Thursday, January 23, 2020

February 2020 Vision Novel Coronavirus

Thursday, February 6, 2020
The funky John Lennon painted limousine at the Royal BC Museum. I am there.

Saturday, February 8, 2020. Before.

After. I decided to shave. I wasn't intending to have that look lifelong. I might grow the mustache and goatee again one day.

One secret to dancing is to make faces the entire time as you're dancing. You make the face, the face doesn't make you. Like Rick said in the walking dead, "You look like you're wearing the hat rather than the hat wearing you."

Chinese New Year. I'm going to get some barbequed duck some time in the next few days. I thought it was $60 and I wasn't going to get it. But I saw the website and it costs $14. How did I ever think it was $60? Delusional much?

I'm not hurting today. After talking a few fine women in this town, I went to a luxury restaurant and had a lot of mussels in Dijon cream sauce. Then I'm having beer and white truffles. Can you imagine me having a luxurious meal? This town is pretty good. Sometimes I think of leaving, but a lot of the time, I don't.

For some reason, Google play is giving me achievements like crazy. Usually it takes me months to get from one level to another. In the last month, I got elevated from Level 21 to Level 24. But it's a pyrrhic victory. All sound and fury signifying nothing. What does it mean? What do I get? It's not a materially quantifiable achievement.

Life is good. I have no complaints. Just my mind wandering. That's all its ever been.

They found a brain turned to glass at Mt Vesuvius. That would make a good snow globe. Some meth user would want to make a pipe out of it which would be the worst drug story I've heard since Keith Richards mixing his father's ashes with a line of coke and snorting it. Would this be the beer and truffles talking?

More people die from the coronavirus. Talk about a mass coronal ejection.
"Shoot for the stars." Except with the corona virus, it's shoot for the SARS.
Apparently, coronavirus is more contagious than SARS, that's the bad News so if it could get downgraded to something as dangerous as SARS, that would be a good start. The good news is containment and quarantine methods have improved, and using CRISPR, it took less than a week to find the DNA sequence and Germany is working on a vaccine that should fully arrive in less than a month, therefore the actual outbreak and number of people afflicted isn't as bad as the 2003 SARS outbreak. The containment method is better because the population is larger than it was in 2003, containment means more drastic moves like shutting down Chinese New Year and quarantining entire regions. Also even in North America some malls are shutting down for the weekend. The News said that Sehmiamhoo Mall is shutting down for a weekend specifically for this reason. Wherever that is.
It's the year of the rat. And rats cause corona virus. It is one of the vectors of coronavirus, also snakes cause corona virus.
But do rats cause coronavirus just because it's the year of the rat or is that merely poetically convenient even if it isn't true? Quinton Reviews on YouTube did a The Beatles conspiracy video where he said that conspiracy theories are like a table top without legs, then one looks for the legs to support that bullshit conspiracy theory tabletop instead of the normal way which is to research each of the table legs independently and see where they go regardless of whether or not it coincides with the conspiracy theory.
This would be like the opening seconds of the Asphalt Xtreme: Rally Racing from Gameloft SE trailer where you swear you are seeing the speeding scenery of the road until the camera pulls back in a Kubrickian pull away and it turns out to be the reflection off of a shiny smooth truck front bumper.
Stock up on multivitamins. One of the primary results of any cold, fever etc is vitamin deficiency which is the cause of and the result of colds, fevers, etc.
Coronavirus is spreading at an alarming rate. 170 people and counting dead world wide. 3 cases in Canada. A stitch in time saves nine. Coronavirus has a lot of benefits for a lot of interests. It makes it easy for China to expel foreigners who are unwanted there anyways, it helps other countries discourage travel and thus emigration to China. The News stations get another sensational story. The drug companies get huge profits from either a huge price spike due to scarcity of drug or else huge international supply and distribution which again means huge profits. It puts any protest plans on hold indefinitely. The only loser in this game of musical chairs is a poor person with no access to medical treatment.
It's the trendy disease of 2020 although I'm not sure that you would want to keep up with the Joneses when it comes to this one. It's not exactly a status symbol.
As sensational as it is, heart attacks and cancer and car accidents not only give coronavirus a run for its money, it beats it by a country mile. In terms of that, nothing has changed as those are still the world's biggest killers.
All of these pneumocystic viruses run a similar pathological course. SARS was given a designate H5N1. The letters stand for 2 proteins called hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. The treatment they came up for SARS was tamiflu which is the street name and osiltamavir is the trade name.
Usually a bronchial dilator, vitamin C as well as multivitamins. Rest, quarantine, definitely no presenteeism, and hot baths, spas, hydrotherapy, schvitzes and massages and drink lots of soup and hot liquids, diuretics like coffee and tea are actually helpful because it helps flush out and expunge the poison virus from the body.
Tea is rich in antioxidants.
Coffee, tea and even grape juice has tannins which is an antioxidant.
Anything that enters the lung other than clean oxygen like smoke, dust, exhaust, etc are free radicals. Antioxidants clean the lung of those free radicals. That's the idea behind antioxidants. Countries where people drink a lot of green tea have fewer per capita incidences of lung cancer even amongst smokers.
Maybe some homeopathic medicines like St John's Wort and Echinacea would be helpful.
Exercise, do 30 pushups and 10 pull ups, settle for 10 pushups and 5 pull ups still acceptable, because exercise greatly helps fight cols for some reason.
Take an aspirin. They are always helpful for colds. It cuts down inflammation of the muscles surrounding the lungs from coughing too much and it thins the blood helping the cold to run it's course.
Smoking a cigarette or some cannabis in a pipe during a bronchial type of cold is helpful because it helps to collate and coalesce any loose phlegm in the lung into a calculated congealed mass that can then be expectorated or else spit out. Those cigarette commercials of the 50s and early 60s was right; "The surgeon General of America recommends smoking." Smoking in very moderate doses during a cold or else for those with asthma could be helpful.*
* Not be be mistaken for actual medical advice. I'm not a doctor. For actual medical advice, see a professional doctor.
The immune system, helper T cells, cytotoxic or killer T cells, macrophages, B cells or lymphocytes do a good job in fight in viruses and colds. It's someone with AIDS who'd have a real problem if they caught this. With SARS, the vast majority of people survived it but not without a somewhat pricey medical treatment as diseases have to be attacked on multiple fronts.
Maybe the government should distribute emergency supplies of heroin as standard issue. I mean if one has a terminal disease that's not curable was the vaccine will not be available until a year later. That means it will have reached international distribution then.
The worst colds take 9 days. 3 days getting into it, 3 days having it, and 3 days to recover. Most colds are 3 day colds. And if you get a strain of cold once, you'll never get it again. But there are 3,000 strains of cold, H5N1, H4N2, etc so how many strains of coronavirus are there?
There are some examples in fiction of trendy diseases such as Albert Camus The Plague and Edgar Allen Poe's The Mask of Red Death.
I'm slightly worried that I'll get coronavirus. If I do, you're all welcome to visit me at the hospital. Wait. In this case, betteŕ not to since its an airborne disease like tuberculosis was. TB was worse as a person could be infected up to two hours afterwards.
Doctors tow a line of pushing legally sanctioned designer drugs. They will second guess and side swipe you. Not all doctors. One doctor told me to drink lots of water and to do muscle stretches. He ertainly wasn't pushing anything.
No. Apparently corona virus is a tactile disease and not airborne.
In China, they use TCM which is alchemy based.
Two words. Delivery drones. One would think that the skies of Wu Han China would be gutted with aerial delivery drones to deliver medical supplies during an outbreak landing on people's roofs as they practice kung fu sparring.
Again, I'm not a doctor, so here goes. The one thing that heroin and Lsd have in common was that when they were first synthesized or discovered, the discoverers were looking for a cure for the common cold. Adolph von Bayer was working for Bayer Laboratories in Germany when he first synthesized diacetyl morphine aka heroin. Bayer aspirin, that Bayer. And Albert Hoffman was working for Saandoz Laboratories, when he first synthesized Lsd, pounds shillings pence. These drugs are panacea and work really well but the drug companies don't like that. They'd rather you use something that works kind of well so that you would keep going back for more treatment. Doctors and Officials at City Hall* suffer from the same accusation that they're members of the Back pocket Brigade - they're in someone or others back pocket. Is this true? Street connoisseurs of the drug world and some of these people include those who once worked in the medical industry to whatever degree use heroin because it's the connoisseurs choice amongst those who choose to self medicate. I don't know about Lsd but moderate doses of heroin could help with coronavirus because it was designed to fend off colds and flus.
Coronavirus is a virus that broke the species barrier. A person who caught it from an animal and then spread it to other people is called a spillover infection. The doubling rate of coronavirus is 6 days. There are a few strains of coronavirus. Most are mild but a few are lethal.

Hospitals may not be the best places. First off all, it's crammed with the infected. Nosocomial infection. Second of all, it's really busy so you get treatment at their pace. If you're on your own self medicating, you an quickly do the things you need to do in an attack the problem on many fronts approach. But at the hospital you get access to the knowledge of doctors and nurses whose knowledge is on another level to what the average person knows. If you're self medicating, you're left with your own knowledge.
British Columbia's top medical Officer, Doctor Bonnie Henry encourages people to self isolate.
There is a worldwide shortage of face masks and hand sanitizer. You can McGyver all that. Hand sanitizer is a teaspoon of bleach a teaspoon of sunlight dishwashing detergent and a large bowl of water. YouTube has videos How to make hand sanitizer and face masks. Cut a patch from a piece of clothing and affix string to it.
The News said that people traveling from China would be quarantined for two weeks. Quarante. The original meaning of the word quarantine is 40 days and it comes from the story of a town in the middle ages during a time of plague that had newly arrived travelers stay on boats in a dock for 40 days before being allowed into town to prevent the spread of the plague. Kind of how the word Fortnite meaning two weeks originated from fourteen nights.
Coronavirus now has a name. COVID-19. That almost sounds like corvid meaning crow. Therefore the etymology is curious. Going from corona meaning crown to corvid meaning crow. I heard of eating crow but this is ridiculous. Crown. Take away the last letter and you got crow. Crow-na virus.
Quebec couple stranded aboard the Diamond Princess says the ship is an incubator. At this point the Dynamics would have shifted. What was once an escape is now a trap. Doesn't that describe the entirety of life? The ship which was once a quarantine refuge is now an incubator of the disease. A hotbox or else hotbed of coronavirus. What can you say? Wup! Backwater politics. Local yokels. Policy wonks. Too many quacks and hacks side swiping and second-guessing one another. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Do they seriously lack the imagination to bring the passengers to a fenced off area of land where they could each have a radius away from each other? Lots of plants around too which absorbs the virus yet the plants are immune to the virus. No leave them on the ship to die. The incompetence is collosal like Colossus of X-Men. I lament the human species. I've often thought of giving up on life altogether which at this point should come as no surprise.
Some then, passengers over 80 with no symptoms have been allowed to disembark to continue their quarantine on land.
Meanwhile in China, Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Covid, I mean Michael Kovrig are being held in an old fashioned prisoner exchange program for HuaWei's Meng Wanzhou of whom the US recently introduced 16 new charges. Usually in court they introduce the most major pieces of evidence first. Evidence that's most likely to stick. Then the secondary evidence. They're introducing the 16 new charges because it doesn't look like the original charges are going to stick. But again secondary evidence. Who would introduce the most major evidence as an afterthought? If the charges we're that major, they would have been levelled a long time ago. At this point it's grasping at straws but one that is still portentous and pricey for those expensive high powered lawyers.
Kovrig, Covid. I heard of Deep Cove, but this is ridiculous.

*Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum is accused of being in the taxi industry's pocket as he refuses to allow Uber in Surrey. It's a very interesting story. He says Uber is comparatively unregulated and because of jurisdictions, it isn't a level playing field. The taxi industry is all East Indians in Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria. I have yet to see a White or Chinese taxi driver. Maybe in Dawson Creek you could meet a White taxi driver like the Original Ascer. "Mr Cab Driver won't stop to let me in, Mr Cab Driver don't like the colour of my skin..." Kenny Kravitz

A few famous people died this month but Kobe Bryant's death was the unkindest cut of all. He was the archetypal basketball legend. The way he died was so senseless, so tragic. No more words can express.

The UK has separated from the EU. Brexit is finally realized and with no obstreporous obsfuscations this time. London is also a city where you'll probably see no other taxi drivers other than East Indians. Therefore taxi driving is either a glamour detail or a shit detail.
Taxi drivers theoretically have to pay a $250,000 a year license in Vancouver. In New York it's a million dollars a year. Theoretically because the taxi company would cover it if a driver is qualified. You'd have to make $3,000 a day just to break even. Is it a front for a money laundering scam or else how expensive are taxis? Uber drivers don't have to pay that licensing fee so the fares are cheaper because they don't have to make up for the shortfall. Taxi drivers need a class 4 license while Uber drivers only have to watch a 13 minute YouTube video.
Taxi drivers in Surrey are all down to the last man, East Indian. "Every man, Jack, of them." Doctor Strangelove To say that Surrey is saturated with East Indian gangs and gangsters is the understatement of the Century.

"If I fail, it will be 20 years before they give another woman this job." Edie Falco, Tommy
That's the case with Theresa May. She failed with her Brexit plan so we're prob a my not going to see another UK female PM for 20 years. It had been about 25 between Thatcher and Theresa May. There's a YouTube video about Margaret Thatcher swaying something about Britain paying too much to the EU etc so this Brexit argument, the very early roots of it go back to then.

Usually, it's eat now pay later, but with this strange Brexit, this is a kind of pay now eat later kind of deal. With treaties, usually the details are hammered out then the deal is ratified. But with this Brexit, the deal is so called ratified and then within a year from now, will the details be meted out piecemeal and who knows if they will ask for an extension on that. Would it surprise me if they did? No. So in essence Brexit is done, but on the other hand, it's not, really. Global News quoted Winston Churchill: "This is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning."
As it turns out, they didn't crash out of the EU with a No Deal Brexit as many had feared. They crashed out of the EU with a deal to be pending work in progress deal Brexit. Right now, Brexit is in development hell.
I see it as a kind of knuckling under.
This reminds me of the American Declaration of Independence. You would think that a declaration of independence would be made after a war is over, but in this case they made the American Declaration of Independence and then fought an 8 year War of Independence 1775 - 1783.
It is also like Trump's so called impeachment. They impeached him on paper in Congress, but then the Senate is expected to overturn that decision. You would think that only after the Senate agreed with the decision and he's out of Office is he then impeached. The whole thing is convoluted. Obverse. Wtf?
It is kind of like a courtroom, a person pleads innocent or guilty and even if they plead guilty, there is still deliberations where evidence is presented to the jury and then it's left to the jury to agree or disagree to the plea.
Brexit at this stage is little more than a mutual ha it agreement, they agreed to it in essence but that's just one side of the Peace and Prosperity Brexit coin. They might take a year to hammer out a deal, fail, try again and then fail again and then wind up having another yet pricey referendum, this time to rejoin Europe. It's a slim possibility but I wouldn't put it past them. It's a roundabout.
Any street celebrations in London are therefore premature.

Brexit is agreed to in principle but it isn't ratified. Ratified is when the terms are all drawn out. Like Nathan Rich, King of Hot Pot said, "They said it was ratified. Ratified means a deal is all drawn out and they signed off on it. It isn't. They thought the public wouldn't notice that but guess what? I did!"

Shen Yun is a magnificent acrobatic display. Shen Yun sounds like serng yun which is Chinese for addiction. Due to the latest crisis in China, they could be renamed The Coronavirus Traveling Circus which, and you thought Circuit Circus was bad.

I installed Lsd comics. It is a great comic from Italy. A young man sees his girlfriend with another guy. He takes his friends earlier offer to do LSD. After doing the acid, the story stops. To read the story further, one has to pay about $4. I have to get a $15 Google card. Do they sell them in $10 amounts? Sometime in the next month I'll get the card and find out how it ends. "A woman decides whether she likes you or not in the first few moments. Wooing is useless." The LSD for this person is like spinach for Popeye. I guess he finds some newfound inner resource to deal with his dilemma. I was hoping I could find out how the story ends for free.
Here is how I'm guessing the story ends. After doing more acid or not, he uses the energy of that into learning the play the church organ mentioned earlier in the story like a maniac. He went to the legendary Crossroads of musicians like the musician Robert Johnson did. This impresses the girl into being with him again or else he finds newer better girls. Either way he wins. Thursday, February 6, 2020. Today I plonked down the $3.59 needed to get LSD comics. Soon, I will find out what happens. It is not difficult to see why I would have commitment issues if I cannot commit to a type, let alone a person. When looking at porn, it's older women one week, younger women another week, all different Nationalities and also all shapes and sizes. And I wonder why I have commitment issues.
The comic was OK and definitely worth the $3.59.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Trump refuses to shake Pelosi's hand. "Like a boss" all of a sudden Trump has sunglasses on and is smoking a blunt. THUG LIFE
Pelosi rips up Trump's notes right after his speech. "Like a boss" all of a sudden Pelosi is wearing sunglasses and smoking a chronic. THUG LIFE

Highly recommended app: The Cat's Meow Town. Best virtual pet ever. I have one one each of my two tablets. Two cats.

Polybius is now available on Android apps. You can actually set it for subliminal messages, strobing, even nightmares and sleep paralysis or not. It supposed to be the legendary 1981 video game. It looks real enough. Cutting edge in 1981 but looks primitive now. Real night terrors? Maybe but if it is, how could it be legal? How did this one get past the censors? This video game is crude, prototypical and silly. The urban legend surrounding it is much better than the actual videogame itself.

I know of someone who is a multi millionaire and has grandchildren. Meanwhile I'm 50 and don't have a wife let alone any children or grandchildren so I don't really see a reason why I have to go on much longer. The thing is, I don't want to have children or start a family. I never did. Ever. It was never a priority of any kind for me. It still isn't. Why don't I just give up on life and call it quits? Any reasons for quitting life are completely incidental anyways. My friend's reasons for living are on a totally different level, it's a totally different dynamic. I don't have a reason for living on quite that kind of dynamic. I wish I could just quit life and move on to the next dimension, the afterlife. Religion is science mystified and science is religion mystified but if it works correctly, the more you study them, the more they will prove each other true.
"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you" Werner Heisenberg
There is an afterlife and I'd like to quit this dimension and go to that one. Quitting life is a choice but would it be an option? There isn't much hope in my life but that's because I'm living in the wrong town.
Why should my life be hopeful any more than why should my life be long? Why should my life be hopeful any more than why should this country let alone town be hopeful? All are forms of perfectionism. There's so much of a premium placed on perfectionism which is a subjective ideal to begin with. I'm not a perfectionist. Would anyone be legally required to be a perfectionist?
My life should be over in a couple of decades or less. When it's over, it's over. A good life, a bad life, when they're over, one is just as over as the other, one is no more or less over than the other.
I envy the dead. Life is a struggle. A hassle. Repetitive. Why not just quit life altogether with a heroin overdose? I'd be willing to quit life altogether if I had any kind of chance to be able to do it. I don't mean much to life and life doesn't mean much to me.
I wish I lived in Vancouver. If life doesn't work out and I want to give up, it's profoundly simple to score heroin in Vancouver and just give up on life altogether.
I wish I had a heroin connection. I'm not sure that I want to live for another 20 years.

A lot of those people who died of coronavirus, their lives were full of Hope, they had careers, they had families and children, and they wanted very much to live and they died. Meanwhile my life is hopeless, I have no family or children, no career and I don't particularly care if I live or not. I wouldn't want to die of coronavirus but a heroin overdose would be acceptable to me. Why is it that they have to die and I have to go on living? As far as I'm concerned, if I were to die, to me, it'd be like winning the lottery. I wouldn't mind taking a leap into the wild blue yonder or else the wild fuschia sky with soft white-pink clouds yonder. My life is going nowhere. I wouldn't mind it if I were to have an early reprieve. I hope that the Angel of Death visits me. I would say the 4 magic words: "Take me with you."

Oil train details in Saskatchewan sending hugs black plumes of smoke into the sky. Don't let Greta Thunberg see that!

Dune. Paul Atreides. Kwisatz haderach - Jewish name. Maud Dib - Islamic name.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Royal Canadian

It is with great interest that I learned that Prince Harry will be residing in Canada part time. I scooped this copy of Archie comics. I'm sure it's a collector's edition. I got it at London Drugs. Had I been there a few days earlier or later, I wouldn't have gotten it. You could probably order it online.

I will defend the British Monarchy with my life. My life is going nowhere anyways. I am poor but loyal. HRH Prince Harry moving to Canada, location undisclosed, there are many reasons he would do this and not all of them are good. It is all very unusual. Essentially Princess Meghan feels besieged. Too many ignorant people making ignorant comments. One YouTube comment I'll always remember is "How dare that cow blacken my England. If I never see her I'll kill her." The next comment was a reply, "You have been reported." I wouldn't write anything mean to Princess Meghan, not for a million dollars. The Queen might insist that Harry stay in England. No negotiation. Certainly she, Prince Charles and Prince William, the Monarch and two generation of Crown Princes, the Big Three at Yalta, would have the oomph to do it. Prince George might have been there too, toss in another generation of Crown Prince, if he were older. They wouldn't be much if they couldn't make an ultimatum that Prince Harry stay in England. Princess Diana having died is less bizarre than Prince Harry moving part time to Canada. There have been quite a few Royals who died young in the last century of some thing or other but I never heard of a Royal being on a self imposed exile at Canadar. It's the verbal abuse and verbal abuse can drive anyone away from any town. Whenever someone new shows up in a small town, a lot of residents if they met them would say to that person, "You're running from something." People talked like that in Dawson Creek about new residents, "He's running from something." I think all towns are like that. One week, you're standing at the balcony of Buckingham Palace and two weeks later, you're hunkering down at someplace far flung; in the colonies. The British in England are the Lord's of the Manor and we're the hick colonialists. What a come down. "A gentleman who has come down in life. George Orwell, Down and Out inParis and London As nice as I'm sure the place that Prince Harry is staying at, would that be like Sandringham, Balmoral, Windsor Castle, Hollyrood, would the new place be on that level? The new place would seem like somewhat of a raw deal, I would think. The whole thing is very peculiar. I wish them the very best and I trust in the Royal Family's collective judgement that the best decision will be reached regarding this. My thoughts are with them. I am concerned that they might not be acting under the most ideal and optimal circumstances. Social media can be a beast. People have to stop libelling people and thus driving them out of the towns they live.
I never heard of a member of the British Royal Family of such a high rank living in exile since King Edward the 8th.

Prince William and Prince Harry are a dynamic duo like Batman and Robin. How sad it would be to see them living so far apart and not together.

It would seem that HRM the Queen has relented to let HRH Prince Harry live abroad. Times have changed. These are more liberal times. A generation or two ago, I'm not sure the same thing would have happened.

Needless to say, that in whatever town The Three Megsiteers resides in, there will be an increased MI-6 presence. Everyone in that town will be scrutinized however briefly and cursilory to a level that simply wouldn't be if HRH wasn't in the picture. It's as if Police Officer enters a room and everyone is made to kneel down with their arms in front of them to be briefly investigated. There will be an increased presence in whatever town in the next few days. Even American Police. They would also be interested in protecting Prince Harry. It'll be Copland, "Where the cops are the peeps and the peeps are the cops." Nothing to worry about unless you have something to worry about. Anyone into the paramilitary will be investigated. Anyone who subscribes to Soldiers of Fortune, Guns & Ammo, heck, even Field and Stream.

Wherever Prince Harry goes to, that place will be like as if Captain Bligh visited that island with Fletcher Christian. The British are visiting. But a Captain of the Admiralty and a Royal Prince; they're on totally different levels.

Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers. England is the Tower of Barad-dur. Prince Harry is staying at the Tower of Orthanc. The other tower of Orthanc, not Grenfell Tower.

"Is it better to serve in heaven or to rule in hell?" Alien Covenant

The meeting was held at Sandringham.
Which is not to be confused with Sandhurst Military Academy which is to England what West Point is to the US.
Prince Harry, like all Royalty is connected to the military and as a sworn military Officer, he has certain military contractual obligations. Maybe not. I read of a member of Royalty who spends much of the time in Germany every year.

-But not so much that a power vacuum is created. That is a lesson from Machiavelli's The Prince.
How it works is that there is a chain of command. He had to get and got permission from the Supreme Military Commander who is The Queen. She gave him, in essence, military clearance to go on hiatus.

From the lofty castles and palaces in England, London; The Big Smoke, to settling down in Whereeverville Canada. Talk about taking a step backwards. People in small towns are cynical. For anyone who has money to leave at any time, people will think, "They'll be bored of this town in a couple of years.", "Like every town, this town could eventually really GET to you." and not in a good way.
In my case I've felt that about about the town that I'm living in. I would have left but things are looking really good for me as I have a few women on the line. George Orwell wrote in Keep the Aspidistra Flying that women promise all and nothing at the same time. One is in the friend zone until they're not. All it takes is a day. I've been in the friend zone with a few women in the past for years, that is until the day I was able to have a chance to get it on with them. If one is in the friend zone, make sure it's with a lady that they like as a person. If you don't like her as a person, how could she ever be your girlfriend?

Isn't that always the case? While you're thinking of moving to some other cpuntry, people from that exact same country are thinking just as much of moving to the cou try you're living in. The grass is greener on the other side, I guess.

Prince Harry might say to the residents of whatever town he is at, "Don't worry about me. You worry about yourselves."

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January 2020 A New Decade

Each new decade brings renewed optimism as well as renewed cynicism. One cancels out the other.

Saturday, January 4, 2020.

I am really into some apps I installed. June's Journey is very very good. Pearl's Peril is basically a rip off of this. Also I am really into match 3 apps these days. Gems of War is profoundly good and punk rock beautiful as well, it evokes the bourgeouise warmth of playing Chinese checkers with the solid colored marbles. Legendary Game of Heroes is viscerally addictive once I discovered the diagonal moves option, and the graphics of this app are searing in their intensity. Lily's Garden is a lot like Mahki and Super Mahki from Touchmaster on Nintendo DS. Good memories. Wizard of Oz match 3 is good because Glinda looks so lifelike and beautiful and sexy. She looks hot. I want to now talk about Empires and Puzzles vs Myth Wars. E&P came first and is the alpha version. MW is an 85% ripoff and more or less copy and paste plagiarism of E&P. I've seen comments like this a few times: "This game is a complete ripoff, copy, creepy plagiarism of this other game." To which the app dev would reply, "Although we used the essential elements of that game, we added enhancements and additions unique to our platform." However, I installed Myth Wars first.

Just like a noodle dish can have hundreds of variations served at different restaurants, all of them amazingly good, these match 3 games have so many variations. And Mahki games too. Lilly's Garden is a Mahki game. All others are Match 3.

Empires and Puzzles and/or Myth Wars.

Gems of War

Legendary Game of Heroes

Marvel Puzzle Quest.

Disney Frozen Match 3

The apps I mentioned above should be in the Hall of Fame.

Gunspell and Gunspell 2. Highly recommended! I paid .99 cents for the Halloween special. Good but I can't seem to transfer the prizes inbound on Halloween level to regular level on Gunspell.

Jewels of Rome. It ranks as among the best.

I don't have a 2020 calendar. Trick. I use last year's calendar. Pick a month that starts on the same day as today, keeping in mind 30 days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 except for February, etc. In this case, May 2019 works as a sublimated January 2020 calendar for me until I get a 2020 wall calendar.

Clockwork brain. Earn coins to get a set of 12 prizes. Once you get the prizes you still accumulate coins. For what? Talk about an embarrassment of riches.

"It's bamboo for the money. Wicker for the show. Malacca to get ready. And rattan to go." 80s ad

The forest fires in Australia are awful. I thought there was HAARP chemtrails which controls the weather. Why don't they use that? I heard years ago that forest fires are natural and create a cycle. There's no rain, it's too hot. A forest fire starts and creates rainclouds. Overcrowded forests compete for sunlight and large trees, the canopy block sunlight to the ground that smaller trees need. Some types of vociferous trees actually need forest fires. There are two types of pine cones. Annual pine cones and serotinous pine cones which like popcorn, need high temperatures to propagate their seeds. Forest fires are feast or famine. Once there's a forest fire in one area and that forest is burned out, there are nomforest fires in that region again for awhile. The burned out forest is then compost or humus or loam in the soil for a new generation of forest. The conspiratorially minded could think that the forest fires are a convenient way to clear cut land that if lumber jacks and tree fellers did it with their patchwork forest logging making ugly square swathes in an otherwise complete forest, that gets some people even angrier than they would be at a forest fire. This clear cutting makes way for future cities. These planners are thinking decades ahead. Population growth. In a few years, the places where the forest fires were will become cities. I hope that Australia is able to get through their forest fires. My thoughts are with them. Every year here in British Columbia, we get our like clockwork annual clusterfuck of forest fires. Milankovitch cycle, global warming, sure. But haven't there been forest fires for thousands if not millions of years? There were forest fires on this planet before there were dinosaurs let alone humans.
Heat, oxygen and fuel form the fire cycle. Get rid of one of those things and you get rid of the fire. Or else fuel, weather and topography.
Fire burns upslope during the day and downhill at night as heated air currents rise and fall accordingly.
There are three types of forest fires, ground, surface, and crown fires. There are 3 types of crown fires, passive; one tree, active; a group of trees, and independent; rarest of all with no accompanying ground or surface fire.
Sometimes firefighters start small forest fires in strategic areas ironically in order to prevent potential larger overall forest fires in the future. This is called controlled burns or prescribed fires.
Forest fires grow in units called chains. One chain is 66 feet. 80 chains is a mile. 10 square chains forms a hectare.

Yesterday, I got a nautilus from the United States. I won it on the Bottled Mimosa challenge after getting 10,000 bottled mimosas with just two days to spare. What an Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani, got from the United States yesterday was an air strike resulting in death. I never heard of him before yesterday. That's the way it is over there. Every other month some top military general gets killed. This is just another specific example 2hich illustrates the general case. Last month, Al-Baghdadi, a top military cleric leader got done in. They vow revenge against the United States military but that's more aspirational than operational. Another Benghazi? In the contrefois contretemps tete a tete of war, all's fair. That kind of military incendiary back and forth internecine warfare is now the default state of that region. We have the welfare state while they have the warfare state.
"Take it easy, big deal. They blow you up today, you can blow them up tomorrow. It's just business." Benicio del Toro, The Last Jedi

As it turned out, they did blow them up tomorrow. I'm wondering if AI was responsible for the downing of the 737 in Iran that killed 63 Iranian Canadians. Yeah, AI was responsible; Aggravated Iranians. Collateral damage. Something like that would have had to have been sanctioned at the highest level. What level? The head of state? What happens next? Are we to be called to active duty? Would they also draft underweight malnourished strung out junkies and tweakers? The military has a good eye for picking out tweakers and junkies and weeding them out. Even if a junkie were drafted, he might wind up doing KP but would he be an Officer like in An Officer and a Gentleman? An officer makes 6 figures a year. Is a malnourished tweaker officer material?
Now Iran is in CYA mode. Cover Your Ass. Plausible deniability all around. What mistake? Did an AI algorithm mistake that passenger plane for a military plane?

From G5, there is an app called New York Homicide Squad. It is a great hidden objects with some match 3 app. One of the best in creation. One scene in that app, the forensics lab. From the window with the Venetian blinds fully drawn, one can see a shadowy silhouette pass the window from left to right. That could be another employee or that could be a shadow figure of the dead and I wouldn't be surprised if that's what Homicide detectives actually see from time to time considering their line of work. Spooky.

RIP Neil Peart of Rush. Most professional drummers are at level 10/10. Neil Peart was at a level 12. Too complex drumming patterns for me to even attempt and I do play the drums to some level of proficiency. But not at Neil Peart levels! Great drummer.
The Who, a trio band, Keith Moon the drummer died. Just like Rush, a trio band, Neil Peart the drummer died.

Highly recommended apps: 1. Swamp Attack 2. Pirate Mystery Island 3. Jane Wilde shooter

More good apps. 1. Zombie West. 2. Bounty Hunter Miss Jane 3. Mad Bullets 4. Zombie Annhilator 5. Dream Defense 6. Dreams Defender

I very extremely recommend Paper Train. It is a running game very much like Spider-Man Unlimited from Gameloft that got cancelled. Paper Train has gritty edgy hand drawn comic book graphics. I like games like that. Mad Bullets is over the top next level in terms of graphics. Mindblowing. Intense. Sheer perfection. A million stars out of ten.
Shooting Elite. Another pure winner.
With Ducks, aiming is automatic. You just got to get a bead on it. With Shooting Elite, firing is automatic.
Swamp Attack, Pirate Island Mystery, Dreams Defence also has those hot sleek grungy comic book graphics as well. These free app video games look a million times better than the arcade games that cost money to play in the 80s.
I tried to install Spider-Man Unlimited apk from uptodown but I chickened out. There are lots of warnings not to install apps from unknown sources but Reddit she uptodown is safe since they use virustool to screen their apps. Still, it would be a bare bones edition with no support from Gameloft. That means no daily log in bonuses to give an extra edge. I uninstalled Swamp Attack and Pirate Island for this reason. No daily log in bonuses.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020. Spider-man Unlimited from Gameloft has returned. Back and better than ever before.

Paper Train, the graphics don't look like they were drawn on a computer. They look like they were very extremely well drawn on a piece of paper set to motion. That's how good it is. No more Atari 2600 8 bit graphics that were considered cutting edge at the time. I think in time, I will find more games like Paper Train. Running and with good graphics. Paper Train where all you have to do is to swipe left or right is simpler than Spider-Man Unlimited where you have to do a whole slew of things.

Clone Evolution is a scaled down Borderlands iteration. Graphics is well, on the Borderlands level of excellent. I get interesting characters like Aung San Suu Kyi, Bruce Lee, Leonardo da Vinci and Scarlett Johanssen as a News reporter. However, level up all characters at the end of almost every round including training and then level up all equipment etc. Non skill RPG auto fights. Mindless. Just world building and endless levelling up. Uninstalled but very recommended for people who like auto PvP RPGs. And for people who like excellent top notch graphics on par with Borderlands.

I'd like to take this opportunity to highly recommend AFK Arena, beautiful coffee table book artful graphics. AFK Arena has a mauler hero named Antandra, and the way she says "Hey!" reminds me of one of my aunts. I think she used to say that.
And Castle Bane which was probably developed in another galaxy. I've never. Ever. Seen graphics as good as this. What words? Lucid. Searing. Visceral. Stunning. Spectacular. Mesmerizing. If you don't download this app, you're fucking up to quote what someone said about Pacific Rim. If you have a 4K TV and you don't get Pacific Rim on blu ray, you're fucking up.
There is a slight language barrier because Castle Bane was spoken entirely in Korean, a language I don't know a word of, but it did have English subtitles so in that way it was like watching Parasite again.
Very honourable mention goes to Warhammer 40,000. The set up unique, original, cutting edge and mind blowing. Like Left To Survive, the Pay to Play curve was reached in less than a day so I uninstalled them. I should give Warhammer and Left To Survive another chance. Sometimes I discover new things I didn't see before to get more coins, credits, energy, etc.

Parasite is a very good movie. It takes awhile to start but once it does it doesn't let go. There are surprises throughout and you never know what will happen next. The movie is about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The rich stay rich, the poor stay poor and there really is no hope in life. What an inspiring message and however, the performance is worth seeing.

Windows 7 is over. That's what my computer had. The clock doesn't work. Resetting it from manual to automatic, even deleting passwords and then services ----> windows time ----> Log On ------> entering NTAUTHORITY/LocalArea and windows.time service and then click update, all that doesn't work. The computer is half bricked. I bought the computer in 2008. The computer was made in 2006. This is 2020. This is like in 1980 still having a black and white TV bought in 1968 but made in 1966. Most people I knew in 1980 had a 70s mid-70s model or newer TV. I was thinking of getting a new computer but at this point it's redundant. I mainly use tablets. I only go on the computer one day a week. Some weeks zero days a week. The computer is good for copying and pasting and deleting large paragraphs. It's the painless way to do it. On the tablet I have to backspace each letter to delete a paragraph. As for copying and pasting a paragraph on the tablet, forget it. Also the computer is good for casting on a big screen TV. I can already cast YouTube on my TV for free thanks to my Blu Ray machine. It does that. As for casting or any other website to my TV, I'd either have to use Google Chromecast at $60 a unit or maybe my tablet itself has a built in function for that which I'll have to learn. So maybe or not I'll be getting a new computer this year. My computer had windows movie Maker but Google play Android has lots of video editing apps I'm sure. That involves yet another learning curve hopefully not too steep. My computer is bliatz. The clock doesn't work. The News mentioned getting a CVE-ESE patch for Windows 7 but I don't know how to do that. Also as a treat for me, I got a new Windows 7 Ultimate for my computer installs from a technician. The clock still doesn't work. Maybe a solution to this will present itself one day. Those computers often auto download updates. It's happened before. Often the updates are installed and running even before I turn the computer on. How wonderful is that? Maybe I should get a 2nd hand computer from the pawn store. WalMart computers start at $800 before taxes. Pricey! Sometimes the local Buy&Sell website has good deals for computers.
Maybe Microsoft could still provide some marginal nominal provisional support for Windows 7. But is there such a thing? With Microsoft is all or nothing at all. With them, it's in for a penny, in for a pound.

See, a computer clock is just like any digital alarm clock. If I keep my computer plunged in, the clock keeps time well. If I unplug it, not so much. Keeping it plugged in and the computer clock works with no problem.

My cartoons are not perfect as I'd like them to be. In the comics book world, there is pencils, inkist, coloring, word balloons and dialogue writer. Each of these people are experts. My cartoons, the characters and objects lack a thick outline around them. Most top level edgy grungy artful comic illustrations have this. Sometimes quite conspicuously. I have to remember this.
Most people learn this at animation school in the first month. With me it's taken over ten years to realize this. I'm self taught. I somewhat knew this years ago but this didn't become important to me until now.

Wednesday,January 22, 2020. Oh my God. This morning I was quoting Month Python. "The struggle between capitalist and proletariat is a what struggle? Karl Marx?" "It I a political struggle. A political struggle." The person who portrayed Karl Marx was Terry Jones who died this morning. Yesterday afternoon I was thinking of Eric Idle. I met him once in Gastown. I didn't say anything a the time. I was starstruck and at a loss for words. I regret that. I should have said something. Anyways, Terry Jones died this morning. I found that out not ten minutes after I quoted that Monty Python skit out loud. RIP He was one of the greatest Brtish actors of the 20th Century. All of the cast of Monty Python are. Terry's dead.

Vancouver British properties to remove racist language, "No person of African or Asiatic descent should reside here except servants." What can you say? More backwater history from a backwater country. I'm Asian but that doesn't bother me at all because if I had a million dollars I'd be out of here so fast and I'd never return. That means nothing to me at all. Don't put yourself out on my account, don't do me any fucking favours. That would only mean something to someone who has a million dollars and then actually want to live there.
I wouldn't recommend any Asians come to North America. They do it in some strange personal bid for self advancement. Going to from a country where you're one of the majority to going to a country where you're a visible minority. Would that also be self advancement? If I had any chance at all, I'd move to Thailand and never come back.
A lot of famous celebrities who all of a sudden choose to live in Vancouver don't know Vancouver like I do. In Bangkok, walking down the street, coasting along normally, all of a sudden, pleasant surprise. In Vancouver, walking down the street, coasting along normally, all of a sudden, unpleasant surprise, time and time again. In Vancouver the bad things stay with you for quite a run of a time. Trouble settles in and just stays for an extended period of time. Vancouver seems to be one weird cruel and unusual punishment after another, the downtown Eastside squalorous and moribund open air drug market, the picaresque picayune seedy murderous scene that is Oppenheimer tent city. Hyper airhead frenzy. Civic mismanagement. Incompetence. Vancouver is a very difficult city. Tough town. Bad luck. Unlucky. That's Vancouver for you. Why? James G Frazier in his book The Golden Bough talked about the two forms of homeopathic magic or folk magic, being sympathetic magic and contagious magic. In Thailand, the homeopathic magic is developed to a Brahmanistic level. They don't quite got that in Vancouver. Vancouver is ignorant of that. Or else whatever magic there is cursed. Vancouver is kvetched. In a lot of ways it really is substandard. Inferior magic. Montreal has the Goliath, Le Monster. Toronto has the Cyclone and the Mountain. What does Vancouver have? Wooden roller coaster? And then the 50 year old hockey team that has never won the Championship in its 50 year life? That's disgusting. But Vancouver insists on still sinking money into that white elephant year after year.
Bangkok: normal, normal, normal. Vancouver: trouble, trouble, trouble.

Don't ever lose that imagination. The above is true - to an extent. I had lots and lots of good things happen to me in Vancouver. On two occasions I went to a food line and got an entire rack of lamb. I had some weird things happen to me in Thailand as well. Some unsettling things. "That's life!" Tommy Wiseau
As for the roller coaster, don't worry about it. As Shakespeare said, "One swallow doth not a summer make." In other words, a roller coaster does not a city make. As for the hockey team, Shakespeare also said something along those lines, "The first thing we do is kill the pettifoggers."

Vancouver is a good city and has sweet geomagnetic vibes if you're sensitive to them. Lei lines or dragon lines of magnetism under the Earth can create good feelings. That's quantum physics!

There's lots to do in Vancouver. Vancouver is a lot of small towns strung together and funky theme park towns at that, each with their own palladiums of extravaganza. The infrastructure is at least on par with contemporary modern standards and in some cases even TRON future city space age futuristic. Vancouver is a very good city. 5 stars.

It's better to have no money but be fully ready and willing to leave if any opportunity at all presents itself than to have a million dollars but not be willing to leave at all.
I've thought as much about giving up on life altogether. The grim wretched ghastly inferior physics of this dimension and a human species and whatever cultures are derived from such physics. Life needs me more than I need life.
I came up with a lot of good answers. I feel that this should earn me an early reprieve. My friends in the past, their lives were just as hopeless as mine but at least some of them got an early reprieve. Again, life needs me more than I need life. That's if it even does need me, and why would it? I give up on life.
I currently reside in a dimension where the physics are defective and so as a result I have a mind that is defective and then I wonder why my life isn't working out. Maybe I'm in the wrong town. Wrong country. Maybe, maybe not.

I installed a new app called Kung Fu Clicker. Playing it sober is intense enough. I couldn't imagine playing it on speed. The thing is, it was surreal enough when I was awarded billions of "dollars" ie fictional in app currency. But then I was getting trillions, quadrillions, now I'm getting sextillions of dollars. Anyone who plays this app would get that same standard surreal treatment. In what parallel universe am I getting sextillions of dollars? The whole thing is outlandish and preposterous. Aside from that, this game is curiously addictive. It's kind of like Bruce Lee's Game of Death in which enemies ascend a multi level pagoda.
And that was only after playing for less than one day. The next day, today, I checked and saw that I'm up to a septillion dollars. That's a thousand sextillion. I think that if anyone plays this long enough, they'll get a googol dollars which is one followed by a hundred zeros. Talk about an embarrassment of riches. Well this is better than having my money held in escrow.
"Socialism will never work in America because most Americans don't see themselves as poor but as temporarily inconvenience millionaires." F Scott Fitzgerald
So far Kung Fu Clicker has mad me feel like a temporarily inconvenienced septillionaire, ha ha.