Parables Of Jesus 2
The Mustard Seed
If you had faith even the size of a mustard seed, you would accomplish great things.
The Birds And The Flowers
Look at the birds and the flowers of the field. Even the very rich people of the old days were not as finely clothed as these things of nature.
The Two Builders
There were two builders. One built his house on soft and sandy ground, and this house washed away. But the other builder built his house on strong and solid ground, and this house lasted through the ages.
The Ten Talents
A rich man gave his three servants money to see what they could do with it. The first man invested wisely in the stock market and made ten times the money he was given. The second servant went on trips to different places, travelled and although he did not make ten times the money, his experience in travelling led many people to hire him for good paying jobs and he wound up doubling his money.
The third servant simply hid his money under his bed, and all the while he sat on this bed watching television and eating junk food.
At this, the rich master was livid, "You lazy bastard! At least you could have saved the money in the bank where it would have at least collected 5 percent interest a year. Instead, the money has devalued slightly thanks to inflation. You are fired and out of this house!"
The Pearl
A man once stumbled upon a beautiful pearl in the marketplace. At great sacrifice, he sold most of what he owned for the money as he thought this a worthwhile price for such a precious girl, I mean pearl.
The Two Debtors
A servant owed money to a king. To pay back the debt, the servant would have to sell everything including his house. He would be ruined. He asked for more time to be repay the debt. Instead, his debt was totally forgiven.
However, this servant had a servant who owed him some money. For some reason, he conveniently forgot that his debt was forgiven and he became obsessed about the money that was due him. He harrassed his servant who spoke about this to others and thanks to the local grapevine rumour mill, eventually word got around to the king.
The king sent for the servant who owed him money and threw him into debtor's prison until the debt was repaid.