Bonfire Of The Vanities
This is the story of a man named Sherman McCoy, Tom Hanks and his wife who drive down a wrong turn down a highway and wind up in the inner city. They are attacked by two Black gangsters. In their rush to escape, they run down one of the gangsters.
The Prosecutor who is running for political office, is looking for a White person to Prosecute as some kind of a social statement of impartiality.
Bruce Willis as rich man Peter Fallow is there to lend a hand to Sherman McCoy in his moment of greatest despair as he is hounded by the Press just after his trial. Fallow spirits McCoy into the subways of New York successfully eluding the reporters.
The movie ends with the fallout to his reputation complete and damage done, the firm that Sherman McCoy works for, decides not to hire him for a $600 million dollar contract. He is told this at an evening dinner party that he and his wife hosts. Later, at this same party, his wife having somehow heard about him not getting the $600 million dollar deal, leaves him.
The title is a reference to the largest Bonfire of the Vanities which happened on February 7, 1497 in Florence Italy when the artifacts and effects of narcissism and ego of its citizenry was publicly burned. There were more, but smaller Bonfires of the Vanities in the earlier part of the 1400s.
Personally, this movie, made in the late part of the 80s was made during a period of the collective cultural conscience, a fashion phase when people shed the high faluting snobbery of the 80s with labels like Benetton, Polo, Hugo Boss of the summer of 1988 and within two years, the summer of 1990, the Henry David Thoreauian transcendentalist abandon of rich things for the retro hippy grunge life of the early 90s had occured. A bonfire of the vanities. 4 stars out of 5.
Fight Club
This movie is a story that is very similar to Harvey with Jimmy Stewart. Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden is an imaginary friend to Edward Norton's character. Norton lives vicariously through the persona of Tyler Durden going through the psychodrama of being everything that Durden, an imaginary, movie star looking, well dressed, sharp talking man is. Of course all the great things that Edward Norton imagined about Tyler Durden was really already within him. A lot of people pretend to be other people all the time, to help them get through the rough patches of life. A woman appears in his life. First, she just happens to appear at all the weird groups that he thought that only he was into. Then they start a relationship, but because Norton is convinced that Tyler Durden is the reason why she is there, the relationship at first is at cross purposes and crossed signals. Later, at the very end, do they come to a complete understanding in their relationship.
Norton, working with his imaginary friend, Tyler Durden starts up a fight club in a basement. He also starts another club making bombs and blowing up public works of art at first, but later on, blowing up entire skyscrapers.
It is the Fight Club that he starts that gets him National, even International notoriety. 5 stars
The Fan
Like the Fight Club, this movie is essentially a story that revolves around two main characters.
Robert DeNiro portrays Gil Renard, a stalker to the Wesley Snipes character named Bobby Rayburn who is an all star Major League Baseball star.
Renard, a long time fan, finally gets to contact his favourite sports star on a radio talk show. Renard says that he is an admirer.
Rayburn plays well for awhile which pleases Renard.
Things get weird when Rayburn goes through a slump. Renard remembers that Rayburn's old number 11 is now worn by a baseball player portrayed by Benecio del Torio. Renard is conveniently a knife salesman and so he decides to use his top model blade to dispatch the baseball player who is wearing number 11 and that way the number might return to Bobby Rayburn.
For awhile, Renard's plans are tripped up, as, out of commemoration, for one game, all players of that team wore number 11.
Later, as Rayburn's number is returned, he plays well again.
When Renard kidnaps Rayburn's daughter as well as to leave the dismembered tattoo of the killed baseball player in Rayburn's fridge, the Police get involved.
It is not soon after the Police enter the picture that Gil Renard is killed by a Police bullet during a fight at a baseball field. 4 stars.
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