For five years, I have been studying the dreams that I have at night. In the movie Black Robe, it said that Natives believe that dreams are really important and believe that they are from a World more real than this one.
I have not only written about my dreams, I have accompanied these detailed notes with colour illustrated drawings.
Winsor McCay was an artist who made a comic strip called Little Nemo In Slumberland. This comic series was about Winsor McCay's imaginary visits to the dream world.
My colour drawings is about my real visits to the dream world.
I draw the dreams that I had very quickly because I am copying, transcribing an image that is already there in my mind rather than using my waking conscious to conjure an image out of nowhere.
A common pattern is that I often see people who are now old, or even people who have died, appearing as they did when they were young.
One question I have is, if the dream world is a different world, why do I always dream of rooms with furniture.
It could be like that of a foundry. This world is the mold and the next world is the item being molded. Things at their atomic level have a subtle basic energy that exists in timelessness which is of that other world.
O Jays - Backstabber
O Jays - She Used To Be My Girl
The song in the soundtrack Backstabbers of which the significance is that the dream world is the front world, the real world. This world is the back world. ie in this world the colour you see is the colour the object is not as it has absorbed all light colours and reflects the one that you see which is a totally converse way to the dream world in which the colours you see of things in the dream world are direct and emitted colours, not indirect and reflected colours which explains how sometimes the dreamworld can appear much more vivid than this world, the HDTV to the CRT televisions of this world.
We who are alive and roaming in this back world, are the backstabbers. This video is dedicated to all the backstabbers, ie those of you who are completing a cycle of Earthly incarnation.
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