Coronavirus will never go away. They say the earliest a vaccine could arrive is in 2023. Or never. AIDS or HIV the human immuno-virus has no vaccine. But some people like Magic Johnson survived 30 years with a supposedly deadly fatal virus. First it was the chemical cocktail which has been knocked down to a pill a day - for life. Quite a cash cow. A cash-cow-ronavirus. Coronavirus could be like that. Do a few pills once in awhile like preventative multivitamins. Then it could be knocked down to a pill once a week, month, whatever.
Don't give up. I thought of giving up on a few friends. Barricades sure don't make a friendship what they used to be. Don't give up. Pioneers endured hardships. Giving up on friendships just because of hard times simply wasn't done.
In time people will get desensitized to all these lockdowns. Love will find a way. Life will find a way.
Often in Hollywood movies there is a crisis but sometime during the movie, a solution is thought of that no one had previously thought of. Necessity is the mother of invention.
They did find a vaccine for SARS called Tamiflu or osiltamavir.
There is an FDA approved antiviral drug for coronavirus called Remdesivir aka Veklury to be administered intravenously from the pharmaceutical firm Gilead Sciences in California of which the US has commandeered the World supply of 500,000 doses. Price: $3,120 US per patient enough for ten days, at hospitals. It will be reverse engineered in the third world. 500,000 doses of remdesivir at around $3,000 per unit is: $500,000 times a thousand is $500,000,000 or five hundred million times three is one billion, five hundred million dollars. That's a lot of scratch they're pulling down!
Coronavirus will last forever. Some articles say that. I'm sure in '42 or '43 when they were right in the middle of it, people wrote articles; Get ready for the new reality. This is it. The Germans said they wanted a thousand year empire. This won't be over for a thousand years! Wrong. It ended in about 5 years.
The plague depicted in Albert Camus' The Plague lasted for one year which is about as long as the Justinian Plague lasted. Traditionally without vaccines, quarantines were enough to let a plague run its course with nominal casualties or victims. Localities would be closed to outside travel. But they would be triaged like in any medical situation. Those hardest hit would have greater restrictions. Those least hardest hit would have greater relaxing of restrictions yet always being cautious. This gets certain small town economies going like places that export lobsters.
"I'm sorry I don't have any loftier purpose but in the end it all comes down to money." Dennis Hopper, Speed
Well if it worked for AIDS patients. This is a scheme for the pharmaceutical companies to make money off people. What happened for AIDS patients, getting them to first take a multi regimen of pills then down to a pill a day, if they had it their way, everyone on the planet would be taking a few pills a day then one a day. Just like if any country had it their way, everyone on the planet would be speaking their language. And this means $$$. Those drug companies must be licking their chops.
When the pandemic lifts.... What a joke. It will never lift. International borders and travel will close. Forget about the species being worldly and erudite through travel. We'll all be sheltered. Forget about experiencing the exotic presence of people from another country which is the closest thing we get to experiencing visitations of aliens from another world, international travel is gone. But there is still national travel. In Canada, in terms of distance, to travel from one end of Canada is to have traveled across a few European countries. In Canada, you can experience an international travel-like experience if you move to Quebec. The different language and the distance from most Provinces makes it a virtual international travel experience. If I can't move to Gdansk Poland, I might think of moving there. There is no experience in the World like international travel. Move to another country far far away and never return. I sometimes wish I'd never come back from Thailand.
If the pandemic never ends, why not just give up on life? Just get some heroin and overdose. I wouldn't say this in normal circumstances but things have taken a turn for the worse. Forget marriage. Life is over.
After doing a search for ribosomal subunit and covid 19, I saw that 40S and 60S ribosomal subunit corresponds to coronavirus. What is needed is an aminoglucoside antiviral that corresponds to 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits.
I have to say to my friends, "This pandemic might not end for three years. It might go on forever. I'll always be fond of the good times we had, but I'm not willing to wait. I'm giving up on the friendship. I won't be visiting you anymore. It's just too difficult. As soon as I can I'm going to another town to start over. Even if I don't, waiting for you is too long and drawn out and painful. Well, you know...." And that's it. Just leave them forever and never see them again. At this age, I've already seen a lot of people for the last time over the years.
Maybe they want to ban international travel, seeing it as a form of weaponization. So much for the species advancing intellectually. Travel expands the intellect in a way that no other way can. Still, every year, thousands of people make the choice to move to another country and to never come back. Ever. That's been happening since time immemorial.
Local economies that rely on an international tourist trade will have to now reinvent themselves. Life is basically over.
I don't know if life is over. AIDS and coronavirus are different. AIDS is a permanent condition, coronavirus is a more ephemeral or temporary illness unless one dies from it. Coronavirus has a half life of two weeks. AIDS has a half life of forever. Yet coronavirus killed more people in the first 25 weeks than AIDS in the first 25 years, just like the Spanish Flu.
Coronavirus only kills those with already compromised health, so if one survives, they now got the antibodies for immunity. Why not harvest and research those antibodies for the vaccine? If one survives the coronavirus like with all viruses, the body vaccinated itself!
As you might have already discerned, I'm sure you all know that I'm a fan of George Orwell. In his BBC War Diaries, he wrote something like, and I'm paraphrasing, "The Germans said they'd take over Europe and then it's on to the States. Whether or not it will actually turn out that way is another thing."
Don't waste a good imagination on worrying.
"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." Seneca
Learning languages is an option for staving off the COVID 19 pandemic. When I learn a language, it has to be done with an attitude of total respect and honour for that culture. Otherwise it doesn't work. I wouldn't want to learn the swear words until or unless I actually visit the country. Although Polish movies like Hollywood movies do a pretty good job of showing people these words. Things you can't unsee or unhear. When practicing a language with a person, a common mistake is falling into the temptation of showing off as many words as you know as possible even if they're out of context with the current situation. It's an extremely common rookie mistake. Don't worry if you do it. I think I did it a few times. This is counterproductive and later on you might regret it. It's not a big deal. Just try not to do it in the future.
If you learn Polish, you get Czech for free because they are very similar. There's a 40% overlap in words between Polish and Russian. With a 100,000 word vocabulary, that's 40,000 words. That's a lot of overlap. When someone is speaking Polish, they're speaking Russian 40% of the time, kind of like 40% alcohol. Naprawde? Prawde. Pravda, that's Russian all right.
Thanksgiving is in the fall. It will be a Covidian Thanksgiving and we should at least be thankful then that more people haven't died. Drinking lots of sugary drinks like root beer is good as sugars help in the digestion of tryptophan which in turn stimulates serotonin in the brain.*
*Source: Susan Lischman, YouTube, '10 Ways Tudors Regularly Poisoned Themselves'
BMW has M, X and Z series. That's before the number. And then on the other end of the number is at least one more letter, i, ie, etc. That's like FDRs alphabet soup government agencies. BMWs and their alphabet soup names.
BMW M325ie. Now how alphabet soup is that? Either they copied off Mercedes or else Mercedes copied off them.
BMW M740ie; is that the name of a car or is that a computer password?
Today, July 3, 2020, I have all the James Bond movies. Including Never Say Never Again. I don't have nor want the 60s spoof of Casino Royale. It's a tacky cheesy movie which inspired the Mike Myers Dr Evil Blofeld and Mini Me. That should tell you something about it.
Never Say Never Again. The store clerk where I bought the Blu ray ray for $40 told me it was the lawsuit movie. I asked if it was about the horse falling into the water which was edited from the British version but included in the Swedish version. He said, "" NSNA is a remake of Thunderball of which in the original one, Ian Fleming wasn't compensated. This movie compensated the Ian Fleming estate.
Thunderball is an old US military slang for the round atomic mushroom in which SPECTRE was planning to detonate nuclear bombs.
Sean Connery was wearing a toupee the whole time. I went and got The Last Crusade for $5. That wasn't such a splurge for the next day I got a massive windfall of pandemic relief. Stacks of cash. The Last Crusade has Sean Connery as Henry Jones Sr. I never watched Highlander in its entirety so I never got that disc. I know of the story. Maybe I once did watch Highlander.
Sean Connery is living in the US and is a huge supporter of Scotland Independence which is strange for someone who was once an MI-6 agent in the movies. MI-6 swears an oath of loyalty and fealty to the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Maybe Sean Connery is living in the States as a tax shelter. UK taxes can be very high for those in a higher income bracket.
Sean Connery is one of the greatest actors in all of history.
October 31, 2020: Sir Sean Connery KBE, passed away at age 90. He was a screen icon, idol, legend, demi-god.
My goal with dancing is to totally let the music and dance take over to where I disappear and only an undulating purple wave remains. There are quarter notes and eighth notes but there are probably thousandth notes, millionth, billionth, etc. Down to a Planck unit of time. Get it, time it perfectly and one can be an undulating purple wave. "She has crossed into the danger zone Where the dancer becomes the dance". The moves have to be completely voluntary and somewhat involuntary. One day I will become the dance and the old me will disappear. Then it will be like that forever. When I reach that point I will have a lot of money. Then I will go on an adventure for life. Adventure is better than regression.
If a person regards every social situation as extraneous, then that person has to wonder why his social skills are shit.
There is nothing like living in a foreign country and getting better at a different language. There is a travel adventure and there is regression. I'll never be happy until I move to another country far away on an adventure forever. I was thinking of moving to Poland. There are some people here who would be difficult to leave. I don't know if I'm ever leaving.
I have some profound regrets over the past few months. I'm even searching YouTube for 'How to deal with profound regret'. I have some major regrets. These regrets can only be resolved through moving to another country and never coming back.
Every time I see pictures or videos of UBC, I get the UBC vibes. But others would see the same pictures and feel nothing. However others could say the same thing about other Universities. Pictures are attached to memories involving days, nights, weeks, months and years, a whipping cool wind of time that blows throughout a vast galactic hallway of timelessness. I remember the early 80s and UBC. But that's like someone in the 80s saying, I remember UBC from the 1940s. That place has a vibe you can get just through looking at pictures of it. But Sundays are indeed special. One day, maybe a scientist can explain if there's something scientific to Sunday vibes. Sunday vibes is like a walk through heaven. I didn't really start feeling them regularly and could identify what it was until my early 30s. A Vancouver Police Officer used the terms 'Sunday vibes' on twitter. That's the first time I knew that there was a name to the phenomenon. It's a thing. Strange that I don't feel it the rest of the week. I should search YouTube or Google for Sunday vibes. It's an ethereal thing.
I think I could explain it. On Sundays people go to Church which is designed to instill a kind of emotional effect. The stained glass windows and the reflections of those windows cast on to the walls and the musical scale of notes used in the music distinct from the military scale used in National anthems and the love scale used in rock and jazz music. The effect of that on so many minds simultaneously around the planet creates a collective psychic ripple effect that is quite beautiful and quite spiritually moving if one is attune to it. It is an effect that almost but never moves me to tears.
It is a collective resonant phenomenon that individuals can perceive.
Meditation and/or coffee can greatly enhance the Sunday vibes. I'd say cannabis too but that's your call.
Also, after doing the full on Church thing with the stunning visage of the stained glass windows and/or reflections thereof on the wall, in the afternoon and evening, music can greatly enhance the Sunday vibes. An artist I highly recommend is Frank Stallone, Sylvester Stallone's brother. Frank Stallone is an intensely talented and great musician. His music takes you out of this World. Anything he did in the movie Staying Alive is good. Also these three songs. Love Is Like A Light, Music is Magic, and Once More Never Again. Amazingly talented.
Recommended: YouTube: The Music of Stained Glass Windows, George Gachechiladze
Involuntary laughter is a good omen. Tears voluntary or involuntary is a bad omen. As I have discovered over the years. I always hold back my tears now to protect others. I really believe tears is a bad omen, but that's just me.
Belief in superstitions is a type of cognitive bias called random cluster data phenomenon. A stream of data is running past. A person unconsciously involuntarily cherry picks certain pieces of data while ignoring other data from that stream and then somehow links that data together to something that's subjectively meaningful to them.
Someone in YouTube comments wrote in a video that eludes me now, 'After traveling for years as an expat, when I went home, it was no longer there. Home was not just a place but also a time and that time is over.'
For me, the early 80s was the Golden age of UBC. As a ghost that can haunt any time and place, in the afterlife, I'll choose to hang out at UBC between 1980 and 1982 - forever!
Wag the Dog. Another stupid unfounded conspiracy theory. Coronavirus diverts world attention from Brexit which is to partition Europe making it more suppliant to American control. Divide and conquer. Divide et impera.
There are military implications with Brexit of course.
PM Theresa May opposed Brexit and didn't or wouldn't get it through Parliamentary assent. Replaced with PM Boris Johnson supports Brexit and is a Trump operative.
And coronavirus crisis truncates the debating process so Trump doesn't have to debate that many candidates. The coronavirus crisis sort of kneecaps them in this way. Not debating nearly as many possibly more qualified candidates as you would usually have to makes it that much easier to win an election. How Russian of Trump.
A counter argument to this I saw in YouTube comments said coronavirus benefits the Dems because the pandemic will cause electronic voting where Democrats usually do better.
'He has a political weapon
He charges a million a vote
A politician second to none
The man is the Golden Trump'
'Why We Want You To Be Rich', 'The Art of the Deal' Donald Trump
YouTube comments: Democrats ran the KKK. A Republican ended slavery.
Source: YouTube; Disney Delays 4K Empire Strikes Back; StarWarsOnly, commenter, The Trolling Master:
Coronavirus has a death rate of 0.2 percent, just twice as that of the flu. The CDC says this based on actual studies versus the WHO saying 2% death rate which uses "projections" as stated from their overlords in China. Deaths are over exaggerated, people who died of other conditions but had coronavirus in their system.
For example the WHO says coronavirus is airborne which BC Chief Epidemiologist Dr Bonnie Henry disagrees with.
Un Chien Andalou, a 20 minute film is a really big deal in film school. I'll watch it. Then I'll write what I think about it. At first it looks surreal and stupid. But that's before watching it.
Un Chien Andalou is fucked. I don't mean that in a bad way. I don't mean that in a good way. It starts off with once upon a time. Then a man sharpens a razor to slice a lady's eye in half with visual cue of a cloud slicing the moon. Then these strange time jumps, 8 years later, then for no reason 3 hours later then 17 years before. Sort of how Return of the Jedi jumps 30 years to The Force Awakens but then jumps just one day later to The Last Jedi. A man wearing a strange costume carries a box with diagonal white and presumably red stripes. He falls over on the sidewalk with a drunken dazed look on his face while a woman looks out of a window and goes to rescue him from off the street. Then they look to see a crowd including policemen gather around a woman pick up a hand and out it into the red and white striped box from before dropped onto the street. She then gets run over. Then a lot of weird shit pastiched together. A hand with ants crawling it of a hollow in the center of it. I heard of ants in your pants but ants in your hands? Then the woman closes the door on the hand full of ants. Wouldn't you? In an attempt to reconcile with the woman, he opts for pulling a few men enslaved and tied up and lying on the floor along with two pianos each with a dead donkey on it one of the donkeys flayed with the skin peeled right off of it which the woman notices and screams. If your piano couldn't be on key, it could be at least be donkey. Or else what's the deal here? The man grabs the woman's breasts and buttocks with a slight dimple on either side on her back just above her butt crack. Then a scene with a man firing two guns simultaneously influencing a lot of today's action movies.
More scenes I won't give away. It was cutting edge in the 20s. I like the other film that film school talks about a lot, The Bicycle Thieves a lot better. TBT used better cameras, had a lot of outdoor scenes filmed in heavy traffic. TBT is more traditional prose narrative versus the surrealistic free verse poetry of Un Chien Andalou.
University. The best courses to study are film school where you watch movies all the time vs writing reports and essays. And the other best course is a language that you can use while traveling overseas.
University would be useless for me. There's ADD attention deficit disorder and there's the cognitive bias called the spacing effect that people learn best in small snippets over a long time. University gives you lots of information in a short time.
University is bullshit. First of all it's pay us $100 so we can decide if we want you to pay us $50,000 over the next four years. Then take a lot of compulsory but totally irrelevant courses. Say you want to be a doctor. You also have to also take English Lit, Calculus, Languages, etc
In the US, University meal plans average $6 a meal and it's a buffet. In Canada, the University meal plan is pay per item and a burrito is $9.
Why would that be? Maybe because the US has what's called a developed food distribution infrastructure while Canada has what's called a retarded food distribution infrastructure. The States because of its population has food storage warehouses every two, five, ten miles along the highway. While in Canada, whup, there can be 50, 100 mile stretches of highway with no food storage warehouses.
It all evens out. Tuition at a prestigious American University costs three times as much as UBC.
Diversity or affirmative action?
Once a man and a boy walked a donkey into town. First time the boy rode the donkey. People criticized the boy for making the old man walk. The second time the old man rode the donkey. People criticized the old man for making the boy walk. Third time both rode the donkey. People criticized them for overworking the donkey. Fourth time neither rode the donkey. They were ridiculed for having a donkey and not using it.
Moral: People will criticize you anyways,😆 so do what you're going to do.
Stay single you're a fool.
Get married you're an idiot. Only 9% of marriages work. If only 9% of plane rides ended safely would you still use airplanes? Yet you would still get married...*
*Source: Quora
Have a string of women all throughout life. That's a good way to get a few paternity suits or else a few STDs.
Have only a girlfriend, why don't you make an honest woman of her or else leave her?
Again, there's no way to win. Do whatever you can.
Oh no! Friday, July 10, 2020. Mayor of Seoul Korea found dead. He left a note saying he's 'sorry to all people'. I visited Seoul briefly on August 1, 2000. What happened?! Who knows? Perhaps the 👮 👮 Police know.
He killed himself after a sexual scandal which was absolutely the wrong thing to do. He could have resigned and then leave the country and Benin exile. I myself have gone through weird sexual scandals real or delusional that I'm not going to get into right now but I didn't kill myself. I'm not that lucky with women not because of the taint from the weird sexual scandal but rather in spite of it because I'm in the wrong country or even city. If I were to live in the right town and country....
I thought he got into some weird shady money deal with the North Koreans and his suicide was faked just like exactly what happened with a past chairman of Hyundai car company except he was pushed off of a balcony.
Anyways Mayor of Seoul Korea is majorly enough but Prime Minister of South Korea is even more majorly. At least he's still alive. It's be on another level if it happened to him which thankfully it didn't. On the Stratego board, it'd be difficult to say who is more majorly, a mayor of a capital city or head of a corporation that sells cars and pretty good ones too, internationally.
Today at London Drugs I got a portable charger. It's a iiOs pro portable charger with 4,000 maH or milliamps hours. There's one charger that has 22,780 maH which is just under the 27,000 maH that is legally allowed aboard airplanes. I think I can plug in my tablet a few times before it runs out although it says I can only recharge it one time. Just once? With 4,000 maH? I got it for $10 CAD regularly $30 so I gotta heck of a deal! I need a power charger for travelling. I got not one but two PSP batteries! Once they're charged and used up, I use my tablet fully charged. Once that runs down I use the portable charger. There's an expensive theftproof backpack which has a built in portable charger. That's what taught me about this indispensible technology. The 22,000 maH portable charger is pricey, about $90.
"So much death what chance do we have against such reckless hate?" King Theoden
Holy shit. Matthew Good Band bassist dead. Elvis's grandson a member of the 27 club. John Travolta the disco king's wife Kelly Preston dead. Glee star Naya Rivera found drowned and dead. Fell out of her boat while her baby was on board. Just awful! What a caravan of death death death.
Zindi Mandela, granddaughter of Nelson Mandela dies at age 59. Or did she? The jury is still out on whether in 2040 the News will announce that Zindi Mandela dies at age 79 and remember when you thought that she died in 2020 at age 59? That was a false memory or remnants of a vestigial errant algorithm of TARDIS or Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Result: the Mandela Effect is a multi-generational effect.
Ghastly: Someone named Amin Shamin Shakur got gunned down at 11:30 pm on Monday July 13 in Vancouver. Shakur?! Tupac much? Summer of COVID-19.
The unkindest cut of all. Grant Imahara of Mythbusters died at age 49 of a brain aneurysm. I always thought he had the World in the palm of his hand. As a TV star, I imagined he scored with a lot of women. I envy that as I am in the wrong town and have to suffer the duress of being unlucky with women. If only I were in the right town. One day I will be. I envy all people who are very lucky. I didn't watch Mythbusters often as I am not a very scientific experiments laboratory kind of guy. Mythbusters debunked the moon landing conspiracy theorists.
I thought he would have lived a long life, being smart and in the scientific community. I didn't talk about him much during his life but I also didn't talk about millions of others much during their lives. I do appreciate the spirit of scientific questioning and discovery which was what Grant Imahara was all about. Lucasfilm sent him a tribute. That's how great he was. And always will be.
My wishlist. Two medium sized color change lightsabers. I don't want the Hasbro ones. The black series lightsabers are too long. I've seen a few color change lightsabers on Amazon. Some change to 11 even 16 colours! Variety is the spice of lightsabers. I need the cheaper medium sized no name colour change lightsaber and two of them. I hope local toy stores sell them although I'd have more of a chance of getting that in Vancouver. I want to walk the UBC forest and the trail stairs lighting up the two lightsabers. That's like a Jedi visiting a forest planet at night. How star warsy is that? It's my wish list. I write this because of the power of the internet and the power of all of you. Every single time I made a wishlist on the internet, providing the item isn't too outrageously big ticket like a BMW, I've gotten! And even then I wouldn't be surprised if one day I actually do get the BMW.
My previous wishlist included stormtrooper helmet, two blue lightsabers, electronic induction hot plate, 40 inch 4K TV except that I wound up getting a 55" 4K TV which is even better! Also I got two Plague Doctor masks! I need the 11 colour change lightsaber sold on Amazon or with any luck, at a local toy store. As for Star Wars itself, I've given up on it. It's dead to me. The story wound up being a train wreck. Han Solo speared in the chest, Like and Leia dying ignomious low rent deaths. Ugh, awful. The dynamic has changed. What was once a rock show space opera is now a galactic shit show.
On the YouTube video, A List of Alien Races, it mentions the Al-Gruualix who are an alien race with eight genders! Meanwhile one Earth we have transgendered, non-binary, cisgendered, straight, LGBT, AFAB; assigned female at birth, AMAB; assigned male at birth and possibly hermaphrodite although I suspect that all hermaphrodites are killed at birth.
We waste a lot of time living up to the fake deterministic expectations of our age, nationality and gender. Other alien races have different gender makeups and not only do they live trying to fulfil the archetypal roles thereof, they also ascribe that each unto deity respectively.
For example an alien race with only one gender would see God as made of one gender as being the closest expression of the Godhead. And other alien races with their different multiple gender makeups be it two or eight as a deviation or aberration of the Godhead.
Adversely, humans see God as a culmination of two gender forces, male and female and anything other than that is considered an anathema.
The Al Gruaalix with their eight genders must see God as a mix of 8 gender force energies, or else gender energy forces and anything else is unthinkable to them as anything other than fiction and conjecture.
But now seeing that a lot of humans are moving away from being ciseth, I don't know what's going on.
St Paul's Hospital in Vancouver. NICU Natal Intensive Care Unit. COVID-19 outbreak. One infant tested positive but otherwise asymptomatic. Coronavirus doesn't really affect infants. It more affects the old. Infants get fed breast milk which is rich in antibodies. If adults drank breast milk or breast milk formula; Enfalac, would they have the same antibody protection? Searching online: although many are trying, doctors state that breast milk will not prevent nor cure coronavirus.
I'm seriously thinking of getting two 16 color lightsabers. They're cheaper on AliExpress than on Amazon. Half the price actually. I want to go to UBCs main mall at night with the lightsabers. For the double bladed Darth Maul, blue looks best. For the single blade, yellow, then purple, then orange. I'm still mulling over and will for days on whether I should get the silver hilts, the gold hilts or the red ones. There are that many varieties!
If I were in China, I would definitely go for the red hilts. I'll get a pair of I'm ever there. The lightsabers are probably somewhat cheaper there.
Going to UBC even the beach at night and use the cheap but surprisingly high quality lightsabers and color changing too is an ideal. Whether or not that is ever the reality is another thing. What I'll do is use the lightsabers in my room but in my mind, imagine that I'm at UBC, or else on an alien planet somewhere. Color changing lightsabers make a big difference. The hilt is thinner and that makes a hilt of a difference.
I think I'll go with the gold hilts. For some reason they're cheaper than the silver hilts. Gold because I'm old and the exotic color is striking at first appearance and the exoticness of the color indicates age and rank in life or mastery of moves. Fight choreography master high hand, martial arts champion.
16 colors includes all favorite colors, 3 shades of blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple, white, pink, fuschia, lime green. How exciting is that? And a bright led bulb. Also 3 sound fonts not including silent which is also included making it 4 sound fonts. Price Amazon, $140 CAD each, AliExpress, $75 CAD each. I'm getting 2 color changing lightsabers!
So many websites sell them. eBay, Amazon, AliExpress etc. There is RGB and YDD. I'm goin with YDD.
2 colors is mind-blowing enough but 16 colors?! Isn't technology wonderful? Too bad they didn't have that in 1977, like right after the first STAR WARS movie was released.
A silver metallic colored😃😃 hoody would look best with the yellow bladed lightsaber. That is the look of a Jedi consular, the main wielder of these awesome weapons. Silver hoody, gold hilt, yellow or else purple single blade. Mysterious. That's just one look out of a possible thousands of different looks and they all look good. Use your imagination.
The solid gold hilt looks like one that Elrond and the Elves would have used during the Battle of Sauron. The solid blue hilt looks Numenorean.
The order depot I deal with won't deal with AliExpress. Only amazon. I've spent one hour mulling over what hilt I should get as only the black and silver ghost and the solid silver is available.
This solid silver is the more traditional retro look. It's the Apollonian look to the Dionysian look of the black and silver striped.
Solid silver - rich man, Jedi consular, square. Government issued. Phantom Menace era style. 30 BBY.
Black and silver, poor man, Jedi lone wolf, hippie. Civilian crafted. Rogue One era style. 1 BBY.
The solid silver is retro and costs $5 CAD more than the black and silver striped.
The black and silver is modern grunge, Tron future world warrior at night. I'm going with the black and silver. I've spent some time mulling over what color lightsaber hilt I would get. Only a fashion plate would mull something like that over.
I've given up on the Hasbro lightsabers. The hilts were too wide. Even the Kit Fisto lightsaber has a revolving dial type activator switch similar to an old style Gillette shaver, which I never liked. The Hasbro lightsabers were exemplary in their true to story actual studio replica of the lightsaber hilts and therein lay the problem. The original ones were not made from other sword hilts, not even modified ones. They were made from something completely different; they were made from camera flash holders in some improvisational moment as the movie was made on the fly and they never thought it would be all that successful, and had that weird shit rectangular whatever stuck right on the center of the hilt which made holding it awkward or else gave you less space on the hilt to hold it. That's like making a can opener out of a monkeywrench.
YDD lightsabers ignores the studio specifications, they just ignore all that and made a lightsaber with a proper sword hilt as what it ought to be. And the button to turn it on looks properly designed. Not some weird extraneous Rube Goldberg infernal revolving sideswitch nor have some weird rectangular thing that has nothing to do with traditional sword hilts, which probably was never meant to be there.
I've been watching some videos of Disney's Galaxy's Edge lightsaber workshop and I want to talk about it as it is well researched. It is under the watchful eye of the 5th Order so it has to be a clandestine operation, kind of like swordsmith meets speakeasy. You get 4 choices of blades, Peace and Justice, Elemental and Nature which includes a Rancor tooth which can be used as a cutting edge weapon like a toothy bayonet, Guardian of the Temple and Power and Control ie Sith. The Nature one with the oversized plastic tooth and the curlicue design on the sword hilt has a My Little Pony look to it. You can purchase different Khyber crystals at Dok Ondar's souvenir shop including a different line of sabers with much better looking hilts but it will cost you $$$$. A YouTube video on the topic said you could get a secret black Khyber crystal in the red vial, just look very carefully. This black Khyber crystal still emits red though. You don't have to get a whole other light saber. The color crystals are removable and interchangeable making it a color change lightsaber.
The hilts seem too wide for me. My YDD hilts are of perfect width. My lightsabers aren't the Star Wars brand. Theyre like a no-name brand.
The actual workshop looks interesting and quite the blast. Fun times as you can put together a lightsaber yourself. The lightsaber costs $200 American.
I still like my YDDs way better: Thinner hilt. 16 colors in one. 4 sound fonts in one. The Khyber crystal costs $50 US at the souvenir shop at Galaxy's Edginess.
Get 1 Khyber crystal for $50. Then get an RFID reader for $60 and you can put your Khyber crystal on the back of it to get all colours and many shades in between and multi sound fonts too. Get the RFID codes on Reddit.
This RFID technology is probably the same kind used in YDD color changing lightsabers.
There is COVID 19 so the lightsaber workshop only lets in so many people.
The colors available at the workshop show are red, blue, green and purple. The souvenir shop has yellow, white and possibly black.
I doubt that I personally would ever have a chance to visit here in my lifetime or have enough money on me at the time to spring for a lightsaber and knowing me, I'd need two. I already have the YDDs so that would be redundant. If I were to choose, I'd go for the gold and silver temple guardian defense and protection hilt and as for blade, I would definitely go for the yellow blade. I used to like the arc welder blue that Starkiller used but now I like to use a shade I call night-rain slicked yellow. In other words, two yellow lightsabers.
I keep visiting a liminal movie theatre in my dreams. Liminal spaces cause slight autophobia. The seating in rows at an incline is partitioned into structurally divided areas. There is also rows of horizontal seating at ground level facing the screen, like a regular movie theatre. There is quite some space between the front row seats and the three large screen at the front. The two screens the center and that to the left of center had different movies. One screen to the right was dark and blank. There were also two medium sized screens on the wall in the back half of the theatre towards the balcony seats on either side flanking the audience. The theatre wasn't glaring bright, but it was far from being dark as it usually is in theatres. STAR WARS or rather some future iteration of it is on screen constantly.
Saturday August 8, 2020. I got my lightsabers today but they arrived Friday, that is yesterday, ordered 16 days before on a Wednesday. They work really good. You have to press the button in succession three times quickly to change colour. Two times quickly won't do it and would only result in a strange squelchy sparkly look, not good, but otherwise easily corrected. One lightsaber I got a blue green color. I tried to match that on the other lightsabers but it's a bit tricky. I think I missed it. I did get two yellow blades easily and got a yellow bladed double lightsaber like Darth Maul. As Pawn Stars mentioned, traditional Japanese swords were tailor made to the height of the user. Those Hasbro lightsabers are for people 5'10 and taller. I'm about 5'7 closer to 5'6. These YDD lightsabers are more suitable for me. Amazon reviewers were right. They arrived fast! I plan to bring my lightsabers to the park at night at least once. I think the Police have seen people with lightsabers and even junkies won't try to attack me and take my lightsabers because junkies don't usually try to pawn toys, more usually things for adults like jewellery or electronics. Besides these swords are only worth about $50 US each. Ten years ago, lightsabers and tablets were about $1,000 because the technology was new. Today, you can get a tablet for $60 CAD new and you can get a lightsaber at Walmart for $5 CAD each and they work pretty good! Lightsabers is now a cheap toy, not expensive, not worth stealing. These are light sticks or light bokken. A saber slices. Instead of going to a martial arts store and paying money for the sharpest sword, I instead paid money for the bluntest swords. My idea also is at Christmas, to turn on one lightsaber red and one lightsaber green. How Christmassy is that? Thank you Amazon and thank you YDD lightsabers.
The YDD lightsabers surpass all expectations. I finally figured out the colors changing button. It all works fine. At 16 colours and 4 sound fonts, that's 64 lightsabers in one! Since I got two, with these two lightsabers, I have 128 lightsabers in two! That's worth the $305 I had to shell out including taxes, depot service charge, shipping and tariffs and duties. Well worth it. These are the last lightsabers I ever expect to get. I need these two lightsabers next to me leaning against the wall as I have the window seat on an airplane. These lightsabers are on that level.
The YDD lightsaber has both Mace Windu lightsaber color iterations. It has the $30 dollar telescopic plastic blade dull purple color but in a much better form and it has the much brighter pinkish purple color that everyone on amazon reviewer comments said that the $200 Hasbro force fx black series Mace Windu lightsaber has which is the same shade of purple lightsaber from Savi's workshop.
Jedi Fallen Order the complete movie is available on YouTube. Cal Kestis is a Jedi who uses a double blade that can at will become two blades and then a double lightsaber again. Would that be like a guitar that doubles as a gun?
Gamer's Little Playground has a few 4K HD videos about Jedi Fallen Order. Also Battlefront 2. These two movies are so good that they should have released these as episode 8 instead of the Ryan Johnson movie as Jedi Fallen Order is a much better movie.
The story of Jedi Fallen Order is that in 10 BBY, Cal Kestis, one of the padawans that Yoda trained in that scene from Phantom Menace is years later working at a scrap yard with a coworker, an alien named Prauf. After an accident in which Cal Kestis uses the force to save Prauf. This force using attracts the attention of Darth Vader's sister, the second one of nine sisters. She kills Prauf causing Cal to fight with her. He escapes with some friends, a Kirkian Georgian looking Black lady named Ceres and a fat alien named Greez Dritus who says to him at one point, "You have to stop messing with me. I'm tough but fragile." Then the usual video game series of quests, go here get this, go there pick up that. Cal acquires his double bladed lightsaber eventually. He meets, fights, and then befriends Darth Maul's beautiful sister named Merrin nightsister.
She is very beautiful, she looks Polish and she also looks somewhat like Mira Sorvino. Then afterwards, this all culminates in a fight with Darth Vader in which they all escape. They announced a Jedi Fallen Order 2.
Battlefront 2 rewritten:
Iden Versio: There's a lot of rebels outside of my cell!
Droid VZ-626: That sounds like the times you were on the colonies. You're used to this!
Iden Versio: What should I do?
Droid VZ-626: As usual with this kind of thing, tell them, "Not tonight I have a headache." If that doesn't work, say, "I only accept cash, no credit." Then wait a couple of minutes and to get rid of the rest of them, say, "Actually, I only accept credit, no cash."
Battlefront 2 in the walkthrough videos from Gamers Little Playground has scenes with Luke Skywalker that look like they might have been what we might have seen had Lucasfilms did episode 7 in 1987 or even 1990 would have looked like. Luke in the strange offworld of Yuzhaan Vong, the green lightsaber, the black Jedi uniform, psychokinetically lifting a pile of stones away from someone. That's the Star Wars movie that we never got but should have got with Mark Hamill in the 80s.
Kanye West is a candidate for the American Presidential election. From University elections to actual national elections, there are always joke candidates. During the British election with Theresa May, Lord Bucket-head was actually a candidate running alongside Theresa May. He didn't win but sometimes they win. Donald Trump because of his relative political inexperience made him seems like a joke candidate. Whoever thought that, turns out the joke is on them!
Kanye West used to be woke. Then he became a born again Christian recording Gospel music. He's back to being woke again. He seemed pretty woke at that Presidential candidate rally the other night. Kanye West debating with President Donald Trump would be high ratings television.
Notice that PM Theresa May is smiling conspicuously baring her teeth. She's a politician who is Machiavellian to the bone. An artist in Dawson Creek told me that when animals🌼 show their teeth it's a warning.
In the human world, showing teeth may be a smile, but old primeval habits die hard as evident with the honourable British PM in the photograph.
I got from a store as change a year 2000 US Liberty Dollar. I think I got the regular one. The Sacagawea image on the 2000 Liberty Dollar replaced Susan B Anthony as the regular image on the coin. There were two editions of the 2000 Sacagawea dollar. One is the 2000P Sacagawea dollar which is worth $425 or more as it has a serrated tail, and was released as a prize in a cheerios cheerios box for some reason. The other is the regular one with the unserrated tail worth only $1. I looked. The serrations should be clear. I see none.
For the 1991 Canada quarter, 25 cents: MS-60 is worth $10. MS-64 is worth $20. If you don't know the difference, a coin shop might sell you an MS-60 for $20. Hopefully not!
Of course during a Viking style bullion economy which was a bartering system for coins based on weight regardless of coin denomination, it didn't matter what denomination a coin was. Why even have denominations for coins? Just weight. One less thing to worry about.
Back then people's money weighed all different. Today money weighs the same that is the weight of one bank card. The amounts each bank card was worth was all different for all people. Something like that would have drove the Vikings mad as they were so used to their way of doing things.
Flash in the pan. Rick Harrison of Pawn Stars said that flash in the pan comes from blunderbusses which loaded powder into the gun via a small pan at the side of the gun. Sometimes the gun wouldn't fire even though the powder in the side pan was lit which is where the expression comes from. I thought the expression came from the gold rush days when a going of shiny metal in the pan seemed to portend gold but was actually iron pyrite or Fool's Gold.