Thursday, January 9, 2020

Royal Canadian

It is with great interest that I learned that Prince Harry will be residing in Canada part time. I scooped this copy of Archie comics. I'm sure it's a collector's edition. I got it at London Drugs. Had I been there a few days earlier or later, I wouldn't have gotten it. You could probably order it online.

I will defend the British Monarchy with my life. My life is going nowhere anyways. I am poor but loyal. HRH Prince Harry moving to Canada, location undisclosed, there are many reasons he would do this and not all of them are good. It is all very unusual. Essentially Princess Meghan feels besieged. Too many ignorant people making ignorant comments. One YouTube comment I'll always remember is "How dare that cow blacken my England. If I never see her I'll kill her." The next comment was a reply, "You have been reported." I wouldn't write anything mean to Princess Meghan, not for a million dollars. The Queen might insist that Harry stay in England. No negotiation. Certainly she, Prince Charles and Prince William, the Monarch and two generation of Crown Princes, the Big Three at Yalta, would have the oomph to do it. Prince George might have been there too, toss in another generation of Crown Prince, if he were older. They wouldn't be much if they couldn't make an ultimatum that Prince Harry stay in England. Princess Diana having died is less bizarre than Prince Harry moving part time to Canada. There have been quite a few Royals who died young in the last century of some thing or other but I never heard of a Royal being on a self imposed exile at Canadar. It's the verbal abuse and verbal abuse can drive anyone away from any town. Whenever someone new shows up in a small town, a lot of residents if they met them would say to that person, "You're running from something." People talked like that in Dawson Creek about new residents, "He's running from something." I think all towns are like that. One week, you're standing at the balcony of Buckingham Palace and two weeks later, you're hunkering down at someplace far flung; in the colonies. The British in England are the Lord's of the Manor and we're the hick colonialists. What a come down. "A gentleman who has come down in life. George Orwell, Down and Out inParis and London As nice as I'm sure the place that Prince Harry is staying at, would that be like Sandringham, Balmoral, Windsor Castle, Hollyrood, would the new place be on that level? The new place would seem like somewhat of a raw deal, I would think. The whole thing is very peculiar. I wish them the very best and I trust in the Royal Family's collective judgement that the best decision will be reached regarding this. My thoughts are with them. I am concerned that they might not be acting under the most ideal and optimal circumstances. Social media can be a beast. People have to stop libelling people and thus driving them out of the towns they live.
I never heard of a member of the British Royal Family of such a high rank living in exile since King Edward the 8th.

Prince William and Prince Harry are a dynamic duo like Batman and Robin. How sad it would be to see them living so far apart and not together.

It would seem that HRM the Queen has relented to let HRH Prince Harry live abroad. Times have changed. These are more liberal times. A generation or two ago, I'm not sure the same thing would have happened.

Needless to say, that in whatever town The Three Megsiteers resides in, there will be an increased MI-6 presence. Everyone in that town will be scrutinized however briefly and cursilory to a level that simply wouldn't be if HRH wasn't in the picture. It's as if Police Officer enters a room and everyone is made to kneel down with their arms in front of them to be briefly investigated. There will be an increased presence in whatever town in the next few days. Even American Police. They would also be interested in protecting Prince Harry. It'll be Copland, "Where the cops are the peeps and the peeps are the cops." Nothing to worry about unless you have something to worry about. Anyone into the paramilitary will be investigated. Anyone who subscribes to Soldiers of Fortune, Guns & Ammo, heck, even Field and Stream.

Wherever Prince Harry goes to, that place will be like as if Captain Bligh visited that island with Fletcher Christian. The British are visiting. But a Captain of the Admiralty and a Royal Prince; they're on totally different levels.

Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers. England is the Tower of Barad-dur. Prince Harry is staying at the Tower of Orthanc. The other tower of Orthanc, not Grenfell Tower.

"Is it better to serve in heaven or to rule in hell?" Alien Covenant

The meeting was held at Sandringham.
Which is not to be confused with Sandhurst Military Academy which is to England what West Point is to the US.
Prince Harry, like all Royalty is connected to the military and as a sworn military Officer, he has certain military contractual obligations. Maybe not. I read of a member of Royalty who spends much of the time in Germany every year.

-But not so much that a power vacuum is created. That is a lesson from Machiavelli's The Prince.
How it works is that there is a chain of command. He had to get and got permission from the Supreme Military Commander who is The Queen. She gave him, in essence, military clearance to go on hiatus.

From the lofty castles and palaces in England, London; The Big Smoke, to settling down in Whereeverville Canada. Talk about taking a step backwards. People in small towns are cynical. For anyone who has money to leave at any time, people will think, "They'll be bored of this town in a couple of years.", "Like every town, this town could eventually really GET to you." and not in a good way.
In my case I've felt that about about the town that I'm living in. I would have left but things are looking really good for me as I have a few women on the line. George Orwell wrote in Keep the Aspidistra Flying that women promise all and nothing at the same time. One is in the friend zone until they're not. All it takes is a day. I've been in the friend zone with a few women in the past for years, that is until the day I was able to have a chance to get it on with them. If one is in the friend zone, make sure it's with a lady that they like as a person. If you don't like her as a person, how could she ever be your girlfriend?

Isn't that always the case? While you're thinking of moving to some other cpuntry, people from that exact same country are thinking just as much of moving to the cou try you're living in. The grass is greener on the other side, I guess.

Prince Harry might say to the residents of whatever town he is at, "Don't worry about me. You worry about yourselves."