Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Expectations vs reality. Paint an anxiety picture in the brain before an event, go to the event, event was much better than expected.
Get a healing touch.
Massage helps people in stressful times.
The same thing that got me into this is the same thing that will get me out of this and that's the R complex. The R complex is reptilian and goes back to dinosaur days. It flares up during events involving life and death about itself or clan members it instinctively protects.
When something isn't seen for a long tkme, the R complex automatically turns off this response.
Never underestimate the power of the mind to forget. In the spirit world, entities can forget, screen out events easily. In this dimension, thoughts one tries to forget about stick around for a couple of minutes. Of course as the Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar said, it's impossible to hold any single thought for as long as three minutes.
I think the Police love me. I love the Police as well.
The Police love all of us. Sometimes they have to demonstrate tough love.
I'm going to have to have a talk with you about languages.
There is verbal as well as a non verbal language that are unique to cultures. Every culture speaks a different language. And cultures have a certain set of non verbal actions exclusive to that culture or group of cultures. Thailand has the Wai, the west has the handshake, the streets have the fistbump with different variations sometimes almost exclusive to certain neighborhoods. West Coast fist bump, East Coast fist bump.
Even genders have their often exclusive vocabulary and non verbal gestures.
Yeah, well anyways, professions also have a set of exclusive lexicon and also non verbal communication. The Police have that. The fire department has that. The medical industry has that. Etc etc
"I can't tell you that I love you, in public, read my lips." Michael Franks, Read My Lips
The Police won't say I love you. They could demonstrate it by standing by your side for a few moments while on the street, or driving up close to you, pausing for a bit and driving away.
On the day that Heather departed, I went to the bench at City Hall where we sat together for the last time. I sat on that bench and just wept. Super sad. Then I saw a Police van. In my mind, I thought, "It's as if the Police van is non verbally saying," Get out of there. Too many sad memories."
The departed would want you to remember the first and the best days, don't focus on what you got wrong in the last days. Spirits have the power to completely forget.
I'm always beating myself up for not having called or visited her more during the last months. I was kind of avoiding her because every time I saw her, there was something worse like more and more chunks of her scooter having broken off. When someone has a health issue and each time you see them they're appearing worse and worse and as a result of their own choices.
Yesterday, I got a healing touch. I went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned. The procedure was standard and nothing out of the ordinary was done. But because of my stressful time, it registered to me as a healing touch.
What would you think if I went to a massage parkour and got an oil massage? That would be a healing touch. A lot of cultures are ones where neighbours and family members often massage one another. Canada isn't such a culture unless you're in a rarefied circle of friends.
Non sexual massage. The masseuse can touch you but you can't touch the masseuse. Even one touch. Doing! There could be trouble, there could not. But why take a chance?
An oil massage is a healing touch that in stressful times helps one to recconnwwith reality.
A story. Flooded island. As the waters were rising, a man was asking God to help him. A truck, a boat and a helicopter arrived and each time, the man turned them down saying, "I'm waiting for God to help me." The he died and saw God in the afterlife and said, "Why didn't you help me?"
God said, "I sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter."
Yesterday God sent me a healing touch. I'd be a fool to spend the evening ruminating on loss when I could ruminate on the healing touch that I got.
"Old and busted? Or new hotness?" Will Smith
"Run Luke, run!" Star Wars
Last week I went to Subway and saw a newspaper on the table. The one word headline on the top of the page read, "Go!"
One might think that verbal and nonverbal forms of language are more direct forms than the read between the lines form of language that the departed use to communicate with us. In time you grow to see that it is the most direct from of communication of them all as you acquire increasing fluency in this form of language.
There are two extremes when it comes to this. Warning, graphic:
In one example a person holds a gun to their head weeping and wanting to join their departed friend wishing they could know that departed friend is all right. Meanwhile all through the day, signs, turn on the television and someone with nearly the same name, maybe a couple of letters different appears. They used to have a favorite flower, he opens a magazine and sees a picture of a flower. But glosses it all over. All of it. Irritating Ly dismissing it as meaningless coincidence.
I another example a person turns the self in to the Police station. The person did someone in and all day has been seeing signs that remind of the one that was done in. Faces and words, messages on ads, television shows etc. I'm sure the Police may have heard stories like that.
Stages of life don't only start with gestation etc. Apparently, there is a pre life stsge of life as a soul who is about to incarnate goes through a prep school period. After one departs to the afterlife and has a life review, this pre life stsge of life comes up in the life review. Mind blowing or what?
It is implied in the word afterlife that what happens after death is yet another stsge of life continuing from the last.
I sometimes wonder if anyone is stealing my stuff on the internet and making money from it. I don't worry because since we are all creations of God, any deal between me and another person is a deal between not two but three entities, me, the other party involved and God.
"Whatever you do to the least of them, you also do to me." The Bible
The best kind of grief is grief coupled with Stockholm syndrome which is what I think I'm having.
The situation I was in was toxic. Not on any deliberate level but there was the codependency, the emotional blackmail of caregivers burnout, the sheer depressing bature of having a friend you love who everytime you saw them no matter how much work you were doing for them, the health never got any better.
Most people would quickly abandon such a situation but I stuck with it and when she moved on, I got grief and survivor's guilt. I should have done more. But faced with such health problems, there was a window of time that they would have went anyways, work or no work.
Today I skateboarded to Esquimalt.
Crossing the Johnson Street Bridge, I passed the spot where me and Beebs used to sit.
The I remembered a quote,
"He has grown young." Bram Stoker
Beebs has grown young.
I passed by a really nice small beach. I was sad that Beebs couldn't be with me to see this. This will be a difficult summer without Beebs.
Wrong. Beebs is with me now.
"I'm right here!" I've heard another friend say that in a dream.
This will be the first summer truly spent together.
First time I went there? Who do I think guided me there?
You learn all this in Spirit 101.
Remember me last week weeping? Beebs was with me the whole time.
Lego ghost.
A visible object can be animate or inanimate.
Therefore an invisible object can be animate or inanimate. Within the invisibility tapestry there are patches of animate and inanimate just like with the visibility tapestry.
Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
I want to hook up with Beebs again in the afterlife. But it might not be for 30 years. So until then, it's hookers and hand jobs aka the breakfast of champions and nooners at the local Swedish massage parlour.
Dream afternoon nap.
I was walking West on View between Douglas and Blanchard. Then in front of Empire Donuts, I saw Suzie. She invited me into her BMW and drove me to Fort St and Douglas in front of Dutch Bakery. During the ride, the interior was brown and reminded me of a Church organ. I heard the engine rev.
Then I walked up a stairway to a room that reminded me of the home office of the writer in the movie The Ghost Writer that was a library. I think I saw Heather. She was sitting five feet away in front of a library desk. She was thin, slight. She looked like she lost quite a bit of weight. She was wearing a blue top and leggings all with a green blue leafy camouflagey design. I saw her left side profile. She was sitting facing the left. She didn't look at me.
She wasn't disabled at all.
She exuded a calm energy like the dream I had of my grandfather in 1993.
I glossed it, thinking, oh Heather is there.
There were two black apple phones on the desk stacked on top of one another. Both phones lit up. I wanted to ask about a book but I chose the bottom phone where a really mean girl who works at the library was on the line. I picked up that line.
The mean girl said, "Why the fuck did you pick up my line? Leave me the fuck alone!"
I just wanted to ask about a book.
First of all, I try not to think about Suzie. As far as I am concerned, she is none of my business. Strange I'd have a dream about her.
Luke Skywalker: What do you think of her?
Han Solo: I'm trying not to.
Second, I don't think of the library very much. I think of other things. I feel neutral about the library. I don't need anything at the library any more than I need something from an ethnic restaurant where I don't know anything on the menu.
Maybe the librarian said the word fuck to remind me to use that word more often in my writings because I don't use that word very often any more. A lot of the books in the library have that word.
"They send soldiers to bomb villages but won't let them write the word fuck on their airplnes." Apocalypse Now
I'm not bothering to draw a picture of Empire Donuts and Douglas Street. You already know what it looks like. Didn't look much different in the dream.
Heather looks away and not at me because she feels profound regret. When she saw me weep last week, she knew that in making the lifestyle choices that she did, she missed a chance to spend more time with me. She saw what she missed out on. I miss her too.
I don't know why she looks away and not at me. Who can understand women?
There wasn't much time and Heather knew that. Spirits always know when a dream is about to end! The dream was very quick.
During her Earthly phase of life, I did speak with Heather about that mean lady.
One time when I was pushing Heather in her wheelchair, we went past that mean librarian as she was walking out of a store. Perhaps that was an omen of the dream.
Could the empty chair next to her represent a place for me?
So little means so much. The spirits are efficient. The library represents that Heather is impressed with my body of knowledge. She's going to the library to learn too.
She is at the library to show me that she is interested in knowledge the way a person who usually doesn't wear glasses will wear glasses to speak with a reputed intellectual. Why only wear glasses when you have the power to conjure up an entire library?
Dreams are a form of remote viewing. During remote viewing, guess what you see? Ghosts. It goes without saying that if you see a ghost, they also see you. People in dreams are ghosts including yourself. That means when I saw Heather in the dream, she saw me too even though she wasn't looking directly at me.
"But you're not looking at it."
"I can see it notwithstanding." A Christmas Carol
"One sees not with the eyes but with the atoms." Paramahansa Yogananda
Dreams where a car takes one to the afterlife visitation center.
In 2003, I had a dream where I saw a Datsun 510. It was the same colour and make of the car that my aunt who was a librarian had. I saw the car in the dream on what I recognized as Charoensanitwong Road in Bangkok where I used to live near. The car took me to Vancouver where I saw my dead friend Tam who took me to an art room with white wall, and ceiling and white kitchen cabinet above the sink where I saw my dead mother. The Datsun 510 flew, just like the cars in the Harry Potter movie.
The in this dream Suzie gives me a lift which was before I saw Heather at the library.
I might as well tell you this story. It would interest the Vatican.
On the night that Heather shuffled the mortal coil, I phoned Suzie. She didn't call back. Suzie is Catholic.
On the day my guinea pig Lori died, I called my then and now dead girlfriend Maria, Catholic. She didn't call back.
The story of the death of Lori.
I picked up her to hold in my arms one morning. She did seem listless over the last few days. When I picked her up and carried her to my bed, she made a move demanding to be let down. She ran under my pillow but quickly turned around and ran towards me and nudged my leg hard with her head. I picked her up and then she died. She shivered and shuddered and then big shudder. And then she was gone. The whole time I was petting her and gently saying, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you."
I went into grief after that. Wailing and then weeping that lasted for two days.
On each occasion, I called before the death occurred or else before I heard the news.
And on each occasion I didn't get my call returned. Well, zero out of two isn't bad.
I've known Suzie for nearly ten years and in all that time we never sat down together even once for coffee. That's the Universe's way of saying that this is a lost cause. Read the signs. Recognize.
When one sees a departed person in their dreams whom they knew wheel, the first thought often is, "When I was told that person died, that must have been a lie because the person is here in front of me."
"Mr Fezziwig, he's alive again!" A Christmas Carol
Tonight I went on a sunset skateboard ride with my toxic screaming hand cruiser. At one point, I said, "Oh Bee!" I had my headphones on so this makes it more poignant that just then I heard a couple of young ladies giggling softly sitting at a cafe table in the distance. The two young ladies were sitting there with a young man.
That was Beebs giggling. On one level. See how the read between the lines language works?
Sometimes spirit will use people to convey a message through synchronicity.
"Well, you are either in possession of a very new human ability or a very old one." Stephen King, The Dead Zone
When a person goes on, they pop out of the top of their head like a chick popping out of a chicken egg. That's the right idea...
Tonight I saw some really smokingly beautiful young blonde ladies in a car, like California jizzathon smokingly beautiful. They yelled a friendly yell and waved at me. Of course I waved back!
Beebs visited me in a dream. Heaven looks more hardcore. Watch the first few minutes of the 3:42 video on YouTube of Magic of Chong Quing City in 4K from uploader Walk East. That should give you an idea.
The dream world is an in between zone where the spirits of the departed can visit the spirits of the living. They have to lower their vibration a tad so they don't appear as majorly as they would in actual heaven.
"I'm a living spirit, you idiot!" Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
Dracula is a love story. A man suffering grief crosses a river of time of centuries to reunite with his love. There's a bit of Freudian transference going on because what he reunites with is someone who merely looks like her.
Of course to do that, he needs blood to survive. What's the difference between that and a lawyer? Joking. Lawyers are very good people.
Like Dracula, I plan to stay single and to wait to see my love, Beebs again. Unlike Dracula, I won't drink any blood to do it.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
I'm thinking of this kind of spirit stuff since last week when Beebs put on her boogie shoes and started to dance because I care a lot about the sweetness. Other people in my life died but somehow I don't care as much.
I used to say to Heather and did say on the very last day I saw her as she was during her Earth phase,
"I love you like the flowers and the grass loves the sun and the rain."
"Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor the wind the sun and the rain." Blue Oyster Cult
I didn't make this connection until after Beebs died.
"I heard your mama cry. I heard her cry the night Chicago died."
I watched a movie called I Care A Lot.
It's about a lady scammer who uses some white collar criminal method to abduct a rich lady and to absconded with all her money.
Little does the scammer know that the rich lady's son is connected to the Russian criminal network who in the movie is none other than Tyrion Lannister himself. Based on a true story. The scammer gets done in but not in the way you'd expect. I write done in a lot because the other word is too scary and gives me a slight panic attack. Scary word.
Intrusive and unwanted thoughts are the coin of the realm in my mind.
I'm guessing that the spirits might say, "You're suffering under the physics of this dimension. It's not the real you."
The spirits place great sentimentality in this World. In its own way, life on Earth is also a majorly phase of life. To the spirits, this is the rock star phase of life.
I might not write for a few days. It never pays to be too long winded. Sometimes the more you say, the less you say.
I'll play it by ear.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Women are like waiting for a bus. Miss one and another one comes along.
Which is what happened in Sidney BC four days before the day of the departure.
Weird symbolic coincidence?
I usually put my bus pass in my back pocket. I don't put anything else there so I can find it. I've done it every other time. This time I couldn't find it. I was going to pay for busnfare again but the bus door closed and took off.
The I found it was in my front pocket. I put it there for some reason.
Just two minutes before the second bus arrived, three RCMP Police cars arrived st the bus stop. I noticed one RCMP Officer driving past me. He had the computer laptop and was looking right at me and everyone else at the bus stop. Then the bus arrived.
The usual typical paranoid thought is, "Is it me the Police are after?" If they were after someone, they would have jack knifed the bus, waved the driver down. The bus stops, the doors open and the Police board the bus and get the culprit. That didn't happen.
As a child, one is given the advice," Don't do anything wrong, then you don't have to worry about the Police."
The RCMP in Sidney were staking out the bus stop because a few days earlier, someone got stabbed and killed at that bus stop. It was on the News.
Farfetched because of a personal hangup.
Today I went to the beach where me and Heather went. I saw a lady who looks a lot like a young Heather swimming. It must be nice to be able to swim after spending four years in a wheelchair.
Then half an hoir later at another part of the beach at Holland Park, I saw a lady jogging who again, young Heather.
An hour later, a lady crossed my path. I had to stop my skateboard. She had a nice curly hair style curly almost to the point of dreadlocks, parted to the side.
Ghost can change into five outfits in 5 seconds. Appear as young then teenager, then adult, then old, snap, snap, snap, snap, that quick.
Ghosts can use people as conduits and give a bit of a fashion show.. Different outfit changes, for you.
Far fetched? Probably. Well, don't ever lose that imagination.
The day was nice. Sunny.
Not a cloud in the sky, this is immediately after five days of intense rain, extremely cloudy. Today I got some Japanese post-stickers at the grocery store. Save money. Restaurant kind of pricey.
Haunted houses. Implied notion that ghosts are only residing indoors and there's no ghosts at all, zilch on the street. They only haunt buildings.
Ghosts can pass through walls but somehow can't be on the streets. Wrong.
Never mind about the legendary haunted houses in a town. The streets are full of ghosts. The vast majority of them are friendly and watch over people.
Every town that's old enough is going to have haunted buildings etc.
If I knew the full array of powers that those in the majorly phase of life have, I'd be amazed.
"Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
Stae Wars
Well, departed Lego ghost friends can multi locate. Can see you from any vantage point and instantaneously change like seeing a television show with its multiple camera angles. They can watch over you and a few other of their friends on Earth all while doing their own thing in heave. Linear time doesn't allow you to do that but that dimension operates on a different time dynamic.
They can inject thoughts into minds.
Inject emotion into heart.
They can change appearance quickly one after the other like a card dealer dealing cards.
The Purgyll in Star Wars can light speed travel. They themselves are the light speed vehicle. Afterlife spirits have that.
Spirits don't need a time machine. In the spirit world, the person themselves are the time mschine. Scrooge guided by spirits visited the past present and future, looking from outside of a window into a room to see friends. Even if the window was on the third story, he could do it without using a ladder, just floating.
A spirit used to enjoy a television show. Now they can attend a live taping sitting with the live studio audience.
Matt Fraser said that spirits understand your tomorrow better than you understand yesterday.
I don't know if I can make it without Beebs but she certainly can make it without me given the exquisite physics of heaven. But Beebs doesn't have to make it without me. See, a spirit can simultaneously do the Einsteinian time dilation thing where to you it's 30 years but to them its a few minutes later until they see you again in heaven and simultaneously be watching you every moment every day for the rest of your life.
Departed spirits have these powers. However, the even more majorly ones like angels, and Jesus have these powers and more, let alone God.
You see why I feel anxiety every day. After writing this, how can I face society? Fifty years ago, they would have sent someone like this to a mental hospital. But in this day and age, people would say, when it comes to all the other people who are interested in this topic, you are a rather mild case. There are a lot who are even more intense such as paid professional psychics. They can read not only themselves but also other people.
I never read myself to begin with. I just use my intuition and inference. That is along the lines of the same energy, just a more dilute form of it. Also I read a lot of books and gleaning from that and following the science.
Fundamentalist science only deals with physical phenomenon. It doesn't deal with spirits. Even fundamentalist religions are on different points in the curve when it comes to this.
Science and religion are very regimented and circumscribed. They don't go for out of the box thinking. Or do they? Things are changing. The internet has changed things.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Mourn. Feel sad.
The spirits might say, You're only focusing on one side of the coin again.
You're thinking so cold, so final instead of so warm, so eternal. So cold? So final? That's projection. Your dimension has cold and contains finality. To us, you are the dead."
Remember Vilnius, expectations vs reality.
Grief processing thought exercise.
Don't talk to the departed friend in a tone like you're making a long distance phone call. Talk as if the person is in the room with you. Like with ventriloquism, don't throw your voice as if to a distance far away. Throw it as if to someone standing next to you.
Another exercise is to give them a spirit hug. Pour all your emotions of regrets of not being there more in the last days while doing the spirit hug. Chances are high that they are actually there because they are not hugging your body but your living spirit.
When one first goes through grief, the departed spirit would say, "Remember, I am right here!"
Then you remember and think of them next to you all the time.
After awhile, it gets to the point where you have to start living your life again so at that point the departed spirit would say, "Pretend I'm not here."
"Take a wild fucking guess." Midnight Run
There are intuitive mediums and evidential mediums. Most people can be intuitive mediums which is to guess what the departed spirit might say remembering their personality and through gleaning through years of reading spiritual books or watching YouTube videos.
An evidential medium is a rock star. Evidential mediums can read other people not just themselves and bring up specific details like the nicknames used.
In this town there are professional evidential mediums that offer readings for money.
Yesterday during a sleepy phase, I drifted off and heard the word blackmail in a voice that sounded like it was yelled. Just because it was a hypnagogic voice it doesn't mean it is about anyone in particular.
The caregiver burnout experience and emotional blackmail go hand in hand.
The person stays deliberately ill so the caregiver would be guilt bound to them making it difficult to hang out with other people. But how or why would someone get deliberately ill? Wouldn't that be painful and depressing?
I admit that I don't have a lot of uh, sexual fantasies about my departed girlfriend when she was on Earth and certainly not now. She might see me doing my thing and think, "I always knew the guy had issues but I wasn't clear as to what extent. Holy fuck. And I thought I had issues. And none of those women he looks at has my body type!"
She might say, "Don't worry, we'll be together again and there is something much better and deeper than physical intimate relations." If there's something better than balls deep in your c*nt for an entire weekend where even a firehose, a crowbar and a loud whistle wouldn't be able to separate us, I sure don't know about it.
Today, afternoon nap hypnagogic voice: A pop song, lyrics," The lollipop solidarity." Don't ever lose that imagination. I hope I don't get taken to the mental hospital because of this.
All of this. Spirits. Spirit signs. Cuckoo. Cuckoo!
The Canucks won. On to the next round in the playoffs. Score, 1 - 0.
Saturday, May 4 2024
May the 4th be with you.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Wow! Today I saw Princess Anne of the BRF. Awesome. She was in a military uniform and was inspecting the troops. Majorly awesome!
Early this morning, I went for a ride on my scooter. I saw a red car and a blue and white taxi next to each other waiting for the light. That reminded of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert for some reason. It was an omen that I'd actually wind up seeing Princess Anne.
I wondered. I heard yesterday that she was going to be at the Legislative Buildings. I painted a picture that it would be really crowded and the only thing I'd see was the back of someone's head. When I got there, getting a tip from some Royal dreams I had, I stood on a platform that is normally a large stone flowerpot. I wore the jacket that reminds me of another royal dream I had.
Expectations VS reality. I didn't expect to see much because of the crowds that would be there. I actually did see the Princess Royal.
Lots of people were there.
Then afterwards of my scooter ride, early this morning, I went on the electric skateboard to a grocery store.
Seeing Princess Anne was major. The psychometry is starting to affect me a little. Starstruck. I do know what to think.
Princess Leia once said, "One day you will learn to trust yourself."
Life is full of surprises. I sure didn't expect to see this a week ago.
I remembered at the event to silently and to myself thank God for this wonderful gift. A thousand and one things had to go right. There are probably some who didn't even thank God for the gift of that event. God likes people who remember to thank Him.
I'd like to watch the movie called Astral City. It's hard to find for free online in English. It was originally made in another language. Astral City is also referred to as Nosso Lar and Unser Heim. I think it's available at the library. Is it?
It would be a miracle if I could see it online in English.
It was originally a book and I downloaded the pdf for free. Astral City is a short book that can be read in two hours.
Well. I saw a lady I've seen at another Church. Friendly lady but also a meth head. I felt a lttile awkward that I avoided her and didn't say hi to her but when I saw her on the street one time, she was holding a meth pipe and when I talked with her, she said something really spinny. But I shouldn't judge.
To someone who doesn't use any drugs at all and never have, a pothead would be shocking to them. To a pothead who never smoked meth, a meth head would be shocking to them.
Never play cards with a man named Doc.
Never date a woman who has worse problems than you.
Well, Heather smoked more cigarettes on average than I do but I still loved and still love her very very much.
Not saying hi isn't a very Christian thing to do. But at the same time, I also didn't say anything negative to her. Why would I? So at least I got that going for me....
I suppose I'd like to get back on the dating scene one day but I don't know if that includes dating a meth head who's rather spinny. A lady like that could really fuck me up.
And that lady isn't into skateboarding either. So that's one less thing we have in common.
There's a meth head to her madness. I hope she's not stalking me but I have a feeling.
Monday, May 6, 2024
When going through a stressful event such as grief or burnout, sudden temperature changes can increase the severity of the event. The hypothalamus is that which registers fear and also regulates body temperature. The fear is already there so a person is already tweaked 1x. Add the sudden temperature change and the person is tweaked 2x.
This happened to me recently but good thing I knew what was going on as it was happening.
The invisible man. Is he invisible solid or invisible holographic. In the movie on YouTube called The Invisible Man, the invisible man got shot with a gun. I'm thinking that he couldn't be invisible and solid. If he was solid, he had to be partly visible.
Ghosts who are visible, Matt Fraser said it was like looking at someone through a blurry polarized lens, would also be ever so faintly solid as they would have to lower their vibration somewhat to do so. That would explain ectoplasm which is residue left over after they used their semi solid state like a stage sector leaving behind his costume like any other pile of clothes left on the floor.
Every day, electric skateboard. Fishbowl existence but one that includes the spectacular Dallas Road which is as good or better than the beaches of Vancouver.
The week that was. Sometimes it is the week that was crap.
But last week, it was the week that was spectacular. Seeing Princess Anne. It happened so suddenly. Last week Tuesday I had absolutely no idea that 5 days later, I'd be seeing the actual legendary Princess Anne of the BRF.
Thank God and in extension of that thank the forces of life that I was able to have such a spectacular week.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Had a beautiful day which is a gift from God.
Skateboarding near the beach as usual.
I try to be courteous to all people I encounter on the skateboard. I give them a wide berth, I will even detour or wait extra long until the path is clear. When seeing people walking I always skate past them slowly and away from them to one side. I practice scanning, defensive driving which is anticipating possible things like a car door suddenly opening.
Some cyclists tail gate and then yell, "Hey! I'm right behind you!"
I never tail gate people so that's what I get in return. Sure as the sun rises every morning, people work in patterns. That person does that from tkme to time for sure and one day he'll do that to the wrong person. Tailgate and yell at someone.
On the News today, there is a story of a cyclist who exhibited their often entitled ways of the road and spit in the open window of a car the spit landing on a father and son. A picture was taken and the cyclist looked angry but a little bit scared realizing what was happening.
For some reason I think the intersection of Menzies and Toronto is a bad one. Every time I go there, something slightly edgy happens. Angry looks, cars speeding past instead of stopping at the stop sign, nothing major just slightly edgy but just about every time I'm there. Perhaps this is superstition.
I worry that I might be taking my friends for granted. All of my friends, past and present.
But I'm the same guy who takes myself for granted, so consider the source. I look at strange porn, granny porn. If that's not a sign of someone who takes himself for granted, I don't know what is.
However, I am in my mid 50s, I'm at the age anyways where someone might say, "You're in your mid 50s. If you're not looking at granny porn, then why the heck aren't you?"
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
This morning, I went to the Catholic soup line. There is an old lady there who I noticed had some kind of sore on her leg. I let her use some antibiotic ointment that I have. I noticed this yesterday and said that I would return today with the ointment which I did. The ointment is fucidin from Leo pharmaceuticals. It is a powerful antibiotic ointment.
That's the classic case with grief. "Why did you leave me? I can't go on without you. I just can't make it without you!"
Oh, I can't make it without you and then two years later you see them at a casino table drinking something that comes with a paper umbrella.
Today I was downtown. At one point, I saw the Mayor. Auspicious meeting. The weather is sunny. I also skateboarded early this morning. Just when I got home, I was on a bike path. I looked behind me, shoulder checked and saw a cyclist approaching. I picked up my skateboard and walked to the sidewalk. The cyclist rode past me and gave me a mean angry look. A lot of those cyclists have entitled attitudes. People work in patterns. He undoubtedly looks at people like that a lot. That guy will one day run into another cyclist who is just like him and then they'll fight. Perhaps they'll do each other in. What do I care?
It would be funny if I saw two entitled cyclists fight each other. Serves them right. Those cyclists will yell at anyone. Someone on a skateboard, a pedestrian, someone in a car, other cyclists. What do you expect from anyone who has a coffee spiked with red bull and Adderall before cycling?
There is an old saying, May you live long enough to see the bodies of your enemies floating down the river.
With the still developing friendship with Heather, the stipulation is that I always have to accept my friend the way she is. When I first met her, she was running up and down stairways. I accepted her the way she was. Then she was in a wheelchair. I accepted her the way she was. Now she is in an invisible and holographic form. I have to accept her the way she is.
My friend now has no burdens physical or mental, she appears as a 28 year old. She can probably just think and she has a rad skateboard and skateboards with me. So she's invisible and holographic. Well, nobody's perfect.
She's invisible and holographic. I wouldn't call that a handicap, I'd call that a fashion statement. Heather, your new complete camouflage non-look look looks good on you. Behind that look I sense a 28 year old woman. I've been told that Heather looked pretty good when she was young. Sharp mind too. Into reading science fiction books.
Even though she never skateboard during her Earthly phase of life, she could skateboard now just like a person who can't play hacky sack can play that perfectly in the afterlife. Do a backflip perfectly too.
I once did a backflip in a dream. Someone was standing next to me. I said, "I did it! I did a backflip." The guy who was standing next to me was looking down on the ground neither agreeing nor disagreeing with me. Spirits do that often in dreams. Yeah, you did a backflip, but not in the way that you think. You think you're awake now, well.... You are and you aren't. You are in a dream but to us, your world is the dream so no words can be said.
Heather might be groaning and saying, "Sigh. I have to help you find you a friend who's living."
I expect to be single for up to 5 years. Beyond that, who knows. That's the picture I painted in my mind but what about Vilnius expectations VS reality?
Very often in my life, I've never gone too long without finding a girlfriend. Somehow I just find one. Or a few. Fun times.
I was thinking about taking my electric longboard to the University. Visit another time using the non electric longboard as well. But at this time, there is a Palestine protest at the University.
The protest probably occupies a thousand square feet. Most of the University never sees any 'action'.
And I don't have a personality or history that has much to do with protests. Sure I went to a protest a few times. Mostly I just walked around for about ten minutes to have a look, to get an education, then I would just take off.
If the protest looks too tenuous with lots of Police moving in, then I would avoid a protest like that completely.
I'll just try to skate in the areas where there's no protest.
I really feel awful about the situation in Palestine. The panic attacks and anxiety would be at an unimaginable level there with buildings being bombed every day with missile strikes. Fear, anxiety and panic attacks are the worst part of life. The grieving from loved ones lost would be at an incalculable rate.
Third world communities are pretty tight knit and there isn't as much as a gap between the poor and middle class. In third world countries, neighbourhoods often have a local resident neighbourhood doctor and medical attention isn't expensive at all, ask any expat. Anyways these doctors and any psychologists in the neighborhood would help people through their grief and any medical problems. In North America, a person can spend their grieving time alone in an apartment. This depends on what circle of friends you run with. Some people only have a very loose knit circle of friends. Which is what I got. Very few friends visit me nor do I visit them. In the third world, impossible. Easy to find friends to mutually visit with.
I didn't want to leave Thailand. That country is very kind.
But Canada is very kind too. I met the most wonderful friends. When I was young, I had a certain picture of what success looked like. Because I met someone like Heather, my former expectations of success have been greatly surpassed. Canada brought someone like Heather for me to love and she loves me still, more than I can imagine. And I got two electric skateboards which the government of Canada gave me the money for. Remember in my cartoons I wrote that the Canadian government gives me financial assistance?
I will always stand whenever I hear the Canadian National Anthem. Drop whatever I'm doing and stand for the anthem.
If I'm alone, it's my fault. There are community centres that have people. But some community centres have mainly junkies. Other community centres are ethnic like the Polish community centre which is usually closed and it would help to have some working knowledge of the Polish language.
Even though I'm alone, I have World class expert advice from YouTube videos. I've gotten advice about:
complex ptsd
munchausen syndrome aka health anxiety
caregiver burnout
fear of the future
clinical grief
longboard dancing
Coleman slide
faith in God
Sometimes, YouTube is an angel in disguise.
Canucks VS Edmonton. Game 1. Round 2. 7:20 pm.
Butter in my noodles the shape of a heart.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Paychics say that spirits can take up to a year to visit me in a dream.
Spirits can time travel. They can go through the initial processing phase of the afterlife which can register in linear time as a few days and then swoop back to the time just after they graduated and visit me at the time when I just got the News and when the involuntary wailing and mild heart spasm started etc.
And time travel back and forth and teleport to different places at each place be dialed in and focused on whatever they're doing at the time, they don't feel like they're juggling tasks in something Jung called individuation. Things are archetypes in general but each example of an archetype is unique.
For some, it could take up to a year, others might get a dream as quickly as the same night they got the News.
I don't know if a spirit would be with someone 24 hours a day. It could happen in some cases especially if the person is really thinking of them. They would know and honour the same perameters they did in life. They might drop in for a few minutes and might stay for a few hours and then take off.
Often, it's times that you don't think they'll visit is when they visit and vice versa.
Not only Priests and hospice doctors and nurses perhaps all first responders have heard such stories. They arrive at a place where a person is transitioning on to the next phase of life. And they say things like, "Look over there, I see Jesus, angels, spirits of my friends and relatives that have gone on but looking young and radiant and they are comforting me and I feel comforted."
The Church is a branch of government that specifically deals with this.
People have been hearing these kind of stories for centuries.
Charles Dickens got so many things spot on in A Christmas Carol. How did he know?!
"Traveling at the speed of thought." Homer, The Odyssey
The name Colantonio is a great last name. There is a baseball player with that last name.
Dean Colantonio. Sounds just as good if not better than Dean Noble.
How cool of a name is that?
Me having a chance of seeing Princess Anne was like Ser Cristin Cole seeing Alicent Hightower just as he was about to give up. Alicent Hightower was saying with her presence, "Hang in there. Don't give up. Fight the good fight. You have to stay with us. You have a mission. You have a royal destiny."
I won't ever give up. However I did think that if I otherwise had nothing else to live for I wouldn't mind being where and when Beebs is now. I wouldn't ever specifically ask God to hasten the process but if it happened I would have accepted rather than rejected it.
When I go is not my call. It's God's call.
The News said that the Feds have given the Provinces the green light to rescind certain aspects of drug decriminalization. Open drug use is now illegal similar to open liquor laws. Drug use in small towns of BC are approaching Downtown Eastsidian levels of substance use and dissolution. Welfare day in the actual Downtown Eastside of Vancouver would be like a small fish all you can eat buffet for the Police. It brings to mind the annual grunion run on the beaches of California.
Matt Fraser said something to the effect of, "Do the spirits of your departed friends worry about you? No and I'll tell you why. They understand your tomorrow more than you understand yesterday. Not just tomorrow meaning one day, tomorrow in general meaning even to years ahead. They see you yet again somehow emerging from this problem. They absolutely believe in you. And often it's, "He's worrying now but wait until he sees what's coming around the corner." So no, they don't worry about you."
My current crazy worries:
1. My future
2. My hotel is closing in two years. Will I be living in a tent?
3. Will I be alone for life? Although I've always somehow, just somehow find a girlfriend again.
4. Perhaps people are planning to kill me. Did I just behave inappropriately? I'm worried that I might have behaved inappropriately when I saw Princess Anne and now the BRF, the Mayor and the Police are planning to kill me. At any rate that's the plotline of just about half of all Hollywood movies ever made such as Mission Impossible.
I heard the Mayor mention the name Zac. Zac is a name that scares me. I once met a bully named Zac. I thought he was going to kill me. The name Zac reminds me of Dack who sat with Luke Skywalker in the Rebel snowspeeder.
In the Bible, Zachariah is the father of John the Baptist. And Zacheus was a tax collector whom Jesus invited to dinner.
I got this weird apophenic thought that Zac symbolizes:
First letter z which is the last letter of the alphabet representing the last part of the physical phase of life.
A the second letter is the first letter of the alphabet symbolizing that after the last phase of physical life symbolized by the letter z is the first phase of the afterlife phase of life.
The third letter, C is a homonym of the word see. Catholicism has the concept of the Holy See.
Zac is a symbol of those who know and see that physical deceasing is not the end of life but is part of the start of another phase of life and can see that and sometimes see spirits of the dead in dreams too.
If I were to be done in in a few days, I'd already be seeing hallucinations of my departed friends, relatives, etc. I see nothing.
A couple of years ago, having a massive panic attack, I didn't smoke weed for weeks and lit one up anyways. I swore then that I wouldn't be around in two weeks as I thought people on the street wanted to kill me for some reason. Maybe because I wrote too much crazy stuff on the internet.
"You keep saying that yet I keep on standing here drawing breath." Stephen King, The Running Man
Then in 2021, I saw a YouTube video that said that someone with not only a PhD but who also won a Nobel Prize for Medicine said that all people who gets the covid vaccine will be dead in 2 years. I thought I was a goner.
Then a couple of months ago, I saw on the News a case where doctors are seriously examining a man who got 270 covid vaccine shots. I heard of being overly cautious but this is ridiculous. So much for the idea of covid shots and the 2 years after that idea of the Nobel Prize winner.
Anyways, if I were to be done in, that would as far as I see only circumvent another two decades of poverty,loneliness and disillusionment. What future would I otherwise have?
I wouldn't mind being in the realm that my departed friends are in. It sounds like a really rarefied paradise with an exquisite set of physics and time dynamic. But that is never my call. That is God's call.
Stephen Seagal once said in a movie, "If you do that, you won't be joining your daughter again. You'll be going the other way."
A person must stay alive. Staying alive is something that even gods and kings would demand of you. You have to do it. Stay alive.
My departed friends don't have to worry about a housing crisis and where they'll live in two years. That's why I wouldn't mind it if I could just give up on life now with the help of a God ordained massive heart attack. It would be a weird edgy day, but it would soon enough be gotten over with. Then I wouldn't have to worry about a housing crisis and food security anymore. But again, that's His call, not mine. On my part I'd rather avoid my ongoing Earthly worries altogether as I view them to be existentially counterproductive.
My departed friend got an early reprieve. I wish I got an early reprieve. I'd rather have already graduated to the majorly phase of life than to be stuck here with this life.
Only the good die young and Billy Joel said.
Life is full of surprises. After an afternoon tea, me and my friend from Church went on the Harbour Ferries from the Empress Hotel to Fisherman's Wharf. I never thought I would do that when I woke up this morning.
There was a little boat that went from Pra Arthit pier to Daovadung pier in Bangkok that I used to go on.
Riding on the water was mind blowing. Water all around, I saw the sights. Legislative buildings, seaplane airport, the hotel on the waterfront in Esquimalt, Johnson Street bridge and Fisherman's Wharf were all seen. The boat had a slight diesel oil smell that added to the overall experience.
Strange. I used to ride the boat in Bangkok with only me and my girlfriend at the tkme were the only passengers.
Today, me and my friend from Church and her dog were the only passengers.
Whereas the situation with my girlfriends in Bangkok were completely non-platonic, the friendship between me and my friend at Church is completely platonic, don't worry.
A conversation and a walk with a friend who is a lady is another healing experience for me. Every man needs a woman's touch even if no touching and only conversation is involved, it's a figurative touch of convivial friendship between two spirits.
Today is New York VS Carolina. At this time at 6:20 pm, the score is 1 - 1 going into the third period.
That's a good entertaining score formation.
Some score formations are awful, not entertaining at all. For eg, one team scores 5 goals in the first ten minutes and the game ends with a 5 - 0 score. Awful. Atrocious.
A good score formation is game tied, a real nail biter, at the 7th game going into overtime.
The SuperBowl had a good entertaining score formation. First half, one team scores a lot, the other team scores little to none, then in the second half, the other team catches up and wins the game in overtime. That score formation is so good it was operatic.
I think sports teams have known about good score formations for decades.
New York VS Carolina, New York scores another goal with about ten minutes left in the game. Score, 2 - 1. Not a bad score formation. Quite entertaining. It would be better if it was tied and goes into overtime, but there's still over ten minutes left in the game. Quite possible. Who knows?
Edmonton pulled their goalie for an extra attacker. Defense has to act as the goalie. Does that work? Difficult to defend an empty net. Wait, the goalie's back.
Holy crap! The score is 2 - 2. Going into OT. That's a good score formation.
New York wins 3 - 2 in overtime. The movie Moneyball. New York has a larger team budget than Carolina. New York should be able to win on that basis. And they did.
I kind of knew it.
Friday, May 10, 1024
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that internet is available in the afterlife except that they would get an exponentially enhanced version of the internet including 100K HDTV, 3-D holographic rendering including any possible vantage point including 4-D being instant rewind or advance to any point and also complete telepathic link aka the Vulcan mind meld with the uploader of the video and including smellovision too which would be optional.
Their internet would include how the internet will be in 100 years or more from now. They could theoretically access all that.
Today I went to the Royal BC Museum and saw the Stonehenge exhibit. There is a bus that goes to Stonehenge called To The Stones. It costs £17. And it's a 12 mile trip which is about the same distance from Victoria to Sidney BC.
There is a lesser known also historical stone monument called Avebury which doesn't have as much tourists.
Stonehenge was an early sundial calendar. People who lived around the time Stonehenge was built wore ordinary medieval clothing but one person, the shaman, wore something with deer antlers on the head. Mystical.
I wouldn't mind visiting Stonehenge. I wonder how ancient people lifted lintels so heavy and with what technology? Who knows? Maybe they used ropes and a team of people and also oxen, horses, mules, whatever they could get to pull up the stones.
In the afternoon, I went to the grocery store. I got more kale juice because I am a moderate smoker and kale has antioxidants. Also some potstickers. It was a decision between pork or chicken. I went with chicken. It was one or the other.
Potstickers is good if you heat the induction cooktop stove all the way to 1400. The more BGUs, the better. It has a 'wok hay' which uses the hotness of the fire under the wok to produce a certain standard caramelization. This quality is highly prized among connoisseurs.
Canola or corn oil plus a bit of sesame oil, just coat the bottom of the pan, that's all. Put potstickers on. Fire it up to 1400. Cover with lid. It should sizzle. At about the one minute 15 second point, pour in a bit of beer or water and quickly replace lid. This will bring about a steaming effect. After about two minutes, turn off stove but don't remove lid just yet. That's free steam without electricity. Then remove lid and eat.
Sauce. Mix two table spoons of sugar and some vinegar and soy sauce. Mix and use it as a dip. Great recipe. A dash of truffle salt with the sweet vinegar sauce is optional.
I saw Dune part 2 at the IMAX this evening. Best movie in IMAX.
The IMAX theatre also has a movie called Future Cities to be released sometime in the future, on June 10.
I love Heather perhaps now more than life itself. My mind paints a picture that I'll be single for life. I don't think I'll ever find a lady worth being my girlfriend. I know two ladies who are friends but they're not into skateboarding at all. One isn't even into music of the 70s and 80s but is into Cbc classical music. Whatever. And I'd want that as a girlfriend? Uh, I doubt it.
I would cross an ocean of time to see Heather again. I could live as long as another 30 years although I doubt it. I once thought Heather would have lived another 20 years and outlive me because women live longer than men.
Or is that an average also taking into account that during wars men kill other men which would lower the average life expectancy for men.
Another 30 years and they go fast. Half the decade is over so fast. 2024 is the last year of the first half of the decade. In spite of a global pandemic and caregiver burnout and grieving and other issues, the first half of the decade went so fadt! The second half will go even faster.
A psychic once said that people often get panic attacks in their 50s because in one or more of their previous lives, that was the age they died aka graduated to the next and most major phase of life.
Today at the IMAX, a couple next to me did a massive display of PDA which for some reason was offsetting to me. I averted my glance but since I never looked directly at them, I wasn't sure what was going on or not going on. I looked using my periphery vision and even then it was the edge of my peripheral vision because I didn't want to miss the movie.
I took off climbing over the back of the chair since I was in the back row. I did it fast because I do yoga twice a day.
The PDA reminded me of how I wish I was with Heather not in this world but in the afterlife. That sounds like a lot better dimension than this one from what I've learned.
Once I was staying someplace and there was loud PDA in the next room which was offsetting and upsetting to me. I stayed around trying to get to sleep. If I were there again, I'd do it differently. As soon as it started I would have walked around a few blocks.
A girlfriend is a honeytrap. Regard the honey, ignore the trap or to regard the trap, you have to ignore the honey.
Relationships have lots of pitfalls. STIs, fear of being on the hook for child support, meeting a set of people you wouldnt otherwise meet such as her fiends family and coworkers, arguments about money and who calls the shots.
There is that initial honeymoon phase of exhilaration that can last up to two months. Then it's back to the baseline of half happy half worried and half depressed.
"A person who wins every argument makes a great logical person but also a terrible spouse."
Often in relationships, one lets the other win the argument through sheer love.
I don't want to be alone for the next 20 years but I don't want to wind up with an awful girlfriend either. That's why I would like to quit life. Why not cut out the middleman? Then I could be in the afterlife with the better set of physics. Any mental issues I have would gone in the afterlife.
Radio Sidney, Speaking With The Dead, episode Ross Bay Cemetery episode 2, Nicola Furlong, professional psychic said something genius. She said something along the lines of,
Emily Carr haunts a few places in Victoria appearing as different ages. She does all this simultaneously because time doesn't exist in the afterlife. She can travel back and forth in time and do each thing one at a time.
Emily Carr died in 1945. She could visit at any point in time after and even before 1945. She goes to one place, stays for 200 years, does a loop back in time back to 1945 and stays at another place for 200 years etc. That phase of the afterlife could be the amountof the equivalent of 10,000 years of linear time.
A person gestates for 9 months to break out of that egg to the experience possibly 100 years of life. A person spends 100 years in the Earthly phase of life only to break out of that egg to spend 10,000 years in the next phase of that afterlife which then accelerates and opens to yet another phase the equivalent of a hundred thousand or a million years. And then infinite phases after that. Billion year equivalent lifespan.
Time travel is time experienced on an objective level. But the linear time subjective experience of time is also a type of time travel.
Tonight as I walked home, a really pretty lady smiled and said hi to me. I said hi back of course. She was really really beautiful. Women are beautiful otherwise the entire species to come to a grinding halt. I wish I had a girlfriend as beautiful as that but my mind tells me that I won't that's why I'm thinking that I'd like to quit life altogether. It's not my call. It's God's call.
Dying would be a really edgy day but it would be gotten over with soon enough. A lot of stories say that the transition is so smooth and seamless that many people aren't even aware that they're dead until a while after.
There is a psychiatric illness called Cottard's Disease in which people believe that they are already dead and in the afterlife.
I don't believe that. I see too many imperfections. I worry all the time.
The afterlife has what PMH Atwater calls the Master Vibration. Whatever place Emily Carr haunts, it would appear as a bright Spring morning, the walls would look as if they were painted yesterday and the floors would look freshly waxed. In the afterlife, all worrying is banished.
The afterlife phase could register as long as the equivalent of 10,000 years after doing all that one wants to do. Then after that, there is an after-afterlife phase and then an after-after-afterlife phase after that for infinity. How awesome is that.
I feel like I want to quit life, what's the point because I don't envision foo much for my future and I'd rather be with someone who loves me, but what if the future turns out to be a lot better than I imagine?
The only ladies I know are all older than me and they don't skateboard. Heather didn't skateboard either. What's the point of living? I don't think I can handle living another 20 years. I'd like to quit, if I could.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
I've been sleeping a lot better these days. Sleep at 11 pm, wake up at 5:30 and then have another power nap before starting another day.
Still completely uncertain as to how I'll handle the future. PDAs make me nervous. But I've had quite a few girlfriends and I myself have held hands, a quick kiss, sometimes even a French kiss but it didn't last two long. It wasn't like "Get a room!" kind of length and intensity.
Seeing PDAs remind me that I'm single and then I think that I'll be single for life but most things I always had moments where I thought it would be with me for life. Sores and slight issues with my health I thought it'd be there for life. I thought I'd be grieving and weeping for life but strangely, I recovered.
Then when the girlfriend starts giving too many orders, feeling pussywhipped, arguments, then I envy my single friends. They don't have to worry about any such hassles.
The old saying, singles notice happy couples, and couples notice happy singletons.
Divorce is such a constant and persistent phenomenon that there are lists for which country has the highest divorce rate and which has the lowest divorce rate.
I don't know if I could handle being single for another 20 years until I'm expected to graduate to the next phase of life. I don't want to end up with the wrong girlfriend either.
Thank you God for guiding my steps. Thank you God for helping me find a way where I don't see a way.
Psychic videos say the spirits of the departed can arrange for good people to cross your path or cause doors to suddenly open in your life. That's just the spirits of the departed to say nothing of angels, Archangels, Jesus and most makorly, God himself. Those entities help all of us as the Earth is a school.
Schools have a similar hierarchical structure.
Principal - God
Vice Principal - Jesus
Janitor - Archangel
Teachers - angelic heavenly hosts
Students - spirits who are in whatever current phase of life. Now they are in the Earthly phase of life. One day, decades later, they will be in the after Earth phase of life having formed friendships along the way.
Medium Nicole on YouTube is a very powerful psychic. A lot younger than me but very knowledgeable.
She said that hell doesn't exist but in a sense it does.
She said that even very bad people return to the afterlife as the original spirit they were before they incarnate at Earth, the innocent childlike spirit but not before a process that extracts the negativity from them and this is a life review. In the life review, one feels the effect of every action they did to every person. Negative people have a much much harder life review because through the lens of an innocent childlike spirit, they see and feel the actions and effects they had on others.
On another YouTube video, it said that when a person dies and they go through a tunnel, the tunnel is an expressway but also a shield because there is a lot of negativity outside the walls of thst tunnel.
Even though I'm a Protestant, I really hope that I have at least some firm of Vatican and Catholic protection. The Catholic tradition is very old and venerable. And very spiritual powerful.
There are interdimensional entities that are evil. Demons, devil, and they affect people who have a tendency to make wrong choices. Ed Warren said that the most dangerous thing is when people don't believe the devil exists.
The good news is that God and Jesus and Churches especially the Catholic Church is more powerful than the evil entities.
The most baffling thing is how God can "turn ashes into beauty". How God is able to turn tragedies, and fears and uncertainties into something good. God works all thing for good as the Bible says. I think that a lot of religions say the same thing as well.
In a few days, I'll be 54 years old. Old.
But in some ways I'm younger than I was last year. I've done yoga every day for 10 months. A record. And I'm skateboarding. I wasn't doing any of that last year.
"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." Bob Dylan
Yesterday as my mp3 player was still on, I connected headphones to it and the song Journey - Separate Ways was playing. The song was starting..It could be a sign that I will find another girlfriend one day.
"Some day love will find you,
Break the chains that bind you"
Tron Legacy.
As long as one has consciousness, they are already hooked up to the afterlife heaven eternity paradigm. This life is a pre extension of that.
The spirit exists outside of time and space and can theoretically time travel.
Time is an illusion. If there was nothing st all j the Universe, there would be no linear time. The relative motion of one thing moving next to another gives off a corollary eefect of the illusion of linear time.
I seriously think that my life is going nowhere. I fear a boring future.
I often wish that God could do me a solid and permit me to graduate early into the majorly phase of life. I'm not sure that I really want to live this tawdry phase of life full of worries, fears and anxieties. And if it's all the same, I'd really much rather skip it altogether.
I wonder what God would think of me saying this.
I would never do myself in but what if God gave me a massive heart attack massive enough to permit me to enter the next majorly phase of life.
I don't know about God, but even normal people would say, "Your brain is painting a picture again. Whatever best picture you could come up with, the future will be a lot different than what you think. You're working with the knowledge you have now. In time, new knowledge will appear to help you reframe and redefine the situation in a new and better way. Things get better and better for everyone as they put in their time."
Frank Gamble is a great guitarist. His music is ethereal.
Great tunes include
- Spending Sunday With You
- New Boots
- Spikes Song
- Humpty Dumpty
- Awakening
Another day is one day less that I have to wait to see Beebs again. I would cross an ocean of time and at the end of it, go through a waterfall that flows upwards to see Beebs again and now it looks like I'll have to.
But time has a funny way of playing tricks with the mind. As time passes and memories recede, new things occupy the spaces that the old things used to. It's funny how insidious and inexorable this process is. People are fickle, get jaded etc. Oh, what a species.
Failure is an option. If that wasn't the case then how would a lot of people including myself still be alive? So feel free to skip any plans to travel, visit a restaurant you never visited before, even go on a walk. If you don't feel like doing it, don't do it.
Anything that's too difficult isn't worth doing at all including the living of life, but again, that's not my call. That decision lies with God alone.
Someone on the internet said that fear used to mean awe and reverence but over the centuries has since been twisted to mean being scared, panicked, anxious. Fear of God. Lots of words have had their meanings shift over the years.
One thing I would like to do with Beebs in the afterlife is to go to the afterlife version of UVIC. I'd like to sit together with her for a few classes. I would major in cartoon animation and minor in skateboardology. Beebs might want to study different courses. The beauty of the afterlife with its exquisite set of physics is that Beebs could be sitting next to me and we be simultaneously studying different courses, seeing and hearing different professors. It'd be like me with one mp3 player and a pair of headphones and she with another. That gives you an idea of how next level that dimension is. I can't wait!
As I said this out loud, Pastor Joel Osteen in his video A Fresh Annointing at the 13 minute mark, he said, "He has supernatural knowledge." Timing. Synchronicity.
Spirits in the afterlife might not really be interested in Earthly movies because movies are done under the culture of the physics of this dimension. They would still retain a sentimentality which they would remember but aren't as hung up on it as we are.
Why wouldn't movies be made in the afterlife with storylines that coalesce with the physics of that dimension? Some movies would be classics over there same as as some movies are classic movies here. No one has to audition. You just have to think a thought and you are there as a movie actor. A spirit usually looks like it stepped out of a Hollywood salon anyways. I would like to Ba an actor in a movie in the afterlife where Bruce Lee is the star of the movie. I'd be the skateboarder that rides past while Bruce Lee is riding on a blue Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle on his way to his next action choreographed fight. Maybe I might say, Hey Bruce as he flashes the horns sign at me.
Someone did that to me yesterday at Dallas Road while I was on my skateboard. I felt honoured.
No one reads this so what I'm about to write......
Ads say that this Province needs teachers. The News said that even teachers with no experience are hired probably more as auxiliary or substitute positions.
I taught school in Thailand.
I taught at
- Hua Mak school in the Hua Mak district
- Karee Upatham, I took the mini van bus called Ku Sie to get there.
- Joseph Upatham, Catholic high school. Not many who go to the Catholic soup line can say they taught English at a Catholic high school in Thailand.
- Thanuaburi in the Rangsit district near the old airport.
Other schools too.
I was thinking of writing a letter to my MLA
Your Honour, I saw that the Province needs teachers. I am interested in being a substitute teacher, teaching English.
Teaching has its pitfalls. To Sir With Love. Well, schools often have obnoxious and rambunctious students, delinquency, drug use, PDAs which could be offsetting is a person is a prude and teachers have to be able to hold the line. Kind of like the taming of the shrew. If you can't be authoritative enough in your temperament to get that done, then forget about being a teacher.
Also there is the offhand casual banter, the perfection of which is a science. The usual office gossip, who's single, who's going with who, I got more than you, I'm doing better than you, I go to more parties, on more extreme levels, the usual professional jealousies and bureaucratic infighting. I'm just not that kind of guy. I'm very casual. Footloose and fancy free.
I have to really wonder if I have what it takes to be a teacher. But I'm already a teacher. Just about every paragraph I've ever written in this blog has at leadt one teaching moment.
I've walked people through the objective paradigm of time. Time does and also doesn't exist. All things are happening simultaneously but even the concept of simultaneously has no meaning unless juxtaposed to that which is supposedly happening non simultaneously.
I'm already most likely a mentor to a lot of people unknown to me.
Well my advice is don't give up. Trust in God. You have to live! Things will always somehow get better in a process of unending cosmic progress and evolution.
Today I went to Sidney with my electric board. I got two scones at the scone shop. I got chicken pot pie and an apple caramel covered scone.
Then I skated along the beach to the South of Sidney then I went to Maria's Greek Restaurant for a meal. I had lamb souvlaki and a Caesar gone Greek salad. The salad was nutritious and I garnished the entire salad at the restaurant. Beautiful sunny day and the most beautiful ladies who when I saw them, sent an electric shiver. Ladies are supposed to be beautiful which is how the species goes on.
I went to the Star Cinema and saw Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. It was a very confusing movie, it seemed like watching a slideshow with no story attached to it which tells you how much I was already confused with life itself trying to pick up the pieces after a friend had departed.
My mind has a tendency to paint dreary pictures of the future in a misguided attempt to protect myself. Misguided because life is mostly safe and people are usually more trustworthy than they appear. Usually.
I see a future where I am always alone and unable to find love again. If that's the case then I'm not sure I want to go on. I thought of some things about Heather that upset me and I got angry. But then I realized that whatever happened, I still love her and always will. This adds to my overall existential confusion and a general sense that things are not all right.
I hope that God or Jesus can help me. I wonder if during Jesus life if he lost anyone he known for years and was close to. Did he grieve or was he so transcended above all that knowing exactly what happens to a person when they graduate to the next phase of life. Perhaps he knows that it's not as nearly as bad as we think. This idea has been expounded in the Twilight Zone episode, Nothing In The Dark starring a very young Robert Redford.
I am very very afraid that my future will be one of loneliness and boredom and anxiety and fear all the time.
At what phase in history did people not all of a sudden feel uncertain but later on the years pass and things somehow resolved themselves and things just go on.
I need to be able to feel safe.
On an ad about Covenant House a person said, "It's an all encompassing thought that I'm safe with myself and safe with my future."
I wish I could say that about myself. The person on that ad must be very spiritual. He's a Native young man who is into writing poetry. The poetry must be pretty good because he has a good foundation of feeling safe.
I got some weird neighbours. One is a very fat lady who likes to talk loud. For hours. She is upset about being fat and unwanted but there are a lot of fat people in the World and some handle it very well. They are born with class. Some just throw a fit all the time or else just tactily give up on life.
Another is a strange guy who is always paranoid. He often has a look of total fear in his eyes. When the guy first moved into the hotel and during the covid pandemic, his fear look gave me a mass psychosis effect.
I generate a certain kind of energy and life always throws people at me who generate a different and worse kind of energy. Psychics have said that in the heavenly afterlife, you only are around people who you like or who resonate closely on a vibrational and karmic level with you. That's why I'm looking forward to heaven.
I'm not always the best person. I get suspicious of people easily. I worry often and avoid people. I really don't think that I have any kind of future to speak of. I'm at a loss for what to do.
As long as I'm wired to a perpetually anxious physical limbic system and R complex, Reptile complex then existence contains a minimum amount of being uncomfortable.
Spirits are completely untethered to the nasty and egregious R complex.
I'm the one who wrote that time travel is time experienced in an objective level. That solves how all things are really happening simultaneously and the passage of time is an illusion. This should have earned me an early reprieve because I've long been sick and tired of the tawdry physics of this dimension. To add insult to injury, my friend got an early reprieve and I'm stuck here to face down a life where I don't get paid for anything I do on the internet. I can certainly do without that. It would be only fair if I were with Beebs as soon as possible. Even if God says that I have to go on living, I'm not sure that I'd want to do that if I had a choice. I think my life is going nowhere and I'd like to be with Beebs again. This time it will be a beautiful 28 year old Beebs with a clear mind and perfectly healthy body. I never wept for anyone for an entire week before. Me and Beebs are soul mates and we should be together given that I otherwise don't see a future for myself in this dimension.
I go to places like Sidney, skateboard on Dallas Road, watch IMAX movies, visit the museum, visit the Church while my neighbours all they ever do is never leave a three block radius only going shopping and then returning home. They totally lack imagination and then I wonder why they're spazzing out all the time. Could it be cabin fever?
I really like and miss Thailand. But Canada has a lot of nice things and it winds up being a one set of advantages and disadvantages next to another.
There are no disadvantages in the afterlife!
To quote the local Pagliacci's restaurant, The Shell Game, We fix it, you win, the afterlife is a shell game where the table is completely slanted in your favor. In this dimension it's slanted against you.
That's why I want to quit life and move on to the afterlife. Sure, it would be a weird and edgy day, but it would be gotten over with soon enough. Then I'd be in the catbird's seat.
I'm not going to do myself in. My neighbour is really fat. Like, almost my 600 pound life fat. I hope she doesn't think about doing herself in, but the possibility would be there. I'd be really really sad if she did herself in. That's why I have to set an example. Because I don't want my friends to do themself in, I sure won't do myself in. I'll just have to face a Promethean life of uneventfulness. I'm terrified that I'll be single for life but also terrified that I'll find a girlfriend who just drives me up the wall. That's why I envy Beebs.
I hope I find a really nice looking girlfriend whose younger than me, about no more than ten years younger. I don't want an older girlfriend and I don't want to know anyone who doesn't have anything in common with me. Not into dancing, not into skateboards, not artistic, not interested. I'll have to be single for life. If that's the case then why not cut out the middleman and wish for God to give me a quick and massive heart attack so I can just quit life altogether.
I really envy Heather. She no longer has to worry about a housing crisis and where she's going to live in a few years like I do. That's why I just want to quit life altogether.
God if I got nothing else going for me, I wonder if you could give me a massive heart attack. Whether you do or whether you don't, I won't be upset.
Heather might be saying with her elevated perspective, "You really think that your life is going nowhere but that's not the case. That's not what I'm seeing. You will make it through this and find another girlfriend."
A lady at McDonald's told me that I'll find another girlfriend again.
In the afterlife Heather could have an affair or quite a few affairs if she wants. To quote the movie Rough Night, she could be 'swimming in dick' so to speak if she wants that. I don't think heaven has that as it has transcended the physical dimension.
She has my blessing, not that she ever needed it.
Me and Heather at this point are like two pals at the skate park. A female buddy at the skate park. So she has a few affairs. I don't need to know the details. I'll still skate at the skate park with her always.
A few weeks before she graduated to the major phase of life, she said to me over the phone, "You can go out with anyone you want." I didn't say it at the time because I was tired and slow, and thinking of her facial hair.
But now, given that I've wept for an entire week for her, I would say, "It's only you that I want." Now I have to cross an ocean of time to be with her again. Who knows with life? What if it's not an ocean but only a large lake? Really. Nobody knows.
On my birthday, I'm thinking of going for a healing touch massage
Thailand massage place - $80 + tax + tips, 1 hour Swedish oil massage
Belleville Street - $60 half hour shoulder neck and back relief,
West Coast Centre for Massage Therapy - students, an actual medical based massage which includes precursor interview. $40, 1 hour of therapeutic or relaxation massage. The massage school sounds good.
During the precursor interview, I would say that certain muscles are always cramped and aching particularly the latisimus dorsi aka the lats. Pull down exercises in wight training develop the lats.
No birthday present that anyone could give me would be better than what I got for myself which is 2 electric skateboards, one of them from Vancouver.
The looser the trucks, the tighter the turns.
I'm worried that it might not be for years until I find a girlfriend again. What if I don't find one again? I'm not sure that I'd want to live a life like that. If I had a choice, I wouldn't. I don't get that choice. Only God has that choice.
Lots of people die in their 50s. I might die in my 50s. Otherwise I fear the future. The future is the most scariest thing of them all.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
"Short time no see." Skate Nomad, 51 Year Old Skater in Japan, YouTube
Those who have graduated would say that. To them, a hundred years is a blink of an eye. To someone very young, a few weeks is a long time to wait for something. To a person who is old, a few weeks is no time at all.
When a person is 5, a year is 1/5th of their life so far.
When a person is 60, a year is 1/60th of their life so far. Time goes faster as one gets older.
You miss someone and st first time seems to go slow. But somehow, always, things will pick up and time will go fast again.
"Sometimes it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things." Michael Caine, Batman, The Dark Knight Rises
Short time no see, not long time no see.
I don't know about going for the massage. The thought of spending money gives me anxiety. Well, the $40 one doesn't sound that pricey. The over $100 massage, that would be pricey.
The first time one goes to a massage parlour it's better to start with a massage where one keeps their shirt on like a Thai massage. Then once a person is familiar with the place and vice versa then try the oil massage, but again, pricey. It would be good for no lore than a twice a year treat.
If I had a choice, I'd really rather not live a life that has a housing crisis, and the possibility of lifelong loneliness and poverty. I did a lot of great things on the internet. I should have gotten at least a million dollars for that. As it is, people are stealing my stuff on the internet and making money off of it.
Beebs in in a realm where she doesn't have to worry about that. Beebs didn't do the majorly things on the internet that I did but for some reason, she got an early reprieve. I wish I had an early reprieve!
That's why I'd much rather quit life altogether. I'm sure that God could understand that.
God doesn't have the same problems. God doesn't have to worry about not finding a girlfriend and being lonely and in poverty for life like I do. I just hope that he understands that if it's all the same, I'd rather just not go through life at all if my future is otherwise going nowhere. That's a simple enough premise to understand.
So if God could give me a massive heart attack, that's something that I would accept. Then I would be reprieve from this dimension with its pernicious set of physics which includes the possibility of housing crisis, poverty, loneliness. I'd much rather skip that altogether.
"It's my birthday! Where are my goddamn friends? Where are my goddamn presents?" Sex Pot
That line was the worst quote in Hollywood movie history.
The problem is that we're working with extremely archaic biotechnology. The limbic system is something that mindless creatures like dinosaurs used. While the mammalian brain has evolved to the point where humans are developing space trzvel technology that can tour the solar system, there still remains a disparity of evolutionary difference between the mammalian fore brain and the reptilian limbic system. What a defective and insufferable situation that is existentially counterproductive and counterefficient. That's why I want to quit life and move on to the exquisite and better physics of the afterlife.
Whales have a brain that's 20 pounds while humans have a 3 pound brain. But even with a 20 pound brain, why couldn't they cobble together any technology at all? That 20 pound brain is much sound and fury signifying nothing.
Seeing the way things are going or rather not going, I wish that I could have an early reprieve because I think that I earned it.
Often I see certain numbers like 111. When I was in Vancouver the last time, I saw a Skytrain with the number 111 on it which can be theoretically verified through CCTV footage. For me, that's a royal number. I saw that today, as ever, not a day passes where I don't see that number. I have to stay alive. I have a destiny. Even if that destiny involves difficulty and challenge, one day, all the pieces of the jigsaw will fall together as they do for everyone eventually. And it will all make sense.
I hope that I get an answer from God or spirits about why I can do a lot of great things on the internet and not be a millionaire.
This is the structure. Recording artists are crestfallen that people can listen to their music on YouTube, download it for free and upload views pay something like 40 cents for every 500,000 views, not an exact figure but you know what I mean.
The way to make money is along specific vectors such as selling merch, renting a plzce and charging money for people to hear you speak if there is a demand for it.
And then money leads to a higher tax bracket, it becomes a business which involves hiring an accountant and sometimes a business lawyer.
I always say to God that I want a mind that is totally sane free from anxiety fear and worry. I want that more than I want a lot of money.
One needs some money to survive slightly well. Every once in awhile go to the grocery store for one extra gourmet item.
Lots and lots of money would be overwhelming and can bring anxiety and leads to anxiety choices like travelling to faraway countries. Perhaps people you meet overseas when you travel will intuitively pick up on whatever challenges you are going through and will often help you. The Universe will help you. Whether in town or traveling to another country, you will see a sign or slogan anywhere, an ad, on someone's tshirt, written on a bag.
Vancouver Robson street banners: Its Going To Be OK/ Ca Va Bien Aller
I've seen shopping bags which read: Be All In, The Best Is Yet To Come.
Yesterday, as usual missing my sweetness, I saw this on an article about feeling weird for not going to nightclubs.
Nightclubs are a chance to hook up. I don't know if it's wise to hook up unless I've known her for quite awhile. What if she then uses that as an excuse to stalk me and she has issues that of course wouldn't have been noticed the first few times I met her?
Pitfalls of nightclubs, an article wrote, you wind up meeting a vapid group of regulars, flakes who are there week after week who become your "friends".
Same with Church, you wind up meeting a group of regulars, squares who are there week after week who become your "friends". Fairweather Christians, fairweather friends, not much in common, they don't smoke cannabis or experimented with the same drugs I have during my youth, they're not into skateboarding or dancing or doing animated cartoons. I never visit them and they never visit me. In Thailand I had a few friends who I visited them and they visited me. I had that in Vancouver too.
I hope to meet friends like that in the future. No one knows the future. I would rather be at a point that I can be not afraid of the future at all than to have a million dollars.
I'd rather have no million dollars and no fear than to have money and still have fear of the future.
Lots of people on YouTube have no fear of the future at all. I'd like to be at that level one day.
The antidote for fear, anxiety and worry is nostalgia and bliss which has a tendency to be there more when there is optimism rather than pessimism. Both are delusional but optimism makes you feel better and why wouldn't one choose that which makes one feel better? Advice counselors and spiritual pastors and spiritual psychics would say that pessimism is more delusional than optimism because in fact all things will work themselves out eventually.
Nostaliga and bliss for things like Christmas, the museums at Vanier Park, the Jericho hostel, the mountains and the dockyards of the East side of Vancouver, the old houses of Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver, the James Bay neighborhood in Victoria BC, Sidney BC. These things bring feelings of nostalgia and bliss. And music too.
The movie Religulous seems different now that Israel is in a war with Hamas in Gaza.
The reason is valid, the reason is there.
Why did Hamas invade Israel? The same egregious pernicious reason why Chechens shot down that commercial airliner. More coked up amateur military fuckery.
Apart from the reason, the military scale is rather chickenshit. They are fighting against a backwater region in their own country against an amateur militia composed largely of merchants and the unemployed.
At one point in their history, Israel was simultaneously fighting Syria, Jordan, and Egypt which was hard core. Israel then was fighting against trained professional National military forces.
This war will be over one day.
If AI is the unreal engine, is the IMF the Israel engine?
I thought the name Dracula came from a word similar to dragon.
Nope. According to Cole's Notes, the name comes from the Irish 'Drock Fhuil', the f is silent, which means bad blood. During Bram Stoker's time, there was some level of British resentment towards the Irish. When you live in a culture without blu Ray machines and flat screen televisions, resentment towards any perceived disparate groups was a form of home entertainment.
Bram Stokers walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey Bram, would you like a dram?"
One way a man can move on after grief is to reinvent himself as a gigolo.
There are the usual probability and statistics pitfalls including the possibility of being on the hook for child support, but since she's into gigolos anyways, that can be countered with the words, "Why would you think it's mine?"
Other pitfalls including cancer causing HPV and other deadly STIs.
In the movie Deuce Bigalow, a cop was always looking out for him. The cop seemed to be saying in not so many words, "So you're a gigolo now. Are you fully aware of what you're getting into? I've handled quite a few cases. Some of these women are dangerous."
Perhaps being a gigolo isn't the best way to go.
On YouTube is a video, a multi hour loop of the guitar solo from Steely Dan's Time Out of Mind. In the comments section, someone wrote, This is what I want to hear when I die and am entering heaven.' Words to that effect.
Better music for that would be the intro to Bruno Mars, Skate.
When the spirit is free, that's what the intro to the song brings to mind.
Today, Brock Boeser of the Vancouver Canucks scored a hat Rick against Edmonton, Game 3 of the 2nd round of the playoffs.
Score, 3 - 2 for the Canucks with 17 minutes left in the 2nd period.
Cabrini rewritten:
In the movie Cabrini, the nuns discover the body of a child in the street. The nuns saw to proper arrangements. What they didn't mention in the movie was the only thing available was a cardboard box used to carry the spaghetti in. So in it went and the cardboard box with the word SPAGHETTI stenciled on it was paraded down the street.
- Cabrini: "We work to restore dignity."
"Hot dignity damn!"
- Cabrini: "To build this hospital we would need a board of directors comprised of men of influence."
"At this hospital we don't have men of influence as much as we have men with influenza."
- "The underground cellars are a place where even the Police do not go."
Not because of any actual dangerous characters but because the place is a hotbed of airborne tuberculosis. 1880s? Really? Who would venture down a place like that?
- 'The Mickey Mouse Club has showed up and is singing a song on the lawn of my front yard. At least they're not yelling trick or treat and throwing rocks at my window which is a welcome change from the usual...'
- "You've wandered into a room where you don't belong."
Cabrini: "It wouldn't be the first time. Then if that's the case, where are the standing urinals?"
NASA is trying to come up with a time system for the moon and Mars too.
Certain things would be different on different celestial objects. Months and years would be different. Days, hours and minutes would be different. 90 second minutes, 80 minute hours, 28 hour days, 48 day months, it would be like pounds shillings and pence, 16 pence to the shilling, 12 shillings to a pound versus 100 cents to a dollar.
The only thing that would be the same is a second and even then. Atomic clocks.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Thank God for the gift of life. Thank God for helping me with my life.
Thank you God for guiding my steps. Thank you God for helping me find a way where I don't see a way.
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Nothing can separate us from the Love of God.
Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.
Deuteronomy 31:8 I am the Lord God who goes before you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not worry nor be afraid.
Sometimes it takes encountering someone with lesser power to realize how powerful the really powerful people are.
Anyone who has encountered the Court system sees that the judge is indeed powerful. The judge has the power to f*ck up someone's life for the next few years. Now that is power. All people tremble in fear when standing tall before the man or the woman.
All lawyers and those in the dock bow to the authority of the judge.
Yet when the Premier and the Attorney General and Solicitor General enter a Courthouse, the judges bow to them. Now that's real power.
The good news is when these powers like you, they have the power to arrange for good things to happen in your life, financial support, housing and a chance to work at a government job which is a union job with higher pay.
Anyone who has had a friend graduate to the rad phase of life sees that with the dizzying array of powers that a spirit has in the afterlife phase of life, teleportation, telepathic link, time travel, multi location, arrange for doors to open, arrange for good people to cross your path. Very impressive.
Yet the angels and Jesus to say nothing of God Himself. The power of these entities is on another intensified level and the full extent of their powers would be unimaginable.
In the Bruce Lee movie, The Big Boss, Bruce Lee was arrested at the end of the movie. That's when the movie ended.
Kinda knowing the Court system, an imagined extension of the movie is Bruce Lee is brought before the Courts but the case wound up being thrown out due to insufficient evidence. An impoverished talented fighter with some slight autism manages to singlehandedly defeat gangsters in a typically overwhelmingly unfair fight, gangsters who the Court system already encountered and knew they were scuzzy and bad and a lot of people feared and hated these gangsters. Insufficient evidence. Case thrown out.
I'm an animated cartoonist. I ought to have a Disneying array of powers.
ENGLANd = ENGLAN = Angel. Embedded anagram.
Today is ostensibly my birthday. Ostensibly because all that happened was that I was just told some stuff. As far as the standard empirical documentary evidence like a birth certificate in long forms. But since it would be printed in a pictographic language that's completely illegible to me, which is quite a raw deal.
That's why I often envy those who graduated to the next and more majorly phase of life. I am operating under so many weird elements in my life such as thing that I'd just as soon just walk out on the Earthly phase of life. Of course I don't get to choose that.
Birthday. Yeah. Sure. Whatever.
54 years old. Old or what? Old is as old does. If a person is doing yoga every day and meditating and riding a skateboard and dance moves are healthy for the body as Dr Andrew Weil wrote, then 54 is the new 34.
Today is my birthday. I got a birthday present from my amygdala in the form of more fears of the future. What were the chances of that?
The movie Astral City. Good one.
An angel named Clarencio brings to mind the angel Clarence from Its A Wonderful Life.
And the name of a spirit guide, Lisias, obviously that rhymes with Jesus.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Rich or poor, alone or with a woman, I will always remember to thank God for the beauty within each day. I will never be alone. All I have to do is to remember the love of all my friends in this phase of life or in the next.
A person gestates for 9 months to prepare for a life of possibly a hundred years. A person lives for a hundred years to prepare for a next phase of life that could be the equivalent of 10,000 years in preparation for a million year lifespan, ad infinitum.
The could it be that a sperm cell lives for about 74 days, once ejected into a woman lives up to 5 days which is a raw deal for a woman who wants to have a good time but doesn't want to get pregnant. An ovum is released one at a time and lives for about 24 hours if not otherwise fertilized. I suppose it's good to know these things.
Well, anyways, being a sort of precursor stage, if the union between these two gametes and zygotes are successful, they exist for a few hours to few days to prepare for a 9 month gestation.
But what if the spirit doesn't enter until the union of the two things? Does the spirit enters during the quickening which is when the embryo makes the first movements.
Are the two things living or not? Some things don't make it into the afterlife such as the nasty R complex replete with the amygdala, the hypothalamus, the adrenaline glands and possibly sperm and ovum as well.
Does being a sperm or ovum involves any spiritually present waiting period? Probably not.
Weird thoughts. Overthinking. The brain can be a monkey at times.
My hotel is closing in about a year and a half. I am trying to apply for housing but what if I screw up the process or miss the phone call and don't get housing? Then I'll have to move back to Vancouver and try to get a room in an SRO in the downtown eastside.
Vancouver has very heavenly vibes. If I live in a tent, I'll be graduating to the next phase of life because of hypothermia. That's my worries of the future.
That's why I envy where Beebs is. She is in a dimension of existence where she doesn't have to worry about that at all.
One doesn't go from being alive to being dead, and one doesn't go from just being alive to being more alive. One goes from being alive to being even more alive to an unimaginable level.
Now that I'm into skateboarding, there is that one less thing that I have in common with them, not that we had much in common to begin with.
"This is a picture of a bartender celebrating the day that Prohibition ended. The last time he remembers partying this hard was yesterday." Dennis Miller, Millennium Special
If I talk to my departed friend every day for the rest of my life, when I see her again in the next phase of life, it won't be the typical, "I thought you were dead. The last time we spoke was decades ago."
Rather it would be, "I knew that you were alive just more so and in a different dimension. The last time I remember speaking to you was yesterday."
Medium Nicole on YouTube said that spirits of relatives of the past visit us but also those in the future yet to be born whom we affect also visit us. To the spirit world, time is not a linear thing so past and future are irrelevant.* Mind blowing. Linear time is an illusion. Time travel is time experienced on an objective level. All things are happening simultaneously although one needs to know that which is non simultaneous to know that which is simultaneous and vice versa.
The movie Arthur part 2 mentions this. Arthur is depressed and not sure if he can go on with living when his butler who died visits him as a ghost. The butler says, "Arthur, you have a son. I've met him and he very much wants to meet you. He has eyes that smile all day." What a wonderful Universe we live in. This is the Love of God.
This is the level I'm operating on.
*source: Ghostly Gossip: What Departed Ones Visit Us / Medium Nicole / YouTube
Are we all on the same page? I don't care as long as I know that I am on my page. Everybody is on a different page of their own and some are on a more advanced page than me.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Yesterday I went to Fisherman's Wharf and had 3 beef tacos at the Mexican restaurant.
I stayed home yesterday.
Yesterday, at the pawn store, I treated myself to a white Sony PSP. Usually a PSP is silver or black. A white Sony PSP is rare.
My favorite game is Midnight Club Dub edition.
Today, I met my friend from the Church. Not a date. Completely platonic.
There's nothing wrong with having a friend.
She has a dog that barks a lot when she is not around.
Today, we went to a restaurant. I sat at an outdoor table. When my friend was in the restaurant ordering something, the dog barked loudly and for 15 minutes.
A guy on a ten speed was angry, he said, "That barking dog is scaring people. And you were sleeping. This is a case for animal control!" He was still talking as my friend came out of the restaurant and sat down at the table.
Sure enough, two city animal control officers showed up. They were concerned that I might be sleeping or even unconscious and they had spoken to my friend about her dog before.
I was just relaxing, resting. My idea was to be as calm as possible hopong it would make that dog calm as well.
That guy on the ten speed has a point. Dogs that bark loudly, there are by-laws about that. An owner should have their animal controlled and that guy didn't know that I wasn't the owner.
This brings to mind a story from the News. A high school student did something really bad at that high school. Brought a gun, shot some other students. The parents themselves had to stand trial for not disciplining their children adequately. There are laws about dogs barking in the suburbs. Owners are reponsible for getting their dog trained.
That's the second time I was there with that lady and the dog barked and someone yelled at the dog and me because I was sitting with that dog.
Sometimes friends especially friends of the opposite gender can get you into weird situations that you wouldn't otherwise have gotten into if you didn't have that friendship.
I hate situations like that and the issue with the dog will come up again.
This is a classic death omen. When people get mad it's a death omen. It means that one day in the future, I will learn of the news of my friend's and perhaps the dog's death as well. My friend is in her mid 70s. At that age, it's anybody's guess.
For my part, I don't see making it past 84. Max. But who knows?
I don't know how much more I want to spend time with this friend. The dog is very skittish and barks very loud often and on certain reocurring occasions. She doesn't want to take the dog to a dog trainer as she feels it would stifle the dogs personality. Another weird energy jangle.
Things like this wouldn't happen in heaven or the afterlife. I hate a lot of the phsyics of this dimension.
Well, as it turns out, this too was an omen. The day after this event, I'd be getting a VR goggles set. The guy on the ten speed, the two wheels of the ten speed represent the two lenses of the VR goggles. The two animal control officers in matching in uniforms represent the matching VR paddle controllers.
Bad edgy events happen but they don't last long. Edgy events are like the local weather. You don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes.
And I dont forget the good events that come right after. At Swartz Bay when the guy said he didn't like my dancing, right away, someone told me that he liked my dancing and that I should keep it up.
On this occasion, a couple minutes later as if magically, someone from the Church showed up and I see him whenever I have some issue. He is a reassuring presence like an angel. He looks like a really smart European guy who studied at the University the CERN scientists studied at. He may have some authority or connection to the Police and security forces. A good guy.
Death will be like that, for about ten, fifteen minutes, the body will go through a massive shutdown. Although seeming like a mini eternity st the time, looking back, it went fast. And then there will always be a reassuring presence, an angel, spirit guided, spirit guardian, whatever.
Angry edgy events often have a weird good omen. The last event above contained an omen of VR goggles. Last year when that guy got angry at what would turn out to be the last restaurant me and Heather ever went to together during her Earthly phase of life, as he got angry, a partial denture fell out of his mouth. I picked it up and handed it back to him. Anyways, a few mknths later, I myself got dentures which I kind of need.
This is a device. Point it at a barking dog and it emits a distractive sound that only dogs can hear that sounds like squirrels. This supposedly distracts barking dogs. Don't know. Haven't tried it.
I have a couple of death omen angry people stories about Heather.
Years ago, at the glass patio area of the cactus club, at the corner, I was walking with Heather. I picked ip a cigarette butt, saw that it was the filter only and threw it down on the ground again. A couple a very angry. "Pick up that cigarette butt you threw!!"
As it turns out, years later, that corner was the very last spot I ever saw Heather. She turned the corner there and that was the lady time I ever saw her.
About a year ago, someone had a very angry argument with someone at a local Burger King downtown. Me and Heather were there. As it turns out, that Bruger King was the last restaurant we ever went to together. We were there together one day and less than a week later, she died.
A YouTube video taught me how to download games onto the PSP.
Go to PSP USB setting.
Go to romsmania to download ISO of your game of choice.
Then download a WINRAR extractor.
Open that. Open downloads folder on the WinRAR extractor.
Then click on the game and then click on extract to drive D:ISO.
That's it. I downloaded Midght Club LA Remix and Hot Brain.
There no accounting for taste. Download what you want.
Might as well. These games are unavailable for sale on amazon. Out of print. 20 year old games!
I have a weird but good story. This morning, I went to a store ready to order a PSP to USB cable. The person who handles this type of sale is out of town today. Come back tomorrow. It would have cost the good part of $20.
I called another electronics store asking if they have one in stock. Nope.
Turns out I have one in the top drawer. Chances are it was hidden in plain sight when I called on the phone asking about one.
What seemed to be mishaps, turned out to be the hand of God. That's what Pastor Joel Osteen often says.
Friday, May 17, 2024
Today I went to the supermarket. Then this afternoon, a surprise. I got a new Meta Quest VR Goggle set. Can you imagine me with a set of VR goggles?
For some reason, at about 2 pm on this day, I was thinking of VR goggles. For months I imagined that my future would be one with VR goggles. I looked on Amazon. Then I called the pawn store. They indeed had two for sale. One was a Vive model that costs $700. The other one wass the meta quest 2 which I got knowing time is of the essence. Something like that wasn't going to be there at the store for long.
I used VR goggles for the first time once at the Victoria BC Art Gallery. It had a book of knowledge program. In an artsy room. Pages suspended in the air, touch one of the leafs of the pages and it opens to a page of knowledge. Pretty neat.
I am downloading Google Earth and movie set up and also rock concert, why not, and also encyclopedia book of knowledge and meditation settings like a VR beach, mountaintop etc.
VR games allow me to teleport, so to speak and also go backwards in time and advance forward in time to any point in a story. This reminds me of my friends who graduated to the next phase of life because they have all these abilities.
Earth is a video game. Life is a tutorial and stages of play. Once you did the entire play through, upon death aka graduation day, you get to play this video again but with all the cheat codes including teleportation and go back or go forward to any point in time instantly like rewinding ans fast forwarding a movie.
I also want the star wars light sabers game. There is available on the meta quest browser for free called Sabers.
Driving games. Sounds intriguing. Motion sickness?
I definitely DON'T WANT to play any games that involve motion sickness. No way. Nope.
I set up a Facebook account. Just a burner Facebook account so I can use the meta quest 2 oculus vr goggles. I haven't used them yet.
I might as well tell this story. I'm keeping score. Right after going to the art gallery, I went to a restaurant that I usually go to. At that restaurant were two blonde Police ladies. I would say that they are indeed beautiful but would that be appropriate given my station in life and their station in life. They represent government authority. Yes, beautiful but also I think of now as an omen because today I got VR goggles.
Police are often harbinger of some really good things. For two days in a row, the Police visited my neighbour across the hall. Quite a few of them. And then the day after I saw them, on the third day after the two days I saw them, that was when I saw Princess Anne.
Well, you might say that Royalty and the Police are extensions of one another.
I mulled over, debated about whether to go. Feeling lazy, apathetic, I'd probably just see the back of someone's head but I saw a Police van driving down the hill to where Princess Anne was to host a ceremony as if goading me to go. I went. And saw the Royal Princess.
I love the Police. They have been good luck omens to me on a lot of occasions.
If you notice, perhaps they will be good omens that presage good events in your life too.
Well. This afternoon I time travelled using my VR goggles. There are free preset virtual worlds one can download for free. I downloaded them all.
First I was in a virtual world. Felt like I was in the movie Blade Runner. Then I went to a town in the 1800s! A Western town back to a time when cocaine was legal. Anyways I was in a town in the 1800s. Looked absolutely mind-blowing. I felt like I was a child again going to an over the top best theme park ever where everything looks larger than life.
I time traveled to the future took a half hour break for my afternoon ablutions and then I time traveled to the past. Between the two time travels, my trip to the future was in the past and my trip to the past was still then in my future. I fucking knew that would happen!
My VR goggles cost $200. There was another one at the store going for $700. Too pricey for me. The thought of spending that kind of money gives me an anxiety attack.
The virtual worlds on my Meta Quest 2 goggles still looks cartoonish, like a very high grade version of PSP graphics. I'm guessing that the virtual worlds of the $700 unit looks a lot more photo realistic and with more finer details.
I'm looking for a YouTube video that tells me how and then a website where I can download more free virtual worlds onto my VR goggles. But I haven't reviewed the whole menu of the stock free virtual worlds yet. I'll let you know.
I'm still reeling from the VR goggles. I'd rate them at 12 stars out of 10. Mind officially blown. I'm getting depersonalization from a really really good event.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
The VR goggles are off the scale.
Remember how YouTube is like a cross between a television and an encyclopedia?
There are tons of YouTube 360 videos so with the goggles, YouTube is like a cross between a teleportation machine and an encyclopedia.
Oh sure. Anything. Search 360 video plus Star Wars, Terminator, Blade Runner, Disney theme park, Harry Potter Diagon Alley, etc etc
I toured Buckingham Palace. It was like a Royal dream. "What, again?" which what I said when I had vivid Royal dreams almost daily for a week. Royal dreams, the first thought is, I must be in trouble because one feels the weight of power and also Royalty is connected with the Police. I'm going to talk about this dram and if I do, people will think I'm crazy.
Police and street people alike will say, "Tell us what you think you saw..."
Somehow they always know if a person is telling the truth.
Street people are like the Tramp Joe from the Polar Express. Poor and living on the street but also intensely spiritual and wise.
A person can get a VR camera and start uploading videos. There are 360 videos of the town that I live in!
There is a waterproof VR camera, must be expensive and also is resistant to depths of water.
I watched a VR video about scuba diving. I felt like I was right there too!
They say television makes you look ten pounds heavier. VR cameras have a slight fish eye effect which adds to the illusion of depth. Buildings look bigger than they are, they look distended and walkways that are one footstep on length in real life look like three footsteps in length on a video.
Nah. That's just IMAX scaling which is a feature of VR movies. In IMAX people always look larger than life. That's normal.
A VR camera is next to and films someone doing something like digging for clams on the beach. There is the VR camera and I pan and look around. How come I don't see the cameraman or camera woman who is holding the VR camera? And if the camera is held by a selfie stick or suspended from a wire off a fishing rod, how come I don't see any of that either?
VR is just getting started. On meta quest, when I go into these worlds, it's like remote viewing or astral projection, if I can see them, they can see me. In the meta quest virtual world, people tried to talk to me and even send me messages.
I don't write back. They could be anyone. They could be punk rockers who do five ecstacy tabs all at once before going to a punk rock nightclub or they could be in house security guards, moderators, Police. Those virtual worlds are a vector for people to meet people but for what? Selling drugs? Grooming? Is there a minimum age for a virtual world and how well is that enforced? I use a pseudonym, Nautilus something something, some numbers after that.
A lady or someone who claims to be a lady sent me a message. "Hey!!!!!"
As soon as someone appears in a virtual world, hackers can find out the person's identity. Usually it's a burner google play account. But in my case it might be like, "Holy smokes, this guy is a whale. He's a big deal. Cartoon animator and writer. Major writer. And frequent references to royal dreams that resonate."
Don't ever lose that imagination!
At the Buckingham Palace VR tour, I got a panic attack even though I first saw the video thumbnail on recommendations. I clicked on it without hesitation. The whole thing felt a little bit illegal. And where are the security guards standing in the corners of the rooms? Royalty always has a Police security detail that precedes them kinda like how the Dalai Lama always travels with an entourage that precede him.
How do you do a VR video of a place and maintain the atmosphere of State authority and legality without including the guards there as if saying, "You might suffer a panic attack. This is all overwhelming. But we're right here if you do."
I got an intrusive thought that doing VR videos of a rich place potentially provides people a chance to 'case' the place but that could happen with 2D videos too and tons of 2D videos have been made of rich places.
The Buckingham Palace VR tour was spectacular. I quite enjoyed myself. It was a treat for sure. I am honoured to have been able to see that. That place is even richer than Shaughnessy Heights.
And seeing a movie? Forget it! YouTube has a small, medium and large screen setting. The large screen makes you feel like you are sitting in the first two rows in a movie theatre. The medium screen, a few rows back etc.
Holy smokes! It is the way the movie was meant to be seen. I saw the Shining. When Jack entered the Gold Room with all the ghosts of the 1920s, that scene just amazed me.
Any movie, you name it. Forget getting a 75" screen. VR goggles present the image of 75 foot screen!
With videos on Plex, there is a 2D, 180 degree and 360 degree setting. With the 360 degree setting, you feel you are right in the middle of it!
One day movies will be filmed with a VR camera option. With VR goggles, you can be in the middle of a movie and even move to different places within a regulated zone, like you can't walk between two sectors when they are talking to one another especially in a Police drama. That would not be good. Or walk in the middle of a shootout in a movie. Or in the jaws of a megaladon. Not good.
It would be like Rashomon. Depending on the vantage point you took, you would walk away with a different version of the story than any of your friends did. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a movie that's trying to advance a specific premise? Answer: who cares?
First responders deal with that all the time. Different versions of the same story.
The Rashomon Effect.
VR cartoon. Meta store free VR apps. Henry the hedgehog. Mind blowing. And one can skip backwards and forwards in time ten seconds at a time with each click. Time travel capabilities. Not bad. Yeah, well, a VHS videocassette player could do that too. Advance forwards or backwards in time. My mind was blown when I saw that cartoon. Mind officially blown.
The cartoon, Henry the hedgehog, I saw had some orbs floating around. Quite a few of them. That's how the spirits of those who departed travel as they visit us. They supposedly teleport in the form of orbs. Supposedly because I've never seen this myself.
The $300 Meta Quest 2 which I got used for $200 connects to YouTube 360, free Meta Quest apps, etc. It has a 110 degree viewing range.
The $1000 VR goggles is heavier in weight and has a comprehensive military look to it. You would need to additionally set up an account with Sidequest and Steam to get the high powdered PC run VR games. Although the $1000 VR goggles also do YouTube 360, meta quest etc. This has a 130 degree viewing range. High powered refresh rate but that's only if you're playing the heavy duty first person shooter military games, full of motion sickness.
The Meta Quest 2 is good enough.
I'd like to tour Hong Kong in YouTube VR 360.
Do anything in VR. Watch a news cast. Attend a cooking class.
A complete news cast in VR.
VR is better than travelling there. I visited a major ancient temple in VR, the one Indiana Jones went to in the Last Crusade. The Petra temple in Jordan. If I were a tourist there, I'd get a view from the ground looking up, a worms eye view, that's it. In VR, I get an aerial drone shot, a birds eye view, which really highlights the temple. I felt I actually visited there. A person could see it as a picture in an encyclopedia Britannica, but seeing it in VR is another thing entirely. That's like a University education's worth of experience.
Spirits of those in the next phase of life can visit any place on Earth and also fly. Hasn't anyone ever flown in dreams?
I went skydiving VR. Intense. Once you do that, anything else is a walk in the park, right? Wrong. The anxiety still remains.
I went scuba diving to a coral reef in the Philippines VR. I saw the strangest animals and corals I've never seen before. There are organisms and there are organisms. Which is this?
I also did a space walk on the ISS. It brought to mind the guy who did the Red Bull jump from lower Earth atmosphere. A spacesuit is only two inches of space age material protecting the body from zero degrees Kelvin.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Last night, I watched a VR video about a train ride in Europe. The train was departing from Vahnahalsen, wherever that is, I'm guessing Norway? Finland
I could be a tourist in Europe but would I also be sitting in the front seat of a train as it winds through Europe?
That video was more tunnels than train.
Those tunnels were like 1800s Western style tunnels on steroids.
The VR video was like the Stanley Park miniature train ride on meth.
Wretched. This is what a colonoscopy must look like. No polyps detected. All good.
Lots of tunnels. The 1800s called. They want their Western style tunnels back.
What massively egregious tunnels. And there are people who do this for a living?
And I thought the tunnel on the highway into Vancouver, the George Massey tunnel was a tunnel.
Great video.
On another at least one video, I walked through the streets of Tokyo at night. Mind blown.
The scale was like, it was like I was right there.
I saw some buildings that made me think, "When I think of the yuppie 90s Japan, I would think of a building like that. The building hardly had any lights on. It had a hupiesque gothic look to it. A very responsible business looking building.
I turned around to see what was behind me. There is a guy holding the camera directly behind. That reminds me of young Prince Harry with the rosy red cheeks and the blue Irish wire knit sweater and Prince Philip. I looked and saw them standing behind me in dreams that I had. Japan is a Royal country.
I saw some stairways that made me feel scared. In some countries, these stairways lead to upstairs uh, dens of interesting reputation.
In Japan, many of these stairways would say, Japanese Only, no non-Japanese allowed. Even being Korean or Chinese wouldn't cut it so it would be an outs for me.
Downton Tokyo is for sure on another level from what I know which is Granville Street in Vancouver.
I could read a few pictographic letters, Tokyo, Japan and one sign said ching San which means clear mountain, clean mountain.
Traveling takes money and guts. Well, zero out of two ain't bad.
First responders see more in one year alone than most people will see in a lifetime. Some airline pilots fly frkm one continent to another a few times a week. That takes nerves of steel.
Trsvel 101 - English speaking country
Travel 201 - non English speaking country which uses a different alphabet
Travel 301 - something very exotic, anything in Africa or an Islamic country
Travel 401 - in a conflict, only NGOs and military personnel and embedded reporters, all sorts of government warnings issued
Travel 101 England and possibly 201, Thailand, perhaps Poland is all I'd be willing to Travel to if I had a million dollars.
Montreal is like a European vacation in Canada. The language and the architecture is there. And you get a blend of Canadian, European and some Native cultural influences that you wouldn't get in Europe.
Toronto is the fifth largest city in North America. Downtown Toronto would look interesting in VR 360.
YouTube has the finest collection of VR 360 movies. VR 360 is like IMAX on steroids.
I thought I would need to upgrade to a more eensive set of VR goggles because a lot of the videos seems blurry, no better than that of standard CRT televisions. But I saw a NASA one of a VR camera, that was set up on Mars. Splackling high definition.
Observation? Mars. What a backwater. It makes any small town look like Times Square in New York, another must see VR video. I knew Mars was a backwater and I was right.
For awhile, I was worried that I might see something scurry across the horizon. A small lizard? A Martian in the distance? That would freak me out if I saw that.
VR 360 is better than the Sphere in Las Vegas or a Planetarium because you can see the ground which is also rendered.
However VR 360 is a simulated big screen whereas IMAX and the Sphere in 'Vegas is the real deal.
VR 360 to do list
- New York Times Square
- ride the eye in London
- Toronto
I wouldn't mind seeing the Wuppertal Schweibebahn in VR 360. The onion road.
This afternoon, I did it. I saw one VR 180 video. VR 180 is good enough. I usually never turn around on the 360 videos except just occasionally. There are a couple of VR videos on this topic on YouTube.
Impressions. I couldn't believe that I was there so to speak after seeing some YouTube videos about this. The train is well over 100 years old. The town that the train is in is a small town.
I saw the pyramids of Egypt in VR 360. I also saw the Sphinx too. The Sphinx is the Pharoah's cat. Really? Archaeologists said it was originally the head of a jackal placed there by a more advanced civilization that preceded it and was replaced. The head does look a different color than the rest of the body. Was it or was it not? Who knows? Either way you wind ip with a tourist attraction that people thousands of years after it was built could still see.
The pyramids looked like what I expected to see. They look wrecked. You could sense that thing is old old, like thousands of years old. How could a civilization thousand of years ago have the technology to life and fit such heavy stones? I VR visited the interior of a pyramid too. Massive architectural structural engineering or what?
When they were new, the pyramids were covered with white marble and capped with gold at the top. The pyramids were not tombs but power plants, they were each an enhanced form of a Tesla coil. The pyramids could be seen from miles away even at night because of the white marble and gold. Modern technology doesn't have the skills to restore it to new but why not give it a shot? Imagine if the pyramids were renovated and restored to what it looked like when it was new.
What about the step pyramids? Were they also power plants? No, the step pyramids were built by technologically less advanced locals to copycat the pyramids which were built by an alien human hybrid race with superior technology. The head shapes of some Egyptians were elongated like extraterrestrials. Believe it? Who knows. Either way it's a good story.
The pillars at Luxor are so well built and centered that they haven't collapsed even after thousands of years. Europeans copied off that. The pillars at Luxor look like the flying buttresses below the clerestory of a Cathedral.
A power plant the size of an Egyptian pyramid and there are three of them representing the belt of Orion which is where Zeta Reticuli ETs comes from, would be needed to generate enough power needed for time travel, teleportation, and interstellar warp travel.
Richard Dawkins said that constellations is the resulting of drawing lines between stars that are not connected at all but are hundreds of light years away.
"Stop connecting separate dots with invisible lines." David Harbour, The Green Hornet
The zeta reticulans wouldn't see themselves as part of a constellation. Our Sun could be a a star in a constellation for some other sentient species. Would we kkow about that? But the zeta reticulans do recognize that Earth sees the star they come from as part of a constellation. Who do you think pointed that out to earthlings?
I'm babbling on like a tourist would because I felt like I actually visited those places.
VR tweaks a person's very physiology. The eyes have cones and rods. Cones detect color and rods discern distance and spatial relationships between objects. The VR algorithm directly tweaks the rods of the eye, and also the visual cortex which sends signals to the retina and then to the forebrain, the cerebellum aka the cerebral cortex.
If I had a VR camera, where would I film? I don't know if I would. I don't like to film people without their permission.
I think there is a law that says if you have a camera and someone approaches you, that they provided you express consent or tacit consent.
I won't fool around with that. People can get edgy and I'm not someone who is even authoritative let alone confrontational.
Any place that I think of has people visiting and some places have signs saying no photography, like a museum.
Someone could do a VR video of riding a nice hill somewhere on a skateboard. I would recommend going at a safe speed and wearing a helmet. A hill along a mountain with no people and if there's cars, then you can't really see the people inside the glass windows of the car like seeing aliens in the glass window of a UFO. There probably are VR films about aliens and UFOs.
I saw a VR video about dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus Rex. Does the VR movie give me the option to hide behind a tree? Nope. What a jerk VR program. Oh no. The T Rex spotted me. Now it's running after me. What are the chances a human can outrun a T Rex?
Whew, I was able to hide in a small cave somewhere.
Holy smokes! I time traveled back a few million years! The visual dimensional coordinates are all there. Kind of. It's a pretend animated cartoon. I just imagine I time traveled.
The VR horror jumps are movies are unsettling. But they could help a person with anxiety.
"If I fake it, then I don't have it." What About Bob?
In VR horror movies, it requires you to have anxiety to keep score and perhaps you question at times whether you have enough anxiety. This tricks the brain into thinking that anxiety is normal and you are reacting to an actual situation as the brain can't tell the difference between a real problem and an imaginary problem that you believe is true rather than sitting around and being anxious about an imaginary problem which is really nothing at all which can really ratchet it up.
I'm worried about housing. What if I fuck up the application process or am not around when they call me. Then what? Tent city? I'd rather just be taken to a yard and shot.
A VR camera is a camera on either side of a cell phone. Humans see forwards because the eyes are in the front of the head. Rabbits see sideways, because their eyes are on the side of their head. Thier main vision is our peripheral vision and vice versa.
Well, a VR camera works like that forming two hemispheres of viewing radius and splicing it together, conflated as one image.
The person digging for claims on the beach had a tripod set up next to them.
Same tripod set up I saw when I saw.a VR video about being in a lion enclosure. Terrifying. Lions walked up to me and when I looked behind me, there was another lion too. The golden color reminded me of angels. It also reminded of Daniel in the lions den.
If it was a person and not a tripod, the liions would have eaten that person for sure.
I saw a VR movie about being on the Titanic when it sank. In the VR movie, in spite of being a man, I was able to get a seat in the women and children only lifeboat. For many years I thought of how terrifying it must have been to stand on the deck of the Titanic when it sank, never even guessing that I'd experience it in VR. I was terrified yet excited.
The lifeboat was descending. I heard a lady say, "The captain is supposed to be retiring after this trip is over." I don't think retiring is the word I'd use.
As the lifeboat was dropping, I thought the most apropos words to say at the time would be, "When the lifeboat is away some distance I'll roll a few joints so all of us could pass it aroind. I also brought some hash." Would that have been the best words to say at the time?
Probably not, they were all probably in mild anaphylactic shock as they were experiencing clinical grief. Their R complexes would have been firing up at this time and their amygdalas would have been on fire.
Seeing the Titanic sink, then split apart then sink some more was a rather ghastly image that I'll remember for a long time.
There is at least one VR video on YouTube about visiting the Wreck of the Titanic. Why wouldn't someone watch a video of that rather than to try to visit the actual thing in a Jerry rigged submarine?
I wonder if I have the guts to experience a VR, 'romance' video. Guts because I wonder if it's legal. Would they be any less legal than regular 2D videos?
Lying down on a bed in a five star hotel, through an open doorway, a woman walks in wearing something that leaves nothing to the imagination because in all likelihood, she's wearing nothing at all. She's on the bed and does some erotica moves, you get the picture. Interesting. Some porn sites have videos that say 360 on them.
I have a portable power pack. I have to go to an electronics store and get a USB-C to USB-A cable. This connects the Meta Quest 2 headset to a power source so you can use the VR headset longer.
The VR headset melts the hours away into what seems like minutes and like rats at a cocaine feeder bar, one tends to forget to eat food and drink liquids.
One has to remember to take breaks and eat, etc as compelling as the VR machine is.
Saint Chapelle, France.
I skipped Church today. When I have a new baby, the tendency is to stay with bit the first week, at least.
Churches could have a VR Church service and live as well.
I would love to see a VR Church service at Saint Chapelle Church in France with all the stained glass windows. Heads of State and Royalty have visited that Church. The Church was built a few hundred years ago but it rivals anything in the modern age.
There might be some slight language barrier as I don't speak a lot of French.
One day I would like to see at least one 5 minute VR 360 video filmed at this Cathedral. I don't think a VR 360 video has been done because the technology is too new and nobody thought about it and the Priests there won't allow it.
YouTube: Paris in 3D (VR 180) from uploader Hexa 360 has footage of St Chapelle in VR 180.
Another Church is one of the major ones in London. Westminster Abbey and Christopher Wren's Saint Paul's Cathedral. There is probably a VR video of those Churches. Or is there? Dig around.
I need to see a VR video of the Sherlock Holmes museum, the Smithsonian museum and the British museum. The Louvre would be mind blowing as well.
"You'll get nothing and like it!" Caddyshack
At the upper left corner of my left VR goggles lens, I noticed a spot that looked like a film smudge. I thought I had a bit of mucus film in my eye. I washed my elft eye holding the lid open and under some running water. Still there. I thought I might be developing cataracts.
Then I noticed. The ocular lens of the VR goggles has a slight fresnel lens effect and this effect causes certain spots in the lens to subtly reflect light at times. The fresnel lens has a magnifying effect which is why lighthouses use them.
This afternoon, I glimpsed a VR video of some lions and then a riverbank in a forest. Not bad.
Then I played Gorilla Tag. Enough said. Try it out. I was able to make it out of the initial cave and then climb a tree to a treehouse. Lucky no one else was there.
The samurai swordfight is a good app too but one can't just sit on their bed and use it. It's best to stand up and move around.
I watched a VR horror film about a wheelchair in an abandoned mental asylum that still gives me trauma just thinking about it.
The app called Camera 360 turns a cell phone camera into a VR 360 camera.
Monday, May 20, 2024
It looks like the Israeli Gazan war has reached another phase, the mid game phase.
The President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash. That's major. Iran is a major country and a Head of State is a major personae. Dead. Why? Israel wouldn't be too sorry to see him gone because it was under his watch that Iran sponsored Hamas invaded Israel.
The ICC issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and others a few Israelis and a few Gazans. Is this effective? A warrant was issued for Putin. How's that working out? Arrest warrants from an enitity that is toothless are ineffective. A lion doesn't care about the opinions of sheep.
Putin was formerly a very high ranking Police Officer so he would know all about arrest warrants. As for Israel, most of the world's top lawyers are Jewish and the lawyers for the Prime Minister of Israel would be no exception.
"All dragons knew their treasure down to the last ounce and Smaug was no exception."
The President of Iran did a Kobe Bryant. Helicopter crash. All dead.
The President of Iran got Prighozined. But besides method, what motive would the Russians have for doing in the Head of State of Iran? That's a major hit. It's not like whacking some made guy. I watched Goodfellas.
I can't think of any motive. The Russians didn't do it. It was just an unfortunate accident.
Helicopters are unstable. Unlike airplane, helicopters tilt forward and backward. I experienced this in a dream I had about riding a helicopter. In the dream the helicopter landed at Kingsgate Mall in Vancouver. As it was landing, the entire helicopter panned and swiveled ever so slightly in one direction. Do they do that in real life? I must say, I never rode a helicopter before. Heli-jet. It's pricey. Very pricey.
I saw a YouTube comment, "Note to self. Don't fly helicopters early in the morning near mountains in foggy weather."
Two helicopters that flanked and provided cover flew away unharmed.
I saw the Matterhorn in VR 360. I read the novel Banner in the Sky when I was 12 because it was required reading for my class at school. That novel is all about climbing the Matterhorn. There is a town near that mountain called Zermatt. Does that mean 'very Matt' in German? More likely it is a conflation of the abbreviations of two words, unser Matterhorn, under the Matterhorn.
The legend goes that if you see the Matterhorn, you will be rich and successful. As an ex-expat, repatriated expat, I remember hearing this kind of talk before. The serpentine stairway at Wat Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai. If you walk up those stairs, you will be rich and successful and I did that in 2003. Well, as it turns out, zero out of two ain't bad.
Just joking. "Poor and content is rich enough." as Shakespeare said.
I get enough money to live somehow, and since I met the friends that I did, friends still around and friends who graduated to the majorly phase of life, I have become more successful than I ever imagined I would be.
I think the saying only applies if you go to Switzerland to see the actual Matterhorn and not just seeing it in a VR 360 video.
Watching the VR 360 video of the Matterhorn before you read Banner In The Sky is crucial if you want to completely understand the novel. Someone got it into their head to climb the top of a mountain, that mountain. Well. You gotta do what you gotta do. You be you.
This evening, coincidentally, I turned on the knowledge network. The local News wasn't on because of Victoria Day. I tried pressing 111 on my remote which is Global News but pressed 11 inadvertently. Usually I turn the channel when I do this, but this time I stayed. I was looking for something in my room, a plug in for my electric wok. The show on the knowledge network was all about Switzerland, Zermatt, the Matterhorn, and it talked about the story behind Banner In The Sky. Some climbers, one of them British, wanted to climb the mountain. 3 out of 4 of them died including the old mentor but the British guy survived and reached the summit.
IMAX is still popular even in the age of VR 360 television.
Objectively, VR 360 is a small image that pretends to be a big image although subjectively, VR 360 is a large image pretending to be a small image.
The image in each ocular lens is only about three inches wide.
VR 360 pretends to be a big screen but IMAX is the real thing. I wonder what the Sphere in Vegas would be like. Now that is the place to do a VR 360 video except that recording devices are not allowed in a place like that, just like any other movie theatre. You could probably do a one minute video but recording the entire show would be a no no.
VR 360 would be essential at school. Before, you only heard a teacher talk about some historical place or see a picture of it in a slide show. VR 360, you feel like you are actually there. VR 360 television contains a University education's worth of knowledge.
I'm looking forward to the next iteration of VR 360. If I ever see a pair of VR goggles noticeably better than the one I have, if the price is right, I'll get it. My VR goggles have a 110 degree field of view. The more expensive ones have a 130 degree field of view. I wonder what the most expensive ones on the market can do. The more expensive ones, you have to connect to a PC and not just any PC, a high powered gaming PC. Connect to Steam. Connect to Sidequest. Heavy during gaming. Over a hundred people on at a time. The HUD is full of comments from participants. That level of gaming.
Wider field of vision equals more motion sickness.
Right now, I'm watching a VR video of the Titanic wreck at the bottom of the sea. What can I say? It looks wrecked. Depressing. It wouldn't be worth the money or the hassle to visit the actual thing. The VR video has the party of a Titanic wreck viewing at the front and an all business looking interior of a submersible submarine st the back kind of like a deep undersea mullet.
That thing looks awful. Depressing.
The YouTube channel AirPano VR should be a household name. Their VR videos are platinum grade.
One YouTube VR video is one I just can't get over because it is a paradaiscal dream come true. It is a still life video of a library in a rich house. It has become my happy place retreat. Imagine me staying at a rich house. The library room is so nice and has a fireplace and a yawning cat. It has nice windows and is such a house that if people saw the house, they would envy whoever is staying there. And it is me staying there. This VR ambient room video is sheer luxury. I am glad that I found this as it makes me feel like I am staying at a five star hotel.
The News said notorious killer Robert Pickton got attacked in prison. The injuries are critical and considerable. He got speared in the head with a broken broomstick. In other words, he got a prison lobotomy.
In a realm where three times a week airholings are the coin of the realm, this story is not surprising at all. Not being I doctor, I don't know if he'll survive or not. Who cares. I'd say the odds of survival are 75%. Would this be a life changing injury?
Pickton is in prison, convicted for killed 6 women. I thought he was in prison for having being charged with killing 26 women. 49 confessed. That means 20 cases were thrown out of court.
Pickton was somewhat eligible for some kind of parole and it looks like someone wanted to make sure that Pickton didn't make parole.
Yesterday, I got the movies, Polar Express, Interstellar and Barry Lyndon on YouTube, viewable oon the YouTube app which makes movies look like watching it in a movie theatre. Barry Lyndon looks epic major on the YouTube app, large screen setting.
Barry Lyndon is Kubrick's masterpiece. Extravagant, ornate, lavish. And seeing it on the big screen in VR is like seeing it like I've never seen it before. It is the way the movie was meant to be seen.
Any movie looks like brand new and seen in the theatre on opening night.
I watched some old films like Phantom of the Opera, The Wizard of Oz with the Pink Floyd soundtrack, The Bicycle Thieves, Un Chien Andalou. The movies look much more alive on the VR player.
At University film school, these films would have been seen at a movie theatre sized screen.
This is my journal. I like to just write. No one reads this.
I imagine being on Granville Street at a theatre a long time ago and watching these movies and it would look like it does on my VR player. Truly a time travel experience.
It tricks that part of my brain which makes me think I'm there. Coca babble. Tourist babble. Expat babble. This is an intense experience. I have the knowledge to match this intensity.
Sociology. There are porn videos about young women getting it on with older men, I am an older man, the young ladies being young in their early 20s. These ladies are hot. White hot.
These videos are done in Eastern Europe where they face economic challenges additional to those that other more affluent countries face. So it's not that expensive to contact these ladies. Of course they're all connected to the Russian mafia which protects them. These ladies are all junkies to the bone but they don't look like junkies they look like regular middle class ladies from the suburbs especially if they wear nice clothes.
I am thinking of reinventing mysf and going to Eastern Europe to meet young ladies.
It's not rocket science. Money, escort service, call girls. That's how you score.
For an additional fee, those ladies would be willing to be in a porn video.
I don't have to go to Europe. Save the money, time and hassle and support the local economy and score with a call girl service in town.
Porn is one side of the coin. Having lots of experience with women, it always winds up being the same geometric game again and again. Here's the peg. There's the hole. Put the peg in the hole.
The other side of the coin is responsibilities and consequences. What does women want? Freud asked that. The answer is sovereignty. It's often a power struggle.
A man who wind every argument makes a good logiciaan but a terrible husband. Same goes for a wife. It's often expedient to defer to the other.
The fears of STIs and also fears of paternity.
For a man:
With a hooker, if you get an STI, it's on you, if you get her pregnant, it's on her.
With a wife, if you get an STI, it's on her, if you get her pregnant, it's on you.
For a woman:
With a gigolo, if you get an STI, it's on you, if you get pregnant, it's on you.
With a husband, if you get an STI, it's on him, if you get pregnant, it's on him.
Edmonton. 3 - 0 against the Canucks. Game over.
I put on my VR goggles to revisit the rich house and listen to the hockey game on television as if listening to it on the radio. Hockey game on the radio in the rich house? Sure! In the library of that rich house, there is only one copy of Sherlock Holmes. All the other books have repeating copies.
Final score. 3 - 2 for the Oilers.
If I'm single for life, I will always feel the love of my friend Heather who graduated to the next phase of life. So I won't ever feel alone.
The meta quest browser is curved. The option for a flat screen simply isn't there. I don't mind the curved screen. It reminds me of something...
YouTube VR. The screen on that app is Mercedes grade. Options for flat or curved, small medium and large screens. Movie theatre experience.
Another app has a VR movie theatre. Swivel around and you see people sitting with you. Press a button and their user names appear on a HUD. That way you don't feel alone. As to what movies Ar and are not available, I don't know. This app previously available on Meta Quest was called Big Screen but it got discontinued.
YouTube VR screen truly makes me feel like I'm in a movie theatre. But in a completely dark movie theatre alone. And with no dim lights lining the walkway up the sides of the theatre.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
VR 180 is really good too. It has more of a 3D effect than VR 360.
I watched a step pyramids VR 180 video. Typical. Old. Wrecked. All of it is one color. The stone monuments, the sand, all one color. And people speaking a language I don't understand all around.
I watched a VR 180 video of the Shinjuku district of Japan. I saw a building that I once drew a picture of not knowing that one day I would see the building in this way. It was like I was there. When I'm a tourist ad go to some place, I always think, "Aw, this looks no different than it does in the tourist books and tourism videos."
I am sitting down and relaxing as I watch this video. Wouldn't it be more realistic if I get up and start walking in place?
Then I realized that a spirit in the afterlife can and often do visit places. Do they have to walk to move forward? No. They don't. Moving forwards takes them no more effort than sitting down and relaxing. They float and hover moving forward through the power of thought.
And while watching the video, I can wave, make gestures, say something funny and no one in the video sees me or responds. They all ignore me! Well, that's practice for being a spirit in the afterlife.
"You'll never grow old, Michael, and you'll never die.." The Lost Boys
You don't have to be a vampire. Departed spirits in the afterlife phase of life never grow old and never die.
After having visited crowded hectic cities in VR walking down the streets of this city is a breeze.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Lots of traveling. In VR. Being a VR teleporter, oh the places you'll go, I visited Nepal, Egypt, Japan downtown walking, and also I visited Istanbul Turkey, walking down the streets in VR.
Istanbul came up in suggestions. Why not do something completely outside my zone of familiarity.
Istanbul is a beautiful town. Lots of buildings that have been around for a long time. Possibly centuries.
The buildings of Istanbul are nice and ornate and are better than the endless bric a brac concrete square houses of Bangkok Thailand.
Istanbul reminds me of the movie The Midnight Express and the novel too which I read. That novel contains Turkish phrases and even a few swear words that I still haven't been able to unremember. All humans can become a potential sponge for languages.
Walking through the streets of Istanbul in VR, I thought of the Ottoman Empire.
I noticed that Istanbulians mostly wear Western clothing. I saw relatively little Muslim clothing in the throng of Western attired pedestrians.
Seeing the walking around travel video, I thought of Global News Claire Newell. She is a travel agent who likes to sell people excellent vacation packages where they would be doing this, walking down streets of exotic countries.
Canada and the US is about 200 years old on the average, but these countries have buildings on their streets that are hundreds and hundreds of years old. London too. London has Tudor era houses that were built when Shakespeare was alive.
The architecture and infrastructure of these different countries is an education. Thats the commonality. Once you've become a world traveler jet setter, one of the things you learn is that a lot of countries have buildings a lot older than Canada and the US does.
I also visited Mount Rushmore and rode a gondola in Venice In VR.
Mount Rushmore kind of reminds me of my trip to Buri Ram to visit the stone temple. There is a long walkway and then at the end of the walkway is a building or edifice that forms the summit of the tourist attraction that brings to mind Disneyland's magic castle.
Venice Italy has a lot of buildings that again are old old.
If I have the guts, I'd like to visit the hard core Islamic countries such as Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia in VR. I wouldn't visit these places in real life. Too scary. That's the impression I get from the News. The News gives the impression that if you think of visiting Iran, Iraq etc expect angry protestors waving swords and instead of yelling "Yee hah!", they are yelling "Jihad!"
Skate Nomad of YouTube went to Iraq and all he met were kind friendly and calm people. No angry protestors. Most people when they go there, I'd expect that they would meet calm, friendly, kind and also very smart people.
A very scary place to visit in VR would be N Korea. Very scary. If anyone had the guts to go there and set up a VR camera, that person is the bravest person ever. It wouldn't take any more guts to do a VR video than it does to do a 2D video and tons of 2D videos have been done in North Korea.
In real life, it would take lots of money and nerves of steel. With VR, one can visit any city in a way they never did before. Teleportation and time travel via a guided tour along a certain track. Teleport to a city to some point in the past and then come back to the here and now.
In VR one doesn't spend a lot of time traveling at that other place. But in real life, travel experiences are truncated with unconsciously looking down at the ground instead of up and at the buildings because you are preoccupied or else just resting, trips to the bathroom, sleeping, and times spent at waiting rooms such as train stations, immigration offices to register yourself at the local embassy of your home country.
The top best happy optimal places to visit in VR is the London eye, the Sunset strip in Las Angeles, Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, Disneyland and Disney World, downtown Tokyo, A Christmas market anywhere in Europe, the Schengen lands of Northern Europe.
Don't forget to visit Victoria BC, Vancouver and Montreal in VR.
180 VR is just as good as 360 VR. 180 VR has intense the 3D effect that VR 360 doesn't have. I was looking out of a window of a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. It was raining heavily. It had a view of the Planet Hollywood Hotel.
This was after doing a 360 VR aerial tour of Las Vegas on the AirPano channel. Las Vegas looks like a very American town. American towns have a bustling efficient American feeling that Canadian towns don't. Canada and the United States each have a different pace of life.
My right glute muscle below the hip, not to put too fine of a point on it, is aching. I think it's cramped from sitting down for long periods of time watching VR and from not drinking enough fluids and also I must have pulled it doing that sword fighting app in VR. I must have lunged with the virtual sword in a way that pulled my right hip muscle. Stretching, lying down on the back and making the right leg form an L as it crosses over the left leg area, it's a yoga move. I'll feel better in a couple of days.
Remember to go on actual walks and not just VR walks. After walking in crowded exotic countries in VR, walking down the streets of this town should be a breeze. Skateboarding is just standing in one place and doesn't count as walking. One has to walk. It's crucial. Otherwise leg muscles atrophy over time.
This morning I encountered a couple of grumpy people. Omens.
First of all, three days ago on my way to McDonald's for breakfast, a guy walked right in front of me. I play Subway Surfer so I doged him. He looked like an angry MMA fighter or military guy. He had a dark brown beard. Then within a couple of days, I heard that the President of Iran died in a helicopter crash.
This morning as I left McDonald's, a lady outside was parroaching the door I was using to leave McDonald's. She seemed like she wanted to use the door but walked away grumpy. She was wearing a black covid mask. Then a second later, an Asian lady was walking towards me. I had to do a Subway Surfers ikimi or whatever the term is for a sideways move in aikido. She seemed grumpy too. I think it's an omen that Pickton is dead or will be. Sometimes news isn't announced of a person's death until hours later. Advance knowledge comes in the form of omens which is the result of a ripple effect in the Universe stemming from an event.
Intense death omen. The lady in the mask represents the lady with the veil over her face who died first, a lot earlier, then seeing the Asian lady represents the Native Lady who died more recently in the OBE I had in Dawson Creek when I took a walk down the hallway of the hotel I was staying at and saw two black figures. Earthbound spirits. Very self obsessed, preoccupied, angry or obsessed with finding a lost item. Pickton probably won't survive his prison lobotomy.
Death omens would be happening all the time since every day, thousands of people die but also thousands of people are born every day.
This town has the perfect middle ground of whatever. In smaller towns, people don't generally walk in front of you, there isn't a lot of people and there is more than enough space. In Vancouver, it is so crowded that one becomes desensitized to or does notice as much when someone walks in front of them because it's simply a matter of course with such crowds.
I walk somewhere and they walk towards me, I ahift right to avoid them and they shift left, and vice versa. This goes on a couple of times. They do this to me and nothing happens but I have a feeling that these people also do this to others and often as people work in patterns. One day, they will do it to the wrong person.
That's what you get for a town that's too big to be as mellow as Dawson Creek but also too small to be as sophisticated as Vancouver.
There are two kinds of island people. Island people are seen on the buses, on the ferries, on the streets, at the local courthouse and at restaurants.
There are the less well off who often wear sweat pants and hoodys and like to eat cheese. Cheddar cheese cheetos and also cubes of cheddar cheese and mozzarella.
And there are the rich islanders who wear fine clothing and like to drink wine and eat charcuterie. Sometimes though not often the rich will also swear sweat pants and hoodys.
There is a book. You Are Not The Target. Those ladies who were grumpy this morning were grumpy at something else, not me.
When I was walking around weeping after Heather departed, someone who saw me and thought, "He's weeping because of me. The sight of me must make him sad." Wrong. That's a delusion of reference. I am weeping for my own reason. It would be a reason that just about no one else would know about.
Mind reading is an ANT, automatic negative thought.
Today, I walked around for health sake. Got to get that circulation.
When I skateboard, there's not as much cardio vascular development but who cares about cardio vascular when you can be radical is the prevailing logic.
I got some buffalo wings. I made sure that they were actual wings because last time, wanting wings, I got nuggets instead.
Read the label carefully.
When I walk around in real life or in VR, I look at the windows and try to get some psychometry. I imagine people having lived or worked there for decades, through the seasons like Christmas and through several hundred Sunday afternoons. Good vibes.
VR 180 roller coaster. A YouTube channel called Oniric Flow does VR 180 roller coaster videos complete with sea monsters. I definitely feel the drop. Every time the roller coaster descends quickly, I feel my stomach do that weird lurch. That's just the R complex. Fear of heights, vertigo, was something that lizards had. One time, the world only had reptiles and no mammals. Humans have about 70% insect DNA and 40% reptile DNA.
VR 180 uses a 3D effect similar to that of the Nintendo 3DS.
I like to know a bit of how things work.
The VR head set is something that more or less has been around since the 1800s where there were stereoscopes. Two pictures each taken from slightly different angles are stitched together in one device which has two separate lenses.
In paintings where the painting seems to look at you wherever you are in the room, each eyeball is painted looking at a slightly different angle.
VR headsets also use gyroscope which register 6DOF or six degrees of freedom being a North to South horizontal axis and a East to West horizontal 180 degrees of that axis, and then a horizontal axis. And it uses an accelerometer to register speed and a digital compass. Some VR head sets use eye focus to see what one focuses on. And VR head sets also use a digital compass to determine whereabouts.
There is also spherical or ambisonic sound. A sound is heard in front. The VR user turns to one side and the sound is then heard to one side.
That's just the tech we know about. What about hidden tech? Microphone, speech to text transcriber connected to one or more mysterious end users, complete biometric reading, heart rate, body temperature, breathing rate and depth, records not only where you went but what you looked at and focused on as it tracks the retina which is a small mirror aimed in only one direction at a time. People will look at what you look at. So does the hidden tech of VR. And it sends a psychological assessment. Crazy or not.
Death omen or not. I saw something on VR that scared me. Should I write about it?
The other day, I saw a VR video about an L train in Cologne, Germany. One of the stations platforms was under the shade as it was a sunny day. Under the shade, I saw the silhouette of a man who was working there lifting boxes. He was wearing a small brim fedora. I read on the intent this shape of hat is bad luck. The slender man wears this hat. The day after I saw the video. The News was said a Head of State of another country died in an accident.
I either not watch the video again but its otherwise an excellent video, vedy excellent or avert my glance at that point or else just don't care.
I really felt like I was riding that train. It was unreal.
I thought of all the appropriate cliches I could think of which is what I do whenever I travel, even virtual travel.
"Riding that train, high on cocaine." Jerry Garcia
If I'm watching a video that takes place inn Cologne, Germany, I might as well wear some cologne, which I did.
That train was built in the 1890s. How did a small town have the money to build a big city style state of the art L train?
The Wuppertal Shwebebahn.
The train runs along the Wupper River. Thal means valley in German.
That region is where Adolphe von Bayer synthesized acetylsalicylic acid aka aspirin. Heroin is diacetyl morphine. Which company do you think synthesized that? Before the Harrison Act of 1905, cocaine and heroin was legal. There were all kinds of wars and skirmishes going on such as the Boer War which occured during that time, the 1890s, and soldiers needed pain relief.
There are two classes of opiates, morphine and codeine.
Heroin is diacetyl morphine.
T3 is diacetyl codeine.
Years ago at the Vancouver Library downtown, I saw a poster of a town in BC called Hedley. I'll never forget it. Mining houses sloped one after another along a very steep hill. That is an absolute architectural marvel that was built before the 1905 Harrison Act when cocaine was legal so that would explain it.
I saw a YouTube comment on a video impossible now to remember, "Bad luck and evil can't come to you through a screen."
Lots of YouTube videos say that if I even look at certain haunted objects on a screen that I'll be haunted too.
I hope not.
I took a walk through Venice Italy VR 180. Some of the architecture there is off the scale. There is one building, Saint Mark's Basilica, that is very ornate and looks crazy in a good way. The old Hotel Vancouver on Granville and Georgia didn't look so ornate. Not even the old Ringling brothers museum. Another building called the Piazza San Marco, that building is off the scale. That building is University level architecture.
I Dawson Creek, I used to sometimes go to St Mark's Anglican Church.
When weird feels normal and normal feels weird.
Caregiver situation. Most people aren't caregivers and even those that are aren't for most of their life. After awhile, that feels normal. It's the only thing you know.
Then the situation ends. Freedom. No more worries about someone's health that just simply wasn't getting better. But it feels so strange. Uncharted waters again.
At first, VR seems so much like reality. After awhile, reality seems so much like VR.
VR is VR within VR because what we call reality is a set of physics that bring about a corollary effect of linear time. But one can't understand time travel unless they understand linear time. And vice versa.
Reality is a a set dimensional coordinates offset against others. It is a set of coordinates where you can't understand time travel without understsnding linear time which is another way of saying that it is a dimensional algorithm where one can't understand the simultaneous unless they understand the non simultaneous and vice versa.
Elon Musk said that the chance that we are in base reality in one in billions.
The iPhone 16 which is the latest iteration has a built in VR camera for VR 180 and VR 360.
In the 70s, the phones that I knew, all you did was make a call and then hang up.
Back then it would have been the equivalent of saying, "This phone also films in Technicolor and panavision." Because of course, every time I think of a phone, I'm thinking of something that shoots in Technicolor and every time I think of something that shoots in panavision, I'm thinking of a phone.
It's kind of upsetting how realistic VR is. More travel tourism city walks videos in VR 180.
"Remember what Mr. Halloran said, Its just like pictures in a book, Danny. It isn't real." The Shining
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Yesterday on the News, PM Justin Trudeau used the term 'fake eqhivalent'.
I think that the Lions mountain near Vancouver is as good as the Matterhorn in Switzerland. The PM might say that is a fake equivalent. Because obviously the Lions are much better than the Matterhorn.
In the AirPano VR video, the Matterhorn had hardly any snow on it. It used to be covered in snow all year round. Global warming much?
Watching a VR video about a train drivers view of a train ride through any given place, I put on my headphones hooked up to an mp3 player. The original audio is still on as well so I get the incidental sounds of the train engine which I would get if I was actually travelling there. Having the time of my life. Imagine me smoking some weed, and then looking out the window on an epic national lampoon European vacation experience while listening to smokin' music. Good songs would be Gino Vannelli - Fly Into This Night, The RAH Band - Messages From The Stars.
For some reason, the song, Allan Holdsworth - Letters of Marquee really reminds me of Fisherman's Wharf in Victoria BC. The song has a wealthy bourgeois quality just like Fisherman's Wharf. Another typically overpriced tourist trap. A simple light lunch can be up to $30, easily. Pricey.
I saw a VR video about a night drive in Chicago. I have a few things to say about Chicago.
President Obama is from Chicago. Elsbeth Tascioni, a fictional character, is from Chicago.
Years ago I had a dream. I was on the railings landing in a building. There were two young henchmen wearing dark grey suits that preceded Al Capone. They were young, slim, fast. One of them shot me. I was lying on the ground. "Can't you see I'm injured?" the gangster didn't care. He approached me and shot again. It's a dream. I didn't die. I then saw Al Capone. He seemed slightly transparent and all in green. A green ghost. He said, "I wanted to be President of the United States but they gave me syphilis."
Disturbing: One of the gangsters that shot me was Frank Nitti. He was Al Capnones chief henchmen, known as The Enforcer. Very scary.
Remembering this dream, I once said on Twitter, that was back when I was still using Twitter, I tweeted, "If I visit Chicago, I think that I will most likely get shot."
Then someone replied, they wrote, "I'm saying that you won't. South Chicago is safe and well protected." That's good news.
The VR video of a night drive in Chicago was under very cloudy weather. A lot of the buildings were just dark. The looming buildings of downtown Chicago at night were pitch black silhouettes with very few lights on. A lot of those buildings were actually around in the 1920s during Prohibition. I also saw a building that had the letters TRUMP on it. Trump Hotel. The VR night drive through downtown Chicago was somewhat scary yet also very beautiful.
VR 360 has this strange refractive quality in that everything appears as IMAX scale. At a train station, the post with the red flashing light looks like its two storeys high but in real life it is jot even one story high. The IMAX scaling looks good for vista shots, panoramic views of places, and drone shots of mountains but city walks and train stations, I feel like I'm Gulliver in Brobdingnag or Blefescu or whatever city it was where he was tiny and everyone else around him was huge. Even the VR library I like to go to, the ambient room with the fireplace, a yawning cat and a chocolate cake with a slice cut out of it.That room seems like a massive aircraft hangar. But rooms in rich houses are often big and overscaled. IMAX scaling can get annoying for videos that don't need it. It's a distracting aspect.
Oh well. I've seen IMAX movies of things like insects and mushrooms. In an IMAX movie, a crimini mushroom appears six storeys high. IMAX scaling. A crimini mushroom is six storeys high in real life? Wrong!
I like VR 180. More accurate scaling and a wicked 3D effect. With VR 180 roller coasters, last night I yelled going over the hill of the roller coaster. My neighbour asked if I was all right. I just said that I never experienced a VR roller coaster so realistic. Oniroc Flow, the roller coasters with the sea monsters. Very realistic. It has the shtick. There is a timing signature that resonates with the actual physics of when a roller coaster train gets over a hill. No other videos of roller coasters I've seen as got the timing exactly right as Oniroc Flow does. That uploader should get an Oscar.
BC report card gets a D+ for food security.
Why do you think that is?
Thailand has great weather very user friendly for arable endeavours aka farming.
Thailand does so well that it exports food on a global scale. Thailand is a so called third world country. Thailand has endogenic food production. Thailand exports more food than it imports.
BC is a Province in a so called first world country. North of Prince George, which is 70% of BC, it is covered with snow 8 months a year. Short growing season. Not good for farming. At all.
BC doesn't export food as such unlike Alberta which exports beef. The only thing BC exports is ice wine. BC is dependent on exogenic food production. BC imports more food than it exports.
Of the farming areas of BC, a lot of it is affected by wildfires in the summer and flooding in the Spring.
The United States produces food more majorly than Canada. The United States can offer a $12 buffet while Canada offers a $12 burrito. And the States has ten times the population of Canada.
In the States the food infrastructure is more developed. A town every few miles, a food warehouse every few miles.
The United States has a longer growing season than Canada. To underscore that, American Thanksgiving is one month after Canadian Thanksgiving. That should be a clue.
I live in Victoria BC which is located South of the 49th parallel. Yet the town still observes Thanksgiving in October rather than in November. Is Sidney BC South of the 49th parallel or not? Yes. Sidney is 48.39 degrees latitude.
Canada, no towns or food warehouses for stretches of over 100 miles.
The News never tells the full story. There are lots of stores with deals and discounts all the time. The poor of any country know shortcuts to survive like hitting up a lot of food banks.
BC has enough food.The Ministry of Agriculture has existed in BC for over a hundred years and has actively been managing and monitoring agricultural ie food production. BC exports other foods besides ice wine but as to what foods and how much, you'd have to ask the Ministry of Agriculture.
During all times even recessions and depressions, the Catholic Church has always unfailingly been able to feed the poor. A VR 180 tour of the Vatican including St Peter's Basilica reveals ornate hallways of priceless paintings, statues, artifacts etc. Lots of money.
The News, Richard Zussman Focus BC interview, said that the report card is more about purchasing power or lack thereof which causes the panic and anxiety resulting in the low grade on the report card. No mention at all of BC being reliant on either endogenic or exogenic means of food supply. So that means presumably it is endogenic.
The report card is about government enacting legislation regarding price fixing and profiteering and at the same time also increasing minimum wage and social security benefits for seniors, handicappe, non employables and invalids.
Anti-poverty legislation?
There is an internstional housing crisis yet while watching VR videos, I saw quite a few places that are not occupied. I saw a Western theme park town. The town looks like it was ripped out of an 1800s newspaper. Empty houses.
On a VR train ride through Bulgaria, I saw some yellow houses with red roofs, very rustic and charming East European architecture. There's no one living in those houses near the train tracks. Those houses look like something frkm a Tintin comic.
In a lot of countries, you just have to look at the architecture to know what country it is. The roofs with the steps are seen in Poland.
London Drugs cyber attack. If the story is on the News, then for sure Canada and Russian National cyber Police are on the case. The group is called LockBit from Russia with love. I didn't register for a London Drugs based rewards card.
Since Canada Nad Russia are currently at odds because of the Russia Ukraine war, how much would Russian cyber Police actually cooperate with Canada cyber Police? Answer, it is unknown.
Canada has a tech army of amateur white hat hackers.
Another VR 180 walk in Japan. Can anyone imagine me walking down the street in another country? If my friends could see me now.
Yesterday, I saw a VR video about the light cycle ride in a Tron exhibit at a theme park somewhere. Scenes of snaking through the line up. Really? Motion sickness wending and weaving through the turnstiles and switchbacks in the line up formation.
Then the light cycles appeared. What a massive disappointment. It would be what you would see if the movies Tron and The Human Centipede had a baby. The so called light cycles were lined up connected to one another back to front. The ride was weird. A very strange strobing and flashing light show.
I like Tron Legacy. That movie is great. Also for some reason not available for purchase on YouTube. But at least there's a video of the Tron light cycle ride on YouTube.
In the Meta Quest Virtual Environments such as Cyber City and Blue Hill Gold Mine etc, I notice some changes every day. New changes are being continuously added. The Blue Hill Gold Mine has a chicken and some donkeys that weren't there before and a bucket of horse shoes. In media res.
Friday, May 24, 2024
I took a walk in Hong Kong on VR 180 this morning via a YouTube video.
I saw a restaurant called Yung Kee. Really? Yung kee? Junkie?
The I saw another restaurant called Ying Kee. Well at least that's an improvement.
Two days ago, on VR 180 walk through Shinjuku Tokyo Japan, I saw a young lady wearing a t shirt that read, Sloppy Sloppy Sloppy.
Not to get a delusion of reference, in Asia, they are very fastidious. Even the poor wash their clothes at least once a week and they iron their clothes every day. Me, not so much. That t shirt couldn't and wouldn't have been a reference to me not ironing my clothes.
"You wouldn't worry about people talking about you if you realize how seldom they do."
"If someone's talking about you, that means they're leaving someone else alone."
Today, I went to the grocery store on my electric skateboard where I got pre-cooked pork and chives gyozas and bacon and Romano cheese perogies.
I visited Super Mario Land in Japan Disneyland VR 180.
I wouldn't have otherwise mentioned this but this is beyond my imagination. I could have never imagined this.
Baffling that Super Mario Land is in Japan rather than in Italy.
Then I was going to click off the video but decided to stay and advanced to a random point. Then I saw the Harry Potter village. One house had really amazing architecture. Lots of windows.
I had a chance to sit behind the wheel of a BMW in VR 180. The BMW logo is a distractive factor for me and I'm glad I had a chance to do this to find out what an absolute disaster it would have been if I had actually gotten a BMW. I keep looking down st the logo in the steering wheel, "Oh, it's a BMW!" instead of looking at the road.
There is also a red and white version of the BMW logo.
I'm glad I never got a BMW. It's got some kind of flashy cliche logo but otherwise in a mid-price range niche market. More prestigious than some cars but not as prestigious as Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolla Royce, Aston Martin.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
I discovered Elysian on Meta Quest. It's a great shooting game where one shoots at drones. One player. No interactions with others. Elysian is from the Greek legend of the Elysian fields which is a kind of heavenly paradise.
Not going to Church. I've gone there for years and never met one friend who I am visiting but who is also visiting me. And someone I like and respect and not some spinny flake.
There's no one there I really like. I like them a lot but we are very different people.
I'm into skateboarding and interpretive dancing and they are not.
The local pastors sermons are very dry. Joel Osteen brings the Bible alive and the messages are hopeful.
My mother died when I was very young and I never got married. Others are celebrating their 60th birthday with their wife on one side and their mother on another.
That I never got married is God's will for me. Unless I believe that there are two categories of things. One, things that operate under the will of God while other things are those that God couldn't quite wrap his mind around and is outside of His will.
Wrong. All things are under God's will. Even disastrous things that happen to people.
Although seemingly important at the time, our physical struggles will be absolutely meaningless in the afterlife.
Life in this dimension is a foundry process, once the die is cast, the mold is broken. We come to Earth to develop aspects in our character which is the only thing we take with us to the afterlife. These aspects are otherwise impossible to learn.
We also come to Earth to learn basic interdimensional geometric lessons things such as linear time offset against time travel at will, solidity and walking offset against holography and teleportation, the non simultaneous offset against the simultaneous etc.
So if I'm single. It is God's will. But it is also a result of choices made or lack thereof. These choices are based on the temperament which values certain aspects of existence over others or it is a temperament of discernment knowing that in this cosmic game of checks and balances, every advantage has an inherent disadvantage and vice versa.
"You're a good looking kid. You really are. You know that?"
"What does that mean?"
"It means that God doesn't give with both hands."
The Beekeeper
That line was a line spoken by a fictional female President of the United States to her son who was a coca nut.
This line means that, Even if you are a good looking guy, that's not enough, you have to have confidence, you have to have game, you have to be a playa'.
That's if according to your temperament, having several girlfriends is important to you. That means certain things to think about like money on dates, promising to go on a date next week but when next week comes, relaxed on the VR machine, oh, I have to go on a date, the possibility of her stalking you and having that much more of a reason to because you screwed her because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
"It was the most expensive five seconds of my life." Boris Becker
Murphy's Law, when you are single, you compare yourself to the millions of seemingly happy couples. When you are in a couple situation, you compare yourself to the millions of single people are not currently stuck in some flaky relationship that they're not completely sure of.
Sometimes having no friends at all is better than having one or more flaky friends.
Friends are sometimes worse than enemies. "Can you do me a favor?" Make appointments and then don't show up, borrow money and then never return it. Give weird advice based on spite and petty jealousy. Gas lighting. Get within arms reach or striking distance to enact some weird passive aggressive psychodrama revenge scenario. Friends are often a waste of time.
However in life it's the going through the challenges and still being together that means much more than being together with no challenges.
The things you think are important are the things that spirit doesn't think are important like living through and overcoming a smooth life with no challenges and difficulties at all.
And the things you think are not important are the things that spirit think are important like living through and overcoming a tough life with certain challenges and difficulties.
I looked at porn VR. Porn in VR 180 is best. Porn on another level of realism. Gynecology Row.
I saw a VR video about an older lady who is a stripper and doing her thing. Very realistic.
I like older women as well as younger women. Younger meaning over 20.
Was wondering if this is a sin, but it shouldn't be much more of a sin than 2D video.
Hundreds of not thousands of VR porn videos have been made and that wouldn't be for just one person.
Today I visited Edinburgh Scotland in VR 180 which is usually in 3D as a rule. However there is VR 360 and VR 360 3D.
Cross that off my bucket list. Scotland looks epic. More buildings that are centuries old, off the scale architecture as usual. I love the old buildings of Scotland. There is a nostalgic vibe.
Monday, May 27, 2024
"Religion. Is a solution for people living in a world torn apart by religion." John Stewart
It is one of the things that are different but is also something that all cultures have in common such as clothing, cuisine, language art etc
One day, a person reaches the spiritual maturity to realize that all religions worship the same God, approaches are different. And each religion points outsome aspects of life, existence, etc that other religions don't mention.
"I like to viddy the old films now and again." Clockwork Orange
YouTube has a $13 a month plan where you can get Premium meaning no ads and the ability to easily download any video to a computer.
YouTube also sells Hollywood movies which can be watched on YouTube VR available only to people with a VR headset. This allows movies to be viewed as it was meant to be viewed. In IMAX.
My main worry is that my hotel will close in a year and a half. What if I don't find a place. I'd rather be dead than to live on the streets. I envy those who have gone on. They got the worst of it over with. Now they don't have to worry about dying and they don't have to worry about a housing crisis.
And how am I going to move all my things?
For the answers I've come up with such as time travel being time experienced on an objective level which is why all things are happening simultaneously, and other answers such as mutually holographic dimensions and different sets of physics, I should have gotten an early reprieve.
This dimension never really suited me. The physics are insufferable and society in general and mixing with different people makes my skin crawl.
The choice isn't up to me, it's up to God but if it were up to me, I'd rather just quit life altogether and be in heaven where I don't have to worry about a housing crisis.
If I wind up on the streets with no place to live, then I'll go to a hospital and request to be euthanized because life simply wouldn't be worth living at all at that point. Living would then be existentially counterproductive. Life only has a finite value parallel with the fact that life itself is finite.
When it comes to death which is an example of an unpleasant negative event that is inevitable, the two approaches are either to get it over with as soon as possible or to put it off indefinitely.
One has to take a leap of faith and to believe that God will provide for them one way or another.
Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.
God will go before you and make a way where you don't see a way.
Take a leap of faith.
The Church is a major building, there are lots of them and the Church is more or less a government institution where politicians and heads of state sometimes attend.
There is a God! And one who loves each of us very much.
If you don't believe, one day you'll find out. God reveals himself in ways such as having dreams of those who departed that seem more real than real and thy seemed like they stepped out of a Hollywood salon.
God is invisible but so is consciousness. God is also everywhere, in nature, in the stars, hidden in plain sight.
Instead of fearing the housing crisis I have to believe that God will somehow provide for me or else I'll be gone and then God will still be with me then.
I played a virtual reality Escape Room on the Meta Quest browser. You don't have to download it even just click and play. It reminds me of the old website lensanook dot Com where a person can play knock off versions of old school favorites such as Donkey Kong etc.
The combination is 035. This opens a drawer with a key in it. Adjust the television antenna. Pull out the books on the shelf with the same 5 titles as on the television screen.
Use the key to open the door that leads outside.
A real backwater of a lake. Weird surreal abstract mountains made of coloured folded newspaper with newsprint on it. A road leads to an easel with a painting knocked over. Put the painting on. This creates a bridge necessary to get to a cave.
Cave is coveted with drawings which reminds me of a dream where I visited Walt Disney. He was in a room with rusty red coloured walls with vertical slats that went 3/5ths of the way up the walls, the rest was white wall, covered with drawings just like in this cave.
That's the first part of it. There's more but being a believer in anything that's too difficult isn't worth doing at all, I abandoned the endeavour.
I plan to try to move into an SRO rather than to try to go for subsidized housing which which you got to jump thorough a few hoops and get various forms. If I was to move all of a sudden, giving up on a subsidized housing unit would be more stressful.
SRO single room occupancy. A one room dwelling in a rooming house. Again. They still exist in this town. These dwellings are almost Biblical as there were certainly SROs back in Biblical times. And there will be SROs for hundreds of years to come. Maybe in a space port floating through upper Earth orbit.
I have virtual environments on Meta Quest which is a space port floating in space. I swear it isn't, but it could be an omen that one day, I could live in a futuristic space port. A nice condo in space.
The new moon and Mars colonies will have free housing and not only that, with the first few waves, the government will pay you to live there as a settler. In early Canada, in the early 1800s, the Canadian Government alloted farmers from Europe a plot of land and paid them $500 which was a considerable fortune back in the early 19th Century.
That's if you could survive the panic attacks of being so many Earth lengths away from Earth. The moon is 30 Earth lengths away. Mars is two million Earth lengths away.
A Vr machine makes living in an SRO bearable. With an SRO, one only has one roomful worth of things. Many rooms means having many more things. Henry David Thoreau, Walden, living a minimalist life with fewest things as needed is a good way to live but only one of many good ways to live such as living on a space port.
I can teleport in the virtual environments. Just push the forward button. A white fishing line appears as well as a white circle to where I want to teleport. A departed spirit in the afterlife can do that. Our world is their virtual reality playground.
They can do what we can do in virtual reality which is to time travel back in time to some certain point in space, a city, a forest, and be in the middle of it with accurate scaling and a 3D stereoscopic effect. Except while we are limited to the tkme and space the YouTube uploader did the video, spirits of the departed can pick their time and place and they can travel to the future too which is something we can't do.
The future I'm not sure about. If they can travel to the future, is the future set in stone? Or is it like the Matrix movies suggest, a deja vu is a pendulum point along the linear version of the objective timeline which is simultaneously through linear time travel where a major decision can go one way or another like Robert Frost, two roads diverged in the woods.
I took the one less traveled and that made all the difference in the World?
Everytime I see a person A on YouTube, they remind me of a person B in real life.
This happens with a lot of people I know in real life.
Well at least it isn't also that Everytime I see a person B in real life that they also remind me of a person A on YouTube. Rolls eyes. That would be a matched set. I would then at least have an actual dynamic going on.
The Fregoli effect. Bader-Meinhof syndrome.
VR taken aboard a spaceship. Grey aliens. The dimensions of the floor and the round shape reminds me of the dream I was on board an alien space ship. The grey aliens wore silver suits. The episode I watched recently called Aliens From Outer Space on the Green Hornet series of the 60s uncannily got the silver suits along with the silver boots right.
Dreams aren't real. People incorporate things into dreams such as things seen in the movies and television. Aliens are as real as unicorns, Freudian wish fulfilment, and are mythological entities just like the sasquatch.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
The VR Animation app on Meta Quest. Just when I thought that my mind couldn't be blown any more, I see these animations that are clearly off the scale. Quantum Race, The Golden Record is the one with the ants working in a factory, The Multiverse Bakery, Nyssa, etc.
These animations are better quality than YouTube VR. I've only seen live action and not animation on the YouTube VR app.
There is another animation app called Sphere Toon. It has these animated virtual comics. Click and the page is turned. I really like the one called Supernatural Girl. She can stop time so that when others are frozen in time, she moves forward in time. She has a superpower.
Not to spoil the story in case you don't watch this cartoon, she dies and appears to her male friend in a dream. She said, "You can't talk. That's because you are in a dream."
Suzanne Giessmann quote Rumi in her most recent video, Actual Evidence of the Afterlife, the quote: "Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I will meet you there."
These VR animations are way better than my animations. So much detail and 360 IMAX scaling so the worlds look immense. I'm thinking of quitting animation. No way my 2D animation could be as good as VR animation.
If I were to do a virtual animation, it would be about steampunk, plague doctors, and athletic gymnastic women who are martial artists such as Wonder Woman.
The steam punk setting is an IMAX scaled sized world with drawings of wooden boards, the spray paint effect that looks like smoke and sand, all kinds of steam punky machines made of wood and brass.
The plague Doctor appears and a lady or a few ladies who can do parkour well. And regular guys and ladies as all kinds of characters, extras in stylized silhouettes as an art house animated cartoon would have.
VR is still in the primitive days. I wonder how VR headsets will look in 20 years. Hopefully I'm still around. The virtual enironments in Meta Quest use PS3 level graphics. Very photorealistic but the room for improvement is vast.
My friends and the wonders of each day and the beauty therein which I thank God for svery day.
Rich or poor, single or married, in the pit or in the palace, I will remember to thank God for the beautiful moments in each and every single day.
Last week, snarky people, death omens. It ruined out this past week Morgan Spurolock, the Doge dog, and someone in my building named Terry who used to always wear a baseball cap with a multiple grey zeta reticuli aliens design on it died. Terry died last week on Wednesday.
Morgan Spurlock. Famous. Party with Big Mac.
Imaginary conversation between Morgan and Osama in the afterlife. What would be said.
Morgan: I made a movie called Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?
Osama: I'm right here!
Morgan: You look good for someone who's been shot.
Osama: What?!
Scammer Revolts who is also the same person as Scammer Payback aka Pierogi, probable CIA asset, often used the Doge meme as part of his scambaiting.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Years ago, an entrepreneur, Palmer Luckey started the Oculus Rift. Then Facebook acquired it and started the Oculus lines of Quest, Quest 2. Then Facebook branched out into meta and the VR headsets since then have been sold as Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3.
pALmER luckeY = ALERY = Reyal, Royal. Rey means King in Spanish.
The barking dog I was with and with which got in some slight trouble the day before I got my VR goggles is named Luke which sounds a lot like Luckey as in Palmer Luckey. Omen? Coincidence?
Years ago, I met someone called R. Lekkie. He was a character. He died about 30 years ago. He used to say things like, "Better than a dollar in a day, boy." Other times, I heard him yelling, "You expletive deleted, you drank my booze! I'll get you! I'll get you good!"
R Lekkie is kind of an omen of me getting the VR goggles. R is the last letter of the name Palmer. And Lekkie sounds a lot like Luckey.
I moved into some rooming house, what were the chances of that, back in the early 90s when Lo Tou ginseng brandy was sold for $3 - $4 a bottle. One full milk glass of that will get one blasted drunk for an entire day, "like a patient etherized upon a table." to quote TS Eliot. My friend R Lekkie was a major fan of ginsend brandy. There was a group of folks at that rooming house hotel like Mac and the Boys of the John Steinbeck novels Tortilla Flats, Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday who were major fans of the sauce aka booze.
Palmer Luckey was born in 1992. As a teenager, he was already working on VR technology. Palmer Luckey is to VR what Philo Farnsworth was to televisions. At age 13, Farnsworth drew a design that was the basis of a working prototype for a television.
A VR unit called Big-screen VR has goggles that are specifically tailor made using a 3D laser print out of the users face. It has a micro OLED display and doesn't have the screen door effect which I call looking at a big screen at a theatre and seeing the fine 150 thread count weaving on the screen. It costs about $1,500. Pricey. It might need to connect to a computer and a high powered gaming computer for VR games. Whereas the Meta Quest 2 doesn't need to connect to anything other than a cell phone or tablet for the initial set up.
There are good and bad fats. Trans fat is a bad fat. Bad fats are vasoconstrictors.
Omega 3, and oleic acid which is an omega 9 fat are good fats. Good fats are vasodilators.
Fish such as salmon and nuts have good fats.
Nuts are widely known as a natural Viagra because of the good fats they contain.
However a peanut is not a nut. It is a bean. It is a legume which means it is contained within a pod. All beans are legumes. Not all legumes are beans.
Beans such as natto are good for hardening bones preventing osteoporosis.
YouTube runs a really good product. Really good. The screens on the YouTube VR player are champagne, sterling, platinum, high grade.
The television display on the Mark Zuckerberg Meta Quest platform screens for immersive VR particularly the Meta Quest VR Animation player are a level beyond YouTube. Particularly The Quantum Race which I cherry picked to be the best one. The imagery is, well, just when I thought that my mind couldn't be any more blown from what I've already seen on the VR goggles,.
The company that makes the best VR animation is Tales from Soda Island. Protracted embedded anagram: SoDa IslaNd = SDIlN = DlSNI = Disney. In protracted embedded anagrams, the lower case L also counts for an 'i'.
Tales from Soda Island is a subsidiary of Studio Syro which is an international VR animation company.
Google is powerful but I am really impressed with Facebook and Meta that they could have such a superior product. The result is profound and life-changing.
The CEO of Google is Sundar Pichai. Pichai means big brother in Thai and probably in Hindi as well. George Orwell, 1984, Big Brother.
With 360 animation, much of the work is superfluous because I rarely look up or down or behind me in VR 360. Las Vegas has a venue which is called The Sphere although it has the actual shape of a sphere, unlike VR goggles. But 360 media on VR does have a complete spherical experience. Lol in front, look up, look down at the floor, look behind, it is as if one was encased and suspended like a sun in a spherical hollw Earth of which the interior is comprised of nothing but IMAX screen and IMAX scaled images.
The animators at Soda Island are next level geniuses. Hollywood level animation. So many details. IMAX scaling.
Mount Everest looks awesome in 360 VR. The Himalayas are vast and immense and only IMAX scaling can do it justice. VR 180 scaling might not do it. Somethings look good in 180 VR but bad in 360 VR such as city streets, small rooms in houses. 360 makes it look like an aircraft hangar rather than a small room some things like city skylines, high altitude drone aerial shots, astronomical scenes of the sun suspended in outer space next to the star Betelgeuse and next to that CY Canis Majoris would be good in 360 VR rather than in 180 VR. 360 3D VR would be even better.
The movie Betelgeuse I mean Beetle-juice is about the living and the departed coexisting.. The departed can see the future so much better than we see the past. Say they get a vision of an aspect of the future they don't like. They swooop back on linear time and inject a subtle thought, a nudge that alters the chain of events and then the departed sees a vision of a future that they like more. The thing is, an event where they came from the future to change something would be completely indistinguishable from an event where they didn't do that. For them, linear time is dispensable. For us, it is indispensable.
Words change their meaning over the years. The word dead, in time could change its meaning from, "Someone died, ugh, we are more alive than they are." to, "Someone died, it means that they went on to be more alive than we are."
Just automatically understood. More alive in all the ways that count and to a degree that's unimaginable.
One day, the Oscars will have an Oscar for VR animated and/or live action films. VR 180 or 360, it doesn't make a difference as long as it is Oscar award winning content.
I'm watching a movie called Lawnmower Man, released in 1992, the year Palmer Luckey was born. It is about a scientist who had already experimented with chimps using VR. He decides to do the VR experiment on his retarded gardener. The gardener becomes a genius and seeing the people who took advantage of him, he sets out for revenge.
The VR room at the government facility looks like Frankenstein's laboratory and I suppose that was the point.
I did hear people mentioning that movie way back when.
The Matrix series.
The Thirteenth Floor
Dark City. In this movie the person wakes up in 2024.
Ready Player One.
Tron Legacy.
The point of Lawnmower Man is completely valid. Using VR over a long period of time will rewire your brain but doing anything new for awhile will rewire your brain.
Play video games, move to another town or country, get a new job, do a certain drug for awhile, even booze, have sex for an extended period of time, not have sex for an extended period of time. All these and more will rewire a person's brain.
Not knowing when oor if I'll complete the cartoon called Cyberpunk Police, here is the plot in a nutshell.
A woman looks out the window. She reflects on a fall out of a window. "This is my story."
she says.
Her husband, Edward Escoffier who owned a nightclub was having an affair. He owned a nightclub. Nightclub to be a Star Warsian Coruscant influenced designed nightclub. The nightclub was where drugs were available. A scene of drugs of different colors, something that looks suspiciously like meth or balt salts in different colors and also weed in different colors in baggies on a table.
The husband was having an affair. He liked to visit a shop that had AI android robots. She went to that shop to investigate. A mirror in the shop shows her reflection.
A scene of a silhouette the husband and his mistress on a bed in a bedroom at the end of a hallway as the woman said, "The same time he was married to me, he was having this affair."
One day, there was an argument and the husband shot his mistress and she fell out of a window and landed right on top of a flying Police car as the Police Officer in the flying Police car was seeing an image of this woman on a television screen in the car as she was in the news about to be re elected as she was a politician. Then what appears to be her face appears on his windshield after falling from a window.
The plot twist is the android AI looked exactly like his wife albeit a slightly younger version of her. At the AI android shop, what appeared to be a reflection in the mirror was the android model that her husband had ordered for himself.
The hallway silhouette scene left some doubt as to whether the lady is the wife or the mistress since they look almost exactly alike. Either one you think it is, you win.
In the cartoon, I was going to show a Police Officer sitting on the arm of a chair rather than the seat of the chair. I saw that in a dream about the Police that I had years ago. Keep in mind that in a Police Officer seen in a dream is the ghost of a Police Officer and ghosts of all different people not just Police will use anything as a chair. A set of drawers, a sidewalk curb, the top of a fridge. They are in a realm where all the old rules are thrown out the window. Anything that even resembles a sitting area is a chair.
In as also going to draw images of different hand positions Police will use while wearing a Police vest, gripping both sides, one had tucked in, one hand in the pocket or both hands tucked in. I learned this from a YouTube shorts video. It is an idea for a Police cartoon.
I don't know if I have the skill or patience to do such a cartoon. The crowded nightclub scenes will be challenging to do.
I'm not into drawing cyberpunk as much as I'm into drawing steampunk.
An extension of the story of this cartoon is the husband has to face the excruciating psychological rigours of the Court process. After having nightly panic attacks from visions his mind painted of a false future that involved getting airholed in prison, he later found out that his case got dismissed from Court as often happens to cases in Court as it is common for a judge to hear four or five dozen cases before noon alone.
The case got thrown out because an android and not a human was shot and the defense lawyer was able to present some kind of argument which held up. Again, as often happens in Court.
After a caper like that, the politician divorced her husband. It is unknown whether or not the husband got himself another AI android unit.
Friday, May 30, 2024
An animated cartoon on the Animation VR app on the Meta Quest Store is HELLO_.
HELLO_ not only has awesome mind blowing 12 stars out of ten graphics but the story is cutting edge.
On a routine mission, a South Asian member of an Earth based team of astronauts finds some kind of machine drifting in space. Intrigued, he brings it on board. That was a major mistake. The machine, an L0T-2 or L zero T - two exploration probe asks him what year it is. 3600 something is the answer. L0T-2 says, "I am 800 years too late. I have to arrive at some rendezvous point and upload some data that I collected."
Somehow in some intriguing way I won't reveal, L0T-2 commanders the ship kind of like how Pierce Brosnan Lawnmower Man as James Bond drove the BMW using a remote control in Tomorrow Never Dies and takes it to some point many light years away. I won't reveal what happens next. The story on this one is amongst the best I've ever seen.
The character looks South Asian but his name is Avi which sounds Jewish or else Muslim. A name from the Middle East.
If you don't have VR goggles, HELLO_ by NIC&SAM|Meta Quest can be viewed as a 2D video on YouTube.
But the VR goggles really give the feeling of being lost in space several light years away.
'You say that like it's a good thing.'
HELLO_ is one of the scariest science fiction stories I've ever seen. And they're all pretty scary. Hopefully it's not predictive programming just like that guy who wrote a novel about the sinking of a ship called the Titan 30 years before the sinking of the Titanic.
HELLO_ is a warning about the dangers of sentient AI.
I went electric skateboarding.
The VR goggles.
Trump got convicted on all 34 counts. I don't know the full story so I don't know what to say. It is astounding that a former head of State would be in New York District Court.
He might get house arrest. Under the law a convicted felon even someone behind bars could legally run for political office in the US. Few people try it because the odds would be so against them.
Donald Trump got convicted for paying money to a porn star to not publicly divulge the affair. It looks like that backfired. Big time.
Presidents and philandering is not new. Kennedy, Clinton, had touches of that.
The next US election will be a choice between an even sleeper Joe who is stable compared to Donald Trump who is a loose cannon.
The News Jackson Proscow said that Trump can't vote in the next election as he is a citizen of Florida and that State doesn't allow those who have a conviction to vote.
A convicted exPresident of the United States can not grant himself a pardon on a State crime. What about Governor? Donald Pump Trumped a lot of money into New York coffers. Perhaps Trump can contact the Governor of New York and try to get a pardon. "I'm running for reelection and presumably so are you. I can help you out with some money." But he has to speak in code!
It depends of the Gov is a member of the GOP or a Dem. The current Governor of New York is Kathy Hochul, Democrat. Snap! Well there goes that idea.
President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, God bless them.
However, they are at the age where if they both died of old age before the election, that wouldn't be like it came out of left field.
England has a 75 year old King who has cancer. United States will have a choice between an 81 year old Joe and a 77 year old Don. It's a democracy that's also a gerontocracy which is government that is comprised of the old.
What about some young blood? While the US has one of the oldest presidents, Canada has one of the youngest Prime Ministers, Justin Trudeau is one of the youngest PM's in Canadian history if not the youngest. John F Kennedy was young.
Rishi Sunak is young. As PM of England, he says that if re-elected, he will bring in compulsory military service and for those who are ineligible, weekend community service such as garbage pick up and repainting fences. And walls graffiti clean up.
Lots of countries have this.
The United States has selective service which is one year of military service to whatever level. Cadets, army reserve training.
In Thailand every politician who runs for political office has conspicuously had either military or Police experience.
In those countries, it is legal for a person to own a gun and those countries currently have the death penalty for Capitol offenses. The States has the 2nd Amendment, right to bear arms.
England as well as Canada has a different dynamic. It is more or less illegal for citizens to own a gun or else it is unusual for that. Canada doesn't exactly have a 2nd Amendment.
So much so that only foam nunchucks and blunt swords are legal in the UK and Canada.
In that way, the citizens of the US and Thailand are more or less already there and don't have that far to go compared to the UK and Canada when it comes to military participation.
"Conscription if necessary but not necessaily conscription." Wilfred Laurier said that and that won him the Prime Ministership during World War One. He was from Quebec, a Province that was rather more ambiguous when it came to the question of compulsory military enlistment. Robert Borden the PM before was more gung ho about the draft.
The faces of those PM's are on Canadian money. $5 Laurier. $100 Borden.
That's if Rishi Sunak gets re-elected. Meanwhile the Israel Gaza and the Russia Ukraine steamroller rolls on.
Politics is snakey.
I plan to vote for the Team Trudeau representative even though it's a throw away vote because the NDP MP usually wins in this neighbourhood.
The point is, even if a politician wins the popular vote he might not win the election.
A region composed of five blocks forming a stack of columns on top of one another, more on this in a minute. In the first block, two houses are known supporters of whatever political party. In the second block, 4 known supporters, up to the fifth block where there are ten supporters. This region is divided into two ridings. Depending on how they draw the lines, electoral boundaries affects the outcome of the election.
Intelligence is actually collected on which politician any given person would have a 95% probability of voting for in an election. Even if the person could be relied on to abstain from voting altogether. People talk. They write in blogs, emails, journals. This is taken quasi seriously and forms the basis of drawing up electoral boundaries.
And they call it a democracy.
In batteries, battery cells from a row of columns. Look at a car battery.
In the Egyptian pyramids at an area called The Queen's Chamber, there is a row of columns stacked on top of one another. The pyramid was a large battery?
Also, archeologists have found rounded metal rods fitted into walls of the pyramids and concluded that these metal rods are for conducting electricity.
Friday, May 31, 2024
A really good VR animation is Lustration. It's about ghosts and the interaction between the living and the dead. In the afterlife, there's a process before the spirit is purified before it gets to heaven which is called lustration. One can switch from the view of the living and the from the afterlife. In one scene, a Policewoman is in her apartment. She hears noises and sees nothing. Objects get knocked over. In the afterlife view, the apartment looks quite different, the furniture is there but arranged slightly differently and the room has a stark empty look, no incidental objects on top of tables, drawers, counters etc. And there is indeed a ghost! Which can very clearly be seen in the view from the afterlife mode.
For those without VR goggles, there is a 2D version available on YouTube and with a narrator who more or less walks you through what's going on.
Our great grandparents would laugh.
At one time, in World War One Russia was fighting against England and France and with Germany and Italy.
In World War Two, Russia was fighting with England and France against Germany, Italy and Japan.
Now, Russia is fighting what used to be one of their Provinces.
Israel used to be at one time fighting simultaneously against Syria, TransJordan and Egypt which had a National government army with actual military training. Now Israel is fighting a backwater region of their own country with an amateur militia with no official military training and it is an area that is surrounded and under siege.
And they still haven't gotten it done!
What a chickenshit World War 3 if this is one. Before it was Nations actually fighting Nations. Now it is reduced to Nations fighting their own former Provinces or backwater regions of their own country. Would that provide the best optics for those Israel and Russia?
Russia Ukraine, Israel Gaza aren't conflicts as much as they are land grabs or attempts at annexation. Russian tanks were in the border two weeks before the first volley of shots were fired. With Israel it looks like what was initially hostage recovery and a summary military retribution has turned into a land grab. Although land grabs aren't genocidal as such, there are inevitably many elements that resemble genocide.
It's a landgrab. In Russia's case, it's overt. In Israel's case, it's covert.
"We who lived through world war two weigh this generation with that generation and have found it wanting."
Yeah, but this generation has electric skateboards and therefore radicalness and also VR goggles too.
If I'm so hung up about BMW's but couldn't afford one, why not get just any old reliable beater like a Toyota and stick a metallic BMW logo sticker right on the center of the steering wheel? That's a proxy BMW experience.
Looking down at the logo and going all Cover On The Rolling Stone, "Oh man, that's so cool, so awesome, far out..... It's a BMW!" every two seconds instead of looking at the road is distracted driving and is a recipe for disaster.
I agree with a central premise of The Burning Man Festival in the US. Dispense with logos. Anything with a logo, just stick some white colored duct tape over it. Even a BMW logo on the steering wheel. Even that.
There is a app downloadable for free from the Meta Quest store called Creepy Cabin which is an immersive world where one walks into a cabin to a platform where an immersive movie is playing.
The movie happens to be Eli Roth's The Faceless Lady. It is a compelling story. In a castle in Ireland, something sinister happened a few hundred years ago. The fallout from all that is that an active and psychokinetically powerful ghost haunts that castle. A group of three pairs of college students agree to participate in a contest of who can spend 48 hours there without quitting, or dying. The winner inherits the entire castle.
It's kind of like Big Brother but with a very scary female ghost even scarier than Madeleine in The Fall of the House of Usher.
That the contest went on annually for many years and that no one has yet inherited the castle should have been a clue.
The movie is one that would still look really good as a 2D movie. The story is top rate compelling and the actors are like they graduated from the Stanislav school of acting or something like that. If one is really good in a 3D movie, then they can advance to be a 2D film star in Hollywood which seems interdimensionally ironic. Theoretically it be the other way around. I'm sure we'll be seeing these actors again in Hollywood probably on a Star Wars based project.
Some movies wouldn't stand as a 2D movie but somehow is supposed to be better as a VR movie but even with the newfangled VR technology, it's still a cheesy movie.
This movie isn't like that. It's a very elegant gothic movie that's destined to be a classic.
Guests at a haunted house. This trope has been done before in movies such as Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House.
Lustration, The Faceless Lady. VR cinema has some not to be missed hits.
As it turns out, Robert Pickton's prison lobotomy was a failure or else a success depending on how you look at it as Pickton died today from his injury. Ding Dong the witch is dead. Good riddance. That guy was a devil.
Although there is no official Capitol punishment, in Canada things get handled.