Extra Terrestrials What To Do?
The Carpenters' song Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft is the Recognized Anthem for World Contact Day. That day will come soon.
Klaatu originally wrote that song.
James Cameron the movie director wrote about that on his website which talks about conspiracy theories. He said that one day, there will be a World Contact Day.
Until then, this is what to do if you think you have seen an Extra Terrestrial:
If you think you have seen one, you must do something to think that you have not seen one. Maybe it was an image, a hallucination, something confused from a science fiction movie. There really are people called MIBs or Men In Black who will "cleanse" or kill anyone who sees something like a UFO or aliens.
A person with a physically large skull, a big head who is bald, has no eyebrows, and no hair on his body really looks like an ET.
YouTuber wicto in some of his classic earlier vintage videos before he reinvented himself as a self styled karaoke dj talked about underground facilities which house live extra terrestrials, many species, The Island of Doctor Moreau style half human/half beasts in rows of cages in rooms miles long called D.U.M.B.s or Deep Underground Military Bases.
James Cameron and David Icke said that there are five species who have been regularly contacting the top people in government for centuries, for the past 40,000 years and have taught humans things like farming animals en masse in an organized structure for meat. Four of the five species are good and are trying to help us against the one bad species.
However there are a few people on Earth who are helping the bad species. Bad people. This species in exchange for certain technological knowledge and just knowledge in general, they demand a sacrifice of people, ten thousand a year, but what is that to the 6 billion on the planet?
World Contact Day is the day when the Earth will look at itself differently. World Contact Day will happen when humans invent teleportational travel and there are accidents and people wind up teleporting to realities where they see Extra Terrestrials.
There are three kinds of extra terrestrials which most people know about and are most often drawn in pictures, decade after decade from people who have never met each other and also have no knowledge of any other Extra Terrestrial pictures.
There are the greys, short with big eyes.
There are the Annunaki described in Sumerian cuneiform which are the seven foot tall motherfuckers.
And then there are the short squat slightly reptilian kind which is exactly the one that was in the Stephen Spielberg movie E.T..
The other kinds of ETs are rarely seen and rarely recounted.
SETI or the Search For Extra Terrestrial Intelligence actively continues to search for intelligent alien life.
World Contact Day will be when CNN, CBC, The BBC, and Global News go on the air and admit that there are extra terrestrials with space ships and what they look like.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dream June 2008. My friend Jaroon from Thailand
Dream June 2008. My friend Jaroon from Thailand
Interpretation: In a dream, if you are looking at a scene from one vantage point, and then all of a sudden a split second later, you are looking at it from another vantage point.... Hello! It means that you, as a ghost has teleported! That is, shifted from one location to another be it a few feet away to a few thousand miles away in that quick, smooth way that ghosts move.
Ghost Whisperer Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt is a spokeswoman, one of many, for ProActive solutions, Jessica Simpson too. Good words for her to say for that commercial would be,
"Hi, I am Jennifer Love Hewitt. I am the actress for The Ghost Whisperer which means that I know ghosts well. ProActive Solution will make your face as blemishless and clear, just like a ghost!"
Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight
Interpretation: In a dream, if you are looking at a scene from one vantage point, and then all of a sudden a split second later, you are looking at it from another vantage point.... Hello! It means that you, as a ghost has teleported! That is, shifted from one location to another be it a few feet away to a few thousand miles away in that quick, smooth way that ghosts move.
Ghost Whisperer Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt is a spokeswoman, one of many, for ProActive solutions, Jessica Simpson too. Good words for her to say for that commercial would be,
"Hi, I am Jennifer Love Hewitt. I am the actress for The Ghost Whisperer which means that I know ghosts well. ProActive Solution will make your face as blemishless and clear, just like a ghost!"
Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Zen Stories 2
Zen Stories 2
Is That So?
In a village a woman got pregnant. Fearing scandal, she said that it was the zen master who impregnated her and that he should take care of the baby. The zen master simply said, "Is that so?"
The zen master raised the baby and a couple of years later, the couple confessed the entire thing and thanked the zen master, compensated him and claimed back their baby.
They apologized to the zen master in which he answered, "Is that so?"
Hot and Cold
A student asked a zen master, "Master, I am going travelling and the weather where I am going is very extreme. How do I prepare?"
The zen master said, "When hot, be hot. When cold, be cold through and through."
The True Miracle
One day, the leader of a strange cult of that time approached a zen master and said,
"My religion is superior. My master can hold up a piece of cloth on one cliff and from another, a student can write a name in the air, and a word can appear on the cloth on this cliff."
The zen master said, "Perhaps you can train a clever fox to do that. The miracle of zen is that when I am hungry, I eat and when I am tired, I sleep."
Silent Debate
There is an aspect of Zen Buddhist monk training called the silent debate.
One day, a one eyed monk had to challenge a Buddhist monk traveller from another Province to a debate. The two contestants were to discuss the debate afterwards with the Abbot of the temple.
The Abbot interviewed the traveller first, "What happened?" asked the Abbot?
The traveller said that the one eyed monk had won.
I held up one finger to signify the teaching. He held up two fingers to signify the Buddha and the teaching. I held up three fingers to point out that the Buddha, his teaching, and the two things together are three things. The Tripataka, the Threefold Lotus Sutra. He held up a fist to signify that all things fall in and out of what Buddhism calls the Void, also known as the other dimension.
When it was time for the one eyed monk to see the Abbot, the Abbot congratulated him on his profound teaching.
"Profound teaching nothing. I hope I never see him again."
"What happened?" asked the Abbot.
"He held up one finger to greet me, signifying that I have one eye. I congratulated him and that he should thank God that he has two eyes, holding up two fingers. He had the effrontery to hold up three fingers to signify that between the two of us, we have three eyes. So I held up a fist ready to strike!"
A Mother's Poem
A mother wrote a poem to her son,
"Give up searching for fame and fortune,
Give up reading so many books and watching so much TV
Go and live alone in the fields and meditate,
And in this way attain true realization."
Is That So?
In a village a woman got pregnant. Fearing scandal, she said that it was the zen master who impregnated her and that he should take care of the baby. The zen master simply said, "Is that so?"
The zen master raised the baby and a couple of years later, the couple confessed the entire thing and thanked the zen master, compensated him and claimed back their baby.
They apologized to the zen master in which he answered, "Is that so?"
Hot and Cold
A student asked a zen master, "Master, I am going travelling and the weather where I am going is very extreme. How do I prepare?"
The zen master said, "When hot, be hot. When cold, be cold through and through."
The True Miracle
One day, the leader of a strange cult of that time approached a zen master and said,
"My religion is superior. My master can hold up a piece of cloth on one cliff and from another, a student can write a name in the air, and a word can appear on the cloth on this cliff."
The zen master said, "Perhaps you can train a clever fox to do that. The miracle of zen is that when I am hungry, I eat and when I am tired, I sleep."
Silent Debate
There is an aspect of Zen Buddhist monk training called the silent debate.
One day, a one eyed monk had to challenge a Buddhist monk traveller from another Province to a debate. The two contestants were to discuss the debate afterwards with the Abbot of the temple.
The Abbot interviewed the traveller first, "What happened?" asked the Abbot?
The traveller said that the one eyed monk had won.
I held up one finger to signify the teaching. He held up two fingers to signify the Buddha and the teaching. I held up three fingers to point out that the Buddha, his teaching, and the two things together are three things. The Tripataka, the Threefold Lotus Sutra. He held up a fist to signify that all things fall in and out of what Buddhism calls the Void, also known as the other dimension.
When it was time for the one eyed monk to see the Abbot, the Abbot congratulated him on his profound teaching.
"Profound teaching nothing. I hope I never see him again."
"What happened?" asked the Abbot.
"He held up one finger to greet me, signifying that I have one eye. I congratulated him and that he should thank God that he has two eyes, holding up two fingers. He had the effrontery to hold up three fingers to signify that between the two of us, we have three eyes. So I held up a fist ready to strike!"
A Mother's Poem
A mother wrote a poem to her son,
"Give up searching for fame and fortune,
Give up reading so many books and watching so much TV
Go and live alone in the fields and meditate,
And in this way attain true realization."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Night At The Movies 8
Night At The Movies 8
Batman The Dark Knight
Heath Ledger is as crazy as ever in Batman the Dark Knight, from using a person's pineal gland to make a pencil disappear to cutting a new smile on someone's face, this actor's swansong as a mad villain is spectacular. Come to think of it, about 15 years ago, there was another young actor who died of tragic circumstances, and after his death, they released a movie in which he also played a character which had long hair and powder all over his face.
The movie starts with the Joker orchestrating a plan to rob a bank, a plan that characteristically leaves most of the henchmen dead so as not to divide up the shares so many ways.
STAR WARS The Clone Wars
Even though there are two full length feature cartoons, and a television series comng up, George Lucas feels that he must fully explore this period of the STAR WARS history and that is the period between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, namely the Clone Wars.
Indeed Alec Guiness himself mumbled a sidelong cryptic comment about the Clone Wars in 1977 in the first STAR WARS movie.
Attack of the Clones explores the inception of the Clone Wars, with the movie ending with the clarion trumpet call to mobilize the troops to fight for the Great War, and Revenge of the Sith is set in the culmination of the clone wars with the final result being Anakin Skywalker's transformation to a robotic homunculus joining a pantheon of miscreants with political ambitions to rule a galaxy.
It is understandable that such an event would be looked at in depth.
Perhaps one day, there will be a clone wars, as cloning technology is possible and secretly breeding clones and using them as soldiers is what George Orwell talked about in Animal Farm when Napoleon the pig secretly bred doberman pinschers and rotweillers as his pretorian guard. A lot of conspiracy theorists believe that this is already happening.
Lani Hall - Never Say Never Again
EMF - Unbelievable
*EMF = Ecstasy Mother Fuckers
Batman The Dark Knight
Heath Ledger is as crazy as ever in Batman the Dark Knight, from using a person's pineal gland to make a pencil disappear to cutting a new smile on someone's face, this actor's swansong as a mad villain is spectacular. Come to think of it, about 15 years ago, there was another young actor who died of tragic circumstances, and after his death, they released a movie in which he also played a character which had long hair and powder all over his face.
The movie starts with the Joker orchestrating a plan to rob a bank, a plan that characteristically leaves most of the henchmen dead so as not to divide up the shares so many ways.
STAR WARS The Clone Wars
Even though there are two full length feature cartoons, and a television series comng up, George Lucas feels that he must fully explore this period of the STAR WARS history and that is the period between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, namely the Clone Wars.
Indeed Alec Guiness himself mumbled a sidelong cryptic comment about the Clone Wars in 1977 in the first STAR WARS movie.
Attack of the Clones explores the inception of the Clone Wars, with the movie ending with the clarion trumpet call to mobilize the troops to fight for the Great War, and Revenge of the Sith is set in the culmination of the clone wars with the final result being Anakin Skywalker's transformation to a robotic homunculus joining a pantheon of miscreants with political ambitions to rule a galaxy.
It is understandable that such an event would be looked at in depth.
Perhaps one day, there will be a clone wars, as cloning technology is possible and secretly breeding clones and using them as soldiers is what George Orwell talked about in Animal Farm when Napoleon the pig secretly bred doberman pinschers and rotweillers as his pretorian guard. A lot of conspiracy theorists believe that this is already happening.
Lani Hall - Never Say Never Again
EMF - Unbelievable
*EMF = Ecstasy Mother Fuckers
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What If?
What If?
A person's appearance can change very little over the years, or it can change drastically in their lifetime. Buddhism says that a person as a child and a person as an a adult are two different creatures and that when a person is an adult, that person as a child is a creature that no longer exists.
One year, a man named David Williams decides to join a stage production as an actor. As a result, there is a Police raid on the theatre in which the play is enacted, which incidentally is a nude theatre house.
Not surprisingly, these kinds of burlesque houses often had the Police raid them.
The actor, Williams is caught with three grams of PCP and sentenced to prison. When he emerges from prison, he is a changed man. He has become inured to the ills of prison life and has habituated to the drugs lifestyle.
His performance at such a scandalous premises as the sex house that he was a stage actor at, as well as his prison record, as well as his total preoccupation with narcotics has led his family to alienate them and for his to mutually not want to associate with them as well.
For not associating with his family and not having to deal with the stress of that, this is what he looked like later on in life.
One day, he got a chance to glimpse what could have happened had he not gotten into trouble with his family, in two dreams. The first dream, the good dream:
A life with a spotless record makes his family contacts him often. His family introduces him to a girl and they get married, kids, etc. His parents not only pay for his University, they also hook him up to a job at a prestigious office building.
The next night, he has a dream. This one more vivid than the last as if the last dream was him half wishing and half visualizing and this one a full dimension thrust in his face. His family contacts him often, but always to borrow money. The girl from the old country that dear old Mom and Dad introduce him to never learns to speak English without an accent. Insufferable weekends driving around an SUV going to family dinners at restaurants. Everyone comparing notes. I make more money than you. My wife is better than yours. All your girl does is steal from you and cheat on you. My girl gets me things, etc.
He always thought that Christmas was the time of the year that he wanted to be alone most. And not only Christmas, the two week buildup to Christmas with the insufferable Christmas family get togethers.
He liked to be alone and think thoughts like flying machines of the future will be autopiloted. People's attitude to driving on the ground as it is, most of the time, I'm all right, but once every two weeks on payday nights I like to see how close I can get below the legal limit and still drive and once in a blue moon I will drink over the legal limit and it is so seldom that thank God they have not caught me, then people driving flying cars without a total autopilot would be disastrous!
This is what he would wind up looking like later on in life if he had not made the mistake, and after years of being stuck with his family.
Author's note: Originally, these were to be two different stories, of how a person's appearance can drastically alter and the what ifs about family.
Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven
The Eagles - Take It To The Limit
A person's appearance can change very little over the years, or it can change drastically in their lifetime. Buddhism says that a person as a child and a person as an a adult are two different creatures and that when a person is an adult, that person as a child is a creature that no longer exists.
One year, a man named David Williams decides to join a stage production as an actor. As a result, there is a Police raid on the theatre in which the play is enacted, which incidentally is a nude theatre house.
Not surprisingly, these kinds of burlesque houses often had the Police raid them.
The actor, Williams is caught with three grams of PCP and sentenced to prison. When he emerges from prison, he is a changed man. He has become inured to the ills of prison life and has habituated to the drugs lifestyle.
His performance at such a scandalous premises as the sex house that he was a stage actor at, as well as his prison record, as well as his total preoccupation with narcotics has led his family to alienate them and for his to mutually not want to associate with them as well.
For not associating with his family and not having to deal with the stress of that, this is what he looked like later on in life.
One day, he got a chance to glimpse what could have happened had he not gotten into trouble with his family, in two dreams. The first dream, the good dream:
A life with a spotless record makes his family contacts him often. His family introduces him to a girl and they get married, kids, etc. His parents not only pay for his University, they also hook him up to a job at a prestigious office building.
The next night, he has a dream. This one more vivid than the last as if the last dream was him half wishing and half visualizing and this one a full dimension thrust in his face. His family contacts him often, but always to borrow money. The girl from the old country that dear old Mom and Dad introduce him to never learns to speak English without an accent. Insufferable weekends driving around an SUV going to family dinners at restaurants. Everyone comparing notes. I make more money than you. My wife is better than yours. All your girl does is steal from you and cheat on you. My girl gets me things, etc.
He always thought that Christmas was the time of the year that he wanted to be alone most. And not only Christmas, the two week buildup to Christmas with the insufferable Christmas family get togethers.
He liked to be alone and think thoughts like flying machines of the future will be autopiloted. People's attitude to driving on the ground as it is, most of the time, I'm all right, but once every two weeks on payday nights I like to see how close I can get below the legal limit and still drive and once in a blue moon I will drink over the legal limit and it is so seldom that thank God they have not caught me, then people driving flying cars without a total autopilot would be disastrous!
This is what he would wind up looking like later on in life if he had not made the mistake, and after years of being stuck with his family.
Author's note: Originally, these were to be two different stories, of how a person's appearance can drastically alter and the what ifs about family.
Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven
The Eagles - Take It To The Limit
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dream August 17, 2008
Dream August 17, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008.
Sunday, August 17, 2008.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Zen Stories
Zen Stories
The River
Two monks were at the edge of a river. A woman was there who needed to get across. One of the monks lifted her on his shoulder and carried her across.
Later, the other monk was reprimanding the first. "Don't you know of the monastic code regarding women?" etc.
The first monk said, "I left her at the side of the river. Are you still carrying her?"
The Ghost
A man had a wife who died. Soon afterwards, he fell in love with a lady. His wife's ghost visited him. She seemed to know all that he did.
The man went to see a Zen master who told him to put a bunch of marbles into a bag and then to ask her how many marbles are in the bag. If she is unable to answer, then the ghost is a figment of your subjective nature, which is natural to all of us.
The next night, the ghost appeared. She said, "I know that you went to talk to the Zen master." The man then asked her how many marbles are in the bag. She disappeared never to be seen again.
Inch Time Foot Gem
There is an old Oriental saying, that an inch of time is worth a foot of gems. In other words every moment of life is a precious treasure.
The Strawberry. The Director's Cut
The Strawberry.
A man was dangling over a cliff holding on to a vine. Below, two tigers were encircling. He looked and saw that a mouse was nibbling on the vine. But on the vine, there was a fresh red ripe luscious strawberry. He grabbed it and ate it. How sweet it tasted!
Eshun's Departure
The nun Eshun was old, apparently dead and placed on a funeral pyre which was lit.
One of her disciples witnessing this event wondered aloud, "Is it hot in there?"
In which a voice, from the fire, answered, "Such a question would concern only a fool like you!"
The moral of this story is that: A good day to day telepathic stream that emanates from mind, will out.
The River
Two monks were at the edge of a river. A woman was there who needed to get across. One of the monks lifted her on his shoulder and carried her across.
Later, the other monk was reprimanding the first. "Don't you know of the monastic code regarding women?" etc.
The first monk said, "I left her at the side of the river. Are you still carrying her?"
The Ghost
A man had a wife who died. Soon afterwards, he fell in love with a lady. His wife's ghost visited him. She seemed to know all that he did.
The man went to see a Zen master who told him to put a bunch of marbles into a bag and then to ask her how many marbles are in the bag. If she is unable to answer, then the ghost is a figment of your subjective nature, which is natural to all of us.
The next night, the ghost appeared. She said, "I know that you went to talk to the Zen master." The man then asked her how many marbles are in the bag. She disappeared never to be seen again.
Inch Time Foot Gem
There is an old Oriental saying, that an inch of time is worth a foot of gems. In other words every moment of life is a precious treasure.
The Strawberry. The Director's Cut
The Strawberry.
A man was dangling over a cliff holding on to a vine. Below, two tigers were encircling. He looked and saw that a mouse was nibbling on the vine. But on the vine, there was a fresh red ripe luscious strawberry. He grabbed it and ate it. How sweet it tasted!
Eshun's Departure
The nun Eshun was old, apparently dead and placed on a funeral pyre which was lit.
One of her disciples witnessing this event wondered aloud, "Is it hot in there?"
In which a voice, from the fire, answered, "Such a question would concern only a fool like you!"
The moral of this story is that: A good day to day telepathic stream that emanates from mind, will out.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Police Blotter police movies
Police Blotter
This video is about Police movies that the hero Detective Chris Hines has watched. Of course Chris Hines is a fictional character. In the stories, he goes on assignment with his wife who is also a cop. That is the stories.
As an supportive element, a wife works well in stories that are written. However, there was no essential dialogue in my short stories. In the movies, the Police Officer Chris Hines is married but his wife is not a Police Officer and he usually works alone. This is because he is usually transfered to a detachment that is in a small town in Canada like Atlin BC, Dawson Creek BC, Dawson City NWT, Vancouver BC, Halifax NS. This will be one of the unnumbered Police Blotter movies. Unnumbered. Undercover.
Blade Runner. Set in the future. This movie is about a cop named Rick Deckard who looks for and hunts down sophisticated robots called replicants. As it turns out, he himself is a robot.
Everyone knows it, including Gaff, his handler, and the Police Chief Bryant knows it too. But somehow, Deckard is not made to hunt himself.
The Departed. This is the movie that finally got Martin Scorsese an Oscar. The story is about a gangster, DiCaprio, who joins the Police force but still regularly contacts his friends in the gang. DiCaprio goes along on trips throughout town with a coke dealing cousin. DiCaprio has a brother Marky Mark, who is also a Police Officer, but with no gang friends.
As rumours, based on truth circulates that there is an infiltrator in the ranks, one Police Officer shoots down a bunch of innocent Police agents, and is finally shot himself.
Training Day. This movie is about a rookie cop's first day. Ethan Hawke the rookie is taken under the wing of Denzel Washington, a wordly or otherwise extremely corrupt cop.
Ethan Hawke is coerced into smoking PCP which is a very dangerous drug.
Later on, Denzel Washington engineers a plan to rob a neighbourhood crack dealer named Roger, a drug dealer of various drugs from since the hippie days, an informant, but more importantly, a friend, he has shot. And three million dollars of money hidden beneath the kitchen floor is extracted and split between four more corrupt cops.
"How is your comfort level?" "Oh, I'm very comfortable."
The story is, older corrupt cop had borrowed a million dollars in Las Vegas from the Russian mob. This money he planned to use to pay back the Russians, even though Roger said, "The Russians are after you. You know I got your back."
As if the Russians knew that he killed his friend, Denzel Washington got shot even though he had the money with him.
Lethal Weapon. This movie is about an Irish cop named Patrick Riggs who was ex-special forces Green Beret in Vietnam and a Black cop named Roger Murtaugh who patrol the streets of Los Angeles. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. When Lethal Weapon was filmed in 1983, the Vietnam War which ended in 1975 was then, only 8 years over. Gary Busey portrays a big time heroin dealer with connections to the Golden Triangle in Thailand, Burma and Laos, which was an operation started up at around the time of the Vietnam War. There is news about an incoming large heroin shipment which the cops go to intercept.
Miami Vice. This is a movie about some very classy undercover cops who wear designer clothing like Armani suits. They drive cars like the Porsche Spider and the Ferrari Testerosa. Sonny Crocket is a bachelor who lives on a 40 foot boat with an alligator.
Tubbs is a classy street trained Jamaican Police Officer.
Even though the original television series Miami Vice was filmed 20 years ago, the coke scene there today is pretty much the same as it was then.
Their job is to infiltrate the high pace cocaine trade in flashy downtown Miami Florida. They go after the big busts, the big deals. Nothing less than a key. Open trunks of limousines to reveal briefcases with kilogram bags of cocaine exchanged for likewise briefcases of money.
Bad Boys 2. This movie is about two cops who must infiltrate some big time ectasy dealers. At one point, the enemies kidnap Martin Lawrence's sister, who is a DEA agent and bring her to Puerto Rico at which point the cops Will Smith and Martin Lawrence must go to rescue her. "The shit just got real."
Rush Hour - This movie series is about two cops, one Jackie Chan who knows Chinese culture well, and another Chris Tucker not so much, who go all over the World to places like Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Paris France to specifically apprehend various Chinese criminal syndicates who have lots of money.
This video is about Police movies that the hero Detective Chris Hines has watched. Of course Chris Hines is a fictional character. In the stories, he goes on assignment with his wife who is also a cop. That is the stories.
As an supportive element, a wife works well in stories that are written. However, there was no essential dialogue in my short stories. In the movies, the Police Officer Chris Hines is married but his wife is not a Police Officer and he usually works alone. This is because he is usually transfered to a detachment that is in a small town in Canada like Atlin BC, Dawson Creek BC, Dawson City NWT, Vancouver BC, Halifax NS. This will be one of the unnumbered Police Blotter movies. Unnumbered. Undercover.
Blade Runner. Set in the future. This movie is about a cop named Rick Deckard who looks for and hunts down sophisticated robots called replicants. As it turns out, he himself is a robot.
Everyone knows it, including Gaff, his handler, and the Police Chief Bryant knows it too. But somehow, Deckard is not made to hunt himself.
The Departed. This is the movie that finally got Martin Scorsese an Oscar. The story is about a gangster, DiCaprio, who joins the Police force but still regularly contacts his friends in the gang. DiCaprio goes along on trips throughout town with a coke dealing cousin. DiCaprio has a brother Marky Mark, who is also a Police Officer, but with no gang friends.
As rumours, based on truth circulates that there is an infiltrator in the ranks, one Police Officer shoots down a bunch of innocent Police agents, and is finally shot himself.
Training Day. This movie is about a rookie cop's first day. Ethan Hawke the rookie is taken under the wing of Denzel Washington, a wordly or otherwise extremely corrupt cop.
Ethan Hawke is coerced into smoking PCP which is a very dangerous drug.
Later on, Denzel Washington engineers a plan to rob a neighbourhood crack dealer named Roger, a drug dealer of various drugs from since the hippie days, an informant, but more importantly, a friend, he has shot. And three million dollars of money hidden beneath the kitchen floor is extracted and split between four more corrupt cops.
"How is your comfort level?" "Oh, I'm very comfortable."
The story is, older corrupt cop had borrowed a million dollars in Las Vegas from the Russian mob. This money he planned to use to pay back the Russians, even though Roger said, "The Russians are after you. You know I got your back."
As if the Russians knew that he killed his friend, Denzel Washington got shot even though he had the money with him.
Lethal Weapon. This movie is about an Irish cop named Patrick Riggs who was ex-special forces Green Beret in Vietnam and a Black cop named Roger Murtaugh who patrol the streets of Los Angeles. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. When Lethal Weapon was filmed in 1983, the Vietnam War which ended in 1975 was then, only 8 years over. Gary Busey portrays a big time heroin dealer with connections to the Golden Triangle in Thailand, Burma and Laos, which was an operation started up at around the time of the Vietnam War. There is news about an incoming large heroin shipment which the cops go to intercept.
Miami Vice. This is a movie about some very classy undercover cops who wear designer clothing like Armani suits. They drive cars like the Porsche Spider and the Ferrari Testerosa. Sonny Crocket is a bachelor who lives on a 40 foot boat with an alligator.
Tubbs is a classy street trained Jamaican Police Officer.
Even though the original television series Miami Vice was filmed 20 years ago, the coke scene there today is pretty much the same as it was then.
Their job is to infiltrate the high pace cocaine trade in flashy downtown Miami Florida. They go after the big busts, the big deals. Nothing less than a key. Open trunks of limousines to reveal briefcases with kilogram bags of cocaine exchanged for likewise briefcases of money.
Bad Boys 2. This movie is about two cops who must infiltrate some big time ectasy dealers. At one point, the enemies kidnap Martin Lawrence's sister, who is a DEA agent and bring her to Puerto Rico at which point the cops Will Smith and Martin Lawrence must go to rescue her. "The shit just got real."
Rush Hour - This movie series is about two cops, one Jackie Chan who knows Chinese culture well, and another Chris Tucker not so much, who go all over the World to places like Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Paris France to specifically apprehend various Chinese criminal syndicates who have lots of money.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Who is Alan Smithee?
Who is Alan Smithee?
Nobody knows who directed this movie. Do you have any ideas who did it? Who is Alan Smithee?
Incidentally, the music video "I Don't Wanna Wait" by Paula Cole, ie Dawson's Creek was directed by Alan Smithee.
Nobody knows who directed this movie. Do you have any ideas who did it? Who is Alan Smithee?
Incidentally, the music video "I Don't Wanna Wait" by Paula Cole, ie Dawson's Creek was directed by Alan Smithee.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Police Blotter 2 Trip To Cambodia
Police Blotter 2 Trip To Cambodia
The suspect, Jim Donahue got off the plane in Bangkok Thailand. He went to the airport and went to stay at a guesthouse next to Hualamphong Station. He stayed in Bangkok Thailand for five weeks.
Coincidentally, as if the magic of the place knew of his intentions to go to Cambodia, he met a Cambodian named S'lup.
On one day, he took a train to the dissolute border town of Poipet, Cambodia. From there, he arranged transport to Phnom Penh.
The squalor of Cambodia was a sharp contrast even to the squalor of Thailand.
After getting himself a room at a guesthouse, he went for a walk around the neighbourhood. He saw a woman slicing the intestines out of a butchered pig, and letting the guts run into a sluice. As he passed her and looked at her, she looked up and their eyes met. She gave him an implacable stare for a moment, and then went back to work.
Jim Murrison after eating a happy pizza with which the result was a pleasant synthesia. He saw noises and distant noises seemed to be spoken as if the speaker was right next to his ear.
"The irony, of it," he thought, as he held a 31 year old woman in one arm and another woman aged 33 in another, "Hiring and enjoying the services of women, considering that I killed one not too long ago."
A guilty mind will seek out its own punishment.
There were that morning three unassuming expatriates at an outdoor table of a cafe. They watched Jim Donahue as he walked past them.
One of them was RCPF Detective Chris Hines, another was RCPF Sgt. Matt Mason, and the other was Vancouver Police Constable Gerald Irons.
Jim Donahue knew about the Vancouver Police, Vancouver's Finest. But he did not know that they would come all the way here to look for him.
Jim Donahue thought about the Cambodian friend that he met in Bangkok. It was one of those times when a bunch of thoughts had entered into his mind which later turned out to happen. And when it did happen, it was a case of resonance, like how an opera singer can break a glass, or how those 30 mile/hr winds just turned a bridge in Seattle into a piece of flapping liquorice.
Once, he got an email in Bangkok that one of his friends had died. On that same day, he got an email from his Cambodian friend who usually never emails. And on the day that he visited Wat Po, the temple of the Death Buddha in Bangkok, he saw one of his Cambodian friends on the Chao Phraya River boat!
He thought, "I am probably going to die in Cambodia."
On the morning that Jim Donahue got rousted from his guesthouse like an unfortunate in an Alexander Solzenitsyn novel there were no less than 25 Police Officers, some Canadian and some Cambodian Police Officers.
What Donahue did was serious and he would have to face Canadian Justice.
However, on the way to the Police station, in the Prison van, he suffered a fatal heart attack.
The suspect, Jim Donahue got off the plane in Bangkok Thailand. He went to the airport and went to stay at a guesthouse next to Hualamphong Station. He stayed in Bangkok Thailand for five weeks.
Coincidentally, as if the magic of the place knew of his intentions to go to Cambodia, he met a Cambodian named S'lup.
On one day, he took a train to the dissolute border town of Poipet, Cambodia. From there, he arranged transport to Phnom Penh.
The squalor of Cambodia was a sharp contrast even to the squalor of Thailand.
After getting himself a room at a guesthouse, he went for a walk around the neighbourhood. He saw a woman slicing the intestines out of a butchered pig, and letting the guts run into a sluice. As he passed her and looked at her, she looked up and their eyes met. She gave him an implacable stare for a moment, and then went back to work.
Jim Murrison after eating a happy pizza with which the result was a pleasant synthesia. He saw noises and distant noises seemed to be spoken as if the speaker was right next to his ear.
"The irony, of it," he thought, as he held a 31 year old woman in one arm and another woman aged 33 in another, "Hiring and enjoying the services of women, considering that I killed one not too long ago."
A guilty mind will seek out its own punishment.
There were that morning three unassuming expatriates at an outdoor table of a cafe. They watched Jim Donahue as he walked past them.
One of them was RCPF Detective Chris Hines, another was RCPF Sgt. Matt Mason, and the other was Vancouver Police Constable Gerald Irons.
Jim Donahue knew about the Vancouver Police, Vancouver's Finest. But he did not know that they would come all the way here to look for him.
Jim Donahue thought about the Cambodian friend that he met in Bangkok. It was one of those times when a bunch of thoughts had entered into his mind which later turned out to happen. And when it did happen, it was a case of resonance, like how an opera singer can break a glass, or how those 30 mile/hr winds just turned a bridge in Seattle into a piece of flapping liquorice.
Once, he got an email in Bangkok that one of his friends had died. On that same day, he got an email from his Cambodian friend who usually never emails. And on the day that he visited Wat Po, the temple of the Death Buddha in Bangkok, he saw one of his Cambodian friends on the Chao Phraya River boat!
He thought, "I am probably going to die in Cambodia."
On the morning that Jim Donahue got rousted from his guesthouse like an unfortunate in an Alexander Solzenitsyn novel there were no less than 25 Police Officers, some Canadian and some Cambodian Police Officers.
What Donahue did was serious and he would have to face Canadian Justice.
However, on the way to the Police station, in the Prison van, he suffered a fatal heart attack.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Police Blotter 1 Detective Chris Hines
Police Blotter 1 Detective Chris Hines
Warning: Rated R. The following story contains scenes of gratuitous violence.
from the case files of Detective Chris Hines.
Title screen: In 1982, William S. Burroughs wrote a book called 'The Place of Dead Roads'. included a recipe for making poison: That is, to put baked beans and a piece of pork into a metal canteen for three weeks. When the can bulges, then you have your homemade botulism. A woman once ate a rancid baked bean, spit it out and rinsed out her mouth. Three days later, she was dead from botulism poisoning.
TS: Case #1 -Bean Soup
After years of constant abuse.
One night, the suspect ladles the soup, but adds in a poison bean poured out through an empty salt shaker in his pocket.
The other characters in this grim drama enter the dining room. The stepmother takes her first sip of soup. That is all it will take. And suddenly, it is as if the cosmic tapestry has been disturbingly, irreversibly ruffled. "Father" speaks angrily, saying, "During the war, there were many traitors who were working for the Nazis. They were brave enough even to commit murder!"
There was a commercial from the Poison Control Centre. The suspect's siblings glared at him during the airing of that commericial. Stepmother, however, looks at the suspect thoughtfully, and with, it seemed, a look of great sadness.
That night, the suspect hears her complain of a stomach ache. She was standing right outside his room when she said it. Funny, she usually always never comes to the suspect's room or even near it at night.
The way she was standing out there was haunting, like Madeleine in The Library of the House of Usher.
The next day, her lips turn blue.
At the funeral, everyone could tell just looking at his eyes that he killed her.
TS: Case 2 - Straight Razor -suspect's statement
The suspect. A few days ago, he bought a straight razor. In the Stephen King book, 'Hearts in Atlantis', the book mentions a store which sells straight razors with fancy carved handles. "These razors are not used for shaving." It did not mention what the razors were used for.
They are used for killing pigs. The suspect bought a straight razor. A gold plated one with a pig with wings and clouds surounding. A pig flying to heaven.
His stepmother was born in the year of the pig. He decides to visit her, but not without his pig razor.
He uses a file and scrape off the pigs wings, and the clouds, too. This little piggie will not be going to heaven!
He visits his stepmother. She is sitting on her hands rocking back and forth slightly. "What are you doing here? Are you on drugs? What's wrong with you?!" He slits her throat. Then for some reason he hears someone say, "No..." and then he feels a liquid warmth on his hands.
The razor cut through, past the formidable layer of yellow subcutaneous fat to the purple intestines that was glazed like a sugar donut. He was ripping out her guts like someone ripping the wires out of a telephone! A large pool of blood had formed.
With $75,000 he went to Cambodia. But that is another story.
TS: Case 3 - Liquid Bean Sleep -Police notes
A copycat crime.
The botulism bean. Administered when the stepmother in this case was asleep.
She died at the hospital 24 hours later. Suspect in this case was sent to a juvenile detention unit. The rest of the family move to a different town. They are never reunited.
TS: March 11, 1983.
TS: Detective: Chris Hines, Homicide RCPF
Detective Chris Hines showed up to work that morning, to a case dossier on his desk.
3 women found dead. The words, "serial killer" was being used by the media.
Detective Chris Hines solved lots of cases.
Serial killer was ruled out by Police forensics due to differing DNA profiles.
As he was opening a box of donuts, a female Police secretary brought in two more cases.
TS: Case 4 - Steel Toed Boots.
The criminal in this case walked into the house where his stepmother was living.
Wearing steel toed boots. Stepmother in a corner. He thought of an old schoolyard joke,
"Why do Italians wear pointy shoes?" "So they can kick the cockroaches in the corner!"
One miscreant trajectory of his steel toed boot. There was a sickening crunch. A large circle of blood was inkblotting on the floor. She was near dead.
More kicks. Later, he was caught and sentenced. The Detective was named Chris Hines.
TS: Case 5
Suspect living at 5310 Hamilton Street uses knife to kill stepmother.
TS: POLICE BLOTTER / Detective: Chris Hines
Grumbles: The cases.Police notes , and quoted statements from the suspects.
There was a baffling similarity to all the cases.
A book, The Place of Dead Roads' this contains a recipe for botulism using beans. Copy-cat killings.
The suspects also checked the book out on their library cards.
In the second case, the suspect fled to Cambodia. The appropriate information has been forwarded to Cambodian Police.
In the 3rd case, the suspect was released after serving time.
In the last two cases, the suspects are still serving time.
Detective Chris Hines solved these cases because he himself had a stepmother.
That is how he made the connection.
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Warning: Rated R. The following story contains scenes of gratuitous violence.
from the case files of Detective Chris Hines.
Title screen: In 1982, William S. Burroughs wrote a book called 'The Place of Dead Roads'. included a recipe for making poison: That is, to put baked beans and a piece of pork into a metal canteen for three weeks. When the can bulges, then you have your homemade botulism. A woman once ate a rancid baked bean, spit it out and rinsed out her mouth. Three days later, she was dead from botulism poisoning.
TS: Case #1 -Bean Soup
After years of constant abuse.
One night, the suspect ladles the soup, but adds in a poison bean poured out through an empty salt shaker in his pocket.
The other characters in this grim drama enter the dining room. The stepmother takes her first sip of soup. That is all it will take. And suddenly, it is as if the cosmic tapestry has been disturbingly, irreversibly ruffled. "Father" speaks angrily, saying, "During the war, there were many traitors who were working for the Nazis. They were brave enough even to commit murder!"
There was a commercial from the Poison Control Centre. The suspect's siblings glared at him during the airing of that commericial. Stepmother, however, looks at the suspect thoughtfully, and with, it seemed, a look of great sadness.
That night, the suspect hears her complain of a stomach ache. She was standing right outside his room when she said it. Funny, she usually always never comes to the suspect's room or even near it at night.
The way she was standing out there was haunting, like Madeleine in The Library of the House of Usher.
The next day, her lips turn blue.
At the funeral, everyone could tell just looking at his eyes that he killed her.
TS: Case 2 - Straight Razor -suspect's statement
The suspect. A few days ago, he bought a straight razor. In the Stephen King book, 'Hearts in Atlantis', the book mentions a store which sells straight razors with fancy carved handles. "These razors are not used for shaving." It did not mention what the razors were used for.
They are used for killing pigs. The suspect bought a straight razor. A gold plated one with a pig with wings and clouds surounding. A pig flying to heaven.
His stepmother was born in the year of the pig. He decides to visit her, but not without his pig razor.
He uses a file and scrape off the pigs wings, and the clouds, too. This little piggie will not be going to heaven!
He visits his stepmother. She is sitting on her hands rocking back and forth slightly. "What are you doing here? Are you on drugs? What's wrong with you?!" He slits her throat. Then for some reason he hears someone say, "No..." and then he feels a liquid warmth on his hands.
The razor cut through, past the formidable layer of yellow subcutaneous fat to the purple intestines that was glazed like a sugar donut. He was ripping out her guts like someone ripping the wires out of a telephone! A large pool of blood had formed.
With $75,000 he went to Cambodia. But that is another story.
TS: Case 3 - Liquid Bean Sleep -Police notes
A copycat crime.
The botulism bean. Administered when the stepmother in this case was asleep.
She died at the hospital 24 hours later. Suspect in this case was sent to a juvenile detention unit. The rest of the family move to a different town. They are never reunited.
TS: March 11, 1983.
TS: Detective: Chris Hines, Homicide RCPF
Detective Chris Hines showed up to work that morning, to a case dossier on his desk.
3 women found dead. The words, "serial killer" was being used by the media.
Detective Chris Hines solved lots of cases.
Serial killer was ruled out by Police forensics due to differing DNA profiles.
As he was opening a box of donuts, a female Police secretary brought in two more cases.
TS: Case 4 - Steel Toed Boots.
The criminal in this case walked into the house where his stepmother was living.
Wearing steel toed boots. Stepmother in a corner. He thought of an old schoolyard joke,
"Why do Italians wear pointy shoes?" "So they can kick the cockroaches in the corner!"
One miscreant trajectory of his steel toed boot. There was a sickening crunch. A large circle of blood was inkblotting on the floor. She was near dead.
More kicks. Later, he was caught and sentenced. The Detective was named Chris Hines.
TS: Case 5
Suspect living at 5310 Hamilton Street uses knife to kill stepmother.
TS: POLICE BLOTTER / Detective: Chris Hines
Grumbles: The cases.Police notes , and quoted statements from the suspects.
There was a baffling similarity to all the cases.
A book, The Place of Dead Roads' this contains a recipe for botulism using beans. Copy-cat killings.
The suspects also checked the book out on their library cards.
In the second case, the suspect fled to Cambodia. The appropriate information has been forwarded to Cambodian Police.
In the 3rd case, the suspect was released after serving time.
In the last two cases, the suspects are still serving time.
Detective Chris Hines solved these cases because he himself had a stepmother.
That is how he made the connection.
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The following is the original unedited and unabridged manuscript. Soon to be abridged.
from the case files of Detective Chris Hines.
In 1982, William S. Burroughs wrote a book called 'The Place of Dead Roads'. The book was generous and unapologetic in its luridness. Within that book, however, there included a recipe for making poison: That is, to put baked beans and a piece of pork into a metal canteen for three weeks. When the can bulges, then you have your homemade botulism. A woman once ate a rancid baked bean, spit it out and rinsed out her mouth. Three days later, she was dead from botulism poisoning.
Case #1 -Bean Soup
Suspect's statement.
My name is Tim Bean. I was 12 years old when this happened. After years of witnessing constant abuse I realize at that young age that my stepmother cannot help it; it's her personality.
She is not likely to change and I have to save myself from more years of this. A priest told me, "Compassion for oneself is most important of all."
"All diseases are diseases of exposure." -William Burroughs. It is best to remove oneself from the site of contagion.
One night, at the dinner table, it is my turn to ladle out the soup. "Father", and my adoptive siblings, brother and sister are in their respective rooms. I ladle the soup, but add in a poison bean poured out through an empty salt shaker in my pocket.
The other characters in this grim drama enter the dining room. Stepmother takes her first sip of soup. That is all it will take. And suddenly, it is as if the cosmic tapestry has been disturbingly, irreversibly ruffled. "Father" speaks angrily, saying, "During the war, there were many traitors who were working for the Nazis. They were brave enough even to commit murder!"
There was a commercial from the Poison Control Centre of the United States on television at that moment. Stepbrother and stepsister glared at me during the airing of that commericial. Stepmother, however, looks and me thoughtfully, and with, it seemed, a look of great sadness.
That night, I hear her complain of a stomach ache to my father. She was standing right outside my room when she said it. Funny, she usually always never comes to my room or even near it at night.
The way she was standing out there was haunting, the way Madeleine must have stood in the Library of the House of Usher.
Over the course of the next day, her lips turn cyanotic blue.
At the funeral, everyone could tell, especially my grandparents, just by looking at my eyes that I killed her. The mark of Cain, to be sure.
The Police released Tim Bean. The stepmother's death was ruled to be a uniquely singular case of food poisoning. Tim Bean was released after Police questioning.
At least once a month, for the rest of his life, for "no reason", Tim Bean is pulled over and questioned by the Police.
Case 2 - Straight Razor -suspect's statement
A visit to Wreck Beach, Vancouver. I score 4 tabs of Superman LSD. Naked chicks.
My name is Jim Murrison. A few days ago, I bought a straight razor. In the Stephen King book, 'Hearts in Atlantis', the book mentions a store which sells straight razors with fancy carved handles. However, the book said, that, "These razors are not used for shaving." It did not mention what the razors were used for.
They are used for killing pigs, obviously. On the strength of that remembered paragraph, I bought a straight razor. A gold plated one with a pig with wings and clouds surounding. A pig flying to heaven. For the spiritually inclined porcine abbatoiriste, of course.
Stepmother mentioned that she was born in the year of the pig. But when I researched for myself, I saw that she was really born in the year of the monkey. But following her bullshit at face value, I decide to visit her, but not without my pig razor.
I was flying on LSD at the time! I use a file and scrape off the pigs wings, and the clouds, too. This little piggie will not be going to heaven!
I visit her when others are at work. The room darkens and lightens like a movie filmed w/out a light meter. (this is a metaphor for light and darkness trying to sideline one another at this point. Plus the pupils will dilate and contract wildly on LSD)
She is sitting on her hands rocking back and forth slightly. "What are you doing here? Are you on drugs? What's wrong with you?!" I pounce and slit her throat. Then for some reason I hear someone say, "No..." and I, Jim Murrison feel a liquid warmth on my hands. Like Aldous Huxley's 'Eyeless in Gaza' I flash back to five seconds ago. Oh yeah, I was thinking that she got a hysterectomy a few years ago ie she is partially eviscerated; why not complete the process? The razor cut through with all the difficulty of a welding torch cutting through melted butter. Past the formidable layer of yellow subcutaneous fat to the purple intestines that was glazed like a sugar donut. I was ripping out her guts like someone ripping the wires out of a telephone! A large pool of blood had formed. Crystalline kaleidoscopes had embedded themselves here, there, and everywhere.
The birds were singing outside. Their whistling songs were deafeningly loud, strangely, but this is just an effect of the LSD.
I was laughing and laughing! I threw pieces of her guts around the room.
With $75,000 I got to Cambodia as soon as possible. There were no extradition treaties between Canada and Cambodia. However, in Cambodia, I ran into some strange karma, coincidences directly related to my act, but that is another story.
Case 3 - Liquid Bean Sleep -Police notes
Library Book. The Place of Dead Roads. A copycat crime. Tim Bean never got convicted for his crime, but he was never approached by his best friends and never advised to go into politics in that jocular way that most good friends will speak to one another, either.
Rex Roth. 12 years old. The botulism bean. Administered when stepmother was asleep. She awoke and cursed a blue streak. Beaten by father.
suspects statement: "The next day, like a defector planning to leave Russia, I packed all my things. Stepmother vomited all the next day, from what I hear. She kept on reaching out her arms, kept doing that, as if reaching out to a state of painlessness that would now always be beyond her.
That was when she was not clutching her stomach."
She died at the hospital 24 hours later. Roth was sent to a juvenile detention unit. The rest of the family move to a different town. They are never reunited.
POLICE BLOTTER - March 11, 1983.
Detective: Chris Hines, Homicide RCMP
When I showed up to work this morning, there was a case dossier that had not been there before.
3 women found dead. One killed from a suspicious food poisoning. One from a gruesome homestyle hand-crafter evisceration, "Real folk, that's for sure!", I thought.
And another from the same M.O. as the first murder. The stories were splashed on the papers. The first murder occurred February 1st. The second, the next day, on February 2nd, the next occurred on March 3rd.
The words, "serial killer" were even bandied about.
I had been working at this job for 11 years now. It's what I do. It's all I do. After hundreds of cases, I could solve these ones, I think, w/out even leaving my desk. All I need is a computer, the case files, a phone, and half a dozen Tim Horton's donuts and some coffee.
Although "serial killer" was used, the next day, it was ruled out by Police forensics particulars, prints, differing angles of attack which suggested different heights, different DNA profiles. Murders know no timetable. As I was opening the box of donuts, two more cases were brought in by a female Police secretary. They happened today.
Case 4 - Steel Toed Boots. -Police notes
Luke Leary often wished that he could have "ten minutes alone in a room w/ his stepmother." He said this such a twisted snarl of maliciousness, that it was obvious he was not referring to incest.
One day, early in the morning, he walked into the house where his stepmother was living.
"I was wearing steel toed boots. I had stepmother in a corner. I thought of an old schoolyard joke,
"Why do Italians wear pointy shoes?" "So they can kick the cockroaches in the corner!"
One miscreant trajectory of my steel toed boot hit her skull. There was a sickening crunch. A large circle of blood was inkblotting on her head. She was near dead.
More kicks resulted in gruesome anotomical displays of broken bones and bloody apertures newly formed as her arms, ribs, stomach, head were kicked repeatedly.
Obscene wounds, bones broken, limbs bent in grotesque angles in some cases, multiple places as to almost from a semi-circle.
Arcs of blood were peeled from her dead corpse frame with with every horrifying retraction of my steel toed boots.
A symphony of sickening crunches and red splatters.
I had left her half-triturated body where it lay, in that corner, immersed in a small lake of blood. I turned away in disgust. Later, I was caught and sentenced. The Detective was named Chris Hines.
Case 5 - Stab with a knife -suspect's statement
14 years old. Rick Jones. Oppressive stepmother. Verbal abuse. Insults non-stop. "Chinky language.
the unreasonable chores. Worst of all, the constant sadistic beatings. I take matters into my own hands. I stab her with a knife.
She dies later. I get sent to prison.
Detective: Chris Hines
The cases were written alternatively in Police notes , and quoted statements from the suspects.
Because of the close proximity of the killings, at first it was naturally assumed that it was a serial killer. but the forensics particulars ruled that out. However, there was a baffling similarity to all the cases.
I thought of my old detective friends from the world of literature, Mssr. Auguste Dupin, Mr. Hercule Poirot, and of course, Sherlock Holmes.
Murder on the Orient Express said that just because there were multiple stab wounds, it does not necessarily mean that they were all caused by one murderer, so in this case, the same applies.
And in the case of the food poisonings: Forensics labs in Switzerland can find one part per billion of the most obscurest and most illegal drug.
A part of a masticated lima bean was found in one of the victim's stomach, in the other traces of botulism were smeared on her lips and tongue. A review of her kitchen found that lima beans did not figure in her usual recipes.
A book was recently released called 'The Place of Dead Roads' this contains a recipe for botulism using beans. This is the inspiration of similar poisonings in the U.S. They were rare, but a sudden spate of an unusual MO of homicide can usually be attributed to literary copy-cat killings.
This must be like that. Plus the suspects also checked the book out on their library cards.
I can only arrest. I can not determine guilt or innocence, let alone the sentence.
In the first case, the suspect was released due to his age and severity of abuse.
In the second case, the suspect fled to Cambodia. The appropriate information has been forwarded to Cambodian Police.
In the 3rd case, the victim was released after serving time.
In the last two cases, the suspects are still serving time.
I solved these cases, ultimately, because I myself am the stepchild of a sadistic half-wit stepmother. The vast majority of people have unassumingly kind stepmothers, but for me, it was an exception as my stepmother was a mean one. A seamstress upon meeting a saint see only the buttons or the zipper and I saw the similarity in these cases immediately.
Stepsons killing stepmothers. What is the world coming to? And these were only five murders committed in Canada this month. I am an RCMP Detective so my jursidiction covers all of Canada and these particular cases have somehow landed on my particular desk.
Although I never killed my stepmother, after a time, I never saw her again, so in a way, that is like killing her; killing her by proxy.
I immediately made the connection, so I told the RCMP Sergeant Matt Mason, my deductions. The fingerprints, the tapings, the 310 DNA Analyser findings all seemed to confirm this.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Police Blotter 15 Press 'M' For Murder
Police Blotter 15 Press 'M' For Murder
Cocaine. Allen Wells had a dog day afternoon. With nothing to do all afternoon, he spent that time wasted on beer, pot and lines of cocaine.
He inhaled another line.
He decided to drink beer. Alcohol and cocaine together form a chemical compound called cocaethylene catalyzed in the liver.
Allen Wells had a bad reputation around town, although the extent of this was not apparent to him.
Allen Wells liked cheese and beer. Cheese opens the taste bud flowers on the tongue and preps it for the grainy sharpness of beer. On this occasion, he had Danish Blue Cheese which is very stinky when opened from the box.
He left the box of cheese open on the table. He thought of his girlfriend.
Wells had a long look at another object that was lying on the table next to the beer, pot and cocaine. It was an MP3 player which could fit about 15,000 songs. He just got it at WalMart. There are even such things as MP4 players, but these are usually found on computers.
A few beers later, as the winter was setting early as expected. It was only 4:30 in the evening, but the sky was already ominously overcast and saturated with darkness. The female janitor was mopping the hall floor again. He could smell the strong odour of Pine-Sol.
Curiously, he also smelt cat shit although there was no cat. It took him a few minutes to realize, like understanding a lesson component in Chemistry 101, that the smells of Pine-Sol and blue cheese together smell like cat shit.
He should have seen this as a bad omen. He remembered a line from the novel 'Dune' which said that bad smells are omens of evil.
He should not have left his apartment that night.
Constable Chris Hines of the Royal Canadian Police Force or the R.C.P.F. was at the Police station. It was during lunch break that he got a call that there was a homicide.
Allen Wells was killed by persons soon apprehended. For hours, perhaps days, Allen Wells did not remember the thing that he did, but he did a lot of rude obnoxious things and got on too many people's nerves.
He was found dead the next morning along with items upon his person including an MP3 player with heavy metal on the playlist. Detective Chris Hines, the investigating officer was left to put the pieces together.
R.C.P.F. Ballistics had determined that the weapon used to murder Mr. Wells was an MP5. A Heckler & Kock MP5 is a type of machine gun.
The crack cocaine trade, practically non-existent ten years ago has become the new reality. It is the picaresque social lubricant for the surly on their time off work occupying the space that bottles of whisky did fifty years ago.
Bad deals, greed, misunderstandings over this pernicious blight that is crack cocaine has cost many lives and has sullied the image of many towns.
Authors note: About the title: Alfred Hitchcock directed Dial M for murder. Today on cellphones people press rather than dial.
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Cocaine. Allen Wells had a dog day afternoon. With nothing to do all afternoon, he spent that time wasted on beer, pot and lines of cocaine.
He inhaled another line.
He decided to drink beer. Alcohol and cocaine together form a chemical compound called cocaethylene catalyzed in the liver.
Allen Wells had a bad reputation around town, although the extent of this was not apparent to him.
Allen Wells liked cheese and beer. Cheese opens the taste bud flowers on the tongue and preps it for the grainy sharpness of beer. On this occasion, he had Danish Blue Cheese which is very stinky when opened from the box.
He left the box of cheese open on the table. He thought of his girlfriend.
Wells had a long look at another object that was lying on the table next to the beer, pot and cocaine. It was an MP3 player which could fit about 15,000 songs. He just got it at WalMart. There are even such things as MP4 players, but these are usually found on computers.
A few beers later, as the winter was setting early as expected. It was only 4:30 in the evening, but the sky was already ominously overcast and saturated with darkness. The female janitor was mopping the hall floor again. He could smell the strong odour of Pine-Sol.
Curiously, he also smelt cat shit although there was no cat. It took him a few minutes to realize, like understanding a lesson component in Chemistry 101, that the smells of Pine-Sol and blue cheese together smell like cat shit.
He should have seen this as a bad omen. He remembered a line from the novel 'Dune' which said that bad smells are omens of evil.
He should not have left his apartment that night.
Constable Chris Hines of the Royal Canadian Police Force or the R.C.P.F. was at the Police station. It was during lunch break that he got a call that there was a homicide.
Allen Wells was killed by persons soon apprehended. For hours, perhaps days, Allen Wells did not remember the thing that he did, but he did a lot of rude obnoxious things and got on too many people's nerves.
He was found dead the next morning along with items upon his person including an MP3 player with heavy metal on the playlist. Detective Chris Hines, the investigating officer was left to put the pieces together.
R.C.P.F. Ballistics had determined that the weapon used to murder Mr. Wells was an MP5. A Heckler & Kock MP5 is a type of machine gun.
The crack cocaine trade, practically non-existent ten years ago has become the new reality. It is the picaresque social lubricant for the surly on their time off work occupying the space that bottles of whisky did fifty years ago.
Bad deals, greed, misunderstandings over this pernicious blight that is crack cocaine has cost many lives and has sullied the image of many towns.
Authors note: About the title: Alfred Hitchcock directed Dial M for murder. Today on cellphones people press rather than dial.
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
Time Machine Trip 2
Time Machine Trip 2
Advertisement: Here at Time Machine Industries, we have different models of time machines.
Aside from the ones that go quickly into the past and the future, we have these ones that, look first of all, we are time machines. As humans, we are time machines that take an hour to go forward an hour. However, you can stay in one of our time machine hotels which take half or a quarter of the time. You can stay in our time machine guesthouse for one year, and when you emerge, only 6 months will have elapsed.
Time does not exist in the sense that time machines only move in relation to humans who are likewise time machines not stationary in time, but moving forward in time one second at a time, one day at a time. One thing at a time.
In our Time Stands Still model of time machine, whatever time you set it to, for example, 10:30 40 seconds, November 1st, 2005, you go into the time machine and whether you stay there for one day, one year, or ten years whenever you emerge, it will be that time. Of course when you emerge, time will move forward. Of course all you have to do is to step back into the time machine and when you emerge, it will go back to that time again.
Of course a person only has so much time in their life. Let's say that in 2017, someone spends two years in one of our slow motion time machines so that when he emerges, it is 2018, one year later. Let's say that if in the normal course of events, he would have died in the year 2050, because he used the machine, he will wind up dying in 2049. On other words a person has to make up for it at the other end.
The preceding message is a paid advertisement and does not reflect the views and opinions of this television station or any of its affiliates.
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Advertisement: Here at Time Machine Industries, we have different models of time machines.
Aside from the ones that go quickly into the past and the future, we have these ones that, look first of all, we are time machines. As humans, we are time machines that take an hour to go forward an hour. However, you can stay in one of our time machine hotels which take half or a quarter of the time. You can stay in our time machine guesthouse for one year, and when you emerge, only 6 months will have elapsed.
Time does not exist in the sense that time machines only move in relation to humans who are likewise time machines not stationary in time, but moving forward in time one second at a time, one day at a time. One thing at a time.
In our Time Stands Still model of time machine, whatever time you set it to, for example, 10:30 40 seconds, November 1st, 2005, you go into the time machine and whether you stay there for one day, one year, or ten years whenever you emerge, it will be that time. Of course when you emerge, time will move forward. Of course all you have to do is to step back into the time machine and when you emerge, it will go back to that time again.
Of course a person only has so much time in their life. Let's say that in 2017, someone spends two years in one of our slow motion time machines so that when he emerges, it is 2018, one year later. Let's say that if in the normal course of events, he would have died in the year 2050, because he used the machine, he will wind up dying in 2049. On other words a person has to make up for it at the other end.
The preceding message is a paid advertisement and does not reflect the views and opinions of this television station or any of its affiliates.
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Saturday, August 2, 2008
Night At The Movies 7
Night At The Movies 7
One Hour Photo is a movie that is an old overlooked classic. This is one of the few films in which Robin Williams plays the bad guy, or indeed anyone even remotely evil. The significance of this movie has been overshadowed in the recent years of how WalMart has started from a few humble stores in the American Midwest to how it is now an umbrella corporation which covers just about all of North America dotting small towns here and there with their familiar blue leviathan megabox stores.
One Hour Photo is the story of a man who develops film at his job at the SavMart which is obviously a bastardized form of the name WalMart. Not only that, he develops crushes or otherwise internalized personal views of his patients in addition to developing the photos of their views of the Grande Canyon, the waterfalls, the National Park, etc. This was in the old days of Kodachrome where developing pictures required a darkroom, some developer, fixer, emulsion, stop, rinse, etc. Now with digital cameras and programs like www.smashmash.tv, people can develop their pictures instantly without darkrooms and hands smelling of that crisp sour smell of film developing liquid.
He is a decidedly dark and psychotic man as he fills in the number of prints to be developed to be one more than the customer requests. That way, he could have a copy for himself which he pastes all over his wall in a multihundred photo collage which later on in the movie, the Police look over with interest. There is one customer in particular a woman, who he develops an empathy for. He also sees what her husband looks like in her photos and is surprised when the husband comes in alone and asks for pictures developed and sees this husband in semierotic photos with another woman. And why does this husband character look so much like the Canadian basketball player Steve Nash? He struggles with whether or not to tell the wife whom he has become friends with. While he is busily mulling over this latest controversy, the boss of the SavMart has announced that he has checked the receipts against the counter on the photo developing machine and concludes that extra copies have been printed and decides to fire Robin Williams and gives him a week's notice.
Robin Williams decides to use the last week to his advantage as he stalks the husband in a hotel room where the husband is with that other woman and under knifepoint gets him to promise to forswear his infidelity. He does. Robin Williams does not kill the guy.
It turns out that Robin Williams did not have too much to worry about because within a couple of years, photo developing would be phased out at WalMart as people are using digital cameras exclusively. Some digital cameras which are children's toys are sold for as little as $20. The scene with the blue vest on the coat hanger as Robin Williams is busily working out his latest dageurrotypical machinations must send a chill down the spine of WalMart employees.
4 stars. Five stars if he killed the guy.
The Aviator - Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, this movie is about the life of Howard Hughes.
Howard Hughes is the recipient of a fortune because his father in the oil business, invented a drill bit for oil wells.
Howard Hughes, initially in the oil industry spends his money on making early Hollywood films. Howard Hughes should be most known for his movie making efforts. He was a pioneer and one of the first movie makers to go large scale, spending millions of dollars and up to five years on a movie. His major early movies were Hell's Angels based on the World War One flying aces and Scarface, based on the life of Al Capone. Even into the 1950s, he was making movies like The Outlaw with Jane Russell.
Howard Hughes, in his early film years had started that strange descent into craziness. Phrases like "Come in with the milk" and "It's the wave of the future" were no doubt startlingly culled from whatever strange plane that Howard Hughes existed on in the Universe.
He was one of the first major directors.
Later on, Howard Hughes lapsed into his other love which was aviation. In that, he was also a pioneer. He was the first private one man head of an airline. During the 1950s, he made the world's largest plane ever called The Spruce Goose which flew on one afternoon for 45 minutes in a harbour.
Later on, he was bought out. Sigh, yes, Standard Oil bought him out of his oil ventures. Hollywood bought out his film company and finally he was forced to sell his airline to Pan Am.
In the last phase of Howard Hughes life, he became a junkie as he started to regularly intravenously use drugs such as morphine sulfate. Famously, his hair and fingernails grew long.
Howard Hughes spent his last years moving from the film studio world of Los Angeles California and its film suburbs like Burbank, Culver City, and moved to the Las Vegas strip. At that strange time in Howard Hughes life, strange characters from the criminal underworld were his personal security guards. During that time, Howard Hughes was in a real estate craze and travelled to different places buying up real estate after he had already bought up a bunch of real estate in Las Vegas. Weeks before he died, Howard Hughes even visited the Bayshore Inn on Coal Harbour near Stanley Park in Vancouver Canada.
Howard Hughes died on a plane ride from Mexico to Texas in 1979. One of his nephews had inherited his billion dollar estate.
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One Hour Photo is a movie that is an old overlooked classic. This is one of the few films in which Robin Williams plays the bad guy, or indeed anyone even remotely evil. The significance of this movie has been overshadowed in the recent years of how WalMart has started from a few humble stores in the American Midwest to how it is now an umbrella corporation which covers just about all of North America dotting small towns here and there with their familiar blue leviathan megabox stores.
One Hour Photo is the story of a man who develops film at his job at the SavMart which is obviously a bastardized form of the name WalMart. Not only that, he develops crushes or otherwise internalized personal views of his patients in addition to developing the photos of their views of the Grande Canyon, the waterfalls, the National Park, etc. This was in the old days of Kodachrome where developing pictures required a darkroom, some developer, fixer, emulsion, stop, rinse, etc. Now with digital cameras and programs like www.smashmash.tv, people can develop their pictures instantly without darkrooms and hands smelling of that crisp sour smell of film developing liquid.
He is a decidedly dark and psychotic man as he fills in the number of prints to be developed to be one more than the customer requests. That way, he could have a copy for himself which he pastes all over his wall in a multihundred photo collage which later on in the movie, the Police look over with interest. There is one customer in particular a woman, who he develops an empathy for. He also sees what her husband looks like in her photos and is surprised when the husband comes in alone and asks for pictures developed and sees this husband in semierotic photos with another woman. And why does this husband character look so much like the Canadian basketball player Steve Nash? He struggles with whether or not to tell the wife whom he has become friends with. While he is busily mulling over this latest controversy, the boss of the SavMart has announced that he has checked the receipts against the counter on the photo developing machine and concludes that extra copies have been printed and decides to fire Robin Williams and gives him a week's notice.
Robin Williams decides to use the last week to his advantage as he stalks the husband in a hotel room where the husband is with that other woman and under knifepoint gets him to promise to forswear his infidelity. He does. Robin Williams does not kill the guy.
It turns out that Robin Williams did not have too much to worry about because within a couple of years, photo developing would be phased out at WalMart as people are using digital cameras exclusively. Some digital cameras which are children's toys are sold for as little as $20. The scene with the blue vest on the coat hanger as Robin Williams is busily working out his latest dageurrotypical machinations must send a chill down the spine of WalMart employees.
4 stars. Five stars if he killed the guy.
The Aviator - Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, this movie is about the life of Howard Hughes.
Howard Hughes is the recipient of a fortune because his father in the oil business, invented a drill bit for oil wells.
Howard Hughes, initially in the oil industry spends his money on making early Hollywood films. Howard Hughes should be most known for his movie making efforts. He was a pioneer and one of the first movie makers to go large scale, spending millions of dollars and up to five years on a movie. His major early movies were Hell's Angels based on the World War One flying aces and Scarface, based on the life of Al Capone. Even into the 1950s, he was making movies like The Outlaw with Jane Russell.
Howard Hughes, in his early film years had started that strange descent into craziness. Phrases like "Come in with the milk" and "It's the wave of the future" were no doubt startlingly culled from whatever strange plane that Howard Hughes existed on in the Universe.
He was one of the first major directors.
Later on, Howard Hughes lapsed into his other love which was aviation. In that, he was also a pioneer. He was the first private one man head of an airline. During the 1950s, he made the world's largest plane ever called The Spruce Goose which flew on one afternoon for 45 minutes in a harbour.
Later on, he was bought out. Sigh, yes, Standard Oil bought him out of his oil ventures. Hollywood bought out his film company and finally he was forced to sell his airline to Pan Am.
In the last phase of Howard Hughes life, he became a junkie as he started to regularly intravenously use drugs such as morphine sulfate. Famously, his hair and fingernails grew long.
Howard Hughes spent his last years moving from the film studio world of Los Angeles California and its film suburbs like Burbank, Culver City, and moved to the Las Vegas strip. At that strange time in Howard Hughes life, strange characters from the criminal underworld were his personal security guards. During that time, Howard Hughes was in a real estate craze and travelled to different places buying up real estate after he had already bought up a bunch of real estate in Las Vegas. Weeks before he died, Howard Hughes even visited the Bayshore Inn on Coal Harbour near Stanley Park in Vancouver Canada.
Howard Hughes died on a plane ride from Mexico to Texas in 1979. One of his nephews had inherited his billion dollar estate.
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