Dream January 30, 2009 Strathcona Library Videotapes
Warning: This next paragraph, bad.
I watch a movie of this Chinese guy. Then at the Library, against a shelf are videotapes which I sense are about this guy. I recognize this to be the Strathcona School Library in East Vancouver, the Southwest corner. They are videotape boxes with tapes in them. The spines on the tapes say, Chapter1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 7 The Chu Chou Triads, Chapter 10. The tapes are obviously missing a few chapters. To my left is a wall and a window to my front is the library bookshelf, a little taller than me. Behind me is another bookshelf running parallel. To my right three Chinese guys approach all wearing black felt navy jackets. Triads. They say, "What are you doing looking at tapes like that for?." I put the tapes down and leave. They escort me a few steps. When I look back, the tapes are not there.*
*Interpretation: Are these guys in the black felt navy pea jackets the same guys that I saw at the school playground with Steve Cleary? Are these the same guys I saw last week at that food stall at the mall, that I depicted in The Little Match Girl? Are these the same guys that I saw at that restaurant I depicted in The Martian Chronicles cartoon, the one with the L table and then the table with the dish with the black pool of soysauce; in the dream, I walk past three young Triads at the L shaped table, then one is sitting at the other table with the dish with the pool of black soy sauce. He pulls out a wooden gun, a handgun, a wooden tan colour, interpretation; guns were invented by the Chinese, the first ones were wooden. Because if they are, then I am in trouble. A 45 year old Chinese Triad WOULD appear in a dream as a 15 year old, knowing what I know about the PMH Atwaterian Master Vibration that is found in dreams, people are involuntarily young and pristine. These guys never did anything really bad to me. I think they want me to be their friend, sense my extreme hesitation, and then feel slightly spurned because of it, perpetually; a telepathic schism. More likely than not, these guys are probably my protectors. But to tell you the truth, I still have a hatred for Asian women. For some reason, I can't stand them and still turn the channel whenever I see them on television. There is only one Asian lady whom I trust absolutely, and she is my Vietnamese boss.
Meet my new friend, Vimeo:
Strathcona is the Scottish word for dragon. The Chinese people like dragons. Most of the students at Strathcona School are Chinese. Take away the first letter S, and take away the last letter A and you are left with Trathcon which, sounds very much like the word dragon.
The school is named after CPR or Canadian Pacific Railways Commissioner Donald Smith whose heraldic name was Lord Strathcona. He hammered the last spike of the CPR in Craigellache, British Columbia. Lord Charles Hays founder of the rival Grand Trunk Railway, however, was not so lucky. He died on the Titanic.
For years, it was rumoured that Strathcona School is haunted. These are they types of ghosts that would typically be expected to haunt a place like Strathcona School, given its history and demographics.