Animal Farm CHAPTER 1 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Animal Farm CHAPTER 1/3
Animal Farm CHAPTER 2 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Animal Farm CHAPTER 2/3
Animal Farm CHAPTER 3 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Animal Farm CHAPTER 3/3

Look, I am, as something that I am setting out to do, only going to upload my one hour or one and a half hour movies onto here in half hour segments. If you want record it on a DVD yourself and string it together that way, as I have made no DVD copies of my movies. These things are always fragile. One accident in whatever form, one disaster and the entire copy of DVDs are lost. Besides in about ten years, all computers will be using blue ray or something like that. I already uploaded my videos on Vimeo, YouTube, etc. But since I have made no hard copies of any of my films, I will ask as many of you out there as possible to make a DVD copy of your favourite Noble Films movies.
For me to upload an entire one hour version of the movie in one unbroken loop is redundant and takes a lot of time and computer space.
If you want a version of this movie in one unbroken loop, use Windows Movie Maker and make a copy yourself.
The movie Barry Lyndon had an intermission. The television miniseries don't bother to do the story in one unbroken loop because you would be looking at a 12 hour television program. They do a 12 hour story, one hour at a time.
I am doing one hour, one hour and a half stories, a half hour at a time.
I plan to do the next movie Seize The Day, in two half hour segments.
Animal Farm is like an insect with the inevitable three segments, part one is the anterior, part two is the abdomen and part three is the thorax.

I wonder if the expression, "You look like you have seen a ghost." applies here.

First, I sang Ruby Tuesday. I was astral projecting like crazy, flying down a street, the lougheed mall bus loop, but then extending to broadway, between boundary and rupert in Vancouver, as I was flying, I was singing Ruby Tuesday. I woke up singing it, and rerecorded it as soon as possible here after awakening so that a trace of the ethereal, a trace of ectoplasm, is still on my voice.
Me, on the morning of Saturday, June 27, 2009, right after I astral projected again. I "woke up" I mean I saw my bookshelf next to my bed, but knew that I was astral projecting again, because it was vivid but I knew I was not awake, I looked over to see if I could see any ghosts, remembering that when you astral project, you will see ghosts because you are on that frequency.
I saw something, all right:
I woke up screaming.
Usually, when I have these kinds of sleep paralysis incidents, I let out one long solitary scream. This time, it was a series of short screams, like five short screams. This might be an important detail.
Typically the vivid astral projection sequence where one recognizes that one is in one's own room, coupled with temporary sleep paralysis, followed with the primal scream upon wakening and reconnecting with one's body is what I call the Breakfast Combo.
At the time, I knew that I could go further but I did not want to spend too long outside of my body in case I could not find my way back.
"You don't want to go too far. You don't know what's out there." that was a line from the movie Apocalypse Now when Martin Sheen tells Frederick Forrest not to venture too far out into the jungle to pick mangos.
When I was astral projection, I looked around my room and saw the door. What if I walked towards the door, passed through it, and see what is on the other side. However, as a ghost, if you pass through a door, it presents itself to you as opening a door like ordinary, but you have walked through the door, once you did that, you did some taboo that a normal fleshly living person could not do, and what is more than likely to happen is that one will see the pink screen of death. Nuff said.
At the time, at the edges of my mind I knew that I could walk further if I wanted to, but decided to return to my body immediately.
but I remembered faintly reading the story that a psychic wrote about someone who hanged himself. He hung himself, a suicide, he walked out of his body and tried to get back in, but he could not get back into his body. Typically, if the body is not otherwise compromised, a person should be able to get back into their body. There is not a year that passes now, that I do not get at least one of these kinds of episodes. The will to live is the panic knowing that one should get back into the body as soon as possible. If a person does not have the will to live, they will go out of their body, recognize it, and out of some underlying mischievous instinct, go further. There is no time as such in the Fifth Dimension, but there are events. The more events, the more time one has spent out of their body. Anoxia sets in.
When I return to my body, there is that Primal Scream because then, I feel that every single nerve and nerve ending has been quickly slid about half a foot down a medium grade of sandpaper. Anyone who has gone through this will know what I mean.
Now, I know that the soul survives bodily death. I am an old hand at this, as this kind of thing has happened to me before.
Astral projection is a form of molecular displacement and just like jet lag, after astral projecting and waking up, even if the astral projecting was for a few seconds, I always feel like I have just come from a long trip.
Teleportation machines, I am sure will have a post teleportational phase, where the physiology has to readjust, like a kind of jet lag.
When I am at that state, I could have been asked, "What is your name?" and I suppose that I would have said, "Dean Noble..... but in this condition, what does that mean?" In such a spiritual state, one could easily be linked to the past world of the dinosaurs or the future world of STAR WARS.
Such a disembodied pure spiritual state of the soul surviving death, a temporary stroke, a clinical death, an irregularity of the EKG as it presents itself on this side.
On the other side however, one 'awakens' but the spiritual state presents itself as an SPOV.
First one is playing a video game which is a visor cam, or SPOV. It takes some time to get used to, one goes into playing the video game saying, "I am turning on the SPOV camera, and then now, I am playing the video game." Later, as one gets used to it, one just simply says, as it were, "I am now playing the video game." without saying, "I am going to turn on the SPOV first.".
This is a very mystical experience, but a very ordinary and common experience at the same time.
I know that this will happen again, just like the humour of a certain skein of some particular specific individual coworkers, the kind of jokes, the coworkers and the job in question always being incidental, it could happen at any job anywhere on the planet.
Anyways I know I have not seen the last of this. I am scared that the next time I fall asleep, I could leave my body again, the next time I might die.
In the Simpson's Homer Simpson had a thing where if he fell asleep, he would die. He only had one day to live, it was supposed. Marge Simpson was upset saying, "Oh no, Homer could die the next time he falls asleep." And Grandpa Simpson said, "Welcome to my world!" This is what this reminds me of..........
Kellogg's Pop Tarts, just pop out of your body. The usual normal dreams are like a normal book. A dream with an OBE is like a pop up book!
To set a good example always, of course, I must advise that any psychic event this major must necessarily have a physiological corresponding condition.
ECGs or EKGs don't have to have wires. One can do an EKG* reading wirelessly, and from a distance and I would be interested to know what my EKG reading was that day. My guess is that I flatlined for a couple of seconds.
What I am trying to say is that, this isn't a case of, "Ho hum, what a pretty dream." I think I had a fucking stroke or a heart attack or something and I am going to my GP, my doctor and say, "The other day, I had an out of body experience. I saw my room vividly, and recognized it. I experienced sleep paralysis and I woke up screaming. My guess is that I had a stroke or heart attack and it is very common for hospital patients to report these kinds of experiences under extreme physical duress.
This may be the sign of something deeper, more systemic like a palpitating heart or heart murmurs. Should I wait, or should I go immediately. Mind you, the other month, November, I did experience sleep paralysis like this. It was night time. I recognized my room. I did not look around, I only looked in one direction, I only looked in one point, or at one point. I recognized the steady yellow, hazy, stupid light of the 60 watt lightbulb overhead. Then the sleep paralysis. I woke up screaming, but it was only one long scream.
Uh, I don't think that Robert Monroe is the first person to know about this. I dare say that people of all cultures have some people who know about this, and some people more than others, and such people have existed for, like, thousands upon thousands of years. In the Ancient Egyptian days they had experts in OBE. The Egyptians referred to the soul as the ka.
One more thing, there are two drugs which I know of, which are particularly powerful for dream recall. One is ginkgo biloba. The other is nutmeg and hazelnut. On the occasion of last November I drank nutmeg coffee and these days, I have been drinking hazelnut coffee. Hazelnut and nutmeg is powerful for bringing about the feverish OBEs or out of body experiences, and ginkgo is good for lucid dreaming, ergo nutmeg and hazelnut is the more powerful.
The guy who lives downstairs from me coughs loudly and often and I found it annoying, but since I am prone to OBEs, this could very well be a good thing. In Buddhist mythology, there is the story of a lioness named Simha whose roar brought her dead cub back to life. That is, as usual, a Hindu allegory of how sounds could bring a person back into their body from an OBE, and/or the sleep paralysis that often accompanies that. He has since died.
*ECG ElectrCardioGram, or EKG ElectroKardioGram: heart monitor
Coincidence: Within a week of this happening. I just turn the channel on to Coronation Street, and right then a young woman in red dress was sitting on a chairwith her legs up on a table, at an outdoor cafe. That is a sign that I got it right.
Bif Naked

I went to see Bif Naked at the local nightclub. The concert was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I loved every minute of it.
Dream, Tess, Tuesday June 16, 2009
Dream Tess June 16, Tuesday, 2009 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.
Dream Tuesday, 16 2009
I see my friend Tess from work. I follow her. At the middle of the block, on the West side of the street, on the Southwest corner of Princess and Georgia Street in Vancouver. She just bought some crack and was about to smoke it with a friend. I follow her up stairs and into an alcove, like a workshed. She was wearing a white puffy jacket. Curled hair. Can I have some too? I said. Of course, she said.
I look at Tressy. I think I am feeling normal now, I won't feel so good after I smoke the crack. I probably won't like Tess afterwards, if she smokes the crack, and that is whether or not I light up also.
Her friend, a Native guy shows up. They light the pipe. I see a ball point pen, and at one end, was the white piece of crack, held in Tess' mouth, which Tess lit. They smoke. First Tess, then the Native. Then I walk out of the shed closing the door behind me. Hippy, South America, I don't smoke cocaine.
Then the three of us were at a house. Tess and the guy just smoked some crack. Then me and Tressy teleport to the next room, a living room. I said, I don't like smoking crack. The coming down part is the worst.
Then Tess said. That was a downer. I don't like that. Why don't you get out now? Get out, buggerboy.
I thought my suspicions that I would not like her on crack are confirmed.
What did you call me?
I was walking out the back door, looking back into the room and saw Tess, she said.
Buggerboy, your father broke his leg.
Then I went back in. Why did you call me bug? I said angrily. Then I said to her angrily, "Bug, B J*, Boaz Ja-in, the freemasons."
The Native friend who was with her, telepathed to me, hey what's up. A little angry, but not totally angry.
I left out the front door this time. The stairs of the Strathcona Elementary school, not the corner stairs the stairs directly outside the front of the building, at Keefer Street and Jackson Avenue in Vancouver. I am never going there again. I walk through, thinking. I know now what I should have said to her, I should have called her boring, a waste of time."
Then I see a large swing, at the Southeast corner of the street that is one block North of Broadway, and two blocks East of Oak Street in Vancouver. Then I stand up on the swing and holding the chains, I recall the whole event with Tess. At least I am not there now. At least I am free now. At least I am here now and in my element about to play on a swing. I swing up high, turn around look down on the ground and the swing plummets again and then goes into an upswing again. I sing the song, in the dream, under my breath, Smoke on the Water. They all came down from Montreaux........
*I was trying to say that the word bug was, I felt to be a secret reference to the pillars of Freemasonry, Boaz and Jachin. The g in the word bug, lower case g, if you take away the 'o' part of the letter g, you are left with j. I would not be writing this, but that it appeared in a vivid dream......
Interpretation: I should not get to know this Tess too much. Any path with her, followed long enough will include the occasional smoking of crack cocaine.
I can't make heads or tails out of my dreams. That's precisely the problem. Heads or tails are things of the third dimension. In the fifth dimension, heads or tails are irrelevant.
A lot of it is wordplay.
Dream June 21, 2009 Sunday afternoon
On a bed, with a lamp on a stand made of the same material as the walls is on the left of the bed. I am making out with a dark haired lady, fat, in her 40s. She is taking off her clothes. I say to her, "What about your husband?"
She says, "He is not coming back until 7:30." I sensed that it was 11 in the evening as she said this.
Then I had a shower with a young thin blonde girl. Naked in the shower, I grab her breasts from behind.
Later on, at at dining room, I see an open door and some people leaving. I thought it was maybe the dark haired girl, but then to my surprise, the young blonde whom I just had a shower with pokes her head into the room and waves "Hi!"

This is a sketch for an idea for an animated cartoon which I am not going to do. It is called 5,000 Miles to Neverland and it is about a group of Michael Jackson impersonators who rob a bank. However, that idea has already been used, that is why I am not doing the cartoon.
Since anything is possible with cartoons, as in the picture above, Michael Jackson makes a cameo appearance as a fast car driving, gun toting vigilante. You can see the gun on the dashboard.