Sunday, September 1, 2024
Not going to Church today Went last week. Failed to soak up enough atmospheric to get the Sunday vibes. I used to feel Sunday vibes all the time. Perhaps something in my body died or else the government put something in the food as I haven't felt Sunday vibes for years. Or maybe I'm in the wrong town although I have felt Sunday vibes and there were some days where I felt bliss. But a lot of those days it was because I was thinking of Vancouver.
In the Sam Harris YouTube documentary, The God Who Wasn't There, the narrator sais that St Paul not only didn't know of a lot of Jesus life, knowledgethat the rest of us take for granted, Paul believed Jesus didn't even exist on Earth and the crucifixion, resurrection etc were done in the mythical realm.
Hebrews 8:4. "If he had been on Earth, he wouldn't have even been a Priest."
That says it all. Why bother going to Church?
I have nothing in common with anyone at the middle class Church. The welfare church is quite a distance away. A long walk away. There is the upper class Church on the hill and then there is the middle class Church down the street. I'm in the welfare class. I guess zero out of two ain't bad.
I wanted to go to Church to meet an older lady. Since I have as much chance of meeting an older lady if I stayed at home as I do going to the middle class Church let alone the upper class one, I'm deciding to stay home.
Like Laura Kinney said in the movie Breach, "We all coulda just stayed home."
For all the chances that I have to meet an older lady for a fling at that place, I might as well stay home for my chances are the same, and besides I really enjoy being at home with the VR goggles and the FPS shooter games. So met mes God gives you a clue. A sign. You have rock show VR goggles and Epic Roller Coasters shooter mode. Would you rather do that or go to Church? Honestly. There's the clue.
She also mentioned tradecraft in that movie.
During an era when Christianity was actually the mainstream religion in Canada, one can go to a Church and the Church could really help you find a job, a plzce to stay, you meet a lady or some ladies and had a fling. Now Christian Churches can do nothing for you.
I've been going to a Church for ten years and my life never gets better. I don't meet any normal friends who visit them and they visit let alone any girlfriends.
Islam is a faster growing religion because when someone goes to a mosque, things actually happen for them they get a job, a place to live and find a wife. I'm not into that religion at all but empirically, they are a very efficient religion. Like I ok at places in the middle East like Dubai and UAE. Those places look more futuristic. Those places make the West look like a backwater.
Christian Churches are a dead end.
Crimen VR.
"Pick me a winner!" Little Nicky
Better than the bad reviews said it is. With the vat majority of apps, bad reviews don't mean a thing because the apps work well for me. Crimen VR looks good in VR and on 2D video too. The artistic beauty of this app is rivaled only by Crisis Brigade 2 VR.
Best played standing. Played sitting isn't the same. I love this app a lot. The artwork is dreamy and paradaisical. Some of the most beautiful graphics ever in VR. Swordply learning curve isn't difficult, hold the sword at the right angle and you learn fast, to parry and then do whatever Fruit Ninja type moves and that's it. Did I mention that the graphics are just beautiful? Very painterly.
Meta Quest plus released two free games plus also zero Caliber which I am eager to try and We Are One.
I tried We Are One. Some of the most gorgeous graphics ever but the gameplay is really cerebral and nebulous. A giant opens his large hand. You're supposed to land on it to redeem points and replenish energy stores to get seeds to grow more flowers while fighting giant aphids with some kind of garden gun that fires seeds instead of bullets. It's that kind of game. Forget the Rambo type rail shooter. This game is for girls.
Synth Riders, We Are One and Zero Caliber was released for free if you have a $13 a month monthly pass from meta which I do.
I am still in the hole $20 for a recent VR app purchase which I did not pay off. I have 30 days to pay it and I'm paying it in about two weeks.
I got the 30 minute free trial of Vail but that looks like a really pricey item at $25 not including tax.
A lot of old time British novelists would write in published journals that they went here and there and mentioned prices. 'Today I went to the coffee shop with my missus. Items about were a cup of tea at 85p and we had a full course lunch for £2.75. Etc.
That's what influenced me to write about the prices of VR apps as pricey as they may or may not be. I would even write about a VR app that I paid less than $3 for including tax.
There's this one VR app that only kinda sorta looked good. I like sombie shooters. It's a zombie shooter with the anemic pea shooters that take at least five shots to kill a zombie. Forget one shot one kill. But this game has a person firing a shot gun point black at RCMP wearing the red serge zombies and regular Police Officers in uniform zombies. That is one game I don't want to get. I feel a bit protective towards the Police and don't want a game where the player is firing at the Police. No. Way.
Even when I make a donation to the Police department I always write Tour de Rock. I never write Cops for C*ncer because that's just one word away from cops get c*ncer and so I don't want to write that.
I think the app is simply called Zombie Shooter, how original, and costs $5.79 not including tax.
Arizona Sunshine 2 horde mode regrettably has Police zombies and Police women wearing the Police hat and with a ponytail like so many Police women I've seen in my dreams. What do I do. If I don't shoot them I die. I try not to think about it.
Vail shooter. Zero Caliber. Tried them they're all right but the graphics aren't near as nice as Crimen. Lots of RPG motion sickness. Lots of it. Once you've played a few shooter games you've played them all.
The meta VR app store launched on May 9, 2022. And as you can guess the selection was skimpy. Bare bones. Think of this as the second year of the Sony PSP. The Sony PSP was around for about 7 years from 2005 to 2012. Eventually it launched all kinds of titles. Movie franchises, you name it. But certainly not all in the second year.
Just like with the Android app store, a lot of cames like Code of Honor, Brother's I Arm's, Call of Duty, are all intensely motion sickness experiences in 2D let alone in virtual reality. Games that don't involve motion sikcnes are the best. Need for Speed Most Wanted in the tablet. If they could flat2VR that, it would be awesome.
I ten yeses, VR technology will be so commonplace that some company will reverse engineer the flat2VR converter that the playstation 4 and 5 has. And can download it on their VR goggles as an app. Then they go to PSP ios Rom sites, download and extract PSP games for the emulator.
I figured out how to download a few PSP games for the PSP from iOS Rom websites that certainly weren't around when the Sony PSP was first launched.
The tablet doesn't have a Nintendo Switch emulator. But one day when that technology gets old it will. Then I can play Big Brain Academy on the Nintendo Switch.
Right now, the Nintendo Switch costs around $300 and Big Brain Academy costs about $40 not including taxes.
Shoot the Robots VR. Less than $6. Including tax.
Great. Really good shooter. One shot one kill. Futuristic. Graphics simple but so is the price. Mods include the option of using two guns. I think I got a good deal. I certainly don't mind paying less than $6 for this gem.
There's another game. I might get it for the Price. Less than $7 including taxes but the regular price is $29!
It's called Traffic Jams. One directs traffic with their hands. The graphics are very intense. I still have a couple of days to think about it as that's when the sale ends. Should I get it? I don't want to spend my entire bank account. I mean, really.
Universe, give me a sign. Although since I kinda want to get it any so called sign will be sublimated into a validation for getting it. Life is strange and so am I.
Saw a preview video on YouTube. Gameplay is not my bag. At all. No wonder it was on sale for this much off. Kind of like a cerebral escape room on steroids and I don't mean that in a good way. I like visceral FPS rather than cerebral escape room VR games.
Many Christian preachers have said, Don't worry about being perfect. In Presbyterianism, doubt is a cornerstone of faith because once one pushes past that doubt, it can be a way to make their faith stronger.
I started watching the Lucy Liu Chinese female priate VR video on YouTube. Tip. If it's just the story you're after and not gameplay. Every VR game ever made has a walkthrough video on YouTube. These videos are free advertising for the game and for the right game, it can be the final tip off in the decision to pay money for the game.
The video is at least an hour long. She speaks Chinese in the video which three me off because that's a language that I don't really understand that much. If I get one in a few words, I'm lucky. It should be a good story. It's a about a Chinese female pirate who killed a lot of her enemies and she had lots of lovers. That's an interesting line of work if one can evade detection and capture by the authorities, I guess. Eventually, in some way, they're also working for the authorities supplying them with intel. That's how they last. As far as Hollywood movies go, anyways.
Winston Churchill said that the British navy was rum, s*domy and the lash. I guess that's the way it went for Chinese female pirates too.
Grandma's Legacy VR. Graphics look top class and the escape room puzzles look mid level difficult which is takes some time, not too much to solve and you always end up solving it eventually. Price, less than $7. Tax included.
I got Rusty Lake which cost me some money. I finally did get this VR app. It looks like a good mystery app, better than the Sherlock Holmes one.
I requested a refund. Escape room. Too much going over the room again and again sto look for whatever and the motion sickness is terrifying.
Never get escape roo on VR. It's good on 2D tablet. But forget virtual reality escape rooms.
Nice graphics whatever. But to put myself through the ordeal of motion sickness.
The less the motion sickness, the better the game.
Monday, September 2, 2024
All women are eventual rabbitholes of trouble. Women, can't live without them, can't live with them. That's another reason that I'd like too quit life altogether.
Housing crisis. Not wanting to live through something like that if it could be avoided and it could. I don't see much of an incentive to go on living which is why if I could ever find a heroin connection... I'm not living for anyone. There is no one whom I am living for.
Edgar Cayce said dying is easy, living is hard.
Women are a rabbit ole of bossy bitchiness. Shakespeare wrote an entire play about that. The Taming of the Shrew which is about a guy getting on top of his bossy wife.
Some guys have what it takes to tame a shrew. I don't have what it takes. That's why I'll be single for life.
Couples are often a power struggle. Between two people, one has to be the dominant one. That's why I have to be single for life.
Either its God or random forces. If it's God, he thought as much to take away my mother so I would assume he'd be just as indifferent if I overdose on heroin and if it's random forces, even more, who cares if I want to quit life early like quitting a job that I don't want to work at anymore.
The will of God. He took away my mother when I was very young. From all accounts she was a gentle loving woman compared with my stepmother who was incredibly toxic, a sadistic halfwit. That's the will of God? Then God is a God of Manicheanism in which God dispenses good as well as evil as catalysts of spiritual growth. Since God took away my mother, I believe that I am entitled to give myself an early reprieve, for that and for tall the answers I've come up with. I wish I could just go to sleep and not wake up. I wake up disappointed every morning that last night wasn't the night.
I just want to quit life altogether.
The News is really awful. There might be that one really interesting story once every few days at the top of the hour which sucks in viewers for more of such riveting stories. Unfortunately it degenerates into local fluff which I care absolutely nothing about. I don't want to get ground in to local culture more than I already am. The place is a backwater and if I had a few million, I' certainly wouldn't still be here. All these weird stories which leads to a weird suffering on a vicarious level which is a form of multiple stressors which always always leads to an anxiety disorder.
Watching the News is like hanging out with some weird clique day in day out, week in week out, year in year out, decade in decade out. Which gives one a socially sistorted perspective of life in general. In that way the News is socially extraneous.
And I always think they're referring to me as well. Yet if one of my neighbours told me that they thought the News was referring to them all the time, 365 days a year, I'd be the first to say, "That's ridiculous. They're not doing that at all. Who they're really referring to all the time is me!"
Who am I? I'm someone who lives in a rooming house. Sure, I don't know about you but every time I think of the News anywhere, even in towns and countries I've never heard of, I'm thinking of organizations that make secret references 365 days a year about certain impoverished individuals living in rooming houses.
I can't make it without Beebs. I don't know why I should even attempt to try.
A heroin overdose is a bad idea. But the housing crisis, constantly worrying about money, another possibly 20 years of humiliation. The heroin overdose then doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
All towns have their insufferable local propaganda. Some magazine sitting on a table. This town is voted as the 7th best place to live in Canada. It's not surprising to see that kind of thing in a culture that teaches about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.
A town called malice. The Jam,
I want to move to another town. A town called take away the m from malice and you got Alice. Change the c to an f and you got a-life or else afterlife. I want to move to another town. That town is called the afterlife.
I never want to travel to England. No, I don't have enough island living that I want to go to some other island and get a double dose, a booster shot of more cheesy Island living. Uh, no thanks. Women on the mainland dress more sophisticated and better looking than the women on the island.
Anything that's too difficult isn't worth doing at all. Travelling to England tops the list.
Yesterday, a lady I knew from the past stalked me. I previously actually thought that I wanted to talk to her again. After talking to her, I asked the forces of life why it would throw something like that my way. The forces of life are often just evil and pernicious. This lady was as batshit cray cray.
Women are like immigrants. They ran one place to the ground and are looking for joking to move somewhere else and run another plsfe to the ground thus running two places to the ground.
Why did God send that lady to stalk me?
Don't put yourself out on my account. Don't do me any favors.
Murphy's Law, anything thatt can go wrong will go wrong.
A lot of guys and ladies in my hotel are single. I want to be single as well.
That lady said that she was sorry that my girlfriend died and that I would find another girlfriend again. She said that I would find another girlfriend even when I said that I didn't think so.
She says that like it's a good thing. I don't want another girlfriend again.
I'm either not good at sex or else have done it enough times that it's basically the same thing over and over again. I certainly don't want to get married or be on the hook for child support. But being single is a boring life. Better boring than stressful if I were to choose one, I'd choose boring over stressful.
The vast majority of conversations I have with women are absolutely damned boring.
Better no conversation than a boring one.
The conversations I have with myself are much more interesting. And I trust myself or at any rate I trust myself a lot more than I trust any women who I had conversations with.
I hope that women don't stalk me because they are unwanted. Every woman is a rabbithole of trouble. Just like the entirety of life itself.
A heroin overdose would be my ticket to another town that is the afterlife. Psychics say that suicides don't go to hell but are enshrouded in love and understanding and healing as what drove the to do it is often yeers of mental trauma. I'd like to be there much rather than here, actually.
I need a talisman or an apotheosis. I want that to stop women from stalking me. Every woman that stalks me is an unwanted missive from an often capricious God.
He was capricious enough to take away my mother but without having the consideration to then also take me away to the afterlife as well.
When I have a girlfriend, they don't like it, they get jealous. But when you don't have a girlfriend they don't like it. Then when I have a girlfriend, for some reason she's always the wrong girl. That's why I want to quit life altogether.
This goes not just for me but for everybody, with certain people. The scurrilous gossip mongers.
The News is definitely a source of multiple stressors. It will remind you that you are racialized, undergoing food insecurity, etc. What. Even the mayors of whatever towns who aren't White are racialized? Watch out for multiple stressors or else the less stressors in life the better.
Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean that they're not after you.
Just because you're suicidal it doesn't always mean that you won't die soon.
There's about a 15% chance statistically that I'll get a massive fatal heart attack before I'm 60 and that in about five years from now but then 100% of all statistics are lies,
If thats the case, then there's a 15% chance that what I wanted will be taken care of for me without me killing myself in or getting killed.
I experienced a massive disappointment. On the Game of Thrones match 3, I got a gold character but it wasn't Margaery Tyrell. I got that last time and was upset the wasn't able to edit the attack team on raids. So crestfallen that I uninstalled. Then I thought, "Who cares?" I reinstalled it. This time I got a gold character, it was Areo Hotah, whoever that is. Don't get me wrong, don't think, "It's because you don't like Areo Hotah." I was so expecting to get the Margery Tyrell avatar again that I would be just as upset even if I got Tyrion f*cking Lannister character avatar himself.
I'll never find a girlfriend ever again. If only I can get that in writing. If only I can get that carved in stone.
Women are traps. Perhaps they are better in other cultures and worse in others but in this culture I'd rather not know them.
Why did God dispatch that lady to talk to me, stalk me, yesterday? She was a whole boatload of crazy.
Why did Karen stalk me? It's like, don't put yourself out on my account. Don't do me any favors!
Karen has really let herself go physically and mentally. And I thought I had problems.
I even said to her, Never play cards with a man named Doc and Never date a woman with worse problems than you.
That's her whole damned point. Women marry up. She brings up all her shirt problems so that if you and her wind up being together, then she knows that you tlknow that she knows that she is dating up.
Just about everyone else who lives in my hotel is single. I think I am able to be single too because of the Peter Principle and because I'm a loser.
The Peter Principle. People rise to their level of incompetence.
I'm a loser. You say that like it's a bad thing. Being a loser creates an invisible shield that actually repels.
For weeks on end, just about every day, I see the most awful annoying Chinese guy. His name is Paul. He hobbles around on a walker and asks for money. "I'm hungry! I need $20." He is really offsetting and the sight of that wretched wreck makes my stomach turn. He is really a vile repugnant despicable entity. I think there are demons attached to him as he has a really bad energy. His life review that he'll get after he dies will be interesting!
Why is it that weird sh*t that I'm seeing every day? He doesn't live on this block yet he hobbles here every day on his walker. What is it about this block that makes him comfortable. My deluded mind says I hope it's not my Zen energy.
The lady who was talking with me as I was sweeping the streets. She suggested going to Tim Hortons. Why the hell not?
So we are there and then the Chinese guy walks in and starts talking to the lady I was with "Hey Karen! Hey Karen! You love me? How much do you love me?"
So the thing is while I am generating the energy of sweeping the streets, I get that energy in return.
Some people believe in leaving an area better than it was when they found it while others believe in always leaving a area worse than they found it.
I sweep the streets and ask for no money. While panhandlers do no work at all and ask for snd get money. I don't ask for money because I'm not venal.
Of course doing good works or spending money in any town is like pouring water in a funnel of dry sand. That gets soaked up and you get nothing back. I don't know how many times I've done things for people in this town and have gotten absolutely nothing back if not get something worse in return.
I wonder why something like that happened and that's because the forces of life happen to be a total bag of sh*t. I get miscreancy and delinquency in return for the disciplined energy I try to generate.
I don't have much sentiment for this town. If I had any kind of money and could move to any other country without worrying about visa runs and overstay I'd be gone. There are truly better places.
Karen comes from a culture that doesn't have hundreds if not thousands of years of universally acknowledged history of written language, record keeping, civilization such as Europe and Asia. The Thais have Buri Ram, Ayutthaya, Sukhothai. The natives don't quite have anything like that. Theirs is not a culture that I could truly in heart of hearts intellectually respect as much as I respect Thais in Thailand and other groups in that region whose mastery in stone masonry was such that a piece of paper could not fit within any two bricks. The Natives in Canada never quite had anything like that.
William Gibson. Neuromancer. The low techs.
My parents brought me here against my will. I would have wanted to stay in Hong Kong. That place has thousands of years of written language based civilization.
Shakespeare would say of Karen's people that their lives are typically nasty short and brutish.
We exchanged phone numbers. Yeah, sure, I'll call her. Like f*ck I will!
Why God would dispatch something like that to stalk me and to complement it like it was some kind of garnish, dispatch that demonic Chinese monkey as well. The classic sh*t sandwich. Simultaneously seeing two just the most awful wretched people imaginable.
How that Chinese money can go around aggressively panhandling like that and not get sent to a mental institute is baffling which makes you wonder what kind of people are in mental institutes. Which is a definite disincentive to ever having any children.
Life is short. I've had so many encounters with people who I thought were going to be a problem for years but they wound up dying soon after.
I don't know how long Paul is for this world. Rumor has it that he has some money in the bank and he's still panhandling.
I hope that Karen and no other ladies stalk me. I don't need them.
Getting it on. Poetically it is generally expressed as a need.
Subjectively, it's a need. Objectively, it's only ever a want.
Some would argue that it's a need that's necessary for the continuation of the species.
Is that even a guarantee that the species would go on?
Even before humans appeared on the Earth, lots of species went extinct even without the intervention of humans. Some force of nature didn't want or need those species, I guess.
If an area is overpopulated versus under populated, that would affect the dynamic between men and women. But the problem is, at no time in history has the human species ever thought an area as underpopulated. A person loves to live alone. They acquire the first plot of land on a small island. Within a few years some neighbours move there too. To the loner, that island is overpopulated even if one more neighbour moves there, let's face it.
Victoria BC is just saturated with undisciplined delinquent personalities. And Victoria is the most civilized town on the island. I shudder to imagine what delinquents and what level of delinquency would be in the real backwater towns on this island which is every other town.
The Natives of North America. I haven't heard of any construction projects in which there were no Native construction workers. They helped to build the great buildings in North America like The Empire State Building, the Sears Tower in Chicago, Star Wars Galaxys Edge in Disneyland and indeed the entirety of Disneyland itself.
Native construction workers who worked in the high steel girders were called skywalkers which is where George Lucas got the name.
You have to intellectually respect that. Modern buildings in their own way are just as much wonderful as the ancient Seven Wonders of the World.
See, one can focus and cherry pick the one or a few delinquents that God seems to have dispatched but what about included in the throng the hundreds of comparatively normal and well disciplined people of honor and respectability. Don't forget to acknowledge the presence of that in your travels.
There is every chance I could get the early reprieve that I wanted before age 60. Like Mason Verger said, "The day that you thought would never arrive, has."
I could get a heart attack before age 60 and be dead. Then all my worthy worries would be completely over.
I'm on welfare. From observation, 100% of on welfare die before they're 80. I never heard of someone on welfare who is 80 years old. Actually about 95% die before age 70.
At age 54, I only got about 15 years to go. At most. And I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing.
Some things exist in either dimension. Things like being calm and keeping a steady course no matter what dimension you're in.
God still loves those who stumble. The idea is to reframe your own narrative where you see that the many blessings from God outweigh the few otherwise problems.
Something real weird. Here goes.
George Orwell was shot in the throat while he was in Spain doing a write up about the Spanish Civil War.
George Michael the singer had a tracheotomy in December 2012.
Although the name George sounds like the word gorge which in French means throat. George Orwell and George Michael were from England.
I saw a really beautiful lady on the street today. She had long red hair and she even smiled at me. She was earing a one piece black track suit with bikini straps. That kind of female track suit. Very beautiful.
Then I remembered the movie Infernal Affairs. There's a chance she could be an undercover cop. However since I'm not any kind of gangster at all, why should I worry about that?
I rode my Meepo V5 e skateboard today. Let's face it. I don't know why I got all the other skateboards. And I got them in the last few months before Heather died so they are haunting in a way. I only use the electric skateboards now pretty much 100% of the time. It's called usufruct which kind of means how often am I using any given thing?
Perhaps I should just sell the other skateboards somehow but they are so cool and funky. The pure 150% California style skateboard, the screaming hand cruiser, the street amoeba. I got some good ones. I won't ever hock them. That's my mini skateboard museum.
The Royal BC museum in Victoria BC has outdone itself. The new modern appliances meaning modern from 1950 on is on par with the Vancouver through the decades exhibit at the Vancouver museum. The nostalgic feelings grip you instantly and seeing the soft warm colors of the items is intensely comforting. I would recommend a visit. I would rate it a five star review.
Jesus said that the road to hell is broad but that the good path is straight and narrow.
What did He mean? He meant that the good path is difficult. He meant that the good road means doing many good things in secret and unseen or not, in any case getting absolutely no reward for it and the perpetual life long feelings of disenfranchisement that brings. The broad road to hell is to set up some dodgy scam and rip lots of people off, do very little menial work and get lots of money but that money is hell money.
Doing good things you find that nothing happens. You get no reward or compensation. But that also means nothing bad happens. Very few if any hassles. No news is good news.
If a person moved to an island and they become either much more successful than usual or much more loser than usual, they would attribute it to island living.
If a person were neither more or less successful or else loser than usual, still a loser just not more than usual, then they wouldn't think of it at all as the mind rarely makes the distinction between island living and mainland living. As long as they are somewhere that seems like a land mass that's large enough, who cares.
Being a loser. You say that like it's a bad thing. It's a democracy of losers. "I'm a loser, And I'm not what I appear to be."
A loser has a shield against trouble from women and women certainly can bring a whole boatload of trouble. It's best to be single. When I hear of so many family tragedies that happened to people that simply would not have happened if they stayed single.
This is speaking from experience.
A YouTuber made a video claiming that the Swedish movie Blindpassasjer is a plagiarism of Ridley Scott's Aliens.
But that video itself is a plagiarism of the Led Zeppelin plagiarism video and several other videos about plagiarism.
This blog is not meant for publication. If someone complains that I might have plagiarized, it's a defense against logic. Something I wrote doesn't fit with their narrative and it's something they agree with. Spock even said that once. "You agree with what I said otherwise you wouldn't be so angry." or words to that effect.
This blog is a more or less non private yet private journal so now one has the right to criticize a private journal not meant for publication. But the human species is one with a 110 IQ that thinks it can take on the Universe, so what would you expect?
I often quote from friends I met years ago. This is an influence rather than a plagiarism. They're mostly in the next and exponential phase of life and would know that I still remember their words of influence.
It's just like The Walking Dead Season 1 video game on Android tablet. "The character will remember this." The character, whichever character.
Defense against logic is the hallmark of a prurient garbage species.
Crimen VR. I was struck down when I had to fight a bunch of swordsmen all at once. There is a weapon. I didn't use it because of my higher sensibilities. It's the worst most offsetting weapon in video game history. It's donkey poop on a stick.
However it works as something to dispel the opponents so that you're onky fighting them one at a time. I want to get past this level. Another level promises an Aztec sequence that is quite visually stunning. It's like when Indian Jones was in Peru and visited that Inca cave of booby traps to get the golden idol.
I'm thinking of getting a plastic replica of that idol for $35 not including taxes on Amazon. I have to know that it's not a demon otherwise I won't get it for sure. I think it's some kind of fertility goddess but since it's in a cave of deadly Bobby traps, I don't know what kind of fertility goddess it was. Well that entire religion was some sacrificial death cult so that should give you some idea. Don't believe me? Watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.
A major idea for a Raiders movie is a backstory that involves that temple. A few hundred years ago, a bunch of Incas, men and women wearing feathered loincloths used their expert arts and crafts skills to mold a golden idol and then setting up the booby traps. And a few rituals there with the golden idol. Make some story that during the installation of the temple, they were fighting some opposing tribe. That tribe really wanted the idol. The twist in the movie is when they got to the temple expecting to get the idol, they all died from one or another of the Bobby traps that for some reason, they simply weren't expecting. The whole thing is fictional. There were no Inca caves of boooby traps and gold idols. I didn't think that they made any gold idols. No, wait, the Nat Geo VR app gets into gold and silver idols that were made in the region. But they didn't look like the gold idol in Raiders. Anyways, why opt for a cave when you got the most sophisticated built pyramids ever in the planets history which they can use to decapitate people and then chuck their bodies off of?
My Raiders fan theory. Not original, probably, others might have thought this too. First of all, Taxi Driver, from the moment when the camera does the from the ceiling angle, Travis Bickle is dead. The rest of the movie, reunions, welcome with open arms is part of his post death fantasy. This is a YouTube fan theory.
So in Raiders when they opened the ark, Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood had died. The rest of the movie dressing up and going to a government office to receive a lot of money is a fantasy. People don't go to government offices to receive money, they go there to pay out money. Not true, what about welfare offices. And if he died, was The Last Crusade also an after death fantasy as Temple of Doom was a prequel to Raiders.
Anyways Crimen VR with the Aztec sequence promises to be a good adventure if I can get past the sh*tstick stage of the game. In the other levels, opponents telegraph their moves similar to the gameplay of Until You Fall. But the Aztecs are known to change direction at the last second so good luck defeating that. You can with skill and practice.
I thought of a screenplay for a cartoon called Peru, A Sequel to Raiders.
The cartoon starts with a great pyramid in a region that was a Mesa rather than a jungle. There stood a great Inca pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid was a passage way that male and female high Priests entered to a secret chamber that was to hold a sacred gold fertility goddess idol. Female priests are there as well because it is the installation of a golden fertility goddess statue. A scene of feathered serpent god Priests holding baskets of offerings as they went into the temple. The went in and it was a mystery what happened.
In another area a stone mold was chiseled and some time later, smelted gold would be poured into one of the stone casts.
There was the gold idol finally and a scene of Priests around that altar that Indiana Jones would walk in 700 years later is shown, but that room is shown in its pristine glory. The stones on the walls were multicolor painted with all kinds of local gods and other colorful motifs of animals etc.
A neighbouring tribe living on a hill that looks kinda like Machu Pizzu with its stepped and straw hit stone cottages heard about the new idol and thought it'd be a cinch to walk in there and just take it. So they organized a party and entered what were then new smooth stone hallway first going straight for a distance and then turning left that led to the idol. And then to their and the audience surprise, the booby traps had been installed and you see the Adios Sapito booby traps in their then new and pristine glory as they took out one after another enemy opponents as they stepped into the light. These were photosensitive phototropic booby traps. And on it goes, one booby trap after another is displayed.
Then the final scene is the Priests walking in there and clearing out the bodies carefully stepping around each of the booby traps as Indiana Jones did. And the tie in scene is first the temple is shown over time to be concealed and covered with jungle until it is completely unrecognizable as a pyramid, only as a small hill with that passageway that the Priests and Indiana Jones used still there. Then flashback to the ancient times when one Priest crouches around a booby trap like Indiana Jones did and a silhouette is formed which is superimposed with another silhouette and then that silhouette materializes as Indiana Jones in 1937 visiting that temple.
Cowboy Rush VR. Less than $7.
All good reviews mostly 5 star some 4 star, no lower than that.
Requested refund. Unlimited ammo but too many enemies. No mods or power up's of any kind. My refund was approved. However I forgot about the machine gun and the shotgun. Very enjoyable. Will get again another day.
Complaints. No power ups or mods.
Am thinking of repurchasing. Sale ends in 3 days. Less than $7 doesn't sound like too much.
Repurchased it. I hope you don't think it's a sin. It's a game that I'll be hsving for life hopefully. A slight initial purchase then it's free video arcade city for life.
Zero Glide VR. Looks like the best of tablet based mororcycle game. Flat2vr. Tons of glitches. A reviewer on YouTube advised against getting it. The users name is Czesc which means hello in Polish. This viewer strongly advised against getting it. Pricey, $12 plus tax. I won't get this. I'll wait for a better one because I do like this genre. But I have to watch my budget.
I got through that stage in Crimen VR.
"There's no such thing as a finished movie. There are only projects that are walked away from." George Lucas
There is no such thing as a finished life. There are only lives that are died away from.
So don't worry about it.
VR. Veritable Rabbithole.
Waltz of the Wizard looks good. One five star review after another.
One review said. "God game. Doenload it or youregay." spelt exactly like that.
Well, if that's what it takes, then the entire planet would be gay because the vast majority of people in this planet haven't downloaded this game.
There is a free trial. Reviewers aid I bought it after trying it. It's a gorgeous but another $33 dollars in the hole VR app.
I'll wait for cheque day to get it but I'll try the free trial. I am absolute rock bottom skint at my limit when it comes to getting any more VR apps that aren't free.
Escape Room - Gone Man - is the scariest free VR game I've ever played. Price: free. Not pricey.
One is in a room with no doors or else no obvious ones. Figure out the puzzle which I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of. Meanwhile just outside the walls of the room you're in, you hear menacing footsteps often. That's the scary part.
I have to watch a YouTube walkthrough video. There is a box with a picture of four things, a wooden model airplane, a toy bear, a toy rabbit and a toy doll. The box only has four round holes. I found all the things but they don't fit in the round holes.
There are all these drawings. Maybe the drawings are a cypher containing clues as pertaining to numbers, colors etc. Just a strange strange game.
Just as good if not better than Grandma's Legacy and its free.
It's wonderful to find a free app that's better than at least 50% of paid apps.
Epic Roller Coasters is one. That's a gift from the gods. There are 4 levels that are free including shooter mode. The other levels are incidental and you can pretend they don't exist if you just want to play and not spend even one cent. That would be the best free VR experience.
I hope that B4T Games does a reboot of Epic Fun for the meta quest 3. I think they abandoned that.
I got Zosu VR art gallery for $3.35. It's a 3 gB download. Visit the good vibes immersive space of a art gallery where no one will scrutinize you as perhaps being an art poser.
Visit any time for free once the initial $3.35 is paid.
I visited the art gallery. Paintings are as sharp in terms of quality as the Alphonse Mucha painting in the Residence environment of Big Screen VR.
Very relaxing classical music. Glenn Gould? I don't know. Good app nevertheless.
I'd like to see a Match 3 game in VR that includes leveling up characters and weapons and world building. Imagine seeing the traditional match 3 world building upgrades but in a VR diorama set up like Iron Guard, Demeo and Witchblood. Match 3 franchise world building will come to VR its only a matter of time.
VR is still trying to catch up to 2D tablets in terms of graphics intensity and details in gameplay. The 2D free apps on tablet have ads.
Ads can be very easily regulated, I mean implemented into general VR play.
Pros: Much better quality games for free.
Cons: sit through endless ads. Even then watching the ads often leads to rewards and prizes.
Ads in VR can be a 2D flat screen ad, A 3D flstscreen ad or a fully immersive animation ad.
I could see big corporations like the soft drink companies doing a VR animated ad. It would be mind blowing.
There would also be options to skip ads with a click button somewhere.
As it is now, those who provide free apps on the VR store get nothing, no money. The only thing they get is an enhanced reputation as a developer to watch for in the future.
Even for the paid ads, there is just one POS transaction and perhaps an occasional limited number of DLCs and thsts it. Their vector for revenue stream is limited.
Whereas tablet apps have a lot of IAPs which are to 2D tablets what DLCs are to VR.
The Ghostbusters VR app sells for $65 and thsts the most the developer can make off of one person. Even with the purchase of additional DLCs like the Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, and Winston Zedemore, its still a limited well to draw from.
Whereas Hustle Castle would have the Royal Pass, the Summer Festival Pass, additional pets all available as purchasable online merch. Game of Thrones legends. The Daenarys Targaryen package sells for $168.99 and the Aemond Targaryen deal goes for $16.99.
The point is while the stand alone revenue stream for VR apps is currently limited and finite, the potential ad revenue stream for Android and Apple and Amazon Fire tablet apps is unlimited and infinite.
Limited revenue stream doesn't give VR developers incentive to do much of anything. This new infrasture will give VR developers the money they deserve and thus a few VR developers can wind up on the Forbes Fortune 500 just like the early developers of those 80s computer programs like Paul Allen became very rich.
I wouldn't doubt that this system will come to the tablet. Advertising sponsorship and revenue will greatly increase the overall average graphics and gameplay quality as well as the bottom line for developers. I expect this kind of economic infrastructure will be available in Quest and PSVR goggles before 2023, probably in 2029.
Imagine seeing a Government of Canada VR animation ad? It would be mind blowing.
Coca Cola Christmas Santa and polar bear ad in VR animation would be awesome.
When that era dawns, the free VR apps then with mega corporate ad sponsorship will blow the paid for VR apps of this era out of the water.
Check out Goro Fujita, City of Lights. That would be awesome as a Coca Cola VR ad.
I wonder if there are any VR ad firms that do animated ads, non animated real life based VR ads.
Go to University. Get a bachelor's degree majoring in VR animation and minkring in business. These business minor teaches you specifically how to get a grant from the government which requires some kind of University degree and that's the onky one useful thing they teach you in University that will actually make you money. The rest of it is all funky nerdgasm knowledge. It won't make you money but it's fun to learn.
Right. Get the grant and start up a VR animation advertising firm. Hire a secretary, an accountant, a lawyer, and most importantly a few hand picked artists, your best buddies from animation school of whom you intellectually respect their work even though you want to not like it, you wind up liking their artwork. Hire them. Then as a CEO you don't have to work at all. Just show up once a year for the annual meeting and party afterwards. Say a few words like, "Keep up the good work. See you next year."
I wouldn't mind watching a few mind blowing VR animation ads to get access to some free kick ass VR apps. Who wouldn't? It's a deal where everyone wins.
Ten years ago*, there weren't as many people on Android OS and Apple iOS tablets as there is on VR today yet even then that was a cottage industry that was able to cobble a decent revenue stream due to an in place ad sponsorship structure. Even today, the number of people on the less popular Amazon fire OS tablet is about on par with the population of the meta Quest OS VR community yet the Amazon fire system manages to have some kind of ad sponsorship infrastructure.
*Don't quote me. These are made up statistics and about 100% of all statistics are false.
No one reads my blog anyways.
The VR animation ad companies would hire the best animators. With the VR animation ad experience under their belt, these highly skilled VR animators could do VR animation movies that could win an Oscar.
But as amazing as all this sounds, life often has a way of exceeding expectations. Vilnius, Expectation vs Reality.
The thing is, it takes less of a skill set to do things on computer like ads for apps in 2D. VR animation requires a different skillset comparable to drawing a picture vs carving a statue. VR 180 is more of a bas-relief while VR 360 3D is more like a fully carved statue. VR animation requires a steeper learning curve. So I see the reason for the lag in catching up. It's ironic that VR has to catchh up to 2D. You think it'd be the other way around but while Android apps are still in the early days, VR apps are one step behind, still being in the pioneer days.
As it is, while in VR, even the free apps have no ads, on tablet, even the paid for apps can have some ads. Watch an ad, get a reward.
I'm thinking of taking the plunge and getting Art Plunge for $3.50. At such a price. It is reputedly top rated and one enters 5 different paintings including Mona Lisa and Starry Night. A reviewer said their mind was blown. I'll try it. I could always get a refund.
Did I write that it costs $3.50? It costs $2.50.
With 5 paintings, that's fifty cents a painting so it's quite a deal.
The app surpassed all expectations. Even with expecting it to be mind blowing it was still mind blowing.
The Vermeer one is the best of all.
The Venus one is very very good.
The Vermeer one was on another level. After I removed my VR goggles I shivered in a good way, remembering the Vermeer exhibit. I felt that I travelled back to 1608 or whenever and was in the room with her. The Vermeer picture is at the gemalde gallery in Dresden.
The Mona Lisa one was good too. They're all good.
The Michelangelo exhibit was kind of off putting. It is what it is. I didn't know that the background of that painting is the planet Jupiter.
And finally the Van Gogh painting exhibit was very good. There was a Van Gogh 3D art exhibit in Vancouver. Missed it. Sure, Van Gogh had a style but lots of artists have lots of styles. I think if a person was on some drug, they might see things in the brush strokes like animals, people getting it on, Biblical verses, but being sober, I see nothing in the thousands of little brush strikes that weave that picture together. Van Gogh was probably someone I wouldn't have wanted to meet. He had major psychological problems. He cut off his ear and then he did himself in.
I hope to see an Emily Carr VR art app that would be this good. However Emily Carr didn't often paint pictures of the interior of rooms like Girl In the Window, Vermeer. She did Forest paintings. That would be interesting to see.
Hieronymous Bosch paintings and Petr Brueghel the Elder paintings each with similar styles would be interesting to see in VR.
I heard the weirdest hypnagogic sentence. Upon awakening in the morning, I heard the words, "And the ball King was executed." The word King. It was half asleep. I didn't consciously dredge up that word. It just came to me. What ball King? What ball?
King means royalty.
Brain storming, Ball King sounds like King Baldwin the 4th, the leper King in the movie Kingdom of Heaven. Alec Baldwin, Baldwin is a Royal name.
King Baldwin's Father was King Amalric. The actor in the James Bond movie Quantum of Solace and the maitre d' in The Grand Budapest Hotel, Mathieu Amalric. Amalric is a royal name.
King Baldwin died at age 24 of leprosy. He wasn't executed though unless the leprosy executed him.
Pit Mouse Museum of Mining. $3.50.
A VR app that visits a British coal mine. Good review.
Don't be surprised that I purchased this. I purchased it for England.
The Island of Britain had lots of great genius writers, Shakespeare, Charles Dickenson, Sit Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, JRR Tolkien, George Orwell, Ian Fleming and JK Rowling etc.
I was able to purchase this using my tablet. I tried last time but wasn't quite able to do it.
The app includes a virtual English pub.
Very good app. Lots of app for the little money. History of coal mining in England. Visit environments from different eras of coal mining. Video, information. Very very fun app. Is $3.50 an extravagant price?
Consciousness is a mental bank account and right now, mine is overdrawn! My actual financial bank account is no picnic either!
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Having a girlfriend would be square, for me anyways.
It depends what level you're operating at. A girlfriend usually occupies an otherwise empty space in the mind and body. But when I'm at the level where I'm dancing, doing parkour, riding skateboards and into VR FPS, the single life is best.
My friend said he would go through a mile of sh*t to get to the woman that he wants.
See, I wouldn't because anything too difficult isn't worth doing at all.
A faint heart never won a lady fair.
I don't know if it's winning when it's simply trading one set of worries for another. The biggest worry being, "What if I'm told in two weeks that I'll be on the hook for child support for what happened last night?" Oh yeah, that's one of my favorite things. Not. It would be the most unwanted thing.
I find most conversations with women to be boring. The conversations I have with myself are more interesting. Conversations with people in general, women and men, are often kinda boring.
Just about everybody else in my rooming house hotel is single. No surprise.
At this point I doubt I'll ever have a girlfriend ever again. I don't think that I'll meet a lady whom I really like and intellectually respect even in spite of myself.
There's a lot to be said for being single.
Culture often puts pressure on people to be in a relationship when they're single and sometimes even to break up when they're in a relationship. Remember it's the same damned culture that touts a politician as being the new and better way forward and as soon as elected, start criticizing and tearing them down.
It's the same culture that in every town in the world no matter how obscure, there is the insufferable localism, 'This town has been voted as the 7th best town in all of Canada.' Hundreds of small towns in Canada happen to be the 7th best town to live in Canada and 28th best to live in the World.
"Culture is not your friend." Terence McKenna
I don't know that anyone is really putting that much pressure on anyone. Everybody is too busy thinking of themselves. To get to another they first have to climb past that wall called themselves including addictions, issues, bad memories from the past, fears of the future, if they can get past all that, then maybe they can get to you.
What?! Kevin Falcon Leader of the United Party has suspended his Party's run in the next election. Complete political capitulation. Unheard of. Why throw good money after bad only to wind up losing in the next election would seem to be the prevailing logic.
I never heard of this before. This is cataclysmic.
That means all the candidates in the BC United Party aren't up for re-election. Well, it's the end of an era. Gordon, both of them, must be crestfallen. For a time, he really tried to make it work.
I wonder what Christy Clark is thinking. Perhaps, "It looks like my hand picked successor wasn't able to match my political prowess in the Legislative arena."
This is the opposite of vote splitting. This means more votes for David Eby as the Left of Centre undecided portion of the Centrist vote would go to Premier David Eby. This would be a boon for the Premier.
It would be different if it was the other way around if a Right Wing Party splintered into a Centrist version of itself which would scoop up all the left of center centrist votes David Eby would then otherwise have had as there would be no such shortfall amongst the then disenfranchised Right Wing voters.
I'm voting for Grace Lore because she is a great politician.
It's a real toss up between Grace Lore, a Minister of a major prevailing party with lots of seats in the Lege or Sonia Furstenau a Leader of a fringe Party with two seats, if that in the Lege, Legislative Assembly.
I saw Sonia Furstenau on the street a few weeks ago. I gave a slight smile and being a skilled politician who is typically a master of social skills and extremely fast on the uptake, I saw her smile slightly as well. She was talking with someone and who would I be to interrupt. Victoria is a town where politicians should be able to expect to walk down the street without being bothered if they're already talking to someone.
She is a great politician as well.
You probably wouldn't believe me but I say a prayer for politicians every day. "Thank you God for blessing our political leaders. May they face no criticism and may they have only approval from the voters." Easier said than done. Voters are a very fickle bunch.
This is a delusion from my mind, an unwanted thought.
I did write that BC is a Province that's governed by one of its satellites, an island in a country that's governed by an island, and thus BC is a Province governed by two Islands one represented with a B - British island, and one represented with a C - Canadian island.
The United Party suspended its campaign which is an exquisite term exclusive to politics like proroguing of Parliament. This is symbolic of, is BC a United Province or one composed of two main land masses, one a large swath of mainland and the other, the docent Island that governs it. There's no way something like that could be a vector of any conflict of interest.
Anyways I must tread carefully. This is a system that works. It has worked for about 162 years as BC was founded in 1862. Or thereabouts. This is a great system where everybody wins and to even suggest otherwise is tantamount to treason. One guy in Alaska who was a separatist. One day he got gunned down. The A&E documentary about that suggested as much that the government will send hitmen to anyone who tries to actively change the order. I have worries, fears, questions that pop up in my mind, involuntary thoughts I don't mind admitting to as long as it's done in the right tone. British Columbia is in that way an exotic Province that enjoys and exclusive and wonderful geopolitical set up.
Geopolitical arrangements come in all shapes and sizes.
Mo Amir might talk about the sudden implosion and collapse of the BC United Party tonight. He is a great talk show host. Awesome person.
Sometimes you like people and don't know why. Mo Amir is a quality person. Certainly more together than I am in a lot of ways.
Guests on the Mo Amir show this evening said that the United Party decided to unUnite themselves because they were spoked when they saw the polls.
Of course the great political strategists have three political truths
1. Voters are fickle. 2. Polls mean nothing. 3. The real poll is on election day, and advance ballots too.
It wouldn't have been just polls that caused them to separate. Polls, but what about voter lists? They are a little more precise. Voter lists weren't looking good for the United Party perhaps. When BC United MLA Teresa Wat defected, she absconded with some very important lists. That was seen as an issue, going forward.
Voter lists have the names and addresses of registered voters. What they don't have is the candidate that the voter is voting for. So it doesn't mean that much, it kinda does but not really.
The name United or not and whether or not in a Province composed of two main land masses may or may not be the best name for a political Party even if it isn't the worst name. Perhaps they might rebrand and rise like a phoenix out of the ashes with a standard beater waving a flag of a different name. What about Falconcrest?
Incidentally, the falcon is one of if not the fastest a imal in the world. While a cheetah can run 90 mph, a flacon can fly at speeds up to 180 miles an hour. To give you an idea, the terminal velocity of gravity is 120 mph. A snake crawls up a cliff to get st the nest. The mother falcon a distance away sees it and dive bombs and the snake is knocked off the cliff. The Millennium Falcon, the fastest ship.
Kevin Falcon seems like a good politician. I don't see anything wrong with him. If nothing else, he has years of experience as a politician. I don't know why so many MLAs abandoned the BC United Party and why voter lists suggest that he most likely won't win Premiership in the next election. Only an expert knows.
The News did say that in a few select ridings, candidates for the BC United Party will be in there like a dirty shirt. That's just an old expression, not to imply that the United Party are dirty. Far from it. Like everyone else, they are trying their very best. It seems that the lir best isn't enough to assuage a fickle voting polulace.
Let's face it, most people in the States either haven't heard of or completely don't care about an obscure Province in a country with a tenth of their population.
Today, I plopped down $15.67 including taxes for the Aemond Targaryen gold character in Game of Thrones Legends match 3. I also got 25 green shards that I will use to see if I can get the Margery Tyrell avatar, again. Don't worry. Keep playing. Within one or two years, I'll get a few gold characters for free. This is a one time purchase of an item that I will have for life. This is not an ephemeral purchase.
Scriptures?! His weapon is scriptures. I thought that it'd be a vorpal sword or something like that.
Aemond Targaryen has a rich person's face. He would be at home in the posh West Side of Vancouver. Point Grey, Shaughnessy Heights but since he lives in England, he would live at a place about a few levels above even Shaughnessy Heights.
A few people have rich faces Lee Pace who was Thranduil in The Hobbit and also Anna Kendrick have a rich person's face. Also Aemond Targaryen. Real name Ewan Mitchell.
Actually quite a few actors and actresses on House of the Dragon have rich faces. Too numerous to mention. That's because in real life, they are doing quite well. A lot better than I am, at any rate but I don't mind. In its own subtle way, poverty is a treasure.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Today I swept the streets as usual. I dusted cobwebs off shop windows and doors. Nobody knows I did that. This is a slight upgrade like in a video game when a dusty room gets a feather duster upgrade.
Sweeplng the cracks of the traffics islands, I noticed a curvy fissure running along the bottom two things could have caused that, traffic rumble or seismic activity. Every day, on the island, there are a few hundred two on the Richter scale or less tremors.
If there was a major earthquake I'd say my chances of survival are about 35%.
The major thing is when the ground opens and people fall in a great distance and sometimes that ground shifts and closes again. That would be the worst. That and being in a collapsing building or under it. Result, instant death. An earthquake is a lot worse than a pandemic although strangely all that damage is done in less than ten minutes.
So if you can sit through ten minutes of the initial tremor plus any aftershocks, you should be good to go.
I sweep the streets because I feel a nostalgic spirit about this neighbourhood. I Walter Mitty in my mind that this area of town is like a Harry Potter village in which the strange spirit of Christmas can be felt year round just ever so slightly.
I had a dream about being in a house. There is a short hallway with an open doorway that leads to the morning of the time just after Christmas. To my left is a fireplace mantel. On the edge of the mantel closest to me is a small far white candle almost burned to the nub but there is still a fire going in it.
I might as well tell you about yesterday morning's nightmare.
I had a dream about being in prison. I was in a hallway about 20 feet wide. The walls were painted a medium dark blue. The floor was dark grey and the ceiling was grey. There was dim lighting from no visible light source. There was a large black doorway at one end of the hallway at 12 o clock. There was a door to escape outside the prison at 9 o'clock. I was lying down and my head wad pointed to 9 o clock and my feet were pointing to 3 o clock.
I was thinking of escaping. Lots of movement, commotion. Then I was lying down on a stretcher, the kind made of canvas with wooden arms. I looked down. I was wearing an orange prison jumper. Orange is the new black.
There were prison guards at my feet standing shoulder to shoulder all along the hall. They were all wearing dark blue almost black uniforms. They were all around but their attitude wasn't anger. They felt neutral like security guards who have seen lots of similar incidents. The prison warden, his face looks just like the actor Mike Hammer wearing a dark brown matching suit, blazer and pants with vertical pin stripes squatted down in at the foot of where I was lying down on the floor on a stretcher on the floor.
He said, "We could let you escape but then we'd have to kill you because we kill escaped prisoners." Then he asked me to give him a high five which I did. I chose not to escape. Dream over.
The dream isn't realistic on a few points.
First, do they kill escaped prisoners? Recently, there were two escaped prisoners and this is a very extreme case. They escaped and if that wasn't bad enough, they home invaded someone up island and then they killed that person. They got busted. One got more time and the other went to an undisclosed place. That doesn't sound good. That sounds scary awful for whoever would have to go through that. But they weren't killed and certainly wouldn't have been killed if they didn't do anyone in and surrendered peacefully.
The high fiving is something I must have incorporated from Crimen VR. The player high fives different characters to get the next sequence going.
Crimen is pronounced crimin as in criminology. Crimen, high five crimenology, warden.
But a warden represents meeting a higher authority. That person would be the monarch of the prison so to speak.
The dream is a metaphor. Life can be a prison especially if someone seriously decides to do themself in. If a person commits suicide, ie decides to escape, when they go to the afterlife, of course they don't die and as psychics say, they are embraced in love and understanding but surely a part of them is killed and that's their physical future and what could have been. That can haunt some spirits for life. Spirits haunt the physical world. But ongoing physical events and the feelings that go with them can haunt a spirit.
Those places are scary but just because I had a dream of something does it mean it would come true? Meeting Royalty who died years quite some before I was born. That will come true in the physical world? I doubt it.
Most people who go to prison don't think of escaping. How likely would one be able to do that? And in a lot of cases, then escape to what? More living in a single room rooming house on welfare or to a tent in tent city? Not likely.
What about the few dreams I had of seeing aliens. That's going to come true? How can it when aliens are a form of Freudian wish fulfillment. Just because Freud used this term it doesn't mean it is something sexual. A person wishes for something and someone makes it true in their mind. This is otherwise known as confirmation bias. It's a form of cognitive bias.
There's no such thing as aliens.
I got my BeisDirect VR gun grips today. Compared with the AMVR on top, the BeisDirect, on bottom, muzzle is longer. They weigh about the same. I'd go with the longer muzzle. But shorter muzzle with more weight means more compact. Like a Derringer.
The AMVR has the gold stripes.
Price: AMVR $50
BeisDirect $30.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
I went to the Malahat Skywalk today. Except for food, it was all free. The shuttle was about a one hour trip to the skywalk. I got a medium coffee and then started the walk. There was a winding forest trail that takes fully 15 minutes to walk. I saw a lot of Mimosa trees. Trees with red peeling bark and a white branch underneath. The skywalk was spectacular. I even saw two eagles flying in the sky. Everyone there saw it. It's a tourist attraction for sure.
The slide was fun and is the expressway down. Then I had a slice of pizza. I walked back along the trail. There was a tic tac toe slash Tibetan prayer wheels. I spun each of them.
The shuttle back was a long scenic journey winding through a mountain forest highway. Then I arrived back.
Visiting new places gives you street cred. When I visit a place, it leads to more people visiting there. It's as if, "If he could do it then so could I." It's like the story of the hundredth money. Once the hundredth money visits a place then everyone feels that they too can visit that place. I don't know if I'm the hundredth money. I'd settle for 98th monkey.
Admission is $40. The annual pass is $100 and the one day admission can be deducted from the price of an annual pass should you decide to upgrade. Buckingham Palace has this kind of upgrader plan as well. With the free shuttle and annual pass, potentially anyone can escape from the city once every few days boarding a free shuttle and then the annual pass to visit the Skywalk for a spectacular eagles eye view of the region.
This morning I swept and even used a cloth to wipe down some windowsills. A clean looking place is good for business. When a neighbourhood runs down and no one cares. It degenerates further. A place that is clean and well taken care of discourages the downfall of a neighbourhood. People give up hope when no one cares. Canadians are people who help each other. Cobwebs dusted, area swept, windowsills dusted off and cleaned would make residents feel better about shopping in an area.
I will try to keep my area of the neighborhood clean for as long as I can. It's my own volunteer job.
In his last run for the White House, Donald Trump ran against Hilary Clinton. This time he is running against Kamala Harris. Trump is the only President in history to run against two women in two different elections.
Well. I'm thinking of getting Wander VR.
I looked on reviews. One five star review after another. Scroll down awhile to see anything other than a five star review. Nope.
Apperently it's google street view on steroids. Supposedly 2D VR 360 to scale rendering of Google street view plus some built in suggested places. A lot.
On a can of coca cola, interestingly, it says Less than 5% is a little. More than 15% is a lot.
If I get Wander, I wonder if I can afford it. I'll defer it until cheque day. How many deferments will we be talking about? It seems that I can't stop getting VR apps.
Got it.
The World of Hugo Simberg.
Interesting app. It looks and feels a lot like Art Plunge. Whereas some paintings in Art plunge were photorealistic such as the Vermeer painting and the Mona Lisa, Simberg paintings are all illustrative. Not a bad app if you can afford it. The price is $5.79 not including taxes. Hugo Simberg is a Finnish painter. His paintings looks relaxing.
It would be like the Van Gogh exhibit in Art Plunge in terms of artistic style.
This artist is too obscure. I only found out about this artist about an hour ago.
Nice paintings, sure. Incidental. This painting, that painting, what's the difference?
Not phot realistic. Good for a couple of playthroughs. Thats about it. Limited in scope.
One of the paintings is called The Garden of Death. Wonderful.
Got it.
The Michael Franks song is going through my mind, "You know I'm never, You know I'm never, You know I'm never satisfied." This describes my VR app addiction. I've had a few addictions before. Addiction to Sony PSP games, addiction to collecting Blu Ray videos.
I got over those addictions somehow.
Wander VR is the more basic utilitarian app. Travel anywhere on Google Earth. Someone on reddit says when you look down, your feet are 8 feet above the ground. It's like an IMAX scaled in other words an inaccurate to scale rendering of google street view flat2VR. That wouldn't be something I want.
Recombination looks really good. Psychedelic fractal experience. Way too pricey. $28.99 plus tax. Won't get it. Get the free VR trailer.
Won't get it. 6 videos about 3 to 6 minutes each done in VR 180. $40 is toonpricey for a non interactive game. It's like watching a 3D geometric video.
Another app I won't get is Hold the World. This app explores the British Natural History Museum with David Attenborough as the narrator. In this app, one visits the archives and labs of the museum to pull random artifacts out of drawers and explore them. Not interested. This artifact, that artifact, what's the difference?
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Kevin Falcon, it seems is now supporting John Rustad and the Conservatives. You know what this tells me.
See, John Rustad was a big time Liberal under Christy Clark who was Gordon Campbell's chosen successor. Kevin Falcon was also a big time Liberal MLA.
It would seem that the BC Liberals morphed into the BC United and then recently imploded. What happened was the BC Liberals while seeming to have morphed into the BC United which was a red herring, they really actually morphed into the BC Conservatives, thus doubling or even tripling down on whatever right wing tendencies were incipient in that Party structure rather than waiting until after the next election to rebrand themselves and to pick another Leader, they were 2 steps ahead, they jumped the gun. The BC United was just easing them into the transition. Them meaning the die hard Liberals.
"Plans within plans." Dune
If voters were disaffected with the Liberals and didn't want to vote for their direct rebranded Party, along comes a controlled opposition party that seems to be an alternative to the Liberals and their direct descendant but guess what? It's the Liberals on steroids. I'm actually worried that they'll cut welfare but to give credit where credit is due, remembering also the good things, the last time under the Liberals watch there were several welfare raises actually.
Ariana Huffington said, "Remember 8 years ago when you thought you got rid of George Bush, guess what? He's back and this time he's got Uncle Dickey pricing in the passengers seat!" She was referring to George W. Well, the Liberals are back.
Again, I think Christie Clark was a good Premier. Nothing wrong with the Liberals. I had good times under their watch. Besides a YouTube comment said, "Political Parties stopped fighting for different things in the 70s"
I don't know why I'm into politics as much as I am. It's part of my mental illness which I'm self medicating with legalized cannabis.
It's one thing to write about and brainstorm and genuflect on whatever intrusive unwanted thoughts come into my mind about Provincial politics and to write about that while living in Vancouver. Living in the Provincial capital, I can walk past the Provincial Legislative building and let the sight of that mix with whatever most recent thoughts I have about BC politics. I think it's pretty good. It's running on all four cylinders although critics would say that it's running on only 11 out of 12 cylinders. I'm not one of those critics.
Interesting that the Party went from being the Liberals to being the Conservatives. That's pretty direct. Not much grey area there. Not much room for ambiguity. They are saying that not only did they change their name, they changed their position on the political spectrum as well.
It's not as if they named themselves politically ambiguous names such as the BC United which was Right of centre Centrist or the Social Credit which was Right Wing or the Green Party which is Ultra Left Wing or the Rhinoceros Party which was decidedly Left Wing
Canada's most powerful Party nomenclature makes strange bedfellows. You have the Conservative which shares the name of England's Right Wing Conservative Party and you have the Democratic portion of the name New Democratic Party which share a name with the US Left Wing Democratics.
Would another country be following suit with a reciprocal Republican and a Labour Party in its Parliamentary Chambers? I doubt it!
Anyways, good luck in the election. I'm voting for whoever I'm going to vote for and you're going to vote for whoever you're going to vote for which will influence the popular vote which is what democracy is supposed be all about, majority rule, representation by population etc. Popular vote means absolutely nothing as elections are won on the basis of electoral boundaries and electoral colleges. In that way, all elections are rigged. It's just a matter of degree.
No wonder those MLAs defected. They knew then what the score is. They didn't leave to go to a different Party, they left to join another version of the same Party. So would that technically still count as a defection? Another version or better version of the same Party? That'd be a purely subjective statement. I didn't write 'better' as that would leave MLAs from the United Party feeling rather non-plussed particularly the Leader, the Millennium Falcon himself. But let's face it. No one reads my blog.
The BC Conservatives never said that they were another version of the BC Liberals with an s whereas the United Party did. Some might see that as a deception. But on the same token, the BC Conservatives never said that they weren't another version of the BC Liberals.
The BC Conservatives would seem to be this generation's answer to the right wing Social Credit Party of BC..
In the Canadian Federal House of Parliament, there is the Liberal and Conservative Party. In BC, the BC Liberals with an s went from being the Liberals to the United to the BC Conservatives again with an s. They copied the name of two main Federal Parties. They couldn't come up with something original?
It's just like my father. His addled airhead paucity of understanding and grasp of the English language was such that when he arrived in Canada and had to pick a Canadian name for himself, he must have thought, "My younger brothers name is Bob. I got it. I'll name myself Robert."
What a dweeb. This is the same guy who names one of his sons Terry and another Theresa which is the same name! Talk about lacking originality. You might expect this from a xenophobic immigrant but not from a Provincial Party in Canada.
In the NDP's case, they are a structurally connected National and Provincial political entity. Technically Jagmeet Singh as the Federal Leader of the NDP is the boss of BC's Provincial ND P from the Premier to the Ministers to the MLAs, kind of like a Marxist Communist cell. But the Federal Leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Polievre, and the Federal Liberal Party PM Justin Trudeau aren't the bosses of the BC Conservatives nor the BC Liberals respectively and especially since the BC Liberals name changed to the BC Conservatives is the same freaking Party!
So in BC, over the last few decades, the NDP have been squaring off against the Liberals and they might be squaring off against the Conservatives, more or less like in the Canadian Federal House of Parliament. Another strange unique to BC geopolitical fractal like BC is a Province governed by a city on an island in a country governed by a city on an island. Ive heard of a BC roll*, but this is ridiculous.
*a type of sushi
This is the strange Province in so many ways. Governed by a satellite and directly copies names off the Federal Parties. Probably a few other Provinces got their own iteration of Liberals and Conservatives with an s as well. Or do they? Can they? Can a Provincial Party in two or more Provinces share the same name but somehow also not be politically connected? Who knows. Who cares. Whatever.
Compared to the politics of London or New York or Los Angeles, BC politics is the politics of a backwater Province in a backwater country.
Don't mind me. Politics again. It's just my mental illness again.
The News said that Dick Cheney does not, that is, does not support Trump. Strange, since Dick Cheney is a Republican as well.
No worries.
There was a 90s movie. Forever Young starring Sean Young. It's about someone who has cancer and said that the cancer gave him some freedoms that he never knew that he had.
The same would go for a criminal conviction. That gives one the freedom to avoid whatever social settings they don't want to.
"You don't want to travel to Europe?! What a wuss. What an A-hole!"
Now one can say, "I can't travel because of my conviction."
What about going to Church? What about looking for a job? What about trying to be a father to a child? One could say, "Nope. That's all out the window now because of my conviction."
I haven't tried the new apps Wander and the Hugo Simberg app yet. Too sleepy. There is a 15 minute and two week period where you can get a refund.
Hugo Simberg. The name reminds me of Greta Thunberg. She got arrested amidst chants of" You are not alone." She got arrested in Copenhagen Denmark. Twenty Pro-Palestine protesters blocked an entrance to a building and three entered the building. Six protesters were arrested including Greta Thunberg. She has since been released.
The irony of getting arrested in a town called Cop-enhagen.
When I sweep the streets, on a lot of days I see Karen. She just walks up to me. She wants me to call her and thinks I should visit her. I'm not interested in any of that. Now I have a stalker now. Talk about multiple stressors. Life is just like that, isn't it?
A stalker is someone whom you identify as a stalker. Then it sets up a cognitive disorder called confirmation bias. There are plenty of people I see just about every day yet I don't think they're stalkers. I think that because she's a woman she just wants to be my buddy buddy and she wants to give orders like already, "You should visit. You should call." More orders. Women can be like that.
I hope that God helps me to be successful in being single. I'm not interested in a relationship.
I would always ask Heather if a lady was stalking me. "Do you think that she's stalking me?" She'd say, "No."
Some women are very social. They'll walk over and say hi to me and dozens of other people every day.
I probably won't call because I'm not good with phones. Then I remember those times when I didn't call Heather on the phone more often. That haunts me and breaks my heart.
Karen isn't stalking me. She's just being friendly. Talkative. I've known her for over ten years. Off and on. More off than on.
I was sweeping on the streets this morning. Then this afternoon I went back to the area I wept this morning. I saw what looked like garbage on the sidewalk and went to pick that up and throw it in the garbage. Then I heard a yell. A lady who's probably a junkie, homeless, yelled at me. She was with a group of others. That so called garbage was her stuff. I left whatever it was on the sidewalk and walked away. Talk about multiple stressors. I think I got off easy. Often people get stabbed. That I walked away quickly was what they wanted and that's what I did.
In the late 1800s there were signs posted about local laws against young people sitting near the bridge and eating fruit. These youngsters were the equivalent of today's homeless youth. Very feral individuals. These youngsters are wild and at times can be lethal. They like to be respected. In their own way they are very spiritual because one has to be spiritual and strong, and I'm not sure that the two are mutually exclusive, to live on the street.
The Hugo Simberg app was amazing. Very immersive. The artwork is simply beautiful. It's a keeper. I didn't check out the Garden of Death painting. Too grim. Too scared to.
Buckingham Palace, from Wander VR. My view.
Wander VR. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Incredible. Beautiful. Google maps street video in VR. The scaling is perfect. This app is a desert island essential app. Google maps street view on steroids. I visited Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver. That is, Oppenheimer Park without the tent city. It was just like being there. Well worth the money.
The 8 feet off the ground comment in reviews was accurate. Just don't look down. Imagine being in a robotic walker that places your head at the height that the Google street view camera would be on the roof of a car, about 8 feet off the ground with the built in selfie stick. And the scaling is absolutely perfect. Chef's kiss. A time travel option is possible. Toggle between different time periods. Time travel is time experienced on an objective level and this app lets you live that out.
This is how Google street view was meant to be seen. The 2D version is a watered down version. Teleportation is space travel experienced on an objective level. This app let's you experience time and space travel on a quantum level just like friends and relatives who graduated to the majorly phase of life.
While searching to write a review for Wander VR, I saw Moon VR Home. This app looks profound. It's a $14 purchase with tax. If you like virtual environments, this app is that on steroids. Punch in any term, and the AI generator will generate a virtual environment that can be saved plus tons of pre installed virtual environments that refresh every day.
Complaints about this app on reviews. This app will often randomly generate images of scantily clothed men and women. I mean, if you're into that. I'm not. I won't get it. And they're cartoon images, not the real thing. Not my cup of tea.
Moon VR Home. Got it. Is it a good app? Yes!
First it asks you to enter your email account and a password just for the app.
It says it sent you a magic number composed of six digits. BS. It doesn't send you one anyways. It really doesn't. That's OK. Just click skip for now. The next you want to log in, enter whatever email address you used last time, even if it's a temp mail email Adress and use the password just for the app. It will work.
Even without using all the features, the simplest most accessible most user friendly features brings tons of virtual environments. I was thinking of getting a refund.
The I clicked on to a featured environment. The Mandalorian, the Razor Crest and there was Grogu. Like Francis Begbie said in Trainspotting, "Well after that, the game was mine!"
Monday, September 9, 2024
Arizona Sunshine 2 horde mode is really fun. The first level, the outpost level is most easiest and most user friendly.
The campaign mode is ridiculous. I'm at the airport with the dog. I have 12 bullets. I have to quick walk past zombies to find a box with 35 rounds but there are too many zombies. I guess I have to restart the whole level over again. Or what?
It's a whopping 24 Gb download.
Playing it on story mode, the easiest mode with barely any zombies is the way to go. I went on adventure mode which is level 2. Why would I be doing level 2 before doing level 1? Then it becomes like Propogation where there barely any if any zombies.
The weather in town has been a heat wave over the last few weeks. Now the weather is cooling down and there will be about a week of perfect weather then it's back to the winter again.
That autumn is nostalgic. Halloween, Remembrance Day.
There are a lot of drug users in every city. They used to all be crack smokers but after taking the Pepsi challenge, we'll, instead of switching from Coke to Pepsi, they switched from coke to meth.
I see two really good VR games.
Shootris. Tetris except one shoots the blocks. $6.83. Got it. For the price. I'll live! I'm a fan of Tetris. Requested refund. Just wasn't doing it. Hopefully my refund is approved.
Cubism. Shapes based puzzles. $13.63. Won't get this. Pricey and can get the exact same experience for free on tablet where there are a lot of games like this. Didn't get this.
Prices include tax.
One day when meta implements ads, there will be clones of these games but for free.
In the not too distant future there might be VR and AR without needing goggles. Then the fun begins when part of a person's prison parole is that they have to have this wired to their brain involuntarily, the AR edition so that wherever they go, at any given time an AR generated Parole Officer would appear and say, "Make sure you don't breach your conditions or you will be arrested!" When the program is turned off is when the parole ends. The thing is, would something like that ever be turned off?
A homunculus is when a man deposits his uh, liquid in a chicken egg and submerge it in water and it grows into something. A Russian guy on YouTube who died previously made quite a few homunculus videos.
An idea for a cartoon that I won't do is a story that goes: One time, a guy is satisfying himself and using a very small bowl, dumps his liquid into a sink. One day, something emerges from the sinkhole. A homunculus. He is shocked and gasps with surprise. Just then his mother walks in and says, "Don't worry. That's just a sink homunculus. It's harmless. I've been around."
James Earl Jones died at age 93. He was in Star Wars and Dr Strangelove.
That's the one black and white movie I'd get on YouTube. Got it. On sale for $8.
Darth Vader. Of course. Vader Immortal.
All Star Wars movies are on sale on YouTube. Regular price $22.99 before tax. Sale price $11.19 with tax.
I'll probably get Star Wars and Empire. Pivotal classics. Return of the Jedi? The Jabba scene is too offsetting and dark and grim. The Ewoks. Who cares? I don't want to sit through all that.
I got all three of them. I'll pay it off next month. Star Wars at $10 each is cheaper than the blu rays. One time initial purchase. Have them for life.
Sat Wars? Come on. It's the number one science fiction film of all.
"There's no such thing as a completed film. There are only projects that are walked away from." George Lucas
There is no such thing as a completed life. There are only lives that are died away from. James Earl Jones RIP
James Earl Jones said to someone in a movie." Don't you care about what people think of you. It's the people who do right by you that are important. Do you hear me?" or words to that effect.
The Star Wars prequels are on sale too. Regular price $22.99 now $9.99 all before tax.
That's an over 50% off sale. I'll pay it next month. I think I'll have to hock some things.
Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith aren't just incidental movies. They're a major formative part of my life. A lot of the essence of my personality is derived from such films. Ben Kenobi jumping out the window to catch the drone was one of the most best moments in all movies. Ever.
I already have all the other Star Wars movies. I couldn't afford it before but $9.99 each, rather than $22.99 each, to be paid next month is the pivotal offer. I don't know how long this sale will last! Got them.
The first DVD player I owned was a miniature one with a small built in screen. The first movie I watched was Revenge of the Sith. It looked pretty good on that miniature DVD player. Seeing it on Big Screen VR is seeing it on big screen in a theatre the way it was meant to be seen.
Doctor Strangelove looks absolutely breathtakingly spectacular on VR big screen. The scenes on board the military airplane were just incredibly awesomeor what? Doctor Strangelove is better than any other Kubrick black and white movies because of the expensive and then modern military airplanes. DS was Kubrick's finals black and white movie.
The VR goggles are just killing me financially. Not really. Somehow I manage to stay afloat. I have a budget.
On September 20, the local IMAX theatre will be showing 2001 A Space Odyssey. It costs about $20 to see it. I already purchased it on YouTube. It looks spectacular on the IMAX big screen in VR.
There are a lot of scrappy VR apps out there. The Kirchner Davos. Museum VR app is not one of them. It is a great art gallery app. Very nostalgic and refreshing. It's a very stimulating app and brings only good feelings. This app should win awards.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Why do I make so many purchases off the internet? VR, YouTube movies.
Existence is all about uploads and downloads. Life has its up's and downs.
When one is in the womb, one is being downloaded until they are fully formed and born. Then it's one upload after another as each of life's experiences and even thoughts even intrusive and unwanted thoughts presumably is uploaded to what will be the basis of your life review. After the results of the life review, depending on what it is, you get downloaded to another life on earth, or life on another planet or life in another dimension. Who knows?
Dana Carvey said, "Wrong! One goes to a designated zone in the afterlife depending on their individual karma." or words to that effect. He was on a game show skit on SNL The Best of Dana Carvey.
That explains it but does that excuse it? What's to excuse? These are relatively small purchases which Wil be with me for a lifetime. Star Wars isn't just a spur of the moment whim. I've been a fan of STAR WARS since I was 7.
When a person has to go to Court, their information is uploaded to the Court. Then the person shows up in Court where they get the Court's judgement downloaded to them.
Thats always an education.
There is a motorcycle game called Zero Rider VR. Good graphics. City scenes. Highway scenes. Downside: use cricket bats to hit other motorcycle riders. Sometime use a gun. Oh yeah, that's what people do in real life all the time. That's annoying and reportedly, it's one of those one where you can't stop. Just keep going. Bad. Don't get it.
The Malahat Skywalk annual pass would be worth getting. It costs $100 vs a $40 single entry. This includes transportation to and from and its a 40 minute drive each way.
It's an excursion. Sidney still haunts me because of Heather. I cut a visit short with Heather to go to Sidney to have dinner by myself when I should have asked Heather to go to dinner with me that night. That will always haunt me. I don't think that I can go to Sidney for at least two years because of the psychological duress of that memory.
If I could do it over again, I would have taken her to the Bard and Banker. We have gone there before. Every day for the rest of my life is another day of loving Beebs.
The Malahat Skywalk annual pass is a seasonal pass that runs from May to October kinda like how the Buckingham Palace annual pass is also a seasonal pass.
The Malahat Skywalk is a good temporary escape from the city.
Fear and anxiety. Fears about the future. What else is new? Now I'm about a further $67 in the hole for all the Star Wars movies I got. Digital is the way to go. Moving day, carry boxes of DVDs and blu rays. No thanks. Plus there are tons of free movie sites.
Meta is smart. They anticipated this. Only YouTube and sites like Tubi and Awesome can be accessed via YouTube search Google link in description on the BigScreen VR app. Movies on sites like 9pm and soap2day have you click off an ad that opens in another browser window. BigScreen VR doesn't support additional browser tabs, just the one that you're looking at. So 9pm and soap2day are out.
The only other thing is the meta browser that does open additional browser tabs and supports 9pm and soap2day but it is only a curved screen. Flat screen option is not available. Or else I wouldn't have purchased so many movies on YouTube as I have. Movies off YouTube are 4K UHD which is standard since that technology has been around for quite awhile. 9pm, soap2day, not so much. 720p, sometimes 1080p is their standard resolution definition.
There's nothing wrong with curved screen. Curved screen TVs are very suburban middle and upper class bourgeois. To have the curved screen experience while living downtown in the inner city even if it's in VR is quite the rocking experience. YouTube in VR always has a option for curved screen. Flat screen is the true original classic.
EarthQuest looks like a really good companion to Wander if not better.
More access to places like the actual walkways of the Eiffel Tower. Flyover, Google Earth style, street view done in 3D. From what I hear of it, I'm surprised it doesn't get more ratings than Wander. Price $10 before tax. $11.19 with tax. Should I get it?
Earthquest. Buckingham Palace. My view.
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
But we trust in the name of our Lord."
Psalm 20:7
I got Earthquest. I'm actually spooked at how good and profound it is. Flyover anywhere on earth at any adjustable altitude like Superman. Swoop down to wherever place in the world. Then click a button and it becomes photo realistic street view. This app is so good that it's scalpel sharp. I would rate it as profound. Well worth the ten dollars. At ifst it asks whether you want to create an API or use the public one. Just choose publoc. That's it. Very user friendly. What's an API? AP Identity? This is the essential travel app. The thing with travel in real life is it can be a non stop rabbit hole once you start. Sure, you went to where ever a few years ago but it's changed now. You should go and see how it looks now. So much has changed. Yeah, right. VR is the best way to travel if you have social phobias and autism.
On earthquest I retraced the route of the seaplane from Victoria to Vancouver in VR.
I then flew in VR to Bangkok Thailand. I found the airport and landed there going along the airport runways. I then flew to London and then flew to Disneyland landing at Galaxys Edge. When I pressed the button going from virtual rendered view to actual photo realistic street view and saw the Millennium Falcon, I wept. Only just slightly. It was that touching. There should be a standalone movie in the Kingsman series called The Statesman.
I got a refund for Shootris! I'll try EarthQuest. I could afford it. If it's no good, I'll try for a refund.
Today I hocked my AMVR short barrel led VR guns for $25 about half of what I paid thus losing $25. But I did get to try it. I prefer the longer barrel guns as it feels more realistic.
I took the Pepsi challenge for VR guns and prefer the BeisDirect.
I generated that $25 into helping to pay off the Star Wars movies I got on YouTube at an over 50% off sale. I have all 9 star wars movies plus rogue one and Han solo story on YouTube meaning I can watch that on big screen in VR.
I got Earth quest. So many good reviews. 5 star reviews.
There are at least half a dozen places that I haven't visited in quite awhile. I'm not boycotting those places because it takes mental organization to boycott a place and I'm too mentally unstable to do that. It's just the usual slipped my mind kind of scatterbrained world of being immersed in VR.
The World of VR is good.
I got Zero Caliber on VR. I can't get past the firing range with one of the guns being impossible, that is impossible to figure out how to assemble. So stuck there I am. It's supposed to have a zombie mode. I got this game for free as part of my meta quest monthly pass. So it's not like I had to pay for it. It's usually a $40 app with tax.
I visited Death Valley in Brink VR. That place looks like a desert. It looks more beautiful than I thought it would. There is one place called The Devil's Golf Course. It's an area of dried parched land that juts up like flakes of dry scaly lizard skin. The crystals in between the crevices expand during the heat of day and you can hear the hissing sound that these crystals makes as it expands.
I also visited the arches natural park in Utah in the United States. The arches is a natural formation. Water carved and formed a wondrous standing donut made of rock in the desert. The rock is a red colour same as the desert. There is not just one but a few of these arches.
I also visited Singing Canyon in the United States in Brink. Immensely beautiful. When I went to Malahat Skywalk, I pretended not to look too interested but I was looking at the rocks along the cliff and seeing how close they resemble so many rocks and ciffs I've seen in VR. Often cliffs can have that shiny plastic leather look but in Brink VR the texture looks very close to actual rock texture.
"Very kind sire," said Flagg who was idly nearby. He spoke casually but eyed Thomas with bright interest.
Stephen King, Eyes of the Dragon
I pretended to be not too interested in the scenery so as to not appear crazy but I was really studying the textures of the natural formations, trees, cliffs, plants to see how they compare with VR. Brink VR renders plants well. Green Hell VR renders ivy leaves well.
This is the golden early days of VR kind of like how YouTube once was. Without any ads. Enjoy it while it lasts. The paid apps often usually don't have ads. This goes for the tablet and would most likely apply to VR apps as well. One can always purchase a no ads option for apps played most often.
Friday, September 13, 2024
The Moon VR player is on sale for $7.99 before tax. Its a unheard of price and it supports YouTube. It's a companion to the Moon VR Home app. I'll get it.
Got it. Does not support YouTube at all. Ironic since the developer's name is Houh You or something that which sounds like YouTube.
Refund request denied. Typical. That's $8.97 completely down the drain.
Refund not available if you get it for the sale price which is standard with big box stores as well.One day, Moon VR Player will do an update where one can very easily access their YouTube.
If I get a Food recipe VR app, that means I got more money than brains. You can get any recipe for free off YouTube.
It has 9 recipes. Sneaky of the not to list the recipes in the description which sets up an immediate caveat emptor.
One of the recipes is Chinese steamed fish. It's a fan favorite. I know that recipe. Then it has something off the beaten track. As in Aztec. It's not often that one thinks of Aztec cuisine. Hopefully one of the ingredients isn't a human sacrifice and then throwing the body off of a pyramid. A person does time for that which would also be one of the ingredients, a few years in supermax. I'm guessing it's some kind of corn based dish probably flatbread tortillas with fish which was what Aztecs probably ate.
There's a VR app called The Secret Pyramid. One goes to Egypt and then sees Chinese writing which is what you'd pretty much expect to see when visiting any ancient Egyptian places. Then descend down an elevator with a gun which you use to kill mummies. Then find gold then solve a few simple puzzles. Booby traps, spikes, boulders.
Just another day in paradise.
It has an option to use two guns. There is teleport option as well. This looks perfect.
The Chinese writing is a language setting that can be changed. The game looks really good and there is a free trial. I'll give it a go.
I don't know if I'll get it because of the cost.
I've never seen VR shooters that are better than
Crisis Brigade 2 VR
Dead Second
Drop Dead
Epic Roller Coasters
Coaster Combat.
Did not, that is, did not get The Secret Pyramid VR. Guns disappear randomly. Its one thing to run out of ammo as in Zero Caliber which is a fail but to have no guns at all? Drop Dead VR treats you good. Infinite ammo. The Secret Pyramid treats you bad.
Anything else is too convoluted. These games are minimalist and have no motion sickness. These games are pure perfection in VR. All other games even The Secret Pyramid one pales in comparison.
"When hot be hot
When cold be cold through and through."
Zen Buddhism
If you're a loser then be a loser through and through. The Peter Principle. A person rises to their level of incompetence.
Of some people who got married, they've risen to their level of incompetence. And of others who got married, they've risen to their level of incompetence when they get divorced.
That's why I'm going to be single for life. Just about everyone who lives at my hotel is single. The Jedi vow is to be single for life. I won't take the Jedi vow because for some reason I always eventually wind up finding a girlfriend again. It's weird.
Until then, it'll just be me and my Italian hand.
"Dr Fell holds in his hand, his non Italian hand, a signed letter from Alleghieri Dante himself." Hannibal.
His non Italian hand. His non m*sturb*ting hand.
Whether a person is a loser or not, they are simply trading one set of worries for another.
Today on the Game of Throne Legends match 3 app on Android tablet, I got the character King Joffrey Barratheon. Major character and its a gold level character. I dream of having all. Gold level characters. Margaery Tyrell is major, I have the Arya Stark character, she's major. But the one character avatar I want the most is Sansa Stark. That would be mind blowing if I ever got that character.
Mind blowing news. I just got the Margaery Tyrell character, 11 minutes to 3 pm.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Teleport Iceland is a great VR app. Worth the money. $13.63.
Go to a few different places around Iceland. Iceland is beautiful. I thought it was a backwater not worth visiting but it is really beautiful there. I didn't pay for the app yet. I'll get it in a few days. I tried the free trial. Excellent. The developer is Johnathan Foo. Someone in reviews said that he is a perfectionist. That being said, this app is extraordinarily beautiful. The definition seems like 16K.
Stay in one spot only, no moving like with Brink. You can turn around 360 degrees.
There will be a new app called Teleport Scotland. That one is worth waiting for. Iceland is a bit obscure compared to Scotland. Edinburgh is famous. Edinburgh is famous for the Castle on the Hill and for Victoria Street, that famous winding street set on a hill.
Anyone who gets this app has more brains than money because YouTube has so many videos. VR etc of so many places.
Iceland is a Scandinavian island with places named Eldhraun and Svinafellsjokull.
Swept streets. Southwest corner of Fort and Blanchard.
Sunday, September 16, 2024
Jesus said that the good path is difficult. It means to do good things and get nothing back for it.
I sweep the streets and I try to do a better job than average. I dust the cobwebs off windows and knock the dust off of windowsills. There were lots of cobwebs in some places. Shocking so. I'm surprised the owner doesn't dust off the cobwebs abou twice a week.
It's a nice neighborhood. It would be a shame to see it fall apart.
It's a choice between the neighbourhood becoming like the downtown eastside of Vancouver or like Granville Island also of Vancouver.
The streets in Europe are very clean. And sometimes in YouTube videos about Europe you'll see a someone sweeping the street.
When the homeless see a neighborhood where cobwebs gather in front of windows of owners who honestly think they are running a business to enhance a community rather than just a way of making money, and they see that neither the owners or any residents care about a neighborhood, that triggers some instinct of theirs to move in.
Tramps rarely hang our in the really clean neighborhoods. Something about the energy of hard drugs makes them feel more cozy in places that are messy. Grunge chic.
I often get nothing in return for it.
There are panhandlers who do no work and get no money for it.
A panhandler paid me $5 to go on a run and get some beer. This town likes to humiliate me time and time again. I've never been humiliated in any other town such as this one.
Why did he think he could ask me to go on a run? He wouldn't ask other people.
When it comes to being an assh*le, the forces of life always find a way.
At my hotel. I just about always clean the hairs from a shower drain. There is a shower near my hotel room. I usually don't use it but everyday without fail there are lots of hairs in the drain. I use some tissue and get it out of the drain. There is the usual inevitable globule of hair just under the drain that you find after a vigorous pulling out.
The hair above the drain cover is just the tip of the iceberg.
It isn't that they're thinking, Since I pay the rent I don't have to clean out the hairs.
They don't think at all. It doesn't register. I had to do the same thing in Vancouver at another hotel I was staying at. You would see this in hostels, a lot.
Most places I've seen, shower drains were profoundly clotted with hair, no one cleaned it, no one cares, it's still being used. My landlord even said that other shower drains in this hotel have the same phenomenon.
So I clean the hairs and even wipe the hairs off the wall. I don't get anything in return for it.
God said to do good deeds in private and God will observe that.
I also care for the plants and the animals and the soil. I don't weep up or hurt any insects. Yesterday while sweeping a cobweb, I positioned the orb weaver spider gently on the bristles of the brromstick as I swept a cobweb and I gently placed it in some bushes that were near. I saw a ladybug yesterday and I'm especially careful not to harm that in the slightest. Most people if they see a spider, they'd step on it.
Often drinks in cups and cans I pour to the trees.
And leaves and even minerals I often thrown on the soil. As long as its not too much, there has to be a balance. Wet leaves mixed in soil provides loam. A small bit of loose sand from the streets thrown in soil provides the minerals that soil needs. I don't do the soil part often at all. Seldom. Once in awhile I will.
Buddha said if a person could see the benefits of giving they'd do it always.
One day after I move on to the next phase of life, I'll get a life review. Then I will experience the slight relief that people felt seeing a clean neighborhood and something different that might or might not have registered. The cobwebs swept off windows, and doorways and ventilation openings, and dust swept off of windowsills.
The dust returns within a couple days or less. It's like dusting anywhere else. In some cases the windowsills haven't been dusted off for quite awhile.
As for doing good things in private and writing in this blog, no one reads this blog anyways.
IP theft. A lot of people did a lot of things on the internet. They don't see a dime of it. Yet corporations are making money off of it. I did a lot of animated cartoons. They are skilled. I never made a cent off of it. But YouTube has made money off my cartoons. And who knows how many others. I wonder if that's also part of God's plan. It's the same plan that sees people become orphans at a young age. I wonder if it's really God or just random forces.
Some people work and get no money. They are the volunteers in any city while there are others who do no work and expect money like panhandlers.
There are those that produce art and don't rip anyone off while there are corporations made up of people who do no art yet rip off artists who upload to the Internet.
This life seems so real in the moment that we are in it. But the afterlife will seem just as if not even more real st the time.
Jesus told the story of the poor man Abraham and the rich man. They die and in the afterlife, the shoe is on the other foot. As a person goes to a place in the afterlife that corresponds with their karma on earth, the rich man felt the results emotionally and telepathically of each and every person that was ripped off and sees that Abraham is in a higher level in the afterlife. The rich man isn't in that bad of a place in the afterlife but seeing where Abraham is, he feels intensely jealous and intensely lost at the same time.
A lot of people never had royal dreams even rich people as all they dream of is just ordinary people and sometimes demons but a lot of poor people like Abraham had lots of royal dreams, angel dreams dreams of aliens in spaceships.
There are corporations who commit IP theft on a industrial scale like Google etc. They feel fine with stealing a artists OP and not paying the artist even a cent in return.
Even if they wanted to, there are so many artists. How does one prorate how much they would be paid? It's based on view count criteria. View counts which can be easily manipulated.
This is a very defective dimension. I can't wait to leave this one and go on to the next. I've never heard anyone else provides answers to the level that I have. I wish I could get an early reprieve. To go on living in this dimension is beneath me. I'd quit if I could.
The thing is, I can't quit. The only one who makes that decision is God. The same God that took away my mother and made me live in a world where my art as art in general is very valuable as just about anything is overpriced these days, is ripped off and I don't see any money from it. I left a bunch of my artwork in Dawson Creek. They never shipped it back to me. I asked them to an they wouldn't. This is the world that God makes me love in. I told God that I want to get an early reprieve and God won't let me have an early reprieve.
Yet God let a lot of people who wanted to quit life have an early reprieve.
I won't do cartoons again unless I'm in a good place. Unless I'm in love.
"I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!" Elf
I won't be in love ever again.
I've learned a few things about women.
1. How much do I actually have in common with her? How is her chi or kinetic energy organized? Can she skateboard, do parkour, do interpretive dance? Or is she rather gormless? Is there some crazy age difference too? Me and Heather were the same age.
2. Do I have to self censor myself when I talk to her? And if I'm still doing that years later, it's definitely someone I don't want to know. Ladies from Church are notorious for that kind of energy. Which is unwanted energy.
3. The most boring conversations.
4. Rabbit hole of bossy bitchiness. Rabbit hole of trouble.
5. Same class or different class? Any class is insufferable, same class, welfare class is rife with the dissolute, meaning drunkenness and drug addiction and middle class is full of squares. Forget upper class, if one class over doesn't work how would two classes over work? And within each class there are levels. A welfare person who doesn't do a lot of drugs and does volunteer work is higher class than the dissolute drunk and junky.
6. And better the devil you know or else better that which you know. Better to be single than to be with a lady whom I know absolutely nothing about. The potential for them to give you a run for your money and then to do a real number on you is high.
This is another reason that I'd just as soon quit life altogether or often idly wish that God would end my wretched dreary experiences in this dimension.
Sex is a sport. Some people are actually good at it. While for others such as me, I'm not good at it, it registers as work, a chore, it's extremely repetitive and brings a unique set of worries. Doing work you're good at it one thing, doing work that I'm not all that skilled at is another. And I'm not interested in being a father, having any children because that would be the most unwanted thing. That's another couple reasons that I'll be single for life.
7. Heather was actually funny. These other ladies, ladies I met at one Church or another, I won't name them. They don't have even one funny bone in their body. Boring smarmy conversations or else they think they got you figured out, "You're channeling something."
Typical with the gormless, saying it like it's a bad thing. Like a bunch of drunks full of criticisms and problems but not one solution offered. Boring conversations, problems problems and not funny at all. Not talented at all in most cases. They often say that they're artists or this or that and typically without one shred of evidence.
The thing is, I often try and say funny things to them. This town is often like that. Do something and then get absolutely nothing in return. Vancouver people are more smarter, more sophisticated. The level of intellectuals in Vancouver is more intense. This town is a backwater town on an island as all island towns are. Islands are a geographical footnote, they're an afterthought, an afterbirth, a geographical placental remains of a mainland.
I don't need bitches like that in my life. Who does?
She might seem like she's second to none now, but will you still feel that way a few years later? Usually it's no.
I started watching the movie Mob Land starring John Travolta as a sharpshooter Police detective.
A couple of guys, Matt Dilly I mean Dillon's brother, the character he portrays, in the movie him and another guy plan to rob an opiate oxycontin harm reduction depot. They planned to take the money over $100,000 and whatever oxy pills, dillys etc and sell that to someone wholesale as well. So they do it and during the robbery, the cashier say, "Do you know who you're stealing from?" Those words. A typical person who thinks things through, if that were them, they say, "Oh shit. We'll just leave. We're sorry. It won't happen again."
Such money typically belongs to the most deadly and lethal gangsters imaginable.
But instead they take the money and like the typical Hollywood dichotomy, there's gangsters as well as the Police looking for the culprits.
Those words were also used in the Batman movie starring Heath Ledger, William Fichtner the bank manager said," Do you know whose money you're stealing? You're dead!"
And the movie, Killing Them Softly. "Do you know whose money you're stealing?"
Killing Them Softly was well written.
"F*ck that. I do that and there would be a hundred hot ginzos after me. I don't need that."
"That won't happen because they're going to know who did it."
"Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better."
"Not you! It will be somebody else."
Or words to that effect. A ginzos is a highly trained Italian hitman. No, nobody needs someone like that after them as it would be unsurvivable.
As it happens I either got distracted or fell asleep so I never saw the end of the movie. I only watched about three quarters of it. Did John Travolta get the proper culprits in the movie? I don't know who is the culprit. The robbers or the lethal gangster hitman that killed at least one of the robbers? The plot is compelling enough and the movie is for rent at local video stores. It's definitely not a chick flick. I guess it depends on what kind of chick I guess. Some women are into movies like this such as those who work in special forces operations.
I would like to quit life. It would be just like a soon to be expat hearing about another country where the culture is perfect. That the problems and irritations that I encounter regularly where you are would not happen, could not happen in the new country.
That makes me want to go not just 100% but a thousand percent.
Women as well. In this dimension due to the culture shaped from the phsysics they'd only be too happy to take over your life and boss you around. In the next dimension the bullsh*t problems with women thanks to the culture derived from the different and much better physics of that dimension would not, could not exist. That's why I'd like an early reprieve. For me to have come up with the answers that I have. When I hear of a much better place, would I not want to go to it? I'm 54 now. Let's face it. Who knows if I'll even make it to 60? Yeah, sure, promises promises.
Most places are a set of advantages and disadvantages but the next and afterlife dimension place is all advantages. I'd want to go there and intensely. You do something and get nothing in return or get delinquency such as you sweep the street and someone sees that and they walk down the street and drop more garbage just to be perverse. See, that doesn't ever happen in the afterlife with the set of physics that it has. That's why I'd like to quit life. It just isn't working out for me.
When I was sweeping, I saw a young lady. She was tall, thin, young, blonde and she wore a baseball cap that said Navy. She approached me but I wasn't sure what that was about. I thought of my resolve to be single for life and that women are a trap and she looks like she could be into meth so I maintained a surly stance. I could have smiled but she took off a second later. But for a second she stood there and just looked at me. P*rn movies are entirely misleading. She was there to size me up to see if she could trap me or boss me around if she ever got to know me. And I never assume that women are single. Why would I think that she's single? Yeah, she's single and waiting for me to make a move. I doubt it. That never happens except in movies.
I saw a really pretty Oriental lady as well. She could have been Vietnamese.
Vietnamese is Catholic. So is Italian. The old joke, Italian women are like monkeys, they're cute when they're young but can really let themself go as they get older. Catholic women in general are probably all like that. That kind of beauty doesn't last for too many years with such women and what you're left with is a bossy bitch. And Oriental women have such a sentimentality to those awful tonal sing song languages. She could say something wretchedly square like "Go and pick up some milk and some diapers." but saying it in that whatever language and have that catalyze with my thoughts. Uh, no thanks.
Get laid. Sure. Whatever. That's only taking on a new set of worries and problems.
Orientals know that I know that they know that while they are in their own world where they speak that language for hours on end every day, I myself just about never speak that language ever. I might try a few phrases in different languages with people but that's like Walter Mitty. I imagine I'm at the Mo's Eisely cantina and as I'm speaking an exotic alien language, there are subtitles. It's also an intellectual exercise that keeps the brain sharp. But I can only handle any language other than English in small doses. Not like, 365 days a year. Forget that!
Anyways, I'd love to quit life altogether. However it's not up to me. Therefore I must go on living.
It should not surprise you at all to learn that I purchased Teleport Iceland VR. It might surprise you that I got it for 30% off thanks to a promotion for meta subscribers. Therefore I paid, more or less since it was on credit card, $9.40 cents. Not bad for a VR app that even for a seasoned VR user, I would call mind blowing.
I don't want to travel to Iceland or anywhere else in the World besides Vancouver. So it's saying something that I got the app.
About the app, if you teleport to a nature place, that place remains unchanged for centuries. Teleport to the town of Akureyri for instance and its a static stale snapshot in time. A few years later, teleport there and you'll still see the same guy wearing the orange puffy jacket. Remembering the Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs, he's probably an off duty cop.
One day someone will do a VR daily or monthly live cam vignette of a place. An app already kind of does that. It's called Wander and unlike with Earthquest, Wander lets you time travel to the past. It's not a monthly thing. It's an updates once every few years thing.
I started watching The Lovely Bones. When a friend or relative dies, they will send you signs. However if somebody did someone in, that ghost will also send signs but along a very different dynamic. The Police might know of some of these differences.
According to just about all psychics who are unanimous in this, a spirit never goes into the afterlife alone. There is always a friend, relative, angel, religious avatar, whatever. And the movie shows the girl being an earthbound spirit. Wrong. Only very negative spirits become earthbound spirits. They are angry, self obsessed, diffident and often obsessed with looking for some lost item. The girl was a happy even slightly spiritual girl because of her friend who is actually a psychic. It gets as much wrong as it gets right.
The movie Ghost starring Whoopi Goldberg did a better and more accurate job at the science.
I have to watch the Casey Affleck ghost movie again. I've learned a lot since the last time I watched it. Anyways.
I'm staying alive. Even if I do something good and get nothing in return, even though my mother died, even though I've come up with the answers that I have, even though I don't understand the mechanics of the work of God which is tantamount to random forces, I am thankful for the blessings that I do have. I remember the times people in this town were kind to me to a mind blowing level. Shortly after Heather died, I was picking up a cigarette but off the ground. On two occasions, someone on the street gave me a pack of cigarettes. Once even two packs. Another time I lost a Christmas cracker. I went to the park and found it unopened. Incidentally that last Christmas cracker had a folded paper crown and a small wooden emery board for fingernails. Oh yeah, I need that. Sure.
A couple of times over the years, I left my bathrobe and towels in the shower. No one took them! High marks.
I don't know that I'll ever find a girlfriend ever again. I fear a woman who would boss me around or do a real number on me but I fear being alone for life too. God is close to the broken hearted. He draws near. Maybe Mother Mary could help me remember the few women I've met who I trust 100% absolutely without question. Most of them have passed on so its easy to put those who graduated to the majorly phase of life on a pedestal.
Heather was someone I trusted. My friend Tam the artist was also someone I trusted and admired. Tam was on another level. She was like an Earth Mother Witch she was very knowledgeable and was very artsy and craftsy. Her knowledge of different things was intense and profound.
I just saw a New Balance shoes ad on television. Me and Tam went to a shoe store on Cambie and 33rd where she bought a pair of NB shoes. That's a sign from Tam.
The internet said that New Balance means White Supremacy. That's another reason why I often think that getting a ln early reprieve from God would be nice. For the answers I've some up with about how the next dimension is much better, sticking around is painful.
I never met my mother. She might have turned out to be someone I resented because of her strong sentimentality to the language she spoke. One that I don't speak and don't want to speak except for once in awhile for a bit of je ne sais quois.
Seriously. I think I'll be single for life. From experience, it's not like porn. Women don't show up wanting to get laid. They show up because they see you as a possible mark they could possibly use and give petty orders to.
Porn presents as distorted a view of reality as action movies where the hero survives after killing 75 gunmen. Sure. That's realistic*. *sarcasm
Chick flicks are also distorted. Along comes a rich man who is only too happy to ask for her hand in marriage and to wait on her hand and foot. Sure, that's a reality.
With most die-hard single guys it's every man for himself. Looking out for number one. Footloose and fancy free. I don't need no stinkin' marriage.
Blade and Sorcery is the VR game I must get next. You can grab wrists and arms and do aikido moves, go behind and do a choke hold, realistic melee style no waiting like in Crimen or in Until You Fall.
Monday, September 16, 2024
I don't know which is more stressful. To get a criminal record for some minor offense without otherwise getting a large tattoo or getting a large tattoo without getting any criminal record. But if someone gets a tattoo of say, a bank robber holding a bagg of money, that person might as well get a criminal record. The criminal record would cover implement the tattoo in a matched set of badassery.
Popular motifs for large tattoos are knives, roses, raptor birds are popular such as falcons, eagles, hawks, lion, tiger, panther etc snakes and skulls are popular too.
The skin already gives off a color. It's called pigments. A tattoo injdcts a color into the pigment cells therefore using thie skins own natural mechanism to give off color against itself. Against itself if you don't ever want a tattoo. If you have a tattoo it would be using the skins own mechanism in a different way.
All things that are visible give off a color, not just skin. Except for a window pane. But even then they can be colored. Stained glass windows. Color can be given to something without color let alone something with, in the case of tattoos.
I'm a fan of Stanley Kubrick. The movie Lolita is on sale. However the subject matter is unsavory as its about a lurid friendship between a man in his 40s and a young girl who is about thirteen.
I love women but I'd only want to be involved with a lady who is around my age. I'd give a three year age difference either way. No more.
The movie has a few spectacular scenes. The drive to Ramsdale in the United States. The exterior scene of the hospital one during the day and one at night, a few scenic highway panoramic shots. The music at the high school dance is haunting and memorable for a day. It's a Kubrick movie. The cinematography is top rate. And at sale price.
In one scene, a lady says to her departed husband, "Harold, why did you leave me? I can't make it without you."
A lot of people in grief including myself wonder how they can make it without their departed other. Then a couple years later they're seen at a casino holding a drink with a paper umbrella in it.
I'm probably going to get the movie. At sale price. It's not an indecent movie. It doesn't have any nude scenes or anything like that. It's just a strange story that Kubrick decided to adapt into film.
The rock band The Police sang, "So bad he starts to cough, Just like the old man in that book by Nabokov." That book is Lolita.
I purchased the movie on sale. Payment deferred, on my credit card. I wouldn't get it if it wasn't on sale. Other Kubrick movies aren't on sale.
This morning when I was sweeping near Tim Hortons, there was a large man who sat at a bench that was near. He started swearing. He looked scary. He had an earring on his right ear, perhaps left too but I didn't see. In the 50s an earing on any ear at all, in the 80s an earring on the right ear meant gay. Nowadays it gets culturally desensitized as a person can wear an earring on either ear and it not mean gay. Jimi Hendrix wore an earring on his right ear but that was pirate style. Pirates wore ear rings. They cost a buckaneer.
Anyways I thought that guy was a serial killer hitman that the government sent to kill me or else there is a hit put out on me on the street.
This echoes the plotline of the movies Killing Them Softly and John Wick part 3.
But in KTS, the targets robbed a private casino stealing the take and the money of the patrons. In the John Wick movie, John Wick conducted business on the Continental grounds. I don't think I did anything on that level. Sometimes paranoia will help graft a movie plot onto oneself.
The psychic Matt Fraser said, It's a thing with Italians, if they hear of something happening to someone else they think, "That could happen to me!"
It Could Happen To You starring Nicholas Cage
He's Italian so Matt wouldn't be short for Matthew. It would be short for Matteo, the Italian form of that name.
That guy is probably most likely a gentle giant. I heard it said of someone on television, "When you look at him, he looks like he wants to kill you but once you get to know him, he's the most thoughtful and gentle person."
A few minutes later, I saw two people sit with him, one of them an old man on an orange mobile scooter. Not a psycho. Not a hit man.
This is the monkey brain that I have to work with for the rest of my life.
BC is going to intensify involuntary mental health care. The criteria is severe drug addiction and risk of harm to self or others.
The cases will be triaged. What's a severe drug addiction? It would probably be at the jug hits at five in the morning level. Breakfast of champions.
I tried the old school speedball, cocaine and heroin, who hasn't?* But I never tried the new school speedball, meth and fentanyl. And I don't ever want to. It's not a priority of any kind.
Reportedly, the new school speedball is on a whole different level than the old school iteration aka the John Belushi.
I hope I don't get picked up. Basil Fawlty once had those guys and girls in the long white coats and butterfly nets chasing him at Fawlty Towers hotel.
I hope I'm not crazy. I try to be as normal as possible.
The Leader of the Bloc Quebecois said of a potential upcoming election, "They are playing chicken with four cocks. "Strange working. Cock in French is spelled coq.
Deadpool would say, "That sounds like your typical Pride week."
Napoleon said in an election, "A chicken in every pot."
The score is from what little attention I've been paying is the coalition government between Trudeau and the NDP is over. The NDP Premier in BC said that he will cancel the carbon tax following suit with Jagmeet Singh and the Federal NDP doing likewise.
On the Provincial level, David Eby knew this was an issue that would decide the election so he got two steps ahead and best the Conservatives to the punch with that as part of his election platform.
On the Federal level, Jagmeet Singh knew that this issue would trigger and alienate the Prime Minister as this is an issue that is near and dear to the Prime Minister. So that's what he did. This could precipitate a vote of confidence which if it collapses, an election is called.
The next dimension not only has a different set of physics but also implies a different set of politics based on a different set of physics. That's why I can't wait for the afterlife.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
If a person is a skateboarder, getting busted and getting a criminal record and being placed on probation is classic for California skateboarders. "Doin' the probation."
Its like essential DLC for a badass skateboarder. Even for something like trivial less sexual assault. That grabby feely kind of thing is very common at Universities and young hot blooded skateboarders. Do one hit of a drug too many and make a move on a lady in a misguided attempt to give a little bit of love that gets misinterpreted.. Sexual assault is one of the most common charges.
Some skateboarders even did time in prison. Christian Hosoi did someone in and was sent to prison for three years. Jay Adams knew all about going on probation. Chum Lee of Pawn Stars was busted for having two pounds of meth and he got three years probation.
A good legal strategy would be to say, "Your honour. I did it. I'm guilty. To say that I'm not would be lying. I feel remorse for that. I also realize that I have to accept the judgement of the Court and will do so with a spirit of humility and reverence." And mean it.
Going too Court isn't rocket science. Go from point A to point B at a certain time. Listen to some things said about you even if you don't agree with it.
"Live to never be ashamed if everything in your life is published around the world even if what is published isn't true." Richard Bach, Illusions
It will be more clinical and bureaucratic than it is moral. Lawyers are taught to develop a moral vaccum in Law school.
And accept whatever judgement and rectification measure, usually probation, if that.
If a person says they're not guilty that means they lied and they know they did it. And then if the Court finds them guilty, the judge will think, "You wretched sinner. You lied to me." and that person gets a worse sentence than they would have got had they plead guilty. Unless the lawyer pleads on your behalf and would not absolutely plead not guilty on your behalf unless he already has a legal plan that you haven't thought of. Of course you haven't thought of it. A lawyer is on another level when it comes to legal knowledge.
I don't know how all that works, exactly.
That's the entire premise and raisin d'etre of Court. Not rocket science. One doesn't have to be a genius to go to Court. A lot of people they have in there aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
However I'm cynical about that meaning probation, if that. The if that part. As Tennyson said," Nature can be very red in tooth and cLaw." That means life has a way of disappointing. The word law contained in the word claw as pertains to going to Court.
Court is about owning up to what you did. Take your lumps like a man. Or if in the case of a woman, take your lumps like a woman.
A lot of people go to Court for stupid sh*t. An old lady has a dog. She didn't tell the dog to do it but the dog bites someone on the leg, hard. Enough to go to a hospital and get stitches. And guess what? She has to go to Court and possibly get probation for a second offense which could include a Custodial Visit from a probation officer accompanied with an orderly. They are usually pleasant and nothing to worry about.
It wouldn't be as dramatic as Deltoid visiting Alex in the movie Clockwork Orange.
"Still following up on your conditions? One breach and you know what that means. We have been getting unconfirmed reports that you might have been breaching your conditions recently. It's not to late to straighten things out. A lot of lads your age are married. Find yourself a girl but hopefully not a criminal one. A few more weeks and you'll be out of my custody. Try to seek some steady employment." That's something that Deltoid might have said. Deltoid was strange. Very strange.
My friend from years ago when I lived in Prince Rupert was a junkie. One time after returning from the hospital from an overdose, he said of his experience, "Shoot some junk, drink some rum, do some mogadon, pop some valium, what the fuck."
In the same spirit, go to Court, "Get a criminal record, get probation, what the fuck."
I think that doing all those substances would be a more traumatic experience than going to Court and getting probation.
Getting a criminal record for some minor level thing like assault and placed on probation like getting a body tattoo isn't the stigma it used to be. Tattoos used to be reserved for a certain fringe element of society. Now it's become suburbanized and mainstream to the point that even Librarians and people who work at the Courthouse have tattoos while a lot of library patrons and Court attendees don't have any kind of tattoo whatsoever.
In the old days it was sure the other way around.
It used to be getting a criminal record would bar you from employment and travel. Nowadays a lot of people especially those on welfare have been deemed unemployable anyways so that part is redundant. And lots of people don't want to travel. VR has shortened the gap somewhat when it comes to travel. Travel is expensive and a hassle.
There are only two good towns for me, Vancouver being the prime rock star and Victoria BC is second. Every other town in the World is either a backwater or has issues such as distance and slight* language barriers.
Even being sent to the hoosegow. Medium security is very survivable and even a time that people look back on with some nostalgia. A lot are sent there on grey area charges or for stupid sh*t. Grey area means they didn't men to do it. Typically vehicular manslaughter, and torts like a person slips on the pavement outside someone's property cracks their head and dies because they didn't shovel their sidewalk after being given several citations to do it.
In the old days, you would have thought that you're the only one. Nowadays on the internet there's an entire community of people who went through whatever it is you went through.
Maxium security aka supermax, Kingston, Milhaven, Collins Bay is completely unsurvivable. Expect to get airholed three times a week. Especially if there has been a hit placed on you. Get airholed and if you survive the trip to the infirmary, within two days you get airholed again. Most people don't survive even one airholing let alone two.
This is what I believe although several people I talked to said that airholing very seldom happens in prison in Canada but I have my doubts.
In this economy no one would part with money to pay for a sanctioned hit with the necessary security clearance unless they wanted their pound of flesh. For a certain famous serial killer, it was 42 pounds of flesh. Double O agents don't always live on the streets. They stay in prison for life. They accept the money and can do the hit and even if they get additional time, they're agents who work for the government who are stationed in prison for life anyways. They get weekend furloughs of course. Conjugal visits. But not adseg because that would blow their cover.
The government is that organized.
Prison probably isn't like Hollywood prison where everyone is fighting fit and is a professional actor in a Screen Actors Guild. Most people in prison either aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer or are overweight, strung out and unfit due to their drug addiction and some would even be in a walker or a scooter. The enforcers, undercover cops, agents are the fit ones and they are there for information extraction and enforcement and to carry out extra judicial executions aka hits.
Going to Court. Fun times in Glitter Town.
A couple of weeks ago, Greta Thunberg got busted. The crowd chanted, "You are not alone. You are not alone."
Someone in comments wrote and this was on a Global News shorts video, "Greta Thunberg got arrested a couple of times by the Police. Yet they never handcuff her. Funny that."
The News said there is an upstart political Party called the New Liberal Party, leader Herb Dhaliwal formerly United which should give you a clue, more in a second.
The name is a bestial coupling of the New in the New Democratic Party and the Federal Liberal Party, no s. The distinction must be made.
New Liberal Party. That means that they are not affiliated with the old BC Liberals Party, or are they? It wouldn't surprise me if they are. Formerly a member of the United Party should give you a clue. Old handlers, I mean old habits die hard.
This is an attempt to siphon votes from Premier David Eby which would, understandably, infuriate him. Yet this is all perfectly legal. It helps to have all bases covered, I guess.
With only 4 weeks and 2 days to go until the election this is cutting it close.
Will candidates from the New Liberal Party be running against now Independent former BC United Party candidates essentially their old colleagues?
Politics makes strange bedfellows of us all.
Don't be surprised to see the BC Liberal Party listed on the ballot in the election.
An Independent Mla from the defunct United Party Karin Kirkpatrick said, "Now a Centrist option has been removed from the voters."
John Rustad might say, "I wouldn't think of it that way. I would think of it as adding a Right Wing option where wasn't any before."
Dont think of it as losing a daughter, think of it as getting a son. That kind of thing.
I got Diet Smash VR badminton for $1.33 including taxes.
I also got universe VR size comparison between something ranging as small as a Planck length to comparing the sizes planters, suns and of entire galaxies. Price: $1.33.
Today I went skateboarding to the market.
Wednesday, September 18, 1024
I got the movie Sherlock Holmes on YouTube as a welfare day treat. It is full screen and is a spectacular movie. The Dubliners song The Road To Dublin is worth the price of admission alone.
Most movies are letterbox. This movie is done in full IMAX aspect ration. So is Kingdom of Heaven.
The King's Speech is also in full screen. But at $17, it's too pricey. It's not what I'd call a movie that is spectacular although there are a few visually interesting scenes such as in Logue's office with the marbles. That scene is visually cinematically gorgeous. The scene driving through the Scottish Highlands is nice too. The rest of the movie is interiors and talking heads. I doubt I'd get this.
I'm also not getting Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows as that is a letterbox movie. Quite a few Kubrick movies have a full screen ratio as well. I might get Game of Shadows next month.
I would like to visit the Sherlock Holmes museum in London. Climb the 17 steps to the apartments. There would be the Persian slipper hanging over the fireplace which is where Sherlock Holmes stashes his tobacco. There would be the small laboratory with the test tubes. The syringe would be hidden in a drawer out of sight. The museum probably wouldn't take more than ten minutes to visit. I don't see standing and stsring around a room for more than ten minutes. It's a very famous room but Sherlock Holmes never existed in reality so the Sherlock Holmes museum is more of a theme park, like Hogwarts, than it is an actual historical museum.
There's a coffee shop and a gift shop downstairs from the Sherlock Holmes museum.
Sherlock Holmes movies that Guy Ritchie directed are some of the most spectacular movies ever made in the history of cinema. I'm tempted to get Game of Shadows today. Still mulling it over. Pricey. I should wait for a sale. Game of Shadows coasts $16.79 including tax. $5 less and that's $11.79. $5 is easily the tips alone for two restaurant meals. The point is, although $16.79 sounds expensive, $5 makes a big difference, so $16.79 isn't that expensive. Or is it. Should I get it now or not? It's on credit card so actual payment can be deferred for a few days to bring down my daily average in budget.
I'll get it! Forgive me for being so extravagant but this is a desert island movie.
I would even skip getting The French Connection. The French Connection has awesome scenes of New York in the 70s. Cinematography beautiful but the movie isn't as spectacular as Sherlock Holmes. The Fensch Connection can be seen for free on curved screen at 720p although YouTube has spackling crisp UHD definition that is chef's kiss. It occurred to me that the director of The French Connection, William Friedkin also directed one of the darkest movies ever, The Exorcist. I never saw that movie in its entirety. Why bother?
French Connection has that scene, "160 blast off, 170 Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, 180 US Government Certified, 190 junk of the month club sirloin steak." That scene is epic in the history of cinema.
Guy Ritchie, Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows is new school and is more spectacular. This is a showcase of an industry that has evolved quite a bit and has come quite a few levels from what The French Connection was in terms of overall production value.
Rumor has it, there's a Sherlock Holmes 3.
Madonna was once married to Guy Ritchie. She must have seen the genius that the guy is.
Sherlock Holmes: Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Return of Sherlock Holmes, Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Valley of Fear. This is from memory. I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes.
The two movies cost $33.58. I'll pay $11 tomorrow and the remaining $23.58 next week.
Prorated, t's sort of like a hundred years ago in the 1920s when movies cost 25 cents. "Can I borrow 25 cents to see a movie? I'll pay you 11 cents tomorrow and 14 cents next week."
In the fifties, movies cost 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for students. A sign at the Vancouver Museum theatre exhibit, The Forbidden Planet says as much about movie ticket prices then. So in the 20s, it must have been 25 cents for adult to see a movie.
Wages were probably about 25 cents an hour back then as well.
I got it. I'm 100% sure about this purchase.
Blade and Sorcery VR, not so much. Motion sickness in all probability. Mixed reviews. Melee fighting is about 100 times as difficult to do in VR as shooters. There are so many factors. It still looks glitch. I won't get it. Graphics not nearly as gorgeous as Crimen VR and more expensive. Blade and Sorcery is too over the top. Stab the opponent in the skull or in the neck, too gory. Like anyone would ever do this in real life. This game is training for fights that you in all likelihood will never get into. Just no.
Sherlock Holmes 2007 best quotes.
Irene: Why are you so suspicious?
Sherlock: Shall I answer chronologically or alphabetically?
Sherlock: Insensibly, one begins to twist facts to suit theories rather than theories to suit facts.
I'm trying to save money only shopping at grocery stores. I don't know what I'm saving for. I don't plan to travel. I need to save because if I don't have any money at all, I'd die of starvation. Although I have been broke or near it for a few years and lived through it.
I'm getting into spaghetti Westerns although I watched them in the wrong order. I watched the first half hour of For a Few Dollars More 1965 and then the first few minutes of The Good The Bad and the Ugly 1966.
GB&U is part 3 of the dollars trilogy.
Few Dollars More is about Clint Eastwood and someone else teaming up to look for a Wamnted Man, Reward $10,000 which was a lot of money in the 1800s.
GB&U is about Clint Eastwood teaming up with someone fighting against a rival to recover $200,000 in lost gold coins.
The movies were filmed in Italy. Italy was the Hollywood North of the 60s and it was a lot cheaper to film movies there, hire people to build sets and hire extras. The movies look beautiful and the movies look even more 1800s of the Wild West than the original 1800s Wild West did.
YouTube has spoiled all of us because these movies are released in 4K for free.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
I visited the museum today with my annual pass.
I purchased the movie Big Fish, cost, $5.59 including tax. On sale. It's a spectacular full screen IMAX ratio movie.
Friday, September 20, 2024
Anyone on meta Quest VR has won the lottery. The browser screen has gone from curved to flat with the curved option still being there. No more purchasing movies to watch on flatscreen on YouTube. It's free now.
I just saw the intro of a movie. Spectacular on flat screen.
The BC election campaign starts Saturday with the Premier riding a bus across the Province making whistle stops and glad-handing voters. I don't know which is more traumatic, going to Court and most likely winding up with probation at worst or going on a bus ride across the Province. But it won't be like sitting in coach on Greyhound. The Premier has a rock star bus. That makes a big difference.
And on Saturday, the Police charity Tour de Rock gets underway as Police and other cyclists including a News anchor woman will cycle about 850 km to raise money for research. I would have donated just as much even if they decided to ride just 1 km let alone 850 km.
So in other words with the election, the Executive and Legislative Branch of government are on the go and with the Police Tour de Rock, the Judicial Branch of government are on the move. That covers all three branches of government. This Saturday. Tomorrow.
This BC election is a choice between a Party that's been around for awhile since the days of Timmy Douglas and the CCP Canadian Coalition of Progressives and a Party that's been around for less than two years and another upstart Party that's been around for less than a week. The Greens have been around for awhile but they're not a contender for the governing Party.
I think David Eby will win with either a slim minority or slim majority government.
I have two cherry tomatoes and some bacon bits. I'll fry some spaghetti in oil with the tomatoes and bacon bits. I'll add butter and parmesan cheese. And Italian spices which I have. That's a simple meal. I could fry some bread crumbs to golden brown and sprinkle that on the spaghetti too. That's a good recipe for what I have.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Swept the streets this morning. I saw Karen the stalker again. She probably wants friendship. I worry because even friendships can be rabbit holes of trouble. I just want to be single. Some people just can't take a hint. Endless problems. That's life.
That's Murphy's Law. When I want to be single is when I encounter a female stalker. Why does life have to be like this? Could it be that I'm holding out for someone better? Would she understand that? Exasperating.
I swept a few areas I haven't swept before.
I am thinking of getting Blue Planet VR. I want to visit Borodbodur. The idea is along the way, there are motifs depicting the journey of the Budha and the journey of all as they progress through to enlightenment. The path of motifs in bas relief on the walls goes to the roof. At the roof is another levelof existence is revealed as it depicts the beauty of enlightenment or else heaven in the afterlife when one dies as that is when everyone becomes enlightened. The app costs $25.51 basic price before tax. With tax, about $29.
But the expended complete edition costs $40. Sale price before tax. About $44.79 with tax.
This app has tons of destinations like Brink plus it has a hang glider feature.
I was also thinking of getting Blade and Sorcery VR. Theoretically one can do limited aikido with this. This app is kind of like the movie Big Stan. A man worries that he'll be sent to prison so he trains to fight using different methods. This app trains a person for fighting. For some weird reason I think that I might be sent away if things go completely pearshaped. I mean any of us could.
Then I could be killed.
Other than that, my life is going all right.
I'll get one app a month. I'll get Blade and Sorcery next week and Blue Planet VR next month. Blade and Sorcery has mixed reviews. Buggy and janky, full of glitches. Blade and Sorcery is so violent that I'm not sure how it's even legal. It's that violent. It's slassed as advanced VR. Advanced motion sickness as well. So I don't know.
No motion sickness at all with Blue Planet.
There are conversations in the Rick James ghetto that go like, "I might not be able to get that job working for the City. I might be getting a criminal record. Even if I do I can still work as a self employed volunteer."
While there are others that go like, "It looks like I might be going away for a few months."
That would be ghastly. Wretched.
Eventually, if cornered, I'll have to tell Karen and any other lady, "I've taken the vow of the Jedi Order. That means I have to be single for life. Besides, there is the idea that people reach their level of incompetence and stay there which is another reason that I have to be single for life."
That is an answer that wouldn't put her on the defensive and is an answer that any woman can understand and accept.
In Surrey, RCMP shot dead a woman who was holding a sharp weapon, knife, scissors, whatever, near her own baby. When I first heard the story, I knew the police wouldn't have shot right away. They'd first say something like, "Drop the knife! Drop the f*cking knife!"
Now any sane person would do so especially with guns and tasters leveled at them.
Then the next day, the News reported that neighbours as well as Police said there was a half hour confrontation. She was getting ever nearer the baby.
Half an hour is a lot of leeway. Most sane people would have dropped the knife in less than five seconds.
The News said she was yelling in Spanish that God does not exist. That would have been deemed a heretical statement during the Spanish Inquisition.
A neighbour said, "Vanessa had zero zero understanding of the English language."
"I have zero understanding of the English language, I think I'll move to Canada." That move cost that lady her life. That and her actions in the presence of the Police.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
A: "I never screwed a woman in the a**."
B: "When you have chronic erectile dysfunction, it'd be difficult to do anyone in any hole."
A: "I'll never have a girlfriend ever again."
B: "You say that like it's a bad thing."
A: "No. I don't!"
Some people have clearly risen to their level of incompetence and they know that. They also want to be single for life.
Karen may or may not be stalking me. Every day she talks to whoever she sees on her trap line. All Natives are like that. They'll do their quotidian rounds saying hello and making whatever short terse conversation with one and all.
She has probably been doing that for years. Her and millions of others.
Karen is quite pretty. She looks like Kate Beckinsale.
I have a tendency to view some women as stalkers. She wants to trap me into some weird BS. Worries, anxiety, paranoia, panic. "Only the tears start to fall, But it's all in the game."
Women are a trap. If one has chronic uh, dysfunction and doesn't want to start a family at all, that's two less definite reasons to be anything except single for life. One holds out for the perfect woman but she doesn't exist. All are bound to eventually disappoint and sadly, surely, vice versa. I would most likely let her down in some way. Take her for granted. Whatever lady I'm with, there's always a better lady somewhere else whom I could still meet if only I break up with this one. Classic.
I'm slated to be single for life.
I think I got about 15 - 20 years to go. If that. I'm 54 years old. Most people go at around seventy something, at most.
I can't get the VR app Blue Planet off my mind. Sacre bleu. I wouldn't say that I had a dream of it but I thought of it while I was sleeping if it makes any sense. I tried the free trial. Some of the scenes especially the grotto with all the Tibetan Buddhist thangka paintings was disjointed. There was a seam that was misaligned like a MAD magazine fold-in puzzle. Other than that it looks pretty good.
A YouTube VR app reviewer called Fast Lawyer who recommended Titans of Space which I got is also recommending Blue Planet. Fast Lawyer explains whether a VR app is worth the money or not. Fast Lawyer recommends Blue Planet. Pricey as flock. Very pricey.
Would I think that I'm compulsive if I get Blue Planet, the expanded edition for $45 including tax and then Meta Drive VR for $7 including tax.
Meta Drive VR looks motion sicky.
Blade and Sorcery I'm least sure of. Lots of work. Motion sickness.
Blue Planet is self explanatory and impossible to get motion sickness. I loved Apollo 11 VR.
I won't get Meta Drive. Soul Drive is better and is free. Meta Drive costs $5.79 before tax and you only get what you pay for which in this case is not much.
So if I pay $20 later this week and $25 the week after, all on my credit card, that should be all right.
I tried the free trial. Two things stopped me from getting it outright. The cost and the MAD magazine fold-in style misaligned seam line on some pictures. I mean really? That's a rookie mistake in VR coding and such errors shouldn't be seen on an app touted as this level.
I love all the other travel apps I have such as Brink, Wander Earthquest, Astra, Apollo 11, the Nat Geo app. I'll probably get Blue Planet, the expanded edition which is on sale.
I need a sign that I should get Blue Planet. The price is prohibitive. The last time I paid for an app, I got Big Fish the movie on sale for $5.79 which I paid $5 for on Saturday as I had a $2 credit remaining on my credit card. That was Tuesday so today is five days away.
$45 including tax. Is that pricey or what? Not if I can pay $20 next week and $25 the week after to bring down my daily budgetary average.
Monday, September 23, 2024
PM Justin Trudeau is going to appear on the late show with Stephen Colbert. I'm worried about that. 12:05 am local time.
During a concert, Mick Jagger said to give a round of applause to the Prime Minister of Canada and people booed.
I hope that doesn't happen on the late show with Stephen Colbert.
I think that PM Justin Trudeau is the greatest PM that Canada has ever had. Apparently, not everyone feels that way.
"Our home. Full of memories. Full of love."
Your mother's v*gina. Full of my c*ck. Full of my sp*rm.
Today while sweeping the streets, I swept the Palace, so to speak. I swept the sidewalk ourside the front steps of the Courthouse. I also scratched the crevices of the sidewalk with a kind of trowel that I have. And swept the dirt away. Judging from the moss that was growing on it, the sidewalk hasn't been swept this way for awhile if ever.
I cleaned to a level that people working for the City usually don't. Even someone ordered to do community service wouldn't necessarily be expect to seep the streets to that level.
With the crevices of the sidewalks swept clean, the sidewalk outside the Courthouse has an elegant look that hearkens back to the 80s or even the 40s which was the Classic Age of the Courtroom.
If someone had a trial pending and did that to get a reduced sentence. How would that work? Anyone looking out the window wouldn't automatically assume that the street sweeper has a case pending with the Courts. How would the Court know? Why would they care?
This would be opposite to the case where a man attacked the Crown prosecutor and a legal assistant when they were probably going to throw out the case anyways.
Then there's the street sweeper sweeping the Courthouse so clean, so perfectly, who didn't really have to do all that as there is a good chance the case will be eventually thrown out anyways. Probably not. Probably a criminal record and probation.
Anyways, I'm not doing it for money. Courthouse makes no difference. I swept a lot of places in that similar fashion.
When I was sweeping front of the Courthouse today, I asked aloud, "Court. Should I get Blue Planet VR?" I looked at the windows of the Courthouse as I said this. No reply.
I still haven't found the sign saying I should get this.
If I get this, it means that my VR app addiction hasn't stopped. I need to space out the purchases. Rather than get an app once every few days, what about once every few weeks? Tomorrow I could pay $13 to defray the cost. Then in two weeks, once a week make a payment of $16 so 2 x $16 = $32 + $13 = $45. The cost of the app plus tax.
I did try it and did like it but the price was off setting. Still is, kinda.
Blue Planet has Carlsbad Caves which is a cathedral of stalactites and stalagmites. Stalactites hang from the ceiling. Stalagmites from up from the ground.
It has a mythical white pine tree that reminds me of the tree at Minas Tirith in the movie Lord of the Rings.
It has Borobodur and a stunning sunset view of the roof. Again, walking up the temple murals line the walls literally depicting the life of Buddha but also figuratively depicting the struggles we all go through while negotiating the physics of this dimension. Then one reaches the roof which is a metaphor for dying and reaching the next phase of life which is beautiful beyond imagination and is next level.
It has a Hindu temple in Nepal. Ornate with lots of carvings and all one colour. A lot of these types of Hindu temples are multicolored, painted over.
It has Antelope Canyon in the US. Brink has this as well. Very beautiful. BP also has 4 scenes of Iceland. It would be good to compare this with the version of the same scenes in Teleport Iceland.
There is no fake CGI BS with Teleport Iceland. With this app,Blue Planet VR, some natural features such as cliffs and rocks look like they are made with shiny fake plastic leather. There is lots of natural rendering and also lots of scenes that look real enough from a distance but upon close inspection. More of the strange VR alloy that seems to be made of tbick shiny plastic.
Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim once said to Pete Fry about some issue or other, "This is just political grandstanding. You're making a big deal out of a small issue."
People do that. It happens more often than you think.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
It shouldn't surprise you at all that I got Blue Planet VR today.
Signs. This morning I swept a Buddhist meditation center. I swept the dust off of the windowsills got rid of any cobwebs and swept the front of the building so well that not even a pebble remains there. That reminds me of the Buddhist destinations in Blue Planet VR.
This morning I swept the courthouse. There were about four garbage bag fulls of cat tails which are little soft golden growths that a tree drops. There was a lot of them. The cat ails littered an entire section of sidewalk, the road, the short cement path to the courthouse, and in the Court yard. I swept them all. My broomstick broke at the Court house while I was sweeping but the timing of it was I had swept all the cat tails. There were still some leaves left but not much at all. I got the main part done.
My broom breaking is hopefully a sign that my worries are broken.
Again, say, if I was someone who had a case pending in Court, I wouldn't be doing this for a reduced sentence because through what vector? Someone looking out the window or someone walking past me or someone standing there looking at me wouldn't automatically assume that I would have a case pending in Court. However, if there is one place where that question would be asked, "Say, does that person have a case pending in Court?" it would be at the Court house.
If I did have a case pending, the Court would eventually figure out that me volunteering sweeping the grounds of the Courthouse would know that if I don't get convicted then I didn't have to sweep the grounds in the first place. And if I do get convicted and probation, I still accept that because in either case I am doing it without any driving motive other than to do something kind to create good karma for myself.
Sweeping the stairs of the Courthouse is the classic probation work release cliche.
The other sign. When I was seeping, I saw a truck that has the words United Rentals painted on it. The first syllable of United is U which rhymes with Blue. From the word Rentals, you could derive the letters lanet, which rhymes with planet. It was the Court giving me a sign saying go ahead and get it. So I got it and it's installed. I got the $45 expanded edition.
Plus I plopped down $13 as an advance down payment. Next week it will be $16 and the week after, it will be another $16 payment. Prorated to minimum wage, each payment is less than an hour of minimum wage.
Court cases have a publication ban which means it is illegal to disclose it.
Court cases can take awhile but Court has its own unique byzantine theme park pacing and time signatures.
The people working at the Courthouse are on a completely different league. Lawyers make $1,000 or more an hour whereas I pull down $1,000 a month. They're on a different level.
In a Court case, a lawyer working on your behalf could plead not guilty which is baffling because if found and determined to be guilty, the accused would get a heavier sentence. If it were me, I'd plead guilty and go for the lighter sentence. Two things. The lawyer probably has a legal defense that you haven't thought of and don't know about and the judge would take into account that it was your lawyer and not me who made the plea. You could say that you accept whatever judgement the Court gives you with a spirit of humility and reverence. The judge might say, "But I haven't imposed a sentence on you."
He might not. You never know.
Tried the Blue Planet VR app. Oh my goodness. Mind blowing. Better than expected. Thrilled. Visited a couple of Buddhist temples. One was ornate like a fever dream. The other was Borobodur. More realistic and more details and more spectacular than expected. I've always wanted to visit Borobodur, kinda. Revisited the thangka temple. Photography perfect. No issues.
I got the app Fly VR. It only costs $10 including tax. It's the last of the travel apps. I have Wander, Earthquest, Brink, Wooorld which is free, Teleport Iceland, Apollo 11, Nat Geo and finally this which is all of the travel apps on VR
In ten years, there will be over a hundred VR travel apps. In 20 years, there will be over a thousand VR travel apps.
Tried Fly VR. It has a learning curve. There is a platform you stand on. Moving the head moves the platform of which the platform is attached to a drone. Kind of like a political election.
Places are listed unlike with Earthquest and Wander. A person needs to stand to see 360 degree view. Moving the joystick to the left or right does not pan. A person can only see one street view vantage point at a time. To see the next street view one has to release trigger which brings it back to the janky CGI model of the street and point to the next green circle which represents the next vantage point. Whereas with Earthquest and Wander, there is continuous movement on Google street view.
$10 including tax is about all this is worth. I will give it another chance. Apps often get better with further playing. There is a search so one can search for places. It's a basic version of Earthquest with some things that Earthquest doesn't have such as places being listed from above with aerial view of cities.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
More sweeping this morning. Courthouse. Lots to sweep.
I got Cirque du Soleil VR. $9 with tax. CDS is a brand name known for decades. Henri & Paul studios VR is known for high quality. France vibes.
I also got Madrid Noir on sale for $3.50 including tax. Regular price, $11.19 with tax.
Cirque du Soleil is spectacular. Beyond imagination. A treat. If you like the nostalgia of France, this app is it. Each movie is a 2.5 Gb download. 5 VR movies about 15 minutes each.
I also got Teleport VR. This has 360 VR non 3D images of different scenes in history. The scenes are well done and very mind blowing. These are high quality images. The images of the future apocalypse scared me in a good way. Price: $8 including tax. 45 images. Almost $9. So that's about less than 50 cents an image. Not bad for something that will stick with me for life.
This app is best used standing as it is a long road that has no turning. Neither does this app.
I'm thinking of getting The Line on sale for less than $6 including tax. I've been thinking of this app for weeks. Now it's on sale. Take the plunge!
Got it. $5. Cheap hit.
The Line was wonderful. Lots of surprises. It's a story of breaking out of a comfort zone and facing your fears. It's also a love story. Intense high quality graphics. If you like Miniature World in Victoria BC, you will like this app. VR is perfect for Victoria BC. In its heyday in an era long before VR when things were really going in Victoria, there used to be Sea World, Undersea Gardens, the Wax Museum, the Maritime Museum at the old Courthouse at Bastion Square, Royal BC Museum, Anne Hathaways Cottage, Craigdareoch Castle, and the Petting Zoo. VR takes the place of that as half those things are closed but there is the Malahat Skywalk and the Victoria Bug Zoo which wasn't around during the Golden age between 1970 - 2010 when all those things were more or less still going.
The Line is short. It seemed like ten minutes. That's because of my Type A personality. I press the interactive things quickly not waiting for even a second. If you took your time, it would be about a 15 minute experience. English, spoken with a slight Spanish accent. Sorta like "The plane, Boss! The plane! The plane!"
This is it. My last VR app purchase until next year. I already got VR travel apps. See if I follow through with this. But no more apps until next year.
I got yet 3 more apps.
Gloomy Eyes $10 with tax. Colin Farrell narrates.
Paper Birds $9 with tax. Edward Norton narrates.
Ionia $3.50 with tax. One hour long animation. Trailer and still photos look amazing and only about $3, actually $3.35.with tax.
I make up for the shortfall through cutting out certain other things. I go to food lines more often than going to restaurants.
I'm going to stop my VR addiction soon.
Blade and Sorcery looks good but lacks one thing. Leg and foot tracking. The move in the movie Skyfall where James Bond lifts an arm of the opponent and then kicks back slightly with one foot tripping the opponent and making him fall forward would not be an option in Blade and Sorcery let alone a roundhouse kick. The moves are limited in a way that wouldn't be realistic. So much for Miracle Milton and his Magic Legs.
I wonder if a person can grab an opponents index finger and bend it completely backwards in Blade and Sorcery VR?
Such moves has to be done quickly and with strength. Real fights aren't elegant like the movies. There is a lot of unpredictable flailing movements and a lot of strikes end up in misses. Real fights are messy and completely unlike the movies. In movies, the hero is able to fight endlessly without sustaining any serious injuries. In real life, even the most seemingly unskilled fighter can get in a lucky resulting in a life changing injury.
Do anything like Blade and Sorcery in real life, well, that's the kind of thing where they lock a person up and throw away the keys.
I'm already tapped out as it is. $90 in the hole just over the last two days but I remember when I went to Sidney I spent $75 on food and a movie. When I visit Vancouver it often winds up being a $200 trip including return transportation costs.
Blade and Sorcery has a lightsaber mod. And laser gun and there is sorcery and mage abilities which could be mind blowing and replicates shooter VR but with more spectacular effects which makes bullets seem prosaic.
This makes me want to get it but it would be another $29. Now I'm not a Beverly Hills man who can all of a sudden command $30 for a VR app. Like with Blue Planet VR, I have to mull this over for a few days.
Unlike with Blue Planet, there's no way I could ask the Courthouse like how Charlie Brown used to talk to buildings, "Court. Should I get Blade and Sorcery VR?" The actions and movements which Blade and Sorcery depict are pretty much 100% illegal. It's about killing one opponent after another. Nothing is off the table. Head and neck impalings, cutting off the head. Like I said before," I'm not sure how this VR app is even legal."
Like someone said of Pacific Rim, "If you have a 4K TV and you don't get Pacific Rim, you're f*cking up." I would say that about Blade and Sorcery. It's one of a few handful of VR apps listed as either top selling or top rated. Blade and Sorcery is listed as top selling. The line is top rated. The elegance of the VR animation The Line is through the roof.
Although Crimen VR is gold level when it comes to melee fighting in VR apps, Blade and Sorcery is platinum level. In Blade and Sorcery you can punch and grapple. You can reach down and quickly push the opponents leg upwards from the back. Once the opponent is down, neutralize the threat. That means a ghastly wretch stabbing act that would inude sound effects. How to neutralize? The sword blade through the head or the neck. The sword going into the chest through the sternum would be an especially profound move. It would be surgically devastating. Lots of squib effects, bllod shots.
To make room for my newly acquired VR animations, I have to uninstall for the time being Cirque du Soleil but I should give at least one of them a run first. The French are a very sensual culture. When the female acrobat does the splits, even through the contours of the almost skimpy clothing, one can just about see a camel toe. This app is worth getting for that alone. Let alone the over the top sheer elegance.
The entire thing is about 12 Gb.
I want to admit something scary in terms of languages. I'm like a Dr Van Helsing of languages to some small extent. Not on the level of a University professor.
In Irish, the word for blood is ghuil. The name Dracula comes from the Irish droch fhuil which means dark blood.
In Chinese, the word for blood is huet.
In English, the word for blood of course being what is is.
All these words for blood have an oo sound to them.
Yesterday, on Tuesday, Ryan Seacrest on Wheel of Fortune said to a contestant,
"You have a singing voice like Kenny G."
I imagined the conversation going a little differently than it did.
"You have a singing voice like Kenny G but with less of a cocaine rasp although looking at you, I would say with only somewhat less of a cocaine rasp. I was joking the whole time. I don't know whether or not you actually use cocaine. Neither answer would surprise me."
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Today I swept the street just outside the hotel I live in." You are an animated cartoonist. You are wasting your talent sweeping." Sweeping the street is a bit of an essential service. Clean streets means more sanitary streets.
I have to be in a really good place to do cartoons. Right now, I'm in a bit of a strange place. No worries.
A lot of artists have a muse. That would be a sensual romantic interest.
I don't know that I'll find a girlfriend ever again and I don't care. I am happy to be single. But no muse means that much less wind in my sails to do cartoons but there is no market or demand for such cartoons. Certainly no income. I don't care. Life and the benighted physics of this dimension is what it is.
My VR app bill is $120 and that would include Blade and Sorcery which I haven't got yet. I paid $70 of it today on my credit card. I'll pay the remaining $50 next week.
Yesterday, I saw a movie on my VR goggles. The movie is Killerman. A money launderer Liam Hemsworth, Captain America, and his friend who was in the movie The Place Beneath the Pines as Bradley Cooper's son. This friend had an uncle who was the boss in the movie Pusher with Madds Mikkelson as King Fu Tony, and his friend Kurt the c*nt. Anyways, they are supposed to turn in some money to the avuncular boss instead they decide to finance a coke deal. Ever see the movie The Counselor? Drug deal. Nothing could go wrong, right? It all went wrong. The bust was a set up. The uncle was working for the FBI and set up the drug deal to get the money launderer busted so he could either get a reduction in sentence or else be more or less allowed to carry on whatever larceny still under the surveillance of the FBI, but minimal surveillance. The gang with the drugs showed up and the two heroes showed up with the money. Then the Police showed up. The cops wanted to take the money and the drugs and kill the two heroes because they were crooked cops. The Police allowed the gang to get away without the drugs so it was a set up.
"Where's your back up?" There was no back up because it was the cops own personal mission.
A Chinese gangster named Suzuki, makes sense, who was a sniper provided cover. But he didn't shoot any of the Police. The two heroes escape.
They are supposed to meet up with a third person, an East Indian man they call Fed Ex at a nightclub at 2 am as he financed part of the money for the drug deal and in a weird fractal, also with a relative's money, in this case his father.
The crooked cops meet up with a mean looking prosecutor who was one of the prison guards in the television series Oz outside on the steps of the Courthouse. The prosecutor warned the cops to not lose the evidence or the case is over. If the cops were that crooked, if the drugs go missing, couldn't they substitute it with other drugs from the drug locker?
"It's kind of like the cocaine that goes missing from the evidence locker. Little by little." Hannibal
The two cops intercept Fed Ex at his father's convenience store.
"So. You're Fed Ex."
"My name's Ranjit."
"Do we really want to go down that road?"
Scary stuff. It gets gruesome. No plot giveaways.
The crooked cops kill Suzuki gruesomely first with a broomstick and then using a Police dog to deliver the final killing stroke. My brain, it thought that the word for dog in Chinese sounds the same as the word for the number nine and 9 is a royal number.
There are a lot of twists and turns, and there is the final big M Night Shyamalan level twist. No giveaways. All I will say is that while the regular Police are angels, some Police are Archangels like the angel Michael with the power to slay demons aka fallen former angels and this movie showed that.
This movie is based on a true story.
So in one movie, his father is a Police Officer and in another movie, his uncle is a gangster. Actors who portray Police in one movie have or will portray gangsters in another movie. So, no, Hollywood actors aren't really Police but they do a good job of portraying the role.
I saw another movie the other day. It was called Walden. An actor who looks and acts a lot like Jack Black in the movie Bernie portrays a Court stenographer who is sick of all the bad people in Court who was released over the years due to some technicality. They did awful things that decorum will not permit me to list here. So Walden becomes a vigilante. There is a twist to this movie too. The twist in this movie is lurid and awful. There it is.
Some people have to go to Court because they get busted and Court is often a follow up procedure to that and they get court fever. They like the place so much that they want to work there. So they opt for law as an elective in school and some graduate as either a legal assistant or lawyer etc. Since speech to text has been invented, I don't know if there are still court stenographers.
Some even apply to work as a janitor for the Court.
Very few like myself volunteer to sweep the Court grounds for no money.
"I don't pay you because I have to. I pay you because it's my pleasure." Han Solo, Star Wars
I sweep the Courthouse because it's my pleasure.
The Court is a place where sheriffs work and that is a paramilitary organization. The ideal is to sweep the Courthouse military clean.
" I'm gonna need you to be mountain lion mean. Mountain lion mean." Hell or High Water.
I'm gonna need it military clean. Military clean.
Or as close to it as possible not actually ever heaving been in the military. In some branches of the military, the ability to grow a beard is required.
That's why I can't join the military. One of about a dozen reasons including underheight, underweight, as well as some mental issues.
Every so often I see a few decidedly drug addicts skulking around the Courthouse grounds, the forces of life had to throw that in my direction. Just had to.
The street addicts of this generation have a certain look and do certain drugs. But so did the hippies of the 1960s and the young winos living on the street or the whisky gangsters of the 1930s.
People living on the streets, that's been around for awhile too. George Orwell talked about the homeless and lived among them in the novels A Clergyman's Daughter and Down And Out in Paris And London. Vancouver had the hobo jungles of the 1930s. Great Depression, Housing Crisis, what's the diff?
Don't let the looks fool you. When I lived in Dawson Creek decades ago, I met all kinds of freaks, long hair, bell bottom jeans that were frayed at the bottom, leather vests. But when you talked to them they were some of the most intellectual people and I even wondered how I made it that far in life without having met such people.
The street people are or one day be like that. Extreme experiences shape and mold people's personalities into something truly special. This can include some experiences with the Police and Court system and visits to the probation office which seems to be a somewhat common denominator with such interesting and intelligent people.
When I swept the Courthouse, I reflected that to be a fan of the Police but to not know about the Court system is to know an incomplete picture. Although they are connected entities, each entity is completely autonomous. The Police will make decisions independent of the Court such as on the spot neutralization of armed perpetrators during a scene in progress. If someone is rude to the Police, it concerns the Court because that person was also rude to the Court. And vice versa. They look out for one another.
In holding cells, prisoners have been known to hurl verbal abuse. That would be an aggravating factor or else even if it isn't seen as a bad thing, it wouldn't be seen as a good thing.
Folding the blanket and cleaning up any litter neatly while in the holding cell, even if it isn't necessarily seen as a good thing, it wouldn't be seen as a bad thing.
The Police are the alpha and the omega of the justice system. The Police are there when the initial arrest is made and after the Court process if a prisoner is sent away, they are once again in the custody of the Police while in prison and even if they are released into the streets with either probation or a conditional release, no criminal record but the conditions of the release remain, in some cases for life, they are back to being under the ongoing default Police surveillance that all of us are under.
Friday, September 27, 2024
John Rustad has a parrot. King George V had a parrot.
John Rustad's parrot is an African Grey parrot like Gizmo and Einstein. These parrots have an amazing vocabulary and what's more, these parrots can actually use the words they know in context. In terms of vocabulary, African Grey parrots are the smartest of all birds. A parrot has a specialized voice box called a syrinx.
Parrots have a long life span, about 80 years.
On election day, the candidates also go to Court. It's the Court of public opinion.
That's the ideal. The reality is that it's the Court of different electoral algorithms.
Democracy is majority rules. Popular vote means nothing as its scuppered with things like electoral boundaries to the extent of gerrymandering, electoral college, absentee ballots etc etc It's a system called democracy in name only.
I would encourage anyone to vote in an election. People show up more to vote out a politician they don't like than to vote in a politician they do like, so show up anyways either way. People seem to like the incumbent Premier David Eby so I don't know what that means. If elected Premier David Eby will finally become an elected Premier rather than an appointed Premier. Best of luck.
God works in the most mysterious ways.
A person gets busted and thinks it might be the end of the world.
The person already picks up litter to remove slipping hazards and evolves to sweeping the streets on a self employed volunteer basis. It doesn't occur on the first day but the person evolves his work technique to dusting off cobwebs and small white moth cocoons in the corners of windows and walls.
Then the person sweeps the Courthouse. And does an unusually detailed job.
This then leads to the person being taken on to work as a janitor outside the Courthouse or outside the Police station because tbh, sweeping the inside of the Police station would be a lot edgier if not scarier than sweeping the grounds around the Police station.
Or else it gives the Police and the Courts a chance to see the person's character.
Even after being busted and facing the duress of temporary incarceration because a person can only be held in the holding cells for a maximum of 24 hours, the person still donates to the Police charity and does volunteer work around the Courthouse.
Not everyone would respond that way. Some people bring a lawyer with them to the Police department trying to sue for wrongful arrest. Every year, the Police department sees a few cases like that.
But this person doesn't do that and still respects and looks up to the entire process of the judicial branch of government. There are a million stories in the naked city and here and there, different Courthouses have seen people volunteering and sweeping the Courthouse grounds.
The person still expects to be grilled in a trial not quite on the level of the Scopes Trial or the Watergate hearings and get probation even if in discovery, they are found guilty. If a plea of not guilty is entered and evidence proving otherwise presents itself, that's called a discovery and that results in a heavier sentence than if the person plead guilty. But with a guilty plea, the fate is sealed and a criminal record is issued. A not guilty plea means a chance to avoid a criminal record altogether. The lawyer is gambling that the legal defense planned will work. Even if that doesn't work and found guilty, depending on the case, probation at worst is the usual expected outcome.
"Do you have a plan?" "No." Matlock with Kathy Bates
That's the thing. The lawyer is gambling with your future. A lawyers defense plan is contingent on what the plaintiff says during the trial or rather during the cross examination that the defense lawyer conducts.
If the expected outcome is being sent away chances are they would be remanded in custody depending on case severity and certainly not on the streets on bail release and supervision.
YouTube said a person can easily make mistakes and extend their sentence.
A person somehow wasn't able to get the lawyers phone call so misses their court date and gets busted again and now has to see a bail supervisor at the probation office where they might not have had to before. Seeing and visiting such places is helpful if one is a fan of the Police and now they are given the chance to learn more. Not the best place in the world to be but its all part of life's adventure.
The psychic medium on the YouTube channel I Talk To Ghosts said, "Your father had an idealized vision of the world and when things didn't go the way he idealized things, he would be upset. He was a certain way and everyone could see it except himself."
That's the PT Barnum Effect. That could apply to most people including myself.
Location location location.
David Eby and formerly Gordon Campbell occupy the toney riding of Point Grey in Vancouver which is 1990s yuppie uber heaven.
For that reason, perhaps Sonia Furstenau chose the Downtown Beacon Hill riding in Victoria BC. But location precludes person and this neighbourhood has been an NDP stronghold for decades. That can change as two Liberal strongholds went to the Conservatives in a by-election which surely must have non plussed the Liberal Prime Minister. That won't happen in this neighborhood. I'm voting for Grace Lore who is one of the greatest politicians in history. I also think that Rona Ambrose is one of the greatest politicians in history because she once said, "Depression is no match for cocaine."
Sonia Furstenau knows this and is using this as her stage to bow out and go for Federal. Federal is on another level. Meet an MLA and meet an MP and you would feel the difference in level of power. Rock Star psychometry. Before, Elizabeth May was the Federal Leader of the Green Party, then it was Annamie Paul but I think that Sonia Furstenau could be eyeing the job and she has a chance of getting it. I once saw her in real life. She was walking down the street talking with a female political aide. She is slight in stature. She looks bigger on television. Everyone looks ten pounds heavier on television. Slight in stature like Joan of Arc.
I can't think of any other reason why the Leader of a fringe Party would nosedive into an NDP stronghold. That is strategically baffling.
The News said, "MLA Dupinder Saran ends her campaign." The News could have said, "MLA Dupinder Saran wraps up her campaign." Golden opportunity missed.
I got Cave Digger VR. Regular price $25.51 not including tax. Sale price $3.35 including tax. I think I can handle a $3 shortfall. One 5 star review after another.
Cave Digger VR. In an elevator with rocks that form the four walls outside the elevator. Use a pickaxe to strike rocks until gems emerge just like with the Miner's Game in The Smurfs' Village app on Android. Interesting. Addictive? No. Worth $29 at full price? No. Worth $3? Probably.
I still haven't got Blade and Sorcery VR. $29. Still thinking about it.
Motion sickness. Pace yourself. Commit yourself to fighting no more than five enemies at one play through and then quit.
A few hours later: I still haven't gotten it. I seem to spend a lot of time on Game of Thrones Legends match 3 on Android tablet.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Swept the Courthouse this morning.
I took the plunge. I got Blade and Sorcery VR for $29 including tax. So there.
Tried Blade and Sorcery. Physics somewhat janky. I got through the tutorial. I defeated enemies unarmed using the jump and kick feature. Then I picked up their swords off the ground and defeated the rest. Then to the arena. Not fully knowing the game, I got struck down in the second round. I haven't yet found the lightsabers mod which is really what I paid money for.
I was going to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory. If no one rewards me for sweeping the Courthouse, I'll reward myself. The meal would have cost about $20 or more with tax and tips. I compensated for that shortfall through simply cancelling the trip and getting Sword and Sorcery. Sword and Sorcery cost me $29. Through not going to the restaurant and saving $20, in a sense I got Blade and Sorcery for $9. Opportunity cost being what it is.
The managers special, spicy meat with mizithra is the best spaghetti anywhere.
Using olive oil makes a difference. Putting some butter in the spaghetti sauce makes a difference. Does OSF use red wine? I'm not sure. Some recipe variations call for red wine.
My recipe is use olive oil and fry garlic and onions, onions optional. Then throw in some butter. Once it starts to discolour, add the ground beef. Butter usually doesn't brown if there's other things in the pan so fry and brown some butter first. Then add the olive oil, garlic and then ground beef. Then add Italian spices. Fry for one minute. Then add pasta sauce. Then add spaghetti and top with parmesan. Black pepper and truffle salt optional but I sure use it! The truffle salt gives it an upper class aristocratic quality. Just use a hint, never use too much. Truffles are an acquired taste for they smell like old sweaty gym socks.
Crap. I don't feel like sending an email to the BC Aviation Museum. Let me try another more unlikely vector. I'll write an open letter here and now.
Deer BC Aviation Museum:
Hello. I visited the museum once before. There is a VR app called World War 1 airplane. The airplane I have are a push propeller plane and the Fokker DR 1. Do you have a push propeller plane? If not, they would be hard to get. Not many left. A lot were shot down in the actual war.
I wonder what airplane models you have in the gift shop. I have to eventually get 1 triple Entente side WW1 airplane and a Central Powers WW1 airplane, a German triplane would be awesome. And an American WW2 plane, I want an American plane with at least one white star painted on it, and an RAF plane. I refuse to get any German WW2 planes because the politics of World War 2 were just too weird. World War 1, the politics driving the war were more traditional and not so crazy like WW2.
At the end of the next decade, it will be be the 100th year anniversary of WW2. I can't believe it. During the 70s when I grew up, a lot of dough boys were about my age now, in their 50s. Television shows like Ba Ba Black Sheep capitalized on World War 2 nostalgia. In 2039, everyone who fought in World War 2 would be dead.
I don't know what military planes are like exactly. The modern new school military airplane. They are sure on another level from the World War One airplanes for sure.
On the app Fly VR I retraced the seaplane route between Vancouver and Victoria in either direction. In Earthquest, press the trigger and it zooms too fast. Fly VR let's you fly at either a slow or fast pace. Those are the only two cities I want to visit. Sidney BC too.
I don't want to travel overseas. Getting busted could be the best thing to happen to someone because it reminds a person of why they'd rather get busted here in Canada than to get busted overseas. Even Sweden. I heard Swedish prisons are like one room social housing units if not luxury condominiums. But getting busted in a country where you don't know the language. Not good.
I'm taking the day off tomorrow. I already worked a few days in a row. As for the Courthouse, they never asked nor expect me to work there. I'll be back to work there again next week.
Monday is a holiday. It's residential school commemoration day. Therefore students in the Province commemorate that day by not attending school.
Every country has its dirty laundry. With a lot of countries it has something to do with World War 2. The physics of this dimension and the history it has caused.
The James Webb telescope discovered the presence of diamonds on Mercury.
I can picture the ad:
'Diamonds from Mercury. On sale now. Mercurial in origin but not in temperament.'
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Two days ago I found three tennis rackets and a badminton racket next to a dumpster.
The tennis rackets remind me of Beverly Hills and VR tennis. Badminton is fun too. I got a badminton VR app for $2 awhile ago.
September 30 is Truth & Reconciliation Day.
It is also the day in The Shining novel that Jack Torrance went to the Hotel Overlook. In the movie it was October 30.
September 30, 2005 is when I left Vancouver to move to Dawson Creek and then years later to Victoria.
I drink Vita Soy milk. There is a flavor called black soy milk. I got a carton of 6 of them. This is a flavor I haven't seen before. I also got 'Peking duck' made with gluten at $2.49 a can. I got just one can. I'm on a budget. I wonder if the flavor is really Peking duck. I doubt it but it could be.
Conscious Existence - A Journey Within VR. Price $6.50 with tax
Reviews in YouTube comments have words like, "Worth the price of the headset." which is about $600. Reminds me that I am more than my trauma. Reminds me of the gift of life. So I purchased it. This one grabbed me right away.
Tried it. Very beautiful. Not quite worth the price of the headset but I could see why that would be said. It needs to be played through a few times to fully digest the word salad within. There is an option to download a 9 Gb High Quality version. Tried it and it wouldn't start. At all. The default 3 Gb looks high quality enough. One day, the 9 Gb version can be parsed to 3Gb with evolving coding. There is the default 360 good. Then there is the 180 3D version. Good. Then there is the head tracking version. Not that good. I opted for the 3D 180 version. I'll give the default 360 version a go one of these days.
The message is to appreciate life and that your consciousness also exists outside of linear time and space. It's only a 7 minute video. I spent the 7 minutes in a haze. I am wrapped up in my current worries which may turn out to be nothing to worry about at all.
Monday, September 30, 2024
A mother and two cubs were killed when they became too familiarized with humans.
The News said last year, 420 bears were killed in BC by Conservation Officers.
The King's Guard at Buckingham Palace wear hats made of bear fur. They prefer that to artificial bear fur.
There's a black market for bear fur for sure. That brings to mind the furrier in the novel Gorky Park.
Bears are dangerous animals. The States has the second amendment so the average American citizen better able to deal with bears.
There are YouTube videos of bears eating people. Bears and cougars are dangerous animals.
There are so many places named Bear Mountain.
At least half the towns in BC if not all of them are near a place called Bear Mountain.
And you thought only Springfield is known for that.
Upon reflection, the situation in the Middle East is at an all time scary. The Leaders of Hamas, Leader and Deputy Leader as well as Deif the cat, the timely or untimely death of the former President of Iran and now Leaders of Hezbollah all done in during the last year.
That's wholesale assassination on an industrial level. Such a concentration of deaths of except for the former President of Iran, high ranking terrorist leaders living in all different countries.
This will either de-escalate or escalate the situation in that region. Will there be a Jihad like in the movie Dune?
In the novel Dune, Paul Atreides and the Fremen represented the Muslims and the Harkonnenens represented Christians and or Jewish. That is understood.
The Padishah Emperor on the planet Kaitan represents either the UK or OPEC.
Melanie or spice represents oil in the Middle East.
Today, I did some sweeping of the street.
I saw Karen today. We hung out together for awhile.