Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Swept at the Courthouse again. I try to do a good job. 
I promised myself out loud but quietly that I'd go to the Old Spaghetti Factory today. Didn't make it. Got groceries instead inckusing a bottle of no caffeine diet Coke. Would it be like coca leaf tea? Sadly, no. 
OSF is pricey. I'm thinking of getting the Lucy Liu pirate app instead. Actually I sorta planned to go there with Karen. I think she's stalking me and I acquiesced to her stalking. 
I've thought women who wound up to being my girlfriend were stalking me before and they turned out to be great girlfriends. 
I think that Karen might be hooking. I'll ask her. But she doesn't seem to be that sexual. Hookers are very sexual and they have a certain skill set. I'll tell her this also telling her that I'm the ssme guy who if my girlfriend told me that she's pregnant, I'd immediately start wondering if it was mine. 
That's Murphy's Law. I want to be single for life so naturally life sends me a female stalker. This is proof that God has a sense of humour at my expense. 
If she's a hooker, I don't care. It's a strange and challenging economy. But at the same time I would then neither need nor want her friendship, as Sherlock Holmes said, "That would neither be convenient nor necessary."
However maybe me and her could work out some kind of deal. How much would it take? Like Hugh Grant said in the movie Bridget Jones and the Edge of Reason, "I'm up for it if you are."

Today is Meta Quest plus day. New VR apps for free. 
I got one, for free, called Puzzling Plastic Places. Incredible. Mind blowing. The beauty is beyond measure. The nostalgia lighting is just right. The jigsaw puzzles are incredibly beautiful. The app is as addictive as, well, anything that's addictive. 
I got the snowy places addition for $6.50 with tax. The snowy places really touch my heart because they are Christmas. All the other ones are all right. Too pricey to get them all. But one can subscribe for $4.99 before tax a month to get access to all puzzles which expires once the pass expires. I might do that. I also got the England one for $6.50. 
Even if I unsubscribe I keep the snowy plsfes addition because I purchased it. 
There are a few free ones. There is a bow and arrow app called In Death: Unchained. Bow and arrow isn't bad. My favorite now and arrow games are for free on the meta browser which is the futuristic crossbow app and then there's the Orc Dungeon app. Bow and arrow. I haven't tried this app yet. The puzzling places app is too good to ignore. 
IDU. Tried the app. It's all right. Not really my thing. 

The Middle East is in a war. The Canadian Minister of Defense said so in so many words. 
I'm glad that Muslims in this town are safe. Muslims in Malaysia, Singapore etc are safe. They are safer in the West Bank than they are in Gaza. Right now, the West Bank is safer than Northern Israel which borders Lebanon, which is where Hezbollah operates. 
The best answer, let it run its course. But what would that look like? War of attrition. 

Puzzling Places deserves another paragraph. The blue temple in Thailand. Breathtaking. So well done. This app deserves many multiple awards. 
Even the breathtaking spectacular interior of the temple is included. 
I can't say enough about this app. 
The blue temple in Thailand makes me wish this app had a 3D VR jigsaw puzzle of the Parthenon or the Acropolis in its heyday when in the interior was a large statue, humungous made of gold and it was a hippopotamus God that looked mind blowingly freaky. 
Puzzling Places has a jigsaw that I bought as part of the Winter collection. A museum display. The house itself reminds me of a dream I had where I was fling above an old Native village on a seashore. There were so many of those old Native wooden houses that it looked like a small city, the houses were crowded together. No organized streets but there were streets. The museum display and the artwork. So incredibly stunning. 
A few years ago I didn't see a reason to go on. I counted off that day, whatever it was, there were several. "Say I died today. Going forward, will I see anything that will make me regret doing this and be instead be glad that I held on and stayed alive." Puzzling Places is one of those things. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Swept Fort St today. 
The News didn't say it but this morning McDonald's and Shoppers was blocked off, all of Douglas Street between View and Yates was Police taped. A young lady who lived on the street died. A blue taxi ran over her. She was just crossing the street. Very tragic.
My mind painted a picture. I thought someone who was living on the streets got done in. Someone said if it had been a murder, there would have been a lot more Police. Tru dat. On the Native reserve of Dididaht, an entire swarm of Police cars descended on that sleepy small town because someone got done in. Suspect charged with first degree murder which is a lot more major than second degree murder. What happened? Probably killed over something stupid like a $500 drug debt. 
Update: In hospital with serious injuries but otherwise not dead. I thought dead. Tells you how my brain works. Pessimism and imagination based on not having enough information. 
In this case no information is enough information because it's none of my business to begin with. More local gossip. 

It shouldn't surprise you that I paid $2.50 each for three individual puzzles on Puzzle Places 
Summer Dive - a plane wreck on the bottom of the ocean. I intensely hesitated getting this. Feng shui teaches to never have pictures of wrecks or disasters hanging on the. Wall such as the Titanic sinking etc. However it was rated amazing and has animation namely the swimming tropical fishes. A marine salt water aquarium is at least ten tkmes more difficult than a freshwater aquarium. Marine aquarium has the most beautiful and colorful tropical fishes from the Indian ocean. 
The Wave - Its a canyon in the United States. Rivulets of striations that line the smooth naturally carved smooth curved walls of the canyon look like a huge unified undulating wave. It's from Brink and I already have Brink. Brink gives owners a free virtual environment. Blue Planet VR does not. Otherwise not architecturally spectacular which I what I prefer. 
Monastery of Batalha in Portugal - architecturally spectacular or what? It is. Just look at it. Well worth the $2.50. 
I can afford that. However that $7.50 could have gone towards the Lucy Liu Pirate Queen VR app. A $7.50 opportunity cost offset against the $26.50 including tax of the Lucy Liu app would have meant I would have only had $19 remaining to pay for the app. In this app, the avatar that you are as default is a female. That's the only somewhat offsetting aspect. If you gloss over that then it promises to be a richly detailed with puzzles not too difficult adventure. Everyone in comments aid the puzzles were way too easy which is what I prefer anyways. 
I also got Monthly pack #7 Greece because of Archangel Michael Monastery. 
I also got Japan bundle with bento box xushi, restaurant, vendor and Zen temple. 

I purchased the Lucy Liu app. The Cantonese language is sentimental to me and this language is spoken. Gorgeous nostalgia inducing graphics. A lifelong purchase, not an ephemeral purchase. I had to our has this. This app is nostalgic and very Chinatown.
"Chinatown calculation, That's cool with no regrets." Doug and the Slugs 
According to my Chinatown calculation, this purchase wouldn't have completely obliterated my budget but saving money so one doesn't go broke and starve would be a good way to go through life. If I was broke, I'd starve and die but I've been broke for years in end in the past and I somehow survived. 
The Chinese female pirate Zheng Yi Sao was born around 1771. Emily Carr was born in 1871. She got her start as a sex worker. She rose up through the ranks to become not a madam but a pirate. She married an infamous pirate. And took on an apprentice Cheung Po Tsai as an adoptive son. Her husband the pirate died in 1809. After some time, she marries her adoptive son who was 20 at the time. There is actually a porn video titled, I Married My Stepmother. That would be ghastly and wretched. I wonder if that's even legal. Anyways she rose through the ranks again and headed a pirate crew with various punishments for various infractions. 
Her adoptive son himself dies in 1822. 
She became the most powerful pirate in history even making deals and treaties with the government at the time. She commanded a fleet of about 70,000. That's seven Sidney BCs. 
Anyways her actions either directly or indirectly contributed to the start of the Opium Wars in the 1840s. 
She lived to the age of 69 dying in 1844 which is a miracle in an age before the discovery of antibiotics and novocaine for draining of tooth abscesses, an age when tuberculosis was rampant and incurable. 
The YouTube video said that she died at 69 years old. What's even more of a miracle is how you get 69 years between 1771 and 1844. Wouldn't that be 73 years rather than 69 years? Anyways. 
Like as was said of Pacific Rim, if you're Chinese and own a VR headset and you don't get Lucy Liu's The Pirate Queen, you're f*king up. 

The formerly temporary Chinese Museum in Fan Tan Alley in Victoria BC is now a permanent museum. Fan Tan Alley has long been a center of celestial activities in Victoria. That alley was once the bad and sleazy part of town and depending on how far you go back, Fan Tan Alley has had houses of ill repute and also drug smoking dens. 
It's the diametrically opposite of that now as the alley is a venue of middle class bourgeois shops with all kinds of crafts like knitting, incense, rose and sandalwood scented soaps, and there is a record shop which sells LPs and of course, a Chinese Museum. 
Chinese history in Canada in a nutshell was the building of the railway, lots of prejudice and exclusion either that or stay in China which was in the midst of a civil war and didn't have a centralized government as such to provide things like pensions, social welfare etc. But neither did Canada in what, the 1800s, the 1920s and 30s. 
In time and especially because of the internet nowadays all kinds of people of all different Nationalities work in all kinds of jobs in Canada, you name it. 

The BC Aviation Museum in Sidney does have a push propeller plane. But it's not a world war one push propeller. It's a more modern one. 
Recently I acquired in the World War one airplanes app, a Sopwith Camel. That's the model that Snoopy always talked about. He pretended to be flying a Sopwith Camel fighting the Red Baron. That's cost 1600 coins. However a Sopwith Triplane cost 2200 coins. Since I had 2300 coins at the time, I opted for the Camel. Should I have opted for the Triplane? The Triplane would be like a solid built Mercedes to the Porsche convertible that is the Sopwith Camel. The Sopwith Camel does indeed have a very sporty feel. It had a sunroof over the grey canvas covered wings. Very sporty. 
World War One Airplane models are actually quite pricey. I might be able to afford one. That's it. That would be my plane. 
At BC Hobbies, the local model shop, all WW1 airplane models are sold out. Typical small town selection. Not much. 
Vancouver has a bigger and better selection plus tons of store in the neighbouring suburbs, Burnaby, Surrey, Richmond, North Van, etc lots of model and hobby shops. The selection is there and available. 
Small towns have a slower pace of life. The smaller the town, the more intense the Sunday vibes. However small towns don't always have the selection for anything. 
Getting apps downloaded online rather than depending on a store to have the cartridge or the disc pretty much guarantees the selection and inventory. If one had to depend on getting VR apps to play on a machine that connects to the VR goggles via an adapter wire, in a small town you might or might not be able to get the game. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Today, more sweeping the streets and at the Courthouse. 

On Game of Thrones Legends. I got a gold character, Brienne of Tarth. Amazing or what. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

A teenage girl was swarmed and beaten in Langley. 5 suspects were arrested and given conditional releases. 
In the video, I heard someone say the word, "Dyke." 
She could have been coming on to too many ladies and even being aggressive at times. 
Teenagers can be very cantankerous. 
In the movie Brokeback Mountain, there was a scene where Jake Gyllenhaal offered to buy someone a beer and he looked at him with these crazy queer eyes, "Get your queer eyes off of me!" Paul, so much that even an autistic who normally has trouble deciphering facial expressions would have got that expression. He probably did that to too many guys and afterwards he was beaten to death. 
A security guard told me that gay people are even more cautious than heterosexuals when it comes to making advances and innuendos. 
"You're the only one who has a real sense of occasion." Kiss of the Spider Woman 

A person who, if sent to prison for sexual assault should write a memoir. It would be like Oscar Wilde's The Ballad of Reading Gaol except it would be a heterosexual version of that. He should do it as soon as George Lucas releases Star Wars - The Heterosexual Version. 

In the last few days, I got a few more Puzzling Places VR puzzles
Japan - Zen temple and bento box 
Sakelarios Mansion, Greece - As beautiful and mind blowing as the Alaskan Musuem in Japan puzzle. 
Greece - Archangel Michael Monastery
And Tamerlane - The tomb and the prayer room are intensely ornate Muslim buildings. So beautiful. This one cost a little more, $1 more but worth it. Usual price, $5.79 before tax. Tamerlane cost $7.99 before tax. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Truth is stranger than fiction so I could tell this story. 
I got two tickets to the Malahat Skywalk in June at the Royal BC Museum as a complimentary gift when I renewed my $65 annual pass. 
My neighbour was one day talking about the Malahat Skywalk. I told him that I had two tickets. He said he would really want to go and to go on a trip together would be an idea. Why not, I thought. 
He never went and every day was either too hot or too cold in temperature. He was so gung ho about going. It turns out that I went in early September when I could have gone in July or August waiting for my neighbour. 
He's a strange one. He's the same guy who I sold about three or four televisions to. When I would upgrade to a new television, I'd sell him the old one. He broke the screen on every one of them. But he also broke the screens on a few of his tablets. Weird energy. 
He's the same guy who would have a tooth abscess or any kind of noticeable medical problem and wait months before seeing a dentist. 
So with the other ticket. I could have gone a second time but he really believes he's going to go. A couple of weekends ago, he even said the words, "To ease your mind, I'm going to go this weekend." Guess what. He didn't go. His word means sh*t. 
If you call him out for anything, he doesn't just nod and accept it and say, "You're right." Instead he always gets angry and throws some kind of hissy fit. "What?! F*ck! Why didn't you? I don't know. Forget it. F*ck!!!" He gets mad 
My mother died when I was very young. Whereas his mother is still alive and he gets all kinds of handouts from her but with the same anger presumably whenever his mother presents him with any kind of challenge. My mother died and I am calm whereas his mother gives him handouts and he's still such an angry entity. Some do such much with so little while others do so little with so much. 
The free shuttle ends this weekend but the ticket is good until March 2025. He still thinks he might go this weekend but he wants to hold on to the ticket because he thinks he can get a friend to give him a ride and they'd visit the Malahat Skywalk together. 
I was thinking, typical cheese eating island person. That's projection. I'm the one who visited a cheese shop somewhere and walked out with $30 worth of cheese. And people whose words means nothing can also be found on the mainland as well as the island. But there are lots of mostly trustworthy people on the island. Let's face it, there were times before when I didn't stick to my word and it might have upset someone more than I know, this will come up in my life review after I die. 
I am good with my word. When I say that I'll do something for someone, I'll actually do it. So naturally the forces of life throw this entity my way and as a neighbour too. Generate a certain kind of energy and then get a different and worse kind of energy in return. That's the essence of life. Or is it? 
Often I see movies and experience VR apps made from people with vastly superior intellects I mean one has to be smart to put together a Cirque du Soleil VR app for instance. 
But if one looks closely, there are good things. This neighbour has given very good advice from time to time over the years. Sterling silver quality advice. Good advice. So there's that. Advice such as, "If you get sent to the prison down the road, Wilkinson, you'd survive. The place is like a summer camp. I spent three months there. People do drugs there often." 
Not that it would be applicable in my case, but that's still pretty good advice. 

The Malahat Skywalk. Forget the other ticket. Me asking for the ticket so I could go a second time for free on the last weekend of the free shuttle service until next season is like Frodo fighting Gollum for the ring. 
I was going to go today and pay $40 plus tax for the entrance fee but I'm the one who has to mull over and get some kind of anxiety attack over getting an additional $8 VR puzzle bundle. 
I just went there four weeks ago. I'll go next year and pay $100 for the annual pass. 
It makes more sense. 5 visits. 
One example. Visit once today, pay $40 and go four times next year pay $100 = $140.
Another example. Visits 5 times next year, pay $100. 
Prorated to minimum wage, $40 is less than three hours of work so that's nothing to stress about. 

I'm going to get another puzzle bundle from Puzzling Places. 
Yesterday, I plopped down $9 for the Egypt bundle. Worth the money or what. The tomb of Ramses VI is like every Egyptian feeling and motifs and vibe every experienced. It brought me back to the first time I even seen Egyptian hieroglyphs as compulsory education in elementary school. The colours, the details. This is a must for any fan of Egypt. The colours. Just incredible. 
I'm thinking of and probably am going to get another puzzle bundle. It has 6 European Castles and fine villa estates for $8. These are really nice. I don't remember the names of any of them just offhand. 
I got it just now. 7:47 am. One of the features is Chambord Castle, France. Fancy and high class or what? 
DJ Frane - Straight To The Head was released in 2020. However, that song sounds even more early 80s than the actual songs of the early 80s. The whole song is an instrumental but there is an instrumental segment that sounds very Egyptian. Doing the Egyptian. 

On impulse I got the China bundle for $8. Now altogether, I'm in the hole a further $25. 
Rather than to spend $40 plus tax going to the Malahat Skywalk, Instead I plopped down $25 including tax for the puzzles. 

I've heard it said of a person when they died that a bundle of energy left the Earth. The thing is, it didn't exit the Earth. It became further embedded into the quantum coding which everything of the Earth is under anyways. Except those who graduated to the major phase of life get into the coding behind the coding and are more alive than ever before so in some ways they are even more infused into the essence of what makes up the Earth than ever before. 
This coding involves non linear aspects such as teleportation is space travel experienced on an objective level, time travel is time experienced on an objective level etc etc etc. I've said all this before. 
Speaking of the algorithm of time, this year is the last year of daylight savings time. Next year, it will be Pacific Standard time permanently. 

I'm thinking about getting a $5.79 including taxes monthly pass to Puzzling Places. This gives access to all puzzles which is revoked once the pass is cancelled. Only puzzles paid for will be retained if the pass is ever cancelled. 
Should I get it? I have 30 days to pay it in my credit card so I can pay it on welfare cheque day. 

The Green Party which doesn't stand a chance of governing promised a doubling of welfare rates. If this gets them more votes than usual, the other Partys will probably hijack this for their platform. 
Green Party Platform - Green environment. Green economy. Keep the carbon tax. Double welfare rates. No fracking. 
NDP Platform - axe the carbon tax. Affordable housing. Tax cut to middle class. Involuntary mental health treatment. A family doctor for all. 
Conservative Platform - recriminalize hard drug use in certain settings. Shut down safe injection sites. Tough on repeat violent offenders. Cut carbon tax. Tax cuts to the upper class. Incentives, increased subsidies to the Aryan, I mean the agrarian community. 

I got the Puzzling Places monthly pass. It gives access to all puzzles. A lot I want to try but not pay money to keep. This would be a televisual feast, to quote Fawlty Towers. 
The Egypt puzzle, $9, The Chinese puzzle $8, The Castles $7, that's about $25. Plus $6 for the only pass, that's $31 I paid today. I paid for the other puzzles too. 

I visited Emily Carr's gravesite today. Someone left her a stuffed monkey in a large Ziploc bag. How sweet. Emily Carr used to have a monkey. A psychic on the show Talking To the Dead, Nicola Furlong said that she saw Emily Carr's spirit with her monkey so the two are reunited in spirit. I wish I met Emily Carr. I think about her every day. She used to laugh a lot. What a sweet lady. 

October 7 will be on Tuesday this year. Since this year is a leap year, October 7 was on Saturday last year. If it wasn't a leap yesr, October 7 would've been on Monday. 
It also happens to be Rosh Hoshanah which is Jewish New Year. Being under some kind of lunar calendar presumably, the Jewish New Year, it seems, falls on the harvest moon. 
The horrific senseless terrorist attack that happened last year has an eerie parallel with the Tet Offensive. Tet was kind of like a New Year's Festival, if not New Year at any rate a major festival when people were generally somewhat more off their guard than usual. 
I hope that commemorations of that event are peaceful. A Jewish person told me that the word Jewish is preferred over the words Jews. It's more respectful. Jewish people are very smart and kind and spiritual. For the most part, Jewish people and Muslims get along well together. On the News it showed an old Jewish man whose window was shelled during an Iranian missile attack and the neighbours who helped him repair the window were young Muslims. 
That's the kind of thing that people would want to see during the commemorations which should be used to bring about a new level of friendship between the two beliefs rather than bringing the fighting and the other BS to another level. The Judicial Branch of the Government, ie the Police will be observing these events very closely, as always. 
Be peaceful. Don't do any stupid stuff to get yourself busted. 
I myself won't be going to any commemorations. I have a self appointed volunteer job sweeping the streets and the Courthouse as well. I love the Court. 

Anyone who is a fan of Court will love the new Joker movie. Much of the movie takes place in Court where the Joker is in the docks. 
The lawyer might say, "Even if I were to plead down the charges which include sedition, anarchy, public disorder, terrorist activity, first and multiple counts of second degree murder, first degree in the case of the game show host and second degree in the case of the subway riders, bank robbery, racketeeeing, and grand larceny, you would still be looking at 20 years in Arkham Asylum for all those quite serious charges." 
Actually, the bank robbery was in the movie Batman The Dark Knight which is a different Heath Ledger as the Joker based Batman Universe than that of the Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker based Batman God d*mn City, I mean Gotham City Universe. 

As for different personages as Joker inhabiting different Universes, during a person's life review instant download, a person gets to see how things would have been different in their life had they done this or done that or had they not hooked up with certain people. 
They see it as a vision that seems so incredibly real. 
Similar with the movie Its A Wonderful Life. 
I suspect that they would see that the person that they thought was so unpleasant that they wish they never hooked up with turned out to be a blessing in disguise and in subtle ways along the edges, taught lessons or imparted insights that turned out to be really useful later on. 
Finally, they see that things just could not and would not have happened another way because there are so many other ingredients going on other than just their life alone. That they were part of a whole and all things happened not according to what you want and think would be best for you but all things happen according to a divine schedule according to what God wants and what God knows would be the best overall outcome. 
God's algorithm, not the algorithm of collective human will. There is another and much higher intelligent energy force than the sum of all of Earth's energy. That would be God. 

I tried Down the Rabbit Hole. Alice I Wonderland in VR. Then I got to the box where one is supposed to guess four numbers to open a box. Clues are around but what clues? Forget it, uninstalled fifteen minutes into the game. 
Every woman is a rabbit hole. Of issues. That's why I'm going to stay single for life. 
That also works on the distaff side. Men are trouble to women. 

Today I found a large Cadbury tin from the days when cookies and chocolates were always sold in tins rather than cardboard boxes. In it was a make up kit. It was all next to a dumpster near the beach. I decided to take it. 
I had a highly disturbing intrusive and unwanted thought. What if I tried the make up. With my artistic skills could I do make up even better than most women? One would need sfmato and feathering skills with some slight and subtle cross hatching. Chinese opera style make up. I don't know if I'll actually try the make up. Used makeup has bacteria on it. Or does it? 
The large tin at any rate can be used to store whatever items various and sundry. 

On the YouTube video Inside The Chambord Castle from uploader Nicole Phim Cooking and Travel, there is an artistic statue of a large green pea pod split open with 4 peas within it. That reminds me of what I wrote, that me and Beebs were like two retarded peas in a retarded pod. 

If you are a good business man, if you are able to constantly purchase things and then sell it for a profit later on and get money for your work, that attracts women. If on the other hand you are always selling things at a loss and working for free, that repels women. But that works for me since I'm planning to be single for life. I don't look at the prospect of finding a girlfriend like I used to. Before it was all idealized. The reality is that any relationship ship is a rabbit hole of issues and love comes at a price. The word Mahal means love and it also means great price. No love, no price. 

There are the Houthis of Yemen. 
The in Blue Planet VR, there are the hoodoos of Bryce Valley, Arizona. Hoodoos look loke very large and fat pieces of straw made of rock with a large round brown rock balanced on top. 
They look somewhat humanoid. These geological features have been around for 100 million years and dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. That means these hoodoos were something that dinosaurs would have seen. These hoodoos were then omens of a very intelligent humanoid species that would one day appear. Intelligent enough to send people to the moon and Mars and also the moon of Europa. 
The cartoon the Flintstones features hoodoos. 
There are hoodoos in Canada in Drumheller, Alberta at the Alberta badlands aka dinosaur park. 

Watched 44 minutes into the new Joker movie. It's better than the first. Just about everyone else on the internet doesn't like it 
First of all, it would be incomplete to not mention YouTube comments, someone said, "Jared Leto's Joker was a normal man trumying to be crazy. Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is a crazy man trying to be normal."
That was Joker part 1. In part 2, Joker is a crzzy man who clutches up and knows that's he's crazy and he doesn't care. 
We get to see the processing of wards of the judicial branch of government as Joker goes through the trial and imprisonment experience. 
Joker thought he'd be single indefinitely as Zazie Beats was just his fantasy girlfriend. But he finds love in this movie and the lady has a lot in common with him, not a lady who has very little in common, actually. 
The movie is a musical. This can either flop or work spectacularly bringing the franchise to a new level. It's a musical but it doesn't feel like a gay show tunes musical. All the songs are hetero normative. In this case it works spectacularly. A song in the movie that I like goes, "I got the world on a string, sitting on a rainbow, Got a string wrapped around my finger. " That song sounds heavenly. Since I'm only about 45 minutes into it, the trial part hasn't happened yet. 
Spoilers. So far what I've seen is his female lawyer telling him that his insanity defense won't work. He is told via the communal prison television that he can expect the death penalty for all his heavy charges. However Joker and his new girlfriend Harley Quinn escape the prison altogether so he is loose on the streets. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Thinking of getting Zero Glide VR. Just look at it. It's the perfect motorcycle racing game. 

I don't know the names of toes. Anyways the inside of my right pinkie toe is jutting against the outside of my right ring finger toe. It's the outside of the ring finger toe that feels the spin. Calluses, clipped. Inflammation, took two aspirin. I even wrapped some tape to apply as a toe rag. Anyways maybe my shoes are too tight. Hopefully this goes away. Perhaps the Universe will provide me with a clue about this. 
Inside, facing towards center of body. Outside, facing away from center of body. 
If it's facing towards the center of the foot, where is the inside of the middle toe? That system wouldn't work. 
Distal, buccal, varial, that system works in dentistry too. 

On my VR travel apps, I'm able to visit ancient Egypt, India and Mexico. 
The ancient Egyptians called Egypt Khemet. 
Indians call India Bharat.
Mexico was known as Olmec. From which the word Mexico is derived. 
Lots of countries are like that. 
China - Chung Kwo
Japan - Nihon
Thailand - Meungthai, Prathet Thai

I got Zero Glide VR. $16.79 with tax. I hope it's good. Please don't think awfully of me for getting so many VR apps. 
However I've often had $80 days in Sidney. Movie, popcorn and drink, restaurant, pastries, grocery store. It adds up. 
A psychic, I Talk To Ghosts on YouTube said don't worry about what people think. Innovate and try new things. 
The rationale for me getting Zero Glide VR is that it resembles the apps Traffic Racer and Traffic Rider on the tablet which at one time I spent endless hours on. Reviews say that it resembles Road Rash. That's an app where a motorcycle hits people besides them with a club making mike mike mike mike sounds. That's what it actually sounds like. Onamatopeia. 
I'll try it and let you know what I think. Reviews say it's a lemon. Meaning not good. Unsafe at any speed. There were other apps like that, reviews say bad, I try and say it's good and vice versa happens too. Top rated, top selling, reviews say major and I try it and it's just meh. 
Zero Glide VR. Tried it. Pretty good. The curving tracks and the night scene race is kinda motion sticky. But the straightaway roads during the day are really fun. Leisurely with just a slight challenge. Like riding a motorcycle down the road. Gorgeous graphics. 
Worth the money. That's about it. 
Let's face it. Although Zero Glide is an essential part of the collection just like the immersive art gallery with Venus, I don't know how often I'll actually be playing it. 

I don't know why I get VR apps. I spend a lot of time on the tablet. Just as much if not more time on the tablet. 

Today Elon Musk and Donald Trump were on the same stage and podium as the assassination attempt. 
I visited the Elon Musk station on Mars in puzzling Places. There is also the Repair And Maintenance Module known as RAM. 
That station looks like a 70s style research Station that would be in Antarctica. Really. I built the 3D VR jigsaw puzzle. I was severely underwhelmed. 1970s Wildlife Moments National Film Board of Canada television advertisements or what? 
I thought it would be a swanky mid 21st Century luxurious five star condo like in the animated cartoon series Blade Runner Black Lotus. 
You gotta start somewhere I guess. 
There is an Elon Musk observatory in Utah. It looks really nice, the wood interior makes it look like a cozy 1700s style observatory. 

I feel existential anxiety at the moment. Life is too overwhelming despite the underwhelming Mars station. 
I feel scared that I got another VR app. I just have to remember that I spend a lot of time on the tablet or on the same few VR apps over and over again. 
Tea helps. 
Usually Restful Sleep tea with valerian root aka valium or else coca leaf tea with mint or else cats claw which is good for digestion problems. 
I think that I might be crazy. I am trying to be 100% normal or as near to it as possible. 
I plan to be single for life. I think that there's a lady who's stalking me. I have to avoid her. 
Intrusive and unwanted thoughts of just crazy stuff. This is the brain I have to work with for the next 20 years. Sometimes the brain is a genius, other times, uh, not so much. 
Puzzling Places is a great app. 
There are a few great ladies in town but they're out of my league. That's why I'm probably going to be single for life. 

Alien Romulus. I thought it was going to be a boring movie of walking from point A to point B trying to simultaneously dodge and shoot spider like alien babies. That's projection. Some of my animated cartoons are like that. 
I saw a few minutes into it. Great movie. All unknown actors but the second Aliens movie had mostly unknown actors. The story is a bet or a contest either of who can survive the longest or else who can bag the most spider like alien babies. The Blu Ray won't be released until December 3. 

Sometimes people do good things for a long time and others do bad things for a long time. In either case nothing seems to happen to them. The person doing good things gets no tangible reward and the person doing bad things gets away Scott free. 
In the show Game of Thrones, Sandor Clegane said to Arya Stark, "That person is a jerk. But she'll get what's coming to her one day. They always do." 
The good you do stays with you
The bad you do follows you through and through. 

I haven't gotten around to watching the rest of Joker part 2. The Courtroom scene. I glimpsed it on my 50" HDTV but I have to see it in big screen on VR goggles. That's like seeing it in a theatre. It makes a difference. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Today, I got Arya Stark, gold character on Game of Thrones Legends. 
Sansa Stark would be just as much if not more major. 

More sweeping the grounds of the Courthouse. 

Chip Wilson of Lulu Lemon put up some signs. Political Party Leaders of BC wrote tweets about him distancing themselves from him. 
Lulu Lemom, I mean Lemon. Only women wear that. 
A guy who sells female clothing only? Usually a guy would open a harberdashery for men rather than a boutique for women. 
Lots of male fashion designers make clothes for mean and women. Just about all of them. 
I never heard of a male fashion designer who only sells clothes made for women. 

The BC Leader's Debate was on. I watched it. 
Let's face it. Debates are either for undecided voters or first time voters new to voting and politics, I think 19 is the minimum legal age to vote. 
David Eby laughed a few times. That's a sign of a bright spirit. 
John Rustad has a good radio voice. He was very stoic in his delivery but when he said his parents did, the way he said it, I had a highly intrusive and unwanted thought, "Yeah, of AIDS." I couldn't stop laughing. 
When John Rustad told stories about tragedies he's seen in the Province, he sounds like a comedian and a good one at that. For some reason I couldn't help laughing. 
John Rustad said, "Under Ebys government, there should be an ad, A picture of a plastic straw and a small pole of cocaine with the caption, 'Guess which is legal and which is illegal?' 
Sonia Fusrstenau is probably the successor to Elizabeth May. She is choosing this neighbourhood to run in to show that she left the Provincial stage fighting and fighting for a good riding. Nothing else would explain it. Before, she was representing the Cowichan Valley. I don't know where that is and don't plan to visit. I could say that about a million other places, don't know where it is, don't plan to visit. She has an energetic delivery. She is a good politician. 

The MLA in my neighbourhood is Grace Lore. I've decided that a Minister of a governing Party which has a chance to govern, again, is more major than the Leader of a fringe Party which has no chance of governing. 
Grace Lore will probably get an upgrade in Ministerial Portfolio, probably Health or Finance. As Minister for Children and Families only less than ten children died under the Ministry's watch which is commensurate with the average under any other administration. It isn't as if more than ten children died. Keeping in mind the ideal that even one death is one too many. The reality indicates different. The Minister can't go to every foster home and make choices for them. They make their own choices. Not all foster homes are the square smarmy bourgeois middle class set up. Some foster homes are more hard scrabble, most picaresque, "After dinner I'm going to my room and shoot up." The foster parent says, "It's legal. I guess you're gonna do what you gotta do as always." 

The States has Departments. Canada has Ministrys not Ministries. 

My friend said he was partly from Scotland. He used to eat a very sparse diet of boiled potatoes and hot dogs and French bread. Fruits and vegetables, forget it. 
So one time I said to him," That's Spartan fare for a Tartan queer." 
I don't know if he's queer. I don't care. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that he is, I mean that he isn't. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tbis morning I woke up with the most awful stomach ache. Just wretched. 
For a minute there, I thought I was dying. 
"You're not dying, Cameron. Cameron always thinks he's dying." Ferris Buellers Day Off 
I got some no name pepto. Then later in the morning, I went to a Vietnamese restaurant and ordered carrot and beef soup with rice. The lid came loose on the soup and quite a bit spilled. Happens every time. Never order soup in one of those bowls with those lids. Any movement at all can cause the lid to come loose. 
Only order the soup to be drank within the restaurant. 
Ordering rice dishes that don't involve soup is much better. To have a container with the lid that actually stays on well would cost quite a bit extra. Cheap and not that good or good and expensive. You can only pick one. 
Soup to go is top heavy as the bowl tapers inward towards the bottom. That doesn't help. 
The structural engineering of that bowl and that lid for holding soup is like wearing flip flops to go mountain climbing. 
I was angry. I thought the restaurant did that to me on purpose. Delusions are a wonderful thing. No, it was the physics of this dimension that did that. Terrible flimsy plastic structure plus hot soup which as a liquid would weigh heavier than rice of the same volume plus the constant undulating pundulumn movement of walking and carrying all that in a bag equals spillage. Leakage. 
I'll never order soup to go ever again. Restaurants put soup to go in a bag. There is a lot of pundulum movement when carrying a bag. With some kind of food that works with others it just doesn't work at all. 
Other than that the soup was fantastic. As ever. Michelin star quality, I wouldn't doubt it. 
After putting off going to a restaurant for a few days, working and feeling exhausted and eating whatever I found in my fridge, this meal cured me and I had a massive nap afterwards. It's standard exhaustion. I have to take a few days off. Over the last 30 days, I worked 25 days. 

The carrot and beef soup is an easy recipe. 
Fry some garlic oil oil along with a generous sprinkling of Chinese five spice powder.Add a dash of soy sauce and sesame oil. Sprinkle a bit of sugar too just a tiny bit. Then fry the beef and carrots in that. Then add cold water and bring to a boil and then simmer. For some weird reason soup cooked at night and then heated up the next morning is magic. I don't know how that works. 
Food tastes better when cooled down a little rather than steaming hot. That's what they say. Don't know why either. 

There was a spectacular movie I wanted to watch on big screen on my VR goggles. I forgot the movie. It is an ornate movie. A movie to smoke hashish to. A middle eastern themed movie otherwise why the hashish? 
I remember. Orient Express. That movie is as if not more spectacular than Death on The Nile. Orient Express is a journey through Eurasia such as Turkiye etc. 
Hashish is pricey. Legal hash is about $28 for two grams. Vortex brand Afghan hash. 
VR apps have used up any extra I would have had for hash so I don't smoke much these days. Hash is good with tobacco. 

I got Bonfire VR. 20 min animated film. $6.50 with tax. 

Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch. 
The Legislative Branch drafts up bills that go through questionnperiod and then first, second and third reading and on the Provincial level to the Lieutenant Governor for Royal Assent, and on the Federal Level to the Senate for Royal Assent. 
Only the governing Party can draft legislation. The opposition Parties can not. 
Executive. The Premier or else Prime Minister has to defend bills up for legislation against the Opposition during Question period. 
Judicial Branch is when Legislation, laws, applies to the individual. The Police, the Court, the probation office, the jail. This can include citations, fines, arrest, the Court, probation and incarceration. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The News said there is gender identity education in schools. A teacher said, "Because everyone as a gender identity."
These days, my gender is referred to as AMAB. Assigned Male At Birth and cisgendered. 
Really? This is the terminology, nomenclature, lexicon? I sure didn't see AMAB in the 70s. Society has gone pear shaped. 

Game of Thrones Legends. 
Good news. I got a gold character. Lord Varys. 
Not so good news. Lord Varys is a eunuch. His weapon is a coin purse. Well, after someone's sword is removed all that person has left is a coin purse. Wretched. 
Lord Varys is AMAB. Cisgendefed? I'm not sure. At least not cisgendered to the level where he got his junk removed. 

Watching the Orient Express movie, I felt that I needed to have some popcorn and some Turkish delight. Last time I got rose and lemon flavor rose probably being strawberry. 
This time I got fruit flavors. The fruit flavors has more variety of flavors. It sounds fun. 
The loukum or Turkish delight was $7.99 plus tax. 

Bonfire VR is quite immersive. It's only two scenes and the cartoon is about ten minutes although the first time you watch it, it feels like half an hour. 
The story is you crash land on a planet with a robot that guides and narrates. 
Use a scanner that is provided to point to and scan four natural items on that planet, plants, animals, etc. Two species of aliens emerge. 
The target audience is obviously five years old to nine years old. It's not an animation for teenagers and older. Puerile. Was it worth the $6.50? All I can say is I don't know. 
It would be if you are five years old. 

I already voted in the Provincial election. 
Often in elections, a voter likes the Leader but is indifferent to the representative or vice versa. 
In this case, I like the Leader David Eby and the representative Grace Lore. They are great politicians. 
It was somewhat with a broken heart that I didn't vote for Sonia Furstenau. She's a great politician as well and I wish her all the best. 
Who knows who will win the election. It's a nail biter just like the US election and the upcoming Canada election. Just about all elections in history have worked out to be nail biters with no real clear designated winner. 

Meta Quest 3S will release. It's a newer and cheaper VR goggles. 
Meta Quest 3 uses pancake lenses. Quest 3S uses fresnel lenses. Pancake lenses are way better. 
Meta Quest 3 has 4.5 million pixels per screen. Quest 3S uses 3.5 million pixels per screen. 
Quest 3 $650 cdn plus tax
Quest 3S $400 cdn plus tax Releases on October 22 at Walmart. 
Quest 3 discontinued its $600 128 Gb model. 
The only model available for Quest 3 is 528 Gb, an $800 unit. 

Coca leaf tea. Add sugar and evaporated milk. To add a touch of over the top gourmet and this works, adds just a tiny sprinkle of truffle salt. Michelin star or what? 
I drink the coca leaf tea either with mint or cats claw. It's better than the plain coca leaf tea. 

"How do you f*ck that up?" A History of Violence
How did the Canucks got from a 4 - 1 win to a 6 - 5 loss? Regulation time or overtime? 5 - 5 at game end and then Calgary wins it in overtime or what? 

Friday, October 11, 2024

At the Courthouse sweeping the grounds. 

Went to Old Spaghetti Factory. Finally. I was waiting. Quite a few songs went on my mp3 player and the order hadn't arrived. People who arrived after me were already eating but they were in a group, a family. This happened to me before at Old Spaghetti. I asked one waitress, "Is my order going to show up or not?" 
When my order had arrived, since it took quite awhile, I asked, "The order took awhile. I hope it wasn't because of me or something I did." "Oh no!" the waitress said reassuringly. 
Before I went in to Old Spaghetti, I swept the grounds and removed some weeds that were unsightly. They didn't know that. 
Waiting for a long time is sometimes a compliment. Giving you the food fast means they want you out of there fast. 
Waiting awhile is a chance to relax. They haven't forgotten. How orders are expedited on the line for a line cook is to do the bigger multiple orders first. Then do the smaller orders after. The orders come up in a ticker tape system. Orders are triaged. The chits that show large orders are handled first. That's normal for a restaurant. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Yesterday, I swept Fort Street. 

I feel regret for being irritated that the order was taking so long at the Old Spaghetti. I had a scowling face. If I were to do it over again, I'd go outside and take a walk and then return after awhile. 

A YouTube video said that among the top mind blowing movies are Coherence, Jacobs Ladder, Identity and Primer. I plan to watch those movies. 

This morning, I saw most of Coherence but fell asleep three quarters of the way in. 
There is a comet passing overhead in Finland. It supposedly has otherworldly effects on the World it passes over. 
A group of Americans vacationing at a cabin did over that at another cabin is another group that is themselves! There are doubles of all of them which is the result of the comet. They are staying at houses two blocks away from each other and these houses look exactly the same! 
Shroedingers Cat which the movie specifically mention says that in that theory, there is a poison gas bomb that has a 50% of going off so the cat could be alive or dead. Shroedingers Cat says that in quantum physics both exists simultaneously in two parallel Universes and this Universe is defined as offset to the parallel Universe which would have the other outcome. 
In other words if there is a situation that requires you to turn left or right, both those Universes exist until you make a choice. 
I don't know about that. If there are two parallel Universes or perhaps an infinite amount of them. 
So there is a point in the movie where they write notes to one another which turn out to be identical notes and different sets of themselves, you're not sure which sneak in and out of the house to steal vital items. 
The story behind these vital items is eventually explained. The ending could be a twist ending but since I haven't seen all of it. 
A comet flew over the Okanagan last night! It's a comet that passes over the Earth once every 80,000 years! 

Canadian comedian Mike Bullard died at age 67. He was an ex Police Officer who made it to Prime Time with a comedy show. 
On one episode, Bryan Adams was on. Bryan Adams had a coffee table book that he published with pictures wlof women in bathing suits that he took. 
Mike Bullard said, "That sure is sexy." or words to that effect. 
Bryan Adams said, "Sure, if you're into that kind of thing."
Mike Bullard asked what he meant. Bryan Adams thought that Mike Bullard was referring to him! 
Mike Bullard said, "I'm referring to the ladies in your book!" 
Bryan Adams grinned an unflappable grin. 
On another episode, Mike Bullard said, "So it's confirmed that you find homosexuals funny." 

I sometimes see people on the street that I think about for a day, seen at this place or that place. 
I often see men who are tall with women who are quite a lot shorter than them. That's a sublimated form of whatever. 
My friend who is now dead, he was short. He said that his father was tall and his mother was short. He talked about the animal thing of a tall man going for a short woman. 
The tall man would enhance the woman's chances of having a tall child while the short woman would absolutely ruin the tall man's chances of having a tall child if he wants one. Xx Xx, Xx Xy, Xx Xy, Xy Xy. Chromosomal chart denoting dominant genes and recessive genes. 
I would only go for a lady who is my height that's if I didn't otherwise plan to be single for life. 
Any would be girlfriend is a rabbit hole of additional issues in addition to my own rabbit hole of issues that I have to deal with. Relationships come at a price. Hanging on words. Boring conversations. 
One set of worries VS another. 
Just about everyone else in my hotel is single. 
Shakespeare said that all the world is a stage and we all play many parts. One day it's walking down the street with a lady. Another day it's as a patient in the hospital. Always feel compassion for people. You never know where they've been in the past and where they'll be in the future. 

I hesitate in writing this. It's infamous and notorious. 
There are videos on YouTube a channel called Courtroom Consequences shows the most outrageous court cases ever. All of these cases are Stateside, not in Canada. 
The videos depict court cases where defendants swore at threatened, spit on and even threatened the lives of judges! 
Tony Robin's said in Worst Jobs in History, Christmas episode, "You can take comfort in the fact there were people in history who have had far worse Christmases than you'll ever have." 
There are people who have had worse court cases than most of us will ever have. 
One person named Allan McCarty is the worst story. 
He called up a person on the emergency line and asked the dispatcher to send the judge out in handcuffs so he could shoot the judge he mistakenly claimed was responsible for the removal of his children from his custody. No, that's not asking a lot.*
He said he had a gun trained in the federal building where the judge works. He called the dispatcher the N word not knowing or caring if she was actually Black. 
That was enough to get him busted for threatening a judge. In court
Judge, "Do you want to say if you were here or not here?" 
McCarty, "Do you want to s*ck my d**k?" 
Judge, "I prefer not to, sir."
McCarty, "Well you got the mouth for it."
In another trial date, he simply yelled "S*ck my d**k!" 
For that he was dragged out. As bailiffs pulled him out of the courtroom, he threatened the prosecutor's unborn child. "I hope that you fall and your child dies!" 
A female in the court audience covered her face trying to hide her laughter. 
In another case, a man named Bass Webb spit on a female judge. A year later he shows up in court after causing a prison riot where he flung a detached telephone with the wire dangling from the telephone at a prison guard. 
He went into court with a new look. On the side of his newly bald head were tattoed the words, 
"All Those That Must Die: All Judges, All Prosecutors, All Cops, 3 Rats, And Many More. And on the other side of his bald head was tattooed the F word in large letters. 
Not the best look for a court appearance. It's very different from the guy who would wear the expected shirt and tie to court. 
Again, worse court days than most of us will ever have. 

The local prison, Wilkinson Road is actually a maximum security prison. But that prison isn't for the most part, a deadly prison. There hasn't been a killing there in 45 years, someone told me. 
I found out on a YouTube video the story behind that. 
In 1977 which is actually 47 years ago, a prisoner escaped and killed a police officer during the escape. Whether he was there for another murder or not, that would have greatly increased his troubles. When a Police Officer is killed, that will be investigated more than the death of a civilian. 
So much for the idea that most prisoners get airholed three times a week. 
In the end scene of the Joker part 2 movie, Joker gets airholed. That's the fear of everyone. 
The architect who designed that also designed the Bay Street Armoury. 

I bought Pet Doctor VR for $2.23 including tax. It's a VR version of other similar veterinarian or hospital based android apps. Good for someone who is ten years old. That's about it. Not an adult escape room app. 

I got Gallery Smasherz VR for $3.70 including tax. Worth it. Don't smash the art. Just look at it. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

I'm on an island of takers. 
So many hundreds if not thousands of times I've given and gotten absolutely nothing in return. 
The island takes from the mainland. Being the capital city region, there is of course a pipeline of taxes, revenue etc flowing to the island. 
While the mainland of BC imports 66% of food, the island imports 90% of its food. 
You have an island full of people who feel that they are entitled. 
My friend who owned a business didn't like the business taxes and reflected that a lot of politicians never owned a business yet they draft legislation for businesses aka the private sector. If I knew then what I knew now, I would have said, "BC is the only Province that's governed by one of its satellites. In a country that's governed by an island. It's a weird fractal, I know. That would create a disconnect. A pipeline to an island of takers that lacks any empathy to mainlanders because a lot of politicians are narcissists and gas lighters. The symbiotic relationship that would best describe that between Vancouver Island and the BC mainland is not one of mutualism or even commensurism but that of parasitism. The mainland gives the island money, resources and physical labour in a London Funnel type situation and in return the island gives the mainland more rules and regulations pertaining to it."
This is what someone could say if they're desperate and grasping st straws for at hand simplistic answers. This answer doesn't reflect the reality. 
I'd move to the mainland but there is only one good city on the mainland, Vancouver. All the rest of them are back waters that are just not worth living in. The Thais would say 'Mie nah yue' meaning not worth living in. 
I have a weird history in Vancouver. Weird energy jangle. Weird personalities. Weird scenes. Not a history that I'd want to extend. It would be a regression to some former whatever. No thanks. Don't look back. 
Vancouver brings back too many memories of my parents VS this town which brings back absolutely no memories at all whatsoever. Not all towns are created equal. 
There is a weird expectation of people and groups that once you know someone or go to some group for a few months, a few years, there's some expectation that you now have to be going there for life or be their friend for life especially as time goes on and if the dynamic shifts in the friendship. Some people I wouldn't mind being their friend for life. Some people I would mind. 
I never believed in that. 
I don't want to move from this town unless I figure out that there is actually a better town in every way. Not all towns are created equal. That's the ideal. The reality is that it's not that this is a great town and every other town is worse. It's that every other town on this planet is just as bad as this one if not worse than this one. 
So it's life on an island of takers, moochers, malingerers, the shiftless, the entitled and  delinquents. 
Jesus and Buddha said that to give without expecting anything in return is a spiritually good thing. Other people might not know but God sees all that you do. 
Isaiah 41:10 God will watch over you.  
Of course not everyone on the island are takers. The Vancouver Island and the BC mainland are two different geopolitical vantage points that could help and enhance one another. Most of the MLAs in the Legislature represent ridings located in the mainland. 
Therefore mainland issues and interests are always front and center and make their presence felt in the Provincial political landscape. It's all good. 
People on the mainland are more intellectual than people on the island. Faster pace of life, more intellectual. The most intellectual people I ever met were all on the mainland. 
UBC, first rate University. UVIC, not bad but not nearly on the level of UBC. 

The brain plays tricks on you. 
The News is makkng references to me every day. 
Emmanuel from the author Pat Rodegast wrote, something along the lines of, not a direct quote, 
'Fear shows up like a magician that tricks you
Demand to see under the sleeves.'
Ask other questions as it's better to question an answer than to answer a question. 
If the News was talking about me as much as I think, why wouldn't they want to meet me, sending some kind of invitation? 

Dino Lab is near Fisherman's Wharf in Victoria BC. The admission is $40. People commission and place orders from them for dinosaur fossils years in advance and they have a museum of the most choice prepared fossils. They have an international reputation. 
What should strike is the similarity between dinosaur fossils and the human skeletal structure. Dinosaurs also had ribcage, spine, femur, patella, fibula, tibia, radius and ulna. Respectively, leg big bone, knee cap, leg two smaller bones, two smaller arm bones. 
With that kind of skeleton, did one particular species of dinosaur evolve into humans? 
"You got a head so big
You know you could have been a smart car" 
The Way You Do The Things You Do

If I had an extra $100, I'd get Gun Club VR and Pistol Whip. 
Gun Club is $30 plus 3 DLCs at $10 each, SWAT, Western and Heavy. Gun Club has 2D cut outs instead of walking moving opponents. 2D cut outs of the Beatles Sergeant Pepper Uniforms, no. Instead they are 2D cut outs of opponents and zombies. 
I don't know about heavy. I would get Western and SWAT. 
Heavy is about fighting Germans during World War 2 in a Battle of the Bulge type war scenario. With 2D cut outs advancing towards you. 
The 2D cut outs have a strange 1960s arcade shooting gallery at the local Fair kind of nostalgia. 
Pistol Whip is a mesmerizingly highly stylized rail shooter. One isn't stationary but it isn't your usual smooth motion move around. The player moves forward never stopping along a track while shooting and using the body to dodge bullets. A person can pistol whip or hit an opponent with a gun to get extra points. This is a $34 purchase. 
Space Pirate Trainer VR. This game is all about shooting drones and shooting drones is my least favorite part of Dead Second VR. Shooting drones is boring. Not as good as shooting moving characters. As if Gun Club with its 2D cut outs wasn't bad enough. 
I won't get Space Pirate Trainer. 
Within a year all these apps will probably be available for free on meta quest plus as newer apps appear. These apps are starting to age. 
Arizona Sunshine Remake releasing on October 17 at 10 am priced at $40 including tax would be the one to get. I already have part one which would be having 84% of that game already. The structure, the basic map is the same. Some things are different. Extended movements of the zombies, much sharper graphics, much better moulage effects. 

Gun Club $30 + 3 DLCs at $10 each would be $60 including taxes. 
Pistol Whip $30 rounded off, about $28.73 including taxes. 
Arizona Sunshine Remake $40. 
Total would be $128.73

I'd get all this if I won the lottery. I can't afford it now. Or wait a year. They will all eventually, guaranteed, given time and age, be available on meta quest plus for more or less free with the $13 a month paid subscription. 
And let's face it, these games do not, that is, do not look better than Crisis Brigade 2, Dead Second, Drop Dead, Zombieland, Guns & Stories, which I already have. 

Again, for the answers I've come up with, I feel that I deserve an early reprieve. Others haven't come up with the answers that I have yet they got an early reprieve. I don't see any real incentive to go on living. I wake up just a tad disappointed the I woke up and didn't die of a quick and acute heart attack in my sleep. 
For the answers I've come up with I feel that I am owed an early reprieve because I more or less want one.