Sunday, September 21, 2008

Zen Stories 3

Zen Stories 3

The Master Swordsman

There was once a student who asked a martial arts teacher to teach him the martial arts. The teacher started with a few preparatory katas and then one day attacked the student with a samurai sword. The student dodged the attack that might have turned out worse. Once every few days, the master would suddenly turn up and surprise attack the student.
Within a year, the student's martial arts skills improved immensely.

The Waves

There was once a Sumo wrestler. The master taught the sumo wrestler to meditate thinking about waves that moved out from him like the waves lapping the shore of a beach. Then the waves would become a lake, and then an ocean, and then the ocean would become giant sweeping five storey high waves.
Soon the sumo wrestler was the best in the land. No one could beat him. His nickname in the arena became, "The Waves Of The Ocean".

The Best Piece Of Meat

A man went to a butcher shop. He said to the butcher, "I want the best piece of meat."
"Each one of these, is the best piece of meat."
With these words, the man became enlightened.

A Tree Grows

A rich old woman was the patron of a monk for many years.
To see what he has learned, he arranged for a rich young woman in desire to be sent to him.
The young woman embraced the monk and asked him what he was going to do about it.
"A tree grows on a cold stone in winter
Nowhere is there any warmth."
The young lady told the old woman what the monk said. At this, she was livid.
"He should have been wordly enough to show you, as well as himself some consideration. He has learned nothing!"
She immediately went to the hut of the monk and burned it down.

Love Openly

One day, a monk had written to a nun insisting upon a private meeting.
At the assembly hall for the next day's lecture, when all were silently seated, the nun suddenly stood up and addressed the monk who had written her the letter, saying,
"If you love me so much, come and embrace me now!"
