Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Coronavirus Chronicles
A great picture for an album cover.
One day, in the future, I might go to Butchart Gardens or else I'll just lazy out and just not go. Either way I win.
I visited Butchart Gardens on February 20, 2020. It's very beautiful there. The best times to go are in the summer during the day. There are way more flowers etc in the summer time. That's prime time. In the winter, there's the skating rink and the best time to go is at 5 pm. It would be dark then, and lots of Christmas lights. I was happy with the visit there today. I could have done more things but that can happen next time. If I did it all today, what would there be to do next time. I might have just explored half the garden but missed the other half. More intrusive and unwanted thoughts. The early 80s was the golden age of music. Seeing the tree tops at the garden and the species of trees brought me back to the early 80s and University. I took a few pictures at the garden. I made sure not to take too many.
I've always hated that casual offhand banter at work. Basically it goes, however many parties you're going to, we've gone to more parties and better parties. However many women you've had, we've had more and better. Wash rinse repeat. The forms they take are endless but it's all a variation of, However well you're doing, we're doing better. That kind of talk makes my stomach turn. It makes my skin crawl. I heard two employees talking to each other like that at a store recently. That conversation was so unsavoury that it makes me not want to go back there. The entire conversation was offsetting. Off-putting. Wretched. But to say that I remember the words. I've been watching the same movies again and again and again and again for years and with subtitles and even now I couldn't get the quote right verbatim. What makes me think I'd remember the words of a conversation I heard only once? The ideal is that I remember. The reality is that all I remember is a nebulous jumble of words. Word salad. Syllable salad. It was something about something. Whatever. Weird energy. Sometimes I think I might remember a few words out of a hundred but if I've forgotten the other ninety something out of a hundred words, what makes me think that I'd remember even those few? Maybe they said it maybe they didn't. As usual my mind was half thinking about something else at the time. At all times. Whatever else.
Why would they think that it would have aver been a priority for me of any kind to know about that. Sure it establishes pecking order, hierarchy, but that's only relevant if I work there. What if I decided to quit altogether? How relevant would it be then?
I would rather have died as a teenager than go through an entire adult life going to work and hearing those goddamned insufferable work conversations. "Comparison is the thief of joy." Mark Twain I heard enough of those kinds of conversations when I was working for a few years at jobs in Dawson Creek. But whenever they mentioned whatever local lounge party or house party that they were going to, I thought that I went to parties in Bangkok Thailand. Any so called party in Canada especially what, small town Canada would be tepid and watered down in comparison. Parties in Bangkok Thailand have spoiled me for all parties in small town Canada. As it is, I don't have to work at any of those goddamned godforsaken shit jobs with their unenviable casual offhand banter comparison talk work conversations. The devil to them! I'm on welfare. The pay is lousy but the hours are great.
Jealousy on my part? Ha ha. What. Would I be legally required to be jealous?
Simply stated, jealousy is such an unsavourable sentiment that I made a death vow that I'd rather be dead than to be jealous. Life is worthless enough without jealousy making it more worthless.
Over the years, I quit a lot of jobs. Looking back, I sure don't miss those goddamned awful workplace conversations. Good riddance.
As it is, for the most part, these bullshit workplace conversations are rather one sided. They only talk about the good things. They only talk about the parties they go to. They rarely talk about the bad things like someone in their family is dying of cancer or maybe even they themselves are. Basically, at any workplace, half of them dying on their feet and while the other half, well it won't be too many years before they hit the wall. I don't get envious when I hear about their parties just as I feel no sympathy when they tell me about some problem in their life. That's their problem, not mine. Sometimes over the years I heard of someone at work who didn't go to a better party than I went to but instead has died. I never did shed a tear. I was always indifferent to that. For any of them. Life is only worth so much. "I'm a psychopath. I havent cried in 10 years." Saturday Night Killer
If they died, then they're in a better place and I'm in a better place. They're in a better place because the physics of the exponentialized geometric and holographic construct is far superior than that of this dimension. And I'm in a better place because I don't have to hear their secretly much hated bullshit casual offhand banter conversations anymore.
Murphy's Law: "There's always one more son of a bitch than you accounted for." But sometimes I win the lottery, so to speak as sometime over the years these sons of bitches die. Good riddance. I don't have to worry about seeing them anymore.
I myself would like to give up this depressing wretched set of physics form that of the afterlife. Some celebrities died this year whose lives were actually going somewhere. My life is going nowhere and I have to go on living. What the hell for? Life has no use for me and I have no use for life. My choice is to die but would I have the option? I don't want to stay around. I've come up with more answers about life than most people and that should have earned me either money or an early reprieve. I don't really want to live. I wish God would send me the Angel of Death. I'm through with life. I'm done with life. I don't want to start a family, children etc. At this age, 50, it'd be ridiculous, I'd be dead before they go to college. That's if they go. I wouldn't advise them to. 30 years ago, universities and colleges shifted from a public socialism based educational model to a private corporate for profit model with non-profit status for the tax shelter benefits, be careful of any courses that have the word "studies" attached to it. Europe is more civilized. Universities are free in many European countries. North America is a barbarian outland compared to Europe.
If you don't get married in your 20s or 30s, you're an idiot. If you do get married in your 50s, you're an idiot. I'm almost 50. Therefore, seeing that I didn't get married in my 20s, if I get married in my 50s, wouldn't that make me twice the idiot? I don't see the goddamned point of me sticking around for another 20 or more years. I don't want to get married. I don't want to have children. I never did. Life has no use for me and I have no use for life. Besides, things just aren't the same as they were thirty years ago. Real estate isn't the same. 30 years ago, real estate was 20x a yearly salary. Today it's 50x. Parties aren't the same. 30 years ago people weren't looking at their cell phones all the time at parties. Some on YouTube comments said women aren't the same as thirty years ago, today they're tattooed up, facial jewellery wearing Euro trash whores. That's their words. Geez they're saying that like it's a bad thing. Well I guess it depends on what nightclubs you go to. Whatever their appearance, a lot of women are worth knowing. University isn't the same, a fewer percentage go on to find professions in their field of study than 30 years ago and with a higher pro-rated to inflation student-loan debt. Marriage isn't the same as it was thirty years ago. Another YouTube comment, "My friends at work who are married all tell me, don't get married."
I think I met someone who is involved with the Local Arts Council.
It is very difficult whenever I meet these people to impress what I really think of all of it.
I regret ever having been an artist. It was all a waste of time. It's at the point where I wish I had died as a teenager rather than ever having been an artist. Massive waste of time and energy with no returns. Casting pearls before swine. I would rather die now as it is than to go on being an artist.
I'm an artist in the wrong country. Canada is one of the worst counties to be an artist. It's better to be an American or a British artist. Way better. Canada is second rate compared to that.
I would sooner opt for death than to opt for more years of being an artist. Art is a waste of time for me. It might have worked for other people but I don't treat things according to how they work for other people, I treat things according to how they work or don't work for me. I don't think of myself as an artist anymore even to compare myself with other artists. Any art I did last month is as relevant as a meal I had last month. Not relevant at all.
If this is all I got to say to that arts council lady, would that be anything to say? That kind of conversation is one that cancels itself out? She did ask me about my art. I told her I quit it never worked for me. She said there's lots of artists who don't make money but they enjoy it. Artists usually make money after they're dead.
What a sleazy fascist set up. What a vampiric scene.
If an artist makes more money after their dead and seeing that I was an artist to whatever extent, following that line of logic directly, then would that not confirm my suspicions that I'm better off dead? I've thought as much of giving up on life altogether. My life is going nowhere. Why stick around?
If my art career isn't going well, I can quit on of three things, 1. Quit life altogether. 2. Wrong country. Quit the country. Leave the country. Never return. 3. Quit art. For me to create art at this point, to quote Sherlock Holmes, "That would neither be necessary nor useful?"
Death is my choice, but would that be an option? A difficult bullshit life, try to live through it. Those days are gone. These days if life isn't rockstar enough, why not just give up on life altogether? That's what I choose for myself.
I would rather my mother have aborted me than for me to have lived as an artist and then be exploited. They don't because they enjoy it. I don't enjoy it anymore. I don't even enjoy life to start with so why would I enjoy doing art? Waste of time. Shit. I hope I did soon. I need as many of you to pray that I die in my sleep of that sudden adult death syndrome as soon as possible. Do it! Do it! Do it!
I'll thank you in the afterlife. But as for my mother, I'll have words for her. I'll say it would have been better that she had lived and I had died. I sound up being an artist and then my life was going nowhere. I'll call her an asshole to her face, I'll say, "Mom, you're a disappointment for not having aborted me. Why didn't you? You should have."
The next time I see the arts council lady I'll ask her about getting a grant from the Canada Arts Council. I doubt that I would get it. My talents were wasted in the wrong country.
If you want to experience the college vibe of the early 80s aka the golden age of music, listen to World Entity - Found that Love. And also Marz - Move It. It will teleport you back in time to college dances of the early 80s. I saw the movie Stripes starring Bill Murray at UBC theatre in the early 80s. I was there! I'm like Jay - Z. I'm a time traveller. "He seems to have grown younger." Bram Stoker
Now knowing the difference between the algorithms of objective and subjective time, and that time travel is time experienced on an objective level, as Einstein said, all time is happening simultaneously, for me, I broke off the knob at 1982. For me it's 1982 permanently. All I need is a white 4 door 500 series early 80s BMW. Anyways, Marz- Move It, and World Entity - Found That Love sets me to early 80s. For fucking ever. For me, 1982 is the heavenly year just like for some people, 1936 is the heavenly year. Blue sky with white cirrus clouds, spring to summer. Exquisite.
The early 80s? It's just a meme. Ribbing on memes. Like Richard Dawkins said, cultural memes, personal memes, it's all just memes.
Recommended apps. Castle storm. Mindblowing graphics. Next level. Because of the details, it looks better on a larger 10" Acer tablet.
Recommended app: Eternity Legends. Similar to Castle Bane with mesmerizing laserlike rich expensive turbo powered graphics now available. Because of the sleek graphics, on a larger 10" tablet it looks like a pencil crayon drawing but a very hd fine one though. It looks better on a smaller 9" Samsung tablet. On a smaller tablet the hues are more dense, like paints rather than pencil crayon with a magazine glossiness to it.
Recommended app: Run Sackboy Run. From Sony PSP company itself! Premium platinum grade. This is the real deal. It's from Little Big Planet. This is the modern version.
My PSP was freezing. I was playing the UMD movie Grandma's Boy. The internet saved me! The website called it still works said how power button until it shuts off. Remove battery. Replace battery in a few minutes. This reboots the PSP which needs to be done every few years. Works!
Here I go again. Infatuation. Since I will be writing about her in the most general terms, this should be incidental and would only be just one specific example which illustrates the general case. There is a sweet sweet lady I can't stop thinking of. I've known her for years. However the chances of me connecting with her seriously isn't high. I'm trying to forget about her but there's something about her. If I don't connect with her I doubt that I'd want to go on living. What would there be to live for? She is extremely sweet and whatever happens, I am that much richer and forever blessed to know her sweet presence whom I visit often. I don't want to be in such a vulnerable position, such a position of need with anyone. The best way I can look out for number one is just forget her and try to move to Bangkok, Thailand. I can do my cartoons there but only for myself. As for putting my cartoons online, like Sherlock Holmes said, "That would neither be useful nor necessary." Anyways, back to the ultra hedonism. My ultimate plan, if I inherited a lot of money is to move to Bangkok Thailand. I'd try to live at the Imperial hotel at Queens Park in the swanky Sukhumvit district. I don't know if this thing that I have with the special lady is too promising. If things don't work out in Asia then I'd have to overdose on heroin and die. That would be my escape plan. That leads me to think that maybe my mother should have aborted me and that 50 years ago, she missed out on the one golden opportunity to abort me in the first trimester.
I have an idea. Since all time is happening simultaneously because time travel is the objective and not the subjective experience of time, and since Tesla used microwaves to create radar and a microwave based cloaking device using a specialized frequency of the cosmic microwave background as MIT professor Max Tegmark talked about, I'd use such a time machine to send my mother $1,000 and advise her that it'd be best for her to have an abortion. That it'd be me, her actual son from the future using the time machine to send her the letter. I'd tell her about my art career that went nowhere, so much so it'd be more like "What art career?" And my hopeless life which includes yet another infatuation that's not going anywhere. I would hope that she would gladly take the money and then think, "If my life was that fucked up, I'd want my mother to abort me too. I'd probably also use a time machine to send MY mother a letter. As it is, I am on a path to success, marriage, a middle class life. Whereas the guy who sent me the letter is on welfare and at 50, never married. Christ, that's awful. The only thing he has going for him is an infatuation for a sweet woman which in all likelihood is purely delusional." That would be the ideal, but would that be the reality? I would be willing to marry her and if necessary, convert to Catholicism, so much so, I'd be like online-convert which converts avi to mp3. Again, an ideal but would it be a reality? Don't ever lose that imagination.
The incredibly sweet lady might be a honey-trap. Again there is something about her. "There's Something About Mary."
I would convert upon marriage even though attraction is a feeling, love is an action and marriage is a covenant, can't win for losing or else either way you lose or else either way you win, however I think I got baptised at least once in my life with another religion. Not Catholicism. But there are hundreds of bachelors in any city that live in the inner city who possess multiple baptismal certificates.
The best way to forget about infatuation because that's the best thing you can do because all infatuation are delusional. That it's for this woman or that woman is incidental. Live for yourself. Go to fine restaurants. Try to go see strippers or hire a lot of prostitutes but if you don't want to do all that, don't worry about it. If you miss one opportunity, you will get others because life is teeming with opportunities.
My current girlfriend is very sweet although the relationship is on one level, going nowhere. In spite of that, she is incredibly sweet and I would never give her up for another woman "in a hot second". No, it could never be like that at all. Incredibly sweet.
Take it slow. There is a saying in the military: 'Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.'
Everywhere, passengers are limited to 74 minutes on their bus transfers to do their business.
Police Blotter: The News said that it looks like Surrey or else Sri will get their own Police force. It will be like most cities in Canada so don't think of it as losing a Police force but as gaining another one. It will be a concurrent concentric system comprising of two Police forces as the Policing is all about multi-levels. It will be representation by population so it will most likely be mostly East Indian Police Officers. The gurkhas are the deadliest warriors. Even experienced soldiers would rather kill themselves than to face a charging gurkha with a sharp knife in his hand. Gurkhas are badass.
In, gurkhas are from Nepal not India and Singapore has a gurkha police force.
Surrey has had an interesting year. The city had to deal with the dual issues of ride-sharing and the Police. Surrey has an excellent stripper bar called T-Bar. The most beautiful women in the world, in the Galaxy are there. I went there. I'm a real Where's Waldo? The white hot beauty of the women there are mind-blowing. Oh, women are mind-blowingly beautiful anywhere. That's how it works. It's nature's trick to spur men into getting them pregnant and continuing the species.
My IQ is about 133.8.
I have a cold sore. I wonder if it's herpes related but aren't there non herpes related cold sores? It's probably not even a cold sore. It looks more like a zit on the edge of my upper lip. Abreva is pricey, $27 plus tax. I thought I'd use bleach or lots of washing and lots of soap. I'm have to look for my tube of Dovenex Leo Leo. Maybe that'll help. I used to have a tube of Fucidin Leo Leo but I think I left that in Bangkok. I forgot to bring it with me when I left.
Years ago, I did 33 pushups every day for years. This led to chronic muscle cramps in the latissimus dorsi muscles as well as the triceps; the scapula. Chronic major hard core cramping. My quest for cures first led to A535 deep heating and deep cooling. Sent work. Also muscle relaxants like methcarbamol aka robaxacet which is OTC or else cyclobenzaprine which isn't OTC also didn't work all that well. Stretching and drinking lots of water helped more than any of the above. Put the arm over the head and pull the fingers of the hand of that arm with the other hand. That's how you stretch. Finally I did overed magnesium. After over ten years of cramping including calf muscle cramping, I discovered magnesium and this is the answer. I bought plain magnesium. Magnesium with citrate is for constipation. I thought citric acid prevented scurvy which the symptoms are some kind of muscular fuck up. The citric acid would further help the muscles absorb the magnesium. Not true. Magnesium citrate helps the intestines soften whatever is in it to help with constipation. I use magnesium and so far on the first day, I already notice a difference. This advice would be good for anyone with chronic muscle cramps. Strangely, the upper back muscle cramps I have happen most when I meditate. That's why I had to use magnesium which is the building blocks of muscles. If it is magnesium, if I lit one of my magnesium pills will a lighter, would it be a sparkler? I think they used other adulterant chemicals so it probably most likely won't do that.
Should Victoria BC place an immediate 14 day quarantine or hiatus or moratorium or kiebosh on the Clipper sailing from the old Madame Tussauds Wax Museum to Port Angeles Washington, site of the Annual Crab Feast buffet from docking locally on shore? Or else the behuddled masses of coronavirus victims could reach our teeming shores. Washington DC had one person die of coronavirus yesterday on Sunday, March 1st 2020. Today, on Monday March 2, 2020, six people died in Washington State. But there are others vectors into Victoria BC from Washington State, the Alki State or "the bye and bye State". Namely roads, cars, and also the airport. At least there should be a body heat camera at the boat dock border crossing on Bellevue Street as well as Covid 19 assay kits or else test kits.
People are stockpiling out of hysteria. This is reminiscent of people building bomb shelters during the 50s "in case Russia attacks". Worldwide, more people will die in hospitals overnight from cigarette related deaths and alcohol cirhossis of the liver deaths but are people banning cigarettes and booze at the same level as the spraying of chemicals for coronavirus? The coronavirus cash cow money grab is a cottage industry and lots of people are making a lot of money with disease control and/or artificial scarcity, the level of organization is taking on an insidious corporate for profit structure. The Covid-19 Cash cow Corral's the money to a pharmaceutical firm responsible for dispensing the chemical sprays. This organizes the money into a central conglomerate mass instead of being more diffused throughout the economic sphere. This of course generates a lot of tax revenue. Of course governments are watching developments with great interest. This isn't a bad thing as there is an indirect trickle down effect in terms of infrastructure as the government needs the money because within ten years all computers in all government sectors especially hospitals and airports and Police Departments will be upgraded from traditional computer to the much quicker quantum computers.
Coronavirus will run its course as the disease recirculates and hits people who already had the coronavirus in a much milder form or they were really uber healthy and survived it. That is when the disease will slow down it's transmission rate. That would be the end game.
Did you see the documentary called The Corporation? This is the corporatization of diseases. The Great Pacific Garbage Gyre, that's also been corporationized. They start off as a University hippie Left Wing grant junkie special interest group and then as time goes on, they Right Wing corporationize themselves. And they're getting better at it as time goes on.
In Fictionland, they have a ten year cull and a 25 year cull. Every ten years, there is a cull of 5% of the population. Then every 50 years, there is a 8% cull of the population is installed. Don't think that the 5% of the every ten years cull is excluded in the half century cull so that as a result, every 50 years, fully 13 percent of the population can expect to get "cut down" for the purposes of social engineering, population stimulation and enhancement as well as for the purposes of cultural advancement.
Well SARS in 2003, H1N1 in 2010 and COVID-19 in 2020. It looks like they're spraying off the killing floor. It's like The Purge Election Day but a much more sublimated form of that. Welcome to the once every ten year cull.
If I die from coronavirus, my life has no hope and is going nowhere anyways. I'm thinking that I'll also be included in the cull. Called to the rolls.
I have to get some heroin. If I had a choice, I'd rather die of a heroin overdose than coronavirus. If coronavirus is intending to kill me, I'd rather have heroin beat it to the punch. Heroin is legalized in Portugal. In that way, they don't have to worry.
Hospitals and the medical industry know what they're doing. They have a term called patient zero. That means that they can track a disease down to the very first person who got it. Contact tracing. They're that good. Obviously it's past that point now. With any luck, they know the name of the chicken farmer who was the one who had the species to human transmission.
Forart plague doctor mask. Amazon Q&A: "Will it protect me from coronavirus?" "Yes, yes it will and it will also protect you from Heinekenvirus."
Crow-na virus. Corvid - 19.
A dreadful plague in London was
In the year sixty five,
Which swept an hundred thousand souls
Away - Yet I alive!
Defoe's Journals
In fact, why do things half measure? If a doctor were to visit a self isolating patient with Covid 19 who is suspected to not make it, instead of wearing a standard issue white gauze mask, why not wear a Forartt medieval doctors mask available on Amazon for $16? Of course the sight of such bird masks were rarely harbingers of joy. They were omens of near certain death. Only in the rarest cases did the bird mask doctors actually cure someone.
If it gets to the point where the front desk of my hotel is issuing masks and putting up notices that people wandering in the halls for any reason must wear a mask or get evicted, at that point, we're all dead. "We are all going to die!!!!!" as the guy yelled from the stagecoach in the movie Shaka Zulu.
In a Craig Hamilton-Parker YouTube video about the corona virus, YouTube user Moon Fire Magic commented, "I heard that coronavirus has a patent. Who patents a virus?" What can you say about the pernicious human species? I've thought of quitting life altogether. Designer drugs for designer viruses made in a lab.
Why did Bathsheba of the Conjuring wear a surgical mask in that 1800s picture? Did she have coronavirus?
Author Dean Koontz a few years ago wrote a novel, The Eyes of Darkness, about a virus called Wu Han 400. Causation or correlation? Is it predictive programming or or is it merely Nietzcheian eternal return or eternal occurrence in that things throughout history tend to repeat themselves again and again. Motifs in a pattern.
I'm getting the plague doctor mask! I have it ordered on Amazon. If the Police sees a plague doctor on the streets, it will be me. I am wearing a black navy jacket, straw hat, blue hoodie, bird mask, black gloves, black jeans and black gloves. I will be a dancing plague doctor! I will put a short video of it on YouTube against my better judgement. YouTube is like a car running on 3 out of 4 cylinders. Works well enough, but, the YouTube algorithm is fucked! On New Years Eve, a video showed up in my recommendations, The Bridge, a documentary about a famous suicide bridge. It showed up in other people's recommendations too and they said as much. 2 comments. 1: "Me: Minding my own business YouTube: You should do suicide now, moron." 2: "Me: Happy New Year YouTube algorithm: Why don't you watch this excellent documentary about suicide?"
The plague doctor. My drawing. Also this is the mask I went with. I am mulling over whether I should have gotten the brown one. That one looks cool too. The baroque looking brown one is the earlier unpainted leather color. As time went on, the masks had a more evolved sleek look. The black mask I went with looks more serious, gothic. It has a rich and Spanish look kind of like a Paco Rabanne plague doctor mask. The black one looks cool at a distance. It has a Doctor Who look about it. This is an illustration of how I plan to look. There's my Joker the killing joke hat and the blue hoody that my girlfriend gave me. I am also wearing a black navy jacket that I found.
This is an alternate look. Also cool.
It's all points on a curve. There's points on the curve in terms of diseases. There are thousands of diseases, some worse and some less worse than Covid-19. And even within a disease itself there's points on a curve as some cases as more and some cases are less severe. A delay form of a mild disease is worse than a mild form of a deadly disease. And this is coming from the plague doctor- me!
Perhaps from years of habit and practice, the News is covering the coronavirus like a sportscaster doing a sports game, a play by play, blow by blow narrative. It's like the pandemic Olympics. This country won so many goals, so many silvers, so many bronzes today and then that country scored this many and that country scored that many medals. So with coronavirus, today this place this many and that place that many. These stories are good for ratings. Bad News tweaks the amygdala in a way that good news or reassuring stories do not. If it bleeds it leads.
That's the same kind of relentless exhaustive grinding asshole pacing that was used to cover the Ken Starr report, the Gomery Inquiry, the Paul Manafort Report, etc and it started with Watergate. Weeks on end of repetitive reporting. Wag the Dog. Of course the coronavirus wipes other stories off the table such as the Trump Impeachment, the government's struggles to deal with protests in Hong Kong, the yellow vest protest in France, the ongoing Theta Gunberg protests and the Wet'suwet'en pipeline protests. All of a sudden those other stories have disappeared. Were the wetsuweten and the government able to reach a deal? Probably not. But that story is irrelevant now.
The instability, being one of the attendant evils of Brexit would have otherwise brought a mass migration across the EU. That's all out the window now.
SCP - 049 is a plague doctor. I will be getting the plague doctor mask from Amazon hopefully soon. I am 49 years old!
From experience, how will Covid 19 end? Suddenly. 10 years to build a building. One afternoon to take it down. It will be months in the reporting of cases rising. The coronavirus story will end quickly and without notice. This is a society of throwaway products and a News story is just another ephemeral throw away product. One week or less to announce cases falling as coverage of cases falling do not tweak the amygdala in the same way and thus don't bring in the ratings. That's how it happened with SARS. One day, suddenly, wordlessly, the coronavirus will disappear as its mileage is used up and some new flashy story will take over coronavirus and they will run with that story because it has legs. People will have then long wearied of the topic of coronavirus.
News companies operate on cycles. The coronavirus story is just one such cycle. All News cycles have a shelf life and therefore a half life. The half life of the coronavirus is when it reaches its peak, time signature curiously coinciding with the life span of a perfect textbook News cycle, about 6 months. They won't bother spending even nearly the time covering the denouement or the decline of the covid-19 coronavirus story. It will take them a few months to talk about the ascension to zenith of the coronavirus. Don't think they'll spend nearly as much time covering it's dissension to the nadir. Probably half a week.
The actual life cycle of a story and the News cycle, that is a certain stylized umbrella of News coverage which any story falls under are two different things.
The News is a for profit corporate structure and the News cycles are a critical part of that structure. It's a formula.
The News does realize that it has a narrow window of time to cover such a nugget of a story and governments know of the narrow window of time to enact and normalize social engineering restrictions as the initial circulation rate is 4 weeks, the second circulation rate will see 50% of people already infected, survived and now have an immunity, the third circulation cycle will be even more innocuous.
"There is no such thing as a completed film. There are only projects walked away from." George Lucas
There is no such thing as complete News coverage. There are only stories walked away from. The coronavirus story will end quickly.
People don't just have their own problems, they are their own problems.
From YouTube: Dont worry if others don't like you. Most people have difficulty liking themselves.
Many News cycle stories spawn a cottage industry as related merchandising sees a sharp spike in sales. 'I Survived Covid-19 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. Medieval Plague doctor mask have seen somewhat of an increase in sales. Amazon forart plague doctor mask Q&A; "Will this protect me from coronavirus?" "Yes, yes it will and it will also protect you from Heineken virus."
Throw enough mud and some of it will stick. Coronavirus is a social engineering ruse which will have some peripheral effects. Protests are on a kibosh for an indefinite period of time. As these special interest ecowarrior groups are elevating it to an art, perfecting their protest tactics to a science, and the protesters are not above storming Legislative Buildings and shutting down arterial routes and critical infrastructure like rail and shipping lines for weeks, even months, with governments reticent to dispatch and deploy troops on their own people, a government response is to talk about pandemics which would socially discourage protesting. Lasting effect: No protests should be larger than 250 people, that number is now official in many US towns, kind of like Apartheid where gatherings were limited to a certain amount of people. The means are different but the ends are the same. In New York, that number is 500 instead of 250 because if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, its up to you New York, New York. And all protests are required to have illness testing kits at a minimum dollar value which keeps out the riff raff. Also pandemics are good for stymying mass migration in which YouTube video after YouTube video says Europe is complaining about mass immigration. Discouraging people to move to different countries and start up protest movements. The pretext of coronavirus will be used in an attempt to stifle all protests in general however old habits die hard.
Oh my little pretty one, You make my motor run, my Corona.
A YouTube video called How To Survive The Black Plague said that Pope Clement the 4th was advised by a physician to surround himself in a ring of fire at all times. He did and he survived the plague.
If you think coronavirus is bad, the Black Plague was worse. The plague first arrived from ships that travelled to the East. The ships first outbreak was in the port of Crimea in 1347, then Italian ports were the first vectors of the plague in Europe. The plague came from fleas that were a parasite of the shipboard rats. These fleas however suffered from some kind of intestinal blockage* that gave them the illusion that they were hungry at all times. This made them extra cranky and aggressive and they jumped from rats to whatever living thing they could find. Also their intestinal blockages made the fleas additionally vomit a toxin saturated vomit called yersinia pestis or Y-pestis onto the patches that they bit upon this giving people the bubonic plague. The plague wouldnt onset for two days then one would have the flu for one day, even today, one has a one day window of time for that flu to be patched up with penicillin, something simply beyond the knowledge of medieval. Then huge eponymous lumps called buboes, a Latin word meaning 'little bulbs', would emerge and the equally eponymous black gangrene would devour the extremities such as fingers and toes. At that point one was pretty much dead two days later. There were three forms of the Black Plague, bubonic, speticemic, and pneumonia. However, the bubonic form is the most famous and rockstar one. The bubonic plague is a form of the Black Plague and not the other way around. The party never stopped in the medieval times! In a lot of cases that was true as people lived ultra hedonistic lives of sexual abandon since the average life expectancy in those years was 30. Why did it take them 400 years to figure it was fleas from rats and not miasma or vapours or the 4 humors that was causing the Black Plague? Were they idiots? In the same way that in the future, people will be asking, "Why did it take them until 10,000 AD to finally solve the problem of death and interplanetary travel so that now people are living for multi thousands of years and going planet hopping?" Some on YouTube comments said that people from a here unnamed country has an average IQ of 85 hence the paucity of intellectual conversations to be had there. But even with an IQ of 85, they aren't otherwise getting the Black Plague! Hence I would place the average IQ of the middle ages to be 44. They might have used cats to get rid of the rats but the cats got bubonic plague too.
*intestinal blockage: from the YouTube video, 'Down the Rabbit-Hole: Plague Doctors'
There's yet another level of knowledge. When the y pestis virus enters the body it sends a signal in the form of a chemical disguise so the antibodies of the immune system don't register it as a threat. Cells communicate with each other not with pay hkinesis or speech, but with cytokines. It then attacks the white blood cells going for the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are little sacs located throughout the body and the lymphatic system is responsible for immune sysytem regulation and also for sending liquid to the heart. When enough white blood cells have been depleted it then releases a toxin called yersinia bactin which goes after the iron in the body, specifically an iron rich molecule called transferin and depletes the iron in the body. Iron is responsible for carrying red blood cells throughout the body. Red blood cells are iron coated with haemoglobin. Yersinia bactin rips apart this haemoglobin to get to the iron. At that point organ shutdown results with the extremities turning black, etc.* source, The Black Plague, from Infographics on YouTube.
YouTube is like University study hall meets the living room couch.
Weird that coronavirus is in 2020, the year of the rat.
I might sound superstitious. "Place your trust in the known and tangible." Sherlock Holmes Anyways, viruses may have a spiritual component. The Japanese believes that in all things there resides a spirit or kamei. Science would say that behind the atomic there resides the subatomic which is more powerful, it's the energy behind the energy, the force behind forces. Viruses, having a spirit, can sense through cytokines if a person is negative and a virus could infect a negative person more seriously. Of course science and doctors would say that negative people develop toxins in their body with all that anger and negativity. Animals can sense negative people as any dog or cat owner could tell you. Stay happy.
During the black plague, the healthy were quarantined with the sick which is a sure recipe for death. Incubators. Whereas the plague killed thousands, quarantining the healthy with the sick killed tens of thousands.* From: The Great Plague Documentary; Timeline. YouTube
I want to also talk about the bird mask doctors. They pretty much all got the plague too. The fleas got on their clothing and bit them. So basically they were useless. It was rare that they cured anyone. Had they known antibiotics. If I had a time machine and I went there as a plague doctor, I would prescribe ground up willow bark as an anti inflammatory, antifever agent. Then I would get some green mold of orange peels, add water, grind it up into a viscous injectable liquid mass and I would use a hollowed and sharpened bone of a hummingbird to intramuscularly inject the self made penicillin antibiotic. I would then prescribe a slight tincture of opium. The syringe I would make with a small hollow metal tube like sawing off an unattached point of a spear. Then I would plug either end with some cork. On one end I would attach the hummingbird bone needle. On the other end I would attached a MacGyvered t shaped flagging device to flag the needle. I would also recommend st Jon's wort and Echinacea to further alleviate. I would also prescribe cannabis or hashish and also to drink herbal tea. And orange juice. I would be using what they had those days and not anything modern to arouse suspicion. Would I be a good plague doctor? Would my treatment work or not?
420 is cancelled. Well when you have an event that is centered around breathing effluvium into the air during a coronavirus outbreak. Coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus cull, what's the difference?
A disease not as sharp as a knife, Cuts short not that wide of a life.
Is the Black death gone? No. The Joker movie talks about super rats. Reportedly 7 people die of bubonic plague in the US every year. This is from a YouTube video.
That's why they invented flea collars.
YouTube has a video excerpt of an episode of House MD starring Dr Hugh Laurie. In this episode he visits a young woman who had a pet rat and got bubonic plague from it. At that point, the bulbous buboes were already on her arm. Dr Laurie told her it was bubonic plague but the good news is that it's treatable. Even at that stage?! I thought she would have been a goner. We can secret space program sending ships to Mars but somehow coronavirus is still a stumper. Good thing NASA didn't do the Mars program in 2020. A helpful of astronauts with just one Covid 19 positive passenger means the whole crew is dead,. But NASA would screen them pretty good.
The Casimir Warp Drive. Named after King Casimir of Poland had such excellent quarantine for his nation that Poland was the country that had the fewest plague deaths during the Great Plague. At the time Europeans wondered if they were witches. There were soldiers at the border to prevent people from entering.
Things change. Dynamics shift. The metal of the Japanese Tiger fighters that used to kamikaze aircraft carriers that killed their ancestors are melted down into Japanese cars and driven by the descendants of those killed in kamikaze raids. The fleas that killed their ancestors during the great plague in Europe entertain their descendants in flea circuses.
"I had a little bird
It was called Enza,
I opened a window and
In flew Enza."
Once more down the plague infested rabbit hole. Tonight's bed time story is the story of the Spanish Flu aka Swine Flu. In 1918 Spanish Flu broke out, it was a usual case of cross species contamination and transmission. When it was all said and done, about 500 million were infected and 50 million died. Spanish Flu killed more people than the actual War of World War 1! Although it originated elsewhere, it was called Spanish Flu because health authorities in Spain were the first to identify the problem and to start measures to isolate people. Spanish Flu killed more people in the first 25 weeks than AIDS killed in the first 25 years! It was like Stephen King's The Stand. It wasn't rocket science. Standards of living had risen since the last great pandemic, The Black Plague. Families of ten children were extremely common. That was the pre-nuclear family; 10 or more children per family household. That's how they rolled back then. People lived close together in cities. People lived enough closer together in the trenches of World War 1. Another factor is that people travelled more and got around much faster than people did in the medieval days with commercial propeller air travel which averaged 250 mph, while today's commercial jet airplanes travel at 550 mph. And penicillin or antibiotics wouldn't be invented until 1927 at St Mary's Hospital in London by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. Spanish Flu ranged from a mild flu to the pneumonic form of the Black Plague in severe cases, otherwise blindness and paralysis were known to result. Well that's what happens when these flu type diseases are allowed to run their full course unabated without the amelioration or assuaging of antibiotics like penicillin, amoxycillin, cephalexin, streptomycin, etc. All diseases are diseases of propinquity or proximity. Cooped up and festering together in those cramped fetid trenches and foxholes of world War one or else sardine canned in those bricked up tenement slums of the inner cities were the prime breeding ground of diseases. Flu season is typically in February at a time not only when there is little sunlight, it is also a time when people went months without much sunlight as sunlight is a source of Vitamin D which is not a vitamin but a hormone which regulates and moderates the immune system.* Vitamin D deficiency makes one prone to flus. I'd stock up on Vitamin D pills and multi-vits in generals. A virus is RNA wrapped in a protein coat. As an RNA organism, it's a half assed living organism which is why it seems to have a mind of its own jumping from host to host. During the Spanish Flu, the virus mutated into a more aggressive form, but again, alas, no antibiotics as that wouldn't have been invented until 1927.
* Source: YouTube. The Black Plague Interesting New Findings. Dr. Eric Berg
It's important to wash your hands with soap because a virus is RNA in a protein coat or to be more exact a lipid coat or a fat coat. There's protein in fats. Soap is made of fat and would dissolve the protective lipid coat of a virus thus neutralizing it.
Streptomycin was discovered in 1943 at Rutgers University. Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside which block the ability of 30S ribosomal subunits from forming proteins. 30S ribosomal subunit is a prokaryotic subunit and these are responsible for the binding of transfer RNA and messenger RNA. Since the basis of viruses is proteins and RNA, streptomycin would be helpful possibly for coronavirus. Or not. I'm not a doctor.
The strange thing about Spanish Flu is that it was mainly people aged 20 - 40 who were most susceptible. Whereas with novel coronavirus covid 19, people aged 80 and over are most susceptible.
Now why would that be so? It's not rocket science. In 1918 most people aged 20 to 40 had just returned from the war and war usually exposes people to malnutrition and fevers and diseases or else a lot of people worked in dirty jobs like coal mines and steel smeltering plants, jobs that today would be left go automation because of work hazards.. Most people in the 1920s were malnourished. They didn't know or care about the 4 food groups, DNA wouldn't be discovered until the 50s. Most people didn't make it into their 70s let alone their 80s. There were relatively few people around in their 80s in 1918. Now today with coronavirus it's basically the same morphology or pathology as Spanish Flu. People who are 20 to 40 today for the most part haven't just recently fought a war. People in their 20s are more well nourished than people in their 20s were in 1918 if eating junk food and drinking soft drinks makes them better nutrified than the young people of 1918. Unlike in 1918 when there was a mere paucity of geriatrics, today there are lots of people around who are over 100 let alone over 80. And most people in their 80s are just as sickly as malnourished people in their 20s who had just emerged from fighting a major heavy duty war.
Many people survived the bubonic plague because they were healthy to begin with. The ones that died weren't healthy to begin with. Keeping in mind most people drank water from the river that wasn't usually boiled first exposing them to typhoid as well. Anyways, poor sanitation, no teeth brushing, poor hygiene in general. And drinking unpasteurized milk all the time. That made them especially vulnerable to any diseases. Their health if anything was much worse than people of 1918. They were a few levels down. The middle ages health was to the health of 1918 what the health of 1918 is to us.
Spanish Flu, coronavirus etc thrives in dirty unsanitary environments. So in the 1920s middle class households did a vigorous sanitization routine, cleaning the house. Only to find out eventually that polio, like HIV, thrives in clean sanitary environments. Polio was another fuck up altogether until Jonas Salk invented the Salk vaccine.
A few high profile celebrities got coronavirus. When a celebrity gets a disease, that generates a lot of attention and money for R&D research and development for the treatment, vaccine, and finally cure for a disease.
What to expect: I was in Dawson Creek and a Native man walked into the soup kitchen I was at and said, "You're going to get H1N1." He said it to someone else or maybe to all of us in general. I wasn't paying attention and that's probably not what he said verbatim. I didn't believe it. Then one morning I woke up unable to breathe. It felt like the asthma I had when I was a child, but an extreme case. I was still able to breathe with difficulty. The thing is that it's insidious. One goes to sleep at night breathing fine and then when they wake up the next morning, the lungs are clogged. It happens that quickly and subtly. Hopefully one is able to wake up and breathe to whatever extent even to a slight extent. In severe cases, probably not. There's red blood that people bleed but theres also white blood that people bleed, in their lungs as their lungs fill with antibody white blood cells ironically in an attempt to protect the body during this strain of flu as one drowns in their lungs. It was January, winter, Dawson Creek and it was minus 25 degrees Celsius. I had difficulty because of the cold weather but I was still able to walk over to my doctors office, Dr Gnanabaskaran, asked for and got a bronchial dilator. That did the trick. If you need to go to a walk in clinic or doctors office or waiting room at the hospital, you need to wear a mask or cover your face with a scarf and you need to wear gloves as to not panic other people in the room, or it might panic them more. Tell the receptionist you are having difficulty breathing and need a bronchial dilator. Maybe pharmacists can for just this one month, sell bronchial dilators OTC. That's one variant. Usually it occurs as lots of coughing, lots of retching, wretched, and lots of phlegm, snot, blowing the nose, and lots of coughing. T3 is helpful. Drink lots of liquids. Starve a fever feed a cold, or something like that. Chicken soup, etc. Also Vitamin C pills, Vitamin D pills and multivitamins.
The WHO said flus have two variants called type A and type B. One variant is the coughing, the phlegm, the snots. The other variant is the drowning in white phlegm which ironically is the immune system trying to expunge the pathogen.
If you're in a third world impoverished nation and can't get a bronchial dilator, you're fucked. Would a spa or sauna help clear the lungs in such cases?
I suspect there will be a spate of cases involving sleep paralysis demons. Around the time, maybe on the same day I woke up with the asthma and not being able to breathe, a small, flesh colored, humanoid goblin with sharp teeth and hissed breathing fire sat on my chest, putting a crushing weight on my chest and it had it's hands around my throat attempting to choke me! When it opened its mouth showing the sharp teeth breathing fire I instinctively pushed my hand upward to it's lower jaw, forcing closed its mouth. In dreams you can mysteriously know what martial arts moves to make like using a table as a weapon and smashing somebody into it, etc. I hope that No one with the asthma variant of coronavirus sees a sleep paralysis demon. If they do, they're not alone. I saw one. Polynesian have been speaking about these strange interdimensional entities for centuries.
Does the 19 in Covid 19 signify H1 N9? Is that code? In this case, no. 19 signifies that it was first discovered in 2019.
We have to examine underlying causes. Ironically at the origin site of the rats of the Black Death, at the Marco Polo Gobi desert, those people never had bubonic plague. Those people had a code of not hunting certain species of rodents and not making coats out of their fur. They also were nomadic and when they saw too many dead rats laying around, ratfalls, they got the fuck out. Today's cultures are ignorant. Those ancient Gobi desert cultures didn't coral their animals in cramped cages thousands at a time. They certainly weren't into eating bats and pangolins. Eating bats, what is this, an 80s Ozzie concert? One day the collective ill will of animals could end the human species. Humans have been asshole to animals for so long and on an industrial level. There is beyond meat and that is better than cramping so many chickens in cages. And you wonder why people are getting cross species transmission of influenza. In some cases free range is an area 4 feet square. That's bullshit. This is a wake up call to the wet market industry. Animals need lots of space and should be raised humanely. "I don't know which species is worse, Burke. At least you don't see them screwing each other over for a goddamned percentage." Sigourney Weaver, Aliens
Keep the home fires burning.
It's like World War 2, we're on the Q.T.."
Due to technical difficulties of a virulent pathological nature, Western Civilization has been cancelled until further notice. There's still life online. I'll be around for all of you.
If he dies of the plague already, he dies of the plagueis.
"Did I ever tell you the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise? That's not a story the Jedi are likely to tell you. He had such a knowledge of the plague, bubonic plague, Spanish Flu, coronavirus, MERS, SARS, that he was able to use the midichlorians to bring a person infected with the coronavirus back to full health." "Can I learn this?" "Not from a Jedi." The Chronicles of Darth Plagueis the Wise - not.
Will Canada go through the same strict quarantine procedures as Italy, the UK, or the USA? Probably not. The disparity of the population and population density is vast. The United States has an area smaller than Canada and 10 tomes the population of Canada at 337.8 million people. Italy could easily fit into a Canadian Province 3 times but has a population of 60.8 million. The UK is about the size of Vancouver island with a population of 66.3 million jammed into it. God! They're dropping like flies in Europe! Canada's population is 37.8 million.
Canada's health Minister Patty Hajdu said, "In other places they had deaths before they knew they had cases. Here in Canada, we knew we had cases before there were deaths." Profound and well stated.
Usually it's good to be social and bad to me antisocial. But with coronavirus, to be antisocial is good. Although antisocial meant in a very circumscribed way. It's either worldwide pandemics or else protesters growing ever more fierce in the tactics disrupting rain lines, shipping lines, etc caught between Scylla and Chsrybdis. Between a rock and a hard place. Can't win for losing. Either eay, you lose. Either things will rebound the other way, the elastic principle and we will make up for lost time or else this is an out of the frying pan into the fire type situation. After this, there's a world war. All this has an eerie dream like resonance, periods in a city's history where its shut down, I mean shut down way beyond anything recognizable or else seeing military hardware in the distance, missiles, burned out cities, all buildings smoky smoidering husks. You really can't win with the aberrant anthropic defective physics of this dimension. Anyways, wither way we'll bounce back. There must be balance in the Force as Qui Gon Jin said. Stay safe.
"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper." TS Eliot
"Are there enough bullets for all the aliens?" Question is, Is there enough bronchial dilator to go around? What the fuck if I die of coronavirus, it's been good to know you. I hardly knew ya. I can't say that my life has been a good run. It's been a run, but I don't know if it was a good one. A good run is me getting it on with two women at the same time all the time. My life is going nowhere anyways. My life is pretty much hopeless to begin with. Life, death, this life, afterlife, this era, a previous era, a future era, what they all have in common is that they are a set of dimensional coordinates. The afterlife has a different set of physics which includes teleportation, and this could be confusing to the mind. The mind is the thinker rather than the thoughts. Try not to be confused.
If it's all the same, I'd rather die of a heroin overdose than from coronavirus. Picture this. A good television show. Drink some rum, smoke some pot and shoot, not all in one shot, but over the course of an evening some dilaudid. Or else "There's Panda and there's Bava, these are from Mexico, both are pretty good it this is Choco from the Hertz mountains of Germany and this stuff is a motherfucking madman. These are $300 a gram but this is $500 a gram and when you shoot it up, you will know where that extra $200 went. This stuff will take the Pepsi challenge against your Amsterdam stuff any day of the week." Pulp Fiction I mean if I had 4 papers of heroin then with that under my belt, I am well prepared to face the onslaught of coronavirus head on. Dial a dope; heroin. The government should at this stage dispense emergency supplies of heroin or else morphine sulfate or dilaudid as standard issue for the pandemic. The government did say that no options are off the table. Could this be what they mean? Modern medical science is hopeless against such a leviathan behemoth. Just give up. Why not? PS I'm joking the whole time! Don't give up. Do not go gently into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light, etc etc.
Speaking of mountains, not only are businesses and sports games shut down, entire mountains are shut down as ski hills are completely shut to the public. If faith could move mountains, coronavirus could shut them down completely.
March 16. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said that Alberta has reached an inflection point in terms of the coronavirus outbreak. Doesn't he mean infection point? At this point, what's the difference? There's a lot of hurtin' Albertans. Thoughts go to their speedy resolution to this. To all of our's resolutions to this.
The effects of coronavirus are so profound that it could be seen from space! Two weeks ago Europe at night looked normal from space. Now it probably looks like it did in 1918. I love Europeans. Here's wishing them a speedy and expedient recovery. If there's anything I can do like wear my plague doctor uniform and try to visit people and to try to give them some antibiotics and herbal tea, I'll do it.
This too shall pass. The days go slow but the years go fast. Before you know it, it will be ten years later.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those dear sweet people who commented and nice comments on my videos. I got a few comments. More in two days than I got in the last six months. Overwhelmed. Best wishes to you dear commenters and may we all emerge from this scourge stronger and better than ever before.
Ugluk: "The roots run deep, my Lord."
Saruman: "Rip them all down!"
Lord of the Rings
Coronavirus; "We're all dead!"
Still alive. The virtual lockdown, restaurants closed, is a rarefied difference, but in a way it's the same kind of difference as all stores extend opening hours, the streets are clogged with people, a lot of extra tourists in town. Going from the way things were to this curfew like lifestyle would be the same difference one would experience if they were to move from a large city to a small town - with a slight to meditate chance of getting some awful wretched disease. Culture shock or what? Fuck!
Phases: 1. Culture Shock 2. Desensitization 3. Addiction. Desensitization desensitizes. Absolute desensitization desensitizes absolutely.
When things get back to normal maybe I might be luckier with women. In times of crisis, after the crisis, women get hornier. I might not get lucky. Like Richard Pryor said, "You couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a pound of pot." Maybe I'm in the wrong town, if all towns are women's prisons, then perhaps I'm in the wrong women's prison. When this is over, if things don't pick up for me, I'm moving on.
From: What This Chart Actually Means for Covid 19. YouTube: It's Okay To Be Smart.
When the Spanish Flu outbreak first occurred, the city of Philadelphia went ahead and held a parade attended a parade that 200,000 people attended. Three days later the hospitals were all full with 4,500 dead. Two days after the first cases, the City of St Louis limited workplace hours and closed all churches and playgrounds and limited gatherings to no more than 20. There were very few deaths in that city comparatively. A tale of 2 cities.
Exponential expansion. If in a pond, one virus I'd dropped and if the virus rate doubles every day and it takes 60 days to fill the pond, it is 50% full in 56 days, but in just 4 more days, it gets 100% full. There doesn't seem to be a problem for a long time until there is one.
Flattening the curve does and has worked historically.
Flus come in waves. The Spanish Flu came in three waves. The first wasn't as bad as the second wave. San Francisco had put in measures early like St Louis and largely survived the second wave. But the third wave hit them hard because they thought it was over while it wasn't as bad for the rest of the country because they had developed some kind of here immunity to it. From 1918 Spanish Flu Documentary, Chromosome8, YouTube.
But that some cities didn't implement health measures soon enough contributed to the that third wave. A community not implementing health measures soon enough or at all during a pandemic is a terrible way for a community to develop herd immunity!
The health measures to flatten the curve to protect the most vulnerable is the way some animals such as elephants travel in a herd. The young and the elderly are in the center and with the young and the strong surrounding them as their protection.
Smallpox was one of the worst diseases in history. It killed the Hapsburg Emperor Joseph I, Queen Mary II of England, Czar Peter II of Russia and King Louis XV of France. I heard that a royal flush beats a full house, but this is ridiculous!
Royal flush of cards on the inner upper right hand side corner of a backgammon table.
New city motto: "And you thought it was quiet during the day." Heads up: Usually after a time of difficulty, there is a huge party to make up for lost time. Anyone, even the most antisocial are vigorously invited to attend.
From National Post/YouTube channel: coronavirus survives in the air for up to 30 minutes, that's only if a person has it and if there's no wind and/or they're indoors. Then it falls and can stay on surfaces for up to 4 days. However on copper surfaces, it only survives for four hours.
All cold and flu viruses are like that.
All diseases have an exponential infection rating. Coronavirus is 2 to 4. Measles is 12 to 14. Anything above 1 is exponential, for e.g. a rate of 1.15 is considered exponential whereas a rate of 0.78 is not.
I got my plague doctor mask today. Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The mask is made of soft rubber. I had to stuff the beak with tissue. Lenses fog up but not too much. I can breathe all right in it. Some people on the streets saw me wearing the plague doctor costume.
Plague Doctor mask from amazon: $17. Shipping: $10 Tax: $2 Wearing a plague doctor mask during an actual pandemic: priceless
The plague doctor mask and the gives are my PPE.
Nights are the worst. That's if you're equating the Covid Nineteenian lockdown with an Armageddon like Styxian nether realm. I'd rather think of it as how the City sound like on Christmas Eve or how the City would have sounded like at night in 1948. Watch The Bicycle Thief, marvel at the 1948 vibes in that movie, but why guess what the City would have looked like and sounded like in 1948 when you can look out the window or go on a brief walk for essentials and see for yourself? Life of Walter J Mitty the scene. Actually in fact that's how the World sounded for millions of years. It's only in the last 30 years that it sounded all funky like it does. There's a kind of hush all over the world, tonight. It's all relative. There's more people milling around in New York City under these covidian clandestine conditions than there would be in Hixon BC on it's busiest day in history ever. Now I'm living a lifestyle where I have a slight risk of dying of some godawful wretched disease. What's the difference between that lifestyle and the lifestyle of a sex tourist getting it on with prostitutes all the time?
In the movie The Bicycle Thief, the ST on a wall poster near where Antonio was standing looks like the ST in STAR WARS. Omen?
With some people you can't win. They don't like it when it's too loud, they don't like it when it's too quiet.
There's a YouTube comment, a Cassandra on YouTube wrote: "the world economy and social structure will collapse in three months." We are only nine meals away from anarchy. If that's the case, why don't I just get some heroin and overdose? "We're in some pretty shit now! We're fucked! We're doomed! It's game over man, game over!" Bill Paxton, Aliens. The streets will degenerate to panic and social disorder. Well, people have said that about a lot of shit, Y2K was supposed to be the collapse of civilization. Nope. December 21, 2012, Mayan calendar, Age of the Jaguar, 2011 disaster movie, etc etc. Wrong. In World War I, it was somewhat popular to make a sign reading 'The World Will Come To An End'. If you stood on a hill with that sign, a lot of people would join you. After the atom bombs dropped, they must have thought there'll be more bombs, at the rate, the world will end in three weeks. Wrong. When Krakatoa erupted, they must have thought, that was just a first in a Cascade of eruptions that will end the world in less than two weeks. Wrong again. The day after 9/11 I thought the strike on the twin towers was a preliminary strike and that there would have been more meaning a full scale military invasion. People thought and were quoted for thinking that World Civilization was going to end during the Spanish Flu of 1918. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong!
There has been all kinds of weird shit in history. Lots of curfews, city wide lockdowns, volcano eruptions wars, earthquakes, invasions, and civilization still never ends. Civilization won't end. There's three branches of government, Executive, legislative, and judicial. Head of State is still there, Parliament is still functioning. Police are still patrolling the streets and the courthouses are still running and prisons are still operating. I'll see you a Covid 19 lockdown and I'll see you a summer of protests where the protesters seeming to draw from the same template, using the dark net to communicate, making demands, methodically targeting the legislative buildings eventually leading vandalism or else blocking politicians from entering their place of work, eventually moving up to thrashing the sky train or else rail lines, fucking up the shipping lines so they can't unload till summer. I'll see you a COVID 19 lockxoown and I'll raise you every major city on the planet looking like Hong Kong did last summer. The World like look like one big The Joker movie; a state of permaprotest. There may be a lockdown but the supply lines are still running through. And finally it would inevitably come to attacking the Police with weapons. Would it be better to have a summer of that? Every time you go on the skytrain at any given time it could be storms with protesters and getting attacked? I'll see you a Covid 19 lockdown and I'll raise you being sucker punched or worse by some protester for no reason while walking to where ever. "Family's on the line. Whatever's on the line." Priceline
Anyways, otherwise Police having lasers shine at them and being attacked with caustic powder? Would we would ever see the end of that? We might not. After the lockdown is over would we return to that? After Thailand had it's Yellow Shirt and Red Shirt protests when the Red Shirts were protesting for the return and reinstatement of their exiled Prime Minister's sister also a PM after a military junta coup while the Royalist Yellow Shirts were just as vehemently protesting against it, which got bad with masked assailants lobbing home made grenades into the streets, a curfew was installed. After that, no protests. After the FLQ protest terrorists, Pierre Trudeau installs the War Measures Act in October 1970 for two weeks, the country was under martial law. 7pm curfew enforceable by arrest. No gatherings of more than 20 people also enforceable under arrest. During the enactment of martial law, 458 suspects were arrested and detained. The WM Act was changed tongue Emergency Act in 1998. If Trudeau calls in the Emergency Act he'd be just like his father because no Trudeauian administrative term of office is complete without having the country locked down and shut down for a few weeks. During martial law protesters, terrorists, what's the difference, is taken to a military prison and military court which is different than criminal court because crimes like storming a Legislative building and/or blocking rail and shipping lines is a military crime. Civil court, criminal court, military court of the admiralty, court of the exchequer, they all address different levels and categories of criminality.
There's a definite military signature to this Covid 19 lockdown.
Protest movements move very much like a pandemic virus. It started with the Hong Kong protests with all its attendant evils. A Hong Kong guy vacationing in Taiwan did his girlfriend in for showing him videos of sex she was having with another man. Cuckold. He then flees to HK. Mainland China demanded his extradition and initiated such a motion to be dispelled through the Hong Kong Legislative Council or LegCo. What initially started as one demand that is for China to not be able to extradite people to the mainland which they got and which emboldened them turned into five demands and much more protesting, their logic being "If we protest 1x amount and get one demand, if we protest 4x we'll get the other four demands." The HK man who did in his girlfriend in Taiwan eventually voluntarily surrendered himself to Taiwanese authorities in Hong Kong apologizing for causing the protest which galvanized the protesters even further. Molotov cocktails et al. Burning Police van. One protester even resorted to dousing someone on fire on a skywalk. Then the protest went overseas like the coronavirus did at one point and emerged at Aberdeen Mall in Richmond. China based and Hong Kong gangs who were also protesters or else vice versa, like the Black Panthers during the Chicago Riots, it gets confusing, must have taught or were learned from, egged on the Wet'Suwet'en protesters who after a few preliminary garden variety protests on Blanchard Street very soon took it next level and less than 6 months later ramped it up, took it next level and made a beeline for the legislative buildings and then highways. "It's time to either take it to the next level or shut it down." Tyler Durden, Fight Club deleted scenes. On February 12, 2020, the day that the BC Legislature was stormed with protesters, the "Behold the power of the mighty feather!" protest, on that same day, systematically, the Legislative Buildings of a few Provinces were also stormed, with politicians being barred from entering their workplace. Such sedition. It just "happened" to be like that, all on the same day and with the rail lines being fucked up all in that same week too. You didn't see that something was going on? It's called activated terrorist sleeper cells. Tripwire. "I know theres something going on." Frida
Then on March 4, protesters showed up yet again to the BC Legislative Buildings and demanded a meeting with government representatives promising to leave after the meeting. They reneged on their promise protesting late into the night.
Read Wikipedia Timeline of the 2020 Canadian pipeline protests. The list is extensive. And this has been going on in just about every Province in Canada. Probably in other countries too.
Vancouver, same thing. After a couple of basic protests on Burrard Bridge they took it next level. Block the Port of Vancouver. Fuck up the West Coast Express. Block Traffic on Knight Street and Hastings. They would have gotten around to the skytrain with their Oppenheimer Park weapons if this Covid lockdown hasn't happened upon them. They might not get the chance to do that now. Ever. Then there were the Greta Thunberg eco warriors and they are an international entity, antifa based. The Hong Kong - WetsuWeten pipeline protesters coalition were planning to infiltrate, co-opt and commandeer the Greta Thunberg eco warriors starting with any protests they did in Canada just like the bikers did with the hippies at Haight Ashbury, and you would have seen the scale of Greta Thunberg's eco warrior movement meets the tactics and methodology of the Hong Kong Wet'Suwet'en pipeline protesters. Those then international level criminalized and weaponized protesters/activists have terrorist type cells in just about every city. Would you rather have a summer of that? A summer of lockdown and quietism or a summer of loud violent protests and getting punched in the face? That may have been the intelligence they were getting.
Now if they went ahead and declared martial law with a curfew, that would make some protesters even more defiant. A pandemic lockdown just spooks them to no end. It spooks all of us. Or those who never went through one. Some people from other countries in this town would say, "This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to this. You think it will never end but it will be fine.
Look up martial law on Wikipedia. The list is endless.
This might end sooner than we think. Usually the actual time served is shorter than the official prison sentence. Ask the Police Officer, "What time will I be released?" He says 3 am. But the person winds up getting released before 7pm. Classic. The government really doesn't want us to suffer. They don't want us to hunker down lest we develop new skill sets, turn into Morlocks and become too powerful. This will probably be lifted. Some third world countries are very smart and may have already come up with a vaccine and without the usual FDA red tape, they could be using it. Trudeau said a lot of pharmaceutical companies are working on a treatment. Wuhan and Hubei are starting up again. Stores are reopening. Not bad for the most populous country in the World who would be especially susceptible during any pandemic. They got on top of it.
You don't do it all at once. Divide and conquer. First you round up the criminalized protesters in Hong Kong. Seeing that it worked so well in China with the HKers, it was then expanded worldwide as other problems made themselves apparent. Then you work on the rest of the World.
The nature of all military court trials is classified so good luck finding out about it on the 6 o clock News.
"Kurtz executed three tax collectors in Quang Tree Province. Two men and a woman. They were double agents. After that, all enemy activity in the sector stopped. Looks like he hit the right three." Apocalypse Now
Who typically gets hauled in:
1. Ringleader for obvious reasons.
2. Judas sheep - protest leaders, on site, on the ground. They get raked through the coals. Not as much as the ringleaders. They have next level drugs that make sodium thiopental seem like soda water.
3. Sheep - They will have someone 'talk' to them and put the fear of God in them and to impress that joining up with people who storm Legislatures and trash rail and transportation lines wouldn't be the best career choice in life. Not cool.
4. Financiers - go for the jugular; make a surgical strike.
It's all relative. To a Canadian this sudden lockdown would seem scary. While to the people of Hong Kong, compared with what was going on before, it must seem that they entered some halcyon heaven land. Sitting quietly, socal distancing, masks on. That's better than getting attacked by angry protesters for no reason just trying to get to work.
Joshua Wong may look meek and mild mannered but he's very dangerous. Aside from his Triad connections, he flies, or rather flew to Europe to get money from his fundraisers, sponsors, investors. Like Jackie Chan said to Pierce Brosnan, "Politics and terrorism are two ends of the same snake."
Things like protesting upset a government more than a hundred lockdowns ever would. A lockdown means that things are more under control than ever. A lockdown means that the government is flexing it's muscles.
I'm just worried that after this. The protestors will come back, blocking rail lines, sky train, attacking Police Officers let alone normal people and they might block the Legislature again and vandalise it. That's the World we live in. Either total quiet or a worldwide linked chain of protesters communicating over the dark web. That cache of weapons in Oppenheimer Park was probably meant for protesting and/or attacking the Police which as we saw in Hong Kong, the protestors certainly weren't above. They even shone laser lights at the Police Officers. During the protests that blocked the Pat Bay highway, some protestors threatened the Police, "We got something big planned this summer. You watch and see." A lot of Police Departments internationally have had these reports. A lot of countries don't like to air their dirty laundry but these making demands, storming the Legislature and fucking up the skytrain or rail lines has been happening in a lot of countries. Too many to count.
To give you an idea, PM Justin Trudeau had to cut short a meeting with multiple Heads of State in Africa because of the Wet'Suwet'en pipeline protestors burning up and blocking the rail lines.
The governments and me alike don't want the protestors to come back. Battle in Seattle. A military or Police action is needed, the type used when they have to arrest hundreds of not thousands of people all at once for some very egregious crimes of a military nature. A classic military move. One that limits and restricts all movements so they can be caught. Governments will never admit when they're scared or flustered. It's like a casino. The government is the house and the house always wins. The military sees all citizens complicit to some level because collectively they didn't do enough to stop it just like they did with Germany after World War 2. 1. Major Offenders 2. Minor Offenders 3. Criminally implicated 4. Fellow travelers 5. Exonerated. If you didn't do enough to stop it, you were a fellow traveller, mitlaufer, so you get placed under the lockdown too. Those protesters have made fellow travelers of us all. "You get the lockdown which is a slap on the wrist. You don't want to find out what we do to people who care to storm and vandalise the Legislative Building and block train and shipping lines." You don't fuck with CP Rail. Too bad there isn't anything like that.
Those protesters wanted to topple the government but they didn't have anything better to replace it with. Some people just want to watch the World burn.
"You say you want a revolution." The Beatles
Right now, governments are angry with everyone, with some a lot more than others. "Wash your hands!" They're The Clean Gang. Gangsta
"His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean..." Lay Lady Lay, Bob Dylan
"Everybody knows that the dice is loaded...." Leonard Cohen
Some chickenshit low rent pandemic. It's deadly but then again it's not. Any real deadly diseases, they would just round them up and shoot them. Something else is going on. It just has to be. It's often more a case of what they're not saying.
During all this, oddly, not a word about the protestors. It's like it's all been forgotten swept under the rug. .....Yeah right. It's being handled!
Schools, swimming pools and libraries need to be closed = makes it less obvious. Plausible deniability. Misdirection. Stagecraft. Tradecraft. Universities got it. Well that's code for Universities are prime recruiting places for protesters. In Hong Kong, the University was the central headquarters of protesting which the HK Police surrounded like a game of Goh.
Death toll rising = we need more time to flush out the terrorist protester perpetrators.
The PMs wife tested positive for Covid 19: Have you lost your mind?! Are you mad?! Your coldness gave her a cold! The government is very profoundly angry with you damned protestors. Don't fall.
COVID 19 hits hardest those over 60: the true ringleaders of the worldwide criminal protesters are all over 60.
It gets extensive. Affects those with underlying health problems which is code for moral problems. Affects those with diabetes, again, gangster code, sugar, sweetness, love, which government deems protesters have problems with.
Deep State, baby.
Did the protestors think that they were the only ones who could unite and organize worldwide? World governments and heads of state can do that too as this is showing.
Always trust and respect the wisdom and guidance of your political leaders and the government.
More than I will ever be, governments are masters of the indirect. If you are punished on a direct conscious level, you could more easily shrug it off. To be punished on a subconscious indirect level is very nebulous and puts more of a mystical associative fear. Men are indirect. Women are indirect. That's why I'm have so much trouble meeting women which is the usual clash experienced when someone who is direct contacts someone whom is indirect.
Because there were protests before this and if there's no protests after would confirm this strange conspiracy theory. If there were no protests before this, I'd think "Maybe." But then they would handle it very differently. They usually wouldn't announce it to the public as to not cause a panic and shoot or kill the infected quickly. The overt display of a lockdown is an overt display of government might and is a tactic meant to address a certain specific problem that threatens National Security.
If you think Covid 19, you're either in on it or you don't know what's going on. Idries Alba, Tom Hanks, deep State, how many CIA agents did he portray? ie Detective Hanratty vs Frank Abegnale. Do you think Idries Alba was once picked to be the next James Bond for random reasons? The PMs wife? If that's not Deep State, then what is?
Harvey Weinstein? Well, who the hell knows what's going on with that guy!
However, every year there is a flu going around, a few strains infact and it does pay to be careful and to social distance, in any event, it's a good idea. I don't doubt that any flu strain could be potentially deadly, just like every other year.
Gangsters often want you to "realize your mistake", "clean up your mess" and hate it when you miss the point they're actually to make. The government is a Gang. The protestors made the mistake of protesting to that level. We collectively made a mistake in not doing enough to stop them. And I'm talking on an international level, world wide. After you realize your mistake, they often go easy on you. We fucked up. Big time.
In future, as long as everyone plays it safe. Working together for the common good.
There is an app called Protest Reporter from the Institute of Security Studies. It allows people to report and view protests and public violence.
Curiously, there is an app called Protest from Blaze Wolf, not to be confused with the one from Michael Schmidleitner which pro-tests how to do knots with ropes on sailing ships. The app from Blaze Wolf helps people manage, join and even donate to protests, however, ha ha, from all reports that app isn't working now. I wonder why? Sarcasm.
Anthropology 101: If there are professional paid gamers I suppose there could be professional paid protesters. They are to the old school traditional hippie protester what cartels are to street gangs. "These weren't street thugs, they were trained killers." Batman The Dark Knight Rises
No names. A local city councillor, whom the Premier doesn't like, said that he thought the Police weren't doing enough about the protestors. Does he think enough is being done now?
Some protesters even went to the Premiers house, one dressed as Captain Cook. I guess Captain Cook also got hauled in during the sweep.
Trump sent a letter to N Korea about coronavirus. They don't have to worry. They're in lockdown most of the time anyways. It's either that or the missile parades. There's rarely any middle ground, it seems like. No missile parades for awhile. They must be jonesing.
It would seem that the protests had a ripple effect not only in the afterlife and dream world but it had galactic ripple effects that aliens felt and didn't like. This is next level.
COVID -19 = covert investigative detail 19 = martial law, lockdown
Strangely, this is simultaneously an overt and a covert operation.
A reporter asked Trudeau, "Are you going to income the War Measures or the Emergency Measures Act like your father did?" He didn't but could have answered, "What the fuck do you think is going on? This Covidian lockdown does more than the Emergency Act ever could. This is the Emergency Act on steroids. I mean it's happening internationally? Could the Emergency Act do that? What more do you want?"
"Old people don't read the News the same way that young people do. Old people read the News like buzzards in South America at the end of an airport runway when the crosswinds are treacherous. I knew they were closing in fast!" Apt Pupil, Stephen King
I get it.
It's weird. You write some Reddit style manifesto one day and the next day you see YouTube videos supporting what you wrote, and made days, weeks, years before you wrote it. It's that kind of world.
Under lockdown. Like Rockjaw's got lockjaw. Rockdown's in lockdown.
Fuck it. "You dudes are gonna love 'the Knob'." "For fucking ever." Platoon This lockdown is going to be for fucking ever. What if I die from coronavirus? I give up. All hope is lost. I got to score some heroin and let a heroin overdose beat coronavirus to the punch. Then it will be Me: 1, Coronavirus, 0. No. That's ridiculous! I have to live for the sake of you all. So wouldnt it be Me: 0, coronavirus: 0 if I die from a heroin overdose and Me:1, coronavirus: 0, if I live? The first equation was twisted!
Thursday, March 26, 2020. Me during the COVID 19 lockdown.
The League of Nations was toothless, useless, in 1918. And for years the United Nations was called toothless. Not so toothless now, are they?
"We won't get fooled again." The WHO
"In America, the people are afraid of their government. Here in France, the government is afraid ofmthe people." Michael Moore, Sicko
Does the government look like it's afraid of the people now?
My idea for future protests, rules: 1. No protest shall have more than 250 people. The next protest must be a minimal of 10 miles away. 2. No protest should last longer than two hours. The length of a movie. That's enough time that most people have tolerance for. 3. No protests should block arterial routes of traffic let alone obstructing rail lines. 3. If a protest is to last for two hours and is stationary rather than marching, it should be within a fenced perimeter with a security checkpoint where all backpacks are checked even put through a portable x ray machine and there should be hand sanitizer and hand washing station and all protesters must wash their hands and use the hand sanitizer before entering. Strictly enforced. These fenced in stationary protests would also have no more than 250 people including undercover members of the secret police who usually infiltrate such meetings. Some would actually be standing at the entrance with a hand ticker to maintain the head count. Fenced in stationary protests should last no longer than five hours with Police present to enforce this. Five hours is long enough. 4. No wearing of face masks which should feel like a boon after this covidian nightmare. That's it!
"Teddy Roosevelt said, "The most annoying things about Russians is that they will lie to you even when they know that you know they are lying."" PM Stephen Harper
"Given the magnitude of the threat, a cover story is being formulated to avoid all panic." Sasha Compare, Ad Astra starring Brad Pitt
ie plausible deniability, security clearance
Take the red pill.
Don't ever lose that imagination.
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