If you think that alligators are big today, you should have seen them in the dinosaur days. That is one of the things you can learn if you go on a time travel expedition with us.
A million years ago, the dinosaurs just disappeared off the Earth. How did that happen? Never mind the asteroid theory, that's just absurd! A more plausible theory is that either extra terrestrials wiped them out and then after the planet was cleared, the greys interbred themselves with hominid apes and as a result, human beings were derived, and a million years later, this is humankind in their present form, a most dignified species. The other explanation is that human time travellers went back into the past and hunted them to extinction, using the same technology as used in the Philadelphia Experiment.
Don't listen to the theory that if you accidentally kill a butterfly that the course of history would change. That's just to scare the squares. Actually you would be surprised with what you can get away with. Jurassic Park isn't a fiction and we have, if you count the three hundred guests who spent a year "on safari", we have hosted three hundred man years. Killing dinosaurs, heck, even bumping off a few nasty and evil people.
That's our slogan. "Time Travel. You'd be surprised with what you can get away with!"
The preceding message is a paid advertisement and does not reflect the views and opinions of this television station or any of its affiliates.
Extra story:
Gifts From A Guinea Pig
Today, I had my guinea pig on my bed. When I lifted her off my bed, I saw that there were some guinea pig shits on the bed. My guinea had given me some gifts. She left me some presents.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for his Sherlock Holmes books, but he also wrote a dinosaur story called The Lost World.
Sherlock Holmes is a detective in his 40s who was an amateur scientist. He was one of the first detectives to analyze footprints, and blood types using scientific technique to indict criminals in a time when public opinion was used to determine innocence or guilt.
His first story was A Study in Scarlet. Sherlock Holmes met Watson at a pub. Watson had then recently returned from military service in Afghanistan as a field medic. The murderer wrote a graffiti on the wall, the word "rache" which apparently means revenge in German. Sherlcok Holmes determined the height of the offender in that graffiti is usually written just above eye level.
A Study in Scarlet was first published in The Strand magazine.
The Sign of the Four was an introduction to the Seven Percent Solution. Sherlock Holmes used to inject cocaine and/or morphine. This was in the 1800s when it was still legal. The Laws making these drugs illegal in the 20th Century had not yet been enacted. Watson, however, being a doctor knew about the health risks of these strange white powder drugs and repeatedly asked Sherlock Holmes to quit. "The game is hardly worth the candle."
Sherlock Holmes short stories appeared first in the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. During those days, they were using candlelight. In the Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, he meets his nemesis Professor Moriarty who was the smartest man in London, but Sherlock Holmes undercut him. Which meant that Sherlock Holmes was the smartest man in London. At Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland, Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty fight it out and the two men fall into the watery chaos below.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle intended to forever retire his detective. But when public opinion was overwhelming, the author decided to bring back the famous detective in The Return of Sherlock Holmes. When Return of Sherlock Holmes was published ten years after the spill over Reichenbach Falls, Sherlock Holmes was in a London where they were using electric lightbulbs. The last Sherlock Holmes book was The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes.
The more famous Sherlock Holmes stories are:
A Scandal in Bohemia. This is a story of a woman named Irene Adler who has greatly impressed Sherlock Holmes with her wit.
The Solitary Cyclist is the story of a woman who was hired by people who knew her father in Africa.
The Speckled Band is the story of a snake used to terrorize the victims of a crime.
Silver Blaze is the story of a horse that was prevented from winning a race. A tiny knife had been interserted into the hamstrings of a horse. This of course sabotaged the horse. Sherlock Holmes was on the case and as he was interviewing a farm hand, he said, "There is the curious incident of the dog in the night." "The dog did nothing in the night." The farm hand said. "That is the curious incident." From this, it was determined that it was the stable hand that had did the job he was paid to do.
The Red Headed League was the story of a pawnbroker Jabeez Wilson who had red hair. One day his assistant Vincent Spaulding tells him about some group he might be interested in. When he goes to the address, he sees a notice on the office door about a Red Headed League. He was ushered into an office and was well paid. All he had to do was to copy out the dictionary. Starting with the letter A. He was the write the word and then the definition. At the end of the day, the foreman in charge of this operation looked at the completed script, nodded and had given Jabeez Wilson, the pawnbroker, his wages in cash. A couple of days later, he shows up for work, but sees a sign that says that The Red Headed League has been dissolved. Sherlock Holmes later finds the assistant Vincent Spaulding and asks him about what was going on. It is soon disclosed that the League was really a cover. A criminal group masterminded by Professor Moriarty hired the pawnbroker because his store was over the route for a tunnel the group planned to dig. This tunnel led to a bank vault.
The Devil's Foot is about the root of a plant from Africa, in large doses it is fatal but in small doses brings about the most horrifying visions about the worst moments in that person's life as well as acute drug psychosis. This plant is known to African shamans. Mortimer Tregennis intent on the family estate kills his sister Brenda Tregennis using this powder. This sister's lover was an African safari man, Dr Leon Sterndale who in turn uses the powder to kill the murderous brother. Sherlock Holmes whose sympathies lie with the Doctor then quietly urges Dr Sterndale to return to Africa.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote four novels. He wrote A Study In Scarlet, The Sign of Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Valley of Fear.
The Hound of The Baskervilles is about a ghostly dog that eats people that haunts the misty swamps of Northern England. Sherlock Holmes is sent to investigate when the body of the Lord of the Estate is found on the grounds near the swamp.
The Valley of Fear is about a criminal on the run from some crimes he committed in the West. The people is on the run from eventually catch him and kill him, throwing overboard of a boat off the coast of Africa.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote in a very old English style which is comfortable to read.
William Shakespeare was a writer a read a few books of during the 90s. I am going to discuss some of those books here.
Romeo and Juliet is the story of a teenaged couple whose families, though equally rich are family lines entangled in a centuries old feud. The lovers get their kicks on the sly and it is suggested that, in baseball terminology, the pair had hit a home run. Unfortunately tragedy falls them as Romeo intends to fake his death as a prelude to facilitate a final escape. Juliet does not know that he has faked his death, so she stumbles upon his body, in a curare induced coma. She thinks he is dead so she kills herself. Hours later, Romeo awakes and seeing Juliet dead, he kills himself.
Hamlet is the story of a teenage Prince whose father was murdered by his Uncle, brother to his late father. This Uncle now sits on the Throne of the country. After much mulling around and commisseration, including Hamlet killing a palace aide called Polonius and then later discovering his girlfriend Ophelia dead in the river, he gets into a duel, but due to typical Shakespearean writing style, all involved in the duel wind up dying. I guess Shakespeare didn't believe in happy endings.
The Merchant of Venice is the story of a merchant called Shylock who was Jewish. This story is Shakespeare's commentary against prejudice. Challenges, puzzles, and finally the debt of a pound of flesh is excused. At one point, Shylock asks, Am I not injured just like anyone else if I were physically assaulted, would I not get a bloody nose and bruises? This is an indictment against prejudice. I myself have had too much scientific training and read too much of Carl Jung and his idea of archetypes to be prejudiced.
King Lear is the story of a King who asks of his three daughters who loves him the most. Two of his daughters Regan and Goneril give a good speech. One of his daughters Cordelia says nothing at all. The King banishes this daughter. Bad move, at turns out the two daughters that had given the speech were plotting against him, and the daughter who said nothing was the one who loved him. The hapless King is eventually exiled from his palace and one rainy afternoon on a highway, he gets his left eye plucked out by his bastard brother, the Earl of Gloucester.
The Tempest is a story of magic and enchantment. It is the last play that Shakespeare wrote. Incidentally, his first play was A Comedy of Errors. A ship with a crew of sailors as well as a wizard and his lovely daughter is shipwrecked on a beach. On the island is a man with a strange costume of furs and fish and with a weird smell. The man's name is Caliban. The whole story winds up at the end to be a mirage, a dream. Just like life.
Whether one goes to high school or college, they will probably wind up reading Shakespeare as part of the curriculum. The stories of Shakespeare are stories that are remembered as one grows older.
Aldous Huxley is a very intellectual writer. His writings are often accused of being too flowery. Aldous Huxley comes from a family of intellectuals. His grandfather, Julian Huxley was a famous scientist, and his brother Thomas Huxley is also a famous scientist.
Aldous Huxley wrote a few books which I read during a summer vacation in the tropics.
Chrome Yellow is a fictional story about a real house in the English countryside which was a famous artists hangout during the 1920s. All the famous artists of the time like TS Eliot, DH Lawrence, and F Scott Fitzgerald hung out there. The house was called Garsington. Howard Marks mentions that he stayed at that house for awhile in Mr Nice.
Antic Hay, The title is from a line of medieval poetry, "My men like satyrs grazing on the lawns Shall with their goatsfeet dance an Antic Hay." This book is about intellectual Theodore Gumbril who invents the pneumatic pants. Pants which can be inflated and deflated at will to provide a cushion at times when it is needed like when riding on the wooden seats of an old train. To impress his woman, he puts on a full beard and tuxedo, top hat and inflatable pants which he calls The Complete Man. One time, he forgets his disguise on his way to visting her and wonders if his woman would still like him even though he was not The Complete Man.
After Many A Summer Dies The Swan is like Citizen Kane, obviously a satire of William Randolph Hearst. There is the millionaire along with his girlfriend, who hires an antiquities expert to go through the journals of a person who lived on the estate three hundred years ago. It is rumoured that these journals contain the secret to longevity if not immortality. There is a crazy doctor who is the secret lover of the millionaire's girlfriend. After much social drama and contemplating, it is discovered that there is much more than the secret to immortality contained in the books. The previous person who lived on the estate wrote in a journal during the 1800s that when he was a child, he put a ring through the tail section of a kind of fish that lived in a pond on the estate. For some reason, he was feeding it a special diet of ground up fish. When he was in his fifites, he still saw the fish. He concluded that the secret to longevity was triturated, or ground up fish meat of this kind of fish. He ate the ground up fish himself. The big surprise in the story is that this man, now a good four hundred years old, now lived in a cave, also on the estate. After going through the considerable passages of the cave, they find the old man and his wife also similarly aged. They are in an advanced state of dementia, evident as the old man urinates himself while his wife laughs.
Ape And Essence is a story about two modern day studio hands who stumble upon a script, one script of a few many that had fallen off a truck full of scripts that were on their way to an incinerator. They stumble upon a story that they liked. They tried to track down William Tallis, the writer of these stories who lived on a ranch in the desert about an hour's drive from the film studio in Los Angeles. When they got to the ranch, they found that the scriptwriter had died. "But man, proud man, drest in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he is most assured, his glassy essence like an angry ape plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as to make the angels weep." The story that the dead scriptwriter left behind was set in the future. A science fiction. Similar to planet of the Apes, the play starts off with a apefaced wearing lipstick cooking a meal on the stove. Apes Leading an Einstein clone on a leash were feeding it rum, sugar, and bologna. This Einstein cloned looked sadly at another Einstein clone across the beach being pulled on a leash by other Apes. Then the future dawns as it is the after era of a major nuclear war. Infants born with more than seven fingers are instantly deemed as radioactive mutants and destroyed. Breeding is done only once a year. A time traveller named Alfred Poole winds up here, kind of like Shakespeare's the Tempest where the hapless Antonio winds up on an island populated by the insane. "The Director asked Alfred what he did. Alfred said that he knew much about plants. "War plants?" asked the director as he dug his heels deeper into Alfred's back." "They had overturned a coffin which contained the body of a rich film producer of the old times. The Director emerged looking grotesque in the producers jacket with the arms being too narrow and the hips being too wide." Breeding is done only once a year, permitted by the Priests who identify themselves wearing bulls pizzles. When the Priests catch Alfred in the act with his girlfriend, the Priests merely excuse themselves saying, "Don't mind us, Belial Day comes only once a year." The Priests offer to initiate Alfred into the Priesthood. He does not like this idea and escapes with his girlfriend.
Brave New World is about a story where the family unit is obsolete. Infants are the result of test tube babies in factories. "The laboratory girl wondered whether she remembered to put oxygen into a certain tray of test tubes. Never mind, I probably did, she thought and put on her clothes to go out for the evening. Seventeen years later about 45 people would suddenly die of a teenage disease that results from not having oxygen pumped into their test tubes when they were an embryo." The population is subdued with a drug called Soma. There is a section in the vast city where people live the old life, where births are a result of how people are usually born. The hero of the story has his helicopter crash into that forbidden zone of the city. He finds out that he was not a test tube baby but that his mother lived in the forbidden zone and his father is a powerful executive.
He wrote lots of other good stories like Point Counter Point, The Giaconda Smile, Time Must Have A Stop, but I never read them.
Michael Crichton is most famous for Jurassic Park. However, he has written quite a few good novels like Sphere, Rising Sun, Congo, Jurassic Park 2, Great Train Robbery, Eaters of the Dead, Andromeda Strain, Timeline and Terminal Man.
Michael Crichton spent time in his life as a doctor and a lawyer. He is an internationally known bestselling author, so wealthy that he has his own private jet.
Sphere is about the discovery of a UFO beneath the ocean. Crichton's idea that since the Earth is 75% covered with water, there is a 75% chance that if UFOs could land anywhere, they would land in the ocean. The UFO crashed at the bottom of the Marianas Trench which is six miles deep and the deepest part of the ocean. Most commercial airliners fly 5 miles high so that gives you an idea of its depth.
Rising Sun is a Police story about a former expat who spent some years in Japan mentoring a new recruit. The murder takes place in a skyscraper in LA owned by the Japanese. Because of this, the Police detectives must go into highly micromanaged ritualized Japanese procedures and this is something that affects their usual method of questioning suspects. However, it does not affect it all that much as the suspect is caught. A high priced call girl is murdered in the skyscraper. Someone is blamed for it, but the Police find the real killer using state of the art techniques as someone had photoshopped the video of the murder. Subsequent investigation uncovered the video layering and finally exposed the killer.
Congo is about a lost city in the jungles of Africa. It is also about gorillas.
The Great Train Robbery is about a train being robbed. Michael Crichton gets into detail and talks in minutae about the 1800s. The 1800s never went away. Tshirts, sweatshirts, jeans, navy cut jackets, blazers all first appeared in the 1800s.
Eaters of the Dead is the story of a person living in the year 1000 AD and living in the North with a bunch of cavemen.
And his most famous book of all was Jurassic Park.
Jurassic Park is a warning about failing to keep life simple. Malcolm is the mathematician in the story and he is a proponent of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. If mathematics, particulary calculus is about correctly predicting the final trajectory of an object and being right 100% of the time, it is ironic that as a mathematician, Malcolm subscribes to a theory which, in effect makes mathematics impossible.
So much for that. The team of three men and a woman and three children visit a theme park which is a zoo of genetically reconstructed dinosaurs these dinosaur have free range of the Park when a power outage thanks to the Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle unlocks or otherwise deelectrify the cages which hold the dinosaurs.
Mayhem erupts as the dinosaurs chase and try to eat the people.
Lost World Jurassic Park Two is just as good as Jurassic Park. The Lost World is the title of a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book, also about dinosaurs. In this movie, two adventurers go to an island called Site B which is a secondary island to Isla Nubar which is the island of the original Jurassic Park. Site B is the laboratory hatchery. Later on, a Tyrannosaurus Rex visits a major city with people.
Sure enough, most of the people wind up getting rescued, but not before running into an entire thicket of dinosaurs and the attendant troubles of that.
Timeline is about a time travel trip. Michael Crichton gets into theories regarding parallel universes, other dimensions and time travel in this novel. Similar to the rescue theme of The Lost World.
Michael Crichton is very scientifically detailed in his writings. The sentences have cadence. Michael Crichton is one of my favourite writers.
Dan Brown is a Christian writer. His writings are all about Christianity and that spiritual tradition is infused throughout his work like the leaves of a fine tea saturates the hot water which holds it.
His two most famous books are Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code. They are about Professor of Languages, Robert Langdon.
The latest Dan Brown book is The Solomon Key which is another Robert Langdon book.
Angels & Demons is about someone who steals a small quantity and when I say small, I mean atomic weight, of antimatter from CERN which is the European Nuclear Research Centre which houses a cyclotron.
Robert Langdon is dispatched there making the trip from New York to Switzerland in an hour in an X-33, a type of airplane which has since been discontinued. Arriving there, he has to solve a riddle that is very much a formula that as it turns out, he would use in his next book.
A set of four codices are the words of four elements Earth Wind Air and Fire which are written in a unique caligraphy text in which the words can be read upside down or right side up and they look the same. Like Lara Croft Tomb Raider, this movie talks about the Illuminati.
There are searches throughout the city of Rome, specifically Vatican City for the sites which contain clues for the Four Elements, very much like The Amazing Race where people have to go to a site located on a map for their next clue.
AntiMatter is the most dangerous form of military grade weapon and makes a nuclear bomb look like a water balloon. A small amount of it can cause an explosion very much like that of a nuclear bomb.
The antimatter bomb, once moved from its safe location was timed to explode at a certain time. Nothing could stop it. So it had to be detonated and exploded via the X33 sent into outer space.
The DaVinci Code is about the claim from a group of people called the Merovingians that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ. That the great Secret of the Crusades and the Templar Knights was that Jesus and Mary sired a daughter named Sarah, and that she eventually moved to the England and France area and started a family line, ie the Merovingians. Most people would disbelieve this as the general story is that Jesus never married, and never sired any offspring.
However, this makes for an interesting story and away Professor Langdon goes again from the Louvre in France to Vatican City once again to solve a centuries old riddle.
Throw in a twisted albino who belongs to a weird religious order in which he is compelled to whip himself as well as to write graffiti and not only that, graffiti in anagram formations too.
Langdon, as in the previous story with a beautiful woman at his side, goes to solve this riddle. He discovers a box which holds a code which he has to solve. Sherlock Holmes The Dancing Men, Project Enigma of World War Two were about codes as well.
He enlists the help of a rich Englishman, also a Professor of Archeology. This professor owns a jet, which is not quite an X33, but gets them from France to England soon enough.
He has to go to some castles in towns in England like Glastonbury where some people believe that Jesus had visited. The song Jerusalem that William Blake wrote which appeared in Four Weddings and a Funeral is about Jesus' visit to Glastonbury.
Anyways, as usual, he solves the mystery. It has been awhile since I read the book.
Dan Brown, even though he is a Christian makes a few references to Buddhism. He is a good writer and I read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, from cover to cover. Each book took me about a week to read.
Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of scary stories of all time. He is right up there with Edgar Allan Poe. I don't know much about Stephen King's life. All I know is that he lives in a large elegant Haunted House style, Victorian house.
Carrie is about a girl with telekinetic powers.
The Bachman books has four stories. Rage is about a student shooting up a high school which predated the famous Columbine shootings. The Long Walk is about a marathon in which there are a hundred walkers. The prize is a million dollars. Any walker who walks under four miles an hour is given a warning. After 3 tickets, the walker is given a ticket or shot dead. Road Work is about someone who works at a laundry and the steam press which folded clothes was referred to as a mangler. The Running Man is about a future game show like the Amazing Race, but where the rules are, if they can survive 30 days without being tracked by expert bounty hunters called The Hunters, they win a billion New Dollars and about a contestant called Ben Richards who won the game show in a very 9/11esque way.
The Shining is about a child with telepathic and dream recognition otherwise referred to as second sight. The father of the family, Jack Torrance takes on a job as a winter caretaker for a remote hotel in the mountains. After running into a lot of ghosts, mostly of around the 1920s of a remote time in the hotel about the time a former hotel caretaker got cabin fever and killed a bunch of people. Did I mention that the hotel is built over an Indian burial ground. This is classic horror fiction.
Needful Things is about a store that predates ebay. A store that can sell you anything on the planet that you want as long as it is legal. Oh what the hell, incidentally that store was not above selling things which were illegal too, like cocaine.
Eyes of the Dragon is a medieval story about an evil dwarf who is cunning and a wizard named Flagg who is the court jester and resident magician of a castle run by a King, his wife and two sons. The Royal Family exposes the wizard for the evil that he is so as a result, the bad wizard is forced to retreat.
Only to resurface two hundred years later in The Dark Tower. This wizard is like the Highlander who lives for centuries. St Germain is five hundred years old and lives in a cave in Europe. The Dark Tower is a cowboy story. There is a chapter where Roland the Gunslinger ingests magic mushrooms, and he starts the trip off sewing his shirt, then later on, he felt as if every muscle in his body was tensed up a bit, even muscles he did not realize he had.
Christine is about a car that comes to life.
Firestarter is about a girl with pyrokinetic powers who gets hounded by the shop. During the Sixties, the father ingests a new chemical that gives him telepathic powers. It also resulted in the birth of his daughter who also had awesome powers. There is an interesting paragraph at the end of the book where secret agents from the shop threaten to expose the vices of their relatives and subject them to prosecution if they did not give them information. "Did you know that your relative so and so was into this?"
Pet Sematary is about a graveyard that brings whatever is buried there back to life but as zombies. In the woods past a deadfall, past a swamp is a second cemetary that the MicMac Indians knew about but had long abandoned. A really good story for Halloween.
There are a few other book I read that Stephen King wrote.
I only read a couple of chapters of these books:
Tommyknockers which was about a UFO and aliens.
The Stand is about a deadly viral disease.
Hearts in Atlantis which is about a mentor with telepathic powers. Then the student of the Mentor goes to college. More telepathic powers. I did not finish this book.
One reason I make these films is because these are the kinds of shows that I like to watch and this video is a nod to them. Shows like Hollwood Scandal, the Final 24, A&E Biography.
George Orwell was born in India in 1904. His father worked for the opium department of the British Overseas Civil Service. Orwell grew up in England and went to Eton. When he was 19, he enlisted in the Burmese Police Services as Burma was then a colony of Britain. Orwell spent five years as a Police Officer in Burma.
When left Burma, he spent a year in Paris and for part of that year, he worked as a dishwasher first at the Hotel Lotte, the Hotel X of Down and Out in Paris and London, and then he worked at a small restaurant called L'Auberge de Jehan Cottard.
When he returned to London, he lived for a few years as a tramp. However, his reputation as a writer was growing and he was not a tramp for long and was slowly and gradually grafted into a semi affluent middle class. He worked at a bookstore for a couple of years during which time he wrote Keep the Aspidistra Flying, A Clergyman's Daughter and Coming Up for Air. After this, he was hired on to do a travelling article about the coal mines of Northern England called The Road To Wigan Pier.
Keep the Aspidistra Flying is about a bookstore owner who is struggling to keep up amidst the usual tide of finances.
A Clergyman's Daughter is about the daughter of a rector, written in the second person observation point and centrally focused on the life of a young girl. This girl who starts the novel drawing up a bath later develops amnesia and becomes lost and geographically estranged, winding up amongst a group of hop pickers. Slowly her memory returns and when asked to help, her father in a characteristically dour way suggests to her to contact her cousin Tom the baronet. She stays with her father's cousin Tom for awhile and is eventually reunited with her father's household.
Coming Up For Air is the story of a man in his 40's during the 1920s recalling his childhood and youth which happened in the 1800s and also a few hints about the upcoming war then which would be the Second World War.
In the Road to Wigan Pier, Orwell hops on trains second class, and travels throughout the frosty wintry North of England and stays in the houses of miners. He writes descriptively about life as a coal miner tunnelling in the mines. He also comments about the lack of orthodontic concern. "The best thing that a miner considered that could happen to him was to be 'shut of' his teeth as early in life as possible. 'Teeth is just a misery', an old woman said. Orwell observed a family of four, and only the 15 year old boy had any teeth and this, he wrote was a condition that could not be expected to last long.
Orwell then wrote Animal Farm which is the greatest political satire with animals taking on certain political personalities and characteristics. Anthropomorphized.
1984 was Orwell writing about the state of Police surveillance capabilities in 1948, but his publisher asked him to turn the numbers around. Orwell should know about the inner workings of Police and Intelligence because he worked for five years as a Police Officer in Burma. But 1984 could also be a reference to the Philadelphia Experiment which was something that was whispered around the late night cocktail lounges of that time.
George Orwell is one of my favourite writers. He had a style. The writings have a kind of rhythm.
William S Burroughs was born in 1914 in St Louis, Missouri. That is his home town, as he lived there until he was 19 years old. At that age, he went to New York to work as a cub reporter and also going to Harvard.
Burroughs had an elegant upbringing and he lived in a three storey Victorian house. His parents were extremely well educated.
When he graduated from Harvard, he spent his 20s travelling in Germany and married a lady name Ilse. This was his first wife. He explored the gaudy seedy sexual world of post World War One Germany.
Throughout the Second World War, William S Burroughs lived in New York working at a variety of jobs as well as living on a family retainer as he was one of the scions of the Burroughs typewriter company. Burroughs got a monthly payout for $250 a month when the minimum wage was about a dollar an hour. In today's terms, that would be about $2,500 a month.
This gave him plenty of money to spend, as, in the summer of 1944, he started to develop an addiction to heroin.
William S Burroughs married a second wife after a legal separation from his first wife, and he had two children, one his one, and one child that was his wife's from her previous marriage.
William S Burroughs is one of my most favourite writers. He was very well travelled as he went to South America, specifically, Mexico City, Peru, and Colombia. He also spent ten years in Tangier smoking hashish. He lived for two years in London England, and stayed for about a year in Paris France. He lived in New York for about five years. He finally moved to Lawrence, Kansas. He lived in one house in Lawrence Kansas called the bunker because much of the house was basically a windowless basement. Then he moved into another house. The point is, he left his home town early in life and never went back there. I admire that.
He wrote a lot of books in a cut up style which was to paste together two halves of two different pages lengthwise and to derive a new text from that. I don't like and never read these kinds of writings of Burroughs. However the writings of Burroughs which I do like are his straight prose. My favourite Burroughs books are Junky written during the beatnik era, Letters 1944 to 1959, Interzone, The Adding Machine and then My Education which is a book about dreams. Burroughs recorded his dreams in writings and this was a major influence.
Steely Dan
Boz Scags
Technical note: I am reloading my videos in 480 x 360, rather than 640 x 480, because it was taking fifteen minutes to upload a three minute video whereas before, the old way, it took about 3 minutes to upload a 3 minute video. Obviously a larger aspect ratio frame means more pixel points, that is more millions of pixel points and takes consequently longer to upload. It is pro rated. The videos suffer nothing for this. ____________________________________________________________________
D) Dreams in which there is a two way conversation.
When I write about my dreams, as usual, it always comes back to bite me in the ass, in a good way. When I write about the dreams in which I am an observer or only speaking to someone that is one thing. But it seems whenever I write about a dream where someone speaks to me, and if it is in any way, creepy, then the next day, I see RCMP squad cars or else Natives or else, just about anyone in fact, I know enough about the nonverbal language of the Universe that these are spiritual protectors. When someone talks to me in a dream, and it is in some way, tense, gritty, like someone saying to me, "Say something in Cantonese." and I answer, "Hui say." or else when someone saying to me, "Say something in Russian." and I answer "Paseba."
The return of Corporal Chris Hines of the Royal Canadian Police Force or RCPF to the Integrated Homicide Division had began with a running start. The work had just hit the ground running.
Ten years ago, a bank robber was trying to rob a bank. When he ran outside the bank, Police were already there and had surrounded the building. The Police had all kinds of weapons with them. There were four different cops and on this day, all of them were carrying different weapons. One cop had a .38 snub nosed. One cop had a pump action rifle. One RCMP Officer had a taser and another had an ARWEN gun. The ARWEN is a less than lethal option in addition to the taser. It fires five rounds of either wood, foam or tear gas canisters. The ARWEN stands for Anti Riot Weapon ENfield and was invented by the British Royal Small Arms Factory RSAF, in 1977. On this occasion a wooden canister was used. It struck the bank robber damaging his spine.
As a result, the bank robber had to wear a David Lynchian looking device called a halo vest for the rest of his life.
In the years that followed, the bank robber Jeff Stearns served seven years and was then released. Due to a rich medical settlement that he got ironically, from suing the Police and getting generous damages from the court, he hired someone to carry him around like how the last Prince of Russia was always had a guy dressed like a sailor carry him around. The guy who carried the halo vested Jeff Stearns around was named Mr. Roberts. The settlement that he got from the Police was ironic because he used the money to plan yet another bank robbery.
He made another appearance at the bank. He decided to rob the same bank that he robbed years ago, since he knew the layout. He had a gun and with him and also a pit bull. It was a strange sight. A 6' 2" tall muscular man carrying around a man wearing a halo vest. And the man wearing the halo vest holding a leash in his hand that connected to a pit bull.
It was at this point that the call came into the station where RCPF Corporal Chris Hines was working. A team of SWAT cops were on the way.
The suspect Jeff Stearn appeared in front of the bank. He was holding the pit bull in his arms. The tall man Mr Roberts was carrying the halo vested Jeff Stearns. A job which he got $5,000 a month for. The Police yelled into a megaphone for him to surrender. This lasted for a few minutes. Then in a fluid chain of motion of events, Jeff Stearns revealed the reason why he was holding the pit bull. He used one of his hands to pull out the gun that was concealed in his chest pocket which the pit bull hid from view. The Police saw this and drew their guns. Mr Roberts could hear the hammers clicking and a warning shot was fired that just missed Mr Roberts, Jeff Stearns and the pitbull. At this, the arm carrier concierge panicked and turned around running up the stairs. See, the front of the bank had a staircase going one storey up to the front entrance.
Mr. Roberts turned 180 degrees and high tailed it up the stairs of the front entrance. Jeff Stearns was firing at one of the Police Officers. At this point, the RCPF SWAT Team cop raised his sawed off shotgun and shot a powerful blast.
It hit the criminals in the back as they were running up the stairs, just like that scene in the French Connection. But instead of hitting one man in the back as he was running up the stairs, the bullet went through the hearts of Mr Roberts, Jeff Stearns and also the dog killing the three of them simultaneously, in an upward trajectory!
It was another case successfully if not most spectacularly closed.
At the Auto Show, there was a Chevy cruiser with some interesting looking stripes. A 1955 Bel Air was parked in front of the Mile Zero Hotel. A silver Mercedes Speedster was selling for about 33 thousand dollars. In front of the Alaska Hotel was an old truck, a Rolls Royce and an old Harley Davidson Motorcycle. Towards Total Pet, there is a black truck which is a very low rider. Why you can see for yourself. This truck reminded me of its opposite which is trucks that are raised high. A white Mustand with a bold red stripe. There was entertainment for the children as there was a train, as well as a trampoline playroom in the shape of a large dragon. An old red jalopy. A bright orange Mustang. A painted Model T in front of Le Spot nightclub. My favourite car of them all was this BMW roadster. A convertible with a red and black leather interior. Check out this Model T Ford speedster with the engine clearly exposed. A beautiful Harley Davidson cross country cruising motorcycle parked in front of CJDC television and radio station. A Pontiac Green Parisienne with a nice shade of green.
Walking around, I saw a lot of cars and it is more of an exotic luxury now to see these kinds of cars, what with the rising price of fuel.
Canadian Police Constable Chris Hines was at home watching television.
"Life in the Fast Lane" There appears a couple dressed in a regular bathing suit. "Life in the Fast Lane" There appears a couple dressed in business attire. "Life in the Fast Lane" There appears a couple dressed in 1900's bathing suits. The guy with the tank top and the long shorts and the lady with the flounces. "Life in the Fast Lane" There appears a pair of Muslims, the man wearing a cap and tunic and a woman in a full burkah. "Life in the Fast Lane" There appears a pair of astronauts in full NASA uniform."
British accent Female News anchor: This morning at the holding cells of the Police station downtown, a prisoner named George Murphy, was shot during a struggle with the Police.
Police Constable Chris Hines knew about this story as he was the arresting Officer. George Murphy was a famous case. Him and his wife, Kelly Murphy, both practicing endoscopic surgeons with the husband specializing in laparoscopic surgery, and with the wife specializing in arthroscopic surgery, were vacationing in Antigua with their 3 children. One of the children, Natalie, aged 4 had been abducted and possibly murdered. The couples lack of emotion when they were interviewed on television made the Police forensic psychologist very suspicious.
After going out for dinner they returned to their children in the room, and found that one of them was missing. A few locals of the funky small neighbourhood they were staying at were named as suspects but were eventually eliminated as persons of interest in the case. Then the couple themselves was named as suspects. As time went on and media pressure grew, the couple became instant overnight celebrities and household names.
Stunning aligations from the Antigua Police Department where the crime occured emerged that the couple themselves were named as suspects and told not to leave Antigua for seven days. There was a flag out for their passport numbers on the airport computers. After hours of questioning, they were released. The controversial evidence was that DNA was found in the car they rented 25 days after the child's death. A crafty lawyer went on television and said that in small towns, there are often two rental cars in the whole town, and it is possible the killer rented the car earlier and not so coincidentally the couple rented that same car. But that was not the only evidence. Police sniffer dogs had smelt evidence of a corpse in the room. And there was other evidence not disclosed.
But there was still insufficient evidence so the couple were released on their own recognizance and allowed to go whereever. They decided to move back to Canada.
One night, routinely, before going to sleep, they gave the children chloral hydrate to make them sleep. But one of the children was given too much and died.
The next morning, the two twins woke up groggy but alive. The other child, Natalie, did not wake up at all. The couple panicked. The wrapped the body in a cloth and drove to a river and threw the child's corpse into a river. The body was weighted down.
Then in the afternoon, after the time when they would have finished their dinner, they called the media. Then half an hour later, they called the Police.
YouTube had a lot of people writing in the comments section. The verdict in the comments section on YouTube videos about this topic was unanimous. Just about everybody knows they did it.
George Murphy was later arrested by the Police on a shoplifting beef. Constable Chris Hines was the arresting Officer. At a local medical supply store, with a pharmacy, George Murphy was trying to steal some chloral hydrate. It seems that George Murphy had, strangely, developed an addiction to chloral hydrate, even though it was the drug that has caused the death of his daughter. He was arrested without incident.
The Police arrested him and brought him to the holding cell. As George Murphy showed up and presented his posessions to the prison guard, the ring that was in his wallet dropped out and under a desk which the guard did not notice. After accusing the guard and fighting with the guard, there was a scuffle, a struggle and as a result, the prisoner was shot at the holding cells.
For five years, I have been studying the dreams that I have at night. In the movie Black Robe, it said that Natives believe that dreams are really important and believe that they are from a World more real than this one. I have not only written about my dreams, I have accompanied these detailed notes with colour illustrated drawings. Winsor McCay was an artist who made a comic strip called Little Nemo In Slumberland. This comic series was about Winsor McCay's imaginary visits to the dream world. My colour drawings is about my real visits to the dream world. I draw the dreams that I had very quickly because I am copying, transcribing an image that is already there in my mind rather than using my waking conscious to conjure an image out of nowhere. A common pattern is that I often see people who are now old, or even people who have died, appearing as they did when they were young. One question I have is, if the dream world is a different world, why do I always dream of rooms with furniture. It could be like that of a foundry. This world is the mold and the next world is the item being molded. Things at their atomic level have a subtle basic energy that exists in timelessness which is of that other world.
O Jays - Backstabber
O Jays - She Used To Be My Girl
The song in the soundtrack Backstabbers of which the significance is that the dream world is the front world, the real world. This world is the back world. ie in this world the colour you see is the colour the object is not as it has absorbed all light colours and reflects the one that you see which is a totally converse way to the dream world in which the colours you see of things in the dream world are direct and emitted colours, not indirect and reflected colours which explains how sometimes the dreamworld can appear much more vivid than this world, the HDTV to the CRT televisions of this world. We who are alive and roaming in this back world, are the backstabbers. This video is dedicated to all the backstabbers, ie those of you who are completing a cycle of Earthly incarnation.
Police Officer Chris Hines was riding in an unmarked patrol car with another Police Officer when the call came in to attend to an apparent homicide at Stanley Park Zoo.
They got into the zoo grounds to see a distraught zoo curator wringing his hands in despair. The Police gave him a demanding and questioning look. He led them to the enclosure where it happened. The cage was cleared but the body remained. The cops also observed that there was far too much blood for one person.
The curator told the awaiting Police Officers the story of what happened.
Sweet 16. Orangutans and tigers are wonderful animals and they are cute as babies. With that rationale, an animal handler named Irving Stevens decided to put together two baby orangutans along with two baby tigers. This makes as much sense as putting together newborn giraffes and baby koala bears together just because they are cute as babies. This was on the 6 o' clock news when a news anchor sixteen years ago told the story of how infant tigers and infant orangutans wrapped in swaddling cloths as babies were nestled together for the camera lens to be shown to adoring masses all over the World.
Irving Stevens loved these animals and he kept track of their progress after their separation to different zoos. He decided to reunite them for a 16 year reunion. That was not a good idea.
One night, there was a blackout at the zoo. Due to the pitch blackness, Irving Stevens did not see the sign tacked on the wall next to the cage:
Do not wear long sleeve clothing.
Do not make any sudden moves.
Do not feed the animals more often than needed.
Do not feed the animals less often than needed.
Do not be late for your shift.
Do not enter the grotto if the lights are not fully on.
Do not enter if under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Over the zoo's closed circuit cameras, the zookeeper drank swigs from a flask of whisky and then the zookeeper had a few tokes from a marijuana cigarette. The zookeeper hunched intently over a desktop snorting lines of cocaine.
The curator said that he then actually walked outside and was about to say something to Irwing Stevens, having in mind to tell him to take the rest of the night off due to the blackout. As he approached the animal display, he was in time to see Irving Stevens enter the cage. Stevens was drunk and his arms flailed as he sought to regain his balance. That was when the one of the orangutans grabbed him, and feeling territorially threatened, proceeded to rip Irving Steven's arm from his socket. This triggered the hunting instinct of the tigers. The tigers had viciously mauled and then eaten one of the orangutans. The other orangutan escaped, hiding in a corner high up in the cage.
The tigers then killed the poor zookeeper.
Afterwards, the tigers that killed the zookeeper were euthanized.
This is the story of a man named Sherman McCoy, Tom Hanks and his wife who drive down a wrong turn down a highway and wind up in the inner city. They are attacked by two Black gangsters. In their rush to escape, they run down one of the gangsters. The Prosecutor who is running for political office, is looking for a White person to Prosecute as some kind of a social statement of impartiality. Bruce Willis as rich man Peter Fallow is there to lend a hand to Sherman McCoy in his moment of greatest despair as he is hounded by the Press just after his trial. Fallow spirits McCoy into the subways of New York successfully eluding the reporters. The movie ends with the fallout to his reputation complete and damage done, the firm that Sherman McCoy works for, decides not to hire him for a $600 million dollar contract. He is told this at an evening dinner party that he and his wife hosts. Later, at this same party, his wife having somehow heard about him not getting the $600 million dollar deal, leaves him. The title is a reference to the largest Bonfire of the Vanities which happened on February 7, 1497 in Florence Italy when the artifacts and effects of narcissism and ego of its citizenry was publicly burned. There were more, but smaller Bonfires of the Vanities in the earlier part of the 1400s. Personally, this movie, made in the late part of the 80s was made during a period of the collective cultural conscience, a fashion phase when people shed the high faluting snobbery of the 80s with labels like Benetton, Polo, Hugo Boss of the summer of 1988 and within two years, the summer of 1990, the Henry David Thoreauian transcendentalist abandon of rich things for the retro hippy grunge life of the early 90s had occured. A bonfire of the vanities. 4 stars out of 5.
Fight Club
This movie is a story that is very similar to Harvey with Jimmy Stewart. Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden is an imaginary friend to Edward Norton's character. Norton lives vicariously through the persona of Tyler Durden going through the psychodrama of being everything that Durden, an imaginary, movie star looking, well dressed, sharp talking man is. Of course all the great things that Edward Norton imagined about Tyler Durden was really already within him. A lot of people pretend to be other people all the time, to help them get through the rough patches of life. A woman appears in his life. First, she just happens to appear at all the weird groups that he thought that only he was into. Then they start a relationship, but because Norton is convinced that Tyler Durden is the reason why she is there, the relationship at first is at cross purposes and crossed signals. Later, at the very end, do they come to a complete understanding in their relationship. Norton, working with his imaginary friend, Tyler Durden starts up a fight club in a basement. He also starts another club making bombs and blowing up public works of art at first, but later on, blowing up entire skyscrapers. It is the Fight Club that he starts that gets him National, even International notoriety. 5 stars
The Fan
Like the Fight Club, this movie is essentially a story that revolves around two main characters. Robert DeNiro portrays Gil Renard, a stalker to the Wesley Snipes character named Bobby Rayburn who is an all star Major League Baseball star. Renard, a long time fan, finally gets to contact his favourite sports star on a radio talk show. Renard says that he is an admirer. Rayburn plays well for awhile which pleases Renard. Things get weird when Rayburn goes through a slump. Renard remembers that Rayburn's old number 11 is now worn by a baseball player portrayed by Benecio del Torio. Renard is conveniently a knife salesman and so he decides to use his top model blade to dispatch the baseball player who is wearing number 11 and that way the number might return to Bobby Rayburn. For awhile, Renard's plans are tripped up, as, out of commemoration, for one game, all players of that team wore number 11. Later, as Rayburn's number is returned, he plays well again. When Renard kidnaps Rayburn's daughter as well as to leave the dismembered tattoo of the killed baseball player in Rayburn's fridge, the Police get involved. It is not soon after the Police enter the picture that Gil Renard is killed by a Police bullet during a fight at a baseball field. 4 stars.
Century eggs are something that Chinese people like to eat. They are in theory, one hundred year old eggs. These eggs can be seen displayed at the windows of shops in Chinatown.
A person can eat these century eggs after they have been chilled in the refridgerator, peeled, cut in half and sprinkled with sugar. They can also add this to rice porridge.
These eggs have a mysterious dark colour as the egg white takes on a ghastly discolouration that is decidedly not white and the egg yolk has taken on a putrid grisly dessication hue, a rancid grey. Like the blue rennet of the most finely rotted Stilton cheese, these eggs have these rotted out looks at their highest quality.
The recipe about how to make these eggs is mysterious.
I live in a small town in the North, just a couple of thousand miles away from the North Pole and these eggs are just about impossible to find up here. I had a yen for these eggs but I did not have the recipe. Still, I thought of a way to, for sure prepare these eggs and get the recipe just right. I wondered about the eggs and how I could get that garbage can quality. That's it!
One morning, I went to a dumpster and put some store bought eggs under the dumpster.
A month later, I went back to the dumpster and fished the eggs out and brought them back to my apartment.
I split the eggs in half with a knife and holy smokes! I got the recipe just right!
Simple Minds - All The Things She Said
ABBA - Waterloo
"It sounds like a crate of eggs to me." - Old saying