Parables Of Jesus
The Fish Net
At the end of the day, the fish nets were drawn into the trawler boats. The good fish was thrown into the freezer in the hold. The bad fish, the undersized and other things were thrown away back into the sea.
Interpretation: Exclusive to are these interpretations to The Parables of Jesus. These are my personal pedestrian attempts to elucidate the polemics of such fables. I, of course am not a professional clergyman and can not be held accountable if my interpretation differs from the general consensus of the Church.
The Fish Net, this story clearly means that in life, you will get a collected conglomerate of good and bad energies in the events you encounter. The thing to do is to hold on to and cherish the good memories and throw out and regard as irrelevant the bad memories.
The Labourers In The Field
A farmer had a few workers in the field. But he had a very large farm and not nearly enough workers for the harvest. One morning at ten am, he went to hire more labourers agreeing to pay them what he paid his usual labourers which was a hundred dollars a day.
At noon, he still did not have enough workers and he went to hire more, agreeing to pay them what he paid the others already working at his farm, a hundred dollars.
At 4 pm, he went to hire the last of the workers and at 9 pm, the workday ended.
As the queue formed to collect the payout, workers who were there since ten am complained about why people who started at 4 pm got paid the same.
"Did you not agree to the hundred dollars a day?! You started at ten, but others who have started at 8 am still are getting a hundred dollars a day. Are you questioning my generosity?!"
Interpretation: Who can put a price tag on anything in life? Early love, love found later on in life is still worth the same. Who can put a price tag on time?
The Four Soils
A farmer was sowing out some farm seeds throughout his farm estate.
Some soil inadvertently fell on the paved asphalt road and birds ate the seeds. Some fell on soil that was stony and although the seeds sprung up sure enough, because they had no roots, the sun quickly fried them.
Some soil fell on thorny ground and the thorns soon choked them.
However, most of the soil fell on good ground. And these seeds grew well.
Interpretation: Your choices, or soils as you go through life is important.
The Barren Fig Tree
A man went to a fig tree and saw that there were only leaves on that tree. It was early in the year and not yet the season, but he still thought out loud to the fig tree, "May no one ever eat from you ever again."
Interpretation: The impatient perfectionist demands things be ready before they usually are, as an exception to him, and when that does not happen, he resorts to the most extreme form of perfectionist passive aggression; the boycott. Patience....
A Lost Sheep Then Found
A shepherd had a flock of 100 sheep. One of the sheep one day strayed from the flock. The shephered looked in a lot of places, many fields until he eventually found the lost sheep, carrying it in his arms. He said to the sheep, "For this time, you are more important than all the other 99 sheep."
Interpretation: It is important to hold on to what is important to you.
The Prodigal Son
There was a man who had two sons. One of his sons asked his father for his share of his inheritance while his father was still living.
This son went abroad and squandered his money on loose women, parties, and riotous living. But eventually he spent the money and out of pride did not contact his father. His low point was working at a farm feeding pigs and cleaning out their stables.
He thought of returning to his father's luxurious estate, rationalizing that being a servant at his father's rich estate was better than working on this old run down farm.
He went to his father's house expecting retribution, but instead his father was really glad to see him. Go and order take out restaurant food and also some beer too.
The other son was a little bit jealous and told his father so, saying, "But he has been away for so many years."
The father said, "You know your place and I know that you know that I know that you know your place as a loyal son, and you know that you all that I have is yours, but consider that this brother who at one point, may have very well been dead is alive and returned to us. That is a cause for celebration."
Interpretation: Better late than never.
*Author's note: A person has to have a theology degree to make an actual movie about Jesus and/or the Bible. This is not a film about Jesus.
It is a film about the stories of Jesus and boy, did he ever tell some strange stories.
One of his stories is too bizarre to put on film. It is the Wedding Feast. A king sends invitation cards to important powerful business people living in a distant city in his kingdom. They all ignore him. A few go on to their jobs, but most of them seize the king's servants and abuse them and then kill them. The king in turn has these people killed.
The king then sends invitations to normal people, even poor people. They show up and the king is glad to see them until he sees one man who is not wearing formal clothing. The enraged king has this insolent individual kicked out.
A lot of Jesus' stories has to do with wrestling with the disparate dissolute forces of bad.