Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Royal Dream

Royal Dream

Before I go on, the next film project will be megaprojects. I am planning to do films that are at least an hour in length. When the chapters are all done and strung together for the final result along with the credits, and any musical segments, the result can be quite spectacular and amazing.

"There is no such thing as a finished film. There are only just projects walked away from." George Lucas

I decided to abandon Ape and Essence for the topic was too dark and I did not want to dwell on such dark topics for the necessary few days or weeks required to do a one hour cartoon.

The projects I am going to do are, Animal Farm; George Orwell, A Simple Plan; Scott Smith. Cartoons at least an hour in length, possibly two hours. This will take weeks but when it is finished, it will be something.

During those times, I can pay the $10 a month to upload videos onto megavideo which would accept videos that are an hour or more in length, and vimeo and CWEBtv. I would upload them onto YouTube only in chapters, and only the spoken narrated segments, and not any segments that include music. Any music clips uploaded onto YouTube are done on a presumed basis that YouTube will remove the audio completely for the entire video, including spoken parts and other music.

The next cartoon, which will be at least an hour long, will not appear for weeks, maybe even a couple of months, but that is usual. A Hollywood director like Steven Spielberg would do a two hour movie, and he would typically take months, maybe even a couple of years. People are used to that. A film short of a few minutes every couple of days, that's just not the same in scope and grandeur as a one and a half hour movie every couple of months. A movie every couple of days?! With some two hour Hollywood movie projects, a couple of days is spent in just travelling to the set location alone! Which is what I am doing. When it starts out, it seems not very developed or evolved, but once the movie starts getting some legs.... the mid point is the most satisfying of all. When one is fully into the flow. The last part is just knowing that there is just a few strokes left. That's all. A bittersweet moment.
Then back to the primeval nebulous uncertain point of being at the unevolved start of the next film project.

Royal Dream from Dean Noble on Vimeo.


Granville Street Dream
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dream: Granville St from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Dream May 6th, Wednesday

At Main and Hastings outside Carnegie, someone, Lee Donahue needs to ride the bus to Granville. Why don't we walk to the bus stop outside where you actually live, outside the Four Sisters Social Housing CoOp there is a bus stop. He says, no we can ride the bus from Main and Hastings here, that will take us to Granville Street.

At Granville Street, walking South, at Granville and Dunsmuir, the road is blocked, construction wood horses blocking the road. A makeshift wood fence. Lying laterally, running from East to West, is a brown, rusted steel path. Road severely under construction. I walk along this rusted steel path going West and just into the department store, The Bay. I think, "If I ride the 8:30 Greyhound bus back to Dawson Creek, I can get there in time for work tomorrow. But it has to be the 8:30 in the evening bus, because if I ride the 8:30 in the morning bus, that would not work, but maybe in the dreamworld, I could perhaps get away with riding the 8:30 Greyhound bus in the morning from Vancouver to Dawson Creek."


Dream May 7, 2009 Thursday

Dream, Thursday, May 7, 2009 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Dream: Thursday, May 7th

Watching a movie at a movie theatre. The others in the audience, I am thinking, "They will be watching an animated cartoon with a cartoon animator present, me.!"

Later, I remember getting ready to board a plane, and then later, actually boarding this small plane getting ready for another trip to Vancouver. A girl who was with me earlier in the movie theatre is there already on the plane. I get on and sit in the second row, in the centre. The girl is sitting to my right. Then all of a sudden to my left, a Mexican guy just sits besides me. I can feel his shoulders next to mine, he is a big Mexican, wearing a puffy black jacket and a big mane of black hair, seen only from the back.

Southwest corner of 108th Ave and 13th Street in Dawson Creek. I look out the front of the window. Country roads, a yellow grain colour predominately colours the landscape. In the distance, driving from right to left, is a truck, Wright's Food Service, and when I look, I see Denny, the truck driver. It is actually Denny!

At Vancouver, I start walking. I go to a Library. At the Library, I see a barebreasted Librarian, reddish brown hair, young beautiful, with small perky tits, so perky, they were conical. Nice round red nipple and wearing yellow shorts.

I wonder whether I should leave so soon since I just got here. At the Southwest corner of Carrall and Cordova. Sensing that it is about 4:20 pm then, and that just a couple hours later, at 8:30 pm, the Greyhound Bus leaves. I lamented the quickness of the trip arriving to Vancouver, resenting the much longer and much more grueling return trip on the bus ahead.

I am in my hotel room at Main and Hastings, watching porn.

I wonder if I should walk on the beach, Portside Park beach, since I have just so much time in Vancouver, which is not much.


Dream Friday May 8, 2009

Dream Friday May 8 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Friday, May 8, 2009 Dream:

At a high school walking down the hall. I see a red haired girl teenage student, long red hair wearing blue-grey sweatshirt. "The last time I was here, these people were in grade 9. Now they are in grade 12. Oh well, that's normal."

Walk into the last classroom down the hall, on the right. In the classroom. I say hello to Laureena, telling her this is the last time I will ever see her. I say hello to Selena too.

Then into a downstairs urinal I was at before. I had some money with me. There are two people already there. A guy who said he was from El Salvador at the toilet stall to my right, and another guy, a janitor, behind me, but right outside the toilet stall I was at. When I leave the El Salvador guy asks me for my money. I tell him to fuck off and run outside. There is another guy, Native, pockmarked face, black shaker knit sweater, he asks me for money. He has big hands. He pushes me backwards. We fall on the streets, and fight. I push his hands, holding a gun towards him. I push his hands, his hands are losing the gun is pointed upside down at himself and the gun goes off and he shoots himself in the head!!


Dream June 2009

Dreams June 2009 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Dream June 5th Friday

Walking up a hill with some friends.
Walking uphill but looking downhill a car races fast downhill. Car accident. Then a police car with flashing blue and red lights races downhill after that car.
On top of the hill a friend crosses the street. Boing from SE to NE corner of the street.
No its not that way.

A friend finds a toy model truck, only the back part, a rectangular piece of plastic, hollow, painted white, blue stripe and then red stripe bordering it. And there is a small black switch. The truck is going whoo whoo whoo, a police siren sound as it is a toy model of a police truck. And as my friend flicks the small black switch to the side, the whoo whoo whoo sounds turn off.

At a Vietnamese Sunday Church service. Narrator narrates "Vince, the long lost son who spent years in a group home is present. The mother who was missing for 30 years is here. And the adoptive mother is here as ever."
All of these are Oriental people.

Driving down a street, resembling Prior St going West. I Narrate, "I have been here before, on a trip up North to Prince River. Prince Rupert was close to this very small settlement. The houses which the White people live in are painted white and the houses that the Natives live in are painted blue. There are also some brown, natural wood coloured houses, square natural wood tiled houses. In the North the houses all wind up looking like this as this kind of architecture is really common up here."

Dream Saturday June 6, 2009

I was at a room where there was my father's deathbed. A hospital room. A nurse is there. I am at the foot of the bed. I could not see my father, he is lying down flat. A nurse is at his right side looking at him. Dark haired, Oriental nurse. Young.

I speak to him, "Dad, I love you." He sat up, as if he was using an adjustable bed. His face was red and bloated. He did not look good. He said, "This is the last time you will ever see me." He turned over to the left.

I said, "Dad, recline on your right side! The Buddha, the Tibetan Book of the Dead says to recline on your right side!"
He rolled over to the right side, and said, audibly, "Thank you."
