Ghost 3
starring Dean Noble as the ghost
"Have an OBE and take a walk around the block. Hop into a taxi." Robert Monroe
In time for Hallowe'en. This is a replay of a real OBE I had in October 2005. The Mile Zero Hotel in Dawson Creek, BC, Canada.
During an afternoon, nap, I had an involuntary OBE and one of those lucid types of dreams. a different type of dream where I knew I was asleep and dreaming but felt vivid and awake. During the OBE, I took a walk around the halls of the apartment house I was staying in, and finally returning to my room.
The person upstairs was wearing a black lace dress. I didn't have one and wouldn't wear one if I did. I improvised.
The gamine and the woman in the black peignoir.
The one downstairs was a young Native woman who died recently. I went to the college library and coincidentally found a newspaper article of a young Native woman who then recently died of a drug overdose. She was fearful, but otherwise angry and self absorbed.
The one upstairs was dead for a long time, for decades. . Middle class middle aged cowgirl housewife. She was looking for something. There was no fear but there was all the anger and self absorption.
Seeing them is only half of it. What doesn't register on the video is that they give off a chill death vibe that makes you want to scream!
"After all, Dementors are under the control of the Ministry of Magic. ....Are you saying that the Ministry ordered the attack?" Professor Umbridge, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix