Saturday, July 25, 2020

August of COVID-19, 2020

One day I might move to another country. Especially if I get an inheritance.
An app called English stories: abridged: There was once a camel that said to the other, "Isn't it wonderful that we have a hump to store water, long legs to keep us high and cool off of the hot ground of the desert, special padded feet ideal for sand hopping and long eyelashes to shade our eyes from the sun and a long swatting tail to keep away flies?" The other camel said, "What use is all that? We live in a zoo?" Talents are useless in the wrong place.
Often it's not who you are or what you do that is the cause of unlucky and unsuccessful times, it's where you are. Things bad about you that are an issue here are irrelevant in another country. Things good about you that are irrelevant here are an issue in another country. It's called cultural relativity.

What's the use of having the talent to speak several languages and artistic talent if you're in a backwater that speaks only one language and a country where you're a visible minority? Better to be in a country that speaks at least two languages regularly, their language L1 and English would be their L2 and another language commonly spoken is their L3, yet another their L4, etc. And better to be in a country where you're one of the majority rather than a minority. I would advise most people who are not White not to come to North America for that reason. You might suffer the brunt and duress of being a minority.

Otherwise, come to North America. The starship Enterprise was not just about an advanced human culture comprised of people from all different backgrounds but as well humans of other alien species like Vulcans. More advanced species are about different Nationalities of people all of them together. Less advanced is people of just one race all pooling together in a heap and a mass.

Canada is a strange and wonderful country. For decades, cannabis was illegal but describing people on all kinds of government forms as visible minorities was legal.
And the grim stories of Canada. If Poland because of the concentration camps is known as the Jewish graveyard would Canada because of its MMIW be likewise known as the Indian graveyard?
Why might they be M and M? Perhaps because drunken evil rich frat boys, party, pregnant, demands for money, salvage the family reputation. But I wouldn't think that rich frat boys would do that.
Maybe the Native women are done in because women are smarter than men in a lot of ways and some get proactive, get into law and attempt to take back sovereignty of the land. I'm worried that they're being killed off before they can do that. That's a shit theory. Women of all cultures including Native are encouraged to study law if they want to. I'm not sure that they would ever be discouraged from that.
Also another suspect reason is dissolution. Drug debts or even theft of drugs. One time I was talking with my junkie friend and for some reason the conversation drifted into the topic of drug theft and the seriousness of it. My junkie friend said, "If you stole a pound of heroin from me, I'd kill you myself and I'm your friend!" But my friend was on welfare, there's no way he could have afforded a pound of drugs. It's a 20 year old conversation. A person could be done in for less than a pound of ....whatever! Drug thefts, drug deaths, drug overdoses suspicious or otherwise like shooting up with someone too ignorant to do something when they see someone overdosing in front of them. 
A lot of Natives get big cheques from  the government whenever a pipeline is built. Robbery of the money is another probable cause.
In some of those Native Reservations, life is nasty, short and brutish.
On those reservations, the few white people live in houses painted white. Natives live in houses painted light blue.
I hope Canada reaches a point in its future development that no Natives are done in. Ever. I see that on the News all the time. I don't want to see it anymore. It makes me think of wanting to leave Canada.

Doesn't wanting to leave a country where you are a visible minority for a country where you are one of the majority so they can have a chance to likewise stick it to the minorities in that country even if or even especially if they are White, calling White people farang kee nok; Thailand or else gumsheewa; Prince Rupert just so that you can equalize or whatever  also make you a racist?

In the final draw, it is best to respect all cultures. Any museum of anthropology is all about that. Really most people aren't racist or they aren't that racist. The really angry ones are a conspicuous minority.

Other than that I have only my lightsabers to think about. They'll be arriving. They're 16 colored. "That's racist!" That's the real selling point. It has 4 sound fonts including silent. YDD calls the lightsaber hilt model that I ordered for myself off of Amazon for $305 CAD the ghost. It's interesting that it's called the ghost and also includes the silent sound font because of the rarest and practically non-existent lightsaber even in the STAR WARS cannon is the ghostfire lightsaber. The ghostfire lightsaber has the rarest Khyber crystal which isn't found on either Ilum or Jedha. Nobody knows where it's found. "What do you mean nobody knows?! Deck officer!!!" 
The ghostfire lightsaber when turned on emits no sound. It is ASMR whisper quiet. And the blade emits no light as it is translucent to the point of being virtually transparent. Let's just call it invisible. No one would see it coming. A double bladed one is more deadly because of the double blade any follow up downswing immediately after an upswing would take half as long because of the other blade.
Luckily my YDD lightsaber can emanate this bladewise in two ways. I can either not turn the lightsaber on altogether or else detach the detachable blade and then in either case, set it to silent mode. A noiseless lightsaber without a blade. Is that like the old proverbial bladeless knife without a handle?

Star Wars is cranking out a few movies this decade. What were the chances of that? Maybe one of the movies will talk about the ghost lightsaber. No one will know what hit them unless they see a mysterious glowing cauterizing mark of a lightsaber hitting home somewhere on their body.
I got the information about the ghost lightsaber from a YouTube video called 'The rarest and most dangerous lightsaber in STAR WARS' from The Stupendous Wave.

Darth Revan and Moff Gideon aka Gus Fring of Los Pollos has a dark lightsaber. In the toy world here on Earth that lightsaber is sold for $300. It is made of a cutout in the center, the shape of a blade and surrounding it light a white neon light silhouette is the luminous part of the blade. I wouldn't want to get that. At all. Too tacky! 
Dark saber. Why not? I hate to break it to you, but 4% of the Universe is composed of ordinary matter, 21% is composed of dark matter and 75% is composed of dark energy. Scary or what? Dark saber uses dark matter and dark energy. Scientists have inferred the presence of dark energy with the observation of galaxies, that the combined traditional gravity of a black hole at the center and all the stars around it wouldn't be enough to hold it together like that. There must be some other force that's holding it all together. Dark matter like ordinary matter has a gravitational pull. Dark energy even holds galactic superclusters together.
As per Avgardo's Law as the volume of the Universe expands the density becomes inversely proportional to the expansion. The decay rate in radiation is greater however because it involves red shift.
A YouTube video said that a scientist thinks that dark matter and dark energy are the same thing. It's even there in the title! Einstein did say that energy is mass or matter at the speed of light squared. So in a way that video is right. Energy and matter are sublimated forms of each other. But to say that they're the same thing is like saying a very large lump of metal on the ground and a  BMW are the same thing even though BMWs are made of metal.
A dark saber is made of dark matter and thus emits no radiation. It would be cool to the touch as anything above zero degrees Kelvin emits radiation and anything below does not. People emit 10 micrometers of radiation which is how heat sensing and motion detecting cameras detect people.
Would an example of dark energy be: a person blind from birth has dreams involving visions and not just sensory such as auditory and tactile based dreams.
 A light saber is like a television. It emits photons. And like a television or cell phone or anything that emits photons, there is a slim chance of getting cancer due to the gamma ray radiation thereof. A dark saber does not emit photons it creates light out of dark energy sort of like, quoting YouTube comments here, Chuck Norris doesn't blink, the world just goes dark for a second. Chuck Norris bear skin rug isn't dead, it's just afraid to move. One more: Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed five people, then the grenade exploded. One would not get cancer from a dark saber since dark energy does not absorb, reflect or emit electromagnetic radiation nor light.
Any more than than I would want to get the curved handled lightsaber of Count Dooku aka Mr Salamanca; Man with the Golden Gun, not to be confused with the Toledo Salamanca sword in the movie Highlander. That sword is worth $1 million dollars.

After seeing a few videos about the topic, the unavailable on amazon $40 CAD Hasbro Mandalorian darksaber is somewhat disappointing. The center black portion looks like plastic Batman style stencil cutouts for the lightning done in a Fisher Price style which has a McDonald's Happy meal look to it and hardly the standard which you'd expect the wielder Moff Gideon the deadliest Mandalorian now working for the Imperial Forces but somehow he got the galactically rare and epic Mandalorian darksaber made with a black Khyber crystal which emits light that is not light. Physics 101: Electricity is magnetism, magnetism is electricity, light is an electromagnetic wave. However since dark matter is not electromagnetic as it emits no radiation, it creates photo luminescence via some strange roundabout way.
There are many types of electromagnetic waves, light, radar, sonar, microwaves, radio, gamma, X-rays and lasers. 
All electromagnetic waves oscillate at a base common frequency. This frequency is know as Maxwell's equation. 
With a dark saber you'd need it to be thousands of degrees below Kelvin and scientists have done this back in the seventies setting up a lab where temperatures of one-one thousandth Kelvin was achieved. A quantum computer needs a mere few degrees below Kelvin for its qBits to operate so if they did a thousand degrees below Kelvin, a few degrees should be no problem. Make a solid form of dark matter sublimated from holographically gaseous to solid and mold a claymore, the same kind of sword Liam Neeson had in Rob Roy to make a darksaber with lightning streaks in the center and make it emit white luminescence at the edges. Price: One billion for a glorified oversized Henckel knife that can only be used in special laboratory settings. 
If YDD Lightsabers made a darksaber, I'd get it. It shouldn't be more than $150 since it would only have one color and two sound fonts. Silent and darksaber sound. Would a darksaber be good with multicolors? If I had a darksaber, I'd store it  in a camtono.

STAR WARS starts with a very important syllable. Even before you see the words Star Wars appearing on the screen, you see, 'A long time ago....' the first syllable putting together the letters A and l, the first letter in the word long is al or else el. That syllable appears in the words royAL, angEL, and most of all for Star Wars, ALien and what the heck, also in the word ELsa of Frozen. El is a very important syllable in mysticism. A long time ago when those words were created, the syllable el or al was purposely put in those words. Royal is derived from Ra El meaning sun god. El is an ancient Hebrew word meaning god.

What if Darth Maul won the lottery? He'd be a Darth Maullionaire.

What do Star Wars' BBY and BMW have in common? Either is just one different letter away from BBW.

Joe Scott on YouTube on his video What Would Happen If You Fell Into A Magnetar? said that there are pulsars, quasars and blazars. They wore blazars on Miami Vice. There were pastel colors pink and powder blue and white blazars, and that's what there is in the Universal cosmos as well.

News flash: I found out that Ray Park aka Darth Maul posted a porn video on instagram. That so incensed a lot of people that it's safe to say that Ray Park has been fired from all future Star Wars projects. "You may fire when ready."
I didn't see the video nor would I want to. It wouldn't be any kind of priority. On any level. 
Just like I saw Hermione's magic bag however declined to see Potter or Weasley and didn't even look.
Word ladder: Ray Park, Ray Parn, Ray Porn. 
Well anyways Shatele Shan had a blue double bladed lightsaber. Cal Kestis had a yellow double bladed lightsaber.
Ray Park, Ray Parker Jr. I never made that connection.

Personally, that Ray Park did some video doesn't bother me. As long as I don't have to see it. You sort of have to go out of your way to see it. I hope Ray Park can still work for Star Wars. Is it something the Police would just him for? Probably not. I think he deleted the video.
Ray Park did look noticeably older in Rogue One. This could be a publicity stunt making it easier for him to quit. Something he wanted to do anyways.
He is getting old like Obi Wan. Darth Maul is a young character. Darth Maul is like James Bond. Young role needs to be always replaced with young actors.

Cancel Cancel Culture. My friend once said to me that in life it's about building houses and the gormless talentless voyeurs who can't build their own houses seek to tear down others houses out of envy or spite. It's strange that some members of a race of pyramid builders would be so intent on tearing down the achievements and accomplishments of others instead of making their own achievements and
The Jewish story about stone golems who turned on their masters who educated them.
But it's the shit human species we're talking about. Hundreds of years ago, every 50 years or so they'd have pogroms which is a roundabout way of saying a single ethnic group was scapegoated and persecuted for no other reason than belonging to a certain race  or religion. The human species is scum and old habits die hard. The physics of this dimension are shit. But that's how it's supposed to be. In order to know the depth of purity of the other dimension, we must know a not-purity in order to offset it and in order for us to more completely define and understand it. 
To know what time travel is, we first have to know what not-time travel is. That's one of the purposes of life in this dimension with this set of physics.

Monday, August 24, 2020. Google page on tablet tells the story of an unfortunate stormtrooper who wanted not to be in the front lines knowing his odds of survival. When the Imperials raided the Corvette in the opening scenes of A New Hope, he miraculously survived the opening salvo making his way through the laserful breaches of the initial hallway bellicose display only to wind his way further into the mysterious recesses of the ship only to encounter Princess Leia. Stunned, he tried to make a report describng what he's seeing to someone. Only to have Princess Leia shoot him in the face. The odds of me seeing that story, because I often don't bother clicking on to stories. Something made me click on to it. Picture above.

Cancel culture has now gone after Gina Carano. Gina Carano is a great lady and she is bigger and better than Star Wars. She is one of the few who does her own stunts as ironically, most of the people we know in Star Wars use stunt men to do their stunts. Star Wars used to be a bigger deal back when they worked with film stock. Digital you can just copy a film with the press of a button in a few seconds. They probably would've written some weird ending for her. Star Wars is dead to me. Who cares about Star Wars? More incidental stylized bullshit.
QAnon says some weird shit but they do have a point when they say that there is no race war as it's just a form of the class warfare agenda of the mainstream media or else the News which tows a line and advances and reinforces and advances a hegemonistic social agenda  with their single perspective history, forced hyper-controlled artificial narrative, fake news to always write racially charged stories in the news ticker to divide and conquer, to get the poor and middle class to fight each other instead of the real enemies which is corporate heads like YouTube ripping people off of their view counts, subscribers. And that's just one example.
QAnon also said, and a warning, this gets weird: QAnon said that coronavirus genetically targets ...perverts.  There may be a basis for this. Sasha Baron Cohen as a Mossad security guard in Who Is America? said that when around the underaged, perverts will sweat emitting an enzyme called 4-D DHT. This can be detected remotely using a handheld device. Also most people can not have an orgasm unless the amygdala is turned off. But some people can not have one unless the amygdala is turned on. "That's the off switch. Or is that the on switch?" Deadpool.
Just as for most people, any thoughts involving the anus would be an intrusive and unwanted thought while for these others, any thoughts not involving the anus would be an intrusive and unwanted thought.
These would be the sociopaths and psychopaths in society. And this feature is genetically deterministic.
Ex National Security Advisor Mike Flynn also took the QAnon oath.
"A popular man arouses the jealousy of the powerful."  Frank Herbert
The goddamned pernicious egregious defective human species is a very jealous one. And I thought I was jealous. Some people are way more jealous.
Gina Carano, she is strong and will emerge the better off from it just like she did in so many of her MMA fights.
The dynamic has changed. In 1977 Star Wars was a movie. Today, in 2020, it's a goddamn rabbit hole. In 1977, if you were a Darth Vader or a Princess Leia, you really stood out. Today in 2020, if you are a Cara Dune, who cares? The Law of Diminishing Returns.  Just one of of since then thousands of incidental tacked on bullshit. Every ten years add on another one thousand bullshit characters, robots, aliens, whatever. From a cast of dozens to a cast of thousands. Tens of thousands.
The average star wars minor character has on average a shelf life of about two movies before they churn out yet another batch. "We sell merchandising. We need turnover!"  Smoke and Phasma, gone in two movies. Maybe or maybe not the Cara Dune character would have been gone during the second season anyways. Who knows if The Mandalorian itself will go on beyond the second season.  It was an ephemeral stint to begin with.

STAR WARS went from being a movie to being a plot to separate people's money from their wallets. Or else a cottage industry. You know the drill: see the movie, get the blu ray, get at least a couple of souvenirs, toys and two hundred dollar lightsabers.
Haha. In my case it worked! I saw all the star war movies and got the blu rays and even got quite a few lightsabers over the years!

In a parallel Universe if there was no Star Wars, I'd see an ad like, "The new patented portable flourescent light tube. Useful for overnight hikes and glowing batons for parades and night processions. 16 colors in one! Available at Walmart and Canadian Tire for $39.99."

I've been watching the News for years and although it might not sound so flashy or sensationalist to say, the people on the News are good people. I think that they take their job seriously and would not intentionally try to mislead people. They approach their vocations with a high degree of professionalism.  The News often presents good news stories and stories of hope.

I am still doing the midsummer night Eve cartoon but not in time for this year's midsummer night Eve which is sometime in August. It should be completed before next year's MNE. I'm going to try something new. Each scene or each few scenes will be of a completely different style. From realist to abstract to downright surreal. However the structural characteristics will remain. If a character has short black hair then he character will retain that throughout except when they're in costume.
I am taking my own sweet time about it. As usual I get no revenue or view counts since I used the Ray Parker Jr song as the opening segment.
That's the human species for you, pernicious, egregious, deleterious.
Now I don't know about doing the cartoon. Lazy. What difference would it make. Some topics seem like a good idea at first. Kubrick thought of doing a Napoleon movie. It seemed like a good idea until it doesn't. Midsummer night dream? Shakespeare? Maybe I should do something less intense. Or maybe I'll do it. 

I knew a very sweet lady. However due to the errant miscreant time signatures involved, I have decided to stop seeing her for the remainder of the duration of the global pandemic. The entire premise is fucked. See her once, twice a week for two minutes before it's over for another week. Meanwhile more barriers, barricades. The less barricades the better. And the whole time I'm in the friend zone and even so after the pandemic after all that. I wouldn't do that for someone I'm only in the friend zone with. Such devotion is reserved for lovers. To visit for two minutes a week once a week all the time is to send a wrong message to her and to myself that I'm making an effort to be more than in the friend zone. "The whole thing reeks of effort." Lisa Simpson
But the thing is I'm not sure that I'm interested in being any more than in the friend zone with her as I simultaneously don't like to place expectations on anyone nor would I place myself in a position of need with anyone especially under such time signatures or lack thereof. I just don't really care. "In life, you must live with courage, integrity and honour." Ghost of Tsushima
The premise of the whole set up is bullshit. I just couldn't bring myself to go there anymore.  Lovebombing. But meanwhile she knows that I know that she knows that I know that during and after the pandemic, I'm in the friendzone. I don't care if I'm in the friendzone or any zone with her. But if I were to go keep on going there I  would be sending her, as well as myself, the wrong signals, signals that show I'm still interested. Which I'm not. Never put expectations on anyone. Never be in a position of need with anyone.
As for her car, a person's possessions is absolutely none of my business whatsoever. I would just rather avoid seeing that thing at all and have that catalyze with my thoughts. Out of sight, out of mind. It's not like I'm legally required to see it.

GOT; Ghost of Tsushima, not Game of Thrones, is about the Mongol invasion of Japan when the word kamikaze originated. It was a divine wind that caused a typhoon or sea storm that repelled the Mongols as they were making yet another naval incendiary wave. The word has since been subverted or else perverted in World War 2. Kamikaze originally implied ☮️ peace as it sounds like a Shinto or Buddhist term.
As it is I don't know when I'll see her again. Maybe next year. Maybe never. If I'm only seeing her for two minutes at a time, as sweet as it is. Why would I want to go on doing that if its only for two minutes? Whatever. I wish her all the best, though. She is a great lady. As it is, I might move to UBC. I love UBC intensely and profoundly.

A young lady newly arrived in Vancouver stopping to help a friend who had fallen in the street had her knapsack stolen. In the knapsack was a bear with a message from her late mother, dead from cancer, a message kind of like "Help me O-Bear Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." So we got that kind of thing going on. She gives gold and gets shit in return. She helps someone and gets her kit stolen. That's the human species for ya. Year after year of shit after shit.
Ryan Reynolds aka Deadpool has stepped up to the plate with a $5000 reward for the return.
I don't know.... They already have the message. It was broadcast on the News. Keep the recording which they already have, it's in the can, and get a new bear. Or not. There's all kinds of things going on on all kinds of levels. Maybe her mother's spirit arranged for the bear to be stolen to get her to let go as that is healthier. Or maybe the gangsta that took the knapsack sussed what the score was, basically bad Joss, and removed the knapsack with the bear so as not to bring bad energy, too ghoulish, into the neighbourhood. In a lot of cultures, any hint of the dead is bad luck. Too much of a clash, something so  cute like teddy bear mixed with something so ghoulish like dead mother and one who died most awfully's voice recorded for all future listenings.
Maybe whoever swiped it threw the bear in the garbage. But that video they took of the suspect in the alley is more than enough even if he was wearing a white baseball cap obscuring his face.
If that's what she wants, I hope she finds it again. Recently someone on the News was reunited with their war medals. Lost and found on the News.
Of course in the movie Deadpool 2, Cable's daughter's teddy bear had an amphibious other function as a time machine.
Update: Good news. On Tuesday night, July 28 2020, the woman was reunited with her bear. Ryan Reynolds brought it to her.

From the Google counter, no one is reading this blog. Two people. But from another counter, it register eighteen thousand views. I suspect that Jenna Marbles and others complained about how YouTube is ripping them off. David Icke said, "Others have told me don't believe your YouTube view counter. You're getting a lot more views." Britty444 jumped from 300,000 to 500,00 plus subscribers in one year from 2015 to 2016. I do a cartoon about her and it's she who gets the subscribers. Typical with me as the forces of life always seem hell bent to rip me off. It's at the point where, it's an easy fix, just give up on life altogether. But getting back to Britty444, strangely, from 2018 on, she got only 100,000 more subscribers. Jenna noticed this as her subscribers seemed to stop at 23 million. She must have said something threatening to YouTube management and they sicced the SJWs on her. Publishing especially with Google is a very corrupt and dishonest business. It rips people off left right and center. Substandard treatment. It a weird corporation that operates with a cult like intent. One day Google will pay us as that is an inevitable part of it's eventual evolution. Not paying us and scuppering our view counts, comments, likes, is growing pains. It's not over for Google. Not by a long shot. The best is yet to come. Don't worry, you'll all get paid.

Today on August 1 2020, I bought a can of houndstooth cannabis drink for $5 Canadian. I hope it's not too overwhelming. I'll tell you about it after. Technically it is legal so I don't have to worry about getting busted although it might fuck up any future trips to the States. But I did have dreams about President George W Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The Kingsman. The Statesman. The day I had the Condoleezza Rice dream I looked out my window and saw an American plane with a white star on its wings. You know the timing that was involved with something like that? The timing was impeccable! Perhaps I could visit the States after all.
Houndstooth. Tweed.

Russia is releasing a coronavirus vaccine in August. Of course they do things different over there.
An America woman in YouTube comments said she took her father to Russia for medical treatment and it saved his life as she said the medical system in Russia is better than the States.

Saturday August 1 2020. Tonight while trying to catch and kill a cockroach a pair of scissors fell down hard at an exact 90 degree angle right on the second two of my left foot just behind the nail. There was a bleeding and a profound aching pain for a few minutes. Then after eating an aspiring to reduce any inflammation, I wrapped it with an improvised band aid, always 'cover it up'. Now there is hardly any pain. Maybe a tiny bit but that's all.

I'm now mulling over whether I should get a kick scooter with large wheels. Almost like penny-farthing wheel large. Pros: Much faster ride. Cons: Stock urethane rather than vulcanized rubber wheels. Too fast for pedestrian sidewalk, too slow for bike lane. An extraneous hybrid. When twirling, the arc would be too large, different center of gravity, making it too dangerous.
Or whether I should get an electric scooter. $100 to $150 more than large wheel scooter. Pros: Effortless motorized ride. Cons: Too heavy to twirl or to even carry over the shoulder. Battery only last so long. Too fast for pedestrian sidewalk too slow for bike lane. Big. Takes up space. What if stranded blocks away with battery run out? Does it have a battery less option?
Large wheel scooter: $129 CAD
Electric motorized scooter: $229 to $299

Exactly like lightsabers, when electric scooters were first released all those years ago they were about $1,000.  Now they're about $300. 

At the Vic Theatre is three movies: Lucky Grandma, a Chinese English movie about a Chinese grandmother who likes to gamble. Tightly woven compelling plot.
Peanut Butter Falcon: Shia LaBeouf trains a man with Down's Syndrome to be a wrestler. Kind of like Karate Kid, but with wrestling and Down's Syndrome.
The Tobacconist: A World War two story about a Jewish tobacconist who helped a lot of people during very difficult times. "Women are like tobacco. Don't pull too hard if you want to enjoy them."

Lucky Grandma was the first movie I rented on Google Play. I was able to do it without a credit card. Just a Google Play card. The movie is thoroughly enjoyable. There was not one boring moment in the movie. Not one.
Lucky Grandma is one of the greatest movies ever made. Tsai Chin, the lead actress was in You Only live Twice. 007 was saying how Chinese women are different, there is a different cultural flavor like Peking Duck. And that's when Tsai Chin told him that she will give him a good duck. Followed immediately after with a Murphy bed fiasco.
Lucky Grandma is all about gambling and gangsters, themes which are standard issue for Chinese movies nowadays.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Huge explosion in Beirut Lebanon. It was a fireworks explosive factory. Thunderball. The silver color of the Thunderball made me think it was Nitro glycerin that exploded as that is an ingredient in explosives. Was it an accident? Probably as it was an explosives factory. Terrorists like al quaeda would hit a less ballistically and incendirially redundant target this making more of a point. Canada had the Halifax explosion on December 6, 1917  when a French ship, the SS Mont Blanc carrying explosives and picric acid collided with a Norwegian ship, the SS Imo carrying grain relief bound for Belgium blew up in Bedford Basin, Halifax, Canada which was the biggest explosion in Canadian history. I hope the people of Beirut Lebanon pull through this all right. Lots of people in the World including myself wish them well and wish them a safe recovery.
Total meltdown! It's like Three Mile Island with Roman candles, bottle rockets and cherry bombs.
Turns out the main ingredient is ammonium nitrate or else dried manure which is one of the three ingredients for gunpowder, sulphur, charcoal and ammonium nitrate. You can add things like saltpeter, Nitro glycerin which make it TNT and picric acid which makes something even more powerful than TNT. Timothy Invictus McVeigh used an ammonium nitrate bomb to blow up the FBI building. Awful day!
President Trumps says it's an attack. Lebanese authorities say it was an accident. One swallow does not a summer make. One explosion at a fireworks factory does not a summer make. It takes a lot more than just one event to make or ruin a summer.
Since that devastating conflagration in Beirut, Lebanon, the entire cabinet of the Parliament resigned. In Beirut, it's 'Remember that person you voted for to represent your neighborhood in the election a few months ago? That's irrelevant now.' Canada's Parliament didn't resign after the Halifax explosion! They sure do things differently in Lebanon.
The News, Global News said that after their revolution in the 80s, they shifted from a government structure that divided, code for taken away the power from different religious groups. And the people clamoring in the streets wants that old structure returned. 

Saltpeter or 'Chinese salt' is commonly used to give the blood of red meat a pink color. Some stores don't use saltpeter and the meat looks a lot redder, a lot ruddier.

I recommend two movies because they were interesting. On Tubi.
The Host - a bank employee embezzled $50,000 for a turn at the tables in a Chinese run casino. Bad luck. The casino owner agrees to cover all losses if the back employee delivers a suitcase in exchange for another one. He winds up in a 'chop' shop. Some slight B movie elements, otherwise a good story. 
"None of this is your fault. Your brother made his choices in life and the path he went on. Forgive yourself." Derek Jacobi 

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead - is a movie where two brothers plan to rob their parents jewelry store goes wrong and the string of events. Ethan Hawke and Philip Seymour Hoffman is in this movie. Art imitates life or the other way around as the case may be as in this movie, PSH portrays a junkie.

There is an app for everything. There is apps called cognitive biases which lists them like a University textbook. There are a few apps, all similar, all good. There is also apps for cognitive bias modification. These tests are very helpful and could be life changing. Again, there are a few apps like this and most of them are good. One of them, eponymously called Bias Modification does not include results for free. You have to pay $$. Up and down arrows, three in a row match smiling faces. Every other brain training app I ever downloaded did include that for free. If you can't see the result for free, great as the app otherwise is, then it's awful. Doing these exercises alone will improve your mind. That's the point. Seeing the results is after the fact. Mind improvement on this app does not at all depend on seeing the results.

Bias modification reinforces a tendency to gravitate towards the genuinely positive, and to avoid the neutral or negative and to if reasonably possible, to interpret any neutral conclusions as positive conclusions. It makes one's own cognitive biases work for them rather than against them.
There will of course be more newer and better apps along these lines. Amazon fire adds 257 apps a week to it's line up while Google Play adds over 1,000 apps a day to it's massive inventory.
There is first tier, second tier, third tier, and scratching the bottom of the barrel and Google Play has them all. There are apps so cheap that it seems someone photocopied a novel, is selling as an app or letting it out there for free for the associated ad revenue and the app was made in a dinghy back alley in a third world country. Amateur AF. Whereas Amazon fire cherry picks only the best and most reliable apps to add to its line-up. Some titles of the same app are different on amazon fire and Google Play.
I know someone who got an Amazon 7 fire tablet as a gift. They were selling them at shoppers for $60. Reviews say it's a good tablet but you can't get Google Play as it forces one to use the amazon fire app store. You can install Google Play with some additional APK software apps. Amazon fire like Google android has its own bloatware. Amazon fire 7 only uses a 1GB RAM. Amazon fire 8HD uses a 2 GB RAM and so does the Amazon fire 10. Amazon fire 8HD is a much better Amazon fire tablet than the amazon fire 7 and costs only somewhat more.

Amazon fire is like Ted Turner starting up his own successful wrestling franchise back in the day, "If Vince McMahon can do it...."
I love amazon. Jeff Bezos must have thought, "If the CEO of Google Play Android can do it...."

There are many cognitive biases. There is the delayed reward slash worth bias: A gift offered now is judged to be of more value than the same gift if offered after a wait of some time. That applies to anything, presents, a car ride, meetings with celebrities. Doing it now or ASAP is worth much more than doing it later. Which can be counterintuitive. Why would meeting a major celebrity be worth more doing it sooner than later? 

Cognitive bias: False consensus effect. I think this way, everyone else probably thinks this way too. Wrong! No they don't!
Eg. I think I'm a loser. Everyone else must think I'm a loser too. Wrong! No they don't!

I don't know about my cartoons. I had a friend in the early 90s who played a guitar and he liked to play folk songs. He was playing a style that was then 40 years old as he liked to play in the style of Bob Dylan and Arlo Guthrie. And even then not doing it as well as the stars of the 50s.
My cartooning is of a style that is at least 40 years old. My cartoons kind of look like the cartoons of the 70s or earlier and even then, not doing it as well as they did. My cartoons lack head turning, constantly shifting facial expressions, are dialogue anemic rather than dialogue driven. Until a few years ago, they didn't even have blinking eyes. Substandard. Amateur.
What my cartoons do have is linear command, walking, story structure; a story told in mainly pictures, multiple items moving simultaneously and drawing celebrity faces somewhat well. My artwork in the cartoons is a level 2 to level 3 out of 6. 
My cartoons are very reminiscent of the hand drawn and hand painted on mylar cells, the old 1970s and before style whereas today's animation has a look of no way could that have just been hand made on mylar cells.
Today's cartoons are a much higher standard. They use 3D composited even photorealistically composited imagery. A lot of cartoons have 360 rotation of scenery and all this can be done with a program called blender or others.
I don't think I've quit but I don't know when I'll do cartoons again.
I am proud to be a Canadian artist. I wouldn't be an artist in any other country unless I went there. Canada paid me well. Over the last few decades, I was paid well over $200,000 in welfare and disability benefits. Immense kindness. That is certainly equivalent of not more than any Arts grant I would have gotten 20 years ago. 
If you were an animator in the 70s, you stood out. Now thanks to a glut of videos being uploaded every day, any animator just gets lost in the pile.
What brings me to animate is female inspiration. My girlfriend is in the hospital so there's no inspiration now.  I hope she gets released. 

China's long red arm of the law has arrested a high profile billionaire; write down every number and you won't use the letter b until you get to a billion, that's how much a billion dollars is. China is very sensitive to revolution. Every Dynasty that fell was preceded when the founder of another Dynasty launched a revolution and won. A hundred years ago the Nationalists rebelled against the Monarchy and won. Then the Communists launched a revolution against the Nationalists and won. They won a ton. They are still in power and doing it well; I got my excellent lightsabers! They are sensitive to revolutions.
In Canada, if one percent of the people rebelled, that's 330,000 people in a population of 33 million. In China, a population of one billion, one percent in a revolution would be a disastrous 10 million people! They have to clamp down on revolutions and dissent! That's the same for Canada. The government will only tolerate so much revolution and dissent.
The best way to live in China is to be poor, to have just enough money to live on and don't be interested or be involved with politics, then any change of government, your life stays the same. Rich, be involved with politics and any change of government will be a big difference.
The protestors and dissenters are a very conspicuous minority. The vast majority of Chinese people don't get involved with such stuff.

John Oliver made a video recently about the Chinese treatment of the Uighurs. How they are placed in education centers, video cameras everywhere in their region and how things like quitting smoking suddenly or the uneccessary possession of barbells can get one red flagged and sent to a reeducation center. They always want to make China look bad. 
China would say look at how you treat the Native Americans and Black people. Remember Afriqueville, Nova Scotia.
The truth is somewhat different. Uighurs live in Xinjiang which is in the Northwest corner of China. That region is surrounded by a  rat's nest of other intensely saturated Muslim or Islamic countries. Nothing wrong with that except that there has been a record of Al Quaeda and/or ISIS heavily infiltrating these places and setting up their eternal caliphate etc. The Xinjiang region is especially prone to such infiltration that if achieved would have disastrous implications for the National security of the rest of China. The reeducation centers is probably a joint China-CIA or China-Russian-Spetza operation. Notice there's no Al Quaeda bullshit in Russia or very little of it. They run a tight ship in Russia. China too. 
The quitting smoking is a security forces observed phenomenon that is often directly attributed to culty indoctrination. And the barbells is often melted down and made into inceniaries, even ball bearing which are used in some types of incendiaries.
The Xinjiang region has either the choice of the Chinese government pushing them around or worse, ISIS pushing them around. It's a bad situation.
China is an atheist state. There is no official National Religion. China would rather see people the anachronistic trappings of their regressionary religion and raise people with the modern forward future thinking aegis of practical empirical  science. All ethnicities are rabbit holes of cultural anomaly, polite term. Impolite term, cultural bullshit. Lots of people got University degrees but still believe the Earth was created in 7 days etc.

I know someone who drives a BMW M2. Anyways, if I was at a BMW dealership and had a chance for the salesman to take me on a test drive, the salesman drives the car, and there was  BMW M2s and BMW M3s there, I wouldn't opt to go in the M2 just because of my friend and the sentimental value, whatever. I would opt to ride in the M3 because people on YouTube said that the M2 is an introduction to the M series. The first real M series is an M3 then an M5. Those are serious M series cars.
BMW obsession is a type of cognitive bias called design fallacy; that designer is better than generic.

There is no such thing as one car rides differently from all the rest. Either it's each and every car or car line has a unique specific inimitable ride that you can personally identify or else all cars ride pretty much the same and there are so many. One rides differently than all the rest?! Bullshit!

If I took a Pepsi challenge and rode in a car with my eyes closed before and during, could I tell if the car I'm riding in is a BMW M series or not? I seriously doubt it!

On a more serious note, British Columbia is hiring 500 walk-ins as contact tracers. The United States is hiring 100,000 people as contact tracers.
So any time get ready to get a tap on the shoulder and someone saying, "You were on a bus or shopping mall three days ago and someone standing next to you had coronavirus. Now you'll have to quarantine for 14 days."
No. 500 people for all of BC? There's more than 500 Police Officers in Vancouver alone probably in this town as well.
Contact tracers jobs is to go to the most extreme cases, crowded places, beach parties, bars, etc and to collect names and to tell them that they could be contacted and told to quarantine and self isolate but that's not guaranteed. They would triage the most crowded places as highest priority.

King of hot pot Nathan Rich did a video about YouTube censorship. His videos view counts and subscribers are suppressed, deleted, removed.
YouTube is bullshit. View count suppression is of course bullshit but too many views could mean too many bullshit comments from bullshit people. It's a systems wide failure, not just with YouTube as a lot of people on YouTube say that it happens to them too. It's a systems wide failure of the human species. Any time you deal with the human species, you're getting a raw deal. "I don't know which species is worse. At least you don't don't see them screwing themselves over for a goddamned percentage." Then there's the comparison bullshit. Even if all the view counts and subscribers are honest, people would just compare themselves to others. There is more to life than YouTube. Traveling to another country and moving there and living the life I've always wanted  is a million times better than uploading videos to YouTube which is a waste of time and life. YouTube is a crooked, cursed, and damned platform. 
The YouTube algorithm is a product of the human species which is a garbage species. YouTube itself ironically has videos saying that we are in another age of mass extinction. Fuck up a few strands of the web, fuck up the whole web. For the anthropocene era it may only be a matter of time. Maybe less than two hundred years.
YouTube and Twitter fuck up people's accounts and call them 'bad actors'. Haha! That's  projection!
YouTube is a corporation which operates like a cult which operates like a country which operates like a corporation which operates like a cult etc.
Universities are corporate and culty too.
Operates like a country = writes it's own 'laws' called policy except that policy is not law.

My Talking Tom Gold Run 2 paragraph got deleted. I was crestfallen that I didn't get Fireman Tom, narrowly missed it and got the diamond vault instead. On Thursday, August 13 2020, I got it!

Save poor Elsa. Wild boar named Elsa faces death in Germany for snatching a laptop. This little piggy....

The movie Last Christmas starring Danaerius Targaryen is very macabre. HP Lovecraft or what? I'm surprised they had trailers recommending that people see it. I read the spoiler before seeing the movie. But that didn't stop my induction cooktop from frying and short circuiting while watching the movie. Maybe it had something to do with not turning it off before just yanking out the plug. Even the landlord said that it wasn't the best thing to do. Whether or not I turned it off, it was a used years old cooktop when I bought it. I've never owned a cooktop that didn't eventually just go kaputz. Two things place great stress on machines, extreme temperatures hot or cold, and moving parts. Hot plates get so hot and used for years, it places stress and wear and tear. I've decided to phase out purchasing dvds DVDs and Blu-rays. Moving parts. I prefer to use YouTube and Tubi exclusively. That and cable TV is all the entertainment I'd ever need. I've also never had a dvd or BluRay  machine that didn't eventually just conk out.
This next week is the hottest week  of the year. A good week not to have a hotplate around making it even hotter. Gotta beat the heat, you know. I won't be able to get my new hotplate until next week as my money is held in escrow and I can only access it on a few days in the year.... No it isn't. Look, I just won't be able to get a new induction until one week later.

Speaking of extreme temperatures, labs have created a state or area where the temperature is one-one thousandth of a degree of Kelvin. Because of its non radioactive properties, dark matter can not be above zero degrees Kelvin. Would such extreme temperatures replicated in a lab have any connection to dark matter. Dark matter a few degrees under Kelvin is one thing. But would one-one thousandths of a degree of Kelvin be cold enough to freeze dark matter, to sublimate it from gaseous to solid therefore sculpting a Mandalorian darksaber?

As STAR WARS talks about the force, in classical physics there are four types of forces, gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear. Would a fifth force be dark energy?

There is a shell called the ocean quahog that can live over 500 years. The oldest one found in 2006 was 507 years old! It's the longest living animal in the World. The Grenland shark lives over 510 years. 
The giant barrel sponge lives 2,300 years.
The Antarctic sponge lives 15,000 years.
Immortal jellyfish lives forever.
Source: YouTube: Ariken777
Genomically sequence these creatures. Transfer some of those properties to humans. But would you want to walk around with the same baggage that you'll never hear the end of for a few hundred years like St Germain?
Ariken777 also taught me in his electron microscope video that sugar is made of 12 atoms of carbon, 22 atoms of hydrogen and ... 11 atoms of oxygen.
There is a forest of trees in Utah that is 80,000 years old! Except it isn't a forest. It's a Pando tree. That tree is one unified organism, in this case a male one, which basis is formed underground as a vast unified root system that is one organism. Not bad for an RNA organism.
Panspermia: the smallest unit carrier of DNA is  bacteria. The smallest unit carrier of RNA is a virus. Say what you will about the coronavirus but bacteria and viruses on meteors probably brought unicellular life to this planet. These DNA and RNA carriers each went through different processes of epigenesis respectively on different planets and each forming their own lucas. Luca = last universal common ancestor, the animal that formed all other animals. Source: YouTube, Joe Scott: cephalopods aliens from Earth.
Panspermia or else abiogenesis.

The last universal common ancestor is a tadpole or else a comma, or else something that looks like the number 9.  All mammals and reptiles even humans start life as two cells merging. Two zygotonous cells, sperm and egg. Then there is an epigenesis phase as the cells under mitosis over and over again, growing and shifting from one amorphous form to another until finally one day, something looking like a tadpole is evident. As humans we once started life with a very long tail that has since receded. That tail eventually formed into spinal columns.

Canada's next leader of the Conservatives comes down to a choice of either Peter McKay or else Erin O'Toole. Why not just vote for Peter O'Toole and thus cover all bets.
"If you don't say what you mean, you will never mean what you say." Peter O'Toole, The Last Emperor
Update: Erin O'Toole won.

The tent city situation is getting worse. There is a tent city on the grounds of  City Hall. The Star Wars store is just half a block away from that. The owner of the local Star Wars store called Cherry Bombs Toys was attacked the other day. You know, there is a pawn store right next door that sells guns. The first instinctive reaction is to look for who did it and shoot him with one of those guns. But people make mistakes. In a few years that person might do one extra good act as penance whereas he might not have otherwise done that. The story isn't over. Everybody in the neighborhood knows the Star Wars store.
The tent city is a new way of life. Lots of hotels, rooming houses either have too many rules like no smoking and no pets or else they're total slumlords who don't care at all. Those sleazy ignorant slumlords came from other countries, were slumlords there too running that place to the ground and come to this country and thus, haha, wind up running two countries to the ground.
The tent city is a new perennial stochastic floating population that either blights or blesses our cities. In Victorian London, the homeless were a loved and accepted group and they were most close knit at Christmas finding the most joy with the fewest possessions, a joy that eludes many rich people. Most homeless people seem to be very happy and a lot of them are spiritual even though they are tramps like Joe the Tramp on the Polar Express.
Most at the tent city want to get on with their lives. However there is a core criminal undercurrent. In Vancouver at the Strathcona Park tent city 200 strong, formerly Oppenheimer Park tent city, local residents, neighbors living in townhouses gated and ungated are getting yelled at, their things pilfered from their yards and even violent overtures involving needles being threateningly waved. When a tent city resident goes to someone's property to pilfer and steal, they call that 'farming'. 
"Don't think of us as a tent city. Think of us as a farming community."
It's the poor taxing the rich. Real Robin Hood shit. It's a region's karma or else idiot tax for so many years of crazy out of control real estate scams.
Even Vancouver City Counselor Peter Fry was attacked. "I'll stab you so fast!" were the now infamous and ominous words the foul miscreant levelled at the esteemed City Counsellor, at the Publican. If the situation escalates it will be like that scene in Lord of War when that tent city was massacred except it will be the Canadian version of that, no machine guns but a wave of Vancouver Police Officers VPD moving in and making lots and lots of targeted arrests for specific complaints outstanding from distraught neighbours in the neighborhood.
The socio-economic deterioration of the old Woodward's area downtown Eastside neighborhood is a result of a recipe of free trade deals giving people overseas access to real estate, out of control speculation money laundering housing shorts real estate scams, the outsourcing of light industry blue collar jobs, greedy venal or else globalist bullied local politicians, mismanagement at City Hall, and poverty pimps. 
Normally it's some real estate is open to speculators and some is not, but everywhere 100% is open to speculation?! Bullshit!
Also the result of the strange increase in the amount of people using drugs that involve needles.
Poverty pimps make the place a theme park. Knowing first hand what it was like years ago when they were poor in that neighbourhood, they made it possible for the poor to have access to free phones, free meals, community programs, nursing, all that they didn't have before. That makes it more difficult to leave. The poverty pimps helped a lot of people get off welfare and find a responsible paying job.

Orwell wrote in Down and Out in Paris and London that the tramps of the 1930s were subject to vagrancy laws and and had to keep moving.
The tramps visited houses in the suburbs and outside the house in the alley, they drew signs and symbols in the dirt denoting whether the house owner was hospitable to tramps. It was a strange and different time.

Freeroms dot com not working. Yesterday I downloaded 5 zip files. You want zip, not apk. Worked fine yesterday. Today, awful. Maybe they don't work on Sundays. I have seen some websites that actually do that. I need to download Buzz Brain Bender Europe. I already downloaded Buzz Brain, Buzz Master, Hot Brain, Mind Quiz and Chess Master. I downloaded Force Unleashed but way, way too choppy. I tweaked the frame skip settings via a YouTube video instruction. Force Unleashed still choppy. Was that the problem? Although I uploaded Buzz Brain of the UK after I tweaked the settings after I uninstalled Force Unleashed.
Emu paradise doesn't work. Only downloads apks. Are they being stopped by the government now? The government doesn't want people downloading games from a system that hasn't been selling for 7 years now.
It isn't about space. I have nearly 2Gb left on my tablet. I wanted to download a game that is 187 Mb. Still wouldn't work. Warning. Freeroms dot com is over.
And hopefully this doesn't herald the downfall of civilization.
Update: I was able to get Buzz Brain Bender UK full 500 Mb zip file from romsmania. The ending of Civilization will have to be postponed indefinitely.

Recommended: YouTube. Vancouver: Life In Lockdown from uploader douglas quan,  the surprise ending brought tears to so many. Simply inspirational.

If the circle is broken, close the circle.
Circle of life, circle of death. If life is too fucked up then just give up on life. I thought of giving up on life. I don't want to get married and have children but I don't want to be single for the next few decades either. There's lots about myself that I like and accept. However, one feature is my weird taste in porn or else taste in weird porn. For years I've disclosed on the internet that I'm into Granny porn. To quote BrodieTV, "I'm not going to lie. I kind of have a thing for those old bitches 98 years plus. That is, ...kind of!" Maybe not that old but old. What if my mother's spirit was to show up as the Angel of Death? I'd say, "Take me with you."
Typically porn is about young women in their 20s. I'm 50. Those women are young enough to be my daughter's!
An English stories app said to always speak life. Whether or not I decide to give up on life, that doesn't mean that you should give up. There is always the option of travel. If you're unlucky in your life, it's probably the town you're in. It's not who you are, it's where you are. Unless it's who you are. Move to another town. Moving to another town makes all the difference in the World.

Im totally giving up on that midsummer night dream cartoon. I can't wrap the idea of it with the actual doing of a cartoon of it. Shakespeare?! I doubt it. It's be a spurious take on a great play. Project cancelled. 

Trump hotel shut down in Vancouver. Apparently it was a franchise operation like Cloud City in Bespin was as the owners is the Holdernne Group. In cases like this the hotel would go into receivership in which the City of Vancouver, also a corporation has the option to take over operations. Depending on whether the current iteration of Vancouver's City Hall has a policy of centralization or decentralization, it would either then be a city run hotel or else depending on who tendered the best bid, it could be Sutton on the Waterfront or something like that.

The downtown Eastside of Vancouver has certainly gone downhill. Sleazy venal ignorant airhead frenzy. Incompetence and mismanagement or what? Or just the general entropic decay of the  moral fabric of the human species, a species guaranteed to disappoint. You give them gold and then they give you shit in return maybe because ha ha that's all they're capable of giving you. In the 50s and 60s and 70s Woodward's and Army and Navy were the alternate echelons of the upper class apart from the newly developing post war Granville Street neon swathe of street known as the Great White Way and along with the White Lunch Cafe on Hastings Street across from Woodward's which was an extension of and thus a part of the GWW. The Great White Way started at Main and Hastings heading West along Hastings Street and then turning left at Granville and Hastings, going South along Granville finally ending at Granville and Davie.  This was in the years just before the suburban shopping malls opened the first wave including Lougheed Mall, Brentwood Mall, Coquitlam Town Centre and Park Royal. The megamall known as Metrotown didn't open until later in the late 80s. Then in the 80s it was still somewhat respectable but time was running out as the 80s saw the initial entrenchment of the drug trade in the form of hash and shit count weed sold at pigeon park. "Hashish? Weed? Hash? Hash?" Then the further degeneration during the 90s saw the open air white powder drug market as street level dealers would actually walk up to you saying, "Uptown, downtown." or else "Up? Down? Rock? Powder?" was openly solicited on the streets. People openly shooting up on the street el flagrante delicto. Getting steadily worse. What a national embarrassment. That's a failure not on an individual level but on a collective level. Then the 2000s saw the selling of fentanyl laced coke and heroin sold routinely and regularly. And then in the 2010s tent cities became the denigrated norm. What a fucking fuck up!
On the one hand you got the sleazy venal real estate speculation. Ideally real estate is on par with inflation which is on par with wage raises. There used to be rent controls. Now because of opening up the local real estate market to offshore speculation, wages rise 1x while real estate prices rise 15x. Keeping on driving up the real estate prices. Run the whole scene to the ground. That's what they're good at. 
Give up on this situation if you're poor. The poor have the least to lose if they travel. Moving to another city is very empowering.
And on the other hand you have the hard to house. In every hotel there are the adult delinquents. They don't clean up after themselves and even do weird pernicious shit like smoking a cigarette and leaving it dangling on the edge of a sink or windowsill until the edge of the sink or windowsill is blackened with the markings of the burnt cigarette. Real ignorant pig shit. In every hotel you have the Goofuses and the Gallants. The Gallants are thoughtful enough to take the time to clean up a little, even. Goofuses again do weird egregious puerile shit like leaving cigarettes dangling on the edges of sinks and windowsills. There's someone like that in the hotel I stay at now.
They don't respect the property. They don't deserve to live in a hotel. Animals!
These are the people who wind up in tent cities. They have some crazy out of control drug problem like meth, or else they are the hard to house. Why should the government build houses for the Goofuses. They should live in a tent city. Landlords don't like them. Other tenants don't like them. Ignorant shits.

Note the cigarette burns from the ignorant pig 🐷 living in this hotel. Why you could see it for yourself! There! On the sink. There! On the windowsill.

Contrast this with China. In the 50s, 60s, 70s, China was a backwater. Maoist Marxist cultural revolution. The melting of pots into pig iron to make shit military weapons. Tsai Chin the actress said that, "growing up in London in the 60s was all about love love love, it was a sexual revolution. Whereas China had a cultural revolution and it was about hating everything. Hate the West." Then in the 80s following the Russian spirit of glasnost and perestroika, China started its first forays into free enterprise, free markets. Power comes not from the barrel of a gun but a factory floor. Then in the 90s they doubled down and ratcheted it up a notch. Before you used to see things made in USA or made in Japan all the time. Now most things are made in China and every product I got from there works good. High quality merchandise. My HuaWei tablet purrs and is running smooth on all 12 cylinders. You can actually feel the quality. It's fast like a MacBook.
Haier televisions. The official television of the NBA. Made in China.
Now you got the neon xanadus and Shangri-las of festive rock star cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen. China in the last 70 years has gone from shit show to rock show. Whereas in the same span of time, Vancouver's downtown Eastside has gone from rock show to shit show. That neighborhood really shit the bed over the last half century. What happened?
Vancouver downtown Eastside, walking down the street, coasting along normally, all of a sudden, unpleasant surprise.
Asia, walking down the street, coasting along normally, all of a sudden pleasant surprise. Asia street market. Happy slogans on t-shirts. Downtown Eastside Vancouver, a lot of anarchy and t-shirts with snarky words on them.
The shoe is now on the other foot. Now the West is all about hating everything, cancel culture, SJW leftist, go woke go broke. 
While people like Nathan Rich seems to be happier than most North Americans. That's to be admired. If I had a million dollars I'd move to Asia tomorrow. Bangkok, Beijing. 
I don't know if I'll move to Beijing tomorrow if I had a million because I'm experiencing the best of Poland right here in this town in the form of two enchantingly beautiful Polish ladies who know me well!
Don't worry. The future is full of and I'm sure Vancouver will be better and all right in the future. Vancouver items are some of the smartest and inventive people anywhere. They invented the sociological paradigm and peculiar anomaly that is the downtown Eastside.  Vancouver people are very strong and resilient in the face of any challenges. There's gold amongst the dross.
China is upwardly mobile. Downtown Eastside is downwardly mobile, although things can change, for the downtown Eastside that is.
China lifted herself up by her bootstraps while the downtown eastside loosened the bootstraps and kicked the boots off altogether.
As for me, if I had to live at a tent city, I wouldn't even attempt to try to do that. I would certainly overdose on heroin. Anything too difficult isn't worth doing at all including living life itself. I would never counsel anyone to commit suicide. But I would certainly never ever counsel anyone against it. Life is only worth so much. A difficult life is worth nothing at all and life in Vancouver is incredibly difficult. Life owes me nothing and I owe life nothing.

My girlfriend is still at the hospital. When I visited her on July the 5th, she said that she'd be released before the month is over. I then agreed to visit her twice a week. The goddamned runaround. This is September and I'm still expected to visit her twice a week? And during a global pandemic?!  Fuck that. Anything too difficult isn't worth doing at all. From now on for one month, I'll visit her once a week for September. Then in October once every two weeks. Of she's still there in November I'm giving up on her. I gotta get on with my life. I'm moving to Vancouver. 
In the pre YouTube era I lived in big cities like Vancouver, Bangkok, cities that are more real. Then once the advent of the age of YouTube starts I'm living in small towns? Fucking bizarre. Ideally it would be the other way around. The bigger the town you live in, the more successful in average you'd be on YouTube.
I'm looking out for number one. I never believed that I ever owed anyone a lifelong friendship. I eventually give up on and abandon people especially if the situation is bullshit or it's just a bad energy jangle. A few months is as long as I'm willing to visit anyone at a hospital. I wouldn't visit for years. I'd give up. Whatever happens to them from then on, what do I care? It's bad enough that you gave me the run-around and made me visit you for weeks and months. What a bad energy jangle. What a bullshit waste of time. Fucking give up.
I have to visit her twice a week for the next few fucking months?! I'd rather be fucking dead! What a fucking hassle! Never be with the unfortunate because they have a way of pulling you down to their misfortunes. She goes(*_*) (*_*):-[;-)through some difficulty and somehow my life also has to be inconvenienced. She's done this to me before. I'm always having to bail her out.  A friend should never be a burden. This is getting to be a burden.
Oh, fucking weird hospital. She was admitted there on May the 20th for a broken knee. She's still there now?! I've heard of people with broken knees, worse cases that were released just days after. Are they dogfucking or what?  I always hear the same story. It never fucking changes. "I'll be released in two weeks. I'll be released before the end of the month." She told me that on my first visit on July 5th. I'm still fucking visiting her. "When will you be released?" "In two weeks or less." "That's all you ever tell me."
Bullshit situation! The hospital will probably fuck up and she won't come back. The Tim Hortons here has always since July hasn't had bread for their submarine sandwiches. A few days is one thing but months later that's still the case?! And then now it's like, You got this? Nope. You got that? Nope. You got that? Nope. Or else it's, "We're out of this, we're out of that, we're out of that, we're out of that too." Paucity of basic essential ingredients of food supply. Basic ingredients, we're not talking about a shortage of Westphalian ham.  And I'm supposed to be confident that hospital can take care of her? Bad energy. Incompetence. Can you trust a bank in which the clock outside the building  displays the wrong time?
Having a Tim Hortons in a hospital? Fucking really? Tim Hortons was a hockey player who died in a hospital. He got in a car accident and was pronounced dead at St Catherine's hospital. Why don't they have a McDonalds in the hospital? Ronald McDonald never died at a hospital.
Fucking no-minds!
The bill for her hospital stay is $6,700 a day. Since the government's paying, why doesn't the hospital just milk it for all they motherfucking can? I saw a YouTube comment that read, "coronavirus hoax: people tweeting pictures of empty hospitals".  Fire insurance scam, hospital patient scam, what's the difference? Small backwater town loco local yokels and their bullshit insurance scams. What else is new?
Based on the incompetency of the fucking Tim Hortons, I think the hospital will fuck up and she won't be coming back. Ever. What's any hospital but a bunch of coked up second rate med school quacks second guessing and fighting each other to the point of actual fistfights. Ask any hospital. They'll tell you some stories. Im not really sure that they know what they're doing.

My girlfriend got released on Thursday, September 24th. I wonder if they would have had her in there longer except for this write-up. The day a hospital would base any of their decisions based on something I wrote, that's the day the world ends.  I regret a lot of what I wrote. I love that hospital. It's one of the top ten hospitals in all of North America. It has a great reputation.

"You'll just deny it."
"No, we really didn't do it."
"I say it here. It comes out there." House MD

There are people I haven't seen form over ten years and I sure don't miss them. It was bad luck for me to have at them but it's good luck that I haven't seen them since and probably at this point never will again. Even if they died, what do I care? It's not like I killed them. They were glad that they encountered someone like me in this lifetime, yeah. Meanwhile I wish to God that I never met them. The tam boon money I send to the Thai temple seems to work as it chases the bad things away. Good riddance. It feels really good not to have seen them in years. I feel smug about that. Ha ha ha you assholes, I sure don't miss you! 
If you have a website I sure wouldn't look at it. Not even for a fraction of a second once every ten years. Not even that. I never mention your name ever. Mentioning it would be some kind of tacit admission that I care. I don't. Even if you died I wouldn't care. Just as I'm sure that if I died you wouldn't care. That would be mutual.  Maybe you know who you are or maybe you don't. In either case it's unimportant.

Residential schools. Fucking backwater country Canada and it's backwaterisms. A Native guy on the News said he was in a residential school and was abused in all kinds of ways. Someone like that is better off dead. I would actually advise him to give up on life with a heroin overdose. I would do that certainly if it were me. I wouldn't be telling him to do anything I wouldn't do myself.
"Do it!" Emperor Palpatine
Canada has it's residential schools like Europe has its Nazi concentration camps. Residential schools is about money. It's about this generation getting money for the suffering endured but uncompensated from a previous generation. It's sort of the reverse situation of the drug trade, young people in their twenties suffering and dying in gang war turf fights so that old people in their figures can enjoy their drugs.
Re$idential $chools is yet another money scam. What were the chances of that? Or else this country is doomed and anyone who went to such a so called 'school' is better off dead.
Hee hee hee. What can you fucking say? The News will never talk about this topic the way I've talked about this topic. That's because they like to reinforce a more gormless prosaic narrative or slant when it comes to this. See, there is a Native Residential School Lobby just like there is a Jewish Holocaust Lobby just like there was a China Lobby. The Jewish Holocaust Lobby is still able to get Holocaust reparation money from Germany, million of years, 80 years after the war for grandchildren who weren't even alive during the war. Capitalize on the suffering, really focus in on in to better consolidate a compensation plan. They need it to keep the money flowing. Again, hee hee hee, is that to say that in this way, the Natives are the Jews of Canada, and conversely or else inversely, are the Jews the Indians of Europe. Indians-teepee, not Indians-curry.
Some Natives get pipeline money, residential school compensation money, are on welfare disability on top of that, $8,000 CERB pandemic relief money and they're still pan-handling and even after all that a lot of them are broke with nothing to show for it. Where the fuck does all that money go? Booze? Drugs? 
Yeah I get all that but why does that have to be splashed on the News all the time. Isn't this squalid backwater country have enough grotesque things about it without the News mentioning more grotesque things all the time. This is one thing I won't miss about Canada when I leave it forever. If I had a million dollars would I still opt to be here? Nope.

C3PO:  I'm officially fluent in over six million forms of communication.

Deniers: It's not six million.