Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome Back Frotter

Welcome Back Frotter

Welcome Back Frotter

Welcome Back Frotter

Frotteur: A person who engages in frottage which is the act of rubbing against people to the point of sexual satisfaction in crowded places like trains and monorails.

In a Police interrogation room: You are starting your new job today. We hope that we will not have any problems with you. This will be your probation officer assigned to you.

Frotter: Hi, students, my name is James Kotter, I will be your new teacher for the year. Now some of you might have heard some stories about me. Let me assure you that these stories are completely untrue and in any case, I have completely reformed.

A shot of a passing street monorail, like the light rapid transit system in New York. Trains all covered in graffiti and most of all crowded.

A bird's eye view shot of the classroom looking down, as the PA plays strange elevator music from the 50s, and then an announcement, "This is Officer Kurtz, your school liason Officer. You all know me. Mr. Kotter is being held on a charge that I am not prepared to discuss here. All I can say is that he will be taking the year off at least, and there is a possibility that you won't see him ever again."
