Puss In Boots
Violin music.
The caw of a raven.
More violin music.
Caretaker: It seems that the old man of the estate has suddenly died. He has not left much except this orange tabby cat.
Boy talking to self: Just my luck that the old man did not leave me much except this cat. There is not enough meat in the stew. At least maybe the cat could provide nourishment for just one meal.
Puss: Meow Meow. Don't think that! I could be of great use to you. All I need is that pair of old boots that the old man has in the house. That pair of old boots in the house is sitting on the table in the house.
Puss: Here is my new look. I have a plan, why don't you bathe in the river and when you emerge, and afterwards, why don't you put on these new fancy clothes that the master has left. Bathe in the river and meet me at the river bank at 4 pm. I want to introduce you to somebody. I will be going off on an errand first. And, if anyone asks, your name is the Marquis of Carabas.
Subtitle: In a distant land....
Ogre: I am the ogre Marquis de Carabas. Grrrr!! Forswear your allegiance to me and my lands! Grrrr!!!!!!!
Puss: Ogre! Your might is indeed powerful. Your shapeshifting abilities are a legend. Demonstrate your power and if you are that powerful, change into a mouse!
Can you do it?!
Ogre: Grrrr!!!! Presumptous fool! I have been practicing shapeshifting magic for years. If I can shapeshift into an ogre, I can certainly change into a mouse.
Puss: Meow!!!!!!!! and then stomp, as the paw presses down on the mouse.
Clomping of horses hoofs. The king's caravan approaches.
Puss: Your majesty. Allow me to introduce the Marquis of Carabas.
The boy: That's me!
The King: You are the one the peasants have been saying is in charge of this region. This is my daughter. She has been wondering about this legendary Marquis of Carabas.
Wedding march:
Narrator: A few years later, the Marquis of Carabas and the Princess were married, and Puss was the guest of honour.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
William Saroyan The Human Comedy
William Saroyan. The Human Comedy.
Author's note: No one can write like William Saroyan. No one can come up with a bunch of words paraphrased and capture the simple spirit of his writings.
He is very elusive author.
The best way to do a documentary of one of his books is to pick a few sentences at random directly from one of his books and quote them exactly, ones that describe and do a lot to lay down the basic timeless setting.
The settings of his books was very close to that of John Steinbeck's Cannery Row, except that Cannery Row was on the Coast at Monterey, California, and William Saroyan's The Human Comedy is set inland, in Ithaca California, at around the same time, that being the years between 1900 and 1930.
Author's note: No one can write like William Saroyan. No one can come up with a bunch of words paraphrased and capture the simple spirit of his writings.
He is very elusive author.
The best way to do a documentary of one of his books is to pick a few sentences at random directly from one of his books and quote them exactly, ones that describe and do a lot to lay down the basic timeless setting.
The settings of his books was very close to that of John Steinbeck's Cannery Row, except that Cannery Row was on the Coast at Monterey, California, and William Saroyan's The Human Comedy is set inland, in Ithaca California, at around the same time, that being the years between 1900 and 1930.
Ernie Kovacs
Ernie Kovacs
Ernie Kovacs was one of the pioneers of television. His shows were on television in the 1950s. He was on television when television only had a couple of channels and was not on for more than twelve hours a day.
Ernie Kovacs was a big influence on shows that were to follow using skits, sight gags, and physical humour. Ernie Kovacs predated Saturday Night Live, and SCTV. Obviously Ernie Kovacs was an influence of Sesame Street. Here are just a few of his most memorable moments:
Ernie Kovacs was one of the pioneers of television. His shows were on television in the 1950s. He was on television when television only had a couple of channels and was not on for more than twelve hours a day.
Ernie Kovacs was a big influence on shows that were to follow using skits, sight gags, and physical humour. Ernie Kovacs predated Saturday Night Live, and SCTV. Obviously Ernie Kovacs was an influence of Sesame Street. Here are just a few of his most memorable moments:
The Restaurant
The Restaurant
The Restaurant episode 1
The Weasel
Valenti the manager: Hello, I am Valenti the manager. This is a job interview. Tell me about yourself.
The Weasel: My name is Wesley. People call me the weasel because my face looks like that of a weasel. Other than that, I wash dishes fast. Fast like a weasel.
The first shift:
Restaurant din.
Waitress: I would like some soup... and crackers.
The Weasel: Hey, I'm not crazy!
A few seconds later, another waitress: I want a sundae with lots of nuts.
The Weasel: I'm not crazy!
Restaurant din.
The weasel to another dishwasher: So you have been working here as a dishwasher for two years? Do you know what is sexy? A 70 year old woman can be sexy. That look on your face.... maybe I should not have said that. Hey, come on, it is not as if this was a conversation between two CFL Football players or two politicians in high political office. We are two dishwashers and dishwashers always talk like this.
Restaurant din.
A few days later.
Valenti, speaking to a waitress: That guy thinks that every other word is a code word that refers to him as being crazy! I had to fire him. I also told him not to look out behind the kitchen door at the customers. How would customers feel if they were to walk in and see a weasel face popping out from behing the kitchen door look out at them? He looked out lots of times.
Restaurant din.
Valenti: Guess what? I was downtown this afternoon, and I saw the weasel. He changed his look and has a mustache now. He was walking with a girl. He has a girlfriend.
The Restaurant episode 1
The Weasel
Valenti the manager: Hello, I am Valenti the manager. This is a job interview. Tell me about yourself.
The Weasel: My name is Wesley. People call me the weasel because my face looks like that of a weasel. Other than that, I wash dishes fast. Fast like a weasel.
The first shift:
Restaurant din.
Waitress: I would like some soup... and crackers.
The Weasel: Hey, I'm not crazy!
A few seconds later, another waitress: I want a sundae with lots of nuts.
The Weasel: I'm not crazy!
Restaurant din.
The weasel to another dishwasher: So you have been working here as a dishwasher for two years? Do you know what is sexy? A 70 year old woman can be sexy. That look on your face.... maybe I should not have said that. Hey, come on, it is not as if this was a conversation between two CFL Football players or two politicians in high political office. We are two dishwashers and dishwashers always talk like this.
Restaurant din.
A few days later.
Valenti, speaking to a waitress: That guy thinks that every other word is a code word that refers to him as being crazy! I had to fire him. I also told him not to look out behind the kitchen door at the customers. How would customers feel if they were to walk in and see a weasel face popping out from behing the kitchen door look out at them? He looked out lots of times.
Restaurant din.
Valenti: Guess what? I was downtown this afternoon, and I saw the weasel. He changed his look and has a mustache now. He was walking with a girl. He has a girlfriend.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Parables of Jesus 2
Parables Of Jesus 2
The Mustard Seed
If you had faith even the size of a mustard seed, you would accomplish great things.
The Birds And The Flowers
Look at the birds and the flowers of the field. Even the very rich people of the old days were not as finely clothed as these things of nature.
The Two Builders
There were two builders. One built his house on soft and sandy ground, and this house washed away. But the other builder built his house on strong and solid ground, and this house lasted through the ages.
The Ten Talents
A rich man gave his three servants money to see what they could do with it. The first man invested wisely in the stock market and made ten times the money he was given. The second servant went on trips to different places, travelled and although he did not make ten times the money, his experience in travelling led many people to hire him for good paying jobs and he wound up doubling his money.
The third servant simply hid his money under his bed, and all the while he sat on this bed watching television and eating junk food.
At this, the rich master was livid, "You lazy bastard! At least you could have saved the money in the bank where it would have at least collected 5 percent interest a year. Instead, the money has devalued slightly thanks to inflation. You are fired and out of this house!"
The Pearl
A man once stumbled upon a beautiful pearl in the marketplace. At great sacrifice, he sold most of what he owned for the money as he thought this a worthwhile price for such a precious girl, I mean pearl.
The Two Debtors
A servant owed money to a king. To pay back the debt, the servant would have to sell everything including his house. He would be ruined. He asked for more time to be repay the debt. Instead, his debt was totally forgiven.
However, this servant had a servant who owed him some money. For some reason, he conveniently forgot that his debt was forgiven and he became obsessed about the money that was due him. He harrassed his servant who spoke about this to others and thanks to the local grapevine rumour mill, eventually word got around to the king.
The king sent for the servant who owed him money and threw him into debtor's prison until the debt was repaid.
The Mustard Seed
If you had faith even the size of a mustard seed, you would accomplish great things.
The Birds And The Flowers
Look at the birds and the flowers of the field. Even the very rich people of the old days were not as finely clothed as these things of nature.
The Two Builders
There were two builders. One built his house on soft and sandy ground, and this house washed away. But the other builder built his house on strong and solid ground, and this house lasted through the ages.
The Ten Talents
A rich man gave his three servants money to see what they could do with it. The first man invested wisely in the stock market and made ten times the money he was given. The second servant went on trips to different places, travelled and although he did not make ten times the money, his experience in travelling led many people to hire him for good paying jobs and he wound up doubling his money.
The third servant simply hid his money under his bed, and all the while he sat on this bed watching television and eating junk food.
At this, the rich master was livid, "You lazy bastard! At least you could have saved the money in the bank where it would have at least collected 5 percent interest a year. Instead, the money has devalued slightly thanks to inflation. You are fired and out of this house!"
The Pearl
A man once stumbled upon a beautiful pearl in the marketplace. At great sacrifice, he sold most of what he owned for the money as he thought this a worthwhile price for such a precious girl, I mean pearl.
The Two Debtors
A servant owed money to a king. To pay back the debt, the servant would have to sell everything including his house. He would be ruined. He asked for more time to be repay the debt. Instead, his debt was totally forgiven.
However, this servant had a servant who owed him some money. For some reason, he conveniently forgot that his debt was forgiven and he became obsessed about the money that was due him. He harrassed his servant who spoke about this to others and thanks to the local grapevine rumour mill, eventually word got around to the king.
The king sent for the servant who owed him money and threw him into debtor's prison until the debt was repaid.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Parables of Jesus
Parables Of Jesus
The Fish Net
At the end of the day, the fish nets were drawn into the trawler boats. The good fish was thrown into the freezer in the hold. The bad fish, the undersized and other things were thrown away back into the sea.
Interpretation: Exclusive to NobleFilms.blogspot.com are these interpretations to The Parables of Jesus. These are my personal pedestrian attempts to elucidate the polemics of such fables. I, of course am not a professional clergyman and can not be held accountable if my interpretation differs from the general consensus of the Church.
The Fish Net, this story clearly means that in life, you will get a collected conglomerate of good and bad energies in the events you encounter. The thing to do is to hold on to and cherish the good memories and throw out and regard as irrelevant the bad memories.
The Labourers In The Field
A farmer had a few workers in the field. But he had a very large farm and not nearly enough workers for the harvest. One morning at ten am, he went to hire more labourers agreeing to pay them what he paid his usual labourers which was a hundred dollars a day.
At noon, he still did not have enough workers and he went to hire more, agreeing to pay them what he paid the others already working at his farm, a hundred dollars.
At 4 pm, he went to hire the last of the workers and at 9 pm, the workday ended.
As the queue formed to collect the payout, workers who were there since ten am complained about why people who started at 4 pm got paid the same.
"Did you not agree to the hundred dollars a day?! You started at ten, but others who have started at 8 am still are getting a hundred dollars a day. Are you questioning my generosity?!"
Interpretation: Who can put a price tag on anything in life? Early love, love found later on in life is still worth the same. Who can put a price tag on time?
The Four Soils
A farmer was sowing out some farm seeds throughout his farm estate.
Some soil inadvertently fell on the paved asphalt road and birds ate the seeds. Some fell on soil that was stony and although the seeds sprung up sure enough, because they had no roots, the sun quickly fried them.
Some soil fell on thorny ground and the thorns soon choked them.
However, most of the soil fell on good ground. And these seeds grew well.
Interpretation: Your choices, or soils as you go through life is important.
The Barren Fig Tree
A man went to a fig tree and saw that there were only leaves on that tree. It was early in the year and not yet the season, but he still thought out loud to the fig tree, "May no one ever eat from you ever again."
Interpretation: The impatient perfectionist demands things be ready before they usually are, as an exception to him, and when that does not happen, he resorts to the most extreme form of perfectionist passive aggression; the boycott. Patience....
A Lost Sheep Then Found
A shepherd had a flock of 100 sheep. One of the sheep one day strayed from the flock. The shephered looked in a lot of places, many fields until he eventually found the lost sheep, carrying it in his arms. He said to the sheep, "For this time, you are more important than all the other 99 sheep."
Interpretation: It is important to hold on to what is important to you.
The Prodigal Son
There was a man who had two sons. One of his sons asked his father for his share of his inheritance while his father was still living.
This son went abroad and squandered his money on loose women, parties, and riotous living. But eventually he spent the money and out of pride did not contact his father. His low point was working at a farm feeding pigs and cleaning out their stables.
He thought of returning to his father's luxurious estate, rationalizing that being a servant at his father's rich estate was better than working on this old run down farm.
He went to his father's house expecting retribution, but instead his father was really glad to see him. Go and order take out restaurant food and also some beer too.
The other son was a little bit jealous and told his father so, saying, "But he has been away for so many years."
The father said, "You know your place and I know that you know that I know that you know your place as a loyal son, and you know that you all that I have is yours, but consider that this brother who at one point, may have very well been dead is alive and returned to us. That is a cause for celebration."
Interpretation: Better late than never.
*Author's note: A person has to have a theology degree to make an actual movie about Jesus and/or the Bible. This is not a film about Jesus.
It is a film about the stories of Jesus and boy, did he ever tell some strange stories.
One of his stories is too bizarre to put on film. It is the Wedding Feast. A king sends invitation cards to important powerful business people living in a distant city in his kingdom. They all ignore him. A few go on to their jobs, but most of them seize the king's servants and abuse them and then kill them. The king in turn has these people killed.
The king then sends invitations to normal people, even poor people. They show up and the king is glad to see them until he sees one man who is not wearing formal clothing. The enraged king has this insolent individual kicked out.
A lot of Jesus' stories has to do with wrestling with the disparate dissolute forces of bad.
The Fish Net
At the end of the day, the fish nets were drawn into the trawler boats. The good fish was thrown into the freezer in the hold. The bad fish, the undersized and other things were thrown away back into the sea.
Interpretation: Exclusive to NobleFilms.blogspot.com are these interpretations to The Parables of Jesus. These are my personal pedestrian attempts to elucidate the polemics of such fables. I, of course am not a professional clergyman and can not be held accountable if my interpretation differs from the general consensus of the Church.
The Fish Net, this story clearly means that in life, you will get a collected conglomerate of good and bad energies in the events you encounter. The thing to do is to hold on to and cherish the good memories and throw out and regard as irrelevant the bad memories.
The Labourers In The Field
A farmer had a few workers in the field. But he had a very large farm and not nearly enough workers for the harvest. One morning at ten am, he went to hire more labourers agreeing to pay them what he paid his usual labourers which was a hundred dollars a day.
At noon, he still did not have enough workers and he went to hire more, agreeing to pay them what he paid the others already working at his farm, a hundred dollars.
At 4 pm, he went to hire the last of the workers and at 9 pm, the workday ended.
As the queue formed to collect the payout, workers who were there since ten am complained about why people who started at 4 pm got paid the same.
"Did you not agree to the hundred dollars a day?! You started at ten, but others who have started at 8 am still are getting a hundred dollars a day. Are you questioning my generosity?!"
Interpretation: Who can put a price tag on anything in life? Early love, love found later on in life is still worth the same. Who can put a price tag on time?
The Four Soils
A farmer was sowing out some farm seeds throughout his farm estate.
Some soil inadvertently fell on the paved asphalt road and birds ate the seeds. Some fell on soil that was stony and although the seeds sprung up sure enough, because they had no roots, the sun quickly fried them.
Some soil fell on thorny ground and the thorns soon choked them.
However, most of the soil fell on good ground. And these seeds grew well.
Interpretation: Your choices, or soils as you go through life is important.
The Barren Fig Tree
A man went to a fig tree and saw that there were only leaves on that tree. It was early in the year and not yet the season, but he still thought out loud to the fig tree, "May no one ever eat from you ever again."
Interpretation: The impatient perfectionist demands things be ready before they usually are, as an exception to him, and when that does not happen, he resorts to the most extreme form of perfectionist passive aggression; the boycott. Patience....
A Lost Sheep Then Found
A shepherd had a flock of 100 sheep. One of the sheep one day strayed from the flock. The shephered looked in a lot of places, many fields until he eventually found the lost sheep, carrying it in his arms. He said to the sheep, "For this time, you are more important than all the other 99 sheep."
Interpretation: It is important to hold on to what is important to you.
The Prodigal Son
There was a man who had two sons. One of his sons asked his father for his share of his inheritance while his father was still living.
This son went abroad and squandered his money on loose women, parties, and riotous living. But eventually he spent the money and out of pride did not contact his father. His low point was working at a farm feeding pigs and cleaning out their stables.
He thought of returning to his father's luxurious estate, rationalizing that being a servant at his father's rich estate was better than working on this old run down farm.
He went to his father's house expecting retribution, but instead his father was really glad to see him. Go and order take out restaurant food and also some beer too.
The other son was a little bit jealous and told his father so, saying, "But he has been away for so many years."
The father said, "You know your place and I know that you know that I know that you know your place as a loyal son, and you know that you all that I have is yours, but consider that this brother who at one point, may have very well been dead is alive and returned to us. That is a cause for celebration."
Interpretation: Better late than never.
*Author's note: A person has to have a theology degree to make an actual movie about Jesus and/or the Bible. This is not a film about Jesus.
It is a film about the stories of Jesus and boy, did he ever tell some strange stories.
One of his stories is too bizarre to put on film. It is the Wedding Feast. A king sends invitation cards to important powerful business people living in a distant city in his kingdom. They all ignore him. A few go on to their jobs, but most of them seize the king's servants and abuse them and then kill them. The king in turn has these people killed.
The king then sends invitations to normal people, even poor people. They show up and the king is glad to see them until he sees one man who is not wearing formal clothing. The enraged king has this insolent individual kicked out.
A lot of Jesus' stories has to do with wrestling with the disparate dissolute forces of bad.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Zen Stories 3
Zen Stories 3
The Master Swordsman
There was once a student who asked a martial arts teacher to teach him the martial arts. The teacher started with a few preparatory katas and then one day attacked the student with a samurai sword. The student dodged the attack that might have turned out worse. Once every few days, the master would suddenly turn up and surprise attack the student.
Within a year, the student's martial arts skills improved immensely.
The Waves
There was once a Sumo wrestler. The master taught the sumo wrestler to meditate thinking about waves that moved out from him like the waves lapping the shore of a beach. Then the waves would become a lake, and then an ocean, and then the ocean would become giant sweeping five storey high waves.
Soon the sumo wrestler was the best in the land. No one could beat him. His nickname in the arena became, "The Waves Of The Ocean".
The Best Piece Of Meat
A man went to a butcher shop. He said to the butcher, "I want the best piece of meat."
"Each one of these, is the best piece of meat."
With these words, the man became enlightened.
A Tree Grows
A rich old woman was the patron of a monk for many years.
To see what he has learned, he arranged for a rich young woman in desire to be sent to him.
The young woman embraced the monk and asked him what he was going to do about it.
"A tree grows on a cold stone in winter
Nowhere is there any warmth."
The young lady told the old woman what the monk said. At this, she was livid.
"He should have been wordly enough to show you, as well as himself some consideration. He has learned nothing!"
She immediately went to the hut of the monk and burned it down.
Love Openly
One day, a monk had written to a nun insisting upon a private meeting.
At the assembly hall for the next day's lecture, when all were silently seated, the nun suddenly stood up and addressed the monk who had written her the letter, saying,
"If you love me so much, come and embrace me now!"
The Master Swordsman
There was once a student who asked a martial arts teacher to teach him the martial arts. The teacher started with a few preparatory katas and then one day attacked the student with a samurai sword. The student dodged the attack that might have turned out worse. Once every few days, the master would suddenly turn up and surprise attack the student.
Within a year, the student's martial arts skills improved immensely.
The Waves
There was once a Sumo wrestler. The master taught the sumo wrestler to meditate thinking about waves that moved out from him like the waves lapping the shore of a beach. Then the waves would become a lake, and then an ocean, and then the ocean would become giant sweeping five storey high waves.
Soon the sumo wrestler was the best in the land. No one could beat him. His nickname in the arena became, "The Waves Of The Ocean".
The Best Piece Of Meat
A man went to a butcher shop. He said to the butcher, "I want the best piece of meat."
"Each one of these, is the best piece of meat."
With these words, the man became enlightened.
A Tree Grows
A rich old woman was the patron of a monk for many years.
To see what he has learned, he arranged for a rich young woman in desire to be sent to him.
The young woman embraced the monk and asked him what he was going to do about it.
"A tree grows on a cold stone in winter
Nowhere is there any warmth."
The young lady told the old woman what the monk said. At this, she was livid.
"He should have been wordly enough to show you, as well as himself some consideration. He has learned nothing!"
She immediately went to the hut of the monk and burned it down.
Love Openly
One day, a monk had written to a nun insisting upon a private meeting.
At the assembly hall for the next day's lecture, when all were silently seated, the nun suddenly stood up and addressed the monk who had written her the letter, saying,
"If you love me so much, come and embrace me now!"
Friday, September 19, 2008
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis, In The Penal Colony
Franz Kafka
This is going to be two movies.
Title: The Metamorphosis
German: Die Verwandlung
Franz Kafka
Narrator: One morning, Gregory Samsa had awoken to find himself transformed into a giant insect.
Family knocking on door and calling: Gregory! Gregory! Gregory! He must be sleeping in again. He usually does not sleep in this late.
Father: Gregory's job is keeping all of us afloat. The income that he has at the prestigious office he works at is funding my early retirement.
Sales clerk: Knocking on door. Gregory, I am your supervisor. Why haven't you shown up for work lately. In five years with our firm, this is your first sick day. Actually, I have been very disappointed with your performance as of late. The boss is shortlisting people for promotion. How do you think this stunt that you are pulling today will look towards that?
Gregory opens the door to reveal himself.
The salesclerk backpeddles in horrors and runs out the door.
The angry father growls and his fist punches Gregory's carpace or wing covering and then he kicks Gregory in the stomach and Gregory, falls backward into his room.
Gregory's sister Grete lovingly feeds him with milk and bread which he used to love when he was a human. But he refuses this. His sister feeds him garbage from the garbage can, he thinks outloud with a tear flowing from his eye:
"How things have degenerated that I am eating this garbage that my sister is lovingly feeding me. And she is also draping a cloth covering over a sofa so that I could hide comfortably."
The sister drapes a cloth covering over a sofa so that Gregory could hide underneath it.
He uses his insectoid hands to bring some money, a violin, and a school diploma as well as a miniature Christmas tree as if to tell his sister that previously, he intended to give his sister money to go to violin school this upcoming Christmas, that is, before he turned into an insect.
Sister: You mean to tell me that you intended to give me this money for violin school this Christmas?
The women decide to move the furniture out of the room to give him more room, but are careful not to take out all of the furniture so as to remind him that he was once a human, and they say as much.
Grete: We better not take out all the furniture so as to remind Gregory that he was once a human.
The father returns. Seeing Gregory, he throws two apples one misses and the next one hits Gregory in the back. Gregory only groaned resignedly.
Narrator: Gregory's peculiar pathology had roused the family out of their complacency and thus they decided to become employed. The father works at an office. The mother worked as a seamstress. And Grete decided to work as a teenage model for the Sears catalogue. They made lots of money, more money than if things had gone on normally, if Gregory had not turned into a giant cockroach.
Three boarders move in. They are sitting on couches in the living room.
Boarder: We are lucky that the three of us got to be boarders in this lovely rooming house. Mrs. Samsa is a gracious landlady."
When they see Gregory, they sarcastically exclaim, "Mr Samsa! How disgusting. If that man sized insect is staying here, we are leaving and don't expect us to pay rent for such a roach infested dive."
Father: Gregory. Look what you have done. You have jinxed things for us again. You in your present form, that is bad magic for the family.
Gregory goes to his room and says to himself: I ruined it for the family that I love. Perhaps I am better off dead.
Narrator: This story is just as much about the gracious feminine personality of the sister Grete. When Gregory first turned into an insect, she was a merely a scrip of a girl.
On a streetcar ride with her family, her transformation was complete. She has transformed from a normal young flatchested girl into a beautiful young woman with large breasts and a curvy figure.
On the streetcar, she shined with her new and powerful female presence, a female who has had the rare experience of nursing a 150 pound insect. Always, as she went through life, with life in all its different phases, city, forest, desert, tropic, tundra, her brother's spirit when he was a normal human was on one side of her, and the spirit of her brother when he was an insect was on the other side of her.
In The Penal Colony
Colony Music. I decided to upload the music separately, due to technical duress.
In The Penal Colony. The main story.
Narrator: Franz Kafka was someone who lived in the early part of the last century. He lived in Germany with his parents for most of his life, he had a few girlfriends but died young of tuberculosis before he could get married. Much of his work has been lost to the disparate and evil forces of the Second World War which pervaded the part of the world which he lived.
He was employed as an office clerk. A humble man, he is regarded as one of the greatest writers of the 20th Century.
Title: In The Penal Colony
Narrator: Once there was a traveller that travelled to a land where they were just outlawing an archaic method of extracting justice, more extracting than justice.
Traveller: I have been granted permission to watch and then to record the events of this court room. I have travelled a great distance for this.
Controller: I can't get it out of my mind that the current Commandant is going to outlaw this machine. The previous Commandant authorized the use of this machine but he transferred to another place and has since been replaced with this Commandant with whom I am at odds with. In fact, this is going to be the last scheduled execution. No one knows who invented this machine. This machine exemplifies the meaning of penitence in the word penitentiary as the condemned goes through the most profound psychological change before he is released from the machine. The typical designated time in the machine set up is six hours.
Narrator: The machine is a bed in which the condemned lies on his stomach on a mattress. A series of spikes is delicately, and some might say diletanttely controlled through an exquisite and strange series of controls through a lever which results in the lances of the spikes scrawling a blood drawn message on the back of the victim.
The condemned: Groans loudly.
The machine's levers still being controlled.
The Controller: Stop. It isn't nobody knows who invented the machine. I invented the machine! I now realize that this is going to be the last use of this machine. I must be the last recipient of the machine.
Strap me in! This is going to be an interesting next six hours. Oh no!
The person working the lever: There seems to be a problem here. I can't control the lever....
The machine snaps shut suddenly. The spikes emerge from underneath the mattress, all blood drenched.
This is going to be two movies.
Title: The Metamorphosis
German: Die Verwandlung
Franz Kafka
Narrator: One morning, Gregory Samsa had awoken to find himself transformed into a giant insect.
Family knocking on door and calling: Gregory! Gregory! Gregory! He must be sleeping in again. He usually does not sleep in this late.
Father: Gregory's job is keeping all of us afloat. The income that he has at the prestigious office he works at is funding my early retirement.
Sales clerk: Knocking on door. Gregory, I am your supervisor. Why haven't you shown up for work lately. In five years with our firm, this is your first sick day. Actually, I have been very disappointed with your performance as of late. The boss is shortlisting people for promotion. How do you think this stunt that you are pulling today will look towards that?
Gregory opens the door to reveal himself.
The salesclerk backpeddles in horrors and runs out the door.
The angry father growls and his fist punches Gregory's carpace or wing covering and then he kicks Gregory in the stomach and Gregory, falls backward into his room.
Gregory's sister Grete lovingly feeds him with milk and bread which he used to love when he was a human. But he refuses this. His sister feeds him garbage from the garbage can, he thinks outloud with a tear flowing from his eye:
"How things have degenerated that I am eating this garbage that my sister is lovingly feeding me. And she is also draping a cloth covering over a sofa so that I could hide comfortably."
The sister drapes a cloth covering over a sofa so that Gregory could hide underneath it.
He uses his insectoid hands to bring some money, a violin, and a school diploma as well as a miniature Christmas tree as if to tell his sister that previously, he intended to give his sister money to go to violin school this upcoming Christmas, that is, before he turned into an insect.
Sister: You mean to tell me that you intended to give me this money for violin school this Christmas?
The women decide to move the furniture out of the room to give him more room, but are careful not to take out all of the furniture so as to remind him that he was once a human, and they say as much.
Grete: We better not take out all the furniture so as to remind Gregory that he was once a human.
The father returns. Seeing Gregory, he throws two apples one misses and the next one hits Gregory in the back. Gregory only groaned resignedly.
Narrator: Gregory's peculiar pathology had roused the family out of their complacency and thus they decided to become employed. The father works at an office. The mother worked as a seamstress. And Grete decided to work as a teenage model for the Sears catalogue. They made lots of money, more money than if things had gone on normally, if Gregory had not turned into a giant cockroach.
Three boarders move in. They are sitting on couches in the living room.
Boarder: We are lucky that the three of us got to be boarders in this lovely rooming house. Mrs. Samsa is a gracious landlady."
When they see Gregory, they sarcastically exclaim, "Mr Samsa! How disgusting. If that man sized insect is staying here, we are leaving and don't expect us to pay rent for such a roach infested dive."
Father: Gregory. Look what you have done. You have jinxed things for us again. You in your present form, that is bad magic for the family.
Gregory goes to his room and says to himself: I ruined it for the family that I love. Perhaps I am better off dead.
Narrator: This story is just as much about the gracious feminine personality of the sister Grete. When Gregory first turned into an insect, she was a merely a scrip of a girl.
On a streetcar ride with her family, her transformation was complete. She has transformed from a normal young flatchested girl into a beautiful young woman with large breasts and a curvy figure.
On the streetcar, she shined with her new and powerful female presence, a female who has had the rare experience of nursing a 150 pound insect. Always, as she went through life, with life in all its different phases, city, forest, desert, tropic, tundra, her brother's spirit when he was a normal human was on one side of her, and the spirit of her brother when he was an insect was on the other side of her.
In The Penal Colony
Colony Music. I decided to upload the music separately, due to technical duress.
In The Penal Colony. The main story.
Narrator: Franz Kafka was someone who lived in the early part of the last century. He lived in Germany with his parents for most of his life, he had a few girlfriends but died young of tuberculosis before he could get married. Much of his work has been lost to the disparate and evil forces of the Second World War which pervaded the part of the world which he lived.
He was employed as an office clerk. A humble man, he is regarded as one of the greatest writers of the 20th Century.
Title: In The Penal Colony
Narrator: Once there was a traveller that travelled to a land where they were just outlawing an archaic method of extracting justice, more extracting than justice.
Traveller: I have been granted permission to watch and then to record the events of this court room. I have travelled a great distance for this.
Controller: I can't get it out of my mind that the current Commandant is going to outlaw this machine. The previous Commandant authorized the use of this machine but he transferred to another place and has since been replaced with this Commandant with whom I am at odds with. In fact, this is going to be the last scheduled execution. No one knows who invented this machine. This machine exemplifies the meaning of penitence in the word penitentiary as the condemned goes through the most profound psychological change before he is released from the machine. The typical designated time in the machine set up is six hours.
Narrator: The machine is a bed in which the condemned lies on his stomach on a mattress. A series of spikes is delicately, and some might say diletanttely controlled through an exquisite and strange series of controls through a lever which results in the lances of the spikes scrawling a blood drawn message on the back of the victim.
The condemned: Groans loudly.
The machine's levers still being controlled.
The Controller: Stop. It isn't nobody knows who invented the machine. I invented the machine! I now realize that this is going to be the last use of this machine. I must be the last recipient of the machine.
Strap me in! This is going to be an interesting next six hours. Oh no!
The person working the lever: There seems to be a problem here. I can't control the lever....
The machine snaps shut suddenly. The spikes emerge from underneath the mattress, all blood drenched.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Androcles and the Lion
Androcles and the Lion
Androcles was walking through the woods.
Androcles singing karaoke of some song or other.
The sound of a lion.
Androcles stops to listen. More sounds.
Androcles: What this? The sound of an animal. Where are you! Gasps. Oh God! A full grown lion.
Lion makes a trill sound with its throat.
And then with loud hrmphs the lion explains his situation.
Lion: Grrrrrrr. Growwwwwl
Subtitles: I got a thorn stuck in my paw.
Androcles: The lion is evidently making no move to chase me and it looks like it is in pain. I am a bit of a doctor and I see that it is licking it's paw. Now how many injuries can a lion encounter, as it is not a technological animal like man. It must be a thorn or else some kind of sliver or foreign object stuck in its paw.
Hey old boy!
The lion makes a sound.
Androcles: You got a thorn stuck in your paw. Here, let me remove it.
Lion makes another growling sound. The lion shows his back to Androcles signifying that he means Androcles no harm, and walks away.
Later on a Roman soldier encounters Androcles.
Soldier: Slave! What are you doing in these parts? Don't you know that it is the time of insurrection and martial law rules this region. Where is your identification? I see that you are wearing a cross necklace that means you are a Christian. Don't you know that Christians are thrown to the lions? Would you consider renouncing your faith and becoming an acolyte of the Roman pantheon including Jupiter, Diana, Apollo, Venus?
Androcles: Absolutely not.
Soldier: Very well. You will be thrown to the lions.
A stadium. Cheering crowds.
With the cheering of the crowds, Androcles is in the center of the stadium.
A lion is released and approaches.
It sees Androcles and remembers him from the forest. Remember, with possibly the sound of Kill Bill part one where Uma Thurman sees an enemy from her past and she has a flashback in her mind of the events with that sinister carnival music.
The lion has a flashback of Androcles removing the paw.
The lion does nothing.
Aside, one of the top officials of the stadium talks to another.
Official 1: As top comptroller of the stadium, it seems that a miracle has happened.
Official 2: Miracle or not, there is the crowd's goodwill to think about and that means the bottom line. I got two kids for God's sake and they are planning to go to college.
Official 1: Yes you are right. The decision has been made. Release the prisoner.
At the floor of the stadium, a stadium guard approaches Androcles.
Stadium official: The Gods have chosen. The crowds demand you release. You are free to go, sir.
Androcles was walking through the woods.
Androcles singing karaoke of some song or other.
The sound of a lion.
Androcles stops to listen. More sounds.
Androcles: What this? The sound of an animal. Where are you! Gasps. Oh God! A full grown lion.
Lion makes a trill sound with its throat.
And then with loud hrmphs the lion explains his situation.
Lion: Grrrrrrr. Growwwwwl
Subtitles: I got a thorn stuck in my paw.
Androcles: The lion is evidently making no move to chase me and it looks like it is in pain. I am a bit of a doctor and I see that it is licking it's paw. Now how many injuries can a lion encounter, as it is not a technological animal like man. It must be a thorn or else some kind of sliver or foreign object stuck in its paw.
Hey old boy!
The lion makes a sound.
Androcles: You got a thorn stuck in your paw. Here, let me remove it.
Lion makes another growling sound. The lion shows his back to Androcles signifying that he means Androcles no harm, and walks away.
Later on a Roman soldier encounters Androcles.
Soldier: Slave! What are you doing in these parts? Don't you know that it is the time of insurrection and martial law rules this region. Where is your identification? I see that you are wearing a cross necklace that means you are a Christian. Don't you know that Christians are thrown to the lions? Would you consider renouncing your faith and becoming an acolyte of the Roman pantheon including Jupiter, Diana, Apollo, Venus?
Androcles: Absolutely not.
Soldier: Very well. You will be thrown to the lions.
A stadium. Cheering crowds.
With the cheering of the crowds, Androcles is in the center of the stadium.
A lion is released and approaches.
It sees Androcles and remembers him from the forest. Remember, with possibly the sound of Kill Bill part one where Uma Thurman sees an enemy from her past and she has a flashback in her mind of the events with that sinister carnival music.
The lion has a flashback of Androcles removing the paw.
The lion does nothing.
Aside, one of the top officials of the stadium talks to another.
Official 1: As top comptroller of the stadium, it seems that a miracle has happened.
Official 2: Miracle or not, there is the crowd's goodwill to think about and that means the bottom line. I got two kids for God's sake and they are planning to go to college.
Official 1: Yes you are right. The decision has been made. Release the prisoner.
At the floor of the stadium, a stadium guard approaches Androcles.
Stadium official: The Gods have chosen. The crowds demand you release. You are free to go, sir.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Close Encounters Of A Special Kind
Close Encounters Of A Special Kind
Two plates, two circles. Circles. Everytime they approach a planet.
Two plates, two circles. Circles. Everytime they approach a planet.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ray Charles dream
Ray Charles dream
About a couple of weeks after he died, I had a dream about Ray Charles. That week I had an earworm; Martha and the Vandella Heatwave.
In the dream I heard a choir of angels from up above singing Hit The Road Jack.
Then Ray Charles appeared. In the dream he was young and muscular.
About a couple of weeks after he died, I had a dream about Ray Charles. That week I had an earworm; Martha and the Vandella Heatwave.
In the dream I heard a choir of angels from up above singing Hit The Road Jack.
Then Ray Charles appeared. In the dream he was young and muscular.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Hermann Hesse's Demian
Hermann Hesse's Demian
Train rolling into station.
Newspaper boy: Extra Extra! Titanic sinks major loss of life.
Professor: This year of 1912, we are going to start on a new curriculum. We are going to teach the general theory of evolution in the classroom as standard procedure. Oh yes and tonight's homework assignment will be a 500 word essay about the Crimean that happened just a few years ago. That will be all. Class is dismissed!
In the schoolyard.
School bully: I want your lunch money today and everyday. Now and forever, bitch.
Emil Sinclair: Uh, no!
School bully: You got a listening problem? Tomorrow bitch, or you will have a problem.
The next day at school.
Max Demian: Hello. My name is Max. Max Demian. I walked past your house. The coat of arms on your house has a lot of meaning. There are arcane symbols with secret signiicance going back to mystery cults thousands of years old. I see that the school bully is bothering you. You must be ready to do something about it. Maybe we could get a gun and kill him. I will help you.
Emil Sinclair: No!
The next day:
Emil Sinclair: I don't know what you said to that guy, but he is very deferential to me whenever he sees me.
At the pub.
Demian: Emil what are you doing here at the pub?
Emil: (voice in drunken slur) I have been coming here every weekend for the past few months, uuurrrgggghhhh!
Demian: There is a deeper part of you which knows why you have decided to become a pub crawler, but that same part of you will one day convince you to quit.
At the Demian residence.
Emil: Demian, it would seem that I have fallen for your mother. I can't stop thinking about her!
Demian: She knows. We are a very progressive family. She sent this note, you can read it to yourself.
Emil reading note: Once upon a time there was a man who loved a star. He wished for it so much that one day, he jumped across a chasm. However, mid way, he hesitated and fell. Love completely or not at all.
Train station train rolling in.
Newspaper boy: Extra, Extra, June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand is shot. War is declared in Europe!
Emil Sinclair: Max, I see that you have enlisted too.
Max: Yes, and there is the very real possibility that one of us will not make it alive through this thing.
Train rolling into station.
Newspaper boy: Extra Extra! Titanic sinks major loss of life.
Professor: This year of 1912, we are going to start on a new curriculum. We are going to teach the general theory of evolution in the classroom as standard procedure. Oh yes and tonight's homework assignment will be a 500 word essay about the Crimean that happened just a few years ago. That will be all. Class is dismissed!
In the schoolyard.
School bully: I want your lunch money today and everyday. Now and forever, bitch.
Emil Sinclair: Uh, no!
School bully: You got a listening problem? Tomorrow bitch, or you will have a problem.
The next day at school.
Max Demian: Hello. My name is Max. Max Demian. I walked past your house. The coat of arms on your house has a lot of meaning. There are arcane symbols with secret signiicance going back to mystery cults thousands of years old. I see that the school bully is bothering you. You must be ready to do something about it. Maybe we could get a gun and kill him. I will help you.
Emil Sinclair: No!
The next day:
Emil Sinclair: I don't know what you said to that guy, but he is very deferential to me whenever he sees me.
At the pub.
Demian: Emil what are you doing here at the pub?
Emil: (voice in drunken slur) I have been coming here every weekend for the past few months, uuurrrgggghhhh!
Demian: There is a deeper part of you which knows why you have decided to become a pub crawler, but that same part of you will one day convince you to quit.
At the Demian residence.
Emil: Demian, it would seem that I have fallen for your mother. I can't stop thinking about her!
Demian: She knows. We are a very progressive family. She sent this note, you can read it to yourself.
Emil reading note: Once upon a time there was a man who loved a star. He wished for it so much that one day, he jumped across a chasm. However, mid way, he hesitated and fell. Love completely or not at all.
Train station train rolling in.
Newspaper boy: Extra, Extra, June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand is shot. War is declared in Europe!
Emil Sinclair: Max, I see that you have enlisted too.
Max: Yes, and there is the very real possibility that one of us will not make it alive through this thing.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Video Game Reviews 2
Video Game Reviews
Donkey Kong Country 2
Diddy Kong: What is this adventure that Nintendo Game Boy Advance has got us going on?
Dixie Kong: It has us on this old wooden ship.
Diddy: First we take out the rats.
Dixie: Then we take out the crocodiles.
Punching scene on ship. A dive to the bottom galleon of the ship, flooded with water.
Shark: Maybe I can bump into something tasty to eat.
Diddy Kong: These sharks are mostly blind in night water. We will have to swim past them.
Script: Later, cut to lava lake.
Dixie: We have to jump on the seal.
Diddy: That's right. The seal will then release ice cubes to cool the lava lake. Donkey Kong is imprisoned there in that Mountain. We have to defeat K. Rool.
Yoshi's Island
a foreign film with subtitles
Baby: Waa Waa Waa Waa Waa
Subtitle: There's another one of those dreaded amanita mushrooms.
Dragon: Grrr Grrr Grr Grrr
Subtitle: I will have to eat a turtle and then blast that mushroom with a regurgitated turtle shell, heck, people do that every day! Don't they?
Baby: Waa Waa
Subtitle: No they don't.
Dragon: Grrr Grrr Grrr GRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Subtitle: There is a swirling question mark. I'll just shoot it with a turtle shell.
This film is dedicated to my friend Scarlett.
Donkey Kong Country 2
Diddy Kong: What is this adventure that Nintendo Game Boy Advance has got us going on?
Dixie Kong: It has us on this old wooden ship.
Diddy: First we take out the rats.
Dixie: Then we take out the crocodiles.
Punching scene on ship. A dive to the bottom galleon of the ship, flooded with water.
Shark: Maybe I can bump into something tasty to eat.
Diddy Kong: These sharks are mostly blind in night water. We will have to swim past them.
Script: Later, cut to lava lake.
Dixie: We have to jump on the seal.
Diddy: That's right. The seal will then release ice cubes to cool the lava lake. Donkey Kong is imprisoned there in that Mountain. We have to defeat K. Rool.
Yoshi's Island
a foreign film with subtitles
Baby: Waa Waa Waa Waa Waa
Subtitle: There's another one of those dreaded amanita mushrooms.
Dragon: Grrr Grrr Grr Grrr
Subtitle: I will have to eat a turtle and then blast that mushroom with a regurgitated turtle shell, heck, people do that every day! Don't they?
Baby: Waa Waa
Subtitle: No they don't.
Dragon: Grrr Grrr Grrr GRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Subtitle: There is a swirling question mark. I'll just shoot it with a turtle shell.
This film is dedicated to my friend Scarlett.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Edgar Allen Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher
Edgar Allen Poe's The Fall of the House Of Usher
Unnamed Narrator reading letter:
"As your old school tie, I invite you to our estate located in the moors. It seems that bad times has fallen upon our family and your presence would be most reassuring at a time like this.
A stage coach which we have hired will take you to our estate. In the stagecoach is a small mini bar.
You will be passing over many kinds of terrain and it is a wonderful way to see the country.
Your old friend from school,
Roderick Usher"
Arrives at house. 10 second soundclip with photo of country estate.
"Ah, I see that you have arrived. How was your trip?"
"Hello. Roderick. It was allright but grueling. I don't like travelling in 'coach."
"I have to tell you my story, most people in my family who decided to stay in this house had died at a young age. I have two children who decided to move from this house. They moved to New York. It looks like they will escape this dreaded curse.
What about you? Have you started a family since leaving school?"
"No, but I am still young. I have had lots of girlfriends. One time, I had made love to my woman four times in the space of five hours."
A noise.
"Oh, I want to introduce you to my sister Madeleine."
Madeleine crosses the doorway.
A few weeks later.
"I can't believe this. Madeleine is dead. From tuberculosis. I am going to bury her in the yard. Pass me the nail, I have to nail this coffin. Let me get this first nail in."
Hammering sounds at the edge of a coffin.
"Oh, never mind, I will do this tomorrow."
"Thanks for staying with me here in this house. Madeleine's death has been difficult for me. Since television and video games have not been invented yet, I might as well read you this story from a book called The Mad Trist.
A knight named Ethelred escapes into what looks like a run down concrete building. Inside is a room of solid gold guarded by a dragon. Above the dragon is a bronze Shield.
On the Shield is enscribed, "Whoever kills the dragon takes the shield."
The knight Ethelred kills the dragon and takes the shield."
End of speaking parts.
Madeleine screams and pounces upon her brother Roderick.
Roderick escapes from the house and from the lawn sees a lightning bolt split the house in half.
Author's note:
I decided to do this story for Autumn. Halloween is coming up in about 7 weeks.
Unnamed Narrator reading letter:
"As your old school tie, I invite you to our estate located in the moors. It seems that bad times has fallen upon our family and your presence would be most reassuring at a time like this.
A stage coach which we have hired will take you to our estate. In the stagecoach is a small mini bar.
You will be passing over many kinds of terrain and it is a wonderful way to see the country.
Your old friend from school,
Roderick Usher"
Arrives at house. 10 second soundclip with photo of country estate.
"Ah, I see that you have arrived. How was your trip?"
"Hello. Roderick. It was allright but grueling. I don't like travelling in 'coach."
"I have to tell you my story, most people in my family who decided to stay in this house had died at a young age. I have two children who decided to move from this house. They moved to New York. It looks like they will escape this dreaded curse.
What about you? Have you started a family since leaving school?"
"No, but I am still young. I have had lots of girlfriends. One time, I had made love to my woman four times in the space of five hours."
A noise.
"Oh, I want to introduce you to my sister Madeleine."
Madeleine crosses the doorway.
A few weeks later.
"I can't believe this. Madeleine is dead. From tuberculosis. I am going to bury her in the yard. Pass me the nail, I have to nail this coffin. Let me get this first nail in."
Hammering sounds at the edge of a coffin.
"Oh, never mind, I will do this tomorrow."
"Thanks for staying with me here in this house. Madeleine's death has been difficult for me. Since television and video games have not been invented yet, I might as well read you this story from a book called The Mad Trist.
A knight named Ethelred escapes into what looks like a run down concrete building. Inside is a room of solid gold guarded by a dragon. Above the dragon is a bronze Shield.
On the Shield is enscribed, "Whoever kills the dragon takes the shield."
The knight Ethelred kills the dragon and takes the shield."
End of speaking parts.
Madeleine screams and pounces upon her brother Roderick.
Roderick escapes from the house and from the lawn sees a lightning bolt split the house in half.
Author's note:
I decided to do this story for Autumn. Halloween is coming up in about 7 weeks.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Old Stories
Old Stories
These are old stories from Europe written a few hundred years ago. There is no copyright on writings 70 years after an author's death.
The authors of these stories have been dead now for a few hundred years.
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. Unfortunately, a big wild grey wolf of the fields had gotten into her grandmother's bed.
"Grandmother, what big eyes you have."
"That's so I can see things in my dreams."
"Grandmother, what a big nose you have."
"That is where I can smell the good meals."
The wolf leapt into the air, and like a Haida killer whale, had eaten little red riding hood in one chomp.
She was imprisoned in the wolf's belly. She flicker her lighter a few times so she could see.
However, a hunter who suspected that something would happen had burst in and using an axe, had cut open the wolf's belly and released little red riding hood.
The Three Pigs
Once there were three pigs. Unfortunately, a big grey wild wolf of the fields had stumbled the houses of the three pigs.
The house of the first pig was made of straw. The wolf used his lighter and burned it down.
The house of the second pig was made of wood. The wolf used an axe to chop it down.
The house of the third pig was made of brick. He could not break it down so he left.
A month later, he was killed at Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma's House, as was illustrated in the last story.
Jack and the Magic Beans
One day, Jack found some magic beans. He had read a lot about magic beans before. He always wanted to plant them. Now he had his chance.
He planted the beans a few miles from his mother's house. The beans grew and then they twisted around each other to become a magic beanstalk, just like he read about in books.
He climbed the beanstalk.
It went on above and over the clouds.
He somehow happened upon a giant's house, just like he read about in books. The Giant was asleep at the kitchen table.
When the Giant awoke, Jack hid in an oven.
However, the Giant said, "What's that smell?"
Jack saw a solid gold coin. This coin was large enough that not only was the value in gold, but that it was of a rare extra terrestrial mintage. He took it and ran. The giant, coming back from his walk saw Jack.
Jack climbed down the beanstalk quickly.
The Giant was climbing down when Jack used a chainsaw and chopped down the beanstalk.
The giant was dead on the cobblestones below. His head cracked open on the pavement.
Jack sold the gold coin for a lot of money.
The Frog Prince
One day, a frog met a Princess. For some reason, the frog had enchanted the Princess with his natural fearless charm and with his talent in the arts.
Then one day after they knew each other for a few years, the Princess kissed the frog first without him even expecting it.
This changed him into a Prince.
After knowing each other for a few more years, they got married.
These are old stories from Europe written a few hundred years ago. There is no copyright on writings 70 years after an author's death.
The authors of these stories have been dead now for a few hundred years.
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. Unfortunately, a big wild grey wolf of the fields had gotten into her grandmother's bed.
"Grandmother, what big eyes you have."
"That's so I can see things in my dreams."
"Grandmother, what a big nose you have."
"That is where I can smell the good meals."
The wolf leapt into the air, and like a Haida killer whale, had eaten little red riding hood in one chomp.
She was imprisoned in the wolf's belly. She flicker her lighter a few times so she could see.
However, a hunter who suspected that something would happen had burst in and using an axe, had cut open the wolf's belly and released little red riding hood.
The Three Pigs
Once there were three pigs. Unfortunately, a big grey wild wolf of the fields had stumbled the houses of the three pigs.
The house of the first pig was made of straw. The wolf used his lighter and burned it down.
The house of the second pig was made of wood. The wolf used an axe to chop it down.
The house of the third pig was made of brick. He could not break it down so he left.
A month later, he was killed at Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma's House, as was illustrated in the last story.
Jack and the Magic Beans
One day, Jack found some magic beans. He had read a lot about magic beans before. He always wanted to plant them. Now he had his chance.
He planted the beans a few miles from his mother's house. The beans grew and then they twisted around each other to become a magic beanstalk, just like he read about in books.
He climbed the beanstalk.
It went on above and over the clouds.
He somehow happened upon a giant's house, just like he read about in books. The Giant was asleep at the kitchen table.
When the Giant awoke, Jack hid in an oven.
However, the Giant said, "What's that smell?"
Jack saw a solid gold coin. This coin was large enough that not only was the value in gold, but that it was of a rare extra terrestrial mintage. He took it and ran. The giant, coming back from his walk saw Jack.
Jack climbed down the beanstalk quickly.
The Giant was climbing down when Jack used a chainsaw and chopped down the beanstalk.
The giant was dead on the cobblestones below. His head cracked open on the pavement.
Jack sold the gold coin for a lot of money.
The Frog Prince
One day, a frog met a Princess. For some reason, the frog had enchanted the Princess with his natural fearless charm and with his talent in the arts.
Then one day after they knew each other for a few years, the Princess kissed the frog first without him even expecting it.
This changed him into a Prince.
After knowing each other for a few more years, they got married.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dream: My Aunt At An Airport
Dream: My Aunt At An Airport
Madonna - Borderline
Bonus: Dream September 3, 2008
A dream of a time I had in a country lane.

This must have been after the time I was at a sinking ship, and looked out the window and saw people on top of the ship, thinking, this might be a safe place, if the ship does not sink all the way. But the ship would completely sink. I then teleport to this place. This strange country lane.
Madonna - Borderline
Bonus: Dream September 3, 2008
A dream of a time I had in a country lane.

This must have been after the time I was at a sinking ship, and looked out the window and saw people on top of the ship, thinking, this might be a safe place, if the ship does not sink all the way. But the ship would completely sink. I then teleport to this place. This strange country lane.
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