Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of scary stories of all time. He is right up there with Edgar Allan Poe. I don't know much about Stephen King's life. All I know is that he lives in a large elegant Haunted House style, Victorian house.
Carrie is about a girl with telekinetic powers.
The Bachman books has four stories. Rage is about a student shooting up a high school which predated the famous Columbine shootings. The Long Walk is about a marathon in which there are a hundred walkers. The prize is a million dollars.
Any walker who walks under four miles an hour is given a warning. After 3 tickets, the walker is given a ticket or shot dead. Road Work is about someone who works at a laundry and the steam press which folded clothes was referred to as a mangler. The Running Man is about a future game show like the Amazing Race, but where the rules are, if they can survive 30 days without being tracked by expert bounty hunters called The Hunters, they win a billion New Dollars and about a contestant called Ben Richards who won the game show in a very 9/11esque way.
The Shining is about a child with telepathic and dream recognition otherwise referred to as second sight. The father of the family, Jack Torrance takes on a job as a winter caretaker for a remote hotel in the mountains. After running into a lot of ghosts, mostly of around the 1920s of a remote time in the hotel about the time a former hotel caretaker got cabin fever and killed a bunch of people. Did I mention that the hotel is built over an Indian burial ground. This is classic horror fiction.
Needful Things is about a store that predates ebay. A store that can sell you anything on the planet that you want as long as it is legal. Oh what the hell, incidentally that store was not above selling things which were illegal too, like cocaine.
Eyes of the Dragon is a medieval story about an evil dwarf who is cunning and a wizard named Flagg who is the court jester and resident magician of a castle run by a King, his wife and two sons. The Royal Family exposes the wizard for the evil that he is so as a result, the bad wizard is forced to retreat.
Only to resurface two hundred years later in The Dark Tower. This wizard is like the Highlander who lives for centuries. St Germain is five hundred years old and lives in a cave in Europe. The Dark Tower is a cowboy story. There is a chapter where Roland the Gunslinger ingests magic mushrooms, and he starts the trip off sewing his shirt, then later on, he felt as if every muscle in his body was tensed up a bit, even muscles he did not realize he had.
Christine is about a car that comes to life.
Firestarter is about a girl with pyrokinetic powers who gets hounded by the shop.
During the Sixties, the father ingests a new chemical that gives him telepathic powers. It also resulted in the birth of his daughter who also had awesome powers. There is an interesting paragraph at the end of the book where secret agents from the shop threaten to expose the vices of their relatives and subject them to prosecution if they did not give them information. "Did you know that your relative so and so was into this?"
Pet Sematary is about a graveyard that brings whatever is buried there back to life but as zombies. In the woods past a deadfall, past a swamp is a second cemetary that the MicMac Indians knew about but had long abandoned. A really good story for Halloween.
There are a few other book I read that Stephen King wrote.
I only read a couple of chapters of these books:
Tommyknockers which was about a UFO and aliens.
The Stand is about a deadly viral disease.
Hearts in Atlantis which is about a mentor with telepathic powers. Then the student of the Mentor goes to college. More telepathic powers. I did not finish this book.
One reason I make these films is because these are the kinds of shows that I like to watch and this video is a nod to them. Shows like Hollwood Scandal, the Final 24, A&E Biography.
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