Dan Brown is a Christian writer. His writings are all about Christianity and that spiritual tradition is infused throughout his work like the leaves of a fine tea saturates the hot water which holds it.
His two most famous books are Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code. They are about Professor of Languages, Robert Langdon.
The latest Dan Brown book is The Solomon Key which is another Robert Langdon book.
Angels & Demons is about someone who steals a small quantity and when I say small, I mean atomic weight, of antimatter from CERN which is the European Nuclear Research Centre which houses a cyclotron.
Robert Langdon is dispatched there making the trip from New York to Switzerland in an hour in an X-33, a type of airplane which has since been discontinued. Arriving there, he has to solve a riddle that is very much a formula that as it turns out, he would use in his next book.
A set of four codices are the words of four elements Earth Wind Air and Fire which are written in a unique caligraphy text in which the words can be read upside down or right side up and they look the same. Like Lara Croft Tomb Raider, this movie talks about the Illuminati.
There are searches throughout the city of Rome, specifically Vatican City for the sites which contain clues for the Four Elements, very much like The Amazing Race where people have to go to a site located on a map for their next clue.
AntiMatter is the most dangerous form of military grade weapon and makes a nuclear bomb look like a water balloon. A small amount of it can cause an explosion very much like that of a nuclear bomb.
The antimatter bomb, once moved from its safe location was timed to explode at a certain time. Nothing could stop it. So it had to be detonated and exploded via the X33 sent into outer space.
The DaVinci Code is about the claim from a group of people called the Merovingians that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus Christ. That the great Secret of the Crusades and the Templar Knights was that Jesus and Mary sired a daughter named Sarah, and that she eventually moved to the England and France area and started a family line, ie the Merovingians. Most people would disbelieve this as the general story is that Jesus never married, and never sired any offspring.
However, this makes for an interesting story and away Professor Langdon goes again from the Louvre in France to Vatican City once again to solve a centuries old riddle.
Throw in a twisted albino who belongs to a weird religious order in which he is compelled to whip himself as well as to write graffiti and not only that, graffiti in anagram formations too.
Langdon, as in the previous story with a beautiful woman at his side, goes to solve this riddle. He discovers a box which holds a code which he has to solve. Sherlock Holmes The Dancing Men, Project Enigma of World War Two were about codes as well.
He enlists the help of a rich Englishman, also a Professor of Archeology. This professor owns a jet, which is not quite an X33, but gets them from France to England soon enough.
He has to go to some castles in towns in England like Glastonbury where some people believe that Jesus had visited. The song Jerusalem that William Blake wrote which appeared in Four Weddings and a Funeral is about Jesus' visit to Glastonbury.
Anyways, as usual, he solves the mystery. It has been awhile since I read the book.
Dan Brown, even though he is a Christian makes a few references to Buddhism. He is a good writer and I read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, from cover to cover. Each book took me about a week to read.
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