Tuesday, November 17, 2015

McDonaldland rebooted/Lego/2016 Christmas Special

McDonaldland rebooted

McDonaldland rebooted from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

McDonaldland was a wonderful mini Universe that comprised of Ronald McDonald, Mayor McCheese, Officer Big Mac, Early Bird, Grimace, Hamburglar, and the French Fry Guys etc.

The concept was based on Sid and Marty Croft's HR Pufnstuf which was a popular show during the late 60s. They successfully sued McDonald's for ripping off their show and McDonaldland was phased out of McDonald's ads and marketing after a few years. However, in a lot of places, you can still see glimpses of the elysium fields world of McDonaldland. A lot of McDonald's still have their McDonaldland playgrounds left over from the 70s and 80s.

I hope that McDonaldland can return one day. Theoretically, all things are in public domain after a hundred years, but can we wait that long?

Animating Cartoons

To animate cartoons well, you have to like drawing and storytelling. Drawing is reducing things to shapes like circles, rectangles, squares, cones, triangles, etc. For cartoon animation, windows paint is a good palette and equal to one frame of the old illustrated and painted cell in old style animation.

Stephen Spielberg said that fear is an element that he uses to enhance a plot line. There must be an ever so slight fear created in the scenes to add a sense of danger and excitement.

It is important to able to get a vision first. And then to develop the technical ability to create pretty much exactly the vision in the mind otherwise it winds up being a mediocre compromise.

The time sequence to get is anywhere between .05 of a second and .17 seconds for the speedy smooth animation sequences. It takes awhile to get a sense and feel of the difference between those two time sequences. .05 is for fast space ships. .17 of a second is for people walking. All this would be done on windows movie maker. You can manually set the time increments of the frames with that program.

It would be good to use the spraypaint function. Some drummers used only some of the things in their drumset. Others used all the things. I don't use all the functions and apps on Windows Paint. I use most of them though.

When a person does drugs, certain elements, patterns, energy signatures will start to appear in their art. HPPD Hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder. These elements could be aped. Square Christian artists who never do drugs can observe some of these patterns and copy that. Things like using the spray paint function, draw little circles to show lens flares, things kaleidoscoping, exaggerated foreshadowing, using off colours like olive green and purple and black and yellow and only those colours.

I would neither advise for or against using drugs such as marijuana, coca leaf tea and coffee for artistic enhancement. However I would advise against alcohol and any and all other drugs including hallucinogenics because it's too intense and dangerous for the body.

The last major hurdle is that when you reach a certain level and done a certain amount of animation, money worries will emerge. Am I getting paid enough? Money doesn't change a person from unhappy to happy, merely from being bored to being preoccupied, shopping. Money will only take you so far. Crazy will get you the rest of the way. The money might create a chain of events where one dies rather than if they didn't have the money they'd live. I'm probably getting ripped off royalties and revenue from my cartoons but it doesn't bother me anymore. Money would otherwise be for restaurant meals, sports car, women, real estate. I already got food in my apartment, food is only something one stuffs in their face, a bowl of oatmeal would do just as well. I'm not into driving any car. Once you get past the novelty, driving a car is a chore, a hassle. I already have a girlfriend. She is very kind to me. I'm not into real estate, why would I even think that I would be? Again, a hassle.

Left brain and right brain. When one watches a movie about a war, the right brain doesn't know which side is winning or which side is the good side. The left brain has to be told that. When one does films, cartoons, it's important to do it so that anyone, even if they don't speak English, even if they're deaf, could infer the plot of the film simply through looking at the pictures. The pictures telling the story is telling stories to the right side of the brain, the intuitive side, the side that would otherwise make up it's own mind.
Right brain: In the Force Awakens trailer, it seemed like maybe Han Solo was flying the Millenium Falcon skillfully.
Left brain: In the movie, it was Rey who as it turned out was flying the Millenium Falcon clumsily.

Illustrating pictures and storytelling. If you're into doing that, animation is something that you'd be good at. Develop a storyboard in the mind, flesh it out with drawings, set those drawings to motion. As for photorealism, that's compositing and a totally different algorythm of animating. Moving graphed and drafted images which are then composited. To draw with photorealism that's impossible unless you use the method described in the movie Tim's Vermeer. The inverted small circular mirror method.


Lego Bone Tomahawk from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Lego Bone Tomahawk

Lego Victoria, a work in progress from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Lego Victoria BC

The Dean Noble Christmas Special - 2016 from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Dean Noble Christmas Special - 2016

Saturn (untitled) from Dean Noble on Vimeo.



Friday, August 21, 2015

A Fistful of Dollars / Diamond Planet

based on Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars.

Just like Howard Hughes, who once wanted to make a Western movie and finally did it, I always wanted to make a cartoon Western set in the 1800s.

featuring the illustrated image of Jordi Molla.


Blue Dragon, August 26, 2015


Diamond Planet

Diamond Planet from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

McCartney: You're right on time for the presentation.

AV Voice: The Universe is full of stars. In about 5 billion years, all the stars will be exhausted as the Universe through a final phase called heat death. Cancri E is a diamond planet 40 light years from Earth. The mission is to time travel to the heat death phase of the Universe to extract one ton of diamond. The Universe now is 0 degrees Kelvin or minus 276 degrees Celsius. During the heat death phase of the Universe the temperature will be minus 313 degrees making the diamond on the diamond planet harder which is valuable for industrial use. Because of the extreme conditions, you only have 50 minutes to complete the mission. For three thousand years, we sent people to missions like this, derricks for mining and extraction have already been made.

The team consists of McCartney Anne Hathaway, McCarthy Tom Hardy, Springer Aaron Paul, and Richards Danai Gurira.

They arrive to the planet and look around. There were long abandoned derricks made of an alloy which made it possible for them to still exist after all these thousands of years.

Stephen Hawking said with the right kind of glasses, the Universe has a lot of radioactive energy that would make the Universe look all lit up like a light show. At this time, the team used their glasses but even then saw that there was no radioactive light at all.

The project started but they were not alone. 25 minutes into the project they noticed there were other people in the distance. It was a team of Chinese who were already there. The captain, Wong Wang Baoqiao presented himself. He said that he would be willing to fight for the claim of the one ton of diamond which had already been loaded into the extractor, ahead of schedule.

Explosions. Tracer bullets light the lightless sky.

All of a sudden a UFO from a Type 5 Civilization with ETs visit. They say that being in this time of the Universe is very dangerous. With a beam, he teleports all of them out. The teams, the original team and the Chinese team each find themselves back on their home planet where they started. Each team had their own loader with a ton of diamond within. The ETs had duplicating technology which the Type 3 Civilization had yet to invent.

The End.

All science fiction movies are weird. George Lucas thought STAR WARS was weird, with the fur suit and the robot that looks like a garbage can. Hugo and Nebula Awards has a lot of strange stories.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Saturn (untitled)

Saturn (untitled) from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Aliens and Buck Rogers

Aliens vs Humans

Aliens vs Humans from Dean Noble on Vimeo.

They already did Aliens vs Predator and Superman vs BatMan, what about STAR WARS vs Aliens?

My Hasbro Ultimate FX Lightsabers which I redid in the new modern grunge street edgy style. Like Galen Marek; Starkiller or Kota Rahm's style.


Buck Rogers In The 25th Century

An entire section of the city was closed for a couple of years for development. There was no electricity in the buildings, the windows were dark and the topcoat was removed from the roads. Almost no people and no cars at all on the road.

I did this cartoon because I hope that Hollywood makes a good reboot of Buck Rogers using a good director like JJ Abrams. There is a lot of potential. This cartoon would be better if I used compositing.

In 1928, Philip Francis Nowlan created the character Buck Rogers.

The most best part of a Buck Rogers movie is of course the first part, the composite images of time as the architecture morphs into different forms over the centuries, After that, it's just another indifferent futuristic science fiction movie story.

originally titled: Armageddon 2419 AD

1898. Anthony Rogers is born.

Captain Buck Rogers is a veteran of the First World War.

1927. Buck Rogers is working for the American Radioactive Gas Company.

Investigation a mine, Buck Rogers is sealed in a mine with radioactive gas. In a state of suspended animation, he awakens approx 500 years later.

The scene is a lot different. Enter the Bad Bloods which Buck Rogers has to fight.

Ghost: Nah, probably no one caught on that Buck Rogers stubble is equal length and equally spaced apart like a ghost from the dreamworld. Young Hollywood looks, slightly shiny well defined stubble, male ghosts often appear like that.