Apuppetscalypse Now
Apuppetscalypse Now from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Opening scenes of the jungle, the doors the end playing.
Narrator, Benjamin Mallard: Saigon, shit, still only in Saigon. Everytime I think I was back in the jungle. I hardly spoken a word to my wife in months, but when I did she said yes to a divorce. It was worst after my first tour of duty. When I was here, I wanted to be there, and when I was there, all I could think about was getting back into the jungle. I've been sitting here a week now, waiting for a mission. Getting softer. Every minute Charlie squats out there in the bush, he grows stronger, while I sitting here in this hotel room gets weaker. I can feel the walls move in around me.
Radio: Sector delta charlie, communication, july 22nd, 1965.
I watched a snail, crawling on the edge of a straightrazor, crawling, slithering on the end of a straightrazor and surviving. That is why we must incinerate them, cow after cow, village after village. And they call me a murderer? What do you call it when the murderer calls a murderer a murderer. A lie, that is what it is, and we must be merciful to those who lie. I hate them, those Nabobs.
GD Spradlamb: Walt Kurtz was an outstanding officer, brilliant in every way. But lately, his methods, his reasons, have become .....unsound.
Benjamin Mallard: Unsound, sir?
GD Spradlamb: Walt Kurtz is about to be arrested for murder.
Benjamin Mallard: Murder? Murdered who? I don't understand, sir.
GD Spradlamb: See in this war, things get confused out there, ethics, morality, and good does not always win. Sometimes the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature. You see, Mallard, every man has a breaking point. You and I have one. Walt Kurtz has reached his and he has definitely gone insane.
Jerry: Terminate with extreme prejudice.
Kildog: Vin din lop, vin din drop, all those gook names sound the same.
Mallard: Kildog had a strange light around him. You knew that he was going to come out of this without a scratch.
Kildog: We'll pilot and drop off that boat anywhere you want, young captain.
The next day:
Kildog: See that?
That's napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like it. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. I remember once we bombed this hill and when it was over, there was not one stinking dink body. A hill, a whole hill! That gasoline smell! Smells like..... victory! One day this war is going to be over, son.
Playboy bunnies, Mallard in the crowd.
Mr Kurtz: Where are you from sir?
Mallard: Ohio.
Kurtz: I remember sailing down the Ohio River and there were fresh ....gardenias.
Are you a soldier or a mercenary?
Mallard: I am a soldier, sir.
Kurtz: You are neither. You are a grocery clerk sent to collect a bill.
Kurtz, quoting TS Eliot: We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men, leaning together, headpiece full of straw, alas our....
Still later,
Kurtz: They tell us to drop bombs on children, but they won't let us write "fuck" on our airplanes.
Willard, the killing stroke.
"The horror, the horror,"
A shot of Angkor Thom; the Bayon.