Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2024

Real VR Fishing is an absolute gem. I got the France DLC for $4. There is a Belgium and Netherlands DLC as well, for $4 each.
The Western US DLC alone is $14 which is more than than the other 3 put together.
Europe has the old world elegance. Don't be surprised if I get the other 2 Europe DLCs, I mean for $4 each. 
Galactic Catch is the first VR fishing game and that one is a gem as well. Surrealistic abstract fantasy worlds and fantasy fish. The chain of events. I got Baba Yaga on sale, which turned out to be an app for girls. Then Baba Yagas main screen menu featured a link to Galactic Catch. I already had the other games too, GC is the one I didn't have. It was on sale so I thought why not? Best VR purchase I made all month. 
The US and the Japan DLCs are prohibitively expensive. About $18 each. Holy crap, you'd have to be rich to afford all that. I've always loved the elegance of Europe. 
So I'm in the hole for the Great Gatsby, $9, plus $14 including tax for the fishing in Europe DLCs.
So I also got the Belgium and Netherlands DLC. 
The Netherlands DLC makes me think of The Dutch Bakery, a local bakery. 
It would be mind blowing if Real VR Fishing were to do the pier in Sidney BC as the would also be a mind blowing experience. 
Not good. Screen takes literally and not figuratively forever to load. That's when its running on 1 out of 4 cylinders. When it runs on all 12 cylinders, it works really well. So well that's its easily one of the best apps on VR. Per od. Most of the time it seems, it's not running well. And this is after plonking down $12 on the Europe DLCs which leaves me wondering how I would have been treated had I not gotten the Europe DLCs. I want this app to work properly. Others have commented about this in reviews. The developer replies and says to uninstall and reinstall. I did that but it doesn't work. 
Works most of the time. The trick is, just before getting into the app, go to settings and turn off cloud storage permission which is a green switch which can not be missed. Then get into the app, play the app and when complete, go to settings and turn on cloud storage permission again, then go to the Main menu of Real VR Fishing and go to storage and click the save data button. And that's it. 
Leaving cloud storage permission off will disable the auto save progress function of all VR apps installed and played. Leaving it on will result in the Real VR Fishing intro screen taking forever to load. When functioning normally, it clicks on in less than 5 seconds. It's that fast when running on all 12 cylinders. 
If you don't do this ritual, it will only work about 25% of the time and that's after uninstalling and reinstalling. Otherwise it just works 0% of the time with the intro screen taking an eternity to load. 
The Japan part 2 DLC looks interesting. $10 and has exotic squid fishing. 
There is a West Coast USA which has catfish fishing. But not noodling. Noodling is going into the water to use bother arms to scoop out the fish which theoretically is doable in VR but not yet achieved. Certainly not in Real VR Fishing. 
The game is absolutely mind-blowing. Not to spoil it, but it has rain as well. Imagine sitting on a fishing boat on a lake and its raining, all in VR. 
I checked out the Japan DLCs. Part 1 was all right. Part 2 was a lot better. 
Part 1 had one scene with shimmering glowing yellow lanterns set against a Japanese village made all of wood that is painted red but the village is set along a mountain and appears small in the distance yet instantly and grippingly medieval Japan nostalgic. 
Part 2 has several scenes. It has a nice wooden village scene, a cosmopolitan city scene, hauntingly beautiful winter scene all white and even then shrouded in a thick white fog, a Japanese royal castle, and a nighttime scene of glowing lanterns set along a bridge made of painted red wood and the bridge is very near not in the distance csdting quite an impressionable and mesmerizing presence. To be honest and not to euphemize, the squid that I saw in the preview trailer looked horrid and grotesque. A shiny VR grotesque John Carpenter The Thing like entity with sliderly insectoid arms. I was expecting an elegant white cuttlefish with exquisite spots. It did promise other cephalopods aka squids. For the exquisite backgrounds, all of them that I liked were good. There's one boring unmemorable one but the rest were top class. I'll get Japan part 2. 
Updste: I got Japan Part 2. I hope I don't have to uninstall and reinstall it to access this again which I never had to do on any other app. Other apps ran like liquid diamonds. Smooth. Get a DLC and it's retroactively there. No reinstallation required. Nope, not with Real VR Fishing. Retarded or what. Even then it's worth the money because this app is next level. 
Part 1 had all unmemorable scenes and only one that was semi good. Whereas part 2 had a few really good scenes. Wtf. Get Japan part 2. 
I'm still watching my budget like a hawk. I'm mindful of my budget. I'm only getting straight goods. 
Just like with Puzzling Places VR, I could only get a few and not all of the DLCs. Puzzling Places does have a monthly subscription where all puzzles can be accessed and I got that. It's worth it. I'm on the thing every day. 

I checked out Puzzles of Loci. There's one really good one. Red painted Newfoundland style houses set against 19th century style wooden bridges and boardwalks. Highly nostalgic. But that one kind of good scene set against other strange arbitrary surreal irrelevant unmemorable scenes didn't seem worth the asking price. 

When I lived in Dawson Creek, I met a guy named Hawkeye, probably one of a few people referred to as Hawkeye that you'd find in any small town in N America. That was probably an omen because in Gun Club VR, I'm getting some incredible shots that even amaze me and it doesn't seem to be rigged or auto aim. Sometimes I get the most incredible headshots while the captor is holding a hostage and st a distance. 

2025 is the start of the 2nd half of the decade.

I was somewhat thinking of getting Ocean Rift VR but after watching the only fan made 360 VR video of it on YouTube, it was a complete turn off. Sea snake. Poisonous as anything. Sure, whatever. Piranha looks intriguing. Swim in the midst of a school of piranha in VR. A pop up placard says that attacks are usually extreme rare.
Then a moray eel. I commented about it then the narrated placard appears. Strange timing. Wait. Those three animals each live hundreds if not thousands of miles apart. Sea snake, Indian ocean. Piranha, Amazon River. Moray eel, Pacific Ocean. And there they are all swimming together. In real life, any of those species would love to tear a chunk out of any human if not eat them completely altogether. I won't get this. At $12. Even a millionaire wouldn't carelessly fling away $12. I like scuba diving VR apps. 
There is another VR app where the player uses a hand held underwater jet propeller to get to a shipwreck. That game was fun except for when it got a person to look for impossible to find things and to do impossible tasks. 
Update: January 2, got it on sale for $8. 
Also got Fishing in VR. Trailer shows realistic fish. $4. I hope it's a good VR app and not a money laundering scam. The fish look realistic. The scenery looks sub par. And I'm guessing there's no fish tank. It looks like one person made this app living in a basement. 
Fishing in VR was horrible. Just horrible. Requested refund. 

I got news that my hotel is staying open for another three years at least. So I won't be moving and living on the streets in a tent and jug hitting meth and fentanyl mixture at 5 in the morning with the gang then dying this year. What a relief. 

Thursday, January 2, 2024

I bit the bullet and got Japan part 1 for $10.07 including tax on Real VR Fishing. That real nice wooden village I thought was in part 2 was actually in part 1. 

The United States DLCs on Real VR Fishing are about $20 each. Fuck me, that's pricey. I'd opt if I had a preference to get the West Coast DLC. I live on the West Coast and tis DLC includes Hawaii. It's really five times the effort to travel to the East Coast from where I am. That'd be travelling clear across the Continent and I don't think I can handle that level of intensity. The few places I'd like to visit on the East Coast would be New York and Disney World Star Wars in Florida. Washington DC would be interesting too. I'm not that much into politics although I have had a few dreams of American Presidents. 
$20 each. I'll have to mull it over for awhile. I get a $200 GST cheque. We all do. People who work get a workers rebate that along with the GST totals $1,400. 
Trudeau is or is not going to give Canadians a $250 just because cheque. Really it is a tacit agreement for voters to vote for him in the next election. "We have an understanding. This $250. Vote for me in the next election!" 
Chrystia Freeland called this costly political gimmicky and she was Trudeau's Right Hand Lady which leaves me wondering what politicians who aren't Trudeau's Right Hand, Otto the Hand, think of him. It's like Knives Out. On the News they want him to resign. Canadian PM's usually have a maximum shelf life of about ten years so all of this is right on schedule. 
I think Trudeau should have another kick st the can and he probably will. 
The honeymoon period with the next PM will be over and people will want Trudeau back again. Just like with George Lucas. Fans complained about Jar Jar Bunks but after the Disney sequels, fans wanted George Lucas to do more Star Wars movies again. 
Trudeau will most likely return for a stint but it won't be nearly the ten year run of his first administration. He will be an older Trudeau, a salt and pepper Trudeau. 
What the heck. I'll take another peek at the US DLCs. If I get West Coast, it will be next month due to the paucity of my budget unless there is a drastic price drop limited time sale. At that point I'd have to get it then. 
East Coast is more iconic. But pricier, $17 plux tax. It has the Statue of Liberty, Miami Beach, Brooklyn, Central Park, Niagara Falls, and the Florida Everglades. 
West Coast is $14 plus tax and has The Grand Canyon, San Francisco, a ferris wheel amusement park at Santa Monica Pier, A couple of bridges st lakes that I don't know. It looks all right but the East Coast one has more iconic scenes but is more expensive and I don't plan to travel there in real life unless I'm a Millionaire. Whereas West Coast has less iconic scenes, but costs $3 less and the West Coast is in the intellectual geographical  vicinity of my dreams of traveling to the US. Don't worry, there is a free United States level in the game which has a few scenes although I don't know how famous those places are. 
I like West Coast. 

I have a Police story. They'd like to know that I was keeping score. 
On Monday, December 30, the 2nd last day of the year, I was sweeping the grounds of the Courthouse. I swept both sheriff garages making sure to get every last leaf even in the seam along the walls. I swept the North area of the Courthouse making sure to get every last leaf from the cracks along the sidewalk. The Courthouse should look nice. 
As I was sweeping the first garage, I saw an Amazon Prime van. I checked and my Amazon delivery arrived. So that van was an omen and a nudge. 
Then as I was completing my work, I saw two Police cars pull up to the Courthouse. They were parked on opposite sides of the street facing in opposite directions. 
For a second, I thought that they were there for me. I once talked to an old lady at the soup line who said that often when she sees the Police, for a second, she wonders if they are there for her. It's a common enough thought. If the Police want to talk to me, they would have. The Police are a lot of things but reticent isn't one of them. 
They didn't. Then I thought that a symbol of the new year is Janus and Janus is a two headed God that faces in opposite directions. The year is over. 
Also that I didn't really have to work the next day. Take December 31, take that day off. So I did. 
They didn't talk to me so they would have been at the Courthouse for something else. 

Squid Game Season 2, The Complete Season released a few days ago. I watched the first part of it. It was just where it left off. 
The main protagonist arrives at the airport. At a restaurant the Police Chief is baffled that Jun Ho the Police Officer lost his phone at the island and couldn't place the location of the island. The Chief asks who shot him. Not wanting to reveal that not only is his brother alive, he's the Dr No of that island which would be even more baffling than losing the phone, the Officer says, "I don't know." 
A teenage couple argues with Jun Ho. I'm thinking it's foreshadowing and that teenage couple could be seen again later on in the Games. 

I saw a YouTube video about a divination ritual in Hong Kong. The Chinese characters read Dah Siyu Yun. Which translated leterally means hit little person but translated figuratively and colloquially means voodoo. A paper figure who is named after the person who is getting under the client's hair. The person did something or humiliated the client in some way and the client just can't stop thinking about the person. The voodoo practitioner hits the small paper effigy with a shoe which in non first world countries is an ultimate insult until the small anthropomorphic paper origami is nearly pulverized. 
I wouldn't pay for this ritual for anyone in my life. I envision a room which I would place anyone in my life who I hate. The thing is, I always see this room as empty. 
Jesus said to say a prayer for those who slighted you. That's what I always make sure to do. I wish anyone who ever slighted me the best for their future. As long as it's not a future that involves me. 
The Bible strongly admonished against any form of divination and even psychics although King Saul tried to summon the ghost of the prophet Samuel. 
Psychics use a science that can be correlated from anyone who has ever had a vivid dream about a relative who died let alone Royalty who died. Dreams that seem more vivid than this life. Stories of such dreams are plentiful. 
Such powerful dreams come from God energy. The two are interconnected. Pastor Joel Osteen talks about the God level. Matt Fraser talks about the spirit level. Each of those levels of knowledge is incomplete without the other. 
This kind of divination is illegal in Canada as under the Laws of Canada, I think witchcraft, necromancy, black magic is illegal in Canada. On the streets, it's just not very good mojo. 
Other countries sure got a lot of strange things. 

Oblivious. Aztec Camera. 

Still Thursday the 2nd. I put up my new calendar. 
I spent all night obsessing about the Real VR Fishing US West Coast and East Coast. Even though they cost about $15 each, they each have over 20 locations. Each. The Europe DLCs at $4 have just 3 scenes each. $15.67 including tax for the West Coast edition and $19.03 for the East Coast edition totals $34.70. 
Every time I play this app, I spend a minimum of an hour on it. Real VR Fishing is much better than Galactic Catch. It's like Galactic Catch and Brink Traveler heck, Teleport Iceland got together and had a baby. 
It's a very good life. Work sweeping the streets and then relax with time at the gun range with Gun Club VR and or fishing with Real VR Fishing. 
I imagine that the sheriffs at the Courthouse likewise when they completed their work for the day, they would either go to a gun range, Gun Club VR or else go fishing, Real VR Fishing. 
I wonder if there are any good fishing spots in Victoria BC? You need to get a good fishing rod, a couple of good floats, good lures, live bait like worms or squid is best. And good fishing line. Use a 10 pound test to catch a 5 pound fish, amateur. Use a 10 pound test to catch a 20 pound fish, expert. And get a fishing license. 
With the amount of ergs, joules and caloric output in terms of brain energy expenditure that I spent mulling over the US editions, don't be surprised if I actually decide to get them, the East Coast and the West Coast DLCs. 
This is the only app where one wouldn't feel out of place if they were to urinate off the side of the boat for that more realistic VR fishing experience. 
I figured out that one room has the freshwater tank and the other room has the saltwater marine aquarium. Now that's thinking two steps ahead. This is the app of the year. It's life changing. This is way better than Galactic Catch. 
The fish tanks in Real Fishing VR can hold a lot of fish but not an unlimoted amount. In real life, the optimum is ten gallons of water per fish maximum of 5 gallons per fish. Depends if its a bigger fish or a smaller one. That's because the undergravel filter can only filter out so much uh, extrusions. It's always a wretched sight to see fish swimming with a tube of extrusion just dangling from its back side as it swims past as if in a grim parade procession. 
With VR fish, you don't have to worry about that. 
VR will get better. The fish still look somewhat cartoonish. I'm counting on it one day looking so shockingly photo realistic that it looks more real than real. 

In Real VR Fishing, when bait is changed, the fish color changes. Red means the fish doesn't like the bait. Yellow means that it kinda likes the bait and green means that it likes the bait completely. Match the catch. 

Crap. My friend did give me a calendar. It was a 2024 calendar. Don't worry. Look for a month that starts the dame day as this month does and do it like that. In that way, all calendars can more or less be used over and over again. 
Society is a synthetic set up where months are 31 or 30 or 29 days. The moon never does a 29 day month. A true lunar month is 28 days. 
One reason for this is because if every month was 28 days, there goes the calendar industry. It's a billion dollars a year annual worldwide industry. 
But if every month started in the same day and ended with the same day, the day that it ends would have some kind of bad luck stigma attached to it. 
Just like now, there are 13 lunar cycles a year. Moon means night, darkness, death. 13 at dinner. The 13th guest, Judas, was the unlucky one. Hotels cancel out floor 13. But NASA in all its wisdom didn't cancel out Apollo 13 like hotels cancel out 13th floors. Result, between Apollo 11 and Apollo 17, Apollo 13 was the only one that didn't work. 
The LEM Lunar Ejection Module has a descent and an ascent stage. When the ascent stage initially left the moon, the descent stage remained. When the ascent stage hooked up with the LCM Lunar Command Module, the ascent stage was subsequently ejected back onto the surface of the moon where its location remains a mystery to this day. 
Artemis is going to the moon somewhere between 2026 and 2028. 
I hope I find a free calendar. Otherwise a calendar usually costs nearly $20 of which the opportunity cost is a Real VR Fishing US DLC. Calendars are usually a lot cheaper in February. 

Well. I knuckled down and paid for the 2 US DLCs on Real VR Fishing so it's in the can. I'm also going to get Shores of Loci. 
The States DLCs are running on all 12 cylinders. There is an update. Runs better now. 

I swept the Courthouse grounds. New Year. I did extra. I made sure to sweep out all of the cracks on the sidewalk. I don't know how many other people would just volunteer to do that for the Courthouse despite what good works the Courts have done for them. I am honored to work for the Courthouse. 

Believe it or not I'm actually trying to stop getting VR apps. I have too save my money for what. Traveling? 

Shores of Loci. Absolutely breathtaking. Had to put it down and have a coffee first before venturing further. While some apps are underwhelming, this app is overwhelming in the best way. Sheer absolute spectacular. 

Ocean Rift. Got it. Tried it. Very good. MR leaves much to be desired. Strange. Otherwise awesome app. Scuba diving experience. 
Tip: best used lying down on the stomach for a more realistic experience. 
Ocean Rift. The mixed reality made me draw a mirror. The mirror could onky be drawn in one place where I have a shelf full of knick knacks. The shf registered as a black block and I was unable to see the champagne level aquarium that the app promises. 
I went to the Caspian white beluga level. I've only seen that shiny plastic textures on things in VR in still life. In this app, things with that shiny texture are animated. Wait, I did see the penguins in the Nat Geo app. 
Do you think that me getting so many VR apps is crazy? VR is a learning experience. It's like going to school but without grade quotas and homework and requirement for the ADD to be turned off at all times like st an actual University. 
I'm a VR afficianado but not really. As with all platforms, Gba, DS, Psp, Android tablet etc I'm always never getting the prime premium games that most serious gamers get. I'm talking about teenagers that can play video games better than adults of any age. For eg. the big game on Gba was Final Fantasy. I never got that. 
On meta quest, the top games are Arkham Asylum and Bone Lab and Contractors. I never got those. 
The most famous game on PSP was Code of Honour and Brothers In Arms and I never played that due to being prone to lotion sickness which would make me a terrible astronaut. So much for going on the Artemis program. That program has some criteria. 
1. United States citizen. 
2. University minimum of Masters Degree in Sciences achieved. 
3. Some military experience. 
4. Minimum height requirement of 6' tall. 
5. Dependent on results of psychological assessment. 
Well, zero out of five ain't bad. Therefore I won't be going on the Artemis program. 
Tried the MR experience again in Ocean Rift. Works really good and can set up more than one aquarium window and in the middle of the room where I am standing. It's more of a window than an aquarium. A window into the sea. 
Sometimes apps have to be tried again. 

Friday, January 3, 2024

The entry stage was released back to the moon after it left the command module and is at an unknown location. When I see unknown location, I'm thinking classified location. The entry stage had another mission. It probably had a tactical nuke and it was there to test the effect of incendiaries on the moon. There was a camera there and measuring devices. The military would want to know that. 
That is one possibility. 

On meta quest VR, someone called Mindy Scott is always calling me. When you go on meta horizon world's, a few times for the inexperienced is all it takes. People notice you and follow you or send follow requests. It can even come from leaving a review. Don't go on horizon world's ever and don't leave reviews. Of course over the course of a few months, people sent me follow requests and I followed them back. Why not? 
Getting calls. There are many reasons I would get a call and none of them are good. I guess I'll have to block this person. Unfollow and block. 
The Police on television have said never accept any calls on social media. 
I hope that someone contacting me named mScott is an omen that Teleport Scotland will be released to meta quest. Teleport Iceland is already released. It used to be on meta oculus then it was taken down for updating. Well, where is it? Who wouldn't want to teleport to Scotland especially the famous curving Victoria Street? Scotland is more island living. Mainland living and island living are two completely different dynamics. Island living is more backwater. 

My Court case is coming up. I'm supposed to call my legal aid lawyer but every time I call him he never calls back. Sometimes I get calls on my phone with a strange area code, not a local area code. One time I looked up the area code and it said Quesnel. Why would my lawyer be in Quesnel? Thera probably a scammer call and looking up the number, it was a scammer number. 
My phone is not working because I want to save money. If I reactivate the phone and can't get that old number again and get a new number, I would have to tell that to my bail supervisor aka probation officer. 
I left them all, Courthouse and the lawyer a second number I could be contacted. That number has never been called. 
Meanwhile I just go on sweeping the Courthouse to a level that is almost military clean. 
I'll just show up on the Court day and accept any judgement the Court gives me. 

The name, Scott. Mindy mscott381926 makes me think of the Presbyterian Church. If I don't go there for awhile, people from there will see me on the street and ask me why don't I go back there? Presbyterian Church is from Scotland. It's a cult. Al religions are cults. Hyperspecific details, they all think they have the monopoly on truth. Cult. 
Religions think they have a moral authority on you equivalent to the authority that the government has on you. Church and State. The problem is that Churches are schismatic. So many schism, denominations. They sort of cancel each other out. 
The Catholic Church is more unified, have more things in common. The Protestant Church is all about schism and crazy denominations. The Catholic Church is the OG Christian Church but is more high maintenance than Protestantism. So many more details. 
In most countries Church attendance is declining as the years go on. 
There is a great preacher on YouTube and I've thought of moving to that town to be with that Church. However since I'm already watching his sermons on YouTube, I'm already getting some of the best of that town and none of the worst of it. Some of and not all of because come on, there are a lot of other great things in that town. Restaurants, good people etc. 
These weird cults will try to coopt me but they can only do so much. What if I got a job? What if I'm into other things? What if I'm not avoiding something but rather just more into something else? What if I moved to another town? What if I have a mental issue that prevents me from returning? 
The shitbag garbage forces of life. Why does life send me nudges pertaining to people and places that I decided that I don't want to have anything to do with anymore? 
Why do I generate a certain kind of energy and why do the forces of life throw this personality and that personality at me, none who are as talented as me or are into the things I'm into and at my level? Sure they might be skilled in other areas but that still means hsving not much in common. 
Why does the often shitbag garbage defective forces of life throw thoughtless people at thoughtful people? 
It is because like I said before, it's the same forces that decided to dither around with dinosaurs for about 350 million years. Life is about islands of mindfulness surrounded by oceans of mindlessness. 
Or is mscott - mascot? A common enough online moniker which has nothing to do with Scotland or the Presbyterian Church. 

Life isn't always wretched and garbage. Often I get some really good things in life. I guess how would you know one without the other without those things offsetting one another? 
I once talked about seeing someone whom I thought to be a delinquent outside of Shoppers Drug Mart a few years ago. He was carrying a fishing rod. He was angry. He looked at me and said, "I'll break you!" 
Well, that fishing rod turned out to be an omen of Real VR Fishing which is the ultimate fishing app and not even Galactic Catch which is a penultimate fishing appp. 
And even the word break. I was working 7 days a week being a caregiver with seemingly no end in sight. That phrase could mean that eventually I'd get be getting a break or a stop to the work. That's metanoia. 
Paranoia would think that the guy would eventually attack me. But that was years ago and he never attacked me. 
Wherever that guy is, I wish that guy complete blessings and a good life. That fishing rod was a makor good omen. 
At the time I thought I was the forces of life presenting me with yet another delinquent. It turned out that he held in his hands a vital and blessed omen. 
Fish, pisces, Jesus. One of the symbols for Jesus is fish which of course makes sense since Jesus was a carpenter. 
Jesus is the Age of Pisces. Then there is the Age of Aquarius which is the next one. I don't know what year that starts. Hippies talked a lot about the age of Aquarius. 

I'm scared of that call. I'll have to put on a 24 hour do not disturb. 
William Burroughs once wrote, "Do not answer the call. Turn the machine off completely." 
Burroughs had problems with cults that tried to coopt him such as Scientology, he did the squirrel test. And Jehovah's Witnesses as well. 
I put a block on the person. 
I'm thinking, "What if that person was a celebrity or to quote the Simpsons, a big wheel at the cheese factory?" Curiosity killed the cat. It's such thoughts that lead to people getting involved in weird online bullshit. There are many reasons anyone would get a call and none of them are good. Exploitation, sexploitation, solicitation, etc. The sometimes garbage forces of life. 

South Korea. The Parliament wants the Leader to resign. What's the difference between that and what's going on the Canadian Parliament? MPs want Trudeau to resign so what you have here in Canada is South Korea lite. 
The main takeaways are about a year ago, President Yoon survived an assassination attempt when a knife was plunged into his throat. He survives. More political infighting. The rarefied rabbithole that is politics of any country. A preacher gifts Yoon's wife with a $2,000 Christian Dior handbag. She was vilified in the press. #triggered  To protect his wife's dignity, the President orders martial law and less than two days later retracts the martial law and apologizes on National television. 
Since then its been unending calls for his impeachment, resignation. And it looks like he got busted for the illegal unconstitutional institution of martial law and is impeached now. 
Tommy Douglas of the NDP said that politics is like mice voting for cats. Sometimes they vote for a white cat, sometimes they vote for a black cat and then it's back to the white cat again. 
Washington DC is taking a keen interest as South Korea is an American protectorate just like Taiwan and the Philippines. 

Today I got the Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar. Or else get the Harry Potter calendar with a picture of Voldemort, no thanks. I was thinking that perhaps one of the ladies in the swimsuit calendar if you knew her in real life is evil like Voldemort. So either way I got a calendar. Due to my optimum points, I got the calendar for free. 
The calendar was $9 plus tax. My optimum points discount was $10. Fist you have to get more than $10 of things but I got some whipping cream too. That's the upper class luxury choice for milk for coffee and tea. Whipping cream. And I got that today. 

The News said that Liam Payne's coke dealer got busted. 
Whitney Houston's coke dealer did not get busted. She died while in the bathtub. Her coke dealer said, "You don't die from doing coke and then getting into a bathtub. The onky thing you get is cleaner." 
The coke could have been laced with lidocaine which will kill if taken in more than small doses. It depends if the coke was laced with some deadly adulterants. 
A dealer can otherwise not be held accountable for the amount the customer takes on each dose. Any user ought to know that the lethal no return the body finally medically succumbing to the lethal amount of a drug for coke is about 2 grams and for heroin is just under a gram. An eightball is 3 and a half grams so doing that eightball in the bathroom probably wouldn't be the brightest idea in the world. It would be a downright deadly idea. 

15 dead and 35 injured in New Orleans after someone drove an SUV into a crowd. The 15 dead includes the suspect. 
New Orleans is known for its recipes. I know of a couple. Jambalaya. Fry some garlic and then add some ketchup, some Worcestshire sauce and some sugar. Then fry some shrimp and diced salami or pepperoni, sliced red bell peppers, sliced onions green scallions and white onions then some penne pasta. Fry all that up. Real Jambalaya has Cajun spices but like any dish, there are about at least a dozen varieties depending on region. Hardcore Jambalaya calls for alligator or crocodile meat. An alligator is a reptilian just like a chicken or any bird so the meat tastes like chicken with a heavy brsckish flavour of the swamp. It's an acquired taste. 
At the end of the movie JFK, which takes place in New Orleans, Tommy Lee Jones left the Courthouse saying, "I'm going to go home and bake an etoufee." A etoufee is an open faced pie. Get a pie shell and in a frying pan, fry up jambalaya but without the pasta. And add in some egg to give it body. Scoop that from the frying pan into the pie shell and bake in an oven. It should be pretty good. It's a foolproof recipe. 
New Orleans has Antoine's which has oysters Rockefeller. Local restaurants have that too. I tried it myself. Pretty good. There are probably a few varieties but the original recipe at Antoine's is a secret. 
Whoever did that is an idiot. The Police killed him on the spot. Play with the bull, you get the horns. 

In learning to do a backflip, one can make a table which is with the back arched and all four limbs on the ground, bend over forward quickly, thus doing a backflip. 
When I bend my upper right arm backwards along with bending my hand backwards, there is a tremendous pain and stiffness in my upper arm that occurs sat no other time. Putting on my doctors hat it would be attributed to years of plaguing the drums. While the left hand pounds down kn the drum on every second and fourth best of 4/4 time, The right hand beats down in 8/4 time. Do that for years. It's the using the hands to pat down on the knees in that eight four time rather than doing it holding drumsticks. Do that for years and I wonder why my upper arm cramps up like anything when I bend it back. 
This reminds me of Celine Dion talking about stiff body syndrome. She feels that all over the body all the time while making no otherwise unusual or extraordinary gymnastics moves. 
I wonder if that's normal or a sign of muscular dystrophy or even stiff body syndrome which is what health anxiety and just a faint dismal medical knowledge can do. 

One day soon, I'm going to start that cartoon. It's different when you see an actual graphic interpretation of that story all fleshed out. Time travel. I have a specific vision in my mind for every frame of that cartoon. That's when you have to do it. 
As for the Cyberpunk Police cartoon, I had a vision but one scene is of a sleek futuristic neon lined Police car parked outside a hotel at night. All kinds of darkened buildings with neon lighting. It's raining. The view is from a worm's eye view, from the ground up. 
There are people walking around with umbrellas. Are you kidding? I don't have the skill to do that. To put on screen the vision that matches the one in my mind. So forget it. An AI graphics generator like King could do a picture of that with those exact words entered in the description. 
I saw quite a few cyber ambience videos on YouTube. You can tell that they are AI generated. There is a shanty town derelict cabin perched in an otherwise ultra futuristic city in a sort of sub K1 meets above K2 Kardashevian graphical architectural bestial coupling. And you can tell that it's AI generated because the Chinese characters are all horribly wrong. You don't have to enter in an entire Chinese dictionary, just the top 100 recurrent Chinese characters of very day living, seafood Hoy sin shows up a lot. Words like chicken as found on a menu or restaurant sign, wine, hay which means fortune and double hay which shows up a lot in the pantheon of every day Chinese characters that can be expected to be seen. Can't the AI process 100 Chinese characters? Even someone as squeamish about the language as me can still manage to piss out 100 Chinese characters committed to memory. So much for the advancement of AI. At least program 52 Chinese characters. That's the same number of upper and lower case letters put together or at any rate a deck of cards. Can't AI properly learn 52 Chinese characters? Even completely Caucasian tattooists at tattoo parlours can in all probability manage to bang out 52 Chinese characters committed to memory. 

First and utmost, I would like to say that the entire meta quest VR community on this planet would have a collective nerdgasm on the day that in the meta quest horizons virtual environment Cyber City, a player is able to actually climb the ladder, go into the tiny hallway alcove space and open the door into the second floor bedroom space with the bog screen TV. I can visualize what that would be like. Lighted ladder stairway and small hallway like on a submarine. Then the second floor is geek nerd second floor, drab coloured carpet, bed with all kinds of pizza boxes, comic books, action figures, VR paddles strewn on the floor and the inevitable bug screen TV and looking out the window onto the Coruscantlike future Earth. That will be the day. 

Saturday, January 4, 2024

I got Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny on YouTube for $11 on sale from $25. I had to. It looks gorgeous on YouTube. I couldn't afford it for $25. 
Other movies. Horizon an American Saga. On sale for $7. Comments were mixed. Some said the show has no real beginning or end, disconnected stories and part 2 might be years away like the space between Squid Game season 1 and 2. 
The Outsiders. I watched this with Heather. On sale for $8. The problem is, it's not a spectacular movie. The setting is underwhelming. Impoverished area of America in the 50s.  I'm not paying for a movie that isn't science fiction George Lucas Steven Spielberg Interstellar level of spectacular. Science fiction and spectacular historical movies. 
Horizon isn't a show that I know well. And The Outsiders. Both of these movies can be watched on free movie sites. 
The Outsiders is a chick flick. 
Horizon is spectacular. At the price, I got it.
"I hate doing old time Western movies. You have to turn off the camera every time a plane flies overhead." said no one. 

Horizon.. An American Saga. Well worth the sale price of about $8. 

I feel lost in existence. It feels like everything is overwhelming and all wrong. I'm going to sweep the streets at a certain area tomorrow unless it rains. 
Weekday and raining, I might work, 50%
Weekend and sunny I might work 50%
Weekend and raining I won't work 100%. 

Groups try to nudge you and coopt you to join them because they know that you know that they know that they are some xulty organization and that they have to resort to these tactics to get you to go back there in a place where they otherwise wouldn't have to do that. 
People from races like to walk on the shoulders of giants. People from my race invented that is expressed as "We invented that." Yeah, right, as if you actually hand a hand in any of that. 
Like Bill Maher said, "When you say," We won the game!" You didn't win the game. Six guys who would hate you if they met you won the game." 
You didn't invent that. Some guy who would hate you if he met you invented that. 
And then some people of all Nationalities inherit money. It's not like they applied any skill to get that money. Theyre otherwise gormless people who got their inheritance through some mindless process. It's people like that which I don't have anything in common with. My life is based on skills whether it's drawing faces accurately, doing animated cartons, riding a kicks copter using only one hand, riding a skateboard, doing gymnastics etc. 

Syria. Syria is mostly Sunni. Hamas is Sunni. Benjamin Netanyahu went after Assad with a vengeance. Everyone else who was involved at the top level of the Oct 7 Hamas attack is now dead or in Assad's case deposed. October 7 happened under Assad's watch. 
Netanyahu propped up the new Syrian Leader. It didn't matter that the new Syrian Leader is also a Russian puppet. He just didn't have the sentimental actual involvement in October 7th. Assad escaped with his life. I'm sure that he was targeted for assassination by Israeli forces. 

Dictatorships are more upfront in the way that the cards are all on the table. Democracies are a dance of deception and misrepresentation as popular vote means nothing. There are all kinds of algorithms. 
I wish that Trudeau could be PM for life. It would be a benign dictatorship. Trudeau is a platinum grade politician. That's my ideal. The reality is that in all probability, there will be an election next year. Even Trudeau is hard pressed to withstand such political pressure. 

2 out of 3 worries were struck down just like that. Worry about growing old. Oh well, that will take care of itself. Worry about my hotel. It's not closing. It's still staying open so I won't be living on the streets hopefully because if I were, I wouldn't last a week. My only worry is the Court case. But the general consensus with all those I discussed my case with are that I don't have much to worry about at all and it was unanimous. 

Was Siri listening to me? One doesn't actually have to install Siri as it's not so hidden tech, it's part of the default OS. 
I'm not perfect at all. Far from it. I often say things hundreds of times over and over again in echolalia such as 
- "I'm fucked in the head."
- "I'll never get a girlfriend ever again." Yeah, right, if I could only get that in writing. Women are a rabbbithole of issues and bossy b*itchiness. Being single, having a girlfriend, I am only trading one set of worries for another. 
- "Oh Beebs. I love you so much, beautiful. I can't make it without you Beebs. I don't know if I even want to try but I have to try. Oh sweetness. I'll always love you." 
- "Herbessa, my precious little girl. You're so cute, baby." 
If that's all Siri gets on me, it's not much. 

Heather lived to be 54 years and so many months and so many days when she died. It was about the time I got to about 54 years and so many months and so many days that I saw Heather in the dream where she was standing in front of the Cactus Club. 
Pay attention to that. Ghosts love to do that. 

President Jimmy Carter's funeral is today. 
52 cards in a deck. 52 upper and lower case letters in the alphabet. 52 weeks in a year. Jimmy Carter became President at age 52. All connected? Not unless you have some form of confirmation bias. 

Sunday, January 5, 2024

Bullet Train. On sale on YouTube for $8. Got it. 

Today, I'm on the Colorado River, Arizona stage of Real VR Fishing. The canyon reminds me of the setting of Horizon An American Saga. 
I'm going to talk about America in a minute. 
I don't know where exactly Horizon is set. Montana? That's the State just East of Washington State so it's pretty near Canada. 
Imagine me time traveling and teleporting there. I'm at a small river near a canyon. Kevin Costner and his gang are a few miles away. The chance that they'd just ride up in the next five minutes are slim considering that they're probably at that moment a lot somewhere in town smoking tobacco and drinking whiskey at the bar. 
As long as I don't affect any human destinies, I should be all right. Imagine a deer shows up and it was going to go in a certain direction. It sees me, gets spooked and runs. Along the way the deer hits or injured a person. This person would have otherwise been a major politician. 
Anyways the Colorado River stage has a bridge to the left. You could film an 1800s movie there as long as you don't shoot the bridge or any planes flying overhead. 
America. When I was younger I did different drugs. Cheech and Chong. Still Smoking. What can I say? That would completely cancel out any visits to the States only if the Customs Officer quizzes me about that. They might not. 
I've had quite a few dreams about famous Americans including Condoleeza Rice, Kampala Harris, George W Bush, Obama, Trump, Nixon, and Lincoln. I saw something. Tell us what you think you saw and don't leave out any details. It was too weird. 
Anyways I would like to visit a few places in the States. The most famous. New York, Los Angeles, Disneyland California Star Wars Galaxys Edge, Las Vegas Nevada, Disneyland Orlando Florida Miami Beach, Houston Texas Pastor Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church, Monterey California Cannery Row, Antoine's Restaurant in New Orleans. 
Those are the number one prime choices in the US. If I had enough money, I'd also visit Chicago. I thought I'd be shot if I ever visit but someone on the internet once wrote to me and said specifically that I would not be shot and that the area is safe and they have lived there for years. 
I hope to be able to visit the States one day but that would be beyond my imagination. 

Today I plan to go and visit what I think would be prime fishing spots in Victoria near where I live. Some of the prime fishing spots, not all of the prime fishing spots. That would take forever. 
I'm thinking Clover Point, Dallas Road Beach Holland Point Park, Ogden Point is a place I see quite a few fishermen and fisher women. 
Sometimes an Officer from Fisheries Canada will walk along Ogden Point asking anglers to produce their fishing license. A fishing license is generally $8 a day, $12 a week or $24 a year. There must be a separate license purchased for tidal salt water and non tidal fresh water fishing. A person can be finned I mean fined for fishing without a license. 
I plan to actually get some fish to eat. Not expensive. The fish market at fisherman's wharf. I've been playing a few fishing games on VR. Galactic Catch which I will look at again one day, Real VR Fishing and A Fisherman's Tale part 1 and 2,. Part 1 was hit it out of the park adventure on the St Roch level of nautical excellence. Part 1 is legend in my mind. Legend. 

Jack Dempsey, cichlid fish species. 

Real VR Fishing, the big fish look awesome as they are in the air at a distance doing a flip before going into the water again. The big fish so far aren't that exciting. A few salmon, a few large trout. Let's face it, the most major fish are the swordfish, the marlin, stingray, grouper, baby great white shark, nurse shark, hammer head shark, catching a tuna is Mor major than catching a salmon. Albacore tuna, skipjack tuna. As one gets experience, that gives access to the more major fish. 
There is one freshwater fish called the Jack Dempsey that just looks amazing. Not named after a fisherman, named after boxer Jack Dempsey. 
There is a technique. When a big fish bites, don't do any reeling. Any reeling at all will tighten the slack and the line will snap. Let the line spool out. The video game assumes this but in real life, one can release the spool rod which can not be done in Real VR Fishing. Oh well, nobody's perfect. Then reel in the fish. In the game, there is a blue zone, a transparent zone and a red zone. Reel in big fish getting the line close to the blue zone, very near but not in the blue zone, in the safe middle ground transparent zone. Impatience will make a person get the line close to the red zone which reels it in faster but when the fish is enraged, the line automatically and quickly advances hard into the red zone, line snapped, fish, bait and float as well is gone. More floats must be eventually be purchased. 
There are mind blowing surprises which just blew my mind. Spoilers look away if you are planning to get this. Whales at the San Francisco Bay level. They scared me. I thought that was something I had to catch which dwarfs any fish I've seen so far. Different whales doing different things. Each is a surprise. Humpback whales. Interesting since I visited the Humpback Whales stage in Ocean Rift VR. 
Lightning strikes at a beach somewhere in Korea. 

I know I'm getting long winded but the AI behind the aquarium in Real VR Fishing displays a high error rate. In optimum cases fish bounce off one another as if they were solid. 
In less than optimum cases, the fish swim through each other as if they were ghosts. 
Unreal Engine 5.5. Genisys 6? Unity? 

Today I did go to Clover Point to see the ocean live and not in VR. At Clover Point I saw a fishing boat! Silver and the L shaped winch that was on it reminding me of the movie Jaws was unmistakable. That is a good sign of Real VR Fishing. 
Today I did get some fish. I got some halibut for cooking that Chinese recipe which I should discuss in a second. Then I went to the fish store at Fisherman's Wharf and got a smoked salmon skewer and two halibut cakes. 
Usually with the fish steamed with a topping on ginger and scallion, put more scsllion and ginger on it after steaming and por some very hot oil on it. After that, just add soy sauce. That's it. Kinda plain but good. 
A VR cooking app called Lost Recipes said do that and then instead of pouring just soy sauce pour a specially made sauce of a few ingredients. I forgot the ingredients exactly but got the gist of it. 
I add in a mixture of sugar, soy sauce, vinegar and a drop of sesame oil. After pouring on the hot hot oil, I give it a minute so the oil can cook the fish further and then pour on the specially made sauce. 
There are other variations. Crown the fish with oyster sauce and dried fermented black beans, steam and then pour hot oil on top and then add soy sauce with or without sugar. With or without vinegar as well. Your choice. Your variation of the recipe. 
Lost recipes is about ancient recipes. One recipe includes tacos just like the Aztecs made. The Chinese fish recipe is presumably from the 19th Century. The modern era is rushed and has only enough time to top the steam fried fish with soy sauce while in the 1800s there was more than enough time to add all these other ingredients. 

In Real VR Fishing, the saltwater stages, a shark sometimes steals my catch. The line goes to the red section and no amount of not reeling or extending the fishing rod forward does anything to stop it and the line snaps and a huge shark appears to partially jump out of the water, chomping down on the catch. 
This brings to mind an intrusive thought, a quote from Eddie Murphy's Delirious, "And then the big brown shark came." Wretched.
Catching the shark would be a nightmare. Theoretically you could. I got the most expensive rod and reel. Usually large fish will swim quickly about five feet from side to side in an attempt to escape. A shark would swim quickly from side to side about 40 or 50 feet and put up a fight many times along the way. Any pulling or reeling will make the line snap. Even then one would need a 100 pound test. Only fishing boats can haul in a shark. 

Monday, January 6, 2024

Trudeau quit as PM. He caved in to the mountain of pressure. 
Nixon resigned before he could get impeached. Perhaps there's a little bit of that going on here too. 
Machiavelli wrote something about being able to pick your successors as a true sign of power. 
Now Trudeau moves on to the next phase after Prime Minister and that is handler.  
Who's going to be the new Liberal Leader? Answer: Who knows? 
It will be a new Canadian PM who will handle Canada under a Trump Presidency. So it won't be Trudeau vs Trump part 2. 
Trudeau got a ten year run which is the envy of the last few British PM's in a row. 
This is shocking. I would have wished that PM Justin Trudeau would have been PM for life. 
This doesn't necessarily mean an election this year. An appointed but not elected PM could milk it for as much as two years like Kim Campbell did. Heck, just like Premier David Eby did. 
I wonder if the new PM will be scary. Better the devil you know. 
Working at a job. Told there will be a new manager. Will the new manager be scary. Usually they are not. 
The new PM would be scary if the new PM was accountable to only one person. The PM is accountable to 35 million Canadians so he or possibly she won't be scary. 
Proroguing Parliament for a trimester or 3 months. Not going to work, collecting a paycheck. It's the Canadian way. "It is the way." The Mandalorian 

The RCMP found a burned out body in a house. Crispy critter. Holy smokes. That's Satanic. 
However, the Police don't use that kind of wording. Otherwise it would be, "Today our Officers made yet another Satanic find." 
Satanic is a word used by people who are easily shocked. That wouldn't be the Police. 

Ridley Scott. The Gladiator. On sale for $8 on YouTube. Got it. 
Spectacular. Must be viewed on YouTube. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2024

Weat Vancouver Police helped an injured eagle off Lion's Gate Bridge. Wasn't that ill eagle? 

I swept and cleaned the sidewalks and moss just outside the legal aid office today. 

President Trump said something about Canada being the 51st State. To quote Sam the American Eagle on an episode of the Muppets, "I will not dignify that statement with an answer." 
Why does the media chomp down on the bait like a fish in Real VR Fishing and just air any random crackpot thing that Trump unfiltered casts again as some bizarre bailiwick. 
Canada as the 51st State. Yet another strange challenge. 
Canada is a Canadian-British consortium. Anything like that would have to get past the Sceptered Isle, England. 
This has me worried. The only way this can happen is military invasion. Canadians will have to take up arms and form a civilian resistance army apart from the official government army. 
I really don't want to shoot and kill any Americans. I like Americans. They are great people. The American trouists who come to this town are great people. I don't think that any other Canadians want to shoot an American either. That wouldn't exactly be a priority. Most Canadians are under a gun possession ban anyways. 
One would have to use blades or anything you can get at the hardware or sporting goods store. Axe, air gun, crossbow, machete. That would be Satanic. I think I'd most likely eventually and sooner rather than later be killed because Americans are very skilled people. 
Get a syringe loaded with heroin. If the Americans capture you, those rednecks will automatically think that you are part of a resistance and want to ply information. Better to do oneself in before that happens. 
What has the Pentagon said about invading Canada? Oh yeah, like they would announce it. Now I'm really worried. 

I feel fear. If I didn't feel fear I wouldn't feel anything st all. The fear is my link to consciousness. 

Today I caught my first shark on Real VR Fishing! It was a white fin reef shark. 
At one time I wondered if I would ever catch a shark. I thought I might never. 

At the dentist office, I was given a form to fill out. It had a lot of questions. It asked among other things about whether the patient ie me in this case has things like anxiety, schizophrenia, Asperger's, autism, etc. 
I ticked off yes to anxiety and schizophrenia. 
Later on, I felt that I had been humiliated. I lost face. The form asked other questions as to whether a person had asthma, OCPD, thyroid is, parathyroidism, sleep apnea etc. 
What does this have to do with the teeth? These questions are the personal information of the patient. 
I'm thinking of going to another dentist. 
When asking about schizophrenia, it is the middle class way of putting a person in their place, pigeonholing them when they view their intellect as a threat. 
I'm thinking that I'm better off dead. I think of Heather. Of how she is in a phase of life where she doesn't have to deal with this bullshit at all. I'm upset that Heather went and that I didn't go too. She left me. 
Heather is already heir to a better set of physics and I'm stuck with this set of physics. If the afterlife is as good as I hear it is, why bother sticking around? 
Every town is a problem. The same set of gangsta-like cliques. I really don't have anything in common with any of them, really. They want to coopt me but I want to move on. 
That dentist office is a place that once you have been accepted as a client, whether or no not you ticked yes or not to any of the questions, they will accept any story you give them. The dentist could say, "We didn't make you tick yes to anxiety and schizophrenia. That was all you. Most people lie on these forms anyways." I've been at that dentist office for years. That was a form letter and thus is standard to all patients and probably at all dentist offices. 

As I wrote before, backwater countries that can't expand outward turn inward. The mental health of its citizens becomes a National pastime. 
Often it isn't who you are but where you are that's the root of all problems. Not all countries are created equal and you could have a much better life if you moved to the right country. 
It can be argued transferring the medium. A person who has the wrong personality in one town will bring that personality to all other towns. 
Just as everyone has a different temperament and indeed astrological make up, astrologically, a person can be in the wrong country. And there is a right country somewhere to suit their personality even if or especially if they are transferring the medium. 
You're not successful? That you're in the wrong country with no future can't have anything to do with it. It must be because you must have some kind of autism. 
"Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels." Samuel Johnson 

Poor Things is back to $25. The $11 sale ended yesterday. I don't know if I would have gotten it even for $8. It's pretty much a chick flick. No fighting action, explosions, violence, explosions, gun fights, oddlust, revenge. Just a lot of painterly scenes. The dining room with all the ble transferware plates must be seen in HD. 
There are already lots of free movies in HD on YouTube. You just have to dig around. 
I would have gotten it for $11 but not $25. Why couldn't the sale lasted for one more day? Don't worry. YouTube sales on movies have a strange way of returning. I might even see it for $8 one day, in two years. 

Global News puts on the weirdest commercials. It usually puts on a commercial from hell, the cleft lip commercial. To night, it's the Co-op commercial like literally every five minutes. Bonkers. 
Pastor Joel said to watch the News for only one hour a day. After that it repeats itself all day. 
The narrow telescopic lens of the News. The News sets up multiple stressors. 
The News is comprised of yet another local clique with localisms. What were the chances of that? 
The News gets a lot of letters every year about their weirdness that's for sure. 
Move to another country. The local News would then be irrelevant. 
If I had a million dollars and could emigrate to another country, would I stay in this one? I'm not sure. If I were financially independent would I stay in Canada? I'm not sure that I would. 
Don't like the way a place treats you? Go to another place and don't go back. Don't like the weird batshit crazy commercials on the News? Turn to another channel. 
YouTube has its weird commercials too but there is gold in the dross. Sometimes the commercials on the News is really good as well. 
I might as well tell the whole story. The Co-op commercial keeps on bringing up the name Amanda. Well I did meet a lady with that name somewhere or other, at least one. That name is like Smith or Jones for ladies around here. Amanda looked like a real hippy. A Vancouver Island hippie. A bike stock wearing Volkswagen driving hippie. She most likely isn't a hippie. She's probably the opposite, more like Cyber Amanda. People imagine weird crsl about people. 
It's probably projection. Even though I'm not a hippie I probably think of hippies a lot. 
People will push some persons onto you that's got nothing to do with who you really are but is just an extension of their fuck ups. 
Sweeping at the Courthouse I often think that is where hippies like Amanda who got busted for protesting in the forest would get sent to. Hippie Amanda is an imaginary thoughtform. 
So the telepathic prairie dog that is the News somehow read my mind and thus put on that Co-op commercial as if to say, "We know that you're sweeping the grounds of the Courthouse just about everyday thinking that's where hippies like Hippie Amanda get sent after getting busted for protesting in the forest. So where putting on this commercial because we like making secret references to people in welfare living in rooming houses."
Don't ever lose that imagination. 
What would Heather say about all this? She knows because ghosts can read your mind completely. They don't think of your thoughts the same way that you do. You take it so seriously. They merely see it as being under the physics of this dimension. 
"The play's the thing that will catch the conscience of the King." Shakespeare, Hamlet
But everyone sees this commercial. I don't know. I think technology exists where different viewers can see a different set of commercials than other viewers. Commercials especially tailored for them and not in a good way. 
This has been talked about in urban legends for decades where people in a certain area would for a few seconds see something on television that people on other televisions didn't see and they attributed this to alien extra terrestrial messages. Now it's not just people within a certain area. It can now be made for individuals. 
The grim wretched physics of this dimension. Better off dead? 

I can't wait to get to the afterlife with its better set of physics. Wishing for anything better in life pales in comparison. Life is a trap. The afterlife is freedom. I can't wait to get the death process over with. That would be ghastly and wretched. Once that's over and the life review is over then I'm home free. The life review is never over. It's a limitless process of reaching back and rediscovering and even a few hundreds years later in the afterlife, one would still recall lessons learned when in earthly life. That's the premise anyways. 
Anyways once physical death has been gotten over with, hopefully I make it to heaven. Everybody hopes that unless they're twisted. 
I haven't been perfect but I hope I've been a good person enough to the community.

"Easier it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." The Bible 
Is that true? There are lots of rich people. Billionaires. But if they give to charity that helps the poor, they won't go to hell. If they don't help when they could have, not even once in their life, they could possibly go there. Who knows? I'm talking billions and not helping even once? 

The thing about death and the afterlife is that it is absolutely forbidden to go there before your time. 

Tonight I've opted to drink ginkgo biloba tea. It is a nootropic that can help my brain as it deals with the trauma of the dentist form and now it seems, Amanda. 
What is this. A Boston song? Amanda? 

Because of heaving been traumatized from life itself, I won't be leaving downtown Victoria for the foreseeable future, not even to Saanich. Beeb's death has traumatized me so much that I'm not able to leave the local area. Ever. 
It might be literally years before I ever leave the downtown area for any reason. 15 minute city or what? All that I need is a stones throw away. Grocery stores and supermarkets. Asian supermarket too. Other than that, I don't really go to Church or any place else. Church, let's face it, is like Nightmare Alley. Those who are lower class should never mix with the middle class. 
I believe that I'll be single for life. I haven't met any ladies whom I feel are right for me. I can love with being single for life because just about all the people in my hotel are single. For life. 
Looking up what is the population of Victoria BC? 100,000. 
And looking up when was Vancouver's population 100,000 people? 1910.
Living in Victoria would have the same pace of life as living in Vancouver in 1910 which was when Emily Carr lived in Vancouver.