Saturday, June 1, 2024
Thank God for the beauty that is within each day. Rich or poor, in the pit or in the place, I will remember to thank the Lord for the beauty and blessings within each day.
Will there be a movie or a television serial, no pun intended, about Pickton?
It should be tastefully done with the camera panning away and just sound effects are heard sparing the gruesome details. And they were horrific. He confessed to 49 but lots of Canadians say the actual count is close to a hundred. Most of his victims he put through a wood shredder and then fed to pigs.
Just do a movie about the final chapter and the prison lobotomy. Unlike a traditional Egas Moniz lobotomy, a prison lobotomy could use a frontal or peripheral, or apex or posterior trajectory of approach. The movie would depict the historical surgical trajectory.
Then a scene heavy with bureaucratic meaning as doctors stand around the comatose patient. They could be helping but are instead exercising the art of talking at work with the colleagues.
"What are your plans for the weekend?"
"I'm going to a massive party."
"Your plans are way better than mine. I plan to ride my electric skateboard and to use my VR goggles."
"You're a doctor and you have an electric skateboard and VR goggles?!"
"I graduated from Stanford. It's a party school."
Meanwhile Robert Pickton flatlines on the table.
Whatever the superseding views of the justice system are which must be respected, many Canadians would see whoever administered the prison lobotomy to Robert Pickton as a Canadian hero. Legend.
As it goes, as the News is saying, this person will get additional time. They work to rule.
"Those troglodytes cost me the election. Yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to prison. And they call this a democracy!" Monty Burns, The Simpsons
Monday, June 3, 2024
VR Goggles resemble a brick, like the early cell phones of the 80s. A lightweight one with no screen door effect will cost a lot. So does a VR set up with a body suit.
Spirits know that their time in dream visits are short. Of course they can time travel but you are vulnerable to linear time and they know that.
There is a schedule or divine plan but that divine plan doesn't exclusively involve linear time. All throughout time spirits are travelling making little tweaks here and there again and again. If not spirits then subtle non anthropomorphic quantum energy forces then acting on behalf of some order.
This happens more often than one thinks. Every second on Earth, there are a million cases of forces from the distant future and even distant past such as the spirit of a great great grandparent that affect the present moment.
An example of forces from the past affecting the present. This story which I read somewhere is probably true. Apocryphal? A person went to the wailing wall in Israel. He reached into a cleft in the wall and pulled out a note. This note was a note that this father had written to him many years ago!
An example of forces from the future affecting the present. A person accidentally clicks on to a video or else a rare video appears as a YouTube suggestion which is a preview of a future movie that contains some meaningful message.
First of all, an event which forces from the future changed are indistinguishable from an event which forces from the future didn't change.
Second of all, most events don't have that much of a ripple effect. Moving a small pebble wouldn't have much of a ripple effect. Preventing the Titanic from sinking, saving a major celebrity's life and thus prolonging it indefinitely would have a major ripple effect.
"Listen to me Reese, everything's changed. The 1984 John sent you to. It no longer exists."
Terminator Genisys
It's called Quantum Field theory.
This is what is behind the Mandela Effect.
I saw a movie called Inner Ghosts. A lot of psychic movies will give a few minutes of useful information. The rest of the movie is B movie filler.
Inner Ghosts. As the old mentor dies, her ghost is standing unseen next to the student who is mourning her. Ghosts will have a tendency to certain choreography or body position, body language. Standing next to or behind and placing a hand on the shoulder is extremely common. The ghost said, "Now that I have departed the Earth, I am much more closer to you now. And I can now see how powerful you really are." or words to that effect.
YouTube doesn't have an immersive VR animation player like meta oculus because Google doesn't have a VR system like meta and PlayStation VR. Why would Google set up technology it doesn't have a network of or is compatible to.
Google Android, Amazon fire. If they already have a store for phone and tablet apps, would they branch into VR apps? A Google based VR animation player would look as good as the Facebook based one because Google has oodles more money than facebook.
There is no Facebook based store for phone and tablet apps.
Essentially, Google doesn't have the software for an immersive VR animation player because it doesn't have the hardware.
Facebook Meta and Sony PlayStation has VR software because it also has VR hardware.
If Google had an immersive VR animation player available on the meta store but wpuld Google based software be cross compatible with Meta based operating systems?
VR Animation has some major stars like Matt Schaefer design, Goro Fujita, Mike Khoury.
One animation Mike Khoury did on the meta oculus VR animation player is Lincoln 66. Many POVs available including three inside the car. One is sitting in the back seat. That is my dream. Sit in the car of a beautiful lady and she has a dog too. This happened to me a few times before already.
These animators are geniuses. I would like to try VR animation. I could do a 2D animation of VR animation ideas. They would establish background, characters and different POVs.
It would be great to do a VR animation story like HELLO_.
I feel fear and anxiety again. Food based. Food is too expensive. I fear going broke so that's why I'm trying to save money. Also all this VR has made me lose touch with my electric skateboards and regular skateboards too. Skateboards made me lose touch with walking. I use to go on long walks to the beach. Good exercise for all muscles kn general.
Fearing the future. What else is new?
YouTube. AI generated videos, high error rates, but otherwise very good videos of movies redone in 1950s Super Panavision.
It looks spectacular and mesmerizing on VR big screen. Surpasses imagination. These AI generated images of the 1950s looks more 50s than the actual 1950s did. The 1970s AI generated Die Hard looks more 70s than the 70s.
It's almost as if it is an era where one can chimera two search terms, Star Wars and 1950s panavision and if you don't see any videos generated, wait awhile and come back. YouTube will itself create an AI generated video, a few videos complete with fake AI bot accounts to be structurally consistent as any video has to come through the vector of a single uploader account and comments from fake AI bot accounts too.
I punched in The Shining 1950s super panavision and also Kubrick movies 1950s super panavision. I wouldn't be surprised if I see something. I also saw Star Wars redone in 1920s and 1940s retro film style which looks spectacular on the big screen in VR.
I'd like to see Barry Lyndon redone in 1950s panavision and also 1920s era retro.
I wonder how Benjamin Button redone in 1950s panavision would look like.
What about Saturday Night Fever?
Politics again.
I wonder if Donald Trump will win the election now that he has 34 convictions for White collar crime. There are people living in the downtown eastside who don't have 34 convictions for white collar crime!
ExRCMP MLA Eleanor Sturko decided to cross party lines from the United to the Conservative Party of BC. Before it was the Liberals in BC who shared a name with a Federal Party. Now its the Conservatives in BC who share a name with a Federal Party.
She perhaps decided to defect to another Party because as someone involved with the Police she would have access to intelligence informally referred to as polls that most people in the next election who would have voted United for the Right of Centre representation will opt instead to vote Conservative. Perhaps the United Party is small c Conservative while the Conservative Party is big C Conservative. And that's what right of centre voters want perhaps as a reactionary move to balance a lot of hyper Leftist woke ideology.
Letting in an experienced politician who is an ExRCMP Officer is like letting a fox into a chicken coop. Now she could potentially be Police investigating the Conservative Party somehow.
The News said Eleanor Sturko is a member of the LGBT community. That's a lot of letters.
RCMP MLA LGBT, that's almost half the alphabet.
I didn't know or think that Eleanor Sturko is LGBT. Who cares? As long as she can do the job.
That means that back in the day, anyone whom she busted and had in the back of the RCMP squad car, little did they know that they were riding with a future rock star politician of the BC Legislature.
I worry about finding a place to live. I'd settle for staying in a rooming house again. I don't really need to stay in subsidized housing. I'll have to ask around. Most rooming houses don't have a sign in front of the place.
I think I might be single for life. I can face that knowing that I will always have the love of Beebs who is next to me right now although in a form that is invisible and holographic to me. In my life, always, given enough time, I've always had a girlfriend and one who I actually like. Women are such that there's no chasing or finding them but there's no avoiding them either.
"The course of true love never did run smooth." Shakespeare
"Love is not love which alters that when it alteration finds." Shakespeare
I don't know if or to what extent me and Beebs will hook up again in the afterlife. She might have had another guy in her life she is more attached to, namely the guy who sired her two children. And I don't know when I'll graduate to the majorly phase of life. If it's decades away, I'm not sure that I will still feel the same way about her. Too much water under the bridge. I'm sure Beebs would say, "Don't worry about it."
My landlord has a wife from the Philippines. Nice lady. Good lady.
I couldn't help notice that every month or every other month, he is sending a box of things overseas. It isn't a two way street.
An article I read from a commenter, expat read that in the Philippines, it is a culture obsessed with presents. They like to get presents.
It isn't only the Philippines but all over South East Asia too and to an extent the whole planet is comprised of people who love to get presents. Presents in Thai is kong kwun. They aren't serious and if you don't have a present, they usually just laugh it off.
Anyways, there is a VR animation called Reimagoned Volume 2: Mahal.
In the Philippines and Indonesia too, mahal as a noun means love and as an adjective means costly and expensive implying that love has a price. The price could register as if you find a girlfriend in the Philippines be willing to give her family some presents.
And grief is the price of love. If one gets in too deep with another past a certain extent, grief will inevitably happen one day.
The word is in the name of the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal, crown of great expense, crown of love.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Today I went to see Cities of the Future at the IMAX theatre. I saw it in 3D and seeing the way the movie is, it has to be seen in 3D because it showcases virtual reality and 3D glasses give that 180 VR effect.
It was a good movie. The first half of the movie was preamble. The second half of it showed the actual future cities.
In the near future, there may be flying taxi cabs in New York or Los Angeles.
IMAX was the ultimate big screen experience but now, the VR goggles produce the illusion of a screen even bigger than an IMAX screen. Much bigger.
And seeing the new AI generated videos of Star Wars in 1950s super panavision 70 on YouTube on the VR goggles is ten times better than seeing an IMAX movie. Those AI generated videos are mind blowing and life changing even with their high error rates.
That's what the screen actors strike in Hollywood last year was all about. If anything, more and more of these videos will be generated and it will get better and better. There is one from uploader Moon Cinema called Star Wars in 1950s Super Panavision 70. That one is so good it brought me to tears. And the song on that, was that AI generated? The song was absolutely mind-blowing. "Together we will face it all..."
At first, still image videos generated by midjourney were making the rounds on YouTube. Absolutely mind blowing and cutting edge st the time. These super Panavision videos have eclipsed that. There is an AI generated Star Wars 1940s film noir video that sent shivers in a good way.
Press a button and AI can generate a movie trailer better than non AI traditional movie trailers. One day AI will generate an entire movie with low error rates and the movie will look absolutely mind blowing. Just like the short story Hello used immersive animation technology, one day a short film about Star Wars 1950s Panavision will be made using AI. It might even be an AI written story.
There is a 7 minute War of the Worlds AI generated video narrating the entire story and doing a good job of it too. Typically high error rates that can be glossed over.
Yeah well that what worries the Director's Guild.
I went to the pawn store. I asked about a VR camera. They said that last week they sold a VR camera for $399.
If I had to give up one hobby, the first choice would be photography and videography. It can get very OCD. Take not one but a few pictures of any place. From different angles and even then some times more than one shot per angle.
What's just as good is to list the places I'd do a VR 180 video and VR 360 video of and chances are, in the next couple of years if not sooner, I'll see it on YouTube.
VR 180
- RCMP St Roch, Maritime Museum, Vancouver.
- Exhibit with the television in a living room at the Vancouver Museum.
- A 30 second still life video of Harold the planetarium projector in Vancouver. Harold is the long name for of HAL, the AI in the movie 2001.
- A few 30 second still life videos of the Museum of Anthropology at UBC.
- The mammoth at the Royal BC Museum in Victoria.
- The seals on the rocks exhibit at the Royal BC Museum.
VR 360
- View from high up on the cliffs at Dallas Road beach overlooking the water. Even this one is questionable.
VR 360 has IMAX scaling. Things that are vast and far away approximate IMAX scaling most accurately. Looking down, even the floor shouldn't be too close otherwise small pebbles look gargantuan. A VR camera suspended from a high height is best. This kind of camera approach would only work if looked at it one direction. Once looked at in another direction, small trees, bushes and houses take on immense proportions not at all accurate to life. A 360 VR video from the top of a mountain or using a drone flying high would be best.
Another criteria is I don't want to film people if I can avoid it. I have done so with incidental shots and hopefully none of those people stand out or could be identified. People are snapping pictures all the time with their phone cameras. Maybe they are doing a walk about the city video on YouTube.
Another criteria is the camera has to be best quality. It has to look crisp and sharp. AirPano uses an excellent camera. 16K resolution. Those cameras would be at least $500. I've never paid more than $100 for a camera, ever. So a VR camera is very pricey.
I'm not any kind of photographer. I won't ever be getting a VR camera. Photography and travel videography is a job that involves a lot of OCD and anxiety. Too much anxiety.
I wouldn't be surprised if in the next two years I see a VR 180 video about the exhibits at the museums in Vancouver and Victoria too.
I have a couple of friends who are ladies but they are older than me so not even in the same generation. One lady is ten years older than me, the other lady is twenty years older than me.
I sometimes visit them, in one case Suzie at where she works which is a Catholic Church and another lady Laura at the Presbyterian Church herself as a parishioner.
I do have a friendship but try not to get too attached.
"A taste of honey is worse than none at all." Smokey Robinson
Better no friends than to have even one friendship that doesn't work out.
Anything in life that is too difficult isn't worth doing at all.
One of these friends is Laura with the barking dog who I am trying to avoid. She wants to be buddy buddy with me. I saw a comment on YouTube, "This person is playing with your emotions. This person is not who you think they are."
The lady has a dog on a leash so that shows how she sees things in life. She has that dog on a leash. She wants to have me on a leash. I certainly don't need that.
Just more square conversations. Word salads. Hanging on words.
I dance in a certain way. I have a certain energy. I don't see that kind of energy in this lady at all. She certainly doesn't skateboard. That's two less things we have in common.
Our chi is very different. Balancing on the skateboard isn't just about the legs, balancing is a mental activity.
This lady described 70s and 80s rock as goofy music. She listens to classical music on the CBC. What a square. We're definitely very different people.
I wear a KISS tshirt sometimes and she's like the Lin Shaye character in the movie Detroit Rock City, square and Christian.
I think that I'll be single for life. There is no way to win. Being single can be disenfranchising but having a girlfriend, women are honey traps. Focus on the honey and get trapped. Focus on the trap and you don't get trapped. You remain free.
I wish I had already graduated to the majorly phase of life. The physics of this dimension can be quite wretched because with the physics of this dimension, everybody loses. Eventually, everybody dies. In that way, life is insufferable.
"The paths of glory lead but to the grave." Thomas Gray
The skiing app on the meta quest browser is off the scale. I stood on the skateboard to use it today.
The internet said to never use VR goggles in a moving vehicle as that can lead to injury or death.
Vehicles often need to stop suddenly. Using VR goggles when a car stops suddenly is a good way to get whiplash.
What about airplanes? Airplanes might supply VR goggles in the future as part of the first class section entertainment. If there is any turbulence, either the gyroscope in the goggles can sense that or a webmaster on board can turn off the goggles and make it go into pass-through mode which is transparent mode.
What about on a ship to the moon or Mars? Sure. In space there is no friction. No chance of hitting anything.
"The odds against surviving an asteroid field are approximately 3,720 to 1." C3PO
No. NASA scientists say the odds of an asteroid hitting a spaceship is a billion to one. There is so much space between asteroids. So it's safe to use VR goggles on a moving spaceship.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
I went to Dollarama this morning.
An app on the VR browser, no download, is called Ski Fit 365. I use it while standing stationary on a skateboard. This will improve my skateboarding skills for sure as I try to lean with the turns. The skateboard I opt to use is the Santa Cruz Toxic Screaming Hand cruiser board. The width of a cruiser board most resembles a snowboard.
I saw The Acolyte today. Earlier on the street, I saw and talked to the owner of the local Star Wars store. He told me that the Acolyte had been released.
The evil twin trope. Jackie Chan and Jet Li each did a movie about evil twins and Tony Jaa too. John Woo, Face Off. Evil twins.
So during a disaster, a family of people including two twins who nearly all died in a fire, but only one of the twins was rescued. The other twin was presumed dead but she survived. Both twins trained in the Jedi arts but one became angry that she was abandoned. So she goes on a killing spree killing Jedi.
The good twin is enlisted by the Jedi council to help look for the evil twin.
I got an invite to visit my family this summer which I will go to sometime in the next couple of months. It would be interesting to see them again.
The window of time is short. In ten or twenty years, our generation of the family will all be gone. My parents, aunts and uncles generation, they've already graduated to the majoy phase of life. This Earth is a hatchery of souls to the majorly phase of life.
My cousins. One set of cousins is about on the average ten years older than me and another about twenty years older.
The window of time is closing as the years go on.
I plan to take my electric longboard to Vancouver. It has a longer range than my electric cruiser board.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Rather than spend all day at home, I went electric skateboarding. Just to the park and back. I stopped at the Church to make a small donation. Hopefully I get a blessing in the form of not living in a tent. Ever. Hopefully I find some housing for myself. I'd settle for a rooming house rather than a government subsidized condo known as subsidized housing.
There are a lot of really good shows in VR. Felix & Paul studios. They filmed a VR video of an EVA extra vehicular activity aka a space walk in outer space with astronauts doing some repairs on the outside of the ISS. The definition is clear, spackling.
How did they do that? How do you do a video in zero degrees Kelvin and not have the glass freeze and crack? Wouldn't zero degrees Kelvin affect glass on an atomic level?
And did they use a Zeiss lens that NASA and Stanley Kubrick used?
It isn't your average $1,000 VR camera sold on Amazon. This looks like a $10,000 camera with sharp crisp definition.
That's kind of major.
On meta oculus, a free virtual environment is a really nice apartment in a space port. Life can be so mind-blowing that in a few years, who knows, I will live in a space port in low orbit above Earth or Mars. The space port in meta oculus seems to be located above Mars. I could be a writer and hopefully an animator in VR immersive animation.
The VR animators on the meta oculus VR animation app are seriously skilled artists. They must have gone to art school. Their art skills are a level above me. That's not difficult to believe just as there are people who can cook meals a lot better than I can.
My art skills are at a certain level and no more. So what? It is what it is.
VR immersive animation is like drafting and I took drafting in high school. You got the top view, bottom view, side views etc using a graph. And oblique view as well.
And plot out points of observation which is a really fun part of it.
VR animation has from one to 12 moves.
This is for the animation.
Some animation is trains and cars speeding along a track.
The there are the VR animation stories like HELLO_, The Golden Record, The Quantum Race, etc. Those are masterful works of art and takes art appreciation to a new level.
Would it be geeky to mention the Stendahl effect? VR animation could take a person there.
The Stendahl effect is an ecstatic feeling from seeing art that usually registers as tears of joy flowing involuntarily and non stop and feeling just great when seeing a moving piece of artwork.
AI is at a primitive stage with its high error rates. One day, today's Star Wars panavision 70 videos done in AI will be looked at the same way as the early black and white Nintendo GB handheld consoles. Cutting edge at the time but to be soon eclipsed.
Friday, June 7, 2024
"Where do babies come from?" question from a television ad
Answer: They come from being on the hook for child support and regretting it.
Tonight on Jeopardy, there was a question about a famous President's 6 word slogan.
Let me guess, "I will f*ck all your wives." or was it "mothers"? It would depend on what State. In the Republican States, he would say "wives" , in the Democratic States, he would say "mothers". Or was it the other way around? Things get so overwhelming and confusing during election time.
The answer is George Bush and the slogan was "Down with King George.", I mean "Read my lips, no new taxes."
"A chicken in every pot." Napoleon
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Today I went to a Vietnamese restaurant wearing my KISS t shirt.
A medium I encountered on YouTube is Susan Rowlen. She is incredible. All good psychics are good. On this planet, there is a core population of skilled psychics just as there are many chefs who have Michelin stars.
News. Harbour Air seaplane in Vancouver crashed into a boat in Coal Harbour near Stanley Park. All reported safe. Plane partially submerged.
This would be an example of why VR goggles shouldn't be used in a moving vehicle.
Well. Getting back to this Province's food production. On Focus BC, BC Conservative Leader John Rustad said that BC produces 34% of its own food.
34% of food production endogenic, which means that 66% of food in this Province is sourced from exogenic means.
That makes sense since most food in the World grows or is produced outside of this Province rather than with it so this ratio of endogenic - exogenic food production is more or less commensurate with World production.
66%. Execute Order 66. Star Wars
"Commander Cody. The time has come. Execute Order 66." Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith
My landlord said that Canada produces more grain in one day than Ukraine has in its entire history.
Diets were regional depending on what any given region has going on. When the tide goes out, the table is set was how it went with the coastal communities. Until overfishing.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Talk about surprises. Talks about, you're depressed now but wait until you see what's coming around the corner.
Today I splurged for an investment that will last me for years. This is not a summary ephemeral purchase. I got the Meta Quest 3 at Walmart.
It is better than the Meta Quest 2. Noticeably better.
Wider field of view. 110 degrees rather than the 90 degrees of the Quest 2.
Pancake lens rather than fresnel lens has no glares, flares, God lights etc. With fresnel lenses, there is a central sweet spot and everything else on the peripheral looks fuzzy. With pancake lenses, there is no fuzzy spots. It's all sweet spot.
You see more at once with the VR animations.
Something about the RAM but the Meta Quest 3 does twice the heavy lifting as the Quest 2. Faster frame rates, refresh rates. I notice it right away with the Blue Hill Gold Mine. With the Quest 3, a light miasma of smoke is seen drifting across the street s of the town. You don't see that at all with the Quest 2.
The faster frame and refresh rate plus the more pixels per square inch means that I see details that I didn't see before in VR animations. It's like watching the animations for the first time again.
The meta Quest 3 has a full color passthrough. The Quest 2 has a hazy black and white passthrough. The Quest 3 has an AR augmented reality game called First Invasion. It's pretty good but the surprise was ruined for me as I saw it on a YouTube video about the Quest 3 beforehand.
But very good. The walls of the room I am in was shot revealing a space exterior. It's kind of like those out of body experience dreams where one is in their house, opens the front door and its like the Wizard of Oz, they went from a regular world to a strange land.
But it gets old fast.
The game where one is riding in the mine car and shooting at cowboys and cowgirls and the game where one shoots at mice on a farm gets old fast.
The skiing game Ski Fit 365 never gets old especially when I am standing on a skateboard and playing it.
"Going against remotes is one thing. Going against the living is another."
"You've taken your first step into a larger world." Star Wars
Today I also got a Princess Leia Funko Pop. Severely overstretched like Stretch Armstrong on my budget I left Walmart after that. But then I returned. I had to, just had to also get the Yoda funko pop. Yoda is a Jedi Master and I am planning to be a Jedi even to my old age.
Two days ago, I played virtual mini golf sitting down and using only one hand.
The today I saw a YouTube comment, "If you didn't use one hand to hold the golf club in virtual golf, you'd sink balls more often."
Padarewski Mini Golf.
Elysian is good.
Dungeon Archery is good, Lord of the Rings, Legolas of the Woodland realm.
Plozzle. The first three puzzles are doable. After that, it gets kind of impossible unless you have a PhD in geometry.
The virtual 3D effect for this game is gimmicky and superfluous as these puzzles can be achieved using a 2D version.
All horror games on VR are, in a word, horrible. In an apartment hallway, room, where ever, the placed looks typically wrecked as to be expected. Move the joystick advancing to another hallway and guess what. There's a scary zombie there. Just hideous. I can't believe that there is a market for this. Supply meets demand. There's a demand for these kinds of video games?
Very unsettling and disturbing and anxiety inducing video games.
ISS is good. Pretend to be a space astronaut on board the ISS with the zero gravity simulation. Grab bars colored blue as ladder rungs to float and zero gravity glide from one part of the vessel to another.
In the ears, there are eustachian tubes with liquid that acts like a carpenters level. On the ground there is gravity which keeps the liquid level.
On the ISS, forget it, that liquid in the eustachian tube just floats around leading to intense motion sickness or what? How do they do it?
YouTube commenters have written that with all the software upgrades, that meta is losing money selling it at the price they do.
Well, the meta Quest 3 has some not so hidden tech such as hand tracking. An omen of this is the other day when I played Creepy Cabin and went in to the room where The Faceless Lady was playing on the large screen in the cabin. An avatar, person, guy, was standing to the left of me and he was doing a very lewd and luridly suggestive stroking motion which I won't elaborate further upon. I noticed other avatars around me who seemed to be indifferent to it and some of them were even in fact doing some clownish pantomimesof their own albeit non lewd.
Meta Quest 3 has hand tracking. One can see their own hand outlined through the glasses if their hands are in front of them. That means if a person has a Quest 3 headset near them, even while turned off, it can track their hands if they are uh, stroking themselves, for men, its the sausage party, tally the banana and for women it's Miss dunking donuts. Well the Meta Quest 3 can track all that.
Would it surprise the Meta Quest 3? I doubt it. I think it would be more surprised if it encountered an end user with whom it never tracked any suggestive hand motions.
I think the Meta Quest 2 has that as hidden tech. Hand tracking.
Using the VR headset to look at pictures of young ladies while the other hand is doing something else I think is something that happens regularly with VR goggles.
I have mental problems. I was looking at my usual granny porn, often the oldest most skankiest looking but as an artiste, ladies who are old, some of them are really fit.
The I would see videos on YouTube VR 180 videos of young ladies and they are so beautiful that it sends a very sweet shock and then I feel screwed up because I looked at granny porn so often. Those older ladies are appealing enough but the younger ladies in their bathing suits are on another level.
The only way I think I could score with a lady as beautiful as this is to use a pricey escort service.
Life is full of surprises. I could meet a lady better than I imagined.
I have never seen a person, even a person who looks like they have some challenges and thought, "That person won't meet anyone ever again." I always always look at any person who tells me that they are single and always think that there is a definite chance that sometime in the future, this person can and most likely will meet someone.
I think that about myself as well. Somehow, somewhen, I'll have another girlfriend again.
I don't know if I should. I think of so many impatient, short tempered moments I had with ladies in the past, the tendency to hold grudges a little too long usually resulting in ghosting. That's why I think it might be best for all involved including myself if I remain single for life.
The newer sharper definition VR goggles is my mistress and what meta Quest 3 picks up on my hand tracking is my wife.
"Television, sister, mother, secret lover." Homer Simpson, The Simpsons
The new and improved meta Quest 3 Vr goggles is my new girlfriend.
A YouTube comment mentioned that the Meta Quest 3 has too many bugs.
One glitch I noticed is that in the Winter Lodge virtual environment, the one that looks like Stavro Bloefeld's Swiss Alps hideout in the movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service,
the mountain peak is twitching, glitching. It didn't do that on meta Quest 2 that I noticed. Other than that, I didn't notice anything.
Update: This glitch appears on the meta Quest 2 as well. It looks like the mountain is going to erupt at any moment.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Today I went to the Church and made a small donation to get a blessing.
The this afternoon, for some reason I clicked notifications on my meta Quest 3 VR goggles. I don't always click notifications but for some reason today I did. I got Asgard's Wrath for free. That's a $70 game! Online, there are pictures of the box cover for MQ3 displaying AW for free included. The MQ3 I got didn't have that. Regardless, whether you see a picture of it on the box cover or not Asgard's Wrath is included for free. The otherwise free games usually run about 1 gigabyte at most. AW registers at 33 Gb!
Asgards Wrath sounds like an oxymoron like Heaven's wrath. Asgard is heaven in Northern European mythology. Midgard is Earth and Helheim is hell. Heaven is a happy loving place, not wrsthful.
The you have lofstigheim and swartzelheim which is the land of the light bearers and land of the swarthy people.
The game is pretty smoking from what I've seen of it. Free. Not bad. It is fast paced but well paced so there is no motion sickness. It's structured well in that way.
If you go to a website called there are quite a few no download VR games. The best are Elysian and Ski Fit 365. The rest get old fast.
I want to try the game where one gets to be a gorilla swinging on a vine across the treetops like Shia Labeouf in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
You probably won't believe me.
This morning, I had a hynagogic dream. I thought of different things, how they would work together, God's will. And then I heard Jesus say, "Let me cook."
I've heard of angels cooking meals of fried fish for people in the Bible.
Asgard Wrath 2.
"Remember when I told you it wouldn't get weird? It got weird." Dennis Miller
The whole things is a freak show full of surprises. What I saw so far.
A great hall goes dark and an eagle appears. That eagle breathes fire.
The a panoply pantheon of creatures from Norse mythology. There's Loki with the horns and then there's the weird thing with the tits. What's with that? How did that get past the censors? Only someone with a University degree in anthropology specializing in Norse mythology would know what that is.
Then the scene with the hero jumping through obstacles, swinging axes, circular saws, pits of fire, that was trippy as the hippies used to say. It all is something from Heavy Metal Magazine.
Then find the sword and find the axe. If there is a snake slithering on the floor, a sword won't do it, you need an axe. This was taught to me in a dream.
I haven't been able to find the axe. I saw a sign that said, Pull the ring to advance forward. After not finding the ring, I gave up. Completely.
And then there's the eschatological aspect of Norse mythology in that at the end of the World, Ragnarok will appear.
One commenter said he'd been playing the game every day for two months and still not at the end of it so this game is a real rabbit hole. Another commenter said that this game is 5x escape room to 1x of battle.
Suzie would only ever be a friend. If that. I keep seeing signs that remind me of her.
Suzie is ten years older than me and half a foot shorter than me. Oh yeah, that's what every guy wants, a girl who is ten years older and half a foot shorter.
How about of similar age and of similar height?
And she's in a different class. She gaslights me about it. "You're in a different class Suzie."
"No, we're in the same class." She's middle class and I'm welfare class.
And then with Suzie and Laura, I have to self censor because they're from Church. Be on my best behaviour. Watch what I say. That's bullshit! With Heather, I felt that I was able to say anything.
So any conversations with ladies from Church tend to be square and boring. Not worth it.
That's why these two ladies, well it's better to have no friends at all than friendships that just simply don't work.
The thing is some semi expectation to visit the Catholic soup line where Suzie 'the Saint' works. I try to avoid the place when she's there but sometimes I go.
Like with Maria, I found that Catholic ladies have the power to lift me up. I believe in Mother Mary.
The other day when I went to the Catholic Church to make a small donation, it was then that the lady officiating said Hail Mary three times. I could have left immediately but I stayed long enough to hear Hail Mary said right then three times. That's a good sign.
I wish I was where Heather is because life seems too baffling. I can't stop thinking about someone that I more or less want to stop thinking about. The only cure is to move to another country.
Susan Rowlen the psychic said something like, "You're going through a dilemma. A friend you're not sure about. Don't overthink it. Give it some more time and if it's too much work just let them go. Set them free and set yourself free."
These days, I'm doing a lot of travelling in Northern Europe via my VR goggles. I ride the Wuppertal Schwebebahn often. I don't need to 'ride' the entire line. Just three stops a day is good. Mostly when people go on the Skytrain it's for an average of about five stops anyways, not the entire line from one end to the other.
And via an excellent channel called RailCowGirl there are VR 360 videos of train rides sometimes as long as three hours through scenic Northern Europe.
There is only one channel that does rail travel videos this good. RailCowGirl is a female train conductor. Her videos are platinum, Dom Perignon champagne, sterling quality videos. These videos make life worth living.
Even if I watch the same few videos over and over again since there are as of yet only a few VR 360 videos, for me, it's like sommuting. I'm living and working in Northern Europe and commuting on the train every day. Been there done that. When I was in Thailand, once a week I had to ride the trajn from Hualamphong station to Hua Mak station as an English teacher.
Commuting in Northern Europe on the train is nice. I'm having the time of my life. I put on 80s music in the background.
Northern Europe, the reality would be that there would be a slight language barrier and also the weather is very cold there. Smart and beautiful blonde people is what Northern Europe is known for.
Otherwise, there is a saying, I love that person, whoever, more than I love life itself.
With my worries, I hate my worries more than I sometimes hate life itself. I'd be all too glad to be rid of my life if it meant also getting rid of the tawdry problems attached to the wretched sultry physics of this dimension such as housing crisis, where will I live next?
I will be alone for life because of the physics of this dimension. In the next dimension, I can simply teleport through use of thought and find a lady whom I know I will connect with, she will be a sure thing because everyone has the Vulcan mind meld as a default setting in the next dimension.
Actually, that's coming down the pike. With virtual VR 180 seniors can meet with friends live virtually. One day, a person can ear a body suit or else have body tracking without a suit and they appear as an opaque hologram in pass through at your place or you at their place. Your place or mine? And Elon Musks neuralink will match you only with people who are totally psychically congruent with you or there could be settings just like in Asgards Wrath 2. Story, Balanced, or Immersive.
Story is walkthrough mode. Almost no effort on your part.
Balanced provides a modicum of challenge.
Immersive is full on guns a blazing.
So settings would be totally psychically congruent, somewhat incongruent and a definite challenge. Only trained professionals and first responders would opt for the definite challenge setting.
Not everyone could or would get married, everyone knows that.
Then why is there the insistence that everyone should get married?
Whether or not someone is single or married, why is that such an issue with you?
"If you could walk with King's and not lose the common touch
If all men count with you but none too much."
Rudyard Kipling
It's important not to put anyone, alive on this Earth or else graduated to the majorly phase of life, man or woman on a pedestal.
A single man could put women on a pedestal. If I had a girlfriend that would solve my problem of being lonely as so many rock songs say. No, women can bring a lot of problems. A woman can do a real number on a man. That's why it's perhaps best to remain single. For life.
Why every relationship is doomed to fail.
- Some people, as soon as a movie starts, they wonder how long the movie is going to be.
Upon entering a relationship, after the first date, wonder how long is the relationship going to be before breaking up. Or if not, then what. Get married?
"My girlfriend always asks me when we are going to take this relationship to the next level. The thing is, I'm a psychopath. There is no next level with me." Dexter
- Get married? Except that whatever girl you are with, there is always another and better girl that you could be with in the future. It's just that you're never with her now.
"I saw a flaw in every one of them." Anthony Hopkins, Solace
Thinking like that over a lifetime can ruin a lifetime.
My brain paints a picture of me being single for life. Me and millions of others from a worldwide demographic of singletons.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
The News. Only 20 times a year will a News headline be the kind that will be in history books. Most times it's local News.
The best way to watch the News is once a day and only for the first 15 minutes.
Some News channels have 24 hour a day News but the stories repeat every hour. Sometimes there are offsetting stories. That's the News way of saying, "What are you doing sitting there watching the News all the time. Get out there. Get a life or if not that at least listen to some music."
The News often has good stories about people who had good things happen to them like the neighborhood helping someone find housing, a lost pet returned, lost money returned, people who were missing were found safe. The News often has ads that are angelic. OK Tire. It's going to be OK.
The first 15 minutes are the important headlines. The rest of the show features weather and sports and other stories.
The gothic has a shade of the baroque in the imaginative artistic element.
The baroque has a shade of the gothic in that there is an underlying mathematical order.
Psychic Susan Rowlen said to not choose any career that can be replaced by AI.
I guess cartoon animation and writing is off the menu.
AI, the unreal engine, mid journey, etc can generate movie trailers that even with the high error rate, are mind blowing and stunning.
Chat GPT. Every University student knows about that. Hopefully no doctors used it and cheated through their University otherwise patients at the hospital would be screwed.
Professional skateboarder is something no AI can reproduce. It will be years before an AI android is designed that can do a Coleman slide or an impossible or Tre flip or shuv it or combination nose manual and then kick flip off of a ledge.
It will be years before an AI android will be made that can even do basic skateboarding, kick push, going from point A to point B without falling and then foot stopping let alone a kick flip.
Friday, June 14, 2024
More than anything, I wish to be closer and closer to God as time goes on. I wish that more than material wealth. Even if I'm poor and not successful, as long as I'm getting closer to God ill be happy.
I feel a great deal of fear today. Lots of fear.
Mel Robbins said 6 words. "What if it all works out?"
6 words that uses science. Because one doesn't know for sure that the situation might turn out to be bad. Remember Vilnius, expectation VS reality. And most worries don't turn out to happen anyways.
Susan Rowlen said that after a person dies, they have about three days to go into the light. After that, the light starts closing. But that departed person can go to a funeral home and tap into someone else's light because the light isn't exclusive. I never heard that before.
Susan Rowlen also said to someone, "Your bright but don't share your ideas because people steal them." That is part of the wretched physics of this dimension. I often wish I was in the other dimension already.
In Vancouver at Stanley Park, there is a rock called Siwash Rock. The Native legend is that someone didn't share their ideas and in the end turned into a rock.
Ideas are the playthings of the collective consciousness.
Ideas shared don't stay static. They get tweaked, refined and turned into better ideas that are just as different as they are similar to the original idea.
I hope that God helps me with my fear.
In spite of my current specific worry that God knows about, I still thank God for the beauty that is within this day. Even with worries I still try to create good memories like going on a walk, skateboarding or watching a VR 360 tourism video. Later on I'll remember these ideas and not remember the worries that were also there st the time. The brain is funny that way.
If I don't create these good memories then I won't have even that.
Saturday, June 15, 2024
The irrational fear continues. I wish that one day, I can actually be happy again instead of being afraid all the time.
This week, the local News highlighted the bank robbery in Saanich two years ago. Police Officers responded to a bank robbery and they got shot. Those bank robbers were demons. Who would shoot at the Police?
I still say a prayer for the Police every day. I don't know if anyone knows but I do know it makes a difference because heaven hears all prayers. Heaven is on another dimension which is as such, intensely sensitive to telepathy and thoughts.
The baffling part of all this is that they already had a vehicle, guns guns guns, body armour including armoured boots and enough explosives to the level where a Police Officer said it was one of the most complicated cases of explosives in Canadian history. 30 explosives and 3500 rounds of ammunition. Holy crap where they robbing a bank or planning to invade Panama? So the baffling thing is if they had the money for all that hardware and crap, why would they need to rob a bank? They already had stuff that would be valued at near $100,000 guns, ammo, body arnour, a vehicle, explosives that's all pricey stuff. The robbers were apparently clearly disappointed with their take.
If they already had the money to purchase all those military accoutrements wouldn't robbing a bank at that point be redundant? All they had to do was to not spend the money on all those items in the first place.
Were they after the money or wanting to attack Police? It seemed they were waiting for the Police as most bak robbers leave quickly. As soon as the Police arrived, they fired a machine gun at a Police SUV injuring 5 police Officers. Demonic or what?
If they wanted to injure Police and with all that hardware, why wouldn't they have gone directly to a Police station kind of like the movie Cop Shop where a Police Department was invaded.
So at one point during this operation, the Police shifted from their usual judicial prosecutory to military. Military law is very different from criminal law. Under military law, people get court martialed. Its the only job where when they get fired, they get killed.
Any conspiracy theorist worth their salt would say that this then looks like a Mk Ultra black flag operation but that's spurious. This kind of intrusive and unwanted conspiracy theory thinking is something I'm concerned about. The brain paints pictures.
The robbers were taken down. No court, no trial, no jail. Good riddance. Anyone who tries to lethally attack the Police, well, that's what you get. Play with the bull, you get the horns.
I wouldn't otherwise be writing about this. Since it has been highlighted again in the news is an invitation to light public discussion, nothing too heavy, and public appreciation of the Police Department for their heroism and valour.
The good Santa Claus rides on a sleigh that's pulled by 8 tiny reindeer.
The evil Santa Claus sits on a skid row rooming house bed pulled by 8 giant cockroaches.
Those bank robbers were the evil Batman and Robin.
The good Batman and Robin has lots of money, hardware to fight crime.
The evil Batman and Robin has lots of money, hardware to commit crime.
I fear the Police. Who doesn't? They have the power to destroy someones life. It's the kind of fear that keeps people on the straight and narrow.
I also very much respect the Police for the scientific nature of the profession.
It's also the Police's job to save people's lives. In The Mandalorian, Moff Gideon was about to kill himself but Gina Carano stopped him. Gina Carano was a Police Officer.
The Police see more in a month than most people will in their entire lifetime especially in some of the busier cities like New York. Yet they are able to go on doing the job without anxiety or fear, or worry.
On a YouTube video about the Police in the UK, a prisoner verbally abused a Police Officer. That Officer said, "That happens. You have to not worry or let it get to you because that happens every day."
In that way, I think that all first responders are superhuman. Any situation that involves life and death will activate the sympathetic nervous system. Over a long term, this constant firing of the flight or fight mechanism impairs what is called the executive function of the brain which is the prefrontal cortex that visualizes a good future. That part of the brain is shot when one experiences fear and anxiety even if the fear and anxiety is imagined due to lack of experience. The mind cant tell the difference between a real event or a delusional event that one believes is real.
I hope that I can be happy again one day and not be afraid all the time. However strange as it sounds, in their own way, the Police might be able to help any person go from fear to happiness.
A person who has a Police Officer as a parent is a person who has access to some of the best advice available especially if they get into some kind of a jam. The parent might say, "I've seen a lot of people go through what you're going through and you'll be all right. Shit happens."
Stuff happens. Especially in this dimension. I've heard so many good things about the afterlife. I would strive to my utmost to live. But just the same, I'll be relieved to finally get it over with when the time naturally comes. Death and dying is scary. Best to get it over with. But not before its time.
In the afterlife, one doesn't have to worry about physical death hanging over their head all the time.
I will be glad when I am finally cured and healed of my anxiety disorder and tendency to fear, overthinking and worry. I wish for this more than I wish for anything else.
A single person might say, "My singleness is the price I'm paying for past sins."
Meanwhile, a married person might say, "This wretched marriage I'm in is the price I'm paying for past sins."
In London, there is a restaurant called Ole & Steen which of course reminds me of Pastor Joel Osteen.
Not to be outdone, in New York, there is a place called Oak & Steel fine wine and spirits.
Oak & Steel reminds me of Vance and Steele, a local talk show.
A black flag operation is one where one group is claimed to be responsible when another group is behind it. Black flag operations usually have some kind of military, political and financial objective and is often beneficial to National Security. But they also raise questions of ethics, sovereignty and legality.
Black flag operations usually result in the implementation of additional security measures such as additional Police, security patrols and surveillance cameras when the public is usually hesitant to make tax expenditures on such infrastructure.
In the movie Enemy of the State, the Director said something like, "We don't care about the person using drugs and getting high. What were after is legitimate national security threats."
Interestingly, the episode was called Double Deception. A black flag operation is essentially a double deception where one group that isn't responsible is held to be responsible when another group that is actually responsible has intense plausible deniabilty. Domestic state sponsored terrorism.
Black flag operations typically start with a person who errs and goes on the dark web and gets into crap like revolution, edition, anarchy. Then one day, someone contacts them and writes, "You're interested in doing something to the government? We can help you with that and provide whatever. We're interested in the same objective too." Although the objective they're referring to is more long term wide ranging, far reaching and government level including the installation of additional security based infrastructure etc. But the people on the other end don't know that.
Was this a black flag operation? Probably not. You can't rationalize the irrational. Every year, somewhere, someone decides to have a kick at the can and rob a bank. It happens quite a few times a year in the United States and Canada too. Two years ago in Canada, some people stole $20 million worth of gold from the Pearson Airport in Toronto. They were all captured except for two. One is going to turn himself in and the other? Who knows?
Sunday, June 16, 2024
On a purely mathematical basis, in the next BC election, it looks most likely that Premier David Eby will get a minority government. Better the devil you know. David Eby is well known whereas the leaders of the other political Parties aren't well known as far as how they'd handle exactly the job of Premiership.
Whether the Conservatives win outright with a minority government or whether David Eby gets a minority government, either way all the Conservatives has to do is to form a coalition with the United Party and David Eby and the NDP are f*cked.
If David Eby wins with a minority government, who is he going to form a coalition with? The Green Party? With only two members? Besides, Left of Centre Parties don't form coalitions with Right of Center Parties and vice versa.
A coalition between the Conservatives and the United would be a more feasible and viable coalition. Feasibility study? Viability study?
The chances are relatively slim that anyone would get a Majority government. Too many Parties. Too much vote splitting.
The question is, I don't know how eager the United Party would be to form a coalition with the Conservatives after so many United Party members crossed Party lines to join the Conservative Party. The Uniteds would be rather non-plussed about that.
No one reads my blog anyways.
In Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon Season 2, a ratcatcher was hired to do someone in. When asked how well he knew the rat tunnels, he said, "I know them better than the shape of my cock."
With VR goggles and room mapping and hand tracking, the hidden tech in the VR goggles could actually indeed know the shape of one's appendage and this information could be accessed by any variety of end users in the public and private sector, government cyber agents and also hackers.
Some appendages are different than others. Some have Peroni's disease which registers as a distinct curve.
Hand tracking also can pick up how a person uh, handles themselves during certain times. Most of the time it's normal. Other times with some, fingers or objects are inserted into a secondary opening.
What authorities would be most concerned about is auto erotic strangulation and the VR goggles hand tracking could potentially pick that up.
It can be a very wretched world full of strange and twisted surreal things.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Today I went to Uptown Mall to find a VR head strap fro my meta Quest 3 VR goggles.
It had a few brands and even a meta Quest upgraded model but the best is the BoboVR headset that retails for $140 plus all applicable Canadian taxes. This VR headset has a built in air conditioning system that is variable and adjustable.
All other ones are just standard issue VR head straps.
At Best Buy, they didn't sell any. At Walmart, they had other ones but I didn't look too closely and wasn't sure if they were for the Quest 2 or for the Quest 3.
I even went to Walmart at Hillside Mall but they didn't have any there.
Today, the Canadian government banned open net salmon farming.
Yesterday I went to get some sushi and the plsde I go to at the food court at the mall had their usual sushi, two pieces of sliced salmon, each on a rectangular ball of rice. But the salmon yesterday was as red as a candle apple red Ferrari. Usually it is pink with that exquisite white marbling. Farmed salmon is a result of breeding the Pacific Coho salmon with the Atlantic pout. Farmed salmon is a hybrid species that is artificially selected rather than naturally selected.
Farmed salmon is the pink marbled salmon.
Wild salmon is wild salmon which is now government mandated.
On the News, some Natives in First Nations territories were upset and said that they had families to support. First Nations people depend on wild salmon and are against salmon farms. The government moratorium on salmon farms set for five years from now, a five year plan couldn't come soon enough for First Nations people. Five years is one salmon cycle from fish egg to swimming up salmon ladders. Natives have had salmon farms for centuries. They were called fish weirs.
Lots of industries have government regulations such as forestry and fisheries and other industries as well.
One just simply has to make the change from farmed salmon to wild salmon until the First Nations salmon farmers make some kind of deal with the government.
I am somewhat worried about is that diseases from salmon farming such as infectious salmon anemia SA , and piscine orthoreovirus PRV can spread to other species. Also these parasitic species that attach to farmed salmon attsch to other fish species as well.
Alexandra Morton, the salmon farm lady is not a fan of salmon farms and she did a documentary. Anyways, one must trust the merchants and the Ministry of Fisheries that any salmon sashimi is safe to eat.
But that's me. I worry. A lot.
Dr Livingood on YouTube said some things about farmed salmon. He said that the fatty white of the farmed salmon is full of omega 3 fatty acid but also full of toxins. He said, "You are what you eat ate." Farmed salmon eat things like soybean meal, soybean is a GMO which makes the fish a GMO, also poultry meal, blood meal, meat meal and hydrolyzed feather meal. And canola meal. He said that the fish are fed with additives to give their flesh that red colour otherwise farmed salmon would have a dingy grey color. These additives include carotenoids which can also be a synthetic form of vitamin A which is less healthy than naturally derived Vit A. And also astaxanthins and canthaxanthins which are red pigments that occur naturally in algae rich in carotenoids. Astaxathins give krill their red color and is fed to salmon to give salmon their red color.
If a person eats a lot of famed salmon, when that person dies, during their autopsy, will they have flesh that is redder than usual because of astaxanthins?
This topic gets to be a real salmon hole, I mean a rabbit hole.
I'm sure that salmon farmers are aware of these potentialities rather than certainties and can hire veterinarians and University professors to give them some advice about how to deal with these pathological anomalies.
I look forward to eating pink salmon with the white marbling again, even if it's a hybrid species, who cares? I wonder if that will ever happen again because of the new Canadian government salmon regulations. Maybe one will have to go Stateside to enjoy that exquisite white fatty marbling again.
After hearing what Dr Livingood said, wild red salmon is the way to go. Wild red salmon it seems spoils sooner. If one leaves it at room temperature for a couple of hours it takes on a fishy smell. Salmon can live in salt water and fresh water too. It's one of the few fish species that can do that. Which explains the characteristic smell of wild salmon.
Farmed salmon, I think only lives in saltwater because salmon farms are in salt water. Farmed salmon don't swim up salmon ladders. Instead they deposit their eggs and then their uh, fluid right there in the salmon farm where they were born and raised.
Whereas salmon are born up a river but are raised in the ocean.
Farmed salmon have rounded tails. Wild salmon have sharp tails.
Farmed salmon with the marbling resembles tuna. I don't know if tuna can be farmed because tuna can grow to be the size of a car. At least.
Dr Livinggood said, You are what you eat ate."
I'd take that a step further in the case of farmed salmon, 'You are what you eat ate ate.'
Farmed salmon eat chicken meal and meat and blood meal meaning cows and pigs.
What are farmed chickens and cows and pigs fed with? Cows, a vegetarian are often fed with bits of ground up cow making them cannibals, mad cow disease, this is from a food documentary.
I wrote trust the merchants and the Ministry of Fisheries. But nowhere did I write don't trust the farmers. Trust them too. However I can't help but wonder if like in Russia, the farms shown on television commercials are show farms. Points on a curve and at the bottom end of it are factory farms. These farms are often enough raided by the appropriate authorizes and it often winds up on the News. However as time goes on and awareness is raised there will be fewer and fewer factory farms. Hopefully.
They're fed with whatever to cut corners and to save overhead whenever possible all to increase the bottom line.
Jfk said , "Farmers are the only people in society who buy at retail, sell at wholesale and pays the freight both ways."
YouTube comment: The Indian farmer is the only person who buys on subsidies, sells tax free and collects benefits both ways.
It's the farming system under the physics of this dimension. I wonder how the human species got as far as it did, under the circumstances.
A disclaimer: like sex, politics and religion, food production is one of the things not discussed in polite society. Those who handle food industry production such as farmers, producers etc can be kind of gangsta. If most other foods aren't put under a microscope such as salmon, then why even think about the topic at all? As for the kibosh on salmon farms, the government does what it it will do. The thing to do is to try to live life as best as you can and to just carry on.
I installed Google play rewards. I am 31 cents short for a movie. The movie I want is Alien Prometheus. 31 flavors Baskin Robbins. The other month, there was a 31 hour Police standoff which resulted in the Police finally having to use lethal force to subdue the suspect. 31 hours it seems, can try anyone's patience even the Police.
Hopefully I can get that 31 cents in the next few days. Or weeks. They often pay only ten cents per survey. If you delay and take time to answer questions slowly, you get more.
One time, the most I ever got, was I got $1.10 for answering a survey. Usually, it's about ten cents but often it's more.
Well, with the help of an additional $20 Google play card and a small bucket of Ben and Jerry's ice cream Chillin and Netflix flavor, I was able to achieve the acquisition of the movie Alien Prometheus. That is the movie to get on YouTube UHD.
It used to be that for movie purchases YouTube offered a pricing tier of 3 options, standard def, high def, and ultra high def. Now it's ultra high def as the only option. UHD technology has been around for 5 years so that is standard.
My friend said that 4K is false because nothing streams in true 4K.
4K is 2,000 pixel points on average each, vertically and horizontally.
8K would be 4K pixel points on average each, vertical and horizontal.
Some YouTube videos even boast 16K.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Today, I went to Walmart and got a head strap for my VR goggles.
Instead of going for the BoboVR which simply wasn't available there, I went for the Meta Quest 3 brand elite headstrap. Elite because it isn't the standard stock issue one.
Feels way more comfortable than the default straps. Really conformable. Plus one can fold a hand towel, place it at the back of the head and then put the elite head strap on for more comfort.
I don't need a batter pack and an air conditioner that the BoboVR head strap has. Wouldn't all that make it heavier?
Form follows function. The headstrap meets the minimal structural engineering requirements for a more comfortable and professional feeling experience when using VR goggles. These I'll have with me for life or until ten years later when technology comes up with way better VR goggles. VR goggles that include smellovision is where I draw the line. I don't need to be smelling the environments of Star Wars and Blade Runner especially the trash compacgor dianoga scene.
The movie The Bikeriders is released today. Movies have a target demographic, not intentionally but the topic has a tendency to draw in people of a certain stripe. The Barbie movie would have lots of girls in grade school seeing the movie along with their parents.
The Bikeriders. I don't know if I want to see the movie. There would be a lot of bikers in the crowd and bikers are a dangerous bunch. I can imagine going there and then a three hundred pound biker with tattoos sits next to me. Friendly. Bikers often do a once a year Christmas toy drive. Then the biker might say, "Grmmph! I hear this is going to be a good movie. It better be, otherwise I'm out $15." Then with one open hand and another in a fist wearing fingerless leather gloves, he smashes his hands together, a common biker gesture.
The movie is about a fictional biker gang that get drawn into the violence and criminality from other segments of society.
The biker lifestyle started after World War 2. Similar to the beatniks, World War 2 veterans wanted to seek a spiritual lifestyle as a way of dealing with their CPTSD from the war. Some became beatniks while others took up life on the road as a biker. They embraced the ideal of the Transcendentalists of the 1860s, Henry David Thoreau, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M Pirsig.
On July 3 to 6 1947 was the Hollister Riots with July 4th being the worst day. The press exaggerated the events of this riot to maximize on the criminalization and weaponization of the biker gang image. The next year on the heels of the Hollister Riot, on March 17 1948 in Fontana California, the Hells Angel's motorcycle club was formed.
Then there were other elements and things going on in society like drug prohibition and actual gangs, organized crime, etc. And it started out with making the occasional drug run carrying drugs from point A to point B. Along with that comes payoffs, ripoffs, drug deals gone wrong and of course the Police which invariably leads to the Court system.
Similar to the peace loving soft drug using hippies of Haight Ashbury that got eventually co-opted into a network of hard drug dealing and criminality.
I was worried about the actors or anyone doing this movie. Hunter S Thompson wrote a book about bikers and he got beaten up for it. This is what makes me worry.
Well, from what little I gleaned from the story, Hunter S Thompson wrote a book not just about a fictional biker gang, but of a real one and of the most majorly one of all. The H. A..
The H. A. wanted a cut from his revenue from the book. He refused so they beat him up in an act that would give anyone a massive anxiety disorder for life.
This movie deals with a fictional biker gang. The director, actors, etc got their usual wages and didn't make any more or less money than they would have doing any other film of any other topic.
I'll probably go to the movie theatre and as usual, nothing happens. I won't see any hard core bikers there. Ha! Just my luck. Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Donald Sutherland transitioned on to the majorly phase of life aka died.
He was a major actor. He was in Animal House as Prof Dave Jennings, "Listen, I'm not joking. This is my job!" and in the movie JFK, "They would have killed you already but you got a lot of light on you."
Friday, June 21, 2024
NHL hockey game. Edmonton winning 3 - 0 at the end of the 2nd period.
During the 2nd intermission, an ex hockey player was in the stands seen throwing a cell phone. It seemed he was angry. Roid rage and the cocaine blues is a wonderful combination.
I can guess the phone call that preceeded the outburst: "You were the one who advised me to bet heavy on the Panthers to win, three point spread. If it wasn't for your advice, I'd still have my money!"
Today, I went out briefly. Stayed home all day. Heat wave and the temptations of the VR goggles. It's a gift that keeps on giving.
My friend Laura returned my call. She is a nice lady. I am friends with her again as I could never doubt her for too long. Me and her are friends and that's it.
Some good movies are available on YouTube for free. Real old classics such as Howard Hughes Hells Angels which is about World War one. The good scenes start two thrids into the movie, the serial dogfights.
Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway, WW1 novel.
The Wild One. Marlon Brando biker gang.
Watching movies on VR with the screen set to too large can bring about motion sickness.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
I only went out once yesterday, the longest day of the year when I went to McDonald's for the medicinal McDonald's coffee and for a fruit and fibre muffin. Fibre is good for the body.
Any psychiatrist will tell you that although it doesn't seem like it, the subconscious is much more powerful than the conscious. When one avoids something for years from fear, it is the subconscious that accurately retains the memory. When one has a dream at night, it is the subconscious.
It is the subconscious that God acts on. That is why the will of God is difficult to understand.
It is really the conscious that is the sub-conscious and vice versa.
Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.
Moles in government.
Premier David Eby and Conservative Leader John Rustad. God bless them. Great politicians.
However they each have a noticeable mole on their face which can be surgically removed.
A local dermatologist up the street will remove simply black spots on the face for $250 each. It might cost up to $1000 to remove a mole but they can certainly afford it.
Whereas I myself am hesitant to shell out the $750 to remove three black spots on my face.
Hopefully they're not a deal breaker.
If small black spots on the face are upsetting, then they, the ladies are really going to love the birthmark on an undisclosed area of my body.
Otherwise, anomalies like facial moles don't affect a politicians ability to govern.
However, moles notwithstanding, it seems that the politicians with the moles are each doing much better in the moles, I mean the polls than the politicians without the moles namely the Leader of the United Party Kevin Falcon aka the Millennium Falcon and Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau. Moles in the polls.
Sometimes people will add on a black spot where there was none before. It's called a beauty mark. Would Furstenau and Falcon now get beauty marks added so they can also likewise do better in the polls too? I really don't think so.
This isn't a case of making a mountain out of a molehill as it is making an elephant in the room out of a mole.
Conservative Leader John Rustad has done well. The Conservatives in BC started as a fringe party as did the Green Party. A fringe party is kind of like Lord Buckethesd in England. Unlike Lord Buckethead and the Green Party that stayed a fringe party, John Rustad was actually able to have any kind of success in the election.
This week, another member of the United Party defected to the Conservative Party. Its been one politician a week for how many weeks now, moving from the United Party to the Conservative Party. It seems that the United Party are hemorrhaging candidates. The Millennium Falcon must be really upset about this. He must be wondering, "What's going to happen next week?"
The VR game HAX actually encourages people to write a review.
The game is absolutely sterling silver smokin'. Very user friendly and the usual POV, one joystick does 33 degree pivot turns and the other joystick moves forwards, backwards, side to side aspect is good too, that's if you're into that kind of thing.
The shooting gallery segment before the optional main POV segment is worth the price of admission alone. The price of admission is free as the Demo version is free.
The Demo version has the precursor shooting range segment and offers one world. The paid for version offers more worlds.
Sometimes I fluke out and get it the first shot. Other times it takes me as much as 8 shots or more to nail the target. So all in all....
In real life, a gun has a certain weight and the gun recoils, so much so that it could cause some slight muscular bruising. The video game doesn't have that so it is not a true representation of gun accuracy in real life.
Go to applabgameslist dot com, click 'FREE' and look for HAX.
I tried the POV segment. Even for a POV games hesitant like me, I was able to kill 2 robot enemies with a gun and one with a sword. It takes about two or three shots to down a robot but only one good swipe with a sword. Just like in real life.
There is a game called Tea for God. This game is mind blowing. There is a free version where one gets to explore one level. This game involves a fear of heights.
Apocalypse Now is a must see film for anyone. It's a bucket list movie for anyone. It's available on YouTube. Seeing the move in big screen VR. That's the only way that it was ever meant to be seen. VR goggles are a game changer. They enable a person the have never mind a hundred inch, a hundred foot screen is available to see movies in their full glory.
Star Wars A New Hope costs $23 on YouTube. Other movies cost $17. Star Wars A New Hope would be a movie to get on big screen.
List of movies I'd get if I had a $100 google play card, in progress
- Star Wars
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
A train trestle bridge in Vancouver burned. "And it burns burns burns" Johnny Cash, Ring of Fire
The scale of it though. It looked like a VR animation.
Only three Stanley Kubrick movies are worth getting on YouTube big screen.
- 2001 A spectacular visual masterpiece.
- Barry Lyndon. Spectacular. Old Europe. The movie was kind of serious whereas Europeans themselves, I think are usually not that serious. Europeans are very happy casual carefree people. That's the ideal. The reality is probably more like points on a curve like with everywhere else.
- The Shining I got this for more or less free when I got a digital code back when digital codes were included free with the price of a Blu Ray. Usually, titles would sell for about $20 but Blu rays that sold for $35 would include a digital code.
The Shining is more of a Halloween movie more than a Spring or Summer movie.
I got them all. On YouTube. The YouTube movie player on the VR goggles is the diamond standard of VR screens. It's worth paying for YouTube movies to watch on flat screen. The meta browser screen which can access the free movie websites easily googled and found only offers a curved screen. At one time, people paid money to see movies on a curved screen. Curved screen is preferred when watching the otherwise flat screen train driver videos of RailCowGirl who drives locomotives in Norway. The videos therefore are enough to drive you loco.
The other Kubrick movies are black and white or else aren't that spectacular on big screen due to the setting. In movies, the architecture is the star of the show for me.
This is especially so in VR 180 shows such as The Faceless Lady who Eli Roth directed. He was also the director of a famous movie called Hostel.
Which makes me think twice about staying at hostels.
The Faceless Lady took place at a real castle in Ireland. The story of the show pastiched a fictional story on to the castle about "a once blossoming romance turned into needless tragedy." So in mother words, like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
The ceilings of the castle are carved with ornate carvings and I thought stucco on ceilings was excessive.
Imagine people in the 1600s hanging around that castle that is seen in the show. Fascinating.
I like to share ideas. Ideas are not from me but from God. To God be the glory.
An idea for a futuristic table in a cyber world would be the levitating table. Not levitated with anti gravity technology but with four strong wires of equal length suspended from the ceiling. I doubt that I'd be the first ever to have thought of this. The table would either have to be heavy or the wires be solid so that the table doesn't accidentally tip.
YouTube on tablet now has its own in house video games. YouTube playable. I played the one called sword master.
YouTube VR playable would be good.
VR io and appgameslab has lots of free VR games. I tried one today called Tea For God. Very good. Typical POV. Lots of agoraphobic elements. Fun. Play the first free level over and over. Motion sickness. You bet.
Sunday, June 23, 2024
There hasn't been a Palestinian protest for two weeks.
There's always a fine line between Palestinian protesting and anti Semitism. The News said someone at a protest voiced support and praise for Oct 7.
All it takes is one incident like that for the Police to cancel support for the protest.
At all protests at all times, there are Jewish observers. They could lodge a complaint against some words said.
The News said that support for the LG whatever, Lettuce, Green relish, Bacon and Tomato is declining from last year. You wonder why.
There was that fight at the park on Commercial Drive last year. The Vancouver Police were there. Incidents like that. And also SOGI. First, gay people fought for acceptance. They got that. Then they fought for the right to indoctrinate children to whatever level.
It seems that the indoctrination extremists are a faction because most gay people don't really care about indoctrinating children. They just want to be accepted.
Last year, I found a blonde wig. I wore it once when I went to visit the dentist keeping the wig in my pocket when I was walking to and from the dentist office. The female dental workers thought it was funny. One of them is blonde and she's been there for years. I wore it saying something I prepared, "I looked in the mirror and it seems that we must be related somehow."
I never wore the wig to show Heather. But those who have transitioned on to the majorly phase of life can see it all. So she could have seen the day I was at the dentist office.
From where she is now, all I have to do is to just have a whisper of a thought, I wish Heather was there to see me that day, and whoosh, she saw that day.
She'd say," Our friendship is much more than that and certainly beyond what you would have worn on one day for cosplay or what you didn't wear to show me as a comedy joke."
My monkey brain with its tendency to strange thoughts makes me wonder if I should wear the wig at the annual gay parade. The gay parade often has topless women. That's why I went last year and it didn't disappoint because I was able to see a few ladies.
The wig leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I think it looks more like a Viking wig, like something from a Wagner opera. I'm going to grow my stubble so if I do wear the wig at the parade, then I'd look just as much like someone from an opera. I would wear a helmet over the wig to hold it in place. That's if I do it. The whole thing sounds absurd. Even insane. But not if it's opera.
I've often thought of just throwing the wig away but I didn't do it.
I once had a Spiderman mask that fit over the face. I lost it. I'd like to get a Spiderman mask again.
July 7th is the gay parade in Victoria BC.
Van Francisco or Vancouver is way gayer than Victoria. So much so that the gay parade in Vancouver should be cancelled simply because it is redundant. Vancouver's Davie Street is already already a gay parade 24/7, 265 days a year, 366 on leap years.
Cosplay is wearing KISS make up to look like Peter Criss, the cat.
I don't know if I'm going to the gay parade this year even though there could be topless women. There was a protest earlier this year on the Legislature that the Police had to truncate with truncheons because they were, "uncomfortable with the size and the changing dynamic of the protest."
A gay parade is a gay protest on steroids. There could be a lot of angry right wingers.
There will most likely be a more conspicuous Police presence than previous years. If the thing goes pear shaped, I'd say get the fuck out of there as quickly as you can. There could be fights resulting in Police arrests for those involved. The Police usually give a warning. Anyone who's there after the warning, well, who knows?
If I go and wear the wig and am quizzed about the wig, I'd quote Mad Max Fury Road, "So shiny, so fresh, so chrome, so new. For Valhalla!" which is what any self respecting person wearing a Swedish opera wig would say.
Valhalla is a realm in the afterlife where soldiers who died in battle go. Lord of the Rings, The Army of the Dead.
"The Dead shall not suffer the living to pass. None but the King of Gondor can command."
"That line is broken."
"The line has been remade."
Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
Try to answer all questions in that ad.
Where do bunnies live? They live in a bunny hole.
How tall can trees grow? It's called their teleme-tree.
Where does the sun go at night? It goes behind Uranus.
Where do babies come from? They come from being on the hook for child support and then regretting it. Profoundly.
Monday, June 24, 2024
This morning, I tried install Steam to connect with my meta Quest 3. As it turns out my archaic computer isn't powerful enough. I would need a gaming computer with minimum specs which I'm not going to get. There's more than enough free or else paid for stuff which I'll get to in a second with the meta Quest 3.
As for sidewuest, one needs to include additional information like a phone number and also a payment method like credit or debit card. Too much information.
A lot of people have an internet connection but not a cell phone or even a debit card. They like to pay cash. Pay cash to get a prepaid credit card. Or pay cash to get a gift card, google or meta.
Today I went to Walmart to look for a meta gift card. I couldn't find one anywhere there. Online it said that WM has meta gift cards. Nope.
Then I went to best buy and got a meta gift card. A cheap one. Not much money.
I went home and entered the card number in the meta oculus app on my tablet. Guess what? It worked. Then I got all 3 bundles on epic coasters. And I got Candy land. The blue walls, the lighting, being on a train. Candy land reminds me of a dream I once had of riding a train in an interior theme park with the walls and lighting very much like Candyland, that is daylight, white light coming in through the windows, light blue walls.
I think I sinned. Even though it wasn't much money, that it is any money.
$50 was a big deal in the 80s when minimum wage was $5 an hour which is the era that I'm from. Today, wages are $17 an hour so perhaps $50 isn't a big deal. Lunch for two at a restaurant in downtown London is easily $200 including drinks, desert, taxes and tips.
Epic coasters has the shooter mode and that's why I got it. There is another app called Coaster Combat but Epic Coasters I think has a signature set of production values that I really like. The graphics are very fleshed out and well done.
I might get Coaster Combat one day. That is might. These things are pricey.
For $45, I got 9 + 7 +7 +1 tracks that equals 24 tracks plus the 4 free ones that came with the demo version. That's 28 tracks of roller coaster motion sickness and a shooting gallery.
Coaster combat doesn't give you four free versions like epic coasters does. That's why I got epic coasters.
One more thing. I didn't bother even attempting to try to get the Squarebob Spongepants levels. Those levels look puerile and would be cutting edge if one was 7 years old rather than 54 years old as I am. Not paying for that.
It's not a sin. Good art is always an investment in one's own psyche and spirit too.
Spending $45 on a set of virtual roller coasters including shooter mode with multiple weapons choices that I'll have for quite a few years if not for life is better than spending $45 on wretched street drugs. Now that would be a sin.
Good art can give someone something called the Stendhal effect. I remember years ago, having a poster of Hong Kong at night done with a prolonged exposure which the cars on the highway appeared in the poster as streaks of light and listening to some jazz music and classical music too and feeling a really good vibe. I felt that lots of times when I went to visit the museums in Vancouver. The museum of anthropology at UBC has good artful vibes.
2024 Hockey season over.
The American team wins the Stanley Cup yet again. What were the chances of that?
There's always next year or at any rate, there's always the next few years. Good game.
Florida wins over Edmonton, score 2 - 1.
The NHL franchise is built and is maintained with a structure mostly of American money much more than Canadian money. Americans sunk more money into the franchise from building more and expensive stadiums, securing ad contracts with companies that pull down much more than Canadian companies and also paying hockey teams and hockey players more than Canadians do all added up. That's life. Enjoy the American vibe.
The American vibe for me is often memories of the 80s John Hughes movies and also movies like Animal House, Saturday Night Fever, Star Wars and Stripes starring Bill Murray. And also the Simpsons.
The Stanley Cup was invented by a Canadian, Lord Stanley. The Stanley Cup is a Canadian franchise that became an American corporate entity just like Ryan Reynolds and any other Canadian movie star who made it big in Hollywood.
The Americans are very good people. I love them. Very smart people and very kind people. And they have helped me with problems that I had in my life.
It's not all about just American teams. There are a lot of Canadian hockey players on those Stanley Cup winning American teams who likewise no doubt share in the largesse. $$$$
Tuesday, June 26, 2024
I'm seriously thinking of getting another $50 meta gift card so I can get:
Coaster Combat. Sharp. As good as Epic Roller Coasters. Doesn't give you a choice of weapon like ERC does.
Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge. Released in 2019. Complete and good side Star Wars adventure. Set in the Disney Star Wars theme parks of California and Florida.
Off the list
Epic Fun. Was mulling over getting this. Same developer as Epic Roller Coasters which is B4T. But graphics look disappointingly sparse and cheap. It has whack a mole, but only one of the worlds does, each priced separately. I'm not going to dig around and find out which world exactly has that whack a mole. Who cares? Now that's scratching the bottom of the barrel.
Vader Immortal. This thing is in three parts and part 2 doesn't seem to be available so you're getting a Star Wars game but on the other hand you're not because it's one part of a tryptich. And VI is very different from Galaxy's Edge. It is dark and one is always hanging around ghoulish looking entities, Vader's buddies. Uh, no thanks. I'd rather stick to the light side. Vader Immortal was released in 2021.
I thought of getting a VR camera. But there's a range. I'd need an 8K camera that does VR 180 and VR 360 3D.
Finding subject matter for the VR 180 setting is easy.
For the VR 360, one would need to film something of immense scale like a drone shot over an entire mountain range, a shot of the International Space Station in orbit etc.
The only thing I can think of that is good FOR VR 360 around here is the Malahat Skywalk. A shot from the very top. A short and sweet 2 minute VR 360 video of the top of the Malahat Skywalk.
There is a VR 360 video filmed from the London Eye. That's a good topic for VR 360.
I'm not that good of a photographer. Amateur level.
There's a school to photography. Some photographers are professional and work for well known companies.
There are a lot of VR videos from professional photographers from National Geographic on YouTube.
A good VR 360 video would be one of a blue whale filmed underwater. The blue whale is the largest animal ever. Larger than any dinosaur.
Scuba diving videos look good in VR 360.
VR 360 is counterefficient as one only sees half the image and rarely if ever bothers to turn around. Perhaps the video can be rewatched from the other angle.
Often the other angle shows blank space or the face of the person holding the VR camera.
It's the one angle that's usually the money shot. The VR 360 gives the range and option of unlimited head turning without seeing the words 'Click to recenter'.
I won't get a VR camera unless it's $100. That won't be til years later that 8K VR cameras will be down to $100. Even then I don't know what kind of hobby photography is. I think it involves a lot of OCD. There is a character on the VR animation Quantum Rsce whose 12" 33 rpm vinyl record collecting is a borderline obsession.
Photography can get like that. I would do a VR tourism video for sure if I ever get a million dollars and travel to different places.
VR is a new level of entertainment. Endless fun. Video games on another level.
IMAX, You can see a movie or be part of one.
The large screen of IMAX offers an immersive experience.
The VR goggles even more so. They're a bit pricey but I will be using them every day for years.
I could not imagine what the next generation of VR goggles will look like. It's not if they get better, it's when they get better.
I saw the movie 2001 on VR big screen. What a difference. That's the way the movie was meant to be seen. The immense scale of the vastness of outer space is captured.
I am going to take a few days to mull over getting a Star Wars VR game and which one since I'm budget constrained.
I've always wanted to be and even now visualize myself as a person full of imperfections living in a Star Wars neighbourhood. I guess those who live in Srsr Wars neighbourhoods have to wear gauntlet and wrapping around the wrist and legs all the time to look like a Star Wars city dweller. I visualize myself living in the inner city lower income district on the planet Coruscant. A person who has all kinds of psychological issues mild though they may be. There would be a lot of people like that.
Star Wars Galaxys Edge is a good VR game for that. The free storage required is 7 Gb for Galaxys Edge. But when the game is loaded up with user data, that will get to be more Gb for sure.
Darth Vader Immortal required a storage space of 4 Gb.
Vader immortal is too dark side. It is fairly saturated with dark side vibes. Kind of demonic. Even the dojo takes place on board an Imperial star destroyer and one isn't playing as a Jedi if they're on an imperial star destroyer constantly having conversations with Darth Vader and he's asking you to do things and you do it. Uh, strange premise. It's more of a Halloween thing.
The dojo scene in VI part III is one where one is holding a blaster and a Sith lightsaber as well. That's not very cogent. That configuration is never seen in a SW movie. The characters are always holding one weapon or the other. Not both.
The issue with Galaxys Edge is that there is an additional DLC downloadable content, that's costs $12 plus tax. This would be the other half to complete the game. But it makes about three hours to complete the tame if you know what you're doing. Of course if you don't, it could take weeks to complete the game.
These RPG POV video games are completely suffused with motion sickness and it is very task intensive. Do this, do that, do this, do that, more escape room puzzles, what were the chances of that?
That's why I'm mulling it over. Galaxys Edge. Another massive self imposed homework assignment. Do I like motion sickness? Do I like wearing the tight sweaty goggles for hours on end? Are there save points and how far apart are they? Or is it every time I play the game, I start over again?
The roller coasters are simple. You don't have to do anything. Just ride. Other than that, the shooter phase is really fun. It's better when you know the tracks well. Riding them for the first time is always exciting.
Shooter, tracks, riding as in riding the vein, I'm talking about a roller coaster game here, not intravenous drug use although there is some overlapping terminology.
Anyways, roller coaster shooter is fun. Wake up on Sunday morning. Boring. Ride the roller coaster in VR again. Fun or what?
I don't think that they will make VR goggles better than the Meta Quest 3. It has a built in massive library of free VR games and that's what makes it worth the price. The old Atari 2600. The games were extra. Sometimes there was a special and you might have got one free game with it, ET. The VR goggles don't have that problem.
With all other VR goggles one has to connect to a gaming PC or else a PlayStation 5.
Luckily, I was able to find a deal. Tales from the Galaxys Edge bundle. Usual price $45 on sale for $32 so I got that.
Tomorrow I'm getting the Vader Immortal sale bundle and Star Wars pinball too.
I did something on the Epic Roller Coasters app. I turned around 180 degrees, pressed the recenter button and then turned around again. Doing this, I was able to ride backwards the Epic Roller Coaster shooter mode. This makes it 2 times the video game for the price of one and it totally works too. Holding two guns. The art of gun play just Chow Yun Fat and John Wick. Hold two guns, arms crossed. The right hand points left and the left hand points right and fires the gun in a sort of ballistic choreography.
One day in the future, Google street view will be in VR 360 3D, 16K resolution. It would cost money at first but the technology will become so commonplace that one day it will be free.
The free apps of today on the tablet and on the VR goggles are way better than the video games people used to pay big money for way back when. Just absolutely mind-blowing.
The VR games are so profound, I actually feel like I'm traveling to a different place as a VR expat. The VR apps are that much like traveling that they make me say, "If my friends could see me now." I said as much when I played the app called Tea for God. The place was so alien but I was making fast and smart and unusual decisions taking down the robot enemies that fired lasers at me. Fortunately in the easy setting, it would take quite a lot of lasers to defeat someone so I had a very wide margin of error.
Update: Wander VR
If my friends could see me now because I'm about to travel to the Star Wars in Universe.
Most things of fiction are in Universe.
I'm nervous about traveling to the Star Wars in Universe. It's going to be crazy. I once thought my cartoons were crazy. The ideas for them made me hesitate with stage fright before I did the cartoons. My steampunk cartoon was one I thought was too crazy, the images I had. But I drew them.
Then I saw VR cartoons. Those VR animations, a lot of the are crazier than the ideas I've had for animation. Crazier.
But those artists had the guts to put ideas to paper and that kind of crazy is applauded and celebrated. Crazy like a fox.
I'm glad I had a chance to see some crazy VR animations. Just when I thought that my mind couldn't be blown any more, the VR animations and apps show so many fantastic and crazy in a good way surprises.
Living the dream.
I remember during my 20s, I had smoked up some weed after not smoking for a few weeks and I was on Granville and for a couple of minutes there, my hands were making motions like I was slinging webs like Spiderman. There is a VR app called City Sling VR and I am able to sling webs and go through a city like Spiderman. If my friends could see me now. And I am able to do it somewhat well too. It takes imagination. The imagination behind having wanted to do that for years. Excelsior.
Living the dream.
I've always wanted to live in a future World. Either Tron future World, Blade Runner future World or Star's Wars, the equivalent of a beatniks inner city but on Coruscant.
Now I get to live that with Tales from Galaxys Edge.
"Have you ever considered true freedom? Freedom from the opinions of others. Even freedom from the opinions of yourself." Apocalypse Now
I'd love that. I have a lot of useless opinions especially about the future and about my future. These opinions give me fear. I wish I was free of them.
As if I am a psychic and can know the future. Yeah, sure.
I realize I am never alone.
You'll never walk alone. Johnnie Walker, and Manchester United
I the VR world, there may be friends and entities watching me as I move through these strange alien realms and even on a roller coaster too.
Anybody could. Usually VR is a forum, a quorum that is hosted with a webmaster.
Nothing happens in VR. Even if one is zapped with lasers, they respawn and carry on.
Wednesday, June 27, 2024
I tried Galaxys Edge. Very good. I really felt like I was in the Star Wars Universe. I felt right at home because thats where I was in my mind Walter Mitty style for years anyways. Very immersive. Not much motion sickness. I had it on easy setting so I onky had to last down two pirates at a time. This is a Star Wars video game on another level.
I want to get a silk handkerchief. I have a common facecloth which I fold and put on the back of the VR goggle head strap to provide extra cushioning. A silk handkerchief wrapped around that face cloth would provide a luxurious feel.
I think that either Chinatown or the Bay would have a silk handkerchief. I think Chinatown would be less expensive than the Bay.
Silk is from the silk worm and the mulberry bush.
Today, I had a monkeys barrel of a day.
I went to Best Buy and got a meta gift card. Thats the only place in town that sees that. Best Buy is about two miles away so I went there on my electric skateboard.
I also went to Walmart to get some frozen dim sum.
I had an afternoon nap and woke up with a headache. That's because I didn't eat breakfast meaning that I went to Best Buy in an empty stomach, living off of slightly rotten stomach acids from yesterday's meal. That will bring a headache.
Also motion sickness from wearing VR goggles for two long and playing too many roller coaster apps which are full of motion sickness. Motions sickness from VR is worse and can last for hours.
I ate a meal, had a regular Tylenol, not T3, and I massaged my fingertips which is supposedly a reflexology move for headaches.
I'll feel better.
I went to Chinatown and indeed I got a silk scarf which is better than a silk handkerchief. It cost me about $16 with tax but thsts less than the $20 I thought that a silk handkerchief might cost. I got a scarf with a good sturdy design, not a flowery girly design.
Tales from Galaxys Edge is a real Star Wars experience.
A comment I read on reddit about Darth Vader Immortal is that "You will be immersed like never before".
True. The opening scene with the robot and flying to a planet. Total and complete immersion.
Every time a space ship flies to a planet be it one planet or a million planets, they always have a round shape and the moons too, that nauseatingly repetitive round shape like a dish and a plate on a restaurant dining table. Circle, again and again with no variation. Space aliens must be sick of that.
In Star Wars, people hop around from planet to planet and meet up with their friends as if their watches were all synchronized. Traveling from planet to planet. Thanks to Einsteinian time dilation, what is a few minutes to you might be ten thousand years to the planet you came from. But the space aliens can do a last minute time travel Spiegel twist so when one returns, they return a few minutes after the time when they left.
This is the metaphorical point attempted at in the Epic Roller Coasters game Stonehenge. The UFO lifts me up in its tractor beam about to take me with them on their space ship. Then at the last minute, they drop me at the exact right place on the roller coaster track and the game seems to just carry on. Message received. That's a metaphor for the dream that I had when the space ship took me for a ride in a dream. Grey aliens, round space ship and they were all wearing silver suits, boots and round glass helmets. I was zipping along the stars. I thought of Einsteinian time dilation. When I get back, it will be thousands of years later. Then I started weeping, missing my old planet. Then I woke up from the dream on the same morning that I had the dream.
"The spirits. They did it all in one night. The spirits can do anything." A Christmas Carol
In the movie Close Encounters, those people from the World War 2 era were taken to 1975 which was when Richard Dreyfus and the scientists saw the UFO at Devils Tower mountain in the movie. That's just 30 years later when a trip to zeta reticuli there and back thanks to Einsteinian time dilation would involve thousands of years! Close Encounters is a movie that references Project Serpo, an urban legend about scientists that went to zeta reticuli. AJ on The Why Files said that aliens on zeta reticulinloved in abobe huts like Tatooine of Star Wars. Really? That's primitive for a Kardashev 3 Cilivilization that could otherwise build ships able to travel to Earth. I would have thought that they lived on an ecumenopolis like Coruscant like the one that Jodie Foster saw in the movie Contact. That movie was channeled. How it probably happened is that the author of the book instructed the art director who then did a CGI image for the movie.
People in New Age talk a lot about channeled books but from the vibes I get from the words of the Bible, a lot of it was channeled. The Bible talks about King Saul summoning the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel.
Anyways, words like, "I am the Lord God who goes before you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not worry nor be afraid." Those words transcend time and space and are definitely channeled. Deuteronomy 31: 8.
Yesterday, I saw a very dirty white hoody. On it were the words,
"To the person behind me, The world is a better place with you in it. Love, the person in front of you." Those words seem to be a matched set with Deuteronomy 31:8 as God is the one who is in front of me at all times.
Why did I have dreams of UFOs? Because I incorporated all that stuff into my dreams. I remember when I was a child. At the school library there was a Book of Monsters, Book of Aliens, Book of Mythical Creatures etc The book of aliens had black and white movie photos of spaceships in the 50s movies. I must have incorporated that in my dream because at the time I had the dream, I was thinking, "The 50s movies got it exactly right!"
UFOs, aliens, the specific look of them is supposed to be classified and Top Secret. So that's why there are so many alien movies like Close Encounters and Paul.
Paul the grey alien from zeta reticuli said something like that the Brookongs Institute decided that the best way to go about it is to slowly drop feed images of aliens and spaceships so on the day of disclosure if it already happens, if it hasn't already happened, people don't get a massive panic attack. The R comples fires up. The amygdala is on fire! The executive function is temporarily disabled.
There is no one day of disclosure. Disclosure happens over time, increasing swaths of people have dreams of aliens and UFOs or reconcile themselves with the potential reality that there are aliens. In the television series V, one person said that they very often have dreams of aliens, spaceships, other planets, etc. On other planets with life, trees and mountains are geological and natural features they have in common with Earth. And British style grey cloudy skies too.
I don't know if there are really aliens.
Vader Immortal 1, "Why would the Galactic Republic send us to this backwater?"
Exactly. Why would space aliens that have reached Kardashev 3 come to a backwater planet like Earth that hadn't even reached Kardashev 1?
Aliens are a mythological creature like a yeti or a unicorn. Aliens are an example Freudian wish fulfillment, perhaps the Freudian seduction principle too. Some people think the lifestyle of being interested in aliens and UFOs as very sexy. I'm indifferent to all that.
Today, I got a $1 refund from meta. That was just enough for me to get Pinball FX2 VR. I wrote to a chat room thing where a tech agent handles refunds, enquiries.
I'm in a trance in a good way. Not really a trance. Just feeling wonderful.
Pinball in VR is like nothing I ever experienced in Pinball video games. The only other time I experienced anything like that was when I last actually played pinball in real life at a Pinball machine in town. It was the Aliens Pinball table at Quasars arcade.
Pinball FX2 VR is a really really good app. And for $10.
The tables are wonderful. Epic Quest is medieval knights, Mars is outer space and the room I'm in reminds me of the room I was in when I had a dream of UFOs. The 50s movies lookong UFOs where flying over the building I ran into, a one storey circular modern looking building made of wood. Then the UFO shone down lights from above. The yellow lights appeared on the wall of the building I was in reminding me of French fries. Even the exit door and where it is placed also reminds me of the dream even more.
Secrets of the Deep. That Pinball table could be called Sidney By The Sea Centre for the Salish Sea. The octopus and all the marine underwater artifacts such as submarines and scuba diving. And in the virtual world for this Pinball table, one is submerged underwater but still being able to breathe of course, presumably wearing a scuba suit which is what the premise is. Absolutely mind blowing. Not only playing a Pinball table but visiting another place which has good upper middle class bourgeois suburban vibes.
Star Wars Pinball is on another level.
Pinball FXVR, one can't teleport around the room.
Star Wars, one gets a room where one can hang out in and cast the meta browser to browse while in the virtual room. It's a geek nerd heaven basement set up with a single Pinball machine which does multiple tables in one. One also gets posters and trophies and prizes. Pinball FX VR doesn't have that. Star Wars has about 11 tables while FX2 VR has three tables. Additional tables are available on FX2 VR as DLC but those are pricey at $25 a bundle and there are a few bundles. One has Back to the Future.
I once got Back to the Future Pinball on my tablet. I was going to order it but a strange benevolent glitch said that I already owned the game and that it was presently downloading. Strange. But I did have a royal dream with the BRF and Michael J Fox was in that dream. Upon awakening and sometime afterwards I wondered if he met royalty. Yes he did. There are YouTube videos about that topic which I won't get into at this moment.
Perhaps as a New Years gift to myself next year I'll relent to plop down the $25 plus tax and get a $30 meta gift card and get the Universal Pinball bundle which includes BTTF. But it's not a priority and I'm not in a hurry.
Like Sinead O Connor said, I don't want what I haven't got.
More Pinball apps means taking up more space on already limited storage space and a fool and his money are soon parted kind of thing that's if one goes overboard and gets a lot of superfluous second tier, Third tier, scratching the bottom of the barrel level apps.
Superhot VR is challenging. Too challenging. The free levels are good but I wouldn't pay. Star Wars graphics are a thousand times better. But I guess that Superhot VR is going for the zen minimalist look.
I thought video games were pretty good when I had the black and white version of Tetris on a little handheld machine. I could play Tetris at home without adding quarters to play more.
Then I thought the colour GBA, Nintendo DS, and Sony Psp were a blast.
Then VR goggles are on another level. Yada yada.
I tried Vader Immortal 1 the dojo level. The write ups say Level 3 has a dojo but Level 1 has a dojo too. Fun. Lightsaber. Jedi knight blue Lightsaber rather than sith red. I haven't tried the main story yet. It's really fun especially when you are sitting in the ship with the robot.
One very important tip. Star Wars as well as all Pinball games are best played standing.
Roller Coaster VR is best played sitting.
Playing them other ways are not nearly as good.
2D videos on YouTube of VR games on YouTube are a poor representation. Playing them in actual VR is an experience no 2D video can ever replicate. The brilliance, the popping colours must be experienced in VR.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Vader 1 immortal. Very good. What can I say? The scene with the ship, the Windfall and the robot ZO-E3 and the hyper space is worth the money alone. Immersive. Going to a scary planet. I saw the preview walkthrough on YouTube so the surprises were spoiled but not all the surprises some mind blowing scenes. Just as good as Galaxys Edge but in a different way. Tbis one is darker. But very beautiful.
Walking on the ledge and seeing Mustafa from high up. That must be a recurring theme of VR apps to showcase the capabilities of VR. This theme presents itself in Tea for God. Walking high up on ledges. Fear of heights.
I'll forget the story so when I play it again in a few months, I'll be surprised again. I only saw spoilers for episode 1 and not any of the other episodes.
Completed episode 1.
Someone in comments somewhere said he had a son who has down syndrome and he completed them each in 45 minutes so that about 2 hours and 15 minutes. But it's a very good story and adventure to re experience again and again.
Undoubtedly there will be more Stsr Wars VR games in the future.
In August, an Alien Romulus VR game will be released. It looks smoking for sure. Live the Alien franchise world.
Ghostbusters is more esoteric and protracted. In most shooter games, shoot the thing and that's it. With Ghostbusters, you have to get the ghost in the trap as well.
Vader Immortal can be like Star Wars meets Groundhog Day. Replay the game and do it better each time.
It skips a generation.
Darth Vader was evil. All black get up, Cape too. It wouldn't be complete without the cape. Then Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker were good but the son of Princess Leia, Kylo Ren, again with the mask and the cape.
My father didn't die when he was young and he got married when he was young. My mother died young and at age 54, I am not married. If I ever have a son, I suspect his mother won't die young and he'll get married when he's young. But then my father and probably my son didn't have and won't have the majorly Royal dream that I had!
Running for politics in Canada. Politics in Asia is based on political dynasties. In North America has that too in a much more subtle and streamlined form of that. A lot of politicians had a grandparent who was also a politician but not a parent so again it skips a generation and makes it less obvious that nepotism and political dynastic forces are involved. Whereas in Asia, their parents too are absolutely politicians. They even go out of their way to mention that as that boosts their eligibility in the political dynastic process in that region of the World.
Someone in Vancouver attempted to start a fire at a Jewish synagogue. That is awful. The person in the surveillance video has dark hair. He could be a Palestinian sympathizers. Perhaps that person had relatives who were killed in Gaza during the conflict. That explains it but it doesn't excuse it at all.
Nobody in the Jewish community in Vancouver were involved with that. Even in Israel, it is the military that did that and any actions done in a military context is very different than any actions done in a civilian context. With all things, even in the Jewish community, it is all about points on the curve so that means a lot of Jewish people are concerned and don't exactly see eye to eye with their country's military's decisions.
But what can they do? With any country, compared to the government and military, civilians are small timers.
Jewish people are very spiritual people. That person doesn't know Jewish people like most people know them as and that is as a very smart and a very spiritual peoples.
I think the Police will eventually catch up with the perp of this atrocious act. It was thanks to the quick thinking of parishioners who were there at the time that this didn't grow into a conflagration.
I have something I have to admit.
When I see those people on the street asking for money, wearing those vests, I get angry.
I saw some people like that and got angry. Truth is stranger than fiction, I thought of doing a few martial arts moves in front of them and if they attacked me, I'd have to fight them. I envisioned having a weapon with me. I thought of saying something evil like, "I the News, a senseless murder of a lady named Tori Dunn. I wish you were done in instead of her because one of her is worth a hundred of you."
This was on Government Street. Nothing happened. I was a distance away and only thought that for half a minute. As I walked on a couple of steps, I saw that a Police car was there. It was a reassuring presence. It was as if the Police was saying," Easy there. You don't want to get angry. Just ignore them."
If I ever see them again, I'll have to divert my path along a different road and run.
Friday, June 28, 2024
Vader Immortal 2. At one point I was force choked. So Vader wasn't in that good of a mood. Write ups say that 2 isnt as good as 1 and 3.
Vader Immortal 1 was well worth the money for the spaceship sequence alone where the ship with the robot goes into hyperspace and then lands on the planet Mustafar.
All Star Wars PlayStation games are VR playable!
Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor etc. I really didn't know that. What a game changer.
Well, one needs a PS5. The PS VR goggles include an adapter that adapts all PS5 games to VR.
The PS VR2 goggles cost $750 at Walmart. How smokes that's very expensive!
And a PS5 costs about the same. That's about $1,500. That's not expensive as a BMW but that's still, uh, the cost is prohibitive.
There is a PS VR compatible with the PlayStation 4 and the newer model PSVR2 compatible with the PlayStation 5. Some PS VR games are cross compatible with PSVR2 while others are not.
The PS VR2 displays truer black while the black on the meta Quest seems slightly grey.
The PS VR2 has a fresnel lens which means the periphery is a bit blurring and with light streaks, But the PS VR2 has eye tracking techonolgy so that whereger you look, the technology will then move the image to that sweet spot in the center of the lens.
The meta Quest 2 has fresnel lenses but the meta Quest 3 has the vastly superior pancake lens.
I'd really like to try Jedi Fallen Order in VR as Cal Kestis. I doubt that I'd ever be able to do that because I simply can not afford the exorbitant pricey price of a Sony PlayStation virtual reality set up.
The price of technology drops over time as newer technologies eclipse it. Moore's Law, technology gets twice as good every 18 months.
First of all, I love the United States. I have to say that because every day, I have a chance to go to the beach and when I look across the water, there are mountains. Those mountains are the United States of America.
Last night's Presidential Debate was interesting to say the least. You had Don the con and not since Tailgunner Joe has anyone named Joe worried Americans so much.
Joe Biden, I can't say what the exact problem is, but issues are there. However, President Joe Biden was quite loud and energetic during a post debate rally. Hospice workers usually refer to that kind of thing as a rally. A YouTube commenter said Weekend at Bernies.
Usually it's YouTube celebrities like David Pakman who pastiche the word salad word fumble moments of a politician and then comment about it. This time it's mainstream News themselves who took a page from David Pakman's play book and themselves are collating soundbite video images of Joe Biden's more profound verbal deliveries during the debate and commenting openly about their concerns about President Joe Biden medical condition. This is despite a doctor giving him medical clearance for another 4 years of life some time before the last election which is standard procedure.
John Stewart said that Donald Trump is a convict and a major narcissist.
I do admire Donald Trump and Joe Biden in that not for a second did they say, "When I was young, I was afraid of being old. Now that I'm old I'm freaked out. It's scary being old. I worry about the future."
That is an example to set for all of us. Old age is not for sissies as the saying goes.
Not only are they not afraid of being old, they are certainly not going gently into that good night. Those grand old men are just as fierce as ever. They are rocking it in the free world.
Being a President is a job with a lot of perks including use of Air Force One. That would take away a lot of the edge of being old.
The heuristic or rule of thumb for any politician in a political debate is that you have to be on point at all times. At one point, Biden claimed to have finally beat Medicare rather than to having saved Medicare. Beat Medicare, like someone beat cancer?
Strange that Joe Biden didn't refer to Medicare as Obamacare which during the implementation of, he was the point man for. Strange that he would want to beat that.
If President Joe Biden transitions to the majorly phase of life before the election, does that mean that Kamala Harris becomes the President?
American Succession.
Vice President
Speaker of the House
Secretary of State
I learned the word heuristic from Theta VR. He gives tips on first person shooter games. It's about dominant VS weak angles in other words you got to get the drop. Theta VR is a Black man and is a very smart person.
In FPS games, a rookie like me will make the mistake of getting impatient and running to the attacker to get a better and closer shot. Always maintain your cover. Hide behind something and stay there until the wave of attackers is cut down and you sense a momentary reprieve, then run. Dynamics can quickly shift. A dominant angle can become a weak angle and vice versa depending on who's where. Anyone with Police Academy training would be good in FPS games. There are many movies which display this, "Cover your corners. Check behind doors, check closets and under beds."
The movies Silence of the Lambs and Sicario displays FPS game situations.
HAX is the best FPS game I have ever played. Tea for God is good too. Play the free level over and over again. Pay for the app and you get ten levels. Either its you complete all ten levels in less than a week or the other levels are so difficult, you can only compete a couple of levels. Waste of money.
I hope that the Customs Officers allow me to visit the United States one day because I want to visit Star Wars Galaxys Edge in California.
Oh, yeah, a genius Black engineer named Larry Smoot invented the realistic retractible lightsaber. This works on the principle of two high speed electric pulleys and two semi circular tape measures. Thisnis a game changer. Smoot also invented a VR mat in which one doesn't need a body suit to walk through VR environments. He invented other things too which reminds me of the movie Soldier, Taylor, Tinkerer, Spy. The guy's a tinkerer.
The realistic retractible lightsaber isn't for general release yet. Someone will reverse engineer that technology and release other versions using different technology.
This should be called the more realistic lightsaber. If it was really that realistic then the lightsaber would be glowing hot and could cut through steel and metal. It would no doubt eventually do a number on the wielder. For something like that, all it takes is one incident as there is a very thin margin of error.
Ideas get adapted and change so never be afraid to share an idea. One day, someone will come up with different versions of it.
For example, first there was the four stroke engine, then the diesel engine, then the rotary engine, then a hybrid engine then a totally electric car engine. There are V4 V6 V8 engines. Lamborghini cars use a V12 engine. Fire engines use a V24 engine.
Televisions started as a glass flat screen television. Then the rear projection TV. Then color TV. Then flat screens of differing resolution from 720p to 8K televisions.
I've seen a few kinds of lightsabers. The Walmart $5 lightsaber with the segmented lights. The one colour better looking lightsaber with a one solid color glowing blade.
The a lightsaber with multiple colours in one which is the one I have. There is an RFID radio frequency identification chip which is what makes the colors different. VR goggles for sure use RFID technology somehow.
Roller Coaster VR. Reverse mode. Playing the VR game this morning was when I thought of Tailgunner Joe whom Dennis Miller mentioned on his Millennium Special years ago.
Today, June 28 is the one year anniversary of the Hell or High Water style two brothers robbing a bank in Saanich. It was most likely not a Black Flag Operation.
It is important to ask that question to begin with because one of the objectives of the scientific method is to eliminate any factors that could produce a false positive.
A sudsy forum of a heart.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Last night I had a dream that I french kissed an older lady. I think. Dreams are hazy but just the same, I'll just write what I think I saw.
This morning, I'm not using VR. It's too overwhelming. I'm worried about the Coaster Combat Himalaya level. That level would be classified as an extreme VR experience.
When the thing does a dip which it does several times, I actually get the involuntary butterfly feeling in the stomach. I get the butterfly effect in my stomach.
The mind body link in this case leads to a mind body fuck up.
Psycho somatic illness. The mind is startled, disturbed and the body reacts with the R complex and the amygdala firing up and production of cortisol which leads to insomnia which leads to exhaustion and panic and which leads to impaired immune system functioning. A drafty room that usually doesn't bother in a case of stress leads to having a cold.
I wonder if feeling the butterfly feeling in my stomach so many times is a good thing or not.
Arsalan Monawar made a video called Scary But Harmless Symptoms of Anxiety.
These butterfly feelings are therefore scary but otherwise harmless.
Excitement and panic actually have mostly overlapping symptoms. It's kind of like a Venn diagram.
It's not like I ever heard a News report that went, "Someone was playing the virtual reality roller coaster one time too many and guess what." It's safe.
Some electronic scrap can kill. There's a forum of dosing that emits sound waves at a dangerous frequency. Scientists on both sides of the Allied cause we're working on weaponized sound machines. These audio frequencies can cause something called cellular concatenation.
Sound waves. There is a sound wave that people over 20 can not hear.
Epic Roller Coaster is good but the Himalaya level on Coaster Combat for sheer drops is unequalled. I also have anxiety about the Himalaya level because it makes me think of going to the local Tibetan restaurant. They have something called Tibetan momos which is kind of like gyoza but shaped differently. At this time, I have gyoza in the freezer which I got at Walmart.
With any restaurant if I try something new, what if I think it's weird, then that's money down the drain. But what if I really like it and go back again and again? See, that's not something I really want because my goal is to achieve 100% sanity or as close to that as possible. Going again and again for anything at a restaurant is kind of insane.
The Darth Vader VR video game did a number on me. The day after I first played it, I went around a little shaken from memories of that.
That was the most intense Star Wars video game I've ever played and I've played a lot of SW video games starting with the definitely non-canon game on Nintendo GB, the one where Luke Skywalker is fighting wolves because there was that scene in the movie where he was fighting wolves...
Those who do well in VR animation on the meta VR animation player move on to work on VR apps like Epic Roller Coaster and Coaster Combat which are examples of VR animation on another level.
I'd like to do VR animation. A VR animation can be as short as three seconds and on a continuous loop. Programs like Blender would be what one needs. The learning curve is quite steep. Very steep to get the exact image in the mind to the VR animation.
At first, virtual reality reminded me of reality. Now it's getting to be that reality reminds me of virtual reality. That's how it slowly and subtly rewires a brain. One day, a person won't be able to tell the difference.
The one thinks all kinds of thoughts like what Elon Musk said about the chances that we are in base reality is one in a billion.
Someone on YouTube comments wrote something along the lines of that life is a VR animation. Planck units are the pixel points and planck time is the frame rate.
The next phase afterlife is very connected with life on Earth.
This when when a person because a person is still a person after they died. They don't become an Orwellian unperson. They are a person as a spirit entity in the afterlife.
People in the afterlife watch over their friends or because of their expertise become guides to those on Earth with similar expertise. This phase can last as long as the equivalent of 100,000 years on Earth. There's no way to tell because that dimension operates on a different time dynamic in which linear time is dispensable as it is interchangeable with the ability to time travel.
The Earth phase of life is how one sees that one can't have time travel without linear time and how one can't know simultaneous unless they experience the non simultaneous.
But there is a phase after that which has nothing to do with life on Earth. And there is a phase after that, and so on ad infinitum, infinite exponentially expanding phases just as the adult phase of life is exponentially greater than the in the womb phase of life.
I'm endlessly worried about where I'm going to live next. I hope I don't wind up living on the street. My hotel is closing in a little over a year. There is a housing crisis.
If I did, I wouldn't be in a tent for even half a week before one of the street people who are all spiritual like Joe the Tramp in Polar Express as one has to be be spiritual to love on the street, would steer me to a rooming house with reasonably cheap rent I could stay at. I would ask, "Then why are you staying on the street in a tent? I'm worried about you. What about your health?"
They might say, "To quote Ben Kenobi in Star Wars," Our destinies lie along different paths.""
As it happens, I'm thinking of moving to the York Hotel. It's a one room rooming house. York, Duke of York. King George VI and Prince Andrew, each of whom I saw, one in two vivid dreams. The York hotel has a minimum age acceptance of age 55. I'm 54. So I'll have to wait til next summer.
Otherwise there is a rooming house near the Italian restaurant that shut down. That place looks a bit hard core but I've lived in hotels in the downtown eastside. These hotels often look worse than they are.
Subsidized housing, too much paperwork one has to get. I'm used to the 1-room rooming house pace of life.
I'm worried now that in wrote this, everyone's, will try to move there because of the housing crisis. Perhaps the crisis is overblown. The News often exaggerates. It exaggerates about a million times every hour. Ha ha.
During covid, someone on YT comments wrote, "People on social media are uploading pictures of empty hospital waiting rooms."
Even in a global pandemic, there were empty hospital waiting rooms so in a housing crisis, there are still lots of empty rooms even in the cheapest of hotels.
I don't see people lining up in droves to live in one room rooming houses.
Most rooming houses don't hang a shingle.
Matt Fraser said that animals can talk in the afterlife.
The YouTube channel Weird World has a story about a man who died in World War 1. In the afterlife he went to a house where his mother who had also gone on was.
There was a cat there who seemed familiar. The cat talked! It said, "You died. You are in shock now. It will take some time to get used to this."
I wonder if I've ever seen an animal talking in my dreams. I sure did.
I saw a very large walrus in a swimming pool with no water. The walrus said slowly, "Help me! Help me!"
'Holy smokes! That thing can talk!' I thought at the time.
In life, parrots, mynah birds, crows, ravens and European starlings can talk. You Tube has videos of each of those animals talking.
The other day, I was wondering if I should feel guilty for feeling any kind of relief now since Heather went on. A quote from the CBC television series Allegiant, "Part of her recovery involves her staying away from you!" Allegiant is a well written Police drama.
Then I got an insight.
Feeling relieved that someone has gone on and feeling relief that you no longer have to worry about someone in ever declining health are two different things.
I saw a really beautiful waitress this morning. She was wearing an evening gown and headed into a restaurant at this time of the morning.
Women are beautiful. That's the primeval trap.
The beauty is the bait. The trap is sprung when you're on the hook for child support.
Women. You can't find them yet you can't avoid them either. Yin and yang and positive electric charges and negative electric charges are cosmic forces in the Universe. One can't escape them.
Women have many faces like The Seven Faces of Eve. Those men in the lonely hearts club haven't yet seen all that faces of a woman. When a woman decides to shine her light on you in one of her seven faces, it is a very broad and very bright light.
I don't know if I'll be single for life. Like Taylor Dane said, with every beat of my heart, I'm getting closer to seeing Heather again in the afterlife. But what if she's already hooked up with someone else? I'm not sure our relationship was all that it was cracked up to be. In that case, I'll hook up with someone else in the afterlife. Someone on my level and since I'll have complete telepathy then, I'll know it when I see it.
Different strokes for different folks. That's what makes life in all dimensions interesting.
I'm somewhat good at drawing pictures, dancing, skateboarding, speaking different languages to whatever degree. It would be difficult to meet a lady who has those exact same skills. Perhaps I'll meet a lady with a different set of skills such as cooking, sewing, playing the violin and riding an electric unicycle.
Or I might be single for life. There are 12 signs of the zodiac. That means there are twelve different cosmic temperaments and one of them is the stay single for life* temperament. I think that's my temperament. Never get married. Stay single for life.
*Things happen and every once in awhile I've gotten lucky.
"The fault dear Brutus lies not in the stars but in ourselves that we are underlings." Shakespeare
Its not astrology. It's the choices or lack thereof that a person decides to make which leads them to being single for life. Myself included.
First rank, animator. Higher rank, app developer. Onky the best animators become app developers.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
I don't know how often I'll go to Church. Before, it was every Sunday and even then it was at different Churches.
Always decide at the last minute. Or cancel at the last minute.
If one goes to Church every Sunday, they don't get the Sunday vibes. It's the law of diminishing returns.
The people at Church are very different than me. They are somewhat older, they don't skateboard and while I am poor, they are rich. Other differences too. But they are very good people. It goes without saying that most of them are more together than I am in a lot of ways. They don't seem to have anxiety or worries about the future. We all do but they don't seem to let it bother them so much. Because they have faith.
If compassion is the hallmark of religion, faith is the cornerstone.
Faith is completely relaxing and to know that it will be taken care of somehow. That somehow is God. Let Him cook.
The poor go to parties. The rich go to functions.
At parties, there is house music, cubes of cheese and beer.
At functions there is classical music or a person playing the piano softly, cheese but different cheese, not cheddar or mozzarella but stilton, roquefort, brie and instead of beer, fine wine.
However whether at parties or functions, the phenomenon of texting on the phone about the next party they'll go to where they'll also be texting half the time to look important or at least present is something that seems to cross the class divide.
I spoke to a person who is rich. He said, "Class means nothing. It's how you carry yourself." That would be your heuristic.
Another person said, "You're classy too. You're an artist and you can speak different languages."
Note: STilton ROQUEfort = St Roque = St Roch, Police boat at the Vancouver Maritime Museum
I'm keeping score! As I saw two Police cars driving down the street* this morning after I wrote the above.
*There is a Canada Day celebration tomorrow. Police and security measures have to be deployed at least a day before the event and certainly not starting to be deployed only on the morning of the event.
In the VR app Coaster Combat, there is a thing, entity, whatever, in a cart that goes before me and throws objects that I have to shoot or law they sometimes hit me. When I do the 180 and decide to be a tailgunner, the entity in the cart is still in front of me or behind me in this case.
I guess the AI in this app isn't that intuitive. If it was, it would sense that I am in tailgunner mode and then the entity in the cart would be behind me or in front of me in this case. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the AI will catch on to that and a VR roller coaster app will come along that will be able to sense that. Or else the app itself will go into a backdoor and do a tweak that will rectify this issue.
"Rectification. Games. Those who do not comply will be subject to deresolution." Tron Legacy
Video games feature skills that the Police utilize.
Midnight Club Dub Edition on Psp which I am somewhat proficient at utilizes car driving.
Also VR apps like HAX and Roller Coaster shooter mode and not least of all Star Wars blaster battles using the shooting guns skill.
These are skills which the Police in the judicial prosecutory authority use.
"One swallow does not a summer make." Shakespeare
Being good at driving video games and VR shooting does not make one an experienced Police Officer. To be a Police Officer one has to be able to intimidate when the occasion demands. Not everyone has got that in their temperament.
There's the height requirement too. So even if you're otherwise good at VR but vertically challenged. What can I say?
A VR 180 movie about cuttlefish said that smaller male cuttlefish that lack the prowess of their larger competitors are smart and crafty. They utilize certain surreptitious means to get the female thus passing on their excellent genes and adding to the minimum genetic diversity required for any species. Would these cuttlefish be vertically challenged?
In the Star Wars VR apps, lightsabers often hit me. The robot even says, "That's gotta hurt." and the storm trooper laser blasts often hit me. If I was a Jedi knight, I'd be gone. A Jedi knight has to get 100% of them.
"If you were a Jedi, faster you would run. Higher you would jump. If you were a Jedi, that staff would be cut into seven pieces." Yoda, The Empire Stikes Back
Another power that departed friends have in the afterlife is the ability to see 16 colors whereas we only see the 3 colors on the color wheel with all additional colors being mixtures or else sublimated chromatic expressions of the 3 basic colors.
However there is some overlap in this dimension as the mantis shrimp can see 16 colors. It also shots out a water stream the literally at the speed of a bullet.
Can the ability to see 16 colors be grafted into our eyes using VR technology? There would have to be some buffers and chromatic diffusers and color translators of which the algorithm would involve a logarithmic process or consisting of many steps.
The government and military has technology that won't be released to the public for 40 years as it is 40 years ahead in technological advancement.
I thought of a few examples. Communicators on Star Trek, tablets in the movie 2001, and also computer monitors that display television images rather than dot matrix pixelated 8 bit images in the scene in the movie 2001. First there is the usual 8 bit computer image and then a television comes on. An engineer from NASA said, "The AE-35 ubit that your HAL 9000 Unit said was malfunctioning. About that, our HAL 9000 Unit said it wasn't malfunctioning at all." Not so much AI gone rogue as high error rate. That was 40 years ahead of its time.
"Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained with incompetence." Napoleon
That kind of thing.
The movie Minority Report and also Oblivion when fingers pull up computer images and the same fingers manipulate image data on that holographic screen. I thought that was the result of a far out imagination, an aspiring waiter or waitresses screenplay or else it was something that if it ever exists, only the government would have that.
As it turned out, I can enable hand tracking and pull up somputer screens and do things on it just like in the movie Minority Report.
"If you do not say what you mean, you will never mean what you say." The Last Emperor
For me, wording is paramount. Well, I try the best I can.
There is a new AI image generator called KLING. Type in any keyword or keyphrase and Kling will pull up an image or even an AI generated video.
The only thing is, a person has to be a citizen of China to use it. Otherwise all it takes is a VPN.
The impression I personally get is Kling, the letters, is a Chinese King, Emperor holding a pin that would be represented with the letter L. I'm keeping score. Message received. China is a very intensely wonderful country.
I completed Vader Immortal episode 3. The first episode was the best. It had the immersive intro on board the Windfall with ZO-E3. Then the flying skiff scene was awesome. The other episodes were all right but nothing memorable. It's a point A to point B then find the McGuffin and then destroy the McGuffin, Lord of the Rings type plot structure. In this case the McGuffin is the BrightStar which is some kind of thing. The first episode was over the top. The animation where the Priestess of the Vylip F'alma clan talks about the history of Mustafar is great animation. Award winning apex class animation. Episode 3 has some mind blowing surprises.
I'll have to do Galaxy's Edge again from the start. I missed something. I'm at stasis point. In the YouTube walkthrough, the person doing the walkthrough fixed the cantina and then got an order to get three ingredients for a drink which are seeds from alien plant species. I missed all that. I get nothing. No prompts to further missions. I guess it's again from the start and fighting off the Guavian Death Gang again. FPS shooter.