Friday, March 1, 2024

March 2024

Friday, March 1, 2024

The Police and the courts are like a supermarket. Big or small, they do it all. A person can walk into a supermarket wanting to get just one item. Others have a full shopping cart. The cashier rings all of it through.
Small cases, large cases, the Police and the courts process them all. 

Even though a person committed a crime, the Police still want to protect them. If a person was in court fighting with another person in the hallway as a continuation of some back story, the Police won't take bets as to who will win, they will separate them wanting to protect. 
In the movie Drugstore Cowboy, the main character who was a junkie got shot. Even though the Police Detective arrested him a few times for heroin possession, he didn't even ask about the heroin that time. He was not there on a drug call. The Police Detective said, 
"Who shot you?" 

I still feel fear. 
Yesterday was an intense day. I skateboarded and saw my friend from the Church. Something else happened but I can't get into that. 

Yesterday, Brian Mulroney died. The end of an era. And I found out that a lady I once knew at Church died. I got omens of that. I was walking through the mall twice yesterday. Once to go to another store and once to get a can opener because my can opener broke three days ago. 
The first occasion, I saw two Police ladies. The second time, I saw two Police men and they were there busting a Black guy. I was going up an escalator. There were two South Asian security guards, a man with a beard and turban and a lady.. I got on the escalator first. They got on behind me a few seconds afterwards. Then they ran beside me past me. 
There was a Police Officer already there when I got to the top of the escalator. He was putting the handcuffs on the person. Then as I was walking out another Police Officer was walking in. He was very tall. 
The Police ladies is an omen that I'd find out that evening that my friend frkm Church died. The Police men is the omen of the news of Brian Mulroney's death. 
I could walk through that mall on lots of occasions and not see the Police there. So to see four Police Officers in one day at the mall.
Mulroney died in Palm Beach, Florida. Geez, he didn't even die in Canada. He died Stateside. 

Don't mall grab the skateboard. Lots of skateboarders on YouTube don't care. They say it prevents grip thumb.
Mall grabbing can shake the nuts and bolts holding the truck to the deck. 

I often see strange things before I find out online, on the television news or from whoever later on that someone I knew died. How do these omens work? How do these omens know the future that I'd be soon finding out the news of someone I know's death? ? 
Usually it's the same very few specific omens, seeing the Police, seeing a moth or an owl, finding oneself all of a sudden in an empty room or on an empty bus, seeing an angry person or a person having an argument with someone else and electric items glitching. 
Time is an algorithm. 

If a person could time travel, they would experience time on an objective level. But just pvecsuse a person can't time travel, it doesn't mean that time itself can't time travel within itself. That's how it sends out these omens. God can time travel. The hand of God sends out these omens. 
Or is it confirmation bias and random cluster data phenomenon? The mind plays mind games with itself to alleviate boredom. 

I'm skating for longer and longer distances without getting nervous and stopping. More shredding less conversing. 

Skateboarding saved my life. 

I did see a YouTube video of Prince Charles skateboarding. He didn't have board familiarity. Yet he did skateboard a distance. One doesn't associate Royalty with skateboards. The Royal's are into riding electric skateboards. They're into riding Rolls Royces and Mercedes and ornate stagecoaches. 

There is an app called Spiritual stories. The stories are really good. Here are two of my favorites. 

Things Are Not What They Seem. 
A person who was really an angel was with a normal person. They were given lodging at the house of a man who was a bad man. During the evening, the angel sealed up a hole in a damaged wall. 
The next day they accepted lodgings from a friendly farmer. The angel said a prayer and the next morning the cow that the farmers family, suddenly died. 
The man asked the angel, "Why did you seal up the bad man's damaged wall while you made the farmer's cow die?" 
The angel said, "Things are not what they seem. The bad man had gold hidden in that wall that he doesn't know about. I sealed it so he would never find it. The angel of death had visited wanting the farmers wife. I persuaded him to take the cow instead."

If people were offered coffee on table served in plain or else or are cups, most of not all people would choose the ornate cups. 
Life is the coffee. The trappings of life, nice house, nice car, etc are the cups. Everyone can enjoy life to the fullest and lots of people with less things have found ways to make their life very happy. 

All I can afford is a longboard. I can't afford a BMW nor would I want one. I am very happy when I skateboard next to the sea. I know I would be just as but not any more happier if I was driving an 80s BMW. 
I don't want a BMW nor any cars because cars have a very small margin of error. A moments lapse of attention and swerve on the sidewalk, mow down a couple of people, dead, or its really rainy, don't see someone crossing the street, vehicular manslaughter. That happened in Vancouver a few weeks ago. 
A vehicle is a weapon equivalent to a bullet. A bullet is smaller but travels much faster, a car travels slower than a bullet but is much heavier. Impact equals mass plus velocity. That's physics. 
Vehicular manslaughter would be a nightmare. An accident and for a person to get busted for that, it would be an absolute total nightmare. No way. I don't want a car of any kind. 
I would accept the opportunity to drive an 80s BMW in an empty lot. Driving on the road. Every week, there's a few car accidents in Canada. 

I was at the Chinese restaurant in Sidney last year and I heard one of the patrons at another table say, "His English is getting worse."
That made me reflect on my grammar in my writings. I hope it's good enough and not getting worse. 
No misplaced modifiers, comma splices, run on sentences etc I was an English teacher overseas once. That was my bread and butter. 

Today I taught myself to jump 180 degrees in a skateboard from regular to goofy and then from goofy to regular. I did it while the skateboard was moving slowly down the hall. To do it when it's going at a good clip is another thing. I need to be able to do it at medium speed. To do it at high speed would be ridiculous. To do it st a slow to medium speed is good enough rather than at true medium speed. 

My future seems pretty good. I look forward to spending the rest of my life skateboarding. There is no feeling like skateboarding a distance and not falling off. Do skateboards have speeds? My Arbor longboard is faster than the Walmart longboard. My Walmart longboard is faster than my chocolate skateboard with the little clown wheels. Those wheels are good for tricks. It's a circus skateboard. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

The High Commissioner of India visits Surrey BC to attend a trade forum amidst a sea of angry Punjabi protesters. 
How did this happen? Either he chose to go to Surrey or he was invited there and he agreed. Given the political unrest and that Surrey is a hotbed of Sikh culture, it's totally bizarre that the India High Commissioner of a country that has a Hindu majority and has an ongoing issue with the Sikh Punjab Province, why would he go to of all places Surrey? The issue is so profound that at one point I wondered if India was going to nuke Surrey. It's an ongoing worry... 
Why doesn't the High Commissioner visit another town with a Hindu majority such as Brampton Ontario? 
He wants to travel to Surrey to personally inspect the place. He has people with him. Some people for eg the Dalai Lama always travel with an entourage. Surrey has a reputation that precedes it among the international South Asian diaspora and in India itself too. Many people in India know about Surrey Canada. 
Comments on YouTube videos say that in India, the tensions between Punjabs and the Hindus are more pronounced overseas than in India. Lots of expats who go to Southeast Asia say that the people are friendlier in Southeast Asia than they are when they get to Canada. Canada has a different ethos which values the personal privacy bubble and most people like to be left alone and individualism, be unique be yourself stoicism and short conversations is emphasized. The South Asians who came to Canada are the ones who were dissatisfied with the situation there enough so whatever would be more of an issue with them or they're on the run from something. 
Also in Canada, protests are more vocal and angry because the penalties are more lenient for protesters. However the penalties in Canada are considerable. Depending on the charges, it involves getting busted, handcuffed, holding cell, pending court appearances and going to court is scary. In India though, protesters have been known to be fired upon with guns. 
Different sets of collective mentalities. 

I went skateboarding today near the beach. I tried doing the 180 jump. I did it somewhat well. I did it well all the time going from regular to switch but awful going the other way around. It's still scary every time but I still did it. I have to crouch down, pretend that I am a panther, take a deep breath and jump. I'm amazed that I am able to get it every time from regular to the other way but awful going the other way around. I'll get it one day. It's still only my first day. 
I remember when I tried twirling the scooter with my right and left arm. The first few times, the first few days, I screwed up and the scooter fell and I felt kind of nervous every time before doing it. Finally I reached a stage where I do it well 100% of the time almost without thinking and with no fear. 
Fortune favours the bold. 

Palestine protest. Again. 
This week Israeli soldiers fired on and killed 100 people at a food line in Gaza. 
"There are women and children down there. They just wants some food for God's sake."
Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Running Man 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Went to the Chinese Church today. 

Then I got some milk.

The Meepo electric skatebosrd company was started in 2017. The founder, Kieran's Mao has a bachelor's degree in engineering. He made himself an electric longboard and showed it on YouTube. So many people offered him money for one that he quit his job and started an electric skateboard factory in Shenzhen China. 
Meepo is named after a character in the video game Dota.A meepo is a fighting dwarf, relatively innocuous on its own but can instsnfly clone himself into five meepo becoming very dangerous as it swarms its opponent. 
What I read into it is that a single skateboard deck on its own is interesting, it might be a mini snowboard, but add four wheels, it becomes a unit of five parts and becomes quite dangerous indeed under the feet of a skilled rider. 

A meepo. 

I'm so much into electric longboard that I said to my friend Heather who rides a handicapped scooter, "I'm so much into electric skateboards that I think that you are riding on an electric longboard. The onky difference is take away the seat and the handlebars and you're on an electric longboard." 

Meepo is a good brand. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

A skateboard helmet is designed to take multiple small hits and the protective padding reinflates. A bike helmet is designed to take one hit large or small. After that it usually breaks and one has to replace it. A helmet that can take one large hit or multiple hits. You decide. One can wear a bike helmet for skateboarding but not a skateboard helmet for biking. 
And don't wear those pointy aero bike helmets for skateboarding. Not a good idea. 

I broke my old fashioned lightbulb two days ago. I got two new ones. One a 40 watt and one a 60 watt for $4.50 each. 

Theres a case of measles in Canada. There's lots of cases Stateside. Some in Washington State which is a vector of worry. I went to a pharmacy and asked about getting a measles vsccine. I explained that I'm 53 years old and have gone to school in Canada since kindergarten. That I went to school in the 70s and 80s. The pharmacist said that I already got the vaccine when I went to school. I didn't realize that. He also said that the main concern is parents who refuse to let their children be vaccinated at school as measles mainly affects children. I didn't know that. I heard the News say it could lead to all kinds of things even death. When I heard that, I went to ask about getting a measles vaccination. Measles has a R factor of 20. Every person who gets it infects 20 people. Compared to Covid which had an R factor of 1.7. However in the early days there was no vaccine for Covid which made it very dangerous. 

Getting busted and going to the hospital for some medium level medical condition that requires surgery has similar time and worry signatures 

1. Police show up
2. Taken to the Police car and handcuffed
3. Processed, identification, fingerprints
4. Holding cell overnight
5. Next day go to Court to set up date for first trial and apply for legal aid. Offense is mild but crosses minimum threshold of criminality. 
6. Worry worry worry
7. Court date 
8. Another Court thing
9. Discharged with a stern warning and probation

1. Paramedics show up
2. Taken to an ambulance and strapped to a gurney
3. Processed, identification, tests 
4. ICU observation room overnight
5. Next day doctor tells of prognosis and to apply for additional medical insurance. Condition is mild but crosses the threshold of that requiring surgery. 
6. Worry worry worry. 
7. Operation day. 
8. Post operative care. 
9. Discharge but requires periodic return to hospital for evaluations of convalescence. 

Today I taught myself to do the 180 degree jump on the skateboard with eyes closed! I did it a few times to make sure it's not beginners luck. Every time I do it, I have to take a leap of faith. 

On the News today I saw a plane fly in a lightning storm. Now that makes me think twice about flying ever again. 
What if the lightning strikes the fuel tank or any fuel lines? What if the lightning interferes with the electricity on the plane, shutting it all off for a couple of minutes? 
I think there's about 250 lightning storms on the Earth at any given moment. I'm sure they thought of that. The lightning might make the lights and the television in the plane get brighter rather than dimmer, either that or the presence of a UFO would do that. 

At Church, there are often prayers for government politicians. Rarely is there ever specifically any prayers for the Police. And also paramedics and the fire department. And the Courts, the judges and layers; prosecutors and defenders. And also for those in Court for misdemeanors. And for security guards as well. 
Sometimes when something happens to a Christian it is because that Christian has a certain light and God needs certain people to see their light. Anything, getting arrested or going to the hospital or going to a memorial service. 
Sometimes God sends a Christian to meet people who need more people to say prayers for them. 
The News said that the Vancouver Police has a mental health crisis. That's because not enough members of the public remember to prayers for the Police. More people need to. 
Sure the Police will use anything you say against you in a Court of Law because their job is to get a conviction but 90% of the people they arrest did really bad things and are as guilty as sin. Think what society would look like without the Police. It would be awful. 

Lawyers always reduce the maximum sentence if found guilty. In the movie Daredevil, the lawyer said, "Remember in law school, they taught us to have a moral vacuum? That's the problem with you. You have no moral vacuum. None." 
People dislike lawyers because they also defend people who did really bad things who are clearly guilty and get their sentence greatly reduced. 

The prayer would go something like, with a variation each time, 
"God, thank you for blessing and protecting the Police. Thank you for seeing that they go home safely after every shift and be free from any illnesses. God, thank you for blessing and protecting paramedics and the fire department and for seeing that they don't get burnout doing an essential service to society. God, thank you for blessing all judges and lawyers at the Court house. God thank you for the wisdom that the Court imparts. God, thank you for being with all those who were arrested if they weren't arrested for anything too bad. God, thank you for blessing and protecting security guards." 

It would be interesting to say a prayer for only yourself all the time. It would be better to say a prayer for the Police etc as well. Also say a prayer for the Priest that you know. It's not only a Priests prayer for you that has any effect. 
It would be interesting to see if I'm still doing this a year later, etc. I have been doing this for a few days already. 
Pastor Joel said to pray bold prayers, not weak prayers. Weak prayers are, "God, please, if you can, please bless these people."
A bold prayer reinforces a faith that's already there, "God, thank you that you are blessing these people." 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Yesterday, after seeing another Suzie sign in the firm of me clicking onto a random YouTube video about an electric longboard and someone on the video had an electric longboard with the brand name Apsu. Apsu. Su. Suzie. 
That did it. So I went to where she works. I saw her. She was delightful. 
I told her about an issue I'm going through now. She is still my friend. She didn't reject me. 
This issue as onerous as it is, is a blessing in disguise. It let me see that my friends are still with me in a way I would otherwise have never seen. 
I told her that I saw her at the skateboard park in Sidney BC as she drove past. She said she say me too! She said that she and her friend Carol waved but I didn't see it. I was looking in another direction at the time. It was only a split second thing too. 

Should I get some black acrylic paint for $1.50 a tube at Dollarama to paint out the Meepo logo on my new Meepo V5 which is unavailable again on Amazon. The yellow cyclone wheels I ordered are now no longer available too. 
Anyways, Meepo although I didn't know about it even two months ago is a brand name for electric skateboards. Painting out the Meepo logo would be like painting out the Arbor logo on an Arbor longboard. The Burning Man festival goers would agree with the notion of painting out any logos. 
Painting it out would make it look like a no name brand knock off. 
Kieran Mao is the founder of Meepo. He could be very successful. But there are thousands and thousands of business owners who are as successful as him. He sells only one type of  product. Currently supply has not kept pace with demand. 
Jack Mah founder of Ali Express became really rich because he didn't sell just one type of  product, he sold a panoply of products. Thousands of different products. He's China's answer to Jeff Bezos of Amazon. 

I went to the depot which is really a pawn store that will order things on Amazon for regular clients who are credit card challenged. There is an additional nominal processing fee. So I went there and my Meepo electric longboard arrived from Amazon! 
Even then my mind was painting a negative picture of the near future. "You don't think someone is going to rob me for this." The pawn store worker said, "No I don't."
It was a few block walk carrying around the 25 lbs with boxes and extra accessories. The EL weighs 17.2 pounds or 8 kilograms. 
If someone tried to rob me, the Police would be interested to know that. 
Of course that never happened. I was able to carry the longboard home. That omen from the VPD came true! I got my electric longboard. 
At this point, at 10:35 am, I haven't unboxed it yet. Too overwhelmed. 
My dream is to ride this st a University. 
Riding a longboard at a University is new school. Riding a regular or cruiser skateboard at a University, electric or not, is old school. That's the spirit of the 80s. 
I like new school. 
Riding a pintail longboard at a University is old school and new school. Pintail hearken back to the surfboards of the 60s, but riding a longboard is new school. 

The first time I saw a longboard was in the 2000s in Vancouver. Or perhaps it was the late 90s. When I saw it, I remember my natural stream of through would have been, 
"That's a fancy new fangled skateboard. I'll never ride that. I'll never be able to afford that. Those things look pricey. I'm guessing $700.  I'll never ride a regular skateboard let alone that. I ride a scooter. With a scooter you can steer and stop. And with two wheels there is less friction on a scooter than on a skateboard which has 4 wheels."

I found a skateboard on the street earlier this year. My deluded connect the dots brain connected with with me drawing the 18th century French wooden horse on a board with 4 wheels in my X-Mas Elf cartoon. Board with 4 wheels. Skateboard. 
I hesitated for a second. I'm not into skateboards. But a longboard looks nice and pricey and in this case, it's free! So I scooped it off the street where I found it. I found it at the bus stop near Craigdarroch Castle. I rode it. Holy smokes it felt like wearing a perfectly fitting glove. It felt like a natural extension of my body. Perhaps it was becsuse I had bee doing yoga every day for seven months previously. My body would have responded differently had I not been doing yoga, I'm sure. When the student is ready, the master appears. When the yoga practitioner is ready, the skateboard appears, in my case. 

Now I'm dancing on the longboard with eyes closed even doing the 180 degree jump. I could have never imagined that last year when I was doing the Christmas cartoon. The future can be a lot better than imagined. 

I'm thinking of taking my electric longboard to UBC in Vancouver. But will the battery hold up? Vancouver is a big city. Good thing the Meepo longboard works without electricity too. 

11:30 am. Opened the box and took out my new electric longboard. Remote, figured out how it works. No screen variation of remote. One pushes a wheel on the remote with the thumb to accelerate. One can't take the thumb off or it stops. If the thumb nudges forward or backward, speed changes slightly. I wish the remote had incremental settings. Click click click. Click, a little faster, take thumb off, stay there, etc. 
It has the same idea as an accelerator pedal on a car. 
I haven't figured how to work it in reverse. Its supposed to have a reverse setting. 
Nice board. Thick deck unlike the Walmart Madd Gear pintail longboard which has a thinner deck. 
I can live without a reverse setting. 
Snowing heavily today. Bad day for skateboard riding. 
I'm going to spend some time just standing on and dancing etc on my new longboard to get to know it. Different vehicles have different centers of gravity. 
The YouTube videos say that the longboard is light. Heck, it's a lot heavier than my Arbor longboard. 17.2 pounds is quite heavy. It feels heavy. 

My new electric longboard is so overwhelming just seeing it sitting there, a new motorized vehicle albeit Faraday motorized. Anyways it is so overwhelming that I have imposter syndrome. This happened also on my first day as an English teacher in Thailand. 
"This is too good. This couldn't be for me yet here I am. This feels like a scam. This is for other people, richer people, more qualified people. This is very overwhelming. Yet I will do my best to handle this great situation and the responsibilities that go with it. 
Can you imagine me in an electric longboard let alone in a new school BMW? Old school BMW also accepted. 

Faraday was a genius. Make a copper coil forming a tube. Put a magnetic material, say iron rod in the middle of that copper coil. Run an electric charge through the copper coil and the electromagnetic charge of the electricity will make the iron rod spin. Reverse the charge and the iron rod goes from spinning clockwise to counter clockwise. 
The forward or reverse electric charge with the positive lead on one end and the negative lead on the other end and vice versa can be instantly activated with RFC, RFID radio frequency chip, radio frequency ID. 
That's kinda how the electric skateboard works. There is also a hub motor rather than a belt driven system to turn the wheels. 
The rest of it, capacity, resistance, charge, ohms, only an electrical engineer would know that. 

Until 2017, electric longboards were illegal in Japan. Finally there was legislation that any electric skateboard vehicle that doesn't exceed 20 mph and as long as a person is at least wearing a helmet is legal. 

I got my new Meepo Cyclone wheels. I didn't open the box yet. 

Despite any current difficulties, one day 20 years later if I still around and even if I'm not, I'll look back and wish I was this age again. These are the good old days. Even if one has problems with the Police, the early 70s had all kinds of people getting busted for all kinds of things but they mostly turned out all right and people look back on the early 70s as the good old days. 
One will look back on these days and wish they didn't waste so much time worrying. I look back on my life and so many times I worried, things turned out all right. This story, that story, whatever. 

The chain of events over the last few months was strange. Something unfortunate happened. Just my luck. Out of the frying pan into the fire. First working at least three days a week for someone who is disabled, being their servant in a deluded fear that if I didn't go there at least twice a week, she'd fall apart and die. And there was no end in sight to the work. I thought I'd be working for the next ten years at least. Then the problem. But that reprieved me from the work. 
This reminds me of the movie Anonymous when Ben Jonson was freed with a forged note from his friend who was a high ranking nobleman. Ben said to his friend, "The note is forged...." His friend said, "But it got you out of there, didn't it."
The problem was a blessing in disguise. Had that problem not happened, I wouldn't have been reprieved from the work. 
That's not all. Had the problem not happened, I would never have done the cartoons, The Bee, X-Mas Elf, and Steampunk Police. The chain of events would have been too different. 
And the chain of events would have been so different that I probably wouldn't have found my Landyachts longboard. So to this day, I wouldn't have even been thinking about skateboards let alone coast down the hill overlooking the ocean next to the beach. That is a feeling of surfing and California freedom. 
The best way to ride a skateboard is to just ride. When you get caught up in wanting to do tricks and longboard dancing, that can be a distraction. 
Due to the cartoons and the finding of a skateboard which launched me into my skateboard hobby, this is not, that is, not a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. 

All skateboards that I found on the street had something wrong with it. The cruiser skateboard I found had no grip tape on top. The Landyachts longboard tilts alot even if the trucks are fully tightened. So much that I can't toghten it any more. It probably needs new bushings. 

Thursdays are special because The Why Files, Steele and Vance and This Is Van Color is on Thursday with new episodes released. 
BC Legends with Carole Taylor is all right. It's a mellower more slowly paced talk show. Most of the people on there, I never heard of them. She did some good interviews with locally famous people. I often skip this show because I never heard of the guests. 

I'm all cartooned out. I did 4 cartoons in as many months. I need some time off. I will complete Cyberpunk Police eventually. When one is doing a hobby regularly, then they get a new toy, the tendency is to spend some time with that toy before returning to the hobby. 
If I get VR goggles, I don't want any motion sickness games. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Today I decided to go longboarding on my electric. Joyce Meyer once said, "You can be going through some problem waiting for God to work and still have joy." 
I went longboarding. I did the dance step of, riding rdgular, left foot front. The left foot forms a t with the back and eight foot. The back and tight foot moves to the front, and the front left foot moves to the back. Now I'm riding switch. Then do a 180 jump back to riding rdgular again. Do another 180 jump to goofy and another jump back to regular. 
That is a longboarding dance step I learned off of YouTube. 
The cross step where riding regular, the legs form an X and then jump back to riding regular again is useless and redundant. I'm already riding regular! I don't do that move. Useless. 
The Peter Pan is where one does cross steps and stepping with just one foot on the edge each turn, does a sweeping carving move. I'd like to learn that one! It will take some time. 
Then I saw my friend from Church. I visited her as she invited me to. We had lunch. She is a good friend. Seeing her was like seeing an angel. 
Although I have some problem in my life, I paid attention to enjoy the moment. What if the future doesn't turn out as bad as I think it might? Then I would have worried for nothing. The time is precious. Pastor Joel said, "God has sent this person to you. Rather than spending time worrying, take time to enjoy being with this person."
In Game of Thrones House of the Dragon, Matt Smith said, "Do not live your life in fear or you will forsake the best part of it." That can also be said of worry. 

Looking up current laws on electric skateboards in Canada, I memorized the laws of some Provinces. In these Provinces electric skateboards.... 

BC - allowed on sidewalks, and bike paths, not on roads. 
Alberta - allowed on road's where speed limit is not above 30mph, not on sidewalks. 
Saskatchewan - allowed on roads and sidewalks
Manitoba - allowed on roads, not on sidewalks
Ontario - allowed on roads and sidewalks
Quebec - allowed in roads not on sidewalks

Previously in BC, the fine was $600 for riding a non insured motorized vehicle. However electric skateboards do not fit the criteria for the actuaries who are working at the ICBC to insure. Now the law is that it is allowed on sidewalks. In all Provinces a helmet must be worn. Individuals can be ticketed and fined for not wearing a helmet. Plus it makes good sense. 

Riding the electric skateboard is fun. It has 4 speed settings. Due to my inexperience and my emphasis on caution, I never took it above speed setting 2. I've seen on YouTube what happens when people take it to a high speed setting. 
Do I need skateboard shoes? Skateboard shoes adhere better to the board with a flattened and grippy patterned underneath the shoe. But they can lead to plantar fasciitis as they aren't the best walking shoes. 
I wear Nike Air which has a curvy bubbly pattern underneath the shoes which somewhat grips to the skateboard. Someone at a skate shop actually told me that my regular shoes are better for longboarding. 
I think it's due to the length of time spent standing on the board. My shoes have air inner soles. 
I don't know if I'll ever learn the Coleman slide. The trucks have to be pretty loose. One has to go into anprecarve pattern and then quickly swerve, finding the traction breaking point between the angle of the skateboard, the wheels and the road. The hill ought to have a certain minimum steepness too. 

I drew a picture of Police and SWAT team military electric skateboards. 

I don't think that I will get better in skateboarding. I peaked early, two months into it. It's these same things over and over again. 
- simple kick push off
- 180 degree jump in either direction
- the longboard dance steps to go from regular to switch and vice versa 
- jump on longboard
- no comply onto curb although there should be more of a tail pop than I'm already doing when doing a no comply on to the curb. 
- foot down stop
- Crouch down from regular stance left hand on the front of the board and right hand wearing a crushed pop can duct taped to a glove and hand on the pavement do a grinding slow down. 
- Ride from point A to point B without falling off. For the most part. 

There are three classes of riders

Recreational - any kind of skateboard - the older riders who like to just go from one spot to another without falling off. Longboard dance steps to go to an opposite stance and 180 degree jump is helpful but optional. 
Circus - regular and cruiser style skateboards - Rodney Mullen Tony Hawk Vans Skate Classic Red Bull Thrasher magazine skate-a-palooza. Ollie over a fence or down two storey flights of steps, rail grinding, manuals, Tre flips. It makes a lot of talent and skill and anyone who can do this has exceptional athletic abilities. 
Circus skateboarders are to recreational skateboarders what the Harlem Globetrotters is to traditional basketball teams. 
If car drivers approached driving as much as circus skateboarders approach skateboarding then just about every car driver would want to do somersaults in the air with their car over twisting ramps. Uh, no. 
Hill bombers - drop deck longboard era. 60 mph and faster downhill plummeting kamikaze run. Margin of error, near zero, otherwise result is paralysis or death. 
Don't ride down a hill on a skateboard at more than 10 miles an hour. Use an electric skateboard that goes slowly. An electric skateboard is actually safer because of electronic brakes and the ability to descend down hills slowly. Don't go on fast speeds on the electric skateboard at any incline. In Alberta one has to since e skateboards are only allowed on the road so either go fast or find a quiet road with not much traffic at all. 

I'm the recreational type of skateboarder. I've always done things with an extra energy. Riding a bike, I can ride using no hands and stand in one place without tipping over or falling for over a minute. 
Riding a scooter, I can ride using only one hand and catch the scooter without looking, just feeling where it is all in a split second. I can twirl the scooter on the left and right hand. I can do a one handed cartwheel, badly, while holding a scooter. 
Skateboard, I can do the longboard dance move to change stance direction or the 180 jump. And I can dance and do the 180 degree jump on a stationary skateboard with eyes closed. 

If I get something be it a skateboard, scooter, ten speed, or toy light sabers, I like to be able to do it somewhat well. 

In Trainspotting, Renton quit drugs for awhile. His friend Sick Boy quit drugs for awhile as well. Renton thought, "He did it so he could prove that he could do it too thus demonstrating a moral superiority which was a jerk thing to do." 
If people on the street see me doing my moves on the skateboard, they will think, "I can do that too and even better thus demonstrating a natural born athletic superiority." I wouldn't think that was a jerk move. I would think that I'm happy to encourage people to think of doing a new hobby, but do it safely and cautiously and wear a helmet. 
You will never see me bombing down a hill fast on the skateboard. Have you ever seen me going fast down hills on my scooter? There is little if any margin of error when bombing a hill fast. The same with driving a car down the highway at 60 mph. There's a margin of error there? Everyone on the bus has to trust the bus driver. Also given the size and weight of a bus, in any collision between a bus and a car, the bus would be the winner. That's physics. 

I'd rather ride a bus than to drive a BMW. A bus has large bay windows and a double decker bus has an exquisite upper deck that no BMW has. What if it was a BMW model double decker bus? And M series too? That would be major. That would be the bus of heaven. 

BMW has a non electric skateboard called the land crawler. It looks all right. It has fully inflated pneumatic tires. The deck is slightly smaller than that of a regular skateboard. Cost: over $1,000. Too pricey. Not worth it. Not even an electric motor, at that price. 

Skateboarding can get boring. It's the same five moves over and over again. Riding this kick scooter is the same moves over and over again and driving a car is too. 
Livin' to be driven 
Alive to drive. 

Skateboarding is incredible. The feeling of accomplishment. Silver surfer. Sidewalk surfer. 

The movie Cabrini is about a nun who moved to New York. She advanced the social climate of the era providing opportunities for Catholic women. She was born in 1850 and died in 1917. I wouldn't mind seeing that movie. Although I am a Protestant, I am drawn to the magic of Catholicism. There are some Catholic friends whom I know that if I could just spend some time at a coffee shop with these friends, it would be like an experience in heaven. My Catholic friends seem spiritually pristine and perfect and I wish I could be as good as them. Alas I've had a too hard scrabble of a life. 
Women got the right to vote in the US in 1920. Cabrini died three years shy of that. What a roast. 

The problems of life develop a person not into who they want to be but who God wants them to be. It's May God's will be done, not May my will be done. God's will will override a person's own will for themself. 
A story from the app Spiritual Stories is, 
A talking lump of clay was pounded, "Ooh that hurt." The was spun around on a wheel feeling dizzy. Then thrown into an oven, "Ooh that's hot." And then pounded again and thrown into an even hotter oven.
The clay asked, "Why did you do all that?" 
"If I didn't, you'd still be a lump of clay. The things I did refined you and strengthened you to become the beautiful and sturdy vase that you are."
Thats what challenges in our life do and I remember to thank God for the challenges and difficulties that I have for they develop my personality into the spirit that God would have me be. 
"God gives you challenges so that you can see in yourself what God already sees in you." Falcon, movie 

What's going on in Gaza? People are at starvation point for doing what? For being born in the wrong place in the wrong era which is pretty much all the time. Will Netanyahu be charged with war crimes? This Gaza conflict involves children starving. 
World War 1 didn't affect children much. World War 2 sure did! 
This has got to stop but what can anyone really do about it? 
Some situations are just simply hopeless. I have no hope in Israel for the time being as its not a safe place for tourism. 

Selina Robinson quit the NDP and is sitting as an Independent. From the lofty heights of Cabinet Ministry to a lowly independent is quite an ignomious fall. Premier David Eby didn't stand with Selena Robinson in defending her and keeping her on as a Cabinet Minister. Now it seems that the NDP is in tatters with the Jewish Community as well as it is still unclear what is going on with the Muslim community and the NDP. 
In politics you can't please all the people all the time, you can only please some of the people some of the time. In this case, it seems that you can also please none of the people some of the time as the Jewish Community and the Muslim Community are rather non plussed with the NDP. The United and Conservative party must be licking their chops over this issue. 
Premier David Eby has the Jewish and Muslim community angry and disappointed with him. So now Premier David Eby knows what it feels like to be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "That's chutzpah!" 
The NDP did Selena Robinson dirty. 

If I thought 5 people getting done in in Manitoba was bad, a couple of days ago, it was one upped in Ottawa when 6 people including 4 children were killed. The suspect was going for a seven count but that person survived the attack. The six pack killing. The suspect is a 19 year old. This is beyond the pale. 
This is the kind of case of where Police Officers decide to suddenly quit their job and seek treatment for PTSD. "I didn't sign up for this!" 
Canada has a lot of bad stories. Bad. Bad. Malo. Luke Magnotta killed and dismembered a Chinese female college student. Indeterminate prison sentence. It is the kind of case of where they lock a person up and throw away the keys. 

Friday, March 9, 2024

I'm maxxed out at the tricks I'll do on the longboard. I don't know if I'll learn to do a flip jump on my longboard. I'll have to practice in the grass first with the regular longboard as the electric one is too heavy. 
With the back foot firmly in place but ready to jump high, the front foot toe is under the deck. Then jumping up, the deck should flip and as you then jump back on the skateboard. It's not a kickflip but looks similar. 
"If do right, no one can stop." The Karate Kid 
If this move is done right, then you will look like an unstoppable longboarder. 

Another move is to if riding regular, to press down so the front dips down a bit and the back lifts a bit, then turn the skateboard so that it moves counterclockwise 180 degrees as the body follows along and then step back on the skateboard now riding switch. On a scale of one to ten this is about an 8. Also on an 8 is to Ollie a longboard. 
What would be on a 10 would be to Ollie and mid air kickflip and then land jumping off a two storey flight of stairs. Using a ramp and Ollieing over a chain link fence, I've seen it done on YouTube. Ollie and then rail grinding on a longboard or any skateboard. 
Ollie, kickflip and then land on very high and very steep surfaces. I've seen this on YouTube as well. This is a forum of psychosis even to attempt to do something this dangerous. French Spider-Man climbs up buildings including the Petronas Towers and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. He's crazy too but in a good way. 

If I can learn to do these two things, I'd be amazed. 

The remote control on the electric longboard is an education in itself. 
The accelerator is a dial that is turned with the thumb. It works the same as an accelerator pad in a car. Every bit of pressure is registered. Turn the dial slightly up and the e skateboard goes slightly faster. If the dial is released, the e longboard coasts to a stop. No quick stop. 
The remote must be held in the hand at all times for it to work. 

When lightsabers were first made, they were really pricey and produced only one color. Now you can get a good 16 colors lightsabers on Amazon for less than $100. 
Electric longboards might be like that. Murphy's Law. Get something and soon you will see in a store window, a better item of the same type and for cheaper. 

Cloudy today. Looks like it will rain. Not good for skateboarding. It doesn't rain for awhile then when I'm learning skateboarding, that's when it rains. Don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes. 

I won't learn anymore tricks on the longboard. The board itself doing a 180 degree turn and the toe lift flip on the longboard are not a priority to learn. 
Minimalism. Form follows function. The moves I learned have a function. One needs to be able to go from regular to switch and back again. 
I didn't bother to learn the riding regular then legs forming an X and then jump back to regular again because as for follows function, that is a redundant and superfluous move and therefore deemed useless. Lift flip, although flashy, is useless. 180 board turn, again, what use does it have? 

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. 
I have seven skateboards, Dopey, Sleepy, Sneezy, Lazy, Doc.... 
No, my seven skateboards are 

1. Arbor Axis Flagship 37 - finest California style and steampunk longboard. 
2. Walmart Madd Gear regular - good for the very low price and can be used as an at home training skateboard to get acquainted with standing on and balancing on a skateboard for a long time. 
3. Walmart Madd Gear pintail longboard - good luck skateboard. So many good things happened to me with this skateboard. Supernatural good luck. 
4. Landyachts Evo - old model. broken. Needs new bushings. Tilts like a pirate ship even when trucks are tightened to the max. 
5. Kenny Anderson chocolate - excellent BMW equivalent of a skateboard. Y Control - Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Gritty old school 80s model. 
6. Penny skateboard - $10 at a thrift store. It was a judgement call. $10 is a price that even I could afford. Nice trucks and big longboard style PU wheels. 
7. Meepo V5 electric longboard - fun. Exhilarating. Overwhelming in a good way. I'm glad I took the time to learn on the regular skateboard before using the electric longboard. 
I hit the ground running with my electric longboard. I'm keeping score. The first time I used my automatic kick start on my EL, I saw a purple Camaro drive past on Dallas Road along the beach. Purple is a royal color. Best moves, 3 dance steps from one position to another and 180 degree jump. 
When I first saw the 180 degree jump on YouTube, I was amazed. What a move! So seemingly geometrically impossible yet precise. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it but I might try to learn it. Then a few days ago, I was able to do it. So the video was an omen. 

I went to the museum today. I have an annual pass. There is a photographic exllhibit there. I remember seeing a picture of a horseshoe crab. It has an interesting texture on its shell. There is a really sad picture that almost made me weep. An elephant in a ditch. It was struck by a train and dying. The trunk was up and it sprayed a lot of blood. The caption said that the elephant was soon euthanized after the picture was taken. There were a few pictures of animals in distress come to think of it. There was a picture of a tapir in a ditch surrounded by hunting dogs. In this case the dogs were called off and the tapir was set free. 

I wonder if I reached my peak in skateboarding minus certain fine refinements at the edges. I can go from point A to B without falling off. I can footbrake every once in awhile if it starts getting too fast. I can step from one stance to another. I can jump from one place to another. 

Yesterday I saw a Gio on the News. A Gio is a cross between a handicapped mobility scooter and a car. Cost, $4,500 plus taxes. Electric. No gas required which would be costly. Looks ridiculous, like a clown car. I wouldn't even get a BMW model Gio type car. BMW's of the 60s looked like Gios, but worse. 
A Gio needs to have a Blaupunkt car stereo with Bose speakers. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

I went to Clover Point through Beacon Hill Park on the electric longboard. And from there to Dallas Road Beach and back up to Beacon Hill Park. I did my dancing. I tried to make my dance moves as hypnotic as possible. Maybe my dancing is crazy. Or else I'm going to get better as time goes on. 
On the way back at Beacon Hill Park, I felt a relief that I was on my way back to my apartment. Also I saw a couple of tall guys, skateboarders. They had the regular style skateboards. They gave me a skeptical look as if I wasn't a real skateboarder, just a dilettante old longboarder who just uses the skateboard to ride yuppie style and not Ollie. Also I wondered if these two guys were undercover cops. Even if they were, I didn't do anything wrong and I don't want to do anything wrong. 
I've seen a lot of skateboarders in town. They obviously have been at it longer than I have. 
This is my second ride on my Meepo V5. The third ride will have carved wheels. I have to replace the stock wheels with the nice cyclone ones. If they'll fit. I'll find out. The cyclones promise a smoother ride. 

I wrenched my back muscle doing a move on the skateboard. I sure feel it now. I like to toe carve rather than heel carve. When I leaned forward doing a tie carve, at one point I leaned to far forward too fast and must have pulled my back muscle at the hip. Pain spasms. ETD, estimated time of departure, 3 days. This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to back spasms. 
Beware of this if you want to ride an electric skateboard. 
I can't install my new wheels while having painful lower back muscle spasms. 

My electric longboard has a range of 10 miles. Perhaps more, but ten miles for sure. That's enough to go to Saanich. But the battery is gone for the way back. Too bad the electric longboard doesn't have a dynamo. My old ten speed that I had in my teens had a light connected to a dynamo which connected to a battery which powered the light. 
I wonder what electric skateboards will look like in ten years. What if it had a built in dynamo? 
As one pushes and rides the skateboard, the rolling wheels power up the dynamo. Then about half an hour later which isn't long, the battery is fully charged. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spent last night wracked with worry. I am terrified of the future. I have an issue I'm dealing with and I'm terrified of the future. 
I have to go on living. I am at a point where I don't know what will happen. 

Thank God for guiding my steps
Thank God for showing me a way where I don't see a way. 

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death 
I will fear no evil for God is with me. 

I feel much better now. A lot of the fear came from the physical pain of the back spasm. Once that goes away I'll be able to handle what I need to handle better. 

85% of worries never happen. 
Of the 15%, 79% isn't as bad as we thought. 
And the rest, God will give the grace to go through it. You'll somehow just get though it and learn something as well. This too shall pass. 

All problems and fears is the same problem and fear. A person has only one amygdala and the sensations it produces. There aren't many kinds of fear. There is onky one kind of fear and that is fear. 
There are many kinds of problems and worries. But they all pale in comparison to facong the last moments in life before death. 
During all problems, repeat as many times as possible, "Thank you God for being with me in this moment. Thank you Jesus for being with me in this moment."
Dont say negative stuff like, "Its hopeless. I have no future. My life is going nowhere. I am doomed." 
The best thing is to repeat scripture. 
Romans 8: 38-39 Nothing can separate us from the love of God. 
Dutronomy 31: 8 I am the Lord God who goes before you. I will never leave you or forsake you. 

I get panic attacks mulling over whether I should install the new wheels in my EL for the 3rd ride. Would it be a sin? Talk about an embarrassment of riches. 

I get imposter syndrome when I ride my EL. 
I got that when I was an English teacher overseas. I was thinking, "This seems like a scam. Things like this happen to other people, not someone at my level. This seems too good. Now that I'm here I must do my utmost to live up this honour and responsibility that has been given to me." 
Electric longboards are something that only rich people have, not a welfare guy. 
A good electric longboard is $1,000 for a top of the line model and $400 for a cheap model. Rich people can afford to get an $80,000 Mercedes, never mind a $400 longboard. 
The only person I heard of who is on welfare and has an electric longboard is me. 

Our good Premier David Eby is fighting for his political future. The latest embroglio regarding beleaguered and resigned Minister of Cabinet Selina Robinson has alienated Jewish and Muslim voters alike in this little red riding hood. Red = Liberal or Leftist Blue = Conservative or Right. Riding = political riding. Hood = neighborhood, Little = little. 
That leaves the remaining voters which would be comprised of Christians, pluralists, atheists, agnostics and Jesuits which would be about 85% of the population. 

Usually its the Leaders of political parties who do televised debates. Does that mean that Grace Lore MLA and Sonia Furstenau MLA won't do a televised debate? If they did, it would be massive. It would be like a Lillith Fair Thrilla in Manila Live at Budokan levels of local political intrigue and significance. 

Snap! The new wheels don't fit on my EL structurally. I tried. The stock wheels are good enough. 

Note: 100mm cyclone wheels do not fit on Meepo V5 

Today I found a blue vest. Reminds me of Back to the Future. And a pair of shoes that seem like skateboarding shoes. The grip at the bottom is quite strong and profound. Even on the floor, it is difficult to get it to move let alone on grip tape. This is the answer. Thank God for this. 

It's gotten to the point where I see the World as a spherical planet sized electric longboard without wheels. Perhaps not electric. What makes the world spin around? Gravity? Centrifugal forces and the coriolis effect is a product of and not the cause of why the world spins. 
A long time ago when Earth had no atmosphere or any water and was covered with volcanoes, it collided with a premoon body called Theia. The moon would be the remains of Theia. But that the moon is exactly the same size as the sun so as to form a perfect solar eclipse is baffling and beyond coincidental. And 28 days to revolve around the Earth and it rotates once every 28 days so we see only one side of the moon is beyond coincidental too. 
The moon is 30 Earth lengths away from the Earth. 
Anyways, this collision with Theia is what made the Earth start to spin. Why do all the other planets spin? Who knows? 

Monday, March 11, 2024

Getting the fear again. Fear all weekend. 

I remember many times in the past where I painted a catastrophic vision of the near future connected with an event in my mind. Later on, the event was even as nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. 
I can't specify, but I'm facing an unknown event and I fear the future. 

Most of the time, things wind up being in the middle. It won't be that great for sure but it won't be nearly as bad as you thought it was going to be. 

Be careful when fearing an event to remember to eat. Not eating brings panic attacks and then your mind paints even more exaggerated catastrophic visions of the future. Remember to eat. Then you can place problems in proportion and not blow them out of proportion. That anything the future requires of you, you can handle. 
Fear of a future event comes in many forms. Fear of upcoming surgery, fear during pregnancy, fear of upcoming court dates, fear of growing old and dying and fear of the future in general. 

I hope that God can help me. Whenever I worried hard, hard about something, life always provided me clues and tips along the way. God sent people to reassure me and often. My friends are still in my corner despite my trouble. I'm glad they didn't abandon me. I love them now more than ever. However I would have never seen that side of them if I had not had the trouble. That's a bittersweet blessing in disguise. Previously I would have automatically assumed that they'd reject me. Now I love them more than ever and it's a deep love from the soul seeing that they are still with me despite my compromised situation. 

Deuteronomy 31: 8
I am the Lord your God who goes before you
I will never leave you
Nor forsake you
Do not be worried or afraid. 

My current situation has blessings in disguise. Seeing that my friends are still with me in spite of all brings me more joy than any fear of the future. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Today was a great day. I went to the James Bay Inn for breakfast. I figured that I needed to eat. Yesterday due to extreme stress and anxiety and panic attacks all throughout the day, I neglected to eat. It's a vicious cycle, some situation or what you imagine to be the worst case scenario and then believe that imaginary picture you painted, completely out of the realm of reasonable possibility, Beleive it and as a result, neglect to eat thinking that eating is secondary to the problem which is completely backwards on a medical level. 
If you can't dazzle them with your logic, you can baffle them with your bullsh*t. 
If you can't dazzle yourself with your own logic, you can baffle yourself with your own BS. 
Not eating causes decrease in blood sugar. That leads to panic attacks. 
It's primeval. Not eating for awhile not surprisingly would case a panic attack. 
Panicking more than usual. And especially if one is in pain from pulled lower back muscles. Then thinking it is the situation causing the panic when it is a physiological problem rather than a social situational one. 
The waves of panic I would say were profound. 

Eating. Then walk to the beach. Then I went to visit Suzie. She is a great lady. I admire her for her strength of character. 
The I was able to successfully process a refund for the Meepo cyclone wheels. Cyclone wheels are built for belt driven motors. The Meepo V5 which I have runs on a hub motor. A hub motor is a Faraday motor inside a wheel. A refined modern new school Faraday motor rather than a model of the original 1800s one obviously. Duh. 

I went to a pharmacist and asked about OT over the counter medicationa for insomnia. She said Nyquil and Sleepeze which contain doxylamine or else melatonin tablets. Take no more than 10 mg. I already have melatonin tablets. 

I've gone about 48 hours with very little sleep. Sleep, have some weird hypnagogic vision like a curly black hair on a white ice small toy miniature hockey rink and then wake up with a shot of adrenaline squirting all throughout my viscera. 

An analogy would be the kind of sheer panic that one has when they think they onky got two weeks to live. 

I was painting some catastrophic picture of the future and believing it. What were the chances of that? 

Today, I got some answers from some people about my situation and I feel a lot better. A lot. 

When one has an upcoming trip to England, one worries a lot. Catastrophic pictures. 
"I bought the ticket. Now I got to go or try to pull hen's teeth or trying to successfully extract a walrus tusk using only a wooden toothpick to get a refund on the plane ticket. 
Fluing across all of Canada. Nope. No intensity there. Then flying across an entire ocean. Again, why would you think that's crazy? Sarcasm. It's intense and crazy. 
London would be a sprawling town what if I got there and was lying on a bed in my hotel room thinking. I did it again. Traveling. London is such a large sprawling city. What if I don't make it back to the airport in time for my flight? Then I'll be here on an overstay and that wouldn't be good. Why did I even bother to come here. Most people don't think of traveling like this. Why should I? 

When one has an upcoming appointment they have to deal with, don't think of that appointment again and again and again like a broken record especially if it's a perceived to be stressful appointment. It will most likely wind up being, Go there and overall it was smoother than you thought. That's what happens nearly 100% of the time. 
No don't think of that appointment again and again a million times a day. Think of something else. Anything else. Even if you have some kind of stressful appointment ahead, you must take care of your mental health, your thought life in the meantime. 
Think of Christmas, think of skateboards, listen to jazz music which has a hypnotic quality that pullls you in changing the dynamic of one's thoughts, think of Dune part two. It would be worth seeing on IMAX. 
When Dune part two was first announced in 2021, I was 51, then. I thought that when DP2 is released, I'll be 53 years old which is old. Little did I know that while I just about never did yoga then, at age 53, I have been doing yoga everyday for the good part of a year. And I am riding my electric skateboard. I would have never imagine at all at age 51 that at 53, I'd be doing yoga everyday and riding a electric skateboard. 
"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." Bob Dylan 

My insomnia is at a point where I seriously wonder if I'll ever sleep again. 
This happened to me years ago before, at least twice and that is major industrial grade insomnia. I slept again although at the time I did wonder. Just as I'm wondering now. 
The Great Canadian Sleep Experiment or what? 

I took 2 5mg = 10 mg of melatonin as the pharmacist told me. "So far it doesn't seem to be working." which is what Bridget Jones said about her 'mushroom' omelette. 
I was going to only take one but it has been over 53 hours without much sleep. This insomnia is one for the record books for me personally. 

The James Bay Inn has a nice vibe once you get to know it. 60s music is played over the loudspeakers. I love that place. 

Dune 2 would be awesome on IMAX. 

The Government of British Columbia raised the fine of trucks crashing overhead into bridges and tunnels from $500 to $100,000 and up to 18 months in prison. 
Good move as it would cost the government more than $500 to repair the bridge. 
But some bridges aren't worth a hundred grand while others are worth more. There should be a sliding fee structure based on the actual cost of the bridge or cost of repair since some cases of damage would be more or less than others. Details details. 
But kinda knowing the Court system, a lot of cases are simply thrown out, or reduced or commuted, conditional release in this case don't drive a truck for one year for chronic repeats, no driving a truck for life class 1 license revoked, but still allowed to drive a car of normal height, probation etc. Those are maximum sentences but they are rarely ever imposed. Usually the lawyer talks it down so it winds up being a midway point. 
US probation is a set of a lot of conditions including urine and drug tests and in some cases reporting the people you have a friendship with. It's a system set up for failure. Each breach of any condition is counted as a strike. Enough strikes and one gets sent to prison where they can expect to get airholed. 
Canadian probation is more mellower. No drug tests and reporting of relationships not usual unless its a repeat chronic offender. 

GPS apps can do just about anything. Why not make a GPS app where a truck driver enters the height of their truck data it even includes a height estimator which connects to the camera. If one is carrying an anomalous thing like a crane point the camera at the crane and the height is given. 
The, moving forward, as different tunnels, viaducts, bridges, etc are approached, the GPS would have the height data of that structure and would give a warning and in some cases even disable the engine of a vehicle unless it agrees to drive away from the tunnel. Failure to comply and the proper authorities are alerted. An overhead incident can tie up the highway for hours. 
What if they are on the highway and approaching the Massey tunnel which is a two lane highway in two directions? Tough choice. Try to attempt the geometrically impossible and get a fine and possible other consequences or else turn on the emergency lights first, then put the truck in reverse and drive backwards as it merges into the other lane going in the opposite direction. How good are you at driving backwards and how fast can you do it. Then at the first opportunity, do a 90 degree turn and drive on looking for an alternate route. 
Or pre-plan the trip. Set in start point and destination. GPS will draw out a route on the map that takes into account height data and avoids any structures that wouldn't be compatible with height data. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

This Province has a Ministry of Transportation. 
I am getting transportation related panic attacks. 
This would be similar to a pilot getting panic attacks every time before and after piloting a 747 across an ocean. 
The electric skateboard is so crazy. I go long distances. Distances I wouldn't go on a regular skateboard. The whole thing kind of scares me. 
Thomas Edison said that inventions that work the first time always scared him. 
The same kind of panic attack that a rock star would get in a stadium of tens of thousands of spectators. Self conscious for a second. 
I wonder if riding an electric skateboard for great distances is crazy. Probably. 
A skateboard has no concealment whatsoever. 
On a ten speed, the frame offers a little concealment. On a kick scooter the steering column acts as a bit of concealment. 
The electric skateboard is a miniature stage float in a parade. That aspect of it panics me. 

I'm going to design some skateboards. The number of possible designs is literally unlimited. 
All artwork should have a title. This one is called sea dragon fish. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sidney By the Sea and Victoria BC 🍁 longboard designs. 

There are websites that will design skateboards. Upload a photograph or drawing and it will be 2D printed onto a skateboard somehow. 

Top: California style. 
Bottom: Steampunk 


Friday, March 15, 2024

Today is a great day to go electric longboarding. I still feel nervous or else excited to go. 
Nervous and excited are the same thing. 

I watched the movie Cabrini yesterday. The movie is essentially about the early days backstory of all Catholic soup lines and food lines. I visit a Catholic soup line sometimes so this movie stands out for that reason. 

Today I went electric longboarding along the road near the beach. Sunny weather, view of the sea, sidewalk surfing. My carves and turning is getting better. Not perfect but better. 
I was going to see Dune part two at the IMAX and have lunch somewhere but that's too expensive and I'm on a budget. Instead I stayed home and drew this picture of my design on a skateboard based on something I saw in a dream. The title of it is, The United Colours of Canna-ton. This is it:

Title:The United Colours of Canna-ton. 

Even Hecox is the designer of chocolate skateboards. Jim Philips designed Santa Cruz skateboards screaming hand. 

African purple sinsemillia.

Orange haze.

Notable Nancy. 

White rhino. Whole buds sitting in a glass ashtray. Rolling stones. 🤘🤘

Blue cheese strain cannabis. 

Based on a dream. Dreams teach. After having the dream, I googled these colors and cannabis and looked on images. Each and every one of these colours exist for actual strains of Cannabis. Being a stickler for exquisite details, I also drew the calyx as well. 
Left to right:
1. African purple sensimilla
2. Orange haze 
3. Notable Nancy
4. White rhino
5. Blue cheese

The News said that a man was sentenced to seven years in prison for the killing of someone. The last third of a sentence is called statutory release when a prisoner is on parole instead of incarcerated. Parole is contingent on criteria and conditions. If a prisoner displays good behaviour and doesn't airhole too many other prisoners, he should be eligible for statutory release. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

I'm thinking of getting a cruiser style skateboard. I saw one online for just over $100. Cruisers are often over $200. 

I wonder what an e-bike is like. Is it set up like a motorcycle? 
See, that's the thing. In a car, the foot operates the clutch and the hand operates the gear shifter. On a motorcycle, the foot operates the gear shifter and the right hand operates the clutch. 
In a car, the foot activates the accelerator. On the motorcycle the right hand operates the accelerator. 
In a car, the foot operates the brake. On a motorcycle, the left hand and the left foot operates the brake. 
How confusing.
That's why I never learned to ride a motorcycle after learning how to drive a car in standard transmission which I can still more or less do. It's been a few decades since I drove a car. 

I thought that Santa Cruz was a whatever company. It is the oldest and one of the most prestigious skateboard companies. Founded in 1973, Santa Cruz was one of the first companies to use PU wheels. 

A cruiser skateboard still has those small circus clown wheels. Longboard have the large old school roller skating wheels. 
Longboard are built for speed and travelling. 
Regular skateboards are built for stunts. 
Cruisers are built for traveling and not as much for tricks. It's the old school 80s grunge commuter skateboard. 
Since cruiser wheels are smaller than longboard wheels, it doesn't go as fast. 

Electric skateboards allow one to go faster without worrying about foot braking. 

I ride the electric skateboard like I drive a car and that is to stay below certain speed limits. 
One needs elbow pads, knee pads, wrist pads if they're planning to bomb hills at 50 miles an hour or to grind stair railings. If one is just using the electric skateboard to ride and enjoy the basic feel of sidewalk surfing, and doesn't ever go above 10 miles an hour, they should be all right. Always be cautious. 

I Sing The Body Electric, Ray Bradbury. 
I ride the longboard electric. 

Some sports are fast like hockey, basketball, and football. 
Some sports are slow like golf, tai chi and baseball. 
With skateboarding it is a sport where you can choose to go fast or slow. I choose to go slow. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Unlike other sports you get a choice in skateboarding. Set your own pace. 

Today was a red letter day. I got my Santa Cruz cruiser skateboard and it rides like a dream. Beyond expectations. One push and it goes very far. Wheels as smooth as melted butter. 
This morning I went to the beach on my electric longboard. 
Then I went to get my cruiser style skateboard. 
And I got a pair of Chuck Taylor Converse at Sport Check for $50.  
Then I got knee wrist and elbow pads all for $20 at Sportcheck. Other stores sell just the knee pads for $75. 

That's it. I have no more money for any more skateboard stuff. 
All styles of skateboard. 
Skate shoes. 
Skate tool. 
I have all of this. I wish I started skating years ago but I am whatever age I am now. 

Where did I learn to design skateboards? Skateboard designs are vertical not horizontal. I will do it differently from now on. 

I saw on YouTube that making skater trainers out of tennis balls saves money on actual STs. Skater trainers will help with learning ollies, kick flips, 180s, shuv its etc. 
The circus school of skateboarding. 
The skateboard shoes have materials made for doing tricks better. 
My skateboard shoes also included an extra pair of white laces. 

My eight skateboards. 

1. Landyachts Evo. Drop deck longboard. Needs new bushings. Found on street used and even though I tightened it to the max, it still tilts a lot. No other skateboard I have is like that. 
2. Walmart Madd gear regular. 
3. Arbor Axis Flagship 37 longboard
4. Penny skateboard
5. Kenny Anderson chocolate 8" regular. Tom Green uses regular style. 
6. Walmart Madd Gear pintail longboard
7. Meepo V5 electric skateboard
8. Santa Cruz street amoeba cruiser style. Marty McFly uses cruiser style. 

My red metal kickscooter found on the street with only half a handle bar. It still works. I use it. 

My new clothing includes knee pads and soon, elbow pads, helmet, whatever thin jacket and the blue vest. The blue vest. I'm kind of going for the Back to the Future look. Such a look would be fine for someone who is 17 but what about age 53? Who cares. I look like whatever I look like fashion wise. 
Then I am Asian, Chinese whereas Marty McFly is White. And I wear a blue vest while Marty wore a red vest. 
Marty also wore that Jean jacket with the dark bkue triangle on the upper arm. I wear whatever jacket. 
Marty wore jeans, Levis. I wear whatever brand jeans. 
Marty wore a red t shirt, then white checkered shirt with black suspenders. 
I wear whatever tshirt whatever sweat shirt. 
Marty wore Nikes with a red swoosh. I wear Nike Air monarch. And Chuck Taylor, Converse brand skate shoes. 

The Meepo V5 mini is an electric skateboard, cruiser style. I like cruiser style. 
The V5 Mini costs $900. Crikes. 
The Meepo V5 costs $420 on Amazon when it's available. 
No way I'm shelling out $900 plus for another electric skateboard when I already have one at half that price. 
The price of technology decreases over time. Lots of competition entering the market.
One day, I'll be able to get a good electric cruiser style skateboard for $200 at Walmart. 
Is lower price anything from Walmart good? The Madd Gear skateboard has decks that are too thin. 
Walmart lightsabers are lower priced, $5 but is that a quality lightsaber? 
I'd love an electric cruiser style skateboard but there is no way in hell that I can afford a Meepo Mini V5 at that price. I accept it and move on. 

Funniest skateboard moments video. 
Man Ollies, kick flips skateboard using only hands. 
I tried it with a tablet. A tablet has no wheels but my leg would form a stand for a balancing beam. Forget that. 
What if I could Ollie my tablet? 
One day in the future, the way they have GPS screens in cars, there might be a skateboard with a screen on it covered with thin but very strong gorilla glass. Virtually shatter resistant. The glass would have some pliancy. 
Then on overnight trips, the skateboard also could be a tablet and television. 
Maybe this has already been invented somewhere. 
What about a television screen on either side of the skateboard? That way two different people could watch two different television shows if stood on its side on the wheels. 
At night, the under deck screen could be used as skateboard lights. 

On this subject, I have a energy pack that stores energy and that connects to and recharges to my MP3 player. I tape that under my skateboard with duct tape. Then I get an LED light strip. Low as $5 at Dollarama, and can also be found at Walmart and Winners. Tape the light strip under my skateboard, any skateboard and connect it to the power pack already taped underneath. 
I don't plan to do this at all. I won't skateboard at night especially with the electric longboard. Night time has a different set of personnel. The nocturnals. There's also more criminality during the evening so there is more Police and undercover Police about. The Police most likely want any honest and law abiding citizen to feel safe to walk around at night and to support some night time industries such as restaurants, pubs, movie theatre, night clubs, jazz lounges. 
A lot of people have agoraphobia which is a fear of crowded places. 
Anyways I fear that some homeless druggies might want to swipe any electric skateboard. They might not want to swipe an old school grunge 80s skateboard though. Night time has less visibility in general but there is a different dynamic in terms of sights. Night time, Smurfs Village. Windows are lit up at night and you can look within. Very rarely do you see any people. What one sees is interiors of rooms in houses and buildings that lead to a psychometry that can bring nostalgia. 
If I see rooms through lit windows at night from a distance and often get nostalgia, that's to my credit. That's positive projection. Who knows what the story is with some of these places. 

The 80s was about yuppies but there was also grunge. People on welfare, inner city, lots of cocaine smoking, break dancing. The 80s was a beautiful time. A lot of those 80s grunge breakdancing songs had a sweet street nostalgia sound to them. Songs like Worlds Famous Supreme Team Show, Marz - Move It, World Entity - Found That Love, Fatback - Backstrokin', Nucleus - Jam On It. 

Today I took my new skateboard to Craigdarroch Castle. I skated around slowly for a few minutes. I skated the Roch. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

This morning I skateboarded on the cruiser. 
Today I went to Church. 
Then in the afternoon, Heather visited me. We went to City Hall grounds and sat on a park bench. 
Then in the afternoon, I went around on my electric longboard. 
In the evening, I walked around for awhile downtown to see the boats in the harbour. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

The News said someone got flesh eating disease riding a ten speed as a result of saddle sore. 
This makes me worry for the Police as they have a charity that revolves around cycling. 
Can preventative measures be taken? 
I would say to the Police that whether or not they choose to ride a ten speed, I'll still donate to their charity. 
The Tour de Rock Police charity is rather proactive just like the Police themselves. Most other charities are more sedentary. They don't do anything like doing cycling marathons. They just sit back and collect the money. 
There are two aspects. The fund raising activities. And the activities of the charity itself. 
The Police go cycling to fund raise. Other charities don't do anything to fund raise other than to passively solicit donations through e-begging, Patreon, Go Fund Me etc. 
This newest worry about flesh eating disease might or might not affect the fund raising activity of the Police charity. 
Aside from any risk of bacterial diseases, the bicycle marathon is a fund raising activity that involves some degree of danger. Last year, a News anchor named Hannah Lepine who had ridden with the team because one of her relatives is a Police Officer, broke her collarbone sustained during a mishap. There are less risky forms of fund raising activity. 
Any activity that requires one to wear a helmet implies some level of danger. 
There are already Police who ride bikes on patrol so this fund raising activity would be an overlap of that. 

The Police charity reminds me of the Phil Collins album The Secret Policeman's Ball. The event was a night of comedy with British comedy stars. 

Putin won the national election in Russia. Again. What were the chances of that? 
When a dog bites a man, that is not News. When a man bites a dog, that is News. 
If Putin didn't win the election, that would've been News. 
It is kind of News. This gives you an idea of what you could more or less expect in the next few years. 

Knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist pads protect but also restrict movement. Especially for the crouching down moves, knee pads restrict movement. 

Today I went to the harbour with my cruiser. 
Then I went to the beach along Cook St. I saw two ladies. One is a lady I know from a medical facility. Another is a lady who I've seen at the beach. She said hi to me. I said hi back. 
Then I skated on. I skated Ogden Pier. The parking lot was empty. It was a vast parking lot good for the electric longboard. 
Then I went home. I have worries but quite a few people said, "No worries." to me. 
No worries. Hopefully. 

Mel Robbins said whenever one worries, they can fight this with one magic CBT sentence. Cognitive behavioural therapy. 6 words.
"What if it all works out?" 
That sounds as crazy as the worries that you have. Most things worried about don't happen. The things that do happen won't be in as bad a forms as you imagined. And if it is or worse, you'll handle it better than you thought you would. Or in hindsight it would have ended quickly. Although at the time it seems like forever. 

Every day is a gift from God and a precious one. Even though I have worries I'm determined not to let worries get to me. I remember to appreciate the beauty of this day and all the friends that God has brought to me on any given day. 

I like heel carving more than toe carving. Riding regular, as I make a left turn, the heel carve leaning back and stepping down on the heels has that sufing feel. 

Surfing is lying on the stomach and using the hands and feet to swim to a point. Try to stand on the board. As the wave rolls in, try to find a spot where the current will take you. Leaning to the side can make you turn left or right. You can get a surfboard for $150 - $200 on amazon. I thought they cost $700.

I don't want an electric cruiser board. Cruisers are smaller then longboards and have a different center of gravity. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 

A lot of people saw me do this already so it's not a secret. I've learned how to stand on the front of my skateboard with the two feet line up parallel to rather than perpendicular to the skateboard. And dance and do it well. 
It's two different forms and styles of balance. One is side to side balancing. The other is front to back balancing. 
This stance is from the early days of skateboarding. This stance was done on skateboards in the 60s when skateboards included the awful clay or metal wheels. 

The hill from the base of Beacon Hill Park down to Ogden Point is a platinum grade skateboarding run for beginners. I had to do it standing on the front of the skateboard. That felt awesome. It was gnarly, totally radical, fricking tubular. 

Skating in those two styles is like knowing two languages. I would admire someone who has experience driving a car in England and driving a car in Canada and who knows how to ride a motorcycle. That's three different systems. One hand does the brake in one system, in the other, the other hand does the clutch and in another the foot operates the clutch. 
I'm glad that I can ride a skateboard moderately well in three styles.
Regular, switch and standing near the front. 
To get technical regular and switch is when the front foot is on the middle of the board and the backnfoot is on the tail. 
If the front foot is on the nose and the back foot is one the middle, for regular that's called nollie. For switch, that's called fakie. 
The nollie and fakie is helpful if you want to do the move where the board itself does a one - eighty. I don't know if I'll ever learn that. 
At one time, I ndver thought I'd ever learn that standing stance. A week ago I had no idea that a week later, I would do the standing stance and do it well. 

The secret? Practice doing it while dancing. The standing near the front, feet lined together parallel to the skateboard. Planking. Then do it with eyes closed. Do it non stop for at least an hour or two. After that it takes a bit to get used to doing it moving but not much since I've been doing it with eyes closed for two hours. 
The muscle memory is molded in and set for life. 
Doing it with eyes closed, you feel the energy. 

Skateboarding has so many requirements that defy the laws of physics. The bar is set so high. 
All sports are like that. Such as golf, score a hole in one, or an albatross or an eagle or a birdie. That's just as difficult as doing a Tre flip. 
Hockey. Score the slapshot of the century within the legal point of the center line hit a 90 mph slapshot that goes through five players and through the goaltender. That's as difficult as grinding some railings of a staircase. 

Many moves in skateboarding are impractical. 

Dancing a 3 step move going from regular to switch and vice versa, jump 180 changing stance, the standing stance near the front of the board are all practical moves. 
Kick flip, rail grinding, Ollie off a high set of stairs are impractical moves. 

Every time I learn something in skateboarding even just balancing and not falling off after a long time, jumping 180, or standing near the front, I think I reached my peak and can't and won't learn anything more. 
Now I think it's it. I don't think I'll get any better than this or learn anything more. If I do, I'll let you know. 

There's no accounting for taste. 
The best most wonderful song for the beach, summer and skateboarding is Delevans from Jeff Lorber. Once you get to know the song, the song is smoking! Delevans is a jazz instrumental. If there's a better jazz song, I don't know about it. 

Two paragraphs ago as I was typing the words, 'even just balancing and not falling off after' the auto suggest brought up the words 'criminals conviction' and 'criminal'. This freaks me out and makes me terrified of the future. 
I think it might be an omen but another time, I did ecstacy. As I was waiting for the 45 minutes to onset, I googled what is ecstacy like? A comment had the words DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH just kept repeating. When the I started rolling, I rd called the words I read a few minutes earlier. Naturally my mind painted a picture of certain death. I called 911. An RCMP Officer showed up and also paramedics. I was thinking that if I die, my conscience is clean. I didn't do anyone in or rip anyone off majorly or intentionally sent anyone to the hospital. As it turns out, I didn't die. 
I've had angels and royalty even dead royalty visit me in dreams. That's God's voice whispering to me. I should be all right. 

I have to take a walk and look for signs of reassurance since my tablet freaked me out. The thing is, when I walk around, I see lots of signs of reassurance. 
I am trying my best to be a good person. I am on the side of the light and God and Jesus. I also think of Mother Mary as my female protector because otherwise, I have none, certainly not on that level. 

I'm thinking of getting this t shirt:

I was 7 in 1977.  It would've been awesome to go to any of those concerts. Really awesome. 

This KISS t-shirt would be awesome to wear at a Chinese or Vietnamese restaurant. I saw someone on YouTube on a Brennen Taylor video do that. Brennen Taylor coconut worms. 

I was skating away from a park bench, thought I left my remote control on the park bench. I actually ran back. It wasn't there. It had only been less than three minutes. I searched my pockets. Not there. I searched again more thoroughly. It was there. 
If my deluded brain didn't believe the picture that it painted that the remote control was left on the bench, would I have ran back? And I ran back fast. 

Pastor Joel in his sermon, Protect Your Imagination, that a person can paint a lot of pictures in their brain, tendency, negative. Most of these pictures will never come true. 

Eckhart Tolle said we worry about things that might happen, will probably never happen and even if they did they would be in a more benign firm than your mind has painted. 

Ever since I was a child when I heard that I was going to a restaurant, just before going, my mind would paint a picture of what the restaurant would look like. These pictures never turned out to be true. The restaurant always looked different. 

If I got a KISS shirt, that would be poser because I don't actually listen to KISS. I do use the expression Detroit Rock City.
For eg. If I ever got a windfall, went to England and got an electric skateboard there and stay in a five star hotel there, that would be Detroit Rock City! 
Note: Electric skateboards can't be transported on an airplane as molicell lithium batteries that e skateboards are made of tend to explode in mid air mid flight. So if I'm in London I'll have to get one just for the trip there. A cheap one. Even with a windfall, one has to economize. When the trip is over, I'd donate it to a Catholic charity. 
Does one have to listen to KISS to get a tshirt? 
KISS stands for Knight's In S*t*n's Service. Does it really? Or did Holy Rollers say that just like Holy Rollers said that some Led Zep records played backwards says whatever things. 
At least everyone in KISS is still alive which is more than I can say for Led Zeppelin. 

Skateboarding saved my life. Pastor Joel Osteen also saved my life. If it hadn't been for Pastor Joel, I'd still be depressed all the time. 

I didn't go for a walk. I looked out the window. I saw two yellow cars on the street. Yellow car means angel. A taxi and a regular bright yellow car is what I saw. 

The News said that Nowruz is celebrated internationally. Really? I only first heard about it a few days ago. 
Nowruz is the Persian New Year. There is no more Persia. That peninsular region that contains Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait is what was Persia. 
I got a video game years ago called Prince of Persia where the main character escaped from an old pirate ship. 

A month is 28 days. 28 fits into 365 about 13 times give or take a few days. 
The moon takes 28 days to revolve around the Earth but also spins on its axis once every 28 days. Moon means night. Night means dark. Dark means evil. 
13 lunar cycles. 13 at dinner Judas being the 13th guest. 
The Pope Gregory changed the calendar to 12 months. The Gregorian calendar. 
The old Pope's were stodgy. They censored certain statues they thought were obscene, they changed calendars from 13 observed lunar cycles to 12 superimposed months, they even decided that certain musical notes were holy while other musical notes were unholy. 

So anyways, some cultures still observe the original 13 month lunar cycles when people based their New Year off that as they didn't have the technology to discern solar years. 
Cultures like Chinese New Year and Harvest Moon festival, Ramadan, and even Easter is secretly a kind of lunar New Year. 
With normal people they died on a certain date and that's it. 
With Jesus, sometimes his death date is observed in late March, sometimes in early April. That's standard classic lunar calendar. 
Even Christmas based on the winter solstice and the days getting longer, light conquering the dark is observed for when it was mainly an agrarian society. 

Easter, Spring lunar New Year. Time to plant seeds. 
Easter the time when Jesus died and was resurrected. Spring Lunar cycle, the time when seeds die in the ground and burst out of the ground with new life. 
Harvest moon festival. Time to harvest. 

Trump. On the first episode of The Green Hornet starring Bruce Lee, the nemesis was called Al Trump. 
Trump. I don't know. The News said he got fined $423 million dollars. This is on top of not being able to own any businesses in New York. Trump was ordered to pay over $100 million dollars relatively soon. Trump says he doesn't have the money.  Trump is supposed to cough up the $423 million before April 25. 
Initially the courts were going to prohibit Trump from borrowing any money but his lawyers had that struck down. 
Does this affect Trump's run for the Presidency? 

Al Trump in The Green Hornet. 

Donald Trump in court. 

The look of fear that Trump has is understandable. Court can be a very scary place. The scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when Hunter S Thompson has visions of the court room and Harry Dean Stanton as the judge. Again, the brain paints pictures. As it turned out, nothing happened. 
With Trump, if the Court can't get the money they might have to seize some of Trumps property and auction it off. Does the Court do auctions? 
Knowing that Court can be scary I wish to thank God that He is with President Trump, guiding him and showing His reassuring presence. Of course Trump has a few high powered lawyers working for him. 
Just as I would wish that God is with all people going through difficult times. 

The crocodile at the Victoria Butterfly Gardens. 

The Court isn't always scary. There's the case of the crocodile at the Victoria Butterfly Gardens. The animal was seized as part of the Animals and Wildlife Canada Act and the case is before the Courts. 
The crocodile of course has no idea that his case is before the Courts and has no panic attacks and scary often delusional self painted visions about the Court room. 
For anyone whose case is before the Courts, seeing the crocodile or if you can't make it to the Victoria Butterfly Gardens, you can see a video of the cute creature as it might bring you good luck. 
I once walked with my grandfather and we went to a place in Chinatown where there was a set of steps leading down from the street. I imagined that a crocodile lived at the bottom of the stairs. Sometimes when I see a crocodile I think that the spirit of my grandfather is with me. 
The crocodile and Trump have something in common. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Today I went to see Dune part 2 at a local IMAX theatre. It was a good movie. Some of the scenes had a resonance seeing it in IMAX. There were moments. 

I got an Infinity 3D LED fireworks bulb. I had never seen a light bulb like this before. Dim emission of light but what an effect. Hippie lights or what? This competes with the lava lamp for sheer hippie luminescence.
This lightbulb is life changing. As I grow older I witness more and more technology that I could have never imagined during the 80s. In that way my life became more successful than I ever imagined. 
I'm glad I stayed alive and didn't do anything rash years ago otherwise I would have never lived to not only ride but to own an electric longboard. 
I'm glad I stayed alive to see my friends still be my friends and not abandon me during any difficulties. My friends are more dear and precious to me than ever. 

People often experience omens. Someone will say something or you see a video about something and later on you get the thing. This happened to me lots of times. 
What is an omen that is a reference to the past and the future? In the movie Back to the Future at the beginning, Lorraine Mcfly was casually talking to Marty saying that she didn't spend any time in parked cars with boys when she was a teenager and she talked about the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. Marty didn't realize but as incredible as it would be, it was omens of his future in the past that he would actually sit with his mother as a teenager in a parked car and actually go to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance, all in the 50s. 
Einstein said the passage of time is an illusion as everything is happenings at the same time. Time travel is time experienced on an objective level. Traditional time is time experienced on a subjective level but sometimes they cancel each other out. A time travel trip to the past that you will go on tomorrow is a future event. A time travel trip to the future that you came back from yesterday is a past event. 
Time is an algorithm within an algorithm. 
Time is a construct and doesn't care if you set a clock to 11:00 pm or 23:00. 
In the old days there was a maritime province's time zone. If it was 1:00 in BC, it'd be 4:00 in Quebec and 4:30 in Newfoundland. The time zones were Pacific coast, Mountain, Prairie, Atlantic and Newfoundland. Now the Newfoundland time zone is part of the Atlantic time zone. 
Time itself doesn't care. 

Thursday, March 22, 2024

My mind is painting a negative picture about Donald Trump. I don't think he'll come up with the money. Then he'll be sentenced. But a high ranking guy like Trump won't be sent to superman or even Eglinton which is a minimum security prison for white collar crimes that's almost as posh as a country club. He would get house arrest with an electronic ankle monitoring bracelet. 
Even under house arrest, Trump is audacious enough to run for President. He would be like the kingpin who ran a multi million dollar drug empire from within the walls of his prison cell. 
My mind paints sensationalist pictures and scenes that are paced like like my cartoons. Real life is rather more calmer and prosaic than that. 
Maybe Trump will have an angel investor. 
Most things worried about never happen. 

Even though I have worries, I still thank God for the blessings of this day and will not waste an entire day in worry. Just part of a day. 
The old method of set aside ten minutes a day for worry doesn't work. 
What works better is set aside ten minutes a day of not worrying. With a worrier, the rest of the day is spent worrying anyways. 
I have crippling worries yet I press on. Every day is groundhog day. 

Yesterday I took an alternate bus to get to the theatre where Dune 2 was playing. The route going there was so unfamiliar to me that I painted a picture in my mind. The bus won't get there for another hour, at least. This area of the city is so unfamiliar. I wonder if I'll make it back home tonight. It will be interesting to see how that happens. 
The bus got there only 15 minutes after I was thinking that. Having been to the mall where the theatre was, I recognized the place when I got there. 

God gives people things to worry about until they learn the futility of worry or else how to carry on in spite of worry. Keep Calm and Carry On. 

Today I skateboarded near the beach. Again. The same set of moves. The standing at the front balancing from side to side then shifting to regular stance balancing front to back is a good move that is sure to impress. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Devastating. Princess Catherine diagnosed with cancer. 
My well wishes and prayers go to her, that goes without saying. 

My favorite Bible verse is:
Deutronomy 31:8 I am the Lord God who goes before you
I will never leave you
Nor forsake you
Do not worry or be afraid. 

Chemotherapy is taking certain chemicals either orally or the less expensive form of intravenous injection. These chemicals do a number on the mind and body leading to nausea. Cannabis is prescribed to ease the effects of such chemicals. 
The chemicals involved in chemotherapy sound like a mean combination of different types of alkylating agents such as nitrogen mustard, nitrosoureas, platinum analogs, triazenes, alkyl sulfonates and ethyleneimines. 
The chemicals in chemo would give street drugs a run for their money. I'll see you the drain cleaner, battery acid, sudafed and P2P or melamine of crystal meth and I'll raise you nitrogen mustard, alkyl sulfonate and platinum analogs of chemotherapy. 
Common side effects of chemotherapy are alopecia, hair loss, and cachexia, weight loss. 
This would be enough to cause a panic attack. But as one philosopher said, "We suffer more in imagination than in reality." Those chemical agents most likely sound worse than they are. 
Lots of people have done it. It's standard procedure. It's mostly a very peaceful experience. 
Princess Catherine has about at least a 50% odds of beating this. The world is full of people that beat cancer. At least 50% would be great odds in Vegas. There was a movie called 50/50.
The physics of this dimension can be quite wretched at times. 

Today I rode my 'car' to Walmart. I had to get a proper skate helmet. I got a Bell Helmet for $40. 
My look on the skateboard looks like the Apollonian middle class Oriental guy learning the skateboard. My look is the blue vest. 
Most people, even if they're middle class have a rather more Dionysian if not Bacchanalian look. Their look is t shirt and tattoos. 

Apollonian - Apollo, order, military precision 
Dionysian - Dionysus, artistic
Bacchanalian - Bacchus, wine women and song, hedonism and abandon 

I am teaching myself the crouch down stance on the skateboard. Not only crouch down. Do it for some time without falling off and be able to steer. There's no utilitarian function. It's just a very showy flashy move. 
Actually, this move teaches how to Coleman slide and other things like when going off a curb, crouch down, grab the board and jump upward slightly in time to the board going over the curb. 
In the documentary Dogtown and Z Boys, Jay Adams stands on his skateboard, does a flowing dance and then couches down and stays in that position as he skates down a hill. 
He wears white gloves and waves them as he does that. The soundtrack of Jimi Hendrix, Freedom plays. 
There's another picture of Jay Adams as he stands on the front of his skateboard. 
Jay Adams died at age 53. It was at age 53 that I really took to skateboarding like never before. 
I thought skateboards were impractical because there is no steering column and brakes. 
Now skateboarding gives me a real feeling of accomplishment. 
Charles Dickenson wrote, in A Tale of Two Cities
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,"
For me it is the best of times because I got the last available Meepo V5 electric skateboard on Amazon. And I learned some things on the skateboard for the first time. 
But also the worst because I'm going through something I won't get into. 
I still remember to thank God for the beauty that is in every day. A day is as precious as a fine jewel and I won't let even one day go to waste without enjoying the day. 
I worry yet I still have the presence of mind to thank God for the beauty of the distant mountains that I see at the beach. 
There is gold amongst the dross. 

Jay Adams was part of Team Zephyr and he was really talented. However his temperament was that of a college drop out. Sponsorships and tours were too regimented and too much of a hassle so Jay Adams didn't become professional like Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta. Jay Adams got into the drugs. Big time. He got tattoos as well. He had the words TEAM PAIN written on his fingers. 
Even the thought of getting a tattoo gives me a wave of fear, dread and panic. Tattoos means attitude. I think that for me, tattoos are bad. 

"Don't do it like me. Do it like you." Spiderman, Into the Spiderverse

I'm not going to try to be like Jay Adams. Those moves are an influence, a jumping off point where I will develop my own style. 
I would really like to learn the move where the board itself does a quick 180 degree spin while I'm rolling. 

In Moscow, Russia four gunmen shot bullets in a movie theatre. Quite a few people died. 
I wonder what kind of world it is that my mother made me born into. 
This would be on the Steele and Vance segment, "What the hell are they thinking?" 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Psalm 138:8 God will work out His plan for my life. 

Raining today. Awful for skateboarding. 

Today Heather visited. I walked with her for awhile. Often after spending time with her, I walk away feeling completely loved. 

I sold some DVDs and Blu rays at the pawn shop. I only use the internet to watch movies. 
I mainly watch YouTube videos. 

Wracked with worry, I walked around in the afternoon. I got some carrot juice and some vegetable juice with kale. I saw a Palestinian protest on the street. These protests happen once a week. 

I have overbite. At one area, the bottom tooth juts up close to the upper gums. When there is good that is hard or salty or hot and my tooth gnashes that against the upper gum, the result is a pain that I've had before. I don't have too many areas of my teeth that work since half my teeth are gone. I could use my dentures but I don't. I'll have to practice using them. 
For three days, the upper gums of my mouth have been and still are sore. I used antibiotic cream. Finally I got no name brand oraljel and Listerine Cool Mint Zero. This seems to do it but it is still not fully healed. 
For awhile my health anxiety and negativisitic imagination thought it was something much worse. 
I'm sure I had this before. 
A multi front approach:  Colgate gum and sensitivity, Listerine Cool Mint Zero, oraljel and aspirin. 
Smoking tobacco inflames the area and makes the pain worse so I have to put on my doctor's hat and cut down drastically on the smoking for awhile. 

O onset when did it start 
P provocative palliative what makes the pain worse, what makes the pain less
"Doctor it hurts whenever I do this." "Then stop doing that."
Q quality what does it feel like 
R radiating? 
S strength pain on a scale of 1 to 10
T timing how long does the pain last 

In this case, O - 2 days ago, P - smoking and eating makes it worse, oraljel and Listerine makes it better, Q - feels like a first degree burn, R - radiates a bit, not much area of pain is one inch by one-tenth of an inch near my left upper front tooth  S - about a 2 out of 10. T - last for awhile, half an hour to hours unless I use Listerine 

I feel a lot better. I sometimes imagine that when I write on this blog, some people read what I write and say prayers for me or even wish me well just as I wish all of you well. 

The only way I'll be able to do a 180 shuv it on the skateboard is to loosen the trucks. I will loosen them gradually as I get experience. 
A 180 shuv it isn't compulsory. Neither is an Ollie or a kick flip. Once one does a few dollies and kick flips well, they'll be doing it for life. It becomes addictive. Doing those things just wears down the top of the skateboard shoes fast. Replace shoes every three months or what? 
The only compulsory thing on the skateboard is to go from point A to point B without falling off and to do a foot stop. 
Even popping the board to pick it up isn't compulsory but looks better. It's the simplest thing to learn. I'm still learning. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

I have a dream of going to London and see Buckingham Palace. 

Going there is such a hassle and intense and very expensive. I'm making a resolution. I won't go there unless I have over $20,000 in the bank due to a windfall. Otherwise why put pressure on myself to go? 
If I go to London with very little money in the bank, when I return, I'd be broke. 
So to take the pressure off myself, since I'm poor, I won't pressure myself to go to see Buckingham Palace even though I once had an extremely vivid dream about Buckingham Palace. On a scale of 1 to 10, the intensity of that dream was about a 12. Bachman Turner Overdrive. 

I went to Church today. 
I was going to go skateboarding this afternoon. I was going to eskate the Roch, Craigdarroch Castle. 
I opted to stay home and learn a few moves. I know how to ride my skateboard now. I am doing the stance where one foot is in the middle of the board and the other is right on the tail instead of both feet being exactly centered on the board. 
I am learning the move called the Peter Pan. It's a longboard dance move. 

I saw a really nice lady that visited my new neighbour. I just had a glimpse of her. Women look better when you have just a glimpse than when you have a nice long look, sometimes. 
She could have been a prostitute or sister or fiancee. Who knows. 

When I see a couple, I feel happy for them. 
I don't care if I don't have a beautiful girlfriend ever again. A lot of it is ego. Impress others who you don't know or can't stand. 
I don't think I'll get it on ever again. 
If I don't do it well because of a certain physiological dysfunction, there remains a feeling of disenfranchisement. 
If I do it well, then every time I've done it well, there was the thought, "Will I be told that she's pregnant in two weeks?" followed with the usual to be expected mild panic attack. 
A lot of people put their job or their hobby or talent before their spouse. If anything happens to the relationship then there is still the favorite hobby to fall back on. 
I believe that with the information I have now, I think I'll be single for life. 
Single or not, I will always remember to thank God for the beautiful moments that each day has. I thank God for the gift of life. Life has many difficulties but also many blessings. 
Although it would be interesting if I ever meet a lady whom I like in spite of my cautious self. 
Yes. I believe that I could find a girlfriend again. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Every day these days I am working with a load of fear on my back. I am swimming upstream. Native people say that the salmon swims upstream and perseveres. 

Today I went to the harbor and electric skateboarded. Then I went to Starbucks. Then I went to the Legislative Building and Royal BC Museum. 
It could be my paranoid imagination or maybe not but some people were standing looking at me. I think they were plainclothes cops or else security. They might be worried about the battery on the electric skateboard. At the Museum I was told that skateboards were not allowed. 
Finally I came to the conclusion that the best place to skateboard is at a park. 
Best not to skateboard in any areas where there are security guards. 
Even at the Museum, the sidewalk around the museum is public grounds. As long as there are no people and I go slowly then that'd be all right. If there are a lot of people, I will just pick up the skateboard and walk past them just like anywhere else. 
In most places, electric non covered vehicles are legal as long as one doesn't go over 20 miles an hour at most and a helmet at least is worn. Knee pads and elbow pads additionally included are better. 
Do I need hip pads and shoulder pads? 
I would do a fast downhill run if I had hip pads. Fast for me is probably aiming for 35 miles an hour. Chase Hiller goes at 58 miles an hour, top speed. 
I would do it on a non electric longboard but I would need to learn the Coleman slide first. Coleman slides done often really do a number on the wheels. Dollies and kick flops eventually just destroy a tail. 
Moves like the 180 dance shuffle, 180 jump, ride at the front of the board with the feet parallel to the board, Peter Pan, these are moves that don't affect the structure of the board. Structural engineering. 
Moves like ollies, kick flip, tiger claw, Tre flip, all affect the structure of the board. 

Today, I practiced the move called Peter Pan. It is a good move if done right. I was awful at it. Lots of mistakes but it's only my first day. I'll get better as time goes on. 
At one time I thought I'd never be able to do it. 
First is to practice standing with the feet parallel to rather than perpendicular to the board. It will take me about three days to get it well. Today was beginner practicing. 
We'll see how it all pans out. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I went to the Catholic soup line this morning. I saw my friend Susie. And Carol. 
A few of the people who volunteer at the Catholic soup line are middle class and drive cars. For awhile, I envied them for having a car. Today was the first day thst I rolled out of there in a car so to speak, of my own. Suzie has a car too. So the two of us rolled out of there at different times in our own cars like a pair of old yuppies. 

Then I went skateboarding around. I went to Clover Point. Then along Dallas Road to Fisherman's Wharf. At Fisherman's Wharf I saw my friend from Church. 
Then I went home. 

Fortune favors the bold. 
In spite of my current prepossessing worries, I am still going skateboarding. I am remembering to thank God for the gift of this day. Instead of staying in my room huddled in worry, I go around on the skateboard. I wish I learned skateboarding years earlier. 
But at least I learned to twirl the scooter with both arms. Had I learned skateboarding years earlier, I wouldn't have learned that on the scooter. 

I have this set of worries. But these are also the first days that I rode the electric longboard. One day my worries will be over because this kind of worry has a time limit. But nothing can replace the sentimentality of the first ride on the electric skateboard. 
Even tainted with worry, these are golden days. These are days that I first learned a few moves on the skateboard. 

Also one can have a set of worries and have also a certain set of friends with them. One day in the future, the worries are over, but these friends are also no longer around because they moved, left town or died. 
During the pandemic, there were a certain set of friends with me that were already gone when the pandemic ended. 
Life is bittersweet. 

There is a trope I can't get off my mind. A movie. A British guy wakes up and sitson the side of his bed dazed. He looks down groggily and dazed. He did it with such style that now I am doing it all the time. I have these worries that makes me just dazed like the British guy in that movie. Question is, what movie? What movie? 

Holy smokes! Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore collapsed when a ship hit one of the bridges supports. This makes the trucks hitting the roofs of overpasses in BC seem like Tinker toys. The sheer scale of it. 
Francis Scott Key was a lawyer who wrote The Star Spangled Banner. 
Cars were evacuated on the the beforehand. That means they saw it coming even before the ship hit the bridge. Bonkers. 
8 people, perhaps city staff and auxiliary workers, first responders and such were on the bridge at time of collapse. One remains missing. Presumed dead. The News headlines say that 6 people died. 
The gargantuan scale of this disaster brings to mind, remember Gulliver Travels? Gulliver went to one island called Lilliput where everything was super small. He also went to another island called Blefescu where everything was humongous. This bridge disaster reminds me of Blefescu. 
President J.B. said that the Federal government will take on the costs of building a new and better bridge. 
No ship captain would be sh*tting their pants this much since the captain of the Costa Concordia. 
Was liquor involved? 
"How do you fuck that up?!" A History of Violence
How does a ship captain hit a bridge support with such a wide margin of error? Was he not trained? 
The incident was the result of a power failure on the ship. The ship captain May-dayed personnel on the bridge about the power failure. 

Plays Pleasant. Plays Unpleasant. George Bernard Shaw 
Moves practical. Moves impractical.
Standing, varial 180 jumps, standing on the front of the skateboard feet parallel to, Ollie are all practical moves. Practical for travelling from point A to point B. 
Kick flip, shuv it, Peter Pan, Tre flips, rail grinding are all impractical moves. These moves are Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus moves. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Today, I am going to take my cruiser board around. It's built very well. 
I got the $150 Santa Cruz model. There is a larger $250 Santa Cruz model that features the screaming hand design. $250 is too much to pay for a large cruiser. I'd pay $100 for a used one in good condition. My cruiser has an 8.25" wide deck. The screaming hand model has a 8.4" wide deck. It's the full size model for larger riders who weigh over 200 lbs. 
My electric longboard has a 11.1" wide edck. 

Every once in awhile, I have an epic day. 

This morning, I went to the pawnshop. I was thinking of getting a bass guitar but I won't use the bass guitar for hours a week like I will a skateboard. 

Then I went to Influence Board Shop and got a Santa Cruz Jim Philips design toxic screaming hand cruiser with a 9.7" wide deck. I got a better one than I expected. 
I was expecting to get the rose one. But I got the one with the amanita muscaria mushrooms design. Aka Toxic Screaming Hand 
Not only that. I didn't like the original 58 mm wheels. I got them switched out to 60 mm wheels just like the street amoeba. The ride is much better, smooth like butter. Goes longer distances and faster. 
While my Santa Cruz street amoeba cruiser board is 8.25* wide, my new Santa Cruz screaming hand has a 9.7" wide deck. It's more the size of Marty McFly's skateboard. His skateboard is from the Madrid company and had yellow 58 mm wheels. 
I also got grip cleaner which is a big soft rubber eraser for $12. It works only a little bit. It's a strange thing. I don't know how it cleans the grip tape exactly. 

The original 58 mm wheels are indeed slower and has more ground resistance but this is better for kick flips, ollies, etc. You don't want a board to slip out from under you so wheels with more resistance is better. At competitions, even with those small wheels, the skateboards go at a pretty good clip. 
With 58 mm wheels I have to push kick 3 times to clear a certain area. With the 60 mm wheels, I can clear that area with one kick push. 
Walmart regular skateboard wheels are awful. The Walmart pintail longboard has better wheels. Pintail is California style. 

58 mm wheels have the shape of the circus clown wheels of the Rodney Mullen tricks style regular skateboards. They are smaller than 60 mm wheels and the ride is totally different. 60 mm wheels ride much better. 

Heather visited me today. We went out for awhile.. We sat at a stone bench near the Catholic Church. 

The I went to the Butterfly Garden. Lots of amazing animals. I saw the crocodile whose case is before the courts. There was lots of beautiful butterflies and there was a flamingo there too. 

I brought my mini cruiser board. I popped the tail in the rain and wet ground a few times. Now the tail looks weird, soggy. It's not razor tail so it should still pop to Ollie. Dry ground, sunny weather and popping it a few times will get rid of the soggy texture. I only popped it on soggy ground no more than ten times. It wasn't like it was a hundred times. Sandpaper can also wear away the soggy texture patch on the tail of my cruiser board. 

Then I went to Sidney BC. I walked around and then had a rice dinner at a Thai restaurant. I was hungry. But there was so much food I couldn't eat it all. Thinking for a second that I had to eat all that food right there on the spot gave me a mild panic attack that lasted 5 seconds. I soon got my composure back and ate a little more and then took the rest of the food to go. 
I skated my street amoeba cruiser soggy tail and all on the seaside path near the pier and the beach. It's a good short sweet skate path and skating it was as therapeutic as always. 

The feeling that I've been away from my apartment room for too long, I went home on the bus. It was a long wait at the bus stop but that gave me more time to soak up the vibes of that wonderful town. 

I hope the slightly soggy tail of the street amoeba isn't something to worry about. 
My street amoeba is fine. The sogginess dried up quickly and it still pops good. If ten tail pops on slightly wet ground could destroy a skateboard then it isn't much of a skateboard. Skateboards are made of wood. Wooden houses have withstood storms. 

I saw the Santa Cruz gold edition regular skateboard at Influence board shop. I saw it on a YouTube video earlier this morning not knowing that later, I'd actually see it. The Santa Cruz gold edition regular skateboard has gold tracks, I mean trucks. Probably gold plated. I did once see a gold colored stunt scooter. Stunt scooters are heavier. They are made to be durable. I don't do stunts. I only travel. A lighter scooter is one I can twirl. 

One day, I'll have to bite the bullet and loosen the trucks so I can do a 180 shuv it. One day months down the road. I'll have to do it methodically. Measure the turns. Try loosening it one half turn per truck. Measure it precisely. I fear losing the original tension of the trucks. Looser trucks means a tighter turning radius and easier to do slides, shuv its, etc. 
A lady from the UK completed the 60 Hour Marathon. She slept for only 3 minutes during those 3 gruelling days of marathon running. She completed the marathon with only 99 seconds left in the 60 hour cut off. 
She might have been thinking the most bizarre thoughts like, "If I hadn't have slept those three minutes, I would completed the marathon three minutes earlier."
Thats not how it works. Had she not slept those three minutes, she wouldn't have completed the marathon at all due to medical exhaustion. That's fuzzy math. 

Before this year is over, I'll complete the cartoon Cyberpunk Police. 
I'm all cartooned out. I did 4 cartoons in as many months, The Bee, X-Mas Elf, Steampunk Police, and Seal PR. 
Details. I'm still trying to decide what a cyberpunk dining room table looks like. Some things don't change that much over the centuries, cutlery, furniture, etc Just draw whatever dining room table and chairs. There's a thousand ways to draw it. This look, that look, whatever look will be more or less accepted. 

Marty Mcfly Madrid skateboard dimensions, width 9.5". Wheels 58mm yellow. 
My Santa Cruz toxic screaming hand cruiser dimensions, width 9.7", Wheels 60 mm red. 

My skateboard is slightly wider giving it that large slipper kind of feel. And 60 mm is superior for just travelling from point A to point B. I think my cruiser is better. 
The Marty Mcfly time traveller look influence is good but at the end of the day, I'm doing it differently, my style. My cruiser is different just like my clothes are different from Marty Mcfly. Somewhat similar but different. 

I intensely love my Santa Cruz skateboards. They surpassed expectations. 

I am learning the emergency stop. It's a good move. 
Today I shredded the area near Butterfly Garden. 
Shred - travelling below 20mph 
Bomb - downhill at over 20 mph

I am going to learn to Ollie in less than two months. 

Physics. First compress. Then decompress and jump, then pop the tail then scratch the outer corner of front foot across the front of the board. Jump the back foot higher than the board as well. Then land on the board. Easier said than done. 

Pop to emergency stop. 
Pop to Ollie. 

How to learn. 
1. With eyes open while stationary. 
2. With eys closed while stationary. 
3. With eyes open of course while moving. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024 

Yesterday, I e-skated the Roch. Craigdarroch Castle. 

Today was a major day. 
On the spur of the moment, I went to Vancouver to get an electric cruiser board at Eevee's on Pender Street. 
Going to Vancouver takes a long time. 

As I was waiting at the bus stop outside my apartment, I saw two Police cars, an SUV and a regular squad car. That was an omen I'd get my skateboard. There were two Police cars forming two units. Me and my skateboard also form two units. 

Another Police omen. When I got to Bridgeport Station, at the landing, a Transit Police Officer had a suspect in handcuffs. The Officer got the suspect. Also, I would get my skateboard. 

I got there and went to Eevee's and got the electric cruiser. On the bus on the way to Vancouver, there was someone who had an electric nickel board. Cruiser is more my style. 

On the way to Eevee's I walked through the most run down part of the downtown Eastside. I went to Hastings and Carrall. If one can walk through that area, then anything else will be a breeze. Don't walk through that area too often. 
When I was there I saw a vendor selling funko pops. He had four funko pops, the complete band of ZZ Top in three separate funko pops and a John Cena funko pop. 
I already have more than enough funko pops. 

In Vancouver, I walked around Chinatown and went to the old Stathcona neighborhood which I knew when I was very young. A walk down memory lane. I walked past the green house that my grandmothers sister Yeepo lived in. The house is still there. 
When I listen to the radio show Mysterious Traveler on YouTube, the shows are set in the 30s to 50s. I imagine living in that old Stathcona neighborhood in the 30s to 50s listening to that radio show. Vancouver has a deep rich vibe that I know well. 

I went to Kent's kitchen. No dine in. Take out only. Also cash only. I ordered golden deep fried pork. I thought of getting crispy pork but after bringing it home on the ferry, it would no longer be crispy. 
I walked past Gain Wah. The restaurant looks totally dilapidated due to a fire. 
I went to the Noodle and Congee restaurant at Tinseltown mall. I had wontons in soup. It's a nice light yet protein packed lunch. The talent of the cooks at the restaurants in Vancouver are profound. 

Then I went and hung around downtown for about 15 minutes then I went home. Long trip. Wait for the Skytrain, ride the Skytrain then bus from Bridgeport to BC Ferries then wait an hour and a half for the next ferry. Then an hour and a half on the ferry then another hour on the bus. Left at about 10 am. Got back at 9:30 pm. 

Another weird story. 
When I was on the ferry on the way back, I sat next to the electricity plug ins. I was using it to recharge my skateboard. Someone had a cell phone plugged in and it was playing an Oriental song. I could have interpreted it as racist but I am not the standard bearer for all Oriental people. I am not a typical Oriental. I can write English very well. Better than a lot of people. I can speak a little bit of a few languages including Polish. I don't know about you but every time I think of an Oriental person, I think of a person who can speak Polish. 
Lots of White people eat Oriental food often especially if they're living in Asia as an expat. Agent K in Blade Runner 2049 often eats Oriental food. 
Then at Swartz Bay, as I was getting in the bus, a large guy said to me, "Will you stop it? Your dancing is getting on my nerves. Thank you for stopping." 
The another guy said to me, "Your dancing is good. I like it. Don't listen to people like that." 
The large guy sat a few seats in front of me and then while he was looking at his iPad, he was clapping. 
People work in patterns. He'll talk to other people like that. How they will respond is another thing. Unless he stops. Sometimes people suddenly stop something. 
Trips, vacations can have edgy moments. But edgy moments are never the entirety of a vacation. There are mostly good moments, great moments, even heavenly moments. Vancouver has a deep rich heavenly vibe. 

Edgy moments are all omens. Death omens. All bad omens are death omens. Sometime in the next little while I'll hear of someone who I know's death. 
Or else omens that something bad happened. Edgy moments are often omens about an event that will be announced on the News. 
Indeed I found out on the News later on that in Vancouver this evening, multiple gun shots were fired at Robson and Richards. No one was injured but the scene was bizarre. One of the shooters stood near the drivers side. The passenger side has a passenger open the door and run away. The shooters were shooting at him as he ran. The driver wasn't shot even though the shooter was standing right next to the drivers side. My guess is the driver had a gun and flashed it or else bystanders would have been yelling at that point and the shooters panicked. Most people would run away from a scene like that. I would. If you see people running fast towards a scene like that wearing ordinary clothing, that's undercover Police and the shooters would have been expecting that. Which is why they too quickly ran away from there. 
Then on 28th Avenue and Victoria Drive, someone was done in yesterday. I live in Victoria. 

I have mad respect, crazy respect for skaters who can do an Ollie and a kick flip etc. 
That's one school of skateboarding. 
Ollie and kick flips require a lot of jumping which seems distractive from the minimalist goal of travelling from Point A to point B. 

When I was in Vancouver, I saw someone I once knew named Jeff. He works at a Community Centre or used to as he retired. I told him I am 53. He said that I'm still very young. What kind words. A true gentleman. 

Oh yeah, at the ferry terminal in Tsawwassen on the way back, I thought I saw a lady I knew who looks like Lora. I asked her if her name was Laura because she looks like someone I knew named Laura. She said, I get that a lot. 
A few ladies have said that to me that a few peop have mistaken them for someone else. 
I once asked a lady named Michelle at a Church of some kind if she is the Michelle I knew in high school. This Michelle is about ten years older than me. She's ten years older and went to high school at the same time as I did. Yeah, sure. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

I rode my Meepo Mini Dual for the first time today. Yesterday, when I bought the board and rolled it right out of the store, it went for about twenty minutes then the battery just went. I carried it or rode it non electric. 
I saw a bunch of skateboarders yesterday. As I was using my compass card to open the two swinging doors at the Skytrain station, as I did that, a few teenage skateboarders ran run past me through the open doors. I thought that was a compliment, that I'm a skateboarder too. 
The skateboarders I saw were next level. They sat on their skateboards. In the ghost world, ghosts sit on things that aren't traditionally chairs as if to say they transcended the rules of the physics of this dimension. It was spectral. I thought sitting on the skateboard, the grip tape would ruin the pants. That's why one holds the skateboard grip tape side away front clothing worn on the body. 
And they had words spray painted in silver on the grip tape. Words like cool, ass, goof, d*ck, etc 
These skateboarders even though they are teenagers are next level. Levels of skateboarding ignores age. Vancouver skateboarders are on another level. 

I plan to get better. I can do wheelies now. A wheelie is a manual that's under 3 seconds. A manual is a wheelie that lasts longer than 3 seconds. 
I skateboarded for a bit on Granville Street yesterday. 
I can barely do wheelies. I still do them not well. It will take more practice. 

Manuals are the key to doing a 180 board swivel. 
There are manuals, nose manuals, front manual,s, heel manuals where the feet are parallel to the board at the front and back of the board respectively.

Ollies, kick flip etc requires a lot of jumping. Jumping. Jumping. It's no longer about just riding and commuting. It's about jumping and often. 

The Meepo Mini dual has a short battery life. About little over an hour, that's it. The Meepo electric longboard I have has way more range. 

The Mini Dual requires a two to three hour charging time. 

Skate parks are Kafkaesque. That being said, I wouldn't mind learning to Ollie and kick flip. This will take about three years or more. I really want to learn how to swivel the board 180 degrees quickly. I have to loosen the trucks. One day. 
There is a Church in Port Coquitlam called Belong Church. That place looks Kafkaesque. It has a parkour obstacle course, a skate park and rock climbing wall and a Church. 
All those things are more or less synonymous anyways. 

Epic places to skate, specifically. 
The hill near the seaplane airport. Dallas Road. All of it, no braking from the top of the hill all the way to Ogden Point. Near Ogden Point the ground levels out making it easier to stop. 
Epic places to e skate. UBC and UVIC. And do it like Neena Beena or with her influence. Neena Beena Rides Landyachts Switchblade 38. 
There is a Landyachts warehouse in Vancouver at Union Street but I didn't go. It slipped my mind. 
What also slipped my mind is spaghetti at the Ovaltine Cafe. That place makes good spaghetti. And good prices too especially these days. Prime Time chicken is a good place for good food, good portions and cheap prices. 

So much has changed since the 70s. Now is a gentler time where all people are on the average way more self taught and educated because of the internet. 

I'm going to Vancouver again soon. I have to make arrangements for lodging. What arrangements? Get a credit card. That's the arrangement. Stay at a hotel. 

Last week was epic. On Thursday I went to the Butterfly Gardens and then to Sidney. On Saturday, I went to Vancouver. A week ago, I had no idea that I'd do all that. Certainly not two weeks ago. A week ago I'd already heard about the crocodile at the Butterfly Garden. 
Vancouver was major. Vancouver is the majorly one. 

I want to say that I love Vancouver intensely. 
When I was young all I saw was anger and grudges or else fear. I was mad and held grudges or was afraid of people and things that I either forgot or were so stupid that I now wonder how I could have thought the way. 
Now when I'm old all I see is love. I love the city and the people I used to know there. I love this city too. In Vancouver, the West Side is heavenly but the East side is heavenly too. I have a sense in me that picks up good vibes and Vancouver is saturated with good heavenly vibes that I can sense. 
The memories of decades past fills my heart with love for all the people I met. 
This town is heavenly. I feel at home in this town. 
"Home again, home again, jiggety jig." Blade Runner

Most probable outcomes of the 2024 Provincial election in order are:
Most likely: Premier David Eby gets a minority government. 
2nd most likely: Premier David Eby loses the election. 
Least likely: Premier David Eby gets a majority government. 
That's the case with any election where the incumbent leader is running for reelection. 

I'm going to try pedialyte. It's a drink that rehydrates in times of chronic physical stress like heat exhaustion, overwork etc. It has more electrolytes then sports drinks and has vitamins and nutrients. Cost: $7.99 a bottle at London Drugs. Extra strength is the same price.