December 2020
Me, Saturday, November 28, 2020
Me as a Christmas Santa Plague Doctor Claus.
The great David Prowse who was one half of Darth Vader died, the other half being James Earl Jones. David Prowse was in Clockwork Orange. Alexander DeLarge said something like and I paraphrase, "I feel overwhelmed at all times and I always have a feeling that something terrible could happen at any moment!" And his face falls into a plate of spaghetti.
I had a few dreams of Darth Vader. 1. In an auditorium, Darth Vader said, "All you assholes leave now! The bastard that left early, bring him back here! I want to talk to him!" Machiavellian as ever, he covers all bases.
Another dream: A hallway on the Death Star. I am lying, hiding underneath a pile of bodies as I see Darth Vader walk past me, his left side towards me walking from right to left. I was hoping he wouldn't notice me or see me. He saw me!
Best dream: Sunny day, flying from right to left and flying away from three half pyramid building on a hill in a silver disc shaped UFO with a glass dome on top was a JRod ET waving at me with its left arm. Sitting to the left and seated in front of the JRod ET was Darth Vader!
Hollywood is 100% real. The aliens and images in STAR WARS were either derived from hippie DMT visions of aliens or else somewhat declassified knowledge of what the government actually knows. Neil Armstrong said when he was on the moon that there was a ring of ships parked on a crater watching him. Those ships looked exactly like the Imperial Star Destroyers of Star Wars.
The Darth Vader mask is based on the Japanese Kabuki mask. But that could have been based on a DMT vision that the Japanese had hundreds of years ago. That vision's source is that there are many humanoid species who have developed technology in other planets. It seems the humanoid form reoccurs again and again as a kind of default mold and motif of life throughout the Universe. Some other advanced humanoid aliens crafted that mask. It's a mask that could have tens of thousands of variations and tweaks and the Darth Vader mask and all the different Kabuki masks are some of those variations and tweaks.
I don't care if you don't believe me but on the Saturday that he died, 3 poltergeist things happened to me all Star Wars or Darth Vader related. 1. As I was walking out the door, all of a sudden behind me, my stormtrooper helmet fell over. I could have placed it precariously balanced. 2. My coffee filter fell and the used coffee grounds therein spilled out all over the floor. The coffee filter is in the rhomboid shape of the grille over Darth Vader a mouth. That there was used and not fresh coffee grounds in it was coincidental and very symbolic as the used and not new coffee grounds therein spilled out represent a used up life now emptied out of the bottle so to speak. But I placed a wet glove over it the day before. As the glove dried, there was a weight displacement which caused it to fall, though a curious chain of events. 3. A black stormtrooper statue next to my computer all of a sudden fell to the ground. I could have shaken or moved something on the desk but it really generally doesn't usually fall. It's not like it's falling every other day, or week, or month, or year. See, I'm trying to debunk these things. I know what I saw. I would have kept it to myself but I still think about it. If there is a secret surveillance camera in my room recording that day, it would have caught all that.
An Iranian nuclear scientist who was Iran's answer to Edward Teller got assassinated. Since Joe Biden isn't the President yet, this would be something that would have been done on Trump's watch, the final great outgoing military act of a President walking out the door. The News said it wasn't the US but the Israelis who carried out the assassination.
Iran has vowed revenge. But what form would that take? Would they mobilize troops? I doubt it. Revenge usually characteristically takes the form of either shooting down another commercial airliners or else launching a Benghazi-like attack on an American base even though it was Israelites who did it or else doing a Benghazi on an Israeli Army base. Good luck.
"She wakes up every morning gathering the Reza
So that every mouth can be fed,
Oh, oh, the Israelites."
This is the second time this year. On January 3, 2020 Iranian top general Qasem Soleimani was assassinated. And Iran reciprocated with the shooting down of a commercial airliner. Is the Iranian Army going to shoot down another airplane? Two major assassinations in one year? It's been a terrible year for Iran! That would make a terrible year for any country.
Joe Biden was not let in on secret security meetings with Donald Trump. Maybe it had to do with dispatching the nuclear scientist.
Not that it would ever come to that, if Iran attacks Israel, who would the Palestinians side with?
"If we fight, they'll bring in the army. If we don't fight, they'll burn the place down. Then send in the army. We fight." Warrior Season 2 ep 9
JLS = joke like substance
Sounds funny but isn't actually.
It's a way of levity. The British believe in neutralizing situations but not only that neutralizing situations with humor. That shows a certain detachment if not self-mastery over the situation.*
* Source: Behind the camera: Robin Williams.
The beer cans of Three Kingdoms Beer is art school on a can. I love them. You can see them on Google Images so there's no need to plop down $5 a can unless you want to.
Journal: I am going to the dentist early in the morning tomorrow. The terror is abject and complete and total. Fear of the dentist. Not just dentist. Dental surgeon. Teeth is part of the algorithm of the grim ghastly wretched physics of this dimension. I am having a wisdom tooth extracted. I feel totally afraid but what can you do? The needles is about 30 seconds of a slight pinching pain and usually two or three needles. Then the extraction itself is usually quick and painless. After the tooth extraction and before the freezing wears off, I'll pop two T3s. That should help. The after pain shouldn't last too long. Multi vitamins and Listerine Cool Mint Zero helps. I'll let you know how it went.
It went really well. The usual minimal pain with the needles, no pain on extraction. And no after pain. I used T3s for the first little while then some mouth wash and multi vitamins.
Well, to let you know, I now have 8 teeth left on the top half and 12 teeth left on my bottom half. I got one tooth extracted from my bottom half today otherwise I would've gone on having an unlucky 13 teeth on the bottom row. Now it's 12, a luckier number.
My dental hygienist who is extremely good at her job uses a hook to clean the tartar and other detritus off my teeth. What. A metal hook? Am I the Moby Dick to your Captain Ahab? The hygienist mentioned that a machine is often used these days to do the same job but she prefers using the hook. Using the hook?! What is this. 1870?
She is very very skilled at her job and I trust her judgement implicitly so if it's the hook, the hook it's gotta be.
20 teeth out of 30 would be two thirds, but since the algorithm is 20 out of 32 teeth, the dental hygienist only has to clean less than two thirds of the teeth for me that she usually has to do for others with a full plate. That should make things easier for her.
When my molar was extracted today, the dental surgeon said that the tooth indeed had some decay and the usual discoloration that goes with that. Therefore I'm glad it was extracted!
I wrote a review on the Princess Dentist app. I asked them to develop an app that quizzes people. It would have a complete two rows of teeth upper and lower. First it would point to a tooth and ask you to correctly number it from one to 32. Sometimes there is a trick question for if I were to design the app, I'd slide in anomalies like sometimes someone can have as many as 35 teeth! They take the form of unseen extraneous molars hidden beneath the gum like truffles that hide under some dirt unseen. I myself had about two of them that got removed at the dental surgeon, aka the maxillofacial surgeon.
Then I would design it where there is a tiny spot on the tooth. The app would have a multiple choice. Is the decay spot on the mesial, incisal, distal, buccal side of the tooth? Mesial - towards the centerline. Distal - away from centerline. I guess that would be the same test they give to dentist's at dentist university and they have to get it 100% right otherwise wtf?!
I'm thinking that the lady in the London Drugs IOU Christmas 2020 ad: Don't think that's a lady. That's actually Johnny Depp from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory making another one of his mercurial cameo appearances.
Just offhand, according to a few YouTube videos with a plethora of evidence, Snowpiercer is the sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Mark Donnelly got fired as the singer of the National Anthem for the Vancouver Canucks. As someone who got kicked out of and barred from a lot of places I've learned that on one level, these places bar people because they take themselves too seriously, ha ha. They bar people to create an artificial scarcity to give themselves a supposed air of exclusivity which is based on an illusory premise.
So what if he got kicked out? He was never legally required to be there to begin with.
To be kicked out of being a singer for a white elephant of a hockey team that hasn't won one Stanley Cup in its fifty year history, an example of throwing good money after bad, and in a town that's just another backwater that thinks it's the center of the world.
If the Canucks ever won the Stanley Cup, it's be like the Arizona Diamondbacks winning the 2001 World Series, a team that hasn't won a championship ship for decades before that and for decades ever since.
Get banned from some place? Hey, don't put yourself out on my account! Don't be doing me any favours! Wouldn't want to stop riding that gravy train.
Ban me from some place? I'd do them one better and leave the entire hopeless worthless irrelevant jerkwater town altogether. Is this a town where if I all of a sudden got a million dollars would I still want to be here? No. If I had a million I'd leave the country altogether let alone the town.
The local arts Council. What can you say about an arts council in a town where if I had a million, I'd be outta here! Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, administrate. Lots of administrator types in art council. They don't create art as they don't or can't operate from that level. Artists as creators are in a different class than administrators and the afterlife recognizes that. Spiritual books say that in the afterlife you will be only with people or spirits who are on your level. In this life an artist can be living in an apartment house next to some real philistine heavy metal gormless asshole. You give out a certain kind of energy and get back a certain worse energy in return, a bad energy jangle. The forces of Life has always been an asshole when it comes to that. Not so in the afterlife. If one is an artist, the afterlife is a real House of Medici, a fancy apartment house populated with talented artist types without the physics of this dimension weighing them down. I see myself being there in the afterlife.
Art councils isn't something non-artists ever have to think about so if I don't think about art councils, I have all the advantages of being an artist and none of the disadvantages.
People who get kicked out of places often move to other towns, even other countries, and always moving on to better things be it bigger and better things or smaller and better things. The hockey team having never won a Stanley Cup is one more reason to leave Vancouver if you're there and one more reason not to move if you're not there.
As for getting kicked out for singing at an anti masking event, the reason is incidental. It's always good to no longer be associated with a hockey franchise that hasn't won even one Stanley Cup in its 50 year history. That's not failure on an individual level. That's failure on a collective level.
Any organization that is cohesive enough to be barring people is a form of institutionalization anyways. To be barred from such places is to be deinstitutionalized and that's always a good thing! Any place you go to in this country is comprised of 95% of people of one race or another. Even if that isn't one less reason to go there, it also wouldn't be one more reason to go there either as all ethnicities have a gangster empire builder expansionist mentality and may try to co-opt you into their weird shit as all ethnicities are rabbit-holes of cultural bullshit anyways.
Defense against logic. People will resort to defenses against logic when they won't or can't match their logic with yours resorting to ad hominem attacks, etc But what can you say about the human species? 80 years ago, they were throwing people into ovens. It's the same species were talking about.
Not all organizations or institutions are evil. Some are very very good. For eg Amazon has an exemplary record of reliable deliveries. Wal-Mart also has platinum grade status and their presences enhance and compliment the marketplace, raising the bar for marketplace standards of excellence. Stay with the organizations and institutions that treat you good. Leave the ones that treat you bad.
I'm a pro-masker. "Sashay away, you whore." Bangkok 2020 protest sign. Are they talking about me? Delusions of reference being what they are. Anyways since there is a global pandemic of a communicable disease of a respiratory nature, isn't it better to be wearing a mask? I always wear my sailor ship steering wheel mask at all times.
On the News ticker, Global News said that China activated it's "artificial sun" with no further explanation.
Fortunately, I saw a YouTube video thumbnail that says China has a quantum computer that is 100 billion times more powerful than the one Google has, formerly presumably the most powerful quantum computer, perhaps the one behind AlphaGo and AlphaZero. That is what is going to change everything and is the main McGuffin in the upcoming James Bond movie No Time To Die. Trailers said that the enemy of James Bond has something that will change everything.
That is a little bit scary actually as the Google quantum computer is not exactly a slouch.
The Chinese light based or photon quantum computer discovered 76 photons in the Higgs Boson particle using a Gaussian, ie Carl Gauss mathematician. This is something that would take a normal computer a billion years to do. Sure, but what are the applications of that? What does that mean for reality in general?
76; there are 76 Provinces in Thailand.
Wrong-o. The artificial sun Global News is referring to is the HL - 2M tokamak nuclear reactor in China that received its first plasma discharge on December 4th. With a temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius, a fusion of tritium and deuterium is achieved. This means a projected hopeful goal of nuclear energy worldwide in 2050. That's a bad idea in my opinion. What if there is something goes wrong like at Fukushima. With 100 million degrees Celsius, ie the artificial sun, if something like that goes meltdown, it would be a catastrophic disaster!
When the two atoms,one of deuterium and one of tritium fuse, an incredible amount of energy is released upon achieving critical mass. This energy can provide electricity to a city or power a warp drive engine for a star trek style spaceship.
But the quantum computer isn't bad either. There is, was, a computer called the Sun engine computer for cars. Now there's a handheld app that does all that.
In the early days of computers, you needed a security clearance just to see a computer let alone to use one. Things have come full circle as doubtless you'd need a security clearance to see China's new quantum computer.
This is a bit of a learning curve:
Speakers at stadiums during sporting events or rock concerts would have a slight reverberating echo because the sound takes slightly longer to reach the ear because the other speaker is farther away.
It gave people who spoke through it a magical sound. Steely Dan sometimes sounds like it's on those echoing speakers giving the music a summertime carnival midway sound.
The song Ease Your Mind from the group Touchdown sounds like Asimov from the Valiant Tales RPG puzzle quest app. And Asimov sounds like an acidic Jimi Hendrix speaking through those echoing speakers. Anyone else speaking through those speakers is one thing. Jimi Hendrix speaking through those speakers with his psychedelic mighty voice saying something like, "This is loose jam, this is just a loose jam..." He is the only human in history who speaking through those speakers, it's on another level!
I am going to channel that imaginary energy into my next cartoon about WHAM! as Deon Estus the bass player makes an appearance as someone very much like Asimov, the psychedelic bubble man from Valiant Tales.
Sigh. My WHAM! cartoon is going to be a non-gay cartoon. David Cronenberg was asked why he didn't make Naked Lunch a more gay movie. He replied, "I'm not gay enough to do that." Meaning he's not gay at all to be doing that.
My WHAM! cartoon is going to be about a post apocalyptic nuclear winter Christmas with George Michael, Andrew Ridgeley, the bass player and the two female backup singers fight off a zombie invasion at Christmas. Total fantasy wonderland featuring a snowy theme park North Pole and also London.
If you wanted to check it out for yourself, Asimov is a guaranteed first of four characters in Valiant Tales right when the game starts, along with Kara, Hawkeye, and Skuld, so he shouldn't be too difficult to find. His voice. He's the psychedelic bubble man!
"You will always be around." Ease Your Mind, Touchdown
I am attempting to draw it perfectly...
I will always comport my Smurf Village with the utmost of discretion, regimentation and a high decree of sober decorum. But you want to get reported for obscenity on Smurf Village, all you have to do is get mushrooms at 5 smurfcoins a mushroom. Then trace a crude diagram of a cock with balls spraying jizz. Estimated cost, 50 mushrooms or more. Then using the mushrooms, line them up to form a word ladder: SMURF, SFURM, SPERM.
After such a smurfy activity, you would be commemorated throughout all smurfdom as a total pernicious fuck up. I would one day like to see a YouTube videos about people who were kicked off apps and for very good specific reasons. Someone once got kicked off of a Marvel Comics battle app for writing: "Stan Lee died. That's a bad thing, right? Don't worry, you can see him in upcoming movies in CGI form." For that, he got booted out. About that, Stan Lee would say, "Excelsior."
Just offhand, I have over 900 thousand smurfcoins in Smurfs Village. In less than one day, I'll have a million smurfcoins. I never had anywhere near that. My previous record was 105,000, I think.
There's a first time for everything. With the smurfs village app, the more you do, the more you gotta do. Remember, anything in life that is too difficult isn't worth doing at all.
W Channel has a movie called Journey Back To Christmas. It's about a World War 2 nurse who travels through time to the present day while it's Christmas and falls in love with a man. Complete chick flick yet intriguing premise.
The full movie is available on YouTube.
Today, December 8, 2020 is the 40th anniversary of John Lennon's death.
I wish it was the 40th anniversary of my death, seeing the shit way my life turned out. Although, it is approximately the 40th anniversary of a few failed suicide attempts. I pray to Azrael the Angel of Death. I hope that Azrael visits me and I could say, "Take me with you." I'd like to draw a large circle of my death around the smaller circle of my life and blot out every incidental thing within that circle.
Archie Luxury has said about an East Indian whisky, "I want to not like it, but I wind up really liking it."
About my life, I want to like it, but I really wind up not liking it. I've asked this before and this is a Wikipedia-like request, not for money, but I request you to pray for my death. I want to drop pout of life. Quit a job, drop out of college, give up on a town, leave the country and never come back. I'd like to do or have done all of that. The next level is the big quit. If like is a university, I really want to drop out. It isn't working for me. My life sucks. I'd rather have no life at all than a life that sucks. I want an early reprieve. My friend never came up with half the answers I did but he got an early reprieve! I hope my life ends soon. There isn't really anything or anyone that I really want to live for. Some people are a burden in my life, even. Remember to pray for my death! Don't forget!
Wrong thinking: Life gives you what you put in to it.
Right thinking: Life rips you off what you put into it.
I try not to be a burden to others. What life gives me in return for that is someone who is a complete burden.
I try to be a normal neighbour. What life gives me in return is one neighbour who used to go psycho and have meltdowns twice a week and another neighbour who feeds mice and birds and never stops to the point where every morning I wake up to the smell of bird eggs, bird urine and bird feathers. The birds fly in to his room and he feeds them. To this day. That's what the goddamned forces of life give me in return. This particular Robert Stroudian character, this hotel's answer to the bird man of Alcatraz I guess is Polish, so I asked him, "Jak tam myszy i golebie?" How are the mice and the pigeons?
The word for pigeon in Polish is golab singular, golebie plural. Golab sounds a lot like the French word for dove, colombe from which you get District of Columbia and British Columbia. David Icke said the dove represents the passive aggressive destructive side of politics. Smearing someone behind their back, ruining someone reputation with rumors real or bullshit, "Throw enough mud and some of it will stick.", etc But David Icke is the lizard man.
Nie lubie zapach golebie. I don't like the smell of pigeons.
Dove to normal people means peace. Jesus saw a dove right after he was baptized. The UN uses a dove as it's symbol, the Noetic or the Noah's Arkian dove.
The city supposedly has ordinances against feeding the winged vermin but they seem to be selective about who gets a citation and who doesn't. Also, there's supposedy a $300 fine. From the bird smells I wake up to every morning, I hope I don't get avian flu. They fly into his room when he feeds them! That's what fucking life gives me in return. Sometimes I think he's a Russian agent who was sent here to give me avian flu. But he has lived here for years. Why didn't he kill me years ago? Why would a Russian agent trade a larger window of time for a smaller window of time?
Life insists on ripping me off. I do YouTube videos and have very few views etc. I do a YouTube comment and only get one like but I've seen that happen to hundreds if not thousands of people now. It's a regular YouTube algorithm thing. No one I ever met or know now is a big YouTube star. My cartoons are substandard. There are a lot of missing elements like turning heads often and changing facial expressions often, although not any more or less often than needed. Usually cartoons are dialogue driven. And multiple voice actors. Etc etc.
Today, I got one bottle of white truffle oil for $15. There was also black truffle oil but the internet said that the Piedmont white Alba truffle, tuber magnatum, is the majorly one. I forgot to get some crimini mushrooms although it was on my mind at the time, mysteriously, it slipped my mind a moment later. I wonder if the crimini mushrooms would soak up the truffle oil and thus dilute the effect? When I was walking on the street away from the supermarket, about a block away, I remembered about the mushrooms but going back for it would be too obsessive! I'm going to try some garlic in 50% vegetable oil and 50% truffle oil and add ground beef, then pasta sauce, then two bay leaves and some basil and oregano with spaghetti. With some coffee. Is it real truffle oil or artificial? It looks real enough.
This is the first time I ever got truffle oil. There's a first time for everything. Even for the finer things in life.
Upon re reading the internet, white truffle oil is good for salads and carpaccio. Black truffle oil is better for stews and sauces. I need to get the black truffle oil.
A truffle is an ascomycete rather than a basidiomycete.
Cooking with truffle oil makes a difference. Truffle has an accentuated and elevated mushroom flavour and the richness of the terpenes therein brings a distinct but difficult to explain uplifting feeling that feels like a psychoactive drug. But it isn't a psychoactive drug, it's the richness and the terpenes but maybe it is a drug. If magic mushrooms is a psychoactive drug, then there must be some chemical in truffles that gives it that je ne sais quoi. Quantum computers have designed beyond meat using synthetic chemicals to mimic biological substances. For eg. The new coronavirus vaccine is doing that, as Dr Bonnie Henry said. Beyond meat tastes more like meat than the original and the texture too. Quantum computers designed that. There are a few supermarkets around and I think I can get black truffle oil soon. The original place I got it said it usually takes about a week to replace.
Ha ha, the way this biochemical reverse engineering works is from eggs, carrots, some ginger and seaweed, you can make artificial milk.
From milk, eggs, carrots, and ginger, you can make artificial seaweed.
From seaweed, milk, eggs, and carrots, you can make artificial ginger.
From ginger, seaweed, milk and eggs, you can make artificial carrot.
Etc etc etc. It's called a daisy chain.
Truffle oil I think is made from real truffle mushrooms although the technology does exist and theoretically designer synthetic truffle oil can be made using a quantum computer that is chemically exactly like the real thing. Replicant truffle oil?
I don't see using truffle oil for every meal from now on for life. Truffle works when there is a not truffle to go with it. One can get tired of eating anything every day, day in day out, even truffles.
Truffles are rare and difficult to find. They aren't generally farmable but The Truffle Farm in Canberra Australia is a truffle farm.
Truffle oil is usually made of olive oil or sunflower oil with a touch of 2,4 Dithiapentane, listed as natural flavours. This is the chemical that gives truffles it's earthy fungussy aroma.
Dithiapentane reminds me of sodium thiopental from the movie Hannibal Rising.
One more thing. Foods cooked with truffle oil, when eating that, drink coffee with it. For some reason, coffee further accentuates the truffle effect.
Truffle is an aromatic substance that binds to fat and oils which is why it is perfect as truffle oil. There is a strange parallel to the new coronavirus vaccine and as Dr Bonnie Henry the main antibody for the vaccine itself said is encased in lipid which is why it needs to be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius.
Lipid means fat as some drugs are lipid soluble while others are liquid soluble.
Recipe idea: Try Clamato with a few drops of truffle oil. Coffee, hot chocolate, egg nog, etc
"That smell. That gasoline smell. Smells like victory. One day this war's gonna end." Apocalypse Now. One day this pandemic's gonna end. I've been using truffle products every meal for days now. I'm addicted to it. Cooking at home with truffle products is cheaper than going to a restaurant. That unmistakable gasoline smell, that rich mushroom smell that stays after cooking with truffles. I got Truffle Hunter white truffle oil, Savini black truffle oil and truffle salt. There is truffle honey and truffle sauce and truffle butter but salt and oil is the most intellectually accessible ingredients to my mind, and I don't usually use honey except as a coffee sweetener and I could cook ordinarily cook with regular butter as an ingredient in pasta cream sauce but butter burns and turns black quicky if you don't keep an eye on it. Truffle sauce? Sounds intriguing but what would it taste like? I suppose I could cook up some of the high end pasta I got with olive oil infused with truffle flavoring, not real truffle but the beauty of this is unlike with real truffles, overheating or overcooking doesn't ruin the integrity of the product. Cook up that truffley olive oil with the pasta and then add truffle sauce. Another way is to use the truffle flavored olive oil, fry that with legumes such as ginger, onions and garlic then add some beef, sprinkle a good amount of sugar, let that caramelize slightly, then fry that and then add milk or cream and then two bay leaves and kraft dinner powdered cheese. On top of the cooked pasta, double down with a few splashes of truffle oil with real truffles and then add truffle salt with that. I added truffle salt using it for the very first time on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 with a McDonald's egg and sausage mcmuffin and had a mouthgasm. Amuse bouche or what? It was that good. It felt as if I couldn't feel my mouth anymore. I could still feel it, from the inside. It didn't just melt in my mouth, for a split second it seemed as if my entire mouth melted into heaven. Truffle salt.
Used to be there were no truffle farms anywhere. Then in the last ten years, there are 6 truffle farms in BC, 2 on Vancouver Island that farms the rare perigord black truffle, tuber melanosporum. To farm a truffle you need to transport the truffle that is growing underground along with the oak tree that's growing next to it, hopefully it's a small oak tree. Dig around the oak tree and transport the living oak tree on a military cargo transport plane to another location and plant it in the ground since the mycelium of the truffle has an endomycorrhizal relationship with the roots of the oak tree. That's how I imagine it's done. If there's a better way, I'd like to know about it.
Mycelium is the hair-like extensors of the mushroom that act as roots. It's hair-like similar to the cilia of the lungs.
Thoughty2 has a YouTube video called Will This Magic Mushroom Save The Human Race? He said that mycelium between mushrooms and trees is very very common. He said that fungus the mycelium grows over things and devours them. There are 50 kinds of fungi that lives on plastics one called pestalotiopsis microspora lives entirely on polyurethane which is the main ingredient of plastics. This would be good for the environment.
Penicillin is a fungus and is a good antibiotic for fighting DNA based bacteria and associated illnesses.
Agarikon is a mushroom that is an excellent antiviral good for fighting RNA based viruses and any viral diseases such as swine flu, etc.
Cyclosporine is a fungus that helps prevent organ rejection in organ transplants.
Polysporin is an antibiotic and probably also fungal based.
Even though a mushroom or any fungus looks a lot like a plant, unlike plants fungi have DNA and a structure similar to humans. Somewhat similar at best. When sunlight hits a plant, it produces chlorophyll. Like humans when sunlight hits a mushroom, it produces vitamin D, which is not a vitamin but a protein binding hormone.
The shelf life of an actual truffle is 5 days. The shelf life of a bottle of truffle oil is about 12 months.
When you are in a smaller town, selection suffers. Vancouver, Gourmet Warehouse has whole black truffles in a jar, La Madia Regale. This town doesn't. Ordering during Covid has certain limits. But what this town and Gourmet Warehouse has too is truffle carpaccio which is like whole truffle on steroids because it's pre-sliced. I'm surprised I'm finding out about this now. I'm surprised no one at this hotel mentioned it over the years. You have to try this black truffle carpaccio! Like anything else it's just a matter of taste.
The white truffle has a smooth peridium or outer layer. The black truffle has a wart-like peridium.
Truffles are rare but not so rare that truffle products can't be found in a lot of stores in every large city on Earth and even small towns too. However the relatively high prices involved bespeaks of its rarity. Rich people like all the stinky things, blue cheese smells like dirty socks, raw oysters taste like piss, caviar has a pungent salty taste, booze is rotted grapes and truffle mushrooms smell like gasoline and taste like moldy dirt but it's all fine and exquisite and definitely worth the money. I like those rich foods too!
The truffle carpaccio was alright. Perhaps I am dazed. The texture is crispy and the oil doesn't make the mushroom soggy. It has a slight after effect. I first tried it on a slice of 7-11 pizza. At $32 for that size jar, it's a pricey treat. Chinese canned braised abalone for a can twice that size costs about $75 a can. Pro-rated, it's about the same price.
Truffle salt really punches up the taste just as much if not more than carpaccio. However the black truffle carpaccio is very exquisite. A high luxury item.
I bought some locally made black truffle oil for $45 for a 375 ml bottle. Really, it smelled and tasted coarse like a grassy garden but then a few seconds later the flavor subsided into the honey nectar bouquet which the other higher end brand of truffle oil has. You are comparing an industry that's been at it for less than 20 years with an industry that's been doing it for hundreds of years. With the other European brands of truffle oil like Truffle Hunter and Savini, you get the deep sweet honey signature of the truffle oil instantly right away! The local truffle industries through trial and error improve their truffle oil recipe and crafting with each passing year. The local truffle oil isn't bad. I can sense the integrity of the truffle essence which is very strong. It's an earthy deep rich rudimentary take on the more evolved European truffle oils. I wasn't really feeling it with the carpaccio. I elected more of a gasoline, nutty, garlicky honey essence with the taste that I get with fine truffle oils from Europe and truffle salt. There are a few dozen brands of truffle carpaccio and some are better than others.
The local truffle oil smelt and tasted very much like the truffle carpaccio. Essentially the local brand adds more truffles. It's a more intense experience. First you get a grassy garden aroma like garden compost but what do you expect? Truffles grow under the ground and would have a grassy gardeny essence. But a minute later and that acquiesces into a wonderful honey glaze taste. This is the real deal. Local brand is just as good as if not better than the more expensive European brands. The local brand is more concentrated. More truffles. And you can really feel it in the taste.
The fake truffle oil does indeed have that je ne sais quoi flavor that people usually know and look for in truffles. I like to cook with that and as you fry it, the whole room lights up with an intense truffle fragrance.
A recipe can have a few dozen local variations each of them good. Truffle oil is like that.
Best Ever Food Show, a YouTube channel in a video about lobster said that lobster used to have a pricey reputation but now it's inexpensive enough to be street food in a lot of places. Truffles are getting to be like that. There are truffle flavored potato chips, a few brands make them. Since I already have access to truffle honey, puree, sauce, salt, butter, carpaccio and oil in this town, so many truffle products already, one more, one less, what's the difference? Real truffle or truffle flavoring? Only an expert can tell.
Monday, January 11, 2021. I tried truffle honey for the first time today. Selektia Tartufi brand. It's very good. Opening the jar you get a strong scent of truffles. Tasting it, there's that pure gasoline smell and essence that hits the back of the throat. The last I felt anything like that was when I was intravenously injecting cocaine. That gasoline smell and essence that hits the back of the throat.
Someone in YouTube comments said, "Cocaine in human form is Don Jr."
There's a video from YouTube user Brennen Taylor. He and 3 friends went to a restaurant in Vietnam and they ordered and ate raw live wriggling coconut worms! One of his friends, Jake, wore a Kiss t-shirt with the Kiss band members having white eyes that glow under a blacklight which the most absolutely perfect thing to wear for such a particular occasion.
I am undergoing medical worker burnout. I have wheelchair and other palliative duties. I am griping all the time. The work seems endless and foisted upon me because sometimes life just likes to take advantage of my kindness. I'm sorry to all if I gripe about wheelchair duties and if I am heard on the streets griping. I don't know if the patient will ever walk again. The knee looks profoundly out of place. It looks just awful. Normally she might see an orthopedic specialist sooner, but there is a global pandemic happening now.
I told her the story of Harry Jerome. He tore his ACL anterior cruciated ligament called cruciated because the two tendons of the ligament form a cross. Not only did he recovers, he recovered to the point where he was winning gold medals at the Olympics again.
There are four levels of medicine that I know of, probably more. There is normal medicine, then there is sports related injuries medicine, industrial accidents medicine and military medicine. The patient is in the category of normal medicine. It's not like she broke her knee going at great speed like with a sports injury and in the majority of cases, the sports injury patients heal. There's a lot about medicine I don't understand. But the expert doctors working professionally sure do understand it. I hope the patient's orthopedic problems get sorted out.
The patient was going to have a second surgery but it got cut short. The story behind it is truly bizarre, and a warning, some parts of the story I got from her is very extremely disturbing.
The apparently fake doctor was going to do the surgery. This doctor had molested a 12 year old in the parking lot. The doctor was about to go through with the surgery but as he was in the next room in the corner looking for a medical instrument or a book, some Police Officers went into the next room and arrested that doctor as the patient was sitting right there in the next room waiting. Imagine experiencing that, as you're sitting there in the waiting room, some Police Officers arrest the doctor you were scheduled to see. I asked the patient if the doctor was arrested for molesting the 12 year old. No, he was already previously arrested for that, she said. The doctor was being arrested for impersonating a doctor like Frank Abegnale did, or the Great Imposter of the Korean War did. She gleaned a lot of the information about the fake doctor from the nurses. And for that reason, to this day, she's still waiting for her second surgery. Did that really happen at the hospital she was at? Does the hospital she was at know about this?!
Graphology 101: Too many comma splices means control freak.
Airing Sundays, the new Bryan Cranston television series Your Honor is very intense and addicting. It is based on the Israeli television series Kvodo. It's sort of The Felony starring Tom Wilkinson and Jai Courtney meets Donnie Brasco starring Johnny Depp meets the 80s comedy sitcom Night Court. The son of a judge, Cranston, hits and runs killing a rich guy. Not just any rich guy, a very intensely dangerous one. Gangster. The judge tries to cover up what happened but there are mishaps and accidents along the way and the strange cabin of events they lead to. This is one of the best television series. I have to wait until Sunday to get my next fix. Lots of method acting. Good method acting. Television shows get grittier and more edgy and shocking as time goes on. The story depicted is a typical New York Times top ten bestselling novels detective crime drama.
Watching Kvodo wouldn't be a bad idea and it'd be like watching Your Honor in a parallel universe, sort of how listening to Michael Jackson's Starlight would be like listening to the song Thriller in a parallel universe* *Minty Comedic Arts; 10 Amazing Facts About Thriller is where I learned about the song Starlight. In my opinion, Starlight doesn't sound too bad. It's visceral. Thriller sounds only somewhat better. Thriller is a better title and a better song but Starlight is still pretty smokin'.
Kvodo, close anagram of Covid: Kovod.
The Iranian blogger, Sahar Tabar who did the photoshops of Angelina Jolie should be released and eventually given American citizenship. Such audacity and inventiveness exemplifies the American spirit. I was laughing for hours. She was even voguing!
Initially, she said it was surgery but it turned out to be photoshops. I can imagine how Angelina Jolie would feel. She would feel awful. Offended. Baffled. Doing it once is one thing but one picture after another over ten years and each of them looking worse and worse, like a zombie. Did Angelina Jolie ever do a parody of Sahar Tabar's face?
Angelina Jolie is major. She is American Hollywood Royalty. She is Jon Voigt's daughter. She is Lara Croft Tomb Raider. She was really good in Girl Interrupted. There was something about her in the movie. She had star acting quality. Everyone else who was there seemed like unskilled extras in comparison. The other girl was major too but she died.
The one with grey hair. That one's over the top!
She has since gotten bail. She got bailed out.
For a time, during the 1700s in England, the Puritans outlawed Christmas. Anything to do with Christmas was forbidden including all Christmas paraphernalia including Christmas pie. Christmas pie was so forbidden that the code word for Christmas pie was "vagina" and even then that was something that passed as acceptable.
Last night on Friday December 18, 2020. I was cooking up a pasta Alfredo. The legumes and beef fried with fake truffle olive oil and milk added, it was time to add the powdered kraft dinner white cheese. I mistakenly added a whole packet of chocolate milk powder going right into the Alfredo sauce! In a moment of synchronicity at that time, a Dodd's furniture commercial was on and a split second after spilling the chocolate milk powder into the sauce, Gordy Dodd as Santa Claus on that commercial said, "Ho ho ho!" As if laughing at the mistake. I still added some powdered cheese that I finally did find to the sauce. I ate the dish and the chocolate powder flavor was only barely detectable. I did add real truffle oil and truffle salt to it. I got Truffle Hunter brand white truffle oil. Truffle Hunter is the internet's second best rated truffle oil. Not bad.
Truffles can be grown indoors. The growing surface or substrate can be ordered on Amazon. I'm thinking of trying to grow my own truffles one of these years. The optimal goal for anyone is to grow large Alba white truffles with that honey garlic taste. But truffle oil is very good.
I've heard of truffles for decades but it had the legend of being extremely expensive and only available in France. I only first tried a dish with truffle oil last year. Then this year I discovered that truffle oil could be bought at stores. It's strangely addictive. I can understand the fascination.
Truffles is hardcore French. But so is snails and frog legs. Snails I'll try and eat but not often. But frog legs is something I'm not interested in eating at all. Frog legs seems off setting to me.
Lobster or King Crab legs or prawns with melted butter with truffle oil and truffle salt. Come on... I mean that's major luxury.
In Saudi Arabia a lady named Loujain Al Hathloul is sentenced for 20 years for trying to advance the right for women to drive a car in that country. 100 years ago, the United States were in that position as women there fought for the right to drive a car. At one time, the only people to drive cars in the US were men. She is a UBC graduate. How could someone with a degree from UBC decide to regress to any anachronistic third world country? A regression to some former bullshit inferior scene. How good is the education behind that degree? Why would someone with a degree at UBC decide to get into something that's a non-starter? She knows how strict things are in that country. She was just putting her hand into a hornets next so to speak. Unsafe at any speed. In the future, say 100 years from now, who knows if women will be allowed to drive or not in that country? If they are then this lady is pivotal in that. Sometimes this is just what it takes. Susan B Anthony fought for women's rights and died for it. A few decades later, they made a coin with her face on it. In a few decades, this lady's face could appear on a postage stamp in Saudi Arabia. Maybe or maybe not. Neither answer would surprise me. That's the way Saudi Arabia rolls. They currently don't allow women to drive cars.
Driving a car isn't always the great fun thing it's made out to be. It's a lot of responsibility to own a car. Money, energy, work. For a man or a woman owning a car is expensive and high maintenance. The ride you're getting isn't worth the ride you're getting. Or else the fucking you're giving isn't worth the fucking you're getting.
Most car drivers are lifelong accident free, but get into one good accident where a few people are injured or killed. That's ten times worse than a lifetime of never having driven.
Matt Damon said in Syriana that a lot of these middle Eastern desert countries are getting rich off oil revenues but all that's going to dry up in a hundred years. As he put it, a hundred years ago they were goat herders and a hundred years later they will be goat herders again.
Syriana would have you believe that but from observation, the middle East is hot in terms of sciences, research and development. Particularly in the pharmaceutical sciences. They are at the apex, state of the art cutting edge. Fucidin Leo Leo and Dovenex Leo are excellent topical creams from Leo pharmacies in Iran. I found these topical creams. Somehow they were available to be found, discarded on the streets of Canada and I found it like a character finding things a Lord of the Rings game. Oh! A Numenorean leaf sword, how nice!
Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Loujain Al Hathloul was freed from detention. She still has a five year travel ban and a three year publication ban, but the main thing is that she has been freed.
"Open and welcoming. Patient and polite." Car commercial, 2020.
That sounds like how your mother's vagina is towards my cock!
"This energy force can be a source of great happiness and joy or it can be a source of darkness and pain." Kung Fu Panda 2. That sounds a lot like MSG! It can be darkness and pain for those who are allergic to it.
"If we pull out now, it will cause instability in the market." Train to Busan
On the other end of the phone, the other guy replies, "If I pull out now, it will cause instability in your mother's vagina."
The Queen's Gambit is a very good tv series. It isn't based on anyone in particular but generally based around all talented female chess players. It's entirely fiction. It is about an orphan who got sent to an orphanage for girls and discovered that she had a super talent for chess. She then gets adopted into a family and furthers her rise in the chess world. However substance abuse is an issue. The drug in the show, Xanzolam, is a fictional drug but based on Librium, kind of how melange in Dune is based on Lsd or else DMT. The show is very fast paced and never boring. High caliber Hollywood performance. 10/10
Does Gru from Despicable Me look like Max Schreck as Count Orlok in the 1922 movie Nosferatu or what?
The Pixar movie Soul on Disney plus is a great movie. The story of Joe Gardner is very much in the style of the writings of Richard Mathieson who wrote Stir of Echoes and What Dreams May Come. I've read WDMC and the best sentence in the book was when the protagonist wrote of how shocked he was upon returning this dimension at seeing people having to move their mouths when they talk. Soul talks about finding your spark and passion in life. It's a very heavy movie at times. The music was on another level. The piano playing was reminiscent of McCoy Tyner, who played the piano on the John Coltrane classic My Favorite Things. The movie showed how negative aspects of the personality, stubbornness and hesitation patterns survive into the afterlife as 22 runs away from Moondog's ship.
The classic A Christmas Carol had a line that never made it into the movies. Jacob Maley said to Scrooge, "How is it that I appear before you in a shape that you can see, I may not tell. I have sat invisible beside you many and many a day." It was not an agreeable idea. Scrooge shivered, and wiped the perspiration from his brow.
That book has a lot of interesting lines like that which leads to questions? Did Charles Dickens disclose a of of ghostly knowledge in his other books? Or did people in the 1800s know just as much if not more about ghosts than we do?
Best quote from Soul, paraphrased, "This is an expression of the quantum Universe in a form that your mind understands."

In the town of Wuppertal, Germany is a train called the Schwebebahn. The onion train. Zweibel is German for onion. The town is bordered on two sides by hills and mountains. The entire town runs down one central arterial highway, kind of like in the country of Tuvalu. There is one river running through the center of town, a river runs through it. Through the genius of German technology and engineering, the town built a train running over the river in the late 1800s that still runs today. That region is where Bayer Aspirin was developed which explains where they got the money for the train. There is an early video filmed in 1902 but upscaled to 4K, time speed corrected and 60 frames per second. There is a haunting scene in that video that stays with me today. Distant houses on a hill. One of the houses, the one to the left is 3 storeys high and looks so mysterious. It looks like an Italian wine pressers house but it's in Germany. It reminds me of a house I've seen in the country at one time on the Spirit Highway near Dawson Creek.
Those houses can no longer be seen as I've viewed videos of this wonderful train filmed more recently. The town has a saying, "Einmal im lieben, durch Wuppertaler Schwebebahn." Once in your life, ride the Wuppertal Schwebebahn. There is a royal edition of the Wuppertal train but that appears rarely and costs 600 Euros to rent.
*Source: YouTube: Schwebebahn: Why Wuppertal's Trains Are Much Cooler Than Yours, from Tim Traveler.
*Source: YouTube: Germany's Flying Train 1902 from Denis Shiryaev
There is talk of a future gondola between Victoria Inner Harbour and Royal Bay which would be the town's answer to the Schwebebahn.
The Kaiserwagen.