Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 2025

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Whoa! I got Golf plus for free. Plus some other smokin apps for free on my meta plus subscription. Golf plus. I'm getting St Andrews Links. I somehow knew it. Felt it. Hold on. Don't get Golf plus because it could be available on quest plus. It is. That's a $40 savings without my 30% discount. $35 but with discount, $24.50 before tax. Savings. 
This is like a gold mine dropped into my lap. Life is good again.

Golf plus. Test run. Really good. 15 stroke handicap? I wasn't wrong. I love it. I'm on a golf course called Sawgrass. 
I tried St Andrews Links. Awesome. I was there in VR. I recognized the buildings from Sony PSP. 
To no one's surprise, my final score for the round was well over par which is not good. 

VR is a great life. Go to the gun range. Go fishing. Go bowling. Play golf. 

Golf VR apps could have an afterlife setting where every shot is an effortless hole in one. Under the physics of the afterlife, a person can play hacky sack effortlessly. I've done it in a dream. In this dimension, I'm not good at hacky sack at all. 
The physics of this dimension are weaponized against us. We can't teleport and thus can be stuck somewhere. We can't teleport so between going from point a to point b, a person can run into all kinds of unwanted things. 
We can't read minds so there is misunderstanding to the point where we think that everyone and their dog is a narcissist.
We are wired to the R complex and can feel pain. 
Wind, gravity, friction all compromise a golf game. 

I wrote the above more or less and more in a review for Golf VR because they give a free level, Wolf Creek for leaving a five star review.
I'm not writing the following in the review because things are crazy enough as it is. 
So this is an exclusive. 
In the afterlife, Golf can have any setting. The effortless hole in one PMH Atwater master vibration default setting of the afterlife or Earth physics settings. 
Golf in the afterlife would be on another level. 
Star Trek had chess not just on one level but on three levels. Golf in the afterlife would be like that. 
Think of a room with walls and a ceiling. In the afterlife, one can play golf on the walls and on the ceiling of that golf course. 
Forget about just green grass golf course. The golf course would be in colors never seen before on Earth. 
The Earth has three primary colors, three secondary colors, a few tertiary colors and shades, tints and hues. The afterlife has at least 100 primary colors never seen on Earth by human eyes because apparently the mantis shrimp can see about 12 primary colors! 
I wonder if in the future technology can convert those colors to be accessible to human eyes. I don't see how. 

Life is overwhelming. 

Angry Birds VR. Difficult. More difficult than appears. I know of the concept of structural engineering yet am unable to complete the third level is when it starts getting challenging. Only 3 birds. 3 chances to knock down the entire set up. It depends on jotting the right structure on the right spot. Good luck guessing that. Very fun. Mindless. 

Today I cleared weeds off of a street. And then some weeds off of a place that I thought I could have swelorn was a Tilden car rental place there but when I looked again, it was an absolutely empty parking lot of an ordinary multi business building none of the businesses being Tilden car rental. I must have hallucinated it. Because for years, I thought that was there. 
Then I earned some weeds off of another street and then the planter areas of London Drugs. 
At London Drugs was one 3.5 cm to 3.5 cm wire for my headphones to mp3 player for $17. Another one for $25 was a lot better. Braided steel wiring sheath. Top of the line. 
Cleaning the weeds makes the neighborhood look less seedy. It is an experiment to see what kind of good karma I get for that. 

I still feel fear about an upcoming interview ahead. And counseling. God speaks. Tonight I had this fear and I saw clicked on a video in recommendations. Pastor Michael Prince. "So what if your worries are about going to counseling?" Synchronicity or what? His reply is that God and Jesus is with you. 
A person who had an NDE said that he doesn't believe in religion because all religions point to the same God anyways. He said he saw God during his NDE and to him God is as real as the item you are holding in your hand. It isn't just faith. It's absolute knowing from direct experience. Churches are the most real thing. God, angels, spirits, that's all real. 

Go shopping long enough and you'll find something. So don't go shopping or else not for too long. I passed up Labyrinth. I won't get it. 
Honest review. Labyrinth stars a famously and notoriously bisexual singer who died a few years ago, then a teenager whose under 18, Jennifer Connolly, and a baby. Nowbody in any of those demographics is someone I'd want to look at for a long time. 
I also passed ip Tenet. The story is too convoluted. Too confusing. Comments said Inception is the 100x better movie. 
Tenet. A person writes a letter to a person in the future. The person in the future replies in a future present moment to a letter written in the past. At some point that at one time future reply will be part of the letter writers past. That's called inversion. 
A scientist called Sator invents a 9 piece algorithm that cracks time travel but has hidden it in different points in time even to a time before he invented it. Bootstrap paradox or what? 
There is a blue team and a red team. One of the teams red team goes along the traditional linear arrow of time. The red team uses the inversion theory where what they are witnessing hasn't happened yet. 
That's most likely not even right which tells you what a train wreck of confusion the movie is. 
I wrote about my views of time travel innumerable times. I won't repeat it here again. 

I am strongly thinking of getting a movie called The Favorite. 
If anything this is just as good if not better than Poor Things in terms of visual lavishness. The Favorite is like Barry Lyndon on acid. The movie Barry Lyndon itself is like an ordinary history movie on acid. 
I see a trailer and often the words pop up, not my kind of movie, not spectacular, not feeling it. 
The words I was thinking seeing the trailer was holy smokes, over the top spectacular, completely feeling it. 
The Favorite, $20 plus tax. 
Kinds of Kindness is another Jorgos Lanthimos and that movie is $25. Really? It's not nearly as Spectacular as The Favorite. 
There's another Jorgos Lanthimos movie I nearly scooped up for $7. NIMIC starring Matt Dillon. One person meets another on the subway and the meeting is life changing. 
The thing is, NIMIC is only 11 and a half minutes long. For $7?! That would cut into the money for The Favorite.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

On the morning I wrote about Mario Puzo Fools Die, I was looking out of one of the windows of my apartment building that looked on to the front window of a bookstore which of course has a somewhat reflective quality. I saw the legs of a man wearing shorts. He was running fast, the reflection streaked past the window and was gone in less than a second. 
"For the dead travel fast." Bram Stoker
"Do you travel fast?" asked Scrooge. 
"Upon the wings of the wind." replied the spirit. Charles Dickens
"Run Luke, run!" George Lucas
A ghost in the afterlife would now be wearing shorts and running fast, including one that was otherwise tethered to weight problems and alcoholism and sluggishness while they were on Earth. 
A ghost would want a person to run fast. To live their life well with honor, courage and the complete certainty that the spirits are with them. 

Not getting Tenet. Too confusing. Some scenes look spectacular though. What the heck. Watch the movie on a free movie website. 
The Favorite. I can't stop thinking of that movie. I was shopping for over an hour saying nah to this movie and that movie. 

Kinds of Kindness is an awful movie. The synopsis shows the movie to be a toxic train wreck that is highly disturbing. 
It is a triptych of stories. Usually it's a triptych of paintings or nice drawings. 
1. A man named Robert, has some weird LGBT boss and lover. The boss commands Robert to kill a man named RMF which he does. Robert is otherwise married. 
2. A Police Officer is married to a lady named Liz. She gets into an accident and comes back but is different. The Police Officer is so upset about this that he makes errors on the job and is kicked off the force. He then asks his wife to cut up parts of her body to serve to him to eat which she does eventually ending with her liver and her death. 
3. A cult. A couple join the cult which includes bizarre rituals. The couple are looking for a set of twins revealed in a dream that have the power to bring someone back from the dead. Only thing is one of the twins has to be already dead. The couple meet a lady in a cafe who is one half of a set of twins one of who has the power to resurrect people from the dead. Weird movie. One of the twins deliberately drowns herself in a swimming pool and the other twin is able to bring RMF back from the dead. Some time afterwards, the resurrected RMF eats a sandwich at a restaurant. 
Film set is prosaic and forgettable and advances an absurd intensely bizarre disturbing art house story made to showcase the cons rather than the pros of the human species. 
KOK is about toxic codependency and the lengths that people will go to in maintaining a friendship from killing a person to carving out one's own liver like Prometheus or drowning oneself in a swimming pool. This movie can be seen as a metaphor for hardcore chronic caregiver burnout. 

The Favorite is about a maid who works for a Queen, actual Royalty. A new servant applies for the job and the servant who is already there becomes her mentor. 
The film set is lavish. Feverish almost psychedelic fantasy scenes. Richly and opulent Ly historical. 
I'm getting this movie! $19. 
This isn't a spur of the moment purchase. I've mulled it over for quite awhile. 

I fear the future and what's to come. 
A psychic said, "You're depressed now but wait until you see what's coming around the corner." 
Fears aren't a crystal ball. Fears almost never accurately tell the future. It's an extraneous vain attempt to always keep oneself safe and defended. The fear. 
Mel Robbins said," 6 magic words. What if it all works out?"
God provides signs. Two days ago, feeling the fear as much as ever, I saw a Pastor Joel Osteen video where he said something like, "Problems are like pulling up weeds but don't worry because God is your gardener." Holy smokes! I pull weeds all the time to clean the neighborhood as a random act of kindness. Why not? Weeds. The pernicious rhubarb. 

9:15 am. I purchased The Favorite. A couple of days ago, I didn't know tis movie existed. Now I have it which shows the future can have a lot of really good surprises better than expected. You ain't seen nothing yet. 

Zelensky went to England and was welcomed with open arms. Let's face it, either the Americans, the Russians, or the EU would get access to Ukraine's precious minerals. It looks like Zelensky decided to go with the EU. 
PM Trudeau said today in London that Canada will be there. That means Canada gets access to a share of the precious minerals that the Americans do not thanks to the Trump Zelensky spat. This will offset the shortfall that the 25% tariffs would create. 

Often, life is actually more good than expected. 
I've had times when I doubted a person so much that I thought I'd be better off moving to another town and then one day for whatever reason I got together with that person again and the meeting was so nice that I felt shame for thinking I wanted to move to another town. I'm thinking, good thing I didn't move to another town. 
Before I went on probation, not knowing what to expect, I thought I would literally be better off dead than go on probation. The probation officers are a swell bunch of people. Very professional and their professionalism inspires me to be a better person to do things with quality. I also felt ashamed thinking I was better off dead than to be on probation. 
It can happen with women. Oh no, here's another rabbit hole of bossy bitchiness. Things have to be done on her terms. She calls the shots. And she has nothing in common with me. She can't skateboard or do gymnastics. To be ordered around from something like that?! But then the relationship might turn out to be better than expected, better than anything I could have imagined. Life always has that possibility. 

I feel the same way about the weeks to come. The questioning session from a probation officer. That reminds me of the Spanish Inquisition. 
And then counseling as part of completion of my CSO conditional sentence order. 
And then counseling. 
Arguably, I'm better off dead than to go through any of that. 
In the Squid Game season 2, the Police Chief said to the Officer, "Counseling is not that bad. The counselor is a nice guy. Come on, there's no island where they hold games where people get killed during the games." 
In the most recent episode of Elsbeth, the Police Chief said to Officer Rivers that he had to go to counseling. But he didn't say it like it was a scary thing. And Officer Rivers didn't react as if it was a totally scary thing. 

Slippery slope. I was thinking of getting the Austin Texas locsted pitch and putt for $5.79  before taxes. It's an all ages pitch and putt that is famous in the US but I've never heard of it before yesterday. Old people go there. I'm almost 55. Is that old? It's the cheapest one, it's famous and one doesn't have to be good at golf. 
I tried pitch and putt on other VR golf apps. The physics are not as good as they are on Golf plus VR. 
Then if I were to get one other one, I'd get the Hawaii one. Remember the opening scene in Apocalypse Now? Lots of palm trees. The Hawaii golf course is like that. That's a $12 or a $16 splurge. I don't remember. 
I am already fishing at three places in Hawaii in Real VR Fishing. Hawaii is not a place I ever thought that I would go to for any reason. Any set of islands in the middle of the Pacific seems like an irrelevant geographic footnote. A large Continental mainland is more rock star. 
I had a dream where Bruce Lee rode a blue colored new style Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle on a main street near the beach in Hawaii. 
Hawaii seems like a really nice place. Tropical. Very beautiful. 
If I'm going to do all that, I'm going to get the $14 monthly pass which is on sale. That gives unlimited access to a whopping 37 golf courses. I like golf. I'm better at it than I expected. One a 9 hole course at St Andrews, I got par at least twice. Golf is like driving a car, it doesn't take much to be kind of good at it which is good enough to pass. I imagine the vast majority of people would be good at golf especially with practice, you get better. It's strangely therapeutic. 
A month ago, I could have never envisioned that I would be playing golf at St Andrews Links. More than I ever did on the Sony PSP with Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour 2007. 
Playing at St Andrews Links is otherwise a millionaire experience. Millionaire. West End.
Shaughnessy Heights. I felt like I was a rich man when I was playing golf at St Andrews Links in VR.
Yale golf course is in New Haven, Connecticut. When I first saw that I thought it has the same name as a major University. But that University is in Boston just like Harvard. Wrong. Yale University is in New Haven Connecticut and that is the Yale University golf course. That golf course is more major than the UBC golf course. 
Wrong again. Harvard is in Cambridge Massachusetts, not Boston Massachusetts. 
Life can bring some mind blowing surprises. Good karma is subtle. For me to be able to play VR golf, a thousand things in my life had to have gone right. 
Reflecting on it and seeing that it meets a lot of criteria, I'll get the 36 course deal. 
I wouldn't mind playing at different golf courses here and there. Not the local golf courses which are more than fine and elegant enough. I'm talking internationally renowned golf courses. 
Golf plus subscription plan. 
Monthly pass. $14 plus tax. 
Annual pass $109 plus tax but currently there is a deal, $68 plus tax. I'm going for at least one monthly pass. I will cancel one day when the game gets outdated and there are newer and better ones. So these technology based subscriptions wouldn't be for life anyways. 
11:30 am, approximately. I got a monthly pass. 

I discovered Laksa. Months ago, I saw a video that a great restaurant in Chinatown in Vancouver has Laksa. The dish is from Singapore and its basically a medley of ingredients and a wheat baked white noodles with soup that is count curry based. The varieties of whatever ingredients you want to add and whatever noodles are optional. Each region or even each restaurant has their own variation so any recipe in the world has a thousand variations. The basic common denominators, the minimal essential ingedware the coconut curry based soup and noodles, any kind of noodles even spaghetti. It will work. 
Yesterday I bought a small packet of Laksa noodles for $6 at London Drugs. Tried it. Holy smokes. Rockstar. 
Today, now, I have a can of red curry soup, Thailand style and I have some spaghetti and some ground beef and onions. Fry the beef and onions, add the soup mixed with water to thin it down to make it go farther. Then add some already cooked spaghetti or whatever noodles. Wonton soup style noodles would also work. 
Best ingredients would include bok Choy, prawns and fish ball. And chopped scallions. 

Having a criminal record changes how I see myself. When I was playing Bowling VR I involuntarily envisioned myself as the Robert de Niro character from Cape Fear. 
In the story, criminal Max Cady goes after the lawyer Sam Bowden who Cady thought gave him an inadequate defense and got him sent away. Happens all the time. 
There are levels of criminals. I'm not on the Max Cady level. I don't think so. 
I made a mistake, got busted, went to Court. I don't want to make that mistake ever again and want my life to always be on the right side of the Law. Whatever I did, that is my intention going forward. To respect and to obey the Law. 

Bowling VR has one DLC. $4.50. I'm watching my money. But at that price. It is an outdoor bowling alley in a desert in the Southwestern United States. All other lanes are indoor. I'd support this developer with the DLC. I'm indifferent to the theme. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about deserts in the SW United States. It looks nice enough. Why not? You couldn't even get a sandwich at the museum deli for $4.50. 
I got the bowling DLC. Fun times. For life. 

3:30 pm I got Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness. Wong. Parallel universes. Why not? $10 plus tax. 
The special effects would look spectacular on the YouTube VR app big screen which uses a $100,000 video code player. 
Other movie, ten dollar movie which I can't afford to get is Black Widow. Dr Strange 2022. Black Widow 2020. 
Dr Strange director Sam Raimi. Same as the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies. 
Black Widow director Cate Shortland. 
Ergo Black Widow is a chick flick. And the word widow in the title only rubs salt in the wound of my predicament as I lost my sweetness last year. It still hurts. 
Dr Strange delves into the quasi pseudo pop science of parallel dimensions and there are parallel dimensions although not as the Dr Strange movies portray because another dimension is actually far more mind-blowing and beyond the depth of even the collective imagination of the technicians that work at the MCU. Marvel Cinematic Universe. I'm expecting over the top special effects. 

Leaning on my remote control earlier as it was on the bed, I accidentally turned the channel to E! channel. 
Oscar preview. Then A Star is Born is on. Bradley Cooper and then Lady Gaga. Coincidental since I spoke out loud during the Oscar Preview there was a lady whom I thought was Lady Gaga and said so. She wasn't. 
Then there she is! She sing LaVie en Roseand lying down on the bar after prowling the room, she looks right at Bradley Cooper. Most guys would think that is a good thing. A lady is interested. 
I think it's a bad thing. A stalker who found her mark. 
A woman's beauty is a trap. If she was just the usual rabbit hole of bossy bitchiness without the beauty she wouldn't be a trap. It's the beauty that makes her a trap. 
At my age, nearly 55 there is less reasons to have a girlfriend. Any woman my age would be past it. If I were to have a child born on this day, I'd be about 73 when the child is 18 and graduates from high school. Wrong. The optics of that would be just terrible. Terrible. To quote The Beatles Norwegian Wood, 'This bird has flown.' That ship has sailed. 

My parents don't look like me as much as they do look like me. I wonder if they're actually my parents. Just joking. They are. Probably. 
I see things which I interpret as something that remind me of people and often these people are narcissistic @ssholes. But looking more closely, there are as much things that don't remind me of that person as things that do. So do I focus on the things that do or the things that don't. If you focus on the things that don't, then that person disappears entirely. 
Someone looks like a person, same name even same hairstyle. Sure. But different height. Different occupations. Lives in different towns. 
Someone drives a car. You see a car, same make, same model, same color, and you ask why the 400 million years of dinosaurs prone forces of life would send that ghastly wretched icon of insufferability my way. But then look more closely. The person driving the car looks completely different. The car has a slightly different shade of color. 
Other different things. 
Glass half full or half empty? 

I'm still scared of the week ahead. I hope I survive it. 

Chinese characters are semasiographic which means that in and of themselves, they are silent giving no clue as to how it sounds unlike the letters in an alphabet. 
I learned that word from the movie Arrival. 
Chinese characters are semasiographic. So what? So are dollar signs. 

A watching the movie Aporia. Aporia books, Tanao Road and Khao San Road in Thailand. No. 
Aporia just happens to be the best time travel movie I've even seen and I've only seen a third of it. 
A lady is married to a guy who is a genius physicist. He dies in a car accident. 
That guy was one of two co-inventors who invented a time machine that goes back in time and fires deadly electromagnetic pulses in people's brains thus killing them. 
The other inventor was at one time living with his family somewhere in the middle East. A man turns his family in as spies. They are sent away and disappeared. He narrowly escapes. He wants to use the machine to go back in time to somewhere in the Middle East.
Meanwhile the lady reunited with her previously dead boyfriend. She meets him again at a park. 
That's the part where I stopped the movie. A cup of tea. A cigarette. An intermission. One of many. 
I experienced time dilation watching this movie. I thought I was an hour into it. Turns out I was only half an hour into it. 
Riveting or what? And available for free on Tubi. 
Is anybof this legal? Something is only illegal if there is Legislation and Laws around it. Use a time machine to go and passively explore, probably legal. Go back in time to do people in. That part would be illegal. 
Spoiler alert. There's no such thing as a time machine in real life. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

More sweeping of the Courthouse grounds. Swept some areas around that neighborhood.
I went to an area that I was going to clear the moss off the ground of and that area had already been taken care of! What a relief. 

Got Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning. Haven't seen it and 2023 movie. Sharp modern production values. $10. On sale. So it's like Tuesday movie night. Almost. 
A 2023 Mission Impossible movie would be worth seeing in big screen. 
All movies are free on other movie sites anyways. 

I have to get my movie addiction to a manageable level. How about just two movies a month. On cheque day. Otherwise do not look at YouTube Hot Deals of the Week. Too tempting...

Anthony Hopkins said don't feel bad about spending money. So you spent $10 on a movie to be viewed on the platinum YouTube VR app screen. So what? Movies are curated most carefully aiming for bang per buck. Movies are the greatest form of art. 

This autumn there will be lots of leaves etc around the Courthouse grounds. I'll be there. To sweep the grounds of the Courthouse during the autumn season. I might need to get a small shovel. There's that much leaves and these small cedar tree things that have yellow pollen powder within. Those things are voluminous. And pine needles fall all year round. They turn brown and then fall down off the tree. I sweep those. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

While the US loses access to 35 million consumers, Canada loses access to 350 million consumers. Canada is doomed. 
Or not. Like Pastor Joel Osteen said, "God isn't sitting up there thinking, 'Whoa, I didn't see this coming!' God is still on the Throne." 
God will work things out to where everyone wins. 
"The Shell Game, We fix it, you win." Pagliaccis restaurant menu, Victoria BC
The scientific term for a win-win situation is net zero sum gain. This is from the movie Arrival. 
I don't know if it's exactly like that as Canada supplies oil from Alberta to the Northern US. 
Something like this is beyond my ability to guess how it would work out. It would take a University professor or some kind of expert. 
God has the power to turn a lose lose situation into a win win situation. 

Why the tariffs? Airhead money grab. Trump wants the money. He wants to keep up with the Joneses. He's not the richest Head of State in the World. No US President ever was. Other Heads of  State including Royalty play under a different set of rules. 
The US is a parvenu. 250 years old. New money. 
Europe is old money. Around 1,000 years old  give or take a couple of hundred years under its current banking network. Let's look at that. The word bank comes from the Italian word for bench, banca in Florence, Italy which the OG banks did their business on and in outdoor markets too. The earliest banking families were the Rothschilds and the Medici. Those outdoor market benches were around the 1200s when banks were needed to finance the Crusades. 
Mark Carney of Canada was, still is, who knows, the chief financier of the Bank of Canada. MArk cArNEY = MAANEY = money. 
Strange. Similar to Neil Armstrong. The first 7 letters of his name spelled backwards is Mr Alien. 

The movie Enter the Dragon. In that movie you see how 52 years ago, Hong Kong was a backwater compared with Vancouver. 
Now the shoe is on the other foot. Vancouver looks downright backwater compared with Hong Kong which I visited in VR. Hong Kong has rock star infrastructure while Vancouver has comparatively dilapidated derelict flyblown infrastructure. 
Going there and being an English teacher would be a great life although learning the local alphabet enough to see the siu sum warning signs and stop signs and enter and exit signs would be somewhat of a learning curve. 

The much feared interview turned out to be something that wasn't a worry at all so I worried tons for nothing. Basically. 

The psychic from Haunted Tales said to not care so much about what other people think and just go for your dreams and experiences without needing to worry about what other people think. 

Caught in that trap, I got Super 8 and West Side Story. 
Super 8 - $10 
West Side Story - $7 
Eventually it all adds up. 
There is no sign of me quitting my online shopping addiction. 

I used to collect movies in the form of dvds and blu rays and throughout any month I did go to pawn stores again and again all through the month. 
Until there is any evidence, I am unable to stop my online shopping addiction. 
I hope that God helps me with this. 
The people who made those movies would say, "Don't think that at all. You are an aficiando of the theatrical arts. You are definitely not a Philistines because you appreciate movies. Enjoy them. Steven Spielberg is a top echelon elite director. You can't go wrong with any Spielberg movies."
Comments section on Super 8
"Steven Spielberg directed Jurassic Park and Schindlers List at the same time. The man is a genius."
"Wrong. He directed Schindlers List 3 months after Jurassic Park."
"He spent months in pre pro shooting stills, scouting locations, one doesn't just start directing a film on day one." 
As you can see my movie addiction is out of control. 
Often God has the solution before we have the problem. Months ago, I got the idea to write about my adventures in online movie shopping land. 
Writing about movies is a great thing to write about. 
Now you are witnessing the exquisite dissolution of a man deep in the rabbit hole of online movie shopping addiction. I need help. I need credit counselling. A person doesn't have to be maxxed out and overcharged on their credit card to seek credit counselling. Actually it's better to seek the counselling before it gets to that point. 
YouTube would have some of the best credit counselors in the World. Their videos would offer golden words of advice. 

There is a science to shopping addiction. 
Try going three days at a time without shopping and then keep renewing that period. 
Shopping compulsion is about SAFE Self esteem, Accomplishment, Fear, Escapism. 
There is no such thing as shopping addiction only compulsion as the two things are different. There is no such thing as sex addiction or gambling addiction, onky compulsion. Addiction is chemical. If one doesn't have it, they have phsycial symptoms of withdrawal. That's just splitting hairs. 
I wiill overcome my shipping addiction. That's my aim. 
I always write about the movies I get. If you don't see me writing about getting movies for awhile or in de fink, that means I am able to quit. 
It's still not at the lost control point but it is at the very concerned phase. Please say a prayer for me that I can stop my shopping addiction. 

I get depressed about $20 gone on YouTube platinum movies and then one day in the future I find myself staying at 5 star hotels for $1,000 a night. Yeah, dream on. 
Penny wise, pound foolish. 

I wrote to Pastor Joel and Pastor Joyce Meyer in the comments section asking for a prayer to help me with my online movie shopping addiction. Anything helps. 
I am trying to stop my online shopping addiction. 

West Side Story is possibly the gayest movie that Steven Spielberg has ever made. 
Show tunes. Then a shot where looking up, you see a guy sliding down a fire escape towards the camera. Then shot of sweaty beefy guys in tanks tops with a kicked hair. Sure. Whatever. If that's what does it for you. 
Whenever I see something offsetting like a male, gay or not if he looks like shirt off and crap like that and children. I generally avert my eyes to the corner of the screen until the scene is over. There is eye tracking. But why be staring at things like that? 
That's why I didn't get the movie Labyrinth. The only people in the movie is a gay guy and two children. All the rest are muppets and puppets. 
West Side Story has the Spielberg production values and movies often have a nostalgic lighting the dim orange lighting of historical period movies and the memory of that lighting used to follow me home from the movie theatre so when I got back to my apartment I still had memories of that dim nostalgic lighting from the movies. That lighting always made me feel at home, in fact it made me feel even more at home. Lots of movies have that lighting. There is a science to it. Movies are a product that people pay for and that lighting is an aspect of such quality in movies. 
West Side Story has that lighting. The British Victorian nostalgic movies have that kind of intensely nostalgic lighting. 
Why did Steven Spielberg make this movie? The LGBT demographic has a larger market than it did 40 years ago. And will do so for generations. Steven Spielberg would make money with this movie. Let's face it. This movie is for anyone. Gay, straight. There's nothing actually gay in the movie. It's just the show tunes and the 50s style dance choreography. 

I f'ed up again and got Pet Sematary 2019 for $5. At that price. 
$5 is an unmissable price. 
I turned down Pet Sematary 1989 for $10. Not that spectacular although a great movie. The movie has dated 80s production values and doesn't have to be seen in IMAX platinum YouTube VR app screen. The screen is that good. Better than most movie theatres. 
With the YouTube VR app it's like seeing movies that I've even already seen in theatres the way these movies were meant o be seen. 
The 2019 iteration is slicker. And smarter. 
A comment said the 1989 version is scarier. 
In the 2019 version, there is a scene where the zombie girl drops a mask on the ground and walks towards her parents. Most people would miss the significance of that. When a person has an out of body experience, briefly actually dying and leaving their body, they try to recall their earthly situational problems but these problems once so clear suddenly seem so receded. Looking back at the bed they were, are, lying down in, it actually feels like their probl ms are left there on that bed like a pole of clothes left on the bed. 
So I got it. Very slick very impressive visuals. 
One thing. Every time I got the novel Pet Sematary to read and reread, someone significant in my life died. Is that causation or correlation? Would it otherwise have been if I never got the book then no one in my life would die? Wrong. People go whether a person gets a certain novel or not. Is Pet Sematary a bad luck thing? Don't be superstitious. 
Despite the Trump tariffs having gone into effect today, I was still able to get Pet Sematary 2023 for $5. 

Freud. The Palace of oral pleasures. Eating. Smoking. Talking. Drinking. The oral phase. 
Movies on the YouTube VR app is about visual. 
I have to stop getting movies and save my money for eating better rather than eating on a budget. If I spend my money on movies, then my bank account will be gone. Then I'll have no money for food and then starve to death. So I have to save up so I can at least eat better than I have been as of late. That's the deal. Stop the movie shopping addiction or die of starvation. 
If I was rich like a multi Millionaire, I could afford to get movies online. But even then. How many movies are we talking about? 

Getting movies on a platinum screen is perhaps one of the best st ways to dissolve a bank account. Better than gambling or always paying fines and penalties, or money on booze and crack cocaine. I could get a car because I'm not destroying my bank account enough through getting movies online. I need to destroy it even more. Yeah, right. 
Movies are an intellectual purchase. Not a mindless purchase. Movies teach. I learn. 
When one purchases an illicit drug, only the drug dealers and some gangsters approve of your purchase. 
When one purchases a movie off YouTube, a team of actors and actresses, director, a team of movie specialists, artists and technicians are impressed and are honored with your purchase. They'd be more honored if you actually watched the movie and often. 

When I drink coffee at night, I think of drinking coffee at a gas station restaurant at night. Not a gas station on the highway in the sticks. I'm talking about a gas station in the city. Suburbs would also be acceptable. 
Or I envision being at a state of the art futuristic airport with lots of money to travel. 2 am waiting for my flight. At the airport restaurant drinking one cup of coffee after another. Maximum three cups. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

I was still thinking of getting one more Mission Impossible. It's one I've seen quite a few times and is one of my favorites. Mission Impossible Fallout. I already have Rogue Nation which somehow I got for free because I don't remember purchasing it. And I have the newest, Dead Reckoning 1. Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning 2 is released this summer. It's on sale for $10 and that's doable. 
Why don't I get it next time? Whenever. I don't really need to watch that in the next few days. There are so many movies. This movie, that movie, what's the difference? 
A lot of free videos are just as good if not better than movies such as nature documentaries. Science documentary. 

Sometimes a person messes up so much that they go to hell. 
Even in hell, although it's not heaven, there is no longer the fear of physical death. 
So even if the punishments in hell get steadily and perpetually increased, it would be like going from a place with 12 hour days and 12 hour nights to a place with 40 hour days and 40 hour nights and then 200 hour days and 200 hour nights. Etec. Forever. But even with that, one still doesn't have to worry about death. 
In hell, one would be a spirit and under the same laws of physics so if a dog bites, there is that sharp pinch which is more psychological than physical and then a couple of seconds later, no pain at all whereas under the physics of this dimension, the initial bite hurts more the pain stays for days and days. But in hell those bites would keep on coming and never stop with ever increasing sharper teeth and bigger mouths with stronger jaws. 
But still, there isn't that accompanying fear of death. This is edgy for sure but at least I don't have to worry about dying. Ever. Eventually one becomes acclimatized to that. Whatever happens I won't die. 
One can have the same kind of acclimatization in this life. Whatever happens, the worst that can happen is that I die which is worse than what happens after in that even in the fiery pits of hell, I won't have to worry about dying anymore from that point there on in. 

I got Squingle Mini for $1. It has a few easy levels. Good enough. I don't need the more difficult levels. 

Last movie purchase of my addiction. I got Mission Impossible Fallout. 
One of the best movies ever. Great movie. $10. 

Otherwise earlier today, I swept a small part of Fort Street and removed weeds that otherwise make the neighborhood look seedy. The neighbourhood would only look worse if the weeds weren't removed because there would be more of the and they would have grown a lot larger. 

I'm doing more work tomorrow. 

I have a date later on this week. I don't know if I'll go. I don't have much in common with this lady. We're really two very different people. I'm into skateboarding and gymnastics and she is not. Why bother with her? 
Followed to a furthest extreme, what. Move in together? Her stuff is mine, my stuff is hers? Uh no thanks. A lot of marriages are based on communal use of items. I don't know if I could stand that. 
An ideal couple is two people moving towards a common goal. Is this happening? 
How can there be a common goal if my goal is to be single. For life. 
The best life is the single life. 

6:07 pm. I got a hole in one on the Valhalla golf course 15th hole. Gol Plus VR. 

Golf in Victoria BC in real life after playing in VR? Pricey. 
Green fees. $77
Single rider Golf cart $35
Club rental $45
One can opt for a standard cart $25. A pull thing for golf clubs $12. 
$77 for 18 holes. 
$45 for 9 hole. 
18 holes, around $200.
9 holes, around $130. 
A lot of golf clubs ask for membership fees and proof of valid handicap which means you have to be somewhat good to play there. I'm not that good at gold. At all. 
As you can see, pricey. And lots of walking or else going around in the golf cart. 
Missing the ball is called a whiff. Golf Plus VR does not count whiffs. Whew. 
On the Florida golf course, I saw an alligator in the water. An alligator counts as free relief which means one can replace the ball anywhere that is the nearest safe distance from the obstacle. 
PS3 graphics at best. More like PS2. It would be great if this was like Brink VR and Real VR Fishing. Photo realistic golf course. Lots of memory. In Brink VR and RVF, the user stands in one stationary place. Not much memory required. When one is moving to any random given place over a vast golf course, this app would need a terabyte of memory to faithfully generate all of that. So at this point, photorealism is impossible. 
VR is still in its infancy. The golf course looks rudimentary, not much people around. It looks so fake and plastic. But is still better than any other golf app including Mini Walkaround Golf or whatever it's called. 
I can't afford to play golf for real life in Victoria. I found a golf club once and felt I didn't need it and threw it out. Sometimes people throw away golf clubs. I'd like to have a golf club for free, find an old used one on the streets. Wood would be best. Iron is nice as well. Putter, good. Putter is the best for playing in the apartment. A cup on its side would be the golf hole. I think I have a golf ball somewhere. I found one on the streets a few months ago. 

A fishing license for Victoria BC is around $40. Average. 
Tidal waters. Salt water. 
Non tidal waters. Fresh water. 
One can only catch 3 fish a year with the license. That includes Chinook salmon off Ogden Point. Just one salmon in one day can get you prime sashimi. First you have to scale the fish, take th scales off. Then clean it scooping out all the visceral. Wretched. 
It's better to just go to a grocery store and get a salmon. 
Pay for a good rod and reel. Floats. Lures. Hooks. Tackle box. Hassle. 
Don't bother. 
Fresh water is trout. Fried in butter and dill weed, trout is absolutely delicious. 

I am happy now. My life although poor in reality, feels rich. I have a good collection of movies. I don't need any more. I won't go window shopping and be tempted. 
I'm thinking of going to a thrift store to get two paisley ties and a putter. I'd like to get 6 things. One wood, one iron, one chipper, one putter, a golf bag and a golf ball. Perhaps more than one golf ball because sometimes they go into a body of water. Minimal I need a putter and a golf ball. And a plastic cup.

St Andrews Links in Scotland is over 600 years old when King James 2 started the golf course. Golf balls looked very different then. More like miniature baseballs. 
There was a 50 year ban back in the 1500s when golf interfered with archery practice. 
The golf course originally had 22 holes, with 11 holes on the outgoing and another 11 holes that steadily return to the original set of iconic buildings that I first saw on the Sony PSP PGA Golf Tours. The 4 shortest fairways, 2 on either side were eliminated resulting in the regulation 18 holes, front 9 and back 9. 
VR golf is a thousand times better. 
There is a road called Granny Clark's Wynd. From the 1860s, named after a person who lived there and was a caretaker. 
There is the Swilken or Swilcan Bridge that spans the Swilcan Burn which is a small river that the bridge spans. 
It feels strange being the only person at all at St Andrews Links. Not even during covid would you have seen only one person there. Golf is an outdoor non-superspreader sport. 
This is the primitive incipient larval pioneer stage of VR. That's why I'm the only person on the golf course. Scary. That somewhat cancels out an otherwise Millionaire experience. More like Millionaire sardines. VR will look a lot more together in ten years. I need to see incidental traffic. Real VR Fishing does a real good job of that. In a lot of stages you see people in the distance moving. Somewhat robotic and repetitive but at least it's there. 
St Andrews has these sand traps that are pure golfer's nightmare fuel. Not only sand traps. Sand traps which have these almost Kafkaesque brick walls surrounding them. I had an interesting time trying to get the golf ball out of these sand traps. 
These sand traps have been added and removed over the centuries. 
The buildings at St Andrews Links golf course reminds me of wealth. Rich neighborhoods with large nice houses. 
Previously, I never thought I'd get to play golf at St Andrews Links on this level. 
What are those boxes standing on four legs on the golf course? Golf ball washer? No pail or hose. It looks like a 19th century camera for taking black and white daguerrotypes aka photographs. I see slots on top of that box. Is it for keeping score cards? 

Hitting the golf ball with the wood. I always shoot the ball too far to the right of my aim. A lot of people swing their arms. I keep my hands there with relatively little swing of the arms. Then my aim with the wood is great. A line drive right down the middle. 
The wood is the very first club used for every hole although sometimes an iron is used for the first shot of a hole if the fairway is short. 
Everyone who knows golf knows that the putting grip and stance is different from that used on the fairway. On the green a putter is used. The awful thing is a green located on a hill with steep inclines. Those are my favorite. No, they're not. 
Golf is oddly hypnotic. It is very addictive and therapeutic. Playing golf is a skill set although not a rare one as its one that 98% of the population can pick up. 

On Sunday, I tried the Jumeirah golf course in the Middle East. Exotic. I picture dried dates, caramel and donairs. The golf course is really beautiful although to be even more honest, it doesn't really look Middle Easterny. It looks more like a golf course you'd see in the West. The trick is to actually be there and then you see how similar it is to a Western golf course as you experience near 40 degrees Celsius temperatures in the summer. It's like being near an oven. Sweating is good for the body. 
All golf courses on this app are beautiful. 
An aside. I feel anxiety about installing a free golf app. At least it's free. 
Someone on YouTube comments said, "I get a bigger dopamine hit saving money and having money in the bank than I do giving in to shopping addiction." paraphrased. 
Just install it. Whatever. 

I just tried a golf app called Golf 5. It would give Golf plus a run for its money. Arguably as good as if not better. Price $17 but with a 30% off coupon $5.10 It would be $11.90 plus tax. St Andrews is available for $17 but there is a $3.50 monthly pass which gives access to all courses. 6 of one is half a dozen of the other. This app is really good. Better graphics and the physics is better. Choice of clubs and where to set the ball with each stroke which is not according to regulation but whatever. There is an option to play through. But one has to be on the ball. Once the button is clicked one too many times, then the player has to set the ball. 
I'm getting it. First of all, it's only just over $10. The St Andrews Links is the one I really want. It costs $17 to get right away. But playing the game, once you get about 1700 'coins' with each game paying about 50 coins. It will take awhile, but it's more fun grinding and earning things for free. The old pay now get now or earn the product over sometimes months. 
11:10 pm. Got it. $13.43 with tax. That's not serious. 
I'm usually quite stingy. But I played this for half an hour for free and thoroughly enjoyed it. The half hour seemed like it was five minutes. I had three minutes left on a free 30 minute try. Get it! Got it. 
I'm trying to get 1700 'coins' grinding it out, no cheats, and get the St Andrews golf course. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

I wasn't going to tell you because you will think that I've relapsed. I got St Andrews on Golf 5 and it is great. Arguably better than Golf Plus. I left a 5 star review. They wrote that one would get coins for that but I didn't. Who cares. 
St Andrews Links looks a lot better on Golf 5. Unlike with Golf Plus, you see the entire surrounding valley with the houses of the farming villages, mountains in the distance.It looks a tad distorted but photorealistic. VR is still in its early days. I really feel like I'm there even more than with Golf Plus which is not bad. Variety is nice. 
To save money, I might cancel my $13.99 monthly subscription with Golf Plus. I get 5 free golf courses. Good enough. 
I think I didn't get the coins because the developers saw my review on Golf Plus and think I'm weird. Who cares? Was there anything in particular I was going to use the coins for? Uh, no. Get the coins, don't get the coins. Who f**king cares? 

Looking for a free book on At Andrews Golf course as was available on Amazon Prime books, I found it on Google Play books. I also found a book which I must recommend. I got it for $2. 
St Andrews 17th Century Ghost Stories 
I know a thing about ghosts. They operate in a different dimension under a different set of rules. 
This book is so accurate. 
- "Ghosts are not bound by time and space. They can go halfway around the world in a second but like people they prefer their favorite places."
- "I have to go soon. I am needed elsewhere."
- For a second I heard the singing of a choir. "It is a song. Dead monks from long ago are singing that song."
The quotation marks. Ghosts in the book are saying that! 

Today I got 3 golf clubs at a thrift store for $6 each. One was $7. The rest were $5.50. I got a Louise Suggs wood, one 5 iron, I always wanted a five iron and a putter. The iron can double as a chipper. So can the wood. Wood is better than sand wedge for sand traps. Not a bad price. Even I could afford it. 
When I didn't know as much about golf as I do now, I thought that even with a 15 stroke handicap, most golfers could win against me. My handicap is registered at 48. Not good. One needs a registered handicap of 25 strokes or less to be allowed to play at a golf course. That's more stringent requirements than for getting a fishing license. 

There is a great movie called Tommy's Honour. It is about Tommy Morris and his son who were golf legends at St Andrews in Scotland back in the 1920s. A hundred years ago. 
I recognized the place as St Andrews Links right away. Question. How did they get the architecture and the golf course looking like it did back then? 
The actual St Andrews Links is obviously a business that operates year round. 

The Royal Liverpool Golf course has baseball stands. Or is that stands for the golf spectators. Otherwise where is the baseball diamond? 

Shia LaBoeuf did a movie called Padre Pio. Really? I presume the movie is about a famous super spiritual Catholic Priest. The actor portraying the venerable Catholic Father is also the same guy who never stopped yelling and cussing when he was in a Police car and at the Police station too. Video available on YouTube. 
I'd give it a watch. At one time I remembered it as a prospective project. Now it's years later and it actually got made. Time goes fast. 

The Banshees of Inisherin is a movie that I went to the theatre to see. 
I was drawn to the mystic beauty of Europe and even though Ireland is island livnling and kind of backwater, there is a mysterious European deep nostalgia. This energy redeems a movie of a wretched story and topic. 
A man named Colm doesn't want to talk to another man named Padraig anymore because Padraig is kind of retarded. Colm even threatens to cut off his fingers. Which he does. 
A banshee is a major death omen. Along with owls, moths, any mentions of Cambodiar, Anchor Wat, Pet Sematary. All these are hard core death omens. But if these places and animals didn't exist, wouldn't death still be something that IIS part of this World and other animals and places would be death omens instead. 
The actress in this movie Kerry Condon is intensely beautiful. Women are beautiful otherwise the species would grind to a halt. 

I fear the future a degree less than I once did. I am still reeling from caregiver burnout even though the client died last year. I am on probation but things like this have a winding down period. A period where one is in trouble but not in trouble and with the trouble decreasing. A person who spent seven years in prison but onky has one week to go until release is in less trouble than the person about to appear before the courts expected to be sent away for three years. 
The probation officers are great people. They are people of integrity and justice of course. 

I am going to try to be single for life. I don't want a girlfriend. I'd only make mistakes in the relationship. Everyone else in my hotel is single. Well, just about everyone. Who cares? 
"She's just thorns without the rose." Rod Stewart, Downtown Train 
Women can be a trap. 

Friday, March 7, 2025 

Today, I saw Karen briefly. She is a nice lady. A great lady. 

I toured around on my skateboard today aka my electric palanquin. 
I pulled out some weeds here and there. This town is going to seed. But with little increments here and there, removing weeds, in time, this town will look cleaner. But people won't know why. 
A politician said that the best jobs are when people don't even notice that a job was done. 
Here and there, weeds pulled. I always forget to bring my two tools. One is a flat metallic claw and the other is a paint trowel. They are useful for removing weeds. I'll just bring the trowel on my off days. The metallic claw is a more industrial grade tool. Whereas the trowel is a domestic grade tool. 

I won't go window shopping either on the meta store or on YouTube Hot Deals of the Week because that can slowly and exquisitely destroy a bank account. 

I plan to go golfing in VR today. I obtained for free an African golf course that I won in game from 'coins' earned. The African golf course is quite portentous. I saw elephants and zebras. Well, where there are those things there are also known to be lions and Jaguars and cheetahs and hyenas. All of those things would happily hunt humans as well. But when those animals see humans with long sticks be they spears or rifles, somehow they know what that is and run the other way. I wouldn't play at that African golf course in real life because of the lethal animals that might show up. 
In Florida there are alligators in the water hazards and some of them as seen on YouTube are massive. I'd freak out if I saw that. Those alligators eat only once every two months and if otherwise fed enough fish, and capons they won't go for a human and they look fat and well fed. 

I have to get golf clothes because I'm a golfer. Sure, like I'm a pool shark. I suck at pool and golf too which shouldn't be too surprising. 
Anyways my golf clothes would be a polo shirt which I have, a cardigan which I don't have and loud checkered pants preferably a really fashionable shade of tan. The polo shirt can be any color but the cardigan must be dark blue, somewhere between neutral blue and dark blue. I already have a Scottish cap which I found in Vancouver near the Georgia Hotel two years ago. 
Golf shoes? You can wear any shoes for golf. I would recommend the affordably priced Nike Air Monsrch. In Asia, people wear flip flops to play golf. Mini golf for sure. 

Whereas the St Andrews Links old course looks grand opulent elegant, the Butler Park pitch and putt in Austin Texas looks austere and desultory. A very plain suburban somewhat downbeat aesthetic. Prosaic, suburban. But St Andrews is also suburban but rich suburbs rather than middle middle-class suburbs. Pitch and putt. You wouldn't use a wood used for delivering hard and powerful 230 yard line drives right down the middle. 
Just any old golf club is used. I have only one golf club. The 5 iron. That doubles as a chipper. The higher the number the iron, the more yards it should attain. A 7 iron yields a shorter distance on average than the 5 iron, statistically. 
Screw it. A good golfer can use a 5 iron like a 3 iron or a 7 iron. It takes skill. 
The larger the wood the more distance. I have a medium sized wood golf club. And I have a putter which is slightly chipped and rusted on top. I'm talking in real life which is what I got at the thrift store. $5 each. One medium sized wood club, one 5 iron and a slightly chipped putter. It's a proper putter. The other day I used a short walking can with a rubberized end as a kind of putter. It did the job. Kind of. 
The real putter is much better. 
For a golf hole I use my rectangular professional janitorial dust pan which is attached to a handle which I place a small bow within to create a smaller target area and a tunnel as well for the golf ball. 
The putter I have is cheap and looks cheap. The ones the professionals use look really nice. Some putters have a club face that extend on either side of the shaft. Old school putters have the club fsce on only one side which is what I have. It's a pretty nice one though. I like it. 

Golf comes from the Dutch word for club which is golf. Early golf clubs were all wooden.
The early Dutch form of golf had players aiming at targets rather than holes and with few strokes as possible. 
Golf balls were stuffed with wet feathers with leather sown over the top of it. The use of a certain sap of a tree is what makes the modern golf ball. 
Newer golf clubs were made of stainless steel which improved sustainability and accuracy as well. Carved horizontal rows on the club face made it grip the ball more and got rid of excess water on the ball as well as the club face all around. 
The $5 wonders at the thrift store are all made of old school chrome or stainless steel.. Newer golf clubs are made of graphite which is lighter, stronger as well as pricier. 
Golf is like skiing. It's a pricey sport especially if you want to play on location. 
Bowling is a lot easier on the pocketbook. 

A person should be strong in life. That's the ideal. Movies are good. The best movie has the greatest optics. If a man has a girlfriend he should get her a jar of Ovaltine as a present. Artitificial crab or pollock is a good snack. And sometimes you can get a great deal yet the best idea is to try to save money in order to eat well. I forgot to get soft shell taco shells today. I still have to look for a few recipes. 

I say prayers to Mother Mary because she is the most powerful female in the Christian pantheon that I know of. She is my female bodyguard. 
God is male and female forces. Anyone who doesn't know that is an idiot. The ancients had religions that recognized this. 
In Catholicism, there is vnerwtion of the Mother Mary but no female Priests. 
In Protestantism, there isn't quite the same generation for Mother Mary but there are female Priests in the clergy. 
Moral of the story: Six of one is half a dozen of the other. 

I still fear myself. A lot of things about me scare me. That's the final and last great fear for there is no escaping yourself. Lots of times in my life I thought it was the end however life still went on. Things will be better for me in a few months. 
Some people don't fear themselves at all. There are movies of people who act in the most reckless ways, all still legal but reckless like shopping for expensive items, using them once and then throwing it away or drinking or getting extravagant gifts. There is a YouTube channel called Steve Did It or something like that. The star of that channel gives strangers money and gifts. One time, he gave Donald Trump a very expensive watch. 
That guy doesn't fear himself at all. 
Either of the two extremes is not healthy. I spend money and regret it. I imagine that I'll run out of money and starve to death. Millionaires have this fear also but for them it's irrational because they always have enough money. 
I give regularly to the Church. This will give me blessings. 

This is a journal. I also have an irrational fear of my neighbours. They always close the door of their room loudly. I often think they are planning to kill me. They are black university students. They are most comfortable speaking their African language, whatever it is. Movies like Cannibal Holocaust and YouTube video of a riot in an African village where people were hacking other people with machete right there on the street makes me fear my neighbours. That's just stereotyping. 
The other day, I saw one of them hold an electric guitar. Black people are talented at music. Not just immensely talented. Profoundly talented. They are just simply on another level when it comes to music. 
The new neighbours have been in this hotel for a year. It often takes me a few years to get comfortable with people to the point where I don't notice the slamming doors anymore. 
Every place I've ever lived in during my adult life has always been rooming houses with the most picaresque neighbours. The physics of this dimension are a raw deal. Even the richest has to deal with forces of life in this dimension and its inherent disadvantages. 

I won't write about my online purchases anymore. It's not anything that anyone really needs to know about. I'm trying to save my money. I like movies.  

Tom Cruise was able to finally find happiness and to be happy when he moved to Japan in the movie The Last Samurai. The place is incidental. I hope I can be happy one day where ever I am. 

I fear myself more than I fear my neighbours. Actually I fear the finite nature of money. 
Spending money always beings a feeling of regret even for things I need like food. 
I try to save money through volunteer work. I'm planning to sell one of my skateboards to a store. The point of spending money is to do your utmost to enjoy and to forget about regret. Sadhguru said the way to eliminate unwanted thoughts is to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want or on what you fear. 

My utmost idea of living is to live in a rich house. Nice and rich. Quiet house. If I have any neighbours, I never hear them. Large room enough to play golf with a Tyco VR golf stick. 
No wife. Just single for life. Me, my VR and my electric skateboard. Also tablet and television and mp3 player. That's the best life. Also to occasionally stay in five star hotels. Such a life is impossible and would be a miracle. That's the life that everyone says a prayer for to attain. 
What about depersonalization that occurs when something really really good happens? It's a kind of shock. Star struck. It's kind of very comfortable but kind of uncomfortable as well. The Police see celebrities all the time. They don't seem to get star struck. I admire that. 

I wish I could have been on the historical St Roch voyage. That's like wishing I was one of the original Apollo 11 - Apollo 17 astronauts with the exception of Apollo 13. 
My friend who once worked for the Coast Guard said the St Roch was a very rough voyage. The icebreakers of today are next level and way more comfortable. I wish there was anything VR related to the St Roch. However a St Roch escape room is where I draw the line. I don't know if I'd get that. Escape room games are pretty much impossible. I've failed every single VR escape room I ever tried. 

If I see a counselor, I will tell the counselor that my main aim in life is to be 100% sane. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Cleaned the sidewalks of weeds. The area should look less seedy. 

The Lucy Liu movie Presence is a hella motion sickness. I'll have to watch this on a small screen. It shows the point of view of the wandering spirit. 
Last night I had a dream where I said that the set of rooms I was in reminded me of a set of rooms in a VR app. I looked over to the next room which was a bedroom. I looked over to a pot on the floor there and then less than a second later I was there. Different set of physics. Ghosts teleport. In a dream you're a ghost. The room in the dream lacked a doorway that the room in the avR app had. 
The movie Presence is supposed to have a twist. I love twist endings. Lucy Liu undoubtedly is a very smart lady. She wouldn't do a movie unless it has a good script. 
The twist is ending is that the ghost isn't who you think it is. I hope I can get though it without motion sickness. There is no cure for motion sickness. Gravol pills don't work and only make the situation worse. The only pill is to turn off the television and to look away. 

I was drunk last night. That's why I wrote the weird paragraph. It was going to be even weirder. 
I had three sips of strong beer. Faxe beer is the local answer to Tennant's Super which is straight out tramp juice with a whopping 8% alcohol. Then during one sip, I gargle and inhaled because fumes get you even drunker. I'm a zoner. 
I haven't drank for quite awhile and I was drunk for two hours. 

I was going to write that some actors have strange faces. Not conventional. I've heard other people say that before about other actors. Jesse Plemmons and Will Poulter have strange faces. Almost kind of Oriental or else kind of German. Yeah, like the two looks are synonymous. 
So strange that even thinking about strange faces especially when drunk is an unsettling and anxiety ridden experience. 

The movie Kinds of Kindness mentions lamb. This made me think of lamb from an East Indian restaurant which would cost money. Which would affect my bank account. 
I got a small but powerful burst of anxiety thinking about that. Lambxiety. 

I'm guessing that at age 55 I got less than 20 years left. Even with problems, it will go fast. Remember that. The years is almost a quarter over. 

This morning, I saw a man pretending to throw a football on the corner where a bank is located. This reminded me of myself. I play golf in VR and would be doing about the same thing. Maiming a specific athletic motion. 
VR golf is kind of ridiculous. I am making golf swings what. Three or four times a minute? In golf it can be up to ten minutes or more before the next swing is made. It's a very leisurely sport. Not the hyper bonker Olympics that VR golf is. 
With VR golf one teleports to the next place, just like a ghost in a dream. 
See, in a hundred years, golf went from when the roughs of today's golf courses are smoother than the putting greens of early days golf which was just awful to teleporting in VR golf. 
The teleporting really changes the pacing of the golf experience and every sport is about pacing. Hockey has the fastest pacing then basketball then soccer then baseball then golf. 
VR golf gives basketball pacing to a golf pacing sport which in this case is golf. 
I doubt the guy on the street knows I am into VR golf and was mocking me. Only someone with schizophrenic paranoid delusions would think that. I did wonder that for a second though. 

Today while clearing a driveway at the YMCA-YWCA of weeds, I saw a Police car drive past me. On some cosmic level, it was about that I left a movie on and stopped it at a certain point. Kinds of Kindness. The second story. RMF is flying. 
I've watched a lot of Police movies over decades and this is the strangest Police movie I've ever seen. 
The protagonist, a Police Officer is stroking a suspects hair. 
The Police Chief and the Police Officers partner are looking over at this and the Chief says, "It looks like they've just f*cked for the first time." 
Afterwards the Police Officer says to his partner, "Doesn't he remind you of my wife?" 
The other Police Officer said, "That suspect looks does not look like your wife at all." 
Or words to that effect. Why completely spoil the movie? 
That's the most irreverent depiction of the Police since Banksy picture of two Police Officers kissing.
Thie story of this movie is stranger than anything I could have conjured up from my own imagination. Very strange indeed. 
The story gets even stranger. A lot stranger. Lambxiety.