
In Vancouver, at a coop housing unit, a unit got firebombed. "This arson is a serious crime." The Counsellor. Apparently it was because of a rejected love affair. Someone on YouTube said that when you tell someone goodbye for good, what you get is the same face that's been watching you all along, the whole time. Sometimes, ha ha, you get to find out who they really are, you may insult them with the intention of not wanting to be their friend again, which is reasonable and honourable. And then younger to see them insulting you with the intention of anting to be your friend again which is unreasonable and dishonourable. Most of the human species has a limited IQ which doesn't always think things through. It's a defective species. So that firebombing really revealed what that asshole thought of the spurned love in his decrepit sleazy weasel mind. It shows you the level that he is operating from. When people leave me, all I ever say is, "Have a nice life."
"I should have known better with a girl like you." The Beatles
Re: PM Blackface. It doesn't bother me. It's a non-issue with me. It happened before he even knew he'd ever be in politics. PM Trudeau is a great Prime Minister. I'd still for for him. It would bother SJWs. All I can say is judge not least you be judged. You will reap what you sow. Or else, when going up against a monster be careful you don't become a monster yourself which is what PM Harper once said. PM Trudeau still has my support.
Not that it counts for much judging from the view count of my blogs and my YouTube channel. There are tons of websites like sqiggy in which you can pay for viewers, subscribers, view count. That's if that's an issue for you. Some YouTube videos said although they'll watch your video, it'd most likely be for a segment and you'd probably get no comments or likes with that. But you'd get an artificially inflated and paid for view count. Actually a lot of those websites promise comments and likes too. There is no limit as long as you got the money. In that case, you'd be seeing a cottage industry of outsourced East Indians sitting behind desks composing comments all day. They'd strive to look like comments made Stateside and for the most part be able to pull it off. It'd be legitimate work in which they'd be getting a wage. Not only comments, comment streams, arguments, retorts, the whole nine yards. This is the best kind of work because you can write whatever is on your mind, no rules, limitless, and get paid for it. These comments are intensely entertaining, sometimes even profound, and worth the money and as most people couldn't be bothered to write a letter. A lot of the comments I read when I was in a jam, the strange timing. YouTube comments is often like an angel and has helped me through the darkest times. Theoretically you could get millions of views and subscribers all paid for. It is a platform so lucrative that one day YouTube coopts it so if you want more subscribers, go to the source and pay YouTube. It will get to so you don't know whose subscribers, view counts are real or store bought. Usually it's a mixture of the two. YouTube might include an icon that indicates whether it's paid for or not, but that would defeat the purpose of it. YouTube don't give a fuck if you paid them for subscribers or paid them to reveal the subscribers they've been hiding from you all along with their view count suppression bots, the money would lift the bots. Eventually, if you pay them $1,000, you get a hundred thousand "subscribers" or else actual subscribers, along with the coveted silver button that it cost them $2 to make at a sweatshop. If you pay $10,000, you get a million "subscribers" or else actual subscribers along with the much coveted red button that it cost them $4 to make at a sweatshop plus a form letter which costs us five cents to run through the Xerox machine and a large Manila envelope with interior bubble wrap which costs $2.95 US. Plus, for the ten grand, you would get the $400 that Google AdSense would net you for a million views. "You net more than I gross." See how that works? Wink.
A lot of people have talent on YouTube but may be why or reclusive. They want and don't want the trappings of a rock star lifestyle which has its own set of advantages and disadvantages including fans, scrutiny, attention, hassle. They're equivocating when it comes to take. Paying for these websites that bring views, likes, comments, sends an undeniable signal to the world that you're talented, and want and am prepared to accept the public scrutiny that could come with that. Some people are not, and the World respects that.
India. But it's outsourced to other countries too like China. Sometimes, they look at the video category, if the video is about China, then it would be directed there.
It's what they used to say about psychology, YouTube comments is a plaything for the rich. But if you pay for the million subscribers, you get your videos pushed to the top of whatever subject category the video is in based on videos people watched of the same category. Sneaky. But how many categories are there?
I think you can do that for blogs too. Pay some website that, for money, brings views, comments, likes, on your blog. A paid for regular fan base of paid outsourced typists at the computer. I thought my blog had no readers. Google's in house counter counted only 2 views. I thought of killing myself. I then added a widget that Google, bless them, provides. I then saw that my blog had approx 18,787 views. Wow! That's not too bad. I try to be fair and balanced on my blog. If I wrote something negative I always try to include a disclaimer. My YouTube channel has nearly a million views. But that's for all videos over 11 years. Some people have over 2 million views and that's just on one video. And video after video they make is like that. Kind of lets you know what's what. I want to thank my fans for their views. I do love you and care for you in my own distant and limited way. I wish the best for all of you and hope your dreams come true.
I try not to post comments on YouTube. I get very few to no likes. Others get a lot. But the ones who get a lot of likes, replies, when I see their profile page, one after one, this user has no posted content. It's the outsourced East Indian paid for comments gang. If you pay, not only do you get comments, the comments have a lot of likes and replies. Statistically, I read that over 1/3 of YouTube videos have less than 100 views. If there is a billion videos on YouTube that means over 300,000,000 videos. There's got to be at least a few million videos on YouTube.
I have to not worry about it. Publish and be damned. If you're going to worry about likes after a comment. I seen lots of comments. Posted one year ago, in some cases, a few years ago. No likes. But to get no likes on a page where every other comment gets a lot of likes. If YouTube is using a suppressing algorithm they should at least tell me. I wouldn't want to upload any more videos then. Why tell me? The truth is plainly there in the details. YouTube is about levels. Some comments gets a few likes, like 75, others get two thousand likes. Someone else might be saying, how come I only usually get a hundred likes while others get a thousand likes? I never got a thousand likes! All I can say is that if my life has ever dwindled down to the point where I'd actually worry about such superficial bullshit, I would sooner think myself better off dead. What a tawdry thing to worry about. I'd seriously rather be better off dead than to worry about that. Keeping up with the Joneses. What. When it comes to YouTube comments too? I withdrew a comment I made. I was afraid of getting no likes again. Also I saw very little to nothing in the video that was related to the title but it wasn't a clickbait video. This person does not do clickbait. I commented regarding the title. It was iJustine and her getting a tattoo video. I have ADHD so I skipped through a lot of it. But even with thinly spaced sporadic skips, nothing about a tattoo. I thought I'd be seeing autoclaves. So I deleted my remark about tattoos, specifically bet you can't get just one... For some people, tattoos are addictive and they wind up building up a collection like William Philipus Phelps. Tattoos are expensive, involve commitment issues and are painful. If I wanted something like that, I'd get married instead. I won't get married. Remember. MCPP, Mental-illness, Commitment issues, Poverty, and Performance anxiety. And not necessarily in that order. That's why I wonder. I'm just about 50. What's the use then of living another 20 years? I dont have anything to live for.
This comments thing is a regular phenomenon. Web pages have been written about it. You can do anything with a computer. YouTube is like one of those hermit crabs that sticks bits of trash to itself so as to give it ornamentation. Those comments with 2,000 likes and replies are form letters, patch files, etc that YouTube put there themselves in some cases.
Every time I get a like, if I do, my notifications section would be flooded. No likes equals no notifications. But hey probably don't notice me every time. I subscribed to hundreds of YouTubers with notifications bell clicked. What. Every one of them is going to show up in notifcations? YouTube is rigged. All algorithms are rigged. Some more than others. If they use any algorithm at all, it means they're rigged.
This has been going on for years. I'm only finding out about this now? The rates are pricey. 100 subscribers costs $18, 500 subscribers $898 on kccatl. Disturbingly, one can purchase dislikes and send them to people. 100 dislikes for $8, 10K dislikes for $390. One of my videos has 211,000 dislikes. It was a video about 9/11 which I watched with my previous girlfriend who is now dead. Crohn's disease. She said of it, "It looks realistic. You got the details just right." Those 211,000 dislikes are actually likes from where she is; the Underworld, the afterlife.
I had a dream about her after she died. Early morning. Sky mostly dark partially light at the horizon. She runs up a hill. She ran very fast like a quick streak of lightning. So fast! "For the dead travel fast." Bram Stoker A prominent Native chief, aka Norm, takes out a tomahawk and chops he right on the head. Her head cracks and breaks like an egg, 'yolk' spilling out. Symbolic of her premature death. Had I had that dream before she died, it would have been a grim omen. Afterwards, it's a bittersweet farewell. Those are two different dynamics. Anyways, those dislikes have a market value so how much would 211K dislikes and counting be worth?
Not to put too fine of a point on it, come to think of it, the tomahawk to her head has a parallel to that she is the same woman. Imperial maiden. China Emperor all in red and bilaterally symmetrical like the maple on a Canadian flag. Puts pin through her head, pineal gland. Injury to the head motif; trope or meme. "I have loved you before and I will always love you. See you in a future life." I got the connection now.
I don't know if I believe in God. The 211,000 and counting dislikes on one video, would that be a manifestation of God's grace? What a ghastly wretched dimension. The afterlife dimension has better physics.
Things are not what they seem. See, the best type of endings, the twilight zone twist endings are ones that totally discount and obliterate the plot. Remember what you saw and now think that you know what's going on? You can just forget about all that! This is what's actually going on! George Lucas went to Japan and showed STAR WARS to an audience for the first time. At the end, there was no clapping. He thought they hated it. Actually, it was a sign of high honour.
Or maybe 211,000 dislikes means people hate me. But to what extent? "You keep saying that yet I keep on standing here drawing breath." Stephen King. If they hated me so much, I was thinking that they'd hire someone to kill me which in my case would be a boon. I'm semi suicidal at the worst of times. Why didn't they do it years ago? It might have saved me years of grief. Why didn't they do it years ago? Why trade a larger window of time for a smaller window of time?
Or maybe 211K dislikes is a strange form if underground approval. It's called hazing. I don't know. It's not like it's my central life mission to think about something peripheral like that. "It's a psychic virus implanted to haunt the mind of mecha." Jude Law, A.I. Well YouTube video schisms is a kind of psychic virus if you let it be.
One day, I'd like to see a documentary about the paid for YouTube subscribers, likes and comments industry. They already made a few short documentaries about the tech phone scam industry. Someone on YouTube comments said regarding cell phone calls in Mandarin that a lot of people are getting: "The Police won't do anything about it because 1. It's in a different language. 2. There is no loss. 3. They don't protect people from their own stupidity. But this may change in the coming years. They wait for the pot to build up to a substantial amount. Then they do a sweep and confiscate the money.
Anyways, Eddie Murphy once appeared in White face. Otherwise, I didn't know that Al Jolson is our Prime Minister, I thought it was Justin Trudeau.
Not with this case but with another case of a man being photographed with 4 women, you could Stephen King Dead Zone it and think, that picture was taken 20 years ago. Since then, one of those ladies died, one has cancer, one is queer and one is a single mother = 3 out of 4 ain't bad? But which three? You decide.
I'm not going to vote in the next election. I won't get into it, but the last time I voted federally, it was a ghastly, traumatic, nightmarish experience. See, elections are based on the illusion of choice which is based on the illusion of linear time. That the past and future are completely different from the present moment rather than another version of the present moment. That's a roundabout way of saying all elections are rigged. They already know who's going to win and it's going to be the incumbent PM Sunny Ways Trudeau. I'm completely skeptical and cynical of the voting process. Democracy. What. The same democracy that didn't give women the vote until 1920 in the US, 1929 in England and 1949 in Canada? What. That democracy?
Yet another video of our PM in Blackface surfaces. How ebonic of our PM. What. Is that 24 Sussex Avenue or is it Mandingo? I'm not sure now.
Would this be a classic Machiavellian political booby trap from his last that would kneecap him? No. PM Justin Trudeau is like a cat. He will always land on his feet. PM Justin Trudeau happens to be one of the top 10 best PMs in Canadian History if not top 3. I'd still vote for Trudeau. This isn't a deal breaker for me.
In a parallel Universe, you would have Prime Minister Trudeau saying this politically unorthodox statement to a reporter, "Look, asshole, that happened years before I even knew I'd be in politics. I went in Blackface a few years ago. So what? Me and thousands of others if not millions of others. What. Throughout history? It was at a time when it wasn't as much of an issue. How would I know it's be an issue in the future? What. Am I The Amazing Kreskin? That doesn't prove that I'm a racist as much as it proves that I have a flair for costume and pageantry. It's called cosplay, fucker. It takes two to tango as Reagan once said. And three times is a charm. If you ask me that again, I'll punch your fucking lights out. After this flight is over I'm going to talk to you at the airport." That would be a very gubernatorial statement.
In the movie The Last Emperor, there was a scene of a musical band, in Black face.
Blackface, although unusual and socially inconvenient, is neither a summary conviction nor is it an indictable offense. In the States that would be neither a misdemeanor nor would it be a felony. I'm surprised that Trudeau did that, though. As the saying goes, just when you thought you knew somebody.
"A plongeur is too low to prosecute!" George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London
A PM is too high to prosecute!
Much Trudeau About Nothing
"When going through hell, just keep going." PM Jean Chretien
There's Shawinigan Handshake beer. Will there be a Papineau Blackface beer? It would have to be a dark lager. Or stout. It'd be a matched set.
"Like a Boss, Oh yes I keep the bank rollin'". Like a Boss videos on YouTube are the best. A 2019 compilation from MattyTheFatty shows a bear catching a piece of bread thrown to it with one arm, like a pro baseball player; Like A Boss!
Like A Boss #41 from DOLLAR shows a nest escaping from a dead frog. THUG LIFE
Yesterday, my girlfriend, without even looking, threw an empty McDonalds coffee cup, aiming for the garbage can, it bounced off the wall and landed in. It was fast. Like A Boss! This was after me showing her some Like A Boss videos. She saw the one with the bear! Cue GTA San Andreas theme music.
Black people are great people. In terms of making music I would classify them as not merely geniuses but super geniuses. Their funk disco hip hop music is on a level that is out of this World. I often wish I was as cool as Black people. They have a very cool style. "Don't do it like me. Do it like you." Into the Spiderverse.
"First there is a mountain. Then there is no mountain. Then there is." Things aren't an issue then they are. Then they aren't again. Once marijuana was illegal. Then it became illegal. Now it's legal again. Once Black People were not slaves in America. Then the Amistad brought the first few slaves over, then they were slaves for about 150 years, I don't know, it was ended in 1865. So then they were not slaves anymore. Something isn't an issue. Then it is for awhile. Then it fades away as people move on to other issues du jour. Then it isn't an issue again. Life is bittersweet.
I'm Chinese to whatever extent. However videos about racist attacks against Chinese don't bother me because I never thought that I represent all Chinese people. It's not like I'm their standard bearer. How Chinese am I since I just about never speak the language. I much prefer to use the English language.
One day YouTube could have a 20th century setting where like in the old days, when I watched a television show, I like have no inkling of what the view count is and whatever letters, comments were sent to the studio I never saw. Like with YouTube comments, some stars got sacks of can letters. Others hardly got any at all. It'd be neat to see YouTube as it could have been in the 80s. Videos, recommended videos based on videos watched at the sidebar, but no view counts on any of them. View counts is a psy ops social engineering and is a double edged sword. Those with low view counts get more discouraged about life than they would have been if they weren't always so hung up on the fucking thing and maybe kill themself which as far as the evil corporate entities go, thins out the herd. While those with high view counts, it creates a bullshit edifice that chains them there for life. A high view count is a trap. With a low view count and no comments the door to leave is always open. With a high view count it's that more difficult to walk away from the fucking thing. Difficult, but not impossible. I heard lots of stories of people with high view counts who walked away from it all. There's an army of people who are not connected to the internet or have a cell phone. They're immune to it all.
Another website says, Your YouTube videos aren't getting views because your thumbnails are lacklustre. We can design thumbnails for your videos that will get you view counts, for money. Does it ever end?
Lots of people commented about getting no likes on comments. It's not difficult to find 2 year old comments with no likes. I think YouTube shadowbanned me, but it's a broken platform. I heard of article 13 banning memes. YouTube itself is a meme containing memes within memes namely likes for comments. If I'm going to worry about tawdry bullshit like that... Just post comments as usual. No likes? I don't know the answer to that. They're using old algorithms from the mid 2000s. It always looks like when something is happening on the internet it is only happening to you when it's something that's going around. You only have to do a Google search. Someone commented, all this will be solved after the class action lawsuit. Social media is an insidious trap. Best not to be on it. One less set of worries. One day in the future, this will be solved. YouTube itself has provided an answer. Quantum computers. This period is known as the great depression of YouTube. Someone on comments wrote, "Never mind not getting likes on comments. What about corporations ripping off copyrights making hundreds of thousands leaving creators helpless." Internet 101: If you aren't the customer, you're the product. It's what Alvin and Heidi Toffler called Prosumer, portmanteau of producer and consumer. But YouTube themselves left a tweet about that. This is the end of a decade. YouTubes tracking and optimisation algorithms tax a traditional computer to it's limit. In the new decade, and when the price drops, YouTube will hook up to a quantum computer interface and then, all comments, likes, even more efficient ways to pay content creators will be created. After all these years YouTube is still a work in progress and whether it's NewAndBetterTube or CorporateTube or OurTube, YouTube will be better and stronger than ever before in the years to come. YouTube and YouTubers best days are ahead of them. Imagine someone getting no likes on comments and no money for their YouTube video kills themself and then in heaven, time takes on a strange elasticity. That person sits, rubs his hands for what seems like 5 minutes and then when he looks down, 7 years have passed on Earth and he sees all YouTubers getting lots of likes for all comments and even some money for their videos. He then thinks, "If I didn't kill myself, then I could have had some of that!" It'd be a good idea for a movie.
As for getting no likes on YouTube comments, someone on YouTube comments wrote, "Fake woke people getting upset about the most trivial things."
Tira the spotted zebra simply can't be left in the fields of Africa. It should be taken to a zoo, whole family, mother too. If left in the fields, then a lion or hyena would try to eat it.
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