Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dream February 20, 2009
Dream February 20, 2009 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
January 30 Afternoon. I stand with some people on a stairs landing outside of a school. We look down at an event. I walk back into the school, and walk down the hall. After a distance, the hall turns right. I walk down that hall which now has windows on the right. In the distance ahead is a set of stairs going down and double wood doors with small windows on each door. I notice that Cate is walking with me and escorting me to the stairs. When I almost get to the stairs, Cate starts to walk back to her car, parked in the parking lot. I offer to walk Cate back to her car, since she was so kind to walk me to the stairs. She says, "That's OK." Interpretation: Cate, and this may be a fictional name, and I had a fight recently. I can't believe that she appeared in my dream. Her walking me to the door means that she is sorry about the argument. Me offering to walk back with her means that I accept her apology. She saying that is I don't have to walk her back means that all is OK.
Dream Saturday February 21, 2009
I had a dream where I met this lady, kind of fat. We were on a bed. She stroked my pink cock hard. After some time I was hard enough and she sat on top of me, I could feel the 360 centripedal force all around my cock. She was sitting on my groin. Then the door opened and two guys walked in.
Interpretation: This is not the good thing it first sounds. Traditionally, in centuries past, these entities were called a succubus. A succubus is a female ghost who tries to have sex with you. For females, an incubus is a male ghost who tries to have sex with a female. Any time a ghost, some weird psychoentity tries to have sex with you, that is them displaying the mischievous side of themselves. A ghost that tries to have sex with you in your dreams is an interloper, a malingerer. When they do that, they are playing head games with you. There are many reasons why a ghost would want to have sex with you, and none of them are good. Just like there are many reasons a guy in skid row wants to inject a first time needle into a young teenage girl for the first time, and none of them good, ie either to turn her on, or to turn her out.
Also centripedal means a force that pushes concentrically inward. Centrifugal force pushes objects concentrically outward, like a car making a round curvy turn on one of those highway exits. Because of centrifugal force, you slow down into a curve and speed up out of it when driving a car.
Dream Sunday February 22, 2009
Last night, I did have a dream about Cate. I was at the back end of the dishwasher, near the tryptich sinks she was standing to my left looking at me and smiling, so friendly, so playful, amused even, she said, "Thank you, Dean."
Also last night I dreamed that I was in a kitchen. I saw my adoptive brother and sister. They told me that one of my aunts had died, I thought I heard them say that Aunt Lila, aunt number two, died. I hugged my sister, then I telepathically inferred that it was my aunt Lily who died. I felt so sad, I knew her since I was a small child.
Dream Saturday February 28, 2009
Dream Saturday February 28, 2009 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Dream Saturday February 28.
I was on the usual bus loop along the Lougheed Highway, Burnaby, Broadway and Rupert. Then Jason, one of the cooks offers to give me a ride to UBC. At UBC, he convinces me to walk to the beach. Then teleport to Jason's living room. Then Albert, the manager shows up and offers to give me a ride to where I was going. As we walk out to his car, he says, "Jason is tired. You can't depend on him to give you a ride anywhere."
Then I teleport to a small town, one I have been to before. I walk along the street, then go into a building with an alcove and a desk. There are some young people there. A tall 20 yr old athletic guy with a crew cut hair style and tank top. Outside, along the street again, I ask what town we are in. I told them that I, referring to another dream while in a dream, that I had been to this town before. I was at the city part with the hill, and then I drove down the road that ran along the mountains. "What town are we in?" I ask?
They seemed surprised that I did not know. The crew cut guy said, "We are in what is referred to as the Eastern part of the town."
I saw two street signs, forming a V black lettering on white paint. Curved edges, a thick black border. One sign said West. Another sign said Minster. I then said, "We are in New Westminster!"
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Astral Projection Swim Dance
Dream Sunday January 25 afternoon
I sliding backwards, headfirst, lying on my back, in the snow going very very fast. A track with a railing that comes straight towards from a left track. Then the track goes left, folds, and comes back, doubling back on itself. I climb the green railing as the skytrain approaches. The skytrain approaches and follows that track. On the skytrain I see the attendant sitting a few seats away. Hoping to go all the way back to Dawson Creek, I am instead dropped off at a skytrain station, track going south at Broadway and Kingsway.
I get off the Skytrain and in the air, flying, I do the butterfly stroke, the one used for doing the swimming position called the frog, and also, I did a dog paddle.I am flying, going down a hill, Hastings and Thurlough, and I think, "The weather in Vancouver this time of year is warm, balmy." Now why people and I do not, from now on, walk more often in the streets doing a breaststroke* or dog paddle or butterfly stroke. There is a dance where someone simulates swimming while walking forward. That would bring a feeling more akin to that of home.
Then I am at a place. To my left is a bay window, to my right is a half wall, ahead of me and behind me is a wall. At the far side of the bay windows is a door, and there is a ramp that goes upward. The half wall stops at where the ramp is. There are two cops wearing blue shirts and the black police hats with a red stripe. Also to my left is a table in front of the half wall. There are pictures of Police Officers, graduating as the pictures all have Police hats. The Police Officers motion towards the photos. I say to them, "Do you want a look?" I walked away, further into the room. I thought to myself, while still in the dream, "I should have said to them, "Do you want a shot?""
Interpretation: Once upon a time, all ocean life was stuck to the ocean bottom. Then one day they learned to swim in the water. Now we are stuck on the land bottom. One day, we will swim in the air like fishes swimming in the water. When I walked down the street today doing the breaststroke, it seemed like I was at the same time, way ahead of my time, and also repeating once again an elementary move which is extremely primordial. The head moving forward and using the arms as fins to move through the medium.
Welcome Back Frotter
Welcome Back Frotter
Welcome Back Frotter
Frotteur: A person who engages in frottage which is the act of rubbing against people to the point of sexual satisfaction in crowded places like trains and monorails.
In a Police interrogation room: You are starting your new job today. We hope that we will not have any problems with you. This will be your probation officer assigned to you.
Frotter: Hi, students, my name is James Kotter, I will be your new teacher for the year. Now some of you might have heard some stories about me. Let me assure you that these stories are completely untrue and in any case, I have completely reformed.
A shot of a passing street monorail, like the light rapid transit system in New York. Trains all covered in graffiti and most of all crowded.
A bird's eye view shot of the classroom looking down, as the PA plays strange elevator music from the 50s, and then an announcement, "This is Officer Kurtz, your school liason Officer. You all know me. Mr. Kotter is being held on a charge that I am not prepared to discuss here. All I can say is that he will be taking the year off at least, and there is a possibility that you won't see him ever again."
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Recipes of China
or Recipes of Thailand the sequel
Recipes of China opening
Recipes of China opening. I'm on megavideo!
Recipes of China Narration from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Recipes of China Narration YouTube version
Recipes of China Narration
Recipes of China end credits Western version
Recipes of China end credits Chinese version
Friday, February 20, 2009
Windows Movie Maker
Welcome to the land of rolling credits.
Dreams February 12, February 19, 2009
Dream February 14th
I am in Vancouver. I fly with my arms out stretched like Superman. In a parking lot. A Chinese old man sees me. I fly again, on Hastings. The Chinese old man from earlier, in a car pulling up to the light.
Then I go to the Northeast corner of Main and Hastings. Two Chinese guys wearing blue windbreakers. At least one of them has a streak of blonde like a thin downward crescent in their mushroom bowl haircuts. Triads. I levitate and go up. They appearing shorter.
Then I teleport to a school. I see Steve Cleary. I say to him, "Do you remember the way they used to mark us at that high school we taught at in Thailand?" He goes left down a hall. I follow him.
I yell, "Steve!"
He does this exaggerated hyperbolic ersatz motion of deliberately shaking his shoulders, a very British move, and he turns around. Just then a high school girl, rounding the corner sees Steve do this, and then she mockingly imitating him, does this same gesture. Very prep school penguin. I then tell Steve, drawing three check marks, one on top of another, "Remember if we were absent three times, they would expel us from teaching?"
I turn around, leave, and walk down some stairs, thinking, "Even though I am not British like Steve Cleary, I am still myself.
Interpretation: When Steve made that move, he obviously sensed that I was going to ask some extrapolating question about the check marks. He shook his shoulders as if saying, "What is it now? What is he wanting to bug me with now?" This means that Steve feels contempt for me, and that I should not ever contact this British expat in Thailand ever again.
When I get my new computer tomorrow, I will do a film of this.
Dream Thursday February 19, 2009
At a bar with my friend Mike Nellson. A bunch of people are there. Circular table, a lightbulb hanging above. Dim room. Cement floor. Someone says, "Tim is here." This means something to Mke who gets up, angry. I stand up too, ready to fight. To show that I am trained and prepared to fight, I stand up and put one ankle behind my neck, one foot at a time. I do a kick with the other foot. I sure couldn't put one ankle at a time behind my neck while standing in this dimension. I tried this morning.
I am at my friend James apartment kitchen. Typical apartment kitchen set up, small corridor open at either end. The top half is all kitchen cabinets. The bottom half on the right, to the direction I was walking is a kitchencounter and a sink. The left side had the stove and refridgerator. I turn left and there are two people facing right, they are preoccupied with doing something in the hallway closet. I walk past the first person, a guy, and when I am behind the second person, I realize that I could not find Elsa, Jame's wife who I was looking to talk to. Then this second person turns around and it is Elsa. I was looking for her, but could not find her until now. Then James appears in the hallway. We go over to a couch to talk.
I then teleport to an attic in an upper middle class house. Round attic style window. Polished broad wooden slats floor, a carpet covering this floor. Bruce Lee is bent over, his back towards me. He is moving some boxes. He is wearing no shirt and loose black kung fu sweatpants. I see his right arm. He is tanned and a little shiny. His hair has not one trace of grey. I see the rising hill of his quadricep which is the muscle above the bicep and tricep. Arm muscles. He seems like a very angry guy and preoccupied. He is strong like an ox and I knew that I couldn't fight him. He moved slow but you could sense he was strong. I dared not bother him with any questions.
Teleport back to James apartment again. One of the kitchen cabinet doors on the right hand side is left open. A book is there, standing up, the title facing towards me. The book was blue-green. The title of the book, in red, was "Bruce Lee and the Chinese Mafia".
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dream February 2009
Dream February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Dawson Creek Co-Op Mall
There is still a chance to save the Co-Op. On Saturday, February 14th, at the George Dawson Inn, there will be a forum for anyone who is interested in seeing the Co-Op stay open.
The closing date of the Co-Op has been extended. The store will close on April 22nd. Possibly for renovations.
The original version.

The Dawson Creek Co-Op Mall from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Dawson Creek Co-Op
After 82 years, the Co-Op Mall in Dawson Creek is closing down. The final day is April the 6th, so there is still time to stock up on your favourites. There is still the Co-Op gas bar, and the newer Co-Op hardware complex is still open. The Dawson Creek version of the Co-Op opened in the 1920s. In theory, the Co-Op has been in operation and cooperation since the 1920s, but in reality these C0-Ops are an extension of the agrarian bartering cooperatives that have been in existence since the Medieval times.
Some very close and dear friends of mine work at the Co-Op especially my friend ****** who gave me this camera which made it possible to make this documentary. I have known her for a long time. This store sells vacuum packed Romaine lettuce. This really makes a difference in pristine freshness and quality. On Saturday, February 14, from 1pm to 4pm, there is a forum at the George Dawson Inn. Anyone who is interested in saving the Co-Op should go there. Co-Ops are an integral part of any basic archetypal farming community just like silos are an integral part of any barn. It could be that it is the powerful, albeit mostly benign forces that be of this town who have reached an in-house, in-camera, war room consensus that the Co-Op should be closed and orders have been enacted from above. In that case, then if things could be expected to turn out like things usually turn out in this small town, everything will be OK<=

This is the other Co-Op store. The aforementioned newer Co-Op hardware store. The Co-Op stores started in Saskatchewan where the headquarters is, and is across Canada.

Paul Blart Mall Cop. Paul Blart Mall Co-Op.

Good old YouTube.