Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Covid-vember 2020 my Smurf's Village dioramas


November 3rd. On the day of the US election, I got a Huawei T5 10 tablet with my pandemic relief money which is a more advanced model from my 2 Huawei T3 10s, one of which has a broken screen. My baby, oh my baby, I'll get your screen repaired one day even if I have to take it to Thailand to do it. There are a couple of good repair shops in town. I have to ask them, if I get a screen online would you repair the tablet? I thought of taking out my lightsaber, old clunky archaic lightsaber for $60 which is what I pawned it for. But I already have two better lightsabers, way better. And I was going to get an electric guitar for $100. With an electric guitar, you have to tune the strings right, not just 5th fret, 5th fret, 5th fret, 5th fret, 4th fret, 5th fret. It has to be right. EGBDFE. So forget it. Every professional guitarist can tune their guitar and get it right. Any musician could tell in less than a second if the guitar isn't tuned right. So forget me using the electric guitar to do music for my apps. At least with a free app electric guitar, it's always tuned exactly right and to precision. My new HuaWei T5 10 tablet is like a wondrous dream. Advanced, sleek, state of the art, elegant, rich. It's the tablet of the present and future. 
I was delusional in thinking that someone was dipping into my bank account but that was delusional. It's me. When you have a lot of money, you make a lot of spurious incidental purchases and it's often the $3 and $4 purchases here and there that can add up the most.
One can lose track of money easily. The richer you are, the more money you lose track of.
If anyone was dipping into my bank account they'd be ripping my bank off more than me because it's their banking computer system and not mine that they'd be breaking into. Banks more than most institutions are capable of generating immense blockchains of data that make it difficult if not impossible to break in to.
It's be awful if all I did with the pandemic relief was to go to restaurants only and to wind up with nothing to show for it. The T5 tablet is one I'm keeping for life!
It retails for $200. Not bad. My friend told me he got an $800 retail tablet. 

One week later. Miracle of the Century. I finally got Doctor's Hut on Smurf Village. The hospital is being smurfily built with additional buildings as you can see.

I got the Smurfy Tower of Pisa. I had to.
In 2011, at the Vancouver Planetarium, there was a presentation that talked about the Tower of Pisa and Galileo. I felt like I was in heaven. It was a heavenly experience. The sweet geomagnetic vibes of Vancouver simply can not be described.

Smurfy Police Station at my Smurf's Village.

I'm still in shock over the $25 loss on my Google card. 'Your code could not be redeemed.' There is a silver lining. In years to come I'll save hundreds of dollars otherwise generated to getting more Google cards. I bought a few hundred dollars worth in Google cards over the last two years. It adds up. The opportunity cost of that. Now I don't have to worry about that ever again. Google did it to themself. As it stands if I get another Google card, there's a 75% chance of it not working. Android apps the free version is good enough. No need for IAPs.
In the refund application procedure, I entered the wrong phone number. I entered the current hotel message phone number rather than the old phone number I left Google.
Maybe that would have made a difference as I still got no refund.  That's awful as WalMart doesn't ask for your phone number and they refund you. Apps in the Google Play store don't ask you for a phone number. Most apps if not all apps are pretty good at making sure you get your in-app purchase product.
I am not going to get another Google card again. What. Tentatively, furtively get one $15 Google card every year for ten years, it all doesn't work and I'm out the $150 that I could have otherwise generated to other things?! Uh, no thanks. It's a shit system. The store doesn't refund you, Google doesn't refund you, you're left holding the bag if anything goes wrong. 

As you can see, I already have the dentist's hut. I got it over a year ago. I need doctor's hut. I might go for just one more $15 Google Play Card. If it doesn't work, then forget it.

Smurfy Fire Station at my Smurf's Village.

I finally got two gold unicorns at 100,000 smurfcoins each.

Some Smurfs Villages are that ornate that if a person was to get all the coins and smurfberries required for that, it would take 673 years or else they'd have had to have been working at this since 1347. There YouTube videos showing how to hack into SV and get ten million coins, smurfberries, get that every day. But the app developer would shut a person out if they did that. I think it's the app developers themselves that make the most beautiful villages. What is a better dispensation than ten million smurfberries a day is an unlimited dispensation and an app developer would have that.

President Donald Trump is 74 years old. Ex Vice President Joe Biden is 77. Between the two of them, they have 151 combined years of life experience. However as it is, they are working against one another politically.
Upon the conclusion of the 2020 Presidential election in the US, President Donald Trump did an Andrew Wilkinson. "Nothing is conclusive until all the ballots are counted. I'm going to the Supreme Court!" Until all the ballots are counted. Classic. Just the usual posturing of someone who knows that in all probability, he's done. Just going through the motions. 
Global News said there is no landslide. I thought there would be. Baffling.
If Trump doesn't win the Presidency again, does this that he would be Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives? Would he settle for that? 
If Trump loses, he won't be Leader of the Opposition. For him, that'd be a come down. Less glamour and more actual political work. Trump would quit and the GOP would have to find a new Leader.
No. No. No. No. No Leader of the Opposition. The States has a different system: Majority Leader, Majority Whip, Minority Leader, Minority Whip. Trump would be unlikely to be the Minority Leader if he doesn't make President again as that is a different preappointed person.
Global News said that Donald Trump needs 7 States to win. Joe Biden needs just one. 
I can picture Donald Trump saying, "I'm so upset with GI Joe." It looks like Mighty Joe is going to be the next POTUS.

#46. President Joe Biden has been elected as the next President of the United States effective at noon on January 20, 2021. A nooner. That's 74 days away.
I actually thought Trump would win. Trump said that he would drain the swamp. The swamp drained him. Joe Biden wins.  The establishment strikes back. Steve Bannon said the swamp can't be drained because it has been there for the past few decades, it's the entrenched establishment.
Anyways, President Trump having no prior political experience before his Presidency made him the joke candidate like Lord Bucket head. All other US Presidents have had major political experience, usually as Governors but sometimes as Senators.
Joe Biden would be a stabilizing influence compared to Trump but that's not saying much. President Trump on Twitter is something else. President Trump will still be on Twitter after January 20 as an elder statesman offering his opinions and even sometimes advice from a different and slightly more elevated perspective. As an ex US President, Donald Trump has secret service protection for life. And also free plane rides at any time for life, but he's already rich enough to afford that anyways. 
President Donald Trump, thank you for four great years. I discovered and got tablets in the last four years and even was able to animate using the tablet as a kind of Microsoft surface pro. I met quite a few great and classy ladies in the last four years. And I'm still with my sweet girlfriend who is my sweetness with the face of an angel. I also, over the last four years, got two awesome lightsabers, induction stove cooktop, and two medieval plague doctor masks. How great is that?
Vice President elect is Kamala Harris. How profound is that? They broke new ground. It's about time. Doubtless she will govern with fairness and equanimity, well, as much as the complexities of that job would allow anyways.
"We broke new ground!!!" Redlettermedia
Do not go gently into that good night. Trump will put up a fight. He'll leave the White House kicking and screaming.

If President Donald Trump continues on with this tack, would then President Joe Biden have Donald Trump tried for treason? Saying that the clearly technically elected President isn't the President is malfeasance or is it? 
"Frankly, there won't be a transfer of power. There will be a continuance of power." US President Donald Trump
Feudant words.

Remember when I told you it wouldn't get weirder? It got weirder. CNN said that Rudolph Giuliani is working pro bono on behalf of Trump. Perhaps if Trump hadn't fired the campaign manager who helped him win the last election but one suggested rule of power is to separate yourself from those who got you in power. This isn't always followed, depends on the person. Rudolph Giuliani was good in the movie Borat 2.
An imaginary worst case scenario is on January 20, if Trump is still in the White House refusing to move, could and would Joe Biden get the Texas Rangers to evict Trump like a landlord getting a sheriff to evict a troublesome tenant?
Trump could be like Napoleon and declare himself the first Emperor of the United States. Joe Biden would still be President but only working under Trump as Trumperor.  Napoleon didn't just gently take the crown from the Pope. He seized it! How would that go over? Would that wash?
Granny Trump Escape. Great app. Perhaps App of the Year.

Dr Bonnie Henry said that she's received death threats. That's uncalled for but if I could guess why that is, it's perhaps that there are questions that emerge. 
I can guess why some people would be angry. However I couldn't and wouldn't guess why they would level a death threat.
"In politics, it is better to be feared than to be loved, but not to the point of being hated." Niccolo Machiavelli
People often like and have been known to shoot the messenger.
After months of most people bending over backwards there are still circumventions in general public protocols including the inhumaneness of those in long term care homes not being able to see their loved ones. Such draconian bullshit strictures is really about keeping the pot stirring. It's about riding the opportunist gravy train for as long as possible. The health rockstars, Dr Bonnie Henry and Dr Jesus from the WHO know that as soon as the pandemic is gone, they're gone. It's a good gig and no one would blame them for not wanting to lose it. Being on TV everyday can be very addicting. But they're just making it up as they go along. The mixed messages, as some are baffled that the measures go too far while others may be baffled that the measures don't go far enough. Why are schools still open and why was it OK to have a snap election right in the middle of the cold snap that is the global pandemic? Visiting your loved one in the health care home isn't OK but all of a sudden having an election is OK and schools are OK. I'm sure the students wouldn't mind having a gap year. But there are certain industries that must be pandered to. The teachers union and all the corollary industries that rely on schools to run like the school supplies industry etc.
The micropercentages of people that form crowds on Halloween are convenient scapegoats used as an instrument to perpetuate and prolong this weird bullshit which is nothing compared to all the people still going to school. If the schools were shut down, students would learn that schools push a certain single perspective history, forced and controlled artificial narrative, they would learn that what schools teach is the usual claptrap that our country is the best and others countries aren't quite as good as this one, yeah right, a lot of countries are better. They would learn that why expend wasted energy going to grade 12 only to be squeezed out of the real estate market and wind up on welfare when they can do the same thing dropping out at the end of grade 10 which as long as you're legally required to go.
School aged children don't generally get coronavirus but they are carriers who could infect the old and infirm in their family. Children going to school en masse day in and day out,  and elections versus crowds partying on Granville Street on Halloween,  in this case, what's the difference between these superspreader activities? The difference is that one activity is a government sanctioned superspreader, and the other is a non government sanctioned superspreader. I'm just calling out the bullshit using its own bullshit premise. Just asking questions.
It kind of started on the Diamond Princess. What was supposed to be a disease that runs its course in two weeks therefore a 14 day quarantine has turned into a ten months and counting lockdown.
The coronabullshit virus pandemic is a social experiment about establishing a global hegemony. First it's about masks. Then it's about certain buzzwords and memes that would otherwise be so central and offensive in our culture is irrelevant and innocuous in yours now have to be relevant in your culture too. These cracker words would have to "bug" you too.  A denigration and degeneration that's is supposed to pass as World culture. Or else to establish a global medical hegemony. Whatever.
79% of all statistics are bullshit.
Number salad.
Every other day it's, we have the highest number of cases since the pandemic began. Really? Even after most people bending over backwards, businesses forced to operate at half speed or less cutting into their bottom line, to follow health measures for months? They have to keep ratcheting it up in order to keep the pot stirring. If they said "We only have a third of cases that we had on our worst day, we're getting there," people would get complacent. "It's pretty hard to step it up from there." Deadpool
They have to keep stepping it up with these bullshit record announcements.
It's a foil. It's like a street drug dealer handing the person the underweight count of drugs and saying, "Quick, you got to go now, the cops might be here any minute!"  
It's about government borrowing large sums of money at low interest for pandemic relief, paying some relief and then pocketing the rest themselves. 
Global pandemics do the same thing as free trade deals, Brexits, outsourcing, opening of big box chain stores even in very small towns. It's about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. It's the upper classes skimming if not stealing from the middle class. Some businesses can afford to make it through the pandemic. Some can not. Strong businesses get stronger and others go out of business during a pandemic.
 - There's no evidence of this. But a protracted flight of fancy, the mind wanders would lead to such an irreverent and erroneous surmise. Don't ever lose that imagination!
Death threats is uncalled for. However a sense of bafflement and questions in the mind using ones natural critical faculty is not out of place.
Wearing the mask is a sign of compliance. Since I'm into cosplay, I sense no distinction between wearing a mask or not wearing one. Either way general culture and society isn't much less sillier with or without the masks.
I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. It seems to be the general consensus that there is a viral global pandemic and I believe it! If we depend and rely on the government for pandemic relief checks we should also depend and rely on them for general  information. The government has taken us this far. During these times we should need health warnings and move cautiously. A conspiracy theory is just that. A theory.
The region is blessed to have such a lovely and professional health authority figure such as Dr Bonnie Henry and her words, "Be calm, be kind, be safe." are sagely words. For our Province, she is a godsend. However in November 2020, Dr Bonnie Henry has a strange red mark on her right eye. You would think that it's something that the Health Authority Officer would be on top of right away. Conjunctivitis? She has that red mark on her eye from crying all the time, the stress of the pandemic and the death threats some people send her. Stop sending her death threats!!!! Presumably she forwards all death threats to the Police.
When wearing a mask or not, I often use Listerine Cool Mint Zero, that way I'm not breathing in my own mouth bacteria when wearing a mask. Imagine not having used that for years and years and then wearing a mask.Ugh!
Coronavirus restrictions and this odd social engineering game is as usual about more artificial scarcity and more price fixing. What were the chances of that? Honestly. 
The three branches of government don't merely exist in a static form but in a dynamic form parasitically feeding off of one another and forming a non-ending vicious cycle as this is a case of a country acting like a corporation that act like a cult that act like a country that acts like a corporation, etc
Corporations act like cults with their uniforms and their instilled strange hierarchies and ritualistic practices and enact strange cult like policies.
Cults act like countries as they too create their weird bullshit in-house hierarchies of the usual sheep, joiners and asskissers, and although policy is not law, they enact policies which they equate to as laws that a country might pass even to the point of calling the Police when one of their non-legally recognized policies are breached.
Countries act like corporations when they revert from a more socialist non profit to a more capitalist for profit entity.
Executive - corporation - finance - muscle - physical strength
Judicial - cults - morality or else moral relativism - heart - emotion
Legislative - country - governing - brain - intellect

Sun Yat Sen's Three Principle, Nationalism, Democracy and culture aka livelihood of the people. Same thing; Three branches of government.

From a dream: Saturday, December 5, 2020. "You're going to shoot me and kill me, the scientific expert? In every operation, you have a ringleader, a financier and a scientific expert!"

Alex Trebek of Jeopardy died. I learned the word plank as part of a political platform a couple of weeks ago on Jeopardy. Alex Trebek of Jeopardy was larger than life.

Pfizer, makers of Viagra has conjured up a 90% effective coronavirus vaccine to be distributed in the next few months. Criteria: a minus 70 degrees Celsius refrigerator.
PM Justin Trudeau said the vaccine would be available in Q1 or in the first quarter of 2021, around March or April. It would be available at low cost to the public. 
That means it's available to millionaires in January and February for $10,000 a shot. Pfizer already dispensed 45,000 doses. So for enough money, it might be available now on the black market in a reverse engineered premarket iteration. None of this is proven. All speculation, imagination.
When a drug is ready for market, it has a generic name and a trade name. 
Methcarbamol - Robaxacet
Methqualone - Quaaludes
Desoxyn - Methamphetamine
Diazepam - Valium
Osiltamivir - Tamiflu
Acetyl cylic acid - Aspirin, Paracetamol
Diacetyl Morphine - Heroin 
What will the coronavirus vaccine be called? Generic name and trade or street name?

"Doesn't have a street name yet, but the boys in the kitchen are calling it NZT-48." Limitless
NZT = Neo ZooTropic?

Moderna has a vaccine that is 94.5% effective.

With three horses.

The diorama completed with 4 horses. These huts are the only ones in my Smurf's Village with this fuschia and white coloration. I would rather have a good death than a bad life. I would rather die young rich and very successful than to live a long life unsuccessful. That's if I had an option.

If I knew that my life was going to turn out like this, I would have ended my life at age 27 of a heroin overdose like Janis Joplin. I would still say to the Angel of Death, "Take me with you." If I ever saw them.
I still have a death wish. I decided to make a diorama on Smurf's Village reflecting that. There's the house where I was in running down the spiral staircase then out the door, the fuschia sky and white clouds colours specifically depicted on the roof. Then the pathway symbolizing the trajectory path of flight. Then the river, one horse 🐴 🐴🐴🐴 so far, but this diorama will eventually have four horses. I originally decided three because the two other horses at 100,000 smurf coins each plus three more equals 500,000 smurf coins. My father said to me in a dream, "That green bottle is worth $500,000." But four horses is more what I saw in the vision and they each had different colors, solid colours. These horses near the river and the two stagecoach horses are among the same horses!
Depicted is the river and accompanying trees, fauna, etc.
Then just beyond that a mountain somewhat accurately depicted. Then over that a plain with houses and a construction worker with two lights on the ground telling me to turn back. 
The spirits in the spirit world fully know that you can fly and they sure know how to signal to you from the ground in a way that you'd notice, for example, whether it's using two airport glowing handheld comes to tell you to turn back or a red uniformed British yeoman standing quickly on this tiptoes quickly in succession three times appearing quite taller for those brief successions and then bending forward slightly, a kinetic sign that would be very conspicuous from the air.
One horse so far, but I will get the four horses and this will demonstrate to the spirit world and to anyone who knows smurfs village and how hard it is to get smurf coins of my willingness to just give up on life altogether. Seeing how my life turned out, I should have done it years ago.
A grainy black and white YouTube video supposedly shows a small white glowing UFO approaching a planet then turning back, shooting into space. I didn't see that. What I saw was a sperm cell approaching a large ovum and then turning back, thinking, "I'm not sure I want to do this. I have heard a lot of stories of lifelong disenfranchisement. To life a long life as a loser, that would suck. Even though this critical decision to turn back will result in my disintegration into oblivion a few seconds later, I'll take my chances!" And the sperm cell turns back. 
I want to have a funky dream and then not wake up from it. Ever.

One more thing. Ads on Smurf's Village are not loading for me on the week of November 11, 2020.
Update, Sunday November 15, 2020: Ads loading again. Works perfectly.

In less than three weeks, I am going to have my back tooth extracted at the dental surgeon's. I am very afraid. Somewhat terrified. There is an organization that deals specifically with dental related fears and anxieties.
"The waiting is the hardest part." Tom Petty and then CNN.
But I have T3. That drug has a stoning effect I don't like. Some paranoia, anxiety, edginess. T3 is a legal drug. If I have pain after the extraction, I'll do no more than two, three if really severe.
It would be a lot easier just to quit life altogether.

During the month of November 2020, I set up my royal diorama on Smurf Village. The brick roof needed a special construction hut plus resources plus time to get. The banners cost 50,000 smurf coins each. The car is very rare and only shows up as a random special prize.

This being one of the last purchases I ever made on Google Play card before a computer glitch, who knows for how long, I'm not asking any chances, garnisheed my $25 with no explanation, no refund, and no recourse.
This purchase is Brenda the Witch which cost a lordly $1.29. 

My Tiger Kingdom diorama. Note the placement of the furniture and the colour of the carpet. It's a lot like a jungle scene.

The sheep on my Smurf's Village. At 40 smurfberries each sheep, pricey. I got most of them as special prizes although it took me over two years to get all these.

My angelic diorama. The two glowing beings, they're angels. Specific furniture placement hidden in plain sight.

Another diorama. Two kingly white mice. The common coloured mouse is me! One mouse is directly behind me. The other is back at a slight distance, to the right.  There is a fountain there too, and conveniently, just because it's there, a Tiger Kingdom family there too just to the side. The white mice cost 25,000 smurf coins each. I just had to get them!
The mice pop in and out of their holes non-synchronized, all the time. That I was able to get a picture of all three mice out of their holes at the same time and on the first shot is cosmic! I've don't things like this lots. I sometimes have the magic touch when it comes to taking pictures!

Another diorama that reminds of a Firm dream that I had. There is the broken building representing a broken Church and along with it a tree with ginger coloured leaves situated just so. There are two cars and two royal white mice getting out of it on the right hand side of the car. Near the cars, there is a large rock. Two grandpas with backpacks standing in position as if an X had been taped on the floor telling them where they should stand, one near the broken Church and one next to the rock near the cars.

Even though I had royal dreams, I still want to give up on life altogether. One can reach a point where if certain things don't fall together, life then becomes a joke. I am 50 and unmarried. What a joke. Why did I even bother with living? What a waste of energy.
If I knew at 27 that I'd be unmarried at 50, I would have 100% overdosed on China White heroin then. I wish I had.
I also reflected that since Royalty have so many people to think of, they typically don't think of a person for more than 5 seconds before moving on to thinking about another person.

"If all the year was a playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to toil."  Wm Shakespeare, Henery IV

"Love is not love which alters it when alteration finds." Wm Shakespeare

Alien costume hut diorama. The green glowing lights that can be seen in a UFO. The three planetary star systems; 
Zeta reticuli - greys
Plaeides - one eyed J-rod
Dracos - Sigourney Weaver HR Giger aliens
There's no such thing as aliens. It's jußt Freudian wish fulfillment. The subconscious is very powerful and more powerful fundamental questions if not evident or apparent have the blanks filled in by the subconscious.  The government wants to cover up the existence of aliens and the possibility of advanced technology from far away distant planets so that's why there are dozens of not hundreds of science fiction movies released during the decades. Just pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping and pumping stories and depictions of aliens on those science fiction movies on television and the movies. How hard is the government trying to cover it up? No one should tell the government about all the science fiction movies, I guess. 

My Smurf's Village Island area.
Spot the differences? Anyways the bottom screenshot of the Island area has a pastel blue and pastel white custom seashell roofs. The pastel red and pastel blue reminds me of OP, Ocean Pacific t-shirt designs. 
I built a rope bridge on the island!
The island got an expansion.
How I got the lighthouse on the island is a good story. I usually don't expend the extra 1 smurfberry for 5 more guesses on the pirate island treasure hunt. For some reason on this one occasion two days ago on Sat Nov 21, I did and found the treasure which was The lighthouse. The lighthouse is worth 65 smurfberries!

There is a video on YouTube called 'The Zipf Effect'. It talks about a 20 80 rule. 20% of people on Earth control 80% of wealth. Life is a crooked table. I thought of giving up on life altogether. 
This can also solve problems. 20% of possessions are used 80% of the time. Identify the things not used and throw them out. 
20% of words in any language are used 80% of the time. That's what I suspected as if someone were to live in China or Japan, identify the characters that reoccur again and again on signs at malls, street signs and menus and learn that. School teaches you all the characters to be learned but that can be extraneous. Life in general teaches the characters that show up all the time that need to be learned.
Some words show up only once in a book. That word is called a hapax legomenon.
Also it's 20% of the customers who make 80% of complaints at restaurants. That's what I figured. I once told a restaurant manager, "That asshole probably regularly complains at  restaurants. People work in patterns." He agreed with that.
Remembering the Zipf Effect, 80% of the coronavirus cases come from the superspreader activities of 20% of the people. 
"Whenever there is a shooting, they want to take away the guns from the people who didn't do the shooting." William Burroughs
When a few people do superspreading, they want to increase the clampdown on everyone who wasn't at the superspreader event.
YouTube comment, paraphrased, not verbatim: "When it comes to speed limit laws, the Left Wing approach is to decrease the speed limit from 55 to 45 while the Right Wing approach is to increase enforcement and penalties."
It seems that they would rather increase the clampdown of those who are already doing all they can and are stretched to the limit than to use the contract tracing app and to find all the repeat customer go to people who are often seen at superspreader events and make them adhere to the health measures more stringently.

For stomach ulcers, antacids only cover the site of an ulcer called proton pumps resembling a tiny volcano and that's only after the ulcer or acid reflux has occured and lasts for two hours.
HS2s like Zantac plug up the site of a stomach ulcer, the proton pumps, before it happens, it plugs up the tiny volcano and lasts for 12 hours. 
PPIs or proton pump inhibitors like Nexium blocks the site of stomach ulcers for 24 hours.
*Source: YouTube Nexium ad
I like the way the ad was presented. The systemic way it was explained makes it one of the better ads I've ever seen. I hope to not have any ulcers or acid reflux which one can get from drinking too much alcohol.

The premise of the Terminator franchise is they go back in time to kill 11 John Connors each time going back further in time than last time and each time killing him differently. Although to John Connor himself, it would register that he only died once, in that bar in Mexico in Terminator Dark Fate, not knowing that in the great multidimensional recording machine that is the Universe, that he actually in fact died 11 times!

Train to Busan and the sequel Peninsula are very good. Peninsula was over the top. A hundred stars out of ten. Very tightly woven story. Not one boring moment.

Google offered me a few rentals of movies for $1 that usually rent for $5. One of the movies recommended was The Tax Collector starring Shia LaBeouf. It was a very dark and twisted movie. And evil. At one point, the evil gangster said in Spanish without subtitles "Malo con tigo." Evil is with you. 
However if a person is bad even God wants to see them punished. If a person is good even the devil wants to protect them. There is a cosmology.
Anyways very gory and violent movie. I haven't seen a movie that gory since the 70s when the gory slasher movie motif was what brought people to the theatres. Such movies were regularly shown to an increasingly desensitized audience.
Was that person really a gangster or an actor? From experience, oftentimes actors who are gangsters in one movie are Police in and vice versa. 
There was an actor from Star Wars in this movie but I can't say who as that would be a spoiler. Ultimately the movie was depressing especially with the implied and unseen ending that the father probably had the son whacked for deciding not to lead the gang.
Divulging an unseen and implied ending is not the same as revealing a spoiler.
The movie inaccurately displays Los Angeles as America's Dead basket. If LA was that violent would there, when there isn't a global pandemic, otherwise be so many tourists going there? 
The movie deserves no less than ten stars out of ten, doubtless more than that. It is a greatly crafted movie. It has a cinematic precision that exemplifies perfection.

Today I got a tiny hamster cage complete with hamster toys for $5. I'd like to get a golden Syrian 🐹 hamster. The cage has no wheel. Hamsters need a wheel. I could get a larger cage with wheel. From YouTube I learned that male hamsters are gentler and easier to tame. However I always loved to have and prefer to have a female hamster. 
Getting pets. High maintenance. Smelly cage. Expensive to feed. Life spans for hamster only two years. 
Hamsters are cute to pet.  
I might not get a pet hamster. 
Gerbil is cute and don't need a wheel. However all creatures prefer a larger space, cage, hamsters and gerbils alike.
Gerbils are social and not solitary like hamsters. With gerbils it's best to get a male and female. If unsure it's best to get no gerbils at all as gerbils will be declanning which means fighting to the death!

May 2021: My Smurfy liminal amusement park. The Ferris wheel is set to paused and incomplete just like in a dream.