Police Blotter 6 The Suicide Note
Jeffrey Reed read a suicide note that was written on a website on the internet. The note was very well written. So well written that, now, he thought of taking his own life.
Elvis Gladstone was a defense lawyer who now sat at a desk after having read a suicide note that his client had posted on the internet. With him at the desk were the effects of suicide, a milkshake, a unit of heroin, a bottle of rum, and some pills.
The note read,
""How many stars do you give your life out of 10? You with your intellectual prowess, your skills of critique would not be so naive and polyanna as to give your life 10 stars out of 10. Now applying the same ratio, how many stars out of a million? YOu are a few hundred thousand stars short! How could a perfectionist like you live with such an existential deficit?
Why stay alive in a world that has torture, wars, murders, etc?
What is one more or one less person in a world of millions?
etc. etc. and this part of the note went on and on.
How to do it painlessly:
Get some papers of heroin, some pills and dissolve it in a milkshake.
No one could be expected to live through something like this, and you would not feel a thing!
Do yourself a favour, and do society a favour, and kill yourself!"
James Woodrow had circulated on the internet and through just mailing out chain letters resulting in about 250 suicides in six months had resulted in his own incarceration.
The attendant Detective on the case who was the arresting Officer was Detective Chris Hines.
The Police had grown weary as well as angry at finding these notes clutched in the hands of, or folded in the shirt pockets of suicides, next to a familiar set up of a blender and various drug paraphernalia like used open flaps of heroin, and an empty bottle of whisky. But most disconcertingly of all, a few Police Officers who made the mistake of reading the note, had likewise been found sometime later, dead of suicide. And a judge who read the note had topped himself, along with another, second judge who had been appointed to preside over the arraignment and trial. The Crown Prosecutor had read the note, frowned, and a week later was also found dead of suicide using what was now a familiar method.
The lawyer Elvis Gladstone was sitting at a desk with tears rolling down his face. He was told that he did not have to go to Court after all because his client, the one who wrote the iternet suicide note had killed himself while in prison, not surprisingly, using the same method that he had recommended. The tears were running down the lawyer's face because the note made him think of committing suicide, but as it turned out, he was dying of cancer and that night, a golden angel appeared. When he saw that angel, he knew that the angel had come for him, and he died right there, without committing suicide.
When the Police showed up in the lawyer's room the stench was unbearable. The lawyer had been dead for about 14 hours.
Detective Chris Hines was the senior Officer on the case, now present in the room.
One of the other Police Officer's made a move for the notes on the desk, which also included the suicide note. Detective Chris Hines grabbed the note out of that Police Officer's hand and then burned it with a lighter.
It is not OK to commit suicide. Ever. Do you understand?!
Life is a journey and you never know what is around the corner. It is the little things in life that one often remembers.
When a person is alive on this Earth he is a thought being with a physical body, when a person dies, he becomes a thought being without a physical body.
Telepathy is the language. It is the prelanguage.
George Anderson who is a psychic, said of a person who committed suicide, "Often when a person commits suicide, he looks fine in outward appearance, but inwardly there was a problem in their telepathy."
All Spiritual books warn strongly against suicide. When a person is born, there is a mission that they must accomplish.
Suicide is a form of murder. A person would not kill other selves. Why then, should they kill self?
Suicide is usually a sublimated wish to move to another town because when one commits suicide, they are moving to another town anyways, so to speak. If a person is suicidal, the best thing for them to do is to try life in another town. Whatever you do, stay alive.
Simple Minds - Sanctify Yourself
Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Police Blotter 8 The Mental Games
Police Blotter 8 The Mental Games
The Special Olympics are for People with physical disabilities. Then there was an outcry amongst people with mental disabilities, and even those who were criminally insane lobbied to gain what they felt was their Constitutional Right to compete in sports.
A 'Special Mental Winter Games' was created to spotlight the incipient talents of those who were mentally disabled.
Some of the athletes came from British Columbia's Essondale Mental Institute for the Criminally Insane.
One athlete named David Rothbury, was there because he opened an ice cream shop.
Police Chris Hines: "Show me your menu. I hope I don't see anything that's going to piss me off!"
Cunt - chicken soup stock, Thai fish sauce, and strawberry flavour ice cream
Asshole - a hollow wafer cone with peanut butter flavoured ice cream
Cock - For The Ladies
Felch - oral retrieval of semen from the anus, vanilla and peanut butter fudge
Now years later, the ice cream store owner is participating in the Mental Games.
Another athlete was a doctor who had mixed up the medical records of two patients, one patient who was supposed to have kidney operation and the other who was supposed to get an operation on his lower jaw. So that as a result the patient who was supposed to have a kidney operation marvelled as he saw no surgical scar but was puzzled at the sutures about his lower jaw, all this while his abdomen was purple and he was actually now, in fact, dying. And the other patient who was supposed to have a jaw operation now still had an aching jaw and also now a strange new major surgical scar about the abdominal area.
There were other athletes.
One of the athletes was a billionaire, a sea captain who rented a couple of BC Ferries at night, he held a bizarre version of an Easter Egg hunt except it was not Easter and the hunt was not for coloured eggs but a $100,000 diamond ring, had knocked out the lights and fitted them with actual corpses and a stuntman who was encouraged to beat anyone up he could find while he walked throughout the ferryboat disguised as a zombie. And recently in the news, there was a ferry accident when a state of the art, modern ferryboat capsized and sank. The news reported that all on board had perished.
And another participant was a structural engineer who decided to raise the bar once and for all and build the ultimate roller coaster. This roller coaster was to have a 100 storey drop.He predicted that 50% of the riders would and should die of shock and sheer abject terror in order for it to be a top class World class roller coaster. See, he reasoned, if 0% of the people died, it would be no good, but also, if 100% of the riders died, it would be no good as well! The first hill was a hundred storeys.
The entire edifice, looked at from a distance had a Tim Burton, offwordly quality to it like something out of a dream.
The roller coaster had been largely dismantled leaving behind a few roller coaster cars, and it was converted into makeshift bleachers, for the site of the Special Mental Winter Games was very close to this dismantled railed structure.
Another athlete was a customs officer at an isolated border post. Cabin fever inevitably set in for him, and so he expertly stencilled an official looking sign stating in effect that all travellers had to have proof gender". Travellers were asked to pull down their pants in order to "provide proof of gender". Travellers were already pulling down their pants for customs officers for other reasons anyway. What tripped him up was that he refused to believe that one of his female travellers was really a woman when he demanded her to pull down her drawers. It turns out that she was the wife of a politician!
ch 3
As the ferryboat sank, a teenager stood on the prow and yelled, "I'm the King of the World!" In spite of it all, a few passengers laughed. The sea captain with his money had rented an underwater sub. The sea captain knew the passenger manifest. He knew that there was one missing passenger. During a weekend pass, he arranged to bring the passenger to the Special Winter Games Village, temporarily, until it could be moved to his next 'Easter Egg hunt' soiree. He placed it in one of the old roller coaster cars at the rollercoaster/bleachers near the village.
The Roller Coaster Engineer saw the body and thought that they would blame him for it so he moved the body to an out of the way place under the bleachers where it was found. But he was blamed for it anyways. At least he was one of the suspects.
The Constable Chris Hines did indeed decide to have a peek at what was in a bag that was left near the Roller Coaster. What was there was incriminating and conclusive evidence as to the sea captian's salvaging of a body that was supposed to be missing including plans, photos, and gloves and pictures of the remote submarine.
Detective Chris Hines was at the funeral of the man found under the bleachers. The Constable walked up to the sea captain and said, "We know it is you. You might as well give up."
The engineer tried unsuccessfully to kill himself that night. But when he awoke in the hospital after having his stomach pumped and treated with an antidote to the pills he had ingested, Constable Chris Hines was there at the side of his bed. The engineer was placed under arrest.
As it turns out, fears of mental patients murdering people were unfounded and it was decided that permission for mental patients to take parts in sports was granted.
ZZ Top - Under Pressure
Jan Hammer - Sonny Crocket's Theme
Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon
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The Special Olympics are for People with physical disabilities. Then there was an outcry amongst people with mental disabilities, and even those who were criminally insane lobbied to gain what they felt was their Constitutional Right to compete in sports.
A 'Special Mental Winter Games' was created to spotlight the incipient talents of those who were mentally disabled.
Some of the athletes came from British Columbia's Essondale Mental Institute for the Criminally Insane.
One athlete named David Rothbury, was there because he opened an ice cream shop.
Police Chris Hines: "Show me your menu. I hope I don't see anything that's going to piss me off!"
Cunt - chicken soup stock, Thai fish sauce, and strawberry flavour ice cream
Asshole - a hollow wafer cone with peanut butter flavoured ice cream
Cock - For The Ladies
Felch - oral retrieval of semen from the anus, vanilla and peanut butter fudge
Now years later, the ice cream store owner is participating in the Mental Games.
Another athlete was a doctor who had mixed up the medical records of two patients, one patient who was supposed to have kidney operation and the other who was supposed to get an operation on his lower jaw. So that as a result the patient who was supposed to have a kidney operation marvelled as he saw no surgical scar but was puzzled at the sutures about his lower jaw, all this while his abdomen was purple and he was actually now, in fact, dying. And the other patient who was supposed to have a jaw operation now still had an aching jaw and also now a strange new major surgical scar about the abdominal area.
There were other athletes.
One of the athletes was a billionaire, a sea captain who rented a couple of BC Ferries at night, he held a bizarre version of an Easter Egg hunt except it was not Easter and the hunt was not for coloured eggs but a $100,000 diamond ring, had knocked out the lights and fitted them with actual corpses and a stuntman who was encouraged to beat anyone up he could find while he walked throughout the ferryboat disguised as a zombie. And recently in the news, there was a ferry accident when a state of the art, modern ferryboat capsized and sank. The news reported that all on board had perished.
And another participant was a structural engineer who decided to raise the bar once and for all and build the ultimate roller coaster. This roller coaster was to have a 100 storey drop.He predicted that 50% of the riders would and should die of shock and sheer abject terror in order for it to be a top class World class roller coaster. See, he reasoned, if 0% of the people died, it would be no good, but also, if 100% of the riders died, it would be no good as well! The first hill was a hundred storeys.
The entire edifice, looked at from a distance had a Tim Burton, offwordly quality to it like something out of a dream.
The roller coaster had been largely dismantled leaving behind a few roller coaster cars, and it was converted into makeshift bleachers, for the site of the Special Mental Winter Games was very close to this dismantled railed structure.
Another athlete was a customs officer at an isolated border post. Cabin fever inevitably set in for him, and so he expertly stencilled an official looking sign stating in effect that all travellers had to have proof gender". Travellers were asked to pull down their pants in order to "provide proof of gender". Travellers were already pulling down their pants for customs officers for other reasons anyway. What tripped him up was that he refused to believe that one of his female travellers was really a woman when he demanded her to pull down her drawers. It turns out that she was the wife of a politician!
ch 3
As the ferryboat sank, a teenager stood on the prow and yelled, "I'm the King of the World!" In spite of it all, a few passengers laughed. The sea captain with his money had rented an underwater sub. The sea captain knew the passenger manifest. He knew that there was one missing passenger. During a weekend pass, he arranged to bring the passenger to the Special Winter Games Village, temporarily, until it could be moved to his next 'Easter Egg hunt' soiree. He placed it in one of the old roller coaster cars at the rollercoaster/bleachers near the village.
The Roller Coaster Engineer saw the body and thought that they would blame him for it so he moved the body to an out of the way place under the bleachers where it was found. But he was blamed for it anyways. At least he was one of the suspects.
The Constable Chris Hines did indeed decide to have a peek at what was in a bag that was left near the Roller Coaster. What was there was incriminating and conclusive evidence as to the sea captian's salvaging of a body that was supposed to be missing including plans, photos, and gloves and pictures of the remote submarine.
Detective Chris Hines was at the funeral of the man found under the bleachers. The Constable walked up to the sea captain and said, "We know it is you. You might as well give up."
The engineer tried unsuccessfully to kill himself that night. But when he awoke in the hospital after having his stomach pumped and treated with an antidote to the pills he had ingested, Constable Chris Hines was there at the side of his bed. The engineer was placed under arrest.
As it turns out, fears of mental patients murdering people were unfounded and it was decided that permission for mental patients to take parts in sports was granted.
ZZ Top - Under Pressure
Jan Hammer - Sonny Crocket's Theme
Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Tale of Two STAR WARS
A Tale of Two STAR WARS
STAR WARS - The Phantom Menace
STAR WARS - Attack Of The Clones
Eddie Rabbitt - I Love A Rainy Night
As you might have noticed, this video has been removed. "Removed from the archives you say? Erased from the memory. Disturbing this is."
George Lucas obviously arranged to have this video removed. His iron glove and his tight control over STAR WARS.
What can you say about George Lucas?
It is not as if he is an actual artist who designed anything. Ralph McQuarrie, who went to Vancouver Technical High School, showed George Lucas 15 designs of each character, here is 15 designs of C3PO and George Lucas picked the design.
Like that animator JVCFelix on YouTube said, "George Lucas: "STAR WARS is my creation, it is my painting, and if I want to paint it Jar Jar, I'll paint it Jar Jar."
What can you say about George Lucas? What drugs was he on?
Never mind all that. Love that artist. George Lucas is a genius who has improved all of our lives and the world is a much changed place, a much better place.
STAR WARS - The Phantom Menace
STAR WARS - Attack Of The Clones
Eddie Rabbitt - I Love A Rainy Night
As you might have noticed, this video has been removed. "Removed from the archives you say? Erased from the memory. Disturbing this is."
George Lucas obviously arranged to have this video removed. His iron glove and his tight control over STAR WARS.
What can you say about George Lucas?
It is not as if he is an actual artist who designed anything. Ralph McQuarrie, who went to Vancouver Technical High School, showed George Lucas 15 designs of each character, here is 15 designs of C3PO and George Lucas picked the design.
Like that animator JVCFelix on YouTube said, "George Lucas: "STAR WARS is my creation, it is my painting, and if I want to paint it Jar Jar, I'll paint it Jar Jar."
What can you say about George Lucas? What drugs was he on?
Never mind all that. Love that artist. George Lucas is a genius who has improved all of our lives and the world is a much changed place, a much better place.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Teach English in Brunei the movie
Teach English In Brunei the movie
Dionne Warwick - Then Came You
Crosby, Stills and Nash - Marrakesh Express
David Naughton - I'm Making It
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Dionne Warwick - Then Came You
Crosby, Stills and Nash - Marrakesh Express
David Naughton - I'm Making It
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Travel To Islamic Countries
Travel To Islamic Countries
Crosby Still Nash - Marrakesh Express
Crosby Still Nash - Marrakesh Express
Friday, June 20, 2008
Teach English in Brunei
The travel magazine at the Library had an article about teaching English in Brunei. That couhtry is located at the tip of Southeast Asia.
It has been ruled by the same family for 600 years. From the 14th to 16th Century, it was the most powerful Sultanate in that region; the Indonesia/Philippines region.
The capital city is Bandar Seri Begawan.
The travel magazine said that English teachers there get paid at rates comparable to what English teachers in Saudi Arabia are paid. This is one of the most lucrative Engish teaching posts for expats on the planet and starting rates of $40,000 a year are not unheard of.
There is also a one month paid vacation in Switzerland. Of course one does not have to go to Switzerland but that is where most vacationing expat English teachers teaching in Brunei or Saudi Arabia go to, if not for the snob appeal.
It is recommended that a person converts to Islam but most people who go there reconvert back to Buddhims or Christianity when they repatriate.
After a couple of years of teaching in Brunei, they could retire for the rest of their life in a country where the cost of living is not expensive, like Thailand.
All one has to do is to take a TOESL or a TEFL course and that costs about $1,000.
I decided to give it a shot.
Travelling there on a plane. Arriving in BSB, it was hot like an oven. I was soon brought to my digs which was a really nice modern condo with a chambermaid. I made enough money to eat steak and lobsters and sushi all the time.
After my first two year stint of teaching in Brunei, I spent the next ten years travelling to different countries, when I ran out of money, I simply went back to Brunei and signed up for another tour of duty which is another year of teaching.
Eventually, against all logic, incredibly, incredulously, I wound up getting married with a lady whom I knew for a few years.
Salary range B$3,000 - B$5,000 per month with annual increments.
Completion of Contract Bonus of one sixth total salary earned during the contract period (Range B$12,500-B$20,500 for intial two-year contracts)
Free accommodation or accommodation allowance.
Education Allowance for up to two accompanying children (secondary only) or three children for teaching couples.
Allowance for spouse (B$250 per month) and infants (B$150 per month) (secondary only)
Return airfares and baggage allowance
Travel allowance payments for subsequent contracts
Settling in allowance (B$500 - B$1500)
Medical insurance
Re-signing bonus
ICELT, ICT and Malay courses
Furnished 2 bedroom house in good area - monthly rent BND 4,000.00 $2,889.13 £1,475.19 €1,853.09
Unfurnished 2 bedroom house in good area - monthly rent BND 3,000.00 $2,166.85 £1,106.39 €1,389.82
2/3 star hotel - 1 night stay BND 100.00 $72.23
Narrator: $5,000 BND is about four thousand Canadian a month, and that 40 thousand dollars a year salary. With the free accomodation, one can save a lot of money in a few years. If I live conservatively, living at budget guesthouses, I can live in Thailand for at least five years with 40 grand a year.
Brunei is one of the wealthiest countries in the World. It makes its living largely from oil revenues.
The Sultanate of Brunei had control of the region from the 14th to 16th Century. From the 16th to 19th Century, the realm of Brunei was occupied by Spain. From 1841 to 1946, three White Rajahs with the name of Brooke, James Brooke 1841 - 1868, Charles Brooke 1868 - 1917, Vyner Brooke 1917 - 1946 who married a Miss Sylvia Brett created the Dynasty of the Kingdom of Sarawak as they ruled the region.
In 1946, after the War, Vyner Brooke ceded control of the region to the British in return for a sizeable pension. In 1984, Brunei attained independence from the British. Today, the ruler is a descendant of the six hundred year old Sultanate of Brunei. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, a titular name for the Dynasty since the 15th Century, is the current Sultan or King of Brunei.
This sounds like an exotic place and what I would like to get away from is familiarity. I don't like regression and therefore I would like to live in a place as far away from anything I have ever known for reasons of adventure.
Saudi Arabia TEFL Facts:
Your English Students
Best Time to Get Hired
Length of Commitment
12-24 month contracts
Typical Teaching Schedules
Full and part-time schedules available
Average Pay and Benefits
$1700 - $3000 USD per month
Bonuses on completion of contract
Reimbursed airfare upon completion of contract
Free housing
Average Cost of Living
$1000 - $1300 per month depending on lifestyle
Bachelor’s degree
CELTA certification
Native speaker of English
2–5 years of EFL teaching experience
By TedKarma
(This is the second in a series of posts by experienced EFL teacher Tedkarma)
If you want to save some serious money - give it a shot.
Living in the Arab world is not for everyone, and Saudi Arabia is the home to some of the most conservative forms of Islam. But, if you are tough enough and have your mind set on a goal, you can succeed - and you can save some serious money.
Partyland? Hardly. Movie theaters are “forbidden” as are most forms of fun. There are a few “male-only” bowling alleys. Dating? A serious criminal offense. Night clubs? Forget about it!
But you can make friends, and in the quiet of some housing compounds you can find a drink or two and some peaceful socializing. Is it all bad? Not if you don’t mind a quiet life.
One of the better places for looking for jobs in the Middle-East is Bayt Recruiting. If the Middle East is not for you and you want to save money - a good alternative is Korea. Check out www.TEFLDaddy.com – a great place for newbies to start.
Narrator: Saudi Arabia pays about the same rate as Brunei. Saudi Arabia is very conservative. I live a very reclusive and quiet lifestyle. I don't drink that often.
I would rather teach English in Brunei because that country more resembles Thailand and that is what I am comfortable with. I have worked with Muslims before in Thailand and taught in a couple of all Muslim high schools there. They are nice people.
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contador de visitas
The travel magazine at the Library had an article about teaching English in Brunei. That couhtry is located at the tip of Southeast Asia.
It has been ruled by the same family for 600 years. From the 14th to 16th Century, it was the most powerful Sultanate in that region; the Indonesia/Philippines region.
The capital city is Bandar Seri Begawan.
The travel magazine said that English teachers there get paid at rates comparable to what English teachers in Saudi Arabia are paid. This is one of the most lucrative Engish teaching posts for expats on the planet and starting rates of $40,000 a year are not unheard of.
There is also a one month paid vacation in Switzerland. Of course one does not have to go to Switzerland but that is where most vacationing expat English teachers teaching in Brunei or Saudi Arabia go to, if not for the snob appeal.
It is recommended that a person converts to Islam but most people who go there reconvert back to Buddhims or Christianity when they repatriate.
After a couple of years of teaching in Brunei, they could retire for the rest of their life in a country where the cost of living is not expensive, like Thailand.
All one has to do is to take a TOESL or a TEFL course and that costs about $1,000.
I decided to give it a shot.
Travelling there on a plane. Arriving in BSB, it was hot like an oven. I was soon brought to my digs which was a really nice modern condo with a chambermaid. I made enough money to eat steak and lobsters and sushi all the time.
After my first two year stint of teaching in Brunei, I spent the next ten years travelling to different countries, when I ran out of money, I simply went back to Brunei and signed up for another tour of duty which is another year of teaching.
Eventually, against all logic, incredibly, incredulously, I wound up getting married with a lady whom I knew for a few years.
Salary range B$3,000 - B$5,000 per month with annual increments.
Completion of Contract Bonus of one sixth total salary earned during the contract period (Range B$12,500-B$20,500 for intial two-year contracts)
Free accommodation or accommodation allowance.
Education Allowance for up to two accompanying children (secondary only) or three children for teaching couples.
Allowance for spouse (B$250 per month) and infants (B$150 per month) (secondary only)
Return airfares and baggage allowance
Travel allowance payments for subsequent contracts
Settling in allowance (B$500 - B$1500)
Medical insurance
Re-signing bonus
ICELT, ICT and Malay courses
Furnished 2 bedroom house in good area - monthly rent BND 4,000.00 $2,889.13 £1,475.19 €1,853.09
Unfurnished 2 bedroom house in good area - monthly rent BND 3,000.00 $2,166.85 £1,106.39 €1,389.82
2/3 star hotel - 1 night stay BND 100.00 $72.23
Narrator: $5,000 BND is about four thousand Canadian a month, and that 40 thousand dollars a year salary. With the free accomodation, one can save a lot of money in a few years. If I live conservatively, living at budget guesthouses, I can live in Thailand for at least five years with 40 grand a year.
Brunei is one of the wealthiest countries in the World. It makes its living largely from oil revenues.
The Sultanate of Brunei had control of the region from the 14th to 16th Century. From the 16th to 19th Century, the realm of Brunei was occupied by Spain. From 1841 to 1946, three White Rajahs with the name of Brooke, James Brooke 1841 - 1868, Charles Brooke 1868 - 1917, Vyner Brooke 1917 - 1946 who married a Miss Sylvia Brett created the Dynasty of the Kingdom of Sarawak as they ruled the region.
In 1946, after the War, Vyner Brooke ceded control of the region to the British in return for a sizeable pension. In 1984, Brunei attained independence from the British. Today, the ruler is a descendant of the six hundred year old Sultanate of Brunei. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, a titular name for the Dynasty since the 15th Century, is the current Sultan or King of Brunei.
This sounds like an exotic place and what I would like to get away from is familiarity. I don't like regression and therefore I would like to live in a place as far away from anything I have ever known for reasons of adventure.
Saudi Arabia TEFL Facts:
Your English Students
Best Time to Get Hired
Length of Commitment
12-24 month contracts
Typical Teaching Schedules
Full and part-time schedules available
Average Pay and Benefits
$1700 - $3000 USD per month
Bonuses on completion of contract
Reimbursed airfare upon completion of contract
Free housing
Average Cost of Living
$1000 - $1300 per month depending on lifestyle
Bachelor’s degree
CELTA certification
Native speaker of English
2–5 years of EFL teaching experience
By TedKarma
(This is the second in a series of posts by experienced EFL teacher Tedkarma)
If you want to save some serious money - give it a shot.
Living in the Arab world is not for everyone, and Saudi Arabia is the home to some of the most conservative forms of Islam. But, if you are tough enough and have your mind set on a goal, you can succeed - and you can save some serious money.
Partyland? Hardly. Movie theaters are “forbidden” as are most forms of fun. There are a few “male-only” bowling alleys. Dating? A serious criminal offense. Night clubs? Forget about it!
But you can make friends, and in the quiet of some housing compounds you can find a drink or two and some peaceful socializing. Is it all bad? Not if you don’t mind a quiet life.
One of the better places for looking for jobs in the Middle-East is Bayt Recruiting. If the Middle East is not for you and you want to save money - a good alternative is Korea. Check out www.TEFLDaddy.com – a great place for newbies to start.
Narrator: Saudi Arabia pays about the same rate as Brunei. Saudi Arabia is very conservative. I live a very reclusive and quiet lifestyle. I don't drink that often.
I would rather teach English in Brunei because that country more resembles Thailand and that is what I am comfortable with. I have worked with Muslims before in Thailand and taught in a couple of all Muslim high schools there. They are nice people.
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Jim's Rectal Surprise
Jim's Rectal Surprise
I wrote this story in August 2001, at an internet shop in Bangkok on Charansanitwong Road near the Krungthon market and near the Royal River Hotel.
Culture Club - Church of the Poisoned Mind
Donald Fagen - Green Flower Street
I wrote this story in August 2001, at an internet shop in Bangkok on Charansanitwong Road near the Krungthon market and near the Royal River Hotel.
Culture Club - Church of the Poisoned Mind
Donald Fagen - Green Flower Street
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Comedy Emporium 2
Comedy Emporium 2
News Button
Shortlisted Signs of Businesses
I would not at all be surprised if the man wearing the black trenchcoat running towards the gold lamborhini was a Police detective. Just a feeling I have....
The Motels - Suddenly Last Summer
Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose - It's Too Late To Turn Back Now
News Button
Shortlisted Signs of Businesses
I would not at all be surprised if the man wearing the black trenchcoat running towards the gold lamborhini was a Police detective. Just a feeling I have....
The Motels - Suddenly Last Summer
Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose - It's Too Late To Turn Back Now
Comedy Emporium 2
News Button
Gilles was at the television, watching, all paranoid. The News was on and he thought that the News Anchor a pretty lady knew that he was watching them.
He imagined that at the News station, there was a small green light that went on whenever he was watching that News program, a strange kind of Neilsen's ratings. He was telling this to a friend who said that surely, if it were so, and if it were of the smallest number of people whom the news would be interested in, there must be about a hundred lights and the news technicians, the ones who write the words on the teleprompter would know what words would get to what person.
Suppose light number fifty of a hundred little green lights went on. Number fifty once had a very verbally abusive teacher in the tenth grade that he did not like called Elmer. The person who wrote the words on the teleprompter would be sure to say some sentence that would include the word Elmer whenever light number fifty went on.
Gilles said, "No no no no, there is not a hundred lights, there is only one light and that light tells them when I am watching."
Gilles' friend thought of something that Stephen King said, "Somewhere along the line, the guy just blew his fucking wheels."
Shortlisted Signage of Businesses
At the Department of Vital Statistics downtown, the people who worked at the Office there had a laugh every day. Immigrants who were linguistically challenged when it came to the English language nonetheless sent in their spirited attempts at names of businesses. These names would eventually be shortlisted, prohibited.
This prohibition would appropriately be followed with a session with a business counsellor who would tell them why their idea of business name was prohibited and to suggest a better name.
On Monday Morning alone, these are just some of the ideas for names of businesses proposed:
- Bob Cat Video, more cat than bob, we specialize in weird porn
- Pussy Hair Salon
- T & A Books
- Poisson Beverages *Poisson Boisson
- Master Bait and Tackle
- Leary Adult Magazines
Gilles was at the television, watching, all paranoid. The News was on and he thought that the News Anchor a pretty lady knew that he was watching them.
He imagined that at the News station, there was a small green light that went on whenever he was watching that News program, a strange kind of Neilsen's ratings. He was telling this to a friend who said that surely, if it were so, and if it were of the smallest number of people whom the news would be interested in, there must be about a hundred lights and the news technicians, the ones who write the words on the teleprompter would know what words would get to what person.
Suppose light number fifty of a hundred little green lights went on. Number fifty once had a very verbally abusive teacher in the tenth grade that he did not like called Elmer. The person who wrote the words on the teleprompter would be sure to say some sentence that would include the word Elmer whenever light number fifty went on.
Gilles said, "No no no no, there is not a hundred lights, there is only one light and that light tells them when I am watching."
Gilles' friend thought of something that Stephen King said, "Somewhere along the line, the guy just blew his fucking wheels."
Shortlisted Signage of Businesses
At the Department of Vital Statistics downtown, the people who worked at the Office there had a laugh every day. Immigrants who were linguistically challenged when it came to the English language nonetheless sent in their spirited attempts at names of businesses. These names would eventually be shortlisted, prohibited.
This prohibition would appropriately be followed with a session with a business counsellor who would tell them why their idea of business name was prohibited and to suggest a better name.
On Monday Morning alone, these are just some of the ideas for names of businesses proposed:
- Bob Cat Video, more cat than bob, we specialize in weird porn
- Pussy Hair Salon
- T & A Books
- Poisson Beverages *Poisson Boisson
- Master Bait and Tackle
- Leary Adult Magazines
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Night At The Movies 5
Night At The Movies 5
King Kong
Little Big Man
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
STAR WARS The Empire Strikes Back
Paul Davis - I Go Crazy
Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms
King Kong
Little Big Man
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
STAR WARS The Empire Strikes Back
Paul Davis - I Go Crazy
Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms
Monday, June 16, 2008
Video Game Reviews
Video Game Reviews
Flash Focus DS
Metroid Prime Pinball DS
Need For Speed Carbon DS
Midnight Club 3 PSP
Need For Speed Carbon PSP
Norman Brown - Too High
Billy Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles?
Flash Focus DS
Metroid Prime Pinball DS
Need For Speed Carbon DS
Midnight Club 3 PSP
Need For Speed Carbon PSP
Norman Brown - Too High
Billy Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Comedy Emporium
The Comedy Emporium
Small Town Blues
At the airport of an unspecified town, two ladies were present discussing the demographics of the town they were in.
One of the ladies was someone who lived in the town for a long time. The other lady was a lady newly arrived and now newly leaving, having chartered a small plane to get her out of there.
The lady who was a newbie, Becky, said that during her lunch hours the first week working at the bank, she was standing outside and on a smoke break. About three men approached her and asked her if she was a prostitute and if she was the men would be willing to give her money. Of course the men were very classy about it and the money was only ever implied and never directly inferred.
The lady who lived in the town, Stephanie, said don't worry, I think I know some of the ones you are talking about they did not mean it. It was just their way of saying hi. It is strange you ran into so many of them. Usually a woman who is a newcomer just runs into one of those guys. You should stay in this town, once you get to know them, you will like them.
On the other end of town, at the Greyhound station, a man was on his way out after a couple of years of living there and not having even met one woman, after not getting laid even once. His name is David. Another guy was there with him, someone in town named Chuck. Commiserating over, Chuck said, it is strange that you ran into none of the women. Usually they are very friendly and newcomers are generally very lucky. You should stay in this town, you will meet one you like, eventually, for sure.
Tumessa is a drug that is like pharmatron that claims to promote a regular lifestyle which is a fancy way of saying a drug which operates along the same lines as Viagra.
This was a case very much like Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine where the bank gives out free guns for starting an account with that bank and even those with mental illness as long as it is not associated with any violent incidents in the past were allowed to own a gun.
The Tumessa promise was that if our product did not work, not only would you get your money back, we would give you a gun, because let's face it, how much is your life worth if you can't get it up even with our product which is so good it makes Viagra look like saltpeter or opium which are drugs which totally inhibit erections. Yeah, if you can't raise your own interests even with our product, I guess you had better kill yourself.
The gun issued was a snub nosed thirty eight, one with the round cartridge so it was not an automatic at all as an automatic has no old fashioned round cartridge. It was a cheap model, otherwise referred to as a Saturday night special.
At the clinic, people were walking out with guns, but the guns did not have any bullets which was a strange metaphorical mocking of their condition. If the patients decided to get bullets and if the gun owner saw any kind of despondent look on the face, he would call the Police saying it is another customer with a Tumessa gun looking to get bullets and the Police would personally escort that person to seek psychiatric counselling.
Can The Guinea Pigs Take Care Of My Book?
I was going on vacation for a year and I had a rare, one of a kind limited edition novel and I needed someone to take care of it. Someone I totally trust so I left it with my guinea pigs.
The hotel chambermaid was kind enough to agree to clean the cage once a day and to give the guinea pigs enough food. I paid her $100 to do this. I also stipulated that the book was to be left in the corner because I wanted the guinea pigs to take care of it. She shrugged but maybe secretly thought it was cute and agreed.
When I came back from my vacation, I looked and did not see the book in the corner where it should be. When I asked the chambermaid about it, she said that the guinea pigs had chewed, urinated on, scratched and therefore dissolved the book in that way, so as a result, the book is no longer in that corner.
Joe Walsh - Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Small Town Blues
At the airport of an unspecified town, two ladies were present discussing the demographics of the town they were in.
One of the ladies was someone who lived in the town for a long time. The other lady was a lady newly arrived and now newly leaving, having chartered a small plane to get her out of there.
The lady who was a newbie, Becky, said that during her lunch hours the first week working at the bank, she was standing outside and on a smoke break. About three men approached her and asked her if she was a prostitute and if she was the men would be willing to give her money. Of course the men were very classy about it and the money was only ever implied and never directly inferred.
The lady who lived in the town, Stephanie, said don't worry, I think I know some of the ones you are talking about they did not mean it. It was just their way of saying hi. It is strange you ran into so many of them. Usually a woman who is a newcomer just runs into one of those guys. You should stay in this town, once you get to know them, you will like them.
On the other end of town, at the Greyhound station, a man was on his way out after a couple of years of living there and not having even met one woman, after not getting laid even once. His name is David. Another guy was there with him, someone in town named Chuck. Commiserating over, Chuck said, it is strange that you ran into none of the women. Usually they are very friendly and newcomers are generally very lucky. You should stay in this town, you will meet one you like, eventually, for sure.
Tumessa is a drug that is like pharmatron that claims to promote a regular lifestyle which is a fancy way of saying a drug which operates along the same lines as Viagra.
This was a case very much like Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine where the bank gives out free guns for starting an account with that bank and even those with mental illness as long as it is not associated with any violent incidents in the past were allowed to own a gun.
The Tumessa promise was that if our product did not work, not only would you get your money back, we would give you a gun, because let's face it, how much is your life worth if you can't get it up even with our product which is so good it makes Viagra look like saltpeter or opium which are drugs which totally inhibit erections. Yeah, if you can't raise your own interests even with our product, I guess you had better kill yourself.
The gun issued was a snub nosed thirty eight, one with the round cartridge so it was not an automatic at all as an automatic has no old fashioned round cartridge. It was a cheap model, otherwise referred to as a Saturday night special.
At the clinic, people were walking out with guns, but the guns did not have any bullets which was a strange metaphorical mocking of their condition. If the patients decided to get bullets and if the gun owner saw any kind of despondent look on the face, he would call the Police saying it is another customer with a Tumessa gun looking to get bullets and the Police would personally escort that person to seek psychiatric counselling.
Can The Guinea Pigs Take Care Of My Book?
I was going on vacation for a year and I had a rare, one of a kind limited edition novel and I needed someone to take care of it. Someone I totally trust so I left it with my guinea pigs.
The hotel chambermaid was kind enough to agree to clean the cage once a day and to give the guinea pigs enough food. I paid her $100 to do this. I also stipulated that the book was to be left in the corner because I wanted the guinea pigs to take care of it. She shrugged but maybe secretly thought it was cute and agreed.
When I came back from my vacation, I looked and did not see the book in the corner where it should be. When I asked the chambermaid about it, she said that the guinea pigs had chewed, urinated on, scratched and therefore dissolved the book in that way, so as a result, the book is no longer in that corner.
Joe Walsh - Is She Really Going Out With Him?
A Trip To England
A Trip To England
An imaginary, fictional trip to England that May one Day be reified.
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
Roger Miller - England Swings
Ian Thomas - Hold On
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contador de visitas
An imaginary, fictional trip to England that May one Day be reified.
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
Roger Miller - England Swings
Ian Thomas - Hold On
contador de visitas
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Night At The Movies 4
Night At The Movies 4
Night At The Movies 4
Altered States
What About Bob?
STAR WARS Revenge of the Sith
An Inconvenient Truth
Night At The Movies 4
Altered States
What About Bob?
STAR WARS Revenge of the Sith
An Inconvenient Truth
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Dean Noble cover version of Stephen King's The Running Man
The Dean Noble cover version of Stephen King's The Running Man
Chapter 1
The year 2050
The Running Man was a game show where if you live for 30 days and survive the Hunters, you get a billion New Dollars. Anyone could enter as a participant. They relaxed the rules so that even junkies could enter. My name is Dean Williams. I decided to give it a shot. I went to the studios and went through the grueling selection process and wound up being chosen as a contestant. I met another contestant there called Jake Simmons who was a soft spoken friendly intellectual.
On stage, the Master of Ceremonies asked, "Are you ready?" The words contained a slight chill. Immediately after leaving the studios, Dean Williams made a quick trip to visit a local who was well known. This character lived on a farm and was known as "The Man" and could get you anything that you wanted including any kind of drugs, tattoos, and also, high quality fake I.D..
This person extended an invitation to Dean Williams to stay on his farm, saying, "I don't care how many blacklists you are wanted on. Here, you will always have a place to stay." Dean Williams decided against this, knowing that to accept such an invitation would leave his friend in danger.
chapter 2
Thailand. The land of Smiles. Getting off the plane, I felt as if I were stepping into a convection oven. Some locals immediately were giving me strange looks. They knew that I was a Running Man.
Dean Williams felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Jake Simmons. He recognized him from back at the Running Man studios. Jake Simmons got the same idea and coincidentally was on the same flight. They went around Bangkok, passing places like Anu SawaRichai or else the Victory monument.
Jake Simmons said that he was going to visit Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok to get an operation to disguise himself including surgically smoothing down his fingertips and getting a colagen injection to make his lips look fatter. He also planned to get padded cheeks to disguise himself.
Every day, twice a day, they had to make a digital video recording on a digital video recorder that the network issued to them and enter them into a computer at a local internet shop. The show gave their word that the computer's IP address would not be tracked...
The recordings would typically be done indoors as to obscure any atmospherics that might give them away. When they recorded in the forests, fans of the show emailed in and identified the trees in the background.
Jake was nodding out all the time as he was scoring heroin in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai.
What the show did not disclose was that during the contestants sleep at plush luxurious quarters in the skyscraper where the games were produced, technicians had snuck into their rooms and shot a dart into the sleeping bodies with a powerful, very fast acting barbiturate. They then surgically implanted a GPS microchip. This is a lesson about greed. Anything that sounds too good to be true, probably is.
The next day at a restaurant, we saw on TV that the Hunters were at the Bangkok Airport. The Hunters said that they were going to Chiang Mai. That is where we were!
Sukhumvit was the richest part of Bangkok. Jake Simmons asked for and got, cocaine.
Dean watched, shocked and disgusted as Jake snorted, smoked, and shot up cocaine always with that sleazy, animal hinging and unhinging of the jaw. The next day, after a visit to the hospital, Jake found out that he was dying of terminal cancer.
Dean Williams said that he was going onto Cambodia. Jake said that he was going to stay in Bangkok and wait for the Hunters.
Jake was ready when the Hunters arrived. They kicked down the door along with members of the local Police force. Jake had a syringe in his hand, one of the big syringes they use to inject horses with. As the Police moved near, Jake depressed the syringe. The Hunters and the Police then realized that it would be redundant to fire their guns now as Jake twittered and gasped with such a tremendous force, it seemed the whole hotel was shaking. The Police searched the hotel Dean Williams was nowhere to be seen.
Dean Williams was enjoying life in Cambodia. He tried the local happy pizza and then asked to spend the night with 3 girls at the same time. Williams had heard of Buri Ram and how the legend goes that the Priest there teleported to Cambodia through a secret vortexual portal.
This was the last day, and if he lived through today, he would win the 1 billion New Dollars. Just then, he heard the soft crunching of leaves and then a group of men with guns and reporters too had emerged from a clearing and was nearly on top of him. To his side was a shallow ravine.
The Hunters emerged, like a recognized nightmare figure emerging from a dream. The Chief Hunter said, "So this is where it ends," and, "We never lose."
Dean decided to run. He slipped and fell into the ravine. Gunshots, hundreds of them echoed resoundingly through the jungle. Then, as the guns fell silent, the click of dozens of flashbulbs could be heard.
Dean Williams was nowhere to be seen.
He woke up in a jungle. He must have dreamed this. Although the jungle he was in now no longer looked quite like the jungle he was in before. He tried to look for identifying marks. The first person he saw was a Thai Theravadan Buddhist Priest.
Dean walked down the highway. He saw the familiar sloping roof of a Thai Wat in the distance. He was in Thailand. An hour later, he heard the slight rumbling of a convoy of trucks coming in the distance. It was the Hunters. He felt a hand grasp his arm. It was a Hunter who held out a piece of paper to Dean. It was a cheque with a high quality embossed Network icon on the upper corner of the cheque. It was made to "Dean Williams" in the amount of 1 billion New Dollars. Dean Williams had teleported from Cambodia through Thailand through a secret interdimensional portal.
The End

No cocaine was used or possessed during the making of this film. I used special effects techniques. For the yellow colour of the liquid in the needle, I mixed some yellow acrylic paint with water for medical realism, to give it that realistic off colour tinge that water, nearly saturated with cocaine, would look. For the cocaine, I used flour.
Jennifer Warnes - Right Time Of The Night
Paul McCartney - My Love
Red Carabao - Welcome To Thailand
Ros Sereysothea - Various songs
Anita Ward - Ring My Bell
Chapter 1
The year 2050
The Running Man was a game show where if you live for 30 days and survive the Hunters, you get a billion New Dollars. Anyone could enter as a participant. They relaxed the rules so that even junkies could enter. My name is Dean Williams. I decided to give it a shot. I went to the studios and went through the grueling selection process and wound up being chosen as a contestant. I met another contestant there called Jake Simmons who was a soft spoken friendly intellectual.
On stage, the Master of Ceremonies asked, "Are you ready?" The words contained a slight chill. Immediately after leaving the studios, Dean Williams made a quick trip to visit a local who was well known. This character lived on a farm and was known as "The Man" and could get you anything that you wanted including any kind of drugs, tattoos, and also, high quality fake I.D..
This person extended an invitation to Dean Williams to stay on his farm, saying, "I don't care how many blacklists you are wanted on. Here, you will always have a place to stay." Dean Williams decided against this, knowing that to accept such an invitation would leave his friend in danger.
chapter 2
Thailand. The land of Smiles. Getting off the plane, I felt as if I were stepping into a convection oven. Some locals immediately were giving me strange looks. They knew that I was a Running Man.
Dean Williams felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Jake Simmons. He recognized him from back at the Running Man studios. Jake Simmons got the same idea and coincidentally was on the same flight. They went around Bangkok, passing places like Anu SawaRichai or else the Victory monument.
Jake Simmons said that he was going to visit Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok to get an operation to disguise himself including surgically smoothing down his fingertips and getting a colagen injection to make his lips look fatter. He also planned to get padded cheeks to disguise himself.
Every day, twice a day, they had to make a digital video recording on a digital video recorder that the network issued to them and enter them into a computer at a local internet shop. The show gave their word that the computer's IP address would not be tracked...
The recordings would typically be done indoors as to obscure any atmospherics that might give them away. When they recorded in the forests, fans of the show emailed in and identified the trees in the background.
Jake was nodding out all the time as he was scoring heroin in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai.
What the show did not disclose was that during the contestants sleep at plush luxurious quarters in the skyscraper where the games were produced, technicians had snuck into their rooms and shot a dart into the sleeping bodies with a powerful, very fast acting barbiturate. They then surgically implanted a GPS microchip. This is a lesson about greed. Anything that sounds too good to be true, probably is.
The next day at a restaurant, we saw on TV that the Hunters were at the Bangkok Airport. The Hunters said that they were going to Chiang Mai. That is where we were!
Sukhumvit was the richest part of Bangkok. Jake Simmons asked for and got, cocaine.
Dean watched, shocked and disgusted as Jake snorted, smoked, and shot up cocaine always with that sleazy, animal hinging and unhinging of the jaw. The next day, after a visit to the hospital, Jake found out that he was dying of terminal cancer.
Dean Williams said that he was going onto Cambodia. Jake said that he was going to stay in Bangkok and wait for the Hunters.
Jake was ready when the Hunters arrived. They kicked down the door along with members of the local Police force. Jake had a syringe in his hand, one of the big syringes they use to inject horses with. As the Police moved near, Jake depressed the syringe. The Hunters and the Police then realized that it would be redundant to fire their guns now as Jake twittered and gasped with such a tremendous force, it seemed the whole hotel was shaking. The Police searched the hotel Dean Williams was nowhere to be seen.
Dean Williams was enjoying life in Cambodia. He tried the local happy pizza and then asked to spend the night with 3 girls at the same time. Williams had heard of Buri Ram and how the legend goes that the Priest there teleported to Cambodia through a secret vortexual portal.
This was the last day, and if he lived through today, he would win the 1 billion New Dollars. Just then, he heard the soft crunching of leaves and then a group of men with guns and reporters too had emerged from a clearing and was nearly on top of him. To his side was a shallow ravine.
The Hunters emerged, like a recognized nightmare figure emerging from a dream. The Chief Hunter said, "So this is where it ends," and, "We never lose."
Dean decided to run. He slipped and fell into the ravine. Gunshots, hundreds of them echoed resoundingly through the jungle. Then, as the guns fell silent, the click of dozens of flashbulbs could be heard.
Dean Williams was nowhere to be seen.
He woke up in a jungle. He must have dreamed this. Although the jungle he was in now no longer looked quite like the jungle he was in before. He tried to look for identifying marks. The first person he saw was a Thai Theravadan Buddhist Priest.
Dean walked down the highway. He saw the familiar sloping roof of a Thai Wat in the distance. He was in Thailand. An hour later, he heard the slight rumbling of a convoy of trucks coming in the distance. It was the Hunters. He felt a hand grasp his arm. It was a Hunter who held out a piece of paper to Dean. It was a cheque with a high quality embossed Network icon on the upper corner of the cheque. It was made to "Dean Williams" in the amount of 1 billion New Dollars. Dean Williams had teleported from Cambodia through Thailand through a secret interdimensional portal.
The End

No cocaine was used or possessed during the making of this film. I used special effects techniques. For the yellow colour of the liquid in the needle, I mixed some yellow acrylic paint with water for medical realism, to give it that realistic off colour tinge that water, nearly saturated with cocaine, would look. For the cocaine, I used flour.
Jennifer Warnes - Right Time Of The Night
Paul McCartney - My Love
Red Carabao - Welcome To Thailand
Ros Sereysothea - Various songs
Anita Ward - Ring My Bell
Night At The Movies episode 3
Night At The Movies episode 3
Asia - Heat of the Moment
Commodores - Lady You Bring Me Up
Asia - Heat of the Moment
Commodores - Lady You Bring Me Up
Monday, June 2, 2008
Night At The Movies episode 2
Night At The Movies episode 2
Steve Rodby - Feet First
Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up
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Steve Rodby - Feet First
Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up
contador de visitas
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