Monday, February 10, 2020

Emulator Emulation Wet'Suwet'en pipeline protest

This blog is made on the traditional and historical lands of the Coast Salish and the Tseil-tuth people.

I was finally able to download PSP and GBA games to my tablet. No Nintendo DS yet. First you download PPSSPP and John GBA Emulator. Then just download Astrofiles and 7Zip. No need to do anything else. Then go to FreeROMS com and go to ROMs and ISOs. That will take you to the platforms. Pick PSP or GBA. Select the game and see that it has a file size with a specific numerical value. Some file sizes read N/A. They won't work. Download. Whennthe download completes, go to Astrofiles then Downloads. Click on to the zip file. A button will pop up. Click extract. 7 Zip will automatically and remotely from their other app on the tablet, extract it. Then go to PPSSPP or John GBA and it should be ready. Mindblowing. Works! For PSP I only downloaded my desert island games: Williams and Gottlieb Pinball, Lumines, and wtf!. For GBA, I downloaded Lord of the Rings The Third Age, Around the World in 80 Days and Polar Express. I should get Tetris Worlds for GBA. I wanted Lumines 2 but that is a 987 megabyte download. Lumines 1 is only about 150 mb so I got that.
Maybe I can find out how to get Nintendo DS. I want Big Brain Academy and Flash Focus, also Touchmaster 1, it's the quintessential classic. Club Games on DS is good too. It has solitaire. Gangs of London on PSP is a must have. It's got Skittles.
Not ten minutes after writing this, I finally got Big Brain Academy DS. Playable on my tablet. What a miracle! Tip. ROMs Mania doesn't work for DS. Go to edgeemu net.
Fucked: Donkey Kong Country and Pokemon for GBA not available on FreeRoms com. Could I find them elsewhere?
The emulator is better than having the 500 in 1 Nintendo DS cartridge. They made a cartridge like that for Game Boy original too.

In Victoria BC, during the February 2020 pipeline protest, a woman, Oppenheimer Park tent city's very own Chrissy Brett held a feather in front of agriculture minister leaping Lanny Popfoe aka The Genius and yelled, "Stop! Shame! Shame! Shame!" She backed away perhaps thinking, "Who knows where that feather's been?"
"Stop! Look! Listen to your heart hear what it's saying..."
Victoria BC. The feather. Until recently, the statue of Queen Victoria in downtown London held a bronze feather.
All problems wither under the vigilance of good government and eventually a way will be found.
Interestingly most of the protestors didn't wear masks which in this new level of security cameras, they have facial recognition.
These protests happen every once in awhile at the Legislature but I haven't seen such a turnout since the Campbell administration.
The angry young man of the 50s. I guess not much has changed since the 50s.
Henry David Thoreau Civil Disobedience. Protests have become a normalized way for a segment of society to send their message.
If you're young and you don't vote Liberal, you don't have a heart. If you're old and you don't vote Conservative you don't have a brain. Often, the more Liberal when young, the more Conservative when old. Ask Bill Gates.
Protests have been happening for hundreds of years, one of the most famous of course was the storming of the Bastille in July 1789.
For most of the protesters, this isn't their first rodeo.
Since the Dakota Access Pipeline protest of 2016 when the people of Standing Rock community blocked the pipeline from April 2016 that lasted until February 2017, these protest have been happening more and more. The hardcore protests are at Ground Zero in the snowbound North that looks like a scene from Steven Seagal's On Deadly Ground.

The television show North of 60 was often about a well meaning White guy in the village, a friendly, who made it abundantly clear that the Native tribe in Lynx River that they could either opt for independence which would mean more gangsterism, bootlegging, illegal casinos and general unemployment or else opt for the pipeline which would mean some decent infrastructure like swimming pools, community centres, old age homes for the elderly and an RCMP detachment instead of the locals trying to deal with whoever rolls through here whenever. And that they get a stipend which they can spend on anything they want, even legalized cannabis. At the season finale, they opted for the pipeline. Some were able to get enough money from the stipend to move to the city and to get a decent job.

I wouldn't advise protesting at the Legislature. That could lead to a criminal record and that would ruin any chances of traveling outside overseas or to the US.
For me personally on an individual level, the best way to protest if I could do it is to vote with my feet. If I had any money, I'd leave.
I'm of the mind opposite to Mr Spock, to me, the needs of the one out weigh the needs of the few or the many. Looking out for number one. Bachman Turner Overdrive. At this point, being nearly 50 years old, I would much sooner move to a different city than I would take part in a protest.

Not all Native tribes oppose the pipeline. Some do, some don't. It's like in the movie Black Robe. The Algonquin were friendly, the Huron were not.
I saw a YouTube ad where an old Native woman wearing a White jacket said that most Wet Su Weten chiefs and people want the pipeline. What she resented was that most of the people in the protests are not wet su Weten at all. Is Chrissy Brett Wet Su Weten? Who knows? It seems as if what she was saying between the lines is, you know those University grant junkies and poverty pimps who would apply for huge government grants to start soup lines, bread lines, community centres, workshops and get lots and lots of government funding to do it because one of the most useful things that University teaches is how to apply for government grants. That's just on a city level. There are special interest groups or grant junkies that work like that but on an international level. These grant junky special interest Leftist SJWs will commandeer any hot topic issue like the Greta Thunberg group of grant junkies has commandeered the environmental cause, this particular clique of special interest grant junkies has commandeered the Wet Su Weten pipeline cause as their personal bailiwick. Somewhere behind these protests there is a fat cat getting rich while the protestors protesting get a pittance, grudgingly given. First Nations people don't like brazen acts that seem like near cultural appropriation. It's like that scene in the movie Parasite where the actors were wearing headfeathers. Holding feathers and banging drums. Yet a lot of these white people would claim that they're half Native or else Metis. That's just take science and statistical noise!
The typical next step is that they would start asking for public donations but the dynamic has shifted from public sympathy to public hatred, apparently, with the protestors blocking up trains, and even bridges to disrupt the bridge, sort of like Force 10 From Navarrone but without the explosives. This is what the Police are up against.
Special interest groups don't form themselves unless it's over a cause they really believe in. For one thing there are policies for government grants in that they don't give grants for anything illegal. In their own way, they're trying to do good. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I wish the best for all and hope that both sides come to an amicable agreement. As for special interest group grant junkies, it's an I'll wind that blows nobody any good because one such special interest group brought about welfare raises those living in poverty.
These special interest groups have also gotten safe injection sites so that actual junkies and not grant junkies aren't overdosing and dying on the streets.
Greenpeace started out as grant junkies wanting to start a special interest group. Most of the time it goes right. Some of time, it goes all 🍐 shaped like with the sinking of Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior codenamed Operation Satanique in July 1985 and with the storming of the BC Legislature and the subsequent shutdown of all rail lines across Canada in February 2020.
"That's life!" Tommy Wiseau
There's a female protestor on the News named Natalie Knight. She said, "We've occupied these lands for generations." But when pressed further from News reporters, she revealed that not only did she not reside on Wet'suwet'en lands, she's not even a Canadian. She's an American who came up here to pick fights with Canadians. She said she was a member of the Yurok of Northern California and Navajo of New Mexico. That's two bands. Usually when you talk to Natives, they say they're from one tribe or band, not two tribes. It's like that song from the movie Eddy the Eagle. The reporter should have asked her, "What happens when your two tribes go to war?" The essence of AIM was to be like an Indian. When all else fails, you can pretend you're an Indian. Because that's the answer. It's like Archie GreyOwl. Natalie Knight looks like she could be from France or Germany or Sweden. She looks more Swedish than Salish, more Schengen than Tsimshian. She doesn't look Native at all. Now that she's on the News, CSIS and the FBI will investigate her. Like Abby Hoffman. There's another infamous protester named Ivan Drury. Maybe Natalie and Ivan should marry each other and have a brood of protester babies. Ivan is a name of Royalty. Ivan the Terrible.

There an app called Democracy on Fire. It's perfect for the current protest movement anywhere. One can either play as the Police or the protesters. I played on the side of the Police. There's one cop in the game who has a disgust for Leftists. I don't know if the Police are really like that anymore. That's the old days. The protesters are 60s style Woodstock rock festival hippies.
"You know the score. If you're not cop, you're little people." Blade Runner

BC Native MLA Ellis Ross said something about remember that the Natives were hard done by and were unique in getting the shit end of the stick culturally just like the Chinese with the exclusion tax and deaths during the railway building or the Germans after the World Wars or the Black people and slavery or now with how people from whatever country are vetted at airports for more racial profiling. The Natives got their land stolen from them but I was brought here to Canada without my consultation let alone my adult aged consultation. If they think I'm contributive to stealing their land why don't they pool their money and send me back to Asia to a city of my choice? Either the Sukhumvit District in Bangkok or else Beijing? I wouldn't mind living there for awhile. True, the Natives had it tough and I wish they didn't go through the things they did. But like Barry Allen the Flash's father said, "Stop living in the past. Make your own future."
MLA Ross also said that there is a real caste system in their communities where the regular people are not at all seen as being on the same level as the Leaders. Caste system, in that way, these Indians are just like the other Indians - in India.
Indian. George Carlin said that word comes from that when settlers encountered the Natives, they thought they were so pure of spirit that they were describes as people "in dios" or in God. Back then India wasn't called India, it was called Hindustan. So to say they were called Indians because the settlers mistakenly thought they were in India, George Carlin said all this, more or less.
If the Natives want to send me back to Asia as the first step to taking back their land, in that sense, I'd be willing to lean into the strike zone and take one for the team. For me, Asia would be an adventure and would help me forget about infatuations that will most likely go nowhere.
The MLA was rather non-plussed during an interview on Thursday, February 27, as Irene Merriweather cut him off mid sentence. The irritation on his face was visible. The producer was probably speaking in her ear, "Speed this up, only 40 seconds left." During a News television interview, time is limited to about 7.4 minutes to get their point across and to say what they want to say. Like Shakespeare said, "Brevity is the soul of wit." You don't get much time during a News interview.

About 30 years ago, I lived in Prince Rupert for 6 months. PR is about 75% Natives. At the time, living amongst the Haida Gwai in PR, I was tempted to go Native and although I never told anyone I was Native, improbably also didn't tell anyone that I wasn't. The Native society is one that adopts people often and if you live amongst them for awhile, they'll adopt you as one of their own. Such cultures are prone to infiltration and the protesters know this.
Warning: Stay away if you're not an Indian. To go into this is to dive down a real Indian rabbit-hole full of peace-pipes, pemmican, protesters and pipelines. Endless!

There is an app called Alter Ego. It is a tapping app like the Hodor app. It is strange. Lots of pop up balloons with captions like, Who am I?, I have lived a life of shame, His low rank changed him, He was transformed into a large insect, etc Real uplifting stuff. The app has a University vibe. A lot of people on YouTube comments say that there are the useful degrees and the useless easy to get degrees for people who go to University mainly to get drunk and party. The useless degrees include English lit and psychology. The insipid things one can learn at University psychology. Their alter ego then becomes a wallowing self obsessed pedestrian, essentially a muggle instead of a wizard, a warrior, even a Jedi knight.
The music is exquisite and reminds me of a University.
I'm playing this app to the end. Comments say that this can be done in 7 days if done quickly. If not, take your time. I'm hoping for a Twilight Zone ending, a catharsis, an awakening of the mind which psychology, in it's best and purest form is supposed to do.

Interesting to note that most protestors are University students or else those who would otherwise be at the University of they weren't protesting.

Monday, February 24, 2020: Protesters expected to blockade rail lines indefinitely. Trains kind of has that Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged John Gale quality to it. Record number of ships in harbour waiting to be offloaded. Thanks to the protesting, the ships are expected to be blocked until this summer. The usual expected flow of goods and services. That's hardcore! Otherwise, jobs lost. Stock market affected. Crucial infrastructure, food and goods shipments delayed indefinitely. All it would take is for the Public Works and Safety Minister and the Defense Minister to deem this an issue that affects National Security and to recategorize the protesters as terrorists. The Ministers would be wearing black suits. One of them would pull out a proclamation and read it. Then that'd be grounds to call in the military. It's going to get handled. Protesting is one thing. Affecting National Security is another. That's another level. There's a fine line between protests and domestic home-grown terrorism.
The absolute worst case scenario would be another Wounded Knee. Both of them, the Wounded Knee of 1890 and the Incident at Wounded Knee in 1973. A.I.M. American Indian Movement and all that. Shootout. I hope this doesn't happen but as Sherlock Holmes said, "I speak of my hopes and not of my expectations."
The odds of them moving the troops in during the next week are slim. You'd have more chances of winning money on a scratch ticket. However the odds of the government mobilizing the troops is directly proportional to the time spent protesting, so in a few weeks, who knows?
Apocryphal story. A man driving down a road in 1973 was told by a mysterious hitchhiker to take another path. He did. Turns out if he hadn't, that road would've led to Wounded Knee and he probably would have gotten shot.
These protesters are from special interest groups on a National level. There are some on an international level and the grant junkie, champagne Marxist founders expect billionaires of these International special interest groups to give a certain minimum percentage of their money to charity. These protesters probably want something similar from the pipeline company. Some kind of kickback.

They found a new tyrannosaurus in Alberta who anthropologists say is the oldest in the T-Rex group. I thought that Ted Nugent was the oldest in the T-Rex group.

Three young men
Out having fun
One hit a pothole
And then there were none.
Sooke BC. Two of their bodies were found. The 3rd still missing. Did he do the other two in? Or did he wander off for help and then get eaten by an animal?

Metal Slug Infinity. App. Graphics slick, sick. Never seen anything like it. Similar to Alter Ego, it's an Idle Clicker.

On YouTube there is someone named Mellon Thomas Benedict. His out of body experience is the mother of all OBEs. More intense than any Robert Monroe had. Literally, the secrets of the universe and scientific patents have been based on the things he remembers. I only heard a brief excerpt and it was Mindblowing enough. I have to hear the one and a half hour radio interview. "Do you know what a Tibetan Lama once said to me? He said, "Upon your death, you will attain total consciousness. So I got that going for me."" Mellon Thomas Benedict attained that and returned to tell about it.

Rocky Rambo. Murder or manslaughter? I don't think that they get the distinction. Manslaughter is jogging on a bridge, someone is leaning on the railing. Your shoulder bumps them causing them to somehow fall over the edge. Or it's a car that mistakenly hits someone that just jumped out onto the road. It's not something they would have planned even a moment in advance. No malice aforethought. Manslaughter doesn't mean whether he knew them or whether they were strangers. That has got nothing to do with it. Whether or not they were strangers is the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder, not murder and manslaughter. What law school did they go to? He went to shop for the accoutrements, the 'kill kit' two weeks before he did that. When the Policewoman called him an animal during the interview, that's prison code. That's his designate. Like ad seg is a prisonal designate. That's basically the same as saying "You're done." That's speaking in code.
If this was the States, he'd be executed.