September is for me the start of the Christmas season. If it doesn't slip my mind, that's when Christmas lights are on every night in my apartment until the end of Christmas season which for me personally is sometime in February.
On Thursday August 27 at the Old Spaghetti factory I drank some ice water and it felt like someone was taking a chisel to my front tooth. Painful or what? I did get some Listerine Cool Mint Zero and the old Listerine enamel hardening mouthwash. Plus I also got the Listerine sensitive teeth mouthwash. It worked. I had this issue with the teeth on the right side of my mouth a few weeks ago when the global pandemic was in full swing and all dental offices were shut down. Cool Mint Zero and enamel hardener. Gingivitis is a bacterial disease. It's an idiopathic disease. The only way to prevent it is to always always always always always use cool Mint Zero and enamel hardener. Gingivitis is a bacterial disease of the gums which spreads to the pulp of the tooth which is the canal in the tooth connected to the gums which has blood vessels and also nerve endings. Once the gums rot with gingivitis this can carry itself into the pulp of the tooth hence the pain. It's a few day process and one heals only incrementally each day. It's a weird shit tooth pain. When my left front tooth is wet and I inhale cold air quickly, it hurts a bit still but not nearly as much as last week. But when I dry the tooth suctioning any moisture on it with my tongue, when I breath in cold air quickly it doesn't hurt nearly as much. Cold air only. When I only quickly breath in warm air, there is no pain at all whatsoever. It gets better and less painful every day. Anti inflammatories help. Acetacylic acid aka no name brand aspirin helps minimalize if not eliminate the pain. I also have a right side back bottom wisdom tooth molar that is always always always slightly painful. I need the maxillofacial dental surgeon to just get rid of it for me. It's caused me so much grief for so long. Listerine Cool Mint Zero sterilizes the gums and totally eliminates the source and cause of gingivitis. Listerine enamel hardener, the liquid runs off the bottle and forms a hard somewhat calcified like residual accumulative build-up that is about a 3 on the Moh's scale of rock and mineral hardness. However Listerine sensitive teeth mouthwash also has legs in the way that similarly a liquids runs off the bottle and forms a similar residue but this time about a 1 on the Moh's scale. This is like a soft waxy talc compared to the lucite hardness of the liquid run off from the enamel hardening formula. At least I know that's what's going into my teeth and hardening it. The bottle says it strengthens the enamel implying that it replaces the enamel. Wrong, it replaces the phosphates and sodium which saliva erodes off the enamel. I hope they tweak the formula to make it actually replaced the enamel as this solution wears away after a few days and must always be replaced.
Idiopathic idiosyncrasies. What can I say? Idiocy. What can I say? Covidiots.
Using the med school OPQRST model,
Oñset: sudden or gradual? Sudden
Provocative Palliative: wet makes it worse. Dry and using aspirin makes it better.
Quality: At worst it feels like a chisel banged on my tooth. At best a tiny pain.
Radiating: I'm sure it radiated from my gums into the pulp of my tooth.
Severity: On a scale of 1 to 10 it ranges about a 1 at best to about a 4 at worst.
Timing: It started on Thursday August 27th.
Source: YouTube: Doctor reacts to House MD #2. Three Stories
Doctor Mike specifically commented on how in House they right away start with asking patients about their family's medical history. Wrong. Doctors usually start with the med school OPQRST first.
The dentist said that I don't have periodontal enteritis. I don't need antibiotics which I thought I did. I have an exposed root from a previous extraction of the tooth next to it. The dentist said I have profound overbite which means no partials as I wouldn't be able to fully close my mouth. Also I don't qualify for partials even if I had the money because of too much bone loss due to smoking. Teeth are an algorithm, and my teeth are a shit algorithm. It's part of the algorithm of the physics of this dimension.
What about veneers? They are quite pricey. They would only be for vanity.
What the 500 years or more living creatures like the quahog, the Greenland shark, the giant barrel sponge, the immortal jellyfish. What they all have in common is that they live underwater. Indeed any teeth problems would be ameliorated through being under salt water all the time rather than being exposed to air. Air is combustible and ismuser friendly to fires, burning, immolation. That affects the cells too. Being underwater, the cells don't have to worry about the health hazards indemic of the air.
The Vancouver Aquarium closed indefinitely. They couldn't afford the overhead due to the shortfall caused by the pandemic. Closing helps. The planetarium could be genetically researching the long lived animals to find genomic sequences for possible human genetic editing to greatly prolong human lifespans.
"Doctor, it hurts whenever I do this."
"Then stop fucking doing that!"
Let's imagine for no reason that I'm now in Gdansk Poland about to see a sexy female Polish dentist. I have to now use what Polish I've learned to communicate and also say something funny comedic to put her at ease. These words I am about to write may be misspelled but I'm still learning the language. These are sentences I've mastered and committed to memory. Hopefully forever.
"Musce pojsce do stomatologa. Stracilem zab. Chialbym prosce o czeczennie zembe. Prosce sprawdzic moim zembe. Boli mnie zombe i boli mnie dziasla. Otworzyc usta? Nie mogie sie z tym klocic. Im szybciej tym lepiej. Czy to zajmie duzo czasu? Czy trzeba go wyrwac? Prosce go nie wyrwac! Prosze zalozyc koronke na ten zab. No nic, sczotkuje zembe cialy dzien. Dziekuje to byl swietnie dzien. Czekam na nasce ponowne spotkanie. Uzniej go za najlepszego dentstyta jakiego znam. Pozdrow doctor ode mnie. Mam nadjie za spelnia sie twoje marzenia. Do zobacenia pozniej.
At this point I could go on and on. I have to stop showing off. Przestezam! "Oh, he's a real show off!" I have a thing for languages. Some languages have an extremely steep learning curve. The two most difficult languages to learn in terms of writing script are Chinese and Japanese. Too difficult. The only way to learn is to live overseas where the language has a lot of shoring up. With those pictographic languages, although there are a few thousand characters, really, everyday, it's just the same few dozen characters over and over again.
As you can tell, I really like the Polish language. My aim is to find a Polish girlfriend. I don't know if that will happen however I also don't know that it won't. The best and most incredible things happened to me that I never thought would happen when I look back on my life. I always seem to have good luck.
Blogger is broken. When I press enter to go down one space, it always now goes down two spaces. It only started doing that today. Oh Jesus fucking Christ! If it ain't broke don't fix it. How can I start a ñw sentence in the same paragraph on blogger now? It's fucking impossible now? Odd. Because it was possible on a Commodore 64. You can do a basic shit like that on Commodore 64 but you can't do that on Google blogger, a program supposedly a thousand times more powerful? Oh Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How insufferable! At least it still half ass works right? Why when I press enter it only double spaces and not single spaces. Oh my fucking God! Mutatis mutandis or what? Fuck!!! This is the living end!!!!!
The situation is resolved. Above, click to normal instead of paragraph. No problem here.
House MD is a great television series. Grey's Anatomy is too focused on the personal sex lives of the characters and only incidentally touched on medicine. I thought Rookie Blue was the same, too focused on the scandalous or not sex lives of the characters and only somewhat touched on Police procedurals. House is like Sherlock Holmes. A medical expert on Quora deconstructed the faults and errors on House MD but otherwise it is a great show.
Bear who swatted at woman on a Coquitlam trail eludes capture. What is it, Harry fucking Houdini? Bear-y Houdini. Just name the bear Harry Houdini.
"Did I see tell you that I was lost at sea?" "You were lost at sea?! What are you. Rudyard fucking Kipling?" Tusk
The bear evaded Conservation Officers.
The bear evaded Conservation Officers? What is it. Hairy fucking Houdini?!
Meanwhile at Deep Cove residents are mourning a bear that got destroyed. Even though there's the sentimental value, Conservation Officers observed an escalation in activities and it would only have been a matter of time before the bear killed someone.
Meanwhile another bear was eviscerated, cut from stem to stern by vigilantes. That's uncalled for. Poor bear.
I have avoidance personality disorder. Look it up.
I also have Munchausen's syndrome which is just a fancy word for hypochondria. Mild hypochondria.
I also have Bader Meinhof syndrome to some degree. But so does everyone else when there is the Forer Effect or the PT Barnum effect.
I guess I have no more or less cognitive biases than most people.
On the streets if I don't smile or seem grumpy, I regret that. What can one think about strangers they never seen before and most likely will never see ever again? Or not that you'd remember. Sometimes people can be off-putting to me and I look away quickly. Or is it politeness? Other people what they look like and what they do is none of my business and certainly wouldn't be any kind of priority.
I'm doomed. I have no future. My life is going nowhere. I want to quit life or at the very least move to another town. This town holds no hope or future for me. I've moved to the wrong town. Life has been difficult for me in this town the last few years. I want to move to a town where it's a lot easier to score heroin if I decide that my life is going nowhere and I just want to quit. Vancouver would be a good choice.
The wishing tree. A man walked past a wishing tree. He wished for smartness, youthful looks, riches, a beautiful wife, he got all that. He thought he had super powers. Then he said, this couldn't be happening to me I'm never this lucky. This is impossible. Then zoom. It all went away.
How did Katie Simpson of the CBC lose so much weight?
Should I do a Mace Windu Returns Star Wars comedy cartoon? Would I be cool enough to do that? Give me a sign in the next hour. Maybe in the form of YouTube suggestion videos. I do have somewhat of an idea in mind.... Yes you can!
Google recommended Timetrap. That movie is really good. Inspirational highly optimistic ending. The physics 101 takeaway from that movie is that time does not flow at a universal rate throughout the universe. Einstein himself said something about that. Some University students went spelunking in a cave. One day in that cave was a thousand years on Earth. The old Eisteinian time dilation thing. That's aside from time travel being the objective experience of time and traditional time is the subjective experience of time. Etc etc. Time is an algorithm with many different aspects.
A picture of me and my sweetness. She looks really cute in this picture. She has the face of an angel.
September 2020. Silent Hill. Westcoast Tour 2020. Do we even have an ozone layer left? This is more carbon monoxide generated than a billion cars running simultaneously. Maybe the ozone layer does a jiu jtsu move where it uses the strength of the carbon monoxide against itself resulting in an even stronger ozone layer. I could envision US President Donald Trump saying, "Don't think of the ozone layer as a cloud. Think of it as a muscle that has to be regularly exercised. It's getting a good work out now."
There are a few types of forest fires. Surface fires cover the most ground. Crown fires produce the most smoke. Mid level fires neither cover as much ground nor produce as much smoke.
Bad but not worst news. My HuaWei tablet fell and the screen cracked. Somehow it still works more or less perfectly. I've seen tablets, phones etc with cracked screens but still working. In fact I'm completing the rest of the Mace Windu Returns cartoon with the cracked screen. I'm typing this using the cracked screen! I think I can eith leave it, pay to repair it or else get a new and bigger memory Huawei tablet. Thurs. Sept 17, 2020.
When my tablet screen broke, my heart broke along with it. I love my HuaWei tablet as much as I have loved anything in my life, my tablet, she's much and deeply loved as much as a cherished lover. Blackapple Cellular said it would fit upwards of $200 to replace the screen. I can and already have reserved another Huawei A3 10 tablet secondhand for $189 plus tax. Hopefully I can 'lot noi dye mie?' and get a deal. I can, often and frequently have had deals at the pawn store.
New ones are $300 and only available online. There are newer better tablets. I saw onnthe Walmart website, one Huawei 12 inch tablet 128 GB ROM 4GB RAM for $700. For $800 a Huawei 12 inch tablet 128GB ROM 8GB RAM. That would be the ultimate tablet. 8GB RAM is probably 5G network compatible. The quality and speed of the apps would be at PlayStation 3, even PlayStation 4 level.
I promise and vow to one day replace the cracked screen on my HuaWei. I have a few options, I can order a screen only for $35 off amazon useless unless I have the digitizer with it and that goes for $110 on amazon. Then watch a YouTube video on how to remove and replace a tablet screen. Or else go to Thailand. I can probably get the cracked screen repaired for less than $40 or else 1,000 baht.
It still works 100 percent. Huawei, Timex, takes a licking and keeps on ticking. This showed me how Huawei's tablet greatly exceeds expectations. Most other tablets cracked screen, forget it! I love this Huawei tablet so much. I lament for the cracked screen.
My heartbreak that went along with the cracked screen was complete, utter, and devastating. My heartbreak with the BMW which to me was peripheral, ephemeral, incidental, has now obviously, clearly, since been eclipsed with the heartbreak of the tablet which to me is visceral, perennial and central to my existence of loving and enjoying the good experiences that life has to offer. I will replace the cracked screen one day.
Huawei is such a good product. Too bad the HuaWei lady is banged up in Vancouver under the duress and auspices of house arrest. It's the Martha Stewart school of PR stunt. Since she got banged up, Huawei tablet sales increased a hundredfold. I would have written it off as a cheap knockoff brand. No. It's like a Mercedes, a Bentley, even a BMW of tablets. I love it immensely. Tablet, I'll get the cracked screen replaced one day. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. Sometimes security guards will have iphones tablets etc with a cracked scren, but still work perfectly. They still use it.
Cinehub is a profoundly great app for movie watching. As good as Tubi.
Quite a few people died this month. Bill Gates father, Chadwick Boseman of Black Panther, I found a copy of Black Panther DVD last week, Ruth Bader Ginsberg of whom Felicity Jones did a movie of. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a real on the spot lawyer who often jumped in to defend people, usually women, pro bono. She was like the female Allan Dershowitz.
And John Turner, former PM of Canada. I remember a very scandalous John Turner story. In 1988 John Turner was seeking re-election. He was appointed and not elected PM. In that election, someone from the Rhinoceros Party had a candidate called John C. Turner which alphabetically would have placed him above the real John Turner on the ballot. Needless to say, that spoiled his chances of winning. In political terms, he was kneecapped. Even though he didn't win the election, he was still a very rich and successful politician anyways.
Speaking of elections, Premier of British Columbia John Horgan called a sudden election on October the 24th. During a global pandemic? That's not stopping the US from their National election. The US election is a steamroller as usual. "Nothing stops this 🚆 train. Nothing." Beaking Bad
The NDP as governing party, a party traditionally associated with communism and trade unions, not anymore as previously their priority was blue collar trade unions. Since most blue collar unions are abolished and most unions in Canada are government unions another example of if the government observes that people discover a method that makes them money easily, they make that method illegal for the people but legal for them.
It's called ex post facto.
Examples include trade unions, lotteries, selling cannabis, liquor stores, casinos, insurance scams, insider trading. Illegal for us. Totally legal for them! And they do that all the fucking time.
Money laundering would be redundant as the government prints and generates money. As it happen, the National money supply is endogenic rather than exogenic. Money laundering is a public sector response to governmental economic and pecuniary circumventions.
"They have laws that keep good people like us down!" Movie quote.
It's a kind of legislated bottom feeding. Top-feeding. When one clique of sleazy floozy boozy people use powers and advantages available to them meant to benefit and strengthen society instead use these powers and advantages to siphon and parasite off all other people not in their oligarchical clique which is just about everybody result intead in a degeneration and weakening of society, purchasing power etc.
What can you call it? Sleazy mendacious ignorant incompetent mismanaged hyper airheads, semi-educated opportunists, underqualified government thug agenda, tow the local backwater line structures. Executive judicial and Legislative equals a shady dishonest lying crooked table rigged system shitshow. Therefore, why vote in elections?
Governments are essentially an anachronism. Governments in this current form have been around for hundreds of years, at least. The Byzantium era of Byzantine breaucracy. Governments are vestigial remnants from a world where there was no technology, people didn't travel much and those conditions were more conducive to things like protectionism and top feeders and the public trough, opportunist cliques that the relatively primitive concept and enactment of tribalism usually brings. However now there is technology and people travel widely. We are not a tribal based society but a global based society. The global pandemic underscores that. But we still doing to the anachronism of government as what? A social panacea. Tent cities. Is that a social panacea? And this thing of one clique having it all over the others doesn't really work anymore. It's a kind of financial Dunning Kruger effect where those who have much more money believe that they are much more smarter than those that don't. While one Shakespeare play talks about how the upper class would be nowhere if not for the cleverness of their servants. Dunning Kruger effect doesn't take into account metacognition. That a lot of people could be a lot smarter than any given one person on Earth.
I don't suffer from Dunning Kruger. I often say to people, "You're smarter than I am." I even say that about entire towns. Have I not written before, "The people of Dawson Creek are smarter and more together than I am. A lot of them have families and run businesses, etc. A lot of them are kinder and more spiritual than I am."
My ultimate yuppie dream when I was a teenager was that I am going to be successful. I am going to marry a Chinese girl, get a BMW, go to IKEA every two weeks and shop and live at 16th Avenue between MacDonald and Arbutus in Vancouver. Strange because most yuppie dreams bring it a level up and involve living at Park Avenue in New York or a rich house in Bel Air rich district of Los Angeles. Nope, the pinnacle of my yuppie dream is only as lofty and relatively backwater with Vancouver as the zenith of that ideation. Instead my life is totally diametrical of that. I've totally fallen short of that! The greater the difference between the ideal and the reality, the greater the disillusionment. Which is why I'm thinking of giving up on life. But that's such a static ideal. At the time I wasn't even smoking pot. Such an ideal now strikes me as a rather square ideal as such specifically, that ideal did not include intravenous cocaine shots, acid trips, all which I've done since spawning that ideal which I still hold to some degree as the ultimate barometer of success. 16th Avenue and Arbutus, BMW, marriage and not ñecessarily in that order.
IKEA is an acronym like BMW. My yuppy dream was based on acronyms. Ikea stands for Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Aggunnaryd, the first two words are the founders name and the last two words are his old address. Source YT video: Babbel, history of Ikea.
But when I spawned that ideal, I was a teenager working with the same mentality that thought Rambo, Batman, and Raw Deal were the best movies ever made and ever possibly could be made. Anyways,
Deconstructed, at its best, government works pretty good while at its worst you get incompetent mismanagement. A great and increasing disparity between the richest and the poorest which leads to tent cities, towns run to the ground, goddamn visa runs so that people can't travel to another country and just stay there indefinitely because quite frankly, that country is much better for them, they are truly happier there without going on goddamn visa runs or risk being detained and then deported which is bullshit just another parasitic policy wonk set up from the tribalist originated sentimentalities rather than globalist originated reality and necessity, what were the chances of that, politicians skimming off the top complicit in real estate speculation money laundering scams, the whole town turns into a slum or a good half of it whereas before there were no slums in that town. Governments derive their roots from tribalism rather than globalism. Which would explain a lot.
So when you get a marriage license from the government, it is really just getting a license from one anachronistic institution facilitated by another. At that point, you are dealing with 2 anachronistic institutions. At its worst people decide to either give up on life completely or else to vote with their feet and to move to another country and to never return. Ever.
Returning is just a regression to some erstwhile bullshit.
If I could say a prayer to God, I would say, "God, why not send me the Angel of Death. I've given up on life. Why not just end my life with some weird nightmare and call it 'even'? I don't want life. I don't really feel like I want to go on living. Amen."
We are stuck with government because lacking the imagination and the political will, we couldn't come up with anything better. Extraterrestrials living in a Kardashev 3 Civilization sure came up with something better.
Concerns, not criticisms.
The government in all its majesty uses these methods of making money for the greater public good to benefit the societal collective with improved infrastructure not to line the pockets of an individual. There is a trickle down effect that gets passed down to the general public. A rising tide lifts all ships. Globalism, real estate, outsourcing, offshoring, as the World moves to Kardashev 1 and beyond such immense structures of global connectivity would be essential sooner or later.
Always trust in the wisdom and guidance of elected officials of good government.
All problems wither under the glare of good government.
The NDP of BC in its current iteration is a coalition government propped up by the Green Party. Andrew Weaver, a University professor, was the previous Leader of the BC Greens. The NDP formed a coalition government with a Party with only two seats in the Legislature. The situation was worse than I thought. He retired and a young lady, Sonia Furstenau is the new Leader of the BC Greens. I'm guessing that to Premier John Horgan, sharing power with Andrew Weaver was barely tolerable as Weaver was someone whom Horgan liked. But the idea of sharing power with this in his mind, new young virago, gamine, is an idea that must be an anethema to him. "The indignity of sharing power with someone who was merely appointed, while I was elected!" It makes a bad situation worse or else a bad situation Furst, Furstenau. She's probably too left wing even for John Horgan, she perhaps being a product of the Leftist SJW toxic feminism that's dispensed as coin of the realm of lingua franca of Universities these days.
After talking with someone, apparently Sonia Furstenau is a really nice lady and well liked. She's not an SJW or a Leftist as only my benighted imagination could conjure up.
I'm not voting in this election. I'm reticent to voting and during a global pandemic! Forget it! I don't care about any issues. I don't care about any candidates. Andrew Wilkinson Leader of the BC Liberals is a great Leader. He is articulate and well spoken. He speaks with alacrity, perspicacity and elan. I hope he wins. He has an intellectual way of speaking whenever he speaks. John Horgan is a good leader too.
Elections run along lines of neighborhood fiefdoms. It's the party or in some cases MLA who represented this neighborhood for the past 30 fucking years! The Leader gets 4 to 8 years but the MLA stays for 30 years? Meanwhile the outsourcing of jobs and the real estate speculation scams keep increasing. Yeah they sure helped the neighborhood in the last 30 years since they started. Since they started, the neighborhood has gone from great white way rock show to foreign Hongcouver chinky speculation influenced shitshow.
For example voting for someone on the Team Trudeau Liberals when the neighborhood is known as an 'NDP stronghold' or 'NDP country' is a straw vote. You threw away your vote. I did actually vote for the MLA on Team Trudeau during the last election. She didn't win. Guess who won? The NDP feudal leader of the neighborhood won.
Elections aren't won on Nationalistic lines of Prime Ministerial celebrity. They're really won on local lines of neighborhood feudalism.
One more time. All elections are rigged. Elections are based on the illusion of choice which is concurrent with the illusion of time, that everything isn't happening simultaneously whereas on one level, the objective quantum level, it really is!
Canada has a four party system. This cut down chances of majority governments. Too many majority governments and we might decide to no longer be a colony. This makes the Lord's of the Manor aka England nervous. They don't like that, whereas the States is a Republic. They have a two party system. They don't give a shit about too many majority governments. The system is river before the election even starts. It's right there in the structures. See, mathematically, with a 2 party system, majority governments are inevitably guaranteed every time. With a 4 or even 3 party system, not so much. Canada's 4 Parris are Liberals, Conservatives, NDP and Quebec. What the fuck, with the Green Party it's a 5 Party system.
3 government models each with a completely different set of dynamics: Monarchy, Republic, and Colony. England = Monarchy. United States = Republic. Canada = Colony.
"It's woke. Pro-Rep is lit." BC Premier John Horgan
It's woke. The October 24th 2020 election is lit.
I always say I won't vote in the election and wind up voting anyways. The announcement that polling stations would be at school auditoriums causes teachers and school staff no end of grief. Haven't they got a full plate already? Why not have the polling station on a fenced in field, soccer field? Global pandemic. Outdoors is safer especially if there's a slight wind. But they need a place to plug in that large computer I always see at election polling stations.
Someone in China was imprisoned for criticizing the Chinese government's handling of the panda-emic. That's atypical behaviour. To most people in China, the government can do no wrong. That's how most people anywhere respectively feel about their own government.
"The British system is the worst system in the world except all the others." George Orwell
First of all I'm drinking energy drinks steady for the last few days. The record is 14 nervy drinks in one day whereupon after the peson drank that, they died. There is a brand called X from Rockstar. It may have a chemical similar to benzomethylecognine which is the psychoactive chemical in cocaine. I'm drinking that and drawing again like I used to when I did coke. Explosions, fast scenes, lots of use of the colour black. What is the chemical exactly in Rockstar X which is a legal to consume beverage.
Of course caffeine doesn't really give you energy, it blocks melatonin receptors in the brain that tell you that you're tired.
Now that that's out of the way, I'm getting mixed messages. Beach parties no. Bars nightclubs no. But school is on. I'm sure the students wouldn't mind a gap year. There might be a teacher's strike soon. Everyone in the stands is chanting "Strike!!! Strike!!!! Strike!!!"
Increased spike of covid cases, maintaining increased vigilance is urged, all social gatherings curtailed and further circumvented but hey, why not call an election?
Old Spaghetti Factory has a celiac pasta menu for those who are thinking, we got celiac disease, why not go to the Old Spaghetti Factory? Perfect! There's a freaking global pandemic, why not call an election? Perfect!
If anyone gets coronavirus on election day, they'll know who to blame.
"There's a global pandemic and people must be restricted in their social gatherings. Fuck that! Damn it! I simply can not and will not share power with this upstart who was merely appointed whereas I was elected! That supersedes. Me being able to call an election is my Trump card, I mean trump card, and I'm using it!"
Premier John Horgan actually did talk recently about how he worked well with Sonia Furstenau for three years but then this summer after Weaver retired, he said Furstenau put forth many ultimatums and do this or else deals to him and he simply couldn't, simply wouldn't take that. Could you blame him?
This isn't upsetting. It's just baffling.
Elections are more interesting with a backstory. Because not this intriguing story, interest in the election has increased a hundredfold. In 2017, there were 6,500 requests for mail-in ballots. In this election already there are 650,000 requests for mail-in ballots! It's a real groundswell!
Of course the Premier in calling an election, has created a power vacuum for himself that otherwise wouldnt have been there. One that the other parties especially the Liberals are too quick to jump in and try to take advantage of. It's a classic no-win situation. Power share or power vacuum.
Essentially, it is unusual for a politician to just call an election because that's a relinquishing of power however slightly. Politicians are usually hard pressed to call an election and most of the time elections are triggered not with proclamation but as a result of a hard scrabble of not surviving a confidence vote which is why some government administration's last for four years while others only survive for only one year.
Large turnouts in elections is usually to vote someone out, not vote someone in.
I don't care who wins. I don't have a dog in this fight. I'd be happy to see any three of them become the next Premier.
Dennis Miller said of the 2000 US Election that Al Gore was like the serious bookworm while George W seemed like a friendly golden labrador retriever with a red bandana around his neck. The same thing is going on in this election. Andre Wilkinson seems serious, intellectual but slightly angry or else serious. John Horgan seems more relaxed, has more of a beside manner.
"It's safe to say that Sonia Furstenau will not be the next Premier." Keith Baldrey
The Green Party doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being the next governing party in BC. For Sonia Furstenau and the Greens to win in BC, they would have to defeat the Horganian juggernaut and the Wilkinsonian juggernaut.
Sonia Furstenau is a legend. She's the besieged embattled politician holding down the fort like in a Louis L'Amour novel. Tacit supporters of the Green Party witnessing the power wrestling between their Leader Sonia Furstenau and the Premier John Horgan now have a cassis belli that they can rally behind.
However, there's millions of people on this planet who are routinely referred to as 'legend' and in the years to come doubtless there will be many more.
Green Party Deputy Leader Jonina Campbell reminds me of my 1st grade teacher Miss Finstad whom I've had a dream of a few years ago. A very beautiful woman, as much as all women are inherently, innately and intrinsically beautiful otherwise the species would grind to a halt. Men are lazy and why would men otherwise want to be on the hook for child support except for a woman's beauty which is a sure incentive!
I am thinking of voting Green just as a gimmick, for the heck of it and because I have nothing better to do. I have to vote Green at least once in my life. Now that I'm 50 years old like Bilbo Baggins was in LOTR, that's a good age to vote Green. I think the Green Party started in England. David Icke was once a politician in the Green Party. I don't know if that's a glowing endorsement. My crazy vote was never needed anyways.
Update: I voted in an advance poll on Saturday, October 17, 2020. Voting in an election is always a clinical indifferent experience. I was still struggling because the NDP was very kind and delivered on pandemic relief. However I did mention in the blog that I'd vote for the Green Party. That wouldn't have been enough to do it. I thought of Sonia Furstenau's legendary story. Those things together also wouldn't have been necessarily enough to do it. I then thought of Miss Finstad. I'll vote for the Greens because they have someone working for them who reminds me of Miss Finstad. This person, Jonina Campbell is so popular that I wouldn't be surprised if the NDP or Liberals would try to give her incentives to cross party lines and increase her political profile through joining a more prominent party. There have been politicians who crossed party lines before. There is a greater difference between Greens and Liberals than there is between the Greens and the NDP.
I would only vote for the Green Party once. Why back a fringe Party which realistically has no chance of being the governing party? It's a spurious extraneous waste of time and energy, nominal token gesture, and I wonder why I even deigned to condescend to do it.
The only update that counts: BC Election Day, Saturday, October 24, 2020: Incumbent Premier John Horgan won the election. I predicted that the NDP would gain seats, The Liberals would lose a few seats and the Greens would gain a few seats. That all turned out to be true. The Greens won 1 extra seat going from 2 seats to 3 seats. That's a 50% increase in power! Pro-rated, the Greens won the most in the election, but not enough to be the governing Party. Not even close!
The NDP have a strong majority, no coalition governments this time around, quite the opposite, it looks like the NDP has a mandate! And that's the best position to be in, politically. You know what that means... ICBC won't be privatized. Andrew Wilkinson said that auto insurance in other Provinces is privatized and during the pandemic the car owners in those other Provinces were given refunds for using their car less then. Not with ICBC. Premier John Horgan promised ICBC rebates if re-elected. Andrew Wilkinson was rather pissed off that the Premier would use it as a plank in his platform or else a bargaining chip during the election, politicizing something that should have been a matter of course. Wilkinson had said during he election that he planned to privatize ICBC only if elected as Premier. He must have somehow known that he wasn't going to get elected as Premier or else he probably wouldn't have said that. Now it remains whether or not the refunds are forthcoming as we all know, politicians are famous for reneging on their promises finding some excuse or another. It's the classic set-up; majority government "The people have given us a mandate. We don't really have to follow through on any promises." Or else minority government, "In a majority government, the opposition is too powerful. We can only do so much to follow through on pre-election promises, or not." Which makes me think that the political structure is inherently flawed. It's a vestigial carryover from the era of tribalist societies when politics had its early incipient roots. Now that he has a mandate, what's stopping him from doing that? I'm sure everything will turn out all right. John Horgan is a good Premier. Whatever decision he makes will be the right one. Always trust in the wisdom and guidance of your elected political leaders. All problems wither under the glare of good government.
What Premier John Horgan did took balls. And the people rewarded him for that. He was in a bad energy jangle with Sonia Furstenau snapping at his heels every step of the way reminding him of the coalition government. Most people would have just sat around and asked, "What should I do?" Or else say something useless to placate themselves like, "Oh well...", or "Some day it will be better." He still has to work with Sonia Furstenau and see her regularly at the Legislature but this time the dynamic is totally different. John Horgan turned a shitshow for himself into a rockshow for himself! What a coup! It teaches us a lesson. If you ever find yourself in a bad energy jangle shitshow situation, sometimes you have to do something drastic to get out of it. For Premier John Horgan, it took calling an election. For most of us, it might involve moving to another town.
"You'll just deny it." "No we didn't do it!" "I say it here, it comes out there." House MD
Premier John Horgan might have likewise said, "I call an election here, I win it there."
Premier John Horgan is a political legend.
Zero to sixty in five seconds. Premier John Horgan called an election on September 21 for October 24th going from a provisional government to a majority government in 33 days! Not bad.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was this close to calling an election. He didn't. I think because scared. To call an election in BC is one thing. Calling a National election in Ontario and Quebec with 3,000 Covid cases a day, he would have been crucified!
I don't know what the issue was, but apparently the Opposition blocked him from calling an election which must have given the Prime Minister no small sense of relief.
I recently, in the month of October 2020 found on the floor in the hallway, a McDonald's Monopoly sticker: Parliament Hill.
Goodness knows nobody listens to or follows my opinion. Should they? I have no credentials whatsoever. If it were up to my opinion, I would advise Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson not to quit. He has a good speaking style. He's an intellectual. He should give it another British go. He could win in the next election. If he leaves then it's "We hardly knew ya." It would take something mindblowing for any politician to win an election as Premier of BC. However it could happen if after a few shots of whisky a Premierial candidate goes on the podium on the 6 o clock News and says, " If you vote for me, I'll send you a cool million." He didn't specify that after some private deliberation deciding against using the lowest denomination currency on the XE currency calculator because that would be too asshole of a move and deciding on the second lowest denomination on the XE currency calculator. The lowest valued currency is the Iranian Rial and a million of that is about $31 Canadian. The second lowest valued currency is the Vietnamese Dong and a million of that works out to $56.74 CAD. Imagine the surprise when expecting a million dollars but instead getting $56.74 and not a penny more sent to them in the mail on the proviso that they voted for that politician who promised them the money. The proviso could have included a clause that proof must be provided in the form of a cell phone picture of their ballot. Is that even legal?
Anyways meanwhile in Vietnam, people are shaking their heads saying that, "In decadent British Columbia Canada, they're getting a million each just for voting in some asshole."
Update: On Monday October 26, 2020, BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson resigned. In sports if a team loses three or four games in a row, 3 games if the opposing teams were supposed to be beatable and 4 if they were not, the coach is fired. It's pretty much the same in politics except it's more strict. Fail to lead your Party to governing status for two elections in a row and you're done.
On the one hand, the News talks and television ads especially in the States makes frequent references to the autism spectrum and schizophrenia and never forgets to remind us that for those of us who are, that we're visible minorities, yet on the other hand every election they encourage us to vote. So much so that in one News story, a guy even on his hospital bed was determined to cast his ballot. One man in the United States said, "I would walk on bare feet over broken glass to get out my vote." referring to the 2020 US election.
The turnout of autistics and schizos at the poll is typically such that on election night, the winning politician designate might say at the podium, "Say what you will about autism and schizophrenia but it's what got me elected to political office."
So the question is how seriously can you take the political process if not in its entirety certainly the various aspects that encompass the political process? According to the NEWS, increasing numbers of people are on the autism spectrum of not downright schizophrenic, yet every election, they encourage everyone to vote, autistics and schizos not excluded. Autistic but not so autistic that they wouldn't want to see autistics cast their autistic vote on election day.
Apparently the entire political process is as serious as a heart attack.
Then the other question would be how seriously can you take your autism and schizophrenia if you're still not just allowed but actively encouraged to vote? Don't worry, most people are alright. "It's weird if you're not weird.", "No we'll never ever survive unless we get a little bit crazy." Seal
Just be yourself.
And even if you are a visible minority, you're still encouraged to vote and in some cases even run for political office. Politics is skewered. Rep by pop? Nope. No female PMs or POTUSes ever, if rep by pop, there should historically already been 45% - 55%. No representation by population, electoral boundaries; the weird multiple ways they could be divided, electoral colleges. It's really a weird bafflingly bizarre system in some ways. Even though it's a chimera, we have to trust, respect, and even love the political system. Like life and nature itself, politics is very circumvented rather than circumscribed and doesn't always present itself in the ways that you think it should or even would.
On 60 Minutes there was a story of a Holocaust survivor who since died but not before interviewing him for 8 hours a day for two weeks asking him an Akinator style set of specific targetted questions. Any question at all that someone asks him, in the form of an app that projects a hologram or else an image on a 2D TV screen he is able to answer. One day in the near or far future, a politician with a mind not one level but a few levels above most people died but was also asked the Akinator questions before he or it might even be a she died. In the future, a clique of people first as a joke candidate, enter the Akinator machine of the dead politician. He answers the questions with such profound answers that incredibly, he attains high political office with all powers enabled and activated. Then watch in amazement as he is actually signing writs and bills and even Executive Orders! That is a good idea for an animated cartoon or Hollywood movie. How would that movie end? How else would it end? After 4 or 8 years, the term is over and a new politician is voted in and the Akinator television politician is retired and is now recognized as an elder statesman and sits in as a high paid consultant on a Board of Directors. "I'm a custom job! 75 years ago, I was Time Magazine's Mecha of the Year!" A.I.
If only this power split happened two years earlier or later but rather this year? Global pandemic year? It's a perfect storm. No, it's not that perfect of a storm. A few hundred places around the planet just had or will have an election at around this time. Case in point, Nova Scotia just had one, Belarus just had one. BC and the US will have one in the coming weeks. And this is just what I gleaned off of the News.
I got a new HuaWei tablet today. HuaWei A3 10. Not available at all in stores. Only available online or at pawn stores but without the iconic signature teal blue box. Equals that should give you a clue that the HuaWei A3 10 is what the iPhone 7 to the iPhone 10, it's yesterday's model. Last generation. Stores only sell current generation. HuaWei allows Amazon and Google. That's all I use. The United States placed sanctions on some ultra specific functions but I don't use them or even know what they are. Google play store works fine though. That's all I need.
Racing In Car 2 app. I got the BMW. After grinding for an hour I got the necessary 7,500 prerequisite 'coins' for the BMW. The dashboard and propeller insignia is there. I might actually get a BMW one day. Me of all people. I met a few people who owned a BMW.
The first instinct is resentment. "You have a BMW and I don't and you want to rub it in my face." In fact because of my talentedness, I'm even more of a foil. "Even though you're way more talented than me, it's me who has the BMW not you." What an intrigant,can not elevate themself but has to bring others to their level. I dread art and am talented, that's my priority, however it's not a level that they could relate to. That wouldn't be the level that they're operating from.
Did I mention? I got a BMW! I think that I might have forgotten to mention that.
People spread rumors but these rumors are useless. All rumors I've ever heard are based in the past, never in the future. That's because no one can tell the future. Our prices can't tell the future but that's not to say all intelligent creatures in the Universe can see the future. A human has an IQ of 115. An ET has an IQ of 1,000. They can see the future because to them it's just an objective algorithm and because of their high intellect, they don't have any emotional investment in what they see, neither happy to the point of complacency or smugness nor sadness to the point of fear or else fear to the point of sadness.
Not only can't see the future, people can't read minds either. There are entire industries based on that like gambling casino. If people could read minds, they'd read the dealer or croupier's mind and win everytime.
Therefore rumors are based on a species and tied to the fact that the human species can't see the future or read minds. Any rumors are the concensus of a handicapped species and therefore spurious and worthless.
Apps like Subway Surfer has knockoffs with the same name. But the reviews on these games have elevated reviews to an art even thought bots wrote the reviews and these reviews are so life changing, so much a meme that I imitated them on a couple of reviews. Mainly the reviews said the person died but came back to life after playing the app. There are all kinds of variations to this; died twice, was in a coma for twenty years, died and went to heaven and all came back to life after playing the app. One reviewer said that he visited his wife at the hospital while she was awaiting surgery. The moment the hospital heard the profound music on the app, they immediately completed the surgery and now he and his wife are together at home again playing the app. One reviewer said that after playing that iteration of Subway Surfers, he became President of the United States. I'm thinking that either Obama or Clinton must have wrote that review. Clinton plays Subway Surfers? I didn't know that.
I wrote a good review on the apps Toon Math and Pregnancy and Neo-Natal Hospital.
My mother should have performed an abortion on my behalf.
My mother chose not to abort me and my life hasn't been the same ever since. If I could say a prayer to my mother or else the fierce looking demonic green God standing on a tiger fur on a pool of blood associated with her death, I would say to my mother that she should have aborted me. If she aborted me she would have given me all the success that I ever wanted in life or else none of the unsuccess that I never wanted in life. I want more than anything to be able to send a message to my mother who is now in the afterlife, that she really and truly ought to have aborted me. If I write a note to her telling her that she really ought to have aborted me, that note will reach her in the afterlife. I might do that. Then I'll see her for sure in a dream or else see a strong undeniable sign from her. That's Chinese magic. My mother was Chinese. Abortion in Chinese is 'doy tor'.
Ideally, my mother should have aborted me during the first trimester.
Since my life never worked out, both me having lived and her having given me birth and opting not to abort me was a waste of time and energy for me and for her.
I saw her in a hypnagogic vision three months ago. I'll tell you what I think I saw. She had all black hair, no grey although she'd be 70 today if she were still alive, and was standing in a small case t shaped like a crucifix and right at the center confluence point in a darkened hallway, no lights on, arms folded, stern. She was wearing a short sleeve white shirt and black pants. A short lady.
Imaginary conversation with an East Indian BMW owner:
EI BMW: How are you doing?
Me: I've been thinking of my mother for the last few weeks. I don't know about anyone else but whenever I think of my mother, I think of how she should have aborted me.
EI BMW: Don't! Don't! Don't!
Me: I wouldn't have thought you would have said that. I would have thought that you would have said, I don't blame you. I own a BMW so I know what it's like. If I were 50 years old like you and I never owned a BMW, I would have wanted my mother to have aborted me too!
On You Tube comments for Scammer Revolts, someone said that there are two categories, Justice and Entertainment. Jim Browning is top for justice. Pierogi of Scammer Revolts is somewhere in the middle. Kitboga is more entertaining.
There are two categories. Luxury and sport. Mercedes is top for luxury. BMW is somewhere in the middle. Porsche is more sport.
Pm Trudeau waded in to the RCMP policy of making Sikh members because of their beard and issues with PPE relegated to desk jobs. Talk about where Angels fear to tread. The RCMP is a great Police force. I thought they'd look at it the other way. White RCMP Officers would otherwise say, Why do the Sikhs get preferential treatment with desk jobs protected from the inclement social conditions that front line Officers face as well as exposure to covid 19? Like Don Cheadle said, "Desk, suit, tie. It's just something I need, OK? I need that shit like water." Now that they have a desk job, there are still complaints? "You're in the office, baby." Training Day
How to get more views on YouTube: Hire a click farm. YouTube artificially inflates and suppresses view counts. File sharing has killed the bottom line.
I'm impressed again. For awhile, for the longest time, it seemed that word search didn't work on blogger. I'd lunch in a word and it would always say no entries found or else pull up all blog entries normally as if I left it blank. Today, it is up and running good!
Are there still rabbits on the Pat Bay highway? If not, were they given mxyomatosis?
I reinstalled Smurf's Village. The featured villages are mesmerizingly brain shockingly mindblowing. Sometimes a friend leaves me a kong kwun; a present. That's after I left them a present. My friends villages are mindblowing enough, they are on level 65 to 87. But the rockstar featured villages whose level is over one hundred, when I saw their villages, my first thought was "That is what a walk around the streets of my town would look like on 200 hits of acid. Literally not figuratively."
"200 hits of acid is too much acid!" The Kids In The Hall
Smurf's Magical Meadow is OK but Smurf's Village is much better. I saw someone, Chicalism, who was on level 111, their village was just phantastic. I don't know if my village ever can or will look that good. That's on another level.
My plan is to gather 1,000,000 'coins', Kremcoins, and 500 smurfberries before or at around Christmas or New Year's Eve. Then I'll go on a major shopping spree.
Since then, I have completed the Smurf Roller Coaster. Yesterday, after hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of watching ads, I got enough smurfberries to get the Architect hut, the Smurf Roller coaster complete with two additional stations and completed track and also I've started the Smurfy Railroad line in the main village. I'm totally burned out of watching ads and farming for smurfberries. I can't do it again for awhile. I'm kind of sick of it. Watch 3 to 4 ads to get 1 smurfberry. Each ad is 3/10 smurfberry so sometimes you have to watch 4, most of the time you have to watch 3 to get a smurfberry. 4 + 3 + 3 = 10 smurfberries. So you can imagine how many ads I had to watch to get 35 smurfberries each for 3 huts, 20 smurfberries for more stone to do an architectural upgrade on some huts. And also 15 smurfberries each for 2 additional roller coaster stations. Burn out or what?!
My Smurf village roller coaster.
I need to get the Smurf Doctor Hut. I hope I get it. If I see it, I'll get it. I need to get MAD magazine. The one with " Glaring Signs Of Video Game Addiction" Price $10. Doctor Hut, hopefully less than $20. = $30.
My Smurf's Village Halloween area.
My Smurf's Village Christmas area. A work in progress.
As you can see, I got the glowing paint.
Smurfy liminal Chinese restaurant.

I screenshot this picture from Smurf's Village because it reminds me of a royal dream I had. Even though I think of quitting life, I would never do myself in because I had so many royal dreams that I must stay alive for 💞 Royalty because they order me to.
The royal dreams are ongoing. I doubt that they've stopped. They have occured with some regularity for years. It's like a royal machine.
Everytime I have a royal dream, I have a thought, I might be in trouble as royalty is connected to the police, I must be awake and watching television, and I don't know how I'm going to talk about the dream without people thinking that I'm crazy. Even though in some countries people are punished for talking bad about royalty, even people in those countries would be very interested to hear of the most vivid royal dreams from anybody. But they are very specific. People on the street would know just Fromm the way I tell the stories and draw the pictures of my dreams, the lines are somehow different than pictures drawn from the imagination, the speed is a lot faster like I'm replaying a recording rather than telling an imaginary story.
The royal dreams are baffling. They are nice, however my life was crazy enough before the royal dreams. Why would royalty visit me in dreams? The answer is I did something really good that influenced people for the better in a way that simply wouldn't happen if I didn't exist. Not just one thing, a mountainous royalty's worth of amount of things. The cartoons, the writing. The spirits know the true extent of my fame. That's why they visit me.
I doubt I'd be the only person in the World to have ever had royal dreams. Far from it.
The following story has been resolved and is now irrelevant. I'm leaving it here to say that in all likelihood, you should not worry at all if you don't get the smurfberries and whatever item or even items in plural. The issue will be most expediently resolved.
Caveat emptor. Smurfeat emptor. October 30, 2020. Paid $6.81 for Lunar new year dragon on Smurf's Village. Once I paid for it, the app just snapped off without me getting the purchase. App registers as purchased on account history. I bought things from SV before with no problems. Unless this is resolved, I will never get anything from Smurf's Village. I will let you know when or if this is resolved. If not resolved, be warned this could happen to you too. What a total rip-off!
Now, I won't be getting the smurf doctor hut!
The next morning I got an email reply from Smurf village asking for more information. Then they will send me the EO IAP. Exclusive offer. In app purchase.
October 30 2:20 pm PST. Still no lunar dragon and 50 smurfberries which I did not get. The email they sent me specifically asked if I got the smurfberries. That's so they know. Authorities of any stripe often ask questions they know the answers to. That's to see if you know. I got 15 smurfberries now. With the 50 additional smurfberries I can get the Mexican sugar Shack and the gold Taurus statue which I'll need for yet another statue of which awards me 6 stardust every day; it's a gift that keeps on giving.
Even though I didn't get the lunar dragon -yet, I won't give up on this app. Hopefully the doctor hut will show up as an EO purchase around Remembrance Day or armistice day in the US. These EOs are often specifically centered around specific timed yearly holidays and commemorations. Doctors hits figured heavily in WW1 and WW2.
The Mexican sugar Shack. I got it no thanks to the 50 smurfberries I was supposed to get with the EO purchase but didn't get due to a technical glitch rip-off. Convenient for them they got the money though. Strange it wasn't a glitch where I didn't get the item but still keep my money.....
The lunar dragon I did actually get, in front of the liminal Chinese restaurant.
My smurfy farm with sun + moon = Ming lamps.
I bought the dragon a second time and this time it went through. Strange that Smurf's Village doesn't have a message correspondence like other apps do. That way they could just send the IAP I didn't get yet. When do I get the lunar dragon I paid for but didn't get.
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... well we just won't get fooled again!" President George W Bush.
Again. I tried to get alien costume shop. As soon as I paid, I didn't get the item, the app just snapped off. But they got the money. Crooks. Beware. There's a good chance this could happen to you too. I've given up. Don't purchase anything from this app again. I might just uninstall it. What point was I trying to get to. I was more or less thinking of reaching a maximum point. Already I've given up on all other locations except the village. I spend 98% of the time at the village anyways. If this was a really good app, it would sense that you didn't get the things without you notifying them. I don't tell that after paying, I have to send some bullshit form including a screenshot of the receipt, name of item, did I get the smurfberries that went along with it or not, where the item was to be located, and smurf ID. Pay and have to do all that and get the item? What a hassle! I'll eat the $6.81. This time I'm not even sending a report. They owe me 100 smurfberries and 2 items.
I still will, after this try purchasing the doctor hut when it comes up. If I don't get it, I will never ever purchase anything again for life from this app. Rate quit and boycott. It used to be bongfish that ran this app. Now it's Popreach. What does that mean? It means I never had any problems with in app purchases that weren't quickly resolved. Two days later I still didn't get the lunar dragon. I did get a note saying that restoration of purchases that didn't go through would be delayed due to Covid, it being a weekend and holiday. There wasn't a delay for them getting the money!
"More time? Did I ask you for more time when I lent you the money?" Scrooge
They make me wait for the item. Did I make them wait for the money?
Be warned. This app is run by either crooks or incompetents. Greedy all developers who just don't care. Better business bureau shit rating!
The doctor hut reportedly only shows up about twice a year. There's a chance I might never see it again at this point as, if I don't get my things in two weeks, I'm uninstalling. Or else never ever purchase from them ever again. Purchase something and they don't automatically restore it if you don't get it? Not a very intuitive A.I..
At any rate, not nearly as intuitive as the video on YouTube, Why Are We Here? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story from The 5th Kind at 21:20 where a man says "He creamed off the profits." but the AI behind the subtitles read "He creamed off the prophets." Now that's what I call an intuitive AI! The AI behind the Smurf's Village is great. Don't worry about nothing.
I wrote the above before the refund. I thought of censoring it but it's a kind of recording of how I respond to issues which says more about me than it does about Popreach.
An actual Smurf's Village. Source: Jim Browning, Destroying a tech call center. YouTube
Actually, in a lot of second and third world countries, there are districts downtown where most of the hackers and tech scammers operate, the kind of tech scammers that Pierogi of Scammer Revolts deals with on a daily basis. They are often decorated with Christmas and otherwise brightly festooned lights. These districts are usually referred to as smurfs villages. The festival lights at night really do give it that Smurf's Village look. Getting ripped off on a computer app is a quintessential part of the smurf village experience. At least it was for me. It seems if you haven't gotten ripped off during your experience with any smurfs Village, you haven't been doing it right!
Other apps have an inbox, correspondence, mail, etc. If you didn't get an in app purchase, they'd send it to you eventually through that vector. No, not with smurfs village. No inbox. No correspondence. What fucking geniuses. Through what vector will I get my Smurf items I bought? If ever.
November 1, I bought a Google card for $25. It said you are about to redeem a card for $25. That part was right. Then it said code not valid. That's a $25 rip off. $25 right down the drain. Google too?
A forum online with 538 replies said that Google often does this. Play/thread/9345224?hl=en
Expect no recourse. Android and smurfs Village is more than good enough as the free version. There was never any items on Android apps that I ever needed only wanted. Petty bourgeois items. Unless I get my refund I won't be getting any more Google play cards for life. What a rat's next. What a bad energy jangle. Extricate yourself from that forever. Caveat emptor.
Expect that with Google cards, at some point you're gonna get ripped off.
That's $25 down the drain.
Typically a business has 75% repeat customers. Things like this would bring that percentage down for Google, you would think.
They don't have to refund me. And I don't have to get another Google Play card ever again.
$25 + $7 +$7 = $39. That's for a lost card and two Smurf items, a lunar dragon and an alien costume hut. It's a moderate loss but not major amounts of money. In the 80s it cost me $187 to get my car from the tow yard after it was towed. I think that amount would be at least $300 today.
I really want to get the doctors hut and whatever else. I was able to get Brenda the Witch. That purchase went through fine. And I was able to get at least one lunar dragon.
What the hell. There's already a plethora of things you can get for free if you grind to earn the coins, smurfberries, etc. One more thing, one less thing, what's the difference? To all of a sudden get obsessed about some random arbitrary incidental thing like a doctor's hut. That's pretty much the story of my life. Year after year of obsession after obsession.
It's a bad time to get things on the tablet. Often around the time of celebrity deaths, electronics often get glitchy. On the night of Eddie Van Halen's death, whenever I went to the grave, I mean the grove area in smurfs village, whenever I rearranged the items, when I went back to the grove, the items moved back to the original places as if I hadn't rearranged them and after going to the village which I spend 97% of the time at, some items, a few were rearranged to where they were at a previous point. Three days later or when I next checked, the grove was normal and working fine again.
And now this weekend upon the death of Sean Connery, I get ripped off a Google card and 2 smurf items plus a hundred smurfberries.
I entered the application regarding this to Google. The security and evidence they ask for is quite extensive. They want the redeem code of course, but also a picture of the Google Play card in question with the cover over the numbers section scratched off, a picture of the receipt that the Play card was processed and the last four numbers of a series of numbers located somewhere on the card itself, name of town and name of store. I sent all of that.
If I had 200 million dollars for instance, would I even bother to go through the refund application process if I lost $37 in micro transactions on the tablet? I doubt it. However I would imagine that if you don't apply for a refund or report loss of items, eventually the problem would fix itself. There is a traditional computer to quantum computer interface but at the supercomputer level where they have computers with billions of exobytes of memory. These computers are like the Gaia satellite. They track things and any anomalies like transactions that fell through are picked up using their extremely intuitive A.I.. Even if you ignore it, thinking you've seen the last of the problem, happily about two weeks later, you get some message saying that all your lost items are restored. Is that how you run a business?! If too many people are ripped of, then no one would patronize their business again.
If you report the problem, you'll get your items back in less than a week. If not, you'd get it back within three weeks at the most anyways.
Thai: Kow rap ngun, pom yuñg mie mee kong len; they got the money, I haven't yet got the goods, the play product.
See my restored purchases: See the other lunar dragon. See the other alien costume hut. I am happy. I am ecstatic. I want to live again!!!!
Smurfiest update ever! Popreach sent me the 100 smurfberries and the 2 items this morning!!!! I love them. Trust them. Popreach is good truck.
Now the only issue is I want to get the doctor's hut. However, seeing that the Google card reader is kiboshed and kvetched, I have no way to get that now. I got off light. Someone on that Google Play forum thread lost not one but two $500 Google cards. So much for fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Google may refund me yet. If anyone would have an AI intuitive enough to distinguish between a rip off or a fake refund request and straight goods or the real deal, it would be Google. However it will make you wait a few days for the refund. That's the ideal. The reality is that any AI on Google based social media is only as intuitive enough to register people as bots and bots as people. If that's their objective in the first place then their AI seems to be working perfectly.
One person in YouTube comments said his case was resolved in 6 days. It makes you wait because the AI also accounts for human psychology. If it gave refunds right away which I'm sure it has the technology to do, lots of unscrupulous people would try to get money from that. Making a person wait a few days keeps out the riff raff and is a disincentive to anyone trying to rip Google off.
There has to be more than 538 people who got a 'your code could not be redeemed message. They must be always getting that one detail wrong in their refund request or else lost the receipt and tried to get a refund anyway without a photo of the receipt or whatever. Hopefully I get my refund from Google Play card. Otherwise I'll be scared for life of using Google cards ever again.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Google is so brainy. Why don't they make an app just for processing payment on Google Play card making an additional to what they have now, a foolproof advance technology like using the camera to scan some infrared reading code or whatever. In fact once you install Google Play, Google Play store etc there would be a prompt saying that, "If you want to make any purchases on Google Play Cards, install this card reader in addition to whatever bloatware you already have. This Card Reader has foolproof technology and will cut down the incidence of you pestering us with refund requests. Don't you think we got better things to do?" That would be the actual message.
As it is now with Google Play Cards, it's typing in some letters and numbers and the pressing enter. What is this? 1985?!! Are working with MS-DOS?! No wonder there are so many fuckups. They are working with archaic technology.
I never had a problem with Amazon. Not even the slightest. No rip offs, 100% of all items sent on time and reliably. Google Play Cards was not bad. Before this fuck up, it had an Amazon like track record. 100% of all cards, monies, transactions, refunds or else restorations of all, that is all in app purchases all smooth as silk. If an app shut down like Lord of the Rings Shadow of War it sure wasn't an issue on Google Play Card's end. Yesterday I got a 'your code could not be redeemed' message on a $25 Google card. I really want to get another Google Play card but I'm scared now. After being royally scammed, ripped off.
No wonder Amazon is so successful. 💯 5 stars, platinum excellent grade high pedigree ultimate standard of pristine excellence in reliability, service and delivery. That's what I have to say about Amazon after 14 years of doing business with them. Excellent bridge of transaction.
I could almost say the same thing about Google Play card, ...that is almost.
Another store with an out of this world E rating, E for Excellence is WalMart. I never ever got a shit product from WalMart. Everything works, works well and works for a long time. 💯 of the time, I got refunds or else products exchanged with receipt. WalMart and Amazon have always been amazingly reliable.
Plan B: If I'm absolutely obsessive about the Doctor's Hut in Smurfs Village, I could use a preloaded credit card number for Google Play store credit for IAPs. I'll get that only if Used the Doctor's Hut.
"Do you see the beast? Have you got it in your sights?" Trainspotting
It could be months from now before I see it again as reportedly it only shows up as an EO twice a year. I could even win it free because I got the popcorn shop and the candy apple shop shop as a prize from the daily gift box for free and usually you have to pay for those things. It would be the Smurfs Village miracle of the century if I got the smurfy doctor's hut from the gift box for free. If I don't get it from Google Play card, it wouldn't be because I didn't get ripped off from GPC.
It's best to use a credit card when getting Google Play credit. The Google Play cards as they are is a built in systemic shit, just like charging $29.99 instead of $30 for something. Not only is it a good marketing psy-op as $29.99 somehow at first seems a lot less and not a little less than $30, the store pockets the extra 1 cent. In a year, it's a lot of extra dollars. This scam goes back to the 40s. Or else business sneakily charging 7% GST even though it got dropped to 5% for years. Some recently stopped that. Some haven't.
The Google card is a similar built in systemic shit game of musical chairs where Google and the store can pass the buck, the store says contact Google, Google says contact the store, either way you don't get a refund. Very sneaky.
Another way Google gets a lot of extra money a year. Sammy like the $29.99 rather than $30 and the 7% GST.
Credit cards even prepaid ones will vigorously investigate any claims and more intensely than either the store you bought the card from or Google will just as if a Police dies for whatever reason, his death is more intensely investigated than the death of a normal person would be. Credit card companies have a reputation for being proactive like this.
If your Google Play code doesn't go through, the credit card company will refund you in a couple of days after doing an investigation as this time it isn't just your money or the money of the store what sold the Google card, it's the credit card company's money.
The credit card company doesn't exactly issue a refund per se. They recredit your account, however this is a situation where there are no losers.
London Drugs two days ago, I saw a revolving rack with Google cards on it. Yesterday when I went there, that revolving rack was still there, but the Google Play cards had been pulled. They were gone. Probably not many people get them anymore.
Better to use a prepaid credit card to get Google Play credit than using Google Play cards as there is a slight chance your code won't go through for absolutely no reason at all and with no explanation and you get no refund. Is that how Google Play card runs a business?
See, Google is a megalithic corporation. They're so big that they're simply not accountable to anyone especially consumers. A couple of years ago, the US Government asked the CEOs of facebook, Twitter and Google to testify in a data handling anti-trust litigation. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter both personally showed up to testify. The CEO of Google didn't show up. Google didn't even send in a person to testify on their behalf. What Google sent in was a stack of papers as a report instead. Ergo, good luck trying to get a refund from that!
The Canadian government is pressuring airlines to offer cash refunds instead of vouchers for Covid cancelled flights. Could and would Google be pressured to refund play cards that didn't go through? I'm not holding my breath. I doubt I'll ever get a refund. Also I won't get a Google Play card ever again.
Storms don't always show up to create turmoil. Sometimes they come to clear a path.
It's all good!