Sunday, December 15, 2019
Xmas 2019 It's Been Quite A Decade
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Star Wars coloring app.
STAR WARS Uncut is available on Vimeo. It is a full length fan film. At first I thought it wouldnt be much. It's actually quite minblowing. Someone did a Raiders of the Lost Ark fan film similar to that. Empire Strikes Back Uncut is available on YouTube.
American Dad Apocalypse Soon. Krampus pass $12.99 Krampus bundle $20.99 plus 15 Levels. What's does plus fifteen levels mean? What's the difference? I'm getting the basic Krampus pass for sure. But what would it mean if I got the bundle? I'm not Richie Rich. I don't want to loop down an extra $10 if I don't really have to. In that game, my name is 'NotAgain1947'. Maybe you'll see me in a Morning Bottled Mimosa Challenge.
Through Sherlock Holmesian deduction, the Krampus pass is something you need to get first. Then you get the first 15 levels of prizes free instantly. I don't see how 15 levels of prizes would only be $8, that is $8 plus the price of a Krampus pass because it's a lot of prizes. You'd get the prizes eventually anyways playing the levels.
It's not like if you already completed 20 levels then the plus 15 levels gives you levels 15 to 30 in prizes but if only played 3 levels then you get level 4 -19 in prizes. I don't see that. The prizes get more majorly as the levels advance. I got a Krampus pass $12.99 and 30 days premium $6.49 on a $20 Google card.
Forget all that. Krampus bundle is pass plus 15 levels. If you're on level4, you'd get prizes all the way to me am 19, etc. You can get prizes free in the store paying with golden turds. I got at least 15 Levels free this way.
Senator Mitch McConell really looks like Roger from American Dad!
Christmas and New Years has always been difficult for me. There's always the cultural pressure to do something special that day. Of course millions of YouTubers will be spending Christmas glued to the computer. There's a video about someone opening a can of cream corn from 1907 or something like that. The comments section lit up with, "It's Friday night and I'm here watching a video about someone opening a can of cream corn from 1907." "Same here." "Same here." So in that sense for them, every day is Christmas!
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, go on YouTube, search live stream. There will be lots and the comments section will be inundated. That's the ones who are glued to the computer on Christmas Eve, New Years too.
Of course special days of the year is all cosmetic and accedes to the algorithm of the subjective experience of time if the objective experience of time is time travel. It depends on what dynamic one chooses to operate under.
STAR WARS The Rise of Skywalker was better than The Last Jedi. The pacing was fast. I didn't find anything to complain about. JJ Abrams should have directed the trilogy.
January 2020. Will Trump get impeached on January 20th? Will the UK Brexit on January 31? January will be a big month.
Without Senatorial approval, the articles of Trump's impeachment and as well Brexit are just glorified private members bills. If Trump is impeached what kind of precedent does that set for a President? That they can all from now on be summarily impeached?
The British Parliament is unique in that it has to preside over the affairs of four countries or three and a half, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as for an Scotland does not have a separate seat in the UN, having more influence as being part of the UK. Other countries Parliaments only have to preside over the affairs of one country.
Essentially, the British Parliament has MPs from 4 different countries each with their own stance on Brexit, being points on a curve. In such an instance, even if UK PM Boris Johnson had 100% of the MPs being Tory, let alone having the biggest majority govt since 1935, Brexit would still wind up being delayed. It's hopeless.
Turn of the decade always changes the cultural dynamic. Whereas the turn of the century, let alone turn of the millennium, is an anomaly, the turn of the decade is a milestone. Lots of people never live to see the turn of a century like George Orwell 1907 - 1950, Bruce Lee 1940 - 1973, for example.
The 00s, the 10s, is when a century is just starting out. A century doesn't really start to get going until the 20s. In the last century, their 20s was known as 'The Roaring Twenties', but that was mainly because of the stock market scams that was going around then. Marginalization. Pay 10% to own 100% of the stock now. Pay the rest later. But if the stock makes money, pay back the entire principal quickly and walk away with the profits. That was the ideal. However, that wasn't the reality as the other shoe dropped one day in August 1929 as the stock market issued, ha ha, a margin call. That destabilized the economy and there was a depression afterwards. The 1920s was a weird time because there was prohibition, but that was only in the United States; a lot of people in the United States were rich, but they couldn't legally drink.
The 1920s was an analog decade defined by prohibition and stock market scams.
The 2020s will be a digital decade defined by quantum computers and A.I.
In the 1920s, they had the stock ticker. In the 2020s we have the News ticker. I'll see you news that your investment just tanked and I'll raise you dank lurid social memes and weird stories of whatever. The News shows good stories often enough of people and animals getting rescued. I saw 2 stories of dogs being rescued from an elevator.
Sechelt BC. Houses there previously worth millions are now worth $2. $1 for the land, and $1 for the House. "Cleveland. Where you can buy a house for the price of a VCR." Michael Moore Truth Be Told. This is reminiscent of the 1920s. Overvalued stocks that turned out to be worthless. This is because the land that the houses are built on are sink holes. "It's a void collapse." Indiana Jones, The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. What's more egregious, residents are fenced off and not allowed access to their homes because of the sinkhole land. They are besieged! Squamish last year was also hit with the highest gas prices anywhere. Squamish has had a difficult time. The high gas prices and the real estate fiasco are idiot taxes, like the lottery. They had the millions enough to get a house but instead of opting to move to a rock show like Las Vegas, London, Paris, etc they instead opted to stay in a shit show like Squamish. "Their lives were nasty, brutish and short." Shakespeare, As You Like It. If I had a million dollars, I'd get the fuck out of this kingless Province and move to either Bangkok, Sukhumvit district, or else London, Piccadilly Circus district, downtown. If I had a million dollars would I move to Squamish? Uh,
Life is only worth so much. Even the concept of worth is only worth so much.
There was yet another attack on a Jewish synagogue. That's awful! Jewish people are very spiritual. I'm about to write something awful. The gunman walked in and said, "Silly rabbi, clicks are for Yids." ie Clicks from the hammer of a rifle.
"That's chutzpah!" Religulous
These incidents have got to stop. Why attack Jewish people? It is a very spiritual tradition just like a lot of other traditions. You have to see the best in people. "A pickpocket when talking to a Saint sees only the pockets."
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