Dream January 30, 2009 Strathcona Library Videotapes
Warning: This next paragraph, bad.
I watch a movie of this Chinese guy. Then at the Library, against a shelf are videotapes which I sense are about this guy. I recognize this to be the Strathcona School Library in East Vancouver, the Southwest corner. They are videotape boxes with tapes in them. The spines on the tapes say, Chapter1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 7 The Chu Chou Triads, Chapter 10. The tapes are obviously missing a few chapters. To my left is a wall and a window to my front is the library bookshelf, a little taller than me. Behind me is another bookshelf running parallel. To my right three Chinese guys approach all wearing black felt navy jackets. Triads. They say, "What are you doing looking at tapes like that for?." I put the tapes down and leave. They escort me a few steps. When I look back, the tapes are not there.*
*Interpretation: Are these guys in the black felt navy pea jackets the same guys that I saw at the school playground with Steve Cleary? Are these the same guys I saw last week at that food stall at the mall, that I depicted in The Little Match Girl? Are these the same guys that I saw at that restaurant I depicted in The Martian Chronicles cartoon, the one with the L table and then the table with the dish with the black pool of soysauce; in the dream, I walk past three young Triads at the L shaped table, then one is sitting at the other table with the dish with the pool of black soy sauce. He pulls out a wooden gun, a handgun, a wooden tan colour, interpretation; guns were invented by the Chinese, the first ones were wooden. Because if they are, then I am in trouble. A 45 year old Chinese Triad WOULD appear in a dream as a 15 year old, knowing what I know about the PMH Atwaterian Master Vibration that is found in dreams, people are involuntarily young and pristine. These guys never did anything really bad to me. I think they want me to be their friend, sense my extreme hesitation, and then feel slightly spurned because of it, perpetually; a telepathic schism. More likely than not, these guys are probably my protectors. But to tell you the truth, I still have a hatred for Asian women. For some reason, I can't stand them and still turn the channel whenever I see them on television. There is only one Asian lady whom I trust absolutely, and she is my Vietnamese boss.
Meet my new friend, Vimeo:
Strathcona is the Scottish word for dragon. The Chinese people like dragons. Most of the students at Strathcona School are Chinese. Take away the first letter S, and take away the last letter A and you are left with Trathcon which, sounds very much like the word dragon.
The school is named after CPR or Canadian Pacific Railways Commissioner Donald Smith whose heraldic name was Lord Strathcona. He hammered the last spike of the CPR in Craigellache, British Columbia. Lord Charles Hays founder of the rival Grand Trunk Railway, however, was not so lucky. He died on the Titanic.
For years, it was rumoured that Strathcona School is haunted. These are they types of ghosts that would typically be expected to haunt a place like Strathcona School, given its history and demographics.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dream Wednesday January 27th 2009
Dream January 27th 2009
Version 2
Dream, photorealism, Point of View; POV, resonance
I walk in the alley of 9th street between 102nd Avenue and 103rd Avenue in Dawson Creek. I will film this. I think that school kids are getting out of school now and they might be after what I have in my room, maybe the crack cocaine. I run. Then I see a bunch of kids run out like a flock of thousands of flying swallows, flying birds. I run to 102nd, and then I see the kids runing behind me, then around me, and then ahead of me but instead of going into the Mile Zero Hotel entrance, they all go into the tanning salon. I reenacted this, this morning.
Doing enough of these dream images will eventually take me as well as any fans reading to a newer more comprehensive understanding of the dream world on the next level.
Earlier in the dream, I have a small square piece of crack cocaine which I have in a corner of a drawer. I examine this twice, moving the crack cocaine from the back left hand corner of one drawer to the back left hand corner of another. There are three people with me. A guy and two girls. One girl has brown hair, the other girl has blonde hair wearing a white sweatshirt, and when I saw white I mean that she of clean vanilla ice cream white seen in countless dreams of white shirts. I think, "Maybe smoking crack with people around would be fun." I finally decide and I say out loud, "I think that you had better leave now."
teleport to Dawson Creek: I walk in the alley of 9th street between 102nd Avenue and 103rd Avenue in Dawson Creek. I will film this. I think that school kids are getting out of school now and they might be after what I have in my room, maybe the crack cocaine. I run. Then I see a bunch of kids run out like a flock of thousands of flying swallows, flying birds. I run to 102nd, and then I see the kids runing behind me, then around me, and then ahead of me but instead of going into the Mile Zero Hotel entrance, they all go into the tanning salon. I reenacted this, this morning.
Doing enough of these dream images will eventually take me as well as any fans reading to a newer more comprehensive understanding of the dream world on the next level.
Dreamworld Dreams, photorealism, Point Of View; POV, resonance.
The entire dream: To record all the sequences is like getting seven bills all sequenced, or getting the combination of a 7 combination lock right.
Dream Wednesday January 27
I met a guy when I saw him, I saw bad images around him. Later, he asked me, "What did you see when you met me?" I answered, "I saw images of fleshy faces of dead children sitting around." I grabbed the sides of his head suddenly as if to exorcise him. He thanked me by putting a black thin notebook on a bed. the upper right corner, my right, of the bed. There was a light on the top right hand corner of the notebook. This round light was pure white. I covered it with my hands.
In a room, I put a tin foil wrapped small square piece of crack cocaine in a corner of a drawer. I have three friends with me. A guy and two girls. One of the girls has brown hair and one of the girls has blonde hair, long stringy, like a junkie and is wearing a white sweatshirt. They are sitting around a table, "Maybe smoking crack with people around might be fun...." But then I decide and get up and make an announcement, "I think that all of you had better leave now."
I walk in the alley of 9th street between 102nd Avenue and 103rd Avenue in Dawson Creek. I will film this. I think that school kids are getting out of school now and they might be after what I have in my room, maybe the crack cocaine. I run. Then I see a bunch of kids run out like a flock of thousands of flying swallows, flying birds. I run to 102nd, and then I see the kids runing behind me, then around me, and then ahead of me but instead of going into the Mile Zero Hotel entrance, they all go into the tanning salon. I reenacted this, this morning.
Vancouver: I was about to ride a bus, "Where do you catch the number 37 bus?" I asked, "Hornby Street." someone, a guy answered. I told them that I had to be there at 5. Looking out the window. 2 buses going West along Broadway towards Granville. Then a girl on the bus points to a clock and says, "It is five now. You should be there now. You are late for your appointment."
Version 2
Dream, photorealism, Point of View; POV, resonance
I walk in the alley of 9th street between 102nd Avenue and 103rd Avenue in Dawson Creek. I will film this. I think that school kids are getting out of school now and they might be after what I have in my room, maybe the crack cocaine. I run. Then I see a bunch of kids run out like a flock of thousands of flying swallows, flying birds. I run to 102nd, and then I see the kids runing behind me, then around me, and then ahead of me but instead of going into the Mile Zero Hotel entrance, they all go into the tanning salon. I reenacted this, this morning.
Doing enough of these dream images will eventually take me as well as any fans reading to a newer more comprehensive understanding of the dream world on the next level.
Earlier in the dream, I have a small square piece of crack cocaine which I have in a corner of a drawer. I examine this twice, moving the crack cocaine from the back left hand corner of one drawer to the back left hand corner of another. There are three people with me. A guy and two girls. One girl has brown hair, the other girl has blonde hair wearing a white sweatshirt, and when I saw white I mean that she of clean vanilla ice cream white seen in countless dreams of white shirts. I think, "Maybe smoking crack with people around would be fun." I finally decide and I say out loud, "I think that you had better leave now."
teleport to Dawson Creek: I walk in the alley of 9th street between 102nd Avenue and 103rd Avenue in Dawson Creek. I will film this. I think that school kids are getting out of school now and they might be after what I have in my room, maybe the crack cocaine. I run. Then I see a bunch of kids run out like a flock of thousands of flying swallows, flying birds. I run to 102nd, and then I see the kids runing behind me, then around me, and then ahead of me but instead of going into the Mile Zero Hotel entrance, they all go into the tanning salon. I reenacted this, this morning.
Doing enough of these dream images will eventually take me as well as any fans reading to a newer more comprehensive understanding of the dream world on the next level.
Dreamworld Dreams, photorealism, Point Of View; POV, resonance.
The entire dream: To record all the sequences is like getting seven bills all sequenced, or getting the combination of a 7 combination lock right.
Dream Wednesday January 27
I met a guy when I saw him, I saw bad images around him. Later, he asked me, "What did you see when you met me?" I answered, "I saw images of fleshy faces of dead children sitting around." I grabbed the sides of his head suddenly as if to exorcise him. He thanked me by putting a black thin notebook on a bed. the upper right corner, my right, of the bed. There was a light on the top right hand corner of the notebook. This round light was pure white. I covered it with my hands.
In a room, I put a tin foil wrapped small square piece of crack cocaine in a corner of a drawer. I have three friends with me. A guy and two girls. One of the girls has brown hair and one of the girls has blonde hair, long stringy, like a junkie and is wearing a white sweatshirt. They are sitting around a table, "Maybe smoking crack with people around might be fun...." But then I decide and get up and make an announcement, "I think that all of you had better leave now."
I walk in the alley of 9th street between 102nd Avenue and 103rd Avenue in Dawson Creek. I will film this. I think that school kids are getting out of school now and they might be after what I have in my room, maybe the crack cocaine. I run. Then I see a bunch of kids run out like a flock of thousands of flying swallows, flying birds. I run to 102nd, and then I see the kids runing behind me, then around me, and then ahead of me but instead of going into the Mile Zero Hotel entrance, they all go into the tanning salon. I reenacted this, this morning.
Vancouver: I was about to ride a bus, "Where do you catch the number 37 bus?" I asked, "Hornby Street." someone, a guy answered. I told them that I had to be there at 5. Looking out the window. 2 buses going West along Broadway towards Granville. Then a girl on the bus points to a clock and says, "It is five now. You should be there now. You are late for your appointment."
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
Roald Dahl's
note: I am going to do this with mixed media. Mostly a narrated photo slideshow with some cartoons. I need to do something to get inspiration for doing cartoons. I thought of doing some morning glory seeds which are a legal hallucinogenic. However, I do not like the way hallucinogenics alter perception including social perception and at least I can hold down a part time job. With hallucinogenics, that would be out of the question. The best chemical inspiration is a cup of tea and to look at the artwork of others and to see what elements stand out or to remember elements learned from past trips. On one mushroom trip, I was conscientious of each little shard of light even in places I did not realize when sober. So many light reflections. A delicate tweaky feeling as one's CNS is being exquisitely fried. Another time I noticed how some things, or one thing in a picture is so much bigger than all the others. A big shape set against a bunch of little shapes.
I want my cartoons to have that crispy organic halloween time feeling and I do not have the graphic vocabulary to draw a lot of the things in this story. Or maybe I am too cartooned out and would like to do a mixed media project.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
part 1
part 2
part 3
end credits
Meet my new friend, Vimeo:
Henry Sugar was 41 years old and unmarried. He was also wealthy. His money was spent on eating at fine restaurants, and afternoons at the massage parlour. He drove a Ferrari car that must have cost him about the same as a country cottage. He had a luxury yacht. He was a regular of the card tables in Monaco.
He had a personal motto: It is better to incur a mild rebuke than to perform an onerous task. His friends thought this was hilarious.
Men like Henry are to be found drifting like seaweed all over the World. They can be seen especially in London, New York, Cannes and St Tropez. They are not particularly bad men. But they are not good men either.
One day, he was at a friend's house. It was Henry's turn to sit out as he was the fifth guest at an occasion where the 4 person card game canasta was being played.
It was raining outside, and he was in the library. He usually found books boring but one book seemed to leap out at him from the shelves.
I am Dr. John Cartwright. I am working at a hospital in Bombay India. It is 1934. A patient walks in. He says that he can see without his eyes. Even after blindfolded he could still see without his eyes.
How many fingers am I holding up?
There was a stage show in which he was the final act. He dazzled all with throwing knives at his assistant on a spinning wheel while he was blindfolded.
After the show, I went to visit him backstage.
I told him that the show was awesome and I said to his assistant that he was very good. He spoke Hindi to his assistant as the assistant did not speak any English.
I asked him to tell me about himself.
When I was young, a magician came to my village. He was a good magician who did things like linking rings and pulling a rabbit out of a hat. He sent me to another magician. He was a true yogi who said that most people can not concentrate on something for more than a few seconds before other thoughts start emerging like what they saw in their dreams over the last couple of days. However, once someone can concentrate on something for a few minutes, they can see without using their eyes. The eyes are just instruments to achieve something that is an innate part of the physiology.
A person rises out of the top of themselves to achieve something called second sight.
Henry put down the book and started meditating. He stared into a candle and tried to hold the image of something in his mind, his own face. At first, he was able to concentrate on his face for a few seconds. However, over the course of three years of practice, he was able to concentrate on something for more than three minutes without thinking of something else.
Over time, he was able to control this and to be able to see things with his eyes closed. This is often referred to as second sight when a person emerges from the top of their head and sees the room he is happening to be in at the moment. He was able to see the other side of playing cards explaining that cards and paper is thin and one can somehow see the other side.
He went to a fancy casino. There was a big crowd here tonight. Well-fed women stood around the roulette wheel like plump hens around a feeding hopper. Jewels and gold were dripping over their bosoms and from their wrists. Many of them had blue hair. The men were in dinner jackets and there wasn't a tall one among them. Why, Henry wondered did this particular kind of rich man always have short legs? Their legs seemed to stop at the knees with no thighs above.
Many of them had bellies coming out a long way, and crimson faces and cigars between their lips. Their eyes glittered with greed.
All this Henry noticed. It was the first time in his life that he had looked with distaste upon this type of wealthy gambling-casino person. Up until now, he had always regarded them as companions as members of the same group and class as himself. Tonight they seemed vulgar.
Could it be, he wondered, that the yoga powers he had acquired over the last three years had altered him just a little bit?
The first night, he won a lot of money, and he had a suitcase. When he awoke, for some reason, he had a feeling of revulsion towards the money. He threw all of it, the suitcase of money down his balcony onto the streets below.
A Police Officer saw that and said, "What the hell are you doing?!" Henry explained that he wanted to be a philanthropist. He wanted to donated to charity. The Police Officer was angry, "If you truly want to do good with the money, you should donate it to a charity like an orphanage. When I see people throwing money away in the streets it makes me mad."
"An orphanage?" Henry said.
"Yes, an orphanage. I should know what it's like. I was brought up in one!"
Henry didn't move. The Policeman's words, and more especially the geuine fury with which they had been spoken, smacked our hero right between the eyes.
Henry thought of a few points.
One, I can make a lot of money.
Two, I must not go to any casino more than once every twelve months.
Three, not too much money from any one casino in any one night. Limit twenty thousand dollars.
Four, twenty thousand times 365 nights equals seven million, three hundred thousand dollars.
Five, No more than two nights in any one city. London. Monte Carlo. Las Vegas. Manila. Bangkok. Freeport. Grand Cayman. Nassau.
Henry travelled with an accountant named John Winston.
For seven years, all went well. Then one day, there was a spot of trouble. Although Henry was always careful not to win too much money, there is a grapevine among casino owners and word always got out in the end. One week, Henry had won a hundred thousand dollars each from three Las Vegas casinos owned by the same mob. One day, there was a knock on his door. The deskclerk said that there were two large men downstairs and he did not give Henry much for his odds of survival if he were to leave. Henry said, "I will give you a thousand dollars if you tell me how to leave." The bellhop said, "Wear my uniform and tie me up. I will say that you robbed me at gunpoint."
Downstairs, two thugs were watching the lobby. But they hardly noticed the man wearing the bell hop's uniform.
Henry realized that he needed to disguise himself. He hired a makeup artist who worked in Hollywood named Max Engelman and paid him twice what the film companies were paying him.
A year after, he went back into the same Las Vegas and won $80,000 from them disguised as an elderly Brazilian diplomat. The casino never knew what hit them.
Henry Sugar died last year in 1964, at the age of sixty three. He had been at this for about twenty years. He donated a total of $144 million to orphanages.
Based on a true story.
text to be continued....
note: I am going to do this with mixed media. Mostly a narrated photo slideshow with some cartoons. I need to do something to get inspiration for doing cartoons. I thought of doing some morning glory seeds which are a legal hallucinogenic. However, I do not like the way hallucinogenics alter perception including social perception and at least I can hold down a part time job. With hallucinogenics, that would be out of the question. The best chemical inspiration is a cup of tea and to look at the artwork of others and to see what elements stand out or to remember elements learned from past trips. On one mushroom trip, I was conscientious of each little shard of light even in places I did not realize when sober. So many light reflections. A delicate tweaky feeling as one's CNS is being exquisitely fried. Another time I noticed how some things, or one thing in a picture is so much bigger than all the others. A big shape set against a bunch of little shapes.
I want my cartoons to have that crispy organic halloween time feeling and I do not have the graphic vocabulary to draw a lot of the things in this story. Or maybe I am too cartooned out and would like to do a mixed media project.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
part 1
part 2
part 3
end credits
Meet my new friend, Vimeo:
Henry Sugar was 41 years old and unmarried. He was also wealthy. His money was spent on eating at fine restaurants, and afternoons at the massage parlour. He drove a Ferrari car that must have cost him about the same as a country cottage. He had a luxury yacht. He was a regular of the card tables in Monaco.
He had a personal motto: It is better to incur a mild rebuke than to perform an onerous task. His friends thought this was hilarious.
Men like Henry are to be found drifting like seaweed all over the World. They can be seen especially in London, New York, Cannes and St Tropez. They are not particularly bad men. But they are not good men either.
One day, he was at a friend's house. It was Henry's turn to sit out as he was the fifth guest at an occasion where the 4 person card game canasta was being played.
It was raining outside, and he was in the library. He usually found books boring but one book seemed to leap out at him from the shelves.
I am Dr. John Cartwright. I am working at a hospital in Bombay India. It is 1934. A patient walks in. He says that he can see without his eyes. Even after blindfolded he could still see without his eyes.
How many fingers am I holding up?
There was a stage show in which he was the final act. He dazzled all with throwing knives at his assistant on a spinning wheel while he was blindfolded.
After the show, I went to visit him backstage.
I told him that the show was awesome and I said to his assistant that he was very good. He spoke Hindi to his assistant as the assistant did not speak any English.
I asked him to tell me about himself.
When I was young, a magician came to my village. He was a good magician who did things like linking rings and pulling a rabbit out of a hat. He sent me to another magician. He was a true yogi who said that most people can not concentrate on something for more than a few seconds before other thoughts start emerging like what they saw in their dreams over the last couple of days. However, once someone can concentrate on something for a few minutes, they can see without using their eyes. The eyes are just instruments to achieve something that is an innate part of the physiology.
A person rises out of the top of themselves to achieve something called second sight.
Henry put down the book and started meditating. He stared into a candle and tried to hold the image of something in his mind, his own face. At first, he was able to concentrate on his face for a few seconds. However, over the course of three years of practice, he was able to concentrate on something for more than three minutes without thinking of something else.
Over time, he was able to control this and to be able to see things with his eyes closed. This is often referred to as second sight when a person emerges from the top of their head and sees the room he is happening to be in at the moment. He was able to see the other side of playing cards explaining that cards and paper is thin and one can somehow see the other side.
He went to a fancy casino. There was a big crowd here tonight. Well-fed women stood around the roulette wheel like plump hens around a feeding hopper. Jewels and gold were dripping over their bosoms and from their wrists. Many of them had blue hair. The men were in dinner jackets and there wasn't a tall one among them. Why, Henry wondered did this particular kind of rich man always have short legs? Their legs seemed to stop at the knees with no thighs above.
Many of them had bellies coming out a long way, and crimson faces and cigars between their lips. Their eyes glittered with greed.
All this Henry noticed. It was the first time in his life that he had looked with distaste upon this type of wealthy gambling-casino person. Up until now, he had always regarded them as companions as members of the same group and class as himself. Tonight they seemed vulgar.
Could it be, he wondered, that the yoga powers he had acquired over the last three years had altered him just a little bit?
The first night, he won a lot of money, and he had a suitcase. When he awoke, for some reason, he had a feeling of revulsion towards the money. He threw all of it, the suitcase of money down his balcony onto the streets below.
A Police Officer saw that and said, "What the hell are you doing?!" Henry explained that he wanted to be a philanthropist. He wanted to donated to charity. The Police Officer was angry, "If you truly want to do good with the money, you should donate it to a charity like an orphanage. When I see people throwing money away in the streets it makes me mad."
"An orphanage?" Henry said.
"Yes, an orphanage. I should know what it's like. I was brought up in one!"
Henry didn't move. The Policeman's words, and more especially the geuine fury with which they had been spoken, smacked our hero right between the eyes.
Henry thought of a few points.
One, I can make a lot of money.
Two, I must not go to any casino more than once every twelve months.
Three, not too much money from any one casino in any one night. Limit twenty thousand dollars.
Four, twenty thousand times 365 nights equals seven million, three hundred thousand dollars.
Five, No more than two nights in any one city. London. Monte Carlo. Las Vegas. Manila. Bangkok. Freeport. Grand Cayman. Nassau.
Henry travelled with an accountant named John Winston.
For seven years, all went well. Then one day, there was a spot of trouble. Although Henry was always careful not to win too much money, there is a grapevine among casino owners and word always got out in the end. One week, Henry had won a hundred thousand dollars each from three Las Vegas casinos owned by the same mob. One day, there was a knock on his door. The deskclerk said that there were two large men downstairs and he did not give Henry much for his odds of survival if he were to leave. Henry said, "I will give you a thousand dollars if you tell me how to leave." The bellhop said, "Wear my uniform and tie me up. I will say that you robbed me at gunpoint."
Downstairs, two thugs were watching the lobby. But they hardly noticed the man wearing the bell hop's uniform.
Henry realized that he needed to disguise himself. He hired a makeup artist who worked in Hollywood named Max Engelman and paid him twice what the film companies were paying him.
A year after, he went back into the same Las Vegas and won $80,000 from them disguised as an elderly Brazilian diplomat. The casino never knew what hit them.
Henry Sugar died last year in 1964, at the age of sixty three. He had been at this for about twenty years. He donated a total of $144 million to orphanages.
Based on a true story.
text to be continued....
Ghost 3
starring Dean Noble as the ghost
"Have an OBE and take a walk around the block. Hop into a taxi." Robert Monroe
In time for Hallowe'en. This is a replay of a real OBE I had in October 2005. The Mile Zero Hotel in Dawson Creek, BC, Canada.
During an afternoon, nap, I had an involuntary OBE and one of those lucid types of dreams. a different type of dream where I knew I was asleep and dreaming but felt vivid and awake. During the OBE, I took a walk around the halls of the apartment house I was staying in, and finally returning to my room.
The person upstairs was wearing a black lace dress. I didn't have one and wouldn't wear one if I did. I improvised.
The gamine and the woman in the black peignoir.
The one downstairs was a young Native woman who died recently. I went to the college library and coincidentally found a newspaper article of a young Native woman who then recently died of a drug overdose. She was fearful, but otherwise angry and self absorbed. The one upstairs was dead for a long time, for decades. . Middle class middle aged cowgirl housewife. She was looking for something. There was no fear but there was all the anger and self absorption.
Seeing them is only half of it. What doesn't register on the video is that they give off a chill death vibe that makes you want to scream!
"After all, Dementors are under the control of the Ministry of Magic. ....Are you saying that the Ministry ordered the attack?" Professor Umbridge, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
starring Dean Noble as the ghost
"Have an OBE and take a walk around the block. Hop into a taxi." Robert Monroe
In time for Hallowe'en. This is a replay of a real OBE I had in October 2005. The Mile Zero Hotel in Dawson Creek, BC, Canada.
During an afternoon, nap, I had an involuntary OBE and one of those lucid types of dreams. a different type of dream where I knew I was asleep and dreaming but felt vivid and awake. During the OBE, I took a walk around the halls of the apartment house I was staying in, and finally returning to my room.
The person upstairs was wearing a black lace dress. I didn't have one and wouldn't wear one if I did. I improvised.
The gamine and the woman in the black peignoir.
The one downstairs was a young Native woman who died recently. I went to the college library and coincidentally found a newspaper article of a young Native woman who then recently died of a drug overdose. She was fearful, but otherwise angry and self absorbed. The one upstairs was dead for a long time, for decades. . Middle class middle aged cowgirl housewife. She was looking for something. There was no fear but there was all the anger and self absorption.
Seeing them is only half of it. What doesn't register on the video is that they give off a chill death vibe that makes you want to scream!
"After all, Dementors are under the control of the Ministry of Magic. ....Are you saying that the Ministry ordered the attack?" Professor Umbridge, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cap O' Rushes
Cap O' Rushes
Cap O Rushes
Intro one
Intro two
Cap O Rushes animated cartoon
Closing credits
A father had three daughters. He asked his daughters how they loved him. The first said, " I love you as the earth loves the rain."
The second said, "I love you as the flowers love the sun."
The third said, "I love you as meat loves salt."
"What?!" the father said, and he banished her from the household.
She wandered about the woods and the fen and gathered as much reeds and swampgrass that she needed and made this into a coat and hat and this she wore as she approached a fancy restaurant in the city, in the heart of the light grey cement downtown, and asked to be employed as a dishwasher.
The staff of that immense and mysterious kitchen said that there was to be a dance and asked her if she wanted to go. She said that she would rather stay home. When the evening came, she took off her coat of reeds and wore a fancy dress and when she went to the dance, the local Lord fancied her and they danced all night, he never taking his eyes off her.
The next day, the staff of the restaurant said, "You should have come to the dance, the Lord danced with a lovely lady, he never taking his eyes off her."
The next month, there was another dance, and again, the staff asked Cap O' Rushes if she wanted to go. She said no, but, well, you know.
One day, the Lord was ill, and he was ill because he could not wait between dances to see his Lady, he was dying for the love of his lady. When Cap O' Rushes heard this, she said, "Let me prepare the Lord's gruel, and I will put a ring into it."
Predictably, the Lord, when he found the Ring in his soup was none too pleased and wanted to see whoever was responsible for cooking the soup.
Cap O' Rushes appeared and he said, "Who on Earth are you?!"
Cap O' Rushes then took off her disguise.
They were married and there was to be a banquet. The father of Cap O' Rushes received an invitation along with everyone else.
Before the meal, Cap O' Rushes told the cook not to put any salt on the meat.
At the banquet, everyone complained about how the meat lacked any taste. That is when the father seeing his daughter wept as he now knew what she meant when she said how much she loved him.
Note: SCTV. Second City Television. Second sight. Second city.I never made that connection.....

Author's note: This is a story from Joseph Jacobs and the book is published from Everyman's Press and the cover is a nice painting that reminds me of life in Vancouver, in the really nice West End at 16th and McDonald. The Point Grey area is a nice rarified posh place to live.

Also this book which has one of the nicest covers which I have ever seen. It brings to mind the Vancouver area around 4th and Blanca which is a really nice area to live. For subjective reasons, I am exiled from Vancouver for the rest of my life. The only way I can live in Vancouver again is to die and to be reborn to a wealthy family in Vancouver.
Cap O Rushes
Intro one
Intro two
Cap O Rushes animated cartoon
Closing credits
A father had three daughters. He asked his daughters how they loved him. The first said, " I love you as the earth loves the rain."
The second said, "I love you as the flowers love the sun."
The third said, "I love you as meat loves salt."
"What?!" the father said, and he banished her from the household.
She wandered about the woods and the fen and gathered as much reeds and swampgrass that she needed and made this into a coat and hat and this she wore as she approached a fancy restaurant in the city, in the heart of the light grey cement downtown, and asked to be employed as a dishwasher.
The staff of that immense and mysterious kitchen said that there was to be a dance and asked her if she wanted to go. She said that she would rather stay home. When the evening came, she took off her coat of reeds and wore a fancy dress and when she went to the dance, the local Lord fancied her and they danced all night, he never taking his eyes off her.
The next day, the staff of the restaurant said, "You should have come to the dance, the Lord danced with a lovely lady, he never taking his eyes off her."
The next month, there was another dance, and again, the staff asked Cap O' Rushes if she wanted to go. She said no, but, well, you know.
One day, the Lord was ill, and he was ill because he could not wait between dances to see his Lady, he was dying for the love of his lady. When Cap O' Rushes heard this, she said, "Let me prepare the Lord's gruel, and I will put a ring into it."
Predictably, the Lord, when he found the Ring in his soup was none too pleased and wanted to see whoever was responsible for cooking the soup.
Cap O' Rushes appeared and he said, "Who on Earth are you?!"
Cap O' Rushes then took off her disguise.
They were married and there was to be a banquet. The father of Cap O' Rushes received an invitation along with everyone else.
Before the meal, Cap O' Rushes told the cook not to put any salt on the meat.
At the banquet, everyone complained about how the meat lacked any taste. That is when the father seeing his daughter wept as he now knew what she meant when she said how much she loved him.
Note: SCTV. Second City Television. Second sight. Second city.I never made that connection.....

Author's note: This is a story from Joseph Jacobs and the book is published from Everyman's Press and the cover is a nice painting that reminds me of life in Vancouver, in the really nice West End at 16th and McDonald. The Point Grey area is a nice rarified posh place to live.

Also this book which has one of the nicest covers which I have ever seen. It brings to mind the Vancouver area around 4th and Blanca which is a really nice area to live. For subjective reasons, I am exiled from Vancouver for the rest of my life. The only way I can live in Vancouver again is to die and to be reborn to a wealthy family in Vancouver.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Little Match Girl
The Little Match Girl
This video is dedicated to my little girl guinea pig, Ellen, "my little softie", who died on Christmas Eve, 2008.
The Little Match Girl. animated cartoon
closing credits. A touching ending.
Christmas 1985:
Narrator: Static. Muffled dispatcher voice, to the sound equivalent of: Section all units. We have a 402 in progress. Immediate units respond. Static.
Police Officers Voice: Copy that. We have a Code 9 on the corner of Blenheim and Main. Over.
Five hours earlier:
Narrator: Christopher Plummer, The Man Who Planted Trees Voice: The little girl was out late selling matches. The weather was horribly cold. Snow fell down like a Winter Wonderland.
The litle match girl stood and saw in the crystal maw of the distant fog images from her childhood, images from this World and images from seemingly, another dimension.
She then saw her grandmother who appeared as an angel with wings, and the angel lifted her to heaven.
The Police looked down at the body of a dead girl aged about 15, holding a box of boxes of matches.
Glossary of fictional Police codes used:
402 - bank robbery, from my imagination
Code 9 - a dead body. From the TV series Rookies, Code Seven means a dead body.
Note: I am doing a cartoon of this story because it is a classic one that is about three hundred years old. I can not think of another cartoon to do. I mentioned doing a cartoon of this story along with me mentioning that I would do a cartoon of the Illustrated Man which I already did.
Maybe I could do a story of my stories that I wrote before and as time goes on, I might just think about dispensing with the music altogether because a few of my videos have gotten removed by YouTube due to copyright issues from the music used. But most of, I would say 97% of the videos that I post with the music does stay on. I hope that someone makes a DVD copy of my movies because what if I make DVD copies and they get lost, or if I upgrade to a newer computer. But I will always hold on to this computer for the cartoons I have saved in the memory. I saw a computer at Radio Shack with a really nice screen. My plan from now on is to do any cartoons and narration in a segment separate from any music segment. If the music is removed due to copyright, then I still have the narrated cartoon or slideshow on YouTube. My early cartoons should be allright.
Why am I doing a Christmas story now? Why not? Lethal Weapon was released in the summer, and it was a Christmas time story. Also I think LA Confidential was a story set at Christmas. Bridget Jones Diary, the Christmas curried turkey.
This video is dedicated to my little girl guinea pig, Ellen, "my little softie", who died on Christmas Eve, 2008.
The Little Match Girl. animated cartoon
closing credits. A touching ending.
Christmas 1985:
Narrator: Static. Muffled dispatcher voice, to the sound equivalent of: Section all units. We have a 402 in progress. Immediate units respond. Static.
Police Officers Voice: Copy that. We have a Code 9 on the corner of Blenheim and Main. Over.
Five hours earlier:
Narrator: Christopher Plummer, The Man Who Planted Trees Voice: The little girl was out late selling matches. The weather was horribly cold. Snow fell down like a Winter Wonderland.
The litle match girl stood and saw in the crystal maw of the distant fog images from her childhood, images from this World and images from seemingly, another dimension.
She then saw her grandmother who appeared as an angel with wings, and the angel lifted her to heaven.
The Police looked down at the body of a dead girl aged about 15, holding a box of boxes of matches.
Glossary of fictional Police codes used:
402 - bank robbery, from my imagination
Code 9 - a dead body. From the TV series Rookies, Code Seven means a dead body.
Note: I am doing a cartoon of this story because it is a classic one that is about three hundred years old. I can not think of another cartoon to do. I mentioned doing a cartoon of this story along with me mentioning that I would do a cartoon of the Illustrated Man which I already did.
Maybe I could do a story of my stories that I wrote before and as time goes on, I might just think about dispensing with the music altogether because a few of my videos have gotten removed by YouTube due to copyright issues from the music used. But most of, I would say 97% of the videos that I post with the music does stay on. I hope that someone makes a DVD copy of my movies because what if I make DVD copies and they get lost, or if I upgrade to a newer computer. But I will always hold on to this computer for the cartoons I have saved in the memory. I saw a computer at Radio Shack with a really nice screen. My plan from now on is to do any cartoons and narration in a segment separate from any music segment. If the music is removed due to copyright, then I still have the narrated cartoon or slideshow on YouTube. My early cartoons should be allright.
Why am I doing a Christmas story now? Why not? Lethal Weapon was released in the summer, and it was a Christmas time story. Also I think LA Confidential was a story set at Christmas. Bridget Jones Diary, the Christmas curried turkey.
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Legend of Chen San
The Legend of Chen San
a comedy
The Legend of Chen San.
Narrator: January 2009. I am sitting in this small apartment that I have in the industrial district. I turned 40 last week. This morning, I stared out the window and remembered some schoolhood memories.
The name Chen San in Chinese, means "The Mountain That Is As Big As The Sky"
And that exactly describes my friend Chen San Bay who was larger than life. I knew him in the past, during those days in Vancouver when he and I went to a boarding school.
June 1978: I first met Chen San during a Summer Fun program. We were all on a field trip at the forests of UBC when Chen San made this profound observation:
Chen San looks a lot like the actor Harold Ramis.
May 1982: One day, Chen San's friend Richard Lu, who people usually called Dick was at Chen San's place to trade him a few hockey cards for a tape deck.
"Dolby, not bad." Chen San said, as he looked over the tape deck.
When Richard returned to school, he saw a few people who approached him at the school halls and said, "You went to Chen San's to suck his cock, didn't you?"
Chen San was disgusted when he heard this story when it was later told to him because he liked only women.
October 1983: He often skipped out of classes to look for prostitutes in the inner city. As he so eloquently referred to so often, he really liked to look for prostitutes and "fuck them up the ass". He preferred a woman's anus to her vagina.
One time, he went downtown and one of the prostitutes that he had before walked up to him and said, "Remember me?"
Chen San was a big fan of Spandau Ballet and The Police which he used to listen to everyday when he was skipping out of school and looking for hookers.
Chen San used to always "go for hookers" and that used to piss off the gym teacher Mr. Vantz who knew that Chen San went for hookers.
He was fucking one of the prostitutes in his room one day when his sister came home, knocked on the door and said, "Little brother, do you want some noodles for lunch?"
June 1988: Now he is living on Miami Beach, Florida driving a blue convertible with white, soft leather seats and he rides around with as much as three girls all wearing bikinis. When I saw the movie Police Academy, and that Spanish guy, George Martin driving around those girls in the convertible, that reminded me of Chen San.
2009. I have not talked with Chen San for many years, and his destiny is unknown to me. His fate is as mysterious as his legend.
Spandau Ballet - Communication
Note: Chen San was a big fan of Spandau Ballet and The Police which he used to listen to everyday when he was skipping out of school and looking for hookers.
The name Chen San in Chinese, means "The Mountain That Is As Big As The Sky"
And that exactly describes my friend Chen San Bay who was larger than life. I knew him in the past, during those days in Vancouver when he and I went to a moderately rich, and ivy covered boarding school. The last I heard, since the late 80s, he is living on Miami Beach, Florida driving a blue convertible with white, soft leather seats and he rides around with as much as three girls all wearing bikinis. When I saw the movie Police Academy, and that Spanish guy, George Martin driving around those girls in the convertible, that reminded me of Chen San.
Chen San has since changed his name to some American souding name or other. He is mostly addressed as Mr. Bay in the Miami area when he encounters valets, maitre d's, and other people like that.
If Chen San ever writes to me or calls me from Miami Florida, I would think of moving down there and he could introduce me to some hookers and massage parlours.
a comedy
The Legend of Chen San.
Narrator: January 2009. I am sitting in this small apartment that I have in the industrial district. I turned 40 last week. This morning, I stared out the window and remembered some schoolhood memories.
The name Chen San in Chinese, means "The Mountain That Is As Big As The Sky"
And that exactly describes my friend Chen San Bay who was larger than life. I knew him in the past, during those days in Vancouver when he and I went to a boarding school.
June 1978: I first met Chen San during a Summer Fun program. We were all on a field trip at the forests of UBC when Chen San made this profound observation:
"Jamie's ass is so round and smooth. Jamie's got the ass of Vancouver!"One day, during lunch hour, I was visiting Chen San when he held up a knife as if to attack me. He was just joking.
Chen San looks a lot like the actor Harold Ramis.
May 1982: One day, Chen San's friend Richard Lu, who people usually called Dick was at Chen San's place to trade him a few hockey cards for a tape deck.
"Dolby, not bad." Chen San said, as he looked over the tape deck.
When Richard returned to school, he saw a few people who approached him at the school halls and said, "You went to Chen San's to suck his cock, didn't you?"
Chen San was disgusted when he heard this story when it was later told to him because he liked only women.
October 1983: He often skipped out of classes to look for prostitutes in the inner city. As he so eloquently referred to so often, he really liked to look for prostitutes and "fuck them up the ass". He preferred a woman's anus to her vagina.
One time, he went downtown and one of the prostitutes that he had before walked up to him and said, "Remember me?"
Chen San was a big fan of Spandau Ballet and The Police which he used to listen to everyday when he was skipping out of school and looking for hookers.
Chen San used to always "go for hookers" and that used to piss off the gym teacher Mr. Vantz who knew that Chen San went for hookers.
He was fucking one of the prostitutes in his room one day when his sister came home, knocked on the door and said, "Little brother, do you want some noodles for lunch?"
June 1988: Now he is living on Miami Beach, Florida driving a blue convertible with white, soft leather seats and he rides around with as much as three girls all wearing bikinis. When I saw the movie Police Academy, and that Spanish guy, George Martin driving around those girls in the convertible, that reminded me of Chen San.
2009. I have not talked with Chen San for many years, and his destiny is unknown to me. His fate is as mysterious as his legend.
Spandau Ballet - Communication
Note: Chen San was a big fan of Spandau Ballet and The Police which he used to listen to everyday when he was skipping out of school and looking for hookers.
The name Chen San in Chinese, means "The Mountain That Is As Big As The Sky"
And that exactly describes my friend Chen San Bay who was larger than life. I knew him in the past, during those days in Vancouver when he and I went to a moderately rich, and ivy covered boarding school. The last I heard, since the late 80s, he is living on Miami Beach, Florida driving a blue convertible with white, soft leather seats and he rides around with as much as three girls all wearing bikinis. When I saw the movie Police Academy, and that Spanish guy, George Martin driving around those girls in the convertible, that reminded me of Chen San.
Chen San has since changed his name to some American souding name or other. He is mostly addressed as Mr. Bay in the Miami area when he encounters valets, maitre d's, and other people like that.
If Chen San ever writes to me or calls me from Miami Florida, I would think of moving down there and he could introduce me to some hookers and massage parlours.
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