Saturday, February 1, 2025

February 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Deuteronomy 31:8 I am the Lord God who goes before you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not worry nor be afraid. 
Christianity is the most beautiful religion. Look at a picture of stained glass window reflected against a wall while listening to a song like Frank Stallone, Love Is Like A Light, and Music Is Magic and also any songs from the early 70s.. And do it on a Sunday afternoon to evening. The Sunday vibes will be there. 
The first time I seen the words Sunday vibes was on Twitter. A Vancouver Police woman tweeted those words as part of a tweet that was tweeted years ago. 

The sentences in this Province are often light and people complain whenever a criminal who does a despicable act is granted a conditional release by the Courts. 
The vast majority of people who get sent before the Courts are otherwise law abiding and productive members of society. They made one mistake. 
Every dog is allowed one bite as the law says. 
There are always a few bad apples that ruin the whole bunch but that is addressed too. Repeat offenders are given noticeably increased sentences including being placed on a dangerous offenders registry where the hands are registered as deadly weapons or else SOIRA, the sexual offender registry where a person has to report to some place once a year for ten years to life, depending on. A person who is on the registry and otherwise is scared and never ever reoffends again is better than someone not on the registry but otherwise has an ongoing compulsive and unaddressed pattern of disturbing behaviour on others. If there is one percent of people who are on whatever registry, in a crowd of 100, could you otherwise pick the person out? 
An offender in deed but not in word is worse than an offender in word but not in deed. 
If someone got arrested and then released, then that person really should not do again whatever it was. Don't they respect the Police and the Courts? Therefore, don't do it again. 
The judicial branch is 100% in the right. There is a course of behaviour that one must address and correct. That is why it is called Corrections which includes probation. One must correct whatever they did. 
The Police in Japan have a 99% conviction rate on their arrests. I suspect it is very similar in any other place. But conviction doesn't always result in imprisonment. Often it results in house arrest and probation. 
The high conviction rate in Japan is based on prosecutors throwing out a higher than average number of cases and also hostage justice where the gullible and scared are coerced into giving false confessions. 
The Police don't always have to question someone in the holding cell. They figure the person will chicken out and plead guilty. The lawyer says, "Plead guilty and you get five years probation. Otherwise it's a year in prison and the trial does not look good for you at all. They are going to drag the victim in Court and you would look like a total predator, a criminal, an asshole." 

A Police show ad, "This whole thing is creepy as hell."
Thats the judicial branch. 
I think I'm kinda creepy because I look at porn. Usually regarding older women but sometimes younger women, all adult women. 
The granny porn could be thought of as creepy. Some artistic types like older women. Some grannies still look very hot. 
The thing is, all porn even the so called normal pron has some weird possibly creepy elements. 
I wish I was in the afterlife. The need to look at porn is part of being strapped to the physics of this dimension. To get the complete approval of the Police, to be completely uncreepy, one would have to enter a dimension where the physics are so perfect that there is no intrusive and unwanted thoughts that are part of the gunk of this dimension. The afterlife has clear minds. No intrusive and unwanted thoughts. Ever. 
No need for porn, men and women have another way to get closer over there that hasn't been disclosed to us as we have no reference points, a way in which sex was only ever a means to an end rather than an end to a means. 
The only way to get to a place where one is completely uncreepy is to do oneself in?! Wrong. A person must live. 
We think that those in the afterlife are more majorly than us because of their state of being but those in the afterlife think that we are just as majorly as them again because of their state of being and that is indeed a wonderful thing! 
Therefore one must live. I have to personally say that those who are in my life are people who are well worth living for. I really do like this town. 
The Court treated me fairly and appropriately. My Court case was elegant and perfect. The Court did not let me down or anyone down. This was I case where everybody wins. 
It was a partial victory for everyone to underscore that the Court bows to noone. 

Crashing out of the Courthouse, and placed on probation, I wonder if the Court felt that they had just been punked. The plaintiff, and yours truly being the defendant or else the victim and yours truly being the offender, anyways the victim has a bit of a reputation. Not another word. 
If the Courts or the Police think that they got punked they'll get back to the victim. 
This is the result of a crazy imagination spiralling out of control. 
Of course this isn't going on! Their vetting process is very stringent. 

Incredibly surreal. A few weeks ago, a truck running on three wheels outrank the Police going from Mayfair Mall to Uptown Centre. That wheel hub would have been completely destroyed. I didn't know that a car with a blown out tire could run so fast. 
The Police were holding back. The timing of the incident. A few weeks previous, the Police chased a car that ran into a taxi killing the taxi driver. Although a subsequent follow up investigation revealed no wrong doing on the part of the Police, they were probably once bitten twice shy, so to speak, so they didn't further risk the public with a full highway speed chase on city streets. 
The News said the culprit hasn't been caught. Or perhaps I missed the broadcast. I sometimes don't watch the News. 
Oh ho hum, the person hasn't been caught. Hmm hmm hmm, as soon as that person ran out of the truck, undercover cops were on to him. I would not be surprised if this was dealt with on an extra judicial level and that is very scary. What form that takes, you don't want to know. Too scary.
Crime does not pay. 

The new February apps on meta quest should be a crime. 
The apps are kinda awful. 
One I tried, Power Wash Simulator VR. 
An awful tedious tutorial. Then spray and wash different things. 
Some people like it. The app works well. 100%. 
There is a Back to the Future and an Alice in Wonderland DLC and a Spongebob Squarepants DLC. Back the the Future for guys or for fathers, Alice in Wonderland for ladies or for mothers and Spongebob for children. 
Back to the Future. This is the closest one will get to being immersed in the BTTF world. Go to Twin Pines Mall where Marty skateboarded to. Go to Hill Valley City Hall. Me and Heather used to hang out at the City Hall area. I will always love Heather. 
The other Alice in Wonderland starts with power washing a tunnel that reminds me of a YouTube video about walking through the halls of the old walled city in Hong Kong which is like watching a video of a colonoscopy while drinking lean. Not appealing. After the tunnel supposedly there is a multicolored mushroom world with the hookah smoking caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter. 
Sure. Go to the BTTF world and then what. Power wash. It seems servile. Sweeping the ground with a broom and removing weeds from walls is servile enough which is what I do. No need to add to a servility index. I'm thinking it over. Yes or no. Plus, visit the theme park world. Minus, then power wash, tedious. 
To some, power washing is therapeutic like watering a lawn with a spray hose. 
I'm already always spraying liquids from a hose, but that's another story for a time which won't happen. Inappropriate. 
Actually this doesn't sound too bad. I'm seriously mulling over getting these two DLCs. 
I won't get the other DLC. No. Kinda boring. 
The other app I haven't tried st all but the premise seems silly. It seems like knife fighting a robot in a kitchen. For just in case that ever comes up in real life, of course. 

Tariffs makes Canadian dollar tumble. 
That means the Canadian dollar is more competitive. American tourists love to visit Canada when the Canadian dollar exchange rate is high for them. 
A sweater retails in Canada for $50, lower exchange rate. But that sweater retails at $38 States side. Where is the savings? Let's face it even with the exchange rate, the sweater is still cheaper in the States. Americans visit Canada for hotel stays and local restaurant meals rather than for retail therapy. 
It is an ill wind that blows no one any good. 

I got Back to the Future on power wash. When I was 15, I went to see BTTF in the theatre at least three times that I can remember. I went to see that movie with girls my age as well. 
That was at a time that I was more socially active if not sexually active. Not past first base anyways. 
I paid $10.50 before taxes for that. Not an exorbitant amount. 
Alice in Wonderland isn't something I have talked about often but I have mentioned time travel and Back to the Future lots of times. To be able to virtually visit the world of BTTF is kind of a dream come true past anything I ever imagined years ago. 
The first dirst tunnel level in Alice in Wonderland is a definite turn off. I suppose it's true to the story. Alice falls through a tunnel in a hollow tree and winds up as a small tiny entity in a room with oversized furniture. A bottle has a sign stuck to it with Drink Me written on it. Sure, something like that would wash these days. She then grows to scale on par with the furniture. Then there's the Wonderland. Price $10.50 before taxes. 
The app is to scale so imagine having to power wash an entire house and the entire area around the house as well. 
What the f. I got Alice in Wonderland too. Price, about $10 deferred to next week on credit. The trailer looks spectacular and the images stayed with me. 
Back to the Future. Way better than expected. I was able to get on my cruiser skateboard same style of skateboard as in the movie and while doing that, ride down the hill into Twin Pines Mall. I was there. Imagine me at Twi n Pines Mall from the movie. 
Puente Hills Mall in Industry, California is the actual mall in real life. 
Alice in Wonderland. Tried the DLC. Better than expected. It's good. It works! Down the rabbit hole. 

This is public knowledge. Trump firing FBI Agents involved in January 6 investigation. 
Last time Trump fooled around with the FBI, firing Chiefs Mike Comey and Andrew McCabe for investigating connections to Russian hacking during the election, at the end of his term, his house got raided. What will happen next time will make the last time seem mild. If there is a next time. If I was 78 years old I wouldn't think I'd necessarily be around 4 years later and that's without a high stress political job. 
The FBI is like CSIS, the CIA. 
The NSA is just as if not more majorly. Security guards don't seem like a big deal but the NSA is security guards. They are really good at information fathering. Spy masters. 
The judicial branch doesn't seem like much next to the executive branch but a head of State can get busted. Texas Rangers is the only law enforcement with the authority to bust the President. 
Kennedy wanted to break the CIA into a million pieces. Instead the reverse happened. 
The FBI forms part of the praetorian guard. 
The judicial branch can be hella scary when they turn on the full machine which is rare. 
I hope that Trump acts with moderation during the administration of his term of Office. 

Writing about this kind of thing gives me anxiety. 

I have hodophobia. Hodo, Hodor Game of Thrones. 
Hodophobia is fear of traveling. Due to my PTSD, I can't travel outside of the downtown area anymore. 

Three Israeli hostages freed in exchange for 100 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. They'd all still have to report to probation. 
Dodging missile strikes always makes any trip to the probation office interesting. 
Of course the probation office would presumably be in an underground blast proof bunker so the probation officers working there don't have to worry. 

I got Black Pool Lite VR for $7. Pool tables different colors. Different rooms. 
Gawdawful. Uninstalled. Could not get refund. It's really bad. 

The Trump tariffs are ostensibly about curbing fentanyl which seems to be a main player in this strange dramatis personae. 
Ha ha, will Trump be putting a tariff on fentanyl? How do you put a tariff on an illegal product so therefore there is no change in street prices of fentanyl on either side of the border in spite of the tariffs. 
Final score:
Fentanyl 1
Tariffs 0 

After having spent $9 down the drain for that stupid pool app which might still work. I used it sitting down. Some apps are only used standing up. Pool is usually only played standing up. Play pool in VR sitting down? Who taught you how to play pool? 

I'm thinking of getting House of the Dragon season 2 for $33. I can defer the payment for 2 weeks. Plus I get some kind of tax refund after we do a tax return. This is the newest Game of Thrones. 
The cinematography is cutting edge modern. I won't get it now because I have anxiety now. 
I won't get it. That's creating homework for myself. Then it's 8 hours of watching. I already have enough movies. 
Situation resolved. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

I bit the bullet and got Exodus Gods and Kings $17. It's a spectacular movie. 

I won't get any television shows. Television shows were never designed and made with the movie theatre screen in mind. I've never heard of a television show being played in the movie theatre. Television shows have the odd spectacular shot then for every second of spectacular shot, there is about ten seconds of rooms and raking heads. 
Although, television shows of today look better and have sharper production values than most movies of the 90s. 
In the 90s, the average television was 20 inches. 
Today's televisions average 40 inches and television shows are made with that in mind. 
Movies were made with the big screen in mind. The budgets are bigger than for television shows. I'm talking about spectacular movies. A cheap indie production movie wouldn't have as big a budget as an episode of Game of Thrones so that's not always the case. 
"The medium is the message." Marshall MacLuhan
In other words things are styled around the media involved. The wording of a newspaper article would be different than that of a television news broadcast. 
The visual arrangement of a movie set and the set design of a television production are different. The pacing is different. That being said, House of the Drsgon looks absolutely spectacular in YouTube VR app big screen. It is diamond grade crystal clear platinum level screen and resolution. 
Pricing tier insane. $29.99 for the whole thing or else $4 an episode. After getting 5 episodes from a season, the price of the entire season is still $29.99. You could get 8 out of 10 episodes and the price would still be $29.99 no prorating for purchased episodes. That's how you run a business? Whatever. In for a penny, in for a pound. 
House of the Dragon has a few spectacular episodes. The rest of it is a lurid mixture of LGBT love story and also depictions of incest. Neither of which are a particular priority for me, in fact they are not a priority at all on any level. Unpalatable. 
Milly Alcock who is the young Princess Rhaenara has a rich face. She is from Australia and she did a movie where she was an ordinary poor person, poor meaning lower middle class, not welfare poor like me which is another level of pverty. She looks young but she was 20 when House of the Drsgon season 1 was released. She looks about 14 which is why when Matt Smith, or Prince Daemon, her uncle in the story, uh, had his way with her, I wondered how that was even legal to broadcast. No, she was about 20. Those are the episodes I opted not to purchase. There weren't any spectacular scenes in those episodes that I could remember to offset the lurid displays of egregious wanton abandon. 

I got a few choice episodes from House of the Drsgon at $4 each. 
Season 1
One - Eppic introduction of King Jaeharys progenitor of King Viserys. Reminiscent of the scene in the Hobbit, the Kingdom of Moria, King Thror son of Thrain. 
The joust which was completely epic. 
Two - How do you get episode 1 and episode 3 and not get episode 2 as well? 
Three - Killing of the crabfeeder
Nine - the Coronation of Aegon 2nd. 
Ten - Finale. How could one not get this episode. To not get this episode is fucking up. This is the legendary fight involving Prince Aemond riding Vhagar the dragon who inadvertently kills Prince Lucerys riding on the drsgon Arrax. 

Season 2 
One - Intro. The opening scenes are sweeping and epic. The pacing and some of the set design shows that it is a television show and not a movie. 
Two - The ratcatcher. 
Eight - Finale. Not bad. Epic. 

At $4 times 8. That's another $32 plus tax, in the hole. Deferred to next month. 
Just about anything looks good on YouTube VR. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

There's only one more movie I want. Poor Things. I hope to see it on sale. At $25 plus tax, I'll wait til cheque day. I'm already way overdrawn. 

Trump tariffs. 
Katie Simpson of the CBC asked Trump, "Does it matter to you that Canadians are angry?" Trump declined an answer. 
Trump is a real sh*t disturber. 
What does that say about America that Trump got elected? You get what you deserve. 
Checks and balances, security breaches, National consciousness, the thousand and one things that had to have been gotten right, or wrong depending on who you ask, all this lead to Trump attaining political office. 
Tide goes out, tide comes in. Two year cycles? For the first two years, a head of State implements his administrations particular stylized policies. For the second two years, that head of state experiences the effects of his policies. Sure for the second two years of a four year term, the head of state is also as ever implementing policies but then two years after his term is over, he feels the blowback from all that. 
God Bless America. In God we trust. 
The United States has the ability to get through any challenge. 
Canada does as well. 

That's why I sweep the streets all the time. It's an experiment regarding karma. 
The same kind of things happen whether one is always doing good things random acts of kindness or bad things, random acts of delinquency. 
You think no one sees you but there are always a few people who saw you and they know what you are doing! Perhaps they were looking out of a window. 
What goes around comes around. 
If I always do kind things, sometimes nothing good happens. No one says thanks or I don't find some neat item on the streets but then nothing bad happens too. No verbal abuse or snarky words and that in itself is the good thing that happened. 
I really do like this city. How do you not like a city that has a Royal museum and also Miniature World at an Empress Hotel? 
Sweeping clean some streets in this city and Courthouse grounds is like cleaning a really nice brand name Mercedes. Platinum grade car, platinum grade town. 

I fear the future but in the past there were so many people and events that I worried about but later on for sure, either the people who I worried about turned out to be not the worrisome picture I painted of them in my mind or I just don't see them around anymore or the places I worried about turned out for sure to have some edgy moments but overall not as bad as I thought it would be. 
This applies to all worrisome events, visits to doctors or hospitals and the time I had  Police troubles and a couple of visits to the holding cell and then taken to Court for some infraction. For which if anyone is a fan of the Police and like watching Police movies, this was a valuable experience. 
I fear the next year. Heck I fear my entire future. But either with a micrcosmic event or with a macrocosmic entire future, there will be some very edgy moments for sure but overall, looking back, it won't be nearly as bad as the picture I painted in my mind beforehand. 

Oh dear! I'm really worried that the US will attack Canada. Donald Trump mentioned something about 10,000 soldiers but that's at the Mexican border. 
Remember the movie Red Don*, I mean Red Dawn? 
*predictive programming? 
"We are all going to die." Zulu, 1968 movie
I'm ready to die. I'd be with Heather in the afterlife. I love her like the flowers and the grass loves the sun and the rain. 
Fear not boredom nor painful death. Those are the extremes on opposite ends. 
Painful death would be a really really weird and edgy day. But it would soon enough be gotten over with and I'd be in the afterlife. Painful death is getting airholed in prison like Joker got airholed at the end of Joker Folie A Deux. Boredom is hours and hours in a cell with no clocks, no televisions and no electronic media. 
There are perhaps factions within the Canadian government that have arranged an agreement that Russia would on an unofficial level help Canada in case of an American invasion. 

Every Canadian that gets a criminal record makes Canada a more dangerous country for any potential invaders. Canada is a country full of Church goers with no criminal records at all or else Canada is a country that is just crawling with people with criminal records. It's an element of badassery that people pay money for when they get an all-over tattoo. 

I thought I only had about $200 in the bank. I checked. I have more than that. Perhaps days of skipping food shopping and eating leftovers has something to do with it. 
I'm tempted to get Poor Things but I want to get it when it's on sale. Why don't I wait? I once saw it on sale for $11. $25 for a movie is excessive since its a chick flick with no exciting scenes of gunfights and MMA and car chases and explosions. 
At least Game of Thrones has battles. And spectacular scenes. 
I give to the Church. The Bible said something strange. It said, "Give to the Church. Test me on this and I will open the floodgates of heaven so large for you." or words to that effect. When I give to the Church, at any given time, my bank account is bigger than the picture I painted of it in my mind. 
Not much bigger. Not big enough to say in five star hotels and get a Mercedes. That would be interesting. Unfortunately my grief related PTSD would not permit me to own any car at all even a Mercedes. 
I prepaid $25 into my credit card. $2 more and I could get that movie. Should I do it? I'm mulling it over. A few dollars more into a movie. Would that be a sin? 

I finally got the movie Poor Things. I paid the extra $5. I also got House of the Dragon season 1 episode 5. We Light The Way. 
I've mulled this over for weeks. It is a visual extravaganza. 
Ser Criston Cole is about to kill himself in the godswood but Alicent Hightower stops him. That is one of the most pivotal moments in all of Hollywood history. How do I not get that episode for $4? 
In true UHD 4K, there are resolution grains that dance around the screen. On the YouTube VR player, these grains are seen. These grains also appeared in old 70mm films that were then newly released. 

News. Trump pauses 25% tariffs after a phone call to Trudeau. Trump wouldn't go back on what he said risking humiliating himself unless the Prime Minister said something to Trump that scared him. 
Trudeau probably said, "Remember. You're a convicted felon." Existential thoughts that I myself had to wrestle with as of late. No worries. 
Well, just about everyone who lives in the inner city has a criminal record. It's trendy! 
Way to go Prime Minister Trudeau. Too bad he's leaving office. 
To address the American Presidents fentanyl based concerns, Canadian government announces increased aggressive measures towards fentanyl traffickers, organized crime etc. resulting in strangely enough, a 25% increase in fentanyl prices to offset the additional overhead which is commensurate legal costs passed on to the consumer. 

I forgot to mention. Yesterday I got the young Princess Rhaenara Targaryen gold character on Game of Thrones Legends. The Milly Alcock iteration of Princess Rhaenara. 

I must report that I took one more shot at retail therapy and got the Matt Fraser book We Never Die. I already have the hardcover book but there's nothing like reading it online. Now I have his complete tryptich of books, When Heaven Calls, We Never Die and Don't Wait Til You're Dead. 
When Heaven Calls, his first book was written when he was much younger and had that crew cut look. Now, two books and millions in the bank account later, his hairstyle is even better than mine. Of course. He's a millionaire now. 
There are not many books that I'd pay more than a dollar for. I got a George Orwell Book, Keep The Aspidistra Flying for 85 cents. 
I read that book cover to cover. After Down and Out in Paris and London, he had a reputation as a writer and had more money than before but according to him, he was still very poor. The book talks about him working at a bookstore and always short of money and often worried about money. He had a publisher and a girlfriend. 
He wrote of taking his girlfriend to a restaurant at a park in the country and only being able to afford half a meal. 
The one night, on his publisher's dime, the three of them going to a restaurant and Orwell excited at the moment, drank more red wine than he usually would. He had to be carried home with his arms over the shoulders of his friends. 
Orwell was an ex Police Officer and he made observations of people using his usual Police stoical observational skills he wrote that one person was a failed careerist. 

Like Orwell, I feel anxiety about money. So much so that I don't go shopping for food st all on some days seeing how far leftovers can go. Not too far. Any food that smells bad, don't eat it because that will bring very painful food poisoning. 

Every year there's a few vampire movies like Renfield and Nosferatu. I won't watch those movies. They are scary and disgusting. 
I just don't like that sort of thing. 
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is the best vampire movie ever made and the only one I'd watch. 
I don't like vampire movies. Vampires are real jerks which is an understatement. 
Vampires are also fictional. Have any vampires been arrested and brought before the Courts? For what. Blood sucking? I don't think so. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

In Court, even though you know that they know that you know that they'd be placing you on probation, the Court always dangles jail in front of ya. And there is more than a grain of truth in that. The truth is not everyone, but quite a few people appear before the Courts four or five times before they get sent away and often not for that long. 

Jails are prime real estate that is viciously fought over. There is a housing crisis of unprecedented proportions. 
I've heard of criminals committing crimes for the sole purpose of being reincarcerated so as to enjoy the free perks. 
Anytime you create a theme park, a lifestyle, there is a possibility of also creating a demographic who will gravitate to that lifestyle. 
A person who is probably physically intimidating, does not do well in general society, does not care at all about women for whatever reason, affective disorder if not full on psychopathy, is generally malnourished either forgetting to eat or does not know how to cook but in prison this person gets prepared nutritious meals, free room and board, access to weight room, computer room, basketball court, and if the talent is there, can join in a band or if artistic can do prison tattoos. Some prison tattoos are just as good if not better than store bought. 
Prisons are full. That's incredible to believe but I've heard quite a few people tell me that. 
Most people would eschew the prison life but even if .1% of the population prefers the strange creature comforts of prison life, in a population of 35 million as Canada has, 1% is 350,000 people but .1% is still 35,000 people, which is a lot who prefer to live in the hoosegow. 

I got Jupiter Ascending. On sale for $8. 

I'm probably going to get Nightmare Alley. I've thought long about this. 
I'm watching the 1947 black and whit movie version. The stories are nearly the same. The black and white version is tedious to watch. It's a difficult slog. 
The color newer released version is simply mesmerizing and spectacular. There are movies I won't get. The Shape of Water looks all right but is not spectacular on the same level as Poor Things or Nightmare Alley. 
Remember when I spoke of frissons of depression? These days I'm getting frissons of good vibes. Probably the relief from my Court case being over has something to do with it. 
I wonder if meta quest is using algorithms from Roka sunglasses. 
It is mainly the Wind Down models of Roka sunglasses that have the dopamine activating and stress and depression relief algorithms and these glasses cost $187 US which at the current exchange rate is about $300 Canadian. That's a lot for overhyped Ray Bans. 
Could they be tried at a store? 
These glasses for sure will be reverse engineered and there will be cheap knock offs. 
Nightmare Alley costs $25. I'll prepay $12.50. That way I'll only have to repay $12.50 afterwards. 
Movies are bought under a strict regime of consideration. I've rejected purchasing a lot of movies because I didn't think they would be worth paying for. 
Movies that stay with me. 

Nightmare Alley is the story of a man named Stan Carlisle. He is homeless after having killed his father exposing him to hypothermia and then setting the house on fire. A song of ice and fire. 
He then stumbles into a circus carnival troupe and gravitates to a fortune teller and her husband named Zeena and Pete. He meets a young carnival showgirl named Molly who he develops a romance with. 
Zeena and Pete have a codebook which is guarded. The codebook reveals the tricks of their trade. 
One day Stan Carlisle gives Pete a bottle of wood alcohol instead of regular alcohol. Pete, alcoholic as ever, garnishes the entire bottle and dies that evening. This echoes Stan killing his father. Stan steals the book. 
Stan and Molly start their own show eerily echoing Zeena and Pete. They scam a few people as their trade of spirit fortune telling involves the use of the Barnum Effect that is to use situations that apply to everyone and using subtle hand gestures. 
They scam a Judge and his wife. 
This brings them to the attention of a female psychiatrist. Stan and the female psychiatrist team up and using her psychiatric notes from her patients who become Stan and Molly's clients, Stan scams these people and shares his take with the female psychiatrist. 
The female head shrinker then directs Stan to the biggest client of all, a major Court Judge in town. The scam goes wrong when Molly appears as the Judges supposed departed loved one and is found out. Stan then kills the Judge and his bodyguard. 
Stan escapes back to the psychiatrist where after the thousands they scammed, she gives Stan only $150. She threatens Stan as she recorded all their conversations. Stan, guess what, does her in too. 
The movie ends with Stan going to yet another circus carnival looking for work. 
The psychiatrist says in the movie. Cross the wrong people and your world will close in very quickly. The poor have their arch and snarky characters but the middle and upper classes although they appear polite, are a lot more dangerous. 
I believe it. I have very limited dealings with people outside of my class. 
This even extends to Church as I've been avoiding going to the place for quite awhile and will probably characteristically avoid going to Church again for an indefinite amount of time. 
If I were to parse Church, most of the time it's listening to songs and sometimes classical music and hearing sermons. Then it's coffee hour which works out to coffee half an hour. After walking down the stairs and lining up for coffee, there's barely 20 minutes and even then, people usually don't squeeze it to the last minute. Most leave well before the half hour is over. 
What would you think of me if I got Nightmare Alley. I guess I don't always listen. 
A psychic said, screw what other people think when it comes to getting things that can help you learn and expand your knowledge such as movies and VR apps. You only live once. 

Pacific Rim. Not worth getting on YouTube VR on meta quest 3. On my LG Nano technology TV or on a Sony OLED or a Samsung QLED, there is an HDR chip that makes the colors just pop and sizzle. My VR goggles have the display of a regular 4K LED HDTV. 
Sure the UHD 4K resolution grains are there but the eye popping colors that just sparkle and sizzle on the screen isn't there and Pacific Rim just wouldn't look the same without that. 
Nightmare Alley still looks good. An IMAX theatre doesn't have a Sony QLED display. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Poor Things is simply spectacular on the diamond grade screen on the YouTube VR app. 
I saw things that I didn't see in previous viewings.
A character in the movie who is a Madam said a couple of interesting things. 
"In life you have to experience it all, the good, the sad, the disappointing, the painful. That way you become a complete person. You are not meant to go through life as a wilting flower. In this way we can understand the World. And we can conquer the World. And we will."
"You are going through dark times. These times add strength to your character and one day you will be glad that you went through these times." 
Paraphrasing. It was a great movie. 
It's on another level to anything he did before. Well first clue, he has a lot more money now with the money from his under movies. 

Nightmare Alley, the 1947 version is a tedious slog. Black and white with primitive production values as antiquated as anything. I watched the movie for half an hour and thought it had been an hour. 
Nightmare Alley the Guillermo del Toro version is a fantastic lucid spectacle grand magnificent visionary spectacular masterpiece. I'm glad I got it on the YouTube big screen. 
Guillermo del Toro is a genius. All the movies he did is a masterpiece. Terence Malik, Baz Luhrman, Wes Anderson, so many thinking out of the box directors. 
I didn't know that GDT did Crimson Peak. I'll watch it because it's probably going to be really good. It's probably going to turn out to be the best horror movie ever made in terms of profound knowledge. The Others starring Nicole Kidman is probably the best horror movie ever made. 
I Am A Ghost is a really good ghost movie, low budget but 70 stars out of 5 Oscar winning quality in my opinion. 
Ghost Story starring Casey Affleck is also intensely profound. A great movie. 

I got Darjeeling Express for $7 on sale. Phenomenal price for a Wes Anderson movie. He's a brand name director like Nike is a brand name shoe. 
The opening scene, Bill Murray in the taxi. That's coca leaf tea vibes. Great movie. 
Kinda depressing in places. Very exotic movie. 
Amara Karan who stars in this movie is also Constable Leila Hussain on Hope Street. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Is my movie addiction bad? Has it gotten out of hand? 
Looking at YouTube Hotel Deals of the Week, again, I got the movie Churchill on sale for $10. I'm not getting just any movie. They'd have to be so sale and something I'd really want. 
In this movie, King George VI say to Churchill, words to the effect of, 
"The worries of the coming days would be greatly increased if there was the slightest chance of anything happening to you."
The King said that to Churchill! 
That is the special reason why I got the movie. 

I also got Knight and Day. Love the movie. Found it on a garbage can on the street years ago. The Blu Ray. Free. 
Knight and Day, purchased on YouTube has no subtitles. First time I've seen that. 
When I left Church on Sunday, one of the parishioners said, "Stay safe."
Tom Cruise said in Knight and Day, "When they say they want you to be safe, that they want to keep you safe and they say that repeatedly it emsns one of two things. It means they either want to kill you or lock you away for a very long time."
I thought of the movie when he said that not knowing it was an omen I'd get the movie today. $7. I can afford it. Does $7 sound like massively going over budget? I mean, massively? 

Titanic. On sale for the incredible price of $5. Got it. That's another $30 in the hole. James Cameron. A-List director. Over 3 hours. Classic movie. Don't know if I'll watch it again but it could be good in big screen. 

Breakfast at Tiffany's $5. Didn't get it. Even for $5. Production values archaic and cheesy. 
Bad Boys 3. $8. Couldn't afford it. I went through my budget. This movie is a 2024 movie. But the setting isn't spectacular. I like visionary movies that take me to another world. 

I have to stop getting movies on YouTube movies Hot Deals of the Week but one day I will. I've seen myself get into things for awhile and then stop because into something else. 
All movies are free on a smaller screen. 

It used to be that Canada and America were the up and coming places and other places like Qatar, UAE, China, etc were backwaters. 
Now the shoe is on the other foot. Those other places are space age futuristic advanced and North America is the backwater. 
When a country is a backwater that can't expand outwards and develop, that country turns inward. The mental health of its citizens becomes not only a National past time but a National obsession. 
When you have a problem it's often not because of who you are but where you are. 
"You're unsuccessful. That you've been brought as an infant without your adult consultation and consent from a country where you're one of the majority, where you had that dynamic working for you, to a country where you are a visible minority can't have anything to do with it. You're unsuccessful because you have autism, schizophrenia, Asperger's."
There are many forms of success. To live a life where one never had to work at some odious job with people with nothing in common and connecting with intellectual pursuits is a kind of success. Particularly if one never really cared about getting married ever viewing it as a trap. 
Anyways me going back to the country where I'm one of the racial majority wouldn't work. 
In Canada, visible minority or not, almost half the Legislature, Parliament has people who are visible minorities. 
You sure don't see half the population of White people in Parliament's and Legislatures of other countries like China, India, Thailand etc. Why do you think one of the reasons might be? 
People from those other countries want to learn English. Not a lot of White people really want to learn Chinese or Thai. When you got a monosyllabic tonal language where you got a draw a picture everytime you write a word and with no clue as to how the word sounds as Chinese has a semasiographic, and perhaps a sema-sino-graphic writing system, or else a language that uses no spaces between words, only sentences which is just silly and barbaric, you wonder why there aren't too many White people in the Parliaments of those regions. Those places probably have some protectionist legilastion that says only people of that Nationality are eligible for the Parliament. 
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis says that speaking a different language for awhile changes the way a person thinks. 
This place doesn't quite work out for me because of the visible minority thing. 
That place doesn't work for me because although there isn't the racism, there is the impossible and non starter of a language or else increased compensatory classism, regionalism, factionalism etc
That's why I wish I was in the afterlife with Heather. I came up with the answers. Different set of physics, different set of conditions, different sets of time dynamics, one doesn't have to turn the doorknob, pull open the door and grab the doorknob again to close the door behind tham. What a hassle. In that dimension, one can just push and then they are through a door and into a room. I've come up with such answers. Yet I'm still here. I thought if I could come up with such excellent answers that I can get an early reprieve. When I hear of how good the afterlife is, 100 primary colors excellent, why would I want to stick around in this dimension? 
Life is still pretty good. VR definitely makes life worth living. 
All problems eventually go away. 
People who speak other languages are very smart people. In a lot of ways, they are more together than I am but that would go without saying. 

My credit card is either overpaid $30 or owing $30. It says the two things simultaneously. Strange. $30 isn't going to make me or break me so I can pay that in a week and a half. 

One more thing. Every time I think og going to Hot Deals of the Week, I'll say, "Nah, I dont really want to do that." 
Collecting movies gets to be an endless rabbit hole. 
Law of diminishing returns. 
It gets to a point where it's this movie, that movie, what's the difference? 

My addiction is out of control. 
I got Trading Places and Grease for $5 each. Sale price. Hot deals of the week. Sigh. 
Trading Places is a great movie from the early 80s.
Grease. I never saw it in the theatres. I'm not sure why I got it. The movie was once a big deal when I was young. Musical. Show tunes. Uh, I don't know nt know. I'll give it a shot. 
Grease trading cards were sold at corner stores when I was young. 
The movie is kind of like Taxi Driver. 
Grease is the story of a young lady named Sandy in high school in the 50s. Her life includes a trip to the beach and a near drowning and life goes on. Conspiracy theories say she didn't survive the drowning and the movie ever after is too perfect. That's because a few last experiences with the Earth plane is part of the transition to the afterlife for some people. It depends on how attached and conditioned.a person is to the trappings of Earthly life. 
Taxi Driver. Travis Bickle bled out in the hotel room trying to rescue Iris aka Jodie Foster. The rest of the movie is his final Earth plane transition to the afterlife. 
All these movies can be watched for free on other websites. 
One day I'll get on top of my habit. 
Today was not the day. Payment deferred to next week. 
People spend just as much if not more on gas. 
I love the theatre. 

Getting movies isn't something to lament. 
It's something to celebrate. Directors, actors, actresses, performers worked on the movie and they would be flattered and honored that someone got their movie especially while in the midst of battling a movie purchasing jag. 
"We don't think that you getting our movie was a waste of money at all."
I can't afford any more movies. I'm all tapped out. For sure. Down for the count financially. 

I got the Spongebob DLC. It's a purchase that will last me years. Power Wash VR is a Mercedes Benz level quality app. $10.50 before tax. I was on the Alice In Wonderland tea room level. Great app. 

Wonder Woman 1984. On sale for $8. 
I used to call Heather Wonder Woman sometimes. 

Saturday, February 8, 2024

I got the movie called Her. On sale for $8. 
Academy award winner for best screenplay. 
Mesmerizingly gorgeous screenplay that is better than movies which cost more. 
I saw the trailer and the screenplay is next level which needs to be seen on the platinum YouTube VR app screen. 
I saw Nightmare Alley. I've seen it on video on a 50" television. Seeing it on big screen makes a big difference. Spectacular on big screen. 

There's other movies but mainly Zack Snyder's Justice League. It needs to be on sale or I won't get it. Either the arrival or directors cut. I had the Director's cut on 4K UHD blu ray. Great movie. It will be on sale before the year is through. 

I do have an addiction to getting movies but it's not too out of control. 
I think I have a way to get on top of it. 
First of all, I will allow myself one movie a month at full price and one on sale price a month. On cheque day. 
Second I won't go to Hot Deals of the Week which is getting difficult. 
I have to remember that using the IMAX screen level on big screen VR and then going to Tubi or Fawesome will punch up movies to IMAX size like the YouTube screen does and the meta quest browser screen does not. I wish that the meta quest browser sceeen was 20% bigger. 
Whenever I pass a free books kiosk on a walk because there are lot of micro libraries where one can get a used book for free. Problem is, the room just piles up with books. Eventually there could be hundreds of books. 
Getting movies costs money. 
I used to get movies all the time on Blu Ray. 
I just have to stop. I nearly stopped for 24 hours. I did window shop but not purchase. But the movie called Her. The exceptionally low price, just $3 more than $5. Even in the 80s, if you could get a record for $8, that was a good price. Records usually averaged about $12. 
But for $8 you could certainly get a 12" extended edition of a song. 45 rpm singles were about $4 each. Singles had 2 songs, one on each side so $4, even then was a good deal. 
I'll try not to go to Hot Deals of the Week. I can, but if I screw up, then I won't have money for food, then I'll die of starvation on the streets, gaunt and emaciated like an old tramp from some far off impoverished land. That would be wretched and ghastly. 

I fear the future. 
Sometimes one doesn't have to actually win the lottery. 
If a person is sent away, the day they hear the cell door open and the guard say, "It's over. You're being released." That person would feel the same blast of dopamine as someone who won $10,000 on a scratch ticket. 

There was a lottery called Set For Life. I've had dreams of Angela Golden and glowing from the inside. I've had hundreds of ordinary Royal dreams but one that was massive. Like riding on a carved white marble slab. That was major. The thing is, I see signs that remind me of that major royal dream every single day. If a dream is true, the signs you get about that dream will only increase in frequency and intensity, not decrease, as the years go on. 
Having vivid dreams of Royalty who died. 
God is too major so He sends His representatives with no doubt that they are His representatives. 
Pastor Joel said,  "Remember what God whispered to you in the night."
In the movie called Michael about Michael the angel starring John Travolta, those guys said, "We saw an angel. Do you know what that means? We're set for life!" 
Which men's that it is baffling that I would worry about the future as much as I do. 
I think Royalty in real life knows about me. I am protected and watched over and possibly loved more than I can imagine. And I'm worried all the time? 
I doubt that I'm the only person ever who has had interesting dreams. 
Even in the last few days I had some Royal glimpses which I won't get into for fear of sounding crazy. But they were quite specific. 
Sigh, Princess Anne in a yellow dress leaning against a wall wears blunt nose shoes with a bit of heels. I should make a note of this as one day I won't even remember what month or year I had such a slight dream of Royalty. Yeah, sounds crazy. 
"Tell us what you think you saw." 

Canada is the globally unique and enviable or unenviable depending on who you ask, precarious position of being sandwiched between two superpowers like Mongolia being in between Russia and China. I'm talking landed a probe on Venus in 1966 superpower that is Russia and landed men on the moon several times superpower that is the United States. 
Therefore Canada has to play a game called Playing Both Ends Against The Middle. 
If Russia invades Canada, the Americans will be there and vice versa. 
What if Russia and the States get into it with Canada as the battle ground? 
Look at European history. One country has a disagreement with a nation that is two countries away. The Nation in the middle has some kind of quasi military pact with the other so the country in the middle is the battle ground. Sh*t like that has happened in history. 
These days people have cell phones and could record possible war crimes. Unjustified killing, even extreme cases of hard core sexual assault if done as a soldier means military law rather than civilian law which equals war crime. There is an international war crimes Court in Europe.
"Trust in God but keep your powder dry." old saying. 
Chrystia Freeland mentioned something about Canada keeping its powder dry. 

Criminals have two kinds of hierarchies. 
One is the sanctimonious snobbery of, "I only did this while other criminals did something much worse."
The other is, "I did this and that and did time for it while you onky did that and got probation? I'm a big time criminal and you're just a chicken sh*t criminal."

Sometimes things happen not because life has it in for you but because life likes you. 
Being arrested and going through the holding cell experience is better than just going on the ride along program. In Law 12 in high school, going on a tour of the Courthouse is one thing but being in the bowels of the Courthouse in the Courthouse cells, shackled with leg irons while awaiting the bail hearing is a more comprehensive firm of the Law 12 Courthouse tour as well as having a Court hearing if having plead guilty if not a full on Court trial if having plead innocent. Either involve sentencing. Either involve the fear of being sent away. 
One gets to know the thoughts of a person before the Courts including the horror of the very real possibility of being sent away. That makes watching movies about the Police and also about Court cases that much better having gone through a bit of it yourself. 
For most its a begrudgingly inconvenience of losing freedom for awhile. 
I took it to mean that just about everyone who goes to prison gets airholed although my street friends and even a few merchants have all unanimously told me that rarely if ever happens to the point where it pretty much wouldn't happen. I still feared getting airholed like on the television series Oz and Joker Folie A Deux. 
I have to get that out of my mind. 
One person told me that he was sent away and was in Gen pop. One day, a guard said, "We have to move you to protective custody because we're worried that people will attack you." My friend said that he wasn't afraid. It turned out that he survived. 
It's never good to be before the Courts. Momentary indiscretion or not, error in judgement or not, enhanced tour of the Police department and the Courthouse or not, one has f*cked up and has to pay for it, get penalized and going forward, they have to absolutely correct not only the line of action but also the line of thought and if it was mindless, they better make it mindful regarding their course through life. 

Do spirits in the afterlife miss out on music and Hollywood movies? Probably not. 
As gotten into before, movies in the afterlife are about an existence of never worrying about dying while Earth Hollywood movies are fairly obsessed with physical death. 
Movies in the afterlife have a palate of over 100 primary colors. Colors are like octaves like a rainbow. Humans can see one rainbow but those in the afterlife can see several rainbows, or octaves of color. 
Humans can hear a few octaves of music. Music in the afterlife has notes from much more octaves which spirits in the afterlife can hear. Variety is the spice of life. More notes, more variety. 
Percussion. Rock percussion in this dimension has at most sixteenth notes. Rock percussion in the afterlife has percussion that registers at 32th notes and even 64th notes all audible and making sense. In our dimension, these notes are known as ghost notes which are accidental but in the afterlife, they are notes which are deliberate. Hemidemisemiquavers of notes. This paragraph only makes sense if you've studied music theory. 
Movies in this dimension as well as music is centered around sex or lack of it. 
In this dimension, sex is a means to an end and that end is the uh, release. However most don't realize that the uh, release is also a means to an end and that end is tapping into a vibrational frequency that all is well, the feeling of being totally loved and an all-encompassing  embrace from the Universe. 
In the afterlife, one is always on that frequency of all encompassing love but a much more intense for of that all the time and without the precursor of physical intimacy aka sex. 
In this dimension music lyrics are about trying to find love and being nothing without a loving partner aka the blues. 
In the other dimension, blues songs are about the frustration of having some survivors still on Earth who are unable to read signs that spirits send them as signs instead dismissing them as meaningless coincidence, if that. And how these survivors always do drugs and drink and smoke therefore obscuring any ability spirits have to visit them in dreams and send messages. The frustration of being unable to convey that, "I've seen your future and you are going to be all right! Stop! Stop worrying!" 
That they can see our future and are alive at a level more than we are yet  very similar can sort of be explained with the idea that we all exist in quantum codes except that those in the afterlife exist on a deeper more comprehensive level of code. The spirits in the afterlife reside in the command prompt level while we on this earth dimension exist on the procedural generated display level. 
And then the joy of having other survivors still kn the Earth plane who are totally on the ball and very well versed when it comes to the afterlife. They unfailingly see all signs. 

Fucked up again. 
I got Gladiator 2. On sale for $11 from $25. At that price. 
I didn't f*ck up getting this movie. The display is gorgeous. The way it was meant to be seen. 
This was a Catholic blessing as I made a small donation to the Catholic Church this week. This is a seen blessing. However blessings also include unseen blessings. 

Sunday, February 7, 2025

I had a dream. I saw a certain someone. 
I had an argument with her. I said to her, 
"I can fly, I can ride the skateboard. What can you do?!" 
She just repeated me mockingly, 
"I can fly. I can ride the skateboard. So what?" 
I wasn't getting through to her. 
I walked out of the building and looked into the wide open doorway on the corner of the street. There were some stairs and I saw the whole bunch of them. I saw a lady there who I thought was the one. No she was further to the right, cleaning the kitchen. 
I yelled, "You jerks. You a holes!" 
I was going to yell "God bless you all!" but I didn't want to get into more trouble. I said enough as it is. 
I didn't know I was dreaming. I thought flying was part of the real life and the life or dimension where I can't fly is BS. 
I walked down the street st night wondering how I was going to return to the town I remember living in, a town a distance away. 
Earlier in the dream I was spray washing the leg of a lion statue made of gold. It was made of gold. 

I think I'll be single for life. 
For any single person, a partner is more chaos, more variables to work with. 
Whether the advice is for a man seeking a woman, or a woman seeking a man, or any LGBT permutation for those who are that way, a partner is a trap. 
A woman is beautiful and hot. Sure, that's a trap. The sex is only one slice of a much bigger pie. 
A woman is a rabbit hole of woman issues and bossy bitchiness. 
A man is a rabbit hole of rage issues and nasty Y chromosome. That's the advice I'd give to a daughter. Men have Martian warlike tendencies yet among the big cats, the female is a hunter and a female polar bear can kill a male who is after her cubs. Not a recipe for success. 
"The female of the species is deadlier than the male." Rudyard Kipling
Women and men have different issues and problems. They have different energy signatures just like cocaine and methamphetamines have different energy signatures. 
A coke rush is very different from a methamphetamine rush. One doesn't have to actually do these silly pernicious illicit substances to know this, just follow the science. 
Anyways, in the movie Poor Things or was it Hugo, 
"Are you in love?"
"My mother said that love was just urges and necessities." 
The beauty is a trap and then on the other side of the coin, every rose has a thorn, is the woman issues and the bossy bitchiness. Urges and necessities. 

The News had a story about someone named Charleigh. 
Charleigh has a rare disease which requires a million dollars a year in medication, care etc The funding is drying up. 
The father of the child said, "It's not Chaleigh's time. Charleigh has a lot of years of living left."
Those sweet words could apply to anyone watching who is struggling with depression. 
A million dollars a year to fund a vegetable whose contribution to society is negligible other than the happiness of her parents who themselves contribute to society which is a corollary effect. 
People working at jobs, even unionized jobs would say that even with the occasional overtime, they are pulling down a mill a year. Even if the government col promised and said, What about $500,000 a year? Workers would still say that they don't pull down half a mill in a year. 
It's the government's decision. Maybe try to get some insurance policy. I'm glad it's the government who has to make that decision and not me. 
Because it's on the News, something will probably be worked out. 
Update: The Provincial Health Minister said that something would be worked out. 

I felt fear this evening. I didn't eat all day. After eating 3 tacos, I feel somewhat better. 
Fear. Fear of the future. 
A psychic, Matt Fraser said, "You're depressed now but wait until you see what's coming around the corner." 
Feelings don't always reflect reality. 
Eckhart Tolle said all fear are sublimated forms of the fear of death. 
That's why I can't wait until I'm through the physical death process, got on the other side and then instead of getting my" sea legs", I get my "spirit legs" totally used to and acclimated to the conditioning and physics of the afterlife. Then I will realize that I am fully alive as I ever was before but now I don't have to worry about physical death ever again. Yay! 
Until I get to that point, I will always have fear. 
Life must be honored. Life doesn't owe me a girlfriend but I owe it to life to live honourably. Life has given me awareness and life has given me good health. I must respect the forces of life and to live with Honor. 
Actualization. Problems help the world or human society in general evolve. 
Individuation. Problems in life help an individual to evolve. 

Tonight I feel the fear. It is a slow grinding fear. 
I think it's the Church. When I don't go there, I don't feel the fear. Going there is to add a lot of extraneous social elements in my life with people I don't have much in common with at all. I always acquiesce and regress and go there and then regret it. 
There are some flakey people at Church. 
I just get weirded out. There is one lady who, I don't know if she is stalking me but she seems to like to be all buddy buddy with me glomming onto me for friendship. 
I saw a comment on the internet that I took to be a sign, a warning about her, "This person is playing with your emotions. This person is not who you think they are." 
Church is full of people like that. 
I could be wrong. My mind paints pictures and I'm wrong about people all the time. 
Several times I imagined things about people at Church and I was completely wrong. 
They are fundamentalists and I am past that. Most people on the internet these days are gnostics who still respect God but outside the confines and regimentation of Church or organized fundamentalist religion. Gnosticism. 
I hope that just because of my criminal conviction that the Police don't think that I'm a big time criminal like Professor Moriarty of Sherlock Holmes. He was a criminal mastermind in London. 
I was thinking that the Police would be inclined to think that I'm more like Dean Moriarty than Professor Moriarty. Dean Moriarty was a beatnik slacker who is a character in the Jack Kerouac, another beatnik slacker's novel, On The Road. 
The fear might be with me for life unless a miracle happens. 
Do the Police also feel fear? The internet said, "In many cases an Officer may have no conscious awareness of the survival strength he possesses." That's encouraging. 
I drank some soft drinks to bring the blood sugar up. I feel somewhat better. That's the Paul Blart Mall Cop way. 

My fear had driven me to Google,
"I fear that God won't take care of me."
I got an article which the headline was, 
"I fear that God will take everything away from me."
The reply: I feared this for years. But it never happened. Not yet anyways. 
Then he quoted Matthew 7:9 was quoted which is a bit funny. 
"If your children ask you for bread, do you give them a rock? If they ask for fish to eat, do you give them a snake? Then why would you think that God your father would do this to you?" 
Matthew 6:28 Jesus said, Do not have anxiety about anything. God will care for you as He cares for the plants and animals of the World. 
Animals neither have half the intellect nor half the fear and anxiety as humans do. Perhaps those things go hand in hand. 
I wonder if my fear is my Spider sense going off. Or is it my brain painting false pictures? 
It has before. I thought that for sure I was going to die during the global pandemic. 

It never ever ever goes away. 
Truth is stranger than fiction. 
On YouTube a video is always on my recommendations. 
It is from Christ Church Cathedral up the street and the video is called The Lamb Elizabeth Poston. 
A video that always appears on your personal YouTube recommendations would not be a reason to call 911. Don't flood the line. 
On the thumbnail is a picture of a lady whom I've seen at that Church for five years now. I never met her. Why would the forces of life always always have a video on my YouTube recommendations that has a picture of lady whom I've never met? 
It'd be one thing if I met her. I never have. 
I am in my mid 50s. The ladies at the choir of either of the Churches I visit are in their 20s, young enough to be my daughter and there is no socially pressing reason for me to meet them so I never do. The choir goes their separate ways before the parishioners are let out. That helps as well. 
This lady, I noticed has a skull too sizes too small. I don't know if that's brachyocephalic or doliocephalic. However, I think that she looks like an angel. 
A video even of that of someone who reminds me of an angel showing up on my recommendations every single time I go on YouTube is creepy. 
I actually think that as it will turn out, that I will never meet that lady who reminds me of an angel. 
I donate to that Church once a week, for blessings. Also the money that the government gives me can't be all about me me me. I give to the Church. The money may be enough to cover whatever slight expenses which helps others instead of just myself. 
Christ Church Cathedral on the hill happens to be across the street from the Courthouse. 
Is the video saying, "We know that you donate to the Church all the time but don't ever attend. Why don't you attend?" 
In small towns, the pickings are slim and selection suffers. It's hard to meet new regular friends let alone a new girlfriend. I don't need a girlfriend. I'd rather be single. 
Anyways, I go to that Church albeit never feeling any worse, I always leave never feeling any better. Although there is no demotion, that Church doesn't offer me any feeling of promotion either. Let's face it. I'm in the welfare class and the Church on the hill is upper class and the Presbyterian Church is middle class. I really have nothing in common with them. 
I went there two weeks ago and something really nice happened. One of the Priests who is a Black lady from England, extremely classy lady, sat with me and said a prayer of blessing for me. That's nice. I should never underestimate the power of that. 
Having a criminal record all of a sudden exposes one to a new set of freedoms which is the freedom to skip out of Church altogether without guilt thinking, Why would they want someone the likes of me there? 
I did ask that specific question to someone at Church. He said, We still welcome you here. We've known you for years. 
Ironically, for some reason, Church scares me. Would that mean demonic possession? I hope not. 

Not to be long winded but it is my blog. No one reads this anyways judging from the view count. 
Getting a criminal record is an experience but far from the end of the World. 
Sometimes getting a record can enhance a person's career. A person is a loner but otherwise doing something on YouTube. Not many friends at all. Friendless. 
Then all of a sudden they encounter all kinds of people, the Police, the Courthouse, lawyers, judge etc probation officers and after having seen that person around a few times they might know that they're on the internet. New fans. 
The Police know that, ha, in some cases getting a record could enhance someone's career. 
When something happens to a person all of a sudden a short time later they make movies about it, it becomes a movement and becomes less stigmatized. Any given thing. You name it. 
It's kind of like the story of the hundredth monkey. 
As for getting a criminal record, it was Martha Stewart. Before she was the prim and proper perfect pristine smarmy bourgeois home maker, arts and crafts, 150 thread count. Then she did time earning her a badge of badassery. She is no less famous, in fact she is even more famous. She is like Ariana Huffington in the way that she has a website of opinions in which lots of famous people contribute articles they've written just for that website. Not bad for an ex con. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Sweeping the Courthouse grounds again. I was off work for a week because the streets were covered with snow. I don't sweep when there's snow. The temperature as well. I could get some kind of pneumonia. Forget it. 

I removed weeds from the wall st the art store with the picture of Emily Carr. I wish I could have met her but I think I kind of have with my fiend at Church with the dog. She's kinda flakey but I myself am also struggling with mild psychological issues. 
She's majorly talented, I'd say a genius at watercolours. She would do a thumbnail sketch and then colour it with watercolours. She has an inimitable style. An artistic master. 
She's single, never got married and I don't think that there is a single sexual bone in her body, just like Emily Carr. 
Toying with my emotions, not the person I think she is. 
Actually I don't have any expectations of her. 
She has a dog on a leash so I think she wants to have me on a leash. She's a fundamentalist Christian and as you know, I have some far out thoughts about the different physics and conditions in the afterlife based on literature and experience from dreams. I think she wants to change me and mold me to be a fundamentalist Christian just like her. This is the picture my Brian is painting. Probably false. 
She is a good person. 

It should not surprise you to learn that I am mulling over getting the movie The Shape of Water. No one needs to know! I don't need to tell people about my movie purchases. Legally I don't have to. 
What the heck. 
The Shape of Water is visually spectacular. Set in the 1950s. 
It's as good as Nightmare Alley. Set in the 1930s. 
I saw the movie and it has some spectacular screens that must be experienced on the YouTube screen. It costs $22.79 with tax. I'll pay $10 tomorrow and pay the rest next week. I can afford it. 

My neighbours close the door of their rooms audibly. I can hear it from my room. 
They are Black. My mind imagines that they want to rob me and the door sounds are like gunga din, drums in the jungle. 
They are good people. 
However the doors aren't being slammed. 

The News talked about marijuana leading to schizophrenia and I thought they were referring to me. I don't care about the opinions of News in a country which is kind of a backwater compared to other countries. There is so much futuristic infrastructure in formerly so called third world countries. Mind blowingly futuristic. 
If I had a million, would I still live in this town? Yeah. 
If I had ten million or a hundred million, would I still live in this town? Probably not. 
Would I still live in Canada? Sure. Getting busted in Canada is better than getting busted in a whole lot of other countries except for the Scandinavian countries. 
So the News says that smoking marijuana leads to schizophrenia. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. What about watching the News for 24 hours a day. That would cause schizophrenia, or what can you say, let's face it, ask a psychiatrist if watching the News all the time has a potential of developing some kind of psychological disorder and the psychiatrist would say definitely. 

I purchased The Shape of Water. That movie is a critical one for any collection. I have a funko pop of the amphibian man for goodness sake. 
The movie is one of the most visually spectacular masterpieces in all of cinema history and this isn't astroturfing. 
I already have the amphibian man funko pop. I want to get the Elisa Esposito funko pop. 
It costs around $30 plus tax plus shipping on amazon. Plus I'd have to pay an extra $5 service fee at the depot where I order things from Amazon. 
As the movie mentions, Esposito means without parents. I think my parents died so I'm an esposito too. 
It could be available in town. There are stores that have quite a few boxes of funko pop. But to go there and look through them all is anxiety inducing. Perhaps the employee at the store happens to know where it is. That funko pop would be major if I ever got that. 

Trump said if all hostages aren't released before Saturday, all hell will break loose in Gaza. There will be total mayhem. Blitzkrieg to use a world war 2 word meaning lightning war. 
What will that be like, a reporter asked. You'll find out, Trump said, echoing the "What are you going to do?" "Just watch me." of Pierre Trudeau. 
Historically that can be likened to when the US carpet bombed Kandahar and Kabul in Afghanistan after 9/11. That can be likened to Benghazi when Libyans hemmed in Americans at an outpost. 
The ideal is that the US makes strategic strikes and is out of there in a few days. They could be there for awhile as the US was fighting for years in Iraq. 
In London, taxi drivers have to study for a test called The Knowledge. This test is a complete knowledge of all streets in London and spoiler alert, Streets in Europe aren't arranged in streets and avenues like in North America. A roadway that goes all four sides around a block is also called a street. Streets start and end arbitrarily. It usually takes years but one cab driver was able to study for and pass the test in less than two years. 
Fighting guerilla warfare, the Army has to study an area and get The Knowledge of anywhere they are stationed to which includes not only roadways as for taxi drivers but also alley and the ever mysterious inextricable alleys within alleys which serve as shortcuts. 
Trump wants Gazans to temporarily relocate in Egypt and the US commandeers Gaza as an American protectorate. Not just countries, Provinces can also be protectorate. Hong Kong was a protectorate of England, Macau of Portugal, the Province of Punjab in India is a Western protectorate of some kind. India is a Russian protectorate. The Province of Punjab is a covert protectorate within a covert protectorate. The Province of Quebec is a protectorate of France. Quebec is an example of an overt protectorate within an overt protectorate, Quebec being a protectorate of France and Canada being a protectorate of England. 
Overt and covert protectorate, colony, whatever word is used. 
Canada is an overt British colony. The US is a covert British colony, David Icke has written as much. 
China is an overt Russian protectorate. India is a covert Russian protectorate. 
Gaza is already a covert protectorate of Iraq which is a covert protectorate of Russia, so therefore Gaza is a covert ptoectorate of a covert protectorate. Kinda like how the Turks and Caicos island are an overt protectorate of a overt protectorate as they are protectorates of Canada being a protectorate of England. 
So Gaza now then becomes a covert US protectorate. 
A few years ago, Trump moved the Capitol of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 
These will be interesting times for Middle East observers. 

Two types of countries have protectorates.
The two superpowers Russia and the United States, alphabetically. 
Then there are the European colonial powers, England, France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark - Greenland, Faroe Islands, Belgium - Belgian Congo. 
China and India are simultaneously superpowers and also they are protectorate of Russia. China, overt. India, covert. 

Gaza has Sunni Muslims as does Saudi Arabia. Gaza is not a protectorate of Saudi Arabia like Quebec is not a protectorate of the Vatican. Like the Vatican, SA is the spiritual center of a denomination of a religion. Sunni Muslim rather than Shia Muslims. Catholic rather than Protestant. 

The Middle East has some good food. There are Donair, chicken with spices, tabouleh and pita bread with felafel and hummus. 
A recipe is pita bread with hummus and also sliced onions, sliced mushrooms, felafel and either shrimp or prawns. Tzatziki is optional and so is the felafel. Pita bread with just hummus, thinly sliced white onion, mushrooms and shrimp is pretty good. 

Trump tariffs. I went to the supermarket yesterday. The Old El Paso taco shells from the US sold for $6.79 were completely off the shelves. With a 25% tariff passed on to the consumer, the taco shells would have been $9. 
I saw a box of very similar taco shells. The box has a small Canadian flag. Price $5.79. 
Canadians are opting for Canadian made items or else the lower priced items on the shelf. People don't care about where it comes from. They just look for the lower price. 
I saw some gourmet high end egg noodles yesterday. I couldn't afford them but I will be able to next week. Favuzzi Tagliatelle egg noodles. They look like five star hotel egg noodles. 

I got Rome. VR app. $6. Faber Courtial. Premium brand name. 

"You're not successful? That it's where you are and not who you are. That in this country you're on welfare and single. But you have a gift for languages that those around you don't have. You could go to another country and within a year find a job as an English teacher teaching adults, live in a condo and find a wife but here it's a backwater. That you were brought to a backwater country where you're a minority when you were a child without the usual adult consultation. Who knows? Most likely that you would have done better in your native and and thrived as one of the racial majority. Most people from there seem to prefer it there. Not much opportunity here in this country though. Not much better to do but to look inwards and where the possible mental state of the other is a National obsession. That can't be why you're unsuccessful you're unsuccessful because you have schizophrenia or autism."
This isn't written for me but for others who might be in such a situation. Why stay here and be on welfare and do dope when you can go to another country and be an English teacher. That's the ideal. 
Cons: Being an English teacher is a real square job. If you're an intellectual who values the English language, you're all of a sudden reduced to words that don't go beyond a fifth grade vocabulary. There is no discussing existentialism, interdimensional physics, how linear time is an algorithm within an algorithm, not even once in awhile. It's all down to gut level stomach level conversations. "What's for dinner."  "Put the paper and the pen on the table." thanks to the mutual paucity of understanding each others language. Just real trivial and boring stuff. 
Well, if the love is there. 
You'd be spending hours on end speaking some language that only one percent of the World speaks and wants to speak. The opportunity cost of that is hours you could have been speaking English. And then dealing with whatever form of alphabet or writing system which could include a pictographic writing system similar to Mayan codices. 
You'd meet her family and most likely it'd be very venal energy. When you got a culture that doesn't have anything verbal such as literatureike Shakespeare, Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, George Orwell, etc to back them up, there is more of an emphasis on the non verbal such as venality pecuniarity, fuduciarity etc basically obsession with money to compensate for that. 
In those countries, they'd hire people with the thickest of accents to be English teachers. Whoever is getting that for an English teacher is getting a raw deal. These countries either don't know or don't care which shows you how much they're really intellectually invested in the English language. And you want to work beside that? 
Being on the hook for child support is as much a hassle anywhere else in the World as it is here. 
And finding a wife. In what. Less than a year? It often takes years for a couple. To decide to tie the knot. 
A person transfers their faults and tendencies. This lady is all right but I'll hold out for a better one. Keep doing that and find out what happens. An entire life wasted. 
Be an English teacher overseas. Sure. You wouldn't want to get busted for anything overseas even as an English teacher for adults and even in a Scandinavian country. Getting busted overseas is never a good thing. 
And visa runs are always a hassle. 
Every place has its set of advantages and disadvantages. 

The Talent Stealer. Award winning VR film production. Narrated. $2. What the heck. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I'm not going to watch the News. When I have VR and YouTube to choose from, that's where I'm going t place my entertainment dollar so to speak. 
It's how Places treat me. The News often puts on ads of cleft lips. Often. Here, here are some ugly horrid faces, look at these and have that catalyze with your thoughts. Now give us money. Thoughtless and ignorant. And these faces are never White faces. Always African faces or something like that. More social programming. What we're the chances of that? 
And putting on the Coop Amanda ad every two minutes. More of the News treating you bad. 
The News often has disgusting offsetting stories and especially local News. Most people, if they had a hundred million, they wouldn't still live in this town. Myself included. That sort of takes out any need to watch local News. 
If I'm treated badly I simply don't go to the place anymore. Especially when I know that  they know that I have better options such as VR and YouTube movies. 
The News is a source of multiple stressors. It's social programming. Ask a psychiatrist, watching the News all day repeatedly is a vector for some kind of psychological issues that's for sure. 
The Police sometimes call the Police Uniform 'the ugly suit' because they often have to act ugly in the course of upholding the Law. 
The News is known as the ugly show. It can and sometimes has to get ugly, I guess. The question is, Do you really have to watch the News if you have any better option at all? 

Some ads, some News stories are offsetting. Why do you think that is? 
From the makers of Toy Story, comes Toy Story 2. 
From the makers of the mindless dinosaurs that roamed the Earth for 400 million years, comes the human species. 
The Bible talks about the second coming. In a way, not the Biblical one, but a second coming will be the time that there will be a better species to arise on this Earth that will make the human species look like the dinosaurs compared to them. The species will be completely unrecognizable phsycially to humans but be light years ahead in terms of intellect and moral compass and thoughtfulness and spirituality. 

The Earth his a weird planet. The Dalai Lama said the World would be a better World if people stopped eating animals. Sure, but would that stop animals from eating animals? At one time, humans and animals were closer in terms of species kinship and shamans saw some animals as teachers, teaching humans how to fight with animal martial arts forms but also animals taught humans that eating other animals is fine. "See? It's all right. We do it all the time." 
Earth is a planet of middle evolution. Some planets are better and more spiritual and more highly evolved. On those planets, no animal eats another animal. The whole planet is vegetarian or uses some chlorophyll like process to derive nutrition from sunlight. 
And some planets are worse. Very primitive. Very mindless. Anything that walks eats another thing that walks or is themself eaten. Nothing on this planet lives for more than a few years as they get eaten. What a hell planet. 
The Earth it seems can't decide whether it's a good planet or a bad planet. Einstein said, Is this a friendly Universe or a hostile Universe? 
If the afterlife is what they say it is, I can't wait to get there. 
I thought that life could be like The Maze Runner. Once I figure out the puzzle, once I figure out the illusion, I could be excused, reprieved. For the answers I've come up with such as time travel being an objective experience of time, sentience whether on this dimension or that dimension revolves around quantum coding in that we reside in the procedurally generated image level while the afterlife is the command prompt level which is why they can teleport, read our minds, time travel and see our futures, a lot of people never came up with answers like that but they got an early reprieve. I come ip with answers and still have to endure the duress and indignity of the insufferable physics of this dimension. Not all of it is insufferable, but enough of it is. 

Coincidences are code from the past, omens are code from the future. This is because the present doesn't morph into our future, the future morphs into the present and the present doesn't morph from our past, the past morphs from the present. Such answers and I still don't get my much wanted early reprieve. If heaven and the afterlife is as good as they saw it is. 
Last night I dreamed I was flying in North Van at night going from West to East. When i lifted my legs a certain way, I flew faster. I used walls as blocks for my hands and feet to make me fly faster like a runner using running blocks st the start of the race. At one point, flying I picked up some cardboard as I pick up garbage on the streets and throw it away, incorporating this into my dream, flying in the air I saw a small bulldozer then I put the cardboard in another pile somewhere else not far. 
The lightness that I felt then. The feeling neither hot nor cold. I love that as the weather in tis town has been bonkers this past week. I wish I was in that kind of lightness all the time. I like the reality where I'm able to fly better than this one but even then in the dream, there was a struggle to return to this World. That dream world seemed so unfamiliar compared with this one. 
A Christmas Carol. When Mr Scrooge visited the wintry scene from his youth wearing only pyjamas and a nightcap and he didn't feel cold at all. That's the ideal physics. 
In this dimension weather is often hypothalamus triggering panic attack inducing extreme temperatures and sharp temperature changes. Sudden increases and sudden drops in temperature all the time. Shit physics. 
The hypothalamus senses changes in body temperature and is part of the HPA axis. 

My friend said that he seriously thinks that Trump wants to attack Canada militarily. 
He is very smart and wouldn't say that lightly because the other day he said there is no way that would happen. 
Even though is is about 60, has diabetes and is overweight, he said that he would enlist. 
I don't know if I'll have to enlist. How long would I last before I get shot in battle. If I don't enlist, is that being a coward? 
Perhaps the Army doesn't need most people to enlist because they can do the job without old people volunteering to enlist. I'm about 55 years old. Old. 
"General Turgidson, with all respect to your defense team, our boys can brush them aside without too much trouble." Dr Strangelove
The Army would probably turn down a lot of candidates. 
Anyone would be suspected as being part of the resistance and tortured. 
"I don't stand well under torture." Dr Strangelove
There would be a declaration of war at the UN or would there? An article of war. 
When it comes to being an @sshole, life always finds a way. The physics of this dimension. I often want to quit life but I know I must live on. That is the way of Honor. 
All ten Canadian Premiers are in Washington DC while PM Trudeau is in Europe. That doesn't often happen. Is it about tariffs or something about military threats. 
Minister of Defense. Is there a Minister of Offense or Offensive? 
It's better to die of a headshot than torture. Of course one loses their face completely. Surgically devastating but a quick death. A person could see a departed loved one a few seconds before it happens. At the last minute, go kamikaze. They'd be more likely to be dealt a headshot that way. 
In the movie Pinocchio, the boy Carlo named after the writer Carlo Collodi, died when a Church that he was in was bombed. What if the US bombs my hotel? Forget about even any insurance premiums then. I think the primary targets would be military, air transport and communications installations. Any apps that are playable offline would still work as the internet would probably be gone for awhile. The internet has a lot of stations internationally and satellites so we'd have to piggyback off the internet of another country for awhile. What about Europe? 
Actually, ironically or not, Trump is brokering a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. Trump wants to end that war.*
*source: CBC
Trump said Ukraine unlikely to get all of its land back. This means redrawing of the map. Remember how Ukraine looked like pre Trump 2? It will look different post Trump 2. We'll find out next month. 
Most people I talked to don't think that Trump will attack Canada. 
It looks like he has too many fingers in too many pies. 

I got signs in not so many words that I might have a wife one day. That would definitely be something to live for. That would be interesting but I myself don't see it. I don't see any kind of a future for myself. God knows my future and my departed friends and relatives in the afterlife know my future as well. 
The thing I fear the most is dying. Who doesn't fear that? 

I've been eating tacos lately. Tacos remind me of trips to the mall. Cheese costs extra either at the Taco Bell food kiosk or at the supermaeket so I don't use cheese. Thinly sliced lettuce which I sliice with scissors is essential for texture and tacos just aren't the same. Forget refried beans and saffron. I use canned chili and mix it with ground beef on a frying pan. Then scoop into a taco shell. Then top with lettuce and use some salsa or else salsa first then topped with lettuce. Whatever. Either works. I have a bit of parmesan cheese which is good as well. Optional. 

I learned a few things from VR 180 David Attenborough. 
He said that a fly has an appendage under its wing that is unique. It is called a haltere and when a fly flies upside down or sideways, the haltere helps it to self right itself in flight. It functions like a gyroscope. 
When too many aphids attack a pine tree, it releases a pine scent which triggers other parts of the pine tree and also other pine trees to emit pine scent. This scent attracts ladybugs which smell pine scent like a shark can smell blood. Ladybugs are drawn to that scent because ladybugs love to eat aphids. 
Plants have a life of their own and are not mindless. 
A human has a DNA strand of 23 chromosomes. A pine tree has an RNA strand of 300 chromosomes! 23 &. Me. 300 & Me?! 
Mushrooms are made of chitin pronounced kite in which is the same material that exoskeletons of insects are made of. 

Trump renames Gulf of Mexico as Gulf of America. We got off lightly. At least it wasn't renamed Gulf of Trump or Gulf of Donald heck, Gulf of John like Mount McKinley which Obama renamed Denali for awhile or Reagan International. 
Donald John Trump. Don John, that's the name of a character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing which was released as a movie in the 90s, more predictive programming? Anyways, I never made that connection. Don John. Wasn't it Keanu Reeves as Don John? 
WJLR. That's Mount Rushmore. Washington Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt. Would not be surprised at this point if Trump decides to add a 5th face. 

"Nothing in politics is as good or as bad as it first appears." 
That also goes for life in general. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Politicians complain about PM Trudeau wanting to prorogue Parliament. I thought he would want Parliament to go on. Be on the floor as the National Leader fighting the good fight. 
Aw, what's the use? Spend a few days trying to even railroad a bill that doesn't have enough time for the necessary due process and won't get passed. All they would do is hurl barbs at one another. 
"You voting for a new Leader is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. There is going to be an election this year. It would be different if you had a majority government and would hang on longer. But you have a minority coalition government. You're going down!" 

I still have some fears about the future. What were the chances of that? 

I got Fight The Plank Between Two Towers VR. $1.11.
I hope it's good. At that price. Why not? 

I cleared a lot of weeds from the lawn at the Courthouse. 
Dandelions, and these weeds that have small round leaves. There is one weed that starts out as a kaleidoscope looking plant with small round leaves. It gives me a panic attack. The internet taught me a phobia. There is a plant that has a bunch of holes in it. It looks like a round flat lotus bud with all these holes in it. It looks like something hideous. 
I got most of the dandelions. My timing was good because a few days later and those white dandelion buds and the little white spores or whatever that they spread. 
Removing all dandelions will make the lawn look better. Like a high class estate. 
I got about 75%. Initially, I thought I got near 100% but then I saw a few more dandelion leaves. They all must be removed and those weeds with the small round light green leaves. That weed grows to be quite high like giant overgrown alfalfa sprout leaves. 
Tasks like this must be done over two or even three occasions. This ensures a 100% weed removal rate. 
I also swept the Courthouse grounds again. 
There are times in my life when I question my own sanity. This is one of these times. 
I saw Police cars too. On Sunday and then today. A few times this week. 
The initial thought is "Are the Police looking for me?" They would contact me because the Police know where I live. They would have contacted me more directly if they were. 
Everyone thinks that. I spoke to a couple of ladies on two different occasions who said that when they see Police cars, the first thing that they think of is, Would they be looking for me? 

Elsbeth is on again tonight. For some reason I can't grasp the plotline of Matlock. The old Matlock with Andy Griffith was like Columbo. Good stories and good ways to find the evidence. 
In one episode Columbo said, How did you know that was the radio in a pile of other radios? That implicated the suspect.. The new Matlock sure isn't like that. 
Elsbeth is more like that. Good quick stories. And cohesive story lines that are easy to follow. 

The Knights of Columbus are Catholic. 
In the old days, artists Latinized their names to be more famous.*  Stradivarius real name is Stradivari. 
Christopher Columbus real name is Christopher Columbo.*
*source: Rick Harrison. Pawn Stars 
Columbo is from the word colombe which means dove. So is British Columbia. District of Columbia. British doves. District of doves. 
What is called pigeons are rock doves. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Terminal. Spielberg movie. On sale for $5. Got it. Love this movie. 

Elon Musk. Decentralization. Muskonomics. 

Top Gun. On sale. $5. Gotten. 

I thought I'd run it past ya. I'm thinking of getting Bridge of Spies. It's a Spielberg movie and there's a Courtroom scene. $7. On sale. I'll get it. 

Beau is Afraid is on sale for $10 which is somewhat pricey. The movie is supposed to be visionary but it's not that visually spectacular. I won't get this. I can't afford it. I'll have to pay next month and the bill will be whopping. I'm guessing $100, give or take a few dollars. 
Bridge of Spies is Spielberg who is a platinum grade Mercedes Benz level director. The movie The Fabelmans showed that he was into directing movies since he was very young. 
See, next week on payday, I will for sure have an extra $7. If I wait til next week, the movie will be back on regular price which is $23. Then I will kick myself for not having gotten it. This happened to me once. Poor Things was on sale for $11. Didn't get it. Then I got it at regular price of $25. I got Gladiator 2 for $11 regular price $25. 

I go to Hot Deals of the Week and always get tempted especially with $5 movies. I am discriminating. I didn't get Mr and Mrs Smith. I didn't think the movie was that spectacular. It was a good movie but not one I'd pay money to see on YouTube HD big screen. 

I used to go to stores and get tempted and then get the item. Usually cheap movies at the video store or cheap PSP games on sale. Then one day it occurred to me to just stop going. I have to stop going to hot deals of the week. $8 for a Spielberg movie. Any movie he did looks good on big screen. 
Bridge of Spies is about a Russian spy. Tom Hanks is his defense lawyer. The movie was set in the 50s during the Cold War. The story is historically important and I haven't seen the movie. It looks brilliant and is a high bang per buck purchase. 
$8 is the price of a beer at the nightclub, especially a mug rather than a glass. 

In the movie Anonymous the King said something like, "I presume that you are as avid a  theatre man as myself? "
I am a theatre man. That's why I like seeing movies on big screen. The way they were meant to be seen. 

Israel is 10 hours ahead. So at 2 am Pacific Time, Victoria BC time is when Trump attacks Gaza. Watch live on CNN. 

Valentine's Day. The other day I got a scam call, area code 1-437 from Toronto. I didn't answer the call and deleted it. 
1437 is code for 'I Love You Forever.' The number of letters in each word. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

In school, University, a person can leave before finishing the exam but that means they didn't pass the course. That's a metaphor for doing oneself in. 
Otherwise, once you finish the test, and hand in your correct answers, you can leave the class. You are excused. 
In my life, there are lots who didn't come up with the correct answers that I have yet they were excused from the class early. I've come up with certain answers such as time travel is time experienced on an objective level and the different physics of different dimensions, the hundred primary colors, the music in 1/64th percussion notes as seen as a video of a set of three tall bingo drums of different heights on a sandy beach. Who comes up with answers like that? 
Yet I am not excused from the classroom. 
What does that imply? The classroom is a stultifying place. Windows on one wall, no windows on another wall. While life outside the classroom is no walls, you can go to an amusement park, a pool hall, a video arcade etc. 
The afterlife is so good that it is beyond imagining. Beyond imagining. To use words t try to describe 100 primary colors and music that uses notes not just from three octaves but from 100 octaves all woven together into hit song sounding compositions. 
Why wouldn't I want to leave early? And resent not being able to get an early reprieve despite having come up with some really salient and cogent answers while others who didn't come up with such answers got an early reprieve. 
The school life isn't bad. University is a really cool scene and can be funky and even though it is a struggle, there are often some really nice nostalgic vibes throughout. Despite what you think, a lot of people like you at the Unkversity and have your back including the Police and the government. You have a lot more friends than you realize.
There's that new song, "It's only in your head that you feel left out Or looked down on."
The Middle, Jimmy Eat World
This is a metaphor for life. Don't think of leaving life just because you've come up with certain answers. You don't see it now but you will come up with more answers when you stick around. It's not if you get better, it's when you get better, as the saying goes. 

I thought Trump would hit Gaza in a massive military strike that would make Benghazi look like a fistfight in a realm where the saying, "If it's only a fistfight, it's a good day." is the coin of the realm. 
Watching the News, that would have been mentioned. I saw Christiane Amanpour and she is Middle Eastern. She didn't mention that at all. 
Talk about the brain painting a picture. 
Worry and the pain that goes with it is the body's way of telling you that you are painting false pictures in your brain which are simply wrong. Worry is trying to teach you to not worry. 

I was clearing weeds from a planter area at the library. There is one species. It looks like rhubarb in a library planter area. That's not rhubarb! 
I didn't want to say it out loud at the time but I referred to that plant as pernicious rhubarb. Some specimens were at the three feet high level. It takes years, years of neglect for a weed to grow like that in that planter area. Well, the pernicious rhubarb at that area is no longer a reality nor a worry. I removed all of them. I went for the usual 100 percent kill rate. There were some specimens that were small and some hidden within clumps of clumpgrass and thickets of the chia pet alfalfa sprout looking weeds. Again, I removed all of them. 
There is still some work which I will do another day. I triaged and got the largest most prominent and conspicuous weeds. The area looks a sight better. Other than the dozens of people who walked past as I was working and cars on the road including possibly first responders of all varieties no one knows that I did that work. I work and then gently walk away, asking for no money. That's the way I am. 
I used a scale. Originally it was three garbage bags full and I'm outta there. I extended and after four full garbage bags, I left. I was feeling a little tired then. Looking for and removing weeds is like playing a video game for me. You can imagine how many weeds I removed after four full garbage bags. The area looks noticeably better. The lower area is near about perfect. There is an upper area that looks a heck of a lot better than it did but can be done better to near perfection. Of course perfection is subjective. 
Panhandlers ask for money in exchange for no work. Some panhandlers have the gift of the gab while others are quite gormless. 
I work in exchange for no money. The neighbourhood looks nicer. 
My theory is removing the weeds and making the area look nice makes it an upscale West End area. Neglected, weeds growing all around even in between cracks in sidewalks makes the area look seedy, a downscale East End area. 
Not to put down the East End. I don't know about anyone else but the East End of Vancouver brings a feeling of intense heavenly bliss that I can't describe because I don't know if anyone else feels that. The corner of Jackson and Powell or Jackson and Cordova. Looking to the Northeast. That reminds me of the 70s and Gordon Lightfoot songs, the industrial area, the longshoreman's workplace. And more a deep spirit of intense bliss and nostalgia. Intense. 
Anyways, this is a town that I really love. I've loved this town since the 80s when I learned about the Castle on the Hill and Miniature World at the Empress Hotel. 
This is why I don't mind volunteering to do clean up for this Mercedes Benz level of a brand name town. 
I'd like to stay at a five star hotel one day. The experience will be cancelled out if I'm using VR goggles the entire time. Then what's the difference between that and a 1 star hotel? 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

I've sinned yet again. Cinemasins. I got Beau Is Afraid for $10, regular price $27. Helluva deal. I wanted to see Beau Is Afraid at the theatres but I sorta chickened out preferring the creature comforts of my welfare rooming house with my television and my cups of tea with cream and sugar. Same with Poor Things. Saw it advertised as playing at theatres. Chickened out. Didn't go. Now I have a chance to not only see it but see it on YouTube's platinum level theatre screen on the YouTube VR app. 

YouTube is not without is disappointments. From showing a same video showing up on my recommendations, every time, every single time, every single godd@mned motherf*king time I see a YouTube video and see the videos on recommendations. 
In YouTube Hot Deals of The Week, some movies, if you don't get them, they are taken off the sale shelf so to speak. One movie is always on, and never taken off the shelf. 
Sleepers is a movie based on a book from writer Lorenzo Carcaterra. Robert de Niro is in the movie as a good Priest for some boys who got sent to reform school or else juvie and the Kevin Bacon as the prison guard sexually abused them. The boys who were psychologically scarred from the weird queer sh*t that they experienced at the reform school, never married. 
Such a topic so offsetting. Unsavoury. Not a priority on any level. It's as offsetting as the picture of a dogs a US with a paradoiliac image of Jesus. 
When I was young, I briefly experienced some weird queer sh*t and I never married. But is that mistaking causation for correlation? Would that be a false syllogism? Lots of people experi nced even more strange things when it comes to that but they still got married. Some heterosexual movie actors did a LGBT movie but that didn't affect their future when it came to getting married. Timothy Chalomet did that somewhat offsetting LGBT movie. Offsetting is subjective, one man's junk is another man's treasure. That reads weird. Well you know what I mean. One man's trash is another man's treasure. 
Would it be that poverty and being on welfare rather than any LGBT experience I once had be the cause of me not getting married? Rather it's an exquisite blend of poverty, erectile dysfunction and mental issues such as whatever lady I'm with, I'm just stringing her along until something better comes along, she's all right but I'm holding out for a better lady. Like Archie Luxury once said, "Do you know why you don't have a girlfriend? You're a cheapskate and probably a lousy lay." 
Why get a tattoo, if you wanted something that's painful, expensive and involves commitment issues, why not get married instead? Marriage is a Court recognized legal contract that costs money to get into and even more money to get out of. That's the rub. That's why me, and millions of others are single. Would it require some strange LGBT experiences when one was young for a person to not be married? Aren't there millions who haven't had such experiences who are not married? 
Imaginary conceptual voices in my mind say, "Don't forget about us!" Even though I never got married, I've had a few excellent girlfriends. Meeting those wonderful women has enrichened my life beyond imagination. 
I've had a few girlfriends. 
However at this point, I don't know if I'll ever have a girlfriend ever again. In the movie Gladiator 2, when the lady left on the river Styx with Chron the boatman, she whispers, "I'll wait for you. "Wrong! She should have been saying, "I'll wait for you but that's just a poetic sentiment. Under my new time dynamics in the afterlife, I'll see you crossing over to me again as if it were just a few moments away from now. I'd say, "You'll wait for me," but I see your future. You'll live on for decades and meet other women."
Damn it putting on such an offsetting movie and never taking it off the shelf. What a way to treat a loyal and returning customer. But then this is the same company that will sell a 10 episode television series for $30 or else $4 an episode. After getting a few episodes, the price for the entire season is still $30 which a retarded and anemic pricing tier scheme. No prorated discounts for episodes purchased. Is that how they run a business? 
So you wonder why YouTube has all these other weird and unwanted animalies. 
No one can micromanage things down to the last detail. I don't blame YouTube for this. A lot of it is AI, which is the same entity that brings about AI errors such polydactyl hands at such a high rate that its standard issue. 
This is coming from me, a person whose room is messy. My room is a lot less cleaner than I'd like it to be because I collect and hold on to things for the strangest of sentimental reasons. So I don't blame YouTube. 
I would say of YouTube the same thing I'd say about anyone else, the physics of this dimension are so damned difficult that I would be surprised if they did it half as well as they did. 
Chronic hard core erectile dysfunction and not wanting to be on the hook for child support have also did their part to prevent marriage. Perhaps hard core wouldn't be the right words to use for erectile dysfunction. 
I don't ever want to be a father. First of all, I don't come frkm a family that I intellectually respect nor believe in. And then the human species is from the stories of man's inhumanity to man on the News is not a species that I believe in. I intellectually respect the human species for the technological achievementsbut its not a species that I believe in. It's not a pot that I want to do my part to keep stirring. 
Life is an anxiety ridden process full of disappointment. Life is arguably counterproductive. 

Yesterday, I was doing some work outdoors and it was a disappointing experience. 
At one point, I encountered an old Chinese lady and her young grsnddaughter. They were speaking Mandarin. The old lady approached me with her grand daughter in tow and said, "What is that building" 
"The Courthouse."
"Is it famous? Court. How do you spell it? C-O-U-R-D?" 
"No. It's COURT." 
What a retarded intellectually anemic conversation. That's the level you can expect when you speak to someone with such a language barrier and mutual paucity of understanding of each others language. What a eube. More of the hoi polloi. It's strange that she would ask about spelling, that it would be any kind of priority for her since the language she speaks uses a pictographic writing system with no clues as to how the word sounds. Silly. Barbaric. 
The afterwards a bearded person who looks homeless, a drug addict just stood near where I was working. That's the godd*mned forces of life. I do some diligent work and then get reciprocated with delinquency in return. Life is often I give out a certain form of energy onky to get a different and worse kind of energy in return. I hate life with a passion. I figured all this out and I don't get to leave. A few of my friends have had the supreme privilege of encountering the unimaginable afterlife after having left the Earth plane and they didn't come up with half the answers that I did. I deserve an early reprieve if it means a reprieve to experience the unimaginable beauty and bliss of the afterlife. I've had near death experiences of the red skies and white clouds and saw wonderful things, a group of horses running parallel through a river on a bright Spring morning with mountains in the distance. I sure didn't want to return from that. Why did I? It's not right that I could come ip with the answers that I did and not have gotten an early reprieve because I want one. Surely in the history of the World with billions of people, there were people who wanted an early reprieve and got one. Why not me as well? It would be one weird and edgy day. But even that day would soon enough be gotten over with. 
The physical decline is an event. The actual death event is another event altogether. 
The last day, the first half could be a wonderful day full of serendipities here and there. 
The the final event, the actual death takes place in less than half a second. One thinks they are sleeping in their bed and having a dream. The saying in the movie Gladiator 2, Where I am death is not. Where death is I am not. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Removed all weeds from a planter area at the Library. 
I was removing weeds from a first area which I had already removed some weeds. Good thing I did. They may not realize it but I did them a real solid. The chia pet alfalfa sprout looking weed grows to height. Had I not removed it, the growth would have become an entire foliage. 
On the way to the first area, I noticed another area. Less dense in weeds overall but there were quite a few specimens of very large dandelion leaves and also of course the pernicious rhubarb. 
There were a few specimens of this weed which has a reddish ring around the base and then the reddishness continues to the underside half of all stems. The light green leaves are splayed like lillypads. It has simultaneously a delicate beautiful look but also a toxic weed look to it. I removed all specimens of that as well. 
I am tilling the ground whenever I can. I have a tool which has a claw end. The claw reminds me of the word law c-law apropos of me working at the Courthouse grounds as a janitor. 
Tilling the ground removes weeds and aerate the soil. Overtilling causes nutrients in the soil to break down and could cause soil erosion. There is no way I'm over tilling as I gave the area just one or two passes with the claw. And I'm not growing anything there. 
Without tilling, it would take so much more time to complete the task. I was eager to get beck home and enjoy a cup of tea with cream and sugar. 
My method is three gsrbage bags full worth of work and I'm leaving. It all worked out strangely well today. After three full bags, there were some gargantuan humungous clumps of clumpgrass. Their immensity was on the level of profound. I removed them and there was an extra garbage bag as well which was serendipitous. I left the garbage bags snaking sure to double tie them resulting in what's called a reef knot and left them near a garbage can. I did that yesterday. The city picks them up. I hope the city engineers don't get mad. 
If it was leaves my the yard of my house, that would be a jerk move. It's all from the library I removed weeds. More than one group of weeds encircled some good trees like a military formation leeching nutrients from the roots of the trees and good non weed species. I hand removed down to the root the large specimens and tilled the smaller specimens. So the second area is completed. 
I still have the first area to do. I think three garbage bags is more than enough because it's getting down to brass tacks. 
It's a thankless job. No one said thanks and I don't get anything. However I am not needing for anything. As for the money, I already got paid. The government pays me through welfare. I demonstrate my thankfulness for the provision of the government even though I make mistakes and am not a perfect person through community work. I have some amateur skills in street sweeping and weed removal landscaping. It makes an East End looking area look like a West End looking area. 
Of the plants growing, there are some dried brown stalks with equally brown leaves growing in among the leaves of another plant which I have not determined whether it is a weed species or not. Some plants fall in the grey area in terms of looks. Oh, pretty flowers. Spoiler alert, that specimen is identified as a weed. I don't have a degree in botany or anything like that. I dropped out of college. I decided to leave the brown stalks with the leaves there for the time being. Too much work. But the look is rather aesthetic, sort of like New York in the fall. A lot of haute upscale department stores have bouquets made entirely of dried twigs with leaves. It's got a kind of IKEA look. So I might just leave them there. Since one species is dead among the leaves of a plant that is still living, any kind of parasitic symbiosis that one plant or the other initiated is now over because one species is dead. So there isn't that to worry about. It has a sort of je ne sais quois aesthetic. 
The stalks of the dead stalks are thick. I might need garden shears which I don't have. I'll probably get around to removing them. It would make the area look better. 

There is a movie called the Master Gardener. I'm not a gardener. A gardner plants flowers and maintains them. That's beyond my knowledge. I'm more like Chauncey Gardiner than a master gardener. 

The hair on top of my head is short. That makes me look old. But let's fsce it, even if I wore a toupee I'd still look old. If if grow my hair long on top it always winds up lloking like helmet head or ostrich head. 
Cutting my hair short on top is the only way I know. Barbers in this town always resort to the basic standard issue crew cut for me. 
I went to Suki's hair salon when I was 15. I paid over $20 for a hair cut because it was a pricey hair salon. I asked for a 'preppie hair cut' hoping I'd get a Rick Astley kind of hair style or an emo hairstyle. Guess what I got? Crew cut. But it was a good crew cut. No straggling tufts of hair longer than the others and no buzz razor bald patches either. It was precision work. 
To get the preppie look, you have to grow the hair short to medium length, longer on top and shorter on the sides and the back. And then use Dep gel for the sides and comb it back. But just the sides and not all the way to the back and then comb it back because that would be 1950s style. And on top, Dep brand mousse should be used and then a hair dryer for that massive 80s look. And wear clothes of pastel colours. 

I fear the week ahead. I have a couple of meetings to go to on Wednesday and I fear all of them. This is not the first or the last time I will fear the week ahead. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Today I cleared some weeds off the wall area of the radio station parking lot. There was some fine detailing work that I also did. The radio station parking lot looks a lot better. 
No one at the radio station knows I did it. There was onky one radio station marked SUV in the entire parking lot. The DJs were sequestered in insular luxury inside their soundproof recording booth so they didn't know I cleaned the parking lot. 
I also did some final work at the library planter area. There were a few pernicious rhubarbs some little sprouts I hadn't noticed yesterday. All gone. The reason why there were so many, verdant and profuse is because of the few very large progenitor plants of the same species which I cut down two days ago. Those over three feet high plants were huge and looked just awful. Near the end of their life, there was still some colour in the stalks and leaves but they also had a kind of a grey colour throughout. The newer plants came from them and if I hadn't cut them down, that area would look like a jungle worse than the incipient jungle that it already looked like. I noticed that area two months ago but again, thought the City was going to clean that area. When? They would have sprayed some weed killer but that doesn't take away the leftover plant material. The tedious attention to detail 100% kill rate is something the City probably wouldn't have done. A general all around staff shortage. 
The library could have hired a weed man. That job would have been $100 at least. More if they used a team of people to do it. 
I did it for free. All weeds individually uprooted and the ground tilled. That area looks West End whereas before it looked East End. 
Imagine what the area would have looked like in the next couple of months with the onset of spring. There would have been more and bigger dandelions. The alfalfa sprout weed would have reached a height of a few feet covering the entire area with an unsightly lattice of unsightly weed growth. There would have been quite a few more taller and conspicuous pernicious rhubarbs making the area look like nightmare fuel. 
That wouldn't be the best look for a library which is a bastion of middle class literary respectability or else its a place to use free internet and borrow free movies or if not borrow, see what movies are available for suggestions, remember the titles and then stream the movies at home on the VR goggles. And experience the movie in big screen. 
That's if you want to do that. Just about everyone who lives in my building don't go to the library. 
I'm too busy with my VR goggles and electric skateboard and also with worries worries worries about my future that I simply don't go to any places at all. Except for the probation office. 

I'm planning to take a day off soon this week. Actually I wonder how I'm going to survive the week. I got some worries. I asked my friends about these worries and they said that it's nothing. I have nothing to worry about. 
Some people with worries would just be preoccupied with themselves. Even with my worries I think of the community and making it look nicer to the best of my ability is how I cope with my worries. 

I got the movie Pretty in Pink for $5. Molly Ringwald. John Hughes. Hardcore eighties or what? 
There were other movies for $7 which I didn't get. It would be about $8 with tax. 
Castaway. A mainly one man show and not wearing a shirt. Uh, no thanks. 
Mr and Mrs Smith. Not spectacular. Can be seen on any other screen. I don't like movies where men are physically fighting with women. Offsetting. Not a priority. In the movie, Pitt and Jolie are hired assassins until one day, their assigned targets are each other. Guns and fists. Nah. 
John Hughes made The Breakfast Club and 16 Candles. I saw 16.Candles at the movie theatre. Long Duck Dong. Great movie. 
Breakfast Club I've seen on television. Great movie. A plotline that never stalled or got boring. Riveting all the way through. 
I never saw Pretty In Pink which was John Hughes most acclaimed movie. It was for an older audience where the other movies were for high school audiences so I never saw that movie yet. To experience that in YouTube big screen is to truly see the most acclaimed John Hughes movie. I have no idea of the plotline at all. 
If the Brad Pitt movie was $5 even then I don't know. Again, a man fighting a woman? That would look really edgy and unpleasant if a person were on some extreme drug. 
Breakfast at Tiffany's is $5 but that movie doesn't have the kind of production values that I'm looking for. So I didn't get it. If possible, the movie looks even more plastic than the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder. George "I love it when a plan comes together." Peppard is in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. No idea of the plotline of that movie. 
The YouTube screen looks like an IMAX screen. A high quality see the grains dancing on the screen level of precision. Otherwise I have the equivalent of a 200" television on the meta quest browser and the free movie site. Any movie would look fine on that movie screen. One movie site movies5 online only does 720p and doesn't always offer subtitles. Ww13 soap2day only does 1080p and always has subtitles and looks just fine on the meta quest screen which seems to have gotten bigger than it was before. 

Plane accident at Toronto airport. Never seen anything like it. A plane flipped on its back on ice. That's the aviation industry's answer to The Poseidon Adventure. 
This would be Canada's answer to the American air disaster between a military helicopter and a commercial airline. 
Now there's something called the Bernoulli Principle which is what makes planes fly. 
What would make a plane flip over with the Bernoulli Principle in mind? I don't know. 
See, the Bernoulli Principle either works for or against someone. In this case it went against. Sudden updraft or ha ha, downdraft? What about the gyroscope? 
Stephen King in the novel Apt Pupil said it best, 
"Old men always read the newspapers but not in the same way younger people do. Buzzards are known to gather at the end of certain airport runways in South America when the crosswinds are treacherous, did you know that? That is how an old man reads the newspaper." 
It was treacherous crosswinds that flipped the airplane over. Some level of pilot error, inexperience and bad timing is certainly involved. 
Sure. A lot of people think they have the ability to read between the lines of the News. They then paint pictures of conspiracies in their mind and get anxiety attacks. Later on, these pictures are proven wrong. Happens all the time. I'm going through something like this right now as I fear the events of the week ahead. 
No fatalities. Who was the pilot? Captain Sully? That pilot saved everyone's life which makes up for the initial f*ck up which up ended the plane making it lie on an icy airport runway going from the usual prone position to a supine position like a dog rolling over. Did the plane want its belly scratched? 
A Sikorsky helicopter would be needed to lift the leviathan aka the plane out of there. An engineering feat of Herculean proportions. 
Imagine being at boarding at looking out onto the tarmac and seeing an up ended airplane. It would be a horrific sight. That could cause trauma for life. Or at least for awhile. 

I saw a couple of 5 dollar movies. 
What Women Want. 
The Soloist. 
Not spectacular. There are better movies for free on Tubi. One is a chick flick and one is a story of someone with otherwise mental issues but is a talented musician living on welfare. At least that's what the story looks like. 
Then a Spielberg movie. Tinting. I couldn't believe it at first. I know that's a Spielberg movie. How did I miss that? $5. Holy smokes. That's a great deal. 
Actually this morning I cut a few long hairs from the top of my head that looked like a Tintin hairstyle not knowing I'd be able to get the movie regular price $17 for $5. 

I hope that Pope Francis is doing well. I am not Catholic but I respect Catholic spiritual traditions. 
The movie The Conclave. Is it predictive programming? 
The expression holy smoke comes from the conclave which is a sequestered in camera meeting of cardinals from all over. Like a jury, a unanimous decision has to be reached as to who is to be the next Monsignor. Every time a hung vote results, a chimney releases greyish black smoke. White smoke means that the final decision has been reached. Holy smoke! 
Someone like the Pope would have no worries as to whether he'll go to heaven. Someone like that would have an express ticket to ride. 
"Have faith." The Conclave 

Trump said, Those who fight for their country do no wrong. 
That's his answer to giving pardons to those who took place in the January 6 event. Fighting for their country usually implies fighting against external forces, not raiding the Capitol Building of your own country. If that's them fighting for their country, that leaves me wondering what it would look like if they were actually rebelling against their country. 

It seems like the spirit lives in the body but the body lives in the spirit. That's how the spirit simply just walks away after death with no change of awareness. 
It is like the physical body is the central mushroom and the spirit is the mycellium that surrounds it. Or the body can be likened to the heart and the spirit is the pericardium that surrounds it. 
To say that the physical body lives in the sprit implies that the spirit is greater than the physical body. 

I saw the movie Midsommar today starring Florence Pugh, Princess Irulan, Dune 2. 
Same director as Beau Is Afraid. 
Strange movie. Spoilers. 
After her sister dies of self inflicted carbon monoxide poisoning taking along the parents, Florence Pugh joins her boyfriend on a trip to Sweden to join this really weird murderous cult. It's kinda like Squid Game meets The Sound of Music. 
Doing psychedelic mushrooms is standard issue at that cult. 
Those who try to leave or take enter prohibited areas of the cult to find out more to further their University thesis are killed. Strange movie for sure. Lots of moulage. 
After seeing her boyfriend take part in some cult initiated mating ritual, Florence Pugh gets mad. The boyfriend goes into a forbidden area of the compound discovering other cult members killed in some bizarre ritual or other. He then is made to wear a bear suit and then set on fire. Burning man festival. Florence Pugh sees this and laughs. Movie over with the most epic irreverent ending since the ending of Pink Flamingos. A very arthouse movie. I saw it for free on the meta quest screen. Good movie but I don't like cults. So I won't pay for the movie. 
"Any final words?" 
"Even if I'm burned wearing a bear suit, would I still make it to Valhalla?" 
Naked people in a group in this movie and in his other movie Hereditary as well. He's kind of like Nick Tudic the photographer who photographs groups of naked people. That's one way to make a living, I guess. 
The movie would dissuade no pun intended anyone from thinking of visiting Sweden. Beautiful ladies in Sweden. Also a slight language gap in Sweden. 

There is time travel as opposed to linear time. But linear time isn't ever stationary. One is always time traveling through time ever going into the future one second at a time or one Planck unit of time at a time. 
So the phrase should be time traveling to any given point as opposed to time traveling one second into the future at a time. 
I'm trying to come up with some ideas about this. 
Even if something walks backwards or not. Even if a movie is rewound and rewatched at a previous point, time still goes forward.
It's difficult to know exactly at what point a second let alone a Planck unit of time begins and ends. 
As mentioned before, the light is on for a full Planck unit of time and then the light is completely turned off for one Planck unit of time. At what point does a second start and another one is finished? The next second feels exactly the same as the last. A moment now feels the same as a moment 40 years ago. 
The East Indians had a concept of small moments and big moments. To God, the entire history of the Universe seems like just a moment as that is the level of omnipotence that God is. 
Thats the dilemma I'm thinking of, that's if I want to and I don't. A lady I know has a dog that barks loudly and often. It's been a year now. Would that dog have matured? Or not? It's been a year. Of course for the dog, it's been seven years so I wonder if in 7 years, the dog has matured or not? 
Linear time or the subjective experience nce of time is like something moving down a conveyor belt at a certain rate. Time travel or the objective experience of time is like the factory worker who can jump to any point on the conveyor belt. 

My Bose speakers. The sound keeps fluctuating if I don't turn it above a certain volume which is a little bit too loud. 

Beau is Afraid is funny. Beau gets a note in the middle of the night. 'I aks you to turn the music down. You turn it up!' The thing is, he didn't have any music on. At all. 
When he goes into his apartmemt after he narrowly barricades the door from an angry tattoo guy chasing him, he sees a note. Hunter or Recluse spider missing. 
Joaquin Phoenix is taking a bath. A man is above him on the ceiling holding on to the walls like James Edward Olmos on an episode of Miami Vice called Bushido. The man struggles to hold on. Joaquin Phoenix is frozen with fear highly doubting that he would make it out of the bathtub in time before the man falls down. The man on the ceiling likewise looks terrified but he has incredible strength and endurance being able to hold on for what seems like forever. Then the recluse spider is seen craving on the man's forehead. He falls crashing down into the tub and wanting to get rid of the spider and Joaquin Phoenix panicking not knowing this stranger fight in the bathtub. 
Joaquin Phoenix gets a call telling him his mother died in a horrible accident the previous day. The night before, some egregious and picaresque strangers invade his apartment and throw themselves a party profoundly trashing the place. 
I put it together because crap happens like this in real life all the time. Death omens. The tattoo guy chasing him, the people crashing his apartment, all coincided with the time of his mother's death. The awful timing of it all. 
Hereditary and Midsommar weren't nearly this funny. 
"The disappointments and sorrows in life don't come as a single soldier. They arrive in batallions." Beau Is Afraid
Thats how I would describe every single episode of the News. It's called multiple stressors. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Annihilation with Natalie Portman. $7. Got it. 
I treated myself after sweeping the streets today. I cleared some weeds and tilled some ground. The ground needs to be regularly tilled about every two weeks or the weeds will grow back. One chia pet alfalfa plant looking weed surrounded a tree. It was halfway up the tree in height and this tree was in front of he Courthouse. The tree had a metallic guard lattice that surrounded it which served as a scaffold for the weed to grow halfway up the tree in height. No longer a worry or a reality. I removed all of it. 
There were some gargantuan clumps of clumpgrass which was in its dying stage. In opimim stage, the stalks are fully pointing up and they have a healthy shade of green. These clumps were half yellow and they were all wilted pointing downwards, half dead. These are weeds. I removed them. 
When people walked into the building in the morning they were probably expecting to leave the building seeing the same old weeds. Expectations VS reality. They leave the place seeing it looking better. 
A slightly brighter future. 
The forces of life sent me to make a brighter future for others. The forces of life could very well therefore help make a brighter future for me. 

Amistad from Steven Spielberg is available for $5. I won't get it. I saw the trailer and I wasn't feeling it. The movie wasn't spectacular rather depressing. People of any Nationality being enslaved is a depressing movie. Cheesy mid budget 80s production values. 
It has a Courtroom scene but so do a lot of other movies which I didn't pay money for and seen like 12 Angry Men. 
I got the movie Annihilation because it's a newer movie with much more spectacular production values and the story is about people being trapped in another dimension and the rescuers who try to rescue them. 
Some Spielberg movies are too depressing. He did a World War 2 movie that was quite depressing. I won't get that even if it's $5. 

I got The Firm. On sale for $5, regular price $17. 
The Firm is about Tom Cruise as a lawyer. I work at the Courthouse so to speak. 
The Firm is a term used for the British Royal Family which I have had a lot of dreams about. Lots. 
I spent over $2.50 in just tips today as I got some fried chicken. So $5 for The Firm isn't expensive and one that the gods would approve of me getting. 
That's the only John Grisham novel I read from cover to cover which I borrowed from the Collingwood Library near Kingsway and Rupert Street in Vancouver in 1993. 
The protagonist lands a job at a 'Lily White' law firm in the South but like any place in the South, there are African American servants, blue collar workers etc all about the place. 
Tom Cruise gets further into the larcenous web of this law firm of criminal lawyers. 
Like Jesse Pinkman of Breaking Bad said, "At times like this, you don't need a criminal lawyer, you need a criminal lawyer." 
In this movie, Tom Cruise has a brother who is an ex con but the brother helps to rescue him. 
Tom Cruise as the lawyer is contacted by the FBI who ask him to work as a covert informant regarding the law firm which Tom Cruise agrees to do seeing that it could help him. 
Eventually all the lawyers of that law firm get busted but Tom Cruise and his family with the help of his brother the ex con escapes to a tropical paradise in Hawaii. 
I wouldn't have minded seeing The Firm at the movie theatre if offered the chance. Well now I have the chance. 

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. 
A $20 purchase. Not a priority now that I have enough movies to sink a boat or else to boast a personal video library of hand picked, curated and purchased movies. 
Bill Murray dancing is gold. But that's just a five second segment all of which can be seen in the trailer. The pacing is flyblown and you can sense the cocaine in each digitally encoded frame. 
Wes Anderson must have done £sd when he was young because his movies have an acidic quality to them. Not just the one who experimental movie, all of his movies have an unfailingly inevitable bilaterally symmetrical set up to them. A butterfly is bilaterally symmetrical. On acid, the drug attacks the visual cortex which affects the separate optical nerve feeds to the right and left brain which usually run Sympatico but on acid, there is a disruption or some would say enhancement. 
Julian Jaymes The Evolution of Consciousness in the Devopment of the Bicameral Mind. Left brain right brain. 
Anyways I saw Asteroid City in the theatre at Sidney. And The French Dispatch too. Sidney BC is the only town where I saw Wes Anderson movies in the theatre. Wrong. I saw Rushmore at the Odeon in Vancouver. Rushmore. Younger guy loves older woman. 
I'd love to get that movie at a discount. I'd scoop it up quickly. 
I'd also get the Steven Spielberg movie Warhorse if it was on sale. Right now it's a whopping $23. Sure, if I was a rich man. 
Amistad is dreadful. Most of the movie is a slog to watch. Incidentally, today at the fried chicken restaurant. I saw smlome black people there. I was looking at the menu on the window and they thought I was staring at them! But when I explained what I was doing they were all right with that. I even pointed to the menu on the window. I guess I was looking a minute too long trying to understand the times that were on there. That was an omen that a Steven Spielberg movie that I like would be on sale and it would be about black people. The Court case ended inspirationally. The slaves were legally deemed in a US Court to be no longer properti s of the Catholic Church and that the slave masters of the ship present in the Courtroom hoping for the slaves to be remanded back into their custody were instead ordered to be immediately arrested on the spot right then and there and instead they were remanded in custody. 
The rest of the movie I just didn't like it. I wish it was available for free in HD on YouTube. It's a historical documentary not a fictional story or is it? Some Steven Spielberg movies aren't as good as other movies. 
Sugarland express. Cheesy 70s production values consistent with the styles of an era that included loud blazer jackets, bell bottom pants, 8 track tapes, fries and cheeseburgers, and roller skate restaurants. 
Schindler's List. Satanic and wretched. 
The Color Purple. Could never understand it. It would be as culturally accessible to Chinese people as The Joy Luck Club mahjong scenes would be to black people. 
The Post. Very dry and clinical. 
BFG. Big Friendly Giant. Movie made for kids. I found out with Tintin that movies made for kids, animation, is not playable on the YouTube VR app big screen. So it's back to the smaller meta quest screen. That's not money down the drain because all movies on YouTube register as UHD with a pop up on my LG Nano technology television which I got used at the pawn shop. 
The above movies I won't get even for $5. 
Empire of the Sun has Christian Bale but as a child. He was going to be a much much better actor but not in this movie. The scenes are spectacular and so is the setting. It's worth $5. 
For some strange yet wonderful reason, quite a few Spielberg movies are on sale at the bargain bin price of $5. That's $5 to see a movie on the YouTube VR app big screen. For life. Not bad. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I might get Amistad. But then I have to curb my online shopping addiction. 
I was thinking that each time a $5 Spielberg movie is purchased, it opens up another $5 Spielberg movie. There's first tier, second tier, third tier and scratching the bottom of the barrel. Amistad would be bottom of the barrel. Or at least third tier. 
Forget it. Whatever. 
If I bought I'd feel I'd have to watch the movie. It would be an ordeal. A slog. In one scene an entire shipload of Africans sinks. Wretched. Not a priority. 

Trump calls Zelensky a dictator. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. 
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump issued an executive order saying that. Thus making it official. What. That Trump is a dictator or that Zelensky is a dictator? Yes. 
I was wondering whether or not to write the following. It would sound presumptive and opinionated. 
The US who had been helping Ukraine is now leaving Ukraine somewhat twisting in the wind. This isn't the first time it happened in history. 
The Sikhs who had been helping the British were denied a separate state. 
The Arabs who helped the British drive the Ottoman Turks from Palestine were denied the State of Palestine which became Israel instead giving them certain smaller allocated settlements of land. 
North Koreans were left twisting in the wind when States abandoned the Korean War. 
South Vietnam was left to the control of the North Vietnamese after the States high tailed it out of there. 
Bay of Pigs. US allies were denied air cover. 
This is standard operating procedure for the US, it looks like. 
So now Ukraine is experiencing a bit of that. 
The map next month will look different with Russia looking noticeably bigger and Ukraine looking noticeably smaller. 
Most people in Canada have nothing to do with that region of the world. To them, it's an abstraction, a distraction. 

Getting even a cheap movie that I only kinda want to watch because it's cheap cuts into the price of a movie I'd wanna watch even at full price. 
Justice League. 2 hours 7 minutes. 
Zack Snyder's Justice League. Same director as Justice League. 4 hours 2 minutes! 
Has all footage of Justice League plus introduces Darkseid, Cyborg and Joker. Has the backstory of Flash and Wonder Woman. Includes Wonder Woman stopping the terrorists scene not in the original Justice League. Superman wears black and silver suit in the Zack Snyder Justice League edition. 
I'm pretty much going to get it. 
This is after shopping for over an hour. Thsts quite the deep dig. 
I'm still fully in the grip of my movie addiction. However I turned down a whole lot of movies. 4 hours is more bang per buck. F*ck that's even longer than Horizon An American Saga at 3 hours but I did get that on sale for $5 or something approximating that. Give or take a dollar. 
If you're going to get Zack Snyder Justice League, it goes without saying, don't even bother getting the original. At $15, I'm treating myself. Welfare night. That's cheaper than a movie and a popcorn. Movie, $14 plus tax, popcorn, $8 plus tax. 
I have to promise myself that I am going to stop my movie addiction. Please say a prayer for me that I can stop. Any addiction is awful but addiction to movies is better than addiction to alcohol which completely wrecks the liver. I'm not drinking alcohol tonight. I'm drinking tea with cream and sugar. 
The 4 hours sold me. I'm getting it because it's good bang per buck. 
This, knock on wood is the last purchase I'll get on YouTube Movies & TV for quite awhile. At least a year. 
Gotten it. 

Movies on the shortlist. 
- Hannibal. $15 movie. And not a 4 hour movie. 2 hours 11 minutes. Scenes of the lobotomy detract from the movie. The shooting scene in the first part of the movie is offsetting. 
Best parts of movie are the drive to the Verger Estate in New York. The Italy scenes particularly the opera and the piazza are spectacular. 
- AI. Steven Spielberg movie. The main character is a child which detracts. Adults have more experience an acting range. Sometimes children are essential elements to advance the plotline. Otherwise Spielberg spectacular cinematography. Spielberg completed Kubrick's movie as Kubrick already had the preliminary ploy outline and settings all ready for the movie. 
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The best and most spectacular scene is the lizard lounge and that scene is available in 4K on multiple YouTube videos already. Simply mind blowing. The rest of the movie is rather not that spectacular. At any rate not as spectacular as the lizard lounge scene. Aged production values. Not getting because I can only afford top priority movies like the 4 hour over the top spectacular Zack Snyder Justice League. 
- Pacific Rim. This movie should be gotten in a 4K UHD television because the colors sizzle and pop. Otherwise it's a b movie. The movie never held my interest enough to watch the entire thing in one shot. I either watched it in snippets or abandoned it altogether. Don't remember the plot or the ending. The only thing I really liked about the movie isn't the kaiju fights but rather the one scene where Burn Gorman as Gottlieb is standing at the blackboard with all the calculus equations written on it. That blackboard had a light hanging overhead which is an exposed silver light halogen lightbulb. 
I once lived in a room where I hung a silver light halogen lightbulb which I got at a local hardware store for $2.99 at the time. The light cast a super nostalgic glow. It wasn't just nostalgic. It was super nostalgic. 
My room now doesn't have a light socket in the center of the ceiling. It only has one light that is wall mounted that was built when this room was originally built back a long time ago, whenever. So now central ceiling silver light halogen bulb nostalgia. 
But to get an entire movie just for one scene with a nostalgic lightbulb would be ridiculous. 
If the walls of a room are painted pine green, a silver halogen lightbulb hanging from the center of the room looks really nostalgic. 
- Oppenheimer. Some fantastic visually spectacular scenes. Such type of scenes and more can be found for free on YouTube if you dig around. Otherwise a very dry clinical movie which includes a Courtroom scene of Scopes Trial proportions. My Court trial was nothing like that. There is a scene of a naked lady in the interview room. Women still have quite an effect on me. 
I'm not good at meeting women so I don't even bother trying. I try to concentrate on the things that I am good at, not the things that I am not good at. So what, me and millions of other men aren't good at meeting women and thus are single. 
Women are quite something in this dimension but they are are different, much better in the next dimension. Relationships are smoother and since there is telepathy, there is complete understanding and no misunderstanding at all. And it just takes off and gets better from there. Relationships in this dimension are profoundly saturated with misunderstanding. 
- Batman VS Superman. Already available in segments in 4K for free. Made in 2016. 2 hours 31 minutes. Already available for free. Justice League was released in 2017 while Zack Snyder Justice League was released in 2021. 

Of the 3 Kubrick movies I didn't get, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, and Eyes Wide Shut. 
- Clockwork Orange. Won't get. Really cheesy late 60s fashions which is if possible one level worse than the loud plaid bell bottom pants and 8 track tapes and roller skate discos of the 70s. Scene of a custodial visit from a probation officer gone awful wretched. Offsetting. Not a priority. Scenes of the main sector without clothes. Ugh. Not a priority. Blatant depictions of egregious criminality that got the movie banned for a couple of years when it was initially released. Cheesy costumes and set design that haven't aged well. 
 - Full Metal Jacket. Half the movie is mainly the voice of a drill sergeant yelling. The other half is a Vietnam War chapter that was clearly not filmed in Vietnam. The entire movie was filmed in England. Cheesy past era production values. 
- Eyes Wide Shut. The best of the bunch. Very spectacular. Lots of naked ladies. However one can see even more naked ladies and doing more on porn for free. Visually spectacular and is a movie about wealth albeit about some very evil wealthy people. 
The beautiful scenes are very relaxing especially the Christmas scenes, the jazz bar. It would be spectacular on bug screen. 
If women affect me this much in this dimension, this leaves me wondering how much more they will affect me in the afterlife dimension and what that would look like. The awareness, the attraction, the intensity of energy would only increase in the afterlife. 
If I get Eyes Wide Shut, I won't be able to afford it until next week. 
I won't get Eyes Wide Shut. There's the wretched opera music that just goes on and on.
It's a movie about evil. I won't, that is, won't get it. 

The Conclave. Won't watch the movie. After seeing the comments on the Ben Shapiro review of the movie, I found out enough. 
Get ready. The movie is about a Mexican named Benitez who is elected as Pope. Problem is, not only does he have old fashioned views, he is actually some kind of transsexual. He is a kind of hermaphrodite with something called Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome in which a person has balls on the outside and lady balls on the inside as well with a ball count totalling 4. In the movie, some of the Cardinals already knew but didn't say anything about it. 
So if Benitez ever says, "I've got twice the balls of any man." He ain't joking!
When the Chief Cardinal found out he too decided to keep the information from the public. 
Essentially, the Pope in the movie is like a 3 day old strawberry cream donut, hard and crusty on the outside and soft and pink on the inside. 
The movie addresses the infallibility of the Pope under such circumstances and if so, why not openly elect an actual woman as the Pope? I wouldn't object to that. As long as she can do the job. 
"It is not about gender. It is about spiritual maturity." a female Priest said that. 
But since I'm not a Catholic except to make occasional donations to the Catholic Church because I believe in the power of Catholic blessings seeing them as majorly blessings, I don't think my opinion means anything at all. 
I think it's because all Jesus disciples were male and the first Pope he appointed, St Peter was a male. Well, duh. Was Mary Magdalene a disciple? It really depends on who you ask. 
Someone in comments said, Make a movie like this about Islam and see what happens. 
I think Catholics would see this movie as some kind of crazy heretical anathema on par with that of The Passion of the Christ movie. I imagine Catholics would be just apoplectic and livid at this movie. Catholicism is a very solemn and Conservative tradition. 
And Conclave makes The Da Vinci Code look tame. 

I still fear my future. My fear of the future continues unabated. So at least there's that to live for. I hope that God or someone like David Icke said, "takes away the fear". 
The old me used to believe in neutralizing any problems like a defense lawyer would neutralize evidence. But some problems are too big to be neutralized like a global pandemic or the possibility of being sent away and then air-holed.*
*airholing is multiple standing with a prison shiv aimed at the lungs giving a person extra breathing holes thus called airholing. This is common in prison.**
Now my fears can be more or less neutralized these days. I fear the bodily breakdowns one after another starting with my teeth that will happen as I get older and older. The damned wretched senescent physics of this dimension. 
I don't fear being single for life. If anyone has the vision, the tenacity, the craziness and sheer vision that it takes to do it, that would be me. I doubt that any woman can or would want to take me on. 
Paul Giamatti as the Policeman warned Edward Norton in the movie The Illusion ist. He said, basically, paraphrased, "Don't try for a woman beyond your class. Very dangerous. There isn't a trick they haven't seen."
"Has there been complaints?" 
"No. We'd be having a very different conversation if there was."
I just keep to myself. I'm not trying for anyone. 
Homer Simpson said to Marge, "With other women it was something said yes and something said no. But with you, Marge, it was green lights all the way."
I don't know if I'll ever meet someone who is green lights all the way. There is a criteria. 
She must be in the same class as me, the welfare class. 
She must be around my height, give or take either way, even if she is slightly taller, I don't care if the love is there. But no crazy height variations. 
She must be single and not with anyone. 
She should like the same kind of music and drugs as I do namely tobacco and marijuana. 
She ideally should be able to skateboard. What. A lady like that at my age? 
Atermis is NASA. Space X is Elon Musk. An idea for a movie is that a man on the Artemis mission meets a woman from the Space X mission while on Mars and they have the first baby born on Mars. 

**Prison letters are censored. The letters that talk about the roughness and austerity of the conditions are allowed to slip through. The letters that tell that prison is a blast and fun times are the ones that are guarded almost to the death. 
When there are public tours and when the cameras are on, oh sure, they'll fight one another and even in some cases, depending on the institution, prisoners are summoned to Court except in this case the courtroom is someone's prison cell. There are no defense lawyers only a prosecutor, a few spectators and of course, an ever impassive judge. The verdict handed down is usually guilty and the sentence is a few punches to the face or else a total beat down. 
In the movie The Man With The Golden Arm, Frank Sinatra said his friends in prison chipped and got him a drum as a present as he was in a prison rock band. 
In another movie Nicholas Cage walked out of prison holding a stuffed bear under his arm saying, Prison isn't as rough as they say it is or words to that effect. 
This is a theory. As with the army, it would be in everyone's best interest to keep the morale up in such places to make everyone's existence be as smooth as possible. 
Sure it isn't a great place. Lots of psychopaths who were busted for repeat violent offenses. But for those who are socially acclimatized to the place because of their violent temperament, I imagine that at times the place has a lot of normal trouble free moments. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Cleared some clump grass off of around some trees on a street near the Courthouse and the radio station. That clump grass would have only spread out and grew taller. 
The driveways at the Courthouse one of has not been swept in weeks and last night it was windy. I swept those driveways clean. 
Rich people who drive Mercedes work there. That area should be swept clean of leaves looking nice to befit the people from rich neighborhoods who drive down there to work. 
People who work at any job where there is a group of people like the Library and the Courthouse are kinda like gangstas. They would see me as that dog that often cleans up the mess at their workplace. They'll get me back for that. They may or may not. There's no telling. However the potential is there. It doesn't happen right away. 
The opposite is the person who would have caused a mess at their work place and they'll get that person back too but not right away. It takes awhile. 
I need all the good karma I can get to fight back against the ocean of fears mostly imaginary. 
It occurred to me that the events of last year turned out a lot smoother than I thought it would and overall it was a very smooth year. But I worried ten tim s as much as I should have. So much needless worry. I painted horrifying pictures of the future for myself when it came to last year. And it went pretty good. Mel Robbins said, "What if it all works out?" Say this whenever you worry. And she said it's not plastering covering a situation with fake wishy washy pseudo science. Statistically most things we worry about don't happen or at least don't happen to the degree of calamity that we imagine. 
"We suffer mostly in our imagination."  Seneca

I got Amistad for $5. Spielberg movie. Today a black lady asked me something about the Courthouse at the Courthouse. Namely, "Is this 850 Burdett?" I said, "Yes it is." 
That prompted me to get the movie. It should look pretty good on the YouTube premium platinum grade screen. Some movies on sale, if you don't get it right away, it goes away the next day. Other movies just stay on there like velcro. 
Treat myself. Usually tips alone for a meals is over $2.50. So $5 for a Spielberg movie that I'll have indefinitely is not an exorbitant plunge. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Today I cleaned some weeds at something street as I forgot the name. 
The mainly clump grass and two dandelions made that segment of the street look real seedy. I cleaned all of it. It looks nice. Sleek. There was another area that had some weeds and a huge pile of discarded plant debris. I removed it. 
That street looks nicer. It's only one block away. I've only lived here for over ten years. Brought on Street I believe. That whole area used to look slightly scary like the scary woods scene in the OG 1930s Wizard of Oz. It's all cleaned. The clump grass growing around the trees encircling like a military formation look innocuous now but I know what clump grass out of control looks like. I cleaned around the tree areas as well. 
That street seems brighter now. Not scary to walk in at all. 

Life seems so real and a dream seems so dreamy. 
Some cultures believe that this world is a dream world and the afterlife is the real world. 
In the Korean movie Noryang: Deadly Sea, at the start of the movie, a dying old man says, "Life is a dream within a dream."
Does that mean that dreams at night are dreams within the dream that is the experience of waking life? Or does it mean that while waking life is a dream this also means that the afterlife where the departed reside isn't real life but is also a kind of dream life? 
Elon Musk said, "The chances that is is base reality is one in billions."
The chance that the afterlife and or the dream world is base reality is also one in billions as well. Who knows? 
The afterlife is a dream life because it has the same physics as the dreams we have at night. Spirits, holographic properties, teleport, telepathy, etc 
Live in a dream, die to a dream. Can't win for losing I guess. 

Trump calls PM Trudeau a loser. Trudeau could have said, "I believe the word you're looking for is hoser."
Trudeau isn't the one with a criminal record. 

I'm watching a movie. Mid way through. Movie, Forever Young 2023.
Free on Tubi. Gift from the gods. Story behind that too. 
Wouldn't play through, some glitch on movies5 online. Doesn't appear at all on ww13 soap2day. YouTube, $17 to own, $4 to rent. 
Then, I saw its on for free on Tubi. 
A woman meets an old man who peddles a drug called Novice. He entices her to take the drug. She refuses at first but then acquiesce. The old man, and the old woman appear young in the video. It scared me at first because it reminded me of vampire movies. I was scared for awhile. 
It's more a B movie. Anytime a character undergoes a drastic appearance change beside the usual to be expected creatures. 
Forever Young has parallels to The Substance. Old woman becomes young woman metamorphosis. 

February 26, 1 pm. Real VR Fishing users are waiting with baited I mean bated breath for the release of the new European DLC. Price $10 US. Probably $13 Canadian. Worth the price. It includes Mount St Michel monastery in Normandy France. Hardcore majorly awesome or what? Just can wait. Actually can wait as I have quite a few good movies to watch. 

There's the new Bridget Jones movie. I watched the first one at a movie theatre on Granville Street after seeing a trailer for it in Bangkok a couple of months earlier. Major nostalgia. The snowy scene at the end of the movie so Christmas was so touching and beautiful that I wept. The new Bridget Jones movie is the cast all old. Hugh Grant looks quite old. So does Colin Firth and Rene Zellwegger. 
I couldn't get in to the Conclave. The pacing is like that of a Church service and a boring one at that. Very dry. Only the most serious Catholic aficionados would be able to watch this movie for more than a few minutes. The cinematography is supposed to be very beautiful. It opens with scenes of talking heads. Ralph Fieenes, his voice, I couldn't stop thinking of the Hotel Grand Budapest and The Menu. And Stanley Tucci is the airport manager from the movie The Terminal. Typecast. And they are playing chess. 
Similar to Noryang The Deadly Sea, the movie opens with a deathbed scene. 
In film school, the worst way to start a story is waking from a dream or the alarm clock ringing. Would starting with a deathbed also be a bad way to start a movie? 

Gunner is the movie to see. From the description, a group of people choose the wrong person to mess with. Which is one of the recurrent 33 plotlines of all Hollywood movies. Bloodlust. 

I had to and got Guardians of the Galaxy for $10 on sale from $25. I already own the other 2 Guardians of the Galaxy on YouTube digital. I saw this movie in the theatre as well. 
Guardians of the Galaxy is spectacular and this is a good price for that movie. 

I saw Top Gun in the theatre in the 80s. Either the theatre was full or I just didn't care, I sat near the back and going into the theatre, at the left hand side aisle seat. The movie needs to be seen up close. Top Gun was released tons of times in IMAX over the years and I guess I must have seen it at least once. 
There is, was, an upscale Chinese restaurant called TPP Gun in Richmond. Good Chinese food. 
Good Chinese food is braised mushrooms and chicken with rice. 

I saw Karen today, my stalker. She was talking to a panhandler who is just horrible. I avoided her. I walked away. I was able to avoid her completely. I just don't know what to think. Me and her don't have much in common at all. We're two different radios on two different wavelengths. 
I don't want a relationship. Even if I did, I'd definitely hold out for something better. 
I am diligent. I sweep the streets and the dinosaurs for 400 million years rip off forces of life typically can't throw me anything more wholesome than Karen and she's friends with that horrible Oriental panhandler, "I'm hungry, I want $20!" Horrid horrid man. Seeing Karen and that guy together form quite a Satanic visage. That's what the forces of life dispenses me. And you wonder why I think of giving up on life. Life is a rip off. 
As it is though, it looks like the Oriental panhandler probably isn't long for this world. I wonder how he lasted as long as he did. 

I've still failed and this worries me a lot. My online movie addiction scares me. I hope I don't get any more movies as that would be financially devastating. I'm going to Church to ask someone to say a prayer for me. Perhaps a few people even. Other people wishing you something can help more than just your own efforts. Any of you out there, please send me a wish that I can stop, that is, stop my online shopping addiction. 
One day I will stop. I've been addicted to other crap before. 
All movies can be seen for free on free movie sores so anyone purchasing movies has more money than brains. 
Somewhat smaller screen, somewhat lower definition, not much lower, what's the difference? At least it's free. 
ADHD don't stop a movie only to start another. And keep doing it but people channel surf all the time. I'm almost terrified of my online movie shopping addiction. It's insidious. 
Honest as the day is long. 
Days are long and there is always a lull in the day that makes me take a peek at YouTube movies Hot Deals of the Week. 
Doctor, it hurts whenever I do this. Then stop doing that! 
I screw up when it comes to my online movie shopping addiction when I look at hot deals of the week. Then stop looking at that! 

I never made that connection. 
Clockwork Orange. Alex de Large was a fan of Beethoven. 
Ludivico Therapy. Ludivico is derived from Ludwig, van Beethoven. 

George Vancouver is from the town of Coevorden in the Province of Drenthe in The Netherlands. Van Coevorden, Van Couver, means from the town of Coevorden. 

The movies I get shouldn't be purchased with a regret that accompanies some financial depletion, they should be purchased with enjoyment and celebration that these movies have been selected with an attitude of finely curated discretion in that only the finest most artistically spectacular movies are purchased. Movies count as among humankind's finest accomplishments. Movies speak to the highest level on Maslow's pyramid of needs and that is self esteem and self realization. 
I still want to quit my addiction because it is at the point where it scares me. 
One approach is to see, one week, two week, three weeks etc passes and I don't get any movies. Just forget about it. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Midnight. Got Alice Through The Looking Glass. $7. Regular price $23. 
Helena Bonham Carter. Johnny Depp. Great movie. Cheap price. 
I'm glad I got it. It looks wonderful. 

6 am. 
I've decided to stop watching local News. The flashes I get. First I thought the News was 
rather abusive. 
I'm going through something and the News tells stories about it and just rubs it in. 
During the pandemic, the News had stories about people who were younger than me and fit but died of coronavirus. There is a proviso. They weren't vaccinated and I was vaccinated so there's that. However it was still altogether unsettling. 
Then during the months before my court trial, so many News stories of people facing trials and they got sent away. 
I wound up having no court trial and no jail. Pleading guilty cancels out the trial. And probation although somewhat portentous, certainly isn't jail. 
The News had commercials of a lady in a wheelchair dying and then it turned out that my girlfriend who was in a wheelchair died. Which was a reference to me. 
The News has social programming. If you're not White, then you're a racialized minority and there are White Supremacists. If you're White you don't get off being tarred with the pernicious brush of the News because as you notice, White people are the most major offenders. The big time bank robbers, the one who killed his two daughters, the one recently who answered an online ad then went to a girls apartment and then stabbed her multiple times, "Kill dead." Bella Baxter, Poor Things, which is the Court case going on this week as I am sweeping the Courthouse grounds outside the Courthouse, most disturbing and the big time serial killers, the big ticket items at the Courthouse, the ready for prime time cases, all of them White and in which case they are referred to as Caucasians. A White person might think, "I'm all of a sudden a Caucasian rather than White whenever a crime is committed, even when another person commits the crime, and I am vicariously referred to as Caucasian on the News. You wonder why. As White people they are most eligible for running for Office. This cuts down the competition. 
More social programming. What a bring down."
Finally I decided that the News isn't just abusive, it's downright toxic. 
In this day and age when there is internet, when I have YouTube and VR to choose from but would opt for the News that is toxic is bizarre. 
Referring to people as racialized people, minorities. Some of these people were brought here against their will as children and or emigrating and getting citizenship in a country where they are one of the majority is near impossible. 
The News ticker has all kinds of creepy stories. 
CNN has the creepiest commercials. All these pharmaceuticals and then taking the pharmaceuticals may increase ideas of suicide. If you didn't have any suicidal thoughts, all of a sudden that ad says those words to catalyze with your thoughts. Toxic suggestive for a professional media outlet you'd expect higher standards than from amateurs. 
Every five minutes on Glbal News is a Fiber 4 commercial. "Prevents gas, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea." To hear the word diarrhea every five or ten minutes. Again that's the pot calling the kettle black. The News is the metaphorical vacuous cultural hole of television and all the News stories is the sh*t and diarrhea that spews from it. Endlessly all day long. Even in its etymology. News is half of the word a-news; anus. 
In the family of television streaming services with its big budget well thought out preplanned months in advance movies and television shows, the News channel and the slurry of pernicious unwanted bulk ads that are inextricably linked with it is the red headed stepchild with Tourette's syndrome. 
The News often has those cleft lip commercials. Toxic. And commercials that air literally every five minutes, the CoOp commercial. It repeats because that is an unpopular time slot and advertisers pay for bulk advertising. Thoughtless and ignorant. That's how they run a media broadcasting business. 
The thing is, the News is completely subsidized with a minimum amount of government funding and minimum amount of sponsor clientele. So they can broadcast whatever News-cliquey us vs them passive aggressive social programming class structure reinforcement cultural narrative bullsh*t they want without worrying about their bottom line. 
"Culture is not your friend." Terence McKenna 
Pay $12 a month and get YouTube without ads. Listen to Stingray music stations. Such are examples of pristine and pain free entertainment. 
In the old days, there weren't much options. Now in a time where there is a plethora of options, the retarded airhead way would be to watch the News. 
The best thing to do in this case is to vote with my feet and I'm just not watching local News anymore. 
Local News of any town seems to want to make people move back as if it was an affront that anyone leaves their town and never goes back. "Why don't you come back? Why would you leave for years?" The reply to that would be, "Going back would be a regression to some former bullsh*t. So many people who live in your town came from other places and never yet went back. I learned it from them." 
I have to watch the local News and it's weird sh*t commercials. What is this. The 70s when there were only three channels that each only ran about 18 hours a day with otherwise no VCRs let alone a computer with YouTube and thus the News had a more captive audience? Uh, no. There are much much better options. 
I can have ad free YouTube but would watch the News? Bizarre. Any time you purchase a YouTube movie, it's automatically ad free. 
I opt to not go ad free. Some of the ads are pretty golden. They are quite good. 
Why watch the local News in a town where if I had a million dollars, I wouldn't opt to still stay in this town. I'd move to a better one. 
There is gold amongst the dross. The News has lots of inspirational and even angelic flashes, signs, omens, messages that everything will be all right. Don't worry. 

I'd opt to live in Vancouver. West Vancouver and East Vancouver are heavenly. 
The area near the Jericho Hostel is completely and absolutely and intensely heavenly to me in a way that let's face it, no place in this town is. The heavenly resonance of the geomagnetic vibes in Vancouver. There is more of a selection of anything in Vancouver. In a small town, selection suffers. 
Yet Vancouver has a neighborhood like the downtown eastside which is just hyper and bonkers. A cruel and unusual punishment. Vancouver is a very toxic town. Verbal abuse happens often. Violence and sucker punches are the coin of the realm. 
Dawson Creek. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word. In Dawson Creek, I was never punched or almost never verbally abused. In Victoria, very seldom verbally abused and never punched. In those towns I got a fair shake. Vancouver, frequent verbal abuse and I got punched quite a few times in that town. Some things are unforgivable. One time is one thing. Years on end of weird toxic systemic bullsh*t. 
I'm glad I moved to another town. The expat life is the best life. Expat from the hometown on the mainland and an expat from the mainland. 
Henry David Thoreau wrote about how having a minimalist life is best. The least extraneous social elements, the less items possessed the better. Less is more. 
"I saw a man on the road carrying a sack on his shoulders. I pitied him not because he had so little but because he had so much to carry." Henry David Thoreau 

Sadghuru said in a video about overactive minds in that, "The other organs do their thing and you don't care. The mind does its thing and it bothers you. You want your mind to stop. What if your other organs stopped? The mind does its thing. It churns out all kinds of thoughts. No need to worry about that." paraphrased. 
Well, the mind doesn't always know what it's talking about. I have all these thoughts about people how they are so strange. I don't know much about them at all so that's why I think they are strange and we don't have much in common anyways. I meet them and then a few months later, I forgot that I ever met them in the first place. So many years meeting so many people. 

Once when I was at a Catholic food line, there was a man white a smirk on his face that looked like a clown. He said, "I'm from Ireland and Scotland. Hmm. Where are you from?" As if any answer I give in his mind wouldn't be as good as being from Ireland and Scotland. Looking back, I could have said,  "You say that like it's a good thing. Ireland and Scotland is island living. A backwater town on the mainland is one thing. An island backwater town is another level of backwater. I was brought to this backwater country that has nothing better to do than to compare each other to one another and thus obsess about the state of the others mental health when I was a child without adult consultation and to emigrate and to acquire citizenship in that country where I am a majority rather than a minority is near impossible. Talk about a captive audience." 
I really like life in Canada. Nobody treats me like a minority or else there are so many others around me who are Euro ethnicity challenged. Non White. Whatever. 
Canada is like Gene Rodenberry, Dogberry*, who is an ex cop who envisioned that the next level in advancement of human social evolution is for people of all different Nationalities to live together rather than everyone of just one Nationality living together. It's more challenging to the brain and is thus healthier for the brain. Variety is the spice of life. In the old days a person only knew the recipes of their country. Nowadays any person from any Nationality probably knows recipes from quite a few different places be it yogurt and sour cream for tzatziki or recipe for tabouleh, sushi etc etc etc. 
*Dogberry, Police constable in the Shakespeare play, Much Ado About Nothing. 

After more than a decade, management said that I could have a hamster. Uh, no thanks. 
So many disadvantages. So few advantages. 
Disadvantages. I wasn't spending enough money on online things. I have to spend more money for a hamster. Cage, $30 with complete set up more or less, at a thrift shop. Otherwise upwards of $100 if at a pet store. Hamster $50. They used to be $5 and Guinea pigs were $15. Sure, they were even cheaper in the 60s. 
The money on pellets bedding, vitamin drops in the water, and fresh fruits and vegetables. The cage has to be cleaned at least once every two days. On the third day, the cage starts to smell like rotten shrimp. When the female hamster goes into estrus, that attracts all male mice and a few female mice too in the vicinity. The male mice are attracted. The female mice are intrigued and curious and want to investigate. 
Get sick. Take it to the vet. That gets pricey. Really pricey. Or be an @sshole and never take it to the vet.. 
Dies. A few hours of extraneous grief that could have otherwise been avoided with not getting a hamster in the first place. I don't need the grief. 
"Then the pet dies. Spring fever." Saturday Night Live 
Advantages. Cute as anything. Hamster. Baby baby big big cheeks. You got to giss,* the baby a little kiss. One kiss for the baby. 
When I didn't have a criminal record, I couldn't get a hamster. Now that I have a criminal record, I'm allowed to own a hamster. The timing is just odd! I get the irony. The hamster will be in a cage, I'm on probation, either of us would be in custody of one sort or another. We'd be a matched pair. 

Oh, what the heck. I was holding back. 
At the Courthouse a group of protesters who protest the forest logging of some place or other was at the Courthouse each receiving their sentences. Most were let of with probation if that, but the Leader, a Native female got sent away for a couple of months with years of probation to follow. The group including the lawyer said that the judge threw the book at her. And you wonder why. 
She showed up to Court wearing a red coloured robe very shiny and Shamanic and mysterious looking with red feathers making her appear as a scarlet crimson irredescent bird  and with a hat made of straw that resembled a pill box hat going for the Jackie O pillbox hat look. The judge might have asked,  "You showed up to Court in that? A lot of people wear formal clothing."  She might have replied,  "In my culture, this is formal clothing." Well it was definitely a fashion faux pas. 
So if the forest protesters were to win their protest and the Courts plsce a injunction on logging in that area and then that area burns up in a forest fire forcing locals to temporarily evacuate, that would be a pyrrhic victory, figuratively and literally. 
Pyrrhic from the Greek word pyrrhos meaning fire where the word pyromania comes from and where the word fire comes from. 

Two movies that I'm getting and then not getting. 
- Atomic Blonde. High octane fueled East European adventure. New Order Blue Monday. 
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005.  Johnny Depp. Epic movie. Beautiful. Intensely great. 
Needs to be seen on the platinum grade YouTube VR app screen. 
$15 each. As luck would have it, I won't be able to afford this until next month which is three and a half weeks away. That's something to look forward to. I am putting myself on a leash when it comes to online movie shopping. Window shopping is fine. Purchases will have to be greatly delayed. What the heck. Watch it for free on the meta browser. It's not rocket science. 
I already have the movie Alice in Wonderland 2010. Johnny Depp. Newer movie thus newer production values and newer CGI technology. Tintin movie won't play on the YouTube VR app screen because the movie is made for children but Alice In Wonderland, I worried about that. It plays on the YouTube VR app. 
Atomic Blonde has motion sickness scenes. I'm not into movies like that at all. Won't get. 
Charlie Chocolate Factory looks really good. I can't wait to get it. But not until 3 and a half weeks later unless a sale occurs. 

"Here you are flying over so much pain and error and you know you can never look down. You have to look forward or you'll never get home." 
Warhorse, Steven Spielberg 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Simply can not wait until the new Fishing VR content. Europe. The final countdown or what? 

I am tempted to get the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for $16.79 including tax. 
I might get it. I was thinking of going to McDonald's to get a McDonald's coffee and an egg McMuffin which I add with truffle salt. Price, $6. And I was thinking of going to Church, price $5 donation, for a blessing, completely voluntary, not donating is an option. I donate for a blessing because I need all the luck I can get. I donate at least $5 a week to a Church. Mainly the Anglican Church but also the Presbyterian Church and the Catholic Church for powerful Catholic blessings. It works. Despite my massive, that is, massive fears last year, what turned out was relatively not much to worry about. Fear, big. Actual events that happened, not that much to worry about. Edgy moments for sure but overall not the end of the world. 
I won't go to Church because it usually slips my mind to go. 
$11 saved and deferred generates towards the cost of the movie. 
I have to get the movie! 
Charlie's father, Mr Bucket, in the movie, the actor Noah Taylor looks like King George VI. Helena Bonham Carter was the Queen Mother in the movie The King's Speech and she is Charlie's mother in this movie. Bucket sounds like Buckingham. 
I haven't had much memories of any dreams in the last few months but I have had lots of royal dreams and vivid ones. Including those of the past King who I recognized from history lessons from high school. 

Getting movies is a rabbit hole. It never stops. A person can come up with any excuse to get a movie or to not get a movie. 

Today, on the way to the supermarket, I cleaned an area of the Old Spaghetti Factory. Weeds were removed around bench bases, garbage can, bike rack and electric meter wall. Then mold was removed all around bench bases and the electrical meter area which was profoundly covered with a thick shag rug layer of moss. All of it removed and gone. 
A young lady was walking into work at that area so she saw me. Probably CCTV cameras too. 
The Italians are gangsta and they are very powerful. That I cleaned their workplace, they'll get me back for that, in a good way. I wouldn't be surprised if something good happens to me. 
Johnny Depp is Italian. Old Spaghetti Factory. Charlie Chocolate Factory. I should get the movie! Paranoia is when you believe people are wanting to harm you. Metanoia is when you believe that people want to help you! 
I got a bit of metanoia when I saw a Police SUV. I reflected, probably delusional, that seeing the Police SUV is the Police on some level saying, Go for it! Get that movie! 
Got the movie at 2:00 pm. Hopefully my online movie shopping addiction is over now. 
I had this movie on a Sony PSP UMD. 

I got 4 Tower of Pisa travel and exploration apps for $4. "
Regular price $13. 
I saw a presentation about the Tower of Pisa sat the Vancouver Planetarium in 2011. $4. You couldn't even get a slice of pizza for that price. Perhaps one slice, that's it. 

I am going to post a picture that best goes with, I think, The Mysterious Traveler radio show. Imagine being in the 1940s and listening to The Mysterious Traveler and thinking of the picture above.  The picture above is in East Vancouver. 
The Mysterious Traveler radio shows can be accessed on YouTube. Pick any episode. They're all good. 

Monday, February 24,  2025

Today I clipped off the dry protruding branches and other protruding branches of one planter area at the Library. 
Then I swept the Courtyard and the pine needles off the roof area. 
Then I removed weeds from an apartment parking lot. 
Then I removed weeds from a wall at the Northeast corner of Humboldt and Quadra. There was moss as well. 
I do this and then get nothing for it. 
My life sucks and I want to quit. God would not give me an early reprieve. I've come up with certain answers that a lot of others didn't. Others who wanted an early reprieve and got one. 

I get something for the work. The government pays me welfare. Some people are happy to sit around and do nothing for the welfare money. I choose to do some work cleaning the neighbourhood so it looks nice and not seedy. 
I get all kinds of gifts and even money on occasion for my work. 
Working saves me money. I'm not shopping when I am working. 

Freedom. This is what you call freedom? Enmeshed with the rotten physics of this dimension, can't teleport and wired to the R complex and cortisol. 
I wish I was already in the afterlife with Heather rather than to be stuck in this dimension. I'd really rather skip the rest of my life altogether. For some damned reason, God won't grant me an early reprieve. 

"You know she's gone and she won't be back 
You must be a happy man" 
Brave Belt, Dunrobin's Gone

I won't be working on Wednesday as Wednesday is the release of the new European DLC on Real VR Fishing. I might do some work actually. 
I work and often encounter delinquent personalities and delinquent energy. I give the energy of diligence and I am returned energies of delinquency for that. I always see that awful Oriental panhandler. Another grim wretched dispatch from the much hated damned forces of life. That panhandler doesn't look like he's long for this World. He lloks quite licaresque, hebephrenic and dissolute. It's the same cheap wretched mindless forces of life that brought about dinosaurs for 400 million years. Damned wretched forces of life. 
But how do I know I'll make it to 60? I don't know that. Then I'd be seeing Heather again a lot sooner than I think. When I read about how wonderful the afterlife is, life in this dimension is a waste of time and energy. 
I look forward to when I am safely on the other side in the afterlife. That's when worry free living will truly begin. I can't wait to get there. Life just isn't doing it for me. I won't kill myself but hope that God can give me an early reprieve. 

Dear Heather and any of my friends and relatives who are in the next and amplified plane of existence:
I wish I was with you in the afterlife. Youse all are living on an unlimited Universe while I live in a limited Universe. 
I have these tedious tawdry worries in my life right now that I can sure do without and am sure that I would certainly be better off dead than to endure the duress of these insufferable problems especially since I've come up with certain answers which I am absolutely sure that you know about. You sure didn't come up with these answers and yet you are in the great painless dimension of the afterlife and I am stuck here in this painful dimension of cortisol. It's baffling that God didn't give me an early reprieve for passing the test and coming up with the answers. Sometimes I actually think there is no God and life is just mindless random nebulous arbitrary bullsh*t forces that propel our existence like it propelled the dinosaurs existence for 400 million years. In that case, I'm truly doomed. I don't see any kind of future for myself that would be worth sticking around for. Seriously. 
There is no one who means much to me. If I were to die, is there anyone on Earth right now whom I would miss and want to live for? The answer is no. 
Heather, I would give up all my tomorrows on this Earth if I could be with you in the afterlife today. 
Please ask God on my behalf to give me a quick and painless early reprieve. 
Yours, Dean Noble. 

"Knowledge is limitless. Your life is limited. If you use the limited against the limitless, you will lose." Chinese proverb

Knowing how traumatic encounters with the Police and the Law are, I'm sure glad that I never had any children. Bring them into the world only to possibly one day face the Police, the Courts. But other people bring children in the World. The human species, damned mindless species do things not thinking things through. Ludicrous. 

Encounters with the Law aren't a good thing but they aren't a totally bad thing. Some encounters with the Police make any movies about the Police more exciting because you have some idea of what's going on. Sometimes a criminal record can enhance a person's reputation and adversity strengthens character. 
"You have to have a little bit of dirt on you before people can trust you." Fast and Furious 
Some celebrities including George W Bush and Donald Trump have had encounters with the Law, so anyone with a criminal record would be in distinguished company. 

I previously wrote of all of my mentors Terry Edwards, Mark Roy, Norm Mitchell, Harold Wallace and Richard Leavis. One thing in common. They all had a criminal record for some reason or other. So it was about time that I myself get a criminal record. Richard who was a security guard, had previously done some time at Kingston penitentiary. I wonder if any of them are still alive. 

Norm Mitchell. Bank robbery. Did 10 years. 
Mark Roy. Possession, cocaine. 
Harold Wallace. Possession, heroin.
Terry Edwards. Assault. 2 years area ban and probation. He said, "My probation officer's a nice guy."
Richard Leavis. Unknown. Presumably armed robbery. Did some time at Kingston Penitentiary. 
They're all dead now. But they had the sharpest minds. All very well read. Geniuses. 
They are people I'd like to talk with again in the afterlife. A person can get omens of the afterlife in this life and remember these moments later on when they are in the afterlife. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Feel better about life in general. Things don't look the same the next day. 

I didn't get West Side Story for $7. I opted to get There Will Be Blood for $5. 
Spectacular movie. 
WSS is a Steven Spielberg movie but musicals just aren't my kind of thing. 
Get one record for ten cents then sign up to get a minimum of ten records at a minimum sale price. 
Get any Spielberg movie for $5 and get other Spielberg movies one at a time each at a reduced price. If you don't get the Spielberg movie either it stays on the shelf and no other movies are available or else if you don't get the movie within a certain amount of time, the sale goes away and another movie is on the shelf so to speak. 
Who cares? 

I went to Chipotle Mexican fast food chain. Pretty good. I got the chicken salad. Acupulco chicken salad? Anyways it's good. 
I opted for white rice. Next time I'll go for brown rice. It's more nutritious. I went for the half chicken salad for $12.45. $5 more and you get a double protein salad. 4 times the amount of chicken as the half salad. Lots of ingredients. A massive salad bowl well worth the money. 
After seeing the television show Breaking Bad, I wondered if the owner of the Mexican restaurant chain was like Gus Firring owner of El Pollo chicken. Major drug dealer. I seiously doubt it. People like major drug dealers get busted. 
The restaurant is good. I really like Mexican food. Who doesn't? There are Mexican restaurants in Europe and Asia as well. Ask any expat. 

I took the day off today after a six hour magalothalon of work yesterday. I'll be working again tomorrow. It will be a short day. 

If the different stages of my life were made into action figures, this stage of my life, Probation Dean would be a very collectible action figure. Merch. 

The movie Always is worth watching. It's a movie about ghosts and the supernatural. 
I won't pay money for it. The movie can be seen for free. Spielberg movie. Story completely from a movie made in the 1940s. There are some spectacular scenes in the movie. I'm all movied out. 
If a person had a collection of movies purchased on YouTube, the more movies, the more time to scroll down to find the movie they want to watch. 

11:50 pm. Two hours and ten minutes until the new Europe DLC in Real VR Fishing. The final countdown. Trip to Europe. Imagine in the future. Two hours and ten minutes until I got to get out there and get on the bus to the airport to go on a trip to Europe. 
England would be most accessible because of the language. The other European languages, I know a few words and phrases here and there. Get a phrase book or look online for basic phrases of whatever languages before going. 
If that does happen in the future. I'll try to remember to write about it. Two hours to go until. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Elon Mess, I mean Elon Musk has people angry at him on both sides of the Canada - US border. The last time Canadians and Americans have been simultaneously so angry was in the 80s when Classic Coke was replaced with new Coke. That didn't go well and so Classic Coke was reinstated. 
I guess the Space Project is put on the backburner. That used to be his vanguard project. Now it's politics. Thus you might say that he degenerated depending on who you ask. 
When you have a President who has had otherwise no prior political experience, don't be surprised when you start having unelected unappointed people implementing government policy such as you have 48 hours to describe what you did last week or lose your job which was edict levelled at government employees. Trump wants to fire woke employees turning what was the previous Leftist cancel culture purge to a Right Wing DOGE MAGA purge. This happened in history in China. In the movie, We Live, at one time Nationalists then in power were hunting down Communists. Then the Communists were in power and tide of fortune turned as Nationalists were being purged. 
America. From going extreme woke to extreme DOGE in a few months. Each are 4 letter words with O and E. What's with that? 

The European DLC on Real VR Fishing was delayed 2 hours from 2 am to 4 am. However since I fell asleep at 1:30 am and woke up at 7:30 am, that didn't affect me at all. 
The Mount St Michel level has a very large moon reminiscent of the Lars von Trier movie Melancholic. There are Germany levels as well. 

I watched the debate. I don't know why. My station in life, welfare recipient has absolutely no business with the debate which involves the Executive Branch of government. 
However, politicians like to be talked about respectfully. This is a culture that encourages respectful insightful comments from citizens regarding politics. 
Chrystia Freeland. The rock star. The cougar. Pearls. Glamorous. She is fully ready to stand up to Trump and she has done it before. 
Mark Carney. The silver fox. Rock Star. Old boys network. Bank of Canada CV. Tough and ready to stand up to Trump. 
Karina Gould. Ready to be a leader not with answers that tinker around at the edges, her words. 
Frank Bayliss. Used to run a food bank. Would he run Canada like a food bank? I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing. 
There's no telling who will win as the next Prime Minister. But let's face it. This means nothing. Liberals have been around for 10 years. Liberal PM wins and that means the Liberals thus run Canada for 15 years?! Canadians don't like that. The Conservatives will win due to the sheer weight of the chronological mathematics. It's a Coalition government anyways which decreases the chances that they'll stick around. 

Good song
DJ Quads - First Time
From a short video on YouTube from the Real VR Fishing channel. 

I cleaned for the Courthouse today and I scratched the moss off of a short garden wall structure at an apartment near the Courthouse. I feel happy. One should never leave work feeling depressed or cranky. A few times is one thing. All the time? That would let the Courthouse down and I think a lot of the Courthouse. 
My life is not going nowhere. Cleaning the sidewalk around the Courthouse is my life going somewhere. 
I feel happy. I remember my favorite things like Real VR Fishing. 

In the most talked about video about the Middle East since Lawrence of Arabia, Trump Gaza offers a feverish psychedelic spectacle of Olympian proportions. Oh look, there's the Burj Khalifa. Why not do a video of downtown Victoria BC and shoehorn the Sears Tower on Hastings Street in Vancouver while we're at it? 
Palestine is made up of descendants of the original Muslim locals who were in the region when it was under the Turkish Ottomans plus a largely Arab diaspora. 
Gaza could still be an American protectorate with freedom of religion. Expats could be tried in consular Court under American Laws. 
That's a Trump ideal like Trump steaks. The reality will most likely turn out to be quite different. 

The Sears Tower in Vancouver has a revolving restaurant. The Emperor Nero in around 60 AD had a revolving dining room, the first in the world. It was powered with ropes, gears, pulleys, weights, counterweights, etc. Next time you go to that revolving restaurant, bring this up. 

There is a golf VR app that's supposed to be pretty good. Pricey, about $30. And there are a lot of DLCs. The amount is the most I've seen of any VR app. The DLCs are different golf courses. PGA. There is one I'd get for sure. St Andrews Links in Scotland. I wouldn't mind visiting and playing there in VR as I already did it with the Sony PSP Tiger Woods PGA golf tour. Also Mario golf is kinda good too. 
St Andrews Links costs $12 plus tax. 
The physics in the golf VR app is supposed to be pretty good. 
For best results a VR golf attachment is needed. 
Classic. Swing a VR golf club in room, knocking out a lamp, a mirror, a television. Yeah, just what I need. The app can also be played without the golf club attachment. Prices range from around $40 - $70 before taxes and shipping. 

I'm playing a bowling VR app. Incredible. The physics seem realistic and not fixed because I get a lot of strikes and spares. But the misses and gutter balls register too. 9 frames per game. Lots of different bowling alleys. I like the 50s alley. 
What is a bowling ball made of. Google it. 
There is always a bit of a throw and the bowling ball hitting the floor. How does the floor not get dented? Hardwood floor. Not softwood floor. 
Football, basketball, soccer are inflated. A baseball is a round spool of twine with leather stitched over it. Hockey puck, golf ball and bowling ball are each made of different alloys. 
A curling stone weighs 40 pounds and is a smooth granite stone. 

I will always leave working for the Courthouse feeling better in every way but if I am feeling worse in any way, why do it? 
I have other legal worries. I have an interview with a probation officer regarding my history. I don't have much of a history except one that is saturated with rooming house living. And counseling which has been contracted out to the local Forensic Psychiatry unit which sounds scary. 
In spite of these worries, I still clean for the Courthouse and on occasion, the Library as well. 
I take extra time and attention to the finer details when sweeping the sidewalks of the Courthouse. I feel that I am doling something that is a good deed. 

I might as well tell this story. My thoughts which could just as well go unwritten. The Old Spaghetti Factory East area. There is a employee entrance for the kitchen staff and wait staff. There are two benches with a cement base covered with moss which I have since removed. There was some moss around the electric meter and water meter area also removed. I removed some weeds from the base of some walls. 
There is more work to be done. The lines of the cobblestone are just heaping with moss. I could remove the moss from the cobblestone and do a detailed job but that area is immense. There is the main area and then a walkway. If the moss isn't removed eventually the whole area will be so covered with moss that the cobblestones won't be seen. 
If I do it, that's a private area. The Courthouse sidewalks is a public area. Any area that is the sidewalk. There are places closer to the Courthouse that I haven't done so why go out of the way? Immense area. Private location. Unsure of permission. A bit of a distance away. No compensation anyways. Why do it? 
It was one thing to do that other work. That took about 45 minutes. That work makes the place look somewhat noticeably better and that is what I was aiming for. 

Something worries me. Totally off the wall. Caveat. 
In a movie, a young lady said to her brother, I think it was some movie or other. She said, "The rich can do what the poor can not." 
She is referring to incest. 
A gene pool in which there are only people born from unrelated couples would not have as much diversity as a gene pool which includes the inbred. If this is true, that is indeed disturbing. 
There are degrees, like a second cousin twice removed or something like that. Is the aristocracy of any town inbred? Who knows. Who cares? I don't know. I don't want to know. Jack Handey, strange thoughts. 

I got Alien Romulus for $10. Usual price $25. 
Absolutely over the top spectacular movie. It's a see a movie on Granville Street in Vancouver kind of movie. There are no movie theatres on Granville anymore. Odeon. Long since closed. Granville Seven Cinemas. History. Capitol 6. Gone. 
The theatres in Vancouver are Burrard Street cinema, Tinseltown in Chinatown, Metrotown cinemas.
I know I f'ed up on my movie addiction but this is more bang per buck. 
The only thing about the movie I don't like is all those University students that got eaten by face huggers. It's called moulage and method acting. The whole thing is pretend. 
You will see all these actors in future movies. Guaranteed. For sure they will be in either a Police movie or a Star Wars movie. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Gene Hackman dead at age 95. 
Death strange. Found dead along with his wife and a dog. 
When the News ticker said Hackman, Arrikawa and dog found dead in home in LA. I thought it was a white gangster, a Hispanic gangster and a dog with a bandana around its neck. That gangster has the same name as Gene Hackman, I thought. 
Gene Hackman. Legend. French Connection and The Conversation. Major movies. 
Now Popeye and Doyle are in the afterlife. 
Gene Hackman was in The Firm as the senior partner of a law firm. 
The News said carbon monoxide may be the cause. Eerie. 

Swept the grounds of the Courthouse. Also cleared weeds off of a road making the area look less seedy. The road is on a hill, Southeast of Quadra and Burdett. 
I feel exhausted. I will take the day off tomorrow. 
I thought of visiting Sidney BC. However, due to grief related PTSD and a haunting memory, I don't know if I could ever go there again. I might have this grief related PTSD for life. If the Universe gives me a really good answer about this, I'll visit Sidney BC again. 

I tried Squingle VR for free. 20 minute free trial. All right but very elementary. Move a dot through a tunnel of different shapes from point a to point b. 
Didn't get it. Won't get it. 

Golf plus. $35 but with my monthly 30% off coupon it would cost $24.50. There are about 37 DLCs at $12 each. That's $444 before taxes. F that. 
The only ones I'd get are The old course at St Andrews Links in Scotland and Pebble Beach in the USA. Pebble Beach. That name sounds major. However I could really only afford one and Pebble Beach is a somewhat distant second, not a close second. 
For real or not, as there seems to be a lot of them, Anthony Hopkins or AI generated Anthony Hopkins said, 1. Be Yourself 2. Don't be afraid to spend money. You spent $20 on a meal. So what? Good food lifts the spirit. You spent $2,000 on a trip to Europe. So what? Life is an adventure. 
In that spirit, I spent $10 on Alien Romulus. So what? That movie is a top of the line Mercedes Benz platinum Sterling silver movie from a top echelon director, Ridley Scott. 
It would be just under $40 for the St Andrews Links adventure. I am better st bowling than I am at golf. Everyone is. Let's face it, golf requires a specific way of holding the golf club, one arm bent and one arm never bent, ever. Very diletante. To make a 100 yard drive to make a par 4, you got to really give 'er. And it is much better to use a golf club VR attachment. Result, an inevitable VR fails. There goes the table lamp. There goes the mirror. There goes the flat screen television. 
Playing VR golf without the golf club attachment is like playing VR guns without the gun attachment. Not as good. 
I do want to play golf at St Andrews Links in Scotland. That's a bucket list VR experience. 
As for golf in real life, I'm not good at that. Golf clubs. You need one iron, a chipper, one wood and a putter, minimum. Expensive? I think so. 
The wood is the most elegant looking golf club. 
Should I get this? $40. I'm getting a $150 tax refund next month. 
I'm not that into golf. 
I might get the George Lucas movie Labyrinth in UHD for $10. 

Labyrinth costs $10. 
Arrival costs $17. 
Labyrinth might not play on the YouTube VR app because it is made for kids. So it's a gamble. Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory plays on the YouTube VR app. Tintin, Steven Spielberg does not. 
Clue. If the comment section is turned off, the video is made for kids. 
Tintin, the Spongebob movie, comments turned off. 
Labyrinth. Comments on. 
Arrival. A YouTube comment said that the movie changed their view of existence and showed that one should live rather than just survive. Another comment said the opening scene, the words helped a person overcome depression and addiction to hard drugs. Another commenter was a teacher who plays the opening scene to her students every year to inspire them. 
Labyrinth is hard core early 80s nostalgia. A mystical medieval fantasy land. 
If I were to pick just one I'd get Arrival. Labyrinth is basically The Muppet Show on steroids and cocaine. 

Plan B. Was thinking of going out of town to visit a museum and a restaurant. Plus getting something from the museum gift shop. 
The bus fare alone, $5 is half the price of Labyrinth. 
Museum, $20. Gift shop, $30. Restaurant $25 at least. Shop for groceries $20 at least. That is, was thinking. I'm not going. I can't afford it. I'd rather get movies on YouTube. 

The circumstances around Gene Hackmans death is just as sensationalist as his movies. The Police think he might have been done in. 
Carbon monoxide. The bodies had been dead for a few days and mummified. Any CO would have since dissipated. 1 of 3 dogs dead. One dog alive in the house so they don't think its CO. It could be CO. Carbon monoxide is lighter than oxygen so near the floor there is a few inches of breathing room. The dog that died was found in a closet kind of like David Carradine. The CO would have seeped under the closet sill thus eliminating the few inches of breathing room. 
Gene Hackman had a Howard Hughes kind of look in his last video showing walking out of a gas station convenience store. And he was thin. 
Did he have dementia and cancer? If he had cancer, it would have made the news. Nothing about that. 
Hopefully he didn't turn on the carbon monoxide thus doing himself in and his wife too. 
Accidental carbon moxide poisoning. That's how Walt Disney's parents died after he gifted them with a gas stove. 
I don't think Gene Hackman would have s*icided himself and his wife. He just wasn't that kind of guy. Who knows what happened. 

I can see Labyrinth on a smaller and lower definition screen just like an early 80s television. The story of Labyrinth is silly. 
Arrival needs to be seen in UHD. Other Villeneuve movies I haven't gotten are Prisoners and Sicario. Not as spectacular as Arrival which is on another level. 

Friday, February 28, 2025

It shouldn't surprise you that I got Arrival for $19 including tax. 
Humans communicate along an arrow of time writing linear sentences. The aliens of Arrival communicate in writing sentences and phrases, symbolic of telepathic bursts 
In circles. These aliens write in a writing system where their script forms a circle rather than box car, box car, box car in English or else millipedes, millipedes, millipedes as in Thai. The circles represent their view of time as not linear which is the subjective expression of time but as time travel where the past present and future are seen as one unit rather than separate units consistent that the present doesn't morph into the future but that the future morphs into the present and the present doesn't morph from the past, the past morphs from the present. 
Anyways this movie sort of has a Mobius strip kind of thing where the beginning of the movie is the end of the movie and then started over again. This features appears in the Mario Puzo novel Fools Die. You don't have to read the novel. It starts with a write up from a fictional famous author. The story gets into the life of a young writer, who then later on meets this famous writer, the writer dies and as he does, he leaves the young writer the write up which is what he of course starts the story with. 
So in the Arrival movie, in the first half of the movie, what you thought was a flashback to her past was actually her using the psychic powers the aliens gave her to see clearly her own future. 
The spaceship is lying on its side rather than the usual prone position on the ground. 
The aliens are so next level. Sigh, in dreams ghosts often don't sit in chairs. They sit on any empty place, on the street leaning against a building, on top of some drawers, on top of a refrigerator. They think out of the box and are not bound to our dimensional rules and culture. The aliens in this movie do that. They are very outside this dimension's constraint of gravity. They are probably outside of the constraint of cortisol too. 
The question, why did the aliens show up? An answer in YouTube comments. "In 3,000 years in the future aliens will need the help of humans. "
Aliens can see the future through how they perceive time itself. 
Something is coming up on the schedule. 
So it's worth $19. 

I spent time with a lady today. 
This morning, looking out the window, I saw 4 Police Officers, 2 male officers and 2 female officers. They were talking to a very old man wearing gold colored sweatpants. 
"Goliath wore gold leggings. That's where my brother Paul got the idea." Pastor Joel Osteen
Then on YouTube I saw a Victoria Osteen video about how God did not intend for man to be alone. He made Eve for Adam. 
So today I walked to the bank and overpaid $40 on my crddit card because I'm really thinking of getting the Old St Andrews Links in Scotland. I saw a Pebble Beach VR trailer. Didn't look too spectacular at all. Not getting can't afford. 
Last night, I went to the window to look for a sign. Should I get the golf game? I saw a green taxi. The green is a term used in golf. 
St Andrews Links is supposedly around 600 years old but it doesn't look a day over 450. 500 tops. What's the secret? 
Can you imagine me at St Andrews Links in Scotland? My golf is so terrible that on an 18 hole course, even with a 15 stroke handicap, most golfers would win against me. Realistically. 
Me and Karen just sat around talking. 
Karen and I are going on another outing. 

Trump and Zelensky. Classic. Trump goes on an off his meds or on his meds tirade with Zelensky. Trump passed the buck saying that any disagreements are from the Biden administration. Zelensky opened his eyes wide for a second in an exasperated look. Zelensky looked rather nonplussed. Crashing out of the EU with a no deal Brexit. 
Zelensky. Crashing out of the White House with a no minerals deal concession with the American government in the iteration of the second Trump Administration. 
Pundits say Trump trusts Putin more which is bizarre since Putin breached a lot of treaties. A meeting regarding Ukraine in Saudi Arabia between Russia and the US, representatives of Ukraine were not present. 
Russia would be licking their chops. Now Ukraine fights Russia without American support. How long will that last? 
All this is a recipe for what? 

I have a good recipe. Fry some ground beef with or without onions. Then mix with three tablespoons of Tim Hortons chili in a can. Spicy flavor. Fry it in a frying pan. Throw in a dash of ketchup while frying. Then add to cooked rice. Soy sauce is optional. It's a good meal and cheap. Add truffle salt? It's your call. I would. 

Zelensky said something like, Right now, you have a nice ocean between you and you don't feel it now but you will feel it in the future. 
Trump said, "What does that mean? You don't tell us what we are going to feel."
Zelensky means if you do a partial cave in to Russia over the Ukrainian border, what do you think Russia will do to you? 
Trump could have quoted the movie Lethal Weapon and said, "Comments like that will not get you invited to the Christmas dinner.
When will Trump and Zelensky meet again? At this point, don't be surprised if it's never. 
Well if Zelensky is taken out, Ukrainians can elect another President. Wrong. It's a war. If Zelensky is taken out, checkmate, the Russians win. 
Zelensky has good security around him. 

I was thinking of getting the movie Tenet. No need. I'll watch it for free. 
Movies are a rabbithole and are virtually limitless. A bank account is limited. If you use the limited against the virtually limitless, you will lose. 
Tenet is about time travel. Tenet is a palindrome which illustrates a palindromic nature of time. The future morphs into the present. The past morphs from the present and not vice versa. 
Coincidences are past code emdedding on present time. Omens are future code embedding on present time. Sometimes something can be a coincidence and an omen simultaneously. For eg a woman who has a baby in a carriage goes somewhere alone and sees a woman pushing a baby carriage signifying that she already has a baby in a carriage but in a couple of years she will give birth to another child who will also be pushed in a carriage. 
It's a $17 jammer. I'm tapped out. Free on movies5 it is. 
Seriously. I'm not paying any more for movies. That's it. 

I'm still stalling on getting Golf plus, St Andrews Links. 
I MacGuyvered a VR golf club! Not rocket science. 
Take any old stick. Short broomstick, whatever. Use scotch tape because it's sticky yet easy to tear off. At one end of the stick, tape the handle of the VR grip parallel to the stick. Slightly wobbly and the swinging strap of the VR grip is a bit distracting. Remove the strap before taping to the stick. Not rocket science. 
Slighly wobbly but should do the trick. 
I'm thinking that if I got the golf app, you'd all think I am insane. How I spend my money is my business as long as it's legal. I wouldn't care at all if another person was into movies and VR apps. I'd think it was none of my business. More power to you. 
Actually my aim is to achieve 100% sanity.