Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024 

Meta Quest monthly subscription just released its new load of games especially the two star free games. Pirate Trainer DX is released too but I already bought that. 
There is a new game called Moss. Coincidental as I was clearing moss last Friday at the Courthouse grounds. 
How good is the game? Think of the most richest finest quality tea. Rich tea so rich you can taste and experience the difference in quality. I got some good quality tea today. It's called Red Rose tea. The difference in flavour and richness is noticeable. 
I'm thinking of getting Moss 2. Moss is that good. It's the story of a mouse as it goes through the most beautiful scenes and simple yet addictive escape room puzzles. I love it. Just love it. Life can bring some good surprises. 
Moss can be removed with either a hard wire brush and or a trowel. Then use half and half bleach and water which will turn the moss yellow which rain or wind will wash off. 
Moss is acidic. Bleach is alkaline so moss doesn't do well under that. Moss absorbs water making roofs more vulnerable to leaks over time. Moss grows under tree shades where there is not much sunlight but I've seen moss grow on cracks of sidewalks where there is lots of sunlight. 
Moss 2 VR costs $19.99 plus tax. 
That's marketing 101. When releasing free apps on a subscription, be sure to release one of a few in a series so one will be tempted to get the whole set. Good thing the Moss series has only 2 apps. 
Another freebie dropped this month as part of the subscription al party is I Expect You To Die chapter 2. I'm not expecting much from it. More motion sickness saturated escape room BS. 
Moss intensely surpassed all my expectations. It's kinda like Demeo and Witchblood. Diorama style. Moss VR has intense influences from Wind and the Willows. The badger is there. It's a honey badger. It doesn't care. 
Don't think I'm being too extravagant as I part with another $22.79 including tax for Moss 2. The app gripped me like some kind of uh, grip. 
I got Moss 2. $21.28. 
Everyone on Reddit reviews say that it is better and more advanced graphically than level 1. 

I was thinking of sweeping a roof area of the Courthouse today. But that area is in a semi secluded space near windows and I don't want the Courthouse to get used to seeing the sight of anyone at that roof area on a day where there aren't any people there at all. 
I'd rather work there on a day where there are lots of people there. That's more on the up and up. There are a few reasons why anyone would be on that roof area and most of them aren't good. Cleaning, that's good. But also loitering or worse, breaking in. 
"So you want to break into the Police station and steal an evidence file, you want to break into a place and steal something in a place where they lock people up for breaking in and stealing." Interior Chinatown
So someone wants to break into a Courthouse, a place where they send people away for B and E's. Uh, makes sense. Nope. 
That roof area is above the garage style driveway where prisoners and accused are driven from the Police holding cells to the Court for the bail hearing. Most people are released on bail. A very few are not. 
I myself was one more than one occasion driven from the Police holding cells to the Courthouse through that very garage driveway just like George Orwell in his short story called Clink. 
There have been times when I was first a customer at a restaurant and then I wound up working there. I see a strange parallel here. I myself was a client of the Courthouse and now I'm more or less working there. 
Whether a person gets busted for doing in a few people or whether someone gets busted for boosting a $50 item at a store, that part of the holding cells to the Courthouse process is the same. 
I'll be working at the Courthouse another day. I am taking more days off a week because it seems that the leaves have mostly fallen. The trees look nearly bare of leaves whereas a month ago, the trees were full of leaves. 
God works in mysterious ways. If I didn't have a case before the Courts it would have never occurred to me to sweep the Courthouse grounds. And it was at a time when it was really needed and no one else was doing it. Had this confluence of events not happened, I can't imagine what the grounds of the Courthouse would look like today. 
Previously I thought my room was the domestic level and the street outside my apartment was the industrial level. Now the street outside my apartment is the domestic level and the Courthouse grounds is the industrial level. There were so many more leaves and sweeping work at the Courthouse grounds than there ever was on the street. 
I don't know what people who work at the Courthouse would think of me sweeping. There is a janitor there who always talks to me. He is happy to see me help out at the Courthouse grounds. A few people at the Courthouse have smiled at me and said thank you. This includes sheriffs and lawyers and probably a judge or two as well. I've been there for two months for hours a day so I think they would have noticed me already. 
Seeing that the Courthouse is part of the judicial branch of government, it goes without saying that their monitoring and surveillance would be at a level that's out of the ordinary. So yeah, they know I'm sweeping the grounds there. 

I went to London Drugs this morning and got a bottle of bleach for the moss at the Courthouse roof, a bottle of 99% pure isopropyl rubbing alcohol to kill bedbugs and roaches and for bedbug bites and for disinfecting cuts and blisters and I got some Lavazza coffee from Italy. The coffee was on sale, 10 portion cups for $4.99 which is almost like 90s prices. Yesterday I got Red Rose tea. Red Rose is Empress Hotel quality tea. Not really. Red Rose tea bags are premium tea dust. Go to a tea shop which sells the same tea, whole leaf tea that is served at the Empress Hotel tea time which is about $100 a shot. One occasion. Go to a tea shop. For $10 you get a nice bag of whole leaf tea and that could last for most of a month especially if you give it a second steep. More bang per buck. Give a second, even a third steep. I do, because that's economical. 
Lavazza coffee is premium. 

Cannabis buds should be dense and tight. Buds that are soft and that you can squeeze like a dry sponge aren't as good. 

The party will be over in February 2026 as drug decriminalization will be over. Possession of even one gram of hard drugs will be illegal. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Cleared moss at the Courthouse. Mainly from a roof area. 

I got Lavrynthos VR for $5.14 with tax. It's an actual labyrinth. 

Elton John lost his eyesight, or most of it anyways. 
He is a great musician. I like early Elton John of the 70s with songs such as Bad Side of the Moon, Grow Some Funk of your Own and Don't Go Breaking My Heart. 
He looked totally different then with a beard. 
He could reinvent himself as the gay White Stevie Wonder or else the other gay Stevie Wonder. Just joking. Stevie Wonder isn't gay at all. 
If this was three hundred years later, he might get some ocular transplants and be able to see. This being the primitive days of eye surgery and treatment for blindness in general. 
Elton John is Mr England. Any mention of Elton John can be an omen of a future trip to England. For anyone. 
I hope he gets his eyesight back sometime again soon. I've heard of conjunctivitis where a person can temporarily lose their eyesight. I'm not a doctor. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Sweeping at the Courthouse grounds, again, I found a small wriggling earthworm living in a crack in a sidewalk. I ran over to one of the stone planters and placed the earthworm in the soil. Earthworms turn the soil. They eat soil and what is regurgitated at the other end is an even better soil. That plant was looking wispy and perhaps the earthworm will help. If the earthworm gets lonely, it just divides itself, being a peripatetic animal. Then further generations result as more earthwormic self divisions occur. 
I am at a point where I am questioning why I'm doing this. I don't get money for it. 
The Charlie Brown comics had a feature where Charlie Brown was talking to a building, the schoolhouse. If the Courthouse was a building that could talk, it would say, "Oooh that feels good. I like my back being scratched." 
If a person did enough acid, minimum 300 hits, they could probably hear the Courthouse and all kinds of other buildings talking to them. 
I wonder what the most major £sd story in Victoria would be. I'd like to hear that story. Vancouver Island is legendary for hippies, there seems to be a lot of hippies in the island. 
Perhaps the better £sd stories would be up island. 
The Malahat Skybridge has a real up island feel. 
My life is going nowhere. I often wish that I could instead right now be in the afterlife with Heather. I'd rather be in the afterlife than to go through these pointless ordeals of my life. 

My upcoming court trial scares me to no end. In my mind I'm painting a picture of the Scopes trial. I'm Chinese so it would be alike a Chinese Scopes trial. I don't think so. 
The Scopes Trial was the greatest trial of the 1920s. My Chinese Scopes Trial will be the greatest trial of the 2020s. Not quite. 
The Scopes Trial has been stalled the Trial of the Century but so were a few others, the Charles Lindbergh baby abduction trial, the OJ Simpson trial. How many trials of the Century? 
So obviously to take my mind off the Court case I've decided to sweep the grounds of the Courthouse. 
I've had to go to Court before when I was younger. Not much happened. 
The fear of the Court trial has ruined my holidays. Not really. Reframe it. Even if a person gets probation at worst, besides a few minutes here and there once every few weeks out of your way, life is pretty much the same. You get weekends to go nature bathing as the Japanese call it, at the park, at the beach, hiking near the mountains. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Lavrynthos is better than I thought. Quite mind blowing. Until I got stuck at a certain stage. Try it again. It's worth more than the $5 asking price, that's for sure and that's always good. 
"Mr Bond you have what the Greeks call thrasos. Guts."
"So have you, Mr Columbo."
For Your Eyes Only

As time goes on, I have less and less in common with those at Church. I could go there regularly a year ago but a year ago I was a totally different person. 
As time goes on when you don't see someone, when you see them again, it becomes sort of disingenuous to say hello to them again. 
It's a cycle, get a circle of friends. As time goes on you have less and less in common with them. Leave them and get a newer circle of friends with more in common. 

I don't get envious when I see other people who are more successful. However this is the same person who doesn't cry when they hear about a disaster overseas as some people might. Heart of stone. 
If other people try to make you jealous through flaunting it in my face, I would ask myself, "What did I do to them that they would do that to me? And ha ha, what did others do to them that they would do that to me? And again, ha ha, what did they do to themself that they would do that to me?" 

My upper left canine tooth had a cavity. Still does and it's worse now that the dentist exposed it and put a filling in it. The filling has a slight uh, cavity and as long as I don't do anything like breathe in cold air quickly or drink anything that is too hot or too cold. Fillings fall apart often. It's not the dentist. It's the structure of the teeth, wear and tear etc. Teeth are a faulty algorithm. 

I have a 27 day window left to die in the same year as Beebs. The answers of come up with, Time travel and teleportation is time and space experienced in an objective level. The next dimension has a different set of physics and time dynamic. The time travel dynamic gives time overall definition, the linear time dynamic gives time structure and not the other way around. Who comes up with answers like that? Certainly not fundamentalist Christians. 
If I were dead, I wouldn't have to worry about physical pain, eating, sleeping, I would no longer have the dread of physical death hanging over me. It's in the afterlife that one really begins to live. I wish I was there. I don't see much of an incentive for living. 

I could think that because of a bad reputation and being on welfsre, I never got married and thus wasted my life. 
In Pistol Whip VR, there is a song that goes, "What a waste, what a waste, What a waste of a pretty face, What a waste."
The premise is because I never got married that I wasted my life. However, the critical faculty is insidious. If I got married once, she would in some way been the wrong wife and I got trapped by her and her family and her weird friends also become my extraneous friends. If I got married a few times, then each and every one of those wives were somehow, in some way, wrong. Because Murphy's Law says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. 
No one wins under the pernicious egregious physics of this dimension. The best thing I could hope for in my case in an early reprieve. 
One tends to place the dead on a pedestal and take the ones who are alive for granted. While we see those who have departed as more majorly than us, they see us as just as majorly as them and that is quite something. The understand our future, where we're heading. We are just as major as them to them, and right now we are still in the garden phase of existence who will one day be pruned and taken to the farmers market that is the afterlife. 

God is real. One day when anyone dies, there will be a time when they face God. This life seems so real now and the afterlife seems like an imagination. The afterlife will seem very real and this life will seem like an imagination after death. 
There will be a judgement. Faced with all those beings who are good and pure, one inevitably makes a self comparison in an attempt to read the room. One will be presented with all their actions in life and one will judge themselves as that is the judgement day. A person can be their own worst critic. Especially when during that time, one won't have the armour of the facade of the adult ego conditioned with years of substance abuse and weird conspiracy theories on the Internet. One will be judged under their personality as a child as that is the primordial state of the personality without the defenses of ego and righteous indignation. Hopefully I pass my life review. One sees not only their actions but also understands on a telathic and empathic level the effect of each and every one of their actions, words and in some cases even thoughts towards others extending to animals and plants too. Most people screw up here and there but if it's been a lifetime of complete screw up's and nothing but, that wouldn't be good. 
I know I haven't been perfect. Far from it. Jesus is the only one in history who was ever perfect. 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

In Vancouver, someone got 86'd at 7-11 three days before the Taylor Swift concert. 
That's one person who won't be going to the concert. 
And all over what, a bottle of booze, a pack of cigarettes? 
In the West, 7-11s don't sell booze but they do in Thailand. Beer and local rum and whiskey. 
The perp first stole a bottle of liquor at an Original Joe's restaurant across the street from the 7-11 and went into 7-11 hoping to augment and enhance his stolen booze drinking experience with smoking a pack of stolen cigarettes. He was counting on a society of enablers to enable his addiction. Instead the Police wound up disabling his addiction. 
That 7-11 is probably haunted now. Or not. Earthbound spirits tend to haunt places they knew well and places where they are alone. Seeing lots of fit upbeat people shopping at 7-11 would be distracting and offsetting to them. 
There was a person who ran up and sucker punched someone in Angercouver near Granville Street. Just drove him! That person was arrested within a day which is quick work on the part of the Police. He was booked at Library Square, interestingly, across the street from where the guy was shot at the 7-11.  "Book him, Dano." Well that person is still alive which is one up on the guy at 7-11. The Squid Games mentioned that in Police six shot 38 snub nosed revolvers, one barrel is always empty and one is always a blank. So if one shot was fired each, or even two shots, there is deniable plausibility as to whether or not any given Officer dealt the killing shot. 
These days the Police use 9 shot Glock 9mm so I don't know how that works. 
In Gun Club VR, I use the M9 along with a special 100 round added clip. Fewer needs to reload. 

I wonder if Heather is still smoking a few packs a week in the afterlife. Heather would say, "In the afterlife there are weeks?" rather than "In the afterlife there are cigarettes?" 

I felt a lot of fear and anxiety this morning but I've been through worse. 
"When you have chronic PTSD, mornings are not your friend." Debbie Hellion
However this is a time when I should feel that least because I did a lot of sweeping for the Courthouse grounds and for the streets. A lot of people said thank you to me. A lot of rich old people it seems. That's always a good things. A few pretty ladies smiled and said hello to me as well. That's great. I smile and say hello in return to be polite. That's the respectful thing to do. 
I think the Courthouse is happy about me sweeping the area. 

A person should always stay alive and not do themself in. 
There would always be a regret. Matt Fraser the psychic said that some who commit suicide are delusional. They think that people hate them but when they cross over, they see that people really I'd like the and support them and that it was all in their head. 
Suicide is a crime. Like homicide, it would be a crime to even think about it. Not if they don't act on it But if they act on it, that they thought about it before adds to the sentence. Premeditated. Malice aforethought. Mens rea. Mea culpa. 
I don't know if that's the case in the afterlife. Forgiveness happens automatically and involuntarily as a default measure because it is through the lens of the afterlife perspective that they see the forest for the trees and the things in life that seemed so important to them are about as important as children's toys are to an adult. 
My fear and anxieties are in my mind. Those who have departed are always with me. Rey in The Rise of Skywalker had a moment when she heard all the voices of those who were departed urging her to go on saying things that they were known to always say. That happens with all of us even though we don't hear the voices. So that is real. 

A few years ago I went though caregiver burnout not understanding it at all. I hit the wall. 
The in the time intervening, life has given me a lot of clues. 
1. The movie Don't Worry Darling, the doctor said, "It's just run of the mill exhaustion."
2. Psychic James Van Praagh, "When you have a situation that involves life and death, it really affects the adrenal glands."
3. The Fabelmans. "You're having a panic attack. Your mother used to have them all the time."
4. Hologram for the King, "You're only left to be cursed with your own good health. You had a panic attack."
5. Matt Fraser psychic, "The suicidal person was delusional. It was all in their head. They thought that people in their life were against them. When they crossed over they realized that those people actually supported them more than they ever realized."

There are 4 degrees of sexual assault. First degree would be the worst. 
The conviction rate for sexual assault is 11%. It is one of the more common charges but least common convictions so a balance is achieved. 
Peter Nygard the fashion designer was probably convicted of first degree sexual assault. The News didn't specify. 
It's not like the old days. Gentlemen, you have to be very careful around women. You don't want to get busted for sedxual assault. 
Don't get too fresh with women unless you are in a relationship. 
The Police aren't against people having relationships. It just has to be done along certain appropriate lines. 
If Police shows are anything to go on, Police often gossop about others in the department. Who's going with who. Who broke up with who. 
Life itself has kind of a reverse psychology. When a man first goes with a lady, people including the Police are aware of the novelty, it is a slight shock, "Why are you with this person all of a sudden?" Sigh, then invariably, be with that lady for awhile become an item, a power couple or else more likely a powerless couple and then when for some whatever weird reason you're not with her, then it's people including the Police wondering, "Hey, why aren't you with that person these days?" 

Possible defenses for sexual assault would include probity, marked departure, prejudicial effect and mistaken belief in consent. That might not work. I spoke it over with my landlord. He said that's ridiculous. He said," Suppose I was married to my wife for years and then one day I pin her down on the floor when she's absolutely not in the mood. Could I say that just because we're married there is a belief in consent?" 
My landlord said that in any case in general it is better to just plead guilty because the not guilty plea is a lie and the court will take that into consideration upon sentencing. 
But my landlord, God bless the guy dropped out of high school, or was it grade school? 
Anyways others have said in all cases to follow the guidance of the lawyer and not to be alarmed if the lawyer enters a not guilty plea because they know a little, just a little more about the law than you do and have a legal defense that you haven't thought of. 
There are extenuating circumstances and technicalities such as not criminally responsible. That's probity. 
Public sector legal aid lawyers get to be the more highly paid private sector lawyers depending on, using their moral vacuum, how many sentences they get reduced and by how much. They get a reputation for that. 
Great lawyers like Alan Dershowitz, Allan Greenspan, Johnny Cochrane, Harry Rankin we're all great litigators. 
My liason at the Courthouse is the Chief janitor. The Court would send someone blue collar and more at my level to speak with me. They wouldn't send a White collar person to liase with me because that would be above my station and pay grade. 

The school should restore the Police liason officer program. There has traditionally been a lot of gangsterism at the schools because young offenders get reduced sentences for doing the same offenses. 
Its called organized crime. Gangsters can spot people who are born gangsters. Gangsters to the bone who display certain tendencies like predisposition to bullying. They are prime targets for gang recruitment. Sometimes though bullies are also targeted by the Police department because people who bully along certain lines, like the Police officer in Interior Chinatown said, "One day you're going to learn how it's sometimes necessary to do a little evil to produce a greater good." display born Police Officers. A natural talent at Policing. They form the student volunteer Police auxiliary. 
Sometimes these bulliws might play not ends against the middle where as a member of the volunteer Police auxilliary, they are asked to infiltrate a gang and success in the mission would mean a fast track to the Police academy cadet program. 
A lot of students in grade 12 already have it in mind to be Police Officers and they join the Police volunteer auxiliary. And like the Baker Street Irregulars they make reports and even the occasional in camera citizens arrest. They can be spotted. If a student is stashing some drugs or dealing some drugs at their locker, look down the hall, a tall student could be judiciously observing them. Undercover Police ladies are very difficult to spot and this would include the Police student auxiliary at the high school. 
And the Law teacher. Watch out for that one! 
A school Police liason officer could be male of female. At a school a female Police liason officer could remind students to make sure to pay their tuition and school computer cookies fees. 
A school being a part of the government in itself in a microcosmic fractal of the microcosmic government in that a school has the principal as the executive branch. The teachers are the legislative branch and the law teacher, the school Police liason officer and the student volunteer Police auxiliary form the judicial branch. 

The worst has happened. Douglas Bloch died some time ago, on October 26. He said he had a relapse of depression. Douglas Bloch can now help people as a depression counselor in the afterlife. He has quite an array of powers now. Don't believe it's real? Have you ever had dreams of people who had died? Vivid dreams? That's proof of God. There's other kinds of dreams. Dreams of Royalty, angels, extra terrestrial. A lot of people in the World have had that. In the old days no one talked about that. Today on the internet there are all kinds of stories about that. 
Douglas Bloch said, "Depression has no timetable. If you ask yourself when your depression will end, of course your disordered brain will say, "Never! It's never going to end!" instead, ask yourself what you can do to get through the next 24 hours." 
Douglas Bloch is in heaven for sure. 

I really like the pearl kind of couscous. Add some diced cucumber, onion, tomatoes and cilantro and a squeeze of lemon or use Real Limone. That really good. I haven't gotten around to the Chinese mushroom recipe. I have some kind of mental blocks regarding that. One, I keep thinking of Chinese mushrooms with ground beef but nowhere do I recall any Chinese restaurants serving Chinese mushroom with ground beef. And then one has to soak the mushrooms beforehand and I keep forgetting to do that. Too preoccupied with worry. What else is new? I heard of A Shortcut To Mushrooms*, but this is ridiculous. 
*The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien

A banking CEO was brazenly shot down in New York. That's the worst story of a bank CEO being killed that I heard of since a Vatican banking CEO was found hanging from a lamp post back in the 70s. The banker probably ripped that person off a lot of money or at least was perceived to which is all it would take for a delusional mind. That's terrible. And the gun man is still at large. 

I don't see myself travelling on an airplane ever again. The only heavenly cities worth visiting are Vancouver, Victoria and Sidney BC. I won't travel to England. One comment on YouTube, "I left England 7 years ago. It was the best thing I ever did." That's why. 
But another person wrote, "Those stories are exaggerated. London is fine." or words to that effect. 

I got Gravity VR for $4.83 with tax. It's a story of two brothers who are in a strange universe where everything including themselves are in free fall with no end. What kind of upbringing would they have had, exactly? 
The next app I got is 1st and 2nd Step Into Space for $7.86 with tax. 
Not expensive. I liked Apollo 11 VR a lot. This seems to be just like it and for a good price. 

Gravity is a story of two brothers tethered together in a strange universe where they are perpetually falling. They seem to be otherwise happy. The two brothers are the classic Appollonian Dionysian set up. One is the responsible one and the other is the partying one. One day one of the brothers looks down and sees a dot below and that dot is getting bigger. It is then that he realizes that he is falling. The orderly brother tries to explain this to his drunken brother who doesn't also see the dot. 
This is the classic metaphor for how some ancients who realized that they were hurtling towards death in an age before clocks and calendar's were invented tried to explain this to their friends who somehow didn't realize that they were hurtling towards death. 
Plato talks about this in a story where a man who spent all of his life in a cave alone with the ability to make fires thought that shadows cast here and there from the fires he made in the cave were other people and he wondered who was in the cave with him. It was only when one day he leaves the csve to the normal world above ground what real people are and he then realized that he had been merely seeing shadows. 
Leonardo di Caprio in the movie The Avatar said something like that you need to put in clouds in an airplane movie. Without clouds you have no idea of the relative motion of the airplane. 
Gravity VR is about that. This VR app won a few European film awards. 

Into Space.. Another one kicked out of the park. This one is a winner. At least as good as Apollo 11. Thrilling. More fast paced. Devastatingly spectacular. I was mesmerized. Mind blown. Well worth the $8. Better than a lot of movies even. 
Apollo 11 is about 28 minutes with scenes lasting on average from two to five minutes each. Into Space is about 28 minutes of two 14 minute segments with scenes lasting on average of about 15 seconds each so its jammed packed with spectacular scenes. I felt like I was going along with the astronauts to the moon although in real life, that would be an absolutely insane thing to do. What. Go to the moon? 
Into Space 1st Step, Houston we have lift off. 2nd Step, Houston we have a problem. 
2nd Step. No work worky. It doesn't work. I tried troubleshooting measures. I uninstalled other apps. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. I tried the streaming rather than the download option. Interestingly it stops at the point where it says, the moon, so silent, so dead. To expect an app to run a video isn't a big ask. It's not rocket science. I don't know what's going on. Perhaps that's why the app is $8.99 rather than $19.99. Caveat emptor. 

Minister Grace Lore disclosed that she has cancer. That's devastating. I met her previously and it is obvious that she is a great politician. I hope she recovers. This isn't like the past and anyone with cancer now has a more than a good chance of beating it. The odds are for them beating it. 
I recommend to anyone to give it the old college try. Do the best. If it's at a point where it gets ridiculous to go on I guess in such a case euthanizarion with a heroin overdose or dilaudid would be a good option. Pure heroin. China White heroin, you don't have to cook it. That means China White is fentanyl or is it? 
My prayers are with her. I hope that everyone in the Province says a prayer for her. Of whatever religion. 
The best places in the World for cancer research are Cedars Sinai Hospital and Cancer Treatment Cneters of America. They are legendary. 
Nitrogen mustards, platinum analogs, amyl sulfonates, one would probably be better off just doing heroin or even meth all the time than actual chemo drugs. 
The News disclosed colorectal cancer. That type of cancer is presumably treated with polyps removal and multiple barium enemas. A lot of people got that and it's one of the more treatable and beatable forms. 
Donating to charities related to cancer such as the Tour de Rock will help. Again, if Terry Fox had cancer today, not only would he have not died, he would have been able to keep his leg. Cancer research works. 
Who will replace Minister Grace Lore as Minister of Families and Child Development? What about Adrian Dix? DIX is 509 in Roman numerals. 
If someone wants to send the Minister a Get Well Soon card, because of the Canada Post strike, one will have to drop off a postcard, no envelope, to the security guard who does the Legislative Tours. 

Today I got a Christmas present from a good friend. Beats headphones. Dr Dre Beats headphones. These are the Mercedes Benz of head phones. I have friends in high places. 
I haven't opened the box yet. Since they're a Christmas present, shouldn't I wait for Christmas? I gotten lots of gifts and things that I don't open right away. I don't know why. I love love love the people who I got the gifts from. I'm just preoccupied with other things at the moment. I'll open them soon! 
Life is pretty good. I'm glad I'm still alive and that I didn't do myself in years ago. 
I have some very good friends who are worth staying alive for. 
The headphones work really good. These are $250 headphones while Sonys are $70 headphones. They are worth the money. There is deep bass yet a digital metallic crispness that is just exquisite. 

This is the weirdest thought. I am going to try to do a backflip with my legs kicking up in the air. I have a method in mind although it only works in my mind. I haven't tried it in real life and will probably chicken out. I don't know. I've always wanted to do a backflip but figure out a way to do it where it works the first time, works every time otherwise I fear I could break my neck although a YouTube comment said you won't break your neck. Usually the height that one tries to do a back flip isn't high enough to break the neck and people usually flinch and doge at the last microsecond thus avoiding a broken neck. If I do it then I'm a Jedi Knight or at least a Padawan learner. A full Jedi Knight must do a front flip in the air as well. A single. A Jedi Master is more like Simone Biles who can do multiple flips in the air. I'd settle for being a Padawan learner at age 54. I must adhere to the Jedi vow of staying single for life. 
A backflip is kind of a modified cartwheel. The heights involved are pretty much the same. 

The closest I've come to Half Life Alyx is the Notre Dame Cathedral app with the skyline of Paris. Half Life Alyx looks amazing however one is playing as a female protagonist with female avatar hands and there promises to be lots of motion sickness with this one as its one of those free roaming puzzles, shooting, combat, parkour, etc. It can only be placed on PCVR with Steam or Sidequest with a compatible computer plus pay for the app too. Not too many steps. I've seen the trailer. There is a tall robot alien that towers over all the rest of the buildings in Paris enshrouded with a 19th Century ethereal fog. 
It won't be until two more years if that until Half Life Alyx gets moved to Meta Quest 3 and at that point it will become slightly outdated. 

There is a new DLC bundle that I'll have to get from Epic Roller Coasters. Cost, about $16 including tax. I'm getting it. I'll have to make a partial payment on my credit card for this and pay the rest on a deferred date of my determination. I'll pay it for sure. When have I never not paid it? $16 for 4 levels. They're probably smoking because the other DLCs were about $10 for 6 levels. The newest levels would be done with the latest graphics technology etc etc Epic Roller Coaster is a top tier Mercedes Benz platinum level VR app that runs on all 12 cylinders. This isn't an ephemeral purchase like a one day pass at a theme park. I'm keeping this DLC bundle for life or until the Meta Quest becomes so outdated that it would seem like an Atari 2600 to today's geeky crowd. I wonder what the future of VR will be. It's already mind-blowing enough. The room for improvement is vast. In the VR app Lavrynthos, the classroom scene. The faces of the students were all exactly the same cut and paste faces. I do that in my cartoons but I'm a one person amateur. This app is ostensibly or not developed by a team of developers and graphic artists. The rest of the room looked rudimentary at best. Hello, 1996 called. They want their Nintendo 64 level graphics back. 
The movie Hugo is about the pioneer filmmaker George's Meliers who made Journey to the Moon in 1904. And I saw the 1927 movie Phantom of the Opera at a live theatre venue two years ago. VR is in a similar pioneer stage so expect it to look unpolished. 
VR has over a hundred years of 2D cinematographic technology development to fall back on. 
It's not like I'm getting a bag of crack or a flap of down for $16. This is a sober respectable bourgeois middle class even though I'm in welfare kind of purchase. I'll tell you what I think of it. If it lives up to its hefty price tag. Hefty price tag? $16 is less than an hour of minimum wage although it would probably be net pay and not gross pay prorated to the hourly wage. I asked Gun Club VR to drop another DLC which people would eagerly scoop up. It's nice to have a venue of guaranteed money in life. Of course the work has to be done and it has to be at quality but once its done the money will be rolling in. 
Everybody is waiting for Crisis Brigade 3, Gun Club VR the sequel, and Coaster Combat the sequel. I already dropped $7 for Lavrynthos, $5 for Gravity, $10 for outer Space Worlds or whatever it's called and now another $16 for Epic Roller Coaster. I also wanted to mention that other apps like Contractors, Pavlov, Ghost of Tabor, Metro the Awakening, Riven, Into the Radius are all free moving motion sickness shooters. 
I still haven't gotten the Epic Roller Coaster new DLC bundle. Fear. Anxiety. Spending money, even remembering that I am in a dimension where I have to worry about money all the time gives me anxiety. 
$18 + $16 = $34. That's more or less doable on my budget. That's quite the hit. 

Epic Coasters new bundle was good. The first and last levels were really good. The others were initially unmemorable. The last issue is a Christmas on steroids kind of fever dream. 
In the Christmas Elf Toy Shoppe level, the player is shrunk so to speak. One takes on the POV of a person who is shrunk down like in the Matt Damon movie where he is shrunk or else Honey I Shrunk The Kids. 
Johnathan Swift wrote Gulliver Travels. In that novel, the hero travels to a island where he is a giant because everything around him is small and to another island where is shrunk down so to speak. 
All of this is a metaphor for one of the powers that a spirit in the afterlife has in their array. It's not like a ghost can visit a world where they are shrunken or a world where they are a giant although I wouldn't rule that out as a funky afterlife possibility where one can visit such theme parks. A spirit in the afterlife visits us as an orb and has the option of being shrunken, hiding in a little hole in the wall near the floor, a hole so small that not even a mouse can fit there and watch us or else as an orb they can be like a drone that is high up with the towering view of a giant. Perhaps that's what Johnathan Swift was writing about whether intentionally or unintentionally. 

Taylor Swift tickets are $1,000 for an obstructed view. Partially obstructed or completely obstructed? Who cares when you're flying on two hits of ecstacy? There are Taylor Swift fans who might visit Victoria after the concert. 

I feel happier than I've been for a long time. The Courthouse would certainly be delighted to see the area cleaned. I've seen my friends today and got a nice pair of headphones. 

I feel that Beebs is always watching over me. I wish I had done more for her. I wish that I had asked her to marry me. I told my landlord as much and he said, "Then you'd be a widow." 
That reminds me of Sherlock Holmes The Solitary Cyclist
Woodley: "You're too late, she's my wife."
Carruthers: "No, she's your widow."

Yesterday I found some gummy bears wrapped in a napkin on the street. I threw them in the garbage. These days there are cannabis gummies, fentanyl gummies and ecstacy gummy bears. A female Police Officer on television said, "If you find any such items you should act advisedly and accordingly.." That's why I threw them out. I don't feel like being unpleasantly surprised with a few ecstacy bears or worse, fentanyl gummy bears. 

If I ever do a backflip that would be major. I'd be like a Jedi Knight. Even an assisted backflip. I can already kind of do a backflip. 

Juror #2 starring Nicolas Hoult is probably the best Courtroom movie since 12 Angry Men. 
It's about a guy with a normal stable middle class family who gets summoned to jury duty. As details of the case are disclosed of which after a night of drinking a man and woman argue outside the bar. The woman is found dead at the bottom of a cliff on a road somewhere near the bar. It is presumed that the man attacked her and threw her down the cliff which eerily echoes the details of a case in this town that was tried in Court a few weeks ago. Anyways the Nicolas Hoult character recalls that it was a drak and stormy night and he hit something with his car near the cliff where the woman was found. He thinks he hit a deer but wonders if he was the one who hit that woman accidentally instead. Now a man is in the docks for something he did. A good story. When it ends well find out whether he hit a deer or accidentally hit that woman with his car. If he did would he fess to it? 
As it turns out, he did it but tried to hide the fact. Even his wife kinda BSed for him. But the sharp female prosecutor caught on. She inadvertently interviewed the wife of the Nicolas Hoult character who said her husband said he must have hit a deer at one place instead of another. She did a Google check on the husband of the wife she interviewed and of course it turned out to be the Nicolas Hoult character! She quizzed him but he said that he got away with it fair and square. That guy had a gang tattoo and deserved to be sent away while he is a man with a family. 
I didn't give that much away and the beauty is in watching the whole movie play out. 
The twist in the movie is that out of all the thousands of people living in that city, he was one of the few picked for jury duty on that particular case. I think they were already on to him! 

"You can not break the Law. You can only break yourself of the Law." Juror #2

Friday, December 6, 2024

Not much work at the Courthouse grounds. The annual autumn work season is over. The leaves have mostly fallen off the trees. In the winter, trees try to grip and retain any leaves. 

Vancouver Police released pictures of a man who assaulted a 16 year old girl at the Skytrain. The girl and her female friend made a comment about a man who was staring at them it was then that he made a swing at them. 
The guy looks like the guy at the end of the Tom Green Bum Bum song. Tom Green was on BC ferries and he had a stuffed doll with him in the shape of a poop. Tom Green went to a table where a man and a lady were sitting at a round table. Tom Green actually sat on the man's head with the stuffed doll in the shape of a poop between him and the top of the man's head. The man went along with that for about a minute but Tom Green wouldn't stop sitting on the man's head. The man made an exasperated gesture and his face looks just like that face of the assault suspect. They're probably not the same person. It's the Fregoli Effect again. 

Swifties have paid so much to see the concert that they don't want to miss a second of it. Some of them have resorted to the Clockwork Orange Ludivico Treatment option of getting clamps to keep their eyelids open with an assistant applying eyedrops. Some have paid a few thousand for a ticket. So if the paid $20,000 for the tickets and its a 2 hour concert, that's $1,000 for every 6 minutes.
There have been a few brouhahas in Vancouver before. This echoes the night that Elvis visited Vancouver on August 31, 1957 and when the Beatles performed in Vancouver on August 22, 1964. These concerts were at Empire Stadium. 
I hope that the Swifties enjoy the concert. 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

I think that the News is making references to me just about very day. The only way this will end is if I quit life altogether. 

I tried Range Day VR hoping for an experience comparable to Gun Club which is impossible since Gun Club VR is the first and last word on VR shooter games. I play this one and none other. The hostage taker headshots are poetry in motion. 
Range Day was awful just awful. Slurry. One of the worst. At least I got a refund. I overpaid a few dollars into my credit card and was left with a credit rather than a debit. I generated the money to Journey to Alien Worlds which is at least a hundred times better than Range Day for the same price. 
Range Day has the gritty inner city ghetto levels which is what drew me into it but the game play is short about ten seconds and the level is over. The gun has no accurate aim, no laser sights, the physics are shoddy at best. Just ugh. 
I also looked at Dynamic shooter. It seems awful. Again, the levels are over in about ten seconds. With the cowboy levels one only gets the choice of a long gun rifle and not hand guns at all. Price $8.99 so don't expect Niagara Falls or anything like that. Gun Club is about $30 altogether with tax and the 3 DLC add-ons are $10each so it's a $60 unit. 
The targets of Dynamic shooting have a nice enticing 70s look but that's only on a couple of levels. 2 cowboy levels, 2 levels with the 70s style graphics targets but 6 levels are weird targets. I'm willing to give it a shot so to speak. Perhaps the gun handling will be better than Range Day to be honest is much worse than a lot of free apps such as Darkness. It's an atrocious anathema. Range Day is most likely a front for a money laundering scam. A lot of apps are half developed and then released like Into Space. But are still sold. Where's quality control? With the sheer amount of inventory, it would be impossible for the meta quest curators to test every app. So it's easy for anyone to not fully complete a VR app and then offer it for sale. I never ever had a problem with any Google Android apps. I probably did but don't remember. 
I play Game of Thrones Legends on the Android tablet which is the only game I ever play in the tablet. I got 8 out of 15 glyphs required for the Sansa Stark character. She is smokingly beautiful. More beautiful than most of the women in town. 
Women are a lot better under the physics of the afterlife. Like kissing a naked blonde lady. Women under the physics of this dimension which includes physical pain and death is another thing. 
I'll give Journey to Alien Worlds a run and tell you what I think of it. 
I'll give Dynamic Shooting a run too. If I don't like it, I fan always get a refund. 

Journey to Alien Worlds is great. I'm glad I got it. Spectacular. Full of facts in a fun setting. Spectacular. 
Journey to Alien Worlds is so good that it belongs on the I regret that I didn't get it sooner list along with Pistol Whip and Gun Club. 

Dynamic Shooting VR is a keeper. I overpaid for it but not by much. It costs $10.20 including tax and it has a lot going for it. I won't be asking for a refund in this one. 
I opted for the female narrator who sounds very soothing, like otherworldly soothing. Perhaps I'm just feeling good but her voice brought me to another heavenly world for just a second. The sound of the guns on the Western level sound just like they were lifted from the soundtrack of Sergio Leione's spaghetti westerns. 
The maze level is where the 70s characters emerge and they look kinda tacky in a delightful way as if Nintendo GBA's Pinball Tycoon vibe and a VR shooter got together and had a baby. The levels last for a good two minutes oven at least one full minute. 
The cut out characters look so good in this app that this app could be thought of as Gun Club's baby sibling with no mods. 
Range Day VR. Characters look wispy not the satisfying bold line 70s style comic cut outs of Gun Club and Dynamic Shooting. Range Day segments last ten seconds. Headshots don't register and aim is nebulous and random. 
Dynamic Shooting has headshots that register with satisfaction and aim is precise and at par with physics. 
There are 5 levels. Maze, and Western with the cut outs. 
The there is forest, military and shooting range which has random traditional shooting range style cut outs that go at a 90 degree angle for a few sdconds and then revert back to 180 degree or else 0 degree angle, something that Gun Club cut outs don't do, who cares. 
There are balloons and bullseyes and pinwheel targets. 
Not better than Gun Club. Not even equal but not bad for $10 as Gun Club with all the DLCs is $60. I wish I had paid, what, $8 or even $6 in total including tax for this but I'm not going to get apoplectic over a few dollars overpaid. I pay more than that in tips for restaurant meals and I don't go to restaurants all that often. 

Keeping in mind the 15 minute limit for the free trial and also wanting to like it as I am looking for an augment to Gun Club VR, I really stringently tried Range Day but the whole thing is a train wreck. Guns are a pain to reload. The armoury appearing each and every time as an annoying pop up as levels start. Takes forever to empty the gun and reload it and then do a couple of other moves just the get the gun to fire, what, six quick shots as targets flash on and off quickly only reload it again. Auto reload not an option. 
Levels last ten, sometimes five seconds. It's really bad. Atrocious. I have experience with VR shooters so I tried again and again on this but it just doesn't work. 
That being said, one day when this gets really outdated, I'd be willing to get it for free but it has to be at that price or I won't get it. I might get it for $2 plus tax. Tops. That's about all its worth. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Pastor Joel Osteen sermons is the living waters. All other preachers sermons seem like dead waters, dry deserts. 

The incidental iterational demarcation of linear time is part of Kants Categorical Imperative. Linear time is subjectice time. Time travel is objective time. 
In Gulliver Travels the giant mode is a metaphor for time travel, the objective experience of time. The miniature mode is a metaphor for the subjective experience of linear time. 

Vancouver unarguably has the most heavenly vibes which is why so many people live there. The newcomers visiting Vancouver from other parts of the Province would realize what a backwater they live in and what a proper civilization looks like. 
There are so many premiums on house parties in a small town. If you don't get invited to one, youre missing out. That's why living in a small town is like taking a step backwards because just walking around normally on Granville Street on a regular day and going through Pacific Centre Mall feels way more like a party than any house party in any backwater sh*thole town. 
That's why so many people live in Vancouver and why hardly anyone lives in Vancouver Island. Island living. There are more people in Vancouver alone not including Burnaby, Coquitlam, North Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Maple Ridge, Mission, Delta etc than there are on all of Vancouver Island. 

The other day, my friend found a Ninja air fryer. It's more of a pizza oven because it isn't large enough to do an entire chicken. 
The idea is to do an entire chicken Chinese style. One way is to cook the entire chicken first and then roast it for awhile for that caramelized perfection. The Chinese also boil a chicken for about a couple of hours in a broth that is profoundly and copiously flavored with soysauce. Soy sauce chicken. There is also a variation that uses Chinese all slice which I will discuss in a second. 
Another idea which would be the apex of ideas is to first cook a turkey to about 95% cooked. How this would be done is using a thermometer. Once the inside of the turkey is just a few degrees Celsius off of fully cooked, take it out of the full sized air fryer oven and coat it with batter using a paintbrush. Then it's a fried turkey similar to fried chicken. That would be a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey on cocaine. 
All spice was used in just about all dinners in the 1800s. Mulled ciders and even possibly wine had all spice added to it. Pot roasts were popular and the recipe was to boil it in water with a teabag full of all spice and then throw the roast into an oven. The only thing they did more often than using all spice for cooking was breathing. 
That Ninja air fryer takes up a lot of room. Uses a lot of electricity making the lights in the room go dimmer. And there is the washing up of the grill racks which is always tedious. 

I always think the News is talking to me. It's just more paranoid schizophrenia delusions of reference BS. Delusions of reference are a form of confirmation bias. 
The tabletop model of conspiracy theory, build the tabletop first and then find the legs to support it instead of the other way around. 
Sherlock Holmes said something about twisting facts to suit theories rather than using theories to support facts. 
If a person starts of with the premise, the News is talking about me, narcissistic ego crap, then they will comb the news for random data cluster phenomenon to support their ridiculous subjective notion. Why the hell would the News be always talkimg about me? Or anyone else. Would a politician think that the News is always making secret references to them? Probably not because they're not delusional. Always trust in the wisdom and guidance Of political leaders. All problems wither under the glare of good government. 

The infamous Assad regime in Syria as rebels advanced towards the capital. I never thought that would happen. 
The Cuban Revolution was Russian backed rebels toppling an American puppet regime. 
The Syrian Revolution is American backed rebels toppling a Russian puppet regime. 
Assad is now hiding out in Moscow so this confirms the Russian puppet theory. 
Tabouleh with expensive Russian caviar would be a Michelin star dish. 
Does Trump being President elect rather than Kamala Harris have anything to do with it? Who knows? 
The News showed a Syrian with the last name of Assad celebrating along with other Syrians at the Vancouver Art Gallery grounds which used to be the Vancouver Courthouse grounds. Assad is a common last name is Syria. It's like Smith or Jones in the West. 
Syria is wide open. Get in on the ground floor. Be a construction worker. Be an expat English teacher. Convert to Islam but if you're going to do that it would be better to teach in other Muslim countries which pay a lot more than Syria would for an English teacher. A TOEFL certificate isn't enough for these hefty paying jobs. You need at least a BA. But the wage is $100,000 a year with paid vacations in Switzerland. Wealthy Muslim countries would be Saudi Arabia, UAE, Brunei, and Qatar. They pay majorly. But get ready to quit alcohol and confer to Islam. Syria now an American protectorate would be friendly and safe enough for tourists that even I would feel safe there. As safe as one could be with Lebanon and Hezbollah as their neighbours. The Syrian rebel leader. Fidel Castro called. He wants his beard back. What a massive Nebuchadnezzar beard. 
Syria is about almost 80% Sunni Muslims. Lets face it. Anyone who wants to learn English enough will learn off the internet or off some language app. 
A Syrian lady at a rally st the Vancouver Art Gallery said on the News, "Now there will be real democracy in Syria. Not the fake democracy under Assad." 
Wrong. There will be a choice between two American puppets. Controlled opposition. That election will be rigged just like British Agents rigged the Newfoundland Independence vote*. The CIA has had decades of experience rigging overseas elections but had to rig the toughest election of all which any election in their own country and they successfully did that too. Anyways, any future Syrian elections are now in very capable hands thanks to the CIA. 
And a democracy with the usual democratic provisos such as popular vote means nothing, as there are things like electoral boundaries and electoral colleges and vote splitting and coalition governments formed but never publicly asked for so its kinda but not exactly really the government we voted for but a blatant, I mean an overt rather than a covert backroom deal or else a strange bestial coupling. 
*Secret Nation, starring Mary Walsh, Cathy Jones, Rick Mercer, 1992 

There are a few species of hamsters, the Chinese hamster, the Roborowski hamster but the cutest and highest selling hamster is the golden Syrian hamster. I remember golden times with a golden Syrian hamster. Don't breed hamsters as mothers will usually eat the babies. Ghastly. Wretched. Only have one hamster. When they are fully grown they an get quite big and are cute to hold. However they only live about two years so that's not that long of a time to live. 
For a hamster, you need a cage, regular change of bedding, one food dish for pellets and one for fresh fruits and vegetables, a water bottle and a wheel for running. And also some hamster toys. When they eat the trail mix, their cheeks can get quite big and they are really cute like that. Baby baby big big cheeks. I hope to be able to have a female golden Syrian hamster again one day. 

I'm really thinking of getting Space walk for $11.19 with tax. I tried it before. It was really good but more expensive. It was really top scale and what the heck. I wasn't and am not planning to get any more VR apps. Famous last words. If I get Space walk, would my VR app addiction be out of control? I could always pay it off later. 
I'm nervous about getting Space Walk. It has puzzles too supposedly. What puzzles? 
Also the Space Shuttle experience looks good but one is just piloting the space shuttle on Earth. Hubble imagery. One can see Hubble and space shuttle VR videos for free on YouTube. 
I saw the Shuttle Commander the entire game previewed on YouTube. Not impressed with the graphics. Cheap rendered glossy plastic which is standard issue with VR. Not a photo realistic NASA app. There are a few free apps which show just about the same thing. 
I'll probably get Space Walk. I remembered liking it last time. I wanted more and felt sad when the free trial ended. $11.19 isn't a gut buster and I could pay it later, like next week. 
Got Space Walk. Checked out Space Atlas 2025. I could tell in a millisecond if I really like an app. Again, another cheap shoddy app. No photo realism. More rendered animations. 
Space Walk was spectacular. 
I wonder if I'm going crazy. Too much caffeine or what? I drink tea and coffee. 
Requested a refund for Space Walk. Motion sickness through the roof. On all missions. 
Damn it. On Space Walk, there were three missions. I tried two of the three missions and then uninstalled it and requested a refund. One only gets one refund request per app and thwts it. I didn't try the 3rd level which is called Save the Earth. In this level one has to use their motion sickness endurance to save the earth from an asteroid with their bare hands. Sounds doable in real life since an asteroid weighs about a hundred pounds per cubic foot. 
I saw a YouTube video about it but regret that I didn't have the presence of mind to try it. 
Space Atlas has gripped me and won't let go. I got to visit Enceladus and step aboard the Eagle lander. The Eagle lander was so detailed it was scary. $15.99 before taxes but worth it. I already got a bunch of astronomy apps too. 
I'd like to one day see a video with a full walkthrough showing the opening of each of the three adventures in this app. That would be marvelous. I hope someone puts that up. 
I visited the moon and other planets so many times in VR. This could be an omen of the unimaginable. I'm 70 years old in 15 years. At around that time there has been a quantum leap and regular citizens can hover around and visit the moon for not all that experience. A person can visit the moon then. I doubt it. Can a person survive the Van Allen belt? Would I be visiting the moon one day? I doubt it. 
I saw the asteroid adventure. It was awful. Wretched. 

Mars had the Curiosity Rover which landed on Mars in 2004. It worked so well that an initial two week mission was extended indefinitely. It still works today. 
Mars has another Roger called The Perseverence sent there in 2022. The Perseverance also has a small helicopter drone called The Ingenuity which is the first independent flying vehicle sent to any planet. The ingenuity has a camera. 
The Mars Rovers have a high gain antennae to transmit message to an orbiter above Mars. And they each have a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. So did the Cassini orbiter. 
F it. I got Space Atlas VR for $18. 
Space Atlas VR is a valuable addition and I don't regret getting it for a second. The models of the moons of different planets in the solar system, some of them look so beautiful and finely crafted that I feel like I am a rich man who has a collection of fine high end ultra crafted models of moons of the solar system. These models of the moons make the app feel like it is a hundred dollar app. 
I loved visiting in Lunar Eagle and the Lunar Rover in VR. The Lunar Rover is basically an electric skateboard with a chassis attached to it with all terrain wheels. 

I always feel anxiety. Even now. The spirits of my friends who have gone on are always with me. Too bad I'm not a psychic otherwise I would be able to talk with them. 
Yesterday night I had a dream where I saw my old landlord Bud. He died in 2012. His face was chiseled and he had stubble. But his hair was white and so was his stubble. He was wearing light blue acrylic jacket. His son was with him, a young native guy with long hair wearing a white hoody and also a blue jacket. In the dream for a second seeing him, I forgot that he had died because he was there in front of me. 
I the dream I was visiting a place that I somehow visit regularly when I'm in Vancouver about to return to Victoria. Bud knew I'd be visiting there and he was there. I wondered how he knew I'd be there. I think it was a coffee shop on the West side of Granville Street. 

In dreams these days I am often visiting Vancouver and knowing that I'd have to be returning to Victoria on a vehicle, a bus and then the boat. 
The other week I dreamed I was in Thailand at night. I was about to leave Bangkok again knowing I'd be back again in a few months. In the dream I had the impression that I was going there and back each time staying a few months. My friend Jaroon was walking with me. I knew that it was no point worrying about forgetting to say something because I could return next time and say it. 

Life and indeed existence itself can be thought of as scary. But when one thinks of Royalty, one realizes that existence is beautiful. Royalty is a sign that higher things in existence are possible and that life is an opulent and beautiful adventure rather than a scary adventure. 

The cleft lip commercial on television on Global News is ghastly and wretched. 
As Brad Pitt said in the movie The Counselor, "Think of that the next time you do a line."
My paranoid schizophrenic delusion of reference makes me think that yet again the News is referring to me. A few years ago I had some large pimple on my upper lip and I had a passport photo taken like that. Great. It made me look like I had a cleft lip. I've seen cats with cleft lips. 
Joaquin Phoenix has a cleft upper lip but that didn't stop him from netting a multi million dollar movie career. 
That commercial said, "The person with the cleft lip dreaded a life of being teased and bullied." The word bullied makes me think that the government would be sending people to bully me or anyone else. 
That's why I often wish that I could be with Heather in the afterlife. 
But I have a lot of living friends who are worth living for. I got Beats headphones and VR goggles and my electric skateboards. Even with the dreaded court trial on average I am happier these days than ever before with the VR goggles and the skateboards. 
I don't have much in common with most people in town therefore I don't know if I have too many friends. A few, that's it. 

The News sometimes has the most heavenly angelic commercials. 
OK Tire, "it's going to be OK."
Covenant House commercials.  "It's an all-encompassing thought that I'm safe in myself and my future." and the latest one, "Alex couldn't see it now but things are about to be much better than he ever thought."
And the most heavenly one of all. "When you were a kid you didnt worry about adult things. Your parents took care of that. Now you're a parents. Trust Johnston Meier insurance company. Your parents and your grad parents trusted us." That commercial is so sweet. Almost like when Peggy Sue met her grandparents in the movie Peggy Sue got married sweet. 

I watched Star Wars Skeleton Crew. It was really good. I decided to give it a chance this time. The first half hour is boring but it picks up fast. Child actors. Who cares. Think of them as smaller adults with the same intellect but without the years of retarded experience that most adults have. Speak for yourself! 
I'm thinking that at around the time these children reach 30 in twenty years, I'll probably be dead. 
The children are at school then they find what they think is a Jedi temple but it's actually a spaceship. One wrong press of a button later and they are miles away in outer space. Did I say miles? Let's say parsecs. 
They activate the onboard robot which advises them to go to the nearest space port which happens to be a pirate space port full of pirate gangsters. The children are thrown into a pirate gangster holding cell instead of a Police holding cell. That's a thing. The brig. 
In the brig they meet Jude Law the Jedi master then cut to closing credits. 
Unlike a Police holding cell in which they can only hold you for 24 hours, in a pirates brig, one can be held indefinitely like a POW. After that if a person is remanded in custody, they get taken to a pretrial remand center even if they're found innocent later or the case is thrown out in a mistrial as with what happened with Tony Roasrio of SCTV. He was remanded in custody for something and then he was released to freedom after his trial. 
The next episode is tomorrow. Hopefully it drops at midnight. I doubt it. It will drop at 10 am or something like that. 
It's really good and it's not woke garbage. I liked it although I'm guessing that The Critical Drinker will probably not like it. 
Star Wars television series looks better in VR big screen than on regular television. 

The Police are looking for a nurse who assaulted and robbed patients. That's like Nurse Ratchett on PCP! Bonkers. 

I'm going to sweep the grounds of the Courthouse this week. I have no other life. 

This week I plan to make Tabouleh with prawns. Tabouleh is pearl cous cous, diced tomato, cucumber, onion and cilantro with olive oil and lemon juice. And prawns, chicken breast, optional. King crab leg pieces, snow crab, lobster, all is acceptable. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

I thought the work season at the Courthouse was over. It's never over. As long as there are trees there and as long as people walk and sometimes inadvertently litter in an absent-minded haze of Courtroom based worries. I can understand. I have Courtroom worries too except I don't litter. I do the opposite. I pick up litter. Even my own litter, I put it in my pocket to throw it away at the first available garbage can. 

The News said the new Syrian administration composed of rebels is deemed a terrorist organization. 
This tells me two things. 
1. The handlers as usual remove all association. "This mission doesn't exist nor will it ever exist." Apocalypse Now. Plausible deniability is the name of the game. Therefore people won't suss that the new regime is an American puppet regime. Their aim is to establish a covert American protectorate rather than an overt one. 
Saddam Hussein was initially an installed American puppet but he went against the Americans. Did this happen with the new Syrian leader? 
2."Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss." We Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who
Russians have a policy that any of their puppet regime leaders must sometimes earn the right to be so. Sometimes a new Communist leader deposes one just like Stalin deposed Lenin or Putin deposed Boris Yeltsin. The Russians might have said, "Have a crack at it. May the best person win. If you're successful, the job is yours to lose. Literally."
So instead of things being toned down, this new guy might turn out to be like Assad on steroids. The siege on Aleppo would seem like a trip to Disneyland compared with what's coming down the pike with this new guy at the helm. 
So when the lady at the Syrian rally in Vancouver said that Syria would have a Western style democracy, she is most likely way off. I mean the new leader, Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani. First of all, Abu means father. Narcissism or perhaps that name is like Smith or Jones in the West. Anyways, next to the new leader, Assad at least appears to be the moderate in his Hermes and Armani suits. The new leader with his Che Guavara gung-ho desert military fatigues, does it look like democracy is any kind of priority with him? 
He looks more like a military junta type of guy. 
"The British system is the worst system except for all the others." George Orwell 
Or else the system isn't perfect but it's the best there is. 
I wish the Syrian people well as I would wish people of all Nationalities well. Similar to Indiana Jones, I respect the knowledge of people from all cultures. 
I still hope to one day have another chance to have a golden Syrian hamster. 
Hamsters are somewhat pricey. Prices have gone up for fresh produce. Then food pellets and bedding which are ongoing costs. And the cage has to be cleaned at least once every two days if not more otherwise it would smell like a rotten fish. Hamsters are somewhat feral at first before they get to know you and can bite. Don't be surprised if that happens. 

Today the NYPD arrested the man who shot the CEO who wasn't a banking CEO but a healthcare CEO. Good work on the part of the Police. The suspect is a former University student. I wonder how they found out who did it. This would be like an episode of Law & Order. 
"In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups, the Police who investigate crime; and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories."

"When the rich rob the poor it's called business, 
When the poor rob the rich its called violence."
Mark Twain
This appeared on YouTube comments. Another commenter pointed out, "Wrong. The guy who killed the CEO came from a rich family."
The story is the CEO accepted health premium money from lots of clients and his medical company didn't provide any care at all a lot of the time. 
That explains it but it doesn't excuse it. The University guy who did that now he got busted and that's no good for him. How much did he learn in University exactly? Don't do stupid shit like kill someone or you'll get busted big time. 
There are other solutions. Let the Courts decide. Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos pill scandal. Elizabeth Holmes survived a shooting attempt. Martin Shkreli and Darmaprim raising the price of each pill from $17 to $1,500. Well that's pretty blatant. 
Again these cases were left to the Courts. 
This is opposite but along similar lines to The Fugitive. Pharmacare CEO Lentz was trying to get Richard Kimble killed because Kimble exposed that Lentz switched the samples to get approval for a pill called provasic. 
The CEO who was done in was Brian Thompson of United HealthCare. The perp is Luigi Mangione. Mario and Luigi. The most famous or infamous Mangione since Chuck Mangione. Feels So Good. Feels so bad. 
He got arrested at a McDonald's in Pennsylvania. The lady working at the cashier's till looked at his face and thought, "That's they guy from New York!" 
"Ooh wa ooh wa cool cool kitty Talk about the boy from New York City
He's kind of tall He's really fine, Some day I hope to make him mine, all mine
And he's neat And oh so sweet The way he look at me Just swept me off my feet"
The accused Luigi Mangione is from a rich family. In a case like this, even with a rich lawyer, he'll be a rich guy who will be locked up like Hoyt in the TV series Oz. In a few years after steroids and tattoos all over the body including the face, he would be unrecognizable. 
He went to an all boys University. Now he'll be going to another all boys facility. 
He should have used his University knowledge to launch a class action lawsuit against the CEO. 

I'm wondering about Daraprim. If the guy could even think about doing that, it means the pill must be effective. People probably weren't thinking, "That's ridiculous! There's no way I'm paying that." Rather they were thinking, "What can I cut back on to be able to afford that?" 
Daraprim sis an AIDS pill used to treat pnuemocystis jiroveci. 
So there's no way that Daraprim would be a new hot psychoactive street drug as since it treats pneumonia, its a square pill. 
A drug that has become a street drug is Ozempic with its more powerful form Bon Juro. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who Donald Trump referred to as Governor Trudeau is talking about Trumps tariffs. How out of touch for Trump to refer to the Prime Minister as the Governor. Typical as a lot of politicians are semi educated opportunists. You don't see a lot of the top mathematicians at NASA getting into politics. 
USA - United States of Avarice. 
Don't call it a tariff, call it an airhead money grab. It's a form of price fixing that is irregardless of real or artificial scarcity. 
Word ladder: tariff - ariff - airhead. That doesn't make sense at all. Ariff isn't a word. Tariffs aren't a deleterious thing. They have been around since what, Babylonian times or what? 
Trump is an incredibly venal man. When you have over a billion dollars and it's not enough, that's a sickness. If you were to spend a million dollars every three months, it would take you 250 years to get through a billion. 
The Dalai Lama said, when you perceive something good as something bad, that is a sickness. 
It's a type of cognitive dissonance and dysmorphia. With bodily dysmorphia, a skinny person will always see themself as fat. With financial dysmorphia, even a billionaire will have irrational panic attacks first thing in the morning of running out of money and starving in the street. 
I do lots of work sweeping the streets and the grounds of the Courthouse. I don't ask for money doing that. Jesus and Buddha taught that it is a blessed thing to give and not ask for money. 

I'm razor crestfallen that Skeleton Crew season 3 is of of yet nowhere to be seen. Also that Mandaloeian season 4 has been cancelled. 
I saw episode 3 of Skeleton Crew. Exquisite. I'll give Acolytes a try. Some people thought that the show centered around children was off putting. In shows that have children as actors, the thing is to focus on the world around the actors. World building movie. And also the cinematography which Star Wars has. Seeing it on a big screen, I'm talking 150 inch screen in VR makes all the difference. Today's television shows have better production values than movies 20 years ago. So what? Television shows in the 70s had better production values than movies of the 50s. Well for one thing, they were in color. 

Today I swept the grounds of the Royal Theater. Landscaping. An employee there noticed me and gave me an Aero truffle bar, Nanaimo bar flavored. How exquisite is that? 

I can get a jar of peanut butter and then in a bowl mix that with chocolate and put it on a microwave. Melt it, stir it, then add sugar and either condensed milk or evaporated milk. 
Condensed milk or evaporated milk with sugar with yogurt is good too. 
I forgot to get a can of beans. Beans cooked with a bit of water and then added to a bowl with evaporated milk and sugar is a tasty treat. 

In BC in the Okanagan a father and young son survived an overturned boat. The local answer to the Poseidon Adventure. That movie would look good in VR big screen. Cheesy 70s production values. Snapseed camera filter. Who cares? 

Pedro Pascal the Mandalorian stars in the movie Prospect which is kind of like The Last of Us meets Matt Damon's The Martian. A father and his daughter are stranded on an alien planet trying to escape. 
The opening song is Rita Chao, Crying In the Storm. 
Pedro Pascal has a face that reminds me of Dirk Benedict, as Starbuck, that laid back easy vibe. Pedro Pascal especially had that face in the movie The Unbearable Weight of Talent. The song especially when the lyrics go, "Take me, take me," really goes with the Starbuck vibe. It's just a strange thoughtform. 
I looked up the song on the internet on my laptop computer. When I opened my computer there was an auto generated screenshot wallpaper of a village. When I closed the browser after checking out the song, the auto generated screenshot was that of an owl. An owl is a death omen. So I wondered and looked up Rita Chao. She's dead. She died in 2014. Sometimes you first hear of someone years after they died but that person still has a effect on your life which will register with them during their life review. Life review covers all time. 
Life review is bother instantaneous and long term. 
It is an instantaneous download. The information is all there. But that information will now be with you for all eternity, like a tattoo, the insights from that knowledge. Every once in awhile your mind will stretch in yet another direction wondering about this or that aspect of your past life and the answer will be there, an answer you wouldn't have gotten if you didn't wonder about it. That will go on like, forever. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

I went shopping for groceries today to get some sausages and hot dog buns. And then a tomato, a cucumber and onion, some cilantro and Pearl cous cous and spinach and lemon flavored cous cous. Crap. I forgot the prawns and I forgot a lemon. 
On my way there, I saw the preacher from a Church I didn't go to for weeks. I am forlorn to learn that the preacher is leaving at the end of February. Life is like that. He is a very good preacher. 
I left Church because I didn't feel that I had anything in common with the flock. I'm into skateboards and VR. They're not, which is baffling. Some of them are millionaires and they don't have VR, ride skateboards nor smoke weed nor drink coca leaf tea. See, you don't have to be actually rich to live a rich lifestyle. 
I do yoga every day and meditation on most days. Some days I just plumb forget to meditate. 
So I went to Church today as there was a concert event. Everyone there was happy to see me. 
"Delta women think the world of me." Rambling Man, Allman Brothers
I also went to see the dentist today. The ladies st the dentist office were happy to see me. 
I am. Happy to see them. 
I had mild dental surgery today. Surgery is always a great way to pass the day. 

I am happy to see my friends at Church today. I regret having not gone for so many weeks. Today I felt that I lost my intellectual compass. I lost my view of the future. When I was in my 40s I thought there was a chance I could move to a rich place, at least middle class of not upper class, get married and have a family somehow even though I don't know if I'm a very protective person. I want to be but I think I might be a coward. Or else I overthink. I could probably use some scientifically foolproof method like use a weapon of opportunity but then I think I could be charged with assault or worse. So I don't fight. It's that second of hesitation worried about getting bested for fighting that makes most people cowards. Otherwise you can use a throwing axe, a crossbow. Sure, use that and get busted. Forget it. 
Anyways while some have lost their moral compass, I lost my intellectual compass. The words, my future, are an oxymoron because I have no future. My hotel will close and how will I find another place? Will it be run down with weird junkie neighbours? I might be single for life or get into a relationship and make mistakes in that relationship. Things that later on, I will ish I had done differently. Better no relationship at all. 

The people at Church are conservative folk with whom I have nothing in common. Baz Luhrman said in his song about wearing sunscreen that it is good to develop friendships with different people with whom you have nothing in common with. 
I'll go back there but hope I don't regret it. 
Church and library are the squares places in town. Museums too. 
Nightclubs aren't square but you got to be into drinking and there's a cover charge. Lots of beautiful ladies. Sometimes a beautiful woman is a trap. A rabbit hole of issues. 
Either that or be single for life. 
Thsts why I fear the future. 

I am planning to clean the sidewalk near the Legislative grounds tourist walking area. A seam of the sidewalk is overrun with weeds and is starting to look seedy. I'm worried that if I scratch up the weeds, that will leave a deep furrow in the sidewalk. Sometimes not. Sometimes underneath the thick growth of weeds is a thin and not thick crack of sidewalk. 

I believe in God. Vivid dreams of relatives who died is proof. God has a plan. Sometimes God's plan is strange. And the stories of examples of that strangeness wind up on the 6 o clock News. Thsts why I fear the future. 

My new neighbours close the doors of their rooms loud. I have slight autism. I fear that will wind up giving me a panic attack or nervous breakdown. Over time I might get desensitized to it and know that it's just them. There are a couple of other neighbours who close their door loud. A crazy guy and a lady who gives loud speeches. I got to know them. They are actually very sweet people. So when they close their door loud, I don't care. 
I'm not getting like massive involuntary adrenaline burst because my subconscious picked up something that my intuition registers so I'm not that worried about my new neighbours. Let's face it, in a lot of ways they're mote together than I am for sure. They are black guys from University which I wish I could be at University in 1982 listening to funk music from black artists. That would be my idea of heaven. I'm not as cool as black people. There's something about them. Cool. 
I do things my own way. Spiderman, Miles Morales, "Don't do it like me. Do it like you."
I can't imitate black people. I have to develop my own style. 

I've been watching the Apollo moon mission in VR. A lot. 
How they thought of that was ingenious. The multistage rocket. Well that's from Werner von Braun and Operation Paperclip World War 2. The next step is the last stage rocket hooking up to the lunar module stationed on a rocket in space. The LEM Lunar Ejection Module has a descent stage and an ascent stage. The descent stage with the support tripods and the laddets was left on the moon. Only the ascent stage half left the moon while both halves descended to the moon. 
Whoever thought of all that? Genius. While there were two astronauts on the surface of the moon, there was one astronaut on the Command Module CM that contained the fuel tank with the fuel to get them back to Earth circling the moon. To quote Into Space, he was the loneliest person in the Universe. Although he didn't get to walk on the surface of the moon, he got a good scenic flight over the moon. He also worried that somehow the two astronauts would get stranded on the moon and he would have to return to Earth alone. Talk about the brain painting pictures because it all turned out fine. 
They didn't think of the lunar module all at once. Before Apollo 11 there were missions that flew past the moon but not landing on it and then coming back so a lot of the steps of Apollo 11 were already done. 
On December 16, 1972, Apollo 17 which was the last mission ended. On that mission the astronauts stayed for days not just for hours and made expeditions to Tracy's Rock and Shorty Crater. 
Apollo mission in VR is predictive programming. Before the century ends, there could be high school field trips to the moon. But those space ships will be a lot more refined that the Apollo spacecraft. Next level. That would go without saying. 
The astronauts didn't bring a radio or any Sony Walkman. Future trips to the moon will have mp3 players etc. See, the idea is that radio waves take a few seconds to travel from the moon to the Earth even though radio waves travel at the speed of light. So have one radio station on the moon so when the ship reaches half way, switch radio stations so there is less of a time delay and the signal is more of a live signal. 
Would I travel to the moon? Sure. If the spaceship was luxurious and my room looked like one of those space travel ambient wallpaper videos on YouTube and I had bay windows. That's my rider for traveling to the moon. I need bay windows, and condensed milk and evaporated milk. 
But why do that when you can do it in VR? 
Same as traveling to the Titanic Wreck. You can do that in VR too. 
Traveling to the moon and traveling to the Titanic, either is bad mojo. In the old days the moon was known as the purveyor of darkness while the sun is known and goodness and light. But while a person can survive a trip to the moon, any trip to the sun would be proportionately as fatal as the distsnce that one gets near it. 
The sun is the local manager. One doesn't access God or the Universe, that would be too immense. We get a local manager which would be the galaxy or local group of galaxies. But to get to that you must get pass the sun. No one comes to the father except through me, Jesus said. 
Christianity and all religions are sublimated covert sun worship. 
All things are under the control of God. Nothing is outside His control. 
Royal. The comes from Ra which means sun and El which means God. Sun God. 
There is a galactic federation and an intergalactic federation. The sun is part of the galactic federation. Or is it? YouTube videos have mentioned a galactic federation from space conspiracy nuts. 

The movie Heretic was great. Hugh Grant brought up the Landlord's Game and then Monopoly and then Bob Ross Monopoly. 
He said the three main religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam are the same religions each being an iteration of the original. He also mentioned that even though Judaism is the OG religion, why are only 0.2% of people Jewish? 
The Hugh Grant mentioned that a stars that predated Jesus share aspects of his story. 
The girls debated with him. They said that Hugh Grant didn't mention that memories of the holocaust and persecution prevent many people from being Jewish. And Hugh Grant didn't mentioned the glsring differences between those avatars and Jesus. "One of them had a bird's head for freaking sake!"
Hugh Grant mentioned that the only true religion is, wait for it, control. I would add control and money. 
That explains the government. Conservative right wing parties are all about money and affluence, that is, they are about money. Liberal left wing parties are all about social policy and justice, that is, they are about control. 
It's a reap and sow methodology that as a government, you rake in the money from the people until they get out of line and go off regulations or get rebellious. Then you got to bring in the control. A law and order platform. Increases in Police funding. Once the people are in line and working again, then you rake in the money again hence the point counterpoint of Conservative and liberal parties winning alternating elections over the decades. 

At the last minute I remembered to get Arriba sweet chili taco chips. I have the Doritos sweet chili and the Old Dutch sweet chili taco chips. Ariiba is on for a limited time so I had to get it. Doritos sweet chili will be sold indefinitely. I'm going to take the Pepsi challenge to see which is better. But that would be a sunjective opinion. 
Snap! I forgot to get President's Choice all dressed chips. 
Well it's seems that the President's choice is to impose a 25% tariff on American goods going to Canada. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday the 13th. 

I am worried that I acquiesced and regressed and went back to Church. It might be a trap. When you're real, when you're a freak, you become a real battery for those vampires, "Convert convert convert."
I don't have anything in common with them. The only things in common are a reverence for God, Jesus and the Paraclete. And that would be good enough. 
Churches often have unpleasant surprises like flakes, crackpots, delinquents. I can always go fr awhile and if I don't like it, then I'll stop going. 
The two main problems are cults and cultures. 
Cults are Churches and as such once you go there for a few months or a few years, they expect you to go there for life. The only solution is to move to another town. Keep moving to new and different towns and don't go back to old towns. There is a cycle. Go to a town, get drawn in to weird places and weird scenes with weird energy and  weird people from some weird impulse to socialize. Then stop going for awhile and you see these people on the street and they try to nudge you to go back and in your bones, you don't want to. Time to move to another town. If you don't move to another town, you'll never hear the end of it. They'll stalk and hassle you for life to go back to their weird scene. 
That's why I want to quit life. To move from town to town, one needs to be very rich. The ideal is a quiet place with no neighbours. No noise whatsoever. Neighbours can be insufferable. 
If I go back to Church and don't like it, I can always quit again. The wise man regressed 7 times and quits 8 times. 
"The wise man falls seven times and rises eight times." Old saying 

"Family is on the line. Whatever is on the line." William Shatner, Priceline
Church is on the line. VR and electric skateboards is on the line. Whatever is on the line. 
The physics of this dimension don't permit most people to live anything but the most flyblown and undesirable lives. "Their lives were nasty short and brutish." Shakespeare 
Science and religion are joined at the hip. As a religionist, you can not teach that God created people without evolution and dinosaurs first and as a scientist you can not say that God doesn't exist st all. You can I guess but that would be Carrera suicide only if you're a careerist. If not, then who cares. We're all points on a curve when it comes to beliefs in whatever. 
As for cultures, I'm not White which gives me a built in excuse to avoid most scenes in Canada since most people who go to any given place isn't Chinese. But I'm also not that Chinese since I eschew the language especially the writing system.
But the Chinese writing system is like telepathy. On enough magic mushrooms, when you think a thought, you are throwing an invisible arc from you're forehead. The src can be transparent as in the movie Sphere or it can be full color. Within the arc are squiggles that once you look at it, you can understand it. This is very exactly similar to reading words on a page which is illustrated telepathy that can be looked at and a telepathic empathic sympatico resonance instantaneously occurs. It's instant.especiallu for a speed reader. Chinese script morphically more resembles the organic squiggles of natural telepathy.  
Without language there can be no meaning. Without telepathy there can be no understanding. Those two things need one another. One is born into this dimension as a human to learn language and about what a linear timeline means. 
In the afterlife one achieves total telepathy which would be useless and meaningless without language to go with it. The afterlife has the fluid time dynamic where time travel is time experienced on an objective level which again would be meaningless without understanding what linear time is juxtaposed to that as the two are inextricably linked. 
With Chinese, it can be argued that there are or else there are not spaces between the words of a sentence. In Thai, there definitely is not. Deconstructed, I couldn't seriously work with a language like that. English is more delineated and categorized and civilized in the way that there are species between words in sentences. 
However in the telepathic stream that one can see emanating from the forehead, there are no spaces between words. There are only the slightest pauses which somehow regjster between sentences just like with the Thai written language. 

To reiterate, the telepathic stream has a few streams within it going all at once
1. Strong thoughts. 
2. Less important thoughts. 
3. Hidden and withheld thoughts. 
4. Subconscious thoughts that one usually isn't aware of. 
5. Emotion. 

Under the subjective physics of this dimension, 1 is the strongest and 5 is the weakest. 
Under the objective physics of the afterlife, 5 is the strongest and 1 is the weakest. 
Therefore things you think are implrtsnt, the spirit world doesn't think of as important and vice versa. 
In this world getting an award, getting money is important. Doing a menial work for the city for free is not important. In the spirit world, the opposite goes. 
1. Is the newest most recently developed faculty. 
Then in descending order, 
5. Is the oldest most primeval primordial faculty. 
"You are either in possession of a very new human ability or a very old one." The Dead Zone, movie 
Why 5? 5 fingers, 5 holes on the face. 
Why not 7? 7 has to do with colors of the rainbows and musical notes on a scale. And when you look at a telepathic stream it seems to be more 5 than 7. 
Appearances. A kaleidoscope appears to be 8 sided but it is really 6 sided. 

This dimension sucks. In this dimension you can work hard with no reward. In the afterlife all work is instantly and appropriately rewarded. I envy Heather who is in the afterlife. So many vivid dreams that I had. So many stories from friends and on the internet. Deathbed visions, very vivid dreams, near death experiences. This convinces me of the other dimension. PMH Atwater talked about what she calls the master vibration although that has existed long before she was born. She put a good name to it. 

God takes care of all people and all animals. If you had a pet, you and that pet will be reunited in the afterlife and that animal will be able to speak to you in English as if it was a person. 
God also takes care of animals who lived and died on Earth without ever seeing a human. In the afterlife, they would see God not as a very large human but as a very large animal of their respective species. A moose when it dies will see God as a large moose and not as a large human. Why would it see a human? Why would it see something more advanced? 
Because if it did see a human, then when humans die, will humams see species of a much higher consciousness? For a human to see an ET in the glass windows of a UFO is like a farm animal seeing humans in the windows of a passing car. That is how smart they are compared to us. 
According to conspiracy theorists, of the hundreds of species of ETs that have visited Earth to discount the millions that haven't, some species are galaxy hoppers. They are intergalactic! The al-gruaalix is an alien species which has 8 genders! 
So when humans die, will they have a chance to meet some al-gruaalixes? I hope not for my sake because that would be too weird for me. Humans, including myself, are too weird for me let alone al-gruaalixes. 

Eckhart Tolle brought up a point. When a person says that they don't like themself, who is it that is doing the disliking and who is it that is being disliked? The self divides itself into two parts, the subject and the article. 
So in my case when I think I'm too weird for myself let alone al-gruaalixes, who is it that's the weird one and who is it that thinks that he's too weird? 

The Federal Labour Minister of Canada ordered striking Canada Post workers to return to work immediately until at least May 22nd at which point they can try again to go on strike again. This is legislated. This is Law. The Legislative Branch of the Givernment has gotten involved. Now its up to the judicial branch if postal workers refuse to go back to work. If they don't go back to work, or quit, they can be arrested. They can't be fired for going on strike because they're a union. 
Canada Post is an essential service. Its thoughtlessness on their part to go on strike during Christmas too.. 
I try to be thoughtful. If there is dirt on my hands from pulling weeds. I put my hand in my jacket pocket first to turn any doorknobs. I did this the other day. 
It's the attention to detail. Once during a dinner, James Bond stole a knife from the dinner set presumably to use later. The host noticed that. It's that level of thoughtful attention to detail that I wish I had. I don't know if I could be as observant as that host. 
Canada Post doesn't roll like that. I mean look at the strike at Christmas time. 
They strike during the Christmas season and have the nerve to ask for a raise because of that. Canada Post is kind of like welfare. Wages and rates are slow to rise. It's a pittance grudgingly given. Postal workers can threaten to go on strike. If they quit, they workers can be replaced because legally, Canada Post must be a union. What can welfare recipients do, threaten to go off welfare? Welfare recipients have pro bono class action lawyers that lobby and petition the government for welfare raises. 
As a comment on the Internet said, "The Canada Post union has always been known to have an acrimonious relationship with its employers." 
These aren't the days of strike breakers which are hired thugs employed to break up strikes and to allow temps crossing the picket line aka scasbs to work. Andrew Carnegie whom the Leftists tout as a champion of the people routinely hired strike breakers whenever there were strikes at his coke plants, that sounded wrong, at his steel smelting plants which was a very unLeftist thing to do. The Labour Minister of Canada issued a back to work order. 

Women are a trap. But that's not the end of the story. 
If women weren't so beautiful, the whole species would come to a grinding halt. 
A Venus fly trap or a pitcher plant or a sundew plant looks enticing to an insect like a woman looks enticing. Then there's the stage where she does a real number on you. It's inevitable as women are each a rabbit hole of issues in addition to your own rabbit hole of issues. Then after that, she's the sweetest lady. 
"The course of true love never did run smooth." Shakespesre
What's the difference between a job and a marriage? After 10 years your job still sucks. 
Heather did a real number on me. Caregiver burnout and the mild PTSD that goes with that, extreme exhaustion, depersonalization and derealization. All that good stuff. Now, I would be willing to give up life this instant if I could be with Heather in the afterlife and the better and exquisite set of physics that go with it. And now grief. 
Pastor Joel talked about Jacob how in order to marry the beautiful Rachel, he had to marry Rachel's sister Leah who "had weak eyes" which was a way of saying that she was ugly. He did that and finally got to marry Rachel. With Leah, he had a child that would go on to become part of the lineage that led to Jesus. When Jacob died, curiously, he asked to be buried next to Leah. Pastor Joel said that it is often the difficult times we look back on with fondness because they developed something in us. 
"God gives us challenges so that we can see in ourselves what He already sees in us." Falcon
Women are not a trap. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Yesterday, YouTube released Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom for free, for a day. These free movies show up all the time. 
Someone in comments wrote, and as yet unreplied," What is name of movie?" 
Possible replies:
1. Cock
2. Cocked Up
3. Aqueerman and the Cock Kingdom
I didn't have the nerve to actually reply. 

Yesterday, I lost my watch and spent two hours looking for it. Scissors too. 
I looked and looked. My mind painted some pictures. When I threw out the old jeans I had been wearing for years which had a really big tear at the knee as the denim cords got old and frayed I thought I left my watch in that pocket despite remembering to make sure to check the pockets just in case I have a roach or a cigarette button that I found on the streets before throwing it out. Then I thought that sometimes I put my mp3 player in the same pocket as the watch and when pulling out the mp3 player, I also pulled out my watch and dropped it at the Courthouse grounds. A new Swatch costs about $110 and its one with a bigger face dial. Next time I won't opt for black, too somber. I'll opt for an 80s green red and blue design. Plastic works for Swatch. It's not a serious watch. It's one for 80s nerds. Serious watches are Rolex, Breguet, Andre Le Mars, Omega. Serious watches don't use plastic wristbands. While you can get a Swatch for under $200, a Roles, well... 
I found the two things within five minutes of each other. 
My watch was on the floor just in front of the only chair I sit in to watch television in my room. And the scissors was in a large plastic box. 

I got something called Hidden puzzles mystery VR for $1.11. That's not expensive. 

Today I swept the grounds of the Courthouse. At the tourist area near the grounds of the Legislature, I was going to remove the weeds lining a seam along a sidewalk. It's windy and rainy today and such work is three times the work of done in the rain. 
I swept an expansive sidewalk area on the grounds of the Legislative Buildings. This included scratching out the seams of the sidewalk because some of them looked just gross, over grown with moss. I scratched out a lot of sidewalk seams. The area has a slightly shiny look. 
Chinese Feng shui. A workplace where the sidewalk seams are full of dirt and moss. Just clogged. Some people at the workplace get cancer or some problems. Cleaning out the seams is a metaphorical and metaphysical way of cleaning the health of employees so there are no blockages. 
Of course it's like Edgar Allen Poe The Mask of Red Death. Places, clean or not, if there is any chance that anyone can Tet any disease given a long enough amount of time, someone will get the disease. Ask a pathologist, ask an epidemiologist, ask a doctor, ask a hospital. 
So cleaning doesn't make that kind of difference. 
An area that looks cleaner makes tourists respect the place more. 
Street disorder tends to trend downward when places are cleaner. Street punks being gangsters would think, if no one in that area cares enough about the area to keep it clean why should we? There will always be homeless people and has been since whenever. 
The monkey mind generates a lot of strange thoughts. 
What passes for human consciousness is merely a pastiche of selective memories, gaps in knowledge, intrusive and unwanted thoughts, and delusions of reference. "Speak for yourself!"
Today, I swept the grounds of the Courthouse which is the judicial branch of government. And I swept the grounds of the Legislative Buildings which is the Legislative and the Executive branch of government. 
In a parliamentary democracy, the Executive and the Legislative Branch work at the same place. In the old divine right of King's days, not so much. The executive branch or the king lived at the palace. Then the Legislative branch was at the Parliament buildings. The judicial branch being whatever form the courts and the police took. 

Mayor Ken Sim of Vancouver is into bitcoin. He said he got orange pilled which is a bitcoin term. Steel hands and paper hands is also a bitcoin term. People who sell have paper hands. People who hold on have steel hands. 
Because he is a bitcoin affficionado, Mayor Ken Sim in that way is like The Great Gatsby. The Chinese Great Gatsby. 
Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Donald Trump said he thought that cryprocurrency is dodgy. 
The margin buying in which a person could pay as little as 10% upfront for full ownership of stocks. That was a Ponzi scheme too. Black Friday, October 1929. The dirty 30s. The Great Depression. 
History repeats itself. Let's hope the horrors of World War 2 doesn't repeat itself. Who says it hasn't? Any University historian can tell you of a few cases where a bunch of people were done in at pretty much the same time. Masses of people. 
Just like in the 1920s, the bitcoin bubble could burst at the end of the decade causing a mild recession. A recession is when three quarters in a row have a GDP and GNP which is less than average. It doesn't end with a bang, it ends with a whimper. The bitcoin and real estate bubble could burst slowly over the course of a few years. Gradually like a frog in what that rises one degree every hour until it becomes boiling water. Who knows? Guesses. Speculation. 
Any currency that is based in the British Commonwealth is more secure than bitcoin although the returns are comparatively sluggish. The United States dollar is a most secure form of currency as well. Way more secure than bitcoin in some cases with hundreds of years of history backing it. Remember the Kingsman and the Statesman. 

The News aired a story about a young woman who ran in front of a dump truck. The ruck stopped in time. Was the woman suicidal? The law of physics would otherwise be against her. 
What could charges be? Disrupting traffic? Disturbing the peace? Vagrancy? 
Now if I were Sherlock Holmes, I saw she was with a young man at the spot jest before she jumped in front of the dump truck. What words were said? Did she threaten suicide and then attempt to follow through? Right after the truck stopped, she looked right at the guy who was with her and started to say something. Or did she have some disease and thus attempted in euthanize herself in a crude way that cuts out any middlemen except for the dumptruck driver who would have been an involuntary unwitting participant in what would have been some grotesque overture. 
Impact is a result of mass times speed. A dumptruck hitting a person at a certain speed and above would be more powerful than a bullet. 

Donnie Yen, Chasing The Dragon soundtrack. The opening song, the Ghetto is just smokin'. 
Donnie Yen is a great martial artist. But he had great teachers who taught him properly whereas I don't have any. 
There is a move I want to do. It involves grabbing a vertical pole with both hands and arms to one side and then doing a backflip if possible one where the legs are kicked up straight into the air. Rey did that in Star Wars Return of Skywalker but she did that with those wires at her waist one per side connected to a ceiling. I wish I had wires like that. Another way to learn is to wrap the waist around a horizontal bar and somersault around that. I have to find something like that. 
I want to be able to do that using my broomstick. That would be my dream. If I put my mind to it. I can. That move is a stripper move I think. Grabbing a pole and then doing a backflip. 
Alita Battle Angel did some moves that was called Jaegar Kuntz in the movie. In real life those moves are hung kuen. I've seen people who practice that style do those moves in videos. Other styles are choi li fat and wing Chun. Those are the Southern styles along with the animal styles of crane, praying mantis, monkey, tiger, snake and drunken man. 
That's from years of martial art movies. The Northern style would be Wu Shu which is unmatched in elegance. And very powerful. One would be lucky if they learned only one move like Chow Yun Fat said, Where did he learn the shuan ping move? 
MMA is more comprehensive than king Fu. There is an MMA fighter named Shu Shan in China. He fought and won against a lot of fundamentalist kung Fu teachers. 
Mike Tyson fought a young guy recently in MMA and lost. Mike Tyson has done a lot of drugs and that might have eroded his talent. Too much hard drugs like coke and most likely meth and weed and booze. 
I want to get a three section staff which retails at $75 plus tax which is as much as the new Batman VR app. In Canada one can only legally own a nerf three section staff. Who cares? I need a three section staff which is red. Red is a more happier color than black. Perhaps there can be other colors like green or purple. 

On the television show Elsbeth, it's the plotline structure where the audience already knows who did it and it's up to the detective to find out. The judge did it and framed the victims girlfriend who is the defendant In a trial in which the same judge is presiding. What were the chances of that? This echoes the plot and absolute spoiler alert of the movie Walden. Walden is a court stenographer. One day a lot of children go missing in a town and later all of them are found dead. The judge did it. 
This episode is a legal cliffhanger as there is an episode two which airs next week. 
In real life I've never on the News ever heard of a judge being caught up and then sent away. Ever. Perhaps this happens in other towns, other places. Not around here as far as I know. The public including myself would like to think that the judges around here are pretty good. 

The GST holiday is an example of penny wise pound foolish. It used to cost more money to collect taxes than money generated. That was before computers and digital money. 
Does the GST holiday apply to big ticket items like cars and televisions? Absolutely not. 
It applies to anything that doesn't cost more than $1,000, heck, $100. Of you can afford to pay more than $100 on something, you can aford to pay the GST. 
The GST holiday seems like but isn't the same as a Roman holiday as it is Canada wide. Whether you trav to another town in Canada or not, you can have a GST holiday. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Went to Church today. Again. First time in awhile. They were happy to see me. I thought they didn't want to see the likes of me there since I haven't been there for so long. 
Ladies are very friendly to me at Church. There are quite a few older ladies there. They are great people yet I feel I don't have much really in common with them and they are of a different class. I'm in the welfare class, let's face it. 
What I have may not be enough for others. But it is more than enough for me. Even though I don't have a car, I have two electric skateboards. Even though I don't live in a rich house, I have VR goggles with which I can virtually F off to quite a number of rich houses, mansions, rich places. 
I'm not perfect. I always want to be a good person and not a bad person. A person who does right and not wrong. I Honor and respect the Courts. So much so that I am willing to sweep the Courthouse grounds often for hours a day expecting no payment. 

Gun Club VR. I get some amazing shots. Sometimes a few in a row. Sometimes I get a hostage taker headshot from an impossible angle and first shot too. It's those times where I wonder if it's truly skill or whether the game is rigged. It's only when it takes tow or three shots to get a headshot that I know it's skill. 
"For a vegetarian Rents, you're a fuckin' evil shot." Trainspotting 
"Not that I have to be at this range, but I'm a fucking surgeon with this shotgun." Kill Bill
I wonder if my skills are good enough for the Police Academy. In warehouse, Pistol, level 15 flashlight, my accuracy has gotten as high as 97% which is a record although on that level, the targets are close and not far away. 
Real guns have a different set of physics. Real guns have a weight and a recoil and a loud sound and a muzzle flash. All these things are very different to VR. If a gun is fired quite a few times, the barrel would feel hot. Very hot. VR guns don't have that. So no. Even if you are good at shooting guns in VR, real guns are very different. 
I hostage level sometimes where the female hostage has her arms raised akimbo in front of the hostage taker, the side of head and her bent arm and elbow form a triangle which within is the hostage takers head. Sometimes I am able to fire a shot within that triangle striking the hostage takers head resulting in a headshot. And there were times when I got that at first shot. 
Such times make me wonder if the game is rigged. Imposter syndrome or what? It's not rigged. I have skills and so do you if you practice. Aim gets better with practice. I wouldn't have thought that but it does. One gets to know their weapon. 
In real situations unlike with VR, there are other variables including windspeed and tendencies of some guns to shoot left or right or up or down of their aim. 
If you use a heavily vibrating vacuum cleaner for an hour, your hand will feel funny. If you use a jackhammer for a hour your hand will feel funny. I think that if a person fires a gun round after round, have a few shots, this round's on me, for an hour, their hand will feel funny. See, VR doesn't have that. Maybe one day a VR gun with more realistic haptic but what would that do to a person's hand on a medical level? Aching hand or what? Carpal tunnel syndrome? 
In some States a person even with a conviction provided its not a gun related or violent offense conviction, a person can go to a firing range to test a gun. In Canada, one would need an FAC firearms acquisition certificate and any kind of charge never mind conviction even for littering prevents one from owning or even using a gun st the firing range. Guns are dangerous and scary. Every year, inexperienced people die from firearms related accidents. Beet to stay away from real guns. Leave real guns to the Police. 

Tonight I feel fear again. That's what happens when you regress. The people at Church keep asking me to go again. It's not as if they say, "Whether or not you decide to show up again, we don't care. It's your business. It's up to you." But all Churches are pretty much like that. 
Going to Church seems like an extraneous weight. 
Fear and anxiety is the yips. I have no future and going to that Church doesn't give me any kind of future at all. 
I wonder what I'm doing being alive. My life has always been a tough life. I wish I had an early reprieve if heaven is as the psychics describe it, why would I want to be here? Life seems to have no answers. 
I have nothing in common with them. My life seems to be going nowhere. 
Fear and worry is my only life now. I don't want to be dead but I'm not sure how to be alive either. Where is my life taking me? Where does life take any of us? 
"All paths of glory lead but to the grave." old saying
I don't know if Ill ever be happy. When the movie The Last Samurai ended, the narrator said that the Tom Cruise character decjded to stay on in Japan and for the first time he was truly happy. I hope to be happy one day. 
I was happier in Thailand but even in Thailand, all I saw were limitations and how life was basically going nowhere. It's the physics of this dimension. Full of fear. 
I'll just have to suffer with my fear and anxiety. It's a cloud that doesn't go away. If I try to avoid going to that Church, people from there will try to nudge me to go again. That place has co-opted me. At the Church I was voluntold to work the sound system I brought it up with them, "I'm being voluntold to do this." They said, "No....." So it's voluntold and gas lighting too. And you wonder why I feel anxiety. Damned cult. 
There's a few other people working the sound system so the same thing happened to them too. Voluntold and gas lighting. 
All organizations have some gangster empire builder mentality and if they see that you have any special energy, they will try to coopt you into their weird shit. 
You become a real battery to those vampires, "Convert convert convert." 
The thing is, if you like a plzce, keep showing up. If you don't like a place, eventually make the decision to not show up. Just keep not showing up. To show up is to psychically supporting them, it's egging them on. 
This happened in Vancouvee as well. I went to some weird place for years and then I decided not to go anymore and just about every day if not every day there were people from there asking me why I don't go there anymore. I said to them, "If you don't go to a place, I don't ask you why you don't go anymore. Why would you do that to me?" 
Life is useless and a waste of time and the best thing I could hope for is to die in my sleep as soon as possible. 
Such organizations make life a lot less worth living. Is this part of God's plan too? God is the one who fucked around with dinosaurs for 350 million years and what technology did they achieve while humans have only been around for two million years. So it seems that God sides with the mindless. Which explains all these useless organizations. 
The thing is, is to one day get back on that quitting horse and quit going. None of my neighbours go to Church. Why should I? 
Life is shit and I'm better off dead and if God had any mercy, He'd kill me soon. 
I don't see that I'll ever be happy again for the rest of my life. Life a tough life for years and die unhappy. Why not just cut out the middleman of those dreaded intervening years? 
I'm sure this happens to a lot of people. Go to someplace, decide not to go anymore and then people from that place ask you why you don't go there anymore. I wish I could see YouTube videos that talk about how to handle this sort of thing. 
I hope that God can help me. 

Deuteronomy 31: 8 I am the Lord God who goes before you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not worry nor be afraid. 

Worried and afraid is all I am these days. Life itself did a real number on me which is existentially counterproductive. It would be better had I never been born. Life is a raw deal. 

"We suffer more in imagination than in reality." Seneca

A person can psyche themselves into weird states and develop confirmation biases. If you think a place is evil, you will cherry pick moments and blow them out Of proportion painting them as evil. One has to cherry pick the good moments. Glass half full. 
The Church has a lot of good people. They are middle class but they still have their personal struggles especially with age and mortality. A lot of people at Church are old. 
Church is one piece of the puzzle. Other pieces include psychics such as Medium Nicole, Matt Fraser, Susanne Giessmann, etc. They can clairaudient speak to the dead. I wish I had such gifts. No I wouldn't. 
These gifts would come in the form of all kinds of new strange and bizarre thoughts some of them intrusive and unwanted. If you can hear one, you can hear them all. This gift could drive a person crazy. 
I struggle with fear. The housing crisis. In that way things are worse now than they were 20 years ago. 
Pastor Joel Osteen said to not focus on how big your problems are but on how big God is. American money: In God We Trust. That is the most important thing. Without that there is nothing. God is our spiritual safety net. When we die, God will catch us. That's only if we're good. One has to be a good person. 
Don't seek perfection in others as perfection is impossible in others and in myself too. I am far from perfect if Jesus was perfect. Jesus' life was scary. The last part of it for sure. This is a dimension that includes such possibilities, such anomalies which is why I argued that with the bliss of heaven, coming to Earth to a purely sweet life is redundant. But to live a bad and rough life is counterproductive. What if a person loses their way back to heaven? Better to not have been born then. 
Struggles shape our spirit and give us strength. A butterfly needs to struggle in the cocoon. If it doesn't as an experiment shows, then it's wings won't fully develop. Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor. 
Jeremiah 29:7 For I know the plans that I have for you, said the Lord, plans to not harm you but to give you hope and a future. 
God is the ultimate authority. I must defer to it. 

The Lord is my shepherd. 
Glory to God in the highest. 

I still feel fear. Please say a prayer for me. If anyone is reading this. 

How I found out that Douglas Bloch had died. About a week ago, I decided to watch the Joe Rogan interview with Donald Trump. During the interview about a few minutes into it, Donald Trump mentioned someone having the yips. 
The yips. Douglas Bloch used that term talking about a baseball player who had the yips and itnaffected his game but got over it. Yips are extreme anxiety and fear. 
So I decided to look to see how Douglas Bloch was doing. Dead. That's how he's doing. 
Dead doesn't mean extinct or else one has to fully examine what exactly their definition of life and living is. People go from being alive to being even more alive after the event where their spirit separates from their body and lesves the physical plane. 
Douglas Bloch is probably looking out for me in his own way. I know it. I will always be glad that I met him on the internet and wish him the supreme very best in the afterlife. 
One way that I know he's looking out for me is that it was an exPresident who basically in not so many words told me about his death. That's no accident. That's very auspicious. 
ExPresident at the time of the interview. 
TH White. The Once And Future King. 
The once and future President. 
Tonight I have the yips. What were the chances of that? 
Donald Trump is a great elder Statesman. One time, he gave a speech and was booed. Not missing a beat, and as unflappable as ever, he said, "Not the response that I would have wanted, but thats OK." What a grand diplomatic President. 

"Remember, you have royal blood flowing through your veins." Pastor Joel Osteen 

Sometimes one has to reframe the situation. 
I cling to some strange hippie ideal. A real freak, a real head, a real hippie doesn't go to Church. People at Church are squares. 
If a person is referring to others are squares, that's a mild form of verbal abuse which is a very unspiritual thing to do. How can one dismiss people without knowing them? Everyone has survived a lot of things and are not squares. If a person is alive after all these decades, that takes experience and gives experience. 
Righteous indignation, the perfect hippie ideal is not the most important thing. Love is the most important thing. 
Love for people who are different, with whom you have struggles with real or imagined because when they die and you look back, it was precisely the struggle times that made the friendship special. 
I feel a lot of fear but that's because I set myself up for some ideal and then acquiesced and regressed. 
If a person strives for something and encounters the opposite, that's when fear happens. 
"If you decide that something is an sin and you do it, you commit an error difficult to redress." Gurdjieff
There is a struggle. Anthony Hopkins said that it's better to have a absolutely no friends at all than even one fake friend. 
If you feel out of place with a group of people, that's your intuition. Perhaps your subconscious picked on something that your intuition is warning you about. 
The Priest at the Church is quitting in two months. I asked him if he would continue being a parishioner at the Church. He said no because it wasn't politically feasible. Yeah, sure, it's OK for the Priest to quit for life. 
Actually anyone can quit for life. Just don't go. They're not going to beat you up if you don't go. Churches in general have tended downward when it comes to attendance. 
Christianity talks in circles. All religions do. Outside of a certain circumscribed line, religion doesn't talk about things like a different set of physics in the afterlife, a different time dynamic where time travel as well as linear time are interchangeably used. Church don't talk about that. 
Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That applies to looking in the same places over and over again for some lost item. And that also applies to going to places, Churches, whatever. Keep going and nothing changes. Sure your life never gets worse but does it really ever get better? All towns are traps. All towns have the same useless forces. 
My life is going nowhere. 
The whole world is crap. This town sucks but so does every other town in this Province and country and World. There is no place in the World where there isn't a housing crisis and all kinds of delinquents. And useless forces like weird crap cult organizations wanting to coopt you into their square crap. 
I have to go on living but that's scary. Doing oneself in is even more scary and it's the self imposing scary unnecessary BS on itself. Even thinking of doing oneself in is ridiculous. So unnecessary. But life is scary. 
A psychic said, "You're worried and depressed now but wait til you see what's coming around the corner." That happens to all people at any given point in life because the provision of God is ongoing. 
There are a lot of things in life to be scared of but a Church shouldn't be one of them. Although there have been scary Churches in history like the one in Waco Texas about 30 years ago. 
Politicians go to Church. A lot of them. So does anyone who works in the judicial branch. They go at least once a year anyways, Christmas. 
The Church that I go to has over the years asked a lot of people to do whatever. Be an usher, set up the tables and chairs etc for coffee hour, work the soundboard. There's a real division of free labour at that Church and now they have co-opted me too. 
The person who works the soundboard with me used to work with the Coast Guard in the North. When I asked him if he knows about the RCMP St Roch and what a great adventure that would have been, he said that he knows that story in Canadian history! 
I would have loved to have been on the St Roch but everyone on that boat was tall, White and a Police Officer. Well, zero out of three ain't bad. If a person was on the St Roch, they would have been lucky not to die from exposure, pneumonia, hypothermia. 
The St Roch is very nostalgic and I always get a good feeling that I can't describe when I think of the St Roch which I visited at the Maritime Museum of Vancouver. 

One town I'd like to live in is Houston Texas. Then I would be a member of Lakewood Church, Pastor Joel Osteen. He is the best preacher in the World. His sermons are the true living waters. His sermons lifts my spirit not just slightly or somewhat but majorly. 
Texas is kinda red neck and strict and if you like smoking weed, forget it. I think they're very strict on weed possession. Very strict. So that's a no go. I can always watch Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church on YouTube. I hope that Lakewood Church knows that I think that they are the greatest Church in this world. I am only a virtual member of their congregstion. 
I thought of sending $20 as a donation at least once a year. But they already got a lot of money. A lot. Blessings are more effective one would think if done locally. That's why I donate to local Churches. I still believe in Church enough that if one donates or tum boons to a Church, they will receive a blessing. The blessing is very true and very powerful. So far I am healthy and aside from feeling fears which are most likely all in my head, I am very blessed. God has been good to me. I see that God has been good to many many people and that's good. 

I've experienced the island magic a lot these last few weeks. Island magic is what I call when I get a problem that stays for awhile and then suddenly goes away and any picture I painted in my mind proved to be delusional. 
I thought a store was sold out of cilantro after going all that distance. The store had more stored in the back. 
I thought I dropped and lost my watch at the Courthouse grounds. I found the watch after literally two hours of looking. 
I had all kinds of boises in my body. Slight colds, slight aches and pains in different places which for a second due to lack of medical knowledge and health anxiety I thought might have been really serious. And then a short time later, usually a few hours or less, I felt 100% better. 
The night I think I might have a cold. Lots of coughing. But otherwise I feel fine. None of the usual weakness and aching muscles. Yesterday, I drank a cup of Throat Coat tea of which I found the teabag otherwise unspoiled in a pile of garbage. The throat coat gets rid of any excess phlegm that has been in the throat for awhile hence the excess coughing. That tea is pretty good. I wonder where I could get more. That is a perfect tea for smokers. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

I don't want to go to Church. Church seems like an extraneous weight. I didn't go for quite a few months and it felt good. 
I go back there and immediately that day start having the same old panic attacks. Church is useless just more extraneous crap. 
Last night I had nightmares about Church. If you're close to the Church, I see blue plastic balls on the sidewalk. Walk a distance away and I see red plastic balls on the sidewalk denoting that I'm far away from the Church. 
Jesus wore blue and sometimes red. 
And last night I dreamed that I was planning to move to Newton Surrey. I told someone, spirit guided, person, ghost, about my plans to move to Newton Surrey. He said, "It's a rough area."
In my conscious waking life, I never think about Newton Surrey but that name popped up in a dream. 
What could it mean? Newton. Isaac Newton, New town. Houston Texas, Newton Surrey. 
Houston, Newton. 
The Church typically and predictably asked me to go again next Sunday. Shameless relentless proselytizers. I won't go. The less you go, the less you have to go. 
Damn the forces of life. If I had five minutes earlier or later that day, I wouldn't have seen the pastor from the Church. He pointed a finger as if to say that he wanted to, expected to talk to me. The usual shit bag forces of life. 
These personalities want to coopt you into their weird shit. And if you bring up logic of why you don't want to go there, those asshole personalities will gas light you. Go there for a few month, a few years, whatever and those assholes will then expect you to be going there, for life. Uh, no thanks. That place is 97% White people and I'm not White. That wouldn't be one less reason to go there but that sure the hell wouldn't also be one more reason to go there. 
Bill Maher is right. Religion is bullshit. 
Just don't go. If you ruck up and regress. Who cares. Just don't ever give up on not going. I don't go and I feel good. I go and then I come home feeling anxiety. It's a shit scene composed of local flakes, squares, crackpots.  

I wonder why I'm feeling anxiety. 
This country's post office has been on strike for over a month. Feather bedding. Ignorant and thoughtless, have a strike at the busiest time of year. 
Say what you will about any other country but their post office isn't on strike. Those countries are running on all 12 cylinders. Whereas Canada, whoop, sterlized Western shithole policy wonk backwater country postal strike, that country is running on 3 out of 4 cylinders. Fucking bonkers. 
In it's own way, this is a National crisis that rivals the coronavirus pandemic in terms of deleterious effects to the country. The post office strikes at the busiest time of year hoping for more money. They got some nerve. 
Mass psychosis effect. People are stressed that a basic essential service that other countries take for granted has to be so difficult in this country. 
Crashing out of the EU with a no deal Brexit. 
Crashing out of the Postal strike with a no deal resolution. Ha ha. 
When you have a government civil service, the post office which is a government monopoly and is unionized, what do you think will happen? That is the perfect recipe for ongoing strikes. Einstein said something about insanity being doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Other countries postal service isn't unionized. They don't have strikes. 

I'm coming off of a 24 hr flu. I felt somewhat achy and wretched but not to the usual strength of flus I've gotten in the past. That's because earlier this year, I got a flu shot at Rexall pharmacy. 
I wonder why I got the flu. I practice Zen meditation just about every day encountering a group of people who never practice Zen meditation as you would think that those who are hardcore wired into fundamentalist Christianity would think that Zen meditation is a from of pagan idolatry. 
That might have been in the 70s. People at Church see meditation as a recreational activity rather than a religious one. It's an aspect of athleticism that helps the body unwind and to realign their breathing. 
I heard of a Church that instead of talking about Buddhism all the time, talks about Jesus all the time and then practices meditation. There are actually a few varieties of meditation. Pick one that most suits your tempermant or not. 
So when I went to Church, there was the old energy exchange, they pick up on my Zen energy, the ever increasing slight benign smile at the edge of the mouth and I pick up on their crackpot delinquent energy, the alcoholism, the obsession with classism and have that catalyze with my thoughts so I go home reeling feeling like I just lost a pint of blood. That's my intuition telling me that when I didn't go there, it felt good. Not 100% good because I always have this depression that I can never get rid of. My life has been ne weird shit scene after another. Never in a good place. 
Reeling from the regression of going to that Church again, I got the flu as stress and panic makes you really sensitive to cold temperature and let's face it. It will be this cold or colder in this town until the second week of May. A few weeks of good weather then for two weeks every damned summer there is some damned heatwave which triggers the hypothalamus causing an anxiety attack and panic attack. The physics of this dimension is shit, being wired to the R complex. I can't wait until my death has been gotten over with. It will be then that I will be happy and truly begin to live. 
For my flu, I took multivitamins, I had hot showers, I massaged my spine through lying down on my skateboard helmet with blankets over it. I drank coca leaf tea. I ate, I went to the bathroom because that gets the virus out of the body even more. I drank peach and ginger tea. I ate. I ate terribly yesterday. I had Pearl couch cous and it was a day with eating no meat. One needs protein for some weird reason to brace the body. Vegetarian food isn't enough. Today I had chicken pad Thai. I also made sure to get a McDonald's coffee because whenever I feel wrecked, I drink a McDonald's coffee and it has never ever failed to make me feel better. McDonald's coffee is probably medicinal because McDonald's is a multi billion dollar corporation which could make a well known profoundly medicinal coffee. 
I did some working sweeping the streets because lying sedentary on a bed in a room breathing seminatale air is no good. Physical activity, bracing fresh air no doubt helped. 
I worked feeling major anxiety and having a 24 hour flu and also half starved because yesterday all I ate was a bowl of home made vegetarian tabouleh because I forgot to get pre-cooked prawns. And it was cold and rainy and windy but I still worked. 
Through rain and sleet and snow, I guess. 
I smoked weed yesterday and felt absolutely no different than I did before I smoked it. That's because I've long reached saturation point. Less is more. Quality not quantity. Putting on a doctors hat, one can't smoke weed too often or it gets saturated and they smoke and feel nothing. I ideally weed should be creeper. Feel sober of course, smoke a joking and for two minutes not feel anything and then bang! To quote Stephen King, "Sheeeeet it's Friday night and I'm stoned again!" 
One of those "They'll stone you just like they said they would. You don't need to feel alone. Everybody must get stoned." moments. 
That would be the ideal. Not this saturation crap. The most often that one should smoke is once a day. Otherwise at least wait a few hours before smoking another one. Not every 15 minutes. Sheesh! 

I was thinking of ending my life with a heroin overdose because it seems like my life is going absolutely nowhere. But I have to endure the stress of living. 
Suicide is an interdimensional crime. Time Cop, HellBoy, MIB and X-Files investigates interdimensional crimes. I have to go on living even though life scares the crap out of me. 
I think that I can be happy again. The Universe is so powerful that it is not beyond its capability to generate a life where a person even in spite of themselves even wanting to not like it, winds up liking life and being really happy too. 
I can find a happy life even in Canada. I thought that the only place one could be happy was in Asia, or Europe or the United States since the US has Disneyland and Star Wars Galaxy's Edge. 
Of course one coils be happy in Asia. Thailand has the most beautiful tropical beaches. How could one not be involuntarily happy in a setting like that? No wonder so many expats move there and don't come back, ever. You got to be smart to do that. I'm not smart enough to do that otherwise I would have done it. Go to another country and be an expat. Why regress and come back? Of course that plsfe like another is full of cliquey scenes that might want to coopt you. Don't join any Churches or groups. If you do, the less you go, the less you have to go. 
Church invited me to attend a Christmas event. It would be a Christmas present to myself to not go to Church. 
If I were living in a rich house in point Grey, I would certainly be happy. If I was living in James Bay I could be happy. 
I'd like to live in a nice place one day. Who doesn't? Otherwise I will always be wondering if I'm not better off dead. Heather left the World. For me that's one less reason to stick around. 
I could find a happy life one day. A life where I'm involuntarily happy. That's my wish. 
I hope that God and Jesus can guide me to a life where I can be happy. 

Chrystia Freeland former Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister was voluntold to resign. All this is above my head. It's a different strata. 
Finance Minister is Legislative Branch. Deputy PM is Executive Branch. 
Some thoughts poked out. In the last week, Sean Fraser the Housing Minister resigned. Canada's housing situation hasn't been exactly rosy in the last few years under his watch. 
Sean Fraser, who is also the infrastructure and development Minister resigned today. And Chrystia Freeland who is a great politician. 
This looks like a wholesale liquidation just like the one in BC when a lot of MLAs left the United Party to join the Conservative Party of BC and the Leader of the United Party must have had an et tu Brutus moment when even the ex RCMP Police Officer MLA left to kon the Conservative Party. It was then that he knew it was all over. 
I hope that Trudeau survives this and is installed as Prime Minister for life. In my opinion, he is the number one beat Prkme Minister in Canadian history. 
But all these MP's all of a sudden falling out. It doesn't look good. 
As for asking for Trudeau's resignation, Leaders of the Opposition have been doing that since the first week he was in Office. Sunny ways. Ha! That's the Leader of the Opposition's job to ask for the resignation of the Prime Minister, Premier, whatever. 
God Bless Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 
When you have a system which doesn't have defined term limits like in the US, but you have a Canadian system where the Leader can stay on indefinitely, it's better for a Leader to have been seen to be pressured to resign than to resign willingly because that would make imply a weakness that was there all along. It's better optics to be forced to resign. 

Memories of Chrystia Freeland. 
One time during a protest, Chrystia Freeland broke through the barricades to enter the Parliamentary office that the protestors were blocking the door of. 
Another time on a YouTube video, Chrystia Freeland was in a building standing near an elevator. 
"What the f*ck are you doing in Alberta? Traitor! Get the f*ck out of this Province!" And he went on some diatribe. Chrystia Freeland entered the elevator. The guy was still yelling and security escorted him off the premises. 
Chrystia Freeland's riding in University Rosedale in Ontario. Rosedale apartments are famous. In the 70s people went there to score hash as the building was full of hash dealers. It was a famous hippie freak head hang out. Would that be the same Rosedale?

I don't have the yips. The yips is a distinct muscle spasm related to anxiety. I certainly don't have that. The yips is a golfing term. 

In all likelihood, in 6 days, I'll be getting Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones legends. She is smokingly beautiful. I read that in real life, she struggled with depression. She is such a beautiful lady. 

These asshole places will try to coopt you. 
"It's hard to resist the attack
When your ex says he wants you back." Surface 
They will use a variety of tactics
Guilt tripping: "We really missed you." what that means is "We would have you going there every Sunday. For life." 
Not taking no for an answer and pushing: "I'm not sure that I want to go again." "Oh come on. We all miss you. You are always welcome to come back." Not being able to take a hint. 
Gaslighting: self explanatory
Voluntold to do whatever. 
They don't only treat me like that. There's a general population of those they voluntold who are still working there to this day. There's a core group that stopped going so the group that is still going whenever they see them, it's the same thing, "Why don't you come back? We missed you."
You just have to answer, "When I haven't gone there for awhile it felt really good. I regress and go back there and I had major anxiety attacks. I'm into other things. I'm not running away from something. I'm running towards something better." 

Sunday morning. I have my VR goggles on. I'd be a fool at that point to pick up and go to Church. It's not like anyone from the Church is at the door knocking asking me to go. How would they know I'm there? On a lot of Sunday mornings, I go out and I'm not at home. 

Ways to handle people from groups that say they would like to see you there again. What have you been doing? Answers that won't put them on the defensive. 
1. I don't know. 
2. I forgot. 
3. I'm not really sure what's going on. 
4. I am struggling with a medical issue. Although the medical issue could be only generalized anxiety, but don't tell them that. 
5. I'll try to go there again. I'll see you there. And at the time really mean it in your mind. That helps because if you really plan not to go, they might see that on your facial expression. And then when the time comes just don't. Go. 
It's better to say that you'll try to go again and not go than to swear up and down that you won't go. If you don't go, they'll see that you trying to keep a verbal promise to them even if it's one not to go as acquiescence. And if you do go that means even more that you regressed, caved in.  
Deciding to go to Church when you have electric skateboards and VR is like deciding to ride the bus when you have a nice smokin' Mercedes in your garage. 
6. I have a job. I have work. 

It's a form of politeness. Going there every week, what, for life? After a certain point it becomes like stalking, getting too personal. I don't mind meeting people and hanging out with them for a few months, a few years. I never thought that I should be knowing them for life. Uh, nope. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

This morning I saw Heather very quickly but somewhat vividly in a waking dream. She was standing on Douglas Street at the corner of Fort. She was standing outside the glass partitions of the Cactus Club. She was facing Northwest. I was standing in front her fscing Southeast. It was a cloudy morning in the dream. The thing is, it was cloudy this morning so maybe for a quick second, I remote viewed and astral projected to that place on Douglas Street outside of Cactus Club while Heather was already there waiting for me. She was wearing a shiny new dark brown almost black leather jacket. And she had on a green sweatshirt and white legging with a black design on them. There was a fashionable vibe about her clothing like a fashionable person often seen on Granville Street. Her hair was dark brown. Not a trace of grey hair. Long shoulder length curly hair. 
She was standing with her arms down but not flush to her sides, her hands were about a foot each away from her sides. 
She was smiling at me. A smile of love. And her eyebrows were, what's the word, twisted, in a very benign curious way as if to say, "You know. You're really something else. I love you and I know that you love me." 
Oh that smile! 
Yesterday whenever I thought about Heather there was an actual slight physical hurt in my heart that I could feel. 
After seeing that, I know she's OK and I feel better. She thinks I'm something that else. 
It was a quick dream, about five seconds. But it was distinct. 
I always say out loud these days to her that I don't know if I can make it without her. I don't know how I'm going to make it without her. 
Heather is in an advanced phase of life so her visiting me in a dream is like a University student visiting a highschool student. 

"Physical conditioning is quickly shrugged off in the second state." Robert Monroe

There is an East Indian restaurant in Langford. Original Indian Cuisine. The name sounds plain but the food is on another level. The curry was silky and creamy. The chef apparently worked at a five star hotel in India. Pretty good. One has to go hardcore and order goat curry. Goat curry vindaloo spicy hot. I never tried curried fish but it might be pretty good. 
There is a really good Indian restaurant near the Library. Curry Club. The curry there is very good. All East Indian restaurants make good curry. I never went to one and thought that the curry was anything except really good. I think curry is kind of medicinal. It's good for the body. 

I also got a can of clam chowder and spaghetti. You guessed it. The clam chowder becomes a spaghetti sauce. One has to cook the clam chowder awhile in a frying pan to achieve an Escoffier reduction before adding the cooked spaghetti. After putting the spaghetti and clam chowder on a plate, add parmesan. That's a good meal. The can of clam chowder is good for three servings and costs $2.50. The spaghetti cost about $2.50 or thereabouts as well. $5 for three meals? In a restaurant, $5 would cover the tips and taxes and that's for one meal. A person can eat cheaply. 
Hot dog or sausages with hot dog buns and ketchup and diced onion is good. One can pay about $15 for all that and that like a few good meals. 

I'm probably going to go to Church this Sunday. It's the Christmas service. Actually I think they actually got something going on Christmas Eve as the Catholic have midnight mass. Literally. At midnight. Hard core. 
Working the soundboard. The person who works there is the former Coast Guard. A very kind and spiritual man. Other people include a Korean man and other people as well. 
Good people. It goes without saying that they are more together than me in a lot of w
It's not right person, wrong place. 
It's a case of  wrong person, right place. 
It's not you, it's me. 
Of course there's what I'll tell them while in my mind thinking, right person, wrong place, it's not me, it's you. 
Because going to the Christmas service would be to otherwise send them signals that you've signed on for another year or else are going there for one last farewell. I'm sure not signing on for another year. Have  met some people, known them for a few years and now what. I have to be knowing them for life? I don't think so. 
Thing is, even if I wanted to go there and know them for life, it's a long road that has no turning. I might move to another town that I like more. 
Whether one goes there or not, who cares? The shopping mall, the Library, the Church, these are all places where people of all classes mingle and thus are a magnet for the poor. Such places are enlightening and enchanted social drop in centres. So whether you go or not, who cares? 

Lego Bricktales VR. Usually $35 plus tax. 
I got it on sale for $13.63 including tax. 
Lego VR is a dream come true. I liked just about every Lego video game on 2D screen. Reviews say that this game is amazing. The sale price was mind blowing. It's as if the gods wanted me to get this. 
Not bad. Worth the $13. Lots of good dioramas. The building aspect was kinda tedious. Very slow paced. Not Gun Club VR, that's for sure. 
I was hoping to see moves. Star Wars, Batman, Legends of Chima, all those Lego games, the characters had really good moves. I don't know what this is. Got stuck at a certain point. 

Aliens Rogue Incursion releases on Thursday at 10 am. I'm expecting a massive boatload of motion sickness. Shooting face huggers? Not exciting as shooting zombies or Gun Club VR cut outs. That's almost as bad as shooting drones on Space Pirate Trainer DX which I think is an insipid vapid vacuous game. Shooting drones isn't exciting at all. The one scene is all you get. Night time above a city, probably Tokyo in the 23rd century set against a backdrop of mountains in a distant horizon far below. Shoot drones. So what? Who cares? The price for Aliens VR is $55 plus tax. For what. A motion sickness thing where one shoots unexciting things? Forget it. 

Wednesday, December 18,  2024

Dream last night. 
I was at a gathering. It seemed like students in the common area of a University. At a podium like table, there were a few University students. 
They said something like, "Its good to see that he doesn't use a closet at all. It is something he missed."
I didn't like the word closet so I went up and asked them, "I was wondering, with the words you said, did you say something that has a hidden or secret meaning? For example the word sunny. It could mean someone who is weak." or words to that effect. 
At the time I kinda knew that I was dreaming. I'm an old hand at this. At the time I knew that ghosts being completely transparently telepathic, I wondered why I bothered lying using the word Sunny. I knew that they knew that I knew that it was the word closet that I was scared of and worried about. 
The I went into a University classroom. They talked about a project they were doing. 
I said to them, "I did a project like that when I was in this class. But I'm not in this class anymore. I was in this class last year. I skipped out of 90% of the classes. That makes me think of giving up on life. I want to just give up on life." 
My wish to quit life is so hard wired that it even bleeds into my dreams which is something that I'm proud of. And at the time, knowing I was dreaming, I said those words to see the reactions of those around me. They were implacable as ghosts often are, saying nothing. You and everyone else you see in a dream is a ghost, understand? And I said to see that if I said that in a dream if it would actually precipitate me actually being able to give up on life. Die in the middle of a good dream. That would be like winning the lottery. There is much to be desired in life. I actually wouldn't mind just giving up on life and I have often said so. 
I don't know if I really have all that much to live for. I kind of do and I kind of don't. That's why I want to give up on life. 

I'm watching the television series Limitless. The first episode is completely copied and pasted off the movie. A man down on his luck gets hold of a nootropic drug called NZT-48. There are legal nootropic drugs such as gingko bilpba and yerba mate tea. The man wants more of the drug but when he visits his friend the drug dealer, he finds the drug dealer done in. Completely copied off movie. Tsk. No originality. Bradley Cooper in the television show plays the same role as Robert de Niro did in the movie. 

A local television ad:
"Come and visit our theme park. We have mystical woodland creatures."
Mystical woodland creatures. Don't twist my arm. 

Trump calling PM Justin Trudeau Governor and Canada the 51st State is another example of upper class delinquency. Crazy mad. Have you lost your mind? You see a lot of middle and upper class delinquency and such crackppts at Church. Noblesse oblige. 
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn't the one to goad about this. Trump should goad the British House of Lords about this. Yeah, sure. See what they say! See how far that goes. 
Canada as 41st State, Governor of Canada. This would be Trulps roundabout version of JFKs Ich bin ein Berliner. 
A Berliner is a type of pastry. 
The idea sounds intriguing. That means free travel and relocation. Why stay in some town with bad weather in Northern BC when you can stay at a town with much better weather in Oregon State? That means any Canadian can travel to Disneyland and not have a passport to do it. In the old days, all you needed was a driver's licence to enter the States or some form of Provincial or Federal picture ID. Now you need a passport. 
States has way better weather and way more fun towns. New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. Fun towns or what? 
More population which means more selection and increased odds of finding a girlfriend than in Canada but with the usual attendant evils of having a girlfriend. If you are not absolutely the right guy, if you are prone to anxiety, it's best to stay single. 
Let's face it, American women are way more sexually liberated than Canadian women. But again, it would depend on the individual but on average, San Fernando Valley, Americans are more sexually free than Canadians. 
Also it would depend on what circle of people you run with either in Canada or the United States. The States has no Medicare like Canada does. Let's fsce it, most people avoid doctors and self medicate anyways. 
The States has no Medicare but they also don't have emergency rooms that are closed all weekend and people having no access to a GP. In the States as long as you have money, you will have a doctor.
States has no Medicare, but they have better doctors and the more advanced hospitals and medical technology than Canada does. 
Food in the States is cheaper than in Canada. States, $13 buffet. Canada, $13 burrito. States has a more integrated food distribution and storage network. States, a food storage facility every ten miles down the highway. Canada, you can travel a hundred miles down a highway with no food storage infrastructure at all. Ergo, the States doesn't have food insecurity to the level that Canada does. 
States you can own guns and wooden nunchucks and shurikens. Canada, under the British system, POM prisoner of Majesty, pommie, you generally can not own a gun, and nerf nunchucks and nerf shurikens. Boo! 
Perhaps 51st State wouldn't be a bad idea. 
Some subjects are illegal to be brought up in Parliament. One of them is succession. That word has two meanings. One, which Monarch will succeed the current one. Two succession from the nation, separatism. Does it mean that meaning one or meaning two is illegal to be brought up in Parliament? The answer is "Yes!". 
Trump, if he joking its one thing. If it's serious, that's something that the British Overlords would be intensely interested in because they look after the interests of Canada. I'm kind of worried about that. War of 1812 and all that. Star Spangled Banner. Song about a historical war between the US and Canada. 
Napoleon got defeated at Waterloo in 1815.

When it comes to Church, the final surmise is that it's good to not cling to the ideal of being a freak, a hippie, a head. What is the life of a freak about? Dissolution, Bacchanalianism, atheism and or pluralism. You say that like it's a bad thing! Doing too much drugs, put on yoir doctor's hat is not good for the body. 
It was White people who taught me about being a freak, a head, a hippie. This is on the heels of neither avoiding nor going out of your way to visit a Church which has 97% White people if you're not White. 
White people have travelled to places like Asia and Africa where they were the only White person in the room full of Black people or Asian people. 
Would it be scarier to the the only White person in a room full of Black people or vice versa? I don't know. During lynchings, it was a case of the only Black person in a room full of White people, so I don't know. To quote MIB 3, "Things are a lot cooler now."
The knowledge of life has many points on the curve, many slices in the pie. Religion is repetitive and circumscribed not going outside of a certain intellectual range, but science does that and so does law etc other stratas of knowledge. They are each smaller slices in a larger pie of knowledge. 
It's is not necessary to always win. 
Winning every argument makes you a smart man but a terrible husband. Often in other for a marriage to survive, tip, let the wife win! 
And when it comes to my wishes for my life and God's wishes for my life, I must lose and defer to the Will of God. I must. It is mandatory and essential. Anyone who knows anything about God knows that God does not want anyone to give up on life. A person must defer to the Will of God and to somehow find the strength to go on living. 
To quote Brian Diaz, an MMA teacher in Vancouver's Chinatown who was on the News today, "You have to not panic. You have to believe that you are stronger than you think." That is the answer the Universe has provided me. That God has provided me. 
I'll go to Church again, sometimes. Not every Sunday. What a about once a month? Twice maximum. Try not to overthink it. "We haven't seen you for awhile. Why don't you come back again sometime?" That's the casual mindless thing that people say just to make conversation. Sometimes people care about you as you must care about others even on a vicarious level such as hearing about someone in some kind of trouble on the News and saying a prayer for them, thanking God that His Will is at work and is active in the lives of all. May His will be done but hopefully that will includes helping that person in trouble. 
The people at Church are good people. 
My brain remembers all kinds of weird crap. I don't know why. 
On an episode of Who's the Boss, someone said of someone else, "They're narcissists, they're fascists." or words to that effect. And Tony Danza said, "No. They're good people."
The people at Church aren't squares and crackpots. They're good people. In a lot of ways they're more together than I am as if that wasn't obvious enough. 

Love is, higher than a mountain, love is deeper than water, water. 
Love is, higher than a mountain, than a mountain of cocaine, cocaine. 

The computer in its current form is insane. Perhaps things will be better in 200 years. Perhaps they won't. 
When I search for anything on YouTube or Google, it will bring up a bracket of possible search alternatives ending with the words, in Hindi. Why would it bring that up? 
My tablet has words above the keyboard, as alternative or else suggested autocomplete words. Of the when I start a sentence with the word 'The', a word that always shows up above is Police. I can have the option to press down on the word to exclude that word from future auto suggest entries. I opt not to do it. I like the Police. 
If a person is a fan of the Police, when they stay in a holding cell, to them its a rock show experience. Every hour or half hour or so the Police patrol the holding cell area to do checks. They are the real Police. Not Hollywood Police. How rock show is that? 
In movies that show characters being thrown in a cell, how do they psyche them into doing that role well? Would they have to stay in a holding cell overnight with real Police to prepare them for the role? In the making of the movie The Lighthouse, while Robert Pattinson stayed in a nice hotel, Wilem Dafoe opted to actually stay at the lighthouse depicted in the movie. 
On meta quest, a word that often pops up in auto suggest above the keyboard is 'gay'. Why gay? I've been told that when a person looks at porn on the computer, they'll see al kinds of things on the periphery of the screen, gays, whatever. That's normal. 
Your stepmother will make you beg for it. What. From the grave? 
The gods must be crazy. The computer autosugfest is crazy. Is this part of the engine effect? Engine effect is the tendency for search engines to do certain things like bring up certain websites and not others to the top of their search results and apparently auto suggest weird sh*t words. 

Puzzling Places VR. Gingerbread Houses. The soundtrack is an early radio recording of Twas A Night Before Christmas. It's Christmas on crack cocaine. I tried looking for it online with no luck. 

Canadian Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre wonders why NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh doesn't quit the coalition government with PM Justin Trudeau. 
PP pronounces the jag in Jagmeet as Jag as in Jaguar X300. However it is pronounced jug as in Jughead Jones. Newscasters and certainly the Prime Minister have long got that down. 
Jagmeet Singh probably sees this as a diss, a blowing off, a cognitive dissonance. There are many reasons for this and none of them are good, Mr Singh would probably think. 
Brits will sometimes pronounce Canada as Canadar and the word singer as singa'. It's the same thing going on. A kind of bastardization of pronunciation. We've all done that. 
Sometimes people do that to show that it's not personal and they really or else ostensibly didn't spend that much time thinking of them. Either really or ostensibly, either way it's a courtesy. Casual. Take it easy. Perhaps that's what's behind the pronunciation and hey, it's all good. 

I think Trudeau should be Prime Minister for life. If other politicians want him to quit as the News says it seems that they do, then they're seeing something that I'm not. 
A saying among politicians is that these three groups don't know what they're talking about 
1. Pundits
2. Political scientists
3. Pollsters
And I would add a 4th group Public. Including yours truly. 
PM Justin Trudeau, you are a great PM, try to stay on. 

I have to ask myself, Would I rather go to Church or would I rather be radical riding an electric cruiser skateboard that I got in Vancouver? 

One of two Police Officers charged in a sexual assault investigation took his own life. Just about everybody who gets busted thinks about taking their own life however briefly. 
In other words he did a Sid Vicious as Sid Vicious overdosed himself fearing upcoming Court proceedings and sentencing. 
A psychic said often people kill themselves and then in the afterlife see that things would have worked themselves out.
Sexual assault is never a good thing. No one should do anything like that. 
That Police Officer did work for quite a few years as a Police Officer in this city and that. "The evil that men do live long after them. The good oft lies interred with their bones." Shakespeare
I hope that Officer Matthew Ball, The Secret Policeman's Other Ball, makes it to heaven. RIPD
There is a DJ on local radio station Ocean 98.5 named Matty B. Really?! 

The Deputy Police Chief of Vancouver is on the chipping block for her allegedly heavy handed handling of the case as in office politics, someone always has to take the fall. The fall guy or the fall girl. I don't think that she is to blame. It is normal standard operating procedure to be stern as a disincentive against doing the same thing again in the future. "It's a serious charge." They're all serious charges. Any charge before the Courts even shoplifting a $100 item is a serious charge. 
In the movie 211, a teenager gets arrested for assault. He fought back against bullies at school. Nicholas Cage, his father and a cop in the movie said, "It says here that you were arrested for assault. It's a serious charge. You know, I would have done the same thing at your age." 
The deputy Police Chief might think, "If anything, I held back." 
Come to think of it, I saw what could be an omen. On Tuesday, I was sweeping a driveway at the Courthouse Grounds, the exit driveway. One sheriff van that left that driveway was white. The other one was one I never seen before. It was a black sheriff van with dark silver lettering. I saw that on the morning I had the dream where I saw Heather so I attributed it to white van means me who is living and the black van represents Heather who is dead. Tethered together to Heather in leather. Ghosts of the dead often appear in all black and the vibe they give off, cold, self obsessed, angry, looking for something they'll never find. 
The sheriff vans could also represent one officer who is alive and the other who as it would turn out just a day later, dead. 
Events can signifies omens of more than one event or have more than one meaning. 
A story which I'll trim down and as much as I remember it goes, 
A Zen master had a student who wants that smart but who still wanted to learn. The master said that another famous Zen master was in town. See what you can learn. 
The student met the Zen master but somehow as is usual with people, conversations are very short. No time, in the flow, busy and on the way to doing other things. 
The student said to the master that he wanted to learn about what Zen actually is. The Zen master held up a finger. To which then the startled student made a fist. 
The two Zen masters met each other. "Your student is quite smart. He asked about Zen. I held up a finger, he made a fist which I interpreted as my finger meant that the nature of Zen is that all is one. He made a fist which I took to mean that it is all emptiness anyways, a hologram of encoded quantum data with no actual solidity, simulation theory."
That evening, the not so smart student returned. The master asked what he learned." That Zen master held up a finger which I thought was a snobby gesture. What a jerk! Giving me orders. Making me wait when I didn't really want to talk to him in the first place anyways so I held up my fist to give him a piece of my mind."
In this story as well an event can signify more than one meaning. 

The new Kraven the Hunter movie is great. Check out the opening few minutes trailer on YouTube. Superhuman strength. Escapes Russian prison. 

I got a box of Wolfgang Puck French vanilla coffee somewhere in town. 
I couldn't help thinking Wolfgang Puck, Wolpgang F*ck. 
WP founded a famous 80s restaurant called Spago's which is still going and is LA's equivalent to Antoine's in New Orleans. Spago's made guerilla style pizzas. Flat bread no crust with tomato sauce painted over with with whole fresh basil leaves and large chunks of chicken breast. 
You could also add King crab legs but pizza is casual dining, a snack whereas King Crab legs is for dinner where the tone is heavier. 
I have insomnia. I wonder why. Could the expensive coffee have something to do with it. I haven't had insomnia like this for a long time. But when I did have that insomnia, at the time, I thought I would have it for life. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

At the Church, a two months ago, I didn't know at all. Jane Siberry was performing. There. At the Church I went to for years. And I missed it! 
Mind blowing. Bound by the Beauty, Mimi On The Beach, One More Colour. It was sold out. I'll bet. 
I can always see her on YouTube. That place must have been standing room only. 

Franz Kafka, the Metamorphosis, a book that I read from cover to cover one afternoon at the UBC Library which is a very heavenly place, is also the name of a VR app based on that novel which I got today on sale. Regular price, $20. I got it for $11.19. 
Very good app. Scenes are excellent. Immersive as anything. However, being a puzzle escape room, I got stuck at some point. 
First the player is a full sized normal adult. After wandering around, the player goes back into the original room through a passageway that he can now fit into because the player has turned into an insect. All things in the room are large like Gulliver Travels. Beautiful graphics. Worth the money. 

I got Warhammer Battle Sister VR on sale for an incredible price of $13.63 including tax. 
A smokin' title. I actually had it on my wish list. Good one. High quality brand name app. Same developer as Drop Dead VR. 
Smokin' setting. A futuristic battle set in the year 4,800 or something like that which doesn't shock me since tight now it is the year 4600 something in some countries in Asia. 
Paths of Glory, World War 1 trenches as such old habits die hard even extending to the year 4800 something. 
Similar gameplay as Arizona Sunshine except enemies have guns and move faster. Some enemies have guns others have melee weapons. 
No infinite ammo. No simplified reload. Find ammo along the way and reload. 
Solo mode. Great. Not great. One arrives at a place where they have a choice of guns to purchase. But there is no ammo. No sign of ammo anywhere. That simply doesn't work. Until I find out how to get ammo, otherwise this is well worth the sale price of $13.50 including tax. 
Not great. Runs out of ammo fast in solo mode. 
Worth the money at sale price. You couldn't even get a bowl of noodles at a restaurant these days for $13.50. 

I had a very good week. Things went better than I expected at all times. Things are a lot smoother. A person who does good things creates a wave of goodness. Things get smoother in the neighborhood in general. 
Cleaning the streets. I try to remove weeds from lamp posts. The other day at a street downtown, I saw a few lampposts just overgrown with weeds. The situation wasn't going to get better. I had my weed removal tools and my broom and dust pan with me. I rd moved the weeds from the lamp posts there. Looks a lot better. I will do that in the next year. Walk around downtown, devote a morning to it, and remove weeds from lamp posts, signs, benches, the sides of buildings. The area will look less seedy. When no one cares about an area, no one respects that area. If even one person cares enough to keep the area clean, that's good. Cleanliness is something that the Police as well as gangsters respect. 
I don't wash my clothes every two days, yet I still wash them often enough. Things must not fall apart past a minimum point. 
People in town are kinder to me than I expected. People seem happy to see me. That's good. I feel honored to sweep the streets cleaning the streets for them, for one and all. 

Thank God for the gift of life. I am going to honor life. I have to not ever think of giving up. The forces of the Universe are certainly more than enough to generate a life of goodness and happiness on this World called Earth. Earth, Terra. Earth anagramized and spelt this way, Thera is a word that sounds exactly like Terra depending on how you pronounce it. Terra, anagram, Earrt sounds like Earth. 

Life is full of ups and downs. Challenges. Puzzles. 

This is a great town. A person shouldn't always worry and complain and sometimes take a note of when things are really going well. I do love this town. 

Today, at the cannabis shop, I got Sherbinskis The New on sale cheaper than Grape cream cake. Sherbinskis happens to be a top of the line strain. The test is in the taste. The single source of the Three Saints hash although tasty and at par if not above doesn't make that much of a noticeable difference than the old school Vortex brand Afghan hash. This brand is distributed from Quebec which is pretty much how it was in the old days. The French hash Connection purchasing product wholesale from the Middle East to Montreal or else Northern Quebec. Good hash. I smoke hash with tobacco. Hand rolled mini joints. Thrifty. Afghanistan is in Russian hands. The Taliban are a Russian proxy. Afghanistan is a Russian protectorate, puppet State. 

Two more VR apps. 
Goliath: Tilda Swinton narrates. A story about schizophrenia. I have schizophrenia and so do I. Price: $7.75 with tax
Battlescar, Punks was invented by girls. Sure it was. Rosario Dawson, aka Asohka, narrates. Price, a whopping $2.25 with tax on sale from $8 with tax. 
Battlesister and Metamorphosis didn't really take with me. When in doubt with VR always always give it another try. Don't give up. They always get better with further playing. 
It would be a miracle if I ever get to the end of the Lucy Liu Chinese pirate adventure. The Coast Guard does a very good job at patrolling the waters and they are fully prepared to encounter and neutralize piracy. That pirate app is a good adventure. I loved travelling to China in the 1800s aboard an old Chinese wooden boat called a junk. 
Very nostalgic but not high tech. The app is an escape to another World. I love it. 

I tried Battlescar. What did I pay? $2.25? Worth way more than that. I definitely got my money's worth. Not to give away any surprises. Two words: Junkie chic. Graphic depiction of drugs. That's all I'll say. I never thought I'd see that in VR. Shocking. 

Ad for FreeTV: "It's like winning the lottery but with my eyes."
Yeah, sure, meeting your mother was like me winning the lottery but with my c*ck.

My New Poem - as yet untitled

The best cure for insomnia 
Is a bullet to the brain.*
The best cure for heartbreak
Is relief from the pain 
The best cure for a desert
Is the wind and the rain
And the best answer is 
Not to explain but to refrain. 

*No. It isn't. This is just a silly poem just like Jabberwocky was a silly poem. This isn't poetry! It's doggerel. 

As the strong river punches it's way to the sea, 
There will be another chance for you and me. 
A chance to live another level of free 
Where we'll flow all together for eternity. 
When that will be no one knows, 
Live your best life and see where it goes. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Swept the grounds of the Courthouse, the West area. Then I did some landscaping on Douglas Street. I cleared weeds from the walls, large rectangular flowerpots and from the crevices of sidewalks, from around trees and lampposts. The area looks cleaner. If left alone, at that point, in weeks, it'd look worse. 
The weeds were very humongously over grown. 
I make sure to remove all the weeds. 
From what I understand, weeds drain nutrients from other plants giving nothing in return. There is no mutualism as with the mycorrhiza of mushrooms where they facilitate the transfer of information between plants. No mushrooms is like the old copper analog cable with the old 3G internet. With mycorrhiza it is an insulated fiber optic cable with 5G of broadband. Mushrooms also exchange nutrients with plants. Weeds are jerks plain and simple except that cannabis sativa is a weed. I think oryza sativa is rice. 
Anyways weeds like dandelions and others grow in runners similar to carrots. The roots run along a singular connected network with plants popping up at certain intervals, all part of the same OG plant. The seam of the sidewalk is one narrow line. There is one plant that sends out runners. Kill all the plants on that line and they won't grow again for awhile. The reason why they need to have runners is because these plants are less hardy than usual. Otherwise why that extra step? If it was only one, it doesn't take much to kill a plant. 
Plants use leaves which soak up sunlight in a process called photosynthesis using a chemical in the leaves called chlorophyll. That's how it gets its nutrition. Kill the leaves and there is no nutrition going to the roots. 
These plants will upon killing them, eventually send up little scouts. They can be near microscopic in size. Figuratively microscopic, not literally microscopic. 
Pull up these new little plants too. 
Plants communicate with each other. After a few times of pulling plants up in an area, they send a message saying that area is unsafe. Growth occurs more slower than usual. But nature given time will reclaim a city. A large city like Vancouver has the manpower and womanpower enough to keep the streets clean. In a city in South East Asia with 8 million population, there is an army of street sweepers in that city. 
Smaller towns. Areas can get seedy. 
I've loved this town since I was a teenager. I am happy that I had a part in helping the streets of this town look nice and to try to fight back against plants and weeds but that job is literally a never ending rabbit hole. I do my part here and there and don't push myself because I am doing it for free. I don't ask for money. Ever. 
There are panhandlers who ask for money and do no work. 
I work and ask for no money. 
Panhandlers do work in their way. Their social skills and talking like a talk show host is kind of like work. Depends on the panhandler. Some don't say very much. 

Go to Church, don't go to Church. Vacillating. Well last week the ex member of the Coast Guard or was it Navy invited me to work the sound system. It's the last Sunday before Christmas. 
Sound system scares me. I once had a dream where there were two men dressed in black behind the glass of a sound mixing room with the sound mixing board, interestingly all in a recording studio that looks a lot like the Need More Cowbell recording studio. They had glowing green eyes. They had a child cold vibe about them that was the very vibe of physical death. I woke up screaming! 
Thats why the sound mixing job at the Church or anywhere else scares me a little. Should it? The Universe will give me an answer. I should tell the Coast Guard guy that story. 
He would say as a Christian would, Ghosts seen in dreams is one thing. But you have Guardian angels, Jesus and God looking out for you as all of us do who are Faithful. 

I'm watching the television show, Dexter Origins. Awesome. Dexter works with the Police. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Over the hump. The days start getting longer. In theory. 
I checked. Yesterday, sunrise is 8:03 am. Today, 8:04 am, tomorrow, 8:04 am, Tuesday, 8:03 am Wednesday, 8:02 am. So for today and tomorrow, the sun rises one minute later. 
A minute earlier or later, who can really tell? Sunrise is a gradual process so how can sunrise be down to a one minute when it takes 9 minutes for a photon of light to travel to the Earth. Shouldn't sunrise be a 9 minute event? 
Of course the photon itself is 100,000 years old since it left the center of the sun but went around all these twist and turns. 

I checked out the Christmas trees at the mall. Me and Heather went there a lot. It still hurts when I think of Heather. I will always love her. 

I went to the Royal BC Museum. It's changed. The museum looks a lot better. The exploration ship from the 1700s, the pioneer water wheel and the fish cannery have been restored and in place. The ship exhibit looks better. 
There are artifacts in the small sailors quarters including what looks to be chess on the bed in one room and cribbage on the bed in another display room. 
Entertainment would be a well written book and a candle. Cards for solitaire. Darts. Dartboard. That was the extent of it in the 1700s. 
Doing it these days, I would bring an Android tablet and VR goggles. 
Another display room is new. It is a photography studio in Cumberland that is part real and part fictional. The display was shocking in a good way. Mind blowing. Very well done. I'd give it 15 stars out of 10.

I feel fear. I don't see a good future for myself. 
I think that my future could be good. I do good things for others and for my community and City. Across the street from the Legislative Buildings and across the street from the Empress Hotel, there is an island a street island, sidewalk island. On Government Street and Bellevue Street. 
Anyways I removed weeds from both the islands, one near the Emily Carr statue. Today I used the gardening gloves which made it easier and I was able to hand-remove all the weeds except one. I thought that most of them if not all could be removed using only the hand. There was one clump of grass which roots were stubbornly fastened to the earth below. Even then I removed the leaves of the clump of grass. It needs leaf area to receive sunlight to get nutrients. Once the leaves are removed it makes it that much more difficult for the clump of grass to regrow although it could. 
Doing good things for others makes it very likely that good things can happen for me. Leading to a less fearful future. I want to feel the waves of nostalgia and Sunday vibes again like I used to. Fear and worry can sap Sunday vibes. I must admit this. Cigarette smoking can kill Sunday vibes. One is more sensitive to Sunday vibes if they don't smoke tobacco. If I want to feel Sunday vibes strongly again, I must quit smoking tobacco. 

Even though I didn't go to Church today, I still feel fear. I imagine a scary future which may not turn out to be true. 
Christmas is a time of year when people are more expected to go to Church than usual because it's the holiday and also less expected than usual because that's the time when people leave town to spend Christmas with their family. 
Pastor Joel Osteen said that you may obsess over an event in your life that happened decades ago, but has God not blessed you even once during the time since? Think of all the blessings and good times. 
In my life, some things turned out worse than I expected, wind up on welfare, never got married, but some things turned out a lot better than I expected. For instance the major Royal dreams I had, I never would have thought that was possible. I met a few girlfriends. I traveled to interesting towns. I met a lady whom I would spend every day of the rest of my life loving and I hope to see her again when I depart this world. I was able to learn to ride a skateboard and this is coming up to my one year anniversary. VR goggles. 
The Bible talks about cycles. Seven fat cows, seven lean cows. Good times, bad times. 
A few years ago, Heather said that the future can be better than I imagine. 

The Lord is my Shepherd. 
Glory to God in the highest. 

The News said that Canadian MP's want Trudeau to resign. I don't see why. I wish he could be PM for life. 
However, politics is about cycles and PM Justin Trudeau's current cycle might have ended. 
Trudeau is the kind of PM who will go on a hiatus of one or two terms. The honeymoon period with the new PM will be over and he will make whatever mistakes as all PM's do including Trudeau and people will reflect on the rosy golden days back when Trudeau was PM and they will want him back! And like his father, he might be PM again. 
Pierre Trudeau quit for a few years and then was PM again. 

I got Tai Chi VR for $3.99. I always wanted to learn Tai Chi. 
The Last Worker for $1.11
Warhammer, Age of Sigmar $2.99 plus tax. Its a Warhammer title and the price. 
Lost Pets $4.99 Free trial. Diorama adventure. 
Ghost Giant. Regular price $30. Sale price $5. If the OG price is $30, it's a high quality animation. 
Thumper. Giant Beetle goes along a track. That Beetle is you, the player. 
Altogether, $30. Give or take. Now I'm a further $30 on the hook. 
Retail therapy on VR. 
These items are on sale. I wonder if I'll ever be happy again but if all this VR doesn't make me happy, I don't know what will. 

Thumper isn't bad. Impressions are that it feels like Cartridge 82 rebooted. Not a lot of variety. Beetle runs along a singular track. When a light pulse approaches, presss A button at the right time to send it back. One gets the gist of it. Then turn along corners pressing A button plus turning the joystick in the appropriate direction. 
Regular price $18.99 and got it for $6 plus tax. Worth the money? Barely. It wasn't the deal of the century that Battlescar was. Battlescar, regular price $20, on sale for $2. 

The Last Worker. For what. $1? Definitely worth the money. A rich experience that normally only rich people would experience. 

Today was a wondrous day. I woke up today not knowing about the mind blowing Cumberland Japanese photography studio at the museum which exceeded all expectations. And I got some VR apps that I didn't even know existed. 

Pastor Joel said that that Bible says, God will make streams in the desert. This means even if you are going through tough and challenging times, God will bring you pleasant surprises beyond your imagination. But you have to be faithful. Faithful is ceaseless Ly thanking God even in the midst of tough times. 

Thank God for the blessings in my life and for the blessings in the lives of all others. 

I was thinking, oh God, of getting Paranormal Activity The Lost Soul VR. I would have been a lost soul if I got that one. No redeeming moral value. A boatload of motion sickness. Very disturbing imagery. Pagan idolatry or what? No thanks. On sale for $6 from $20. 

The Trolley is on IMAX in Victoria downtown. It was made in 2016 and thus the whole thing is on for free on YouTube and YT VR has IMAX aspect ratio. I'm watching it for free! Documentary. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

I swept at the Courthouse today. Then near the Empress Hotel. I removed the weeds from the wall that is the walk-way. I felt depressed. Working for no money is self exploitation and what I do, I don't know how much of a difference it makes. 
I swept a roof area of the Court house that was covered in pine needles and pine cones. Across the street from the Courthouse, a huge growth of weeds had grown around a lamp post area. I removed all of it.  Swept the Courtyard. 
I'm depressed that the Court doesn't care and what I'm doing doesn't make a difference. Does it mean that the Court doesn't care if the area is regularly swept clean or if the leaves etc are allowed to accumulate over the course of days, weeks, months, with not a sign of the City sending someone to clean it. I did it. What the heck. I feel I'm wasting my time. No one cares. I get no money for it. I don't care. I am happy to clean that area and that the area is cleaner. 
If asked which woman in the world loves me the most I don't think I could answer. Especially since my mother is dead. The only women there are don't love me. They resent me and want to control me or humiliate me or mold me into more of whatever they are be they a drug user or else a square Christian Church goer. 
I am in a world where no women love me. Not that I know of. That's one way to live. 

I still worry about where I'm going to live next. This hotel closes in a year. I worry about my Court trial. And I worry about old age and death. I'll be 70 in 15 years and then I'll be dead because I never heard of anyone of welfare living much past 70 if even to 70. 
Major premise: Everyone on welfare dies at 70.
Minor premise: I'm on welfare. 
Conclusion: I'll be dead at 70. What then? 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

I wish everyone a happy Holidays, whatever form that might take, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Divali, Chinese New Year, and in some years, Ramadan. 
For me, this is a Christmas of worry. See worries listed above. 

These mornings, I wake ip thinking of Donald Trumps words about Chrystia Freeland. "Toxic and won't be missed." Those words are so profound that it could be a Terryism. Terry Edwards was my friend and he was a poet on the level of Edmund Spencer. 
Those words are like a utility belt. It can be used anywhere. 
A few situations, places even people in my life I could describe as either "Ignorant and thoughtless and won't be missed." or else, "Toxic and won't be missed." 
So there are prople and places that I won't visit because to visit is to send them a signal theft I've signed on for another year of whatever BS. Not visiting is to send a sign that I'm signing off. Thoughtless and ignorant and toxic and won't be missed. 
Even though I don't visit those people and places, the distinction must be made that I am always saying prayers for them. "God, thank you that you are blessing and protecting people in society even or especially people who I am not sure of. May Your presence be felt and may your Will be done on Earth as is heaven. 

Speaking of Heaven, an accurate name I have for Vancouver is. Heavencouver. That town, I swear, has heavenly vibes and the Eastside has heavenly vibes too. A pickpocket upon meeting a Saint sees only the pockets. I went to the downtown eastside and I felt heaven. I've lived in that area starting in the early 70s. That neighbourhood is in my blood. I go to Vancouver, West Side, East Side and I resonate with the heavenly geomagnetic vibes there. 
If I had a million dollars, I would move to Vancouver but also live in Victoria. Some people are here in town because they're broke. If they had a million, they'd be gone. If I had a million I'd still stay in town. Even with the Court case. 
Brief involvements with Police, Courts, holding cells is still an era in life that is nostalgic. The 70s and 80s were full of people who went to Court, Night Court television show, but it was still a very nostalgic time. Contacting the Court system is a brief exposure to a world that is regimented, immaculate, yuppie night time airports, nice polished wooden Yamaha guitars, track lighting, nice Mercedes and BMW's, rich fashions, Armani suits, that is the nostalgic essence of the 80s Court room and Court house experience. 

My left ear is clicking slightly. Yesterday, I used Neill Med ear drops dissolving liquid. Then I rinsed my left ear in the shower. It took awhile to go away, it went away for awhile and then came back, now. 
I think it's my over the ear headphones which press down on an area of the ear tat has cartilage and the cartillage folds and resets itself hence the clicking. It's not ear wax, or is it. Ear wax is a growth, like weeds. Pull out weeds and they come back again within a day.
When I wore ear buds I didn't get this. My right ear is fine. 
Michael Prince who is a Malaysian pastor has some fine home spun Asian knowledge, "If you forget about it, it eventually goes away and fast. If you are thinking, thinking about it, then it doesn't go away." Just forget about it. The body, being what it is, will make all kinds of "noises", aches, sores, whatever, that come and go. 

Remember in the movie The Falcon and The Snowman when Sean Penn blurted out, "The CIA! I'm working for the CIA!" 
In that spirit I could say that I'm working with the Police. But sweeping out the sheriff garage at the Courthouse isn't the same as working for the Police. For one thing, I'm not deputized. I wouldn't mind working with the Police. There are two jobs in which someone without tactical arms training can work for the Police. One is janitor and the other is to be a dummy for Police dog training. Get in a padded suit and have the Police dog take a run at you knowing its trained to go for certain areas, throat, hands, joints, groin. A dogs jaw is like a vice grip. 
I'm not working with the Police. I'm neither smart enough nor intimidating enough let alone authoritative enough to. The Police are like Sherlock Holmes. They solve a lot of cases but a lot of cases are solved with public tips like when the guy who shot the healthcare CEO was tipped off when a McDonald's cashier spotted him. 
I wish I could have been someone who was on the St Roch. That's the best Police adventure of all. 

This is all on YouTube and other sources like the James Delgado book about the St Roch. 
The St Roch was a Police boat deployed to patrol the North in an area just before they sent float planes to do that. It had a secret mission. They were to go to a mine in Greenland which the Germans didn't know about. The mine had crholite which was a metal used for making war planes. The size of the boat. I don't know if it could have brought enough to make a difference in the war effort enough to turn the tide. 
It did that. 
When the St Roch was up North in Canada, at one point, the St Roch held someone in a holding cell on board the ship. That person did someone in and had to await a dog sled to bring him to Court. That would have been the best holding cell to Court experience. Top bad for that person that he did something that serious. Otherwise as an experience that would have been an amazing and magical experience. 
The captain of the St Roch mistakenly landed the boat in Russia. Russian authorities detained him but he was released an hour later when they found out who he was. 
Those are the best St Roch stories. Sometimes the radio station plays White Christmas. For me that's digitally reproduced and replayed over Bose speakers. The St Roch had a copy of White Christmas on a scratchy vinyl played once perhaps twice over a hand cranked record player that probably didn't have the sharpest needle. 

Yesterday, I worried that the sunrise would be 8:04 am. But at 7 minutes to 8, the sunlight was already there majorly. So that worry is off the list. 

Today I went on Google to check on Into Space. There is a link that led to an app called Alcove which I already installed. It's a free app that's is great. Wander around a living room. Look at 2D videos and large photographs on the wall. Nice. 
The get into a travel room which has all kinds of free VR videos based on modes of traveling. Hot air balloon, safari, undersea adventure and space travel. Pay $6.99 plus tax which I did and Into Space 2nd Step which wasn't working on the OG app is up and running, purring on all 12 cylinders. 
Into Space 2nd Step. Simply mind blowing! I am in awe and like with first step, I had to put it down midway because I am too overwhelmed in a good way. Travel to the moon on a ship. Is it the Artemis program? That's the next Moon mission starting in 2026. Young astronauts, military trained, men and women from different Nationalities too will be going. The Apollo program was all White men. Just like the St Roch. To say that 2nd Step is amazing, wonderful, incredible is the understatement of the year. 
On this app, I went on an Artemis mission to the South Pole of the moon exploring Shackleton Crater. Also I saw a moon colony which looks like it just takes your breath away, that's how good it is, and explored the dark side of the moon, Luna Incognita during the 14 Earth days which is how long night is on the moon, days are 14 days of non stop sunlight. Hard core or what? 
On the moon, heavy metal, slash metal, goth culture etc would be that much more intensified in development because of the 14 days in a row of darkness. 14 days of sunlight would make certain plant species grow to record breaking sizes, things like cactuses and sequoia trees. A cactus actually stores water like a camel's hump which will be helpful for other plants. Or would it? To maintain appropriate barometric pressure and to maintain a 60% oxygen and 40% nitrogen mix, there would need to be a domed set up on the moon for atmosphere. Plants breath the 3% carbon dioxide that animals exhale and covers that into oxygen so plants are essential for terra forming the moon. 
One would need to introduce species that could grow in extreme cold area high up a mountain where the air is thin, there are all kinds of species growing in the Canadian tundra and in the Himalayas too. Those plants could be brought to the moon. 
Certain other things like moss, lichen and algae could be brought to the moon to start some kind of ecosystem. Anyways, I would recommend getting Into Space. Its a good app for space travel adventure. 

Christmas Eve. 5 minutes to Church as I write this. Am I going? No. I usually don't go out at night. What happens. Say hi to a few people. Sit down. Lots of singing carols, hymns, Message, more hymns, invitation to donation, more hymns and then over. Say hi to a few people on the way out and that's it. Cold and dark. Walk home alone. It'd be one thing to crowd into a car full of people I know and like with the smell of hot chocolate driving home to a bourgeois house. 
Me, it's walking home alone in the cold and dark. I live in the inner city. I'm staying downtown. 
I'm going to watch a movie starring Jude Law, Nicolas Hoult and Tye Sheridan. What an all star cast. This movie is going to be good. The top stars pick their scripts and they wouldn't work on a movie if they thought it was going to be not good. 
That's my Christmas. I went to the Christmas thing three years ago. Beebs was with me that Christmas. I thought it was a scary Christmas at the time. Looking back, it was a wonderful golden Christmas full of love although I didn't see it at the time. 
At the time, I thought I would have to be a caretaker for Beebs 7 days a week for the next ten or twenty years. Life can be over whelming. 
My neighbours, some of them told me that they went up island to visit their family. Talk about the up island feel. I only get the down island feel this Christmas. 
I'm not perfect. I would be the first to say the I am far from perfect. I still wish all of you a happy holidays. Know the the physics of this dimension have done a number on my perception which influences of course my imagination. 

I watched the Church service on television. Come to think of it, I love those people. I've known them for years. Good people. I'm sorry I thought of them as crackpots and squares. I'm going to Church again. Start anew with good people. 
I meditated throughout the Church service. I sat on my bed in formal meditation posture for half an hour. That's good for the city. 
When I've flown to airports of cities at night, cities which had a reputation for meditation, I felt that I could see and sense the meditation al energy of that city from where I was at the airport. 
Meditation has been in the region since the 1950s. There were Zen masters from Japan, the most famous being DT Suzuki. He lived in the Washington State region traveling to Portland and to California too. In the 50s at book shops that had esoteric books for nerds and conspiracy nuts because such a demographic long preceded the advent of the internet. These esoteric books included books about Zen meditation. 
DT Suzuki wrote more about Zen koans of the Rinzai school of Zen. 

Anyways, on to a decidedly non Zen topic. I want to write about me mulling over whether to get Ghostbusters VR on sale for $12 from $35. I mean Ghostbusters and at the price. And I kinda want to get Paranormal Actiivity VR for $6. $12 plus $6 equals $18 plus tax equals about a $20. A further $20 in the hole? Why not? I haven't actually gotten them yet. Still mulling over the price. Should I get it or what? 
I got a Court trial coming up. I'm thinking that once I play Paranormal Activity VR, going to Court won't nearly be as scary an experience. 
I've been busted and put in a holding cell and went to Court and during those times I thought of the Apollo 11 VR experience. I remembered going along with the astronauts on the ride to the top of the Saturn 5 rocket ship which was literally about 75 storeys high! I remembered being on the capsule in VR. I was with the other astronauts too. And going to the moon. And that experience if done in real life is way way scarier and anxiety inducing than getting busted and thrown in a cell. At least you're still on the Earth. 
Any space missions, to the moon, Artemis program would be scary. 
How does a chunk of metal somehow find its way to the moon? What if it stops working? Actually a computer the size of one on a regular cell phone has more than enough computational power for a guidance system if it's to find and identify and object, where it is, and then calculate when and on which thrusters and how much thrust to generate. Since there is no friction and something can go indefinitely in space, the thrusters would only have to be used at selected times to save fuel. 

Shackleton crater on the South Pole of the moon is named after Ernest Shackleton. His voyage is more epic than the St Roch and he went to the South Pole. At least the North Pole is connected to Canada. The South Pole is a continental land mass separated by an ocean to South America Cape of Good Hope and South Africa Cape Horn too. 
Shackleton used cocaine pills. His ship the Endeavor was briefly named The Ritz Hotel when it was stuck in the ice and afterwards collapsed never to sail again. The crew managed to salvage any lifeboats and they made it to Elephant Island. From there Shackleton had to make his way to a whaling station to get back to Elephant Island and to rescue the rest of the crew whose mind must have been painting all kinds of pictures of disaster. Fortunately for them, things ended well. 
Shackleton's journey was about 20 years earlier than the St Roch adventure. 

The movie is The Order. Jude Law is an FBI agent investigating some White Power paramilitary group that is also doing bank robberies and killings. 
Even though I'm not White, I'd be willing to watch the movie since Jude Law is in the movie. Jude Law is from England. In all probability, sometimes England sends over agents to investigate crimes in America. 
I'm spending Christmas in Hogans Alley because of my new Black neighbours. 
I wouldn't have minded spending Christmas at the actual Hogans Alley in the early to  late 60s. 
I have a private theory that ancient Egyptians were advanced enough to build the puramids. Like how goldfish were selectively bred, Egyptians selectively bred a White slave race. Moses was a Pharaoh according to a famous Black scholar. Anyways the White slave race, the very one that built the pyramids rebelled against their former masters. Since they built the pyramids, they had a might and skill set. They didn't seek to overthrow the government, they simply wanted to escape. So the Bible story of Moses leading the Egyptians to freedom has an even more fantastic truth. Planet of the Apes was based on this. The apes represent the White slave race and the humans represent their Egyptian breeders and their Egyptian captors. 
The White slave race created a religion cobbled from a few local traditions going around at the time including the Babylonians, Sumerians, Zoroastrians, Persians and Egyptians and called it Judaism. 
The Red Sea is the Reed Penninsula which is tidal. One day of the year for a brief time, the tide ebbs the most, its at its lowest. The window of time is narrow. Then the waters flood in again. Moses knew about that. Due to shifting geography, that area doesn't do that today. When was Moses. What. 4,000 years ago? 
To form a cultural benevolent society based on on your culture is all right. It's a special interest group and you can get government grants to set that up. The Chinese have a benevolent society but I never heard of a White persons benevolent society unless you count the Odd fellows but even in that group, anyone of any Nationality can join. What is not all right is when these groups branch out into criminal activities. Then at that point, the CIA or an agent from England investigates them. 
In Asia, terms like gaijin or gweilo or farang is used as a racist term referencing the White community but it doesn't mean anything. Most of the time it's poetic or to wax lyrical. White people are seen as teachers in Asia. Hollywood which let's face it, has mostly White actors has taught the World so much. All cultures can teach. The Squid Game teaches. It teaches how survival is important even if you're volunteering for some crazy game. Show where the prize is one billion yen. 
The movie was all right. The cops got the bad guys. How? You'll have to watch the movie to find out. It's based on a true story. The movie is a warning, crime does not pay. 

Nicolas Hoult is like Toby McGuire and Robin Williams. They were very good, very innocent as good guys but when they portrayed bad guys in the movies, they were absolutely terrifying. 
Nicolas Hoult - The Order. 
Toby McGuire - Babylon. 
Robin Williams - One Hour Photo as Sy Parrish, Sy the camera guy. 

Today I found a fake, that is fake $1,000,000 bill. It had a picture of Santa on it with the words United States of America, Reserved Note and In God We Trust. On the other side was writeen words of a typical Christian tract. If you die, will you go to Heaven? John 3:16 For God so loved the World etc I'm keeping it. 
If I had an actual million or even a small green bottle worth $500,000, I'd stay in Victoria and visit Vancouver sometimes opting to stay at either the Jericho Hostel, private room, no dorm room or else at the Pan Pacific Hotel. The YWCA is good too. 
Jericho Hostel private room - $150 night
YWCA $200 night 
Pan Pacific $500 - $1,000 night. 
What about the Trump Hotel? I already have a pair of Trump slippers from his hotels. Made of white Terry cloth. Slightly stained since I wore it once to the shower and that's all it took. I value the slippers and they are even more special since he got re-elected even with a criminal conviction. That's special. 
Let's face it. It's way more fun to visit Vancouver when you live in Victoria than vice versa. It's way more fun to live in Sidney and visit Victoria than vice versa. And Sidney cuts off an hour at least each way from Victoria to Vancouver. 
Nanaimo, not far from Vancouver at all. Second largest city on the island, island living, and just a boat ride and then ride the 401 Horseshoe Bay, 401 Downtown Vancouver to get to Granville Street and Chinese fried noodles at the Pacific Centre Mall food court.
So if that million was real and not fake, I'd move to James Bay and rent a place. Then sometimes or else often travel to Vancouver with my electric skateboard. With a million, I could get a used 80s BMW. I was so set and decided on the 325s but I would gladly accept a 320. I'd love a 320i model from the 80s. The 320s are cozy. The 325s are more heavy duty. Get a 325 and a 320. Dream on. Perhaps in the afterlife. In the afterlife one just blinks and the car is a different color. The afterlife has a different set of physics. 
In a dream, I once saw a car parked on the Southwest corner of Powell and Main where there was a parking lot there. It was a white car with the word GHOST written on it in thick purple spray paint graffiti. 
I hope you don't mind me just rambling on so to speak. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

I hope that this Christmas finds you well or else that it finds you as well. 
Not going out today. The whole town is shut down. Remember the movie Night of the Comet? 

I still didn't get Ghostbusters. $12. Sale ends on January 6. Ray Stantz addition $2.59. 
And Paranormal Activity $7. Because of the expense involved, I'm hesitating. 
Ray Stantz might be included in the $12 deal. When I clicked on to the page where the add on is, the price said it was included. Should I get these or not. I need a sign. Ghostbusters, sure. PA seems too dark. 

Gladiator 2 is available in high def! This is a movie where you really have to watch part 1 for it to make more sense. 

A psychic on YouTube said, Don't care so much about other people's opinion. If you want to get something, get it. It is good to branch out into new experiences to broaden your mind. 
That being said, I also am strongly mulling over getting 
Meditation VR $4, over 400 scenes no subscription needed. 
Apex construction. $1. Bow and arrow game. 
These will set me back another $5 plus tax. 
Ghostbusters has lots of 5 star reviews. I tried Ghostbusters on PSP and spent at least an hour on it. The Sedgewick Hotel scene. The lobby. Zap ghosts with the proton pack and put them in to containment unit. 

I got Apex Construct $1 and Guided Meditation VR $4.  

I read a good spiritual story. 
A father asked his daughter what she wanted most. She said she wanted a white horse. The father could only find a spotted horse so he painted white paint over the spots. He presented his daughter with the horse but it had started to rain washing off the paint revealing the spots. He thought his daughter was upset. Instead she said that she was even more pleased that he took the time and effort that he did. 
I often wish I had done more for Heather. Spent more time with her. Just done more for her. Heather would be happy that I tried my best even if I didn't spend more time with her. I'll always love her. I miss her a lot and I don't think that I'll ever get over her. 

Guided Meditation VR. A gem. Before I got VR goggles, I envisioned what I thought VR could do for me. This app is it. Teleport to gentle places and meditate. More than worth the money at $4. 

Apex Construct. Awful. Nebulous motion sickness inducing. Can't find out how to get past level to get the bow. When it gets going, it's supposed to be not half bad. 

Got them all. Ghostbusters. Ray Stantz. Paranormal Activity. 

Paranormal Activity. High quality. Free roaming. Motion sickness. Escape room. Typical. But a keeper. High quality new and modern standard. Attached to a big money Hollywood horror franchise, Paranormal Activity starring Lin Shaye. Not my favorite. I got stuck right away at the porch level. I find a note, Key is in the usual hiding place. That's where I got stuck. Where's the hiding place? Yeah right. Otherwise very immersive. Good quality and not cheap quality graphics. Price $7 plus tax. Stuck? See a walkthrough video on YouTube. 
This app can give someone PTSD. 

I have so many VR apps. I got tempted to get a lot of them. Regular price $20 but on sale for $2. How can I turn down a deal like that? And it's an action shooter game, not a Barbie wardrobe game. 

Just played chapter 1 of Ghostbusters. Better than I thought it would be. A lot better. User friendly. I was able to get through whatever objectives, fire at the ghost with a beam from the proton pack and release the containment unit underneath which traps the ghosts. The headquarters at the old fire station looks amazing. Mind blowing. Well worth the money. I can see why this was originally a $40 game. I am happy and impressed with this. 

I won't be able to get past the swinging sacks in the Lucy Liu pirate game. The thought of it sends a shock of anxiety fueled adrenaline into my guts. Perfectionism. If I can't get past this level, for me a world has ended. A world, not THE world. Watching a walkthrough does nothing as the level is dependent on reflexes, timing and luck. It's like a Chinese finger trap. 

A year ago, I could have never dreamed this. A fantastic arcade worth of VR apps. It's like winning the lottery. And my electric skateboard. I don't do Ollies or kick flips. I can use my foot for a basic foot stop and an emergency stop as one steps hard on the back of the skateboard making it kick up to a quick and sudden stop while the other foot is balanced and planted firm on the ground. I'd ideally like to Coleman slide myself into a full stop. That would be awesome. I remember that I have Warhammer Battle Sister and War Hammer Age of Sigmar on sale for $3? Why the low price? It's ordinarily a $30 game. Age of Sigmar. That sounds Swedish. It should be pretty good! 

Skeleton Crew and Gladiator 2 is on. What a televisual feast! So met mes life can be good. You can never win but sometimes you can just win. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

I am watching videos from Pastor Joseph Prince. I fear the future. My hotel will close in less than a year. I think I won't be able to find a place and wind up living on the streets. I won't kill myself but I'm thinking that I'm better off dead. Then I wouldn't have all these worries about the future. I fear the future. I fear that God will forget me. 
Pastor Joel Osteen said that depending on the translation, in Hebrews 11 it say, I will not, I will not, I will not fail you says God. 
So emphasized that it was said three times. God will not fail you. I guess if worse comes to worse then God will be your golden parachute safety net when you get to the afterlife.
I still fear the future. 
In Matthew 6:25 Jesus said why do you worry about things when God already takes care of all animals and plants, he will look after you too. 

Why did God make sharks so that their teeth can regenerate throughout life but make humans so that their teeth could not? So surreal. 
God gave humans instead the ability to make food processors so that when you do lose your teeth,. And God gave humans the ability to make dentures and teeth implants so it's a case of ill see you the ability to genetically regrow teeth and ill raise you the intellectual power enough to make food processors, dentures and dental implants. 

A Fisherman's Tale VR. $7. Part 2. $12. Sold separately total $19. Sold in a bundle $34. Extremely odd pricing tier. I'll get part 1. I don't know if I'll get part 2 because of the cost. I watch the movie The Lighthouse every day which is why. I just got part 1 and part 2. Highly nostalgic. Fisherman's Tale, original price, $19. Part 2 original price $29. 

Fisherman's Tale. Fisherman's Wharf. The app is well worth the price. I had a nostalgia moment. 100 stars out of 10. 

This town is the right town. I love this town. This town is a town that is perfect for a paid animation VR setting. This town is highly nostalgic with the 19th century nostalgia, the dim orange lighting on wooden surfaces, walls, furniture. A Fisherman's Tale. This town is the perfect town for that. Long before VR, there was Miniature World in this town and the museum too. Nostalgic dioramas of wonder. This town and Vancouver are the only two towns I ever want to be in. 
The submarine exhibit at the Royal BC museum, the Maritime Museum, miniature World. How could I not get A Fisherman's Tale VR? I'm guessing at some point the same thing will happen with all VR adventures in that there are escape room puzzles or else guess where something is located which involves motion sickness induced pacing back and forth throughout the room looking for the object. 
I tried A Lost Giant Tale and the other one, Case of the Stolen Pets. Lost Giant, I barely figured out how to get past the first scene on to the second. Both scenes were beyond mind blowing and immersive. I was very impressed and I'm an old hand at VR. The scenes of Lost Giant impressed me. I don't know what to do. Pull on a flower to clear the garden, did that. Then what? Stuck on that level. 
Stolen Pets, could not figure out past even the first level. First screen puzzle stumper stuck on that level forever. 
Fisherman's Tale is mind blowing. A fisherman has a box which has a miniature model of his room and in that room is a box with a miniature model of his room which also has a box with a miniature model of his room. Fractal universe or what? From that moment, I was hooked on the VR adventure, A Fisherman's Tale which is the closest I'll get to ever actually living in a lighthouse because that's where the hero of the story lives. 
Even with a Courthouse and a Police station, nostalgic seaside towns like Cannery Row would include a Courthouse and Police station as part of that nostalgic setting. 
The TV series Hope Street is set in a small seaside town in Ireland and is very nostalgic. The character of the female Police Officer eventually disclosed that she is a lesbian. On the show, probably not in real life. 

I had three worries now knocked down to two. 
1. My Court case 
2. My hotel closing and me not finding a place and being homeless. I'd be dead in less than two weeks. 
3. Old age. 
Old age will take care of itself automatically so that worry has been knocked down. 
Worries have ruined the peaceful feelings I otherwise would usually have. I used to believe that all kinds of people in society had my back and looked out for me. Now I think that none of them do. They abandoned me because to care takes energy and I think that the energy ran out. So I'm left to fend for myself in this existential escape room puzzle that is life itself. I hope that God is still looking out for me because of not then I'm doomed. 

I don't think I'll ever find a girlfriend ever again and I'll never step aboard an airplane ever again. Never say never again. 
Expect the unexpected. Don't try to predict the future. It's useless. Just give up. Remember the flowers of the field, God has provided for them and will provide for you too. If that's so, how come I see so many homeless people? Why hasn't God provided for them? In a lot of cases they prefer to be homeless. A welfare cheque's net is minus the rent, the gross is the entire amount including the rent amount. Welfare is a lot more lenient and understanding that people are homeless and will issue an entire welfare cheque and those who are homeless pocket the rent portion of the cheque so their net of the cheque is also the gross of the cheque. Many were offered housing and refused. To them housing means cramped spaces, regulations, bedbugs, room inspections, noisy upstairs neighbours, none of which you get living in a tent. So there are advantages. If you like camping in a tent and then waking up making coffee and eggs and bacon over a Coleman stove, living in a tent is an option. So in that way God has provided for them too. 
God, please help me to find a place to live. I would settle for a rooming house although my dream, God, is to live in a rich place. I will in return try my utmost to be someone who helps others and the community. I will try to be a thoughtful person and to always thank you for the blessings that are in my life. Not to complain about the blessings that are not in my life. 

My brain is like a chimpanzee with a machine gun. In Azerbaijan an airplane got shot down. This makes me think of getting Flight 74. It's a VR app where one flies a Cessna for cartels making a coke run while trying to evade federal agents. That sounds like everyone's dream job. Sarcasm. No, I don't think so. That wouldn't be anybody's dream job. Not if they don't want to get busted. One commenter an ex pilot said the controls were extremely realistic. Another commenter complained that it wasn't like the WW1 airplane. The developer replied and said that the Cessna is very different from a WW1 plane. One aspect is a smoke bomb explodes in the plane and you have to punch a hole in the window with your hand to diffuse the smoke which when I found out was a complete turn off as that is an atypical situation and not one I would ever ever expect to experience in real life. Even a lot of Police Officers don't experience that in real life. It's on sale for $12. Regular price $27. So that's another nail in the financial coffin I guess. I'm going to get this app and try to do a kamikaze. Then I wouldn't have to worry about my hotel closing and me being homeless on the street. I'd rather be dead to be honest. I once made an animated cartoon about commandeering and then flying a Cessna over the North Pole to visit the hollow Earth. Yeah, right, like I ever did anything like that in real life. If I get this app, then the cartoon will have turned out to be an omen. Worries about my hotel closing have ruined my mind. Should I get this app or not? I need to see a sign in the next ten minutes. I got it. That's an additional $13.43 with tax. I was looking for a sign. I needed to see the number 74 on the television screen, that would be the sign. I didn't see it. I got the app anyways. 
Tried it. Very realistic. Flying a Cessna is fun. Haven't got past first mission. I have to figure out how to put down landing wheels. Always crash into a tree just before getting to the airstrip. Oh well. Worth the money. Was on it and could not put it down. Otherwise sh*t apps are uninstalled in less than two minutes. 
As yet first mission, land plane on airstrip is impossible. 

I'm thinking of joining the Matt Fraser channel for $2.99 a month. Cancel anytime. On two separate months spaced far apart, I joined Jake Tran for $5 a month because his videos were interesting. Matt Fraser has one video. "Stop Living Like This. This Reading Was His Only Hope." Stop living like what? I'm thinking the answer is give up smoking or drinking or drug use. This one video may or may not be worth it. Supposedly he did a seance on Halloween with his mother who is also a psychic and they reached out to get messages from departed Hollywood celebrities such as Anne Heche. That would be worth the $2.99 for at least one month. 

Hypnosis Reveries. Award winning app from Beijing. $12. Fast Lawyer a VR reviewer on YouTube recommends it. It didn't look good. Room is white, plain. Lots of geometric puzzles. Arthouse. See a playtrough video on YouTube. HR looks like garbage. It's really bad. Even Fast Lawyer said it was worth $5, tops. Not $12. It seems like an arthouse Chinese artist like the famous bearded guy Ai Ai Wei. There are a lot of artists in China. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Insomnia. Massive afternoon nap earlier. 

Worst case scenario. The Court absolutely fries me. My hotel closes and I'll be single for life and it won't be a long life as I'd be living in a tent on the streets and jug hitting new school speedballs of meth and fentanyl at 5 in the morning, breakfast of champions. How long would I last doing that? I'm figuring less than a week. In that case, why don't I just capitulate and go into the afferlife, be with Beebs. Go to the duck pond with Beebs and talk about nothing. 
Einstein said do you think this is a friendly Universe or a hostile Universe because that makes all the difference in the world. I think that this is a hostile Universe. 

Eckhart Tolle said that if you know you have anxiety, that's the first step. There are those who are so self identified with anxiety that they don't realize that they have it. 
Languages that have counterproductive counterefficient grammatical anomalies like Chinese and Japanese where every time you need to learn to write a new word, you need to learn too draw a new picture but otherwise lacking phonics or phonetics with no clue as to how the word sounds, I mean fucking wow, and not in a good way, or languages that have no spaces between words only sentences have so self identified that they don't know that there's anything wrong with their language. 
You have Southeast Asian language with spaces between words and sentences but would opt for a language with no spaces between words? Bizarre. 
You have languages with no upper case letters such as all Oriental languages that don't use English letters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Southeast Asian languages. 
You have Southeast Asian languages with no spaces between words, no upper case letters and all kinds of superfluous extraneous marks above and below letters similar to umlauts, circumflexes, accent ays, while English has none of these anomalies, problems. 
Korean is the best of the bunch. Unlike Chinese which provides absolutely no clue as to how the word sounds, how barbaric, Korean totally has clues. Are there spaces between Korean words, there are and there aren't just like when your legs are on the side of the bed, are you legs in bed or off the bed, it's the same thing going on, but with no upper case letters and no abbreviations or acronyms. 
Asian languages are tonal and in some cases even monosyllabic. With tonal languages it's all about the sound of the words. English uses iambic pentameter or sometimes iambic trochameter and its all about the sound of the sentences rather than the sound of the individual words. 
See, I couldn't intellectually respect these languages as much as I respect the English languages. These other languages deconstructed with inferior counterefficient substandard writing systems are a non starter. 
Tow some ethnic line, regression to some former linguistic BS, uh, no thanks. 
Cults and religions are also victims of self identification. They don't realize that they are in a cult of squares who never dropped acid or did mushrooms. Ever. Let's face it. 

UBC hosted an entity from Hong Kong which it is alleged that was used as a recruiting station and a conduit for operation Fox Hunt. 
It is claimed that it is a Hong Kong fronted entity that is really shadowy Beijing controlled to repatriate those they identified as enablers and for financial supporters of the Hong Kong protest. 
I'm from Hong Kong. I hope they're not after me as well. Probably not. 
For one thing, they are after Chinese people who actually speak the language and who financially supported the Hong Kong protest. They don't care if you merely psychically supported it. 
Even though I was born in Hong Kong, where's the proof, where's the birth certificate, I am on the side of Beijing. I don't speak Chinese. I only speak English. 
People shouldn't protest violently. That's illegal. There are other ways. 
The protest was ostensibly about 5 conditions but was started over a stupid reason. A Taiwanese man killed his girlfriend. Cut up her body and put it in a suitcase. He fled to Hong Kong but authorities were able to follow him into Hong Kong and extradite him. Something the protesters resented. 
It's best not to get involved in politics at all if if you're anywhere in China including Hong Kong. 

I more or less want an early reprieve. 
The garbage forces of life. I sweep the streets for no money but there are more people in town that litter and are delinquents than sweep the streets for free. Every day I see quite a few delinquents. 
Why sweep the streets free of dirt when I can go to a dimension where there is no dirt at all. I generate a certain kind of energy ony to get worse energy in return. 
Why is it OK for God to kill my mother but not OK to kill me? God should have killed me when he killed my mother, then we'd be a matched set. Why did Heather get an early reprieve? 
I contributed to the World more than the average person. I've comeup with certain answers, such as the afterlife has a different set of physics and a different time dynamic where time travel is time experienced on an objective level and teleportation is space travel experienced on an objective level. It's all about accessing quantum codes. You won't get answers like this from fundamentalist squares. 
The reason I don't get a mindful and thoughtful early reprieve from God is because this is the same God that fucked around with dinosaurs for 350 million years. A human mind would give it maybe one million years at most and see that it's just not working. Humans have been around for two million years and have developed magnetic resonance imaging MRI machines. Humans can heal each other to a profound level. After 350 million years the extent of a dinosaurs healing to one another was licking another's wounds with saliva or patting another on the head or somewhere on the body. And even today, there is only one species that developed any kind of technology and infrastructure while there are millions upon millions of species that have not. Out of millions of planets, there is only one with life. After humans are gone from this Earth, there will be hundreds upon hundreds of millions of years of more mindlessness, what we're the chances of that, before the World ends swallowed up as the red giant star of the sun grows. All the rest of all planets are dead useless mindless backwaters. 
What is mindfulness vs mindlessness? Some beings are aware, some are aware that they are aware, and some are aware that they are aware that they are aware. Each of these levels of awareness are also levels of self identification. Insidious. 
God is a crooked table that seems to be slanted towards the mindless. 
That's why God doesn't give me an early reprieve. 

I thought, why the hell not and got Hypnosis Reveries. Fast Lawyer the VR reviewer reviewed it and more or less half heartedly tacitly recommended it. Chinese. And won awards in Beijing. Oh why not? Price $13.43. Why did I get it? Fisherman's Tale is $7 and way better. 
It was bad. Inevitable eventual motion sickness. It had its bourgeois arthouse moments. 
Not the end of the World. It was worth about $2 max. Not $12 plus tax. I expected insightful narration about growing up which was what the trailer showed. Nope. Just wordless artsy bullcrap. Will reexplore one day when I have nothing better to do. It has a Chinese bourgeois middle class to upper class vibe. 
This app 
Is a Chinese finger trap. 
The Depeche Mode song Enjoy the Silence is a rich upper class bourgeois song. Hearing the song even, makes a person feel rich. Some things in VR make me feel rich like the VR 360 library on YouTube in a rich house with a fireplace, a chocolate cake and a cat. That library has vines and roses too. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

VR makes life somewhat bearable. 

Because of my worries listed above, 1. Court trial 2. Hotel closing. I wonder if I'm better off dead. I'll probably be on welfare and living in rooming houses for life. Most people on welfare don't live much past 70 if that. 

A 78 year old's advice. I wish I didn't work so hard. 
So I'm taking the day off. I'll work again all next week except for Wednesday. If my sweeping the Courthouse grounds doesn't make a difference, why should I worry about taking a day off? 
Depression occurs with boredom and stagnation. I'm watching 180 VR videos and am I traveling to different places. I visited Versailles Palace in France. I've seen it in picture books but it looks different and amazing in VR 180. Such opulence. How did the average French peasant live? French is an idiomatic language. Peasants in France is sans coulants, without pants. That's just an idiom. Coulants were rich pants. 
A VR company called Faber Courtial makes the best VR productions. I already own Genesis and Into Space. Those are their only VR products available in meta quest. They also made a show about volcanoes, one about ancient Rome which was spectacular and one of Ancient Greece with the original statue that was in the Acropolis or else the Parthenon. The name Courtial makes me think of Court and fear of my Court trial. However I do love the  Court and the Courthouse.I respect the intellectual atmosphere of the Court. Faber Courtial makes the best VR productions and any products they release on meta quest will be quickly scooped up. Faber Courtial is Jorg and Maria Courtial. 

I'm going to Church again. I'll go when I have advice to ask of. My question. "Due to my Court case and my hotel closing down and me possibly being homeless in the streets, would I not in fact be better off dead?" I'm actually going to ask that. I'll tell you what they say. 

After watching a few videos of Europe, I need to move to Europe. Lots of nostalgic feelings occurred after watching movies set in Europe. Safety in numbers. Europe is connected to hundreds of years of tradition and civilization. Canada is only what. 175 years old? And the US is only about 250 years old.
However Victoria and Vancouver are the only cities I'll ever visit for life. Vancouver is a heavenly city.

A East Indian Muslim family in Surrey has a child with some rare form of cancer and is given one year to live. The waiting list for respite care is three years. 
That's why the Healthcare CEO was killed. Denying healthcare to clients due to technicalities in the insurance actuarial table. 
In Canada its government healthcare. Its about passing the buck. Talk to the Federal Health Minister. No, talk to the Provincial Health Minister. No, talk to your local government healthcare CEO. 
It's mixed messages. On the one hand all these people are celebrating 100 year birthdays but on the other hand a child dying of some form of cancer is being denied respite care or another person is dying because they weren't diagnosed early enough due to regulations against diagnosing before a certain age. 
Notice most if all those celebrating 100 year birthdays have White names. You rarely see Muslim names on that list. 
The Medical industry and allopathic medicine does whatever the hell it does. 

There is only time traveling when set against linear time. In the afterlife where they can time travel along a timeline, our timeline, there is no time travel as it would be redundant and self cancel itself out. In a dimension where there is nothing but time travel they are not time traveling yet are they living in a linear timeline as a timeline is based on not being able to teleport and on things changing form as they decay and then disintegrate somewhere along that timeline. 
The afterlife has a different time dynamic and spirits don't care as one neither needs a linear timeline nor a perpetually time traveling time dynamic in order to exist. Linear time or time travel is part of the trappings of existence and not its source. 
The source is God energy. Godhead, prana, Tao, the Force etc. 

The opposite of paranoia is metanoia which is the belief that others are conspiring to help you rather than to harm you. That's Jeremiah 29: 17 For I know the plans I have for you, said the Lord. Plans not to harm you but to prosper you and to give you a good future. 
I used to have more metanoia. I used to believe that I was protected in society. Now that I'm getting older. Well getting old is scary. The Vishnuic phase is until early adulthood. Once a person reaches middle age, they enter the Shivanic phase. Shiva is also kkown as the great liberator. Upon death and destruction of the body, the spirit is free to the spirit realm. As you know I have worries but I won't let worries get in the way of me enjoying traveling in VR. 
Today I visited a neighborhood set along some train tracks in Hanoi Vietnam on Alcove VR. The vibe of that neighbourhood, so new, so artsy, so bourgeois, so Granville Island. I felt at home in that neighbourhood. I got heavenly vibes. Quite a few places hit me with a heavenly vibe when I traveled in VR. I looked in some windows at night in Hong Kong and felt as if I lived comfortably there for years. I traveled along some small towns in the United States and got heavenly vibes. The Sunday vibes in those towns must be through the roof. I have been using the word nostalgia a lot lately. My mind must be inadvertently drifting there. One time, I went to Vanier Park in Vancouver and to the museums there and that night I had heavenly bliss that was through the roof. 

NHL Hockey player Matthew Schaeffer suffers injury as he hits the goalpost. To quote Denzel Washington in Training Day, "That was a massive sized hit you took, dog." 

CBC News said Italian Journalist Cecilia Sala has been detained and held in solitary confinement in Iran. I hope she is freed. 
Iran probably has the death penalty but hopefully not for journalists. 
The Faber Courtial film The Colisseum mentioned that because the Colisseum was used for the most barbaric forms of capital punishment, today, when a Nation decides to abolish the death penalty in their Nation, the Colisseum burns all of its rebooted ancient torches for 48 hours. 

I got Raiders of the Lost Ark and Temple of Doom on sale for $7 each. At that price. 
I'm thinking of getting the gold idol from Raiders. A plastic replica. $38 on Amazon. It's of a woman giving birth. Fertility goddess? I won't get it. Too pricey. I already have enough plastic toys, funko pops. Come to think of it, that gold idol was the original funko pop. Large head. 
I got a few funk pops for $5 each at the used toy store. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

I don't know about going to Church. The more I don't go, the better I feel. I have nothing in common with them. Age? Nope. Nationality? Nope. Income bracket? Nope. Talents interests and hobbies? Nope. 
I was going to go to ask this question, "Because of an upcoming Court trial, because my hotel is closing and I might wind up homeless on the streets, would you say that I would in fact be better off dead? If so, I'll have to try to procure some heroin and overdose as that's the most painless way to go."
I could ask this question at other places with other people. 

I went to Church today. All is well. I've known that set of folks for years. In a lot of ways they are more together than I am and that is my foundation. They are my family. As for being voluntold, I would serve the Church in whatever way similar to the Court, with a spirit of humility and reverence. 

One more day and I could possibly get Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones Legends match 3. I'm depressed that the only place I could score with a lady as hot as Sansa Stark is in the afterlife. And even then. I'd opt to hang out with Heather and she looks different from Sansa Stark. Sure, she and millions of others. 

An idea for a cartoon. Or at least a short story. Rick Harrison of Pawn Star's is a major George Washington fan. What if Rick Harrison could use a time machine to go back in time and talk to George Washington? 
So one day, someone looks out a window. There is a scene. On television a guy is talking about a company that he owns but his great great grandfather is the founder. Then the guest on that show says that he has a time machine and with it, he can go back in time to talk to his great great grandfather. And it's all televised. In real time while also time traveling because that's how time works. It's an algorithm. 
The the person looks out the window and instead of seeing what was seen before, there is a totally different scene like something out of a Doctor Seuss book. "Other than what's out the window, it seems that the person on television's time travel trip didn't change much." 
That's a good idea for an animated cartoon although the best time travel story I've ever seen period is The Adam Project where the Ryan Reynolds character goes back in time to mentor his younger self. 

Right now I am watching a television series called Dark. It's about how time, past present and future are one. So this guy is always somehow visiting his past and future selves. Sure. Give it a shot. 
Episode 1. A teenager named Erik is missing. He was a drug dealer. A family including teenagers and a ten year old boy. The teenagers talk about going to the cave where Erik disappeared hoping to find his drug stash. They go and the ten year old shows up too. They find the drugs but the cave is alive and comes to life. The ten year old is now missing. About an hour later the parents and the Police are on scene. They find a body but it is not the ten year old. Erik is alive. In the cave. Strapped to a chair. A master, kind of like in the movie Saw is there in the room as well. So the episode ends. Why is he strapped to the chair? Time machine or what? The show is originally in German. Dubbed into English. At one point where the English translation subtitles ends with the word head, I can clearly see the character mouth the word kopf, which is head in German. 

Someone in YouTube Comments said that the song they want playing over and over again when they die and as they enter heaven is the guitar solo looped on Steely Dan's Time Out of Mind. Not bad. 
The songs I myself want to hear are 
1. Bruno Mars - Skate
2. Yellow Magic Orchestra - Behind the Mask. Song appears on an episode of Interior Chinatown, at the end credits. 

Former US President Jimmy Carter dies at age 100. He was the President of the disco 70s and during the most iconic movies like Star Wars and Apocalypse Now. He was a very wise elder Statesman. I was a child when he was the President of the United States. 
President Jimmy Carter was the Leader of the Democrats back when Democrats were Democrats and Republicans were Republicans. Not like today when Republicans want to be Democrats and Democrats want to be Communists. 

I got Baba Yaga VR on sale for $3 plus tax. It has an all star cast including Daisy Ridley who also did another VR app about cave paintings which I also got. 
John Wick was referred to as Baba Yaga so I didn't expect that as it seems, this app's target demographic is girls 16 and under. In this app, the player assumes the identity of one of two girls who are twins who must go into the forest to face the Baba Yaga so as to get medicine to cure their sick mother. Spoiler. They are successful. Definitely worth the $3. Sunday evening entertainment. 

Ghostbusters on sale for $8 on YouTube. Owned. 
I also got Mini Puft $2.29 and Slimer Hunt $4.59 add ons DLC Ghostbusters VR. The first is a mixed reality mini marshmallow hunt like in the new movies. The other is another adventure in an old hotel looking for Slimer. It's an extra mission. Worth it. Retro 80s fan service or what? 
When I saw Ghostbusters in the theatre, it was crowded and I was only able to get a seat near the back. So the screen looked kinda small. But I remember the movie. I've seen it more than once in the theatre. Once during a re-release at the cheaper theatres. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Today I got Sansa Stark on GOT Legends and levelled up to 100!

I got Venice Boat Tour VR $1.33.

And A Rogue Escape. I completed A Fisherman's Tale today. Much better than expected. I was on a fishing boat in VR and in the boat captains cabin with the steering wheel. It totally reminded me of being on board the St Roch in Vancouver. I only wish the boat cabin scene lasted longer. Totally immersive. 
A Rogue Escape promises an immersive submarine interior. Fishing boat, St Roch, submarine, that's all Maritime marine vibes which I love. That's why I got it. Price $7 very reasonable on sale from $26 or else $25.99. 
That's better than getting a $3 game on sale from $12. If the regular price was $12, it wouldn't be as good as one in which the regular price was $26. 
I solved about 75% of the puzzles in A Fisherman's Tale. 
A Fisherman's Tale totally and completely reminds me of Fisherman's Wharf in Victoria. The fish market there has the best and tastiest food from the sea. 

I couldn't find a VR app where one is spending a lot of time on a nostalgic old boat. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

I got Rogue Ascent for $4 plus tax. It's supposed to be pretty good. Station to station teleportation shooter. 

I can't wait for the Rami Malek movie The Amateur. Dev Patel Monkey Man is of a similar premise. 

Galactic Catch. $5 on sale from $17. Got it. Saw the trailer and was hooked, pun intended. 
Played it. Love it. Different Worlds. Display caught fish in custom and design able aquarium. Best fishing VR app ever. I tried another one. Not bad but Galactic Catch is it. 
50 stars out of 10 rating. It's that good. 

Great Gatsby on sale on YouTube, $8. Got it. New Years Eve present to self. Gatsby is the movie of the 2020s, I mean the 1920s.