May the Force be with you.
I've read in spiritual books that in the spirit world and in the ET world, they reproduce not the way humans do it , but with thought. That sounds strange but on one level that is already happening.
Subjectively, this world is solid but objectively, it is a hologram. In the world of physics, this world is solid, in the world of quantum physics where superposition, teleportation and time travel is possible, this world is a hologram.
Therefore on the quantum physics level, when a human is born, is it the birth of a hologram or a hologram of a birth?
Thank God for all the good comments on YouTube and thank you for the good comment on YouTube.
Brachymyrmex giardia is more rounded and more golden and perhaps not as difficult to care for as the prenolepis imparis.
I'll have to pay $4.99 on Google Play for the EO Wilson documentary, Of Ants and Men. There is another documentary called Lord of the Ants.
EO Wilson is the Ant Whisperer.
Update: Paid for and watched Of Ants and Men. The main takeaway is that ants have the Dufour's gland which is what allows them to excrete pheromone trails which is one of their main ways of communication.
It will be up to two years before I get an ant farm, if I get one. I have to research. There is a GAN farmer in Richmond who is selling a camponotus novaeborecensis, native to New York which has a beautiful red and black coat for $140.
Another species being sold in Richmond is the Formica podzolica which has an attractive figure 8 hourglass shaped mid abdomen for $120.
These prices often include a small outworld, sometimes even a feeding tower!
GAN is Global Ant Nursery.
Reading over the GAN agreement, ants can not be bought or sold outside of a 250 km radius of else outside of the Province of where the buyer and seller live.
There is no direct purchasing of ants from the buyer, Ants Canada would be the middleman and records keeper for all transactions.
If a person doesn't agree to all that, they can always place an ad or perhaps talk to some people at the University entomology department. It might take a few days of asking around.
AntsCanada is concerned that ants might be used for science experiments like few chemicals and poisons.
My town has an insectarium and there is a gift shop. I saw a gel ant farm for $31. However, and this is Ants Canada, Ants Canada says that gel farms are strongly advised against and all ants wind up dying eventually in them.
The Uncle Milton ant farms are too small. I'll need a larger set up.
An ant farm needs a colony nesting area and an outworld for hunting and foraging. They eat any kind of insects and woodlice are extremely easy to find. Some species like leafcutters are strictly vegetarian.
The outworld should look beautiful and have plants that are not difficult at all to maintain. Lighting is very important so the outworld should be spectacularly lighted. The colony nesting area, not so much as ants are usually shy of light in the nesting area.
A horizontal nesting area would be more natural to the ant but a vertical one is more showy and spectacular and that's the kind I would opt for. Some species grow indiscriminately while others control their population according to food supply and size of hunting and colony area. The fire ant and army ant will grow non stop and limitlessly so.
The best ant farm is a 5 gallon aquarium.
I might have to uninstall the Ants: Underground Kingdom app. I have no fungus at all. Usually it produces 39,000 units an hour. I checked and even though my ant colony often gets raided, they usually don't plunder all of any given resources, just some, but the raid logs don't mention any fungus plundered. Result, a broken app. It is still worth having because the ant pictures are unusually and exceptionally beautiful and for learning about different species. It's kind of like a photo album of a few ant species. Of course there are about 3,700 ant species so this app only covers a few.
I finally figured out how to get fungeses or else fungi. First level up the leafcutters as much as you can. Then supply them with as much leaves as you can. Then press rapid produce and you should get enough fungi in no time. I was going to plunk down $1.39 for the fungus package which has the better part of 200,000 units of fungus. But that would have only lasted so long. I need to upgrade all nests to level 13. At level 13, I can start hatching level 5 ants of the Guardian, Carrier and Shooter class. Fungus is crucial for leveling up all nests and for starting any new construction.
Shooter ants shoot formic acid.
The queen of my ant colony is at level 13, and since I bought one extra builder for $6.99 two months ago, I have 5 builders instead of 4 because at level 13, an extra builder is added.
There are three classes of Queens and three different colorations. The first class is herder and that queen is all brown. The second one is raider and that queen is red and black like a crimson healer aka monomorium sp. The third one is cultivator has a black head and black abdomen and a shiny yellow thorax. At first I went with the raider but now I have the cultivator. Raider is military and useless as this is one of those pay to play bullies game where people ten levels or higher can raid you but you can't raid them. What a bullshit set up, what an asshole scene or else what an asshole set up, what a bullshit scene.
Herder is about raising lots of ants for fighting and again useless in a pay to play bullies situation. Cultivator helps with gathering resources necessary for upgrading all things which is all this game is good for.
But these pay to play bullies thing isn't so simple. If a person who is of a higher rank is constantly invading someone of a lesser rank, these lesser ranks form coalitions to raid that higher level oper-ant. That would be the ideal, whether or not that turns out to be the reality is another thing.
Good news, I finally figured out how to get fungeses.
I found out a few days ago from the YouTube channel: Rex, to never ever redeem your purple ants for spores. Too late, I long unthinkingly redeemed my purple ants for spores. Hopefully they come up again. On May 9 Mother's Day, I finally got the dinosaur ant. The blue ants are somewhat important, you can or can not redeem them for spores. The green ants aren't that important, redeem them for spores whatever. Too late, I redeemed all the purples, a few blues and none of the greens, it should have been the other way around. Hopefully I get more purple ants.
Alice Cooper wrote a song called 17 Forever. In the Ants Kingdom app, it's 13 forever for me. Level 13 gets an extra builder a free class change of the queen for the second time and level 5 ants unlocked to be hatched. It's a hundred times more difficult and time consuming to get from level 12 to 13 as it does to get to level 17 which is when the next set of upgrades are available. Did I say a hundred times as difficult? It's about a thousand times as difficult and in life, anything that's too difficult isn't worth doing at all. I'll keep playing and one day, as time goes on, I naturally will accumulate the resources needed for each and every upgrade, but I'm in no hurry at all.
It won't be Level 13 forever for me but I don't know or care when I'll get to the next level. I somewhat hurried to get to Level 13. However the next ant for the Carrier class Level 6 is the prenolepis imparis unlocked to be hatched once I reach Level 17 whenever.
Flat head ant
I don't watch the News. The narrative drives the agenda as much as the agenda drives the narrative. It's a vicious cycle if I keep on watching the News. It's a closed circle if I stop watching the News.
The News presupposes that you have to watch the News or you won't get the thread of the National and local mainstream cultural plotline. Except that just like with Hollywood plotlines, it's full of holes.
Holes like that it takes around as long to vaccinate 30 million Canadians as it does 300 million Americans. etc
The News is always telling people that they're the wrong race or else that they're autistic which is why they aren't successful. You're not successful. That you're in the wrong country and you'd do much better in another country except that you're not there or the hyperinflation in what's supposed to pass as a marketplace can't have anything to do with it. You're unsuccessful because you're autistic.
I know someone who inherited over $100,000 and that person still stayed on this hotel. Ha ha ha! If I had even $10,000, I'd be out of here so fast that it would seem like I left yesterday. And even if it were in that new dream ideal adventure country, I wouldn't watch the News in that country too. The News presupposes that they are objective and all encompassing when the narrow telescopic lens of the News is just the World scene through the lens of some cliquey clique. A clique is a cliche.
The News in any country is the same and that is turgid, low brow, low grade and substandard, that is the quality and content of their stories.
If I were to leave this town which I hope I do, I probably wouldn't miss anyone. I traveled and lived in lots of towns throughout my life and looking back, there's only a very few whom I could say that I miss and am glad to have met. The vast majority of them, I don't miss them at all. There's less than five people in this town I would miss if I ever left. The rest I don't care at all about. And I wouldn't miss them or remember them if I ever left.
During Elizabethan times, a minute was seen as a minute part of an hour. A minute part of a minute was referred to as a second minute to the hour shortened to a second.
*Source: Calculus for Beginners app, developer: Pker Productions.
Governments aren't behind pandemics but governments are behind the handling and facilitating of pandemics local and global. Governments are behind white elephants.
Therefore pandemic is going just like a white elephant usually does, behind schedule and over budget. It was supposed to be a two week lockdown. How two weeks has turned into a year. That sums up the government. A lot of bureaucracy, red tape and delays. While Wuhan is having hot tub parties most of the West is still huddled alone in rooms eating mac and cheese.
Ostensibly, it's down to brass tacks. It's all over but the bitchin. Following the premise of even the most hardened conservative cynical modelling from the government itself, at the end of July, everyone should be vaccinated. July should be things going at half speed, August things going at 75% and September and after should be pretty much full steam ahead. That's the ideal. The reality? The reality is that a white elephant is subject to the usual attendant evils of red tape, bureaucracy and delays fully expected. Few government projects are finished on time.
There is good, fast and cheap, you can have any two but not all three. Governmental white elephants are kind of like that. So following that logic, government white elephants always go with cheap and good but it won't be fast. Other than that, what would they be left with? Good and fast but it won't be cheap? Nope. Government projects are always contracted out to the lowest bidder. Cheap and fast but it won't be good? Nope because what would be the point of that?!
"Does the idea of going into space scare you?" "No. It's sitting on a 300 ton rocket engine and machine parts all built by the lowest bidder."
The Mosquito Coast is a new television series as riveting as any good one. The television series is quite different from the movie.
In the movie, inventor Allie Fox is disenchanted and disaffected with America and sees the country as morally degenerative so he moves his family to an island in Costa Rica. On that island, he meets a preacher who is always on his case and trying to convert him. Other events. One day Allie Fox burns down the preachers compound in a scorched earth policy move as he tries to move his family to get another island. The preacher is one of those trust in God but keep your powder dry kind of preachers and he levels his shotgun. No spoilers.
The television series has a season one which only covers half the story that the movie fully covered. Somewhere during his time in Costa Rica. But in the television series it's Mexico rather than Costa Rica or Guatemala or where ever it was in the movie. The television series is a reboot as internet and cellphone is mentioned, a technology that obvi wasn't available in the 80s movie. Also, in the television series, some government agents are after him for some reason but the movie doesn't fully disclose why. He probably invented something that the government is interested in.
The next episode in on Fridays, then wait a year for the second half when or if it gets greenlighted.
The writer Paul Theroux who wrote the story and his nephew Justin Theroux are executive producers. Justin Theroux also stars in the television series as Allie Fox.
Paul Theroux wrote a lot of stories.
I thought he wrote this other story but it was someone else.
Jewin' 2021, I mean Dune 2021 will be released in December 2021 in movie theatres in Canada right in time for Dune-akkah. Everyone will have long since been vaccinated then. Kwizach Haderach, Jewish. Maud Dib, Islamic.
Unfortunately, there has very recently been an escalation of tension in that region of Israel with the Palestinians. The internet is something that is supposed to bring people together yet there is still tension there where there is a saying, "If it's only a fistfight, it's a good day."
People traveling there would find that the vast majority of Jewish and Muslim people coexist peacefully and the individuals behind the tensions are the usual go to guys when it comes to this kind of thing. And you'd find these same kinds of guys, thugs, hooligans, militants, in a lot of other countries as well.
The rest of the World is looking at this and thinking, "And we were under the impression that the Jewish and Muslim people are very spiritual people."
With some effort that region can indeed become the land of milk and honey.
Apropos of milk and honey, there was an ancient form of capital punishment known as scrafing. The method was to pour milk and honey endlessly into someone's throat and thus down the alimentary canal until the person vomited and evacuated themselves. Then more milk and honey was poured over them and they were left in an insect pit, most likely fire ant where they were eaten alive until dead.*
*source: YouTube, Caitlyn Doughty Ask A Mortician, 'Whats The Worst Way To Die?'
I am afraid to report that the situation in Israel has deteriorated. In a surgical strike, a whole apartment building was knocked down and there were four large rocket explosions in a downtown section of a Palestinian area. Israel is on the brink of civil war.
The Jews and the Palestinians have been fighting since Biblical times before Islam and when the Palestinians were called the Philistines believing in whatever religion predated Islam. I wouldn't know about that.
The Al Aqsah mosque was first built in 709 AD but major additions were installed in 1367. It's safe to assume they were fighting since then. "When the Overlook was being built, they had to fight off a few Indian invaders." The building of the AAM was something like that. They'll never stop fighting. All is lost. It's called religious warfare, but it's really a form of tribal warfare as religions extend and reinforce the definition of a tribe.
Just like the Hatfields and McCoys when the fighting was over the theft of a lot and extended for decades or the rivalry between the Campbell's and the MacDonalds. It goes back centuries.
"Some people just want to watch the world burn." Batman The Dark Knight
There is no solution. This thing is going to run its wretched course and it will get worse before it gets better. Probably more people are going to be done in.
Other countries might expect a flood of refugees but the really hardcore ones would rather die there fighting for their homeland than to emigrate.
Sometimes problems have no solutions and it's certainly beyond any one person to try to figure it out or to hope for peace.
"I speak of my hopes and not my expectations." Sherlock Holmes
They'll be fighting for centuries into the future. Hopeless. I wish it weren't so.
"Everything is going to be OK whether it works or not, do you understand what I'm saying? You don't have to make everything depend on one thing." Seize The Day starring Robin Williams
Moses was from the Hyksos Dynasty in Egypt. Hyksos sounds a lot like iksog or else JCSOG Jesus Christ Son Of God.
The people native to the Israel region before Judaism and Islam started were heirs or scions to more ancient traditions that preceded namely the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Chaldeans, Mesopotamians, Persians, Phoenicians, Hittites, Assyrians, Zoroastrians, Mithraites, Essenes etc. It's very Lord of the Rings. A group of these people wound up being enslaved in Egypt probably captured after a raid or skirmish. They were slaves in Egypt for about 170 years interestingly for as long as Black people were enslaved in the States. Moses was a Black man and was a High Priest of the Hyksos dynasty which was monotheistic. The Hyksos were rivals of the Abydos Dynasty which was polytheistic. The rivalry caused Moses to lead a group of breakaway slaves to escape Egypt while founding their own religion with a lot of influences from and parallels with Egyptian religion and mythology with Moses writing or rewriting World and cosmological history and referring to the people of Israel conflating all the Babylonians, Sumerians and Chaldeans who weren't part of his religion as Philistines which means someone who doesn't like art or something like that, a blanket term meaning outside the religion similar to the word infidel in Islam. There is an etymological thing for sure. The Philistines thought all that Babylonian, etc stuff was getting too old and they needed a new religion that would rival the popularity of Judaism and eventually Islam was started. For other reasons too of course but these were contributing factors. This is my idea, most likely inaccurate, although trying not to be. I hope I conveyed that this is written with respect.
Behind the Palestinians is Jordan and Iran which are buffer states and behind them is the Russians. Russia has had Islamic Khanate regions for centuries whereas the West has not. And behind the Israelis is the British and behind them is the United States and that's what this is really about. It's a sublimated form of the Cold War since moved from the Eastern European international stage to a smaller, more select and more rarefied arena. "It's about military industrial happiness management." This is about maintaining a certain military status quo with things kept at a certain tension like tuning a guitar string.
To reiterate, the News on a YouTube video said they weren't for hundreds of years. The fighting has been mainly for about 100 years. The Balfour Declaration etc etc
Well first Israel was under the dual shared occupation between the Judeans and the Philistines, then it was the Byzantines and the Romans, then it was between the Jews and Islamics, then it was between the Ottomans and the British or else Crusaders which brought a the first wave of British administrative sovereignty, and then now it is the United States and Russia. Israel has always been under one form of dual administration or other, sort of like Canada.
Like I said, my blog is my personal bird nest and I can add any bits of string, ribbons etc to it. Hopefully no one is reading this. Why would they? I have no credentials. I have a high school diploma which I'm sure was awarded to me from sheer sympathy.
News stories cause me to think especially News stories that reoccur for decades.
Liyla and the Shadows of War is an app that illustrates what Palestine is like.
After years of watching YouTube videos, this is one of the worst I've ever seen. Actually, much of any videos that have to do with animal feeding or animal vs fights is pretty bad. Camel spider vs mouse is hands down just awful. Yet I didn't bother to comment on the person's video as such. The person deserves some respect for uploading that video. In comments, someone said that the video is hardly natural circumstances as claims as the mouse would've escaped. I don't recommend watching the video.
There's a lot of weird yet oddly entertaining animal videos on YouTube. There is a lot of mouse trap videos where an ingenious inventor in Malaysia makes a lot of mouse traps. What does he do with the glue trapped mice or rats? Probably throw them in the dumpster. The multiple rats he traps at different places of infestation in a large glass aquarium he either throws into the incinerator afterwards I'm guessing or else he refuses the rats so you're seeing the same rats again and again.
I currently have one mouse in my room running around and it's been here for almost a month. It doesn't get much water and it's life span is about a year so a month is a lot of lifetime for a mouse. Most mice die of dehydration if trapped in a room. My room has a mouse guard under the door. One mouse ran in from outside, I guess. It's trapped in here. I saw it running around earlier but it's fur was dark and fuzzy rather than light grey and smooth. It's fucked. Dehydrated, stressed. It still ran fast but it was a fucked up kind of fast. I set out four glue traps but it hasn't ran into one yet. Hopefully one day it runs into it. Mice can be pests. They piss on things leaving an awful smell, a mixture of urine and dead fish. They chew up papers, clothing, etc.
Gorogoa is an award winning app that I paid $6.49 for. Worth it. The artwork is out of this world. There are a lot of apps that have beautiful graphics like Machinarium but unless you have a lot of time and are good at solving puzzles.
Gorogoa is a combination sliding puzzle and escape room game.
The story of Gorogoa is mainly about the entire life of one man. Flashing in and out of time non consecutively in flashbacks at different periods of his life.
STAR WARS fan series Bucketheads. This is what a film project with people who actually went to film school and know what they're doing looks like.
I go out for coffee in the morning and it feels depressing. I don't feel better afterwards. Workers at restaurants are depressed because of the ban on indoor dining. It's probably going to be extended for at least another month. It's wearisome for everybody. Restaurants are thinking of their bottom line.
Because of the depression, I'm going to stop going for coffee.
Life is a fishbowl existence. For my talent level, I should be living a better life. My utmost ideal is to return to Thailand and never come back. I generate a certain kind of energy and this is what life gives back to me. Uninspiring town. Uninspiring people.
Racing Limits is an app where I have a chance to get a few BMWs! I already got one.
To know what it feels like riding one BMW, the performance, the feel, etc vs all other cars is one level. Another level is riding quite a few BMWs and knowing the differences between them. And then riding is one level, driving is another level.
Level one - riding one BMW vs all other cars.
Level two - driving one BMW vs all other cars.
Level three - riding in quite a few BMWs and knowing the differences.
Level four - driving in quite a few BMWs and knowing the differences.
If I had a BMW, I would go for the 3 series rather than the 2 series.
I met someone with a BMW whom I haven't seen for awhile and don't know if I want to see ever again. What an unwanted extraneous variable that now registers as a nighthawk. Someone like that can easily say, "Even though I'm not talented as you, I've attained a level of success that you've always wanted and never got!" But this person was actually profoundly kind to me and I see signs about her all the time! I'm baffled that she would be so lovingly kind to me because I'm not as successful as her. I'm avoiding her now from lack of knowing what to think.
Wouldn't it be something if later on in life I would actually get a BMW and knowing her was an omen and all those times I doubted, feared, and resented, not so much resent that she has a BMW as much as that I didn't get one.
It is also something else to wish for something while also fully knowing in advance why that wouldn't work. For eg a man wishes to have sex all the time but this man has self knowingly a track record of performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction or else if it goes right or wrong depending on how you look at it, the man is on the hook for child support for the next eighteen plus years. A person wishes to travel knowing the expense, the hassles, the different and extreme tropical weather, different language spoken, and visa runs.
A person wants a BMW knowing the sheer expense, high maintenance, ongoing hassles, risk and potential of accidents, one could be the most careful driver in town but next to them is one of the most uncareful drivers.
If I had the money for a BMW M series, and enough money for its maintenance and upkeep, would I actually opt for a BMW or choose to move to another country and never come back. You don't have to drive for even one second when you travel. I never did.
In the United States, at a desert, there is a festival called The Burning Man. There is no dress code and women are often seen walking in the nude! The rules are few. One of their most outstanding rules is decommodification or else No brands. As a result, opaque tape is applied over brand names like Starbucks, Nike, HuaWei, Apple, Sony, etc etc etc. That's part of my current problematic psychosis with BMWs, it brand obsession. The Burning Man festival helped me to realize that to a great extent, it's what I'm suffering from. It's a kind of brain washing. I often wish that I could just get a huge windfall and fly first class to Asia and stay in 5 star luxury hotels. But even then and there I could see BMWs. I once saw a white 4-door 1981 BMW 535e parked somewhere. Nice!
I also often think of leaving the country. Then whatever problems I had here like knowing someone with a BMW would take on another level of irrelevance.
Why do the forces of life have to set me up with things like that?! Couldn't I have gone through the last few years NOT knowing someone with a BMW? The forces of life always have to paint me into a corner like that.
Sunday, May 16. I finally got the BMW SUV for 95000 'dollars'; in-game currency, on Racing Limits. There is a two door BMW and that BMW car is worth 500,000 'dollars'.
I'm going for that!
I wish I wasn't so hung up about BMWs. To have a hang up like this is the bane of my existence. I often wish my mother had delayed her conception for at least one month, or more months, I don't care. I told my girlfriend this and she said, "Your mother loved you."
If my mother delayed or even put off indefinitely the conception, I wouldn't be here today having to endure the duress of such a contemptible and insufferable thing as having a hang up about BMWs.
However a BMW suggests nothing. I know of someone who previously owned 3 BMWs, a Jaguar and 2 Audis and today he doesn't even have a Blu ray player. I don't blame him for that. I have a collection of about 250 DVDs, Blu rays gotten over the years, a lot of them I got either for free or for $1 so gathering such collections can be very insidious. I want to get rid of the vast majority of them and keep the desert island ones. But still after all these years I'm still attached to them even though I haven't watched some of those DVDs for literally years. See, a lot of actions seemingly unconnected are actually profoundly connected. I have a hang up about BMWs but I'm also the same person who would hold on to trinkets, STAR WARS and also Smurfs action figures, and DVDs for years. How long am I going to hold on to them? It's going on ten years. I had a beautiful experience and a beautiful memory in March 2011 seeing a smurf action figure. In June 2011 I get a smurf action figure to relive that experience. What, ten years later I'm still having that? What, hold on to that for twenty, thirty years? My utmost ideal is to have my room look like a room in an IKEA catalogue. Minimalist, barely owning any things only having a slightly live in look. IKEA techno-minimalist furniture. Floor always cleaned and track lighting and a few framed pictures. That would be what I eventually want but I won't have that with 250 DVDs lying around here and there.
Some apps like BMW M series sound player has the engine sounds of the BMW! BMW M series, M2, M3, etc etc etc are all there. However for me to be so hung up about BMWs while not having one is a bad energy jangle and if I could make a wish that spans across time, I wish my mother had delayed the conception. If you wish hard enough for something, it can happen so of my wish does true, I suddenly disappear and it would be as if I never was. I would rather not live at all than to live with something so contemptible and insufferable as a hang up for a brand of car. This brand, that brand is incidental. In this case it happens to be BMWs. What a scourge. This is the bane of my existence. I'd rather be rich and travel overseas than to live with a BMW hang up.
One app has just the sounds of the engine. Another app has sounds including door lock, trunk open sound, door close sound etc. I installed the engine sounds app. The other app with all those sounds is just too anal.
I met someone whom I found out has a BMW four years ago. I stopped seeing this person one year ago but don't think it is the culmination of a three year fuck-up. I was first really interested in BMWs in 1988. So this is the culmination of a thirty two year fuck up. Unless I'm still counting. Scotty Kilmer on a BMW video no less, said, "Be careful what you wish for you might just get it." Someone else the other day said I could get a BMW in the future.
Today, Saturday May 15, 2021 when I was going back into my apartment, outside the front of the apartment, someone pulled a knife on me. I had my scooter and I did a flip, a twirl and the person was standing between me and the door of the hotel and must have thought I was going after him not realizing I was going into my apartment. It was only at the last second that he realized that I lived there. He looked at me, shuffled and pulled a knife out of his backpack. But only partially. He gave me a warning look and walked away. Actually I myself am very much like that guy. I would have probably pulled a knife if I had one if someone all of a sudden did parkour moves and I didn't know them. That guy like most people probably watches a lot of movies and thus imagines that people are planning to attack him or at least the potential is there.
It still has me shaken up. People can freeze before a knife attack and it usually takes a few before someone becomes more experienced and desensitized to that kind of thing. Prison guards have a knife pulled on them at least once a week.
In this town, you merely get a knife pulled on you. In Vancouver, you can get stabbed like two people got stabbed at tent city. But Vancouver Councillor Pete Fry never got stabbed.
Pete Fry also got a bit of a speech along with a knife wielding incident as the knife wielder then said, "I'll stay you so quick!" I didn't get a speech.
But since the city councillor and me experienced a knife wielding incident, I consider myself to be in distinguished company!
But there are crazy people on the streets. Once every few years someone gets done in in a street fight in this town often over something stupid like a cigarette.
But in any town, there are more people winning lotteries than getting into a knife attack. You have more chances of winning a lottery than getting into a knife attack.
This happened when I was on the way home from the balance. I thought I was charged twice at Starbucks as the order seemed to go through, then cancelled then I had to ring it in again. The cashier did say that the first micro transaction was cancelled. I got a Cubano and a chicken chimichurri sandwich totalling $15.98. I went to the bank and saw that indeed the transaction was cancelled so I wasn't charged twice. Then coming back to my apartment and then the paranoid knife wielding guy.
I've done weird shit like that myself. At times I had a long nail or a pin in my jacket. A couple of times I half pulled out the pin from my jacket when I was startled. No one wants to get into a fight. There is no winning in any fight from life changing injury, assault charge, criminal record barring one from international travel, guilt and remorse. Not worth it. The global pandemic is still officially on and that would affect the magic of the streets making people more edgy and rather non-plussed than usual.
Evo Explores. Good app. I paid $2.49 for it. Shifting 4D optical illusion puzzles.
Samsara. Paid $1.49 for all basic levels, no hints. Hints cost extra. Good puzzle. I solved a few but they get difficult very soon.
All escape room games are difficult. A lot like Park Escape and Spotlight X I never got.
Rusty Lake Hotel has good recipes. Deer with rosemary and mushrooms, pheasant with white white and thyme, pork ribs with red wine and tomatoes, rabbit with carrots and white beans, pigeon with potatoes and blackberries. Good recipes, very intensely difficult escape room. Rusty Lake Hotel is free. All the other ones like Rusty Lake paradise cost money. Rusty Lake is a long and drawn out macabre family saga that spans centuries.
The events of this dimension exist under one time dynamic and the events of the other holographic dimension have a different time dynamic where time travel is time experienced on an objective level. The events of this dimension mathematically are not an addition to not a subtraction from the events of the other dimension. They are embedded with and one with the events of the other dimension.
Sets, subsets, unions, intersections. The events of this dimension under this subjective time dynamic is a subset of the objective time dynamic but forming a complete union rather than an intersection with it.
"The odds that we are in base reality is one in billions." Elon Musk*
*Source: A Glitch In The Matrix, documentary
I'm thinking of making a deal with the insectarium in my town.
With Ants Canada, when you get ants from a gan farmer, you have to make a deal to return the ants to them if you don't want them. It is illegal to transport ant colonies across State or Provincial lines unless you have a license. Ants Canada does not allow for the mailing of ant colonies so they would have to be picked up in person.
At the insectarium in my town, I would agree to pay them $150 for a queen ant and a few workers of any local species and sign an agreement to return them when or if I don't want them anymore. Usually with Ants Canada at $150, a small ant farm set up including a formicarium and an outdoor with connective tubing is included.
I would be willing to pay up to $150 for a queen and a few workers of a local species like crematogaster cerasi or camponotus novaborensis. The ant nest I would get separately on Amazon or else I'd have to build my own ant nest. Or order an ant nest set up from Ants Canada. They're not so particular about ant nest set ups as they are about ants.
The insectarium has a leaf cutter species called atta cephalote and also a carpenter ant, presumably camponotus sp.
Atta cephalote looks a lot like acromyrmex versicolor ants.
Atta cephalote is similar to messor cephalote which is another species of leafcutter ant. Messor cephalote supermajors have big heads like pheidole ants.
The employees presumably know how to find a queen ant.
Ant farms need a wet area and a dry area but some ants species prefer it more wetter and others like desert species like it drier. Ants need protein unless they are a vegetarian species like leafcutter or harvester ants. Harvester ants are pogonomyrmex ants and they are the Uncle Milton ant farm ants.
Ants Canada is located in a country far far away overseas and I don't like sending so much information to another country overseas. Even then I don't know if I would be accepted as an ant keeper.
The local insectarium has seen me in person and its simpler to go and return the ants if I need to which is just a few blocks walk away.
I need my ant farm to have Christmas lights around it. Imagine if I got honeypot ants like brachymyrmes giardia? I would plan to feed them sugar water with food coloring. It would be some work to get one set of repletes to drink sugar water with food coloring of one color and another set another color. Result, a multicolored Christmassy looking ant nest. That would be next level and has never been done to my knowledge. In my lifetime, I might see a picture of that. The Walking Dead No Man's Land app has a weapon called festive Lucille, wrapped in Christmas lights and another weapon called festive streetsign, also wrapped in Christmas lights. A Christmassy ant nest with multicolored repletes would be the ant farm's answer to that.
A crazy idea for an ant Christmas video that would probably never be made: multicolored repletes then at the end of the video, pick up a replete and in an Ozzy Osbourne move and Pink Flamingos ending scene move, eat the replete like tribes people do or like David Attenbrough did on a BBC video. That would be the worst Christmas video ever made.
Monday May 17. I found out that if you leave your bank card in the machine, it anticipates that and if you don't get your card, the machine retracts it in 30 seconds. Isn't technology wonderful? That's thinking two steps ahead. That's next level.
Today I had a migraine headache for hours. After an afternoon nap, I wake up and no headache. That feels wonderful. I thought the headache would never go away.
The headaches I have diagnosed is a result playing of playing those race car and especially motorcycle apps. Motion sickness. Not as obvious as rpg shooter games but it's there. The motorcycle games have tilting which adds to the motion sickness. I uninstalled the motorcycle one.
Endless Night Drive is a great app. Genius. Similar to V-Rally3 on GBA except on steroids. Beautiful rainy scene. High definition graphics. And the car actually full stops when you step on the brake. Midnight Club on PSP, the car fully stops when brake is applied. Traffic Rider, Traffic Tour 2021 and Racing Limits, car does not fully stops when brake is applied.
Endless Night Drive eventually leads to endless motion sickness. Play only for a short period of time.
I thought my Blu ray player died. Then reading a 2 star review about the Blu ray player I own, the reviewer said that the Blu ray machine sometimes locks up and doesn't turn on. Unplug it for awhile and replug it in again and it should work. I don't know if my blu ray player plays Blu rays or not, it's that far gone. But at least it plays DVDs fine. All Blu ray players I ever owned and I owned 4 in the last 7 years, has had this issue. Planned obsolescence. I want a Blu ray machine that lasts forever? Or at least more than a year to a year and a half? Forget it!
Entomology Dictionary app from developer Edutainment Ventures - Making Games People Play is a very good app.
I just missed the chance to get the Winter Flare Gun from Walking Dead No Man's Land. Instead I got a better weapon. I got the devil's torch. The winter flare gun fires a miniscule floating rivulet of fire with a medium sized silent fiery explosion. The devil's torch fires a massive stream with a mega explosion that is loud. Uh, winter flare gun or devil's torch? It's a no brainer. The devil's torch can kill up to a few walkers at a time where the flare gun only kills one walker at a time. There is also a red flare gun which does exactly the same thing as the winter flare gun. I was crestfallen that the winter flare gun was no longer there. But the devil's torch was there and after watching a YouTube video about it, Holy smokes, even upon involuntary initial feelings about it, the devil's flare gun looks better!
The devil's torch takes two turns to reload and is unusable for two turns afterward.
The flare gun requires no reload time like all other weapons.
I already have the fiery crossbow and that's not too bad, and I have another crossbow and this crossbow inflicts 5000 damage while the other weapons release 2200 damage.
I also got the bulldozer rifle which looks old school.
Sometime later this year on this app, I'll have enough 'black market currency' in game currency to get a good weapon. I'm mulling over whether to get the Dixieland Barbeque which fires a quiet thick wavy stream of fire like a flamethrower that can injure or kill multiple walkers or the flare gun and whether to get the red flare gun or the white winter flare gun.
My much loved of sentimental value red tweezers are missing because I misplaced them. I was trying to fix my bricked Blu ray player using the tweezers as a screwdriver. Although it worked, I since lost those tweezers. I was cleaning my room massively in a concentrated effort to get my room to look like an IKEA room and that means near zen minimalism. Floors always cleaned and all furniture cleaned and dusted. I loved those tweezers like a bee loves honey. The tweezers I use to pluck out the grey hairs. Vanity comes before pride and pride comes before a fall. Can't win for losing, I guess.
I since bought a new pair of tweezers. Nice ones. Industrial grade.
I still miss the old tweezers and when I do things like that, miss trivial items that don't cost much or place the words of sentimental value to trinkets, that kind of thing amplifies any brand obsession I might have. Also picking up things off the ground like clothes and cigarette butts also intensifies brand obsession.
"Don't eat from other people's mouths." Seize The Day starring Robin Williams
As an artist I tend to get into details and that could lead to a tendency to develop attachments to people and objects. I have to work on that.
My new Blu ray machine geht immer! I am surprised my new blu ray machine works and plays Blu rays too not just DVDs. It also feels weird when I've been ill for awhile then I get better, that first day feels weird after all those hours of being out of it. I paid money for a new machine at the store. It should work. Maybe I should have just kept my old Blu ray player. The YouTube and Tubi work on it just fine. That makes it easier for me to get rid of my Blu rays and DVDs and to achieve that IKEA style room. Now with a new blu ray, I'll have the tendency to collect even more Blu rays and DVDs thus defeatiny my IKEAian purpose of room redevelopment.
There's no IKEA in my town but there are furniture stores. For sure I could find something there that resembles IKEA furniture and maybe at WalMart too. Do they sell furniture? A lot of IKEA furniture is compressed sawdust but that furniture is good and stands the test of time.
Play and purchase Blu rays as least often as possible and purchase and play DVDs as often as possible. JamesNintendoNerd said DVDs are better than Blu ray. That's just like Scotty Kilmer saying Toyota is better than BMW.
I found my red tweezers last night.
I plonked down $4.39 each for Rusty Lake Roots and Rusty Lake Paradise although I'm awful at escape room games. I was able to get past a few levels on Roots which is supposedly the easiest one but after getting stuck on one level, I give up.
Machinarium, Samarost 2 and 3, Creaks all from developer Amanita Designs. Unsolveable. Otherwise it's about $6.99 plus tax per game. Pricey. Otherwise the graphics are incredibly, mind blowingly out of this world breathtaking beautiful.
Any Escape Room game on Android has a walkthrough video on YouTube so you can see the beautiful graphics of the entire game for free. Of course you don't get the sense of accomplishment that you would get if you actually played the game.
There is a culture that when they swear, or use obscenities, their usual phrase is, "Fuck your mother's vagina." That is very repetitive like a broken record. It can be occasionally rebooted to work around phrases being said. For example:
The path to wellness. The path of my cock in your mother's vagina.
Life is full of special moments. Your mother's vagina is full of my cock.
It's a backwater dimension with a backwater set of physics.
Look Away is a great movie about a young girl, Maria, who's bullied in high school. She looks in the mirror one day and an alter ego doppelganger of her exists in that mirror. This mirror image inspires her to take revenge on her bullies and she does them in one after the other. She later on does in more people. How and where, you'd have to watch.
Maria would give Rambo a run for his money.
Freud would say the mirror image represents the id and her real self represents the ego. Or else her real self is the id, the primeval innocent side and the mirror image represents the ego always saying you would be this, you should be that. But if the mirror image represents the superego, that would leave me wondering what the id would be like if her superego was so warped and twisted and negative.
In the movie, Mira Sorvino as the mother tells her daughter Maria to go to the prom. This is from the star of Michelle and Romy's High School reunion which is a movie all about a prom.
The Prey is a spectacular movie set in the steamy jungles of Thailand that is somewhat of a cross between Brokedown Palace and The Hunger Games. As part of a prison program a few convicts are on the run being hunted in the forest as part of the exercise. One of the prisoners, the main hero of the movie is an undercover Police Officer who has major survival skills. Great movie.
"You're not ready yet. If you were ready, you would know why." The Prey
The movie The Mandela Effect is a great one. A person tries to use a quantum computer given his knowledge of computer coding to change the past. The movie talks about procedural generation that a graphics program only needs to show you the outside of a building, walls, plants around it, etc and doesn't need to show you what's inside the building when or if you decide to venture within. A movie image might seem all encompassing but nothing exists even a millimetre to the left, right, above or below the image. That's procedural generation. Movies are getting better and better. Each movie I saw in the last few days was a good one.
This morning a once in a lifetime ad came up for an app. The app was called Read or something like that. The words were:
"Would you recommend the person you are with to your father or your son? Why would you choose for yourself someone you would not recommend for your father or your son?
It is good, not bad to leave someone who is not good for you. For someone you would not recommend to anyone else."
This reminded me of the wheelchair friend I am with who has turned my life from months of leisure to months of work detail. Would I recommend that to someone else?
However most of if not all the friendships I had I would describe as such. Visit someone for two minutes a week with ongoing suggestions to but meanwhile stay in the friend zone for years. Would I recommend that to my father or son?
This town or country itself. Would I recommend this for instance to people in China? Uh, no. You're a visible minority here. There you're one of the majority. If it works out for you, great. If it doesn't, it's worse than being in China and you're better off in China. I don't treat a place according to how it is for others. I treat it according to how it is to me. If I had any money and a passport, I'd leave.
I can't in all good conscience keep talking about the minority thing. In Canada, indeed in all countries, there's people of all nationalities, even if people who are non-visible minorities gloss over the visible part of it and focus on the minority part every time the phrase is written or brought up. I don't plan on leaving to another country. I can't blame others or even the country if I am not successful. The definition of success is subjective. I won't talk about it again. It is a somewhat valid point but not one to be fixated on.
I brought it up once. I don't have to bring it up over and over again however if I had enough money, I'd certainly leave. I very much want to leave. I've given up on this town. Nothing in this town really means anything to me. I don't watch local News as local culture is smug, smarmy and insufferable like it is in most other towns. A backwater that thinks it's the center of the Universe, again like most other towns. I can do without it. Some towns are the wrong towns. Officious backwater fishbowl existence. Uh, no thanks.
Even my father. Would I recommend my father to my father? No. He was very mendacious and a crackpot.
So that write up is ridiculous.
Finally is life itself something I would recommend to any potential future child? No. Life is a rip off. The forces of life are a rip off. I am a talented person and all life ever threw my way was exploitative people who weren't artists at all. That's what the fucking forces of life returned to me. A lot of human personalities could also be known as the asshole within the asshole, the anus behind the anus without which the anus would be an inanimate object.
I wouldn't recommend much to anyone. If life is a bus ride, I'm pulling the string as I want to get off the bus as soon as possible. The dream world is funky. Travel to towns, stay in different hotels for free. Meditate and levitate moving all around. Better.
I fear death. So much that I often think that it's so unpleasant that it'd be best for it to just be gotten over with as soon as possible.
Woody Allen said, "I'm afraid of death. So much that I don't want to be there when it happens." But there is a wisdom to that. There's nothing to fear because on one level you won't be there when it happens, at least not the same way you are there anywhere when you're alive.
When I go out, I don't look at women because I'm not on the make. On the take, on the make, I'm not on the make.
Women are difficult.
Wrong thinking: Anything worth doing is worth doing right.
Right thinking: Anything that is too difficult isn't worth doing at all.
And women are difficult.
This is part of the larger symptomology of me having given up on life altogether. If I haven't gotten it together at this point in my life, I never will. Why even bother? The best years of my life are over. I don't want to raise a family at my age. Hopefully I have some vivid dream and during the dream, I am told that I died. That would be major! I've given up on life and I've given up on the human species. I've given up on this town and I've given up on this country. I was thinking of moving to Thailand or Poland or where ever there is adventure.
Regressing in a backwater town fishbowl existence is not the premium expat experience.
In whatever country, I'd have to learn their language well so that I can become an English teacher there.
I only got about 20 - 30 years to go. If that. Then I'll be dead. Life goes fast.
"You think youth lasts forever until you get to my parents age and then it's Christ, only 17 summers to go." Matt Dillon
RIP Charles Grodin. He was great in Midnight Run. In that movie he said to not skimp on tips as wait staff depend on that for their living.
Caveat emptor. Star Wars trading card app from Topps. I paid $1.30 for a 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back card plus 240 gems. Result, no gems and no card. Ripped off good and proper. Quite a few commenters reported the same experience.
That's life. Give gold and get shit in return. Maybe because that's the only thing they're capable of. Which leads to the question, What exactly did you think they were capable of?
From having to live next to psycho bonkers guy and heavy metal hamster to Star War cards ripping you off. Cards are anal. So anal that not even the actual anus itself is as anal. George Lucas should redo the movie and call it Star Wars - the heterosexual edition.
So much for the idea that Google DeepMind is also working for the accounts payable and receivable department on Google Play apps. I've had a few purchases now that have fallen through over the years but it winds up being about one or two rip offs a year including paying $7.99 and not getting a golden Deadpool on some Marvel app or other. A GoogleDeepmind documentary self admitted that Google's AI isn't quite at human level yet, and showing a graph it said that Google DeepMind has an intellect of somewhere between an ant and a bird on a scale of ant - bird - chimp - dumb human - Einstein. That would explain why my in app purchase fell through. How could I expect something that is between the intelligence of an ant and a bird to facilitate and process a simple Google Play based in-app-purchase that has gone all Pete Tong? The instant I made the purchase, the app just snapped off. When I turned it on again, I did not get my purchase but my account history registers that a purchase was made and debited from my account. I had about $2.07 left in my account so the $1.30 purchase was certainly a big hit on that account amount. It was a big ticket item for such an account. Oh well. Free, the Star Wars trading card app awards heaps and tons of freebies every day and such beautiful almost life changing images. I don't mind contributing $1.30 for what is otherwise a lifetime of enjoyment.
Just for possibly a laugh, I entered the search terms gay and LGBT in Google Play app search. There were the almost eponymous apps called Bear Dating and Sugar Daddy Dating but they aren't as ominous and foreboding as they sound because the commenters said it's a fake app with fake profiles and trouble loading, a lot of ads, etc
One app was a LGBT quiz. I installed it but it wound up being a display of flags of so many different stripes that you would think it was about the 8 gendered Al Gruaalix alien species rather than the human species. So many different flags with so many different colored stripes for people of all different sexual stripes. There is even a flag for asexual people. There is a special unique flag just for Israeli LGBT people. I don't remember all the flags. I just took a quick look and uninstalled it soon after.
Whatever point on the sexual spectrum a person is on, from heterosexual to gay to asexual, remember you're not alone. There are millions who are just like you and so much so that there is a flag for whatever or wherever you are. Isn't that comforting?
Now I want to get Marvel Dimensions augmented reality head set with VR weapons etc. Commenters on reviews said this is backwards compatible with Star Wars Jedi challenges which is what I really want to get this for.
Marvel Dimensions AR VR set - $87 on Amazon
Star Wars Jedi Challenges - $167 on Amazon
This would be like as Marvel suggests fighting holographic beings from another dimension because holographic beings IS another dimension!
I am getting this before year end. Hopefully the app is still up and running.
I can get Marvel as it's good for melee and hand to hand combat.
Jedi is fighting Kylo Ren with lightsabers. Somehow he got his lightsaber back from the sea of Jakku after throwing it in there and now he has it to duel with me, that's if I can come up with the money to get it on Amazon.
Glad to have not installed: Lord of the Rings: Rise to War
More of the usual standard issue GOT Conquest, WD Survivors, Ant Kingdom P2P formulaic bullshit. Level up a round of buildings, again and again and again and again and again and again. Do the exact same thing at level 17 that you were doing at level 14 except it takes literally ten times as long and requiring ten times as much resources to get from level 16 to 17 as it does from level 13 to level 14. It's all played out. Don't put yourself out on our account. Don't do us any favors.
The developer, Netease Team Global sent a kind response to my scathing review worded nearly as such. This is a classy developer.
I might install this one day soon. Give it a try. It has good characters.
The bottom of the barrel.
The Blackwell Ghost is the best ghost documentary I have ever seen. There's a part 2.
The Blackwell Ghost talks about a house where some children were killed and thrown down a well. It's like Hansel and Gretel on steroids.
The Blackwell Ghost house is like a Indian residential school in Kamloops where children weren't just abused which is awful enough, they were abused and then murdered. A mass grave of 251 children were discovered. There are probably others elsewhere.
This would make me ashamed to be a Canadian if I were to have the mentality of passing the buck. It's tempting to say it was the Canadian governments fault or the Catholic Church's fault. It was a few demented individuals acting as agents of the Catholic Church but did actions that defame the Catholic Church.
The documentary Religulous mentions some religions that baptize a person posthumously. That's something that no one wants to have happen to them. However could a Priest be defrocked posthumously if he did something evil?
Most countries in the World if you look at them closely probably have one hideous story of another. A lot of other countries have a story like this. So a story like this would make Canada sorta trendy! Canada needs stories like this in its history as a normalcy prop just to keep up. Countries with some negative sordid backstory rank higher than the squeaky clean countries with no weird stories in its history. Outrage media gets higher Neilson ratings than the rated G smug sanctimonious complacent squeaky clean goody two shoes media.
Canada News all of a sudden generates some sordid salacious story like this because Canada is not backwater enough, it needs to be even more backwater.
Canadian history 101. I don't think Canadian history was that fucked up. Like the saying goes, just when you thought you knew someone. However this is beyond the pale.
This happened until 1973. Maybe some of those people are still alive. Could they or would they be hunted down and killed or if not killed, turned in to the Police? Killed, that's the Hollywood type ending and the first place the imagination goes. I mean this is awful.
For the vast majority of people, including myself, the Catholic Church has been a place of spirituality and kindness. I could only hope to be as together and as spiritual as a lot of Catholics I've met.
There's probably going to be some kind of fallout in the form of a massive financial settlemt but the whole thing is ghastly, wretched, Satanic. Canada Satanada.
I always thought Canada's history was somewhat backwater but I didn't know it was this backwater!
"Their lives were nasty, short and brutish." William Shakespeare, As You Like It
The shits just keep on coming! More and more graves are being found at former Residential Schools. I heard of grave-y trains but this is ridiculous. Fucking Satan-Satan land! Grand Satan Central Satan Station.