Friday, January 1, 2021

Jan-Covid-uary 2021


Technically, this year is the first year of the 2020s. Last year was the last year of the 2010s.

One way to do an animated cartoon or any film is to pick the most choice scene, do that and then the next one and the next one and it will all fall into place. And it doesn't have to be done in chronological order. Work it all out in editing. Extend some scenes here, shorten other scenes there. I have an idea to do a cartoon but I don't know how good it's going to turn out.

I saw something phenomenal.  A comment of mine on YouTube got 89 likes! Isn't that nice?

Mangolee mango drink from Bangladesh is profoundly good. On a scale of 1 to 10, it's a 12. Unfortunately it got sold out. Understandably. It's that good. Hopefully the wonderful store that sells it has it again. Once I told you about this now everyone will want to try it. Hopefully it comes back again one day. Maybe other stores have it.

This is a picture of me and my sweetness on Sunday, January 3, 2021. She looks sophisticated and sexy in this picture. She has the face of an angel. She has a knee injury and has to wear a brace. This is a very officious town. It's a political capital and where the hall of records for everyone in the Province is located, Beantown, it's a town where you often see people dressed for the office, my sweetness has a flotilla of seven nurses visiting her. This town is a backwater that's too officious yet not officious enough. My sweetness Heather has a plethora, a floating population of nurses visiting her yet she doesn't have a doctor. And she's lived here for 20 years! What do you call that? I call that not bad. I don't have a GP in this town either. And I've only lived here for ten years.  The interesting thing is my first doctor ever when I was a very young child was Dr. George Loh, a Chinese Doctor. Loh means 6 in Chinese!
Heather needs a primary care doctor, and an orthopedic specialist. Me and Heather went to the walk in clinic and tried to look for a doctor to refer her to a specialist.
See, in a town that's small like Dawson Creek, it's easier to keep track of everyone and take care of them. I had a GP there named Doctor Gnanabaksaran. In a town like Vancouver, the infrastructure is evolved and developed and advanced enough where everyone has a GP or else it's not difficult to find one. You hit a medium sized town, a shit sized town and be in that town for years and not find a GP. I think there are apps that can help you find a GP using your geolocation. I haven't tried it. How could seven nurses not hook my sweetness up with a primary care doctor in order to refer her to an orthopedic specialist? Her knee is way out of alignment. Her kneecap is hanging on the side of her knee. She was in the hospital for five months and they discharged her with her knee looking like that?! The medical industry in this country is too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Or in this case it's too many Indians and not enough chiefs; all the nurses and where's the doctor? The local medical system. What a bizarre, bonkers and baffling bureaucracy. Someone on YouTube said that she took her father to Russia to get medical treatment. Thank God she did, she said because the medical system the re is better. Those are the stories I believe about Russia. Not stories like the Russian coronavirus vaccine is questionably effective at best as it comes from the same country that made the killer drug krokodil which is a jerryrigged form of heroin and also the Mir satellite which is Russian for duct tape.
As the pandemic lifts I will go again and again with my girlfriend to a walk in clinic to get one of the doctors there to refer her to an orthopedic specialist. I saw a tv commercial about someone who said he had to delay his school and job so he could help his mother with her disability. Then a female nurse or doctor  on the phone said to him, "Don't worry, we're going to figure out a plan, we're going to find something that works for you and your mother." Hopefully my girlfriend can see a specialist. In Vancouver there is a place called GF Strong. It's a rehabilitation centre for the disabled. There's other places called Pearson, Macmillan, GF Strong, and Vancouver General Hospital rehabilitation centres for the disabled. If my girlfriend went there, maybe it could help. It's a lot of physiotherapy. GF Strong in a lot of cases has helped people with spinal cord injuries walk again. My GF doesn't have that. She has a knee and not a spine injury.

A lot of apps are the more you do the more you got to do. Level up 100 characters and then level up 35 buildings and 75 weapons. Then level up more things. It's a real Pavlov's dog. Level up this then get some reward. Endless. Uninstall. The less you do, the less you have to do.
Again, to sum it all up, the worst apps are: the more you do, the more you have to do and Pavlov's dog.

"The city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed for Gondor!" Sean Bean, Lord of the Rings
The protest at Washington DC on Wednesday, January 6, 2020 was unbelievable. It was worse than the million man march. And that's during a global pandemic. How much worse would it have been if there was no pandemic? Americans are very smart and wise and doubtless, as ever, they will find a way through this.
They're talking 25th amendment which is namely if the President becomes too unstable to do his job, the Vice President takes over for awhile. That's dropping the hammer. This is the worst crisis on the American Presidency since Nixon.
Yesterday, January 6th was on the level of bringing in the National Guard. Today it's the level of FBI and CIA questioning. "Who are you working for?" "Three guesses." If anyone said Trump, then Trump might find out about it and have them killed. 
The insurrectionists attempted to storm the Capitol building. This storming somewhat worked in the past, the storming of the Winter Palace, the storming of the Bastille and Cuba during the Fidel Castro revolution when their Parliament building was stormed.
The 25th Amendment takes too long. They could use a Congressional Censure.
The News said that during Black Lives Matter, 10,000 people were arrested. In yesterday's embroglio, only 13 were arrested. Maybe White people go through a different justice, more subtle more streamlined but in its way just as unpleasant. What form would it take? I'm not sure, just as Zoltan said, "Things could be worse but I'm not sure how."
Trump said to the Governor of Georgia, "I need you to find me 11,780 votes." Find me. What. Like a discovery check in chess?
"The age of men is over. The time of the orc has come." Lord of the Rings
The age of Trump is over. The time of Biden has come.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Trump issues another one of his famous Executive Orders but with 12 days to go, what would that look like?
"God is a verb." Frank vs God
It was upsetting to me to see the rioters yelling screeds about Nancy Pelosi and Lindsey Graham. Someone had a sign reading "Nancy Pelosi is Satan." When in reality, Nancy Pelosi is someone who is very spiritual. Nancy Pelosi is Catholic and I would never presume to be more spiritual than someone who is devotedly Catholic. I've always believed and still believe that Nancy Pelosi is very spiritual and one of the best people possible to be working in government. Anyone who threatens Nancy Pelosi, I'd like to have a go at them myself with two Samurai swords, but the way it works is if I were to even injure someone let alone kill, I'd be charged with assault or worse. 
"Those troglodytes cost me the election, yet if I were to have them killed, I'd be the one to go to prison! And they call this a democracy!" Monty Burns, The Simpsons 
Those people threatened Nancy Pelosi yet if I were to go at them with two Samurai swords, I'd be the one to go to prison and they call this a democracy!!! Anyways fights are weird. Even with two Samurai swords, my opponent could get in a lucky strike and I'd be done for. Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 
"If you live long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies floating in the river." Sun Tzu The Art of War 
Whoever did anything or said anything against a politician that day, their mistakes will come back to them as God knows my mistakes over the years have certainly come back to me! Indeed.
Someone yelled to Senator Lindsey Graham, "You can expect this to happen wherever you go for the rest of your life!" Promises promises. The lady who yelled that might be ignorant to how things work. Politicians can be very dangerous people. Machiavellian dangerous. A Senator is even more dangerous. All the Senator has to do is whisper, "Find out who that is. Check them out. Fuck them up." They can do that. Hopefully Senator Lindsey Graham has nothing at all to worry about. He is a great politician and someone that anyone could only look up to.
You do realize that with the way things are with Trump so compromised, worse if he gets impeached, the United States is going through somewhat of a temporary power vacuum for the next 11 days. Good luck. Defcon 3, baby!
Really?! A conspiracy theory is saying something about a person or a place; ie a collective that they would not say about themselves. Would the Pentagon say that they're on Defcon 3? Conspiracy theories are mostly speculation.
A congressman on CNN said that this isn't merely protestors or activists. This is a network of domestic homegrown terrorists.
Three forms of anarchy: 
Rebellion - anarchy from the lower classes
Revolution - anarchy from the middle class
Coup d'etat - anarchy from the upper class.
See, the Hong Kong protests was an unsuccessful revolution disguised as a rebellion.
The January 6 US Capitol Riot was an attempted coup d'etat disguised as a revolution.
Hong Kong: The Chinese govt acting through the Hong Kong govt implemented laws directly affecting middle class interests like real estate, white collar crime, etc What China's govt was after was the right to retain and extradite criminals who committed crimes in China who were hiding in Hong Kong. The middle class coopted street thugs and other disenfranchised disaffected youth to attack Hong Kong and particularly Chinese owned business interests and political infrastructure to effect a change.
US Capitol Riot: Donald Trump, an entrenched member of the American aristocracy, billionaire and decidedly upper class as well as being a high ranking officer of the US government coopted the middle class to disrupt some procedural certifying the number of electoral college votes therefore creating a technicality that could have extended his Presidency indefinitely. Most of the people who were at the Capitol Riot weren't locals on welfare, they travelled in caravans across many States and brought a lot of expensive accoutrements with them. The Qanon conspiracy theory people on those websites are mostly middle class. They own property, vehicles, etc. Middle class.

My Smurf's Village Island. How it looks now. I've attracted quite a few critters. Also I built a rope bridge as a smurfy Schwebebahn line.

My Smurf's Village Halloween and hospital how it looks now. I finally built up the spooky tower which took about a month to build. The hospital has a year round wintertime Christmas look.
Sunday, January 10, 2021. I accidentally deleted a friend on Smurf's Village, being half asleep at the time and not familiar with the set up. I would never have done it purposely. Smurf's Village for Apple has an options then banned friends then restore friend option but not Android. Just be more careful from now on. Anyways I wish that person I deleted all the very best. I am profoundly regretful of that. I didn't even see the name of the person I deleted. At least I would have had that.
Also when people ask me to friend them I always accept. When I ask other people they never accept. I always accept but then get no acceptings in return. Give out some energy and then get a certain kind of energy in return. Give gold and then get shit in return. I'm thinking of giving up on the friends thing or else the app altogether. Anything that doesn't work out should be given up on. It's proven itself to be useless. It's just another the more you do the more you have to do kind of apps. Friends, acceptance, no acceptance, the whole thing is destabilizing and extraneous.
I doubt that I'd be the first or last person to ever accidentally deleted a friend on Smurf's Village, so much so that there are even forums written about it on Quora, Reddit, etc. Maybe someone even accidentally deleted me as a friend on there at some point in the past. I sure wouldn't know about it. This kind of thing probably happens often enough. Don't use a tablet when you're half asleep. That should be a no-brainer.

My WHAM! cartoon. Alfred Hitchcock said the three secrets to remember with movie making is script, script, script. Akira Kurosawa said unless you have at least a 5,000 word script, you shouldn't make a movie, or words to that effect, I paraphrase.
My Wham cartoon will be one minute or less. For lack of a better story, it's Christmas in London, again. It is the future. George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley are riding in a red jet powered flying sled. They go into a vortex that enters a parallel Universe hyper Christmas wonderland. There are humanoid snow creatures reminiscent of the blue meanies in the cartoon Yellow Submarine. They are wearing WHAM! t-shirts including CHOOSE WHAM! and CHOOSE LIFE! A short distance away, the bassist Deon Estus is playing the bass guitar, the psychedelic bubble man. And in the background, singers Pepsi and Shirley are there. Hugh Burns the guitarist is there too. George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley fire a laser into the area of the humanoid snow creatures. The snow explodes as the creatures are displaced in the air. End of cartoon. After this, I don't know about doing cartoons. My art career is going nowhere. Maybe I'm in the wrong country that's why. Or at least wrong town. Right person, wrong town.
I'll do the cartoon when I feel like it. Art is real feast of famine. Either no art at all for weeks, months, or else a blitz, staying up til 5 in the morning and doing it.
Like Renton said in Trainspotting, "I chose not to choose Life." Actually, I had around $3.50 left in my Google Play account. Rather than wait for Google rewards to pay me the remaining 50 cents I would need to get The Game of Life on Android for $3.99, I opted to get The Walking Dead Pinball on the Zen Pinball app for $2.79.  The Game of Life brings back strong memories of the 70s with the 3D actual board game which looks funky. But the Game of Life app has cool flashy computer graphics. However I don't know if I'd like it. I have no other games like it. Board games are anal. Roll the dice board game. Snakes and ladders does the same thing for free or else Dice-Masters is all about the dice. Any two opposing sides of a dice always adds up to 7. Anyways,  The Walking Dead is a show that I like. World Beyond is a very good story and is the future generation. I have recently reinstalled The Walking Dead No Man's Land and also Telltale Games TWD Season 2. What if I installed GoL and didn't like it? I previously installed TWD pinball but the singular app got removed. The only way to get it is with the Zen pinball collection.
That's it for my Google Play money account. For all intents and purposes, it's over. All the free apps are still there. 
I will never get a Google Play card ever again. I might use a prepaid credit card as a way to pay but that's a never ending rabbit hole of spending  💸 money. The apps you get for free now on the tablet are light years better than the paid for video games of the 90s anyways.
I'm having trouble with my WHAM! cartoon as it is stuck in development hell. Writer's block? Whatever. I don't know if this is a story I can get behind if it is a story at all. The curator at Vancouver Art Gallery said, "You have to have a vision." She's absolutely right! Also a vision that you believe in. If I announce an idea for a cartoon and few weeks, heck months later still didn't do it, you wonder if it's something you really believe in. A good idea is pounced upon. A not so good idea, not so much. That happened with Stanley Kubrick. He wanted to make a dark grim World War Two movie called The Aryan Papers. He even did a lot of research and location scouting etc etc But it sound up being an idea he didn't really believe in. The Wham cartoon from the sounds of it seems spurious, frivolous, trivial. I was a fan of Wham in the 80s. Maybe if I did the cartoon then. But the dynamic has changed and people don't think of Wham as often as they did in the 80s. Me included. I might just cancel the cartoon and do a project I believe in more. It wouldn't be the first time I cancelled a project or quit at some midpoint. George Lucas said, "There is no such thing as a completed film, there are only projects walked away from."
I'm giving up on the WHAM! cartoon just like I've given up on the Midsummer Night's Dream cartoon. I've thought of doing a cartoon about taking care of someone in a wheelchair but there needs to be a script; a screenplay.  I thought of a good storyline the other day, however now I forgot about it. I should take my time doing it and resist all temptation to release it before it's done. Most YouTubers only release complete videos even if they do just one video every few months. I've been doing it wrong for years....
If I have an idea for a cartoon and weeks later I still didn't get that much into it, that means on a subconscious level I don't want to do it because I don't really believe in the idea or the premise of the cartoon. Move on to another idea. 
The amount my WHAM! cartoon is falling apart is directly proportional to time elapsed. The cartoon idea is degenerating with each passing second. I could release what I did so far. I'm thinking about that. No one will see that, I expect. It's garbage. Another piece of flotsam and jetsam in life's endless caravan of garbage.

There are many forms of revenge. And there are many forms of forgiveness. One is often mistaken for the other.

If I'm depressed I never got married:
If I think that there's people whose lives were less fucked up than mine and they got married and there's people whose lives were more fucked up than mine and they never got married, that would leave me depressed.
If I think that there's people whose lives were less fucked up than mine and they never got married and there's people whose lives were more fucked up than my life and they still got married then that would cheer me up slightly.
Why is that such an issue? 
YouTube comment: "My coworkers who are married all tell me don't get married."
YouTube comment: "The fucking you're giving isn't worth the fucking you're getting."

All I can say about cancel culture is that it's just typical of the human species. Artists give their work and the philistine formless talentless masses who don't have the same talent and can't take that instead dispense their resentments and noises of disapproval. What a sleazy Leftist set-up. What a vampiric scene! Artists give gold and get shit in return from cancel culture because shit is all cancel culture is capable of giving not being able to reciprocate with the same level of artistic talent and skill. What can you say about the human species? 80 years ago they were throwing people into ovens. Cancel culture: Judge not lest ye be judged. And, Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Follow the premise of cancel culture to its Cartesian logical ultimate and cancel culture eventually and inevitably ends up canceling itself following its own premise.

A lot of people have a million dollars in this town and they still choose to live here. If I had a million dollars I'd move to another country, let alone city. I think this country is somewhat of a backwater. Countries in Asia like China, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand are more rocking. If I had a million dollars I'd go there pretty much immediately and never come back. Why come back? This set of dimensional coordinates, that set of dimensional coordinates, what's the difference? You don't really have return as you're not really legally required to. Returning would be a regression to some erstwhile bullshit. Good telepathy, bad telepathy. Returning would be bad telepathy. Once I leave next time, I'm never coming back. 'Bill Clinton' in YouTube comments said, "Just stay there illegally like everyone else does." Not the real Bill Clinton of course, but seeing his name tied to such a comment is sagely.  Once the pandemic is over, in the next few years, I want to move to Asia. The farther away I travel, the more of an adventure and less of a regression it is.
That is the mindset you need to move away and not come back. You can feel it in your bones if you're in the right town or not. And also if you're in the wrong town. This is the wrong town. The right town let alone country really changes the dynamic. That's why I have to move. I hope I move away one day. Be careful what you wish for.

Electromagnetic spectrum. Radio, Microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma rays. Spirits, ghosts, dreamworld, afterlife, etc exists at one or two levels past gamma rays. That's the heaven world. The hell world is one or two levels past radio waves. At death the spirit either accelerates or decelerates in vibration at a rate inconsistent with the physical body and into a higher electrogmatic vibration or dimension with accompanying properties like teleportation and different time dynamic. There is no such thing as time travel. One is only operating under one time dynamic or another. Dynamic, algorithm, whatever.
Maxwell's equation.

"It takes a special kind of monster to turn another person into a monster." Prodigal Son
Response: It's called social media.

Abortion is too violent. I've revised my plan to use a quantum computer to find tune the cosmic microwave background signature necessary for time traveling. Then I time travel back to two years before I was born and delay my parents meeting by one month. After that, it would be a different egg since the ovulation cycle is one egg a month. Whatever other child my mother would then have would no longer be my problem. I'd disappear into the oblivion of that which has never existed, sloughing off this awful life, one where there is no winning. If you get married, you're a fool. If you don't get married, you're an idiot. There's no winning. Why even bother? In ten or twenty years, time travel will be possible. But if I'm 70 time traveling to the past in an effort to prevent my birth, at 70, I'd be dead in a few years anyways so at that point, it would be somewhat redundant.
I might be judged in the after life for that but if I then didn't exist, as this world is a foundry casting a 3-D mold and upon death, the 4-D die is cast. No mold, no cast. So it would seem that I got away with that. But the universe is multi-layered and therefore in doing that, I wouldn't have created two different timelines, I would have merely modified the one timeline and in the multi-layered universe, all modifications are registered so somewhere in the afterlife, someone would then be asking me, "Why did you tweak the timeline to make yourself non-existent? You're still going to have a life review where you will telepathically feel every feeling you caused others to feel and think every thought your actions caused them to think and it won't be all bad, not by a long shot. But you had a pretty good run. Why did you have to use a time machine to go back in time and delay your parents meeting thus affecting your status on this new but ever-modifying one original timeline?"
This is the same universe where Planck time means that the Universe blinks on and off about ten trillion times a second.

Run is a surprise breakaway hit that's worth giving a run. I saw the movie. The story is intense and tightly woven. A young woman is in a wheelchair. One day she discovers a different name on the bottle of pills her mother had. She searches the internet for the name of the pill, Trigoxin, but the internet is suddenly disconnected. Her crazy mother did that. She pulled the plug on her daughter's internet. Turns out the pill is a veterinary pill called Ridocaine not meant for humans. Well, technically, PCP, and fentanyl and carfentanil are veterinary drugs meant for dogs, elephants and whales respectively and not meant for humans but that doesn't stop a lot of people! Anyways, her crazy mother was poisoning her daughter to keep her daughter codependent on her. The tables are eventually turned but it'd be an asshole move if I were to reveal the ending here. The young woman is in a wheelchair and the certain way she quickly releases the brakes as if it were a secondary motion, a conditioned reflex is exactly the way people in the disabled and handicapped community release the brakes of their walker or wheelchair.
Quick quick. There's an expert sound to it when it happens. The actress, I doubt she's disabled in real life, maybe she is, maybe she isn't, but she got that microaspect perfectly.
I am currently caring for someone who is, hopefully temporarily and not permanently, handicapped in a wheelchair.
Trigoxin is based on digoxin used to treat heart arrhythmia. The actress Keira Allen uses a wheelchair in real life but the mother Sarah Paulson is not crazy in real life.

There are a lot of soldiers in Washington DC. I doubt the soldiers would be disappointed if no one showed up. They'd be happy about that, I would think. However as always, some people will show up. A lot of people want to get a glimpse of the new President. There is always a rock star psychometry you get when you see a celebrity in real life. And if the celebrity looks you in the eye, there's a possibility of getting starstruck. They might not actually be looking you in the eye as that's stagecraft. There will be quite a few Presidents there that day so the rock star psychometry would be even more amplified! However they may very well be! Leftists and Rightists, normal people, protestors and activists, and domestic terrorists can smell power and the Presidential inauguration is chocked, and pretty much saturated with power! These kind of angry demonstrations leading to mass acts of vandalism; what once were vices are now habits. Every country wishes the United States the best and wish them a smooth and otherwise uneventful inauguration day. There ought to be a crowd there to see the installment of the new Commander in Chief #46 Joe Biden, that is, if they want to see it. But currently the world is in the midst of a global pandemic. If there is a crowd there, there would be security checks including x-ray. Then they would have to wear masks and be socially distanced etc The crowd of inaugural spectators would have to be outside a patrolled and fenced perimeter. Anyone carrying any extremist flags or wearing anarchist t-shirts or have terrorist paraphernalia will of course be banned🚫 possibly arrested on spot.
My advice is to avoid it altogether. See the inauguration on television. Multiple platoons of glaring soldiers flanking all streets are rarely a harbinger of welcome. The risk of violence, even bombs. I watched the movie Patriot's Day starring Mark Wahlberg on YouTube a few days ago... And there is a global pandemic. You don't want yet another added vector of possibly getting covid 19. Be safe.
Whether or not you follow my advice, I leave that entirely up to you.

Since there is a pandemic, international travel and interprovincial travel are not permitted or else highly discouraged. However people can still have dreams at night, that's allowed, and people are still permitted to die so interdimensional travel is permitted during this scourge of a global pandemic.

Phil Spector died on Sunday. He was the coke dealer at the airport in Easy Rider. He did shoot a lady. On Sunday morning, a few hours after Phil Spector died, I had a dream where someone from the past named Paul Taylor appeared in my dream. He was middle aged and he wore his orange shirt as always, but the orange shirt had not one wrinkle on it. Paul Taylor looked rather luminous like a backlit hologram. I was sitting and then I suddenly looked to my left and Paul Taylor was there! Paul Taylor was an editor. Paul and Phil are one syllable names that start with P and end with L. Taylor and Spector and two syllable names that end with 'or'. That's how the spirit world works. I once wrote some silly story about Phil Spector, "If you want to be an American, Get a gun and kill someone." were amongst the silly words in that silly story. As one YouTube coment said, "Play a stupid game, get a stupid prize." Play a silly game, get a silly prize.
Paulr Taylor. tAYLOR = AYLOR = Royal. Embedded anagram. I'm keeping score!
PaulR Taylor was once my editor. Not to be confused with AIDS infected mode4 dancer who danced with Martha Graham. Paul R Taylor. Paul arse Taylor. Paul arsehole Taylor never paid his writers and some of them were genuinely talented. He was edited my article putting words I didn't write. He exploits artists and writers, never paying them while he got all kinds of money for his shitty ass rag. A backwater product from a backwater country let alone town and Province. That's why I was shocked and taken aback when I saw Paul Taylor in my dream. And also Tam. I would ask them, "What are you doing visiting me in my dreams? Visiting someone. That's original! I would have thought that you would have something better to do in your afterlife existence than to reign to condescend to visit me!" Paul Taylor is, was, a leftist communist and his newspaper was a sleazy leftist set up, and vampiric scene. Paul Taylor self admittedly belongs to the Ananda Marga cult. Culty cracker. He wears an orange shirt and white pants 365 days a year, 366 on leap years. I don't care about the orange shirt and white pants because maybe that's weird but body tattoos, multiple earrings, punk rock mohawk haircut, nope, nothing weird about that! Paul Taylor told me his cult didn't allow for eating mushrooms because they grow in the dark and eat dead things. All cults are rabbitholes of culty bullshit. What's the difference between that and a politician or lawyer? Anyways, I guess white Alba truffles would be off the menu for him. I doubt I'd ever see him ever again. It's a waste of time to think of people who the last time you saw them was 20 years ago and people who you most likely will never see ever again. "It's not a cult, it's a religion." That's what someone in a cult would say.
PaulR Taylor, Joe R Biden. Like the hippies said, "It's all connected." The 1930s craze for middle initials.
The Queen's Gambit talked about apophenia which is the ability to see patterns that others don't.

Anyways I got a pelvic pain lying on my side. Maybe anti-inflammatory pills and getting a better mattress would help. Maybe I strained myself there in the last few days. I'm worried that it's osteoporosis and I might need hip replacement. But I excercise that area well and it's a muscular area. I read that excercising that area well reduces the chances you would need hip replacement. Ever. I need to fold an extra towel and place it under the mattress between the top spring and the bottom spring mattress. That might help. A television commercial said glucosamine and chondroitin would help but I have my doubts about that. It started happening just two days ago. Maybe it's a repetitive motion or a repetitive posture injury.
The pain is gone. "I haven't got time for the pain." Carly Simon
I used an obus form pillow between the two mattresses. Works. No more pain.

January 20, 2021. Inauguration day. It was surreal not to see Trump at the inauguration ceremony. How conspicuous of an absence was it to not see Trump at the inauguration? The Seventh President of the United States was Andrew Jackson and he was famous for his temper. Very few dared to approach the apoplectic head of state when he was fully rolling. Andrew Jackson carried around a wooden cane which he used to beat people with. It was because of his wooden cane that he earned the nickname Old Hickory. AJ was the victim of the first assassination attempt on a President. A farmer who was unhappy with the President's policies approach Jackson on the road. The farmer pulled out one gun. It misfired. He pulled out another gun. That bullet misfired too. The guns were later found to be in perfect working order. God protected President Andrew Jackson that day. God's luck didn't also extend to the farmer that day as President Andrew Jackson then used his wooden cane and beat the farmer nearly to death. He would have killed the farmer had not Presidential aides not pulled him off. Andrew Jackson got a lot of death threats from bank managers. Well, back then, the United States was a collection of local confederations which each had their own banking system. Andrew Jackson unified and nationalized all the banks in a 1833 banking act taking power away from the local bank managers. Andrew Jackson once said, "I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C Calhoun." John Calhoun was Vice President and Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House during Andrew Jackson's administration. Basically saying his biggest regret was that he didn't kill more people. They don't make that kind of crazy anymore! But after all that, Old Hickory even bringing along that wooden cane attended the inauguration of his successor! 
However Andrew Jackson's predecessor John Quincy Adams representing the rich man**, patrician, didn't attend Andrew Jackson's inauguration because Andrew Jackson representing the common man, plebian, beat him by a wide margin in the election. That was during the time when the Republicans were the left wing party and Democrats were the right wing party.*
*Source: YouTube: Cracked, Andrew Jackson was America's Craziest President
President Donald Trump never talked about Andrew Jackson years ago. It was after talking with Steve Bannon that Trump learned about the great hero patriot Statesman President Andrew Jackson.

President Trump with a portrait of Old Hickory in the oval office...

...which President Joe Biden immediately had replaced with a portrait of Benjamin Franklin.*
*Source: CNN

The last movie about President Andrew Jackson was The Buccaneer starring Charleston Heston as President Andrew Jackson in 1958. I hope another movie is made about this President of whom #45 Trump had a portrait of hanging on the wall next to him in the Oval Office highlighting his apoplectic moments. Any subject is a rabbit hole. On the night of his inauguration, President Andrew Jackson invited a drunken mob into the White House to party to which his answer was, "Sir, that drunken mob is the American public." Andrew Jackson was an asshole and he was intensely racist. How racist was he? On a scale of one to ten, he was about a hundred. He was cured of a wound thanks to a Native Indian. In return for that, he ratified the Indian Removal Act which was as bad if not worse than it sounds. It was his successor President James Buchanan who carried that out. Andrew Jackson was a lifelong slaveowner and he mellowed out his approach after stabbing and killing a slave during some angry episode. But back then, everyone was racist like that. Moral relativism. DNA wasn't discovered until 1958 so the scientific understanding that human beings had of one another wasn't all that great compared to today.
I'll see you Trump's Mexican wall and Muslim Ban and I'll raise you Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act and lifelong slave owning.
If a movie is to be made about Andrew Jackson, either Gary Oldman or else Joaquin Phoenix or else Jack Nicholson would be crazy enough to do a good portrayal of Old Hickory.
Even though Andrew Jackson was the founder of the Democratic Party, Trump being a Republican still had Old Hickory's picture on the wall.
Andrew Jackson, John Calhoun and Martin Van Buren were the founders of the Democratic Party in the US.
YouTube comment: 'Republicans ended slavery. Democrats started the KKK.'
How did Republicans go from being the Leftist Party to Rightist and Democrats vice versa? Probably there was at one time a Republican President who was supposed to be Leftist but was so Right Wing that he was too Right Wing for even the Democrats and he changed the direction of the Party or else vice versa some Democrat who was supposed to be right wing and everybody who voted for him thought he was but did he ever surprise them!
These days, one could have problems entering politics or even maintaining a political career if they're deemed to be too racist. Back then one could have problems with their political career if they were deemed not racist enough! Twisted. It took years for abolitionists to get any political acceptance.
If only the people of the 1830s know about Andrew Jackson, that's an example of horizontal learning. If people generations later know about Andrew Jackson, that's an example of vertical learning. Joe Crow, I mean Joe Scott taught me this in a video about the Top Ten Most Intelligent Animals. He said people wearing masks in an area frightened 15% of crows. The same people wearing the same masks 7 years or a few Crow generations later frightened 65% of the crows. Now that's vertical learning!

Trump might try to be like President Grover Cleveland and try to win two non consecutive terms. Grover Cleveland also married his adopted daughter kind of like Woody Allen. And Trump isn't that far off from that. On the Wendy Williams Show, he was asked, "What do you have in common with your daughter?" Trump said, "Sex."
Ivanka had the most priceless bemused somewhat baffled look as she said, "What?!"
On other occasions, he said, "If she weren't my daughter I might be dating her." It doesn't mean anything. Ivanka said of her father, "He's a character."
Technically, Biden is the more traditional President and he is great. However I miss Trump. He is a great television personality. He is getting old. There is no telling what the future has in store. For any of us.

Saturday, January 23, 2021. CNN's Larry King died at age 87. He was American News Media Royalty. The one interview I remember most and was life changing for me was when he interviewed psychic James Van Praagh in 2003. James Van Praagh said something to the effect of, "That spirit who died, in the after life, he is saying, "Leave me alone, I don't want to be bothered." Personality is something that survives into another dimension." Larry King interviewed every very important person on Earth when he was alive. Rock Stars and also heads of state. All of them. 

The White Tiger. A great new movie. From India. It tells the story of a young man, Balram from the village of Laxmangargh. He gets a driver's license and works for a rich family, the Stork as patriarch, and Ashok and Pinky as son and wife respectively. Like someone on IMDb users reviews said of the movie Moments In Time starring John Rhys-Davies, it is a film within a film as it tells two stories, the story of the present and the story of the past that preceded it. At one point he said, "I have to make my own way in life. There isn't a one million rupee prize game show waiting for me."  Which was a subtle reference to Slum Dog Millionaire. Same universe? It's a rags to riches story. There was some racism that I didn't like. Balram said, "This is the century of the brown and yellow man. The rest will be left in the dust." Claptrap. He said other things that were racist against White people. Racism in all its forms is intolerable. Sure I've said that all races have a gangster empire builder mentality and will try to color you into their weird shit. Every ethnicity is a rabbithole of cultural bullshit. Basically I would only talk of using my own critical faculties and avoid objective things about all cultures in general that are bad. That place is composed 95% of one ethnicity or other. Even if it isn't one less reason to go there, it also wouldn't be one more reason to go there. Basically I talk about avoiding races. What I don't talk about is systemically fucking them up in some way or else enslaving or killing them. That is absolute bullshit! Anyone who thinks like that should go to hell. I also don't talk about thinking ones race is superior even my own. I come from a good race. I agree with that. But a superior race? I really personally wouldn't know about that.

There are some tired phrases I use over and over again like a broken record. It's not the best part about my personality. There are some things that I don't like about myself. So much so that I've thought of giving up on life altogether. Some things about the physics of this dimension are good, and some are bad. I'm psychologically defective around the edges. But a lot of people are. It's OK to not be OK. 
If you see these broken record phrases mostly phrases about regression and weird shit and backwater towns, and avoid all races but also respect all races seeing none as superior or inferior, you have to know that I know that my brain is like a car that's not running on all 6 cylinders. Humans are a species with about a 115 on average IQ grappling with the physics of this dimension trying to take on the Universe. What passes for human consciousness is a pastiche of selective memories, knowledge gaps and intrusive and unwanted thoughts.

There's a $500 pandemic relief that a person can apply for. All that's needed is bank information and tax return income for last year. There's a government place one can apply for it. If a person has no bank account and tax return there is an abbreviated process. I'm going for it in the same spirit that Ben Richards would say, "I'm going for it. I'm going for a slot on the show The Running Man." I don't know if I need $500. I already have a big screen television. I'm not into collecting DVDs. I got over two hundred. An embarrassment of riches. I want to get rid of them. I got a huge pile of stuff I don't use. Ever. An IKEA looking minimalist room is worth more than owning a lot of useless things.
I would otherwise go to Vancouver for $500 but that's an equation that cancels itself out.
I would need a minimum of $2,000 or more to stay in Vancouver and I would need to stay for a month. One day? 4 hours there, 4 hours back, 5 hours of actual tourism and visiting museums, pricey all you can eat sushi restaurants including Korean BBQ, and movie theatre and souvenirs, you could never fit all that in in just 5 hours. I would need to visit the Museum of Anthropology, Museum of Vancouver including planetarium and Maritime Museum at the very minimum. All that in 5 hours? No way! And visit Granville Island too. And visiting UBC. My feelings for the geomagnetic vibes there have intensified over the years. If I go there for one day, visiting for just two hours, the geomagnetic vibes there are that heavenly that when I leave, I will be weeping tears. Other Vancouver people will see me weeping, somehow understand and say, "Don't worry, you'll come back to UBC again one day." But $500 wouldn't do it for visiting Vancouver. The News said a lot of people had difficulty getting it too. A few friends of mine recommended me getting it. The internet said it would register as income towards next year's tax return. Maybe having to apply for it is how the government catches those who fraudulently applied for the $2,000 a🤩 month CERB pandemic relief. A person needs banking information to apply. Poverty activist groups are petitioning the government so that all who are eligible can receive it without applying for it. I was thinking of applying for it tomorrow. I have to go to some building to get my tax information if I do that. I'm really thinking of not doing it. It's a lot of hassle and I'm lazy. $500 these days is like $50 in the 70s, prorated to inflation. I don't need it for anything specific. I would squander the money on a Roman Holiday. More restaurants, meals, etc. But I already had that for a few months in a row including fine truffle oil etc. I can eat just as happily shopping for ingredients then cooking meals which is less expensive than going to restaurants. Don't be surprised if I don't apply for it.

Alexei Navalny was arrested and is imprisoned in Russia. What was he thinking? Baffling. First, there is strong suspicion that he was poisoned on orders from the head of state, Putin himself. And after being Scott free in Germany, he flies back to Russia. Bizarre. Not thinking things through. Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me. Russia has now precisely what it fought vehemently against about a hundred years ago. Empire. Monarchy. A ruler for life, essentially. Putin is the de facto Emperor of Russia. That's why people are protesting. Navalny is a hero to the people because his mere presence on the political stage provides an antidote to lifelong virtual autocratic rule. But no one goes against Putin in Russia and wins. The great chess player Gary Kasparov tried and failed. There is a stability to having one ruler for decades. Spain had Generalissimo Francisco Franco for decades 1939-1975. Portugal had Antonio Salazar Slytherin for decades 1932 -1968. Each were in power for about forty years, give or take a few years. "No one goes against the empire alone and wins, boy!" Rahm Kota, The Force Unleashed
No one goes against Putin in Russia and wins. Alexei Navalny should have known that. He should have known the score. The only way anyone can have the guts to go against Putin in Russia is if he is an American puppet, CIA mole and this sure wouldn't be the first time nor the last time that kind of thing happened! 😁
At one time, and on Putin's watch Russia enshrined a clause in their Constitution setting ten year term limits. Putin seemed to go along with that as he, again, seemed to step aside as  Medvedev was installed as President of Russia, but everyone knew that was merely a ceremonial title. Putin was still running things even though he was officially second in command which is common for Communism; the chairman is actually the President, the President is actually only a chairman. Since Medvedev left for some reason, probably because his ten years were up, how time flies, Russia has reflexively reverted back to Putin's iron grip of proxy autocratic rule. A couple of years ago, Putin made a provision in the Russian Constitution allowing him to stay in power until 2034. And good on them! "If it works." Anakin Skywalker, AOTC
On the other end of the spectrum, Italy has had 66 governments since World War 2 ended and that ended 75 years ago. Not bad. "Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66." Palpatine, ROTS
Lots of Navalny supporters have been forcefully detained. In Soviet Russia, government protests against you!
'Keep your eyes on the road.' In Soviet Russia, road keep eyes on you!

President Joe Biden said that the United States will have 300 million Americans vaccinated at or before the end of summer. PM Justin Trudeau said that at the end of September, 33 million Canadians will have been vaccinated. Fuzzy math. Where did they come up with such a timeframe and exactly what kind of itemized mathematics is that based on? Arrive at some spurious timeframe based on arbitrary whim and guesses and not really taking the time to think things through and break down the mathematics behind it. How exactly did they arrive at that figure? Pray tell.
A lot of people talk like there's an encyclopedia in front of them and they're reading from it but it actually turns out to be more guesses.
That's the same as saying that in the States you can get All You Can Eat at University for $6.00 while it costs $10 for a burrito at University in Canada. It's well developed modern infrastructure vs retarded backwater infrastructure. The States with their population has a food distribution warehouse every ten miles on the highway. In Canada you could go a hundred miles on the highway without finding a food distribution warehouse. Normally you wouldn't notice things like this but in times of emergency like during a global pandemic, the US will have vaccinated as many people in one month as Canada will in 8 months. Now there's a delay in vaccine production. But that's only at Moderna. Aren't there other vaccine companies such as Pfizer and Astra Zeneca? The delay is somthey can ramp up production which will increase their IPO and thus appease shareholders.
If Canada vaccinates 33 million in 8 months, you'd think the States would take ten times as long to vaccinate 330 million Americans. If the States can vaccinate 330 million in 8 months, your think that Canada could do that in about a tenth of the time but no.... Retardation and incompetence and fuzzy math seems to be the coin of the realm. At least in Canada anyway. Only in Canada. "Red Rose tea. Only in Canada. Pity."
Pandemic? It's a plan-demic! Fuck us all up in common for the next 8 months while they install their quantum computer connected microwave emitting network of 5G towers while we're all in lockdown. Do I believe it? In as far as I believe that the News is mostly true but a little bit bullshit and conpiracy theories are mainly bullshit but a little bit true.
Is the government intentionally fucking all people up? I don't think so. Orwell wrote, "A rich man can not light the streets for himself whike keeping it dark for everybody else." Government and people are connected. Governments can not fuck people up without fucking themselves up. What. Ruin their chances of winning the next election? Fuck up the GDP and GNP? And in an endogenous economy?! I doubt it. The government is trying to help people recover from the coronavirus pandemic.
1/10th as many vaccination workers working at 1/10th as many vaccination centres in Canada with as many people in either country being vaccinated at the same rate. That sounds about right.
United States: 1000 vaccine distribution centres innoculating 30,000 doses a month times ten months equals 300 million, the US population.
Or else 100 vaccine distribution centres innoculating 300,000 doses a month times ten months equals 300 million.
Canada: 100 vaccine distribution centres at 30,000 doses a month times ten months equals 30 million, the population of Canada that's expected to be vaccinated and not including anti-vaxxers. 30,000 doses a month for all of Canada divided by ten Provinces equals 3,000 doses per Province per month divided by 30 equals 100 doses per day per Province. 100 doses a day while England aims to vaccinate 140 people per second and that's be throughout all of England. Not bad. But all this doesn't include a second dose so the math would have to be revised. Even at a set of 2  of innoculating required, that's, still 200 doses day per Province at 100 distribution centres over ten months to reach the required 30,000,000 quota. I'm having problems with that. A Province can't do more than 200 innoculations a day to reach the target in way less than ten months? There are probably more than 200 people a day who win money on a scratch ticket or else win big money on Sports Action sports betting in a day in any given Province in Canada. The math seems way off.  200 innoculations a day based on an 8 hour shift is 25 shots an hour. While England is doing 140 a second. Not bad.
100 vaccine distribution centres and that's for all across Canada. While there are more than 100 cannabis dispensaries in Vancouver alone. That's not strange as there are more than 400 cannabis dispensaries in Los Angeles, but Los Angeles is on a different level than Vancouver anyways. 100 vaccine centres? Heck, there are probably more than 100 Kobe Bryant murals in Los Angeles. There are more than 100 Starbucks in Vancouver alone, let alone Toronto. I don't know that it'd be just 100 vaccine distribution centres for all of Canada but if there are more, the math is even more unrealistic. 200 shots a day per each one of 100 vaccine distribution centres, sure. But if there are 200 VDCs then only 100 shots per day per centre are required and that's 12 - 13 innoculations an hour, again while England is doing what. 140 per second?! What if there are 300? Then about 66 per day are required. That's less than ten doses administered per hour. Each vaccine distribution centre can have a minimum of five and a maximum of 100 people working there and ten to twenty five doses per hour is all they could do? Bullshit! I thought there was an emergency global pandemic!
This is just my hack welfare drug addict mathematics. I'm sure someone at University could brush this up and do a much better job at breaking down and mathematically deconstructing this erroneous equation that the government and/or media has dispensed.
All of this leads me to conclude that this isn't based on any kind of cogent mathematics at all as the government couldn't care less about that. It's all about a hell bent driven agenda to fuck us all up for the next eight months for God knows what reason. I'm guessing 5G towers and quantum computers. Speaking of, now that there's a new administration in the United States, shouldn't that change the dynamic? Going after HuaWei and whatever money they could get from that was more of a Trump thing because he had personal problems with China. Would it be as much of a priority for Biden? Sometimes dragging things out and delaying it in court makes a difference like people who feel they are due for inheritances can threaten to tie it up in court for years. My shit family? It's at the point where I'd be surprised if they didn't rip me off of my inheritance. Rip off family, rip off inheritance. What do you expect?
If you think coronavirus is bad, well. The human DNA sequence has within it fossilized viruses called endogenic retroviruses or ERVs. Human DNA has 2% genetic material and 8% endogenic retroviruses!  There is one, ERV-FC which is found in human DNA and a lot of species ranging from a spectrum of humans to aardvarks. This fossilized retrovirus tells of a pandemic a long time ago that lasted for 15 million years!
I'll see you a two year coronavirus global pandemic and I'll raise you a 15 million year ERV-FC global pandemic.*
*Source: YouTube/PBS The Pandemic That Lasted 15 Million Years
The reason the pandemic later 15 million years is because there was no modern medical infrastructure technology present on Earth then. Today, medical science with quantum computers could get on top of that virus in less than a year.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, there is a new movie called Wander starring Aaron Eckhart, Tommy Lee Jones and Heather Graham and Raymond Cruz or else Detective Tuco Salamanca, no it's Detective Santiago. Not all who wander are lost but all who go to the town of Wander are lost... forever. It is the story of two conspiracy theorists running a podcast but they are also amateur detectives of sorts. One day, a caller talks about her daughter who died a certain way. One the conspiracy theorists, Eckhart's, daughter also died that way! Thinking it's connected, Eckhart rolls into a small town and starts investigating. Detective rolls into small town to investigate. Silver Blaze with Sherlock Holmes was the first story like that. Others include Thunderheart with Val Kilmer, and that Stephen Seagal movie, The Patriot. Nicholas Cage starred in a few movies like that most notably Mandy. So Wander is like Silver Blaze meets Nicholas Cage. People it seems are lured to that town and given Terminator-like cyber chip implants. It's a good movie with a strange twist ending. Nothing is what it seems. No one is who they seem to be.

Goddamned forces of life. I give out a certain kind of energy and life gives back another kind of energy. I practice Zen meditation. So naturally the forces of life puts me living next to on one side some heavy metal hamster, angry ape. Bang! Slam! Crash! At all hours of the night. I don't feed mice and pigeons so naturally the goddamned forces of life puts me living next to on the other side some nut who leaves his room door open so mice can run in and he feeds them. And feeding pigeons too. I never lived next to anyone that crazy in other towns. But in other towns I've also had one shit insufferable asshole situation after another. The shit physics of this dimension always has good people living in shit situations with people who don't deserve them. "Be careful in the world of men. They don't deserve you." Wonder Woman.
See, when an organism has a virus that doesn't affect it, that's called a reservoir. Bats are a reservoir for ebola and coronavirus. Who knows what kind of avian flu pigeons are a reservoir for.
This also happened to a Buddhist Priest I used to know. He generated the energy of Zen Buddhist meditation and on a very profound level. He's on another level than me that's for sure! So naturally, the forces of life just had to place him living next door to heavy metal assholes. The Priest gave out a certain kind of energy and the fucking goddamned forces of life or prana gave him back quite another. Fucking prana. No wonder so many people just decide to give up on life altogether. A person who used an Arabic sounding name in YouTube comments wrote: "I am happy to be alone. Whenever I met people in the past, most tried to boss me around or else take advantage of me. Now I am happiest alone." A lot of people just aren't worth knowing. Sometimes it seems that life just isn't worth living.
Sometimes life does come through with a nice surprise. Today, I got The Walking Dead: Survivors. Lots of leveling up, moving around repetitively upgrading a merry go round of things gain and again, hurry up and wait. It plays like The Addams Family app. The only difference is Walking Dead has 87% zombies, 13% real people while Addams Family is 100% zombie. Pro-rated, The Addams Family has more zombies.

Dark side of the Rainbow, Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. There's an urban legend that the album The Dark Side of the Moon syncs with Wizard of Oz and PBMC2. Even Pink Floyd themselves said that you can do that with any album. It's called apophenia and random cluster data phenomenon. I think so. Any album played with any movie at any point will produce weird synchronicities and serendipities.

I'm still mulling over getting the 375 ml bottle of white truffle oil for $60.
Thursday, January 28, 2021. Today I bit the bullet and got the 375ml $60 bottle of white truffle oil. Nicely! Olej truflowego.

I thought of ignoring it since I'm not East Indian therefore it's none of my business but a lot of people are suffering. Even dying. The East Indian farmers in India face from Right Wing Capitalists right now what Chinese farmers in China faced under Left Wing Communists back in the 1950s. With the East Indians it's known as commandeering, essentially a land grab. With the Chinese, it was referred to as Collectivization similar to the Russian system of kolkhozes which was a type of gulag. Similar to how WalMart springing up in small towns caused a lot of smaller businesses in those towns to close. Farmers everywhere have always been prone to bullshit like this. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I could say it happened to people I know but that would be extraneous, spurious. A lot of East Indian farmers did themselves in over this. John Cougar Mellencamp wrote a song called Rain On The Scarecrow. It talked about how crops would bring in x amount of money while farming supplies cost 5x the amount of accounts receivable. Result, foreclosure. The times they are a changing. Globalization is the inevitable result of all this internetting and instant communication. This multilayered universe can accomodate a World with or without the geometric dimensional coordinates of instant communication. This World existed before and still exists after the advent of the telephone. This multilayered Universe could probably accomodate a world where there is some degree of time travel even. Groups of people will organize themselves in formations based on these strange new dimensional geometric coordinates of instant communication referred to as Globalists. The final aim is each and every industry on the planet including farming is globally monopolized or else Nationally monopolized. Disney has the monopoly on animation. ICBC has a Provincial monopoly on auto insurance.
Anyways, as one door closes, another opens. This system of larger companies owning a bunch of smaller companies forming conglomerates is called a daimyo in Japan. Sounds like there's some that going on in India. Farming conglomerates. The big get bigger, the small get even smaller to the point of giving up. I hope things turn out well for East Indians. I have always revered their profound magic. They are a magical people and their land is steeped in magic. And it's a type of magic that can bring you good luck.
East Indians are known for their wisdom and I'm sure they'll figure something out that works for either side eventually. That's the ideal, I'm not sure if that'd be the reality. Namaste.
WalMart and Amazon, the usual suspects, 2 of the World's biggest companies, sell groceries. They want to break the supply chain and take direct ownership of East Indian farms. Production, warehouse, retail. WalMart and Amazon so far own warehouse and retail. Now they want to own production too.
Referring to South Asians as East Indians is so 80s, but that's me. 
"I could have gotten the other one, but I decided to opt for the 50s retro charm." Sideshow Bob
Protester signs suggest that the East Indian government is behind this. I don't know if this is true or not as it's not my place to criticize the East Indian government or any government. Respect. However, if it is, the congratulations, Communism has arrived in India, after having evaded it for many years. Just like it arrived in China, Vietnam, etc.
Don't mind me if I keep in writing. This is my psychiatric hospital journal. This journal is my bird nest and I'll tack on any extra bits of string or ribbons I find. No one reads what I write anyways. And I don't blame them. Why would they? Aren't people are depressed and misinformed enough? 
About what's going on in Indiar, it's a specific example which illustrates the general case. It's symptomatic of a much larger phenomenon going on. In the old days since there were less instantaneous communications as we do now, special interest groups be they political or military were based on groups formed within countries since they understood one another's language and people then communicated most and communicated best with those surrounding them, in their country. Nowadays these multinational economic special interest groups using instant communication and speaking a common language, English, and calling themselves names like The Concord Group, or The Avalon Group etc. Multinational, global, as one group could have offices in New York, some in Tokyo, some in Paris, France, all part of one group. Another group could have offices in Atlanta Georgia, then London England, then Delhi India and wherever else. Since they are internationally based, they are above the authority of any politician in any country. I was about to say they are above any Police force in any country except Interpol but Police controls jurisdictions and monitors activities within nations. World War 3 won't be against different countries, externalized, an exogenic war, but it will be an international war, not military but economic, internalized, an endogenic war. Whichever group winds up owning the most real estate, farms etc wins. But sometimes it could get military in the form of protests and activism as these groups fight each other in the streets in a sublimated form of military battle. This happens lots, Antics and BLM vs Alt-Right and Pro-Trumpers. Every time they meet on the streets together, there are fights. And it would extend to cyberwarfare in all its forms, hacking, shadowbanning, bots, cancel culture, prosaic culture. Cancel culture, that's so 2020. 'I survived cancel culture and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.' Every country in the World will have a few members of these special interest groups, some of these special interest groups are Leftist, Others are Alt-Right. Not the militant branch, the economic branch and they'll fight for control of ownership of luxury real estate properties and even East Indian farms.
Don't ever lose that imagination!
Off your meds or on your meds or what?
There is a demonstration on Monday, February 1st at noon at the Parliament Buildings and at the time of writing this, it is an event that is slated to happen soon! Lots of acrimony. You'll see more turbaned heads in one day than you have in the last 12 months. And they won't be happy turbaned heads. They'll be rather non-plussed about the agrarian stability situation or lack thereof in India.
Global News pointed out that a lot of this is about regionalism and cultures. The farmers are largely Sikh under the yoke of a Hindu government. Looking at a languages graph, Hindi is the most common language in India. Jai bhola kee = hello in Hindi. Gujarati is a distant second. Punjabi is the language of the Sikhs and that language is quite a bit further down the list.
However, there are a lot of Sikhs in Canada at a percentage proportionally that's not parallel with that of India. There are more Sikhs percentage wise in Canada than in India.
During the Sepoy Rebellion or the first Indian war of Independence of 1857-1858, Sikhs were loyal to the British.
During the Ghandi Mountbatten days, since the Hindus were fighting the British and Sikhs were traditional rivals to the Hindus, any enemy of my enemy is a friend, so the Sikhs particularly the Gurkhas were thus tacitly viewed as allies to the British and Gurkhas fought for the British in WW2 in Southeast Asia, Burma etc. 
In the East Indian Parliament, the Lok Sabha there are 13 Sikhs, but in the Canadian Parliament there are 18 Sikhs! It's the third most spoken language in the Canadian Parliament. What can I say about that except that all cultures have some gangster empire builder mentality and if you give too many signals that you're interested in their silly culture, they will try to coopt you into their weird shit where gangsta incompetence is backed up with more gangstaism. All ethnicities are rabbitholes of cultural bullshit. They don't want to assimilate, they want to take over. They ran wherever they came from to the ground and now they're here to leech off the locals, thus running not one but two places to the ground! Carpetbaggers. Opportunists.
That's code for all races be it East Indian people in Canada or White people in India. Either case, you got more or less the same thing going on.
These are worries and these worries may or may not reflect what is actually going on.
100 years ago, sentences like 'First Irish elected into Parliament', 'First Italian elected into Parliament', 'First Catholic elected into Parliament' made the front page headline. Nowadays that wouldn't even make it into the editorial by-line. One day in the future, if there is such interaction, there will be a first extraterrestrial ET alien elected into Parliament. Hard core conspiracy theorists would say, "What makes you so sure it hasn't already happened?" Such developments are the inevitable result of the passage of time.
I like Sikhs. I went to school with some of them. They are decent people with integrity. Of course it's all about projection. If you see another culture as corrupt and sleazy, maybe you're corrupt and sleazy or else how could you see it so much in others? If you another culture as smart and industrious, perhaps that's speaking from your own smartness and industriousness. Sikhs in Parliament, nevertheless, I'm sure they'll give us all a fair shake. The Sikhs in Parliament won't let us down. 
So much so that it could be a political campaign slogan: "Vote for Sikhs. We're no more or no less sleazy than the White politicians."
Similar to what you have in India between the Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, the multifactionalism, is what you got going on in the Middle Eastern Islamic countries with the Sunnis and Shiiates, yet they managed to make it work, although in some countries better than in others and at some time periods or eras better than in others. 
With the Sikhs, it's very difficult. The Indian government did that massacre on the Golden Sikh temple in 1984. Then on June 23, 1985, the Sikh Air India bombing in Scotland.
Ireland has had internecine regional warfare and regionalism and culture clashes most intensely and at a profound level between the Protestants and the Catholics for decades, fighting tooth and nail in the streets. However, they were finally able to make it work. The internet and communicating makes it clear that people of different cultures have more in common than they do differences. 
If they could make it work in Ireland, they can make it work in India. India is a few thousand years old and a country doesn't get to be that old without surviving multiple issues of one kind or another.

So much for whataboutisms. Taking a deeper dive into the rabbit hole through YouTube videos from Vox and BBC.
There is a bit of a learning curve. Decades ago, when India was recovering from years of British Divide and Rule which left a trail of warfare and famine and poverty, the government under then PM Indira Ghandi instituted a Green Revolution in 1966. 
This created a system where farmers could take their crops to an auction house or outdoor market auction place called a mandi. Private buyers or traders would offer a price based on a government regulated MSP or minimum sales price based on the government actually having once a year, initially purchased a few crops themselves at said prices. The MSP would be set by the RCMP, I mean the APMC; agriculture produce market committee The traders then sell the crops they bought off the farmers to either a retail store or a warehouse that would then sell to retail.
This is supposed to be competive but usually the private buyers or traders will collude with one another on a more or less price and not even attempt to try to be competitive and outbid one another.
The government of India passed three Acts. Act 1 deals with sales. There would now be unregulated trade spaces outside the markets. Traders can sell goods to retail that they bought off the farmers with no MSP, no APMC and no interaction with mundis.
The Second Act deals with pricing as farmers can or now have to deal with traders or Private buyers directly without the intervention of a Mundi which the government argues is cutting out the middleman, thus saving money. Rather than deal with farmers through a regulated Mundi with an MSP, traders will be tempted to deal with farmers without a Mundi, in an unregulated market space.
Act 3 deals with storage. With the previously government legislated storage limits gone, wholesale and retail can stock up to virtually unlimited amounts first creating an artificial scarcity and then creating a monopoly and then price fixing. 
Big corporations are tempted to send their traders to deal with farmers with no mundis and MSP and then they can stockpile making this irresistible.
There would still be mandis but they would be private mandis exclusively under the control of the traders with no MSP rather than government regulated mandis with an MSP.
JFK said something like, "The farmer is the only man who buys at retail, sells at wholesale and pays the freight both ways."
YouTube commenter Prasd Amkulwad said in YouTube comments, The Huge Indian Farmer Protests Explained from Vox "The Indian farmer is the only man who receives everything on subsidy, sells tax free and receives benefits both ways."
These so called subsidies are full of corruption. A lot of it is a loan that farmers unable to pay have committed suicide over.
The price of food has risen 5x in the last ten years yet farmers are getting paid less.
Marketing, advertisement, that's why the prices are so jacked.
Some people in India are jailed for writing about the farmers protest. But they are very audacious and take research to another level and name the people behind these things and even publish a little bit of dirt on them. Now this kind of audacity is dangerous as the lion does not care about the opinions of sheep and fools such in where Angels fear to tread. This is the kind of audacity that can get one busted. A woman in India named Disha Ravi got arrested for publishing a toolkit. They don't want the toolkit she published to be transparent any more than they want the MSP to be transparent. 
Why would the government need to defend themselves against the people through arbitrary detentions if the people support them as they claim?
These three Acts of Parliament was written very quickly with no real Parliamentary debate and from legislators who probably had very little to no farming experience themselves, ha ha, just like Cyril Radcliffe, a lawyer in England who had never been to India, drew up the partition lines between Pakistan, India and East Pakistan in less than 40 days based on articles, notes and memos he read.
This is kind of about regionalism and antiSikh sentiments within the Indian government as under the mandi system, India's breadbasket the Punjab State or the Sikh State makes the most money under the mandi system. The Bihar province makes the least money.
Sikh is pronounced sick as in that skateboard move you made was sick! It's not pronounced seek as in India, a seek is a kebab skewer.
Global News said a lot of this is about the Sikhs. The protests mostly take place in Punjab Province. Of course Cyril Radcliffe never spent time in India, otherwise he would have drawn up a separate State for the Sikhs. Pro-rated, Sikhs are more powerful outside of India than within India.  Objectively, the East Indian government apparently views foreign media as generally siding with the Sikhs and Punjabi thus causing disruption in India. Sikhs are still blamed for having done in Indira Gandhi on Halloween in 1984. But that would have been done in retaliation for the temple bombing, Operation Bluestar in June 1984. The cycle of violence never ends.
"I want zip-locked lips on the Bluestar deal!" Wall Street
"Hatred does not cease with more hatred. Hatred ceases through love." The Buddha
So let me get this straight, Indira Ghandi's Sikh bodyguards did her in despite her having ushered the Green Revolution which was a system that benefitted Sikhs.
In a frenzy of decentralization, the Indian government enacted these pieces of Legislation - for the farmers. All governments do that. They like to monopolize things that are sure fire money makers, industries that make money even in recessionary times. These industries typically include liquor store, casinos, auto insurance. Governments go through cycles of centralization and decentralization and centralization again. Followed with the usual citizen complaining, "There are too many regulations." and then "There's not enough regulations." and "There's too many regulations." again. 'Its a moneymaker let's centralize.' Then, 'It costs too much for us to maintain. Too much of overhead. We have to streamline the inventory!' Then it's 'Times are good. We made a surplus. We can afford to acquire things that could make us even more money.' etc.
The regulations haven't been removed. There is just a new structure of regulations under a different dynamic so there's typically no less regulations than before.
The farmers protest started on August 9, 2020.
Like with the Hong Kong protesters, the East Indian farmers have some demands including repealing the three Bills and restoring the MSP, other demands, etc.
Good luck, India.

"Corruption?! Corruption is government interference in market efficiencies in the form of regulations. Milton Friedman said that and he won the goddamned Nobel Prize!" Tim Blake Nelson, Syriana

What I am about to say will be very unpopular with Sikhs and with Western governments but a judge has to be impartial and see the two sides of the story unless the defendant is clearly guilty to the level of, "Hey. Come on!"
I resist the single perspective history forced perspective history that the government would have you believe. 
Stretching the mind, the East Indian government on one level does want to hamstring the Sikh State of Punjab. The mandis pronounced mundis although the Sikh farmers claim that they are government controlled with their own collusive traders, the reality is that the Sikhs have long since commandeered all the mundis in their State and thug agenda tow the local line, all the traders are really working for the Sikh farmer gangsters to get the highest prices for crops. Just like the Sikhs along with their Western sympathizers like Greta Thunberg have commandeered the narrative of this current agricultural embroglio.
Then overseas Sikh politicians could use this to get government funding, funneling money to India to ostensibly help the farmers with their quest to repeal the Bills and to reinstate the MSP as it seems to be, instead this money is funneled to help the Sikhs with the speratism to start a separate independent State of Khalistan. The question is whether this State would have de-facto recognition or de jure recognition. For example Russia became a de facto State in 1917 but it did not become de jure which is legally internationally recognized until 1924.
If you want to see what a de facto State looks like, watch videos about Pridnestrovia or aka Transdinistra from baldand bankrupt or daily bald or else from other video uploaders. Basically it's a substandard, second rate de facto impoverished State.
This is what any separatists objectives would lead to. Real success or a Pyrrhic victory?
A few YouTube videos showed that in various interviews, Sikh politicians overseas do not have anything to do with Khalistan or separatism. They seem to be pretty offended that the interviewer would even ask them that. Such conspiracy theories are unfounded.
The East Indian government sees the farmers protest as a ruse for separatist sentiments, followed to its furthest extreme.
Canada has lived with Quebec spouting separatist rhetoric for decades and Canada has gotten along fine. It really doesn't mean anything.
I can see the Sikhs point. As a minority, they feel the government has jerked them around. All minorities get jerked around in all countries. The solution is to move to another country where you are not a minority.
Again, don't ever lose that imagination.

East Indian rabbit-hole or what?

Old saying: You need a doctor or a Police Officer once or twice a year but you need a farmer three times a day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021. BC Premier John Horgan said "Vaccine queue jumping is as unCanadian as you can get." I thought forgetting to put cheese and gravy on your french fries was as unCanadian as you can get.

Trump needs to be impeached twice? Double jeopardy or what? What kind of precedent will that set? In the future, all impeached Presidents would say, "Once isn't enough to do it. I would need to be impeached twice." Whereas in the old days, one was enough to do it. Once now means nothing. Some would argue that Trump was impeached and he wasn't.  The impeachment was ramrodded through Congress but got railroaded at the Senate level.
YouTube: MSNBC President Donald Trump's Dizzying Series of Interviews/Morning Joe/MSNBC Interview
Reporter: "You called President Obama sick and bad."
Donald Trump: "You can figure that out for yourself."

There is a new television series called Clarice based on Thomas Harris's Silence of the Lambs starting on Wednesday February 11th. 
buFfalo BIll = FBI  = FBI. Embedded anagram. Louis Friend  = Iron sulfide.

Warning: no big deal but I clicked the camera icon on Hilltop Maggie on Walking Dead No Man's Land. On my Google Drive, it says downloading but doesn't download. Usually it takes a couple of minutes at the very most to download a screenshot from an app. This has been going on for days. It appears transparent so I can't delete it. It's just this ever circulating green uploading circle that never stops, ever. I google searched and it says you can't delete a file from Google drive that belongs to someone else meaning the Hilltop Maggie screenshot until it's fully downloaded, belongs to them. Others might have this problem. You're not alone. The only way to get rid of it is to restore tablet to factory settings but even then. Google drive is a kind of cloud storage isn't it? So that would do nothing! In this case, Hilltop Maggie is incidental. You can try to screenshot any of the characters clicking on to the camera icon and it will also fuck up your Google drive storage thusly.

Penguin Bloom starring Naomi Watts is about a family that adopts a magpie. There's a lot of magpies in Dawson Creek. So much so that if Dawson Creek was a country, the magpie would be it's National bird. 🐦

Fatburger. Talk about going above and beyond. No lame music. Is that a reference to me? I don't think the music I listen to is lame. But a lot of people have seen this. Music is music. Even weird ethnic music is music.

I get delusions of reference. That's why I wear headphones everywhere. I can't stand the loose chatter in any town. I think that 100% of the time, they are talking about me. It's gotten so bad that I would trade my life for my mother's life. I need to use a time machine, go back in time and delay my parents meeting by one month. My life was largely a waste of time and energy. If I knew my life would turn out like this, I would have chosen not to live in the first place. Why bother?  Of course it might not work:
Seeing the cases get worse and every month is the worst month since the pandemic started, and since there are newer more contagious and deadlier strains, I might get coronavirus and die. My life is going nowhere anyways. The afterlife is funky. On the Northeast corner of Columbia and Cordova in Vancouver, in the dreamworld is a nice hotel that I go to. Nice tinted windows hotel room. I once got a corner window. It was a 4 Star hotel. Not 5 Star but definitely not the one star hotels the area is known for. I never wanted to have children so if I die of coronavirus never having been a father, I never wanted to be one. Still don't want to be one. Too much hassle, too much work, work, work, work, work. Working, working, working, working all the time for the children. No time to relax and enjoy the Huawei tablet. No thanks. There are a lot of things about the trappings of my identity and life that I'll be glad to see the last of if I die of coronavirus. There's no visiting me anywhere at that point then. Just forget about me. Think about someone else and someone with a life that's more cheerful, edifying and enviable.