Warning: Rated R. The following story contains scenes of gratuitous violence.
from the case files of Detective Chris Hines.
Title screen: In 1982, William S. Burroughs wrote a book called 'The Place of Dead Roads'. included a recipe for making poison: That is, to put baked beans and a piece of pork into a metal canteen for three weeks. When the can bulges, then you have your homemade botulism. A woman once ate a rancid baked bean, spit it out and rinsed out her mouth. Three days later, she was dead from botulism poisoning.
TS: Case #1 -Bean Soup
After years of constant abuse.
One night, the suspect ladles the soup, but adds in a poison bean poured out through an empty salt shaker in his pocket.
The other characters in this grim drama enter the dining room. The stepmother takes her first sip of soup. That is all it will take. And suddenly, it is as if the cosmic tapestry has been disturbingly, irreversibly ruffled. "Father" speaks angrily, saying, "During the war, there were many traitors who were working for the Nazis. They were brave enough even to commit murder!"
There was a commercial from the Poison Control Centre. The suspect's siblings glared at him during the airing of that commericial. Stepmother, however, looks at the suspect thoughtfully, and with, it seemed, a look of great sadness.
That night, the suspect hears her complain of a stomach ache. She was standing right outside his room when she said it. Funny, she usually always never comes to the suspect's room or even near it at night.
The way she was standing out there was haunting, like Madeleine in The Library of the House of Usher.
The next day, her lips turn blue.
At the funeral, everyone could tell just looking at his eyes that he killed her.
TS: Case 2 - Straight Razor -suspect's statement
The suspect. A few days ago, he bought a straight razor. In the Stephen King book, 'Hearts in Atlantis', the book mentions a store which sells straight razors with fancy carved handles. "These razors are not used for shaving." It did not mention what the razors were used for.
They are used for killing pigs. The suspect bought a straight razor. A gold plated one with a pig with wings and clouds surounding. A pig flying to heaven.
His stepmother was born in the year of the pig. He decides to visit her, but not without his pig razor.
He uses a file and scrape off the pigs wings, and the clouds, too. This little piggie will not be going to heaven!
He visits his stepmother. She is sitting on her hands rocking back and forth slightly. "What are you doing here? Are you on drugs? What's wrong with you?!" He slits her throat. Then for some reason he hears someone say, "No..." and then he feels a liquid warmth on his hands.
The razor cut through, past the formidable layer of yellow subcutaneous fat to the purple intestines that was glazed like a sugar donut. He was ripping out her guts like someone ripping the wires out of a telephone! A large pool of blood had formed.
With $75,000 he went to Cambodia. But that is another story.
TS: Case 3 - Liquid Bean Sleep -Police notes
A copycat crime.
The botulism bean. Administered when the stepmother in this case was asleep.
She died at the hospital 24 hours later. Suspect in this case was sent to a juvenile detention unit. The rest of the family move to a different town. They are never reunited.
TS: March 11, 1983.
TS: Detective: Chris Hines, Homicide RCPF
Detective Chris Hines showed up to work that morning, to a case dossier on his desk.
3 women found dead. The words, "serial killer" was being used by the media.
Detective Chris Hines solved lots of cases.
Serial killer was ruled out by Police forensics due to differing DNA profiles.
As he was opening a box of donuts, a female Police secretary brought in two more cases.
TS: Case 4 - Steel Toed Boots.
The criminal in this case walked into the house where his stepmother was living.
Wearing steel toed boots. Stepmother in a corner. He thought of an old schoolyard joke,
"Why do Italians wear pointy shoes?" "So they can kick the cockroaches in the corner!"
One miscreant trajectory of his steel toed boot. There was a sickening crunch. A large circle of blood was inkblotting on the floor. She was near dead.
More kicks. Later, he was caught and sentenced. The Detective was named Chris Hines.
TS: Case 5
Suspect living at 5310 Hamilton Street uses knife to kill stepmother.
TS: POLICE BLOTTER / Detective: Chris Hines
Grumbles: The cases.Police notes , and quoted statements from the suspects.
There was a baffling similarity to all the cases.
A book, The Place of Dead Roads' this contains a recipe for botulism using beans. Copy-cat killings.
The suspects also checked the book out on their library cards.
In the second case, the suspect fled to Cambodia. The appropriate information has been forwarded to Cambodian Police.
In the 3rd case, the suspect was released after serving time.
In the last two cases, the suspects are still serving time.
Detective Chris Hines solved these cases because he himself had a stepmother.
That is how he made the connection.
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